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A71277 Athenæ Oxonienses. Vol. 2. an exact history of all the writers and bishops who have had their education in the most ancient and famous University of Oxford, from the fifteenth year of King Henry the Seventh, Dom. 1500, to the end of the year 1690 representing the birth, fortune, preferment, and death of all those authors and prelates, the great accidents of their lives, and the fate and character of their writings : to which are added, the Fasti, or, Annals, of the said university, for the same time ... Wood, Anthony à, 1632-1695. 1692 (1692) Wing W3383A; ESTC R200957 1,495,232 926

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With the said Letters which the author of these Athenae Oxon. received from Sir Tho. Herbert he received from him an account of the last days of K. Ch. 1. of ever blessed memory with an earnest desire that if he should have any occasion to make mention of that most pious and good King that he would by no means omit him for these reasons 1 Because in the said account there are many things that have not been yet divulg'd 2 That he was grown old and not in such a capacity as he could wish to publish it and thirdly that if he should leave it to his Relations to do it they out of ignorance or partiality may spoil it Upon his desire and these reasons given he did then promise him to find some place to receive it in a work that he was then consulting which is this of the Athenae Oxonienses And this place under Tho. Herbert the author of that account being most proper as I conceive shall be here set down How therefore the said King was taken out of the Scots hands at Newcastle and thence carried to Holdenby in Northamptonshire and thence hurried away to the Army and to Hampton Court and thence frighted or jugled into the Isle of Wight and thence hurried to Hurst Castle and afterwards to Windsore I shall tell you hereafter in the Fasti following in the history or characters of those men that I shall there mention who were actors in those matters When his Majesty was conveyed from Hurst Castle to that of Windsore and there for a time setled just before Christmas day an 1648 he seemed to take more delight than in any place he had been since his leaving Hampton Court For there he had the liberty to walk when and where he pleased within the Castle and on the large Tarras without which looks towards the Coll. of Eaton and hath a delightful view of the River Thames of many pleasant hills and valleys villages and fair houses far and near so as no place in this Kingdom may compare with it save the little Castle or Lodge in Greenwich Park which has the sight of the great and noble City of London the Thames and Ships of great burden dayly under sail passing to and fro with other things enumerated by John Barclay in his Argenis The greatest part of the forenoon the K. spent in prayer and other exercises of piety and part of the afternoon he appointed for health by recreating himself in walking usually in the Tarras before mentioned the Governour of the said Castle Coll. Chr. Whitchcot as in other places being for the most part in his company for want of others to discourse with None of the Nobility and but few of the Gentry were suffered to come into the Castle to see the King save only upon the Sundays to Sermons in S. Georges Chappel where the Chaplain to the Governour and Garrison preached Collonel Whitchcot behaved himself nevertheless very civilly towards the King and his observance was taken notice of by his Majesty The Soldiers also there gave no offence either in language or behaviour towards or any that serv'd him Whilst his Majesty continued at Windsore little passed worth the taking notice of only 1 That one night as the King was preparing to go to bed he wound up both his watches as his custom was one being gold the other silver and missing his diamond seal a table that had the Kings armes cut with great curiosity and fix'd to the gold watch by a gold chain he could not imagine when or where he dropt it yet thought he had it the day before when he looked upon his watch as he walked in the long Tarras At length after Mr. Herbert had made great search for it in the walks that his Majesty frequented but in vain his Majesty the next night discern'd it sparkling at one end of his Chamber by the help of the Charcole fire and the wax-lights then burning in the said Chamber 2 That on another night his Majesty appointed Mr. Herbert to come into his Bedchamber an hour sooner than usual the next morning but so it hapned he overslept his time and awakened not till the Kings silver bell hastned him in Herbert said the King you have not observed the command I gave last night and thereupon he acknowledged his fault Well said the K. I will order you for the future you shall have a gold alarum-watch which as there may be cause shall awake you write to the Earl of Pembroke to send me such an one presently He wrot and the Earl immediatly sent to Edw. East his Watch-maker in Fleetstreet about it of which more will be said at his Majesties coming to S. James's 3 That on a third night an accident hapned which might have proved of ill consequence if God in his mercy had not prevented it Mr. Herbert lodged in a little back room near his Majesties Bedchamber towards Eaton Coll. It had a back stair which was at that time ramb'd up with earth to prevent any passage that way In this room he had a pallet which for that the weather was very sharp he laid somewhat too near the Chimney near which were two baskets fill'd with Charcoal for the use of his Maj. Bedchamber While Mr. Herbert was asleep a basket took fire either from some sparkle from the charcoal in the Chimney or some other way he knew not off but the room was soon hot and the fire got to the Pallet-bed which quickly rouzed Mr. Herbert out of his sleep who thereupon ran to the Kings Bedchamber door and in a frightful manner with that noise awakened the King Those without being Soldiers hearing the Kings Chamber was on fire desired entrance that they might help to quench it but through the goodness of God those within without other assistance did suppress it by stifling it with clothes and confining it to the Chimney which was spacious Mr. Herbert did humbly beg his Majesties pardon for the disturbance he gave not knowing how to help it the King said he did but his duty Soon after the Governour acquainted his Majesty that he was in few days to be removed thence to Whitehall To which his Majesty made little or no reply seeming nothing so delighted with his remove as he was with the former viz. from Hurst to Windsore Castles and turning himself about said God is every where alike in wisdom power and goodness Some information he had received how preposterously things went in both Houses of Parliament and how that the Officers of the Army were hatching a thing called The agreement of the people designing thereby an alteration of the government and trial of his Person by some way that was extraordinary and unpresidented So that immediatly he retired into his Bedchamber and was a good while private in his addresses to God ever having recourse to him by prayer and meditation in what condition soever he was as being the surest way to find comfort The day
Lieut. Gen. to Oxon when they were invited thither by the then Members of the University to see what a Godly Reformation the Committee and Visitors had made therein May 19. Sir Hardress Waller Kt was the first that was presented by Zanchy the junior Proctor which being done he was conducted up to Cromwell just before presented to the degree of Dr. of the Civ Law sitting on the left hand of him that then held the Chancellours chair Dr. Chr. Rogers Deput Vicechanc. and with due Ceremony was seated on his left side This person was son and heir of George Waller of Groombridge in Kent Esq by Mary his wife daugh of Rich. Hard●ess Esq Relict of Sir Will. Ashenden Kt which George was elder brother to Sir Thom. Waller father of Sir Will. Waller lately one of the Parl. Generals mention'd among the Writers an 1668. p. 297. and marrying with the daugh and co-heir of Sir Joh. Dowdall or Dovedall of Limerick in Ireland Kt enjoyed fair inheritances by her and spent most of his time there In the beginning of the grand Rebellion he was a Royalist in opinion but with the more gainfuller times he turn'd Presbyt●●ian and at length a strong Independent and thereupon was made a Committee-man and afterwards a Colonel of Horse He had been lately one of the Judges of K. Ch. 1 and sate when Sentence past upon him for his decollation for which service he was afterwards made Major Gen. of the Army in Ireland Where continuing till the revolution of affairs brought Monarchy again into England he did upon the issuing out of the Kings Proclamation surrender himself to mercy Whereupon being brought to his trial for having a hand in the murther of his said Prince he shew'd very great reluctancy for what he had done and was thereupon conveyed from his prison in the Tower to the Isle of Wight there to continue during his life an 1660 aged 56 years Whither he was afterwards removed thence I cannot tell nor where he died May 19. Colonel Tho. Harrison was presented next by Zanchy and conducted by him on the other side This person who was the son of a Butcher or Grasier of Newcastle under Line in Staffordshire was after he had been educated in some Grammar Learning placed with one Hulke or Hulker an Attorney of Cliffords Inn and when out of his time became a kind of a Pettisogger as 't is said but finding little profit thence he betook himself from the pen to the sword in the Parliament Army when they first raised a Rebellion against their King and having a tongue well hung he did by his enthusiastical Preaching and great pretence to piety so far insinuate himself with the deluded Army that he pass'd from one Command to another till he attained to be a Major and a great Confident of Ol. Cromwell and so consequently his close friend in breaking the Presbyterian faction in both Houses in depriving them of their King and at length in bringing him to the block as by these particulars it doth appear First he was the person appointed by Oliver or at least the Adjutators of the Army to go to Hurst Castle where the King was Prisoner to the end that he should enform the Governour thereof that he deliver his Majesty up to a party of Horse that should be ready to receive him in order to his conveyance to Windsore Castle and so to Westminster to be tried This was by Harrison done about the 15 of Dec. 1648 for on the 21 following he was conveyed thence towards Windsore See more in Jam. Harrington among the Writers an 1677. p. 438. Secondly that after his Majesty had left Hurst Castle and was conveyed from Milford three miles distant thence by a party of the Rebels Horse to Winchester and thence to Alton and so to Alresford this Major Harrison appeared in the head of another party between that place and Farnham to the end that he might bring up the rear His party was drawn up in good order by which his Maj. was to pass and the Major in the head of them gallantly mounted and armed with a Velvet Montier on his head and a new Buff-coat on his back with a Crimson silk Scarf about his waist richly fring'd The King as he passed by on horse-back with an easie pace as delighted to see men well hors'd and arm'd the Major gave the King a bow with his head Alla soldad which his Majesty requited This was the first time that the King saw the Major at which time Tho. Herbert Groom of the Bedchamber from whom I had this story riding a little behind the King his Majesty call'd him to come near and ask'd him who that Captain was and being by him told that it was Major Harrison the King viewed him more narrowly and fix'd his eyes so steadily upon him as made the Major abashed and fall back to his party sooner than probably he intended The K. said he looked like a Soldier and that his aspect was good and found him not such an one as was represented and that having judgment in faces if he had observed him so well before he should not have harbour'd that ill opinion of him for oft times the spirit and disposition may be discerned in the countenance That night the K. got to Farnham where he was lodged in a private Gentleman's house in the town the Castle there being then a Garrison for the Parliament and a little before supper his Majesty standing by the fire in a large wainscoted parlour and in discourse with the Mistress of the House the King notwithstanding the room was pretty full of Army Officers and Country People that crowded in to have a sight of him did at length see the Major at the farther end of the Parlour talking with another Officer Whereupon beckoning to him with his hand to come nearer he did so accordingly with due reverence And his Majesty taking him by the arm drew him aside towards the window where for half an hour or more they did discourse together Among other things the King minded him of the information that he had received concerning the murder that he intended on him in the Isle of Wight which if true rendred him an enemy in the worst sense to his person The Major in his vindication assured his Majesty that what was reported of him was not true yet he might report that the Law was equally obliging to great and small and that Justice had no respect to persons or words to that purpose which his Majesty finding affectedly spoken and to no good end he left off farther communication with him and went to supper being all the time very pleasant which was no small rejoycing to many there to see him so cheerful in that company and in such a dolorous condition Thirdly that when his Majesty went thence to Bagshot and there dined in the Lord Newburgh's house the said Major ordered Centries to be set at every door where he was and after
and Church for a long time after But being a man of parts and eminent in the retired Walks of Learning he was looked upon as a person worth the gaining Whereupon Dr. Laud Archb. of Cant. took upon him to do and at last effected it and to shew what great esteem his Maj. and the Archb. had for the book then lately published Sir Will. Beecher one of the Clerks of the Council was sent with a copy of it to the Barons of the Exchequer in the open Court an 1636 to be by them laid up as a most inestimable Jewel among the choice Records which concerned the Crown In this book he did not only assert the Sovereignty or dominion of the British Seas to the Crown of England but clearly proved by constant and continual practice that the Kings of England used to levy money from the Subjects without help of Parliament for the providing of Ships and other Necessaries to maintain that Sovereignty which did of right belong unto them This he brings home to the time of King Hen. 2. and might have brought it nearer to his own times had he been so pleased and thereby paved a plain way to the payment of Ship-money but then he must have thwarted the proceedings of the House of Commons in the Parliament going before wherein he had been a great Stickler voting down under a kind of Anathema the Kings pretensions of right to all help from the Subject either in Tonage or Poundage or any other ways whatsoever the Parliament not co-operating and contributing towards it But howsoever it was the Service was as grateful as the Author acceptable from thenceforth both a frequent and welcome guest at Lambeth house where he was grown into such esteem with the Archbishop that he might have chose his own preferment in the Court as it was then generally believed had he not undervalued all other Employments in respect of his Studies But possibly there might be some other reason as my Author saith for his declining such Employments as the Court might offer He had not yet forgotten the Affronts which were put upon him about the Hist of Tithes for in the notion of Affronts he beheld them always and therefore he did but make fair weather for the time till he could have an opportunity to revenge himself on the Church and Churchmen the King being took into the reckoning For no sooner did the Archb. begin to sink in power and credit under the first pressures of the Long Parliament but he published a book in Greek and Lat. by the name of Eutychius with some notes upon it in which he made it his chief business to prove that Bishops did not otherwise differ from the rest of the Presbyterrs than doth a Master of a College from the Fellows thereof and so by consequence that they differ'd only in degree not order And afterwards when his Majesty began to decline in the love of the Parliament and that the heats grew strong between them he was affirmed to have written An answer to his Majesties Declaration about the Commission of Array which in effect proved a plain putting of the sword into the hands of the people So hard it is for any one to discern the hearts of men by their outward actions but the God that made them But now let 's proceed to the other books that our learned Author hath written De successionibus in Bona Defuncti secundum leges Hebraeorum Lond. 1631. 36. Lugd. Bat. 1638. oct Franc. ad Oderam 1673. qu. De successione in Pontificatum Hebraeorum lib. duo This is printed and goes with the former book De jure naturali gentium juxta disciplinam Hebraeorum lib. 7. Lond. 1640. fol. Argentor 1665. qu. Brief discourse concerning the power of Peers and Commons of Parliament in point of Judicature Lond. 1640. in two sh in qu. Written either by Selden or by Sir Simonds D'ewes Kt. and Baronet Answer to Harbottle Grimston's Argument concerning Bishops Lond. 1641. qu. Discourse concerning the Rights and Privileges of the Subjects in a conference desired by the Lords and had by a Committee of both Houses an 1628. Lond. 1642. in qu. Privileges of the Baronage of England when they sit in Parliament Lond. 1642. in oct Versio comment ad Eutychii Ecclesiae Alexandrinae Origines Lond. 1642. in qu. To which are added the said Eutychius his Annals with Comments thereon by Edw. Pocock of C. C. Coll. Oxon. De anno civili calendario judaico Lond. 1644. qu. Lugd. Bat. 1683. oct Uxor Hebraica sive de nuptiis ac divortiis lib. 3. Lond. 1646. Franc. ad od 1673. qu. Fleta seu comment juris Anglicani sic nuncupatus Lond. 1647. qu. Tractatus Gallicanus fet assavoir dictus de agendi excipiendique formulis Dissertatio historica ad Fletam These two last are printed and go with Fleta Prefatio ad Historiae Anglicanae scriptores decem Lond. 1652. fol. De Synedriis Praefecturis veterum Hebraeorum lib. 3. Lond. 1650. qu. Amst 1679. qu. Which last Edition had divers corrections made to purge out the errors of the former by reason of the many languages 20 in number therein Vindiciae secundum integritatem existimationis suae per convitium de scriptione Maris clausi Lond. 1653. qu. In which are many things said of himself God made man A Tract proving the Nativity of our Saviour to be on the 25 of December Lond. 1661. oct with the Authors picture before it This posthumous book was answer'd in the first Postscript after a book intit A brief but true account of the certain year month day and minute of the birth of Jesus Christ Lond. 1671. oct written by John Butler Bach. of Div. Chapl. to James Duke of Ormond and Rector of Liechborow in the dioc of Peterborough The second Postscript is against Mich. Seneschal D. D. his tract on the same subject This Butler whom I take to be a Cambridge man is a great Pretender to Astrology and hath lately some sharp debates in print in reference thereunto with Dr. Hen. More of the same University Discourse of the Office of Lord Chancellour of England Lond. 167● fol. To which is added W. Dugdales Cat. of Lord Chanc. and L. Keepers of England from the Norman Conquest De nummis c. Lond. 1675. qu. Bibl. nummaria Lond. 1675. qu. Both which are dedicated to that sometimes curious Antiquary for Coynes Sir Simonds D'ewes Kt. and Bar. who being eminent in his time for those studies which he professed and therefore much respected by our Author Selden I shall say these things following of him viz. 1 That he was born at Coxden the inheritance of his Mother near to Chardstock in Dorsetshire on the 18 of Decemb. 1602 according to the Julian Accompt 2 That he was son of Paul D'ewes Esq one of the six Clerks in Chancery by Cecilia his Wife daughter and heir of Rich. Symonds of Coxden before mentioned Which Paul was son of Gerard D'ewes of
concerning the water of S. Vincents Rocks near Bristol Brief and accurate treatise concerning the taking of the fume of Tobacco These four last were printed with Via recta Philosophical discourse of dieterical Observations for the preserving of health Printed 1620. qu. He died at Bathe on the 27 day of March in sixteen hundred and sixty and was buried in the south Isle joyning to the great Church there dedicated to S. Peter Over his grave was soon after put a very fair Monument with the bust of the defunct in the east wall with a large inscription thereon made by Dr. Rob. Peirce a Physician of Bathe sometimes a Com. of Linc. College a copy of which with most envious notes on it you may see in a book intit A discourse of Bathe c. printed 1676. in oct p. 170. 171. written by a Physician of note in that City HENRY HAMMOND son of Dr. John Hammond Physitian to Prince Henry was born at Chersey in Surrey on the 26 of Aug. 1605 educated in Grammar Learning in Eaton School near to Windsore where he was much advantaged in the Greek Tongue by Mr. Tho. Allen Fellow of that College In the year 1622 Jul. 30 he was made Demie of Magd. Coll. and the same year was admitted Bach. of Arts. In 1625 he proceeded in that faculty and on the 26 of July the same year he was elected Fellow of that house being then Philosophy Reader and a singular ornament thereunto In 1633 he had the Rectory of Penhurst in Kent confer'd on him by the Earl of Leicester who a little before had been deeply affected with a Sermon that he had delivered at Court and in the latter end of the same year he was admitted to the reading of the Sentences In 1638 he was licensed to proceed in the faculty of Divinity and in 1640 he was made a member of the Convocation of the Clergy called with the short Parliament that began the 13 of April the same year In 1643 he had the Archdeaconry of Chichester confer'd upon him by Dr. Duppa Bishop thereof and the same year he was nominated one of the Ass of Divines but sate not About which time being forced to leave his Rectory by the Presbyterians he retired to Oxon for shelter and the year following was entertained by the Duke of Richmond and Earl of Southampton to go as their Chaplain with them to London to treat with the Parliament for a composure of the unhappy differences in Church and State so that behaving himself with great zeal and prudence was also the same year appointed to attend the Kings Commissioners at Uxbridge for peace where it being his lot to dispute with Rich. Vines a Presbyterian Minister that attended the Commissioners appointed by Parliament he did with ease and perfect clearness disperse all the Sophisms that had been brought by him or others against him In the beginning of 1645 he was upon the death of Dr. VVill. Strode made one of the Canons of Ch. Ch. in Oxon and Chaplain in ord to his Majesty then there by vertue of which place I mean the Canonry he became Orator of the University but had seldom an opportunity to shew his parts that way In 1647 he attended the King in his restraint at VVoobourne Caversham Hampton Court and the Isle of VVight but he being sequestred from the office of Chaplain to him about Christmas the same year he retired to his Canonry in Oxon and being elected Sub dean of his house continued there till the Visitors appointed by Parliament first thrust him out without any regard had to his great Learning and Religion and then imprison'd him for several weeks in a private house in Oxon. Afterwards he was confin'd to the house of Sir Philip Warwick at Clapham in Bedfordshire where continuing several months was at length released Whereupon retiring to Westwood in Worcestershire the seat of the loyal Sir John Packington to which place he had received a civil invitation remained there doing much good to the day of his death in which time he had the disposal of great Charities reposed in his hands as being the most zealous promoter of Alms giving that lived in England since the change of Religion Much more may be said of this most worthy person but his life and death being extant written by Dr. Jo. Fell his great Admirer I shall only now say that great were his natural abilities greater his acquired and that in the whole circle of Arts he was most accurate He was also eloquent in the Tongues exact in antient and modern Writers was well vers'd in Philosophy and better in Philology most learned in school Divinity and a great Master in Church Antiquity made up of Fathers Councils ecclesiastical Historians and Lyturgicks as may be at large seen in his most elaborate Works the Titles of which follow A practical Catechism Oxon 1644. and Lond. 1646. qu. There again in 1652 in two vol. in qu. This Catechism was first of all published upon the importune Request of Dr. Christop Potter Provost of Queens Coll. to whom he had communicated yet could never get him to set his name to it Of Scandal Oxon. 1644. qu. Of Conscience Lond. 1650. qu. Of resisting the lawful Magistrate under colour of Religion Oxon. 1644. Lond. 1647. qu. Of Will●worship Oxon. 1644. qu. Considerations of present use concerning the danger resulting from the change of our Church Government Printed 1644 and 46. Lond. 1682. qu. Of Superstition Ox. 1645. Lond. 1650. qu. Of sins of weakness and wilfulness Oxon. 1645 50. quart Explication of two difficult texts Heb. 6. and Heb. 10. Printed with Sins of weakness c. Of a late or death-bed repentance Ox. 1645. qu. View of the Directorie and vindication of the Liturgie Ox. 1645. 46. c. qu. Of Idolatry Ox. 1646. Lond. 1650. qu. The Reader ●s now to understand that after the Lord Falklands book called A discourse of the infallibility of the Church of Rome was published came out a book written by a Rom. Cath. intit A Treatise apologetical touching the infallibility of the Church Catholick c. printed 1645. Whereupon our Author Dr. Hammond wrot and published A view of the Exceptions which have been made by a Romanist to the Lord Viscount Falklands Discourse of the infallibility of the Ch. of Rome Oxon. 1646. quart The power of the keys or of binding and loosing Lond. 1647. 51. qu. Of the word KRIMA Of the Zelots among the Jews and the liberty taken by them of taking up the Cross Lond. 1647. qu. joyned with the second Edit Of resisting the lawful Magistrate Vindication of Christs representing S. Peter from the Exceptions of Mr. Steph. Marshall Lond. 1647. qu. joyned with the second Edit Of resisting the lawful Magistrate Of fraternal admonition and correption Lond. 1647. 50. qu. Copie of some papers past at Oxon between Dr. Hammond the Author of the Practical Catechism and Mr. Franc. Cheynell Lond. 1647 and 50 in qu. View of some
true which he delivers Duppa an Englishman cannot be the Author yet Quaere He surrendred up his pious soul to the great God that first gave it on the 26 of March in sixteen hundred sixty and two having the day before been visited by his Maj. out of his wonted piety and goodness He died as he lived honoured and beloved of all that knew him a person of so clear and eminent candor that he left not the least spot upon his life or function maugre the busie sedition of those Brethren who then as before black'd the very Surplice and made the Liturgy profane He had a more than ordinary affection to live at Richmond where he privately resided several years in the late broken times as I have before told you but especially because it was the place where first he conveyed the Principles into the Prince Afterwards his body being conveyed to York-house in the Strand where it laid in state for some time was decently conveyed thence on the 24 of April following to the Abbey Church of S. Peter at Westminster where it was buried in the Area on the North side of the Chappel of S. Edward the Confessor At which time Dr. Hen. King B. of Chichester a most admirable and florid Preacher in his younger days preached a Sermon to the great content of the Auditory containing many Elogiums of the Defunct which as also his monuments of piety and charity I shall for brevity sake now pass by Soon after was a fair mon. mostly of white marble fastned to the Wall over his grave with an inscription thereon In the Church Register of Lewsham in Kent I find one Brian Son of Jeffry Duppa to be baptized there 18 March 1580 having been born in the Vicaridge-house of that place Which Jeffry Duppa who was Vicar I take to be Father of Dr. Duppa and Brian to be his elder brother deceased HAMLETT PULESTON was born at Old Ailresford in Hampshire admitted Scholar of Wadham Coll. 20 Aug. 1647 aged 16 years took a degree in Arts and then was made Fellow of Jesus Coll. Afterwards proceeding in that Faculty he became a Preacher in these parts He hath written a book intit Monarchiae Britannicae singularis protectio or a brief historical Essay tending to prove God's especial Providence over the British Monarchy c. Lond. 1660. qu. He died at London in a poor condition and in an obscure house in the beginning of the year sixteen hundred sixty and two but where buried I cannot tell His Father Rich. Puleston was a learned Doct. of Div. was Parson of Abbotsworthy in Hampshire and tho born at Bircot in the Parish of Dorchester in Oxfordshire yet he was descended from the antient and gentile Family of the Pulestons commonly called Pilstons in Flintshire WILLIAM FIENNES was the nearest Kinsman to William of Wykeham Founder of New Coll as being lineally descended from William Lord Say killed in the battle at Barnet 2 Ed. 4. Dom. 1471 by his Wife Margaret dau and heir of Will. de Wykeham Lord of the Mannour of Broughton near Banbury in Oxfordshire Son of Sir Tho. de Wykeham Knight Son of Will. Perot by Alice his Wife Daughter of Will. Champneis by Agnes his Wife Sister to Will of Wykeham B. of Winton and Founder of New Coll. before mention'd This person Will. Fiennes whom we are farther to mention was born at Broughton aforesaid being the eldest Son of Sir Rich. Fiennes to whom King Jam. 1. in the first year of his Reign had recognized and confirmed the dignity and honour of the Baron Say and Sele was trained up in Grammaticals in Wykehams School near Winton became a Fellow Commoner of New Coll. at about 14 years of age in 1596 where spending some time in Logicals and Philosophicals was called home for a time Afterwards he travelled beyond the seas and at his return being invested in a fair Estate did some years after give and obtain a vast sum of money towards the Wa● in the Palatinate which was very pleasing to his ● ● K. Jam. 1. yet shewing kindness to his neighbours by leaving it to their pleasure to pay towards that War what they thought fit he was on notice given to his Majesty committed to custody in the month of June 1●22 whence being soon after released he was on the 7 of July 22 Jac. 1. Dom. 1624. advanced from a Baron ●o be Viscount Say and Sele at which time he stood up 〈◊〉 the Privileges of Magna Charta but after the grand Rebellion broke out he looked upon it as a ridiculous 〈◊〉 such was the mutability of the man The truth is he being ill natur'd cholerick severe and rigid and withal highly conceited of his own worth did expect great matters at Court but they failing he sided therefore with the discontented party the Puritan and took all occasions cunningly to promote a Rebellion For so it was that several years before the Civil War began he being looked upon at that time the Godfather of that Party had meetings of them in his house at Broughton where was a room and passage thereunto which his Servants were prohibited to come near and when they were of a compleat number there would be great noises and talkings heard among them to the admiration of those that lived in the house yet could they never discern their Lords Companions At other times he would be present at their meetings in the house of Knightley at Fawsley in Northamptonshire where as at other places in the Kingdom they had their Council Chambers and chief Speakers And what Embryo's were conceived in the Country were shaped in Greys-Inn-Lane near London where the Undertakers for the Isle of Providence did meet brought them to pass and put them out to Nurse in London In 1639 he was a great Favourer of the Scotch Covenant and had much correspondence with the Scotch Commissioners and when the Long Parliament began in 1640 for the continuance of which he perswaded as 't is said his Majesty to consent shewed himself soon after so active therein as in others before that he with Pym Hamden and Strode three of the five Members were esteemed Parliament-drivers or Swayers of all the Parliaments wherein they sat Whereupon his Majesty being fully satisfied that he was discontented as indeed he was for want of Offices he had ran himself much into debt he confer'd upon him the Mastership of the Court of Wards 17 May 1641 in the place of Francis Lord Cottington who some months before had given it up to please a new Favourite and admitted him to be one of his Privy Council But all this satisfying not he grew more active in the House when it was to be continued and when the King was forced from his Parliament to take up Arms in his own defence then did he cause his House at Broughton to be fortified for the use of the Parliament shewed himself an enemy to Prelacy to Archb. Laud an incliner to
a Republick and I know not what to advance himself In the month of Aug. the same year he was made Lord Lieutenant of Oxfordshire by the Parliament and was persuaded almost to fortifie the City of Oxon for their use and to make Bulstrode Whitlock sometimes of S. Johns Coll. then a Member of Parliament Governour thereof but for what reasons he could not be overcome it appears not At the same time he did endeavour to engage the People of the said County in a Rebellion not only at Oxon but afterwards at Woodstock where he did protest upon his honour after Edghill Fight that the King had neither men nor money nor arms but the Parliament had all these c. On the 27 of Dec. and 8 of Febr. in 1642 his Maj. published two Proclamations commanding all the Officers of the Court of Wards to attend him at Oxon but this Lord Say refusing to come was outlaw'd and attainted of Treason So that he being put out of his place and a new Seal made for the use of the said Court it was ordered then to remain in the custody of the said Francis Lord Cottington In 1646 the Court of Wards was taken away by the Parliament sitting at Westminster the Members of which did recompence the Lord Say for his loss as being Master with the sum of 10000 l and Sir Ben. Rudyard the Surveyour of the said Court with the sum of 6000 l and both with Lands from the Earl of Worcester's Estate In 1648 he shew'd himself a zealous enemy in the House against a personal Treaty with his Majesty and the same year was present with the Parliament Commissioners in the Isle of Wight when they treated in order for Peace with the King At which time this Lord Say did boldly urge to his Maj. a passage out of the three last and corrupted books of Mr. Rich. Hocker's Ecclesiastical Polity that tho the King was singulis major yet he was universis minor which was answer'd with great prudence and dexterity by his Maj. as may be elsewhere seen At that time the Kings Arguments concerning several matters did so much work upon him that at his return to London he sided with that party in the House that voted that the Kings Answers to the Propositions were a firm ground for them to proceed upon for a Peace After the King's death he altogether sided with the Independents as before he had done with the Presbyterians became great with Oliver who made him one of the other House that is House of Lords After the restauration of K. Ch. 2. at what time he had acted as a grand Rebell for his own ends almost 20 years he was rewarded forsooth with the honorable Office of Lord Privy Seal while others that had suffered in estate and body and had been reduced to a bit of bread for his Maj. cause had then little or nothing given to relieve them for which they were to thank a hungry and great Officer who to fill his own Coffers was the occasion of the utter ruin of many A person of the Lord Say's persuasion who had run with the times as he did purposely to raise a family saith that he was a person of great parts wisdom and integrity and another who was taken to be a Puritan in his time tells us that Say and Sele was a seriously subtil piece and always averse to the Court ways something out of pertinaciousness his temper and constitution ballancing him altogether on that side which was contrary to the wind so that he seldom tack'd about or went upright though he kept his course steady in his way a long time c. As for the things that he hath published the titles of them are these Several Speeches as 1 Two Speeches in Parliament One upon the Bill against the Bishops and the other touching the Liturgy of the Church of Engl Lond. 1641. in two sh in quart 2 Sp. in the Guildhall London 27 Oct. 1642. Lond. 1642. qu. This was spoken just after Edghill Fight to encourage the Citizens to raise more money to carry on the War At which time also were very earnest in their Speeches for that purpose Philip Lord Wharton Philip Earl of Pembroke Henry Earl of Holland and Will. Str●de one of the 5 Members 3 Speech in Parliament against the Supremacy of the Bishops and their power in civil Affairs Lond. 1642. qu. This with the former against the Bishops were much applauded among the patriotical Party whose sense they spoke out to the full and were the core of the Canker bred in them against the Church These Speeches also did the Clergy take to be their chief reason of their several years of Persecution that followed and why they were banished from their Livings for fear forsooth they should preach the People then in a great manner deceived into obedience to the King After the War was ceased and no Malignants there were as he called the Cavaliers to oppose him he shew'd himself an Enemy to the Quakers with whom he was much troubled at or near Broughton and thereupon wrot certain books against them as I shall tell you by and by The Scots designe discovered relating their dangerous attempts lately practised against the English Nation with the sad consequence of the same Wherein divers matters of publick concernment are disclosed and the book called Truths manifest is made apparent to be Lies manifest Lond. 1653 qu. This is usually called Vindiciae veritatis or an Answer to a Discourse intit Truth it 's manifest c. Folly and madness made manifest Or Some things written to shew how contrary to the word of God and practice of the Saints in the Old and New Testament the doctrines and practices of the Quakers are c. Oxon. 1659. qu. This I think was printed before The Quakers reply manifested to be rayling or a pursuance of those by the light of the Scriptures who through their dark imaginations would evade the truth c. Oxon. 1659 60. qu. and other things which I have not yet seen At length this noble Author after he had spent 80 years mostly in an unquiet and discontented condition had been a grand promoter of the Rebellion which began in 1642 did die quietly in his bed but whether in conscience I cannot tell on the fourteenth day of April in sixteen hundred sixty and two whereupon his body was buried in Broughton Church among the graves of his Ancestors and had over it soon after a rich and costly monument erected more befitting a Hero than a Rebell He left behind him several sons living at the time of his death among whom James his eldest son was one who succeeding him in his Honours was made L. Lieutenant of Oxfordshire having always been reputed an honest Cavalier and a quiet man Nathaniel the second son whom I shall mention elsewhere c. ROBERT SIBTHORPE was initiated in Academical Learning in Linc. Coll. as it seems but leaving the University
speech in vindication of himself and the rest of the Bishops from any design to bring in Popery or innovating in the Government and forms of Worship here by Law established On the 30 of the said month the Lords censure was put in execution in the Pallace-yard at Westminster at which time suffer'd also by clipping of ears John Bastwick Dr. of Physick not of this but of another University and Hen. Burton Bac. of Div. Minister of S. Mathews Church in Friday-street in London On the 27 of July following our Author Prynne was removed from the Tower to the Fleet and the same day being guarded he began his journey towards Caernarvan Castle in Wales from which time till the 5 of Aug. when then he arrived at Caernarvan he was met saluted bless'd and exhibited to by the godly party in all chief Towns that he passed thro But such a haunt there was to the said Castle when he was there that for the prevention of all intelligence and correspondence to be held between him and Burton in Lancaster Castle or with the said Party the State found it necessary to remove him to Mount Orgueil Castle in the Isle of Jersey So that by vertue of a warrant dated 27 Aug. Prynne was conveyed thither not without great danger in January following where being well used tho closely shut up he exercised his pen in writing divine and profitable Meditations In 1640 Nov. 7. an order issued out from the blessed House of Commons as by the said godly party it was called for his releasment from his prison as also for the releasment of Bastwick who was then in S. Maries Castle in the Isle of Scilly and for Burton in Castle Cornet in the Isle of Guernsey So that our Author Prynne and Burton who were Prisoners at no great distance met together at Guernsey and travelled in each others company to London In whose passage thither divers of the godly party met them at Dartmouth Exeter Lime Dorchester Salisbury Andover Basing and elsewhere visited them blest them and accompanied them on horse-back some part of their way On the 28 of the same month they triumphantly entred London being then accompanied by thousands on foot and horse-back and in coaches with rosemary and bays in their hats crying Welcome home welcome home God bless you God be thanked for your return c. to the great defiance and contempt of Authority and Justice On the 30 of the said month they were both presented by their Keepers who came with them to the Commons House where they had liberty granted to frame new Petitions in their own names according to their own liking and to present them to the house as soon as they could prepare them The 3 of Dec. following Prynne presented a large Petition fully shewing his sufferings and the grand tyranny as he call'd it of the Archbishop c. for which afterwards he had a large requital Not long after upon the leaving of the House of Commons by divers Members purposely to adhere to his Majesty he was elected a Recruiter for a Borough in Cornwall to serve in that most unhappy Parliament So that being setled in the House he became the most busie and pragmatical person of the Herd and so inveterate and implacable against the Bishops but more in an especial manner against Laud in private action and speech with him while he was Prisoner in the Tower in publick speeches against him in the Parliament-house and in writing and publishing books and Pamphlets of and against him that he could scarce take quiet rest till he had fetch'd off his head in requital of his ears that he as Prynne pretended had taken off before But of these matters when it was too late and that he had fully seen to what great woe misery and confusion the godly party had brought the King and the Nation he did heartily repent and wished that when they had cut off his ears they had cut off his head During the sitting of the Long Parliament he shew'd himself a zealous Covenantier in ordering and setling Presbytery but when the Independents began to overtop the Brethren he shew'd himself a bitter enemy to them and advanced much the Kings Cause especially in his declension In 1647 he was appointed one of the Visitors for the Univ. of Oxon by the said Parliament and how busily he behaved himself the●e in Apr. 1648 I have told you elsewhere See in Hist Antiq. Univ. Oxon lib. 1. sub an 1648. On the 6 of Dec. 1648 he with other members of the H. of Com. were turn'd out from the House by the Army and imprison'd for that they were zealous for peace and in bringing the King to his Parliament Whereupon he became a bitter enemy to the said Army and Oliver their Leader doing them also much mischief by publishing divers Pamphlets against them and their tyranny Soon after he conveyed his Estate away to one or more of his Relations and thereupon denied the paying of taxes and stood in open defiance to Oliver for which he was imprison'd in Dunster Castle in Somersetshire and brought into trouble He then stood much upon Magna Charta the liberty of the Subject for which he was beloved by several Cavaliers and I know not what But all that he did being to little purpose he bent his mind and pen for some time against the Papists Jews Quakers c. and in writing books of Divinity which being not answer'd or seem'd to be regarded he grew as 't were weary of himself began to look up at last and to settle on more moderate and quiet courses On the 21 of Feb. 1659 he as a secluded Member of the Commons house being restored to sit again became instrumental for the Kings Restauration and so forward and bold that he openly spoke in the house when it was not then seasonable for such expressions that if the King must come in it was safest for them that he should come in by the Votes who had made the War against his father c. Which I say being then unseasonably spoken he was sent for by General Monk and his privy Counsellors and admonished to be quiet and then it was the business of Mr. Will. Morice to keep the then expiring Parliament steddy and clear from intermedling in the change of Government in which case he did excellent service punctually observing the directions of the General who passionately longed for their dissolution In Apr. 1660 he the said Prynne was chose a Burgess for the City of Bathe to sit in the Healing Parliament that began at Westm 25 of the said month and after his Maj. Restauration he instead of being made one of the Barons of the Exchequer which as 't is said he sought after was made chief Keeper of his Maj. Records in the Tower of London with 500 l. per an salary but afterwards much lessened purposely to employ his head from scribling against the State and Bishops But so it
should have known whether he was the same who was afterwards the famed Author of Hudibras After Sam. Butler had continued in Cambridge about 6 or 7 years but in what Coll. or Hall his brother knows not he was taken into the service of Elizabeth Countess of Kent in whose family living several years he did for a diversion exercise his parts in Painting and Musick and at length became so noted for the first that he was entirely beloved of Sam. Cooper the Prince of Limners of his age Great Selden who was much conversant in the family of that Countess had an esteem for and would often employ him to write letters beyond sea and translate for him At riper years he studied the Common Law but did not practise it only lived on the jounture of a widow that he had married After the restauration of K. Ch. 2 he became Secretary to Richard Earl of Carbury L. President of the Principality of Wales and of the Marches thereof who as 't is said made S. Butler Steward of Ludlow Castle when the Court there was revived Afterwards he became Secretary to George Duke of Buckingham when he was made Chancellour of the University of Cambridge and had promises of places and employments of greater value and credit from Edward Earl of Clarendon when he was L. Chanc. of England especially for this cause that his Majesty had a respect for him and the more for his poem called Hudibras the first part of which came out in 8o. an 1663 and was not only taken into his Majesties hands and read by him with great delight but also by all Courtiers loyal Scholars and Gentlemen to the great profit of the Author and Bookseller Afterwards came out a second part and both printed together with several additions and annotations And at length a third and last part but without annotations as by the copy printed 1678 appears In 1682 was published in 8o. Butlers Ghost or Hudibras The fourth part with reflections on these times But whether he was the Author of I know not for I have not yet seen it This Sam. Butler who was a boon and witty companion especially among the company he knew well died of a Consumption 25 of Sept. 1680 and was according to his desire buried six foot deep in the yard belonging to the Church of S. Paul in Covent Garden within the Liberty of Westminster viz. at the west end of the said yard on the north side and under the wall of the Church and under that wall which parts the yard from the common high way As for our voluminous Author Will. Prynne he died in his lodgings in Lincolns Inn on the 24 of Oct. in sixteen hundred sixty and nine and was buried in the Walk under the Chappel there which stands upon Pillars Over whose grave tho there is no Epitaph only his name and Obit which are now worn out yet I shall venture to give you this Epitaph that was then made upon him Here lies the corps of William Prynne A Bencher late of Lincolns Inn Who restless ran through thick and thin This grand scripturient paper-spiller This endless needless margin-filler Was strangly tost from post to pillar His brains career were never stopping But pen with rheume of gall still dropping Till hand o're head brought ears to cropping Nor would he yet surcease such theams But prostitute new virgin-reams To types of his fanatick dreams But whilst he this hot humour hugs And for more length of tedder tugs Death fang'd the remnant of his lugs NATHANIEL FIENNES second son to Will. Fiennes Vicount Say and Sele of whom I have made mention before was born at Broughton in Oxfordshire educated in Grammar learning in Wykeham's school near Winchester admitted perpetual Fellow of New Coll. at his first entry therein because he was a Founders kinsman an 1624 aged 16 years where continuing about 5 years departed without a degree and went to the Inns of Court or to travel or both In 1640 he was elected Burgess for Banbury to sit in that Parliament which began at Westm in Apr. the same year and again for the same place to sit in that that commenc'd the 3 of Nov. following wherein shewing himself very busie and zealous for the Cause had a Commission given to him to be Captain of a Troop and afterwards to be Colonel of a Regiment of Horse under Robert Earl of Essex the Capt. Gen. of the Parliament Forces raised to fight against the King Afterwards shewing himself a zealot for the Covenant and professing himself in all respects to be a thorough-paced Parliamenteer was made Governour of the Garrison of Bristow when first taken in for the use of the Parliament Where being no sooner setled but he used many insolencies and barbarities too many here to be named among which was 1 His causing the Kings Proclamation forbidding all Sea-men and Marriners and all Officers of his Navy to take employment under Robert Earl of Warwick lately made Admiral of the Kings royal Navy by the Parliament to be burnt in the publick market-place there 4 March 1642 by the hands of one of the City Sargeants being then the chief market-day notwithstanding he connived at the publishing it the day before 2 In causing to be murdered under the notion of Plotters against the Parliament two eminent Citizens of Bristow Rob. Yeomans and George Bowcher notwithstanding his Maj. sent letters in their behalf to have their lives spared to the extream horror and amazement of all honest men and the great grief of his Majesty who could not choose but look upon it as the most barbarous act which the impudence and cruelty of the said Rebellion had produced against him 3 In his and his murtherous Crews contempt and profanation of Gods holy Worship and Service and permitting the rending of Surplices tearing the book of Common-Prayer breaking down Organs exterminating the whole Liturgy out of the Congregations c. 4 His discountenancing and driving away the orthothodox Ministers and substituting in their places the most infamous and notorious Schismaticks that he could pick out of Bristow and other places as Joh. Tombes of Lemster Edm Cradock .... Bacon .... Walter .... Simonds and one Mathew Hazard whom tho I name last yet deserves to have precedency of all the rest as being a main Incendiary in the Rebellion violently egged on by his wife whose disciple the silly man was But at length the said City of Bristow being by Col. Fiennes surrendred to Pr. Rupert for the use of his Majesty 27 July 1643 he was thereupon called into question and articles were drawn up against him by the restless proceedings of Will. Prynne and Clem. Walker So that he being tryed for his life for the same before a Council of War sitting at S. Alban in Dec. the same year notwithstanding he had made a large defence for what he had done in open Parliament on the 5 of Aug. going before he was sentenced to lose his head for
he wrot a scoffing ballad At length he having lived beyond the age of man concluded his last day in the Navy-Office in Seething-lane within the City of London on Saturday the 18. of Febr. in sixteen hundred and seventy Whereupon his body was buried at the upper end of the Chancel of the Church of S. Olaves in Hart-street on the 27 day of the same month Soon after was a neat monument erected over his grave with an inscription thereon much becoming the person for whom it was set up His eldest Brother which his Father had by his first Wife Elizabeth Warham was named Matthew who was created Knight of the Bath at the Coronation of K. Ch. 1. The second was named Thomas who was buried in the Church of S. Peter in Sandwych in Janu. 1631. EDWARD LEIGH Esq Son of Hen. Leigh was born at Shawell in Leycestershire 24. of March 1602 being the day and year on which Qu. Elizabeth deceased bred in Grammar learning under one Mr. Loe of Walshall in Staffordshire became a Communer of Magd. Hall under the tuition of Will. Pemble an 1616 ran through the severe discipline then and there used and proceeded in Arts in 1623 But before his Regency was expired he went to the Middle Temple and studied the common Law wherein he made considerable progress yet before he had been there two years he with others were forced thence by tho great plague that violently raged in London an 1625. So that instead of retiring into the Country he went into France and spent there half an year with great improvement to himself and his studies After his return he spent some years in the said Temple not only in the study of the Laws but of Divinity and History in both which in his elder years he attained to some eminence Afterwards he retired to Banbury in Oxfordshire and became a constant hearer for some time of that noted puritanical preacher Will. Wheatley But he dying in 1639 our author Leigh receeded to London where continuing till the civil distempers broke forth was upon the withdrawing of divers members of that unhappy convention called the Long Parliament to the King at Oxon chose a Recruiter or Burgess for the Town of Stafford Afterwards upon a vacancy he was appointed one of the House of Commons to sit in the Ass of Divines as did Philip Earl of Pembroke Will. Visc Say c. of the House of Lords with Joh. Selden Franc. Rous Bulstr Whitlock c. other members of the said house where he behaved himself as learnedly as most of the Divines then sitting He was also then a Colonel of a regiment for the Parliament was Custos Rotulorum for the County of Stafford and afterwards was numbred among those Presbyterian members that were turned out of the House of Commons by the Army 6. Dec. 1648 and imprisoned thereupon in the publick Inn called the Kings head in the Strand From which time till towards the Kings restauration when he with the rest of the ejected members then living were restored by General Monk to their places in Parliament he had little else to do but to write books the titles of which among others which he wrot before that time do follow Selected and choice observations concerning the twelve first Caesars c. Oxon. 1635. oct To which he added six more making up the number 18 which were printed with the former in another Edition The observations on the rest that followed were made by Henry Leigh the authors eldest Son M. of A. of Magd. Hall which being printed with the former at Lond. 1657 in oct had this title put to them Analecta Caesarum Romanorum Afterwards they were illustrated with their several effigies and coines Lond. 1664. oct and in another Edit that came out in 1670 in oct they had observations of the Greek Emperours added to them by the same hand Treatise of Divine promises in 5. books Lond. 1633 there again the third time 1650 and the fourth in 1657. octavo Critica sacra on the Hebrew words of the old and on the Greek of the New Testament Lond. 1639 and 46. in qu. There again in two parts in fol. 1662. In which book the author expressing his great skill in the Languages was the reason therefore why the learned Usher primate of Ireland had a respect and kindness for him Supplement to the Critica sacra Lond. 1662. fol. A Treatise of Divinity in three books Lond. 1646. qu. The Saints encouragement in evil times or observations concerning the Martyrs in general Lond. 1648. 51. oct Annotations on all the New Test Lond. 1650. fol. A philological Commentary or an illustration of the most obvious and useful words in the Law with their distinctions and divers acceptations as they are found as well in Reports antient and modern as in records and memorials never printed Lond. 1652. 58. 71. oct A Systeme or body of Divinity in 10 books Lond. 1654. and 62. fol. Treatise of religion and learning in 6. books Lond. 1656. fol. Which book laying dead on the Booksellers hands had this title put to it in 1663. Faelix consortium or a fit conjuncture of religion and learning in one entire volume consisting of six books c. From which Treatise Will. Crowe of Suffolk Master of the Free-school at Croydon in Surrey took many things when he composed his Elenchus Scriptorum in sacram scripturam c. Lond. 1672. octavo Choice French proverbs Lond. 1657. 64. oct Annotations on the five poetical books of the old Test viz. Job Psalmes Proverbs Ecclesiastes and Canticles Lond. 1657. fol. Second considerations of the High Court of Chancery Lond. 1658. in 2 sh in qu. England described or the Counties and Shires thereof briefly handled Lond. 1659. oct Copied mostly from Camden Choice observations on all the Kings of England from the Saxons to the death of K. Ch. 1. Lond. 1661. oct Three Diatriabes or discourses 1. Of travel 2. Of money 3. Of measuring c. Lond. 1671. oct This book is called in another edit 1680. The Gentlemans guide in the three discourses c. He also published The Magistrates Authority in two Sermons Lond. 1647 qu. penn'd by Christopher Cartwright B. of Div. and Minister at York To which our Author Leigh put a preface to vindicate himself against a lying pamphlet as he calls it which entitles him a man of a fiery disposition and one generally made chair-man upon any business that doth concern the Clergy He paid his last debt to nature in his house called Rushall Hall on the second day of June in sixteen hundred seventy and one and was buried in the Chancel of the Church of Rushall near to Walshall a Market Town in Staffordshire before mention'd as I have been informed by letters written to me by his Son Henry EDMUND STANTON son of Sir Franc. Stanton Knight was born in Bedfordshire became a Communer of Wadham Coll. in the beginning of the year 1615 aged about 14 years was
Bishoprick of Chester to which he was consecrated in the Chappel at Ely house in Holborn on the 15 of Nov. 1668 by Dr. Cosin Bishop of Durham Dr. Laney B. of Ely and Dr. Ward Bishop of Salisbury at which time Dr. Jo. Tillotson Preacher of Lincolns Inn delivered an excellent sermon upon that occasion This Dr. Wilkins was a person endowed with rare gifts he was a noted Theologist and Preacher a curious Critick in several matters an excellent Mathematician and Experimentist and one as well seen in Mechanecismes and new Philosophy of which he was a great Promote● as any of his time He also highly advanced the study and perfecting of Astronomy both at Oxford whilst he was Warden of Wadh. Coll and at London whilst he was of the Royal Society and I cannot say to the contrary that there was any thing deficient in him but a constant mind and setled principles Dr. Gilb. Burnet tells us that this Dr. Wilkins who was for a Comprehension and a limited indulgence for Dissenters in Religion was a man of as great a mind as true a judgment as eminent virtues and of as good a soul as any he ever knew c. And one or more of the Royal Soc. say that all that knew Bishop Wilkins must needs acknowledge him for his universal insight into all parts of learning solid judgment rare prudence and dexterity in the management of worldly affairs and transactions universal charity ingenuity temper and moderation of spirit to have left behind him but few equals c. To pass by the Characters given of him in discourse by the great men of the Church of England as by Archb. Sheldon B. Fell Archb. Dolben c. who did malign him for his wavering and unconstant mind in Religion which I know will be displeasing to many I shall give you a cat of his works The discovery of a new world or a discourse tending to prove that 't is probable there may be another habitable world in the Moon Lind. 1638. 40. oct and there again in 1684. which is the fourth edit Discourse concerning the possibility of a passage to the world in the Moon Printed with the Discovery Discourse concerning a new Planet tending to prove that 't is probable our Earth is one of the Planets Lond. 1640. in oct The Authors name is not put to any one of these three things but they are so well known to be his that Langrenus in his Map of the Moon dedicated to the King of Spain names one of the spots of his Selenographick Map after his name Mercury or the secret Messenger shewing how a man may with privacy and speed communicate his thoughts to a friend at any distance Lond. 1641. The publication of which was occasion'd by the writing of a little thing called Nuncius inanimatus by Fr. Godwin Mathematical Magick or the wonders that may be performed by mechanical Geometry in two books Lond. 1648. 1680. oct The last edit hath the Authors picture before it in his Lawn sleeves Ecclesiastes or a discourse of the gift of preaching as it falls under the rules of art Lond. 1646. 47. 51. 53. 56. and 1675. oct Discourse concerning the beauty of Providence in all the rugged passages of it Lond. 1649. in tw Lond. 1677 fifth edit in oct Discourse concerning the gift of Prayer shewing what it is wherein it consists and how far it is attainable by industry c. Lond. 1653 and 1674 oct Essay towards a real Character and a philosophical Language Lond. 1668. fol. An account of which is in the Philosophical Transactions num 35. The Reader may be pleased now to know that one George Dolgarno a Scot wrot a book intit Ars signorum vulgo character universalis lingua philosophica Lond. 1660 61. oct This book before it went to the Press the Author communicated to Dr. Wilkins who from thence taking an hint of a greater matter carried it on and brought it up to that which you see extant This Dolgarno was born at Old Aberdene and bred in the University at New Aberdene taught a private Grammar School with good success for about thirty years together in the Parishes of S. Michael and S. Mary Magd. in Oxford wrot also Didascalocophus or the deaf and dumb mans Tutor Oxon. in oct and dying of a fever on the 28 of Aug. 1687 aged 60 or more was buried in the north body of the Church of S. Mary Magd. in the Suburbs of Oxon. Dr. Wilkins hath also written An alphabetical Dictionary wherein all English words according to their various significations are either referred to their places in the philosophical Tables or explained by such words as are in those Tables This is printed with the Essay Of the principles and duties of natural Religion two books Lond. 1675. oct Published by Jo. Tillotson D. D. Sermons preached upon several occasions Lond. 1682. oct They are in number 15 and were published by the said Dr. Tillotson Our learned and critical Author Dr. Wilkins died of the terrible disease of the Stone in the house of the said Dr. Tillotson then in Chancery-lane in London on the 19 of Nov. in sixteen hundred seventy and two and was buried on the 12 of Dec. following under the north wall of the Chancel of the Church of St. Lawrence in the Jewry before mention'd At which time Dr. Will. Lloyd then Dean of Bangor preached his funeral Sermon which having been since twice printed you may see his full character therein as also in the Epist dedic of Dr. Seth Ward made to Dr. Jonath Goddard put before the Inquisitio in Bullialdi Astronomiae fundamenta JASPER MAYNE made his first entry on the stage of this transitory world in a Market Town in Devonsh called Hatherlagh an 1604 entred into Ch. Ch. in the condition of a Servitor 1623 being then encouraged in his studies by Dr. Duppa Afterwards he was chosen into the number of Students took the degr in Arts holy Ord. and became a quaint Preacher and noted Poet. At length by the favour of the Dean and Canons of the said house he was made Vicar of Cassington near Woodstock and of Pyrton near Watlington in Oxfordshire In the beginning of the Rebellion when the King took up his abode in Oxon he was one of those many Divines that were appointed to preach before him the Court and Parliament and for his reward was actually created Doct. of Div. 1646. Two years after he was deprived of all right he had to his Students place and soon after of the Vicaridge of Pyrton and at length of Cassington So that being in a manner put to his shifts he was prefer'd to be Chaplain to the Earl of Devonshire and so consequently to be a Companion with Th. Hobbes of Malmsbury between whom there never was a right understanding After the Kings return he was made Canon of Ch. Ch. in Jul. 1660 and about that time was not only restored to his Vicaridges but was made
Ap. 1646. and once as it seems before the Commons 30. July 1645 and his sermons without doubt were published but such I have not yet seen nor a little thing printed in tw going under the name of Thom. Ford entit The Anatomy of the times This Tho. Ford of Exeter died in the latter end of Decemb. in sixteen hundred seventy and six and was buried on the 28 day of the same month in the Church of S. Lawrence before mention'd near to the bodies of his Wife Bridget and several of his Children that had been there buried before him I find one Thomas Ford who entitles himself Philothal to be author of Virtus rediviva A Panegyrick on our late K. Ch. 1. c. attended with several other pieces from the said pen viz. 1 A theatre of Wits being a collection of Apothegms 2 A century of familiar Letters 3 Loves Laberynth a Trag. Comedy 4 Fragmenta Poetica or poetical diversions concluding with a Panegyrick on his sacred Majesties return Lond. 1660. oct But whether he was ever of Oxon. I cannot yet tell nor whether he was the same T. Forde who translated into English Lusus fortunae c. Lond. 1649. oct GEORGE DIGBY son and heir of John Digby Earl of Bristow was born in the City of Madrid in Spain in the month of Oct. 1612 made his first entry into Magd. Coll. 15. Aug. 1626 and was then entred a Noble man there At which time and so long as he continued there he was very familiar and held great correspondence with Pet. Heylyn Fellow of that House by whose directions and conversation he improved himself much in several sorts of learning In 1636 just after his Majest had left Oxon where he had been splendidly entertained by the members of the University and by the Archbishop at S. Johns Coll he was among other Persons of honor actually created Master of Arts being then esteemed a Person of good parts and in hopes to do the State service In the beginning of the Long Parliament of which he was a member he became one of the eminent Darlings of the People as being a Person discontented and therefore was appointed one of the Committee to prepare a charge against the most noble and eminently conspicuous Thomas Earl of Strafford 11. Nov. 1640 and appointed one of the managers of the evidence against him But upon a discovery of the unjust practices against him he became his Advocate tho all the advantage he got by it was that he lost his own esteem both among the House of Commons and among the Faction From that time he became their declared enemy by being a bold friend of truth and justice which he shewed in a Speech at the passing of the Bill of Attainder against the said Earl 21. Apr. 1641 ordered to be burnt as I shall tell you anon and therefore was posted up by some in the head of those called Straffordians He was also a friend to the Bishops and their function when both were called into question about that time and a zealous enemy to the Covenant All which do appear in speeches uttered in good language and sweetness On the 10. of June 1641. he was expell'd the House of Commons not only for exceptions taken by them for words spoken concerning an oath which Colonel G. Goring confessed he had taken to be secret to saying he was a perjur'd Person but because he was the day before made a Baron and introduced into the upper House the very same 10. of June In the beginning of January following he went on a message from his Maj. to Kingston upon Thames to certain Gentlemen there some say to give Coll. Tho. Lundsford a visit in a Coach with 6 horses and no other equipage with him save only a servant riding by him and a Companion in a Coach But his appearance there being represented to the Parliament as in a warlike manner and every Coach horse reckoned for a Troop the House of Commons made a complaint thereof on the 10. of the same month to the House of Lords Whereupon it being voted that he then took up Arms for his Majesty he was proclaimed Traitor banished and made the publick hatred of the Puritans or Presbyterians But the King soon after leaving the Parliament because of their desperate proceedings he drew by degrees many Lords and Commons after him together with this Lord from beyond the Seas and therefore he was excepted by the Parliament in a treaty of peace with the King at Oxon in the latter end of the year 1642. In 1643 he was made one of the Secretaries of State to his Majesty and high Steward of this University in the place of Will Lord Say who adher'd to the Parliament and in the next year he would have been question'd for an Incendiary by the Parliament sitting at Oxon because of a Mutiny that hapned among the Soldiers of the Garrison there but it was dissolved before the members could do any thing in the matter In the latter end of 1645 he being then a stirring active man he went into Ireland where he did good service for his Majesty and underwent great hazards of his life but upon the declining of the Kings cause he left that place and on the 24. of Oct. 1648 he was exempted from pardon by the Parliament Afterwards upon the death of his Father he became Earl of Bristow and Knight of the Garter being then in exile beyond the Seas suffering much by the loss of his Estate After the Kings return he was restored to what he had lost and the year after was installed with others Knight of the said Order became a frequent Speaker in Parliaments and an enemy to Clarendon while he was Lord Chancellour Under his name were printed these things following Several Speeches as 1 Speech in Parl. 9. Nov. 1640. concerning grievances and a triennial Parliament Lond. 1641. qu. Printed in the 1. vol. of John Nalson's Impartial Collection c. p. 505. 2 Speech in the H. of Com. to the bill of triennial Parliaments 19. Jan. 1640. Lond. 1641. qu. Remitted into the third part of Joh. Rushworth's Historical Collections 3 Sp. in the H. of Com. concerning Bishops and the City Petition 9. Feb. 1640. Lond. 1640. in 4. sh in qu. Remitted into the said 3d. part of Hist Coll. with other discourses of our author Digby This Sp. spoken 9. Feb. is called the L. Digby's third speech 4 Sp. in the House of Com. to the bill of Attainder of the Earl of Strafford 21. Apr. 1641. Lond. 1641. in two sh in qu. Remitted into John Rushworth's Trial of the E. of Strafford p. 50. and into Joh. Nalson's Impart Coll. vol. 2. p. 175. On the 13 of July following it was ordered by the H. of Com. that one part of the said speech should be publickly burnt on Friday after at 10. of the clock in the morn by the hands of the common hangman in the Pallace-yard at Westminster and another part
