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parliament_n house_n sir_n william_n 3,051 5 7.6129 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A97365 Mercurius cambro-Britannus, the Brittish mercury, or, The Welch diurnall communicating remarkable intelligences and true newes to awle the whole kingdome... [20th-27th November 1643] 1643 (1643) Thomason E77_7; ESTC P1079 6,140 8

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merchandize and took te owners prrisoners and have sent them afterward home almost naked and without hat coat or dublet that te cold might be guilty of their bloodshed and to shew te Cruelty of te Barber or Chyrurgion they cut off one mans nose or lips and some of his skull as if they would make him an Anathomy and reade Lectures over him as they doe in the Surgeons Hall But indeed the Rebells endeavour is to ruine and extinguish te Protestants quite out of te Realme Her doe love to see peace exceedingly both in the Common-wealth and in her house and there is a kinde of glimmering light of peace that doth breake through the Cloud of warre for the French Ambassadour hath lately by his letter sent unto te Houses moved for the procuring of a peace and her do wish with aul te heart in her pelly that there were peace between her King and Parliament but how can that be by shedding of plood if aul Protestants be brethren must her kill one another as Kain killed Abel at the beginning of the Wold no no if her King and Parliament would agree then her might live at quiet on her Mountains if her could see that day her would have aul te bells to ring in Wales make Bonfire of her bushes and in Metheglin drink healths to her King and to confusion of aul those that have hindred the agreement between the King and Parliament for her be weary of writing of the Warre and her is now tyred with fighting in te War Yer her will next present unto your knowledge a creat defeat given to a body of te Earl of Newcastles Army neer Thurland Castle upon the edge of Lancashire For the said Colonell Rigby having not above 200. horse and 300 foot forsooke the Castle whereunto her had formerly laid siege and advanted with her forces to encounter te enemy being about 3000. horse and foot and comming suddainly upon them put te enemy into such a fright that they were absolutely dispersed and routed many killed and about 400. taken prisoners among te rest Colonell Huddleston their chief Commander and afterward her returned to Thurland Castle which was presently surrendred and demolished Her doe wonder that te malignants dare so often appeare in te open field unlesse te reason is that the Northern people being rude by nature and education have desires to be peaten into better manners but indeed for the true Cause her must look up among te starres and there behold te hand of Providence letting victorious garlands fall down on te heads of te Parliaments Souldiers for te truth of te Protestant Cause is creat and shall in te conclusions prevail over te Papists and malignants But all matters run not even in te affaires of Warr for te creat work at Plymmouth called Mount Stamford is taken by te enemy and they doe want chiefly admonition her should say Ammunition which te Parliament will spedily send them All te Townesmen have entred into a solemn Oath to live and dye together and to oppose te enemy by standing it out to te last man which is indeed as a prave Resolution as if they had been aul descended from her auncient Prittish Worthy Owen Glendor for he that would win a victory or a faire Mistris must alwayes stand stiffely to the matter Her have read that in old times mighty Gyants live in inchanted Castles and her doe now hear that a creat company of Malignants live so strongly fortifyed in Bazing House so that Sir William Waller hath drawn his foot forces from thence to Farnham Castle for te walls be as thick as those of Plutoes Court where he doth live with his malignant Queen Proserpine and there be many malignant Ladies and other women within the Castle from the walls whereof the women threw brickbats on our Souldiers heads and bid te Souliers Come up Round-heads if ye dare and no doubt but her will hereafter come up and take away aul her gold and silver that doth lie buried in te gound in te sheets From Scotland her be informed that when they heard that te Article of accord from te Parliameut with te advance money were put to sea they presently gave order to draw their Forces into Body whereby they might be in te more readinesse to advance into England so that they will make te Earl of Newcastle fly from place to place like her young Goat chased by her little puppy dogge over te Mountain for they will come to Newcastle and Hull and other townes Her will now in a compendious manner tell you awle te remarkable passages of this week handsomely packt together because close doing is best under the sheet Prince Rupert doth goe in his plundering way and hath made Northamptonshire as poore as Wales and is now within foure miles of Northampton Towne with a strong Body of Horse Many Volantiers out of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire are come to ayde Sir Thomas Fairfax Sir William Wallers Horse lye about te countrey to starve teyr pellies and to keep awle provision from comming to relieve the malignant in Bazing House Sir Ralph Hopton is hopt on to Winchester but is lame in men and Ammunition and not able to meet with Sir William Waller The Bishop of Canterbury appeared before te Parliament but her Counsell being no cood Doctors to cleere and purge him he was sent back againe to te Tower The Earle of New-castles Army doth moulter away and he is sick of te consumption of his Army and the Gentry of te Northerne Counties stand for te Parliament Griefe it is to tell that his Majey hath sent for all te English Regiments in Ireland to serve against te Parliament six Regiments are to be transported to Bristoll and the Earle of Corke will bring foure other Regiments to maintaine t is unnaturall warre against te Parliament Sir William Waller as her heare lately took te Popish Lord Salton at Newbery who comming from France landed in Sussex and with him four thousand pound was taken Prisoner and his Lordship is brought up to London Vpon te newes of te Advance-mony sent into Scotland they have drawne their forces into Poddies and will speedily advance into England then toward te malignants Tere was lately some skirmishes between te Parliaments forces and te Cavalliers at Owlney wherein te London Red Regiment were shrewdly put to it by te enemy but yet they got honour te only salve that cures te Souldiers wounds Sir Ralph Hoptons Dragooners have lately met with Sir William VVallers Dragooners by whom they were turned into flying Dragons and were awle compelled to run away for to chance of warre can put wings upon te shoulders of the most valiant Souldier and make tem trust to their legs more then their Armes The Newes from Oxford is that aul te affaires at Court are steered by te Cabinet Counsell as Bristoll Cottington Digby and some other