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A14916 Ancient funerall monuments within the vnited monarchie of Great Britaine, Ireland, and the islands adiacent with the dissolued monasteries therein contained: their founders, and what eminent persons haue beene in the same interred. As also the death and buriall of certaine of the bloud royall; the nobilitie and gentrie of these kingdomes entombed in forraine nations. A worke reuiuing the dead memory of the royall progenie, the nobilitie, gentrie, and communaltie, of these his Maiesties dominions. Intermixed and illustrated with variety of historicall obseruations, annotations, and briefe notes, extracted out of approued authors ... Whereunto is prefixed a discourse of funerall monuments ... Composed by the studie and trauels of Iohn Weeuer. Weever, John, 1576-1632.; Cecil, Thomas, fl. 1630, engraver. 1631 (1631) STC 25223; ESTC S118104 831,351 907

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Regis Ed. 3. Ann. 24. that William Fox Parson of Lee neare Gainsborough Iohn Fox and Thomas of Lingeston Friers Minors of that Couent in Lincolne were indited before Gilbert Vmfreuill and other Iustices in partibus de Lindesey apud Twhancaster die Sabbati post festum s●ncti Iohannis Baptiste in the said yeare for that they came to Bradholme a Nunnery in the County of Nottingham the eighteenth of the Kal. of February and then and there rapuerunt abduxerunt inde contra pacem Domini Regis quandam Monialem nomine Margaretam de Euernigham Sororem dicte Domus exeuntes eam habit Religionis induentes eam Rob. virid secular ac etiam diuersa bona ad valenc quadragint solid Violently tooke and forcibly from thence carried away against the peace of their Soueraigne Lord the King a certaine Nunne by name Margaret de Euernigham a sister of the said house stripping her quite out of her religious habit and putting vpon her a greene Gowne Robe or Garment of the secular fashion and also diuers goods to the value of forty shillings In this Kings raigne Robert Longland a secular Priest borne in Shropshire at Mortimers C●liberie writ bitter inuectiues against the Prelates and all religious orders in those dayes as you may reade throughout this book which he calls The vision of Piers Plowman Presently after in the raigne of Richard the second Iohn Gower flourished who in his booke called Vox clamantis cries out against the Clergie-men of his time first Quod Christi scholam dogmatizant eius contrarium operantur 2 Quod potentiores alijs existunt 3 Quod carnalia appetentes vltra modum delicatè vinunt 4 Quod lucris terrenis inhiant honore Prelacie gaudent non vt prosint sed vt presint Episcopatum desiderant Quod legibus positi●is quae quamuis ad cultum anime necessarie non sunt infinitas tamen constitutiones quasi quotidie ad eorum lucrum nobis grauiter impon●●t Quod bona temporalia possidentes spiritualia omittunt Quod Christus pacem suis discipulis dedit reliquit sed Prelati propter bona terrena guerras contra Christianos legibus suis positiuis instituunt prosequuntur Quod cleri sunt bellicosi Quod scribunt docent ea quae sunt pacis sed in contrarium ea quae sunt belli procurant Quod nomen sanctum sibi presumunt appropriant tamen sibi terrena nec alijs inde participando ex caritate subueniunt Quod intrant Ecclesiam per Symoniam Quod honores non onera Prelacie plures affectant quo magis in Ecclesia cessant virtutes vitia multipliciter accrescunt Quod Rectores in curis residentes cu●●s tamen negligentes venationibus praecipue voluptatibus penitus intendunt Quod Presbyteri sine curis siue stipendarij non propter mundici●m ordinis honestatem sed propt●r mundi otia gradum Presbyteratus appetunt assumunt Much more he speakes against the abuses and vices of Church-men as also against the lewd liues of the Schollars in Cambridge and Oxford which he calls the Churches plants concluding thus his third book Sic quia stat cecus morum sine lumine clerus Erramus Laici nos sine luce vagi In his fourth booke hee speakes of Monkes and all other religious Orders Quod contra primi ordinis statuta abstinentie virtutem linquunt delicias sibi corporales multipliciter assumunt Ripping vp their faults in particular Chaucer who was contemporarie and companion with Gower in the Plowmans tale the Romant of the Rose and in his Treatise which hee intitles lacke Vpland writes as much or more against the pride couetousnesse insatiable luxurie hypocrisie blinde ignorance and variable discord amongst the Church-men and all other our English votaries As also how rude and vnskilfull they were in matters and principles of our Christian institutions to whose workes now commonly in print I referre my Reader for further satisfaction In a Parliament holden at Westminster the eleuenth yeare of King Henry the fourth the lower house exhibited a Bill to the King and the Lords of the vpper house in effect as followeth To the most excellent Lord our King and to all the Nobles in this present Parliament assembled your faithfull Commons doe humbly signifie that our Soueraigne Lord the King might haue of the temporall possessions lands and reuenues which are lewdly spent consumed and wasted by the Bishops Abbats and Priors within this Realme so much in value as would suffice to finde and sustaine one hundred and fifty Earles one thousand and fiue hundred Knights sixe thousand and two hundred Esquiers and one hundred Hospitals more then now be But this Petition of spoiling the Church of England of her goodly patrimonies which the pietie and wisedome of so many former ages had congested was by the King who was bound by oath and reason to preserue the flourishing estate of the Church so much detested that for this their proposition he denied all other their requests and commanded them that from thenceforth they should not presume to intermeddle with any such matter This King as also his sonne and grandchilde were wondrous indulgent to the Clergie although they were daily disquieted with the bellowing of the Popes Prouisorie Bulls For Henry the fifth was so deuour and seruiceable to the Church of Rome and her Chaplaines that he was called of many the Prince of Priests And Henry the sixth surnamed the holy wa an obedient childe and no lesse nay more obsequious to the See Apostolicall then any of his predecessours howsoeuer I finde that once he reiected the Popes Bull concerning the restoring of the Temporalities of the Bishoppricke of Ely And now giue me leaue a little to digresse speaking somewhat by the way of the denomination of this word Bulla and why the Bishops of Rome call their leaden Seales by which they confirme their writings Bulls This word Bulla was called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 id est à Consilio of councell For that anciently a golden Bull broach or ornament round and hollow within was vsually fastened about the necks or breasts of young children and semblablie to all their pictures signifying thereby that their render vnbridled age ought to be gouerned by the graue councell and good aduise of others of more maturitie in yeares And from hence the Bishops of Rome borrowed the name for their leaden Seales vpon one part of which the name of the Pope is to be read on the other the head of Saint Paul on the right side of the Crosse and of Saint Peter on the left are to bee seene Honoris tamen non praelationis gratia factitatum hoc ab Ecclesia Nam quanquam S. Petrus sit Princeps Apostolici ordinis tamen Ecclesia voluit eos indiscretae esse excellentiae But this was done of the Church saith my Author in regard of honour not of preheminence For although
generall visitation began in the moneth of October and in Februarie next following a Parliament vpon prorogation was holden at Westminster in which these vnspeakable crimes of all the Couents were certified by the Commissioners to the King and that high Court. Vpon the reading whereof because their offences were found to be many and odious or that King Henry would haue it so which I rather beleeue it was enacted by both houses in that present Parliament that all religious houses of and vnder the yearely value of two hundred pound within the whole Realme of England and Wales should be giuen and granted to the King and his heires for euer with all and singuler the lands tenements rents reuersions goods cattels debts ornaments and iewels with all things else thereunto or to their Orders in any wise appertaining or belonging The number of these houses then suppressed were three hundred seuenty sixe The value of their lands yearely as then easily rated was twentie nine thousand fourtie one pounds three pence halfe penie qua others for thirtie two thousand pound and more the moueable goods as they were sold Robin Hoods peniworths amounted to more then one hundred thousand pounds the religious persons that were put out of the same houses were in number aboue ten thousand It was a pitifull thing to here the lamentation that the people in the countrey made for them for there was great hospitalitie kept among them and as it was thought more then ten thousand persons masters and seruants had lost their liuings by the putting downe of those houses at that time Before the dissolution of these religious houses the plot was laid for the suppression of the rest For first of all for an introduction to that which followed Cromwell and the