1667 at which time William Albert Count of Dona Embassador from Sweedland was here in England was broken and thereupon an alliance was made with France In which act we are to thank Henry Coventry Secretary of State for his pains if his own affirmation may be credited when he went into Sweedland 1671. In the same Session of Parliament Shaftesbury had a principal hand in promoting and establishing the Test to render Papists uncapable of publick employments And this he did as 't is thought because he perceiving the Court to be sick of him provided himself by having a hand therein with a retreat to the favour and applause of the populacy On the 9. of Nov. 1673 he being then President of his Majesties Council for trade and plantations the Great Seal was taken from him by the endeavours of James Duke of York who found him untractable and not fit according to moderation for that high place or as another tells us for his zeal and activity in promoting the Bill for the aforesaid Test and thereupon he grew much discontented and endeavoured several times to make a disturbance On the 16. of Feb. 1676 he with George Duke of Buckingham James Earl of Salisbury and Philip Lord Wharton were sentenced by the H. of Lords to be committed Prisoners to the Tower under the notion of contempt for that they refused a recantation for what the day before was spoken by them viz. that Buckingham just after the King had ended his Speech to both Houses at their then meeting endeavouring to argue from Law and reason that the long prorogation was null'd and that the Parliament was consequently dissolved was seconded by Salisbury Shaftesbury and Wharton For which reason I say and for endeavouring to raise sedition they were sent to the Tower Buckingham Salisbury and Wharton were by petition to his Majesty freed thence in the beginning of May following but Shaftesbury remained there till the beginning of Dec. next ensuing notwithstanding he before Jun. 22. an 1677 had moved for a Habeas Corpus to the Kings Bench which was granted yet the Judges declared they could not release him In Sept. 1678 upon the breaking out of the Popish Plot he became head of the factious party who making it more terrible than 't was endeavoured all ways imaginable to promote their interest thereby To stop Shaftesbury's mouth therefore and so consequently please his party his Majesty vouchsafed to constitute him Lord President of his Privy Council consisting then but of 30 21. Apr. 1679 but he shewing himself too busie and forward and little or not at all to keep pace with the Kings moderate humour he was laid aside on the 5 of Octob. following and was succeeded in that honorable office by John Lord Roberts who behaving himself much like a Gentleman was soon after created Earl of Radnor After this Shaftesbury plays his old game by recurring to the People remov'd into the City and to vent his spleen became the most bitter enemy in the H. of Lords against the Duke of York especially at that time 15. of Nov. 1680 when William Lord Russell eldest Son of William Earl of Bedford did in the head of more than 200 of the House of Commons carry up a Bill to the House of Lords for the disinheriting the said Duke of the Imperial Crown of Britaine Then and there I say he was so heated with passion being excellently well opposed in what he then said by George Earl of Halyfax that he talked almost all the time being ten of the Clock at night before they gave over But all that he then and afterwards said effecting nothing he wrot or caused to be written abusive Pamphlets and endeavoured with others by an Association to depose the King in case he and his Parliament held at Oxon in Mar. 168● should disagree which he fully expected But his trayterous designs being discovered he was seized on in his House in London by one of his Majesties Serjeants at armes on the 2. Jul. 1681 examined by the Council the K. being then present and forthwith was committed close Prisoner to the Tower for High Treason in compassing and imagining the death of the King and endeavouring to depose him from his Crown and Dignity and to raise armes to that purpose On the 24. of Nov. following there was a Bill of indictment of High Treason against him read before his Majesties Commissioners of Oyer and Terminer in the Sessions-house in the Old Baylie London and afterwards proved by several sufficient Witnesses but the fanatical Jury pack'd on purpose by the then fanatical Sheriffs Tho. Pilkington and Sam. Shute they returned the Bill Ignoramus and so forthwith Shaftesbury was set at liberty Upon which deliverance the seditious party made Bonefires and caused a medal to be cast of which medal Dryden the Poet Laureat made a witty Poem In Octob. 1682 when Dudley North and Pet. Rich the loyal Sheriffs of London were sworn a Warrant was issued out against to apprehend him Whereupon he sculk'd for a time till an opportunity wafted him over the Seas to Holland where he remained to the time of his death He hath written divers things of which these are some The fundamental constitutions of Carolina Lond. in 7. sh in fol. These constitutions are in number 120 and at the end are eleven rules of precedence to be observed in Carolina When these constitutions were printed it appears not either in the title or at the end of the book They are dated on the first of March 1669 and so I presume they were soon after printed Several Speeches as 1 Speech at the Lord Treasurers Clifford taking his Oath in the Exchecquer 5. Dec. 1672. Printed in one sh in fol. 1672. 2 Several Speeches to both Houses at the opening of the Parliament 4 and 5. of Feb. 1672. Printed in fol. papers 1672. 3 Speech to Serj. Edw. Thurland in the Exchecquer Chamber when he was made one of the Barons of the Exchecquer 24. January 1672. Pr. in one sh in fol. Reprinted afterwards in half a sheet in fol. at Lond. 1681 because it was much for the Kings Prerogative and contained therein as 't is said a good character of the Duke of York shewing thereby the great mutability in opinion of this our author who then 1681 was a severe enemy against both 4 Speech to both Houses of Parliament 27. oct 1673. pr. in a fol. sheet 5 Speech in the House of Lords 20. Octob. 1675. upon the debate of appointing a day for the hearing Dr. Thom. Sherley's ease Lond. 1675. qu. This case of Dr. Sherley was against Sir John Fagge who detained a large Estate from him in Sussex With the said Speech was printed that of George Duke of Bucks spoken in the House of Lords on the 16. of Nov. the same year for leave to bring in a Bill for Indulgence to all Protestant Dissenters together with the protestation and reasons of several Lords for the dissolution of that Parliament
called to Bar. This person hath written and published The History and Antiquities of the County of Rutland collected from records antient Manuscripts Monuments on the place and other authorities illustrated with Sculpture Lond. 1684 in a thin fol. To which was put an Addition Lond. 1687 in 2 sh and an half in fol. He hath also published little trivial things of History and Poetry meerly to get a little money which he will not own THEODORE HAAK was born at Newhausen near Wormes in the Palatinate on the day of S. James S. V. an 1605 educated in Grammar and in the Reform'd Religion in those parts travelled into England in 1625 retired to Oxon about the beginning of Aug. the same year while the two Houses of Parliament were sitting there continued half an year in obtaining Academical learning and afterwards at Cambridg as much Thence he went and visited several Cities and recesses of the Muses beyond the Seas returned in 1629 became a Communer of Glocester Hall continued there near three years but took no degree and soon after was made a Deacon by Dr. Jos Hall Bishop of Exeter In the time of the German Wars he was appointed one of the Procurators to receive the benevolence money which was raised in several Diocesses in England to be transmitted into Germany which he usually said was a Deacons work and when the Wars broke out in this Nation he seemed to favour the interest of Parliament having been alwaies Calvinistically educated The Prince Elector did afterwards kindly incite him to be his Secretary but he loving Solitude declined that employment as he did the Residentship at London for the City of Hamburgh and for Fred. 3. King of Denmark c. The Reader may be pleased now to understand that when the Synod of Dort was celebrated in 1618 care was then taken that the most learned and pious Divines of the United Provinces should make a new and accurate Translation of the Bible and Annotations to be put thereunto In which work they were assisted by many eminent and able Divines from most of the reformed Churches and particularly from England by Dr. Geo. Carleton Bishop of Chichester Dr. Jo. Davenant B. of Sarum Dr. Hall B. of Exon Dr. Sam. Ward of Cambr. c. by whose great and assiduous Labours jointly for many years together the said Annotations were compleated and came forth in print first an 1637. These Annotations I say commonly called the Dutch Annotations being thought very fit and of great use by the Assembly of Divines sitting at Westm to be translated into English by the hand of Th. Haak it was ordered and ordained by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parl. 30. of March 1648. for the encouragement of the said undertaker Theod. Haak that he or whom he should assign should have the priviledge of printing and vending the said Annotations for the space of 14 years which terme should begin from the time of the first impression So that none else under what pretence soever should be permitted to intermeddle in printing the whole or any part thereof upon the pain of forfeiting a thousand pounds to the said Theod. Haak c. Afterwards the work going forward and the whole Englished by Haak it came out with this title The Dutch Annotations upon the whole Bible together with their translation according to the direction of the Synod of Dort 1618. Lond. 1657. in two vol. in fol. Before which is an exact narrative touching the work and the said translation Besides the translation of this great work Mr. Haak hath translated into High Dutch several English books of practical Divinity as 1 Of the deceitfulness of mans heart written by Dan. Dyke 2 The Christians daly walke c. written by Hen. Scudder 3 The old Pilgrim being the Hist of the Bible written by Anon. but not yet printed as other translations which he had made are not He also translated into High Dutch in blank verse half the Poem called Paradise lost written by Joh. Milton which comming into the hands of J. Secbald Fabricius the famous Divine at Heidelberg he was so much taken with it that in a Letter sent to the Translator he tells him incredible est quantum nos omnes afficerit gravitas stili copia lectissimorum verborum c. He also made ready for the Press before his death about 3000 Proverbs out of the Germ. into the English tongue and as many into the Germ from the Language of the Spaniard who are famous for wise sayings and had most part of them from the Arabians This Mr. Haak who was several years Fellow of the Royal Society hath Observations and Letters in the Philosophical Collections which were published in the beginning of May 1682 and perhaps in the Transactions Quaere At length this virtuous and learned person departing this mortal life in the house of his kinsman Fred. Slare or Slear M. D situate and being in an Alley joyning to Fetter Lane on Sunday the ninth day of May in sixteen hundred and ninety was buried three days after in a vault under the Chancel of S. Andrews Church in Holbourn near London At which time Dr. Anth. Horneck a German preached his Funeral Sermon wherein were delivered several remarks of Mr. Haaks life but that Sermon being not yet extant I cannot therefore refer you to it Among the many great and learned acquaintance which Mr. Haak had were Prince Rupert Dr. Usher Primate of Ireland Dr. Williams Archb. of York Joh. Selden Dr. Hall Bishop of Exeter Dr. Predeaux B. of Worc. Dr. Walton B. of Chester Dr. Wilkins B. of the same place Briggs and Pell Mathematicians Dr. W. Alabaster the Poet whose Manuscript called Elisaeis he had by him and kept it as a choice relique of his deceased friend to the time of his death Sir Will. Boswell Ambassador at the Hague who encouraged him to keep and continue his correspondence with the learned Marseanus and others of later time JOHN RUSHWORTH was born of Gentile Parents in the County of Northumberland educated for a time in this University in the latter end of the Raign of K. Jam. 1 but left it soon after without being matriculated and retiring to London he entred himself a Student in Lincolns Inn of which he became a Barrister But his Geny then leading him more to State affairs than the Common Law he began early to take in Characters Speeches and passages at conferences in Parliament and from the Kings own mouth which he speak to both the Houses and was upon the stage continually an eye and an ear witness of the greatest transactions He did also personally attend and observe all occurrences of moment during the eleven years interval of Parliament in the Star-Chamber Court of Honour and Exchecquer Camber when all the Judges of England met there upon extraordinary cases and at the Council Table when great causes were tried before the K. and Council Afterwards when matters were agitated at a great distance he was
endured many miseries on the first day of July in sixteen hundred fifty and three and was buried in the Collegiat Church of Brecknock near to the high altar leaving then behind him some things fit for the press as I have been informed by one of his near Relations It is said that he was much resolved on three things 1. The redemption of Captives 2. The conversion of Recusants 3. The undeceiving of seduced Sectaries and that he kept three diaries one for the transactions of his own life another for the publick affairs of the Church and Kingdom and a third for the remarkable passages of providence that hapned in the World The see of S. David continuing void till after the restauration of K. Ch. 2 it was then supplied by Dr. Will. Lucy as I shall tell you under the year 1677. GEORGE SINGE alias Millington sometimes a Com. of Balliol Coll was consecrated Bishop of Cloyne in Ireland an 1638 and dying in sixteen hundred fifty and three was buried at Bridgnorth in Shropshire He is characterized to be Vir gravis admodum doctus praesertim in Polemicae Theologiae juris utriusque scientia procerioris praeterea staturae formae decorae generosae conversationis c. See more of him among the Writers p. 97. THOMAS WINNIFF a grave learned and moderate Divine was born as 't is said at Shirebourne in Dorsetshire admitted a Batler or Sojournour of Exeter Coll. in Lent term an 1593 aged 18 years elected Prob. fellow thereof 30 June 1595 admitted Master of Arts in 1601 and about that time entring into holy Orders he became a noted Preacher and a Tutour In 1609 he left the College because he had an Ecclesiastical Benefice confer'd on him but the name of it I know not unless Lambourne in Essex which he enjoyed many years and at length bought the advowson thereof of Rob. Taverner Gent which he afterwards by his will gave to his Nephew Peter Mews About that time he was Chaplain to Pr. Henry and afterwards to Pr. Charles which last he much displeased in two matters first that in a certain harangue which he occasionally delivered in the beginning of Apr. 1622 he compared Frederick King of Bohemia to a Lamb and Count Spinola to a bloody Wolf which also displeased the King and secondly that in some little particulars he expressed himself an enemy to his marriage with the Infanta of Spain For these matters he had like to have lost his Spiritualities had not his Maj. K. Jam. 1. highly valued him for his learning In 1624 Nov. 10. he was installed Dean of Glocester in the place of Dr. Rich. Senhouse promoted to the See of Carlile and after the said Kings death being made Chaplain to his Successor Ch. 1. had the Deanery of S. Pauls Cathedral confer'd on him an 1631. Afterwards upon the translation of Dr. Williams to York in 1641 he was nominated by the King Bishop of Lincoln purposely to please the Puritan and was soon after consecrated But the rebellion breaking out the next year occasion'd by a prevalent party in both Houses of Parliament who silenced the Bishops and caused their Lands to be sold this holy Bishop received little or no profit from the Lands belonging to his See only trouble and vexation as a Bishop Afterwards he retired to Lambourne spent there for the most part the remainder of his days and justly obtained this character from a learned Bishop that none was more mild modest and humble yet learned eloquent and honest than Bishop Winniffe He died in the summer time in sixteen hundred fifty and four and was buried in the Church at Lambourne Soon after was erected a comly monument over his grave on which 't is said that he was made Bishop of Lincoln 1642 Ex eorum numero Episcoporum quibus incumbebat nutantis episcopatus molem pietatis ac probitatis suae fulcimine sustentare c. RICHARD SMITH sometimes a Student in Trinity College was made Bishop of Chalcedon by Pope Urban 8 an 1624 or thereabouts and died in the latter end of the year sixteen hundred fifty and four under which year you may see more of him among the Writers p. 114. HENRY TILSON a Yorkshire man born was entred a Student in Balliol Coll. in the beginning of the year 1593 took one degree in Arts as a member of that house four years after tho in the Fasti 1596 I have said by an errour of Univ. Coll and soon after was elected one of Skyrlawes Fellows of the said Coll. of University and took the degree of Master as a member of that house In Oct. 1615 he was made Vicar of Rachdale in Yorkshire by the death of R. Kenion and afterwards being made known to that most generous Count Thomas Earl of Strafford he became his Chaplain went with him in that quality to Ireland when that Count was made L. Lieutenant thereof Soon after he was by him made Dean of the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity commonly called Ch. Ch. in Dublin where continuing in good esteem for his learning and piety had the See of Elphine confer'd on him to which being consecrated on the 23. of Sept. 1639 endured soon after great misery by the rebellion that broke out in Ireland 1641. Afterwards he retired to his native Country setled at Southill hall in Yorkshire spent there the chief part of his time and dying in peace 31. of March in sixteen hundred fifty and five aged 80 years or thereabouts was buried in the Chancel of the neighbouring Church of Dewsbury In the said See of Elphine succeeded John Parker D. D. in the latter end of the year 1660. NICHOLAS MONKE or Le Moyne third Son of Sir Tho. Monke of Potheridge in Devonshire Knight Son of Tho. Monke of the said place Gent by Frances his Wife Widow of Joh. Basset of Umbersley in the said County Esq Daughter of Arthur Plantagenet natural Son of K. Edw. 4 by Elizabeth Lucy as is suppos'd his Concubine was born in Devonshire either at Potheridge or at Marton at the last of which places his Father lived when this Nich. Monke came first to Wadham Coll an 1626 aged 17 years or thereabouts After he had spent several years in that house in the condition of a Commoner he proceeded in Arts in 1634 entred into holy Orders was beneficed in his own Country and suffered in the time of the rebellion as other Loyallists did Afterwards he was permitted to keep some little cure by the endeavours of his Brother George while he was chief Commander under Oliver Cromwell in Scotland was persecuted as 't is said by the Triers appointed by Oliver but at length had the Rectory of Kilkhampton in Cornwall worth 300 l. per an bestowed on him by his kinsman Sir John Greenvill afterwards Earl of Bathe which he freely gave him without symony purposely to oblige him to serve the publick when ever he had occasion to make
Army raised by the Parl. again●t the King one of the Proctors of the University and published 1 The Christian Soldiers great Engine Sermon before the Lord General Fairfax at S. Maries in Oxon 20 May 1649. qu. 2 A letter to his Excellency the Lord Gen. Monke containing the instrumental causes of the ruine of Government and Commonwealths c. This was printed at Lond. in Feb. 1659 in one sh in qu. What other things he hath published I know not sure I am that after the restauration of K. Ch 2. he left his Benefice in Devonsh to avoid Conformity and died soon after Adm. 112. ☞ Not one Bach. of Phys was admitted this year only created See among the Creations Bach. of Div. Jun. ... John Hillersden of C. C Coll. He was the only person that was admitted this year the others were created In 1671 he became Archdeacon of Buckingham on the death of Dr. Giles Thorne and dying Joh. Gery LL. D. was installed in his place 29 Nov. 16●4 ☞ Not one Doctor of Law was admitted or licensed to proceed this year only created the names of which you shall have under the title of Creations Doct. of Phys Jun. 28. Hugh Barker of New Coll. Jul. 7. Rog. Puliston of Magd. Coll. 8. Thom. Duke of S. Maries Hall ☞ Not one Doct. of Div. was admitted or licensed to proceed this year only created the names of which you may see under the title of Creations Incorporations May 20. Thom. Gifford Doct. of Phys of the Univ. of Leyden in Holland He had that degree confer'd upon him in the said Univ. in the month of May 1636. Oct. 10. Nich. Davies Doct. of Phys of Leyden He had that degree confer'd upon him there in the month of Apr. 1638. This person or one of both his names was incorporated in 1660. Jul. 8. Will Clegge M. A. of Dublin Jul. 8. Thom. Turner M. A. of Jesus Coll. in Cambr. Nov. 1. Charles Prince of Wales Mast of Arts of Cambridge He was afterwards King of England c. by the name of K. Ch. 2. His Maj. Ch. 1. had then after his return from Edghill fight taken up his quarters in Oxon and on the same day was a great Creation in all faculties as I shall tell you by and by Dec. 7. Will. Harvey sometimes of Caies Coll. in Cambridge afterwards Doctor of Phys of the Univ. of Padua and at his return into England of Cambridge was then incorporated Doctor of the said faculty in this University This person who was son of Tho. Harvey Gent. by Joan Halke his wife was born at Folksten in Kent on the second day of Apr. 1578 sent to a Grammar school in Canterbury at 10 years of age and at 14 to Gonvil and Caies Coll. in Cambr. At 19 years of age he travelled into France and Italy and at 23 he had for his Instructors in Medicine at Padua Eustac Radius Joh. Tho. Minadous and H. Faber ab Aquapend At 24 he became Doct. of Phys and Chirurgery and returning into England soon after he practised Phys in London and married At 25 or thereabouts he was made Fellow of the Coll. of Phys at London and at 37 Professor of Anatomy and Chirurgery About which time which was in the year of our Lord 1615 he discovered the wonderful secret of the Bloods circular motion by which the anatomical part of Physick seemed then to be rising towards the Zenith of Perfection At 54 years of age he was made Physitian to K. Ch. 1 having as 't is said by some been Physitian to K. Jam. 1. and adhering to him in the beginning of the troubles he attended him at Edghill battel Thence going with him to Oxon was there incorporated as before 't is told you In 1645 he was elected Warden of Merton Coll. by vertue of the Kings letters sent to the Society of that house for that purpose but in the year following when Oxford Garrison was surrendred for the use of the Parliament he left that office and retired to London In 1654 he was chosen President of the Coll. of Physitians but refused to accept of that honorable place And after he had lived to see his doctrine the circulation of the blood with much ado established being the only man as one saith that did so he surrendred up his soul to him that gave it on the 30 of June an 1657. Soon after his body being lap'd up in lead it was conveyed to Hempsted in Essex and deposited in a Vault under part of the Church there Several monuments of his learning which have been and are received into the hands of all curious men as well abroad as at home are extant as the Oxford or Bodletan Catalogue will partly tell you besides his New Principles of Philosophy containing Philosophy in general Metaphysicks c. but more in MS. he hath left behind him the titles of which you may see in the Epist dedicat before An historical account of the Colleges Coll. of Phys Proceedings against Empricks c. Lond. 1684. qu. Written by Charles Goodall Doctor of Phys Feb. 1. Joh. Bathurst M. A. of Cambr. Feb. 1. Tho. Browning M. A. of Cambr. The first who was of Pembr Hall was afterwards Doctor of Phys a practitioner in London and a Burgess for Richmond in Yorksh. to serve in that Parl. called by Oliver an 1656 and for that called by Richard 1658. Feb. 11. Morgan Godwin Doct. of the Civ Law of the University of Dublin Which degree was confer'd upon him there 5 Octob. 1637. He was originally of Ch. Ch afterwards of Pemb. Coll and as a member thereof took the degree of Bach of the Civil Law in this University an 1627 being about that time Archdeacon of that part of Shropshire which is in Hereford Diocess confer'd upon him by his father Dr. Franc. Godwin Bishop of Hereford whose Annales rerum Anglicarum c. he translated into English as I have told you in the first vol. p. 497.498 What other things he hath translated or what written I know not nor any thing else of him only that he was a Native of the Isle of Anglesie Feb. 21. Rob. Creygton D. D. of Trin. Coll. in Cambr. He was incorporated M. of A. an 1628 as in the Fasti of that year in the first vol. p. 861. I have told you He wrot the Preface to Dr. Rich. Watsons book called Epistolaris Diatribe c. dated at Brussels 25 May 1658 which book was printed at Lond. 1661. in tw Francis Walsal D. D. of Cambr. was incorporated the same day This person who was forced away from his benefices by the severity of the Presbyterians did now attend the King in Oxon and did afterwards participate of afflictions with other Royalists In 1660 after his Majesties return I find him Rector of Sandey in Bedfordshire Prebendary of Westminster and author of 1 The bowing of the heart of Subjects to their Soveraigne Sermon preached 24 May 1660 being a day of Thanksgiving for the
Rights and Privileges of the Subject 3 Apr. 4 Car. 1. Lond. 1641. qu. Upon the declining of the Kings Cause he fled beyond the sea being an excepted person by the Parliament and died at Caen in Normandy about the end of Aug. 1649 leaving then behind him a son named Edward who had his fathers estate restored to him after his Majesties return from his exile One Rob. Heath Esq wrot and published Clarestella together with other occasional Poems Elegies Epigrams and Satyrs Lond. 1650. in tw but what kin he was to Sir Rob. Heath the Judge or whether he was of this University I know not as yet Sir Sampson Emre Knight sometimes written Evers Serjeant at Law was created the same day This person who was the third son of Sir Franc. Ewre Kt Brother to Ralph Lord Ewre had been his Majesties Attorney Gen. in Wales was now with him in Oxon sate in the Parliament there and was afterwards a Sufferer for his Cause Rob. Holbourne a Counsellor of Linc. Inn was also created Doct. of the Civ Law the same day In 1640 he was chose Burgess for Michel in Cornwal to serve in that Parl that began at Westm 3. of Nov. the same year and on the 15 of Dec. following he argued two hours in the H. of Com. in justification of the Canons In 1641 he was Lent Reader of the same Inn and soon after leaving the Parl. because of their desperate proceedings he retired to his Maj. at Oxon sate in the Parl. there 1643 and in the latter end of that year was made the Prince's Attorney in the place of Sir Ric. Lane one of his Majesties Privy Council and a Knight In the latter end of 1644 he was present at the Treaty at Vxbridge in behalf of his Majesty as he was afterwards at that in the Isle of Wight About which time retiring to London he was forced to compound for his Estate but not permitted to abide in any of the Inns of Court He hath published The Reading in Lincolns Inn 28 Feb. 1641 upon the Statute of the 25 of Ed. 3. cap. 2. being the Statute of Treasons Oxon. 1642. in two sh in qu. and revived The transactions of the high Court of Chancery both by practice and president c. originally collected and written by Will. Tothill Esquire Feb. 7. Charles Roser Esq Feb. 7. Degory Collins Esq Sir Troylus Turbervill Kt was created the same day This most valiant person who was of the Turbervills of Moreden in Dorsetshire was afterwards Captain Lievtenant of the Kings Life-guard of Horse and was slain at his Majesties going from Newark to Oxon towards the latter end of August 1645. Sir Thom. Thynne Kt was also created the same day I take this to be the same Sir Thom. who was a younger son of Sir Thom. Thynne of Longleat in Wilts Kt and the same who was father by his wife the daughter of Dr. Walt. Balcanquall sometimes Dean of Durham to Thom. Thynne of Longleat who was murdered in the Pall-Mall at Westm. on the 12 of Feb. 1681. Feb. 21. John Penruddock of Compton-Chamberlaine in Wilts Esq was then being in the service of his Majesty actually created Doctor of the Civ Law and three days after had the honor of Knighthood confer'd upon him by his Majesty He was father to Colonel John Penruddock who when a youth at Blandford school and after when a Fellow Com. of Qu. Coll. in this University delighted in books when a man in arms which in his maturer years he willingly put on to redeem the liberties of three enslaved Kingdoms tho with the loss of his own life by the axe in the Castle of Exeter 16 May 1655. Let therefore all military men of Honour approach with devotion his altar-tomb and offer up their tributary tears as due victims to distressed valour Adrian Scrope of Cockrington in Lincolnshire Esq was actually created the same day This most valiant person who was son of Sir Jervais Scrope of the same place and High Sheriff of Lincolnshire 1634 did most loyally attend his Majesty at the fight at Edghill where receiving several wounds was left among the dead as a dead person there but recovered by the immortal Dr. Will. Harvey who was there but withdrawn under a hedge with the Prince and Duke while the battel was in its height 'T is reported that this Adr. Scrope received 19 wounds in one battel in defence of his Majesties Cause but whether in that fought at Edghill I cannot justly say it sure I am that he was made Knight of the Bath at the Coronation of K. Ch. 2. an 1661. There was another Adrian Scrope a Soldier also but taking part with the Parliament became one of the Judges of K. Ch. 1. as I shall elsewhere tell you Feb. 21. Franc. Baker Esq Feb. 21. Edw. Bosworth Gent. Feb. 21. Tho. Bosworth Gent. Feb. 21. Joh. Wentworth Gent. Feb. 21. Thom. Morrys Gent. Mar. .... John Godolphin of Glouc. Hall This year but the month week or day when I know not being omitted by the Registrary was actually created Doctor of the Civ Law Rob. Levinz M. A. of Linc. Coll. now in arms for his Majesty and a very zealous person for his Cause He was son of Will. Levinz of Seukworth joyning to Botley near Abendon in Berks who exercised the trade of Brewing in the Parish of S. Peter in the Baylie within the City of Oxon and he the son of Will. Levinz sometimes Alderman and Apothecary of the said City This Robert who was afterwards a Captain did considerable service according to his capacity but upon the surrender of the Garrison of Oxon to the Parliament he betook himself to his book again as some hundreds of Scholars did that had bore arms After the murder of K. Ch. 1 he engaged himself for his son received a Commission from him for the raising of Forces and blank Commissions for divers Officers But he being at length discovered by certain inquisitive persons employed purposely to find out plots against the State he was hurried before a Court-Marshal where acknowledging their allegations against him and the justice of his Cause was by them sentenced to be hang'd Whereupon he was hurried away in a Coach from the Mewse guarded by a Troop of Horse to the Exchange in Cornhill where he was executed about noon on the 18 of July 1650 aged 35 years leaving a widow behind him daugh of Sir Peregrin Bertie son of Robert Earl of Lindsey These things I here set down because the said Dr. Levinz was afterwards numbred among the Loyal Martyrs Doct. of Phys From the 1 of Nov. to the 31 of Jan. were more than 20 Doctors of Physick actually created of which number were these that follow Nov. 1. Sir Rich. Napier Kt originally of Wadh. Coll afterwards Fellow of that of Allsoules was then actually created Doctor of Phys This person who was Nephew and Heir to Rich. Napier Rector of Linford in Bucks a younger son of Sir Rob. Napier of
be created D. D. but he came not to take it nor was he diplomated Nov. 10. John Earle sometimes Fellow of Mert. Coll. now Chaplain to Charles Pr. of Wales Dec. 20. John Arnway of S. Edm. Hall Dec. 20. Thom. Bradley of Exet. Coll. Dec. 20. Thom. Warmstry of Ch. Ch. ..... Staunton of Ch. Ch. ..... Hodges of Ch. Ch. These two last were created the same day or at least were allowed their degrees when they would please to call for them but whether they were educated in Ch. Ch. it appears not and therefore I presume they were Strangers that came with and attended the Kings Court lodging now in that house I find one Thom. Hodges to be Rector of Kensington near London before the rebellion broke out a Preacher sometimes before the Long Parliament one of the Ass of Divines and a Covenantier After his Majesties restauration he became Rector of S. Peter's Church in Cornhill London and Dean of Hereford in the place of Dr. H. Croft made Bishop thereof an 1661 which Deanery he holding to the time of his death was succeeded therein by Dr. George Benson about Midsummer an 1672. This Tho. Hodges hath extant 1 A Glimps of Gods glory Sermon before the H. of Com. at a solemn Fast 28 Sept. 1642 on Psal 113.5.6 Lond. 1642. qu. 2 The growth and spreading of Heresie Fast-serm before the H. of Com. 10 Mar. 1646. on 2 Pet. 2.1 Lond. 1647. qu 3 Inaccessible glory or the impossibility of seeing Gods face whilst we are in the body Serm. at the funeral of Sir Theod. de Mayerne in the Church of S. Martin in the Fields on Friday 30 of Mar. 1655. on Exod. 33.20 Lond. 1655. qu. and perhaps other things but such I have not yet seen nor can I believe him to be the same with Hodges before mentioned who was created D. of D because I cannot find him written or called Doctor till after his Majesties return Another Thom. Hodges I find who was Rector of Soulderne near Deddington in Oxfordshire and Bach. of Divinity not of this University but of that of Cambridge and afterwards one of the Chaplains of Allsouls Coll in the time of Oliver which he kept with his Rectory This person who was also a zealous Presbyterian was born at Oundle in Northamptonshire first admitted into Emanuel Coll and thence taken and made Fellow of that of S. John the Evangelist the Master and Society of which presented him to the Rectory of Soulderne before mention'd When the Act of Uniformity came out he prevailed so much with the said Society that they nominated his friend to be his Successor viz. one Will. Twyne Fellow of the said Coll and then Hodges leaving the place he retired to Okingham in Berks and became Chaplain to the Hospital there where he died and was buried about the month of January 1688 as I have been informed from Soulderne The said Mr. Hodges hath written 1 A Treatise concerning Prayer containing particularly an Apology for the Lords Supper Lond. 1656. in tw 2 A Scripture Catechisme towards the confutation of sundry errours of the present times Lond. 1658. oct Besides which two things he hath also several Sermons extant as 1 The hoary head crowned a fun serm on Prov. 16.31 2 The creatures goodness as they came out of Gods hands and the good mans mercy to the brute creatures c in two sermons printed twice at least 3 A cordial against the fear of death preached before the University of Oxon on Heb. 2.15 Oxon. 1659. qu. and one two or more which I have not yet seen This Thomas Hodges tho he lived in Oxon several years yet he was neither incorporated or took any degree in Divinity Dec. 20. Edw. Wolley M. of A. or Bach. of Div. of Cambridge and at this time one of the Chapl. to his Majesty was actually created Doct. of Div. He was born in the antient borough of Shrewsbury educated in the Kings School there transplanted thence to St. Johns Coll. in the said University where he took the degrees in Arts and afterwards adhering to the cause of his Majesty retired to Oxon to attend and preached sometimes before him there When his Majesties cause declined he suffered as other Royallists did attended his Son in his adverse fortune while he himself endured great misery After the return of K. Ch. 2. he became Rector of a Church in Essex Finchingfield I think to settle the inhabitants thereof in loyal principles and to undo and invalidate the doctrine which that most notorious Independent Steph. Marshall had instil'd into them In 1665 he was promoted to the Episcopal See of Clonfort and Kilmacogh in Ireland to which being consecrated at Titam on the 16. of Apr. the same year sate there for some time and was held in great veneration for his admirable way Of preaching and exemplary life and conversation Among several things that he hath extant are these 1 Eulogia The Parents blessing their Children and the Children begging on their knees their Parents blessings are pious actions warrantable by the word of God and practiced by Gods saints and servants Lond. 1661. c. oct 2 Eudoxia A module of private prayers or occasional helps in retired devotions Printed with the former book 3 Loyalty amongst Rebels the true Royallist c. Lond. 1662. oct ... Edmonds M. A. of S. Johns Coll. in Cambr. ... Earskin B. D. of Magd. Coll. in Cambr. Both which were actually created the same day Jan. 16. Christoph Prior M. A. of Ball. Coll. On the 24 of Dec. 1641 he was collated to the Prebendship of Slape in the Church of Salisbury in Sept. 1643 he became Prebend of Barton Davy in the Church of Wells and in the latter end of the same year Principal of New Inn in the place of Christoph Rogers who some time before had fled from Oxon to the Parliament This person who was always esteem'd a good Greecian and well furnish'd with other parts of learning dyed about half a year before his Majesties return and thereby prevented not only his restauration to what he had lost for the Kings cause but his promotion to higher Dignities Will. O' dis of New Coll. sometimes Proctor of the University was actually created the same day He was afterwards slain by the Parliament Soldiers without any provocation given on his part between Adderbury in Oxfordshire of which place he was Vicar and the Garrison of Oxon about 1644. Jan. 16. Henry Ancketyll of Wadh. Coll. Jan. 16. Hugh Halswell of All 's Coll. Jan. 16. Joh. Metelfer or Meltalfer of Cambr. Jan. 16. Edw. Hyde of Cambr. The last of these four I take to be the same Edward Hyde who is mention'd in Alexander Hyde among the Bishops nu 34. ... Fowler of Ch. Ch. was created the same day On Matthew Fowler of Ch. Ch. took the degree of Bach. of Arts an 1637 as I have in the Fasti of that year told you So that if the said Fowler be the
became a firebrand in that City and an enemy to its antient Civil Government In 1648 he was nominated one of the Kings Judges sate on the Bench when he was several times brought before them stood up as consenting when Sentence was passed for severing his head from his body and at length set his hand and seal to the Warrant for his Execution About that time he was made Keeper of the Magazines and Stores received 5000 l. to buy Arms which I think was never after accompted for In 1659 Jul. 7. he was constituted Colonel of the Militia of the said City by the Rump Parliament and was then in great favour with them but in the year after when his Maj. was restored and a Proclamation thereupon was issued out for all such persons that had sate in Judgment on K. Ch. 1. to come in he surrendred himself so that after his Trial had passed in the Sessions house in the Old Bayly he was condemned to perpetual imprisonment and his Estate confiscated What became of him afterwards I know not nor any thing else of him only that much about the time that he was created M. of Arts he got his son named Sam. Roe to be made Fellow of All 's Coll. by the Committee and Visitors May 19. Colonel William Gough or Goffe was then also presented by Zanchy and created M. A. He was the son of Stephen Goffe Rector of Stanmore in Sussex and younger brother to Joh. Goffe mention'd among the Writers an 1661 p. 171. and to Steph. Goffe mention'd in the Fasti an 1636. p. 888. While this William was a Youth and averse to all kind of Learning he was bound an Apprentice to one Vaughan a Salter in London Brother to Col. Joseph Vaughan a Parliamentarian and a zealous Presbyterian whose time being near or newly out he betook himself to be a Soldier for the righteous Cause instead of setting up his trade went out a Quartermaster of Foot and continued in the Wars till he forgot what he had fought for At length thro several military grades he became a Colonel a frequent Prayer-maker Preacher and Presser for Righteousness and Freedom which in outward shew was expressed very zealously and therefore in high esteem in the Parliament Army In 1648 he was one of the Judges of K. Ch. 1 sate in judgment when he was brought before the High Court of Justice stood up as consenting when Sentence passed upon him for his decollation and afterwards set his Hand and Seal to the Warrant for his Execution Afterwards having like his General Cromwell an evil tincture of that spirit that loved and sought after the favour and praise of man more than that of God as by woful experience in both of them it did afterwards appear he could not further believe or persevere upon that account but by degrees fell off from the antimonarcal Principles of the chief part of the Army and was the man with Col. Will. White who brought Musquetiers and turned out the Anabaptistical Members that were left behind of the Little or Barebones Parliament out of the House an 1654. Complying thus kindly with the design and interest of the said General he was by him when made Protector constituted Major General of Hampshire Sussex and Berks a place of great profit and afterwards was of one if not of two Parliaments did advance his interest greatly and was in so great esteem and favour in Oliver's Court that he was judged the only fit man to have Maj. Gen. John Lamberts place and command as Maj. General of the Army of Foot and by some to have the Protectorship setled on him in future time He being thus made so considerable a person he was taken out of the House to be a Lord and to have a negative Voice in the Other House and the rather for this reason that he never in all his life as he used several times to say fought against any such thing as a single person or a negative voice but only to pull down Charles and set up Oliver c. in which he obtained his end In 1660 a little before the restauration of K. Ch. 2 he betook himself to his heels to save his neck without any regard had to his Majesties Proclamation wandred about fearing every one that he met should slay him and was living at Lausanna in 1664 with Edm. Ludlow Edward Whaley and other Regicides when John L'isle another of that number was there by certain generous Royalists dispatch'd He afterwards lived several years in Vagabondship but when he died or where his carcass was lodged is as yet unknown to me May 19. Major John Blackmore He was a Burgess for Tiverton to serve in that Parliament call'd by Oliver which began at Westm 3 Sept. 1654. Major ..... Browne was actually created the same day This is all that appears of him in the Register otherwise had his Christian Name been set down I might have been more large upon him The aforesaid eleven Officers great favourites of Cromwell were presented in Masters Gowns on one and the same day by Zanchy before mention'd in a Convocation held by a Presbyterian Deputy Vicechancellour Presbyterian Heads and mostly Presbyterian Masters and all actually created Masters of Arts and seated in the Doctors seats Francis Buller Gent. Bach. of Arts of Cambr. was also then actually created Master but presented by an ordinary Master He was the same person as I conceive who was chose a Knight for the County of Cornwall to serve in Richards Parliament that began at Westm 27 Jan. 1658. May 21. John Rushworth of Queens Coll Secretary to Tho. Lord Fairfax was then created M. of A. and admitted to suffragate in the House of Convoc and Congreg May 21. Edward Thelwall a Capt. of Foot May 21. Hugh Courtney an Officer of note Mar. 14. .... Humphreys Gent. of kin to the Earl of Lincolne and the son of a Colonel c. In the conclusion of the aforesaid Creation May 19 were the Names of certain other Officers read to be created Masters of Arts when they were pleased to come to Oxon to be entertained Their Names were written in a paper subscribed by Fairfax and Cromwell but whether the contents of that paper were registred or that the said Officers were afterwards created it appears not Two of them who are noted to posterity for their great rudeness and impudence towards sacred Majesty I shall here set down but the others not because of little or no Name The first of these two that I shall speak of is George Joyce an Officer of note a Captain as it seems It must be now observed that when the Commissioners appointed by Parliament to treat with the King for Peace did go to him at Newcastle upon Tyne to which place the Scots had conveyed him when he committed his person to their protection near Newark upon Trent it was the pleasure of the Parl. that he and the Commissioners should be conveyed thence to his Palace at
his rudeness so as with shame he mounted his horse and followed the Coach with his party or guard the Coachman driving as he directed and Captain Merriman a name ill suting with the occasion with another party went foremost The King in this passage shew'd no discomposure at all tho at parting he did and would be asking the Gentlemen in the Coach with him Whether they thought he was travelling they made some simple replies such that served to make his Majesty smile at their innocent conjectures Otherwhile he would comfort himself with what he had granted at the late Treaty with the Commissioners whom he highly praised for their ingenuity and fair deportment at Newport The Coach by the L. Colonels direction went Westward towards Worsley's Tower in Fresh-water Isle and a little beyond Yarmouth Haven About that place his Majesty rested until the Vessel was ready to take him aboard with those few his Attendants The King after an hours stay went aboard a sorrowful spectacle and great example of fortunes inconstancy The wind and tyde favoured him and his company and in less than three hours time they crost that narrow Sea and landed at Hurst Castle or Block-house rather erected by order of K. Hen. 8 upon a spot of earth thrust by nature a good way into the Sea and joyned to the firm land by a narrow neck of Sand which is constantly covered over with loose stones and pebbles Upon both sides of this passage the Sea beats so as at spring tydes and in stormy weather it is formidable and hazardous The Castle has very thick stone walls and the platforms are regular and both have Culverins and Sakers mounted A dismal receptacle it was for so great a Monarch as this King was the greater part of whose life and reign had been prosperous and full of earthly glory Nevertheless it was some satisfaction to his Majesty that his two Houses of Parliament abhor'd this force upon his person having voted that the seizing of the Kings Person and carrying him Prisoner to Hurst Castle was without the privity and consent of either House of Parliament c. The Captain of this wretched place was not unsutab●e to it At the Kings going on Shoar in the Evening of the said 30 of Nov. he stood ready to receive him with small observance His look was stern his hair and large beard were black and bushy He held a Partizan in his hand and Switz-like had a great Basket-hilt-sword by his side Hardly could one see a man of more grim aspect and no less robust and rude was his behaviour Some of his Majesties servants were not a little fearful of him and really thought that he was designed for mischief especially when he vapoured as being elevated with his command and puft up by having so royal a Prisoner so as probably he conceived he was nothing inferior to the Governour of the Castle at Millan But being complained off to L. Col. Cobbet his superior Officer he appeared a Bubble for being pretty sharply admonished he quickly became mild and calm whereby 't was visible that his humour or tumour rather was adulatory acted to curry favour wherein also he was much mistaken For to give the L. Colonel his due he was after his Majesty came under his custody very civil to him both in language and behaviour and courteous to those that attended him on all occasions Also that his disposition was not rugged towards such as in loyalty and love came to see and to pray for him as sundry persons out of Hampshire and the neighbouring Counties did His Majesty as it may be well granted was very slenderly accommodated at this place for the Room he usually eat in was neither large nor lightsome insomuch that at noon day in that Winter season candles were set up to give light and at night he had his wax Lamp set as formerly in a silver bason which illuminated the Bedchamber and Tho. Herbert then attending being the sole person at that time left as Groom thereof for Harrington was soon after dismist as I have elsewhere told you he could not otherwise but call to mind a relation well worth the observance which is this as by Letters with several other stories relating to the Kings last two years of his life he very kindly imparted to me When Mountague Earl of Lindsey one of the Gentlemen of his Majesties Bedchamber did lay one night on a Pallet by the Kings bed-side a little before he left Oxon in a disguise to surrender his person up to the Protection of the Scots then laying seige to Newark upon Trent was placed at the end of his Majesties Bed as was usually every night a Lamp or round cake of wax in a bason set on a stool The Earl awaked in the night and observed the room to be perfectly dark and thereupon raising himself up he looked towards the Lamp and concluded that it might be extinguished by water got into the bason by some creek But he not hearing the King stir he forbore rising or to call upon those in the next chamber to bring in another light About half an hour after he fell asleep again and awaked not till morning but when he did awake he discerned the Lamp bright burning which so astonish'd him that taking the boldness to call to the King whom he heard by his stirring to be awake he told him what he had observed whereupon the King replied that he himself awaking also in the night took notice that all was dark and to be fully satisfied he put by the curtain to look on the Lamp but concluded that the Earl had risen and set it upon the bason lighted again The Earl assured his Majesty he did not The King then said he did consider it was a prognostick of Gods future favour and mercy towards him and his that tho he was at that time ecclipsed yet either he or they may shine out bright again c. But to return in this sad condition was the King at Hurst the place and military persons duly considered He was sequestred in a manner from the comfort that earth and air affordeth and the society of men The earth confin'd him to that promontorie or gravel walk overspread with loose stones a good depth on which when he walked as usually he did was very uneasie and offensive to his feet but endure it he did with his most admirable and accustom'd patience and serenity of spirit and more alacrity than they that followed him The air was equally noxious by reason of the marish grounds that were thereabouts and the unwholsome vapours arising from the ●argosses and weeds which the salt water constantly at tydes and stormes cast upon the shoar and by the foggs that those marine places are most subject to so that the dwellers thereabouts find by experience how that the air is insalubrious and disposing to diseases especially aguish distempers Notwithstanding all these things the King was content in this most
married to Sir Edw. Henry Lee of Ditchley in Oxfordsh Bt afterwards Earl of Lichfield 10 Mary begotten on the body of Mary Davies a Comedian in the Duke of Yorks Play-house She had afterwards the Sirname of Tuder given to her and on the 18 of Aug. or thereabouts an 1687 she was married to the Son of Sir Francis Radcliffe afterwards Earl of Derentwater 11 James begotten on the body of the said Eleanor Quinn was born in the Pall-Mall within the liberty of Westminster on Christmas day or thereabouts an 1671 and died in France of a sore leg about Michaelmas in 1680. Here are eleven natural Children set down but whether in order according to Birth I cannot justly tell you There was another Daughter begotten on the body of the said Barbara Duchess of Cleveland which the King would not own because supposed to be begotten by another and whether he own'd it before his death I cannot tell He also adopted for his Daughter the Daughter of the said Rog. Palmer E. of Castlemaine which was born of Barbara his Wife before she had knowledge of his Majesty After her adoption she was married to Thomas Lennard Lord Dacres Earl of Sussex But now after this digression le ts proceed to the rest of the incorporations Feb. 13. Joh. Heaver D. D. of Cambr. He had been Fellow of Clare Hall in that University was now Canon of Windsore and Fellow of Eaton Coll and dying 23 of June 1670 was succeeded in his Canonry by Tho. Viner Bach afterwards Doct. of Div. Mar. 15. Anthony Horneck a German of Qu. Coll Mast of Arts of Wittemberg He is now an eminent Minister in Lond hath published several books of Divinity and Sermons and therefore he is hereafter to be remembred among the Oxford Writers CREATIONS By the command of the Chancellour of the University were Creations made in all faculties in the latter end of Sept. at which time the King and Queen were in Oxon. Bach. of Law Sept. 28. Joh. Baylie of S. Johns Coll. This Gentleman who was a younger Son of Dr. Rich. Baylie President of that Coll was afterwards Chancellour of the Dioc. of B. and Wells He died at or near Wells about the 20. of Jan. 1688. Mast of Arts. These following persons were created on the 28 of Sept. in a full Convocation then celebrated James Howard Earl of Suffolk John Greenvill Earl of Bathe chief Gentleman of his Majesties Royal Bedchamber He was before the Wars began a Gent. Com. of Gloc. Hall and after they began a Commander of note in his Majesties Army against the Rebels and at length entrusted by his Maj. K. Ch. 2. in the great affair of his restauration c. John Middleton Earl of Middleton in Scotland and L. High Commissioner thereof Henry Hamilton a young Nobleman of Ch. Ch E. of Clanbrazill Son of James sometimes E. of Clanbrazill Henry Somerset Lord Herbert of Ragland He was afterwards Marq. of Worcester and Duke of Beaufort Charles Berkley Visc Fitz-Harding He was now Treasurer of his Majesties Houshold and one of the Lords of the Privy Council and dying in Whitehall of a short apoplectical distemper on the 12 of June 1668 Sir Thomas Clifford succeeded him in his Treasurership William Lord Cavendish Son of the Earl of Devonshire He was afterwards Earl of Devonshire Joh. Hales of Ch. Ch. Bts. Franc. Hen. Lee of Ditchley Bts. Sir Allen Apsley Kt. He was originally as 't is said of Trinity Coll. in this University and afterwards a faithful adherer to his Majesties cause in the worst of times After the restauration of K. Ch. 2. he was made Captain Lieutenant in the Regiment of James Duke of York Falconer to his Majesty and Treasurer of the Houshold and Receiver general to the said Duke This person who died in S. James Square near London about the 15 of Octob. 1683 hath written and published a Poem entit Order and disorder or the world made and undone Being meditations upon the Creation and the Fall as it is recorded in the beginning of Genesis Lond. 1679. in five Cantoes He was a Burgess for Thetford in Norfolk to serve in that Parliament that began at Westm 8. May 1661. Henry Guy Esq sometimes of Ch. Ch. now Cup-bearer to the Qu. He was afterwards an Officer of the Excise in the North was a Recruiter for Headon in Yorkshire to serve in that Parliament which began at Westm 8. May 1661 became Secretary to the Commissioners of his Majesties Treasury 26. Mar. 1679 and in the same year one of the Gromes of his Majesties Bedchamber upon the resignation of Col. Silas Titus Afterwards he was made a Commissioner of the custom-Custom-house c. Sidney Godolphin Esq This person who is of the antient family of Godolphin in Cornwall was afterwards a Recruiter for Helston in Cornwall to serve in that Parliament which began at Westm 8. May 1661 one of the Gromes of his Majesties Bedchamber and the last of the four Commissioners of his Majesties Treasury on the 26. Mar. 1679 about which time Thomas Earl of Danby was discharg'd of his place of Lord Treasurer In the middle of Apr. 1684 he succeeded Sir Leol Jenkyns in the place of Secretary of State and on the 17 of that month he was sworn to that office at a Council held at Hampton Court On the 24 of Aug. following he was by his Majesty declared the first Commissioner of the Treasury and thereupon Char. Earl of Middleton succeeded him in his Secretaryship and in the beginning of Sept. following he was by his Majesty created a Baron by the title of Lord Godolphin of Rialton in Cornwall About the 16 of Feb. 1684 his Majesty K. Ch. 2. being then newly dead he was by K. Jam. 2. made Lord Chamberlain to his Queen and about the 5 of Jan. 1686 he with John Lord Bellasyse Henry Lord Dover Sir Joh. Ernle Chanc. of the Exchecquer and Sir Steph. Fox were appointed Commissioners for executing the office of Lord High Treasurer of England Laurence Earl of Rochester being about that time removed from that great office On the 15 of Nov. or thereabouts an 1690 his Majesty K. Will. 3. was pleased to order a new Commission to pass the Great Seal constituting the said Sidney Lord Godolphin the first Commissioner of the Treasury The other Commissioners then appointed were Sir Joh. Lowther of Lowther Bt. Vice-Chamberlain of his Majesties houshold Richard Hamden Esq Chanc. of the Exchecquer Sir Steph. Fox Kt. and Tho. Pelham Esq Sir Franc. Drake of Exeter Coll. Bts. Tho. Cobbe of Adderbury in Oxfordshire Bts. Charles Berkley Knight of the Bath a Noble man of Ch. Ch. and eldest Son to George Lord Berkley Grevill Verney of Compton Murdack in Warwickshire Knight of the Bath He died at Lond. 23. July 1668. Bernard Greenvill Esq He was afterwards a Recruiter for Leskard in Cornwall to serve in that Parliament which began at Westm 8. May 1661 and one of the Groomes of his Majesties Bedchamber Sir
one of the Judges of the Common Pleas. Afterwards Sir Edw. was one of those many persons that were excepted out of the Act of indempnity or pardon of their Majesties K. Will. 3. and Qu. Mary dated 23. May 1690. May 6. Thomas Adderley of S. Johns Coll. This person who was a Warwickshire man born was a Servitour of the said Coll and after he had taken one degree in Arts he left it and became Chaplains as it seems to Sir Edw. Boughton of Warwickshire Bt. He hath written and published The care of the peace of the Church the duty of every Christian In a discourse on Psal 122.6 Lond. 1679. qu. To which is added A Letter shewing the great danger and sinfulness of popery written to a young Gentleman a Roman Cath. in Warwickshire May 27. Rich Roderick of Ch. Ch. May 27. Joh. Walker of Ch. Ch. Jun. 15. Will. Cade of Ch. Ch. Of the first of these three you may see more among the Bach. of Div. 1682 of the second among the Masters 1672 and of the third among the Bach. of Div. 1681. June 19. Rich. Leigh of Qu. Coll. This Gent who was a younger Son of Edw. Leigh mention'd among the Writers in this Vol. p. 351. hath Poetry and other things extant and therefore he is to crave a place hereafter among the Writers Oct. 19. Humph. Humphreys of Jes Coll. He was afterwards B. of Bangor 26. Sam. Barton of C. C. Coll. See among the Bach. of Div. 1681. Dec. 11. Richard Forster of Brasn Coll. See among the Masters in 1673. Feb. 1. Joh. Clerk of Ch. Ch. He was afterwards Fellow of All 's Coll. See among the Mast an 1673. Mar. 15. Joh. Rogers of S. Joh. Coll. See among the Mast an 1672. Admitted 208 or thereabouts Doct. of Mus July 8. Benj. Rogers Organist of Magd. Coll was then admitted Doctor of Musick which degree he compleated in that great and solemn Act celebrated in Sheldons Theater on the 12 of the same month being the third day after the opening and dedication of the said Theater for a learned use This person who was Son of Peter Rogers belonging to his Majesties Chap. of S. George at Windsore in Berks was born at Windsore was when a boy a Choirester and when a Man Clerk or Singing-man of the said Chap. at Windsore Afterwards he became Organist of Ch Ch. in Dublin where continuing till the rebellion broke out in 1641 he was forced thence and going to Windsore he obtained a Singing mans place there But being soon after silenced by the great troubles occasion'd by the Civil Wars in England he taught his profession at Windsore and in the neighbourhood and by the favour of the men then in power got some annual allowance in consideration of his lost place In 1653 or thereabouts he being then famed for a most admirable Composer did at the request of great personages compose several sets of Airs of four parts to be performed by Violins and an Organ which being esteem'd the best of their kind that could be then composed were sent as great rarities into Germany to the Court of Archduke Leopold now Emperour and were tried and often played by his own Musitians to his very great content he himself being then a Composer and a great Admirer of Musick In 1658 his great favourer and encourager of his profession Dr. Nathaniel Ingelo Fellow of Eaton conducted him to Cambridge got the degree of Bach. of Mus to be confer'd on him as a member of Qu. Coll that Doctor having been sometimes Fellow thereof and at that time a Proceeder in Div. and giving great content by his song of several parts which was his exercise performed in the Commencement that year by several voices he gained the reputation there of a most admirable Musitian and had the greater part of his fees and entertainment defray'd by that noble and generous Doctor After his Majesties restauration the Lord Mayor Aldermen and chief Citizens of London being unanimously dispos'd to entertain the King the two Dukes and both Houses of Parliament with a sumptuous Feast it was ordered among them that there should be added to it the best Musick they could obtain And B. Rogers being then esteemed the prime Composer of the Nation he was desir'd of them to compose a song of several parts to be performed while the King and company were at dinner Whereupon in order to it Dr. Ingelo made Hymnus Eucharisticus the beginning of the prelude to which is Exultate Justi in Domino c. This also he translated into English and both were printed in single papers These things being done B. Rogers composed a song of four parts to that Hymne which was more than once tried in private At length on the 12. of July Thursday 1660 being the day that his Majesty James Duke of York Henry Duke of Glocester and both Houses of Parliament were at Dinner in the Guild-hall of the City of London the said printed papers in Latin and English being delivered to the King the two Dukes and dispersed among the Nobility c. purposely that they might look on them while the performance was in doing the song was began and carried on in Latin by twelve Voices twelve Instruments and an Organ mostly performed by his Majesties Servants Which being admirably well done it gave very great content and Mr. Rogers the author being present he obtained a great name for his composition and a plentiful reward Much about that time he became Organist of Eaton Coll where continuing till Theodore Colby a German was prefer'd to be Organist of Exeter Cathedral Dr. Thomas Pierce who had a great value for the man he himself being a Musitian invited him to Magd. Coll. and gave him the Organists place there and there he continued in good esteem till 1685 and then being ejected the reason why let others tell you the Society of that house allow'd him an yearly pension to keep him from the contempt of the world In which condition he now lives in his old age in a skirt of the City of Oxon unregarded He hath extant certain compositions in a book entit Cantica Sacra Containing Hymns and Anthems for two voices to the Organ both Latin and English Lond. 1674. fol. As also in The Latine Psalmes and Hymns of four parts published by Joh. Playford His compositions for instrumental Musick whether in two three or four parts have been highly valued and were always 30 years ago or more first called for taken out and played as well in the publick Musick school as in private Chambers and Dr. Wilson the Professor the greatest and most curious Judge of Musick that ever was usually wept when he heard them well perform'd as being wrapt up in an extasie or if you will melted down while others smil'd or had their hands and eyes lifted up at the excellency of them c. But now le ts go on with the admissions Bach. of Law Five were admitted but not one of
temper great experience travels and modern Languages Our Author Warmstrey hath also written Various Poems And other things as 't is probable which I have not yet seen He concluded his last day on the 28 of May in sixteen hundred forty and one and was buried among the Graves of the Warmstreys not far from the north door of and within the Cathedral Church of Worcester leaving then behind him a widdow named Isabell I shall make mention of his Brother Dr. Tho. Warmstrey under the year 1665. JOHN THORNBOROUGH Son of Giles Thornborough was born within the City of Salisbury became a Semi-Com or Demie of S. Mary Magd. Coll. in the year 1570 aged 18 years took the degrees in Arts holy Orders and was made Chaplain to the Earl of Pembroke with whom continuing for some time that Count bestowed upon him the Rectory of Chilmark in Wilts and thereby became the first that planted him in the Church of Christ Soon after he became Chaplain in Ordinary to Qu. Elizabeth by the endeavours of the said Count and beneficed in Yorkshire so that being put into the road of Preferment he had the Deanery of York confer'd on him upon the promotion of Dr. Mathew Hutton to the See of Durham to which being elected 28 Oct. 1589 was soon after install'd In 1593 he was made Bishop of Limerick in Ireland where pe●forming many signal services for the Crown of England he was translated to the See of Bristow in 1603 with liberty then given to him to keep his Deanery of York in commendam But as for his Benefices in Yorkshire which were the Rectories of Brandesburton and Misperton alias Kirkby over Carr they were bestowed on Peter Rollocke Bishop of Dunkell in the month of Aug. the same year On the 17 Feb. 1616 was translated to Worcester whereupon his Deanery was given to Dr. George Meriton Dean of Peterborough elected thereunto 25 Mar. 1617 and his Bishoprick of Bristow to Dr. Nich. Felton Master of Pemb. Hall in Cambridge to which being consecrated 14 Dec. 1617 sate there till the 14 March 1618 on which day he was translated to Ely As for Thornborough he was a person well furnish'd with Learning Wisdom Courage and other as well episcopal as temporal Accomplishments beseeming a Gentleman a Dean and a Bishop But above all he was much commended for his great skill in Chymistry a study but seldom followed in his time And 't is thought that by some helps from it it was that he attained to so great an age A most learned Chymist of this mans time tells us that he knew a Bishop whose fame in Chymistry being celebrated of many he visited and after he had seen a little chymical tract written with his own hand he took him labouring in our gold whence he studied to extract Vitriol which he held his only secret whereupon he left him for that he knew that he had neither before him the proper matter nor the manner of working according to the doctrine of Philosophers c. But who this Bishop was unless our Author Thornborough or a Bishop in Germany whom he met in his Travels I know not nor doth it signifie much His writings are these The joyful and blessed reuniting the two mighty and famous Kingdoms of England and Scotland into their ancient name of Great Britain Oxon. 1605. qu. published under the name of John Bristoll But several things therein being conceived to be derogatory to the honor of both Houses of Parliament the Author was complained of only in the upper house which was soon after passed over In 1604 was printed at London A Treatise of Union of the two Realms of England and Scotland said in the title page to be written by J. H. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sive Nihil Aliquid Omnia in gratiam eorum qui artem auriferam physico-chymicè pie profitentur Oxon. 1621. qu. The last will and testament of Jesus Christ touching the blessed Sacrament of the body and blood c. Oxon. 1630. qu. A discourse shewing the great happiness that hath and may still accrue to his Maj. Kingdoms of Engl. and Scotland by reuniting them into one Great Britaine in two parts Lond. 1641. in tw published under the name of Joh. Bristoll but 't is not the same with the former 'T was afterwards printed at Edenburgh in the Latin Tongue Pax vobis concerning the Unity and Peace of the Church This I think is not printed nor other things that he had lying by him at the time of his death He departed this mortal life in the Castle called Hartilborough in Worcestershire after he had been twice married on the ninth day of July in sixteen hundred forty and one and was buried on the north side of the Chappel behind the east end of the choire belonging to the Cath. Chur. of Worcester near to a fair alabaster monument which he had fourteen years before erected for himself with his Statua in his episcopal Robes curiously carved in stone lying thereon On the Canopy over his head I find this written on the side of it Denarius Philosophorum dum spiro spero And on the north side is this In uno 2 0 3 2 4 1 10. non spirans spero Over his head is this Qui dormis attolle caput quia in infirmitate virtus in morte vita in tenebris lux And over his feet mors nubecula transiens laborum finis vitae janua scala coeli mihi lucrum Besides these Sentences is a large Inscription painted on a table hanging above his feet which for brevity sake I now omit See more in Hist Antiq. Univ. Oxon. lib. 2. p. 200 b. He had issue by his first wife Sir Benj. Thornborough Kt. and Edw. Thornborough Archdeacon of Worcester who died in 1645 and by his second named Elizab. Bayles of Suffolk Sir Tho. Thornborough of Elmeley Lovet in Worcestershire Kt. c. He had also a Brother named Giles who was Subdean and one of the Canons of Sarum in the latter end of Qu. Elizabeth as also Rector of Orcheston S. George in Wilts who died in 1637 leaving a Relict behind him named Jane He had also a nephew of the same name Preb. of Worcester in 1629 who dying in 1663 one Will. Owen M. A. was installed in his place 13 Feb. the same year A little before this Bishops death he told his Maj. K. Ch. 1. that he had outlived several that had expected to succeed him in the See of Worcester and now said he I am afraid I shall outlive my Bishoprick which almost had come to pass JOHN DAWSON a most eminent Preacher of his time was born in Oxfordshire particularly as it seems within the City of Oxon became first of all conversant with the Muses in Ch. Ch. in Mich. term 1620 aged about 15 years took one degree in Arts and afterwards entring into holy orders was made Vicar of Maydenhead in Berks where and in the neighbourhood he was much
resorted to for his edifying preaching After his death were published of his composition by one H. M. Eighteen Sermons preached upon the incarnation of the nativity of Jesus Christ c. Lond. 1642. qu. The five first are on John 1. ver 1. the four following on Joh. 1. ver 2. and the nine following those four are on Joh. 1. ver 6. to ver 14. Which learned Lucubrations promise no less than what they appear a compendious volumn of Divinity He died in the prime of his years in the beginning of Septemb. in sixteen hundred forty and one and was buried in the Parish Church of Cookham near to Maydenhead before mentioned on the seventh day of the same month Contemporary with the said Jo. Dawson I find another of Ch. Ch. who after he had continued in the state of M. of A. about ten years was admitted Bach. of Div. 1634 but this person who was of gentile parents in London hath published nothing as I can yet learn I find also one Joh. Dawson Author of Paraphrasis metrica in Proverbia Salomonis Lond. 1639. oct but whether written by either of the former or by a third I cannot tell unless I can see the book HENRY MARTEN Son of Anth. Marten of London Son of Will. Marten of Okyngham in Berks by Margaret his second Wife daugh of John Yate of Lyford in the said County was born in the Parish of S. Michael of Basinghaugh within the said City of London educated in Wykeham's School near Winchester admitted true and perpetual Fellow of New Coll. in 1582 took the degrees in the Civil Law that of Doctor being compleated in 1592 at which time he was an eminent Advocat at Doctors Commons as afterwards in the High Commission Court In 1595 he left his College and became successively Judge of the Admiralty twice Dean of the Arches a Knight and in 1624 Judge of the Prerogative in the place of Sir Will. Byrd deceased In all which Offices and Employments he shew'd himself a most excellent Civilian the best for ought that I know that ever appeared in our Horizon and therefore highly venerated by all good and learned men Towards his latter end he purchased a fair Estate mostly lying in Berks which his ungodly Son Harry squandred away His Writings were many and by some were thought very worthy of the press but in whose hands they are now or whether embezil'd with his Estate I know not All that I have seen are these Several speeches in Parliament As 1 Speech at a general Committee of both houses 22 May 1628. 2 Sp. as to the rational part of the matter of a Conference had by a Committee of both houses concerning Sovereigne Power an 1628. c. In which Parliament Sir Henry was a Burgess for the University of Oxon. Debates touching his Majesties Propositions and the Duke of Buckingham c. an 1628. See in Jo. Rushworths Collections vol. 1. p. 521.617 Several arguments and discourses in Parl. See in a book entit The Sovereigns prerogative and the Subjects privileges discussed c. 3 and 4 of K. Ch. 1. Lond. 1657. fol. p. 140 c. p. 188. Besides other things among which is his Speech in Parl. concerning the petition of right He paid his last debt to nature on the 26 of Sept. in sixteen hundred forty and one aged 81 and was buried in a Chappel joyning on the north side of the Chancel belonging to the Church of his mannour of Longworth near to Abendon in Berks. Over his grave and that of his Wife their son Harry Marten before mention'd erected a comely monument with an inscription thereon the Contents of which I shall now pass by for brevity sake ROBERT BURHILL or Burghill received his first breath at Dymock in Glocestershire but descended from those of his name as I conceive that lived at Thinghill in Herefordshire was admitted Scholar of Corp. Ch. Coll. 13 Jan. 1587 aged 15 years Probationer Fellow thereof 20 Mar. 1584 being then M. of A. and about that time in holy orders At length having a parsonage confer'd on him in Norfolk and a Residentiaryship in the Church of Hereford he proceeded D. of Divinity He was a person of great reading and profound judgment was well vers'd in the Fathers and Schoolmen right learned and well grounded in the Hebrew Tongue an exact Disputant and in his younger years a noted Latin Poet. He was much respected and valued by Sir Walt. Raleigh for his scholastical accomplishments who finding him a person of great learning had his assistance in Criticisms in the reading and opening of Greek and Hebrew Authors when he was composing the History of the World during his confinement in the Tower of London But let those things which he hath published that have been taken into the hands of very learned men speak his worth and excellency The titles of which follow Invitatorius panegyricus ad regem optimum de Elizabethae nuper reginae posteriore ad Oxoniam adventu c. Oxon. 1603. in two sh in qu. In controversiam inter Jo. Howsonum Thomam Pyum S. T. Doctores de novis post divortium ob adulterium nuptiis c. in sex commentationes Elenchum monitorium distinctus Ubi ad excusam D. Pyi ad D. Howsonum Epistolam quâ libri Howsoniani refutationem molitur ad ejusdem alteram manu scriptam Epistolam ejusd argumenti quâ contra Alb. Gentilem disputat diligenter respondetur Oxon. 1606. qu. In the general Title before the second Edit of Dr. Howson's Thesis printed herewith the aforesaid large Title is thus abbreviated Theseos defensio contra reprehensionem Thomae Pyi S. T. Doctoris The Elenchus Monitorius at the end contains 4 sheets Responsio pro Tortura Torti contra Mart. Becanum Jesuitam Lond. 1611. oct De potestate regiâ usurpatione papali pro Tortura Torti contra Parellum Andr. Eudaemon-Johannis Jesuitae Oxon. 1613. oct Assertio pro jure regio contra Martini Becani Jesuitae controversiam Anglicanam Lond. 1613. oct Defensio responsionis Jo. Buckridgii ad apologiam Roberti Card. Bellarmini printed with the Assertio c. Comment in difficiliora Job MS. in two folio's in Corpus Ch. Coll. Library Which book Elias Wrench of the said Coll. transcribed in a fair character and put the Hebrew into Hebrew letters which before were in Latin At the end of the said Commentary in the second Vol. was added Paraphrasis poetica on the said book of Job by E. Wrench before mention'd born in Glocestershire Son of Elias Wrench if I mistake not Prebendary of Glocester admitted scholar of C. C. Coll. 5 Jan. 1621 afterwards Fellow Bach. of Div. and in Apr. 1644 Rector of Trent in Somersetshire by the presentation of the President and Fellows of his house where he died and was buried in the month of June 1680. Our Author Burhill also wrot a book entit Tractatus contra Monarchomachos Hierarchomachos pro Regibus Episcopis MS.
the honor of the Protestant Religion and the English Nation insomuch as his many conflicts with and conquests of the learned Sorbonists in defence of the Protestants and opposition to the Papists caused even those his adversaries to give him this encomium that he was Featlaeus acutiss acerrimus Upon his return into England he repaired to his College took the degree of Bac. of Div. 1613 and soon after became Rector of Northill in Cornwall by the favour of Ezeck Arscot Esq one of his Pupils and a Cornish man born But before he was scarce warm there he was sent for from thence to be domestick Chaplain to Dr. Abbot Archb. of Canterbury and by him was prefer'd soon after to the Rectory of Lambeth in Surrey In 1617 he proceeded in Divinity and puzled Prideaux the Kings professor so much with his learned arguments that a quarrel thereupon being raised the Archbishop was in a manner forced to compose it for his Chaplains sake The Archb. of Spalato being also present at the disputation was so much taken with our Authors arguments that he forthwith gave him a Brothers-place in the Savoy Hospital near London he being then Master thereof About that time he had the Rectory of Alhallowes Church in Broadstreet within the City of London confer'd upon him by Canterbury which soon after he changed for the Rectory of Acton in Middlesex and at length became the third and last Provost of Chelsey Coll. In 1625 he left Canterburies service being then married and retiring to Kennington near Lambeth where his wife had a house laid aside his polemical Divinity wholly devoted himself to the study and practice of Piety and Charity and composed his Ancilla Pietatis which the next year was published From that time to the beginning of the Civil War may be many things here spoken of him worthy of memory as of his often disputes with persons of contrary Religion his writing of books against the Church of Rome c. which shall now for brevity sake he omitted In Nov. 1642 after the King had encountred the Parliament-Soldiers at Brentford some of the Rebels took up their quarters at Acton who after they had missed our Author Featley whom they took to be a Papist or at least that he had a Pope in his belly they drank and eat up his Provision burnt down a Barn of his full of Corn and two Stables the loss amounting to 211 l. and at the same time did not only greatly profane the Church there by their beastly actions but also burnt the rails pull'd down the Font broke the windows and I know not what In Feb. following the said Rebels sought after him in the Church at Lambeth on a Lords day to murder him but he having timely notice of their coming withdrew and saved himself In 1643 when the Bishops were altogether disinabled from performing their Office and thereupon the Assembly of Divines was constituted by the Blessed Parliament then by some so call'd our Author was appointed a member thereof shewing himself among them to have more of Calvin in him than before being as t is said a Calvinist always in his heart tho he shewed it not so openly till that time But so it was that our Author being a main stickler against the Covenant there which he was to take did in a letter to the learned Dr. Usher Primate of Ireland then at Oxon in the middle of Sept. the same year shew to him the reasons why he excepted against it A copy of which letter or else another which he about the same time wrot being treacherously gotten from him was first carried to the Close Committee and at length to the House of Commons Whereupon our Author being judged to be a Spye and a betrayer of the Parliaments cause was seised on committed Prisoner to the Lord Petre's house in Aldergatestreet on the 30 of the said month and his Rectories taken away that of Acton being bestowed on the infamous Independent Philip Nye and that of Lambeth on Joh. White of Dorchester the old instrument of sedition who afterwards got an order to obtain and keep his Library of books till such time that he could get his own back which had a little before been seised on at Dorchester by the command of Prince Rupert In the said Prison-house he continued till the beginning of March 1644 and then after much supplication made to the Parliament in his behalf he being then drawn very low and weak by the Dropsie he was remov'd for health sake to Chelsey Coll. of which he was then Provost where spinning out a short time in Piety and holy Exercise surrendred up his last breath to him that first gave it He was esteemed by the generality to be one of the most resolute and victorious Champions of the reformed Protestant Religion in his time a most smart scourge of the Church of Rome a Compendium of the learned Tongues and of all the liberal Arts and Sciences Also that though he was of small Stature yet he had a great soul and had all learning compacted in him He was most seriously and soundly pious and devout and tam studio quàm exercitio Theologus insignis c. as 't is express'd in his Epitaph What the Reader may further judg of him may be by his works the Catalogue of which follows The life and death of Jo. Jewell somtime B. of Salisbury 'T is an abridgment of the said Bishops life written by Laur. Humphrey D. D. drawn up by our Author whilst he was a Student in C. C. Coll. an 1609 at the command of Dr. Bancroft Archbishop of Canterbury Which being by him concluded and sent to Lambeth was suddenly printed and prefix'd to the said Jewells works before he had time to revise it and to note the errata therein Most if not all of the said life is printed in English in a book intit Abel redivivus collected and written by Tho. Fuller Lond. 1651. qu. History of the life and manner of death of Dr. Joh. Rainolds President of Corp. Ch. Coll. in Oxon. It was delivered in a Lat. Oration from a pew set in that Coll. quadrangle when the said Rainolds was to be inter'd in the Chappel there Most or all of the said life is remitted into the before mention'd Abel redivivus Life and death of Rob. Abbot D. D. somtimes Bishop of Salisbury Written in Latine also as it seems and remitted into Ab. rediv. in English The Romish Fisher caught and held in his own net Or a true relation of his conference with Joh. Fisher and Joh. Sweet Lond. 1624. qu. Appendix to the Fishers net with a description of the Romish wheel and circle Printed with the former book A defence of his proceedings in the conference together with a refutation of Mr. Fishers answer under the name of A. C. to a treatise intit The Fisher caught in his own net Lond. 1624. qu. The sum and substance of that which passed in a
Rich. Richardson sometimes of Emanuel Coll. in Cambridge now or lately an Inhabitant in the most pleasant Village of Brixworth in Northamptonshire Lond. 1673. oct In this version he hath left out some of the ornamental and emblematical part of the English copy and hath with the Authors scatter'd and intermix'd his own Observations on Bees and what of note he had either heard from men skilful this way or had read in other books But this last translation being slow in the sale there hath been a new title put to it and said therein to be printed at Oxon. 1682. oct Rhetoricae libri duo Oxon. 1618. and 29. qu. Lond. 1635. oct De propinquitate matrimonium impediente regula generalis Oxon. 1625. qu. Oratoriae libri duo Ox. 1633. qu. Lond. 1635. oct English Grammar Ox. 1634. qu. The principles of Musick Lond. 1636. qu. He took his last farewel of this world on the 29 of March in sixteen hundred forty and seven and in that of his age 88 or thereabouts after he had been Vicar of Wotton St. Laurence before mention'd 48 years and was buried in the Chancel of the Church there EPHRAIM PAGIT or Paget son of Euseb Pag. mentioned before under the year 1617. p. 357. was born of a gentile family in Northamptonshire matriculated as a member of Ch. Ch. 25 of May 1593 aged 18 but whether he took a degree it appears not Afterwards thro some petit imployments he became Parson of the Church of S. Edmund in Lombardstreet within the City of London where he continued many years He hath written Christianographia or a description of the multitudes and sundry sorts of Christians in the world not subject to the Pope c. Lond. 1635. 36. 40. c. qu. Treatise of the Religion of the antient Christians in Britany pr. with some editions of the former book Heresiographia or a description of the heresies of later times Lond. 1645. and 48. 4th edit in qu. He hath also a serm extant called The mystical Wolf on Math. 7. ver 15. Lond. 1645. qu. and other things as 't is probable but such I have not yet seen Upon the breaking out of the civil War he was so molested and troubled that meerly for quietness sake he was forced to leave his Benefice in his old age being then commonly called Old Father Ephraim So that retiring to Deptford in Kent spent there the short remainder of his days in great devotion and retiredness At length surrendring up his pious soul to God in the beginning of the year in Apr. as it seems sixteen hundred forty and seven was buried according to his will in Deptford Churchyard One of both his names his Uncle I think translated into English Sermons upon Ruth Lond. 1586. in oct written originally by Lod. Lavater but whether the said Ephraim Paget was educated in Oxon I cannot justly say tho two or more of his sirname and time occur in our Registers THOMAS COLEMAN was born in Oxfordshire particularly as it seems within the City of Oxon where several of his name and time have lived made his first entry into Magd. Hall in the beginning of the year 1615 and in that of his age 17 took the degrees in Arts holy Orders and became so accomplish'd in the Hebrew Language that he was commonly called Rabbi Coleman Afterwards he was made Rector of Blyton in Lincolnshire but being schismatically enclined he left that place in the beginning of the civil War 1642 under pretence of persecution by the Cavaliers and retiring to the great City became a grand Covenanteer an inve●gher against the King and his Party against the Bishops and Orthodox Clergy one of the Assembly of Divines Rector of S. Peters Church in Cornhill in the place of a loyal Doctor ejected and a Preacher before the Parliament While he sate in the Assembly to which he was chiefly called for his language in the Hebrew tongue he behaved himself modestly and learnedly maintaining among them the tenets of Erastus His works are these Several Sermons as 1 The Christians cause and complaint c. Fast-sermon before the House of Commons on Jerem. 8.20 Lond. 1643. qu. 2 The hearts engagement Serm. at S. Margarets in Westm at the publick entring into the Covenant 29 Sept. 1643 on Jer. 30.21 last clause Lond. 1643. qu. There were then present some Noblemen and Gentlemen many Soldiers and People of all sorts and looking on the Soldiers he told them that the Covenant was the Parliaments sword and buckler For when the Cavaliers shall see you come arm'd with the Covenant they will run run run away from the Lord of Hosts c. 3 Gods unusual answer to a solemn Fast Fast-serm before both houses on Psal 65.5 Lond. 1644. qu. preached upon the sad success that the Parliament Forces had in Cornwall 4 Hopes defer'd and dashed Fast-serm before the H. of Com. on Job 11.20 Lond. 1645. qu. He was not thanked for this sermon according to custom but only ordered to print it because the Presbyterian Party disliked him for that he too slightly spoke of ministerial Authority and seemed not to dislike the Independent c. In his Epist ded to the H. of Com. he saith thus There was never Sermon preached on these publick Fasts that was received with such contrary Affections and Censures as this some approving above commendation others disliking below detestation c. Soon after George Gillespie a Presbyterian Minister of Edenburgh educated in S. Andrews University did not only preach against the said sermon in another delivered before the H. of Lords and in a second elsewhere but also printed them in vindication of the Presbyterians whereupon our Author Coleman published A brotherly Examination examined or a clear justification of those passages in a Sermon against which the rev and learned Commissioner Mr. Gillespie first in two several Sermons and then in print did preach and write Lond. 1646. qu. To which is added A short discovery of some tenets and principles which entrench upon both the honour and power of the Parliament What else our Author hath written I find not only a thing called A modell as the Author of A Friendly debate tells us which was briefly viewed and answer'd in 1645 but neither the Modell or Answer have I yet seen He died suddenly about the beginning of the year sixteen hundred forty and seven but where buried I cannot tell because the register of St. Peters in Cornhill mentions him not I find one Tho. Coleman Minister of Allhallows Barkin near the Tower of London who published a Sermon intit Justification justified an 1653 but of what University he was I know not yet As for G. Gillespie before-mention'd he was a high Covenanteer had some good learning but was very antiprelatical and bold beyond all measure He wrot against the ceremonies several pieces against the Erastians and died about 1649. In the month of January 1660 the tombstone of this Gillespie who had
Deputy was ordered by the Parliament 23 of May following to fetch our Author Hudson to London for conveying the King to the Scotch Army and to bring Ashbournham with him but they having timely notice drew aside and escap'd the messenger Afterwards Hudson crossing the Country in order to get to London was discovered at Rochester and apprehended on the 8 of June following brought to London and committed Prisoner to london-London-house On the 18 of the same Month he was examined by a Committee of Parliament and confessed that the King when he left Oxon crossed the Country was at Henley in Oxfordshire Harrow on the hill at Brentford and almost perswaded to go to London Afterwards he went to St. Albans and so to Harborow in Leycestershire where the French Agent Monsieur de Montereal or Montrevil was to have met him but came not From thence he went to Stanford in Lincolnshire and thence to Downham in Norfolk where he lay at a petty Alehouse and that sometimes he passed by the name of Hudsons Tutor at other times by the name of Doctor and sometimes went as Ashbournhams Servant On the 18. of Nov. the same year he broke out of Prison and as 't is said conveyed Letters from the King to Maj. Gen. Rowland Langhorne in Wales which I suppose is false In Janu. following he was retaken by Maj. Gen. Sedenham Pointz sent from Hull to London and committed close prisoner to the Tower with strict order given that none should speak with him but in the presence of his keeper During his confinement there he wrot The divine right of government natural and political in two books Printed 1647. qu. wherein he shews himself to be a Scholar as he before had by his martial feats a couragious Soldier But he making an escape thence in the beginning of 1648 he went into Lincolnshire where he raised a party of horse for his Majesty and had engaged some of the Gentry of Norfolk and Suffolk in the like design On the 6 of June 1648 intelligence was brought to the Parliament that the Malignants that is the Royalists were up in Arms in Lincolnshire under the command of Dr. Hudson and two days following were letters read from Col. Tho. Waite that he had suppressed the insurrection of Malignants at Stanford in Lincolnshire and had killed their commander Dr. Hudson It seems the chief body of these Malignants so called fled to Woodcroft house in the Parish of Helpson near to Peterborow in Northamptonshire about 7 miles distant from Stanford where Hudson was barbarously killed on the 6 of June in sixteen hundred forty and eight The manner of which was briefly thus After the Rebels had entred into the house and had taken most of the Royalists Hudson with some of his couragious Soldiers went up to the battlements thereof where they defended themselves for some time At length upon promise of quarter they yeilded but when the Rebels had got in among them they denied quarter Whereupon Hudson being thrown over the battlements he caught hold of a spout or out-stone and there hung but his hands being beat or cut off he fell into the moat underneath much wounded and desir'd to come on land to die there Whereupon one Egborough servant to Mr. Spinks the intruder into the Parsonage of Castor belonging to the Bishop of Peterborough knocked him on the head with the but-end of his musket Which being done one Walker a Chandler or Grocer in Stanford cut out his tongue and carried it about the Country as a trophie His body for the present was denied burial yet after the enemy had left that place he was by some Christians committed to the earth In Aug. 1684 I was informed by the letters of Mr. Joh. Whitehall Preb. of Peterborough and Dean of Oundle that the body of the said Dr. Hudson was removed soon after his death to Uffington near Stanford in Lincolnshire where it was solemnly buried Quaere As for Egborough he was not long after torn in pieces with his own gun which burst while it was under his arm in Long Orton and Walker since through poverty quitted his trade and was become a scorn and by-word to the boys when he passed through the streets of Stanford JOHN WHITE usually called Patriarch of Dorchester or Patriarch White son of John White was born in the time of Christmas at Stanton S. John near to and in the County of Oxon and was baptized there 6. Jan. 1575 educated in Grammar learning in Wykehams School near Winchester admitted perpetual Fellow of New Coll. after he had served two years of probation in the year 1595 took the degrees in Arts holy Orders and became a frequent preacher in these parts In 1606 he left his Coll. and about that time became as I suppose Rector of Trinity parish in Dorchester in the County of Dorset where in the course of his Ministry he expounded the Scripture all over and half over again having had an excellent faculty in the clear and solid interpreting of it So that his name being up in those parts gave occasion to a neighbour of his a puritanical Physician to stile him Pastor Minister fidelissimus in quo praeter doctrinam insignem ingeniique vim acrem mirum judicium deinde sedulitas pietas atque fides incredibilis invicem certabant c. But it must be known that these things were spoken of him after our Author White had bequeathed to the said Physician of Dorchester one of his pieces of plate He was for the most part of his time a moderate not morose or peevish puritan and conformed to the ceremonies of the Church of England before and when Archb. Laud sate at the stern But in the beginning of the Long Parliament when the Saints raised a rebellion he sided with them and with his Sub-levites ... Thompson and Will. Benne both Oxf. Students did in a miserable manner cozen the people thereabouts with strange reports viz. That Mass was said openly in Oxon that none but Papists were about his Majesty that 20000 Scots were already entred England that they should not look on any book printed at Oxon or published by his Majesties command By which means they seduced almost all the Town to take the Covenant assuring them most martyr-like that they would seal it with their blood c. But when Prince Rupert was in those parts and the knowledge of these Proceedings were spread abroad a party of his Horse retired to Dorchester plunder'd the house of our Author White and took away his library So that he finding that place uneasie he and his Sub-Levites fled and White retiring to London was made Minister of the Savoy Parish and carried on the Cause there So that whereas before the Rebellion broke out he by his wisdom did keep the Inhabitants of Dorchester in good order and obedient to the Church and also proved eminently useful in reforming the dissolute manners of the people thereof it fell
then esteemed a leading man in the blessed cause he became Preacher to the Garrison of Windsore castle then under the command of Collonel John Venn In which office he shewed him so violent against the King and his cause that he was usually stiled by the Royalists Venns principal fireman at Windsore This Venn by the way it must be known did while Governour of that Castle exercise very great cruelty against the Royalists that were Prisoners there but being dismist of his employ and Col. Christopher Whitchcot put into his place he retired to London carried on the cause there with great zeal was one of the Judges of K. Ch. 1. and at length hung himself in his chamber as some say others that he died suddenly in his bed on the 7 of July at night or early next morning an 1650. In the year 1644 when the Commissioners from the King and Parliament met at Uxbridge to treat about peace this our Author Love did very officiously put himself upon preaching before some of them on the first day of their meeting Jan. 30 being the Market-day In which his Sermon full of dire he vented many passages very scandalous to his Majesties Person and derogatory to his honour stirring up the People against the Treatie and incensing them against the Kings Commissioners telling the said People that they came with hearts full of blood and that there was as great distance between the Treatie and Peace as between Heaven and Hell or words to that effect with divers other seditious passages against his Maj. and the Treaty Whereupon the Commissioners belonging to the King putting up their complaints to those of the Parliament they represented the matter to the Lords and Commons assembled at Westminster who thereupon tho they could not with good conscience imprison Mr. Love yet they did confine him and where should it be but to that very house where his Mistress then lived whom for two years going before he had wooed with prayers sermons and ugly faces After this he was made Minister of S. Anns Church near to Aldersgate a Recruiter of the Assemb of Divines and at length Minister of the Church of S. Lawrence in the Jewry in London which he kept till Oliver Cromwell paid the debt and brought him to the Scaffold when he least looked for it which was upon this account After the Presbyterians had been gull'd of their King by the Independents the prime heads of them were resolved to set up his Son Ch. 2. Whereupon he being invited from beyond the Seas into Scotland and there had taken the Covenant and was crown'd the Presbyterians in England plotted to bring him in among them and to that end corresponded with him and supplied him and his with money contrary to an Act of Parliament then lately made in that case provided These matters being discovered our Author Love Mr. Tho. Case Mr. Will. Jenkyns and other London Ministers as also one Dr. Roger Drake a Physician as it seems were by authority of the Council of State taken into custody about the 7. of May 1651 as being the chief Actors in the said treason as they then called it Soon after it was resolved by the great Masters at Westminster that Mr. Love the Minister then Prisoner in the Tower should be brought to his trial before the High Court of Justice on the 20. of June 1651 not for any matter of doctrine as it was then given out but for high treason as they said and conspiracy against the common-wealth of England He and the rest as the Independent then said had outstript the Jesuit both in practice and project as having not only tamper'd with mens consciences in private beyond which the Jesuit doth very rarely venture but preached open rebellion and treason with a full mouth in the Pulpit On the said day he made his first appearance in order to his trial and one Jackson a Minister Arth. Jackson as it seems refusing then to give in evidence against him was for his contempt fined 500 l. and committed Prisoner to the Fleet. The next day he appeared again and as 't was then said by his enemies in his carriage and behaviour he discover'd as much ridiculous impudence equivocation and hypocrisie as ever any Person did upon the like occasion adding that in him you might have seen the true character of his faction full of passion and spleen and void of all ingenuity On the 25. and 27. days of the said month of June he appeared again and on the last of those two days he brought his counsel with him viz. Mr. Matthew Hale Mr. John Archer and Mr. Tho. Walter but the two last having not taken the Engagement were not suffer'd to plead for him At which time Mr. Love as the Independent said was full of malepert carriage matchless impudence obstinacy and impatiency On the 5. of July he was condemned to be beheaded on Tower-hill on the 15 of the same month but then several petitions being read in Parliament in his behalf viz. one from divers Ministers another from himself and a third from his Wife he was repriev'd till the 15. of Aug. following and thence to the 22. of the same month What farther may be said concerning his principles and profession you shall have it from his own mouth which he spoke When he was tried for his life thus God is my witness I never drove a malignant design I never carried on a malignant interest I detest both I still retain my covenanting principles from which through the grace of God I will never depart for any terrour or perswasion whatsoever I do retain as great a keeness and shall whilst I live and as strong an opposition against a malignant interest whether in Scotland or in England or in any part of the world against the Nation where I live and have to this day as ever I did in former times I have all along engaged my estate and life in the Parliaments quarrel against the forces raised by the King I gave my all and did not only deem it my duty to preach for the lawfulness of a defensive war but unless my books and wearing apparrel I contributed all I had in the world and tho my life is endeavoured to be taken away yet for all that I repent not of what I have done I have in my measure ventured my all in the same quarrel that you were engaged in and lifted up my hands in the same Covenant that took sweet counsel together and walked in fellowship one with another I die cleaving to all those Oathes Vowes Covenants and Protestations that were imposed by the two Houses of Parliament as owning them and dying with my judgment for them to the protestation the vow and the covenant the solemn league and covenant And this I tell you all that I had rather die a Covenant keeper than live a Covenant breaker c. As for his writings and works they are these The debauched Cavilier or
whether vented ex tempore or forethought by a speaker Lond. 1682 in one sh in qu. said by the Bookseller who printed it that Dr. Rich. Steuart was the Author See more in Rich. Sherlock an 1689. The design of this small treatise is as also another of the same subject viz. about the meaning of the 55 Canon published by Dr. Heylyn to make out and evidence that the 55 of K. Jam. 1. enjoyns only an exhortation to or bidding of Prayer and that that Canon contains an express and precise form of Prayer not in the least to be deviated from by Ministers and that the primary design and scope of this Canon was not barely to lay down and prescribe matter heads and contents of Prayer which were to be left to be worded and expressed according to the discretion of the Minister which last is owned to be the more general practice of our Divines tho he saith it is directly against the intendment of the Canon These are all the things that Dr. Steuart hath written as I conceive and therefore I shall only say that when he lay upon his Death-bed at Paris in Nov. in sixteen hundred fifty and one K. Ch. 2. gave him two visits being then newly arrived there from his escape from Worcester Fight and his concealment in England and that he was interred in an open burying place in the suburbs of S. German walled in and some time before granted to those of the reformed Religion to bury the bodies of their deceased His Epitaph over his grave made some years after his decease tells us that he died on the 14 of Nov. 1652 but false for it should be 1651 for every one of the English Nation that was then at Paris saith that he died shortly after K. Ch. 2. came into France after his Escape from Worcester Fight which was in the month of Octob. 1651. See his Epitaph in Hist Antiq. Univ. Oxon. lib. 2. p. 182. HENRY IRETON eldest son and heir of German Ireton of Attenton in Nottinghamshire Esq and brother to Sir Jo. Ireton Lord Mayor of London 1658 was born there or at least in that County became a Gent. Com. of Trinity Coll. in the year 1626 and in that of his age 16 took one degree in Arts in 1629 but left the University without compleating that degree by Determination At which time he had the character in that house of a stubborn and sawcy fellow towards the Seniors and therefore his company was not at all wanting Afterwards he went to the Middle Temple learned some grounds of the common Law became a man of a working and laborious brain which in the end led him into some errors When the grand Rebellion broke out he as a person natur'd to mischief took up Arms against the King and about that time married Bridget one of the daughters of Oliv. Cromwell then a Colonel of a Regiment afterwards Lord Protector of England By whose endeavours he became first a Captain afterwards a Colonel of a Regiment of Horse and at length Commissary General upon the new modelling of the Army in the beginning of the year 1645. About that time I find him an active man and one very busie in breaking the Presbyterian Faction in the House of Commons to the end that the Independents might get the King into their own clutches His parts and abilities were such his dissimulation so profound and his mischievous designs had so clean a conveyance that his Father-in-law Cromwell made frequent use of him when he was put to a push to compleat his wicked designs And having always found him to be very capacious of overthrowing Monarchy and a thorow-pac'd dissembler under the mask of Religion being absolutely the best Prayer-maker and Preacher in the Army he with Col. Joh. Lambert who had likewise studied in the Inns of Court and was of a subtle working brain did put him upon writing a Remonstrance on the Armies behalf for justice to be done on the King Whereupon retiring in private for some days to Windsore Castle as I have been informed he drew up the Remonstrance and after he had communicated it to Fairfax the Generalissimo whom he and Cromwell made a stalking horse and to believe any thing and the prime Officers of the Army they caused it to be delivered to the H. of Commons by the hands of Col. Isaac Ewer and seven other Officers Which done it was printed under this title A Remonstrance of his Excellency Thomas Lord Fairfax Lord General of the Parliament Forces and of the general council of Officers held at S. Albans the 16 of Nov. 1648. presented to the Commons assembled in Parliament the 20 instant and tendered to the consideration of the whole Kingdom Lond. 1648 in 9 sheets in qu. Which Remonstrance being read to his Maj. at Newport in the Isle of Wight he propounded four Queries thereupon against the power of the Army which may be seen in his Works printed 1662. p. 671. The said Ireton also who was about that time one of the Commissioners of the Navy did write or at least had a chief hand in a certain Pamphlet called The Agreement of the people meaning of the Army published in the month of Jan. 1648 judiciously answer'd by Will. Ashurst Esq a Parliament man for Newton in Lancashire and a Presbyterian The said Agreement with a Petition was presented to the Parliament in the name of all the Army by Lieut. Gen. Tho. Hammond and divers chief Officers thereof on the 20 day of the same month of Jan. He the said Ireton was chiefly employed also and took upon him the business of the pen in all the Declarations Desires Modules and Transactions of the Army nay and in all or most Letters written by Fairfax the General to the Parliament before the K. was beheaded being esteemed a person full of invention and industry and skill'd in the common Law About that time he became a busie man to bring his Maj. to his Tryal had a hand in drawing up the Ordinance for it and the Precept for proclaiming the High Court of Justice sate as a Judge among the rest when he was tried and was one of the Committee that appointed the time and place of his Execution Afterwards in June 1649 he was appointed by Parliament the next Commander in chief under Cromwell in his Expedition for Ireland that is to be Maj. General and after his arrival a Commission and Patent was sent to him to be President of Mounster After Cromwell the Lord Lieutenant had given an account to the Parliament of affairs done there he returned into England in June 1650 at which time he left Ireton his Deputy to prosecute the Parliaments Interest there and acting highly against such that they called Rebels was in his way to Limerick taken with a sudden disease some said the plague on the 16 day of November whereupon being conveyed in all hast to Limerick died there on the 26 of the said month in sixteen
hundred fifty and one Afterwards Col. Edm. Ludlow who was Lieut. Gen. of the Army there did execute the Office of Deputy for a time by the appointment of the superior Power On the 9 of Dec. the Parliament ordered a Bill to be brought in for the setling of 2000 l. per an on the Wife and Children of Ireton out of the Lands belonging to George Duke of Bucks and on the 17 of the said month his carcass being landed at Bristow was pompously conveyed towards London and laying in state for a time in Somerset house in the Strand all hung with black was hung over the common gate an Atchievment commonly called a Hatchment with this Motto under his Arms depicted thereon Dulce est pro patria mori which was englished by an honest Cavalier thus It is good for his Country that he is dead On the sixth day of Febr. following his body was interr'd with great state in the Chappel of K. Hen. 7. at Westminster at which time John Owen Dean of Ch. Ch. in Oxon. preached not without some blasphemy on Dan. 12.13 and had about that time Elegies made on his death and a stately tomb erected over his grave with the Effigies of him and his wife thereon After the Restauration of K. Ch. 2. his body with that of Oliv. Cromwell were taken up on Saturday 26 Jan. 1660 and on Munday night following were drawn in two several Carts from Westminster to the Red Lyon in Holbourne where they continued that Evening The next morning the carcass of Joh. Bradshaw President of the High Court of Justice which had been with great solemnity buried in S. Peter's Church at Westminster 22 Nov. 1659. was carried in a cart to Holbourn also and the next day following that which was the 30 of January on which day K. Ch. 1. was beheaded in 1648. they were drawn to Tybourne on three several Sledges followed by the universal outcry of the people Afterwards they being pulled out from their Coffins were hanged at the several angles of that triple tree where they hung till the sun was set After which they were taken down their heads cut off to be set on Westminster Hall and their loathsome trunks thrown into a deep hole under the Gallowes where they now remain At the same time Iretons tomb was broken down and what remained over the Graves of Cromwell and Bradshaw were clean swept away and no footstep left of their remembrances in that royal and stately burial place of our English Kings While this Ireton lived came out a Pamphlet intit Independency stript and whipt or Ireton's Petition c. 1648. qu. and after his death another called The Kingdom of Christ to the Parliament from 1649 to 1652 with the name of Hen. Ireton Deputy of Ireland in the Title page But these I have not yet seen FRANCIS WOODCOCK son of Rob. Woodcock was born in the City of Chester applied his mind to Academical studies in Brasn Coll. in Easter term 1629 aged 15 years took a degree in Arts holy Orders from a Bishop and then left the House and had a Cure of Souls bestowed on him But being always puritannically affected he sided with the Presbyterians upon a defection of a predominant party in the Long Parliament an 1641 became a Lecturer of S. Laurence Ch. in the Jewry in London a Covenantier one of the Assembly of Divines and at length by ordinance of Parliament dat 10. Jul. 1646 was made Parson of S. Olaves in Southwark having for some time before exercised his function in that place He hath written and published The two Witnesses in several Lectures at S. Laurence Jewry on Rev. 11. with the great question discussed Whether the two Witnesses were slain or no. Lond. 1643. qu. made extant by vertue of an order of the Committee of the H. of Commons bearing date 27 of Apr. the same year This book was afterwards reprinted Several Sermons as 1 Christs warning-piece giving notice to every one to watch and keep their garments Fast-sermon before the H. of Com. 30 Oct. 1644. on Rev. 16.15 Lond. 1644. qu. 2 Lex Talionis or God paying every man in his own coine Fast-serm before the H. of C. 30 Jul. 1645 on 1 Sam 2.30 latter part Lond. 1645. qu. 3 Joseph parallel'd by the present Parliament in his sufferings and advancement Thanksgiving sermon before the H. of C. 19 Feb. 1645. for reducing the City of Chester by the Parl. Forces under the command of Sir Will. Brereton on Gen. 49.23 24. Lond. 1646. qu. What other things he hath extant I know not nor any thing else of him only that he dying in sixteen hundred fifty and one or thereabouts was buried in the Church of S. Olaves befotementioned One of his sirname was by Act of Parl. dat in Mar. 1659 60 appointed among several other Ministers to approve of Ministers of the Gospel according to the Presbyterian way which Act came soon after to nothing He is the same person who was afterwards a frequent Conventicler and has one or more Sermons extant in The morning exercise methodized Lond. 1676. qu. THOMAS RYVES who writes himself in some of his books Rivius was the fourth son of John Ryves of Damery Court in Dorsetshire educated in Grammar learning in Wykehams School near to Winchester admitted true and perpetual Fellow of New Coll. as a native of Langton in the said County of Dorset after he had served two years of probation an 1598 where applying his studies to the faculty of the Civil Law took the degrees therein that of Doctor being compleated 1610 about which time he was an eminent Advocate in Doctors Commons and the Court of Admiralty Afterwards he was one of the Masters of Chancery and Judge of the Faculties and Prerogative Court in Ireland where he was held in great esteem for his knowledge in the Laws At length upon the coming to the Crown of K. Ch. 1. he was made his Advocate and by him knighted was engaged in his Cause when the grand Rebellion broke out wherein he gave good evidence of his Valour and notwithstanding he was then well stricken in years yet he received several wounds in Fights and Skirmishes for his Cause He was accounted a thorough-pac'd Scholar in all polite learning was a pure Latinist and Master of a smooth stile He understood also the Common Law so well that he was as fit to plead in Westminster Hall as in his proper Courts and therefore his and the assistance of Dr. Duck were required by his Maj. at the Treaty for Peace in the Isle of Wight He hath written and published The Vicars plea or that a competency of means is due to Vicars out of the several Parishes Lond. 1620. quart Regiminis Anglicani in Hiberniâ defensio adversus Analecten lib. 3. Lond. 1624. qu. Imperatoris Justiniani defensio contra Alemannum Lond. 1626. oct Historia navalis antiqua lib. 4. Lond. 1633. oct Hist navalis media lib. 3. Lond. 1640.