rest of the Visiters in their visitations put forth of their Couents all religious persons that desired to be eased of the burdenous yoke of their profession to whom the Abbot or Prior was to giue to such so departed for their habit a Priests gowne and fourty shillings of money The Nunnes to haue such apparell as secular women wore and to go whither they would They put forth likewise all religious persons that were vnder the age of foure and twenty yeares and afterwards closed vp the residue that would remaine so that they could not come out of their places and tooke order that no man should come to the houses of women nor women to the houses of men but onely to heare their seruice in the Church This little bondage after so long and so licentious a time of libertie could not be endured which being perceiued by the Commissioners with faire promises of other preferments or competent yearely pensions they so wrought with the Abbots Priors and Prioresses and the rest of the Couents that diuers of them surrendred vp their houses with the appurtenances into the Kings hands before the sitting of this Parliament as by these words in the foresaid Act doth plainly appeare And also be it enacted that his Highnes shall haue to him and his heires all and singular such Monasteries Abbies and Priories which at any time within on yeare next before the making of this Act hath beene giuen and granted by any Abbot Prior Abbesse or Prioresse vnder their Couent Seale or that otherwise hath beene suppressed or dissolued and all and sin●gular the lands tenements goods c. interests and hereditaments c. to the same appertaining and belonging Now by the example of these or by what other meanes I know not the rest of the Abbots Priors Abbesses and Prioresses at other times with vnanimous consent of their Couents in great compunction of spirit contrition of heart and confession of their manifold enormities did seuerally giue and grant to the Kings Maiestie and to his heires all their right and interest which they had in their Monasteries lands goods or hereditaments by certaine instruments or writings vnder their hands and S●ales of which I will set downe one or two for example which I had from my louing friend Master Iohn Masters Master of the Augmentation Office in forme as followeth But first will it please you reade the copie of the Kings Warrant to such his Commissioners as were to take the Surrenders of Religious houses The forme of which thus followeth Henry the eighth c. To our trustie c. Forasmuche as we vnderstand that the Monastery of S. A. is at this presente in such state as the same is neither vsed to the glory of God nor to the benefyte of our Comon welth We let you wit that therfore being mynded to take the same into our owne hands for a better purpose like as we doubt not but the head of the same wil be contented to make his surrender accordingly we for the spesyall truste and confydence that we haue in your fydellity wisdomes and discrecions haue and by these presents doo authoryse name assygne and appoynte you that immediatly repayring to the sayd Howse ye shall receave of the sayd Head such a wryting vnder the Couent Seale as to your discretyons shall seeme requisite meete and conuenient for the due surrender to our vse of the same and thervpon take pos●sessyon therof and of all the goodes cattelles plate fuel●es implements and stuffe being within or apperteyneng thervnto And forther causyng all the goodes and implements to be indisterently sold either for reddy money or at dayes vpon suffyciente suertyes so that the same day passe not one yere and a halfe Ye shall deliuer to the said Head and Brethren suche parte of the sayd money and goodes as ye by your discresyons shall thinke meete and conuenyente for their despeche And forther to see them haue convenyente pensyons by your wysdomes assigned accordyngly which done and moreouer seeing the rightfull and due debts therof payd and satysfyed as well of the revenewes as of the sayd stuffe as to reason and good ●onscyens apperteyneth and your charges reasonablie allowed ye shall proceed to the dissolutyon of the sayd howse And forther in your name take possessyon of the same to be kept to our vse and profyte Ye shall furthermore bringe and convaye to owr Tower of London after yowr sayd discressyons all the rest of the sayd money Plate Iuelles and ornaments that in any wyse shall come to your hands by meane of the premysses or of any parte therof Straitely charging and commandynge all Maires Sheryffes Bayli●●●s Constables and all other our Officers Ministers and Subiects to whom in this case it shall apperteyne that vnto you and euery of you in exe●ution herof they be helpinge aydinge sauoring and assisting as they will answer vnto vs to the contrary at their vttermoste perrilles Yeuen c. The resignation or surrender of the Prior and Couent of Saint Andrewes Northampton with a recognition of their manifold enormities Most noble and vertuous Prince owr most rightuous and gracyous Soueraign Lorde and vndoubted Founder and in erthe next vndre God
the Prior and Couent of the White Friers Carmelites in Stanford the ●bbo● and Couent of our blessed Lady of Bidlesden the Warden and brethren of the grey Friers of Couentrie Bedford and Alesbury surrendred vp them houses into the kings hands Battaile Abbey in Sussex Martine Abbey in Surrey Stra●ford Abbey in Essex Lewis in Suffex Saint Austines in Canterbury the new Abbey at the Tower hill the Minories without Aldgate the Nunnery at Clerken well The Hospitall of Saint Thomas Akers the Blacke-Friers the White-Friers the grey Friers and the Charterhouse Monks in London with the most or all other were surrendred after the same manner In September the same yeare Viz. An. 30. Hen. 8. by the speciall motion of great Cromwell all the notable images vnto the which were made any especiall pilgrimages and offerings as the images of our Lady of Walsingham Ipswich Worcester the Lady of Wilsdon the rood of Grace of our Ladie of Boxley and the image of the rood of Saint Sauiour at Bermondsey with all the rest were brought vp to London and burnt at Chelsey at the commandement of the foresaid Cromwell all the Iewels and other rich offerings to these and to the Shrines which were all likewise taken away or beaten to peeces of other Saints throughout both England and Wales were brought into the Kings Treasurie In the same yeare also the Abbey of Westminster was surrendred being valued to dispend by the yeare three thousand foure hundred and seuenty pound or by some 3977. l. 6. s. 4. d. ob q. as in the Catalogue of religious houses the Monkes being expelled King Henry placed therein a Deane and Prebendaries and made the last Abbot whose name was Benson the first Deane in the time of Edward the sixth it was made a Bishops See shortly after the benefits of the Church being abridged it came againe to a Deane and Prebends Againe Queene Marie ordained there an Abbot and his Monkes who continued not many yeares but were againe cut off by Act of Parliament And lastly Queene Elizabeth that wonder of the world made it a collegiate Church or rather a Nursery for the Church saith Norden for there she ordained to the glory of God the propagation of true Religion and good literature a Deane twelue Prebendaries an vpper master and an Vsher for the Schoole fourtie Schollers called the Queenes or Kings Schollers who as they become worthie are preferred to the Vniuersities besides Ministers Singers and Organists ten Quiristers and twelue well deseruing Souldiers Thus you see the interchangeable vicissitude of her foundacion and if it had not beene for the reuerend regard they had of the Sepulchres inauguration and vnction here of their famous Ancestors these forenamed Kings if I may ground my reason vpon the passages of those times had taken her commings in to haue inrich● their owne coffers despoiled her o● her vnualuable wealth and ornaments and battered downe to the ground her sacred Ed●fice The fifth of December ●n the soresaid yeare the Abbey of Saint Alba●s was surrendred by the Abbot and Monkes there by deliuering the Couent Seale into the hands of Tho. Pope D. Peter Master Canendish and others the Kings visiters Now all or the most of all the religious houses in England and Wales being thus surrendred the King summoned another Parliament at West●minster for howsoeuer these forenamed religious orders and other more of their owne free and voluntary mindes good wills and assents without constra●●t ●oact●on or compulsion as are the words in the Statute of any manner of person or persons by due order of law and by their sufficient writings of Record vnder their Couent and common Seales had alreadie g●uen granted and confirmed renounced left and forsaken all their religious h●u●●s with their lands and all other the appurtenances to the same belonging● vnto the King his heires and successors for euer Yet it was thought necessarie by the King and his Councell that these their ●o u●ta●ic donations should bee further ratified by authoritie of that high 〈◊〉 whereupon it was enacted that all Monasteries with their Scites circuits and precincts la●ds Lordships and all oth●r franchises not onely those which were surrendred or dissolued before the session of this Parliament but also such as were to bee surrendred or dissolued hereafter shou●d bee