said elaborate Treatises and some conceive that the pains and travels of bringing forth the younger tho more spiritual manchild did cost him his life They are and have been both taken into the hands of learned men and by them often quoted The Author is stiled by the head of the Presbyterian Party A very learned and great Conformist and by others of moderate perswasion a most profound Clerk He died at Burton commonly called Burton place before mention'd on the second day of December in sixteen hundred fifty and two and was not buried according to his Will in the Chancel of the said Chap. or Church which Sir Will Goring denied because he left him not those Legacies he expected but in the body under the Readers seat Over his grave tho there be no monument with inscription on it which the Testator desir'd yet on the south Wall of the Chancel of Harwell Church before mention'd is fastned a Tablet of Free-stone with this written on it which shall now go for his Epitaph for want of a better Christopher Elderfield Clerk born in this Parish gave by his last will and testament three hundred and fifty pounds with two hundred fourscore and four pounds whereof was bought so much land in the Parish of South Moreton as is worth twenty pounds per an And the other sixty and six pounds thereof residue according to a Decree in his Majesties Court of Chancery remain in the hands of the Church-wardens and other Officers of Hagborne the benefit whereof he willed to be employed yearly in works of charity bounty or piety for the good of this Parish But he expresly forbid that it should be added to the making up of taxes or any other way perverted to the easing of able men upon any pretence particularly he willed every Spring two good milch Cows to be bought and given to two the poorest men or widdows burdned with many children toward their sustentation He died Decemb. 2. an dom 1652. Thus far the inscription He also beside several Legacies which he left to several people bequeathed to the University of Oxon his Manuscripts of Lyra on the Psalmes the History of Tobit in Hebrew with Rodolphus his Postills bound up with Lyra Clemens Romanus with the Tract of Purgatory bound up with it He left also six and thirty pounds to be bestowed upon godly poor Ministers cast down by these times meaning loyal Ministers ejected from their Livings JOHN DIGBY was born of an antient and gentile family living in the Parish of Coleshill in Warwickshire in the month of Febr. 1580 became a Commoner of Magd. Coll. in 1595 and the next year I find him to be one of the Poets of the University to bewail the death of Sir Hen. Unton of Wadley in Berks. Knight Afterwards he travelled into France and Italy and returned a well-qualified Gentleman So that his Abilities and Fidelity being occasionally discerned by K. James he was admitted Gentleman of the Privy Chamber and one of his Majesties Carvers in the year 1605 being then newly created Master of Arts of this University On the 16 of Feb. following he received the honor of Knighthood and in Apr. 1611 he was sent Ambassador into Spain as he was afterwards again in 1614. In the beginning of January about the third day 1615 Sir Franc. Cottington was sent into Spain to call him home and about the middle of March following he returned into England On the 3 of Apr. 1616 he was admitted one of the Kings Privy Council and Vicechamberlain of his Majesties Houshold in the place of Philip Lord Stanhope who was persuaded by the Kings Letters to give up that Office In July 1617 he was sent again into Spain and the next year upon his return he was advanced to the dignity of a Baron of this Realm 25 of Nov. by the Title of the Lord Digby of Shirebourne in Dorsetshire In 1620 he was sent Ambassador to the Archduke Albert and the next year following to Ferdinand the Emperor as also to the Duke of Bavaria Whence returning in Octob. 1621 he was again in 1622 employed Ambassador extraordinary to the Spaniard touching a Marriage between Prince Charles who followed him in few months after and Princess Maria Daughter to Philip 3. King of that Realm and on the 15 of Sept. the same year he was created Earl of Bristow After his return he shew'd himself right able to appear before the English Parliament where he worsted the greatest Minion Buckingham the Folly Love or Wisdom of any King since the Conquest ever bred in this Nation As thro a prodigious dexterity he became the Confident of K. James so likewise of his son K. Ch. 1. for a time tho they drove on if not contrary divers designs From that time till the beginning of the Long Parliament we find no great matter of him when then he being found guilty of concealing some say of promoting a Petition of the Gentry and Ministers of Kent which was to be delivered to the Parliament he with Thomas Mallet were committed for a time to the Tower 28 March 1642. Afterwards perceiving full well what destructive Courses the Members of that Parliament took he left them and became a zealous Adherer to the King and his Cause for which at length he suffer'd Exile and the loss of his Estate He hath extant these things following Several Speeches as 1 Speech in the High Court of Parliament 7 Dec. 1640. About which time he spake another upon the delivery of the Scottish Remonstrance and Schedule of their Charges 2 Sp. in the High Court of Parl. 20 May 1642. concerning an accommodation of Peace and Union to be had between the K. and his two Houses of Parliament Lond. 1642. qu. in one sh Reprinted at Caen in Normandy 1647. in fol. and qu. The speaking of which Speech giving displeasure to the H. of Lords he thereupon spake 3 Another Speech 11 June 1642 in vindication of the former and of accommodation Lond. 1642. in 1 sh in qu. Repr at Caen in 1647. in fol. and qu. 4 Sp. at the Council Table in favour of the continuation of the present War Oxon 1642. qu. It was spoken after Edghill Fight and was reprinted at Lond. the same year Other Speeches of his I have seen in MS. which for brevity sake I now pass by A Tract wherein is set down those motives and ties of Religion Oaths Laws Loyalty and Gratitude which obliged him to adhere unto the King in the late unhappy Wars in England Tract wherein he vindicateth his honor and innocency from having in any kind deserved that injurious and merciless censure of being excepted from pardon or mercy either in life or fortunes These two Tracts have the general Title of His Apologie Appendix containing many particulars specified in his first Tract meaning his Motives and tyes of Religion with the citations of the Chapters and Pages wherein they are cited The said two Tracts with the Appendix
Axe-yard joyning to Kingstreet within the City of Westminster where he died in the very beginning of the year about 25 of March sixteen hundred fifty and four but where he was buried I cannot tell for the register of S. Margarets Church wherein Axe-yard is situated mentions him not to have been buried in that Parish Now as for John Lilbourne before-mention'd he having been very famous for his infamy I shall say these things of him He was born of a good Family at Thickley-Punchardon in the County Pal. of Durham and when very young was sent to London and bound an Apprentice to a packer of Cloth in S. Swithins-lane At which time and before he was esteemed a youth of an high and undaunted spirit of a quick and pregnant apprehension and of an excellent memory yet always after much addicted to contention novelties opposition of Government and to violent and bitter expressions About the year 1632 he upon the dislike of his trade had a mind to study the common Law and therefore upon his and the desire of his friends he was taken into the service of Mr. Will Prynne of Linc. Inn who shortly after suffering for his Histrio-Mastix as I shall tell you at large when I come to him his Servant Lilbourne took his Masters part imprinted and vended a book or books against the Bishops for which being committed Prisoner to the Fleet was afterwards whipped at a Carts tail from the said Fleet to Westminster the indignity of which he being not able to endure railed all the way against his Persecutors When he came to the Pallace yard he stood in the Pillory two hours and talking there to the People against the State was gagg'd In 1640 he was released from his Prison by the Members of the Long Parliament and soon after took upon him the place of a Captain in their Service and after the battle of Edghill being taken Prisoner at Brainford in the year 1642 was carried to Oxon and there arraigned for a Traytor for levying War against the Person of the King Afterwards he being released he was made a Lieutenant Colonel and became for a time the Idol of the factious party But he being naturally a great trouble-world in all the variety of Governments became a hodg-podg of Religion the chief ringleader of the Levellers a great proposal maker and modeller of state and publisher of several seditious Pamphlets among which were 1 A Salva Libertate 2 Impeachment of High Treason against Oliver Cromwell and his Son in Law Hen. Ireton Esq 3 The outcry of the young men and the Apprentices of Lond. or an inquisition after the loss of the fundamental Laws and Liberties of England c. 4 The legal fundamental Liberties of the People of England revived 5 Preparation to an hue and crie after Sir Arth. Haselrig c. For which and for his endeavors to disturb the peace and subvert the Government of this Nation he was committed Prisoner to Newgate in Aug. 1645 where continuing a considerable while several Petitions subscribed by hundreds of Citizens and others as also by his Wife and many Women were put up to the Parliament for his releasment Afterwards he was transmitted to the Tower where having too much liberty allowed him he and his party spake very disgracefully of the two Houses of Parliament to whom it appeared that there was a design of many thousands intended under a colour of Petition to dishonour the Parliament and their proceedings whereupon his liberty was restrained and he was ordered to appear at the bar of the H. of Commons This was in Jan. 1647 and accordingly appearing he made a large answer to the information against him at which time the reading of proofs and examination of the business held till six of the Clock at night and then the House ordered that he be remanded to the Tower and tried by the Law of the Land for seditious and scandalous practices against the State Which order being not obeyed for his party withheld him under a pretence of a great meeting to be at Deptford in Kent about their Petition that is The Petition of many thousands of the free-born People of England c. it was ordered that the Officers of the Guards do assist the Sergeant in carrying him and Maj. Jo. Wildman to Prison which was done and that the Committee of Kent take care to suppress all meetings upon that Petition and to prevent all tumults and that the Militia of London c. take care to suppress such meetings and to prevent inconveniencies which may arise thereby and upon the said Petition Afterwards he seems to have been not only set at liberty but to have had reparations made for his sentence in the Star Chamber and sufferings before the Civil War began But he being of a restless spirit as I have told you published a Pamphlet entit Englands new Chains discovered c. which was the bottom and foundation of the Levellers design of whom he was the Corypheus Whereupon being committed again about the beginning of 1649 was brought to his trial in the Guild-hall where after great pleadings to and fro he was quitted by his Jury to the great rejoycing of his party Afterwards he went into the Netherlands and there as 't is said became acquainted with the Duke of Buckingham Lord Hopton Captain Titus c. At length being desirous to see his native Country he returned into England where after he had continued some time in his projects to disturb the Government he was apprehended and committed to Newgate and at length brought to his trial at the Sessions-house in the Old Baylie 20. Aug. 1653. but quitted again by his Jury Soon after he was conducted to Portsmouth in order to his conveyance beyond the Seas but by putting in for his peaceable deportment for the future he return'd fell into the acquaintance of the Quakers became one of them setled at Eltham in Kent where somtimes he preached and at other times at Wollidge and was in great esteem among that party At length departing this mortal life at Eltham on Saturday 29. of Aug. 1657 his body was two days after conveyed to the house called The Mouth near Aldersgate in London which was then the usual meeting place of Quakers Whence after a great controversie among a strange medley of People there mostly Quakers whether the Ceremony of a Hearse-cloth should be cast over his Coffin which was carried in the negative it was conveyed to the then new burial place in Morefields near to the place called now Old Bedlam where it was interred This is the Person of whom the magnanimous Judge Jenkins used to say that if the World was emptied of all but John Lilbourne Lilbourne would quarrel with John and John with Lilbourne This Jo. Lilbourne who was second Son of Rich. Lilbourne Esq by Margaret his Wife Daughter of Thom. Hixon of Greenwich in the County of Kent Yeoman of the Wardrobe to Qu. Elizabeth had
an elder Brother called Robert who being puritanically educated sided with the rout against his Majesty in the beginning of the rebellion and being thorow-pac'd to Olivers interest was by him advanced to be a Colonel of Horse sometime before the Murther of K. Ch. 1. and therefore he thought he could do no less in civility than to requite him with having a hand in it Afterwards he was made Major General of the North of England and Commander in chief of all the Parliament Forces in Scotland After his Majesties restauration he surrendered himself upon Proclamation was attainted and committed Prisoner during life But his Father being then living the Estate at Thickley devolved upon the said Roberts Children begotten on the body of his Wife Margaret only Daughter of Hen. Beke of Hadenham in Bucks Gent. viz. 1 Robert born an 1650 2 Richard born 1652 3 Ephraim born about 1662 c. all which were living in 1688. This Col. Lilbourne spent the remainder of his days in close confinement in St. Nicholas Island called by some Plymouth Isle near Plymouth in Devonshire where dying in August an 1665. aged 52 years or thereabouts was buried as his Son Richard thinks at Plymouth ALEXANDER GROSSE was a Devonian born educated in Academicals in Gonvill and Caius Coll. in Cambridge and afterwards became a Preacher at Plympton in his own Country But being desirous to receive instruction in matters pertaining to Divinity from Dr. Prideaux the Kings Professor of this University he entred himself a Sojournour in Exeter Coll. was incorporated M. of A. and in Feb. 1632 he was admitted to the reading of the Sentences Soon after he obtained a License from the University to preach Gods word became Rector of Bridford near Exeter and at length of Ashberton in his own Country where he being a Presbyterian and a sider with the times was much frequented by People of that perswasion He hath extant Sweet and Soul-perswading inducements leading unto Christ c. Lond. 1632. qu. The happiness of enjoying and making a true and speedy use of Christ c. Lond. 1640. oct Several Sermons as 1 The Lord Jesus the Soules last refuge Serm. at the funeral of Mr. S. H on Rev. 22.20 2 Deaths deliverance and Eliahes fiery Chariot or the holy mans trial after death in two Sermons at Plymouth one on the 16. and the other on the 19 of Aug. 1631. The former at the funeral of Tho. Sherwill a pious Magistrate of that place on Isa 57.1.2 and the other Eliahes fierie chariot at the funeral of Mathias Nicolls Bac. of Div. Preacher to the Town of Plymouth on 2 Kings 2.11.12 All which Sermons were printed at Lond. 1640. oct The mysterie of self denial or the cessation of mans living to himself and the inchoations of Christs living in man Lond. 1642. qu. Mans misery without Christ opening the sinful perplexed dishonourable and Soul destroying condition of man without Christ c. Lond. 1642. qu. The way to a blessed life composed by way of Catechisme c. Lond. 1643. oct or tw This is sometimes called The fiery pillar c. Happiness of enjoying and making a true and speedy use of Christ setting forth 1. The fulness of Christ 2. Danger of neglecting Christ c. Lond. in qu. The Anatomy of the heart printed in oct This I have not seen nor his book On sacred things printed in tw Buddings and blossomings of old truths or several practical points of Divinity gathered out of the sacred Evangelist S. John chap. 3. from the 22 verse to the end Lond. 1656. oct Published by a Presbyterian Minister called John Welden then living at Stratcley in Armington in the County of Devon Whose Preface to it shews that A Gross was a zealous and mighty man in the Presbyterian way as by the character of him there appears At length after he had in a manner spent himself in carrying on the beloved Cause laid his head down and willingly died in the beginning of sixteen hundred fifty and four and was buried at Ashberton beforemention'd He had a Son of both his names who became a Student in Exeter Coll. 1638 but whether he lived to publish any thing I know not WILLIAM ERBURY was born at or near Roath-Dagfield in Glamorganshire became a Student in Brasn Coll. in Lent term 1619. aged 15 years took one degree in Arts retired into Wales took Holy Orders and was there beneficed But being always schismatically affected he preached in Conventicles and denying to read the Kings Declaration for pastimes after Divine Service on the Lords day was summoned divers times to the High Commission Court at Lambeth where he suffered for his obstinacy In the beginning of the Long Parliament 1640 he shew'd himself openly preached against Bishops and Ceremonies and made early motions towards Independency Whereupon by the endeavours of those inclin'd that way he was made a Chaplain in the Earl of Essex his Army and therein he sometimes exercised himself in Military concerns but mostly in those relating to his function whereby he corrupted the Soldiers with strange opinions Antinomian Doctrines and other dangerous errours and by degrees fell to grosser opinions holding as a Presbyterian Writer saith Universal redemption c. and afterwards became a Seeker and I know not what At length he left that Army and lived about London and vented his Opinions there in 1645. Since which he betook himself to the Isle of Ely for his ordinary residence and thence took his progress into one County or another and there in private houses vented his opinions among the Godly under the habit of holiness At S. Edmundsbury he used to exercise in private and to declare himself for universal redemption that no man was punished for Adams sin that Christ died for all that the guilt of Adams sin should be imputed to no man c. Not long after he went into Northamptonshire where in a private Meeting the main scope of his exercise was to speak against the certainty and sufficiency of the Scriptures alledging there was no certainty to build upon them because there were so many several copies After the surrender of the Garrison of Oxon in 1646 we find him there to be Chaplain to a Regiment of Parliamenteers to keep his Conventicles for them in an house opposite to Merton Coll. Church wherein afterwards in the time of Oliver the Royal Party had their religious Meetings and to study all means to oppose the Doctrine of the Presbyterian Ministers sent by the Members of Parliament to preach the Scholars into obedience as I have elsewhere told you But being desir'd to depart thence where he had maintained several Socinian opinions he went soon after to London where venting his blasphemies in several places against the glorious divinity and blood of Jesus Christ especially in his Conventicle at Christ Church within Newgate where those of his opinion met once or more in a week was brought at length before the Committee
for plunder'd Ministers at Westminster where he began to make a solemn profession of his faith in Orthodox Language to the admiration of some there that had heard and were ready to witness against him the said blasphemies But the then Chairman took him up and commanded him silence saying we know your tricks well enough c. To say the truth he had Language at command and could dissemble for matter of profit or to avoid danger and it was very well known he was only a meer Cant●r However he is characterized by those of his perswasion to have been a holy harmless man for which not only the World hated him but also those of the Church and add that 't is hoped they did it ignorantly On the 12 of Octob. 1653 he with John Webster sometimes a Cambridge Scholar endeavoured to knock down Learning and the Ministry both together in a disputation that they then had against two Ministers in a Church in Lombard-street in London Erbury then declared that the wisest Ministers and purest Churches were at that time befool'd confounded and defiled by reason of Learning Another while he said that the Ministers were Monsters Beasts Asses greedy Dogs false Prophets and that they are the Beast with seven heads and ten horns The same Person also spoke out and said that Babylon is the Church in her Ministers and that the great Whore is the Church in her Worship c. So that with him there was an end of Ministers and Churches and Ordinances altogether While these things were babled to and fro the multitude being of various opinions began to mutter and many to cry out and immediatly it came to a mutiny or tumult call it which you please wherein the Women bore away the bell but lost some of them their kerchiefs And the dispute being hot there was more danger of pulling down the Church than the Ministry This our Author Erbury hath written The great Mysterie of Godliness Jesus Christ our Lord God and Man and Man with God one in Jesus Christ our Lord. Lond. 1640. oct Relation of a publick discourse between him and Mr. Franc. Cheywell in S. Maries Church in Oxon 11. Jan. 1646. Lond. 1646. in 4 sh in qu. published by Cheynell or some of Erburys Party Ministers for tythes proving they are no Ministers of the Gospel Lond. 1653. qu. Sermons on several occasions one of which is entit The Lord of Hosts c. printed 1653. qu. An Olive leaf or some peaceable considerations to the Christian meeting at Ch. Church in London Munday 9. Jan. 1653. The raigne of Christ and the Saints with him on Earth a thousand years one day and the day at hand These two last were printed at London 1654 in one sh and half and dedicated to Mr. John Rogers Mr. Vavasor Powell and other Fanatical People at Ch. Ch. in London His Testimony left upon record for the Saints of succeeding ages printed with his Tryal at Westminster This was published after his death at Lond. 1658. qu. What other things he hath written or go under his name I cannot tell nor any thing else of him only that he died in the beginning of the year in April I think sixteen hundred fifty and four and was as I conceive buried either at Ch. Church beforementioned or else in the Cemiterie joyning to Old Bedlam near London Quaere Within few days after was a silly and impudent Pamphlet written and published by J. L. entit A small mite in memory of the late deceased and never to be forgotten Mr. Will. Erbury printed at Lond. in Apr. 1654 in one sheet in oct Whereunto are added Two new Songs one of which are brief touches on the 12. Chapt. of the Revelat. c. to the tune of When the King enjoys his own again The other touching the doing away of sin through our Lord Christ in our Souls c. to the tune of Sound a charge In my readings I meet with one Dorcas alias Mary Erbury who was a great admirer and follower of James Nayler the Quaker after the death of Will. Erbury Which Dorcas who was his Widow did really confess upon her examination for her villanies by a Magistrate that the said Nayler was the holy one of Israel and the only begotten Son of God that he raised her after she had been dead two days and that he should sit at the right hand of the Father and should judge the World with equity c. JOHN GRAYLE Son of Jo. Gr. of Stone in Glocestershire Priest was born in that County entred a Batler in Magd. Hall in the beginning of 1632 aged 18 years took the degrees in Arts and afterwards became a Puritannical Preacher In 1645 or thereabouts he succeeded one Mr. George Holmes in the Mastership of the Free-School at Guilford in Surrey and afterwards was made Rector of Tidworth in Wilts where he was much followed by the precise and godly party He hath written against Will. Eyre of Sarum A modest vindication of the Doctrine of conditions in the Covenant of Grace and the Defenders thereof from the aspersions of Arminianisme and Popery Which W. E. cast on them Lond. 1655. qu. published after the Authors death by Constantine Jessop who hath put a preface to it What else our Author hath written unless Sermons I know not nor any thing of him beside only that he dying in the beginning of sixteen hundred fifty and four was buried in Tidworth Church At which time Dr. Hump. Chambers his neighbour preached his funeral Sermon before the Brethren then in great numbers present In the latter end of which Sermon which is printed as also in the Epistle before it you may read much in commendation of our Author Grayle who tho a Presbyterian yet tinged he was with Arminianisme HENRY ELSYNGE eldest Son of Hen. Els Esq and he the Son of another Henry a Citizen of London Son of John Elsynge of Daxworth in Cambridgshire was born in Surrey particularly as I conceive at Battersey where his Father who was Clerk of the Lords House of Parliament and a Person of great abilities mostly lived educated in Grammar learning in Westminster School under Mr. Lamb. Osbaldeston a Person very fortunate in breeding up many Wits became Commoner of Ch. Church in the beginning of the year 1622 took one degree in Arts and afterwards at several times spent more than 7 years in travelling through various Countries beyond the Seas whereby he became so accomplished that at his last return his company and conversation was not only desired by many of the Nobility but Clergy also and was so highly valued by Dr. Laud Archb of Canterbury that he procured him the place of Clerk of the House of Commons This crown'd his former labours and by it he had opportunity given to manifest his rare abilities which in short time became so conspicuous especially in taking and expressing the sense of the House that none as 't was believed that ever sate there
exceeded him He was also so great a help to the Speaker and the House in helping to state the questions and to draw up the orders free from exceptions that it much conduced to the dispatch of business and the service of the Parliament His discretion also and prudence was such that tho faction kept that fatal commonly called the Long Parliament in continual storm and disorder yet his fair and temperate carriage made him commended and esteemed by all parties how furious and opposite soever they were among themselves And therefore it was that for these his abilities and prudence more reverence was paid to his stool than to the Speakers Lenthall Chair who being obnoxious timorous and interested was often much confused in collecting the sense of the House and drawing the debates into a fair question in which Mr. Elsynge was always observed to be so ready and just that generally the House acquiesced in what he did of that nature At length when he saw that the greater part of the House were imprisoned and secluded and that the remainder would bring the King to a trial for his life he desired to quit his place 26. of Dec. 1648 by reason as he alledged of his indisposition of health but most men understood the reason to be because he would have no hand in the business against the King He was a Man of very great parts and ingenious education and was very learned especially in the Latine French and Italian Languages He was beloved of all sober Men and the learned Selden had a fondness for him He hath written The antient method and manner of holding Parliaments in England Lond. 1663. oct 1675. in tw mostly taken as I presume from a Manuscript book intit Modus tenendi Parliamentum apud Anglos Of the forme and all things incident thereunto digested and divided into several chapters and titles an 1626 written by Hen. Elsynge Father to the aforesaid Henry who died while his Son was in his Travels Tract concerning proceedings in Parliament This is a Ms and was sometimes in the hands of Sir Matthew Hale who in his Will bequeathed it to Lincolns inn Library Remonstrance of the State of the Kingdom This is a Pamphlet in quarto but when printed I cannot tell After he had quitted his beneficial Office he retired to his house at Hounslow in Middlesex where contracting many infirmities of body occasioned by sedentariness some distresses of his family and by a deep melancholy for the sufferings and loss of his Sovereign concluded his last day about the middle of the month of August in sixteen hundred fifty and four and in that of his age 56 Whereupon his body was buried in his private Chappel which is the burying place of his Family at Hounslow he having no other Epitaph or Monument than the Eulogie given as due to him by all that knew him He left behind certain Tracts and Memorials of his own writing but so imperfect that his Executor would by no means have them published least they should prove injurious to his worth and memory THOMAS HORNE Son of Will. Horne of Cassall in Nottinghamshire was born at West Halam in Derbyshire became a Student in Magd. hall in the year 1624 and in that of his age 15 or thereabouts and in 1633 he was advanced to the degree of Master of Arts. About that time he was made Master of a private School in London afterwards of the Free-school at Leycester where remaining two years was translated to that of Tunbridge in Kent At length after he had taught there about 10 years he was for his merits and excellent faculty that he had in pedagogie preferr'd to be Master of the School at Eaton near Windsore where he remain'd to his dying day He hath written Janua Linguarum or a collection of Latine sentences with the English of them Lond. 1634. c. oct This is all or most taken from Janua Linguarum reserata written by J. A. Comenius Afterwards Horne's Janua Linguarum was much corrected and amended by John Robotham and lastly carefully reviewed by W. D. Lond. 1659. oct Which W. D. may be the same with Will. Dugard sometimes Master of Merchant Taylors School Quaere Manuductio in aedem Palladis qua utilissima methodus authores bonos legendi indigitatur sive de usu authoris Lond. 1641. in tw c. Rhetoricae compendium Latino-Anglicè Lond 1651. oct Besides which he hath made learned observations on the Epitome of the Greek tongue written by Ant. Laubegeois but when or where printed I cannot tell for I have not as yet seen it He gave way to fate at Eaton on the 22 of Aug. in sixteen hundred fifty and four and was buried in the Church or Chappel there as I have been informed by Will. Horne his Son Master of the Free-school at Harrow on the Hill in Middlesex One Tho. Horne M. of A. became Rector of Methley in Yorkshire on the death of Tim. Bright Doctor of Physick in the latter end of Octob. 1615 but him I take to be Th. Horne who was Fellow of Mert. Coll. and afterwards Canon of Windsore Another Tho. Horne is now if I mistake not Fellow of Eaton Coll and hath extant one or more Sermons He was Son to Tho. Horne the Writer was born at Tunbridge in Kent and afterwards made Fellow of Kings Coll. in Cambridge Chaplain to the Earl of S. Alban and Senior Proctor of that University about 1682. JOHN SELDEN the glory of the English Nation as Hugh Grotius worthily stiles him Son of John Selden by Margaret his Wife the only Daughter of Thomas Baker of Rushington descended from the knightly family of the Bakers in Kent was born in an obscure Village called Salvinton near to Terring a Market town in Sussex His Father who died in 1617 was a sufficient Plebeian and delighted much in Musick by the exercising of which he obtained as 't is said his Wife of whom our famous Author Jo. Selden was born on the 16 of Decemb. 1584. After he had been instructed in Grammar Learning in the Free-school at Chichester under Mr. Hugh Barker of New College he was by his care and advice sent to Hart Hall in the beginning of Mich. term an 1600 and committed to the tuition of Mr. Anth. Barker Fellow of the aforesaid Coll. under whom being instructed in Logick and Philosophy for about three years which with great facility he conquered he was transplanted to the Inner Temple to make proficiency in the municipal Laws of the Nation After he had continued there a sedulous Student for some time he did by the help of a strong body and vast memory not only run through the whole body of the Law but became a prodigie in most parts of learning especially in those which were not common or little frequented or regarded by the generality of Students of his time So that in few years his name was wonderfully advanced not only at home but in foreign Countries and
65 places of holy Scripture Lond. 1643. qu. Written originally by Jo. Hen. Alstedius Professor of the University at Herborne Our Author Will. Burton gave way to fate on the 28. of Decemb. in sixteen hundred fifty and seven and was buried the same day in a Vault belonging to the Students of S. Clements Inn under part of the Church of S. Clements Danes without Temple-bar near London leaving then behind him several Papers and Collections of Antiquity Manuscripts and Coines which came into the hands of Tho. Thynne Esq sometimes his Scholar at Kingston afterwards Gent. Com. of Ch. Church then of the Bedchamber to the Duke of York a Bt. after the death of his Father Sir Hen. Fred. Thynne of Kemsford in Glocestershire possessor of the large estate belonging to Tho. Thynne of Longleet in Wilts murdered by certain Forreigners 12. Feb. 1681 and at length Viscount Weymouth There have been several Writers of both our Authors names as Will. Burton of Leicestershire Will. Burton a Divine and Will. Burton a Pretender to Astronomy a Specimen of which he gave us in an Ephemeris for 1655 which was printed at Oxon. WILLIAM AYLESBURY Son of Sir Thom. Aylesbury of the City of Westminster B● was born in that City became a Gent. Com. of Ch. Ch. in the beginning of 1628 aged 16 years took one degree in Arts and afterwards was by K. Ch. 1. made Governour to the Duke of Buckingham and his Brother the Lord Francis Villiers with whom he travelled beyond the Seas While he continued in Italy it hapned that walking in the Garden of the House where he lodged he was shot with a brace of bullets in his thigh by men who watched him on the other side of the wall a usual adventure in that Country and assoon as he fell the men who had done it leaped over the wall and looking upon him beg'd his pardon and said they were mistaken for he was not the man that they intended to kill which was all the satisfaction he had After his return into England and had delivered up his charge of the two noble Brothers to the King who highly approved of the care he had taken of their education as it appears by the grant his Maj. was pleased to give him of the first place of Grome of his Bed-chamber which should become void the King was pleased to command him to translate Davila's History he being a perfect Master of the Italian Language which he did with the assistance of his constant Friend Sir Charles Cotterel and published it under this title The History of the Civil Wars of France written in Italian by Henry Canterino de Avila Lond. 1647. fol. written in 15 Books to which was a continuation of 15 books more In the year following our Translator Aylesbury went beyond the Sea and dwelt at Antwerp with his Relations till 1650 at which time being reduced to great straights stole over into England where he lived for some time among his friends and acquaintance and sometime at Oxon. among certain Royalists there At length Oliver Cromwell sending a second supply to the Island of Jamaica he engaged himself in that expedition in the quality of a Secretary to the Governour as I have heard where he died in the year sixteen hundred fifty and seven otherwise had he lived till the Restauration of K. Charles 2. he might have chosen what preferment in the Court he pleased by the help of Edward E. of Clarendon who married his Sister OBADIAH SEDGWICK elder Brother to John mentioned under the year 1643. was born in the Parish of S. Peter in Marlborough in Wilts and there or near it was educated in Grammar learning In 1616 he was sent to Qu. Coll. being then 16 years of age but making no long stay there he retired to Magd. Hall took the degrees in Arts entred into the sacred function and became Chaplain to Sir Horatio Vere Baron of Tilbury with whom he went into the Low Countries in quality of a Chaplain After his return he retir'd to Oxon. and performing certain exercise he was admitted to the reading of the Sentences in the latter end of 1629. Afterwards he was Preacher to the Inhabitants of S. Mildrids Parish in Breadstreet within the City of London which he quitting upon no good account before the beginning of the rebellion he became the scandalous and seditious Minister as one calls him of Cogshall in Essex But soon after upon appearance of the said rebellion he retired to the said City again and being a voluble Preacher he was thought fit not only to exercise his parts at S. Mildrids beforemention'd but also before both Houses of Parliament the Members of which constituted him one of the Assembly of Divines as being a Covenanteer to the purpose While he preached at S. Mildrids which was only to exasperate the People to rebel and confound Episcopacy 't was usual with him especially in hot weather to unbutton his doublet in the Pulpit that his breath might be the longer and his voice more audible to rail against the Kings Party and those that were near to him whom he called Popish Counsellors This he did in an especial manner in Sept. 1644 when he with great concernment told the People several times that God was angry with the Army for not cutting off Delinquents c. Afterwards about 1646 he became Minister of the Church of S. Paul in Convent Garden where as also sometimes in the Country he kept up the vigour of a Presbyterian Ministry which for divers years prospered according to his mind to the converting of many and conviction of more In 1653 he was appointed one of the number of triers or examiners of Ministers appointed by Parliament and the year after he was by the members thereof constituted an Assistant to the Commissioners of London for the ejection of such whom they then called scandalous and ignorant Ministers and Schoolmasters At length finding himself decayed by his too zealous carrying on the Covenanting work he resigned his charge in Convent Garden about two years before his death and retired to Marlborough Soon after the Earl of Bedford upon some consideration confer'd the said Church on the Son-in-law of our Author Sedgwick called Thomas Manton as zealous a Presbyterian as the former where he continued till the Act of Uniformity ejected him as I shall tell you when I come to him As for our Author Sedgwick he hath these things following going under his name Several Sermons as 1 Military discipline for a Christian Soldier on 1. Cor. 16.13.14 Lond. 1639. oct 2 Christs counsell to his languishing Church of Sardis or the dying and decaying Christian c. being the effect of certain Sermons on Rev. 3.2.3 Lond. 1640. in a large oct 3 Christ the life and death the gaine at the funeral of Rowl Wilson a member of Parliament on 1. Philip. 1.21 Lond. 1650. qu. Before which is An account given of some years more than ordinary experience
of the superlative worth of that eminent servant of Christ Rowl Wilson beforementioned a member of the Parl. of England and of the honorable Counsell of state and one of the Aldermen and Sherriffs of the City of London by George Cokayne teacher of the Gospel at S. Pancras in Soper-lane in London This Rowl Wilson was Son of Rowl Wilson a Merchant of London was a Collonel in the Parliament Army was nominated one of the Kings Judges but refused to sit among them and dyed much lamented by the Citizens of London and those that were Lovers of the Parliaments cause in the beginning of March 1649 as having been a Gent. of excellent parts and great piety of a solid sober temper and judgment and very honest and just in all his actions 4 The fountain opened and the water of life flowing forth for the refreshing of thirsty sinners c. in several Sermons on Isay Lond. 1657. qu. 5 The riches of grace displayed in the offer and tender of Salvation to poor Sinners c. in several Sermons on Rev. 3.20 Lond. 1658. in tw second edit 6 Elisha's Lamentation upon the suddain translation of Elijah preached at the funeral of Mr. Will. Strong Preacher of the Gospel at Westminster Abbey on 2. Kings 2.12 Lond. 1654. qu. This Will. Strong had been Fellow of Catherine Hall in Cambridge was afterwards Rector of More Chrichel in Dorsetshire which place he leaving in the time of the Rebellion upon pretence of being disturb●d by the Cavaliers he retired to London became Minister of S. Dunstans in the West one of the Assemb of Divines a holder forth before the Parliament and at length preacher of the Gospel at Westminst Abbey as before 't is said in which Church he was buried on the fourth day of July 1654. but removed to St. Margarets Church yard adjoining after the Restauration of K. Ch. 2. as I have elsewhere told you He hath several Theological Treatises and many Sermons extant as also The Parabole of the Prodigal which I have not yet seen Parliamentarie Sermons as 1 Englands Preservation c. preached before the H. of Commons on Jer. 4 3. Lond. 1642. qu. 2 Hamane Vanity on Esther 9.3 Lond. 1643. qu. 3 Thanksgiving Sermon 9. Apr. 1644. on Psal 3.8 Lond. 1644. qu. 4 An Arke against a deluge c. Fast Sermon on Heb. 11.7 Lond. 1645. qu. 'T was preached 22. of Oct. 1644. for the uniting of the Army together 5 Nature and danger of Heresies fast Serm. on Rev. 12.15.16 Lond. 1647. qu. He also preached three more which I conceive were printed Speech in Guildhall in Lond. 6. oct 1643. to obtain money to carry on the warr and for the Scots assistance Lond. in qu. The best and worst malignant Printed 1648. qu. This I have not yet seen The doubting Christian resolv'd A treatise of the nature kinds springs and remedies of doubtings Lond. 1653. oct The humbled sinner resolved what he should do to be saved or faith in the Lord Jesus Christ the only way for sensible sinners discovering the quality objects acts c. of justifying faith c. Lond. 1656. qu. The Shepherd of Israel or an exposition of the 23 Psalme together with the Doctrine of providence practically handled Lond. 1658. Published by Humph. Chambers Simeon Ash Edm. Calamy and R. Byfield Presbyterian Ministers Synopsis of Christianity in a clear exposition of the Creed ten Commandements and the Lords Prayer Lond. in oct Anatomy of secret sins c. wherein divers weighty cases are resolved c. together with the remissibleness of all sin and the irremissibleness of the sin against the Holy Ghost Lond. 1660. qu. The bowells of tender mercy sealed in the everlasting Covenant c. Lond. 1661. fol. A short Catechisme What other things he hath written I know not nor any matter else of him only that he died very wealthy at Marlborough beforemention'd being Lord of the mannour of Ashmansworth in Hampshire about the beginning of January in sixteen hundred fifty and seven and was buried near to the body of his Father in the Chancel of Ogbourne S. Andrew near to the said Town of Marlborough in Wiltshire not with his feet towards the East but towards the South because there wanted room to lay his body otherways GERARD LANGBAINE a great ornament of his time to this University was born at Barton kirke in Westmorland educated in the Free-school at Blencow in Cumberland became a Student in Queens Coll. under the tuition of Mr. Tho. Wetherall in the beginning of 1626 aged 18 years where he was successively a poor serving Child Tabarder and at length Fellow being then Master of Arts. In 1644 he was unanimously elected Keeper of the Archives or Records of the University and in the latter end of the year following Provost of his College In June 1646 he was admitted D. of D. being then in general esteem for his great learning and honesty skill in satisfying doubts and discretion in the composure of controversies especially those between the two Bodies the University and City He was also an excellent Linguist able Philosopher and Divine a good common Lawyer a publick spirited man a lover of learning and learned men beloved of us Usher Selden and the great Goliahs of Literature He was also an excellent Antiquary and as judicious in his writings so indefatigable in his studies and of immense undertakings as by those rapsodies of collections that he left behind him appear As for those things that he hath written and published they are these Notae in librum Dionisii Longini de grandi eloquentiâ sive sublimi dicendi genere c. Oxon. 1636. and 38. oct The said Longinus is translated into Latin and hath the Greek on one side and the Lat. on the other and the notes which are in Lat. are at the end of the book These things I note because the same work being done by other hands this may be distinguished from it Brief discourse relating to the times of K. Ed. 6. Or the state of the times as they stood in the raigne of K. E. 6. by way of preface to a book entit The true Subject to the Rebell or the hurt of sedition c. written by Sir Joh. Cheek Knight Oxon. 1641. qu. Life of Sir Joh. Cheek Kt. Set also before the said book which Langbaine reviewed corrected and published upon a foresight that a Rebellion would break out as shortly after it did against K. Ch. 1. of ever blessed memory Episcopal inheritance or a Reply to the humble examination of a printed Abstract or the Answers to nine Reasons of the House of Commons against the Votes of Bishops in Parliament Oxon. 1641. qu. To which is added A Determination of the late learned Bishop of Salisbury Davenant englished These two were reprinted at Lond. 1680. Review of the Covenant wherein the original grounds means matter and ends of it are examined c. printed 1644 and at Lond. 1661. qu. Answer of the
and of the repulse given to the Rebels at the Town of Newark Oxon. 1642. in 2 sh in qu. View of the proceedings in the West for a pacification Letter to a Gent. in Leycestershire about the Treatie at Uxbridge shewing that all the overtures which have been made for peace and accommodation have proceeded from his Majestie only Printed 1643 in 4. sh in qu. The Roundheads remembrancer or a true and particular relation of the great defeat given to the Rebels by his Maj. Subjects of Cornwall under the command of Sir Ralph Hopton in Tuesday 16. May 1643. Printed 1643 in one sh in qu. This Pamphlet is generally said to have been written by Heylyn Relation of the proceedings of S. Joh. Gell. This is the same if I mistake not with a Pamph. intit Theeves Theeves or a relation of Sir Jo. Gells proceedings in Derbyshire in gathering up the rents of the Lords and Gentlemen of that Country by pretended authority from the two Houses of Parliament printed 1643. qu. This Sir John Gell who was Son of Tho. Gell of Hopton in Derbyshire Gent. became a Commoner of Magd. Coll. in this University in 1610 left it without a degree exercised himself in martial seats beyond the Seas retired to his patrimony was made a Baronet in Jan. 1641 and being then a Presbyterian took up arms soon after for the Parliament became a Colonel and one of their Champions Afterwards hating the proceedings of the Independents when they had murder'd the King he entred into a plot against the Parliament in which Coll. Euseb Andrews being engaged suffer'd death an 1650. for which being imprison'd was at length tried for his life before the High Court of Justice but being found only guilty of misprision of treason for concealing it he was condemn'd to loose his estate and to perpetual imprisonment from the last of which he was released by order of Parliament 5. of Apr. 1653. He died in the Parish of S. Martin in the Fields in the City of Westminster in Nov. 1671 aged 79 years or thereabouts and was as I suppose buried at Hopton Quaere having had this character given of him by the Presbyterians while they were dominant that he was a man beloved of his Country and feared by his enemies valiant in his actions and faithful in his ends to promote truth and peace Of the same family was Rob. Gell D. D. of Pampisford in Cambridgeshire and sometimes Chaplain to the Archbishop of Canterbury which Doctor died in the very beginning of the year 25. of March or thereabouts 1665. The black ✚ Cross shewing that the Londoners were the cause of this present rebellion c. The Rebells Catechisme composed in an easie and familiar way to let them see the hainousness of their offence c. Printed 1643. in 4. sh in qu. Discourse in answer to the common but groundless clamour of the Papists nick-naming the religion of the Church of England by the name of a Parliament Religion Written in 1644 at the request of George Ashwell of Wadham Coll. But when this book was printed it had this title following put to it Parliaments power in Lawes for religion or an answer to that old and groundless calumny of the Papists nick-naming c. Oxon. 1645. in 6. sh in qu. In another edition printed at Lond. 1653. in 7. sh in qu. it hath this title The way of reformation of the Church of England declared and justified against the clamours of our Adversaries reproaching the religion here by law established by the name of a Parliament religion c. This was afterwards printed in the first part of Eccles Vindicata Brief relation of the death and sufferings of the most reverend and renowned Prelate the L. Archb. of Canterbury with a copie of his speech and other passages on the Scaffold more perfect than hath been hitherto imprinted Oxon. 1644 in 4 sh in qu. Bibliotheca Regia or the Royal Library c. Lond. 1649. 50. and 59. oct Heylyns name is not set to it but 't is generally known to be his collection from some of the works of K. Ch 1. In this book is inserted the conference between K. Ch. 1. and the Marquess of Worcester at Ragland which by many is taken to be authentick because published by Heylyn See more among the Writers in the first vol. in Lewis Bayly p. 486. Stumbling block of disobedience c. in answer to and examination of the two last sections in Calvins institutions against Soveraigne Monarchy MS. written in 1644. printed at Lond. 1658. qu. with this title The Stumbling block of disobedience and rebellion cunningly laid by Calvin in the Subjects way discovered censured and removed The promised seed Written in vers The undeceiving the People in the point of Tithes c. Lond. 1648. 51. Published under the name of Ph. Treleinie which is an Anagram for Peter Heylyn Reprinted at Lond. in qu. 1657. in the first part of Eccles Vindicata Theologia Veterum The sum of Christian Theologie contained in the Creed according to the Greeks and Latines c. lib. 3. Lond. 1654. and 1673. fol. Full relation of two journies The one into the main Land of France The other into some of the adjacent Islands in 5 Books Lond. 1656. qu. These adjacent Islands are Guernsey and Jersie c. Survey of the estate of the two Islands Guernsey and Jersie with the isles depending c. in one book Lond. 1656. qu. This is printed with the former and both were published by their Author Pet. Heylyn because a little before a false copy of them had crept abroad under the title of France painted to the life as I shall farther tell you anon Observations on The Historie of the raigne of K. Charles published by Hamon L'estrange Esq for illustration of the storie c. Lond. 1656. oct Upon the coming out of which observations L'Estrange printed another edit of the said Hist Lond. 1656. fol. and at the end added a book intit The Observator observed or animadversions upon the observations on the History of K. Charles c. Whereupon our Author Heylyn came out with this book following entit Extraneus Vapulans or the Observator rescued from the violent but vaine assaults of Hamon L'Estrange Esq and the back blows of Dr. Nich. Bernard an Irish Dean Lond. 1656. oct In our Authors Epist to the reader before this book dat 7. June 1656 he tells us that in one week of the last term he was plundered twice first of his name and secondly of his good name Of his name by one Will. Leak a Bookseller who publishing a discourse of his Dr. Heylyns under the title of France painted to the life by a false and imperfect copy hath fathered it in Stationers Hall on one Rich. Bignall a Fellow to him utterly unknown Secondly plundered of his good name by Ham. L'Estrange Esq by loading him with abusive language Ecclesia Vindicata or the Church of England justified 1 In the
latter books which he calleth The opening of Mr. Prynns Vindication Apologetical narrative of the late petition of the Common Council and Ministers of London to the honorable houses of Parliament with a justification of them from the contumacy of the weekly Pamphleteers These two last things are printed with the Examinat of J. Saltm new Query c. Light for smoak or a clear and distinct reply to a dark and confused answer in a book made and intit The smoake of the Temple by Joh. Saltmarsh late Preacher at Breasteed in Kent now revolted from his pastoral calling and charge Lond. 1646. qu. To this book is joyned Novello mastix or a scourge for a scurrilous News-monger In answer to the ignorant and malevolent aspersions cast upon that rev and learned Divine Mr. Joh. Ley by the Writer of a Pamphlet called by the figure Antiphrasis The perfect Passages Said there to be written by C. D. Master of Arts. An after reckoning with Mr. Saltmarsh or an appeal to the impartial and conscientious Reader c. against his last paper called An end of our controversie or an answer or letter to Mr. Ley's last large book Lond. 1646. quar This book as Mr. Ley's special friend hath told me was written by the said Ley yet the Reader is to know that in the title it is said that L. M. Student in Divinity wrot it The said book called An end of our controversie c. was written in answer to Light for Smoake This Saltmarsh by the way it must be known was descended from an antient family of his name living sometimes at Saltmarsh in Yorkshire but whether born in that County or at Strubby in Lincolnshire where was a branch of his name living for three generations before his time I know not educated in Magd. Coll. in Cambridge graduated there and afterwards beneficed being esteemed then a person of a fine and active fancy no contemptible Poet and a good Preacher But upon the turn of the times in 1641 he as a mutable man became of a zealous observer a violent opposer of Bishops and Ceremonies At that time he was a Preacher at Northampton and at other places where he was much followed by and found esteem from such who entitled themselves The godly Afterwards he was Chaplain in the Parliament Army under Sir Tho. Fairfax where he always preached the bonds of love and peace praying that that might be the cord to unite Christians in unity He medled not in the pulpit with Presbytery and Independency but solely laboured to draw the soul from sin to Christ Thus he lived among Soldiers in time of health and how his departure was from the Army a little before his death you shall hear more anon and in the mean time I shall tell you of several things that he hath written besides what are before mentioned which shew him to be an Antinomian as 1 The Assemblies petition defended against his Exception 2 Holy discoveries and flames Printed in tw 1640. 3 Free Grace or the flowings of Christs blood freely to sinners being an experiment of Jes Ch. upon one who hath been in the bondage of a troubled spirit at times for twelve years till now c. Lond. 1645. in tw 4 New Quere c. Lond. 1645. qu. 'T is about Church-Government and 't is mention'd before 5 Shadowes flying away Lond. 1646. qu. Animadverted upon by Tho. Gataker in his Shadowes with substance c. Ibid. 1646. qu. 6 Dawnings of light wherein the true interest of Reformation is opened in general and in particular for the establishing of weaker judgments Lond. 1646. in tw 7 Maxims of Reformation Printed with the former 8 Reasons for unity peace and love in answer to Mr. Tho. Edwards his Gangraena Lond. 1646. qu. 9 Groanes for liberty c. presented from the Presbyterian Brethren reputed the most learned among them in some Treatises called Smectymnus to the honorable Court of Parliament an 1641 by reason of the Prelates Tyranny Lond. 1646. qu. 10 Beame of light discovering the way to peace 11 Some Queries for the better understanding of Mr. Edwards last book called Gangraena Lond. 1646. qu. 12 Parallel between Prelacy and Presbytery Ibid. 1646. qu. 13 The divine right of Presbytery asserted by the present Assembly and petitioned for accordingly to the H. of Com. in Parliament with reasons discussing this pretended divine right Lond. 1646. in 3 sh in qu. 14 Sparcles of Glory or Some beams of the morning star wherein are many discoveries as to peace and truth Lond. 1647. in tw 15 Wonderful Predictions declared in a message as from the Lord to his Excellency Sir Tho. Fairfax and the Council of his Army Lond. 1648. in one sh in qu. with other things which I have not yet seen as 1 Several sermons 2 Practice of Policy printed in tw 3 Flagellum Flagelli c. against Dr. Jo. Bastwick and lastly Animadversions on Mr. Tho. Fullers sermon wherein he taxeth him of Popery At length on the 4 of Decemb. 1647 he being then at his house near to Ilford in Essex told his wife that he had been in a trance had seen a vision and received a command from God to go presently to the Army to make known to them what the Lord had revealed to him which would be the last work that he had to do for them and taking leave of his wife he hasted to London that night and declared to Sir Hen. Mildmay a Parliament-man that he was sent by the Lord with a message to the Army to make known some things unto them which God had revealed unto him The next day being Sunday he with much ado got a horse and about 3 of the clock in the afternoon rode towards Windsore the Head-quarter of the Army and about 11 of the clock at night came to a certain Town about 7 miles distant from Windsore where he laid that night and spoke of many wonderful things that the Lord had revealed to him But the man and woman of the house gave no credit at first to what he said tho before he left them they did and began to be taken with his preaching discourses Before break of day the next morning being Munday Dec. 6. he went towards Windsore and being there about 9 of the clock he repaired to the General Council where some of the Officers were met in expectation of the General and the rest to sit in Council before whom he spoke these words with his eyes almost fix'd in his head or rather as if he had come out of a trance with fear and trembling to express what he had received I am come hither to reveal to you what I have received from God That tho the Lord hath done much for you and by you yet he hath of late left you and is not in your Councils because you have forsaken him God will not prosper your Consultations but destroy you by divisions among your selves I have formerly come to you
1000 l. per an and any thing else that he desired Besides these honourable places he had 6000 l. at one time given to him by the Parliament and at another the Rectory and Demesness of Burford in Oxfordshire with a stately house there lately belonging to Lucius Viscount Falkland as the Author of the Mystery of the good old cause reports but falsly as I suppose for about the year 1634 the said Will. Lenthall did for the sum of 7000 l. or thereabouts purchase of the said Lucius the Priory house the stately house before mention'd and Land belonging thereunto descended to him from Elizabeth Dau. and Heir of Sir Laurence Tanfeild Lord Chief Baron of the Exchecquer sometimes the Wife of Henry Lord Falkland Lord Lieutenant of Ireland Father of Lucius In Aug. 1648 when there was a debate in the Parliament house whether the Treaty should be with the King in the Isle of Wight upon the propositions of Hampton Court there were for it 57 yeas and against it 57 noes Whereupon he as Speaker turn'd the Scales to yeas which was the best thing he ever did Oliver once made a spunge of and squeez'd from him 15000 l. and turning him and his tribe the Long Parliament out of doors in 1653 after he had sate it out in all changes and resisted many storms and high complaints against him he veered about to save himself his great offices and chiefly to avoid a new encounter or frown from the present power So that he that had been so long the Belweather in the H. of Commons was thought fit for his compliance and money to be one of the Other House In 1654 he was elected one of the Knights of Oxfordshire and Burgess for the City of Glocester to serve in that Parliament called by Oliver to meet at Westm 3. of Sept. the same year of which Parliament he was chosen Speaker When that Convention call'd the Rump Parliament was invited by the Army to sit again 6 May 1659 for they had been turn'd out by Oliver in 1653 he became Speaker also as he had been before and on the 23 of the said month he was constituted and appointed Keeper of the Great Seal for the Commonwealth of England for eight days only next ensuing But that Parliament which was filled up by the members secluded thence in 1648 being dissolved on the 16 of March following he endeavoured by his Agents to be chose a Burgess for the University of Oxon to serve in that Parliament which began at Westm 25 Apr. 1660 as at one or two places besides where he had canvas'd for votes but missing his design he retired in private and endeavoured to hide or convey away the vast deluge of wealth which he had obtained as also to secure to his posterity that estate he had purchased in the name of other People But being at length to be called to an accompt for what he had done the Healing Parliament that then met resolved on the eleventh of June that he the said Will. Lenthall be one of the twenty to be excepted out of the general Act of indempnity and oblivion to suffer such pains penalties and forfeitures not extending to life as shall be thought fit to be inflicted by an Act hereafter to be made for that purpose But that Act being soon after made I find therein that if he the said Will. Lenthall should after the first of Sept. 1660 accept or exercise any office Ecclesiastical Civil or Military should to all intents and purposes in Law stand as if he had been totally excepted by name in the said Act. And well it was that he escaped so for had it not been for his money and the mercy of his Prince whereby he got a general pardon he might have been totally sequestred of his Estate and made perpetual Prisoner So that then being free he became a witness on the Kings side against Tho. Scot the Regicide when he and others of that gang were to be tried for their lives And afterwards retiring to his house at Burford before mention'd where he built a pretty Chappel joyning thereunto shewing great love to Scholars and the neighbouring Clergy we heard no more of him till the time of his death He was a Person very inconstant and wavering in his Principles of a slavish temper a taker of all Oathes whether Covenant or engagement or those to be faithful to Oliver and Richard besides what he had before done to K. James and K. Ch. 1. He minded mostly the heaping up of riches and was so besotted in raising and setling a family that he minded not the least good that might accrue to his Prince As for those things that are published under his name as either utter'd or written by him are these following Several Speeches as 1 Sp. to his Maj. in the High Court of Parl. 5. Nov. 1640 when he was presented Speaker 2 Sp. at his presenting these 3 Bills 1. for the shortning of Mich. term 2. For the pressing of Marriners for the Kings Ships 3. For the remainder of 6 intire subsidies 3 Sp. in Parl. 13. May 1641. 4 Sp. in the Lords House of Parl. 22 Jun. 1641. concerning the bill for Tonnage and Poundage 5 Sp. before the K. in the Lords H. of Parl. 3 Jul. 1641. concerning the passing of three bills viz. of Poll-money Star-Chamber and High Commission 6 Sp. to both Houses of Parl. at the passing of the bill for Tonnage and Poundage 2 Dec. 1641. 7 Sp. to Sir Tho. Fairfax Gen. of the Parl. Army to congratulate his success and victories over the Kings Army 14 Nov. 1646. 8 Sp. to his Excellency Sir Tho. Fairfax General after the Army had granted the members of Parl. to sit in safety 6 Aug. 1647. Several Letters as 1 Letter to Sir Jac. Ashley 4 May 1641. 2 Let. to the Vicech and Heads of Houses of the Univ. of Oxon together with the protestation and declaration with it 8 Feb. 1641. 3 Let. to the Sheriffs of several Counties by the command of the H. of C. an 1641. 4 Let. to all Corporations in England and to the Justices of Peace of all Counties written about the same time 5 Let. to the K. concerning the great affairs and state of the Kingdom 6 Let. with that of the Speaker of the H. of Lords to the Lords Justices and Council of the Kingdom of Ireland dat 4 Jul. 1643. Declaration wherein is contained the grounds and reasons that moved him to absent himself from the service of the House on Friday 30 Jul. 1647. Oxon. 1647. in one sh in qu. This Declaration was written upon occasion of his going away with the Mace and a party of the H. of Com. with him to the Army at Windsore Arguments whereby Monarchy is asserted to be the best most antient and legal form of Government in a Conference held at Whitehall with Oliver L. Protector and a Committee of Parl. in Apr. 1657 Printed at Lond. with the Arguments and Speeches
Mounteyne Bishop of Lincolne and not long after Prebendary of the Collegiate Church of Southwell in the Dioc. of York and Preb. of Lincolne Dr. Laud Bish of Lond. got him to be Chaplain to K. Ch. 1. by commending him to be excellent in all casuistical learning and accordingly in Nov. 1631 he was sworn Chaplain in Ordinary So that having occasion to be somtimes near to him the said King took great content in conversing with him whereby our Author gained great credit from the Nobility and greater from the Clergy as being esteemed the most known casuist that this Nation ever produced In 1636 he was actually created D. of D on the very day that the K. and Court left Oxon after they had been some days entertained there In 1641 he with two more of the Convocation of the Clergy for he had been usually elected for all Convocations for about 20 years before that time did draw up some safe alterations in the Service Book and abated some of the Ceremonies that were least material for the satisfaction of the Covenanteers and Presbyterian Party in the Long Parliament In July 1642 he was nominated by his Majesty the Regius Professor of Divinity of this University and the same year he was proposed by both Houses of Parliament to the King then at Oxon. to be one of the Trustees for the setling of Church affairs as Prideaux Bishop of Worcester was and was allowed of by the King to be so but that treaty came to nothing In 1643 he was nominated one of the Assemb of Divines but sate not among them In 1647 he had the most considerable hand in drawing up the University Reasons against the Covenant and negative Oath and the same year he was sent for by the King then at a more large imprisonment with Dr. Hammond Dr. Sheldon and Dr. Morley to attend him in order to advise with them how far he might with a good conscience comply with the proposals of the Parliament for a Peace in Church and State which was allowed by the Independents but denied by the Presbyterians Afterwards he attended on his Maj. in the Isle of Wight preached before him and had many both publick and private conferences with him to his Majesties great satisfaction About that time his Maj. translated into English our Authors Book De Juramento which being done Dr. Juxon Dr. Hammond and Mr. Tho. Herbert did compare what he had done with the original as I shall anon tell you The same year 1648 he was turned out of his Professorship of Divinity by the Parl. Visitors and so consequently from his Canonry of Ch. Ch. and soon after he retired to his cure at Bothby where living obscurely took upon him to put the Kings Meditations in his solitude into Latine which being half done Dr. Earle prevented him from finishing it by doing that work himself While he remained there he was plunder'd imprisoned wounded and tho brought into a low and obscure condition yet many receded to him for the resolution of cases of conscience Which being also resolved by Letters many of them have been preserved and printed for the benefit of posterity In Aug. 1660 he was restored to his Professorship and Canonry by his Majesties Commissioners and by the commendations of Dr. Sheldon to his Majesty K. Ch. 2 he was soon after made Bishop of Lincolne receiving consecration thereunto in the Abbey Church at Westminster 28. Oct. the same year After which retiring to his Mannour of Bugden in Huntingdonshire belonging to his See he bestowed much money in repairing his House or Pallace there All Authors especially those that are famous do speak honorably of him The learned Usher of Armagh stiles him judicious Sanderson upon the return of a case he proposed to him and Hammond that stayed and well weighed man Dr. Sanderson c. who receiveth things deliberately and dwells upon them discreetly Besides also his great knowledge in the Fathers and Schoolmen and profoundness in controversial Divinity he was exactly vers'd in the Histories of our Nation whether antient or modern was a most curious Antiquary and an indefatigable searcher into antient records as his labors in Mss which he left behind him do evidently shew One of them which is a large thick folio I have seen and perused containing all under his own hand collections from registers leiger books rolls evidences in the hands of private Gentlemen c. evidences belonging to Cathedral and other Churches c. This Book is endorsed with Cartae X shewing that there were other Volumes as indeed there are in number about twenty as I have been told by Hen. Symmons his somtimes Secretary which are as I conceive dispersed in several hands He was also a compleat Herald and Genealogist made several collections of English Genealogies and also of monumental inscriptions and Arms in Churches and Windows wheresoever he went His care also was so great for the preservation of them from ruin that when he published Articles of Enquiry in order to the visiting of his Diocess in 1661 he in the conclusion of them desired the Ministers to make a return of all such monumental Inscriptions and Arms in Windows that were in their respective Churches But many of them being ignorant of such matters made very imperfect and halt returns However he carefully preserved them so long as he lived and what became of them after his death I cannot tell His published works are these Logicae Artis Compendium Oxon 1615. 18. 40. c. oct there again 1680 the ninth Edit in oct Several Sermons as 1 Two Sermons on Rom. 14.3 and on Rom. 3.8 Lond. 1622. qu. 2 Twenty Sermons Lond. 1626. fol among which are the two former 3 Two Serm. on 1. Tim. 4.4 and Gen. 20.6 Lond. 1628. qu. 4 Twelve Serm. viz three ad Clorum three ad Magistratum and six ad Populum Lond. 1626. and 32. fol. 5 Two Serm. on 2. Pet. 2.16 and Rom. 14 23. Lond. 1635. qu. 6 Twenty Serm. formerly preached viz. sixteen ad Aulam three ad Magistratum and one ad Populum Lond. 1656. fol. The next year were fourteen of his Sermons reprinted to joyn with the aforesaid twenty together with a large Preface by the same Author Which fourteen were thus divided viz. Four ad Clerum three ad Magistratum and seven ad Populum It was the fourth time that they were then printed In 1660 they were all in number 34 reprinted in folio and again in 1681 with another ad Aulam and another ad Clerum added which make up the number of 36. 7th edit with the Authors life before them written by Is Walton c. As most books of later composure so more especially Sermons within the compass of a few years undergo very different characters and meet with a quite contrary entertainment in the World And this I conceive comes to pass because the way and manner of preaching is in a short time much altered from what it was but a little
Sancti Sanciti or the common doctrine of the perseverance of the Saints as who are kept by the power of God through faith unto Salvation vindicated from the attempts lately made against it by John Goodwin in his book entit Redemp redeemed Lond. 1654. fol. This book is animadverted upon by the said John Goodwin in his Triumviri or the Genius Spirit and deportment of three men Mr. Rich. Resbury Mr. John Pawson and Mr. George Kendall in their late writings against the free grace of God in the redemption of the world c. A fescu for a Horn-book or an Apologie for University learning as necessary to Country preachers Being an answer to Mr. Hornes books wherein he gores all University learning Printed in fol. with Sancti Sanciti before mention'd Fur pro Tribunali Examen Dialogismi cui inscribitur Fur praedestinatus Oxon. 1657. oct De doctrina Neopelagiana Oratio habita in Comitiis Oxon. 9. Jul. 1654. Twissii vita victoria De scientia media brevicola dissertatio in qua Twissii nomen à calumnis Francisci Annati Jesuitae vindicatur Dissertatiuncula de novis actibus sint ne Deo ascribendi These three last things are printed and go with Fur pro Tribunali At length after a great deal of restless agitation carried on for the cause our Author died at Cofton before mention'd on the 19 day of August in sixteen hundred sixty and three and was buried in the Chappel joyning to his house there leaving then behind him the character of a Person well read in Polemical Divinity the character also of a ready Disputant a noted Preacher a zealous and forward Presbyterian but hot-headed and many times freakish I shall make mention of another George Kendall by and by NICHOLAS CLAGETT was born within the City of Canterbury entred a Student of Merton Coll. in the beginning of the year 1628 took one degree in Arts went afterwards to Magd. Hall and as a member of that House took the degree of Master of that faculty being then esteemed by the generality thereof a very able Moderator in Philosophy Afterwards at two years standing in that degree he became Vicar of Melbourne in Derbyshire and some years after Rector of S. Maries Church at S. Edmonds-bury in Suffolk where he was held in great veneration by the precise party for his edifying way of preaching and for his singular piety He hath written The abuses of Gods grace discovered in the kinds causes c. proposed as a seasonable check to the wanton libertisme of the present age Oxon. 1659. qu. He paid his last debt to nature on the twelfth day of Sept. in sixteen hundred sixty and three aged 56 years or thereabouts and was buried in the Chancel of S. Maries Church before mentioned He left behind him a Son named William Clagett educated in Emanuel Coll. in Cambridge of which Univ. he was Doct. of Divinity afterwards Preacher to the honourable Society of Greys inn Chaplain in Ord. to his Majesty and Lecturer of S. Mich. Basinghaugh This Person who died at London in the beginning of the year latter end of March 1688 hath published several things as 1 A discourse concerning the operations of the holy spirit with a confutation of some part of Dr. Owens book upon that subject In three parts In the second part of which is An answer to Mr. Jo. Humphreys animadversions on the first part 2 Notion of Idolatry considered and confuted Lond. 1688. c. Another Son also he left behind him named Nich. Claget M. of Arts who is now or at least was lately Preacher at S Maries in S. Edm. Bury before mentioned Author of a Serm. intit A perswasive to peaceableness and obedience c. Lond. 1683. qu. and of another preached at S. Edm. Bury before William Bishop of Norwich c. 4. May 1686. c. JOB ROYS Son of a Father of both his names a Scrivener of London and he the Son of another Job of Lubenham in Leycestershire was born in the County of Middlesex in the Parish as it seems of S. Giles Cripplegate an 1631 educated partly in the Free-school at Abendon in Berks founded by John Royse 1563 became a Student in Pembroke Coll. 1650 and soon after was elected one of the Postmasters of Mert. Coll. where continuing under the tuition of a severe Presbyterian became well qualified with the spirit took one degree in Arts an 1655 left the Coll. soon after and retiring to the great City became a puling Levite among the Brethren for whose sake and at their instance he wrot and published The spirits Touchstone or the teaching of Christs spirit on the hearts of Believers being a clear discovery how a man may certainly know whether he be really taught by the spirit of God c. Lond. 1657 in a pretty thick octavo What other books he published besides this which was esteemed an inconsiderable canting piece I know not nor any thing else of the Author only that first if you had set aside his practical Divinity you would have found him a simple shiftless and ridiculous Person and secondly that dying in sixteen hundred sixty and three was buried in some Church in or near London being then weary of the change of the times and the wickedness forsooth that followed DAVID JENKYNS received his first being in this world at Hensol in the Parish of Pendeylwyn called by some Pendoylon in Glamorganshire became a Commoner of S. Emunds Hall in the year 1597 at which time several Welshmen were Students there After he had taken one degree in Arts he retired to Greys-Inn studied the Common Law and when Barrester was resorted to by many for his Counsel In the first of Car. 1. he being then a Bencher was elected Summer Reader but refused to read Afterwards he was made one of the Judges for South Wales continued in that office till the Rebellion broke out at which time he either imprison'd divers persons in his Circuit or condemn'd them to dye as being guilty of High Treason for bearing Arms against the King At length being taken Prisoner at Hereford when that City was surprized by the Parliament Forces in Decemb. 1645 he was hurried up to London and committed Prisoner to the Tower Afterwards being brought to the barr in Chancery he denied the Authority of that Court because their Seal was counterfeited and so consequently the Commissioners thereof were constituted against Law whereupon being committed to Newgate prison he was impeached of Treason and brought to the barr of the Commons house but denying their Authority and refusing to kneel was for his contempt fined 1000 l. and remitted to his prison and thence translated to Wallingford Castle About that time he used his utmost endeavours to set the Parliament and Army at odds thereby to promote the Kings Cause but it did not take effect according to his desire Afterwards passed an Act for his Tryal in the High Court of Justice an 1650 so that our
Author Jenkyns thinking of nothing but hanging was resolved if it should come to pass to suffer with the Bible under one Arm and Magna Charta of which he was a zealous defender under the other But Harry Marten as 't is said urging to his Fellows that sanguis martyrum est semen ecclesiae and that that way of proceeding would do them mischief they thought good not to take away his life Afterwards he was sent to Windsore Castle where remaining till the month of January an 1656 was set at liberty and then lived for a time in Oxon where he became a constant Auditor of the Sermons of Dr. Edw. Hyde at Halywell then lately ejected from his Rectory of Brightwell near Wallingford to whom all the loyal party of that City flocked to hear his Doctrine After the Restoration of K. Ch. 2. 't was expected by all that he should be made one of the Judges in Westminster Hall and so he might have been would he have given money to the then Lord Chancellour but our Author scorning such an act after all his Sufferings he retired to his Estate in Glamorganshire then restored to him after the loss of it and all he had for many years He was a person of great abilities in his profession and his counsel was often used by Sir Jo. Banks and Will. Noy in their Attorneyships He was also a vigorous maintainer of the Rights of the Crown a heart of oke and a pillar of the Law sole Author of his Sovereigns Rights Englands Laws and the Peoples Liberties when they were invaded and trampled under feet by restless and base men His Writings are these His Recantation or rather protestation delivered at Westm 10 Apr. 1647. to Mil. Corbet the Chairman of the Committee for Examination Printed in a half a sheet Vindication while he was Prisoner in the Tower 29 Apr. 1647. Pr. in 1 sh in qu. This when published was referred to a Committee of Complaints who ordered that the Printer and Publisher thereof should be tried at the Kings Bench. The Armies indemnity with a declaration shewing how every Subject of England ought to be tried for Treason c. Written 10 June 1647. Sundry Acts of Parliament mentioned and cited in the Armies indemnity set forth in words at large Pr. 1647. qu. Apologie for the Army touching the eight Queries upon the late Declarations and Letters from the Army touching Sedition falsly charged upon them Pr. 1647. quart Discourse touching the inconveniences of a long continued Parliament and the judgment of the law of the Land in that behalf Lond. 1647. in one sh and half in quart Cordial for the good people of London in a reply to a thing called An answer to the poysonous seditious paper of Dav. Jenkyns By H. P. Barrester of Linc. Inn. Pr. 1647 in 3 sh in qu. See more in Hen. Parker among these Writers under the year 1657. His Plea delivered to the Earl of Manchester and the Speaker of the H. of Commons sitting in the Chancery at Westminster 14 Feb. 1647. Pr. in one sh in quar Answer to the imputation put upon his Plea in Chancery in Feb. 1647. Pr. in one sh in qu. Remonstrance to the Lords and Com. of the two Houses of Parliament 21 Feb. 1647. Pr. in one sh in qu. Lex terrae the Law of the Land To which are added some seeming Objections of Mr. Will. Prynne scatter'd in divers books answer'd and the truth thereof more fully cleared All which little things before mention'd in number eleven were printed together at Lond. 1648 in twelves and went by the name of Judge Jenkyns his works They were also published there again in the same vol. in 1681 at what time the said works were esteemed very seasonable to be perused by all such as would not be deluded by the unparallel'd arbitrary Proceedings and seditious Pamphlets of that licentious and ungrateful time They were also printed again two years after that time in tw Before the said Editions is his picture to the life and underneath these Verses made by Joh. Birkenhead Here Jenkyns stands who thundring from the Tower Shooke the Senats legislative Power Six of whose words twelve reams of Votes exceed As Mountains mov'd by graines of Mustard seed Thus gasping Laws were rescued from the snare He that will save a Crown must know and dare Preparative to the Treaty with the King tendered to the Parliament Ass of Divines and Treaters c. Pr. 1648. His Declaration while Prisoner in the Tower 17 March 1647. Pacis consultum The antiquity extent and practice of several Country Corporation Courts especially the Court Leet with an abstract of the penal Statutes Lond. 1657. oct Published under Dav. Jenkyns his name but disowned and disclaimed by him Exact method for keeping a Court of Survey for the setting forth and bounding of Mannours c. Lond. 1657. This also was disowned by him Difficult questions in Law proposed and resolved Printed with the Exact method and disowned also Rerum judicatarum centuriae octo Lond. 1661. fol. in English A proposition for the safety of the King and Kingdom both in Church and State and prevention of the common Enemy Lond. 1667. in tw 2 edit A Reply to the pretended Answer to it Printed with the former I have seen a little thing intit Conscientious Queries from Mr. Jenkyns or the grounds of his late Petition and Submission to the present power an 1651. Printed 1679. But this Jenkyns must be understood to be the same with Will. Jenkyns a Presbyterian Minister of London one of Christop Love's Plot for bringing in K. Ch. 2. from Scotland Judge Jenkyns dyed at Cowbridge in Glamorganshire on the sixth day of Decemb. in sixteen hundred sixty and three aged 81 or more and was buried at the west end of the Church there He died as he lived preaching with his last breath to his Relations and those that were about him Loyalty to his Majesty and Obedience to the Laws of the Land CHARLES POTTER Son of Dr. Christop Potter Provost of Queens College was born in the Parish of S. Peter in the East in Oxon became Student of Ch. Ch. in 1647 aged 14 years took one degree in Arts in 1649 and was that year made the senior quadragesimal Collector Soon after was published under his name his Theses Quadragesimales in scholis Oxoniae publicis pro forma discussae an 1649 50. Oxon. 1651. in tw Afterwards he took the degree of Master of Arts travelled beyond the seas became for a time a Retainer to Mr. Crofts known soon after by the name of James Duke of Monmouth and at length after he had changed his Religion for that of Rome was made one of the Ushers to Henrietta Maria the Qu. Mother of England He died in his Lodgings in Dukestreet near the Strand in the middle of Decemb. in sixteen hundred sixty and three and was buried in the Church of S. Paul in Covent Garden within the Liberty of
Marshall Edm. Calamy Calybute Downing c. did first whisper in their Conventicles then openly preach that for the cause of religion it was lawful for the Subjects to take up Arms against their lawful Soveraign Which doctrine being also followed by the rest of the Elders the People of London did violently rush into rebellion and were found pliable by the faction in Parliament to raise tumults make out-cries for justice call for innocent blood subscribe and prefer petitions against the holy Liturgy and the Hierarchy and to strike at root and branch especially if our Author Burges did but hold up his finger to his Mirmidons or Capt. afterwards Colonel John Venn sent his summons by his Wife to assemble the zealots of the City In the beginning of the Long Parliament he was appointed by the Lords one of the Sub-committee to settle Religion who meeting in Jerusalem Chamber at Westminster our Author Burges became speaker for his party the Presbyterians In which office he made a vehement invective against Deans and Chapters and the unprofitableness of such Corporations and did aggravate to debauchedness the lives of singing men and they not only useless but hurtful by their vitious conversation At the same time also being looked upon as a doughty Champion for the holy cause and a zealous Covenantier 't was usual with him and the said Venn to lead up the tumults of the City to the Parliament doors to see that the godly party for so their faction was call'd in the House might not be out-voted and then turning back and beholding the rabble would say These are my band-dogs I can set them on and I can take them off again c. by which means above four parts in five of the Lords and two parts in three of the Commons were frighted out of the house to leave the Faction absolute Masters thereof These things also he did when the most noble Earl of Strafford was tried for his life So that being the Ring-leader of the rout and the only scandal to his profession in all London was thought fit by the blessed Parliament as by the faction it was called to be one of those Godly Divines that were to hold forth before them to be one of the Sub-committee for the advancement of moneys to carry on the War against the King and to be with John White the Centurist Assessors to the Ass of Divines But before that time Essex the General finding him a zealous instrument to carry on the cause made him his Chaplain to that Regiment of Horse which was next under him In Dec. 1643 the Londoners sent Will. Gibbes and John Fowke Aldermen and others of the common Council to the House of Commons to desire that the Cath. Church of S. Paul might be set open again and that there might be a Lecture every Sunday night as was formerly used after the afternoons Sermon and another on the week day and that Dr. Corn. Burges might be the man who having been several times put to his compurgators in that consistory was the ablest and fittest for that Sunday-nights Lecture desiring their honors to allow the Doctor a pension of 400 l. per an out of the revenues of the Cathedral for his encouragement in that service Which being a poor pittance God wot they not only confirmed that pension but gave him the Deans house thereof for his habitation both setled soon after by Act of Parliament The first motion of this did proceed from the Militia of London among whom the Doctor used to ride with his case of pistols was called Colonel and shew'd himself very officious to assist plundering at the Globe Tavern in Holbourne Afterwards growing very rich he purchased several Lands as the mannour of Wells belonging to the Bishop thereof and the habitation of the Dean there which he mostly plucked down and rebuilt And being so done he wrot a book to shew that there was no sacriledge or sin to alien or purchase the Lands of Bishops and Chapters which being taken into the hands of many curious readers had the licentiousness of a second impression an 1659. But upon the Kings restauration he lost all having about an year before been offer'd twelve thousand and odd pounds for his House and Lands at and near Wells whereupon retiring to Watford in Hartfordshire before mentioned lived obscurely there and died in a mean condition as I shall anon tell you He hath written and published these matters following A chain of Graces drawn out at length for reformation of Manners Lond. 1622. in tw New discovery of personal Tithes or the tenth part of mens clear gains proved due both in conscience and by the laws of this Kingdom Lond. 1625. oct The fire of the Sanctuary newly discovered or a compleat Tract of Zeal Lond. 1625. in oct Which book upon its Authors grand defect was answer'd by Anon. in a Pamphlet intit A whip c. printed 1643. Whereupon an old puritannical Poet named Francis Quarles the sometimes Darling of our plebeian judgments who seemed to have a great respect for our Author came out with a Reply intit The Whipper whip'd c. printed 1644 wherein in the first page he stiles Dr. Burges a man of singular parts c. Baptismal Regeneration of elect Infants professed by the Church of England according to Scriptures the primitive Church the present reformed Churches and many particular Divines apart Oxon 1629. qu. Vindication of the Reasons against Bishops Votes in Parliament Lond. 1641. qu. Whether he was Author of the Reasons I know not Several sermons as 1 Sermon at a publick Fast before the House of Commons 17 Nov. 1640 on Jer. 50.5 Lond. 1641. qu. 2 Sermon before the H. of Com. 5 Nov. 1641. on Psal 76.10 Lond. 1641. qu. Wherein are many things of and against the Papists and Jesuits 3 Serm. before the H. of Com. 30 March 1642 on Jer. 4.14 Lond. 1642. qu. 4 Vanity and mischief of the thoughts of an heart unwashed Serm. before the H. of Com. on their day of humiliation 30 of Apr. 1645. on Jer. 4.14 as before Lond. 1645. qu. 5 Necessity of agreement with God Fast-serm before the H. of Lords 29 Oct. 1645 on Amos 3.3 Lond. 1645. qu. besides others which I have not yet seen as Serm. on 2 Chron. 15.2 another on Ezra 10.2.3 a third called Prudent silence preached 12 Jan. 1648 whether the same with that against the destroying of Kings preached about the same time I cannot tell and lastly another on Amos 5.13 printed 1660. in octavo Sion Coll. what it is and doth A vindication of that Society against two Pamphlets c. Lond. 1648. qu. His case as Lecturer in Pauls This is a little Pamphlet By the way the Reader is now to know that it hath been confidently affirmed that our Author before he was engaged in buying Bishops Lands did concur with Dr. Joh. Hacket in his Answer to Dr. Hacket's Speech in 1641. that the alienating of any thing setled
come within the compass of a remedy in a short time and likewise the Tooth-ach infallibly Discourse concerning the Vegitation of Plants Lond. 1661. oct and 69. qu. Spoken on the 23 of Jan. 1660 in a large meeting of the Royal Society in Gresham Coll. Printed in Lat. at Amsterd 1663. and 69. in tw under this title Dissert de plantarum vegitatione Choice and experimental Receipts in Physick and Chirurgery Cordial and distilled Waters and Spirits Perfumes and other Curiosities These two last things were translated out of several Languages for so they were collected and written by George Hartman sometimes Steward to Sir Kenelme the Collector and by him published at Lond. 1668. oct The first was printed afterwards under this title Medicina experimentalis Franc. 1677. oct His Closet opened whereby is discovered several ways of making Metheglin Sider Cherry-wine c. Lond. 1669. 77. oct Excellent directions for Cookery c. Lond. 1669. 77. octavo Choice collection of rare chymical Secrets and Experiments in Philosophy As also rare and unheard of medicines Menstruums and Alkahests with the true secret of volatizing the fixt salt of Tartar c. Lond. 1682. oct c. Published by Hartman before mention'd who had operated for Sir Kenelme for many years These are all the things which he hath written that I yet know of except as some are pleased to say which I scarce believe the Letter to Dr. Sam. Turner concerning the Church and the Revenues thereof Lond. 1646. 47 which he published at the request of the Earl of Dorset See more in Rich. Steuart under the year 1651. He also translated into English A Treatise of adheering to God Lond. 1654. oct Written by Albert the great Bishop of Ratisbon To conclude he paid his last debt to nature in his house in Covent Garden on the eleventh day of June in sixteen hundred sixty and five and was buried in a Vault built at his own charge under the east end of the south Isle or Alley joyning the Choire of Ch. Ch. within Newgate in London by the body of Venetia his sometimes wife daughter and co-heir of Sir Edw. Stanley of Tongue-Castle in Shropshire to whose memory he had some years before his death erected over the said Vault a stately altar monument of black marble and thereon had caused her bust made of Copper gilt to be fastned with four inscriptions of Copper gilt to be affixed to the said monument Which being done he caused the draught or picture of the said monument with the several inscriptions to be entred in a large folio book of Vellam containing the history of the family of Digby which our Author caused to be made of all matters relating thereunto that could be found from record either remaining in the custody of his family or in the Tower or any office in London together with the pictures of their monuments that could be found in any Church whatsoever in which they had been buried Which book as his son John hath said did cost his father about 1000 l. The next year after our Author Sir Kenelme was buried the said monument with bust was spoiled and defaced when the Church it self was burnt in the dismal conflagration that then hapned in London His study of books being a most admirable collection which he had conveyed into France in the time of the Rebellion fell after his death for want of his being naturalized into the French Kings hands of whom being beg'd by a certain Gentleman it was sold as the report then went for ten thousand Crowns Sir Everard Digby father to Sir Kenelme was a most goodly Gentleman and the handsomest man of his time but much pitied for that it was his ill fate to suffer for the Powder-plot in 1605 aged 24 at which time when the Executioner pluck'd out his heart when his body was to be quartered and according to the manner held it up saying Here is the heart of a Traytor Sir Everard made answer Thou liest This a most famous Author mentions but tells us not his name in his Historia vitae mortis The said Sir Everard was son of Everard Digby of Dry stoke before mention'd sometimes Master of Arts and Fellow of S. John's Coll. in Cambridge an 1579 a Publisher then and after of several books as the Bodleian Catalogue will tell you among which is A Dissuasive from taking away the Goods and Livings of the Churchy c. Printed at Lond. in qu. This Everard the Writer died at Dry-stoke in 1592. or thereabouts Sir Ken. Digby had a younger brother called Sir Joh. Digby who very readily serv'd his Majesty K. Ch. 1. when his Parliament took up Arms against him was a Colonel and afterwards a Major Gen. in the western parts of England while Mr. Joh. Digby a younger son of John Earl of Bristow was a Gen. there for his Maj. as I have elsewhere told you JOHN LEWGAR was born of gentile parents in London admitted Commoner of Trin. Coll. in the beginning of the year 1616 and in that of his age 14 took the degrees in Arts holy Orders and in 1632 was admitted to the reading of the Sentences being about that time beneficed in Essex After Will. Chillingwrrth returned from beyond the seas he had several Conferences with him about matters of Religion wherein Chillingworth shewing himself a person of great dexterity Lewgar was at length meerly by the force of his Arguments induced to believe that the Roman Church was a true Church and that the Protestants were all in the wrong as he used often to tell his friends and withall to add that Chillingworth was of no meek and winning spirit but high and conceited and so consequently unfit for a Religion that required Humility and Obedience c. Afterwards our Author Lewgar left his Benefice and Religion and upon the invitation of Cecil Lord Calvert called Lord Baltimore who had been his intimate acquaintance while he was a Gent. Com. of Trin. Coll. travelled into Maryland belonging to the said Lord where after he had spent several years and had buried his wife he returned into England some years before the Restauration of K. Ch. 2. with Father Andrew White a Jesuit who had been sent thither to gain the Barbarians to his Religion After which time he lived in Wild-street near Lond. in the house of the said Lord Baltimore where he wrot Erastus junior a solid Demonstration by Principles forms of Ordination Common Laws Acts of Parliament that no Bishop Minister nor Presbyter hath any Authority to preach c. from Christ but from the Parliament Lond. 1659. 60. Erastus senior scholastically demonstrating this conclusion that admitting Lambeth Records to be true those called Bishops here in England are no Bishops either in Order or Jurisdiction or so much as legal c. Lond. 1662. oct He died of the Plague in the Parish of S. Giles in the Fields near to London in sixteen hundred sixty and five by too much exposing
in his own Country to serve in that unhappy Parliament which began at Westm 3. of Nov. the same year but his election being voted void he sided notwithstanding with the faction was seemingly a Presbyterian and afterwards all things to all men So that being esteemed very capable of carrying on the beloved cause he was first made a Committee man of his County and afterwards was called into the House of Commons by the Independents upon their excluding the active Presbyterians purposely to carry on their designs against the King Afterwards he being very ready to keep pace with them he not only subscribed his vote for the trial of his Majesty Ch. 1. but personally sate in judgment when sentence was past for his decollation About that time he being observed by some of the H. of Commons to be a Person of strange principles in Religion an Arrian Socinian and I know not what and also to be a Person of no good Morals he was publickly complained of in the house by Colonel Joh. Downes one of the Regicides and afterwards a member of the Council of State Whereupon Fry published The Accuser ashamed or a pair of Bellows to blow off the dust cast upon John Fry a member of Parliament by Col. Jo. Downes who charged the said John Fry of blasphemy and errour Printed at Lond. in Febr. 1648. in oct To which he added 1 A word to the Priests Lawyers Royalists Self-seekers and rigid Presbyterians 2 A brief ventilation of that chaffie and absurd opinion of three Persons or substances in the Godhead Afterwards he being exasperated by the Presbyterian Ministers and some Independents he wrot and published The Clergy in their colours or a brief character of them c. Lond. 1650 in 4. sh in oct Which the next year was answered by J. D. Nephew as 't was said to Mr. John Davy of Taunton Magdalen in Somersetshire Soon after the publication of the said Clergy in their colours the Parliament took so much cognizance of the matter that they sate on Saturday 22. Feb. 1650 from morning to night in debate of certain passages published in the said books as 1 In debate of that added to the Accuser ashamed in the title running thus that chaffie and absurd opinion of three persons or substances in the Godhead 2 In that in p. 22. running thus that gross and carnal opinion of three distinct Persons or subsistences in the Godhead Persons and subsistences are subsistences or accidents As for the word Person I do not understand that it can be properly attributed but to man It is out of doubt with me that if you ask the most part of men what they mean by a Person they will either tell you 't is a man or else they are not able to give you any answer at all As for the word Accident I suppose none will attribute that to God for according to my poor skill that word imputes no more but the figure or colour c. of a thing and certainly no man ever saw the likeness of God as the Scriptures abundantly testifie c. These things being discussed it was resolved by the members of Parliament that they were erroneous prophane and highly scandalous Afterwards they proceeded to the book called The Clergy in their colours wherein p. 34 is this said by the Author I cannot let pass one observation and that is the strange posture those men put themselves into when they begin their prayers before their Sermons whether the fools and knaves in stage plays took their pattern from these men or these men from them I cannot determine c. what wry mouths squint eyes they make c. how like a company of conjurers do they mumble out the beginnings of their prayers that the People may not hear them c. These passages being debated the Parliament resolved that they were scandalous Again also p. 42. thus I must confess I have heard much of believing things above reason and the time was when I swallowed that still but I may say with S. Paul c. When I was a child c. Every man that knoweth any thing knoweth this that it is reason that distinguishes a man from a beast If you take away his reason you deny his very Essence therefore if any man will consent to give up his reason I would as soon converse with a beast as with that man c. These matters being debated it was resolved by Parliament that they were erroneous Afterwards they resolved that the said book called The Accuser ashamed and the other called The Clergy in their colours be burnt and that the Sherriffs of London and Middlesex be authorized and required to cause all the printed copies of both the said books and every of them wheresoever they should be found to be burnt some in the New-Pallace-yard at Westm and some at the Old Exchange Not a word in the order was there of the Hang-man for that would have sounded ominous to the whole pack of them then in pomp and great splendor At the same time it was resolved that the said Joh. Fry be disinabled to sit as a member of Parliament so that being solemnly cashier'd he had more liberty to keep company with John Biddle which he did as with others of that opinion This Person who had ran through most if not all religious even to Rantisme died soon after and thereby saved the Hang-man his labour JOHN ELLIS received his first breath in the Parish of Llanderkuin near to Harlech in Merionithshire entred a Student in Hart Hall in the year 1617 and in that of his age 18. or thereabouts where going through with infinite industry the several classes of Logick and Philosophy became M. of A. in 1625 and three years after was elected Fellow of Jesus Coll. being then in holy orders In 1632 he was admitted to the reading of the sentences and soon after going into Scotland upon what account I know not was made and admitted Doctor of his faculty in the University of S. Andrew on the day before the Cal. of August 1634 and in Oct. following was incorporated in this University Before that time having taken to Wife Rebecka Daugh. of John Pettie of Stoke-Talmach near to Thame in Oxfordshire Esq became Rector of Whitfield near that place which Benefice he keeping till about 1647 was made Rector of S. Maries Church in a Market town called Dolgelhy or Dolgethle in his own county where he continued till the time of his death siding with all parties and taking all Oathes His works are these Clavis fidei seu brevia quaedam dictata in symbolum Apostolorum Oxon. 1642. 43. oct Translated into English by Will. Fowler a composer in the Art of Printing Camb. 1669. oct Comment in Obadium Proph. Lond. 1641. oct Defensio fidei seu responsio succincta ad argumenta quibus impugnari solet confessio Anglicana una cum nova articulorum versione Lond. 1660. He concluded his last day at Dolgethle before
of Will. Warm Registrary of the Cath. Church at Worcester was born and educated in Grammar learning in that City became a Student of Ch. Ch. in 1624 or thereabouts took the degrees in Arts that of Master being compleated in 1631 and had some spiritual cure in his own Country confer'd upon him soon after In 1640 he was Clerk for the Diocess of Worcester in the two Convocations of the Clergy held that year and in 1642 he retired for security sake the Nation being then in a combustion to the King at Oxon where he was actually created D. of D. the same year and afterwards lost what he had before obtained in the Church notwithstanding he had always before been accounted a Puritan After the Kings cause declined he lived mostly in London was the distributer of money obtained from generous Loyalists to sufferers for the royal interest was chief confessor to loyal Martyrs a constant and indefatigable visiter and comforter of sick and distressed Cavaliers for so the Royalists were called very zealous also in converting Infidels industrious in reclaiming the loose and establishing the wavering zealous and careful in preparing his auditors for the Sacrament of the Lords Supper and for death After the Kings return in 1660 he was restored to what he had lost was made Prebendary of Glocester and in the year following Dean of Worcester upon the death of Dr. Jo. Oliver in which Dignity he was installed 27. Nov. 1661. He hath written and published A convocation speech against images altars crosses the new canons and the oath Lond. 1641 in 3. sh in qu. Pax vobis or a charm for tumultuous spirits being an advice to the City of London to forbear their disorderly meetings at Westminster Lond. 1641. qu. Ramus Olivae or a petition for peace to his Maj. and the Houses of Parliament Oxon. 1642. qu. Answer to one W. Bridges concerning the present war and taking up Arms against the King Printed 1643. qu. This W. Bridges I take to be the same with him who wrot Some short annotations on The loyal convert Lond. 1644. in 4. sheets in qu. but not the same I presume with Will. Bridges Preacher at S. Dunstans in the East London Author of Joabs counsel and Davids seasonable hearing it serm before the H. of Com. at the publick fast 22. Feb. 1642 on 2. Sam. Lond. 1643. qu. and of other things I find one Will. Bridge to have been fellow of Emanuel Coll. in Cambridge and afterwards a Minister in Norfolk but to avoid the censures of Episcopal consistories he with Jerem. Burroughes withdrew themselves into the Low countries Upon the change of the times occasion'd by the Presbyterians Bridge returned became Minister at Yarmouth in Norfolk a frequent Preacher before the Long Parliament a notorious Independent and a keeper up of that faction by continual preaching during the time of Usurpation silenced upon his Majesties return carried on his cause with the said Jer. Burroughs in Conventicles at Clapham in Surrey till about the time of his death which hapned in 1670. I say this Will. Bridge who while he lived published several Sermons and Theological Tracts and after his death had 8 of his Sermons made publick which are entituled Bridges remains c. Lond. 1673. oct with his picture before them is not to be taken to be the same with Will. Bridges before mention'd because of the different writings of their names Dr. Warmestry hath also written An hearty and friendly premonition to the City of London before their meeting in their common Hall 24 1648. whereby they have an opportunity to become the happy instruments of their own safety and the peace and preservation of the Kingdom Lond. 1648 in two sheet in qu. Vindication of the solemnity of the nativity of Christ Printed 1648. qu. Answer to certain Queries propounded by one Joseph Hemming in opposition to the practice of the Church in the solemnity of the said nativity Printed with the Vindication Sighs of the Church and Commonwealth of England Lond. 1648. in tw A box of Spiknard or a little manual of Sacramental instruction and devotion especially helpful to the People of God at and about the time of receiving the Lords Supper Lond. 1664 third edit in 12o. printed there again in 1671. and 74. in 24o. The baptized Turk or a narrative of the happy conversion of Signior Rigep Dandulo the only Son of a silk Merchant in the isle of Tzio c. and of his admission unto Baptisme by Mr. Pet. Gunning at Exeter house Chappel 8. Nov. 1657. Lond. 1658. oct This narrative was drawn up by our Author Warmestry who caused the picture of the said Dandulo in a Turkish habit to be put before it The countermine of union or the Jesuits mine of division being a short platform of expedients for peace Lond. 1660. What other books he hath extant I know not nor any thing else of him only that he dying on the 30. of Octob. in sixteen hundred sixty and five aged 60 or thereabouts was buried by his Father Grandfather and other relations in the body of the Cathedral at Worcester not far from the north door Over his grave is an inscription engraven on a black marble the copy of which you may see in Hist Antiq. Univ. Oxon. lib. 2. p. 279.6 In his Deanery succeeded Dr. Will. Thomas of whom I shall make mention in his proper place ROBERT POINTZ son of Sir John Pointz was born of and descended from an antient and noble family of his name living at Iron-Acton in Glocestershire was educated for a time in the quality of a Gent. Com. in this University but in what Coll. unless in that of Lincoln for I cannot find him matriculated as yet I know not Afterwards he studied for a time in one of the Temples and when K. Ch. 1. was crown'd in 1625 he was made one of the Knights of the Bath He hath written A vindication of Monarchy and the government long established in the Ch. and Kingdom of England against the pernitious assertions and tumultuous practices of the Innovators during the last Parliament in the raign of K. Ch. 1. Lond. 1661. qu. He was buried in the Church of Iron-Acton among the graves of his ancestors on the tenth day of Nov. in sixteen hundred sixty and five aged 79 years or thereabouts leaving then behind him a Son named John a Knight who died in the Middle Temple at London in 1680 and left behind him a relict named Anne but not the estate at Iron-Acton because it had been conveyed away by his Father One of his name and family called Captain John Pointz wrot and published The present prospect of the famous and fertile Island of Tobago c. with Proposals for the encouragement of all those that are minded to settle there Lond. 1683. in 7 sh in qu. Whether he was of any University I know not JOHN EARLE received his first being in this vain and transitory
was that he extracting thence several books did in some of them particularly in his two tomes of An exact chronological Vindication c. endeavour to bring an odium upon the Bishops and their function by giving an history in them of the Popes Usurpations upon the King and Subjects of England and Ireland In Aug. the same year he was appointed one of the six Commissioners for appeals and regulating the Excise and in the month of Apr. 1661 he was again elected a Burgess for Bathe to sit in that Parl. that began at Westm 8. of May the same year But in July following being discontented at some proceedings in the House he published a seditious paper against them intit Sundry reasons tendred to the most honorable House of Peers c. against the new intended bill for governing and reforming Corporations This Pamphlet coming into the hands of several Members of Parliament who much complained against it the House appointed a Committee to examine and enquire after the Author the Printer and Publisher thereof The Committee met and soon found that Prynne was the Author of it And accordingly on the 15 of the said month of July the whole matter was reported to the House who thereupon being highly provok'd Prynne unable to conceal it any longer for 't was proved that he had sent that paper to the Printing-house and that he had corrected the Proof sheet and revise with his own hand he flew to the Printing-house and commanded the Compositors to distribute the form for they would be searched Which being done Prynne desired to be heard and unable to evade the evidence confessed himself to be the unhappy Author Then speaking largely setting forth what service he had done for the King formerly how kind and civil the King had been to him c. alledging that he had no mischievous intent but was sorry for what he had done and humbly craved their pardon the House then unanimously called upon him to withdraw and afterwards proceeded to debate it and resolved upon the question That the said printed paper intit Sundry reasons c. is an illegal false scandalous and seditious Pamphlet Prynne afterwards was called in again to receive the sense of the House which was as aforesaid Then Mr. Speaker Sir Edw. Turner worthily told him how sorry he was that a person of his years and experience should commit so foul an offence and one that had formerly much and yet now deserved to suffer all his punishments over again as imprisonment pillory c. But the House had considered his late services and hazards for his Majesty and in contemplation of them and his expressions of his sorrow which truly seemed very great the House shewed mercy unto him Prynne then did thankfully acknowledge the justice of the H. in their judgment of his great offence that the said paper was an illegal false scandalous and seditious pamphlet that he did humbly submit thereunto and did render most humble thanks to the H. and every Member thereof for their mercy and favour to him which words he spake with great sense of his own offence and the Houses goodness not offering to justifie the least line of his paper which his conscience told him he could not Whereupon the H. being satisfied with his confession and recantation they did remit his offence and Prynne sate down in his place From which time to the day of his death we heard of no more libels published by him The books and little pamphlets that he wrot were theological historical political controversial c. but very few of his own profession all which are in number near 200 as the titles following shew bound up in about 40 volumes in fol. and qu. in Linc. Inn Library To which an eminent Sage of the Law who had little respect for those published in his time promised to give the Works of John Taylor the Water-poet to accompany them 'T was not only he but many others afterwards especially Royalists that judged his books to be worth little or nothing his proofs for no arguments and affirmations for no testimonies having several forgeries made in them for his and the ends of his brethren They are all in the English Tongue and by the generality of Scholars are looked upon to be rather rapsodical and confus'd than any way polite or concise yet for Antiquaries Criticks and sometimes for Divines they are useful In most of them he shews great industry but little of judgment especially in his large folio's against the Popes Usurpations He may be well intituled Voluminous Prynne as Tostatus Abulensis was 200 years before his time called Voluminous Tostatus for I verily believe that if it rightly computed he wrot a sheet for every day of his life reckoning from the time when he came to the use of reason and the state of Man His custom when he studied was to put on a long quilted cap which came an inch over his eyes serving as an Umbrella to defend them from too much light and seldom eating a dinner would every 3 hours or more be maunching a roll of bread and now and then refresh his exhausted Spirits with Ale brought to him by his servant Thou that with Ale or viler liquors Did'st inspire Wythers Prynne and Vicars And teach though it were in despight Of nature and the stars to write c. Thus Hudibras part 1. He was a right sturdy and doughty Champion for the Cause a Puritan Beutifew an inveterate enemy against the hierarchy of Bishops especially upon his imprisonment and sufferings for his H●strio mastix a busie pragmatical and medling man without end and one that had brought his body into an ill habit and so consequently had shortned his days by too much action and concernment day and night M. Nedham the Weather-cock tells us that he was one of the greatest paper worms that ever crept into a closet or library c. and others that he never intended an end in writing books and that his study or reading was not only a wearisomness to the flesh but to the ears Nay a printed Petition whereby some Wags under the name of the peaceable and well affected people of the three Nations did shew that whereas Will Prynne Bencher of Linc. Inn had for many years last past reckoning backward from 1659 in which year the said Petition was published been an indefatigable and impertinent Scribler and had almost nauseated the sober part of the said Nations with the stench of his carion pasquills and pamphlets for some whereof he had suffered under the hierarchy in the time of the late King c. that he might have an act of amnesty and pardon for all his Treasons Seditions Jesuitismes Contempts of Government misunderstanding of the Scripture Law and Reason Misquotations and misapplications of Authorities to his pasquills c. Which Petition I say being published and cried in Westm Hall and about London streets did so extreamly perplex Prynne for a time that
A new magna charta Lond. 1648. The County of Somerset divided into several Classes Ibid. 1648. Mercurius Rusticus containing news from several Counties of England and their joynt addresses to the Parliament Ibid. 1648. Just and solemn protestation and remonstrance of the Lord Mayor Common-council-men and Free-men of Lond. Ibid. 1648. The substance of a speech made in the H. of Com. on Munday 4. Dec. 1648 touching the satisfactoriness of the Kings answer to the propositions of both houses for settlement of a firm lasting peace c. Lond. 1648 in 18. sh in qu. Three editions of which came out in less than within the compass of one year This Speech as those of Prynnes opinion say did so admirably well state the said Kings answer with such solid reasons arguments and precedents out of Divinity Law and History that no man took up the bucklers against him Appendix for the Kingdoms better satisfaction of some occurrences since the said speech This was printed with and added to one of the editions of the said Speech True and perfect narrative of the Officers and Armies forcible seizing divers members of the Commons house Dec. 6. and 7. Lond. 1648. Second part of the narrative concerning the Armies force upon the Commons house and members Ibid. 1648. Protestation of the secured and secluded members Ibid. 1648. Vindication of the imprison'd and secluded members of the H. of Com. from the aspersions cast upon them in the majority of the House in a paper lately printed and published intit An humble answer of the general counsel of Officers of the Army under Thom. Lord Fairfax c. Lond. 1649. in 5 sh in qu. Demand of his Prynnes liberty to the General 26. Dec. 1648 with his answer thereto and his answer and declaration thereupon Remonstrance and declaration of several Counties Cities and Boroughes against the unfaithfulness of some of their Knights Citizens and Burgesses Lond. 1648. Brief memento to the present un parliamentary Juncto touching their present intentions and proceedings to depose and execute K. Charles Jan. 1. an 1648. Ibid. 1649. in tw sh in qu. Reprinted at Lond. 1660. qu. Impeachment of high treason against Lieutenant Gen. Cromwell and other Army-Officers ... Jan. 1648. Four considerable positions for the sitting members Judges and others to ruminate upon ... Jan. 1648. Six propositions of undoubted verity fit to be considered of in our present exigency by all loyal Subjects and conscientious Christians Six serious Queries concerning the Kings trial by the new high Court of Justice Lond. 1648. Books written by the said W. Prynne after the murder of K. Ch. 1. Proclamation proclaiming Charles Pr. of Wales King of Gr. Britaine France and Ireland 1. Feb. in the first year of his raign An. 1648. Declaration and protestation of the Peers Lords and Barons against the Usurpations of some members of the Common House 8. Feb. 1648. Publick declaration and protestation of the secured and secluded members of the H. of Com. against the treasonable and illegal late acts and proceedings of some few confederate members of that House since their forcible exclusion 13. Feb. 1648. New Babele's confusion or several votes of the Commons assembled in Parliament against certain papers intit The agreement of the People c. Lond. 1649. in one sh in qu. See in Hen. Ireton under the year 1651. Prynne the member reconcil'd to Prynne the Barrester Or an answer to a scandalous pamphlet intit Prynne against Prynne Wherein is demonstrated that Will Prynne Utter Barrester of Linc. Inn in his Soveraign power in Parliaments and Kingdoms is of the same judgment with and no ways contradictory to Will. Prynne Esq a member of the H. of Commons in his Memento c. Lond. 1649 in 4 sh in qu. First part of an historical collection of the antient Councils and Parliaments of England from the year 673 till an 1216 c. Ibid. 1649 in 4. sh in qu. Legal vindication of the liberties of England against illegal taxes and pretended Acts of Parliament lately enforced on the people or reasons assigned why he Prynne can neither in conscience law or prudence submit to the new illegal tax and contribution of 90 thousand pounds the month lately imposed on the Kingdom Lond. 1649 in 8. sh in qu. Reprinted with additions in 1660. Arraignment conviction and condemnation of the Westmonasterian Junctoes engagement Ibid. 1650. Brief apologie for all Non-subscribers and looking-glass for all apostate Prescribers and Subscribers of the new engagement c. Ibid. 1650 in 2 sh qu. The time serving Proteus and Ambidexter Divine uncased to the world Lond. 1650. qu. This was written against one John Durie as I have told you in the Fasti in the first vol. an 1624. Sad and serious considerations touching the invasive war against our Presbyterian Brethren of Scotland Written in Dunster Castle during his close imprisonment there in Sept. 1650. A Gospel plea interwoven with a rational and legal for the antient setled maintenance and tenths of the Ministers of the Gospel Lond. 1653. Reprinted with the second part thereof an 1659. Jus Patronatus or a brief legal and rational plea for Advowsons and Patrons antient lawful just and equitable rights and titles to present Incumbents to Parish Churches or Vicaridges upon vacancies c. Ibid. 1654. in 7. sh in qu. Declaration and protestation against the illegal detestable and oft condemned tax and extorsion of Excise in general and for hope in particular Ibid. 1654. qu. First part of a seasonable legal and historical vindication and chronological collection of the good old fundamental liberties rights laws government of all English Free-men Lond. 1654. 55. qu. The second part of this was printed at Lond. 1655. qu. New discovery of free-state tyranny containing four letters in his own vindication sent to John Bradshaw and his Associates Ibid. 1655. qu. Brief polemical dissertation concerning the true time of the inchoation and determination of the Lords day sabbath from evening to evening Lond. 1655. qu. The Quakers unmasked and clearly detected to be but the spawn of Romish frogs Jesuits and Franciscan Fryers sent from Rome to seduce the intoxicated giddy-headed English nation c. Ibid. 1655 in 5. sh in qu. printed there again in 1664. An old Parliamentary prognostication made at Westminster for the present new year and puny members there assembled Lond. 1655. Seasonable vindication of free admission to and frequent administration of the holy Communion to all visible Church members regenerate or unregenerate c. Ibid. 1656 qu. New discovery of some Romish Emissaries Quakers as likewise of some popish errours unadvisedly embraced persued by our anti-communion Ministers Discovering the dangerous effects of their discontinuing the frequent administration of the Lords Supper Lond. 1656. qu. Legal vindication of two important Queries of present general concernment clearly discovering from our statute common and cannon laws the bounden duty of Ministers and Vicars of parish Churches to administer the Sacraments as well
a Coward by the name of Nath. Fiennes alias Fines alias Fenys alias Fienes but by the intercession of his father and others of his relations he was pardoned and by the palpable flattery and prevarication of Merc. Britannicus alias March Nedham he was justified for what he had done as to that matter See more in the Works of W. Prynne Afterwards tho he the said N. Fiennes was not trusted in any military matter yet he became an active man in the Parliament and was made a Commissioner in several matters But when he saw the Cause of the Presbyterians decline especially upon the purging of the House of 40 of them whereof he was one by Col. Tho. Pride he struck in with the Independents took the Engagement became great with Oliver a Member of all or at least of most of the Parliaments held between the dissolution of the Rump Parliament and the return of his Maj. King Ch. 2 was made one of the Lords Commissioners of the Great Seal after Oliver was installed L. Protector one of his Privy Council Lord Privy Seal in June 1655 a Member and Speaker of the other House alias House of Lords and tho before he had shew'd himself an Antimonarchist yet then when he saw what Oliver aimed at became a lover of Kingship and Monarchy purposely to gain honor and riches for the establishing a family which he and the rest of the godly party aimed at His Works are these Several Speeches in Parliament as 1 Speech in the House of Commons in answer to the third Speech of Lord Geo. Digby concerning Bishops and the City of Londons petition spoken 9 Feb. 1640. Lond. 1641 in 4 sh in qu. The beginning is Mr. Speaker two things have fallen into debate this day c. 2 Second Speech in the Com. House of Parl. touching the Subjects liberty against the late Canons and the new oath Lond. 1641. in tw sh and an half in qu. 3 Speech concerning the proffer of the City of Lond. by the Lord Mayor to disburse 6000 l. towards the suppressing of the Rebellion in Ireland Lond. 1641. qu. 4 Speech containing unparallel'd reasons for the abolishing of Episcopacy c. Lond. 1642. qu. In this is contained his Speech against Bishops before mention'd and shews that Episcopacy is an Enemy to Monarchy 5 Speech or relation made in the H. of Com. concerning the surrender of the City and Castle of Bristow 5 Aug. 1643 with the transcripts and extracts of certain letters wherein his care for the preservation of the City doth appear Lond. 1643 in 3 sh and an half in qu. This was answer'd by Clem. Walker True and exact relation of both the ●●ttels fought by his Excellency Rob. E. of Essex and his forces against the bloody Cavaliers The one of the 23 of Oct. last near Keynton below Edghill in Warwicksh the other at Worcester by Col. Browne Capt. Nath. and Joh. Fiennes and Col. Sandys and some others c. Lond. Nov. 9. an 1642. in two sh in qu. Letter to the Lord General Essex concerning Bristoll Lond. 1643. in 1 sh in qu. Reply to a Pamphlet intit An answer to Col. Nath. Fiennes's relation concerning his surrender of the City of Bristol Lond. 1643. in 2 sh in qu. Other Speeches in Parl. as 1 Speech before his Highness Ol. Protector and both Houses of Parl. 20 Jan. 1657 being the first day of their sitting Lond. 1657. in 3 sh and an half in qu. 2 Speech to both Houses of Parl. 27 Jan. 1658. Lond. 1659. qu. c. Monarchy asserted to be the best most antient and legal form of Government in a Conference had at Whitehall with Oliver L. Protector and Committee of Parliament c. in Apr. 1657. Lond. 1660. oct He also had an especial hand in a certain book called by an author a Legend or Romance intit Anglia rediviva being the Hist of the motions actions and successes of the Army c under Sir Tho. Fairfax c. published by Joshua Sprigge as I shall elsewhere tell you but how true that report is I cannot tell At length our Author Fiennes retiring after his Majesties return to Newton Tony near Salisbury in Wilts where he had an estate that came to him by his second wife Frances daughter of Rich. Whitehead of Tuderley in Hampshire continued there to the time of his death which hapning on the 16 of Decemb. in sixteen hundred sixty and nine was buried in the Church there Soon after was a monument put over his grave to his memory as also to his two daughters Frances and Elizabeth who both died in the flower of their age This Nath. Fiennes had a younger brother called John who was a Colonel for the Parliament and afterwards one of Oliver's Lords and tho a Sectary yet he was no great stickler notwithstanding guided partly by Nathaniel but more by old subtilty the Father Another there was who was the fourth brother named Richard of whom I know no great matter only that he had a daughter named Mary who was married to William the only surviving son of Nath. Fiennes which Mary dying in child-bed 23 Oct. 1676 was buried in the Church at Broughton near to the grave of her Grandfather William Vic. Say and Sele HENRY FOULIS or de Foliis second son of Sir Henry son of Sir Dav. Foulis of an antient family in Scotland Baronets was born at Ingleby Mannour in Clievland in Yorkshire educated in Grammar learning and in the Presbyterian way within the City of York became a Communer of Qu. Coll. under the tuition of Mr. Tho. Tully 6 June 1654 aged 16 years and thereabouts took the degrees in Arts that of Master being compleated in 1659 and on the 31 of Jan. the same year he was elected Fellow of Linc. Coll. Afterwards entring into holy orders he applied himself for a time to the study of Divinity and was admitted to the reading of the sentences in 1667. But his genie being naturally inclin'd to the study of certain parts of History he waved his proper profession and betook himself to the writing and publishing of books of that faculty The products of which do evidently shew him to have been a true son of the Church of England a hater of Popery Presbytery and Sectarism He was endowed with a most happy memory understood books and the ordering of them so well that with a little industry he might have gone beyond the great Philobiblos Jamesius He had also in him a most generous and public spirit a carelesness of the world and things thereof as most bookish men have a most becoming honesty in his dealings a just observance of collegiate discipline and a hatred to fangles and the French fooleries of his time He hath written and published The history of the wicked plots and conspiracies of our pretended Saints the Presbyterians c. Lond. 1662. Oxon. 1674 both in fol. Which book tho full of notable girds against that party yet it hath been