vested deemed and adiudged to be in the very actuall and reall season and possession of the King his heires and successors for euer The religious Order of Saint Iohns of Ierusalem whose chiefe mansion house was in the precincts of Clerkenwell Parish within the Country of Middlesex consisting of gentlemen and souldiers of ancient families and high spirits could by no means be brought in to present to his Maiestie any of these puling petitions and publike recognitions of their errors thereby like the rest to giue a loafe and beg a shiue to turne themselues out of actuall possession and lie at the Kings mercie for some poore yearely pension But like sto●●● fellowes stood out against any that thought to enrich themselues with their ample reuenues vntill they were cast out of their glorious structures and all other their estates for these causes following alledged a●gainst them in open Parliament as appeares by the statute beginning thus The Lords Spirituall and Temporall and the Commons of this present Parliament assembled hauing credible knowledge that diuers and sundrie the kings subiects called the Knights of the Rhodes otherwise called Knights of Saint Iohns otherwise called Friers of the religion of S. Iohn of Ierusalem in England and of a like house being in Ireland abiding in the parties of beyond the sea and hauing aswell out of this Realme as out of Ireland and other the Kings dominions yearely great summes of money for maintenance of their liuings Haue vnnaturally and contrary to the dutie of their alleageances sustained and maintained 〈…〉 power and authoritie of the Bishop of Rome lately vsed and 〈◊〉 within this Realme and other the Kings dominions and haue not onely adhered themselues to the said Bishop being common enemy to the King our soueraigne Lord and to this his Realme vntruely vpholding knowledging and affirming maliciously and traiterously the same Bishop to bee supreme and chiefe head of Christs Church by Gods holy word Entending thereby to subuert and ouerthrow the good and godly laws and statutes of this realme for the abolishing expulsing and vtter extincting of the said vsurped power and authoritie but also haue defamed and slandered as well the Kings Maiestie as the Noblemen Prelates and other the Kings true and louing subiects of this Realme for their good and godly proceeding in that behalfe Vpon these causes and other considerations it was enacted That the Corporation of the said Religion as well within this Realme as within the Kings dominion and Land of Ireland should be vtterly dissolued and void to all entents and purposes And that Sir William Weston Knight as then Prior of the said Religion of this Realme of
England should not be named or called from henceforth Prior of Saint Iohns of Ierusalem in England but by his proper name of William Weston Knight without further addition touching the said Religion And that likewise Sir Iohn Rauson knight being then Prior of Kilmainam in Ireland should not bee called or named from thenceforth Prior of Kilmainam in Ireland but onely by his proper name of Iohn Rauson knight without farther addition And that none of the Brethren or Confriers of the said Religion within this Realme of England and Land of Ireland should bee called Knights of the Rhodes or knights of Saint Iohns but by their owne proper Christian names and surnames of their parents without any other additions And furthermore it was enacted vnder a great penaltie that they should not weare about their necks in or vpon any apparell of their bodies any chaine with a Ierusalem Crosse or any other signe marke or token thereto●fore vsed and deuised for the knowledge of the said Religion and that they should not make any congregations chapiters or assemblies touching the same Religion or maintaine support vse or defend any liberties franchises or priuiledges theretofore granted to the said Religion by the authoritie of the Bishop of Rome or of the See of the same Lastly it was granted by the authoritie of the said Parliament that the Kings Maiestie his heires and successors should haue and enioy their said mansion house in the Parish aforesaid within the County of Midlesex and also the Hospitall of Kilmainam in Ireland with all their appurtenances for euer Yet it was prouided by the said Act that Sir William Weston and Sir Iohn Rauson Priors as also some other of the Confriers should haue a certaine annuall pension during their liues with some reasonable proportion of their owne proper goods And this was done saith the words in the statute by the agreement and assent of the Kings most excellent goodnes Sir William Weston had giuen vnto him one thousand pound of annuall rent or pension Sir Iohn Rauson fiue hundred Markes Clement West Confrier two hundred pound Thomas Pemberton fourescore pound Gyles Russell one hundred pound George Ailmer one hundred pound Iohn Sutton two hundred pound Edward Bellingham an hundred pound Edward Browne fifty pound Edmund Husse an hundred Markes Ambrose Caue an hundred Markes Thomas Copledyke fifty pound Cuthbert Leighton threescore pound Richard Broke an hundred Markes Henry Poole two hundred Markes William Tyrell thirty pound Iohn Rauson Confrier two hundred Markes To Anthony Rogers Oswald Massingberd Iames Husse Thomas Thornell Nicholas Hopton Philip Babington Henry Gerard Dunstan Nudegate Nicholas Lambert and Dauid Gonson being Confriers professed and hauing no certaine liuing was giuen ten pound a peece of yearely pension And if any pro●es●ed in the said Religion were negligently forgotten or omitted out of that present Act for lacke of knowledge of their names yet it was ordered by the same that they should haue such honest conuenient and reasonable yearly pension and portion of goods as should please the Kings Maiestie to limit and appoint And by the said Act Io●n Mableston Subprior of this Hospitall in England William Ermested Master of the Temple of London Walter Lymsey and Iohn Winter Chapleines were authorized to receiue and enioy during their natura●l liues all such mansion houses stipends and wages in as large and ample manner as euer they did before the sitting of that Parliament What other pensions were giuen or how much the value in money was of the yearely profits of these foure last remembred I do not reade But the annuities or pensions appointed to the said two knights and the Confriers amounted to the summe of two thousand eight hundred and seuenty pound the yeare issuing out of the lands to this Hospitall appertaining And I finde that at the very same time of the dissolution of this Fraternitie certaine lusts and Tourneaments being holden at Westminster wherein the challengers against all commers were Sir Iohn Dudley Sir Thomas Seymor Sir Thomas Poinings Sir George Carew knights Antony Kingston and Richard Cromwell Esquires To each one of which for a reward of their valiantnesse the King gaue an hundred Markes of yearely reuenues and an house to dwell in and both of them to them and their heires for euer out of the lands and liuings belonging to this Hospitall Of such a large extensure were her possessions And much what after this manner the rest of the Manors honors lands tenements rents and reuersions were bestowed and likewise at that time vpon small considerations the scite and lands of all other Monasteries were begged bought and alienated by such who respected their owne profit aboue the seruice of Almighty God Albeit it was then declared saith Camden that such religious places being of most pious intent consecrated to the glory of God might haue beene according to the Canons of the Church bestowed in exhibition and almes for Gods Ministers reliefe of the poore redemption of captiues and repairing of Churches All Monasteries being thus suppressed it followed that vnder a faire pretence of rooting out of superstition all Chanteries Colledges and Hospitals were likewise by Act of Parliament left to the dispose and pleasure of the King And all these Monuments aforesaid of our forefathers pietie and deuotion to the honour of God the propagation of Christian saith and good learning and also for the reliefe and maintenance of the poore and impotent if without offence I may speake the truth All these I say for the most part were shortly after to wit within the remainder of his raigne and the short time of his Sonnes King Edward the sixth euery where pulled downe their reuenues sold and made a way and those goods and riches which the Christian pietie of our English Nation had consecrated vnto God since they first professed Christianity were in a moment as it were dispersed and to the displeasure of no man be it spoken profaned Thus haue you seene by degrees the fatall and finall period of Abbeyes Priories and such like religious Structures with the casting out to the wide world of a●l their religious Votaries chiefly occasioned by their owne abhominable crying sinnes more then by any other secondarie meanes as plainly doth appeare by the premisses All which Queene Mary attempted to haue restored to their pristine estate and former glory But all in vaine for these religious Edi●ices with the lands and possessions thereunto belonging were so infringed alienated and transferred that neither the power of Maiestie nor the force of Parliament could reduce them againe to the proper vse for which by the Founders they were intended Howsoeuer she being a Prince more zealous then poli●●ke● resigned and confirmed by Parliament to God and holy Church all those Ecclesiasticall reuenues which by the authoritie of that high Court in the time of her father King Henry had beene annexed to the Crowne to the great diminution and impouerishing of the same And