Perkinson M. A. of Hart Hall and Gowin Knight M. A. and Fell. of Mert. Coll. But before the Election was to be made Perkinson desisted and Knight by the perswasions some say threatnings of Dr. Fell desisted So that then the Masters were left to Hobsons choice to choose Bennet and no body else Whereupon they perceiving full well that Dr. Fell was resolved to get his man in meerly by his Authority without any application to them and Bennet's little stirring for it only for form sake without applying himself according to the manner with cap in hand to gain votes they were resolved to cross the matter So that when the Election was to be on the 10 of the same month a majority of the Masters joyned together headed and encouraged chiefly by a clownish factious person did in despight of Dr. Fell his Mandamus and Authority of the Heads of Houses Seniors and the sober party set up and choose a meer stranger who lived remotely from Oxon named Christop Wase sometimes Fellow and Bach. of Arts of Kings Coll. in Cambridge and afterwards a Schoolmaster at several places to the very great-discomposure of Dr. Fell and something to the discredit of the University as if not able to afford a man to execute the said Office Afterwards Wase came to Oxon was sworn and took possession of his place But Dr. Fell who had received a character of would never let him execute the Archityp place because as he usually said he was not fit for it as being not a person of sobriety c. So that from the death of Mr. Clarke to this time the superior Beadleship of the Civ Law and the Architypographers place hath been joyned WILLIAM EYRE Son of Giles Eyre of White in Wilts was born in that County became either a Batler or a Communer of Magd. Hall an 1629 aged 16 years where continuing under a severe discipline till he had taken the degrees in Arts was appointed a Tutor in that House and about the same time entred into the sacred function But being always schismatically enclined he sided with the factious party in the time of the Rebellion against K. Ch. 1 became a rigid Calvinist an enemy to Tithes and a purchaser of Church Revenues In those sad times of calamity he was made Minister of S. Edmunds Church in the City of Salisbury where by his doctrine he advanced much the blessed Cause and in 1654 he was made an Assistant to the Commissioners of Wilts for the ejection of such that were then called scandalous ignorant and insufficient Ministers and Schoolmasters in which office he shew'd himself very forward against those people of which some were his acquaintance and contemporaries in Oxon. After the Kings restauration he proceeded in his usual preaching but in 1662 was silenced for Nonconformity and lived for a time at or near to Salisbury But finding that place and neighbourhood uneasie he retired to Milksham near to Chippenham in Wilts where he had purchased an Estate and continued there to the time of his death His works are An Assize Sermon at Salisbury on Psal 45.6 Lond. 1652. qu. Vindiciae justificationis gratuitae Justification without conditions or a free justification of a sinner c. vindicated from the Exceptions and Objections which are cast upon it by the Assertors of conditional Justification c. against Mr. Ben. Woodbridge Mr. Jam. Cranford and Mr. Rich. Baxter Lond. 1654. qu. Answer'd the same year by Mr. Baxter in his book intit An admonition to Mr. Will. Eyre of Salisb. concerning his miscarriages in a book lately written for the justification of Infidels against Mr. B. VVoodbridge c. Sermon on Acts 20.9 Lond. 1658. oct What other things he hath published I know not nor any thing else of him only that he was buried in the Church at Milksham before mentioned on the 30 of Januar. in sixteen hundred sixty and nine as the Register of that Church enforms me which I presume follows the English Accompt and not the common Another VVill. Eyre I find who was long before this mans time educated in Emanuel Coll. in Cambridge between whom and the learned Usher Primate of Ireland passed many letters some of which were De Textus Hebraici veteris Testamenti variantibus lectionibus an 1607. Pr. at Lond. 1652. The said VVill. Eyre was living at Colchester in Essex an 1617. 15 Jac. 1. EDMUND VAUGHAN son of the Minister of Ashted in Surrey and nephew to Dr. Rich. Vaughan sometimes B. of London was born in that County admitted Chorister of Corp. Ch. Coll. an 1621. aged 12 years afterwards he was successively Clerk Scholar and Fellow of that House Bach. of Div. and at length Rector of Pichford alias Pisford in Northamptonshire He hath written The life of Dr. Thom. Jackson sometimes President of Corp. Ch. Coll. in Oxford 'T was printed and set before the said Dr. Jacksons Commentary on the Creed an 1653 and afterwards before the collection of his works an 1672. fol. This Mr. Vaughan died on the Purification of the Virgin Mary in sixteen hundred sixty and nine and was buried in the Chancel of the Church at Pichford after he had suffer'd much as a true son of the Church of England and as a loyal man to his Prince and his cause in the time of the grand rebellion began and carried on by a predominant party in both Houses of Parliament THOMAS SWADLIN born in Worcestershire applied his mind to Academical studies in S. Johns Coll. in the beginning of the year 1615 aged 16 years or thereabouts took one degree in Arts holy Orders and had some little cure bestowed on him At length about the time that Dr. Laud became Bishop of London he was made Minister of S. Botolphs Church without Aldgate there where for his ready and fluent way of preaching he was much frequented by the Orthodox party but in the beginning of the grand rebellion he being esteemed as one of Dr. Lauds creatures he was imprison'd in Gresham Coll. and afterwards in Newgate was sequestred plunder'd and his wife and children turn'd out of doors At length he with much ado getting loose but in a manner distracted by the great miseries he endured he retired to Oxon where he was created D. of Div. an 1646 about which time and after he taught School in several places meerly to gain bread and drink as in London and afterwards at Paddington c. Upon the restauration of his Majesty K. Ch. 2. he was re-invested in S. Botolphs Church but being wearied out there by the contentiousness of his parishioners he left it and in the year 1662 he was presented to the Vicaridge of S. James in Dover upon the removal of one John Davis an Independent Preacher and to the Rectory of Hougham near to that place by the favour of Dr. Juxon Archb. of Canterbury but the yearly valuation of both not exceeding 80 l. per an he was at length being grown crazy and infirm presented unsought
years and was buried according to his desire near the west door fast by the Christning pew in S. Pauls Church in Covent Garden within the liberty of Westm but he was no kin to the former Will. Neile because he was of the Neales of Wollaston near Northampton JOSHUA CHILDREY son of Robert Childrey was born within the City of Rochester where being educated in Grammar learning became a Student in Magd. Coll. in Lent term 1640 aged 17 years and about that time was made one of the Clerks of the said house But soon after leaving the University upon the eruption of the civil war he returned to his native Country and came not again till the Garrison of Oxon was surrendred for the use of the Parliament at which time taking the degree of Bach. of Arts was two years after that expelled by the Parliamentarian Visitors Afterwards he taught School at Faversham in Kent yet not without some disturbance by the godly party where continuing till his Maj. restoration was made Chaplain to Henry Lord Herbert was actually created D. of D. and had the Rectory of Upway in Dorsetshire bestowed on him In the year 1663 Jan 23 he was collated to the Archdeaconry of Salisbury on the death of Dr. Anth. Hawles and on the first of June 1664 he was collated to the Prebendship of Yatminster Prima in the Church of Salisbury by Dr. Earle Bishop of that place he being then accounted a learned and religious Divine a good Astrologer and a great Virtuoso His works are Indago Astrologica or a brief and modest inquiry into some principal points of Astrology as it was delivered by the Fathers of it and is now generally received by the Sons of it Lond. 1652. in 2. sh in qu. Syzygiasticon instauratum or an Ephemeris of the places and aspects of the Planets c. calculated for the year 1653. Lond. 1653 oct His chief design is to prove the aspects of the Planets related to the Sun of greater efficacy in the change of the air then when respecting the earth as center c. Britannia Baconica or the natural rarities of England Scotland and Wales According as they are to be found in every Shire Historically related according to the precepts of the Lord Bacon c. with observations upon them and deductions from them c. Lond. 1661. oct From which book Dr. Rob. Plot took a hint for the writing The natural History of Oxfordshire As for the other works of his which are not extant you may be pleased to know from his letter dated at Upway 12. Jul. 1669. written to Mr. Hen. Oldenburg Secretary of the Royal So●ciety concerning some observations of the weather philosophical collections Portland and Purbeck stones serving for fewel shifting of tydes at Weymouth c. thus In my next God willing I shall send you part of my collections of Naturalls out of voyages and itineraries In the mean time take this brief account of my studies so far as concerns Philosophy Some two years before the happy return of the King I bought me as many paper books of about 16 sheets apiece as my Lord Verulam Bacon had Histories at the end of his Novum Organon Into which books being noted with the figure and title given them by my Lord I entred all Philosophical matters that I met with observable in my reading and intend God willing to continue it This I acquaint you with to let you see how earnest and serious I have been for several years in that which is the business of the Royal Society tho indeed I first fell in love with the Lord Bacons philosophy in the year 1646 and tried several experiments though such as I now reckon be not of any moment in 1647. 48. 49. 50 and besides these I have two larger paper books in folio one of which I call Chronologia naturalis and the other Geographia naturalis the former containing the time of all droughts comets earthquakes c. and the other the natural rarities of Countries These paper books cannot be expected to be yet full and God knows whether I shall live to see them filled But God willing such and so as they are I intend to bequeath them to the Royal Society whensoever I die c. He concluded his last day at Upway before mention'd having never been of the said Society on the 26. of Aug. in sixteen hundred and seventy and was buried in the Chancel of the Church there In the latter end of Sept. following succeeded him in his Archdeaconry John Sherman Doct. of Div. of Camb. who dying in the parish of S. Sepulchre in London after a short injoyment of that Dignity viz. in the latter end of the year in March 1670 was succeeded in the beginning of May following by John Prideaux D. D. as I shall elsewhere tell you Besides this John Sherman was another of both his names but before him in time educated in Gramar learning in the Charter-house School in Academical in Trin. Coll. in Camb. where he arrived to great eminence in several sorts of literature He wrot a book entit White salt or a sober correction of a mad world in some well wishes to goodness Lond. 1654. oct and another called The infallibility of the holy Scripture asserted c. Lond. 1664. qu. c. This learned religious and conscientious Person died in Aug. as it seems an 1663. EDWARD FORD the eldest Son of Sir John Ford Knight was born at Uppark in the parish of Harting in Sussex became a Gent. Com. of Trin. Coll. in the beginning of the year 1621 aged 16 years but before he took a degree he left that House and whether afterwards he travelled or studied in the Inns of Court I know not Sure it is that about the beginning of the Civil War he was prick'd High Sherriff for Sussex adheer'd to the King at Oxon from whom he received the honour of Knighthood there 4. Oct. 1643 and about that time had a commission to be a Colonel in his Army against the Rebels for which afterwards he suffered equally with other Royalists In Nov. 1647 when the King made his escape from Hampton Court he with Dr. Steph. Goffe were committed to safe custody as being suspected for the design of the Kings escape In 1656 he upon Olivers encouragement and invitation of the chief Citizens of London raised the Thames water into all the highest streets of that City ninety three foot high in four eight-inch pipes to the wonder of all and honor of the nation done at his own charge and in one years time with his rare engine that he had invented for that purpose by which several parts of the nation did afterwards find benefit in the draining of Mines and Lands much better and cheaper than any other device before 'T was he also that made the great water Engine against Somersethouse for the serving the Inhabitants of the Strand and of other parts adjoyning with water which hindring the
on the ●● of Sept. in the same year had then leave given to him to keep his Deanery and Archdeaconry in commendam In the beginning of the Rebellion he adhered to the Cause 〈◊〉 his Majesty and the first book that he wrot in his 〈◊〉 against the Rebels was his Vindiciae Regum c. for which he was fetch'd away from his house at Apethorpe in Northamptonshire by a Troop of Soldiers and carried Prisoner to Northampton where the Committee that were appointed by the Parliament to meet and sit there had the said book in their hands Afterwards he retired to Oxon and printed his Discovery of Mysteries and on that very day he was preaching at S. Maries before the House of Commons the Soldiers from Northampton went and plunder'd his House and all his Houshold-stuff at Apethorp where his Wife and Children then resided and sequestred his Lands for the use of the Parliament The next winter following he wrot his Jura Majestatis and according to his poor abilities out of the means he had in Wales he gave unto his Majestys own hands every winter for three years together the testimony of his loyalty and affection to the utmost of his power Upon the the declining of the Kings cause this our author being then brought very low the said Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery offered to procure him a Benefice in Lancashire worth 400 l. per ann conditionally that he would submit himself to the Parliament but he refused it as he did also the importunat invitation of his singular good friend Dr. Williams Archb. of York for the same purpose Soon after he retired into Wales where for 12 years together as he saith having not one penny of Ecclesiastical means nor 20 l. per an in all the world to maintain himself and servants of any temporal estate he was forced to live upon a little Tenement for which he paid 2 l. 10 s. per ann to Sir Gr. Williams and 4 l. Land per ann besides of his own So that he lived worse than a poor Curat with oaten-bread barley-bread buttermilk and somtimes water being not able to keep any drop of ale or beer for two lusters of years He went attir'd in very mean cloaths as he farther adds and was forced to do many servile works himself about his House Garden and Cattel And all this he did as he said rather than accept of means benevolence or maintenance from the Usurpers Rebels and the Robbers of Christ's Church He then also perswaded as he had done before some of the Earl of Pembrokes children who had been his Scholars to adheer to his Majesty altho their Father was misled to adheer to the Parliament but they refused Hen. Cromwell also Lord Lieutenant of Ireland while his Father was Protector of England offer'd him as he did other Irish Bishops an 100 l. per ann if he or they would submit to the then Government and conform in their Ministry but he scorn'd that motion also as he farther tells us After the Kings return in 1660 he was restored to his Bishoprick Deanery and Archdeaconry but rose no higher or was translated to any other place because the King was informed that he had kept pace with the Parliamenteers particularly with Philip Earl of Pembroke and that also he enjoyed his Deanery even in the times of Usurpation paying a small Rent to the Usurpers and not only suffered the Deanery House to go to ruine but helped it forward by selling some of the Wainscot of it which last is yet frequently reported by the Neighbours at Bangor Afterwards he retired into Ireland lived as privately as might be obtained what he could from the Revenues of his Bishoprick to make Reparations on the Cath. Church belonging thereunto The Works that he hath written and published are these The delights of the Saints A most comfortable Treatise of grace and peace c. Lond. 1622. oct Seven Gold Candlesticks or 7 Lights of Christian Religion Lond. 1627. qu. The true Church shewed to all men that desire to be members of the same in 6. books Lond. 1629. fol. The best religion wherein is largely explained the sum and principal heads of the Gospel Ibid. 1636. fol. This book contains 24 Sermons at least which he had formerly preached and mostly published besides some treatises among which is The delights of the Saints before mention'd Vindiciae Regum or the grand rebellion that is a looking glass for Rebels whereby they may see how by ten several degrees they shall ascend to the heighth of their design c. Oxon. 1643. qu. The discovery of Mysteries or the plots and practices of a private faction in this present Parliament to overthrow the established religion c. Printed 1643. qu. Jura Majestatis the rights of Kings both in Church and State granted 1. By God 2. Violated by rebels and 3. Vindicated by the truth Oxon. 1644. qu. The only way to preserve peace Sermon at the publick fast 8. March at S. Maries in Oxon before the H. of Commons on Amos 5.6 Oxon. 1644. qu. The great Antichrist revealed before this time never discovered And proved to be neither Pope nor Turk nor any single Person nor the succession of any one Monarch or Tyrant in any policy but a collected path or multitude of hypocritical blasphemous and most scandalous wicked men that have fulfilled all the prophecies of the Scripture c. Lond. 1660. fol. Seven treatises very necessary to be observed in these bad days to prevent the seven last vials of Gods wrath that the seven Angels are to pour down upon the earth Revel 16. c. Lond. 1661. fol. The declaration of the just judgment of God 1. Upon our late Kings friends 2. Upon the Kings enemies that rebell'd and warr'd against him c. This is printed at the end of the Seven Treatises c. Four Treatises suffering of the Saints burning of Sodom c. Lond. 1667. qu. Several Sermons as 1 The happiness of Saints on Joh. 20.26 Printed 1657. qu. 2 Gods war with the wicked Rebels and Murtherers on Isa 57.21 3 The property and prerogative of true Saints on Joh. 10.27.28 4 The monstrous murther of the most holy Jesus parallel'd to the murther of Kings on Acts 7.32 5 The four chief duties of every Christian man on 1. Pet. 2.17 6 The chiefest cause why we should love God on 1. John 4.19 7 The lively picture of these hard times on Jer. 14.10 8 The grand rebellion c. Psal 106.16 9 The tragedy of Zimri that slew his King that was his Master on 2. Kings 9.31 All these Sermons except the first with others were printed in folio an 1662. Other Sermons as 1 Description of the four Beasts explained in 4 Sermons on Rev. 4.8 Lond. 1663. qu. 2 The ejection of four devils on Matth. 17.21 Lond. 1664. qu. 3 The saving Serpent on John 3.14 Ibid. 1664. qu. 4 The monstrous murther of two mighty Kings on 2. Cor. 24.23 Ibid. 1665. qu. 5
freed himself from that suspicion I know not Sure it is that he was a most dangerous and seditious Person a politick Pulpit driver of Independency an insatiable esurient after riches and what not to raise a family and to heap up wealth He hath written Letter from Scotland to his Brethren in England concerning his success of affairs there Lond. 1643. qu. Steph. Marshalls name is also subscribed to it Exhortation to the taking of the solemn league and Covenant for reformation and defence of religion c. Printed at Lond. in Feb. 1643 and there again once or twice That edit which came out in 1645 is in tw The excellency and lawfulness of the solemn league and covenant set forth in a speech to the H. of Commons and the reverend Assembly of Ministers at the taking of the said covenant 25 Sept. 1643. Lond. 1660. second edit qu. Apologetical narration submitted to the honourable Houses of Parliament Lond. 1643. qu. In this narration are joyned with Phil. Nye others as Thom. Goodwin Sidrach Simpson Jerem. Burroughs and Will. Bridge all formerly in exile but then members of the Ass of Divines In an answer to this by Anon 't is said that it was written by Tho. Goodwin and Phil. Nye only as the title of the said answer tells you thus An anatomy of Independency or a brief commentary and moderate discourse upon The Apologetical narration of Mr. Tho. Goodwin and Mr. Phil. Nye Lond. 1644. qu. An Epistolary discourse about toleration Lond. 1644. qu. In this discourse are joyned with him Tho. Goodwin and Sam. Hartlib The keys of the Kingdom of Heaven and power thereof according to the word of God c. Lond. 1644. sec edit Thom. Goodwin had also a hand in this book Mr. Anth. Sadler examined or his disguise discovered shewing the gross mistakes and most notorious falshoods in his dealing with the Commissioners for approbation of publick preachers in his Inquisitio Anglicana c. Lond. 1654. qu. Tho no name is set to this pamphlet yet 't was generally reported that it was wrot by Joh. Nye Bach. of Arts of Magd. Coll. and Clerk to the said Triers or Commissioners assisted therein by his Father The Principles of faith presented by Tho. Goodwin Ph. Nye c. to the Committee of Parliament for religion by way of explanation to the proposals for propagating the Gospel Lond. 1654. qu. Beames of former light discovering how evil it is to impose doubtful and disputable formes for practices upon Ministers especially under the penalty of ejection for nonconformity unto the same c. Lond. 1660. qu. Case of great and present use c. Printed 1677. oct The lawfulness of the oath of Supremacy and power of the King in Ecclesiastical affairs with Qu. Elizabeths admonition c. Lond. 1683. qu. It was then reprinted and in 1687 being printed again it was dedicated by Hen. Nye the Authors Son to K. Jam. 2. Vindication of Dissenters proving that their particular congregations are not inconsistent with the Kings supremacy in Ecclesiastical affairs Printed with The Lawfulness c. 1683. Some account of the nature constitution and power of Ecclesiastical courts Printed with the former also an 1683. The Lawfulness of hearing the publick Ministers of the Church of England proved by Phil. Nye and John Robinson Lond. 1683. qu. He hath also a Sermon extant preached before the Citizens of London an 1659 Printed that year in qu. and perhaps more and something about catechising which I have not yet seen He died in the Parish of S. Mich. Cornhill or near it in Lond. in the month of September in sixteen hundred seventy and two and was buried on the 27 day of the same month in the upper Vault under part of the said Church of S. Michael I have been informed by those that knew this Mr. Nye that he had much more moderation in his last years than he ever before shewed To which I then made answer that good reason he had so to be because he was altogether incapacitated from being otherwise JOHN WILKINS Son of Walt. Wilk Citizen and Goldsmith of Oxon was born at Fawlsley near to Daventry in Northamptonshire in the house of his Mothers Father Joh. Dod the Decalogist educated in Grammar Learning under Edw. Silvester a noted Greecian who taught a private School in Allsaints Parish in Oxon entred a Student in New Inn in Easter Term an 1627 aged 13 years but making no long stay there he was removed to Magd. Hall under the tuition of Mr. Joh. Tombes and as a Member thereof took the degrees in Arts. Afterwards entring into holy Orders he became Chaplain to William Lord Say and afterwards to Charles Count Palatine of the Rhyne and Prince Elector of the Empire with whom he continued for some time At length upon the breaking out of the Rebellion he closed with the Presbyterians having always before been puritanically affected and took the Covenant Afterwards being designed by the Committee for the reformation of this University to be Warden of Wadham Coll he was actually created Bach. of Div. in the Pembrochian Creation 12 Apr. 1648 and the next day was put into possession of his Wardenship in the place of a loyal person then ejected The next year he was created Doct. of Div. and about that time took the Engagement that is to be faithful to the Commonwealth of England as it was then established without a King or House of Lords In 1656 or thereabouts he took to wife Robina the widow of Pet. French sometimes Canon of Ch. Ch. and sister to Oliver Cromwell Protector of England which marriage being contrary to the Statutes of Wadh. Coll. because they prohibit the Warden thereof from marrying while he is Warden he obtained a dispensation from Oliver to keep it notwithstanding Afterwards by the favour of Richard Cromwell who succeeded Oliver in the Protectorship he had the Headship of Trin. Coll. in Cambridge confer'd upon him upon the death of Dr. Jo. Arrowsmith in the beginning of 1659 which is the best preferment in that University But being ejected thence the next year about the time of his Majesties Restauration he became Preacher as it seems to the honorable Society of Greys Inn Minister of S. Lawrence in the Jewry in London in the place of Dr. Ward took the Oaths again which he before had taken when he took his Academical degrees and entred into the Ministry and became a member of the Royal Society of and to which he was one of the Council and at length a considerable benefactor Soon after he was made Dean of Rippon in the room as I suppose of Tho. Dod D. D. Rector of Malpass in Cheshire and sometimes Chapl. in ord to K. Jam. and K. Ch. 1. who dying 10 of March 1647 was buried in the Church of Malpass and at length by the endeavours of George Duke of Buckingham then in favour with K. Ch. 2 he obtained upon the death of Dr. George Hall the
there-molested by the loyal party at Ashover and near it he went to London where he became preacher to the Congregation in S. Sepulchres Church and was much admired by the Brethren In the raign of Oliver about 1656 he by the favour of those then in authority became Rector of Waltham in Leycestershire conformed at his Majesties restauration and on the 12. of March 1669 was instituted and inducted into the Rectory of Ailston in the said County This person who was well read in the Fathers and Schoolmen hath written and published these things following Several Sermons as 1 The Rainbow Sermon at Paules Cross 10. June 1617 on Gen. 9.13 Lond. 1617. qu. 2 The Godly mans guide on Jam. 5.13 Lond. 1620. qu. 3 The true way of a Christian to the new Jerusalem or a threefold demonstration c. on 1 Cor. 5.17 Ibid. 1622 qu. 4. Anatomy of Conscience c. Assize Serm. at Derby on Rev. 20.11 Ibid. 1623. qu. c. A light from Christ leading unto Christ by the starr of his word Or a divine directory for self examination and preparation for the Lords Supper c. Lond. 1645. oct In another edition or another title Pr. there in a thick oct the said book hath this title A light c. Or the rich Jewel of Christian Divinity c. by way of Catechism or dialogue Defence of Scriptures and the holy Spirit speaking in them as the chief Judge of Controversies of faith c. Lond. 1656. qu. Vindication of the honor done to the Magistrates Ministe●s and others Printed with the Defence c. and both contained in a relation of a disputation at Chesterfield in Derbyshire between some Ministers and James Nayler an erring Quaker The said Defence and Vindication were both answer'd by George Fox a ringleader of Quakers in his book entit The great mysterie of the great whore unfolded c. Lond. 1659. fol. p. 127. c. Defence and justification of Ministers maintenance by tithes and of Infant-baptisme humane learning and the Sword of the Magistrate c. in a reply to a paper sent by some Anabaptists to the said Im. Bourne Lond. 1659. qu. Animadversions upon Anth. Perisons Parsons Great case of tithes Printed with the Defence and justification c. A Gold chaine of directions with 20 gold linkes of love to preserve love firme between husband and wife c. Lond. 1669. in tw dedicated to his Patron John Lord Roos What other matters he hath written I know not nor any thing else of him only that he dying on the 27. of Decemb. in sixteen hundred seventy and two was buried in the Chancel of the Church at Ailston before mentioned and that soon after was a little inscription put over his grave wherein 't is said that he died in the eighty second year of his age JOSEPH CARYL was born of gentile Parents in London became a Commoner or Sojournour of Exeter Coll in the beginning of 1621 aged 17 years where by the benefit of a good Tutor and discipline he became in short time a noted Disputant In 1627 he proceeded in Arts and entring into holy Orders exercised his Function in and near Oxon for some time At length being puritanically affected he became preacher to the honorable Society of Lincolns Inn where he continued several years with good liking and applause In 1642 and after he became a frequent Preacher before the Long Parliament and a Licenser of books for the Cause And in the year following being a zealous Covenantier and a pretender to reformation he was elected one of the Ass of Divines among whom he frequently sate and controverted matters of Religion In 1645 he was made Minister of the Church of S. Magnus near London bridge by the factious party there because he was an enemy to the Bishops and a zealous preacher up of rebellion where for many years he carried on the cause without interruption In January 1646 he with Steph. Marshall both by that time notorious Independents and great siders with the Army raised by the said Parliament to pluck down the K. and his party were appointed Chaplains to the Commissioners sent by the said Parliament to the King then at New-castle in order for an accommodation of peace Thence by easie journeys they accompanied the K. and Commissioners to Holdenly in Northamptonshire where his Maj. making some continuance without any of his Chaplains in Ordinary to wait upon him because they disrelish'd the Covenant they the said Ministers upon the desire of the Commissioners did offer their service to preach before the K. and say Grace at Meales but they were both by him denied the K. alwaies saying Grace himself with an audible voice standing under the State So that our author Caryl and Marshall to whom the King nevertheless was civil did take so great disgust at his Majesties refusals that they did ever after mightily promote the Independent slander of the Kings obstinacy T is said that Marshall did on a time put himself more forward than was meet to say Grace and while he was long in forming his Chaps as the manner was among the Saints and making ugly faces his Maj. said Grace himself and was fallen to his meat and had eaten up some part of his dinner before Marshall had ended the blessing but Caryl was not so impudent yet notwithstanding tho they then fully saw the great civilities moderation sweet temper humility prudence and unexpressible devotion in his Majesty yet there was no reluctancy in them as there were in some of the Commissioners especially in Maj. Gen. Rich. Browne In Sept. 1648 our author Caryl was one of those five Ministers that went with other Commissioners appointed by Parliament to treat of peace at Newport in the Isle of Wight where tho he preached before them yet his Maj. would not accept of him or of any of the rest among his Chaplains then with him to pray or preach before him which did again enlarge his disgust The same year January 30 some hours before the K. suffer'd death the Committee of parl ordered that he Phil. Nye and other Ministers should attend the said King to administer to him those spiritual helps as should be sutable to his then present condition but the K. being acquainted with it he would not be troubled with them so that all the desires that our author had to serve or rather impertenize his Maj. were frustrated In Apr. the next year he with Marshall and Nye were employed by the Grandees of the Army to invite and cajole the secured and secluded Members to sit in the Parliament House among the Independents but they effected nothing In Sept. 1650 he and Joh. Owen an Independent Minister were by order of Parliament sent to Scotland to attend Ol. Cromwell who desired their company at that place to receive comfort by their prayers and preachings In the latter end of 1653 he was appointed one of the Triers for the approbation of public Ministers in which
office he lick'd his fingers sufficiently and in the year after he was constituted an Assistant to the Commissioners of London appointed by Parliament for the ejecting of ignorant and scandalous Ministers and School-Masters as they were then by the godly party so called In 1659. Nov. 1. he with Whally Goffe c. began their journey towards Scotland to give George Monke General of the Army there a right understanding of affairs in England in order to the avoiding effusion of more blood but they returned unsatisfied and on the 14. of March following he was with Edw. Reynolds and others appointed by Act of Parliament to approve of and admit Ministers according to the Presbyterian way But that being null'd at the Kings restauration he receeded to his cure at S. Magnus where he continued till the Act of Uniformity ejected him His works are these Several Sermons as 1 The works of Ephesus explained in a Serm. before the House of Commons at their solemn Fast 27. Apr. 1642 on Rev. 2. ver 2.3 Lond. 1642. qu. 2 The nature solemnitie grounds propertie benefits of a sacred Covenant c. preached to those that were to take the Covenant 6. Oct. 1643 on Nehem. 9.38 Lond. 1643. qu. 3 The Saints thankfull acclamation at christs resumption of his great power and the initials of his kingdome Thanksgiving Sermon before the H. of C. 23 Apr. 1644 for the great victory given to the parl Army under the command of the Lord Fairfax at Selby in Yorks and to other of the parl forces in Pembrokesh on Rev. 11.16.17 Lond. 1644. qu. 4 Arraignment of unbelief as the grand cause of our nationall non-establishment Fast Serm. before the H. of C. 28. May 1645 on Isay 7.9 Lond. 1645. qu 5 Heaven and earth embracing or God and man approaching Fast Serm. before the H. of C. 28. Jan. 1645 on Jam. 4.8 the former part of the vers Lond. 1646. qu. 6 Joy out-joyed c. Th. giv Serm. at S. Martins in the fields 19 Feb. 1645 for reducing the City of Chester by the Parl. forces under the command of Sir Will. Brereton on Luke 10.20 Lond. 1646. qu. 7 Englands plus ultra both of hoped mercies and required duties Th. giv Serm. before both Houses of parliament L. Mayor and Aldermen and Ass of Divines 2. Apr. 1646 for recovering of the West and disbanding 5000 of the Kings horse c. on Psal 118.17 Lond. 1646. qu. Hugh Peters was the other person that held out before the said auditory on the same day on Psal 31.23 which Sermon was printed twice in 1646. Besides these he hath other Sermons which I have not yet seen viz. 1 Fast Serm. before the H. of C. 29. July 1646 At which time Jeremiah Whitaker held forth before the said House as Sam. Bolton and Simeon Ash did before the Lords 2 Thanksgiving Serm. before the Parl. at S. Marg. West Oct. 8. on Psal 3 Fast Serm. before the Parl. 24. Sept. 1656 on Jer. 4. part of the ninth verse and 4 Fast and Thanksgiving Sermon bef the parl in Aug. and Oct. 1659 c. Sermons upon other occasions as 1 Davids prayer for Solomon Lond. 1643. qu. 2 Serm. pr. 1657. 3 Farewell Serm. at S. Magnus on Rev. 3.4 Lond. 1662 oct Printed with other Farewell Sermons of certain Lond. Ministers of the presb and Indep persuasion who were ejected from their respective Churches for nonconformity on S. Barth day 1662. The names of them were Edm. Calamy Dr. Th. Manton Tho. Case Will. Jenkins Rich. Baxter Dr. Th. Jacomb Dr. Will. Bates Thom. Watson Tho. Lye and Matth. Mead. The pictures of all which are in the title page and the title in the middle of them running thus The farewell Sermons of the late London Ministers preached 17. Aug. 1662 c. Our author Jos Caryl hath also written and published Exposition with practical Observations on the book of Job delivered in several Sermons and Lectures in S Magnus Church c. Printed at Lond. in 11 Volumes in qu. Afterwards published in two large folios The first of which was printed at Lond. 1676. and the other in 1677 with the authors picture before it Which volumes are epitomised in the second vol. of Math. Poole's Synopsis Criticorum The nature and principles of Love as the end of the commandment declared in some of his last Sermons Lond. 1674. oct with an Epist prefix'd by Jo. Owen D. D. Gospel-Love Heart-purity and the flourishing of the righteous being his last Sermons Lond. 1674 75. oct He also had a prime hand in a book entit An English Greek Lexicon containing the derivations and various significations of all the words in the New Testament c. Lond. 1661 oct The others that joyned with him in this work were George some call him Thomas Cockayne Ralph Venning Will. Dell Matth. Barker Will. Adderley Matth. Mead and Hen. Jessey all Nonconformists Also a hand in another book called Saints Memorials or Words fitly spoken like apples of gold in pictures of silver Being a collection of divine Sentences by several Presbyterian Ministers Lond. 1674. oct Those parts which Caryl composed are 1 The Palmtree Christian p. 51. 2 Practical and Experimental considerations and characters of the real Christian p. 57. 3 On Gospel Charity p. 65. 4 The heart anatomized p. 74. 5 Divine Sentences or a guide to a holy life p. 77. After which in p. 109 follows his Elegy and Epitaph The other persons that had hands in the said Saints Memorials were Edm. Calamy and James Janaway whom I have and shall mention elsewhere as also Ralph Venning sometimes of Emmanuel Coll. in Cambr. who among several things that he hath published are Orthodox Paradoxes or a beleiver clearing truth by seeming contradictions Lond. 1647. tw To which is added an Appendix or the triumph of assurance over the law sinn the world wants and present enjoyments He hath also several Sermons extant as A warning to backsliders c. preached at Paules before the L. Mayor and Alderm of Lond. on Rev. 2.5 Lond. 1654 qu. c. He died on the 10 of March 1673 and was buried in the presence of very many Nonconformists at which time Rob. Bragge preached his funeral Sermon entit A Cry for Labourers in Gods harvest on Matth. 9 38. Lond. 1674. qu. At the end of which Sermon are the titles of nine books which had been written and published by Ralph Venning As for our author Jos Caryl who was a learned and zealous Nonconformist he died in his house in Bury street in London on the 25. of Febr. in sixteen hundred seventy and two but where buried unless in the Church of S. Magnus before mention'd wherein he had for many years posses'd his auditors with many unworthy things against K. Ch. 1. and his Son their followers and the prelatical party I know not Several elegies were made on him after his death of which two or more I have seen extant JOHN RILAND son of Rich.
Scotch man born Son of Dr. Walter Whitford of Monkland Bishop of Brechen and of the house of Milneton was elected one of the Students of Ch. Ch from Westm School an 1642 aged 16 years bore Arms for his Majesty soon after within the Garrison of Oxon and elsewhere took one degree in Arts after the surrender of that garrison and in 1648 was thrown out of his Students place by the impetuous Visitors appointed by Parliament So that at present being out of all employ he adhered to the cause of K. Ch. 2 paid his obedience to him when in Scotland served him in the quality of an Officer at Worcester fight 1651 at which time he came to obtain his rights and inheritances then most unjustly usurped by Fanaticks was there wounded taken Prisoner brought to Oxon and thence among other Prisoners carried to London where by the importunity of friends he was released Afterwards he was relieved by Edw. Bysshe Esq K. of Arms and became Usher to James Shirley the Poet when he taught School in the White-fryers near Fleetstreet in London After the Kings return in 1660 he was restored to his Students place was actually created Master of Arts and having had no preferment bestowed upon him for his Loyalty as hundreds of Cavaliers had not because poor and could not give bribes and rewards to great and hungry Officers he was taken into the service of John Earl afterwards Duke of Lauderdale and became his Chaplain I mean that Earl whose Sirname was Maitland who dying at Tunbridge Wells in Kent on S. Bartholomews day 1682 his body was conveyed by Sea to Scotland and there deposited in a Church of his own erection called Lauder Church where is the Mansion House and Seat of his Family The said Dav. Whitford who was always accounted an excellent Greecian and Philologist hath published with a translation in latin verse Musaei Moschi Bionis quae extant omnia London 1655. qu. in Gr. and Lat. Selectiora quaedam Theocriti Eidyllia in Gr. and Lat. Both dedicated to Bysshe before mention'd who is by Whitford stiled Asylum perfugium afflictis egenis He also translated into Latine the said Bysshe his notes an old authors that have written of Armes and Armory as I shall tell you when I come to speak of that Person under the year 1679. He also wrot an Appendix to The compleat History of the Wars in Scotland under the conduct of James Marquess of Montrose or Montross as I have been credibly informed by those that knew him well which History was written by the learned and famous Geor. Wishart D.D. as I shall tell you elsewhere What other things this Mr. Whitford hath written published or translated I know not nor any thing else of him only that he dying suddenly in his Chamber in Ch Ch. in the morning of the 26. of Octob. in sixteen hundred seventy and four at which time his Bedmaker found him dead lying on his bed with his wearing apparel on him was buried in the south trancept joyning to the Cathedral Church there near to the body of his elder Brother called Adam Whitford Bach. of Arts and sometimes Student of the said house who was buried 10. of Feb. 1646. There was another elder Brother a stout and desperate man called Colonel Walter Whitford who had a prime hand in dispatching that notorious Villain Is Dorislaw as I have told you before in Jo. L'isle pag. 228. Which Colonel was not executed in Scotland by the covenanting party there in June 1650 as a certain author tells us as having been one of the party under the illustrious and truly valiant Montross before mention'd but is still Sept. 1691. living in Edenburgh and in opinion a R. C. The said author tells us also that about the same time June 1650 one Spotswood another Officer Son of a Bishop was beheaded on the said account at which time was an acknowledgment made as he farther adds that he was one of those that murdered Dr. Dorislaus in Holland EDWARD HYDE son of Hen. Hyde of Pyrton in Wilts by Mary his Wife Daughter and Heir of Edw. Langford of Trobridge in the same County third Son of Laur. Hyde of Gussage S. Mich. in Dors descended from an antient and gentile family of his name living at Northbury in Cheshire was born at Dinton near Hindon in Wilts on the 16. of Febr. or thereabouts an 1608 entred a Student of Magd. Hall in Lent term 1622 went after he had taken one degree in Arts to the Middle Temple where he studied the Law In the beginning of the year 1640 he was chosen Burgess for Wotton Basset in his own Country to serve in that Parliament that began at Westm 13. of Apr. the same year and again for Saltash in Cornwall to serve in that unhappy Parl. that began on the third of Nov. following and when the troubles began betwixt the King and Parliament he left the House of Commons and went with the King to York and afterwards to Oxford where he continued most of the time that that place was in the Kings hands was made Chancellour of the Exchequer a Privy-counsellor and a Knight At length upon the declining of the Kings cause he with the Lords Culpeper and Capel accompanying Prince Charles ship'd themselves at Pendennis Castle in Cornwall for the Isle of Scilley then for Jersey and afterwards for France From which time our author Hyde adhering closely to the said Prince and attending his motions in foreign parts he was by him when King sent Embassador into Spain made his Secretary of State and at length L. Chanc. of England at Bruges in Flanders 29. Jan. 1657. After the Kings restauration he was elected Chancellour of the University of Oxon made Baron of Hindon in Wilts Viscount Cornbury in Oxfordshire of which he was afterwards Lord Lieutenant and Earl of Clarendon near Salisbury After he had held the honourable Office of Lord Chancellour for seven years or more the Great Seal was taken from him 30. Aug. 1667 and about 4 months after retired into France where he remained seven years spending his time in several places there Under his name were these things following published Several Speeches as 1 Speech in the House of Lords concerning the Lord Presidents Court and Council in the North an 1640. 2 Sp. at a conference between both Houses 6. Jul. 1641 at the transmission of several impeachments against the Lord Chief Baron Davenport Baron Trevor and Baron Weston Lond. 1641. qu. c. besides several arguments and debates See in John Rushworths book called Historical Collections in the first vol. of the second part an 1640 and in the Impartial Collection c. of Dr. John Nalson A full answer to an infamous and traiterous Pamphlet intit A Declaration of the Commons of England in Parliament assembled expressing their reasons and grounds of passing their late resolutions touching no further address or application to be made to the King Lond. 1648. qu.
having received a call he went to New England where he finished his course This Person was composed of a strange hodg-podg of opinions not easily to be described was of a roving and rambling head spent much and I think died but in a mean condition And tho he was a great pretender to Saintship and had vowed an eternal love to his Wife before mention'd who died 22. Apr. 1655 yet before he had remained a Widower an year he married a religious Virgin named Frances the only Daughter of Hezekiah Woodward the scismatical Vicar of Bray near Windsore who dying also in the first year of her Marriage in Childbed I think aged 25 years he took soon after as I have been told a third Wife according to the fleshly custom of the Saints of that time He hath written A double Watchword or the duty of watching and watching to duty both echoed from Revel 16.5 and Jer. 50.4.5 Lond. 1661. oct and perhaps other things He died at Boston in New England in sixteen hundred seventy and four and was buried there In the Church or Chappel belonging to Eaton Coll. was a monument with a large canting inscription set up by this D. Oxenbridge for his first Wife Jane Butler wherein 't is said that while he preached abroad she would preach and hold forth in the House But the said inscript or Epitaph giving great offence to the Royallists at the restauration of K. Ch. 2 they caused it to be daub'd or covered over with paint There was also a Monument and Inscription set up for his second Wife the contents of which and the other I have but this last is not defaced JONATHAN GODDARD son of Henry Goddard a Ship-carpenter of Deptford was born at Greenwich in Kent became a Communer of Magd. Hall in the beginning of 1632 aged 15 years where continuing till he was standing for the degree of Bach. of Arts he then left that House and went as I presume beyond the Seas On the 20 of Jan. 1642 he was created Doctor of Phys of the Univ. of Cambridge at which time he was a practitioner of that faculty in London afterwards in the Army raised by the Parliament and at length to Oliver Cromwell with whom he went as his great confident into Ireland and into Scotland after the murder of K. Ch. 1. In 1651 he by the said Olivers power became Warden of Mert. Coll. and in January the same year he was incorporated Doctor of his faculty in this University Afterwards he was elected Burgess for the University to serve in the Little Parliament an 1653 and made one of the Council of State in the same year About that time he became Fellow of the Coll. of Physitians at London afterwards of the Royal Society and Professor of Physick in Gresham Coll. When he was ejected his Wardenship of Mert. Coll. which was in 1660 he lived mostly in that of Gresham where being an admirable Chymist he had a Laboratory to prepare all Medicines that he used on his Patients besides what he operated for his own satisfaction He was also a zealous member of the Royal Society for the improvement of natural knowledg among them and when any curious experiment was to be done they made him their Drudg till they could obtain to the bottom of it He hath written A discourse concerning Physick and the many abuses thereof by the Apothecaries Lond. 1668. oct An account of which is in the Philosophical transactions num 41. He is said to have written of this matter of the Abuse of Physick more warily and with greater prudence than Christ Merret Discourse setting forth the unhappy condition of the practice of Physick in London c. Lond. 166. qu. Proposal for making wine See in the Hist of the Royal Soc. Pr. 1667. p. 143.230 Experiments of the Stone called Oculus mundi See in the Hist of the Royal Soc. Pr. 1667. p. 143.230 Some observations of a Camelion See in the Philosophical Transactions nu 137. p. 930. c. Experiments of refining gold with Antimony See there also nu 139. p. 953. c. And left behind him at his death Lectures read at Chirurgeons Hall and other matters in 2 vol. in qu. fit as 't is said for the press He had also laying by him at his death Arcana medicinalia Published at the end of the second Edit of Pharmacopoeia Bateana by Ja. Shipton an Apothecary Lond. 1691. oct He died suddenly of an apoplexy at the end of Woodstreet in Cheapside in his going home from the Crown Tavern in Bloomsbury where a club of Virtuosi sometimes met to his Lodgings in Gresham Coll. about eleven of the clock in the night of the 24. of Mar. in sixteen hundred seventy and four and was the third day after buried in the middle of the Chancel of Great S. Helens Church in London He was Master of a most curious Library of books well and richly bound which he intended to bestow on the Library belonging to the Royal Society but he dying intestate it came into the hands of the next Heir viz. his Sisters Son a Scholar of Caies Coll. in Cambridge I find an excellent character of this our author Dr. Goddard given by Dr. Seth Ward in his Epist dedic before Praelectio de Cometis inquisit in Bullialdi Astronom Philolaicae fundamenta and in the Epist ded before Delphi Phoenicizantes c. published by Edmund Dickenson of Mert. Coll. To both which I refer the reader if he be curious to know farther of him RICHARD SMITH the Son of a Clergy man named Richard Smith a Native of Abendon by Martha his Wife Daughter of Paul Darrel or Dayrell of Lillingston Darrel in Bucks Esq Son of Richard Son of another Ric. Smith of Abendon in Berks. sometimes Gent. Usher to Qu. Elizabeth was born at Lillingston Darrel before mention'd an 1590 and after the beginning of the raign of King James 1. was sent to the Univ. of Oxon where his stay being short he was not matriculated and therefore I cannot positively tell you of what Coll. or Hall he was a member Thence he was taken away by his Parents and put a Clerk to an Attorney belonging to the City of London but his mind hanging after learning he spent all the time he could obtain from his employment in Books At riper years he became Secondary of the Poultry Compter within the City of London a place of good reputation and profit being in his time worth about 700 l. per an which he executed many years but upon the death of his Son an 1655 begotten on the body of his Wife Elizab. Daughter of George Deane of Stepney to whom he intended to resign his place he immediatly sold it and betook himself wholly to a private life two thirds of which at least he spent in his Library He was a person infinitely curious in and inquisitive after books and suffered nothing considerable to escape him that fell within the compass of
K. Ch. 1. and garrison'd for his use he was put into Commission for a Captain of a Foot Company consisting mostly of Scholars In which office doing good service had the degree of Doct. of Div. confer'd upon him by the favour of his Majesty tho no such matter occurs in the public register of the University which was then somtimes neglected After the surrender of the Garrison of Oxon for the use of the Parl. he by the name of Tho. Holyoake without the addition of Master Bac. or D. of D obtained a License from the University to practice physick whereupon setling in his own Country he exercised that faculty with good success till 1660. In which year his Maj. being restored to his Kingdoms Thomas Lord Leigh Baron of Stoneleigh in Warwickshire presented him to the Rectory of Whitnash near Warwick and soon after was made Prebendary of the collegiat church of Wolverhampton in Staffordshire In 1674 Robert Lord Brook conferr'd upon him the Donative of Breamour in Hampshire which he had by the marriage of his Lady worth about 200 l. per an free from presentation institution and episcopal visitation but before he had enjoy'd it an year or thereabouts he died to the great grief of his family He hath written A large Dictionary in three parts 1. The English before the Latine 2. The Latine before the English 3. The proper names of Persons places and other things necessary to the understanding of Historians and Poets Lond. 1677 in a thick larg folio Before which is an Epistle written by the authors son Charles Holyoake of the Inner Temple whereby he dedicates the book to Fulke L. Brook and author written by Dr. Thom. Barlow B. of Lincolne wherein are many things said of the work and its author But this the reader is to know that the foundation of the said Dictionary was laid by his father Fr. Hol. before mention'd and upon that foundation is the largest Dictionary made that hath been ever yet published in England The said Dr. Holyoake who was much respected in the neighbourhood where he lived for his ingenuity and humanity died of an high Feaver at Breamour on the tenth day of June in sixteen hundred seventy and five Whereupon his body was conveyed to Warwick and there interred by that of his father in the great Church there dedicated to S. Mary the Virgin THOMAS WOOLNOUGH a ministers Son of Gloustershire as it seems became either Batler or Com. of Magd. Hall 1648 trained up there acording to the presbyterian way took a degree in Arts afterwards had a cure in the interval and at length became Rector of S. Michaels Church in Glocester where he was frequented for his edifying way of preaching He hath extant Fideles aquae or some pious tears drop'd upon the hearse of the incomparable Gentlewoman Mistris Sarah Gilby together with some Elegies upon her Grandmother and Brother Lond. 1661. oct Dust returning to the earth Sermon at the interment of Tho. Lloyd Esq late of Wheaten-Hurst in the County of Gloc. 22. Dec. 1668 on Eccles 12.7 Lond. in the Savoy 1669 qu. and one or more things as t is said which I have not yet seen He died 20. June in sixteen hundred seventy and five and was buried in the church of S. Michael before mention'd near to the body of Eleanor his sometimes wife dau of Gaspar Estecourt of Radbourough in Gloucestersh Gent. descended of a knightly family of his name in Wilts Which Eleanor died on the ides of Decemb 1665. BULSTRODE WHITLOCK son of Sir James Whitlock Knight by Elizab. his wife daugh of Edw. Bulstrode of Hugeley or Hedgley-Bulstrode in Bucks Esq was born in Fleetstreet in London in the house of Sir George Croke Serjeant at Law his Mothers Uncle on the 6 of Aug. 1605 educated in Grammar learning in Merchant Taylors School became a Gent. Com. of S. Johns Coll. in Mich. term an 1620 at which time he was principally recommended to the care and oversight of his fathers contemporary and intimate friend Dr. Laud then President of that House who shewing to him several fatherly kindnesses our author Whitlock did many years after make some returns when the said Doctor then Archb. of Cant was to be brought to a trial for his life especially in this respect when he refused to be one of the Commissioners or number of the Committee appointed by Parl to draw up a charge against him But before our author had taken a degree he went to the Middle Temple where by the help of his father he became a noted proficient in the Common Law well read also in other studies and in time made for himself a large provision from them and a retired contemplation At length when the Long Parliament was to sit he being then a Counsellour at Law he was chose a Burgess for Marlow in Bucks to serve therein and shewing himself very active in baiting the most noble Thomas Earl of Strafford became noted in the House for a man of parts In 1642 he for his activeness for the cause then driving on was made one of the Deputy-Lieutenants of Buckinghamshire at which time a new Lieutenant was constituted by the Parliament and soon after was named one of the Commissioners to treat for peace with the King at Oxon in the name of the Parliament and one of the Lay-Gentlemen to sit among the Ass of Divines In 1644 he became Attorney of the Dutchy of Lancaster Commissioner again for peace and in the same year when Rob. E. of Essex was about to prove Ol. Cromwell an Incendiary he gave him the said Oliver timely notice of the design he being privy to it and thenceforth he became very gratious with that most active person who with his party were very willing to engage him as far as they could to them In 1645 he was appointed one of the Commissioners for the Admiralty and being then suspected to hold intelligence with the Kings party was in danger to have lost all had he not freed himself from that suspicion especially by his urging his losses that he had sufferd by the said party for his adhering to the Parliament in consideration of which he had afterwards given to him 2000 l. In 1646 he was sent for to the Leaguer before Oxon by Sir Tho. Fairfax the General of the Parl. forces who being admitted one of his Council of War he did oftentimes being a friend to the Univ. of Oxon express his unwillingness that any thing of damage should be done to it and pressed for honorable t●●ms to be offer'd to the Garrison there In 1647 O. Cromwell used his advice in many things and therefore by his power it was that in the beginning of March in the said year he was made one of the four Commissioners of the Great Seal In 1648 Ph. E. of Pembrok who was then lately made Constable of Windsore Castle and keeper of the Forest adjoyning constituted him his Lieutenant of those places in the
month of July and in the same year he was not only named one of the Kings Serjeants which he refused to accept but was made one of the 3 Commissioners of the new Great Seal of the Commonwealth of England 8. Febr at which time the King Great Seal was publickly broken in the H. of Commons And farther also on the 14. of the said month he was elected one of the 30 persons for the Council of State wherein he sate and acted according to his ability In the month of June 1649 he was made High Steward of the City of Oxon by the Mayor and Citizens thereof in the room of the Earl of Berks Whom they for his Loyalty displaced and about the same time they made him their Recorder In July following he was constituted keeper of the Kings Meddals and Library which in 1647 he had hindred from being sold And that employment he the rather took because he was put upon it by Selden and other learned men and that he himself being accounted learned took great delight in such matters However being not alwaies at leisure to attend those places he had a Deputy allowed him and one John Dury a Traveller did the drudgery of the place On the 24. of Nov. 1651 he was continued one of the Council of State and likewise on the same day in the year following In the beginning of Nov. 1653 he set forth with a gallant retinew in the quality of an Embassador into Sweedland being impowred thereto by Oliver and the Little Parliament and had a thousand pounds per ann for his Salary In which Embassie and Country behaving himself with great prudence to the liking and with the approbation of all Christina Queen of that Country made him a Knight of the honorable Order of Amaranta of which Order the Queen herself is Soveraign and wears the badg thereof which is a rich Jewel tied to a crimson riband under her left breast You may be pleased to see more of this Order in Elias Ashmole's book intit The institutions lawes and ceremonies of the Order of the Garter Lond. 1672. fol. chap. 3. p. 123. and the copy or draught of the badge between pag. 94. and 95. After his return thence which was in July 1654. he was in Aug. following made one of the Commissioners of the Exchequer or Treasury for in his absence alteration or pretended reformation being made in the Chancery he stood off at his return from being any longer Commissioner of the Seal In January 1656 he being then Serjeant at Law was chose Speaker of the H. of Commons pro tempore upon the indisposition of him lately chosen and in the year following he was summoned by Oliver the Protector to sit in the other House by the name of Bulstrode Lord Whitlock which summons he obeying had thereupon a negative voice in that House over the people tho he had helped to put it down when it consisted of King and Lords In Aug. 1659 he was made President of the Council of State in Octob one of the Committee of Safety on the first of Nov keeper of the great seal pro tempore by the appointment of the said Committee and on the 30 of Jan. following he retired into the country for fear of being sent prisoner to the Tower by some prevalent Members in the in the Rump Parl. then newly restored for his being a member of the Committee of Safety At which time he leaving the Seal with his wife lock'd up in a desk she forthwith delivered it to Lenthal the Speaker From which time to that of his death we heard but little of him only that he lived retiredly mostly at Chilton in Wilts near Hungerford in Berks that he had been an observing person thro all changes guided more by policy than conscience and that he had advantaged himself much in Civil affairs by his relation to the publick and his eminent station To which I add that he was an excellent Com. Lawyer was as well read in books as in men and well vers'd in the Oriental Tongues and therefore belov'd of Selden who would have made him one of his Executors and the Virtuosi of his time The things that he hath extant are these Several Speeches viz. 1 Speech at a conference of both Houses 17. Feb. 1641. Lond. 1642. qu. 2 Sp. to the Qu. of Sweden an 1653. The beginning of which is Madam by command of my Superiors the Parliament of the Common-wealth of England c. 3 Speech in Lat. to the said Qu. in May or Jun. 1654. The beginning of which is Multo equidem cum taedio ferrem c. 4 A learned and godly speech spoken when Serjeant Willam Steel Recorder of the City of London was made L. Chief Baron in the Court of Exchecquer at Westm 28. May 1655. 5 Sp. to the Mayor Aldermen and Common-Council of London 9. Aug. 1659. 6 Another Sp. to them 8. Nov. the same year which two Sp. are published in one sh in qu. Several discourses in the trial of Tho. E. of Strafford See in Jo. Rushworths Trial of Tho. E. of Straff Monarchy asserted to be the best most ancient and legal form of government in a conference had at Whitehall with Oliver Lord Protector and a Committee of Parliament in Apr. 1657. Lond. 1660. oct Made good by way arguments in at least five Speeches then by him spoken Memorialls of the English affaires or an historicall account of what passed from the beginning of K. Ch. 1. to the restauration of K. Ch. 2. Lond. 1682. fol. This is no more than a Diary which he began and continued for his private use In this book you 'll find divers of his discourses made on various occasions It was published by Arth. Earl of Anglesie but with a very bad index to it which is a disadvantage to the book in many respects He also left behind him several manuscript volumes of his own writing which are not determin'd by the heir whether they may or shall be published Several things in his life time were fathered upon him among which was a little thing published in Jan. 1659. entit My Lord Whitlocks Reports on Machiavil c. wherein the author tells us that when Whitlock was chose a member of the Long Parl. he had then no interest but contented himself with seeing the fashions of the Parl. house At length Pyms discerning eyes spying that curiosity presently attacqued his unconcerned undetermined mind and with the proffers of greatness and popularity brought him over to his design and became his Second c. Also that when he with other Commissioners attended the King at Oxon with propositions from both houses in order to peace the K. shewed to the Commissioners during their stay there great respect but of Commissioner Whitlock he took small notice c. which implanted in him ever after an implacable malice to him and his posterity c. That he was sent to make speeches against the young King at Guild hall
1680. EDWARD REYNOLDS son of Austin Reynolds one of the Customers of Southampton by Bridget his wife son of John Reynolds of Langport in Somersetshire and he the son of another John was born in the parish of Holy-rood within the said borough of Southampton in the month of Nov. 1599 bred up in Grammar learning in the Free-School there founded by K. Ed. 6. in the 7. year of his raign became one of the Portionists or Postmasters of Merton Coll. in 1615 and Probationer Fellow in 1620 in which place which he got by his skill in the Greek tongue as also throughout his Bachelaurship he shewed himself a good Disputant and Orator After he had taken the degree of Master he entred into holy Orders and became a noted Preacher tho of an hoarse voice afterwards Preacher to the honorable society of Lincolns Inn and Rector of Braunston or Braynton in Northamptonshire At length the grand rebellion breaking forth in 1642 he sided with the Presbyterian party having long before that time been puritanically affected and in the year 1643 he became one of the Assembly of Divines a Covenantier a frequent preacher in London and somtimes before the Long Parliament In 1646 he was appointed by the Parliament one of the six Ministers to go to and settle in Oxon to preach the Scholars into obedience to the said Parliament afterwards one of the Visitors to brake open turn out and take possession Dean of Ch. Ch. in the place of Dr. Sam. Fell ejected and Vicechancellour of the University at which time he became Doctor of Div. by actual creation and what not But being forced to leave his Deanery in the latter end of 1650 because he refused to take the Independent Engagement he retired to his former cure for a time Afterwards he lived mostly in London preached there and flatterd Oliver and his Gange and after his death being then Vicar of S. Lawrence in the Jewry he did the like to Richard and was the Orator or Mouth of the London Ministers to welcome that Mushroom Prince to his Throne 11. Octob. 1658. Also when hopes depended on Monke's proceedings from Scotland he struck in with him and who more ready than he Dr. Reynolds and other Presbyterians when he and they saw how things would terminate and could not be otherwise holpen to bring in the King after his long exile by using his interest in the City of London where he was the pride and glory of the Presbyterian party When the secluded Members were restored to sit in Parliament they restored him to his Deanery of Ch. Ch. on the eleventh of March 1659 with hopes to continue there and carry on the Presbyterian discipline In May following 1660 when his Majesty was at Canterbury in order to his restauration he and Edm. Calamy another zealous Presbyterian were admitted his Chaplains on the the 26. of that month and after his restauration he preached several times before him as he did also before the Houses of Parliament But in the latter end of June following he being desired to leave his Deanery to make room for an honest and Orthodox man he was in the next month elected by vertue of the Kings Letter Warden of Mert Coll choosing rather to have somthing than nothing Soon after upon the feeling of his pulse the King bestowed on him the Bishoprick of Norwych which See he willingly taking without a Nolo was after he had taken the Covenant and had often preached against Episcopacy and the Ceremonies of the Church of England consecrated thereunto in S. Peters Church within the City of Westminster on the sixth day of January an 1660 by vertue of which Bishoprick he became an Abbat a strange preferment me thinks for a Presbyterian I mean Abbat of S. Bennet in the Holme which he kept with great regret to his quondam Brethren whom he then left to shift for themselves to his dying day He was a person of excellent parts and endowments of a very good wit fancy and judgment a great Divine and much esteemed by all parties for his preaching and florid stile A writer of another persuasion tells us that he was a person of great authority as well as fame among the men of the Calvinistical perswasion c. and many there were that were of the like opinion One that knew him well saith that he was a person of singular affability meekness and humility of great learning a frequent preacher and constant Resident And it was verily thought by his contemporaries that he would have never been given to change had it not been to please a covetous and politick Consort who put him upon those things he did His works are these The vanity of the creature on Eccles 1.14 Sinfulness of sin on Rom. 7.9 and on 6.12 Use of the Law on Rom. 7.13 Life of Christ on 1. Joh. 5.12 An explication of 110. Psal Meditations on the holy Sacrament of the Lords l●st suppper Explication of the 14 chapter of Hosea in seven humiliation Sermons Treatise of the Passions and faculties of the soul of man All or most of which having been printed several times in qu. were all printed in one folio at London an 1658 with the authors picture before them and went by the name of Dr. Reynolds his works They were much bought up read and commended by men of several persuasions and one who was es●e●me● by all that knew him a jovial wet Presbyterian that had read them several times could not forbear to write two short Poems in commendation of them Thirty Sermons preached on several solemn occasions They were preached between the year 1634 and that of his death and some of them had been printed several times At length they were reprinted in the second impression of his works at Lond. 1679 fol. Among them is his Lat. Sermon preached at Oxon. 1649 entit Animalis homo on 1. Cor. 2.14 He also wrot the Ass of Divines Annotations which are on Ecclesiastes which being admirably done it was wished by many learned men of the Presbyterian perswasion that the rest had been all wrote pari filo eruditione He also was the author of the Epistolary preface to Will. Barlee's Co●reptory Correction c. of some notes of Tho. Pierce concerning Gods decrees especially of Reprobation which book of Barlee with the said Ep. Preface a second of Tho. Whitfield and a third of Dan. Cawdrey somtimes of Cambridge were printed at Lond. 1656. qu. At length this learned Bishop Dr. Reynolds who probably hath written other things besides those I have already mention'd made his last change in this world on the 28 of July in sixteen hundred seventy and six and was buried at the upper end of the Chappel built by him 1662 joyning to the Bishops Pallace in in Norwych Over his grave was soon after fastned marble to the wall with this Epitaph engraven thereon H. I. S. I. Edoardus Reynolds SS T. P. primus a reditu Regis Caroli
born at Husboorne as 't is said in Hampshire became a Commoner of and was entred as a Knights son in Trin. Coll. an 1610 took one degree in Arts and then went to Lincols Inn and studied the Municipal Laws for some time Afterwards upon second thoughts and perhaps a desire of a sedate and Academical life he went to Caies College in Cambridge lived several years there on his Estate and at length took the degree of Bach. of Divinity About which time being made Chaplain to George Duke of Bucks by his Majesties special recommendations who then told the Duke that he should have an eye on him as occasion served he was admitted Dr. of Div. at which time some scruples being made the K. by his letters to the Univ. of Cambridge approved of what was done Much about the same time he became Rector of Burgh-cleere and High-cleere in Hampshire where continuing in a quiet repose till the grand Rebellion broke out was often disturb'd for his Loyalty and at length sequestred After his Majesties restauration he became Bishop of S. David by his nomination to which being Consecrated in S. Peters Church in Westminster on the second day of Decemb. 1660 sate there till the time of his death He was a person of signal Candor and vertues requisite in a Church man which in the worst of times gained him great esteem from the very enemies of his Order and Function He hath written and published Observations censures and confutations of notorious errors in Mr. Hobbes his Leviathan and other his books Lond. 1663. qu. put out under the name of Theophilus Pyke Lucius Occasional animadversions on some writings of the Socinians and such Hereticks of the same opinion with Mr. Hobbes Printed with the Observations c. Treatise of the nature of a Minister in all its Offices Lond. 1670. qu. Answer to Dr. Patr. Forbes concerning the necessity of Bishops to Ordaine in answer to a question proposed in these late unhappy times by the author what is a Minister Pr. with the Treatise of c. besides one or more Sermons which are extant He died on the fourth day of Octob. in sixteen hundred seventy and seven and was buried in the Collegiat Church of Brecknock in Wales Over his grave is the Effigies of the Defunct to the middle part in a Gown and Lawn Sleves curiously fram'd from Alabaster with the right hand holding a book and the left resting on a deaths head All set up in the wall near his grave with this inscription in golden letters on a black Marble M.S. Vigilantissimi Praesulis Gulielmi Lucy qui veterum natalium prosapiâ morum candore miro ingenii acumine perspicaci literaturae reconditioris claritate integritate vitae spectabili virtutis emnigenae praesidio ad amussim ornatus ad gradus episcopalis apicem faeliciter evectus voce praesidebat exemplo meritis pietate sacrâ infulâ dignissimus Aequum servavit in utraque sorte mentem adversis fulvi probatus instar auri non fractus unquam fuit nec epatus rebus prosperis Ecclesiae Anglicanoe fulgebat sidus lucidum verbi divini dum res tulit concionator assiduus veritatis orthodoxae vindex acerrimus ordinis hierarchi decus propugnaculum sedis Menevensis per annos octodecim ingens ornamentum Satur dierum maturus coelo huic mundo placidè nec invitus valedixit Octobris die quarto anno aetatis 86 Dom. MDCLXXVII JOHN ROWE son of Joh. Rowe of Crediton in Devonshire was born there or at least in that County entred a Batler in New Inn in the beginning of 1642 aged 15 years but being soon after taken thence because the City of Oxon was garrison'd for his Majesties use and the said Inn made a mint-Mint-house his friends sent him to Cambridge where taking the degree of Bach. of Arts retired to Oxon in 1648 to get preferment by the Visitation then and there made by order of Parliament So that setling himself in that Inn againe was incorporated in the same degree in the beginning of Dec. and on the 12 of the said month was admitted M. of Arts as a Member of the said Inn or Hall and much about the same time was put in Fellow of Corp. Ch. Coll. in a Lincolnshire place by the Visitors then sitting in Oxon. Afterwards he was Lecturer at Witney in Oxfordshire where his Sermons were much frequented by persons of the Presbyterian persuasion but leaving his fellowship soon after he became preacher at Tiverton in his own Country for a time and as a Minister of Devonshire he was appointed an Assistant to the Commissioners thereof for the ejection of such that were then called scandalous ignorant and insufficient Ministers and School Masters Thence upon the death of Will. Strong an 1654 he was called to succeed him as preacher in St. Peters commonly called the Abbey Church within the City of Westminster At which place his Sermons being constant and much taking with the men of those times he was frequented by the chiefest of the Quakers to the conversion as t is said of some On the 14 of March 1659 he was appointed by Act of Parl. one of the Approvers of Ministers according to the Presbyterian way but the vigour of that Act soon after ceasing and he after his Majesties restauration being deprived for want of Conformity he set up a privat meeting in the parish I think of S. Andrew in Holborn near London where he was assisted by Theoph. Gale His works are these Tragi-Comoedia A relation of the strange and wonderful hand of God discovered at Witney in the Comedy acted on the 3. Feb. 1652. Oxon. 1653. qu. The said Comedy was acted by young men of the Country in an old upper room in a public Inn there but the floor falling under them in the middle of Play some were slain and many hurt Three Sermons preached on that occasion on Rom. 1. 18. Printed with the Relation In which Sermons the author takes great liberty in speaking against Plays and the Actors of them Several other Sermons as 1 Mans duty in magnifying Gods work Sermon on a public day of Thanksgiving before the Parliament 8. oct 1656 on Job 36.24.25 Lond. 1657. qu. The said Thanksgiving was celebrated for the great victory obtained against the Spanish West-India Fleet. 2 The Saints temptations wherein the nature kinds occasion of temptation and the duty of the Saints under temptation are laid forth As also the Saints fence c. in Sermons Lond. 1674 oct 3 Emanuel or the Love of Christ explicated and applied in his incarnation being made under the Law and his satisfaction in 30 Sermons Lond. 1680. Published by Sam. Lee somtimes Fellow of Wadham Coll. He also preached a Sermon at the interment of Joh. Bradshaw President of the H. Court of Justice that condemned K. Ch. 1. to die in the Abbey Ch. at West 22. of Nov. 1659 on Isay 57.1 but whether it was ever printed I cannot tell Sure
protestor for a Community of wealth as well as of women He was also a grand prodigal in not only spending 3000 l. per an which his father and other relations left him mostly lying in Berks but several thousand pounds and a 1000 l. per an given to him and his heirs for ever out of the Duke of Buckinghams estate by Parliament in consideration of his losses not of his members for the holy and blessed cause This viper which had been fostered in the bosome of Parliament was against the Parliament it self and against all Magistrates like a second Wat Tyler all pen and Inkhorn men must down This his levelling doctrine is contained in a Pamphlet called Englands troubles troubled wherein all rich men whatsoever are declared enemies to the mean men of England and in effect warr denounced against them Besides all this he being a Colonel plundered so much where ever he came that he was commonly called the plunder-master general and all whatsoever he got that way he spent to satisfie his filthy lusts In 1648 he forbad the people to stand bare at a Sessions in Barkshire and do homage and fealty to the Lords but in this he gull'd them tho they were not sensible of it because he gave that which was not their due Yet notwithstanding he rob'd them of that which was their due as of their horses goods money c. which he plundered from them under pretence forsooth for service of the State and did beat those that defended their own So that while he flatter'd them to be the supreme authority and Lords Paramount and the Parliament to be their servants he used them like slaves conquer'd by the Parliament On the 8. of Dec. the same year being the day after the Parliament house was purged of the Presbyterians in came Ol. Cromwell out of the Country bringing in under his protection our sanctified Member Harry Marten who had spent much time in plundering the Country had often bas●ed the House and disobeyed many of their orders sufficient to have made an honest man liable to sequestration But great was the privilege of the Saints for there was nothing done in it because it fortun'd that day that the case of the secured Members was reported to the House which Harry interrupting desired them to take into consideration the deserts of the Lieu. General Cromwell which with all slavish diligence was presently done So Harry by this device escaped free who in the beginning of the next month was with Hugh Peters a zealous sollicitor in Parliament to have the Statute of banishment against the Jewes repealed according to their Petition for the same purpose then put up to the House About the same time Cromwell finding him a man fit for his purpose put him into the roll for one to sit as Judg upon the life of his Sovereign in which Tragedy he acted his part so unconcernedly that he valued the life of his Prince no more than that of a dog yet afterwards as the report goes he in a speech in the House upon the debate whether a King or no King He made answer that if they must have a King he had rather have had the last than any Gentleman in England for he found no fault in his person but office On the 14. of Feb. following which was about a fortnight after the King was beheaded he was appointed one of the thirty to be of the Council of State and in the beginning of July 1649 he brought into the House an accompt of his arrears which came to 25000 l. whereupon it was ordered that 1000 l. in Land should be setled upon him and his heirs About which time the Welsh Counties were set on work to desire H. Marten for their Commander in chief Afterwards Harry perceiving Oliver to aim at high things he left him fided with the Levellers and would have done them good service had not the Parl. given him 3000 l. more to put him upon the holy Sisters In Nov. 1651 he was appointed again one of the Council of State and had in a manner what he desired but after Oliver had made him as many a wiser person his shooing horn merely to serve his turn he turn'd him off and publickly called him a noted Whoormaster as he did Th. Chaloner a Drunkard and a vitious Liver at the dissolution of the reliques of the Long Parliament To conclude he was a man of good natural parts was a boon familiar witty and quick with repartees was exceeding happy in apt instances pertinent and very biting so that his company being esteemed incomparable by many would have been acceptable to the greatest persons only he would be drunk too soon and so put an end to all the mirth for the present At length after all his rogueries acted for near 20 years together were past was at length called to an account for that grand villany of having a considerable hand in murthering his Prince of which being easily found guilty was not to suffer the loss of his life as others did for it was then commonly reported that if they hung him his body would not hold together because of its rottenness but the loss of his estate and perpetual imprisonment for that he came in upon the Proclamation of surrender So that after one or two removes from Prison to Prison he was at length sent to Chepstow Castle in Monmouthshire where he continued another twenty years not in wantonness riotousness and villany but in confinement and repentance if he had pleased Under his name go these things following Several Speeches as 1 Speech at the Common Hall 28. Jul. 1643 concerning Sir Will. Waller and what course now is to be taken Lond. 1643 qu. 2 Speech in Parl. c. The independency of England endeavoured to be maintained against the claim of the Scottish Commissioners in their late answer upon the bills and propositions sent to the King in the Isle of Wight Lond. 1648 in 3 sh and an half in qu. The Parliaments proceedings justified in declining a personal treaty with the King c. Lond. 1648 in 3 sh in qu. Familiar Letters to his Lady of delight Oxon. 1663. Lond. 1685. qu. Politick and Oeconomical Letters Printed with the first and I think with the sec Edit of the said Familiar Letters In the beginning of the said Letters is that in justification of the murther of K. Ch. 1 See more in Edm. Gayton under the year 1666. p. 271. Our author Marten was also the principal cause of publishing the letters of the King and Queen called the Cabinet besides other things which have not yet come to my sight I have seen also under his name A Speech in the H. of Com. before his departure thence 8. June 1648. Printed in one sh in qu. but t is a piece of roguery fathered upon him This person who lived very poor and in a shabbed condition in his confinement and would be glad to take a pot of ale from any
before the said Epistle congratulatory c. Printed at Oxon 1684. qu. Which Epistle was written as I have been informed by a Scottish Writer since I wrot these things by John Maxwell Bishop of Ross in Scotland who therein compares the Presbyterians to the Jesuits Sed qu. ANTHONY SADLER son of Tho. Sadl of Chilton in Wilts was born in that County entred in S. Edm. Hall in the condition of a Batler in Lent term 1627 admitted Bach. of Arts and in Orders an 1631 being then 21 years of age Soon after he became Chaplain to an Esquire of his name in Hertfordshire and in the beginning of the Civil War Curat of Bishopsstoke in Hampshire afterwards Chaplain to the Lady Let. Paget Dowager and at length being presented to the Living of Compton-Hayway in Dorsetshire was refused to pass by the Triers an 1654 and thereupon no small trouble passed between him and them Soon after he was made Vicar of Mitcham in Surrey where I find him in much trouble an 1664 occasion'd by Rob. Cranmer of London Merchant an inhabitant of that place and afterwards to be Doctor of Div. and Chapl. extraord to his Majesty He hath written and published Inquisitio Anglicana or the disguise discovered shewing the proceedings of the Commissioners at Whitehall for the approbation of Ministers c. Lond. 1654. in three sh in qu. Several Sermons as 1 Benedictio Valedictio or the remembrance of thy friend and thy end being a farewell serm preached at the house of Letitia Lady Paget Dowager deceased on 2 Cor. 13.11 Lond. 1655. oct 2 Mercy in a miracle shewing the deliverance and duty of the King and People on Matth. 8.25 Lond. 1661. qu. It was preached at Mitcham in Surrey 28 Jun. 1660 in a solemn congregation for the restauration of his Maj. to his royal throne c. A divine Masque Lond. 1660. qu ded to the Lord Gen. Monke Strange news indeed from Mitcham and Surrey of the treacherous and barbarous proceedings of Rob. Cramer Merchant of London against A. Sadler Vicar of Mitcham c. Lond. 1664. in one sh in qu. Schema sacrum in ordine ad ordinem Ecclesiae Anglicanae ceremoniarum Lond. 1683. on a broad side of a sheet of paper written in English partly in verse and partly in prose This is the second or third edition but when the first came out I know not nor any thing else of the author only that he died in sixteen hundred and eighty or thereabouts leaving then behind him the character of a man of a rambling head and turbulent spirit RICHARD ALLESTRY or Allestree son of Robert son of Will. Allestry of Alveston in Derbyshire was born at Uppington near to Wreken in Shropshire educated in Grammar learning mostly in the Free-school at Coventry where Philem. Holland taught became a Commoner of Ch. Ch. in Lent term an 1636 aged 15 years being then put under the tuition of Mr. Rich. Busby and about half an year after was made Student of that House In 1642 he put himself in actual arms for his Maj. under Sir Joh. Byron and when Oxford was garrison'd for the King he bore a musket among the Scholars for his service In 1643 he proceeded Master of Arts and the same year had like to have lost his life by the pestilential disease that then raged within the garrison of Oxon. Soon after he took holy Orders and became a noted Tutor in the House but when the Parliament Visitors came under pretence of reforming the University he with hundreds more were ejected So that being put to his shifts he was soon after entertained as Chaplain to Francis Newport of Shropshire Esq afterward L. Newport of High-Arcal with whom continuing till Worcester fight he did after the Kings miraculous escape from the Rebells there attend him at Roan in Normandy and received his dispatches to the managers of his Affairs in England Soon after coming to Oxon where he found his friends Mr. Joh. Dolben and Mr. Jo. Fell living privately and performing the Offices of the Church of England to the loyal party there he joyned with them and continued there till Sir Anth. Cope of Hanwell near Banbury prevailed with him to live in his family which for several years he did having liberty allowed him to go or stay as his occasions required By which advantage he was enabled to step aside upon Messages from the Kings friends which he managed with courage and dexterity But in the Winter of 1659 being snapt at Dover in his return from his Majesty in Flanders he was examined by the Committee of the Council of Safety and committed Prisoner to Lambeth house where he continued till things moved towards his Maj. restauration In 1660 he was made Canon of Ch. Ch. and soon after actually created D. of Div and about that time made one of the Lecturers of the City of Oxon to instill principles of Loyalty among the Citizens who before had been led aside by schismatical Teachers In 1663 he being then one of the Kings Chaplains in ordinary became Reg. Prof. of Div. upon the death of Dr. Creed and two years after he was made Provost of Eaton Coll. near Windsore upon the death of Dr. Joh. Miredith which was all the preferment he enjoyed being little enough for such a sufferer as he had been and one that had often ventured his neck to do his Majesty service He was a good and most affectionate Preacher and for many years by his prudent presiding in the Professors chair he did discover perhaps as much learning as any and much more moderation as to the five controverted points than most of his Predecessors He was also a person richly furnished with all variety of choice solid learning requisite to recommend him with the greatest advantage to the more intelligent world for one of the most eminent Divines of our age He hath written and transmitted to posterity The privileges of the Univ. of Oxford in point of Visitation in a letter to an honorable personage Pr. in one sh and an half in qu. 1647. Whereupon W. Prynne came out with his University of Oxfords plea refuted c. and in answer to that R. Waryng wrot An account of Mr. Prynns refutation c. and Ed. Bagshaw sen with his Short censure c. Eighteen Sermons whereof 15 were preached before the King and the rest upon public occasions Lond. 1669. fol most of which had been before published singly Of the authority and usefulness of the Scripture serm on 2 Tim. 3.15 Oxon. 1673. qu. Forty Sermons whereof twenty one are now first published the greatest part preach'd before the King and on solemn occasions Oxon. 1684. fol. These were published by Dr. Joh. Fell B. of Oxford and had the 19 sermons before mention'd added to with his picture before them He died in January in sixteen hundred and eighty and was buried in Eaton Coll. Chappel on the north side of the high Altar or Com. table Over his grave was
of Boston 9 Oct. 1663 at the Archd. Visitation on Isa 16.13 Lond. 1664. qu. 2 Elohim or God and the Magistrate on Psal 82.6 Ibid. 1663. qu. c. In 1674 our author Howe accumulated the degrees in Divinity became much respected for his learning in Lincolnsh and dying in the winter time in sixteen hundred eighty and two was buried in his Church at Boston before mentiond I find one Will. Howe to have been Minister of Gedney in Linc. a grand Presbyterian and Independent in the time of Oliver but what he hath written I know not Since I wrot this I find one O. H. Minister of the Gospel to have written Meetness for heaven promoted in some brief meditations on Col. 1.12 c. Lond. 1690. in tw Designed for a funeral Legacy by the said O. H. but whether the same with Ob. Howe I know not Qu. HENEAGE FINCH the eldest Son of Sir Heneage Finch of Kensington in Midd. Kt Serjeant at Law and Recorder of London by Frances his Wife Dau. of Sir Edm. Bell of Beaupre in Norfolk Kt was born in Kent particularly I presume at Eastwell on the 23. of Dec. 1621 educated in Westminster School became a Gent. Communer of Ch. Ch. in Lent term 1635 continued there two or three years went to the Inner Temple where by his sedulity and good parts he became a noted proficient in the municipal Laws was successively Barrester Bencher Treasurer Reader c. In 1660 on the 6 of June he was made Sollicitor general to his Majesty and on the day after being then a Knight he was advanced to the dignity of a Baronet by the name of Sir Heneage Finch of Raunston in Buckinghamshire The next year he was Autumn or Summer Reader of the Inner Temple choosing then to read upon the Statute of 39. Elizab. concerning The payment and recovery of the debts of the Crown which Statute tho ever seasonable and then most necessary was never before read upon as 't was then reported by any but himself The reading and entertainment lasted from the 4th to the 17 of Aug. The former was with great strength of reason depth of Law and admirable sense and the other with as great variety as could be imagined carried on The first days entertainment was of divers Peers of the Realm and Privy Counsellors with many others of his noble friends The second of the Lord Mayor Aldermen and chief Citizens of London The third which was two days after the former of the whole College of Physitians who all came in their caps and gowns The fourth was of another long robe for all the Judges and Advocates Doctors of the Civil Law and all the Society of Doctors Commons The fifth was of the Archbishops Bishops and chief of the Clergy and the last which was on the 15 of Aug. was of the King Duke of York Lord Chancellour most of the Peers and great Officers or Court the Lords Commissioners of Scotland and Ireland c. In Apr. the same year 1661 he was chosen Parliament man for this University but did us no good when we wanted his assistance for the taking off the tribute belonging to Hearths In 1665 after the Parliament then sitting at Oxon had been prorogued he was created in a full Convocation Doctor of the Civil Law he being then one of the four members of Parliament that had communicated the thanks of the honorable H. of Commons lately sitting in the said Convocation House to the members of the University for their Reasons concerning the solemn League and Covenant negative Oath c. made 1647. Which creation being concluded in the presence of several Parliament Men besides the said four the Vicechancellour stood up and spoke to the publick Orator to do his office Whereupon he making a most admirable harangue said among other things to this effect that the University wished they had more Colleges to entertain the Parliament men and more Chambers but by no means no more Chymneys c. at which Sir Heneage changed his countenance and drew a little back In 1670 he was constituted the Kings Attorney General and upon the removal of Shaftesbury from being Lord Chancellor he was made Lord Keeper of the Great Seal 9. Nov. 1673. Shortly after which he was advanced to the degree of a Baron of this realm by the title of Lord Finch of Daventre in Northamptonshire and upon his surrender of the Great Seal to his Majesty on the 19. of Dec. 1675 he received it immediatly back again with the title of Lord high Chancellor of England In the most boisterous and ticklish times when the swoln waves beat highest occasion'd by the Popish Plot he behaved himself with so regular exactly pois'd and with such even steadiness whilst others whose actions not being so justly ballanced either were discharged from their Offices or else they themselves by an ungenerous cowardise voluntarily resign'd them up as unwilling manfully to encounter approaching difficulties of which they pretended to have prospects that he still stood firm in the good opinion of his Prince and which is more to be admired at that time when many worthy Ministers of State were by the malice of designing men branded with the old infamous character of Evil Counsellours in order to have them to be run down and worried by the violent outrages of the unthinking giddy and head-strong multitude During all which time and clamour against persons which continued from Oct. 1678. to the beginning of the year 1681 after the Oxford Parl. was dissolved he was neither bandied against or censur'd in the more private seditious Cabals nor was his Master publickly addressed to for his removal In 1681. May 14 or thereabouts he was created Earl of Nottingham as a mark of the great satisfaction his Majesty had in the many faithful services which his Lordship had rendred the Crown being then a person of so eloquent and fluent speech and of so great sapience that he was usually stiled the English Roscius and the English Cicero A noted author tells us that his great parts and greater vertues are so conspicuous that it were a high presumption in him to say any thing in his commendation being in nothing more eminent than in his zeal for and care of this Church of England See his character most excellently described under the name of Amri in the second part of a poem entit Absalom and Achitophel Lond. 1682. first edit p. 30. Under the name of this worthy person are published Several speeches and discourses in the trial of the Judges of K. Ch. 1. He being then Sollicitor General See in the book entit An exact and most impartial accompt of the indictment arraignment trial and judgment according to Law of 29 Regicides c. Lond. 1660. qu. 1679. oct Speeches to both Houses of Parliament 7. Jan. 1673 13. of Apr. and 13. Oct. 1675. 15. Feb. 1676. 6. March 1678 and 30. of Apr. 1679. These were spoken while he was Lord
Keeper and Chancellour Speech at the sentence of Will Visc Stafford 7. Dec. 1680 Printed in one sh in fol. and in The Trial of the said Visc p. 212.213 At which time he performed the office of L. High Steward of England Answers by his Majesties command upon several Addresses presented to his Maj. at Hampton Court 19 May 1681. Lond. 1681. in 1. sh in fol. His Arguments upon which he made the Decree in the cause between the honorable Charles Howard Esq plaintiff Henry late Duke of Norfolk Hen. Lord Mowbray his Son Henry Marq. of Dorchester and Richard Marriott Esq Defendants wherein the several ways and methods of limiting a trust of a term for years are fully debated Lond. 1685 in 9 sh in fol. He also left behind him written with his own hand Chancery Reports MS in fol. in the hands of his Son Daniel Earl of Nottingham At length his body being worn out with t●o much business which his high station and office required he yeilded to nature in his house in Queen-street near Covent Garden on the 18. of Decemb. in the afternoon in sixteen hundred eighty and two whereupon his body was buried on the 28 of the same month in the Church of Raunston before mention'd near Oulney in Bucks On the 20 of the said month his Majesty was pleased to commit the custody of the Great Seal to the right honorable Sir Francis North Lord Ch. Justice of the Common-pleas with the title of Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England and on the 22 he was sworn at the Council-board and took his place as Lord Keeper This noble Earl of Nottingham left behind him several Sons the eldest of which named Daniel who had been sometimes Gent. Com. of Ch. Ch. succeeded his Father in his honors having been before a Parliament Man one of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty and Privy Counsellour The second is named Heneage bred also in the said House and afterwards in the Inner Temple who became Sollicitor General in the place of Sir Franc. Winnington but removed thence about the 21 Apr. 1686 and Sir Tho. Powis put in his place about five days after He hath been several times elected Burgess by the University of Oxon. to serve in Parliaments for the members thereof ANTHONY ASHLEY COOPER Baronet Son of Sir John Cooper of Rockbourne in Wilts Kt. and Bt by Anne his Wife Dau. and sole Heir of Sir Anth. Ashley of Wimbourne S. Giles in Dorsetshire was born at Wimbourne on the 22. of July 1621 19. Jac. 1. became a Fellow Commoner of Exeter Coll. in Lent term 1636 under the tuition of Dr. Prideaux the Rector thereof and continued there about two years Afterwards he went to Lincolns Inn to study the municipal Law and in the latter end of 1639 he was elected one of the Burgesses for Tewksbury in Glocestershire to serve in that Parliament that began at Westm 13. Apr. 1640. In 1642 he sided with his Majesty being then as 't is said High Sherriff of Dorsetshire became Governour of Weymouth and raised some forces for his use But the mind of this person being mutable he left the royal cause went in to the Parliament and served them was made Colonel of a Regiment of Horse and took the Covenant But when the Presbyterians thought themselves sure of him whip he was gone as one saith and in a trice commenced a Brother Independent which was a wise part and no trick of a changling to shift principles like shirts and quit an unlucky side in a fright at the noise of a new prevailing party with whom he staid till he grew up to the size of a great Commonwealths man and made hay in the Sun shine until the Commonwealth and Cromwell were brought to bed of a strange new kind of Monarchy in the House of Commons a three or four hundred-headed Monarchy called The Fifth Monarchy and in those days it was also called Cromwells little Parliament in which his little Lordship became one of the Princes among a Drove of Changlings c. In 1645 he was elected Sherriff of Norfolk and the next year Sherriff of Wilts both approved of and consented to by the members of Parliament In Jan. 1651 he having before taken the Engagement he was one of those 21 persons who were appointed by Parliament to sit as a Committee to consider of the inconveniences which were in the Law c. and soon after he was chose one of the Council of State to Oliver in which high office he continued till that person was Protector In June 1653 he was constituted Knight for Wilts to serve in the said Little Parliament that began at Westm on the 4. of July the same year but therein having spied out Olivers purpose of matching to another sort of Monarchy of his own Sir Anthony then resolved like a constant steady man to his own main point to trepan his fellow members and strike in with him and lent him thereupon a helping hand towards the confounding of Fifth Monarchy to make way for a new one under the name of Protector in which seene of affairs he was made a Protectorian Privy-counsellour In Aug. 1654 he was appointed by ordinance one of the Commissioners for Wilts Dorsetshire and Pool for the ejection of such whom the Godly Party then called scandalous ignorant and insufficient Ministers and Schoolmasters and about the same time he was elected a. Burgess for Pool before mention'd and for Tewkesbury in Glocestershire to serve in that Parl. called by Oliver then Protector that began at Westm 3. of Sept. the same year At which time he aspiring to become the Protectors Son-in-Law Cromwell who well enough understood him either disdaining or not daring to take him so near into his bosome took occasion also to quit him out of his Council So that being out of such publick employs he was at leisure to make court to all private Malecontents against the Protector and wheresoever he found a sore there he rub'd hardest till the end of the Raign of Richard In 1656 he was elected a Parliament man for Wilts to serve in that convention that met at Westminster 17 of Sept. the same year and in 1658 he was elected again for that which began at the same place 27. of January In both which the friends and favourites of Sir Anthony say that he endeavoured to cross the designs of Oliver and Richard But the last being soon after laid aside Sir Anthony thought it high time of necessity to turn back to the old honest point of the compass and get in again to be thought a new man of his Majesties party To this end notwithstanding he had been nominated one of the Council of State after the deposing of Richard May 15 1659 he joyned partly with the Presbyterians and privately engaged with Sir George Booth was of the Cabal kept intelligence with him and had a party in Dorsetshire which should be ready to assist him if little success
c. These two Speeches are said to be printed at Amsterdam but were not 6 Speech in the H. of Lords 25. Mar. 1679. upon occasion of the Houses resolving it self into a grand Committee to consider of the state of England 7 Speech lately made by a noble Peer of the Realm Printed in half a sheet of paper in fol. like a Gazette in the latter end of Nov. 1680 The beginning of which is this My Lord in the great debate concerning the Kings Speech c. pretended to have been spoken in Parliament but 't was not Which Speech being full of rascallities was by order of the House of Lords burnt by the hand of the common Hangman before the Royal Exchange and in the Pallace-yard at West on the 4. of Dec. following Therein in the Shuboleth of factions which he could truly pronounce he had cajoled the Brethren of Scotland But in the latter end of Jan. following came out an answer to it by Anon. intit A Letter from Scotland written occasionally upon the Speech made by a noble Peer of this Realm written by a better Protestant than the author of it tho a servant to his Royal Highness the Duke of York Two seasonable discourses concerning this present Parliament Oxon alias Lond. 1675. qu. The first discourse is thus entit The debate or arguments for dissolving this present Parliament and the calling frequent and new Parliaments The other discourse is A Letter from a Parliament man to his friend concerning the proceedings of the H. of Com this last Sessions began 13. Oct. 1675. The first discourse contains 10 pages the other seaven And tho no name is set to them yet it was very well known to all that Shaftesbury wrot them who tells us in the said Letter that the said Parliament consists of old Cavaliers old Round-heads indigent Cavaliers and true Country Gentlemen The first of which discourses if not both together with the Speech before mention'd on the 20. of Oct. 1675 and the protestation and reasons aforesaid are all answer'd in the body of a book which I shall anon mention entit A pacquet of Advices c. part 1. A Letter from a person of quality to his friend in the Country Printed 1675. qu. It contains 32 pages and speaks much in the praise of some of the temporal Lords but gibes at the spiritual bench particularly at Ward of Salisbury whom he makes a very rogue It is also chiefly as I remember against the Test and was published after the Parl. had been prorogued 22. of Nov. the same year It was answer'd by March Nedham in his pamphlet entit A pacquet of Advices and Animadversions sent from London to the men of Shaftesbury c. part 1. As for the Test it self which was the same with the corporation oath and part of the Declaration required to be subscribed in the Act of Uniformity only with this additional clause I do swear that I will not at any time endeavour an alteration of the government either in Church or State was brought into the House by Robert Earl of Lindsey but violently opposed by Shaftesbury altho this very clause too had passed the Parliament long before meeting with little opposition in a particular Bill which concerned only Nonconformist Preachers known by the name of The Oxford or The five-mile Act which hath been ever since so loudly clamoured against by that party His case at the Kings bench on his confinement to the Tower Lond. 1679 in 4. sh in fol. Expedient for the setling of the nation discoursed with his Majesty in the House of Peers at Oxford 24. March 1680. Lond. 1681 in one sh in qu. The expedient was for setling the Crown on James Duke of Monmouth No Protestant Plot or the present pretended conspiracy of Protestants against the Kings Government discovered to be a conspiracy of the Papists against the King and his Protestant Subjects Lond. 1680 in 4 sh and an half in qu. Tho no name is put to this yet the general report was that the Earl of Shaftesbury was the author or at least found materials for it and that his servant who put it in the Printers hands was committed to prison Not long after the publication thereof which was partly answer'd in a pamphlet intit A plea for succession in opposition to popular exclusion c. Lond. 1682 in 5 sh in folio came out by the same hand The second part of no Protest Plot c. Lond. 1682 in 4. sh and an half in qu. great part of which is concerning the duty and power of Grand Juries with reference still to the Earl of Shaftesbury Afterwards came out a third part in qu. containing about 20 sheets written as 't was vulgarly said by Rob. Ferguson a Scot by the appointment and consent of Shaftesbury which mostly reflects on the printed proceedings against Shaftesbury when the indictment of High Treason was charged against him It endeavours also at large to lessen the credit and invalidate the Testimony of those several witnesses which appeared against the said Earl when the before mention'd indictment was charged against him by representing them singly in the blackest and most malicious characters that can be It doth more than ordinarily reflect upon Edmund Warcup a Justice of Peace in Middlesex as if he had corrupted and managed most of the evidences against the said Count. He is also touched upon in the first and second part which I shall now for brevity sake omit and only tell you that all three parts contain chiefly a vindication of Shaftesbury as to his not being in the least concern'd in any plotting design against the King and that they are taken to task by Roger L'estrange in some of his Observators They were written as well as the bad subject of them could bear and the third part which is very libellous was answer'd by a pamphlet entit A letter to a friend containing certain observations upon some passages which have been published in a late libell entit The third part of no Protestant Plot. Lond. 1682. in 3 sh in qu. Written chiefly in vindication of James Duke of Ormonde and his administration of affairs and government in Ireland A modest account of the present posture of affairs in England with particular reference to the Earl of Shaftesbury's case And a vindication of him from two pretended Letters of a noble Peer Lond. 1682 in 5. sh in fol. Which two letters supposed to belong to George Earl of Halyfax were doubtless forged and ●eigned only purposely to give Shaftesbury a greater liberty and scope of railing at and libelling the said Count. But this the reader must know that tho there is no name to this Modest account and therefore it cannot be reasonably fastned upon our author yet the general report was at its publication that 't was his and at that time it was judged to be so by Rog. L'estrange in two or three of his Observators weekly intelligences that then
the event proved to be known that he was the author Theologo-Historicus or the true life of the most rev Divine and excellent Historian Peter Heylyn D. D. Sub-Dean of Westminster Lond. 1683 oct Published as the author pretended to correct the errours supply the defects and confute the calumnies of a late writer viz. George Vernon M. A. Rector of Bourton on the Water in Gloucestershire who had before published the said Doctors life Answer to Mr. Baxter's false accusations of Dr. Heylyn Printed with the Theologo-Historicus c. Catechisme for the use of his Parish This I have not yet seen and therefore cannot tell you when or where 't was printed This Dr. Barnard died at Newarke in his journey to the Spaw on the 17. of August in sixteen hundred eighty and three and was buried in the Chancel of his Church at Waddington before mention'd as I have been enformed by his son of both his names lately Fellow of Brasn Coll who also told me that he left behind him a Manuscript chiefly against Socinianisme which is not yet printed JOHN OWEN son of Hen. Owen sometimes a petty Schoolmaster at Stokenchurch afterwards Vicar of Stadham near Watlington in Oxfordshire was born in the said Town of Stadham bred in Grammar learning mostly under Edw. Sylvester who taught School for many years in Allsaintes Parish in Oxon entred a Student in Queens Coll. in 1628 instructed in Logic and Philosophy by Tho. Barlow Fellow thereof and took the degrees in Arts that of Master being taken and compleated in 1635 at which time as the cumstom and statute is he swore allegiance and fidelity to the King his heirs and lawful successors Which Oath is taken by all who take but one degree And this for one is to be noted of all such whom I have and shall mention in this Work About the same time he entred into holy Orders and when made Priest swore canonical Obedience to the Bishop his Diocesan Afterwards he became Chaplain to Sir Rob. Dormer of Ascot in the Parish of Great Milton near the place of his nativity where he served and did all things requisite to his Office according to the Church of England and taught also the eldest son of the said Knight About that time he became Chaplain to John L. Lovelace of Hurley in Berkshire where continuing till the turn of the times he sided then with the rebellious rout preached against Bishops and their Courts Common Prayer Book Ceremonies c. Afterwards he was made Minister of Fordham in Essex took the Covenant became Pastor of factious Coggeshall in the same County where lately that noted Presbyterian Ob. Sedgwick had held forth But then he perfectly beholding that the Independents grew prevalent he changed his mind adhered to them and endeavoured to ruin the Presbyterians He violated all Oathes as of canonical Obedience Solemne League and Covenant c. and being a man of parts was more enabled to do greater mischief by them especially in preaching up Sectarisme as he did ever and anon wheresoever he came By the doing of these things he became endeared to Ol. Cromwell who had him ever after in great respect and in some things relied on his Council In the latter end of 1648 when K. Ch. 1. was beheaded he in his discourses and Sermons applauded the Regicides and declared the death of that most admirable King to be just and righteous preached against K. Ch. 2. and against all the Loyal party In 1649 June 7. was a Thanksgiving by the Parliament Officers of the Army Lord Mayor and Citizens at Ch. Ch. in London for Cromwells victory over the Levellers at which time Tho. Goodwin and this our author Owen who had about that time taken the Engament preached to them out of the Politicks and on the day after a Committee was appointed to consider how to prefer those two Preachers to be Heads of Colleges in this University as a reward for asserting the late proceedings of Parliament and Cromwell upon the aforesaid Thanksgiving day It was not then thought fit that such men should serve God for nothing In the times of S. Peter and S. Paul Godliness was great gain but in the days of the late Saints Gain was great godliness On the 17. Sept. 1650 it was ordered by the Parliament according to the desire of Ol. Cromwell then General of the forces that he and Joseph Caryl should go into Scotland and on the 18 of March following it was ordered by them that he should be Dean of Ch. Ch. in Oxon. In which place being soon after setled he with Tho. Goodwin President of Madg. Coll. the two Atlases and Patriarchs of Independency did with some others who were their admirers endeavour to setle Independency in the University according to Cromwells mind but in their designs they found much opposition from the Presbyterians with whom they had several clashes concerning the promoting of their doctrine In the year 1652 he was made Vicechancellour in which Office he being then also one of the Visitors for by that time several Independents had been added to them he endeavoured to put down Habits Formalities and all Ceremony notwithstanding he before had taken an Oath to observe the Statutes and maintain the Privileges of the University but opposed in this also by the Presbyterians While he did undergo the said Office he instead of being a grave example to the University scorned all formality undervalued his office by going in quirpo like a young Scholar with powdred hair snake-bone bandstrings or bandstrings with very large tassels lawne band a large set of ribands pointed at his knees and spanish leather boots with large lawne tops and his hat mostly cock●d On the 10. of Dec. 1653 he the said Owen Tho. Goodwin R. Fairclough the elder Nich. Lockyer Jos Caryl c. were presented to the Parliament to be sent Commissioners by three in a Circuit for ejecting and setling Ministers according to the rules then prescrib'd but that project taking not effect there were Commissioners appointed by Oliver for approbation of publick preachers whereof John Owen was one of the chiefest and in the year following Commissioners from the Layty and Assistants to them from the Clergy in every County for the ejecting of such whom they then called scandalous ignorant and insufficient Ministers and Schoolmasters that is Loyal and Orthodox Divines At which time John Owen and Tho. Goodwin were appointed for the County of Oxon together with Thankful Owen Pres of S. Jo. Coll Sam. Wells Minister of Banbury Joh. Taylor Min. of Broughton Cristoph Rogers Ambr. Upton Pet. French Hen. Wilkinson Ralph Batton Hen. Cornish Canons of Ch. Ch. Edm. Stanton Pres of C CC. Rob. Harris Pres of Trin. Coll. Franc. Howell of Ex. Coll. Mr. Brice of Henley c. In 1654 Owen stood to be elected Burges for the University of Oxon to sit in a Parliament then called and rather than he would be put aside because he was a Theologist he renounced
grave or jocose as also noted for one whose extraordinary parts and indefatigable industry and study promised great things After he was Master of Arts he took upon him the cure of Little S. Maries Church in Cambridge chosen to it by the Master and Fellows of Peter House all Colleges being ambitious some way or other to make him theirs When the grand rebellion began or at least about to begin he was very zealous in opposing the attempts of the then spreading Schism and troubles and did not forbear to protest publickly against the faction when it was most formidable In a Sermon also at S. Maries in Cambr. he vehemently and convincingly urged the University to publish a formal protestation against the rebellious League And being occasionally about that time in Kent upon a short visit to his mother lately then a widow he was hunted about and forced to lye in Woods and at length was imprison'd for having assisted some Forces belonging to the King at Tunbridge with the charity he had moved a neighbouring Congregation to by two Sermons Thence he was forced to his College to take the Covenant which he resolutely denying so to do was thrown out of his Fellowship and soon after one John T ... n who took it was put therein But before he left Cambridge he with Mr. Barrow afterwards B. of S. Asaph Mr. Ward afterwards B. of Salisbury and Mr. John Barwick with two or three others did write a resolute and well pen'd Treatise against the Covenant which was afterwards published In the beginning of the year 1644 if not before he with the said Mr. Barrow his great companion and fellow-sufferer journied to Oxon then his Majesties head-quarter and being forthwith made known to that most worthy patron of learning Dr. Rob. Pink Warden of New Coll he entred them Chaplains of that House where they had lodging and diet In July the same year Mr. Gunning was incorporated Master of Arts of this University but whether Mr. Barrow was or took any other degree it appears not in the publick register About the same time Mr. Gunning became Curat for Mr. Jasp Mayne at Cassington four Miles North-west distant from Oxon in which service continuing about two years he endured several affronts and abuses by the Parliamentarian Soldiers from Abendon and elsewhere either by interrupting him with base Language or by pulling him out of the Church Besides the constant duty at New Coll. and his reading Prayers and Preaching every Sunday at Cassington he somtimes preached either before the King or Parliament sitting at Oxon. In consideration of which he was one of those many that had the degree of Bach. of Div. confer'd upon him and accordingly he was admitted on the day before the Garrison of Oxon was surrendred for the use of the Parliament So that he having been incorporated and afterwards admitted to a superior degree with us is the reason why I now put him among the Oxford Writers tho indeed Cambridge is more properly his Mother After the surrender of Oxon. he undertook the charge and tuition of Christopher afterwards Lord Hatton and Sir Franc. Compton in both whom he instill'd most excellent Principles of Loyalty Afterwards he was Chapl. to Sir Rob. Shirley father of Rob. which last was made Lord Ferrers of Chartley who setled on him about an 100 l per an for his life being more particularly moved thereunto for his great abilities and the learning which he shew'd in the silencing a Popish Priest with whom he held two or three set disputations for the satisfaction of his Patron and others that engaged him in them Not long after Sir Rob. Shirley dyed in the Tower having been committed to that place for his Loyalty so that thereupon Mr. Gunning betaking himself to the holding a constant Congregation in the Chappel at Exeter house in the Strand did by his reading the English Liturgy Preaching and administring assert the cause of the Church of England with great pains and courage when the Parliament was most predominant And his Sermons and Prayers being performed very regularly according to the antient usuage of the Church great numbers of well affected and honest people flocked to them as others did to other Loyal Preachers in several parts in and near the City of London whereby thousands being confirmed in the communion of the Church of England as in other parts of the Nation was thereby frustrated and taken away the groundless reproach cast upon the true Protestants by the Romanists that their Church was lost Besides these his Labours for which he was often sent for and reprov'd by the Usurper Oliver he would on the week days look out all sorts of Sectaries and dispute with them openly in their own Congregations Nor was there any considerable Sect whether Presbyterian Independent Anabaptist Quaker Brownist Socinian c. but that he held with them some time or other a set publick disputation in defence of the Church of England About the time of the Kings restauration he was posses'd of the Rectories of Cotesmore in the County of Rutland and of Stoke-Brewen in Northamptonshire which he long before had title to but kept out for his Loyalty The Vicaridge of S. Martin in the Fields in Westminster was first design'd him and a Prebendship of Canterbury The last he had but the other not as being thought more for the service of the publick to fix him for a while in the University of Cambridge where being first made D. of D. and Master of Corp. Ch. Coll. and soon after of S. Johns he was for a little while Margaret Professor and as soon as Dr. Ant. Tuckney was removed he was made Reg. Professor of Divinity as the fittest man for that Chaire that could be then chosen to settle the University right in their Principles again after many corruptions had crept in there by means of the Rebellion I say that he did not only succeed the said Tuckney in the Divinity Chaire but also in the Mastership of S. Johns Coll who having been lawfully ejected from both as having had no right title to either yet such was the goodness of Dr. Gunning that he allowed him a very considerable annuity during his life Which act of his being excellent and singular is here remembred to his everlasting fame and the rather for this reason that no Presbyterian or Independent was ever known to allow any Loyallist whose places they had occupied for several years the least farthing but rather rejected and avoided them vilified scorn'd and exposed them to the Plebeians as empty formal and starch'd nothings These things I have known and do remember them as done in this University and the like without all doubt was used at Cambridge and yet so it is that some of the dreggs of these men that yet remain among us have not been content with the Kings clemency to keep their places to this day but take all occasions upon the least interruption in the Nation to breed faction
in the Church there ARTHUR ANNESLEY son of Sir Franc. Annesley Baronet Lord Mount-Norris and Viscount Valentia in Ireland was born in Fish-Shamble street in S. Johns Parish within the City of Dublin on the tenth day of July an 1614 became a Fellow Commoner of Magd. Coll. in 1630 or thereabouts continued there under the tuition of a careful Tutor three years or more and having laid a sure foundation in literature to advance his knowledg in greater matters he returned to his native Country for a time In 1640 he was elected Knight for Radnorshire to serve in that Parliment which began at Westm 3. Nov. 1640 but his election being questioned Charles Price Esq then elected also was voted by the Committee of Elections to stand as more lawfully elected yet soon after he left that Parliament and followed the K. to Oxon where he sate in that called by his Majesty In the time of the rebellion our author Annesley was entrusted by both Houses of Parliament or appointed by them one of the Commissioners for the ordering and governing the affairs in Ireland an 1645 or thereabouts and became instrumental there to preserve the British and Protestant Interest Country and Garrisons from being swallowed up by Owen Oneill's barbarous Army or falling into the body of Irish hands c. Afterwards he went into England complied with the Parliament Ol. Cromwell and his party took the Oath called the Engagement as before he had the Covenant But when he saw that K. Ch. 2. would be restored to his Kingdoms he then when he perceived that it could not be hindred struck in and became instrumental for the recalling of him home as many of his perswasion did and thereupon they soothed themselves up and gave it out publickly that they were as instrumental in that matter as the best of the Royal party nay they stuck not to say that if it was not by their endeavours his Majesty would not have been restored At that time he was made a Privy Counsellour and to shew his zeal for his Majesties cause he procured himself to be put in among the number of those Justices or Judges to sit first at Hicks-hall and afterwards at the Old Bayly on the Regicides where one of them named Adrian Scrope did reflect upon him as 't was by all there present supposed and of others too as having before been misled as well as himself as I have told you in Anthony E. of Shaftsbury under the year 1682. In the year following 1661 a little before his Majesties Coronation he was by Letters Pat. bearing date on the 20 of Apr. created a Baron of this Kingdom by the title of Lord Annesley of Newport-Paynel in Bucks of which Town one Thom Annesley Great Uncle to Sir Franc. Annesley before mention'd had been High Constable as also a Count by the title of Earl of Anglesey as comming more near to his name than another place or Town Afterwards he enjoying certain Offices of trust was at length made Lord Privy Seal about the middle of Apr. 1673 and kept it till Aug. 1682 at which time he was deprived of it some have thought unjustly for several reasons as I shall anon tell you whereupon retiring to his Estate at Blechingdon in Oxfordshire which he some years before had purchased vindicated himself by writing an account of the whole proceeding of that affair as I shall tell you by and by He was a person very subtle cunning and reserv'd in the managery and transacting his affairs of more than ordinary parts and one who had the command of a very smooth sharp and keen Pen. He was also much conversant in books and a great Calvinist but his known countenance and encouragement given to persons of very different perswasions in matters of Religion hath left it somwhat difficult at least in some mens judgments peremptorily to determine among what sort of men as to point of Religion he himself ought in truth to have been ranked Yet it is to be observed that he did not dispense his favours with an equal hand to all these the dissenting party having still received the far largest share of them who did all along generally esteem him and his interest securely their own especially after the Popish Conspiracy broke out when then out of policy he avoided and shook off his numerous acquaintance of Papists as it was notoriously observed by them and of other pretenders to Politicks meerly to save themselves and to avoid the imputation of being Popishly affected As for his published writings they are these The truth unvailed in behalf the Church of England c. being a vindication of Mr. Joh. Standish's Sermon on 2 Cor. 5.20 preached before the King and published by his Majesties command Lond. 1676 in 3 sh in qu. This being an answer to some part of Mr. Rob. Grove's Vindication of the conforming Clergy from the unjust aspersions of heresie containing some reflections on the said Sermon was replied upon by the said Grove in a treatise intit Falshood unmask'd c. Lond. 1676 in 3. sh and an half in qu. Reflections on that discourse which a Master of Arts once of the Univers of Cambridge calls Rational Presented in Print to a person of honour an 1676 concerning Transubstantiation Printed with Truth unvailed c. Which discourse was also answer'd by another in a piece intit Roman tradition examined as it is urged as infallible against all mens senses reason and holy Scriture c. Lond. 1676. qu. A Letter from a person of honour in the Country written to the Earl of Castlehaven Being observations and reflections upon his Lordships Memoires concerning the Warrs in Ireland Lond. 1681. oct Which Letter coming into the hands of James Duke of Ormonde and finding himself and his Government of Ireland therein reflected upon with great disadvantage as he thought he wrot and published a Letter to the E. of Anglesey dated at Dublin 12 Nov. 1681 to vindicate himself Anglesey thereupon made a reply in another and printed it with Ormonde's Letter at Lond. about the beginning of Apr. 1682 both contained in two sh in fol. Ormonde therefore represented the case in writing to the King on the 17 of June following which being read openly before the Council then sitting at Hampton Court his Maj. declared that he would hear the matter thereof in Council and did order that a copy of the said Representation should be delivered to Anglesey and that he appear and make answer thereunto at a Council to be holden at Whitehall on the 23 of the said month In obedience to this Anglesey tho much troubled with the Gout appeared made a short speech to his Majesty in vindication of himself bandied the matter with Ormond and then put in his answer to Ormond's representation or complaint against him These things being done another Council was held 13 July at which time Ormond delivering a paper to the Board containing several charges against him it was then
to print his Sermons which much deserve to be publish'd but such as are set forth are these Several Sermons viz. 1 Sermon before his Majesty on Good Friday at Whitehall 24 Mar. 1664. on Joh. 19. part of the 19 ver Lond. 1665. qu. 2 Serm. before the K. on Tuesday 20 June 1665 being the day of solemn Thanksgiving for the late Victory at sea on Psal 54.6.7 Lond. 1665. qu. 3 Serm. before the K. 1666 on the like occasion on Psal Land 1666. qu. c. He died of the Small Pox on the eleventh day of Apr. in sixteen hundred eighty and six whereupon his body was conveyed from Bishops Thorp to York and there inter'd in the Cathedral When he was promoted to the See of York Dr. Franc. Turner succeeded him in Rochester and Dr. Tho. Sprat in the Deanery of Westminster and an year and a half after his death Dr. Tho. Lamplugh B. of Exeter succeeded him in the See of York as I shall tell you elsewhere Soon after was put a large and comely Monument over his grave with this inscription thereon Hic situs est Johannes Dolben filius Gulielmi S. Th. Professoris Ex antiqua familia in Cambria septentrionali oriundus Natus Stanvici in Agro Northampton Mart. 20. A. D. 1624. Anno aetatis 12 Regiam scholam Westmonast auspicato ingressus Singulari istius loci genio plenus 15 exivit In numerum Alumnorum Aedis Christi Oxon electus Exardente bello civili Partes regias secutus est in pugna Marstonensi Vexillarius In defensione Eboraci graviter vulneratus Effuso sanguine consecravit locum Olim morti suae destinatum A. D. 1656. à Rev. Episc Cicestrensi sacris ordinibus initiatus Instaurata Monarchia factus est Aedis Christi Canonicus Deinde Decanus Westmonasteriensis Mox Carolo II. Regi optimo ab Oratorio Clericus Episcopus postea Roffensis Et post novennium Regis Eleemosynarius Anno denique 1683. Metropol Eboracens honore cumulatus est Hanc provinciam ingenti animo pari industria administravit Gregi Pastoribus exemplo Intra 30 circiter menses seculi laboribus exhaustis Caelo tandem maturus Lethargia Variolis per quatriduum lecto affixus A. D. 1686 aet 62 Potentis Princ. Jac. II. altero die dominico Eodem die quo praeeunte anno sacras Synaxes In Eccles sua Cathed septimanatim celebrandas instituerat Caelo fruebatur Maestissima conjux magni Gilberti Cantuariensis Archiep. Neptis Ex qua tres liberos suscepit Gilbertum Catharin Johan Monumentum hoc posuit Desideratissimo Marito In aede Christi sub illius auspiciis partim extructâ Bromleiensi Palatio reparato in Caenobio Westmon conservato In Senatu Ecclesiis Eloquentiae gloriâ In Diocoesibus suis Episcopali diligentia In omnium priorum animis justâ veneratione semper Victuro WILLIAM COVENTRIE fourth son of Tho. Lord Coventrie sometimes Keeper of the Great Seal of England by Elizabeth his wife daughter of John Alderley of London was born either in the City or Suburb of London became a Gent. Com. of Queens Coll. in the beginning of the year 1642 aged 14 years but leaving that house without a degree he travelled beyond the Seas and at his return seemed to adhere to the cause of K. Ch. 2. After his restauration he was elected a Burgess for the Town of Great Yarmouth in Norfolk to serve in that Parliament which began at Westm 8 May 1661 and two years after was actually created Doctor of the Civil Law of this University being about that time Secretary to his Royal Highness James Duke of York In 1665 Jun. 26 he received the honour of Knighthood from his Majesty and was afterwards sworn one of his Majesties most honorable Privy Council being then esteemed upon all accounts qualified for noble employments for at that time if I mistake not he was Secretary to the Navy the said Duke being then General at Sea in the Wars against the Dutch by which employment he got a considerable estate in money which ever after kept up his port according to his quality But at length behaving himself displeasing to the said Duke when there was need of him he was removed from his service whereupon setling at Minster Lovel near Witney in Oxfordshire became much respected by the neighbouring Gentry for whose sake he was the first that found out a way for the ease of him or them that should bear the Office of Shrievelty For whereas before it was usual for the High Sheriff to expend four or five hundred pounds ere he could be quit of his Office he then in Octob. 1675 by certain Articles which he framed and were afterwards subscribed by the Gentry to stand to brought that sum to 50 or 60 l and the first High Sheriff of Oxfordshire that enjoyed the benefit of the said Articles was Sir Edm. Fetyplace of Swinbroke near Burford Baronet who was elected to that office in Nov. the same year Among several things which the said Sir Will. Coventrie wrot and published without his name set to them were these Englands appeal from the private Cabal at Whitehall to the great Council of the Nation the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled Printed 1673. in 7 sh in qu. Letter written to Dr. Gilb. Burnet giving an account of Cardinal Pole's secret powers From which it appears that it was never intended to confirm the alienation which was made of the Abbey-Lands To which are added two Breves that Card. Pole brought over and some other of his Letters that were never before printed Lond. 1685. in 5 sh in qu. He hath also written another thing to which his name was set intit The Character of a Trimmer His opinion of 1. The Laws and Government 2. Protestant Religion 3. The Papists 4. Forraign Affairs Lond. 1689. in 6 sh in qu. sec edit the first of which had not his name set to it At length this honorable Knight retiring to Tunbridge Wells in Kent for the sake of the Water there to cure his distemper died at Somerhill near thereunto of the gout in the Stomach which the Physitians took to be the Stone on Wednesday 23 of June in sixteen hundred eighty and six whereupon his body was conveyed to Penshurst in the said County and buried in the Church there He bequeathed 2000 l. to the French Protestants that were then lately come into England upon their expulsion from their own Country upon account of Religion and 3000 l. for the redemption of Captives at Algiers as the current report then went appointing Dr. Compton B. of London and Dr. Jo. Fell B. of Oxon Overseers of his gift JOHN FELL son of Dr. Sam. Fell sometime Dean of Ch. Ch. by Margaret his wife daughter of Tho. Wyld of the Commandery in the Suburbs of Worcester Esq was born at Suningwell near to Abendon in Berks educated mostly in the Free-school at Thame in Oxfordshire founded by John Lord Williams made Student of Ch.