the Chapter house with this Epitaph vpon his Monument En paruus Abbas hic parua clauditur arca In gestis magnus maior nec erat Patriarcha Willelmus Druleg illustri dignus honore Conuentum claustri qui multo rexit amore Pro dilectoris anima tui dulciter ora Sancti Augustini conuentus qualibet hora. I finde little or indeed nothing at all of such Abbots as succeeded little Drulege sauing their names thus recorded Iohn Deueniche the 57. Thomas Colwell 58. Michaell Peckham 59. William W●ld 60. Thomas Hunden 61. Marcellus Dandlyon 62. Iohn Hawlherst 63. George Pensherst 64. Iacob Seuenoke 65. William Selling 66. Iohn Dunster 67. Iohn Dygon 68. Thomas Hampton 69. and Iohn Essex 70. So that by this account there hath beene more Archbishops of Christ-Church then Abbots of Saint Austins by the number of three reckoning those sixe Bishops which haue beene since the dissolution The Abbot of this house was euer a Baron of the Parliament In S. Anns Chappell within the Church of this Monastery lay sometime buried the body of Iulian the daughter and heire of Sir Thomas L●yborne knight The widow saith Vincent of Iohn Lord Hastings of Aburgaueny and mother of Lawrence Hasting Earle of Pembroke and after that wife of William de Clinton Earle of Huntington and Lord high Admirall of England who dyed about the yeare 1350. But of all these and thousands more here interred whose names I cannot learne not one bone at this time lies neare another nor one stone almost of the whole fabricke stands vpon another therefore I will take my leaue of this Abbey with these words of a late writer This Monasterie saith he as all the rest did came to her fatall period in the dayes of king Henry the eight whose vncouered walls stood so long languishing in time and stormes of weather that daily increased the aspect of her ruines till now lastly they are made subiect to other publicke vses and the whole tract of that most goodly foundation in the same place no where appearing Onely Ethelberts Tower in memorie and honour of the man as yet hath escaped the verdict and sentence of destruction whose beauty though much de faced and ouerworne will witnesse to succeeding ages the magnificence of the whole when all stood compleate in their glory together The reuenues yearely of this house were in the Exchequer 1412. l. 4. s. 7. d. ob q. it was surrendred 4. Decemb. 29. H. 8. At Harbaldowne not farre from this Monastery Archbishop Lan●rank built an Hosp●tall and dedicated the same to the honour of Saint Iohn to the which he annexed a Priorie of blacke Canons valued both together at the dissolution to 266. l. 4 s. 5. d. ob of yearely reuenue it was ordained for the lame and diseased which as yet is not altogether suppressed although much abated as I heare of her annuall possessions In which house was reserued the vpper leather of an old shoe which had beene worne as they gaue it out by Saint Thomas Becket this shoe as a sacred Relique was offered to all passengers to kisse faire set in copper and christall Hackington commonly called S. Stephens by Cant. This Church in former times was honoured with the sepulture of Lora or Lor●atta Countesse of Leicester daughter of William Lord Brews of Brember in Suffex and wife of Robert de Be●lemont surnamed Fitzp●rnell Earle of Leicester and Lord high Steward of England a most honourable Lady who hauing abandoned all worldly pleasures sequestred her selfe wholly from the world to serue God deuoutly in this place who dyed about the yeare 1219. The manor and Towne of Elham was her inheritance Hic iacet Dominus Iohannes Gower nuper Vicarius istius Ecclesie qui obijt Decemb. 27. 1457. Cuius an●●e Hic iacet Dominus Iohannes ●●ne quondam Vicarius istius Ecclesie qui obijt 8. Aug. 1457. Cuius anime p●●pittetur altissimus Sir Christopher Hales and Sir Roger Manwood lie here fairely entom●ed of whom hereafter according to my method But I must not let passe seuen almes houses here built by the said Sir Roger Manwood chiefe Baron of the Exchequer ann 1573. for aged honest poore folkes which he endowed with a yearely allowance of foure pounds in money bread and fewell for euery one of those almes-men It was called S. Stephens f●r that the image of Saint Stephen standing where the garden now is belonging to Sir Manwoods great house was sought vnto by many pilgrimes Reculuer At the vpper end of the South isle in this Church I saw a Monument of an antique forme mounted with two spires Wherein as the Inhabitants haue it by tradition the body of one Ethelbert a Saxon king who had his pallace royall here in Reculuer lieth entombed and the Anuals of Canterbury affirme as much And true it is that Ethelbert the first and first Christian king built here a Princely mansion for himselfe and his successours wherein diuers of the Kentish kings sometimes kept their courtly residence But whether he be this Ethelbert the second or Ethelbert surnamed Pren that lieth here interred it is not much materiall for they both dyed without any memorable act either of themselues or their kingdomes affaires and so dyed Cuthred and Baldred their next successours and the last kings of Kent Which kingdome erected by Hengist the yeare of mans happinesse 455. continued her gouernment 372. and ended her glory in the yeare 827. being made a Prouince to the West-saxons Egbert or Egbright the seuenth king of Kent in succession after Hengist gaue to one Bassa an English Saxon some land here in Reculuer whereupon he built him a Minster or a Monastery whereof Brightwald afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury was the first Abbot so that of this man and the Minster the poore Townes men may make great vaunts Here lyeth ..... Sandwey Esquire and ●oane his wife who dyed 1437. Hen. sex 16. Hic iacet Dominus Thomas .... qui ob ..... Vos qui transitis Thomam deslere velitis Per me nunc scitis quid prodest gloria ditis Minster in the Isle of Tenet Here in this Church lyeth a Lady entombed in a Monument vpreared after a strange fashion inscribed with a Saxon-like character Ici gist Edile de Shornerepust Dame del espire I thinke her name was rather Thorne then Shorne one letter being mistaken for another in the engrauing My reason is this for that in this Parish there is a place called Thorne Neare vnto this Monument lie three flat Tombe-stones vnder which as I coniecture by the effigies vpon them three vailed Nunnes of the Saxon Nobilitie and of S. Mildreds Monasterie lye interred but the Inscriptions are gone Which Monasterie was founded vpon this occasion Egbert king of Kent aspiring to the Crowne by the traiterous murder of his two young Nephewes Ethelred and Ethelbert to pacifie Domneua sister to the said murdered Princes
followeth HIC IACET This riming Epitaph is inlaid with brasse about the Verge of this Monument Hic iacet in terra solitus sed viuere guerra Vnde tulit vulnus quod dedit in de funus Nunc subijt manes fortisque piusque Iohannes Huius ergo dein dic miserere Dering An. quatuor C. milleno quinto atque viceno Dat mortale solo nunc superestque polo. Next vnto him lyeth entombed his sonne Richard Dering in this forme to whose memory no Inscription is remaining Richard Dering of Surenden Dering Esquire gaue as I haue it by relation the hangings of rich and faire cloth of Arras which adorne the Quire of the Cathedrall Church in Canterbury vpon the suite of his sonne Richard Dering a Monke there who according to his Monkish Heraldry hath figured in their seuerall bordures his Rebus or Name deuises viz. a Dere and a Ring in stead of Armes although sixe embroydered Cushions then giuen for the Priors seate and since vsed in the Deanes Pewes haue the Armes of Dering embroydered on them and empaled with Bertyn and Eyton his two wiues Richard Dering the Monke was one of the adherents to Elisabeth Barton the holy Maid of Kent in her fained hypocrisie and traiterous practises In the same Chappell lyeth Iohn Dering Esquire who was great grand-childe to the foresaid Richard Dering of Surenden whose Altar tombe is since laid flat He dyed 1550. and hath there his figure in the wall kneeling with his Surcote of Armes with him is buried Margaret his wife sister and sole heire of Thomas Brent Esquire Vnderneath the figure of Richard Dering before remembred is an Escocheon with eight coats quartered First Dering a Salter 2. Haute a Crosse ingraled with a cressant 3 Brent a wiuervolant 4 a Fesse cotized 5. Surenden a Berid betweene two Cottesses nebuly on the outsides 6. Pluckley a Flower deluce 7. Barkley a Cheuoron betweene ten crosses forme within a border 8 Dering againe At the foot of this Chappell within the Church vnder foure seuerall Grauestones euery one inlaid with figures of brasse at length the men lying in Armour are buried as followeth Iohn Dering Esquire who dyed Ann. Dom. 1517. and Iulian his wife sister of Sir Iohn Darrell knight who dyed 1526. On their right hand lyeth Nicholas Dering Esquire their eldest sonne and Alice his wife the daughter and coheire of the eldest house of Bettenham On their left hand vnder an Arch with the like pourtraiture in brasse at length lyeth their second sonne Richard Dering Esquire the Kings Lieutenant of Douer Castle and the Cinque Ports vnder fiue Lord Wardens He dyed 1546. And with him is buried Benet his wife of the ancient family of Brockholl Diuers others of this most ancient and right worthy progenie lye here interred of whom their burials being but of later times the order of my method will not giue me leaue to speake In the body of this Church are two Grauestones vnder one of which lyeth the body of Henry Malemaines Esquire and vnder the other with his portraiture at length in brasse Richard Malemaines Esquire who dyed 1440. their coate of Armes thereupon engrauen Ermyn a cheffe gules three left hands Argent Bethersden vnder Pluckley hill In this Church are the Armes of Surenden twice singly and once empaled with Crouch which Surenden was there the principall Inhabitant in the time of Edward the second being owner of a place there called Surenden which now belongeth to a right worthy gentleman Edward Chute Esquire And is seated with the view of the other Surenden belonging as aforesaid to Sir Edward Dering Charing In the yeare 1590. this Church was with fire consumed all but the very stones which fire it caught from a peece discharged at a Pigeon then vpon the Church The windowes and the Grauestones wherein diuers of the ancient and worthy family of Brent were memorized at that time were defaced yet on the outside of the Bellfree do remaine carued in stone the badge of Edward the fourth being a Rose within the Sunne-beames and a Wyuer being the Armes of Hugh Brent Esquire who in the raigne of Edward the fourth was the principall Founder of that Bellfree which was before of wood From the time of Henry the sixth the family of Brent being branched out of the ancient stocke of Brent in Somersetshire of which house Sir Robert de Brent was a Baron of the Parliament in the time of Edward the first hath flourished here as the prime name of this Parish vntill Thomas Brent Esquire the last male of this line did remoue to Willisborough where he dyed issuelesse On the South side of the Chancell here and annexed to the Church is a conuenient Chappell founded by Amy Brent widow of William Brent Esquire who dyed in the raigne of Ric. the third this with the Church being fired is now in the hands of workmen to bee repaired by Sir Edward Dering knight and Baronet to whom the right of this Chappell is deriued as well in bloud from the Brents as by composition betweene him and M. Brent Dering of Charing who now is the owner of the ancient house of the Brents there which is full stored with the Badges of Edward the fourth in euery quarry of glasse within the Hall-window In which house also as it goes by tradition Iohn Brent Esquire feasted King Henry the eight as hee passed this way toward his then intended siege of Bullen But this name of Brent is for nothing more famous then for the warlike exploits of that wilde madbraine Falques or Falco de Brent who made it nothing to raise warre against kings to besiege and take Castles to spoile Abbeyes pull downe Churches ransacke all the adioyning territories and where I write of such a touch of wickednesse but more of him hereafter what not which had English persons of especiall note as haue beene interred in forraine nations Lyd. Of Lyd I haue spoken a little in another place yet here giue me leaue to speake a little more vpon further information In this Church of Lyd were two Grauestones of Richard Dering who dyed in the raigne of king Richard the second and Thomas his sonne one of them had faire portraitures with ornaments engrauen thereon but the losse of some of the brasse with the remote absence of his posterity haue giuen occasion for another name to superscribe that stone although at that time the best if not the onely names of note and gentrie there were Septuanus and Dering at which time Dering was here owner of Westbrooke and of Deuge Marsh place which name hath beene of great and ancient possessions in Lyd Midley Promhill and old Rumney whereof a part was the leuell of foure hundred Acres of land called yet by the name of Derings and on the other side of Lyd aboue threescore Acres by the name of Derings Droff From hence Iohn Dering Esquire in the time of Henry
Iordan Briset hauing first founded the Priory of Nunnes here by Clerkenwell as aforesaid bought of the said Nunnes ten Acres of ground giuing them for the said ten Acres twenty Acres of land in his Lordship of Willinghale or Wellinghall in Kent Vpon which ground lying neare vnto the said Priory hee laid the foundation of a religious structure for the knights Hospitalers of S. Iohn of Ierusalem These following are the words out of the Register booke of the Deedes of the said house written by one Iohn Stilling-fleete a brother of the house circa ann 1434. to the end that their benefactors names being knowne they may be daily remembred in their prayers Iordanus Briset Baro tempore regis Hen. primi circa an Dom. 110. fundauit domum ac Hospitale S. Iohns de Clerkenwel Hic etiam erat Fundator domus Monialium de Clerkenwel ac ab eis emit decem acras terre super quas dictum Hospitale ac domum fundauit pro illis decem acris terre dedit illis Monialibus viginti acras terre in Dominico suo de Willinghale in com Cant. c. In ye yere of Criste as I haue the words out of an old Mss 1185. ye vj. Ides of Merche ye dominical lettre being F ye Chyrche of ye Hospitall of S Iohns Ierusalem was dedicatyd to ye honor of S. Iohn Baptiste by ye worschypfull fader Araclius Patriarke of ye resurrection of Christe ye sam dey was dedycatyd ye hygh Altr● and ye Altre of S. Iohn Euangelist by ye sam Patryarke The said Heraclius in the same yeare dedicated the Church of the new Temple as hereafter is spoken Within a short time this Hospitall began to flourish for infinite were the donations of all sorts of people to this Fraternitie as in the Beadroul of their benefactors is specified but aboue all their Benefactors they held themselues most bound to Roger de Mowbray whose liberalitie to their order was so great that by a common consent in their chapiter they made a decree that himselfe might remit and pardon any of the Brotherhood whomsoeuer in case he had trespassed against any of the statutes and ordinances of their order confessing and acknowledging withall his offence and errour And also the knights of this order granted in token of thankefulnesse to Iohn de Mowbray Lord of the Isle of Axholme the successour of the foresaid Roger that himselfe and his successours in euery of their couents assemblies as well in England as beyond seas should be receiued entertained alwaies in the second place next to the King Thus through the bounty both of Princes priuate persons they rose to so high an estate and great riches that after a sort saith Camden they wallowed in wealth for they had about the yeere of our Lord 1240. within christendome nineteene thousand Lordships or Manours like as the Templars nine thousand the reuenewes and rents whereof fell afterwards also to these Hospitallers And this estate of theirs growne to so great an height made way for them to as great honours so as the Priore of this house was reputed the prime Baron of the land being able with fulnesse abundance of all things to maintaine an honourable port And thus they flourished for many yeeres in Lordly pompe vntill a Parliament begun the 18. of April 1540. Anno 32. Henry 8. their corporation was vtterly dissolued the King allowing to euery one of them onely a certaine annuall pension during their liues as you may reade in the Annals of England The value of this foundation in the Kings bookes was 3385 l. 19 s. 8 d. of ancient yeerely rent This Priory Church and house was preserued from spoile or downe pulling so long as Henry the 8 raigned but in the 3 of King Ed. the sixt the Church for the most part with the great Bell-tower a most curious piece of workemanship grauen gilt and enameld to the great beautifying of the Citie saith Stow was vndermined and blowne vp with Gun-powder the stone whereof was imployed in building of the Lord Protectors house in in the Strand The Charter-house Sir Walter Manny Knight of the Garter Lord of the towne of Manny in the Dioces of Cambrey beyond the seas in that raging pestilence in the 23 of King Ed. the 3. when Churches Church-yards in London might not suffice to bury the dead purchased a piece of ground in this place called Spitle croft containing 13 acres and a Rodd and caused the same to bee enclosed for burials and dedicated by Raph Stratford Bishop of London in which place and in the same yeere more then 50000 persons were buried in regard of such a multitude here interred he caused a Chappell here to be builded wherein Offerings were made and Masses said for the soules of so many Christians departed And afterwards about the yeere 1371. he caused here to be founded an house of Carthusian Monkes which he called the Salutation which house at the dissolution was valued to be yeerely worth sixe hundred forty two pounds foure pence halfe penny Iohn Stow saith that he had read this Inscription following fixed on a stone crosse sometime standing in the Charter-house Church yard Anno Domini M. ccc.xl.ix Regnante magna pestilentia consecratum fuit hoc Cemiterium in quo infra septa presentis Monasterij sepulta fuerunt mortuorum Corpora plusquam quinquaginta millia preter alia multa abhinc vsque ad presens quorum animabus propitietur Deus Amen This inscription vpon the foresaid Stone Crosse as also the relation before was taken out from the words of his charter the substance whereof followeth Walterus Dns. de Many c. cum nuper pestilentia esset tam grandis vi●lenta in ciuitate London quod Cemiteria Ecclesiae ciuitatis non possunt sufficere pro sepultura a personarum in eadem pestilentia discedentia nos moti pietate habentes respectum c. Purchased 13. acres of land without Smithfield Barres in a place called Spitle croft and now called new Church-Haw for the buriall of the persons aforesaid and haue caused the place to be blessed by Raph then Bishop of London in which place plus quam Quinquaginta millia personarum de dicta pestilentia morientium sepulti fuere And there for our Ladies sake wee founded a Chappel of the holy order of the Cartusians made there a Monastery by consent of the Prior or Cartuse Maior in Sauoy c. for the health of King Edward the third and Dame Margaret his wife Hijs Testibus Iohn Hastings of Penbroke Humfrey Bohun of Hereford Edmund Mortymer of Mar●h and William de Monteacuto of Sarum Earles Iohn de Barnes Maior of London William de Walworth and Robert de Gayton Sheriffes Dat apud London 20 Martij Anno Regni Reg. Ed. 3.45 Sir Walter Manny or de Manie the foresaid Founder was buried here in his owne Church who deceased in the same yeere that he
house of Conuerts in Chancerie lane anciently called New-streete now knowne by the name of the Rolles Henry the third about the twentieth yeare of his raigne built this house for the Iewes conuerted to be conuerted to the faith of Christ these are the words in his grant Rex Archiepiscopis c. Sciatis nos intuitu Dei et pro salute anime nostre et animarum antecessorum et heredum meorum concessisse et hac charia nostra consirmasse pro nobis et heredibus nostris domum quam fundari fecimus in vico qui vocatur New-streete inter vetus Templum et nouum London ad sustentationem Fratrum conuersorum et conuertendorum de Iudaismo ad fidem catholicam c. hijs Testibus venerabilibus patribus W. Kaerl et W. exon episcopis H. de Burgo Comite Kanti● Radulpho filio Nicholai Godfrido de Crancumbe Iohanne filio Philip Amaurico de sancto Aumundo Willielmo de Picheford Galfrido de Cauz et alijs dat per manum ve P. R cicestrens Cancellar nostri apud Westminst 19. die April But this Foundation did not continue long for Edward the first his sonne in the eighteenth yeare of his raigne banished all the Iewes out of England confiscating all their goods and leauing them nothing but money barely to beare their charges King Edward the third appointed this house for the custody of the Rolles and Records of the Chancerie giuing the same by his charter to one William Burstall as then master of that Office and his Successors In the Chappell of this house Iohn Yong Doctor of both Lawes and master of the Rolles lieth entombed with this Inscription Io. Yong. LL. Doctori sacror scrinior ac hius Domus custodi Decano olin Ebor vita defuncto xxv Aprilis sui fideles Executores hoc posuerunt M.D.xvj. Besides which vpon an old table hanging by are written in text hand these verses following Dominus firmamentum meum Hic iacet ille Iohannes Yong cognomine dignus Tali quod nunquam marcesceret vtpote charus Omnibus apprime summo testante dolore Quem neque celabant neque dissimulare valebant Dum sternit iuuenem mors immatura labentem Quis non defleret iuuenis miserabile fatum Ex quo multorum pendebat vita salusque Horum inquam inprimis quos ille benignus alebat Impensis donec vitales carperet auras Nec satis illi erat hoc priuatis consuluisse Rebus quinetiam prudenter publica gessit Munia siue forensia siue etiam extera summa Cum laude illa quidem dum sacris presuit olim Scrinijs haec vero Legati functus honore Saint Stephens Chappell This was a religious Structure first begun by King Stephen and afterwards finished and her reuenewes greatly augmented by King Edward the third in which he placed a Deane twelue Canons secular as many Vicars and other Ministers who had their lodgings in Canon Row now the habitations of diuers Noblemen and Gentlemen These are the words of King Edwards Grant In dei nomine Amen Edwardus dei gratia c. Salutem Capellam quandam speciosam in Palatio nostro apud Westmonasterium situatam in honorem beati Stephani Prothomartyris per progenitores nostros nobiliter inchoatam nostris sumptibus regijs fecimus consummari in qua ad honorem omnipotentis dei et specialiter beatissime Genetricis eius Marie et dicti Martyris ordinamus volumus constituimus et aucthoritate nostra regia perpeiou stabilimus Quod sint exeuntes Decanus vnus et duodecim canonici seculares cum tuum Hospitium nostrum magnum in strata de Lumbard-street ciuitatis nostre London situatum vna cum Patronatibus et aduocationibus Ecclesiarum Perochialium de Dewesburie et Wakefeeld Ebor. Dioces assignamus donemus c. Teste meipso apud VVestmonaster sexto die Augusti An. Regni nostri vicesimo secundo Regni vero nostri Francie nono The reuenewes wherewith King Edward endowed this couent amounted to the value of fiue hundred pounds by yeare and at the suppression the whole foundation was rated to be yeerely worth as I haue it in the catalogue of Religious houses one thousand fourescore and fiue pound ten shillings fiue pence This Chappell serueth now for the lower house of Parliament Westminster Abbey CAmden out of Sulcardus reporteth that here sometime stood an Idoll Temple dedicated to Apollo ouerthrowne by an earthquake about the yeare of grace 153. Of the ruines of which Sebert King of the East Saxons erected another Temple for the seruice of the liuing God and consecrated the same to Saint Peter about the yeare 610. neere about the time of the building of Paules Mellitus as then being Bishop of London and Austin of Canterbury which agrees with these words in the charter of Edward the Confessor Basilica sancti Petri VVestmon edificata fuit antiquitus sub Mellito Londonie primo Episcopo socio et contemporaneo Sancti Augustini primi Cantuar Archiepiscopi et per ipsum beatum Petrum Angelico famulante seruicio sancte crucis impressione et sacre Trinitatis perunctione dedicata to which effect will it please you peruse these verses following King Ethelbert Sainct Poules edefied And King Sebert Westminster founded Mellito theim both halowed and blessified Austin then made Clerke full well grounded Afterwards this Church being destroyed by the Danes Dunstan Bishop of London reedified it about the yeare of Christ 960. and made here a monastery for twelue Monkes After him Edward the confessor with the tenth penny of all his reuenewes built it new for to be his owne Sepulture and a Monastery for Benedictin Monkes endowing it with liuings and ●ands lying disperst in diuers parts of England But after an hundred and threescore yeeres King Henry the third subuerted this Fabricke of King Edwards and built from the very Foundation a new Church of very faire workemanship supported with sundry rowes of Pillars The new erke atte UUestmynster the Kyng tho gauune anon Aftur his coronyng and leyd the ferst ston which the Abbots enlarged very much toward the west end and King Henry the seauenth for the buriall onely of himselfe his children and their posterity adioyned thereunto a Chappell which in regard of the beauty and curious contriued worke thereof is called of Leland Orbis miraculum the wonder of the world The first stone of this admirable Structure consecrated to the honour of the blessed Virgine was laid by the hands of Iohn Islip Abbot of this monastery Sir Reginald Bray Knight of the Garter and others in the 18 yeare of his raigne the 24 day of Ianuary vpon which stone this Inscription was engrauen Illustrissimus Henricus Septimus Rex Anglie et Francie et Dominus Hibernie posuit hanc Petram in honore beate virginis Marie xxiiij die Ian●aarij anno Domini M. ccccc 11 et anno dicti Regis Henrici septimi decimo octauo Harpsfeeld sometime Archdeacon
God and then after vnto me Vpon which religious and Princely lesson he grounds a reason and pleads a libertie to vse his owne proper conscience in the Kings most weightie affaires as you may perceiue by this part of a letter following written to Cromwell Right worshipfull c. it pleased the Kyngs highnes to send me in the companie of my Lord of London now of Duresme in embassiate aboute the Peace that at our being there was concluded at Cameray betwene his highnes and themperour and the French Kyng And after my comyng home his highnes of his onely goodnes as far my vnworthy I was thereto made me as you well knowe his Chauncelor of this Realme sone after which time his grace moued me agayne yit-eftsonys to loke and considre his great matter and well and indifferently to pondre such things as I should fynde therin And if it so were that therevpon it shoulde happen me to se such things as sholde persuade me to that parte hee wolde gladly vse me among other of his Counsailors in that matter neuerthelesse gracyousely declared vnto me that he wolde in no wise that I sholde other thing do or say therin than vpon that that I shold perceiue myn owne conscience shold serue me and that I sholde fyrst loke vnto God and after God vnto hym Which moost gratiouse wordys was the fyrst lesson also that euer his grace gaue me at my fyrst comyng into his noble servyce c. This learned Chancellour with much labour and earnest suite to the King got leaue to leaue his office before hee had continued therein fully three yeares Vpon his last speech to his three daughters and to the people present at his decollation thus one writes Ne lugete meo confusae funere natae Ipse ego mutari non mea fata velim Truncum terra teget si Rex non abnuet vrnam Et mea iam terris nomina nota volant Libera mens superos repetet neque seruiet vnquam In partem hanc quod agat nulla securis habet Tu quoque spectator tranquillum si cupis ae●um Exigere letho fortior esse tuo Qui tibi membra cadan● nullo in discrimine pone Quum sint naturae lege caduca suae Another of his death by way of Dialogue thus Hospes Quis iacet hic truncus cuius caput ense rescissum est Quae natat in tetro sanguine canities Ciuis Hic est ille Thomas Morus sic fata rependunt Tristia multa bonis bona multa malis Hospes Quae circumsistunt Diuae lugubre cadauer Diua tenax veri sancta Fides Nemesis Ciuis Harum prima odij caussa fuit altera mortis Vltrix iniustae tertia caedis erat Anno Domini M. Non. Iulij Thus much of Sir Thomas More in this place you may know more of him hereafter by his Epitaph in Chelsey Church Cromwell surnamed the great whom Wolsey first raised from the forge to eminent good fortunes whom Henry the eight vsed as his instrument to suppresse the Popes supremacie and to dissolue religious Structures whom he aduanced to the highest pitch of honour and authoritie whom he cast downe suddenly and bereft both of life and dignitie lies here interred He followed the same steps to the same Stage vpon the said Tower-hill and acted there the same part which his two friends More and Fisher had done before him and that within fiue yeares after This Cromwell this pillar of the State was borne in Putney a Village in Surrey by Thames side foure miles distant from London hee was sonne to a Blacksmith in his later dayes a Bruer Whose mother after his fathers decease was remarried to a Shereman Of whose birth a late writer thus sings Putney the place made blessed by my birth Whose meanest cottage simply me did shrowd To me as dearest of the English Earth So of my bringing that poore village proud Though in a time when neuer lesse the dearth Of happie wits yet mine so well allow'd That with the best she boldlie durst prefer Me that my breath acknowledged from her He was a man of an actiue and forward ripenesse of nature ready and pregnant of wit discreet and well aduised in iudgement eloquent of tongue faithfull and diligent in seruice of an incomparable memory of a reaching politicke head and of a noble and vndaunted spirit Whose good parts being perceiued by Cardinal Wolsey he took him straight into his seruice made him his Sollicitor and emploied him in matters of great importance after whose fall hee was presently aduanced to the Kings seruice wherein he so industriously and wisely demeaned himselfe as that he was thought worthie by the said King to haue the ordering of all weightie affaires Whereupon at seuerall times he heaped these seuerall offices and honours vpon him he made him Master of his Iewell-house Baron Cromwell of Okeham principall Secretarie Master of the Rolles Chancellour of the Exchequer Keeper of the priuie Seale Iustice of the Forrests and Chases from the Riuer of Trent Northward great Chamberlaine of England Earle of Essex Knight of the Garter Vicegerent or Vicar generall Of which my fore remembred friend thus writes For first from knighthood rising in degree The Office of the Iewell-house my lot After the Rolles he frankly gaue to me From whence a priuie Counsellor I got Then of the Garter and then Earle to be Of Essex yet sufficient these were not But to the great Vicegerencie I grew Being a title as supreme as new Thus Fortune raised him a short time for a sudden fall For vpon the eighteenth day of Aprill 1540. hee was inuested with the honour of the Earledome of Essex and high Chamberlainship of England vpon which day the King also made his sonne Gregory Lord Cromwell Vpon the ninth of Iuly next and immediately following being enuied of many for his honour and authoritie he was suddenly arrested in the Councell-chamber and committed to the Tower vpon the nineteenth of the said moneth he was attainted by Parliament of heresie and high Treason and vpon the 28. of the said moneth hee was beheaded on the Tower-hill More succinctly thus his precipitate downfall is versified The Councell-chamber place of my arrest Where chiefe I was when greatest was the store And had my speeches noted of the best That did them as high Oracles adore A Parliament was lastly my Enquest That was my selfe a Parliament before The Tower hill Scaffold last I did ascend Thus the great'st man of England made his end And such bloudie ends most men haue who are busie managers of the greatest matters He was condemned to death and yet neuer came to his answere by an act as it is said which he himselfe caused to be made of which my fore-remembred Author M. Drayton Those lawes I made my selfe alone to please To giue me power more freely to my will Euen to my equals hurtfull sundrie waies Forced
and we verily thinke saith he it was that which was first built to Saint seruice But what manner of towne this was and how great the Abbey was while it stood heare Leland speake who saw it standing The Sunne saith he hath not seene either a Citie more finely seated so delicately standeth it vpon the easie ascent or hanging of an hill and a little riuer runneth downe on the East side thereof or a goodlier Abbey whether a man indifferently consider either the endowment with reuenues or the largenesse or the incomparable magnificence thereof A man that saw the Abbey would say verily it were a Citie so many gates there are in it and some of brasse so many Towers a most stately Church vpon which attend three others also standing gloriously in one and the same Church yard all of passing fine and curious workmanship If you demand how great the wealth of this Abbey was a man could hardly tell namely how many gifts and oblations were hung vpon the tombe alone of Saint Edmund and besides there came in out of lands and reuenue● a thousand fiue hundred and threescore pounds of old rent by the yeare The Abbot and Couent of the Monasterie gouerned the Townesmen and all within Banna Leuca within the bounds of a mile from the towne by their Steward who euer gaue the oath to the new elect Alderman which was deliuered in these words following copied out of a Lieger booke sometimes belonging to the said Abbey Ye schall swere that ye schall bere yow trewly and fethfully in the Office of the Aldermanscipe of this Town of Bury ayens the Abbot and the Couent of this place and all her mynistris ye scall bere kepe and maintaine Pees to yowre powere and ye schall nor thyng appropre nor accroche that longyth to the said Abbot and Couent nor take vpon the thyngis that long on to the Office of the Baylishchipp of the seyd Town Alsoo that ye schall not procure be yow nor be noon othir priuyly nor openly ony thyng vnlawfull that myght be harme or damage onto the seyd Abbot and Couent nor suffre to be don but that ye schall be redy to meynteyn and defende them and here mynystris yn all the ryghtis and customs that of dew long on to them inasmoche as ye mey leyfully do Thees artycles and poyntis ye schall obserue and kepe the tym that ye stand in this office So help yow God and all hys Seynts and be this Boke Notwithstanding this oath the Townesmen now and then fell so foule vpon the Abbot and Couent that they imprisoned the Abbot strucke the Monkes with the Bailiffes and Officers belonging to the Abbey assaulted the Abbey gates set fire on them and burned them with diuers houses neere adioyning that belonged to the Monasterie They burnt a Mannor of the Abbots called Holdernesse Barne with two other Mannors called the Almoners barne and Haberdone also the Granges that stood without the South-gate and the Mannor of Westlie in which places they burnt in corne and graine to the value of a thousand pounds They entred into the Abbey court and burnt all the houses on the north side as Stables Brewhouses Garners and other such necessary houses They burned the Mote hall and Bradford hall with the new hall and diuers Chambers and Sollers to the same halls annexed with the Chappell of Saint Laurence at the end of the Hospitall hall also the Mannor of Eldhall the Mannor of Horninger with all the corne and graine within and about the same Assembling themselues together in warlike order and aray they assaulted the said Abbey brake downe the gates windowes and dores entred the house by force and assailing certaine Monkes and seruants that belonged to the Abbot did beat wound and euill intreat them brake open a number of chests coffers and forssets tooke out Chalices of gold and siluer bookes vestments and other ornaments of the Church beside a great quantity of rich plate and other furniture of household apparell armour and other things beside fiue hundred pounds in ready coyne and also three thousand Florens of gold All these things they tooke and carried away together with diuers Charters Writings and Miniments as three Charters of King Knute foure Charters of King Hardicanute one Charter of King Edward the Confessor two Charters of King Henry the first and other two Charters of King Henry the third which Charters concerned as well the Foundation of the same Abbey as the grants and confirmations of the possessions and liberties thereunto belonging Many more are the outrages committed at seuerall times by the Townesmen against these cloistered brethren which are recorded in the foresaid Lieger booke of S. Edmunds bury all which to relate would seeme incredible and make this my digression I confesse too much ouerlong and troublesome thus then to returne The Dedication the Foundation the time and the Founders and the value of this Religious structure may be partly gathered by the premisses it was replenished with Monkes Benedictines or as some say Cluniacks it was surrendred into the Kings hands the fourth of Nouember in the one and thirtith yeare of Henry the eight Amongst other Reliques the Monkes of this Church had Saint Edmunds shirt certaine drops of Saint Stephens bloud which sprung from him at such time as he was stoned and some of the coles with which Saint Laurence was broiled They had certaine parings of the flesh of diuers holy Virgins and a sinew of Saint Edmund laid vp in boxes They had some Skuls of ancient Saints and Martyrs amongst which was one of Saint Petronill or Pernell which the country people were taught to lay to their heads thereby to be cured of all kinde of agues They had the bootes of Saint Thomas of Canterbury and the sword of Saint Edmund It was in vse here amongst the Monkes as often as they desired raine to carry with them in their Processions a coffin wherein the bones of Saint Botolph were inclosed hoping thereby the sooner to haue pleasant shoures to refresh the drie parched earth They had certaine waxe candles which euer and onely they vsed to light in wheat-seeding these they likewise carried about their wheat grounds beleeuing verily that hereby neither Darnell Tares nor any other noisome weedes would grow that yeere amongst the good corne These Reliques they had and many more which wrought many strange effects by their owne relation The Abbots of this house were Barons of the Parliament But now to come to the burials of certaine worthy personages in this Abbey Church of Bury and first Here lay sometimes enshrined the sacred Remaines of Edmund King of the East Angles and Martyr who was the sonne of one Alkmund a Prince of great power in these parts In the raigne of this King Edmund Hungar Hubba two Danish Captaines with an innumerable multitude of Heathen Danes entred the Land at the mouth of Humber and from thence inuaded
Turr. Lond. Fabians Ballad Royall * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Queen of England Edward the third King of England Remaines Fauine in the orders of England * Alluding to the ●eopard● in the 〈…〉 Cron. Compend Cant. in bib Col. His Character Sam. Daniel His Iustice. His regard of Order His loue to his people His Prouidence His works of Pietie His buildings Walsing in vit Ed. 3. Add. Rob. Glocest * Bohemia Philip Queene of England Richard the second King of England Ranulph Monke of Chester Lib. vltimo Folio 166. 〈…〉 * Bohemia * Anne Queene of England Stow. Annal. Henry the fift King of England Add to Robert of Glocester Katherine the wife of Henry the fifth Henry the seuenth king of England Elizabeth the wife of king Hen. the seuenth Margaret Coūtesse of Richmond Margaret the daughter of King Ed. 4. Elizab. the daughter of king Hen. 7. Anne Queene of England Edmund Earle of Lancaster Harding c. 147. Mat. Paris Pageant of Popes Aueline Countesse of Lancaster William de Valence Earle of Penbroke Stow Annal. Harding ca. ●56 Simon Langham Archbishop of Canterbury Robert Waldby Archbishop of Yorke Ex Mss. in bib Cot. * Sodorensis B. of Man In bib Cot. Iohn Waltham Bishop of Salisbury Ca●al of Bishops In vita R 2. Richard Wendouer Bishop of R●ch●ster Sir Humphrey Bourchier Lord Cromwell Sir Humphrey Bourchier * Cup. bearer Tho. Milling Bishop of Hereford Godwin Hugolin Chamberlaine to S. Edward king and Confessor Remaines William Bedell and Cicely his wife Rob. Haule 〈◊〉 vit R. 2 Tho. Ruthall Bishop of Durham Sir William Trussell knight Tho. dela More Lib. 7. cap. 43. Rich. de Ware Abbot Francis Thinne in Catal. Thes. Aug. Walter Wenlocke Abbot The Abbots of this house were Barons of the Parliament Ric. de Barking Abbot Gervaise de Bloys Abbot Vitalis Abbot Laurence the first m●●erd Abbot of West Gislebert Crispin Abbot Edmund Kirton Abbot Iohn Islip Abbot Remaines In bib Cot. Raph Selby Io Windsore Geffrey Chaucer Ex Mss. in bib Cot. Iohn Bedel Walter Garden Ioan Pymichum Io. Den and Agnes his wife * Eijcit● Io. Skelton Poet Laureat Specul Brit. 2. King 1.14 Ioh. ● 2 Stow Suruay S. Giles Bowle The Bishop of Rochester● letter to 〈◊〉 S. amongst the letters 〈…〉 In bib Cotton Cromwell principal● Secretary * ●il Warbam In part Anno 2● Hen. 8. ca. 10. Ex lit in Bib. Cotton Robert Fisher. Ex Mss. in bib Cot. The Tenor of Bishop Fishers Indictment Ex Mss. in bib Cotton Eras. Vid. Bal. cent 5. Oputer opus Cronog orbis Vniuersi pag. 477. Sir Tho. Moore In parl Anno 26 Hen. 8. ca. 2. Ex lit in Bib. Cotton Scrip. B●●t Cent. 5. De I●ust Angie Scriptoribus In Epist. ad Vldric Huttenum de vita Mori Io. Lelandi Moriades siue charitaea cor●na Camd. Remaines in wise speeches Ex lit in bib Cott. Nich. Grudius Tho. Cromwell Earle of Essex Ex Mss. in bib Cotton M. Drayton in the Legend of great Cromwell M. Drayton M. Drayton Some say no such Act was deuised by him to cause his owne death Speed chap. 21. Iohn Fox M. Drayton Sir Tho. Moore to Master Cromwell Ex lit in bib Cot Stow. Annal. Queene Anne Bullein Speed cap. 21. George Bullein Lord Rochford Speed cap. 21. Sleidan com l. 10. Queene Katherine Howard Ed. and Iohn Dukes of Somerset and Northumberland Hen. Southworth Geff. Hewet Ioane his wife In Mi●lesex Suruay in Bishopsgateward Sicilius king of Britaine Song 3. Cap 25. * a man decked in fe●hers Vo●t●mer king of Britaine Speed Hist. cap. 12. Sigibert I Speed Hist. ca. xi Rob Glocest. * men taken * they * commanded Ca. 68. Videsis Speed Hist. ca. 17. and Vincent Catal. Chest●r Mill. Catal. Yorke Speed Hist. ● ●● * Vncle. The Continuer of Hardings Chronicle The guilty conscience of King Richard Pers. Sat. 3. trans by ●erten Holyday Sir Thomas Moore Lord Chancelor Sir Iohn More the father of Sir Thomas his death Ioan and Alice the wiues of Sir Tho. Mor● in bib Cot. Edmund Lord Bray Mawd Berford Philip Meawtis Ric. Scardebrugh and Elis. his wife Adwin Lauerocke Tho. Essex The office of Remembrancers D. Cowell lic R. The Kings Remembrancer The Treasurers Remembrancer Remembrancer of the first-fruits Io. Fisher. Sir Raph But● knight Iohn Long Katherin Alice his wiues Io. Sherburne Sir Sampson Norton and Elis. his wife Master of the Ordnance Io. Thorley Will. Harvey George Chauncy Mar. Suanden * Arcuarij the Kings Bowyer Anne Sturton Lora Blunt Mawde Lady Salueyne Will. Boydale Christopher Carhill king at Armes Hen. Redman Ione his wife Ric. Parker and Marg. his wife William Clauell The foundation of Sion Nuns and Priests Augustines Ex lit in Bib. S. Dewes Ecclesia omnium Angetorum Antony Sutton Hen●y Archer Io Robinson Katherine and Ioane his wiues Clement C●lyns Io. Holt Margery and Elizab●th his wiues Audrie Aundesham Io. Sampoll Sir Io. Payne Priest The Friery of Hounslow George Windsore William Iacob Stanes Priory Ex Lib. Abbat de Croxden in Bib Cotton Iohn Lord S●●ange Camd. in Shrop. George Lord Strange Iames Lord Strange Io. Flambard Edmund Flambard and Elis. his wife Io. Birkhed Sir Thomas Cornwall Camden in Shropshire Io. Bird Priest Io. Brent Specul Brit. Fowke de Brent Mat Westminst Mat. Pari● Tho. Iacob and Ioan his wife Io. Downmeer Ioan his wife Peter Goldesbrough Tho. Sanny Sir Tho. Frowicke knight Tho. Frowicke Ioane his wife Tho. Aldenham Io. Goodyere Ioane his wife Remaines 〈◊〉 Lady 〈◊〉 Hist of Wales ● ●●ord Specul Britan. Norden Io. Skeuington Peter Fabell the mer●y deuil of Edmunton Tho. Carleton Elis. his wife 〈◊〉 and Anne his wife Io. Innocent o● Incent vnder Treasurer of England Nic. Borne and Elis. his wife Io. Daniel Ioan and Alice his wiues Mawd Ekington Tho. Heningham George Heningham Elis. Turnant Margaret Compton Tho. Billington Grand Seargeant●e Kilborne Nunnery Hen. Lord Percy Earle of Northumberland Camd. in Surfex Alexander a Sergeant at Law Ioan Only Alice Ryder a Milke-maid Heron the founder of Hackeney Tho Hert Vicar Ione Curteys Roger Ford. Io. Butterfield Tho. Symonds Io. Catcher Hen. Therket Will. Henneage D. Cowell lit ● Io. Iennings Io. Elrington Cowell lit F. Will. Lowthe Rob. Walsingham Chr. Vrswicke the K. Almoner of Amuer Io Fowler Alice Fowler Tho. Sauill 〈…〉 Robert Middleton and his wife Katherine Mistelbrooke .... Grey and his wife Suruay Lond. Rob. Eve and Laurence his sister Hosp. of S. Giles founded S. Giles Bowle Hen. Steward Lord Darle Io. Kitt or Kite Bishop of Carlell Sir Hen. C●lle● Lord Ma●●r Rich. Pa●e Dea●e of S● Pauls Stow Annal. Cent. ● Nic. Gibson Sheriffe of London Iohn ●●●le o● Hereford Sir Io Chappalaine Priest Isabell Newmarche Camd. in Somerset Lewis B●ysbury Wi●l Wa●e and Io●ne his wife Iohn Pre●st Alice 〈◊〉 Io. Chandry Io Ingleby Foundation of the Priory in Hert. Raph Lord Limsey here bu●●ed Robert Saddington Mat Paris Francis Thinne Sir