wealth and gaining credit thereby he became one of the number of those that gave Sentence against Arthur Lord Capell Rob. Earl of Holland and James Duke of Hamilton who were all beheaded In 1650 he published a remarkable book called The government of the people of England precedent and present c. and by vertue of a return dated 21. June 1655 he by the name of Joh. Parker of the Temple one of the Commissioners for the removing obstructions at Worcester House in the the Strand near London was the next day sworn Serjeant at Law Oliver being then Lord Protector On the 18. of Jan. or thereabouts an 1659 he was appointed by the Parliament one of the Barons of the Court of Exchecquer but being soon after removed thence before or at the restauration of K. Ch. 2 we heard no more of him afterwards As for Samuel whom we are farther to mention he was by the care of his Parents severe Puritans and Schismaticks puritanically educated in Grammar learning at Northampton and being made full ripe for the University he was by them sent to Wadham Coll. in Midsomer or Act term 1656 and being by them committed to the tuition of a Presbyterian Tutour he did according to his former breeding lead a strict and religious life fasted prayed with other Students weekly together and for their refection feeding on thin broth made of Oatmeal and and water only they were commonly called Grewellers He and they did also usually go every week or oftner to an house in the Parish of Halywell near their College possessed by Bess Hampton an old and crooked Maid that drove the trade of Laundrey who being from her youth very much given to the Presbyterian Religion had frequent meetings for the Godly party especially for those that were her Customers To this house I say which is commonly called the ninth house belonging to Mert. Coll. they did often resort and our author Parker was so zealous and constant a hearer of the Prayers and Sermons there held forth a receiver of the Sacraments and such like that he was esteemed one of the preciousest young men in the University Upon the Kings return in 1660 he being then Bach. of Arts he was for some time at a stand what to do yet notwithstanding he did Pray Cabal and Discourse to obstruct Episcopal Government Revenews and Authority but being discountenanc'd in his doings by the then Warden of his Coll Dr. Blandford who as 't is said did expel him but false he went to Trin. Coll and by the prevailing advice of Dr. Ralph Bathurst a Senior Fellow thereof he was rescued from the chains and fetters of an unhappy education which he afterwards publickly avouched in print So that ever after being a zealous Anti-puritan and strong Assertor of the Ch. of England did cause an abusive and foul-mouthd author to say that he was worse than his Contemporary Foullis meaning Hen. Foulis of Linc. Coll. the original of whose name tho stinking and foul as he saith and in nature foul yet he was alwaies the same person in Principles that is a bitter enemy against the Presbyterians In 1663 our author Parker proceeded Master of Arts as a Grand-Compounder and a member of Trin. Coll and afterwards entring into holy Orders he was frequently in London and became as 't is said Chaplain to a Nobleman and a great Droller on the Puritans c. In 1665 he published his Tentamina and dedicating them to Dr. Sheldon Archb. of Cant. made himself thereupon known to that great person About that time he became Fellow of the Royal Society and in 1667 just after Easter leaving Oxford for altogether he was summoned to Lambeth the Michaelmas after and being made one of the Chaplains to the said Archbishop was thereby put into the road of preferment In June 1670 he was install'd Archdeacon of Canterbury in the place as it seems of Dr. W. Sancroft and on the 26 of Nov. following he had the degree of Doctor of Div. confer'd on him at Cambridg at which time William Prince of Aurange or Orange was entertained there On the 18. of Nov. 1672 he was installed Prebendary of Canterb. as he himself hath told me and about that time had the Rectories of Ickham and Chartham in Kent bestowed on him In the beginning of 1685 he resigned his Prebendship purposely to please his friend Dr. Joh. Bradford but that person dying about 6 weeks after his instalment Dr. Joh. Younger of Magd. Coll. in Oxon did succeed him by the favour of Josepha Maria the Royal Consort of K. Jam. 2 to whom he had spoken an Italian Oration in the said Coll. when she was entertain'd at Oxon 1683. On the 17 of Octob. 1686 he was Consecrated Bishop of Oxon at Lambeth in the place of Dr. Fell deceased and had liberty then allow'd him to keep his Archdeaconry in Commendam with it Before I go any further with his person the Reader is to understand these brief things following viz. that after the death of Dr. Hen. Clerk President of Magd. Coll. a Citation was stuck up to warn the Fellows to an election of new Governour but before the time was come to do it came a Mandamus from K. Jam. 2. to the Society to elect to that Office a junior Master of Arts named Anth. Farmer formerly of Cambridge then Demy of the said Coll but the Society taking little or no notice of it they elected according to their Statutes one of their Society named Joh. Hough Bac. of Div. on the 15. of Apr. 1687 whereupon his Majesty resenting the matter it was tried and discussed before his Ecclesiastical Commissioners newly erected by him Before whom there were then attested such vile things relating to the Life and Conversation of Farmer that he was thereupon laid aside On the 22. of June following the said Ecclesiastical Commissioners removed Mr. Hough from his place which was notified by a paper stuck up on the West door of the Chappel on the 2. of Aug. following subscribed by the said Commissioners whereupon his Majesty sent his Mandate of the 14. of the said month to elect Dr. Sam. Parker B. of Oxon to be their President but they being not in capacity to elect him because of their Oaths and Statutes his Maj. sent to Oxon three Commissioners to examine matters and put his Mandate in execution So that after they had sate in the College two days examined affairs and had commanded Dr. Hough thrice to deliver up the Keys of the Presidents Lodgings which he refused they thereupon installed in the Chappel the Proxy of Dr. Parker Will. Wiggins Clerk President with the usual Oaths which being done they conducted him to the Presidents Lodgings broke open the doors after thrice knocking and gave him possession 25. of Octob. 1687. On the 2. of Nov. following Dr. Parker took possession of them in his own person being then in a sickly condition where he continued to the time of his death
Viaticum from the hands of Dr. Alex. Monro Principal of K. James's Coll. at Edinburgh and his colleague in S. Giles's Church named Dr. John Strachan Professor of Div. at Edinb did assist after the manner of the Church of England They and several other Ministers and Layicks communicating then with him he regretted with tears the overthrowing of their Church saying he never thought to have outlived the Church of Scotland yet hoped others should live to see it restored c. His Father Will. Annand before mentioned lived very obscurely divers years after he came into England But at length obtaining the Vicaridge of Throwley in Kent 1649 and afterwards the rectory of Leveland in the same County the Usurper then ruling he caused his Son to be educated in learning in a good condition RICHARD SHERLOCK was born at Oxton in Cheshire and originally as 't is said a Student in Magd. Hall where he obtained a part of Acad. learning Thence he was translated to Trin. Coll. near Dublin where he proceeded Master of Arts in 1633 entred into the sacred function and soon after became Minister of several small Parishes in Ireland united together and yeilding no more than 8O l. per an At length upon the breaking out of the rebellion in that Country he journied into England and became Chaplain to a Regiment of his Majesties forces at Namptwich in Cheshire But that place being taken by the Parliament forces in Jan. 1643 he retired to Oxon where he became Chaplain to the Governour of the Garrison there and at length by the favour of Dr. Pink Warden of New College he was made one of the Chaplains of that House much about the time that P. Gunning and Is Barrow were made Chaplains also In 1646 he had the degree of Bach. of Div. confer'd on him in consideration of several Sermons that he preached either at Court or before the Parliament in Oxon but in the year 1648 or thereabouts being thrown out of his Chaplains place by the Visitors he became Curat for Dr. Jasp Mayne in an obscure Village called Cassington near Woodstock in Oxfordshire who allowing him 16 l. per an for his pains for the Vicaridge there is esteemed to be worth but 50 l. yearly he gave a good part thereof away to the poor of that place At length leaving that Cure upon the ejection of the Doctor about 1652 he went into Lancashire became Chaplain to Sir Rob. Bindlosse of Borwick hall in the Parish of Warton Bt where as long as he continued he was very much troubled with the People called Quakers against whom he wrot several things as I shall tell you anon After the restauration of K. Ch. 2 an 1660 he was made Doctor of Div. of the Univ. of Dublin and about that time by the favour of his honorable Patron Charles E. of Derby whose Chaplain he was Rector of Winwick in Lancashire a place among other fat benefices of England of greatest name He was a person of a most pious life exemplary conversation of great charity hospitality and so zealous a man for the Church of England that he was accounted by precise persons popishly affected and a Papist in Masquerade He hath written and published The Quakers wild questions objected against the Ministers of the Gospel c. briefly answered Lond. 1654. oct 1656. qu. Animadverted upon by a noted Quaker called Rich. Hubberthorne in a book entit A Reply to a book set forth by the Priest of Borwick-hall in Lancashire called Rich. Sherlock c. Lond. 1654. qu. and by another more noted than he named George Fox in his book called The great mystery of the great Whore unfolded c. Lond. 1659. fol. p. 242.243 c. A discourse of the holy spirit his workings and impressions on the souls of Men This is also against the Quakers Discourse of divine revelation mediat or immediat Discourse of error heresie and schisme These three last pieces are printed with The Quakers wild Questions c. The principles of holy Christian Religion or the Catechisme of the Church of England paraphras'd c. Lond. 1656. oct Written for the use of Borwick-hall The thirteenth impression of this book came out at Lond. 1677. oct Sermon preached at a visitation held at Warrington in Lanc. 11. May 1669 on Acts 20.28 Lond. 1669. qu. Mercurius Christianus The practical Christian A treatise explaining the duty of self-examination c. Lond. 1673. oct Confessions Meditations and Prayers in order to the receiving of the holy Communion of the body and blood of Christ Printed with Merc. Christ The second part of the practical Christian consisting of meditations and psalmes illustrated with notes or paraphrased relating to the hours of prayer c. Lond. 1675. oct The practical Christian or the devout Penitent A book of Devotion containing the whole duty of a Christian in all occasions and necessities c. in 4 parts 1. Of self examination confession of sins c. 2. Of the Communion of the holy body and blood of Christ 3. Of the hours of Prayer and occasional meditations 4. Of the four last things death judgment hell and heaven Lond. 1676. 77. c. Several short but seasonable discourses touching common and private prayer relating to the publick offices of the Church c. Oxon. 1684. oct c. This book contains 1. The irregularity of a private prayer in a publick congregation which was first printed 1674 in 4 sh in qu. 2. Dr. Steuarts judgment of a private prayer in publick c. 3. A discourse of the differences between long prayers prohibited and continuance in prayers commanded 4. Meditations upon our going to Church with short directions for our demeanour in the House of God c. 5. Sermon preached upon the Archbishop of Yorks provincial Visitation at Warrington At length this most holy zealous mortified and seraphical Dr. Sherlock having spent all his time in holy and chast celebacy surrendred up his most pious soul to God in sixteen hundred eighty and nine and was buried on the 25 of June within the Chancel at the first entrance into it out of the body of the Church at Winwick before mention'd at which time his friend and acquaintance Tho. Crane M. A. preached his funeral Sermon which being extant you may see a full account therein of the great piety charity hospitality strictness of life c. of him the said Dr. Sherlock Some years before his death he caused his Grave-stone to be laid in that place where his body was afterwards buried and ordered for his epitaph to be engraved in brass and sixt upon his stone this following Exuviae Richardi Sherlock S. T. D. indignissimi hujus Ecclesiae Rectoris Obiit 20 die Junii anno aetatis 76. an dom 1689. Sal infatuum conculcate Whereupon a certain Person reflecting upon it and much honouring his pious memory did subjoyn and add this further inscription En viri sanctissimi modestia Qui Epitaphium se indignum inscribi
there also and went on purpose out of curiosity to see and observe the passages at the Camp at Berwick at the fight at Newborne upon Tyne with the Scots at the Treaty at Rippon and at the great Council at York an 1640. Soon after when that Parliament called the Long Parliament began which was on the 3. of Nov. the same year he was chosen an Assistant to Hen. Elsing Clark of the Commons House by which means he was privy afterwards to all circumstances in their proceedings And both Houses having confidence in they sent their addresses by him to the King then at York being forced thither by their violent proceedings And it so fell out that he rode several times with that expedition between London and that City which is 150 miles that he performed the journey in 24 hours In 1643 he took the Covenant and was a great man among the Presbyterians and being near of kin to Sir Thomas Fairfax for his father and mother were Natives of Yorkshire of antient extract he became Secretary to him when he was made Generalissimo of the Parliament Forces in which Office he obtained or at least might have so done what wealth he pleased which might had he husbanded it well have supported his necessities in his last days In 1646 when the Garrison of Oxon was besieg'd by the said Generalissimo his help was somtimes required and when the Treaty for the delivery of it up for the use of the Parliament was in agitation he was often posting to London upon intermessages and fatigues till it was concluded In 1649 he attended his Master then Lord Fairfax with several great Officers of note to the University of Oxon where being all splendidly entertain'd by the then chief Members thereof of the Presbiterian and Independent perswasion he was actually created Master of Arts and at the same time he as a Member of Queens Coll was made one of the Delegates to take into consideration the affairs then depending between the Citizens of Oxon and Members of the said University After his Lord had laid down his Commission as General he took up his quarters for some time in Linc. Inn and being in great esteem by the men of those times he was in January 1651 constituted one of the Committee to consult about the Reformation of the Common Law In 1658 he was chosen a Burges for Berwick upon Twede near to which place he had received his first breath to serve in that Parliament called Richards Parl which began at Westm 27. Jan. the same year and again for the same place for that which commenc'd 25. of Apr. 1660 but for that which began in May 1661 he was not In Sept. 1667 at which time Sir Orl. Bridgman was made L. Keeper of the Great Seal he was by him made his Secretary and continuing in that Office so long as his Lord kept his he was then again in a capacity of enriching himself or at least to lay up some thing for a wet day Afterwards when the Popish Plot broke out and the Presbyterians and other discontented people began to be dominant he was elected Burges for the same place to serve in that Parl. which began 6. Mar. 1678 as he was afterwards for that which commenc'd 17. Oct. 1679 and for the Oxford Parl. that followed he being then as alwaies before esteemed no great friend to the Church of England and Prelacy After the dissolution of Oxford Parliament he lived very retiredly and obscurely within the City of Westminster but at length being committed prisoner for debt to the Kings bench he finished his course there as I shall anon tell you His works are these Historical Collections of private passages of State weighty matters in Law and remarkable proceedings in five Parliaments Beginning the 16 year of K. James an 1618 and ending the fifth year of K. Charles an 1629 digested in order of time Lond. 1659 fol. There again by stealth bearing the same date an 1675. When the author was fitting this book for the Press he made use of certain Manuscripts in the hands of Bulstr Whitlock one of Olivers Lords and when it was finished he presented it to the view of Oliver himself but he having no leisure to peruse it he appointed the said Whitlock to do it Jan. 1657 and accordingly running it over more than once he made some alterations in and additions to it After it was finished at the Press he dedicated the book to Richard Cromwel then L. Protector Historical Collections The second part containing the principal matters which hapned from the dissolution of the Parl. on the 16. of Mar. 4. Car. 1. 1628 9. until the summoning of the other Parliam which met at Westm 13. Apr. 1640 with an account of the proceedings of that Parl and the transactions and affairs from that time until the meeting of another Parl. on the 3. of Nov. following With some remarkable passages therein during the first sixth months c. Lond. 1680. in two vol. in fol. At the end of the last is a large Appendix containing Star-Chamber Reports for the years 1625. 26. 27 and 1628 Articles of Peace entercourses and Commerce with several other things The tryal of Thomas Earl of Strafford L. Lieutenant of Ireland upon an impeachment of High Treason by the Commons assembled in Parliament in the name of themselves and all the Commons of England begun in Westm Hall 20. Mar. 1640 and continued before judgment was given until the 10. of May 1641 c. Lond. 1680. fol. To which is added a short account of some other matters of fact transacted in both Houses of Parl precedent concomitant and subsequent to the said tryal with some special arguments in Law relating to a bill of attainder But the publisher of the said Collections having as 't is said concealed truth endeavoured to vindicate the then prevailing distractions of the late times as well as their barbarous actions and with a kind of rebound to libel the government at second hand it pleased Joh. Nalson LL. D. of Cambridge to publish in vindication of the real truth An impartial Collection of the great affairs of State from the beginning of the Scotch Rebellion an 1639. to the murther of K. Ch. 1. c. Printed at Lond. in two vol. in fol. The first extending to the end of 1641. was printed an 1682 and the other to the said murther an 1683 both published by his Maj. special command c. Afterwards were Reflections made on the said Impartial Collection by Rog. Coke Esq a Descendant from Sir Edw. Coke the great Lawyer printed with his Treatises of the life of man c. Lond. 1685. fol. This Dr. Nalson who was an eminent Historian and otherwise well qualified hath written besides the former volumes 1 The Countermine or a short but true discovery of the dangerous principles and secret practices of the dissenting party especially the Presbyterians shewing that Religion is pretended but Rebellion is intended And
c. Lond. 1677. oct c. 2 The common interest of King and people shewing the original antiquity and excellency of Monarchy compared with Aristocracy and Democracy and particularly of our English Monarchy and that absolute Papal and Presbyterian popular supremacy are utterly inconsistent with prerogative property and liberty Lond. 1678 oct 3 A true copy of the Journal of the High Court of Justice for the trial of K. Ch. 1. as it was read in the H. of Commons and attested under the hand of Phelps Clerk to that infamous court Lond. 1684. fol. With a large introduction by the said Nalson He hath also translated into Engl. The History of the Crusade or the expeditions of the Christian Princes for the Conquest of the Holy Land Lond. 1685 fol. Written originally in French by the fam'd Monsieur Maimbourgh What other things he hath written or translated I know not as yet or any thing else of him only that he died at or near the City of Ely on the 19. of March or thereabouts according to the English accompt an 1685. to the great loss of the true Sons of the Church of England of which he had been a zealous Member Our author Rushworth hath also written The History of the Civil War of England This which is the fift vol. is in MS and not yet published Several Letters to the Parliament and to particular Members thereof These he wrote while the War continued and were subscribed by himself and not by Gen. Fairfax as the printed copies shew What other books he hath written I know not nor any thing else of him only that he spent the six last years or thereabouts of his life in the Prison called the Kings bench in Southwark where being reduced to his second childship for his memory was quite decayed by taking too much Brandy to keep up his spirits he quietly gave up the Ghost in his lodging in a certain Alley there call'd Rules Court on Munday the twelfth of May in sixteen hundred and ninety aged 83 years or thereabouts Whereupon his body was buried on Wednesday following behind the Pulpit in the Church of S. George within the said Borough of Southwark He had no son only daughters virtuous women of which one was married to Sir Franc. Vane of the North. HENRY WILKINSON junior commonly called Dean Harry son of Will. Wilk of Adwick or Adwickstreet in the West Riding of Yorkshire Priest was born there an 1616 instructed mostly in Grammar learning in Edw. Sylvesters School in Allsaints Parish within the City of Oxon entred a Communer of Magd. Hall in 1631 took the degrees in Arts entred into holy Orders and became a noted Tutor in and moderator or Dean of his House At length upon the eruption of the Civil War in 1642 he left the University adher'd to the Parliament party took the Covenant and became a forward and frequent preacher among them After the Garrison of Oxon was surrendred to the Parliament Forces he returned to the University and by the authority of the then dominant party he was created Bach of Divinity made Principal of his Hall and Moral Philosophy Reader of the University Afterwards we find him one of the most frequent and active preachers among the Presbyterians in the University whether at S. Maries S. Martin commonly called Carfax S. Pet. in the East c. being then Doct. of Divinity and took all the ways imaginable to make his House flourish with young Students At length the Act of Conformity being published in 1662 he rather than conform left his Principallity tho perswaded to the contrary by some of the Heads of the University purposely to keep him there because he was a good Disciplinarian and lived for some time in these parts Afterwards upon the receipt of a Call he lived by the help of the Brethren at Buckminster in Leycestershire where he exercised his gifts in Conventicles as he did afterwards at Gosfield in Essex and in 1673 and after at Sybill-Hennyngham near to that place and a length at Great Connard near Sudbury in Suffolke at which last place he finished this mortal life as I shall tell you by and by having before suffered by imprisonments mulcts and loss of his Goods and Books for preaching in Conventicles against the Act. He was a zealous person in the way he professed but oversway'd more by the Principles of education than reason He was very courteous in speech and carriage communicative of his knowledge generous and charitable to the poor and so publick spirited a rare thing in a Presbyterian that he alwaies minded the common good more than his own concerns His works as to learning are these Conciones tres apud Academicos Oxonii nuper habitae Oxon. 1654. oct The first is on Psal 119.9 The second on Eccles 2.1 and the third on 1. Pet. 4.11 Brevis tractatus de jure divino diei dominici Ibid. 1654. 58. oct Conciones sex ad Academicos Oxonienses Ib. 1658. oct Among which are the former three De impotentia liberi arbitrii ad bonum spiritale Oxon 1658. oct Print with Conc. Sex Epistolarum decas Oxon 1658. oct Print with Conc. Sex Oratio habita in schola moralis philosophiae Oxon 1658. oct Print with Conc. Sex Conc. duae ap Ox. nuper habitae Ibid. 1659. qu. Both on 1. Cor. 16.22 Concio de brevitate opportuni temporis Oxon habita ad Bac. die Cinerum 7. Mar. 1659. Ib. 1660. qu preached on 1. Cor. 7.29 Several English Sermons as 1 Sermon at Haseley in the County of Oxon at the funeral of Margaret late wife of Dr. Edw. Corbet Pastor of Hasely on Col. 1.27 Ox. 1657. oct 2 Three decads of Sermons lately preached to the University in S. Maries Ch. in Oxon. Ox. 1660. qu. 3 Several Sermons concerning Gods All-Sufficiency and Christs preciousness Lond. 1681. oct c. Catalogus librorum in Bibl. Aul. Madg. Oxon. Ox. 1661. oct The doctrine of contentment briefly explained and practically applied in a Treatise on 1. Tim. 6.8 Lond. 1671. oct Characters of a sincere heart and the comforts thereof collected out of the word of God Lond. 1674. oct Two treatises concerning 1 Gods All-Sufficiency 2 Christs Preciousness Being the substance of some Sermons long since preached in the Univ. of Ox. Lond. 1681. oct These two treatises are the same with the Several Sermons before mention'd with some alterations in and additions to them purposely to please his friend and favourer one of his perswasion called Joh. Clark of S. Edm. Bury Esq by a dedication to him set before them Praelectiones Morales MS. in Magd. Hall Libr. They are his Lectures that he read in the Moral Philosophy School while he was public Reader of that Lecture At length after the latter part of the life of this zealous Theologist had been spent in trouble and adversity for the cause he professed he very devoutly surrendred up his soul to God at Great Connard before mention'd on the 13 day
for Plymouth to sit in that Parl. that began at Westm 20. Mar 1689 but being then grown very infirm by his great age he gave up his place of Commissioner soon after whereupon their Majesties did in the beginning of June 1690 constitute Sir Joh. Trevor Knight Speaker of the House of Commons the said W. Rawlinson then a Knight and Sir Geo. Hutchins Commissioners of the said Great Seal and on the third of the said month being all three sworn their Majesties were pleased to deliver to them the Seal with their Commissions This Sir Joh. Maynard was a person who by his great reading and knowledge in the more profound and perplexed parts of the Law did long since procure the known repute of being one of the chief Dictators of the Long Robe and by his great practice for many years together did purchase to himself no small Estate And however obnoxious he hath rendred himself on other accounts yet I judg my self out of the sense of public gratitude obliged to speak here thus much in his just vindication viz. that he did alwaies vigorously espouse the Interest and Cause of his Mother the University of Oxon contrary to what others of his Profession on whom she hath laid equal engagements have too commonly done by alwaies refusing to be entertained by any against her And when ever persons delegated by her authority for the management of her public litigious conce●ns have applyed themselves to him for his advice and assistance he did most readily yeild both by acting his best on her behalf This Sir Jo. Maynard hath these things following extant under his name Several discourses in the management of the evidence against Thom. Earl of Strafford Sev. disc in the man of the Ev. against Will Archb. of Cant. These Discourses you may see at large in the Collections Joh. Rushworth Speech to both Houses of Parliament 24. of Mar. 1640 in reply upon the Earl of Straffords Answer to his Articles at the Barr. Lond. 1641. qu. See in the Trial of the said Count upon an impeachment of High Treason published by Jo. Rushworth Esq wherein are many Arguings of this our author Maynard of whom and his actions relating thereunto are these verses extant The Robe was summon'd Maynard in the head In legal murder none so deeply read I brought him to the Bar where once he stood Stain'd with the yet un-expiated blood Of the brave Strafford when three kingdoms rung With his accumulative active tongue c. Other verses of him are also in mother poem entit A dialogue between the Ghosts of the two last Parliaments at their late interview published in the beginning of Apr. 1681 which for brevity sake I shall now omit Speech at the Committee at Guildhall in Lond. 6. Jan. 1641. concerning the breaches and priviledges of Parliament Lond. 1642 in 1. sh in qu. Londons Liberty or a learned argument of Law and Reason before the L. Mayor and Court of Aldermen at the Guildhall an 1650. Lond. 1682 fol. See more in more in Sir Matth. Hale p. 426. Reports and Cases argued and adjudged in the time of K. Ed. 2 and also divers memoranda of the Exchecquer in the time of K. Ed. 1. Lond. 1079. in fol. published according to the antient MSS. then remaining in the hands of him the said Sir Jo. Maynard Speech and Arguings in the Trial of Will Visc Stafford c. See the said Trial printed at Lond. in fol. 1680 1. wherein are also several of his Discourses At length after this Sir Joh. Maynard had lived to a great age and had acted Proteus like in all changes to gain riches and popularity he gave up the ghost in his house at Gonnersbury in the Parish of Elyng in the County of Middl. on the ninth day of Octob. in sixteen hundred and ninety whereupon his body attended by certain Officers of Arms and a large train of Coaches was in few days after buried in the Church at Elyng In his time lived also another Sir Joh. Maynard Knight of the Bath and second brother to the Lord Maynard chose Burgess for Lestithel or Lestuthiel in Cornwall to sit in that unhappy Parl. that began at Westm 3. Nov. 1640 wherein expressing a pique to the Army by endeavouring to have them disbanded an 1647 he was by them impeached of High Treason turn'd out of the H. of Commons and committed Prisoner to the Tower of London He was a zealous Covenantier a sharp Antagonist to the Independent Faction and hath some little things extant going under his name Among which is A Speech in the H. of Commons wherein is stated the case of Lieu. Coll. Joh. Lilbourne c. Lond. 1648. qu. These things I thought fit to let the Reader know because both these Maynards have been taken for each other in History Whether this last be the same Sir Jo. Maynard who was of Graveney in Surrey and died in the beginning of the year 1664 or thereabouts I know not as yet Quaere Another Joh. Maynard I have mention'd under the year 1669 p. 335 but he was a Divine And another I find who was a Devonian born bred in Exeter Coll and afterwards was made Rector of Goodleigh in his own Country but this person who died at Goodleigh in 1627 hath not published any thing RICHARD LOWER the late eminent Physitian was born of a gentile family at Tremere near Blissland and Bodmin in Cornwal elected from the College School at Westminster a Student of Ch. Ch. an 1649 aged 18 years or thereabouts took the degrees in Arts that of Master being compleated in 1655 entred upon the Physick Line and practised that Faculty under Dr. Tho. Willis whom he helped or rather instructed in some parts of Anatomy especially when he was meditating his book De Cerebro as I have elsewhere told you In Apr. 1664 he in his travels with the said Doctor to visit Patients made a discovery of the medicinal water at East Throp commonly Astrop near Kings-Sutton in Northamptonshire the Doctor being then as usually asleep or in a sleepy condition on horsback Afterwards our author Lower imparting his discovery to the Doctor they in their return or when they went that way again made experiments of it and thereupon understanding the virtue thereof the Doctor commended the drinking of it to his Patients Soon after the water was contracted into a Well and upon the said commendations 't was yearly as to this time it is frequented by all sorts of people In 1665 our author Lower took the degrees in Physick practised the transfusion of blood from one Animal into another and as if he had been the first discoverer took the invention of it to himself in his book De Corde but mistaken as I have told you elsewhere See my discourse of Franc. Potter under the year 1678. p. 454. However the members of the Royal Society took the hint from his practice and made experiments of it in the year following In
Man on the 21. of March 1669 to the great rejoycing of the true Sons of the Church in the Diocese thereof After he was setled he repaired several parts of the Cathedral Church especially the North and South Isles and new covered them with lead and caused the East part of the choir to be wainscoted He laid out a considerable sum of money in building and repairs about his Pallace at S. Asaph and the mill thereunto belonging In the year 1678 he built an Almes house for eight poor Widows and did endow it with twelve pounds per an for ever The same year he procured an Act of Parliament for the appropriating of the Rectories of Llaurhaiader and Mochnant in Denbighshire and Mountgomeryshire and of Skeiviog in the County of Flint for repairs of the Cathedral Church of S. Asaph and the better maintenance of the choire there and also for the uniting several Rectories that were Sinecures and the Vicaridges of the same Parishes within his said Diocese of S. Asaph He also intended to build a Free-school and to endow it but was prevented by death Yet since that time his successor Dr. Will Lloyd Bishop of S. Asaph did recover from Bishop Barrow's Executors 200 l. towards a Free-school at S. Asaph an 1687. This most worthy Bishop Dr. Barrow died at Shrewsbury about noon of the 24 of June Midsomer day an 1680 and on the 30 of the said month his Corps was lodged in his house called Argoed hall in Flintshire and from thence carried on the first of July to his Palace at S. Asaph and the same day to the Cathedral Church there where after Divine Service and a Sermon the said Corps was decently inter'd by Dr. Nich. Stratford Dean of S. Asaph on the South side of the West door in the Cathedral Church yard which was the place he appointed Over his grave was soon after laid a large flat stone and another over that supported by Pedestals On the last of which is this inscription engraven Exuviae Isaaci Asaphensis Episcopi in manum Domini depositae in spem laetae resurrectionis per sola Christi merita Obiit dictus reverendus Pater festo Divi Johannis Baptistae anno Domini 1680 Aetatis 67 Translationis suae undecimo On the lower stone which is even with the ground is this inscription following engraven on a brass plate fastned thereunto which was made by the Bishop himself Exuviae Isaaci Asaphensis Episcopi in manum Domini depositae in spem laetae resurrectionis per sola Christi merita O vos transeuntes in Domum Domini Domum orationis orate pro Conservo vestro ut inveniat miserecordiam in die Domini The said brass plate was fastned at first as 't is there reported over the said West door but afterwards taken down and fastned to the lower stone next the body But so it was that as soon as this last Epitaph was put up the contents thereof flew about the nation by the endeavours of the godly faction then plump'd up with hopes to carry on their diabolical designes upon account of the Popish Plot then in examination and prosecution to make the world believe that the said Bishop died a Papist and that the rest of the Bishops were Papists also or at least popishly affected and especially for this reason that they adhered to his Majesty and took part with him at that time against the said Faction who endeavoured to bring the Nation into confusion by their usual trade of lying and slandering which they have always hitherto done to carry on their ends such is the religion of the Saints But so it is let them say what they will that the said Bishop was a virtuous generous and godly man and a true Son of the Church of England And it is to be wished that those peering poor spirited and sneaking wretches would endeavour to follow his example and not to lye upon the catch under the notion of religion to obtain their temporal ends private endearments comfortable importances filthy lusts c. The said Bishop was Uncle to a most worthy religious and learned Doctor of both his names as I have elsewhere told you who dying 4. May 1677 aged 47 years was buried in the great or south cross Isle of Westm Abbey near to the monument of the learned Camden sometimes Clarenceaux K. of Armes WILLIAM PIERS son of William Piers a Haberdasher of Hats Nephew or near of kin to Dr. John Piers sometimes Archb. of York and a Native of South Hinxsey near Abendon in Berks was born in the Parish of Allsaints within the City of Oxon in Aug and baptized there on the 3. of Sept. an 1580. In 1596 he was made Student of Ch. Church and taking the degrees in Arts fell to the study of Divinity and was for a time a Preacher in and near Oxon. Afterwards being made Chaplain to Dr. King Bishop of London he was prefer'd to the Rectory of S. Christophers Church near to the Old Exchange in London and Vicaridge of Northall in Middles In 1614 he proceeded in Divinity being about that time Divinity Reader in S. Pauls Cathedral and in 1618 he was made Canon of Ch. Church and soon after Dean of Chester In 1621. 22. 23. he did undergo the office of Vicechancellour of this University wherein behaving himself very forward and too officious against such that were then called Anti-Arminians he gained the good will of Dr. Laud then a rising star in the Court and so consequently preferment In 1622 he was made Dean of Peterborough in the place of Hen. Beaumont promoted to that of Windsore and in 1630 had the Bishoprick thereof confer'd on him by the death of Dr. Tho. Dove to which being elected he had the temporalities thereof given to him on the 30 of Oct and installation on the 14 of Nov. the same year While he sate there which was but for a short time he was esteemed a man of parts knowing in Divinity and the Laws was very vigilant and active for the good both for the ecclesiastical and civil estate In Oct. 1632 he was elected Bishop of Bath and Wells upon the translation of Dr. Curle to Winchester the temporalities of which See being given to him on the 20 of December the same year he continued there without any other translation to the time of his death As for his actions done in his Diocese of Bath and Wells before the grand rebellion broke out which were very offensive to the puritanical party who often attested that he brought innovations therein and into his Church suppressed Preaching Lectures and persecuted such who refused to rail in the Lords Table c. in his Diocese let one of them named William Prynne a great enemy to the Hierarchy speak yet the reader may be pleased to suspend his judgment and not to believe all what that partial cropear'd and stigmatized person saith When the Bishops were silenc'd and their Lands sold by that
Coll. in Oxon and Trin. Coll. in Cambr besides great and large sums of money annually bestowed some to publick and some to private charities His Legacies at his death for charitable uses came to 1500 l which afterwards were paid part to All 's Coll part to the Church of Canterbury part to the Hospital of Harbledowne in Kent and the rest to indigent persons I have heard Sir Joseph Sheldon before mentioned say who was afterwards buried near to the body of his Uncle that from the time of Dr. Sheldon's being made Bishop of London to the time of his death it did appear in the book of his Accompts that he had bestowed upon publick pious and charitable uses about threescore and six thousand pounds In his Archbishoprick succeeded Will. Sancroft D. D. Dean of S. Pauls Cath. Ch. in Lond. and sometimes Fellow of Eman. Coll. in Cambridge who after he had been nominated by the King thro the endeavours of James Duke of York was consecrated in the Abbey Ch. of S Peter at Westm on Sunday the 27 of Jan. 1677. What he hath written and published except 1 Modern policies taken from Machiavel Borgia and other choice authors by an eye witness Lond. 1652 in tw 2 Serm. on the first Sunday in Advent 1660 at the consecration of John Bishop of Durham William Bishop of S. Dav. c. Lond. 166● qu. and 3 Serm. preached to the H. of Peers 13 Nov. 1678 being the Fast day appointed by the King c. Lond 1679. qu. I say what he hath published besides these things let others speak while I tell you that after he had sate in the said See without the exception of any and had behaved himself with great prudence and moderation was after K. Will. 3. came to the Crown deprived with five other Bishops for not swearing Allegiance and Supremacy to that Prince and his Queen JOHN PARRY sometimes of Trin. Coll. near Dublin afterwards Fell. of Jesus Coll. in this Univ was consecrated Bish of Ossory in Ireland on the death of Griff. Williams in the beginning of the year 1672 and died a little before the Nativity in sixteen hundred seventy and seven under which year you may see more among the Writers p. 448. In the said See succeeded his brother Ben. Parry as I am now about to tell you BENJAMIN PARRY sometimes of Trin. Coll. near Dublin afterwards of Jesus in this Univ and at length Fellow of Corp. Ch. was consecrated Bish of Ossory in Jan. 1677 and died in the beginning of Octob. in sixteen hundred seventy and eight under which year you may see more of him among the Writers p. 462. In the said See succeeded Dr. Michael Ward as I have elsewhere told you RALPH BRIDEOAKE son of Rich. Brid by Cicely his wife dau of John Booth of Lancashire and he the son of another Richard of Adbaston was born as I have been informed at Chitham Hill near Manchester in the said County was admitted a Student in Brasn Coll. 15 Jul. 1630 aged 16 years took one degree in Arts and determining soon after his Disputations did so much please Dr. Pink Warden of New Coll then Vicechancellour of the Univ that he forthwith upon enquiry that his condition was mean made him a Pro-Chaplain of the said New Coll. In 1636 he among many others was actually created Mast of Arts by vertue of his Maj. Letters dated at Oxon he being then accounted a good Greecian and Poet But having nothing to keep up the degr of Master only his employment in the said Coll he became Curat of Wytham near Oxon for Dr. Joh. Brikenden sometimes of Magd. Coll and Corrector of the Press in Oxon. In which last employment hapning to correct a book of Dr. Tho Jackson President of C. C. Coll to whom he had often recess that Doctor had such an affection for him that upon the vacancy of the Free-school at Manchester founded by Bishop Hugh Oldham of which the President of the said Coll. for the time being is Patron he forthwith gave the government of it to him So that being soon after setled there he by his interest and great forwardness became Chaplain to the Earl of Derby whom and his family he much pleased And when Latham House in Lanc. belonging to the said Count was besieged by the Forces belonging to Parliament he was all the time in it and did good service When the Kings Cause declined he stuck close to the said family and managed as 't is said most of the Estate belonging to it In 1651 his Lord James Earl of Derby being engaged for K. Ch. 2. at Worcester fight and before he was after the loss of the day taken by the Parliamenteers in Cheshire Whereupon he being like to lose his life this his Chaplain Mr. Brideoake with others were desired to sollicit the Grandees at Westminster to save him and Will. Lenthall the Speaker of the House of Com. being much plyed by the said Chaplain with more than ordinary reason and application Lenthall thereupon when he saw nothing could save his Lords life finding him to be a man of parts and business made him his own proper Chaplain and soon after Preacher of the Rolls in Chancery lane Which act of his tho noble and generous yet he was clamour'd at and gained the ill will of divers members of Parliament for his entertaining openly and afterwards preferring a Malignant as they term'd him Soon after by Lenthall's endeavours he became Vicar of a Market Town in Oxfordshire called Witney where being setled he preached twice every Lords day and in the Evening catechised the Youth in his own house outvying in labour and vigilancy any of the godly Brethren in those parts He also by his Patron 's means got the Rectory of the said place which had been leased out to be annexed to the Vicaridge whereby it became one of the richest Rectories in Oxford Diocess and not long after he was made Minister of S. Bartholmew near the Royal Exchange in London where in holding forth preaching and laying about him in the Pulpit he equalled any of the holy Brethren of that City On the 14 of March 1659 he was appointed one of the Commissioners by Act of Parliament for the approbation and admission of Ministers of the Gospel after the Presbyterian mode but that Act soon after vanishing upon the approach of his Majesties restauration he by his unwearied diligence and application was made Chaplain to his Majesty installed Canon of Windsore in the place of Dr. Thom. Howell B. of Bristow several years before dead on the 11 day of July and actually created Doct. of Div. in the beginning of Aug. following an 1660. About that time he became Rector of the rich Church of Standish in his native Country given formerly to him by the Earl of Derby but hindred from enjoying it by the Triers in Oliver's Reign between whom and him followed some controversie concerning that matter but how terminated I cannot tell
In Sept. 1667 he was made Dean of Salisbury in the place of Dr. Rich. Baylie deceased and in Feb. 1674 he was by the endeavours of Lodovisa Dutchess of Portsmouth whose hands were always ready to take bribes nominated by the King to be Bishop of Chichester on the translation of Dr. P. Gunning from thence to Ely So that being consecrated thereunto on the 18 day of April an 1675 had liberty then allowed to him to keep his Canonry of Windsore in commendam with that See which he did to his dying day This person who had spent the chief part of life in continual agitation for the obtaining of Wealth and setling a Family for he was a married man and left behind him 3 sons at his death was suddenly taken from this world as he was visiting his diocess on the fifth day of Octob. in sixteen hundred seventy and eight Whereupon his body being conveyed to Windsore was buried in Bray's Chappel joyning on the south side to the outer Chappel of S. George in the Castle there Soon after was a fair altar monument erected over his grave with his Statue from head to foot adorned with Pontificalia all curiously cut from one entire piece of Alabaster laying thereon with this inscription engraven upon it M. S. maturus Deo mortalitatem exuit Rev. in Christo Pater Radulphus Brideoake Vir audacter probus magnus sed humilis Ingens Atticae omnis eloquentiae Thesaurus Exule Carolo II. bonis omnibus mulctatus reverso à sacris hujus capellae Canonicus Decanus Sarisburiensis postea Cicestrensis Episcopus ΦΙΛΟΞΕΝΟΣ ΦΙΛΑΤΑΘΣ Dioeceseos tanquam Familiâs Pater Qui alienae salut iconsulens immemor suae dum Gregem visitaret grassante febri correptus Episcopali munere immortuus est iii non Octob. MDCLXXVIII aetatis suae LXIV Marito optimo monumentum hoc posuit conjux moestissima M. B. that is Mary Brideoake second daughter of Sir ..... Sal. tonstall of Okenden in Essex Kt by his second wife JOSEPH HENSHAW sometimes a Communer of Magdalen Hall became Bishop of Peterborough upon the translation of Dr. Laney to Lincolne in the beginning of the year 1663 and died in the latter end of sixteen hundred seventy and eight leaving then behind him this character in his diocess that he was a learned man and a good Preacher but so proud and unhospitable that in that respect he deserved not the name of a Bishop I have already mentioned him among the Writers under the year 1678 pag. 473 and therefore I shall only say that Dr. Will. Lloyd succeeded him in Peterborough and confirm'd in that See on the 17 of May 1679. Afterwards he was translated to Norwich where sitting with good approbation till after K. Will. 3. came to the Crown he was then depriv'd as I have before told you in Dr. E. Reynolds JOHN PRICHETT son of Walt. Prich of Hillenden in Middlesex afterwards Alderman of Lond. as his Relations have told me was born there or in that County admitted a Student of Queens Coll. in Mich. term 1622 aged 18 years took the degrees in Arts as a member of S. Edm. Hall that of Master being compleated in an Act celebrated 1629. Afterwards marrying an Oxford Woman of inferiour note he became beneficed in his own Country but whether he suffer'd for any Cause during the Civil War I know not Sure 't is that he being Vicar of S. Giles Church near Cripplegate in London after the restauration of K. Ch. 2 and esteemed a rich man as indeed he was he by the endeavours of Dr. Sheldon Archb. of Cant had the poor Bishoprick of Glocester confer'd on him after the death of Dr. Nicolson with leave allowed to him to keep the said Ch. of S. Giles in commendam with it So that being consecrated thereunto on the third day of Nov. being the first Sunday of that month an 1672 sate there till the time of his death which hapning at Harefield in Middlesex where he had an Estate on the first day of January in sixteen hundred and eighty was buried on the seventh day of the same month under the Pulpit of the Church there In the said See succeeded Dr. Rob. Frampton of Oxon who sitting there with great liking till after K. Will. 3. came to the Crown was then deprived of his Bishoprick for not taking the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy JOHN PARKER was born in the City of Dublin educated partly in the University there and partly in this as a Member of Ch. Ch as I have been not only informed there by certain Seniors but also from Dublin Afterwards he retired to his native place became Prebendary of S. Michan and much in respect there for his Religion and Learning Afterwards in the times of Usurpation he was deprived of all his Spiritualities by O. Cromwell and by him cast into Prison upon suspicion that he was a Spy from the Marquess of Ormonde Afterwards being freed by exchange he constantly adhered to the said Marquess as long as he continued in Ireland But when he withdrew himself thence into France Mr. Parker went into England where making a shift to rub out till his Majesties return went then into his own Country and being nominated Bishop of Elphine was consecrated thereunto in S. Patricks Church on the 27 of Jan. 1660 he being then Doctor of Divinity In 1667 Aug. 9 he was by Letters Patents then dated made Archbishop of Tuam in the room of Dr. Sam. Pullen and afterwards Archb. of Dublin in the place of Dr. Mich. Boyle translated to Armagh He died in the beginning of January in sixteen hundred eighty and one and was buried as I conceive at Dublin Whereupon Dr. Francis Marsh succeeded him in the See there The said Dr. Parker hath extant A sermon preached before both Houses of Parliament in Ireland on 2 Sam. 19.14 printed 1663. qu. and as I conceive others HENRY BRIDGMAN the third son of Dr. John Bridgman B. of Chester who died an 1652 aged 77 years was born in Northamptonshire entred a Communer of Oriel Coll. in the year 1629 aged 16 or thereabouts elected Fellow of that of Brasnose 6 Dec. 1633 he being then Bach. of Arts Afterwards he was actually created Master of that faculty and in 1639 he resign'd his Fellowship being then by the endeavours of his father beneficed or dignified or both In the time of the Rebellion he did his Maj. faithful service and therefore was a sharer in afflictions as other Loyalists were occasioned by the violent Proceedings of the Presbyterians After his Majesties Restauration he was elected Dean of Chester in July in the place of Dr. Will. Nicolls who died in 1658 was actually created D. of D. in the beginning of Aug. following and soon after installed in his Deanery and on the 22 of Septemb. 1660 installed Preb. of Stillington in the Ch. of York being about that time Parson of Bangor in Flintshire and of Barrow in Cheshire At length upon the
Raphoe in Ireland was first made B. of Raphoe and afterwards of London Derry in that Country who dying in June in sixteen hundred and ninety under which year you may see more of him among the Writers p. 647. Dr. George Walker was designed to succeed him but he dying of his wound or wounds received in passing over the River Boyne in Ireland when K. Will. 3. went with his Army to encounter that of K. Jam. 2 in the beginning of July following the said Bishoprick of London Derry was confer'd by his Majesty K. Will. 3. in the beginning of Decemb. following on Dr. Will. King Dean of S. Patricks Church near Dublin at which time his said Majesty did dispose of other vacant Bishopricks in Ireland viz. the Archbishoprick of Cashiell on Dr. Narciss Marsh B. of Ferns c. the Bishoprick of Clogher on Dr. Richard Tenison B. of Killala the Bishoprick of Elphine on Dr. Sim. Digby B. of Limerick the Bishoprick of Ferns on Dr. .... Vigures Dean of Armagh the Bishoprick of Limerick on Dr. Nath. Wilson Dean of Raphoe the Bishoprick of Clonfert on Dr. Will. Fitzgerald Dean of Cloyne and the Bishoprick of Killala on Dr. ...... Lloyd Dean of Achonrey FASTI OXONIENSES An. Dom. 1641. An. 17. Car. 1. THE Chancellour of the University this year was Dr. Will. Laud Archb. of Canterbury but he being accused of divers capital crimes in both Houses of Parliament and thereupon committed first to private custody and afterwards to the Tower of London he made a resignation on the 22 of June of all authority and academical administration belonging to him in the University Which resignation under his hand and seal he sent with his Letter of the 25 of the said month to Oxford giving therein very great tokens in a lamenting manner of his love and affection to the University Both which being received they were after a new Chancellour had been elected answer'd with great affection and piety On first of July following the said resignation being published in Convocation Philip Herbert Earl of Pembroke and Mountgomery c. High Steward of the University was then elected Chancellour and on the eight of the said month was installed in his House called Bay●ards Castle in London The Vicechancellour of the University this year was John Prideaux D. D. Rector of Exeter Coll design'd by the new Chancellour Oct. 7 and soon after became Bish of Worcester But now Hierarchy dayly declining and Bishops not only ejected from the number of Peers in Parliament but also divers Ecclesiastical Persons deprived of acting in secular affairs as aliene from their profession this our worthy Vicechancellour both a spiritual and a temporal Judge next to the Chanc. in academical causes being thereupon thought not fit at least with safety to execute his office the Chanc. by his Letters dated 2 of Mar. this year appointed a Laical person named Giles Sweit LL. D. his Commissary or Deputy to supply his turn in the Courts of Civil affairs of the University Which office tho it was for some time performed by him such were the times that required it yet the like example we never before or since had Proctors Baldwin Acland of Exet. Coll. May 15. Abrah Woodhead of Vniv Coll. May 15. Bach. of Arts. May 13 Pet. Mews of S. Joh. Coll. May 13 Will. How of S. Joh. Coll. The first of these two was afterwards successively Bish of Bathe and Wells and Winchester 25. Tho. Leigh of Wadh. Coll. He afterwards wrot his name Tho. Lye as you may see among the Writers under the year 1684. p. 575. Jun. 25. Rob. Frampton lately of C. C. C now of Ch. Ch. He was afterwards B. of Glocester Jul. 1. Joh. Newton of S. Edmunds Hall Oct. 19. Giles Collier of New Inn Nov. 9. George Hopkins of New Inn 11. Nathaniel Johnson of Hart Hall I set him down here not that he was afterwards a Writer but to distinguish him from Nath. Johnston M. D. of Pomfret in Yorkshire now living author of certain books and the collector of Antiquities of one of the Ridings in Yorkshire Nov. 18. Joh. Humphrey of Pemb. Coll. Dec. 4. Thom. Pierce of Magd. Coll. Jan. 18. Joh. Chetwind of Exet. Coll. The first and the last of these three are living and they having published several books are hereafter to be remembred Feb. 18. Tho. Vaughan alias Eugenius Philalethes of Jes Coll. Mar. 3. Joh. Pendarves of Exet. Coll. 24. Sam. Brunsell of Magd. Hall See among the created Doctors an 1660. Admitted in all this year 223. Bach. of Law Jun. 26. Tim. Baldwin of All 's Coll. Dec. 4. Humph. Newton of All 's Coll. Of the first of these two you may see more among the Doctors of the Civil Law an 1652. The other I have mention'd among the Writers in Joh. Newton an 1678. p. 472. Mast of Arts. May 13. George Sikes of S. Joh. Coll. He took the degree of Bach. of Arts 9. Ap. 1638 but then omitted by me to be put down under that year because I did not know that he was a Writer See more of him among the created Bach. of Div. an 1649. 20. Joh. Biddle of Magd. Hall 22 Rob. Mead of Ch. Ch. 22 Joh. Towers of Ch. Ch. Jun. 5. Hen. Birkhead of All 's C. Jul. 1. Joh. Osborne of New Inn. 7. Will. Hill of Mert. Coll. 8. Hen. Greisley of Ch. Ch. Dec. 4. Tho. Greenfield of Pemb. Coll. This is the same Thomas Greenfield who as I suppose was afterwards Preacher to the honorable Society of Linc. Inn at Lond and author of A Fast-sermon at S. Marg. Westm 12. Jun. 1661 on Isa Lond. 1661. qu. and of other things as I conceive which is all I know of him only that he was Son of Joseph Greenf Minister of one of the Combes in Somers Dec. 4. George Rogers of Linc. Coll. 16. Anthony Palmer of Ball. Coll. Adm. 122. Bach. of Phys Jul. 10. Nath. Heighmore of Trin. Coll. Two only besides him were admitted this year Bach. of Div. May 15. Thom. Wood of Ch. Ch. See among the Doctors of Div this year Oct. 22. Tho. Greaves of C. C. Coll. Nov. ... George Kendall of Ex. Coll. Franc. Cheynell of Mert. Coll. was a Candidate for the said Degree in the month of December but denied by the Regents for two reasons one of which was that he had preached against his Majesties Declaration Adm. 5. Doct. of Law Jun. 26. Will. Basset of All 's Coll. Jul. 6. Hen. Janson of All 's Coll. The first of these two died at or near Miskin in Glamorganshire in the beginning of 1677. Dec. 4. Joh. Nourse of Magd. Coll. He was afterwards a Captain of a Foot company in the service of his Maj. against the Rebels at Edghill fight where he was kill'd about the 23 of Octob. 1642. Doct. of Phys Jul. 13. Tho. Nourse of Linc. Coll. He was an eminent Physitian of his time and was of great practice in the City of Westminster especially after his
raising up his Excellency the L. Gen. Monke c. to deliver this Nation from thraldome and slavery on 2 Sam. 19.14 Lond. 1660. qu. 2 Cordifragium or the sacrifice of a broken heart Serm. at S. Pauls in Lond. 25 Nov. 1660 on Psal 51.17 Lond. 1661. qu. and of other things CREATIONS After the battel at Edghill in Warwickshire between his Majesties Forces and those belonging to the Parliament the King retired to Oxon and setling for a time in Ch. Ch. it was his pleasure that there should be a Creation in all faculties of such that had either done him service in the said battel or had retired to him at Oxon for shelter to avoid the barbarities of the Presbyterians then very frequent throughout the Nation Some called this Creation the Caroline Creation Bach. of Arts. From the first of Nov. to the 16 of Jan. were about 35 young Students actually created Bachelaurs of Arts in the head of whom was Tho. Wood or à Wood of Ch. Ch. Nov. 1. This person when he heard that the Forces belonging to the King and Parliament were drawing up to fight each other at Edghill threw off his gown ran thither did his Majesty good Service return'd on horseback well accoutred and afterwards was made an Officer See more among the Creations in 1647. The next that follow are these Mathew Skinner of Trin. Coll. son of Dr. Rob. Skinner Bishop of Oxon. He was afterwards Doctor of Phys Will. Slater Hen. Dudley c. Dec. 20. Conway Whitterne of Pemb. Coll. He was afterwards Captain of a Foot Company in his Maj. Service Jan. 16. Hen. Berkley of Or. Coll a younger son of Sir Hen. Berkley of Yarlington in Somersetshire Knight Will. Norrys of Pemb. Coll. was created about that time He was afterwards a Corner in the Lord Hoptous Army c. Bach. of Law From the 1 of Nov. to the 16 of January were actually created 15 Bachelaurs at least of the Civil Law of whom John Sutton George Walker Will. Birkenhead and Rich. Blome son of Joh. Blome of Brecknockshire Gent. were of the number Which last I here set down not that he was a man of note but only to distinguish him from one of both his names who was originally a Ruler of Paper and now a Scribler of books See in the first vol. p. 389.390 I find also to be created Bach. of the Civ Law an Inhabitant of S. Aldates Parish in Oxon called John Holloway Official to the Archdeacon and Registrary of Berkshire which John was father to Rich. Halloway sometimes Fellow of New Coll and afterwards a Counsellor of the Inner Temple and a person for several years well reputed in these parts for his upright dealing in his profession To which I must add that in 1677 he was by writ called to be Serjeant at Law and in 1683 he was knighted and made one of the Justices of the Kings Bench in the place of Just Thom. Raymond In th● beginning of July 1688 he and Sir Joh. Powell another Just of the same Bench did receive their Quietus from K. Jam. 2 because they had a little before given in their minds and opinions to the Jury in the Court of the Kings Bench at Westm at which time they were two of the four Judges in the Proceedings and Tryal in the case of William Archb. of Cant and six Bishops that the Petition of the said Archb. and Bishops to his Maj wherein they shewed the great averseness they found in themselves to the distributing and publishing in all their Churches his Majesties then late Declaration for liberty of Conscience c. was not libellous or seditious as Sir Rob. Wright L. Ch. Justice and Just Rich. Alleb●ne the other two Judges did Which act of Justice Holloway being much applauded by the true sons of the Church of England yet for other matters he was one of those many persons that were excepted out of the Act of Indemnity or Pardon of their Majesties K. Will. 3. and Qu. Mary dated 23 May 1690. Mast of Arts. From the first day of Nov. to the 21 of Feb were more than an hundred and forty Masters actually created of which number were these following Nov. 1. James Duke of York He was afterwards King of England by the name of K. James the 2. Dom. Henr. Howard Tho. Bosvile or Boswell a Kentish man of Aynsford I think and a Colonel in the Kings Army One Tho. Boswell who had been knighted by his Maj. at Durham in the beginning of May 1642 was buried in S Maries Church in Oxford 25 Oct. 1643. Whether he was the same who was created Master of Arts or the same Sir Tho. Boswell who had a daughter named Isabel the wife of Tho. Gifford Doctor of Physick before mentioned I cannot justly tell George Manwaring an Officer in the Kings Army Will. Dugdale one of the Officers of Arms called Rougecroix now 1642 lodging in Hart Hall This noted person who was son of John Dugdale son of James Dugdale of Clether●w in Lancashire Gent was born at Shustock in the County of Warwick on the 12 of Sept. 1605 3 Jac. 1. at which time was a swarm of Bees in his fathers garden then esteemed by some a happy presage on the behalf of the Babe This accident being many years after related by Mr. Will. Dugdale to the famous Figure-flinger Will. Lilly he thereupon very readily told him that that swarm of bees did foretell that the Infant should in time prove a prodigy of industry c. But the Reader is to know that the said Lilly told him the said Will. Dugdale so after most of his industry was made public His first education in Grammar learning was under one Thom. Sibley Curat at Nether Whitacre near to Shustock before mentioned with whom continuing till he came to ten years of age or more was afterwards sent to the Free-school at Coventry then presided by one James Cranford father of James Cranford mentioned among the Writers pag. 133. After he had continued in the said School till almost he was 15 years of age he was taken home by his father from whom he received instructions in reading that noted Law-book called Littletons Tenures and some others of that profession besides History In all which he soon after by his indefatigable industry became well vers'd In the latter end of 1622 his father being then grown infirm he took to him a wife and in 1625 1 Car. 1. his said father being then dead he purchased the Mannour of Blythe in the Parish of ●hustock At which place setling soon after he composed most of his Books particularly that of The An●iquities of Warwickshere illustrated His natural inclination tending then chiefly to the study of Antiquities and History he was not a little encouraged thereto by one Sam. Roper a Barrester of Lincolns Inn much esteemed for his knowledge and abilities in those studies with whom by reason he was Cosin-German to Rich. Seawell who had married his sister he had
favour he had free access Nor was he less careful to obtain the like access for him to the Records in the Tower of London by his interest with old Mr. Collet the chief Clerk at that time there under Sir John Burroughs whom he amply rewarded with sundry kind gratuities for his friendliness in assisting Mr. Dugdale with what he thought proper for his purpose from those rarities there reposed He also about that time was introduced by the said Mr. Roper into the acquaintance of Sir Tho. Cotton Baronet whereby he had free access to that incomparable Library in his house near Westminster Hall began and set up by his father that noted Antiquary Sir Rob. Cotton Baronet where finding rare MSS. and original Charters in that incomparable Treasury made such Collections thence as were of singular use in several Volumes which have since been made publick by the press He was likewise introduced by the said Mr. Roper into the acquaintance of Mr. Scipio Squire then one of the Vicechamberlains of the Exchequer thro whose kindness and favour he had access to that venerable Record called Domesday-book as also to the Fines Plea-Rolls and sundry other Records remaining in the Treasury there Nor was Sir Christ Hatton backward in giving him all possible encouragement in those his studies For having seconded Sir H. Spelman in recommending him to the Earl of Arundel that Earl sent for him in Septemb. following an 1638 and obtained the Kings Warrant to create him a Pursevant at Arms extraordinary by the title of Blanch Lyon and thereupon so created him at the Kings royal Pallace of Richmond in Surrey upon the 24 of that instant Sept. Also upon the removal of Mr. Edw. Walker then Pursevant called Rogue-Croix to the Office of Chester Herald his Lordship obtained his Majesties Letters Pat. for creating him Rogue-Croix Pursevant in ordinary bearing date 18 of Mar. 1639. By which means having a Lodging in the Heralds Office and some benefit by funerals and other ways with the yearly Salary of 20 l. out of the Kings Exchequer for his support he thenceforth spent the greatest part of his time in London in order to the augmenting his Collections out of the Records in the Tower and other places in and near the said City till by the influence of a very forward and predominant Party in the most unhappy Parliam that began at Westm 3 Nov. 1640 which aiming at the subversion of Religion established which came afterwards to pass and unjustifiable extirpation of monarchick Government whereby nothing less could be expected than the profaning of all places of Gods publick Worship destruction of monuments in Churches and defacing whatsoever was beautiful and ornamental therein the said Mr. Dugd. therefore receiving encouragement from Sir Chr. Hatton before mention'd then a member of the H. of C. for Higham-Ferres in Northamptonsh who timely foresaw the near approaching storm did in the summer time 1641 taking with him one Will. Sedgwick a skilful Arms-painter repair first to the Cathedral of S. Paul within the City of London and next to the Abbey Church of Westminster and there made exact draughts of all the monuments in each of them copied the Epitaphs according to the very letter as also of all Arms in the Windows or cut in stone All which being done with great exactness Mr. Dugdale rode to Peterborough in Northamptonshire Ely Norwich Lincoln Newark upon Trent Beverley Southwell Kingston upon Hull York Selby Chester Lichfield Tanworth Warwick and did the like in all those cathedral collegiate conventual and divers other parochial Churches wherein any tombs and monuments were to be found to the end that the memory of them in case if that ruin then eminent might come to pass might be preserved for future and better times As it was feared so it soon after fell out all things thro the influence of the predominant party in that Parliament looking every day more and more that way insomuch as in the middle of January following the King himself his Queen and royal issue forc'd by tumults were constrained to betake themselves for safety to other places viz. the King Prince and Duke of York unto the City of York and the Queen to her own relations in France His Majesty being therefore necessitated at that time to continue in those northern parts where many of the Nobility attended him he did by his Warrant under his royal Signet manual bearing date 1 June 1642 command the said Mr. Dugdale forthwith to repair thither to him according to the duty of his place Upon the reception of which he obeyed and continued at York till about the middle of July at which time he received his Majesties farther command to attend Spencer Earl of Northampton then L. Lieutenant of the County of Warwick who was endeavouring to secure the chief places of that County and near it and to disperse the Forces under the Lord Brook which he had gathered together for the Parliament by the Trained-Band Soldiers and other loyal persons under him But they having secur'd the Castles of Banbury and Warwick Mr. Dugdale did by command from his Maj. who was advised at York of their proceedings in his Coat of Arms with a Trumpet sounding before him repair to those Castles and required them to disband and to deliver up their Arms requiring also the said L. Brook and his Adherents to disband c. Accordingly the Castle of Banbury with all the Arms and Ammunition therein were delivered up but the Castle of Warwick being a place of more strength and defended by a greater number of Soldiers under the command of Sir Edw. Peto of Chesterton in that County Knight they did contemn the said Summons c. Afterwards when the King marched southward from York and had taken up his quarters for some time at Stonley house about 4 miles distant from Coventry on the 19 of Aug. 1642 Mr. Dugdale did by his Majesties special Warrant dated the next day summon the said City of Coventry a little before taken in for the use of the Parliament with his Coat bearing the Kings Arms thereon and a Trumpet sounding before him to the end that the Defenders deliver up their Arms to his Majesty and depart peaceably to their respective homes c. but they obstinately denying his Summons he proclaimed them Traytors and forthwith returned Afterwards he attended the King at Kineton commonly called Edghill in Warwickshire where the grand battel between him and his Army and that belonging to the Parliament was fought on the 23 of Oct. 1642. Which battel being finished and the royal party victorious he attended his Maj. to Oxon and thence to Reading and Brainford his Maj. intending for London but finding the power of the Rebels much recruited by the Inhabitants of that populous City he did after some skirmishes had at Brainford where the royal party took many Prisoners return to Oxford fix his chief residence there and fortified that City with Bulwarks for the better
was esteemed by those thereof a learned man as were his contemporaries Jam. Birch Philip Flower and Dan. Evans all three Bachelaurs of Div. and fellows of the said Coll. No. 1. Jaspar Mayne of Ch. Ch. No. 1. Rob. Joyner of Pemb. Coll. The last succeeded Will. Cartwright in the Succentorship of Salisbury Jan. 16. Aylmer Lynch of Cambridge Jan. 16. Edw. Fulham of Ch. Ch. Jan. 16. Henry Myriell of Cambr. Jan. 16. Joh. Gurgany of Mert. Coll. The first of these four was after his Majesties restauration made Prebend of Stratford in the Church of Salisbury and of Welton-Westhall in the Church of Linc. The third Hen. Myriell died 22. Apr. 1643 aged 33 years and was buried in Allsaints Church in Oxon. As for Fulham and Gurgany there will be mention made of them in these Fasti an 1660. Tho 't is said that Nath. Conopius a Greecian and about this time one of the petty Canons of Ch. Ch. was actually created Bach. of Div yet no thing appears in the University register of that matter Doct. of Law From the first of Nov. to the 21. of Febr. were actually created 60 or more Doctors of the Civil Law the names of most of which do follow Nov. 1. Rob. Lord Pierpont Vicount Newark and Earl of Kingston upon Hull sometimes a Gent. Com. of Oriel Coll. was actually created Doct. of the said faculty He was now Lieutenant General of all his Majesties forces within the Counties of Lincolne Rutland Huntingdon Cambridge and Norfolk and lost his life in his service near to Gaynsborough in Lincolnshire 30 of July 1643. The most Loyal Sir Franc. Wortley hath an Elegy on him in his Characters and Elegies which being just and deservedly spoken of him I shall refer the Reader to it but the book I doubt is scarce to be seen or had This most noble Count Pierpont was Father to Henry Marq. of Dorchester born at Mansfield in Nottinghamshire an 1606 educated for some time in Eman. Coll. in Cambr and afterwards was a hard Student for 10 or 12 hours every day Upon the breaking out of the Civil War in 1642 he adhered to his Majesty was with him at Oxon after the battel at Edghill and had a degree confer'd on him or at least was incorporated tho neglected to be registred by the common scribe of the University He was then esteemed a learned man as being well read in the Fathers Schoolmen Casuists the Civil and Can. Law and reasonably well vers'd in the common Law having about that time been admitted a Bencher of Greys Inn. In 1649 he applyed his study to Medicine and Anatomy and in 1658 he was admitted Fellow of the Coll. of Phys at Lond and became their pride and glory He hath published 1 Two speeches spoken in the House of Lords One Concerning the rights of Bishops to sit in Parliament 21 of May and the other Concerning the lawfulness and conveniency of their intermedling in temporal affairs on the 24 of the same month Lond. 1641. in one sh and an half in qu. 2 Speech to the Trained-bands of Nottinghamshire at Newark 13 July 1642 Lond. 1642. qu. 3 Letter to John Lord Roos written the 13 and printed on one side of a sheet of paper on the 25 of Feb. 1659. It was written upon occasion of some differences between the said Lord Roos and his Wife Anne Daughter of the said Marquess From which Lord the said Anne was afterwards for her whorishness lawfully divorced by sentence of the Court-Christian and then commonly known by the name of the Lady Anne Vaughan As soon as the said Letter was received by the Lord Roos he wrot another in answer to it in a buffooning stile 25 Feb. 1659 assisted therein by Sam. Butler afterwards known by the name of Hudibras which being printed also on one side of a sh of paper the Marq. made a reply with another paper entit 4 The reasons why the Marq. of Dorchester printed his letter 25. Feb. 1659 together with his answer to a printed paper called A true and perfect copy of the Lord Roos his answer to the Marquess of Dorchesters Letter written 25. Februar 1659. Printed 20. of March 1659 on one side of a sh of paper He the said Marquess hath as 't is probable other things extant or at least fit to be printed which I have not yet seen He died in his house in Charterhouse yard near London 8. Decemb. 1680 whereupon his body after it had laid in state for some time was conveyed to his antient Seat called Holme-Pierpont in Nottinghamshire where it was buried in the Church of that place among the sepulchers of his name and family Soon after was published an Elegy on this noble and generous Marquess by John Crouch sometimes his domestick servant which being too large for this place shall be now omitted Rob. Dormer Earl of Caernarvan was actually created at the same time Nov. 1 This most loyal Count who was Mercurio magnus sed Marti major was kill'd the next year at Newbury fight and soon after had an Elegy made on him by Sir Francis Wortley before mention'd which is printed among his Characters and Elegies His body was for the present deposited in Jesus Coll. Chappel but soon after removed to his seat in Bucks James Lord Compton He was afterwards Earl of Northampton Lieutenant of the County of Warwick as also of the City of Coventry Recorder likewise of the said City as also of Northampton and of Tamworth and did excellent service for his Majesty in the time of the Rebellion especially by his routing the Parliament Forces near Banbury 6 of May 1643. He died at Castle-Ashby in Northamptonshire 15 Dec. 1681 and was buried in a Vault by his Ancestors under the Church of Compton Winniate commonly called Compton in the hole in Warwickshire He had a younger brother named Sir Charles Compton a most valiant person and one that had done his Maj. great service in the said Rebellion He died in the latter end of Nov. 1661 being then a Parl. man for the Town of Northampton and was buried at Sywell in Northamptonshire Robert Lord Rich. The same if I mistake not that was afterwards Earl of Holland Colonel Sir John Byron Knight of the Bath lately Lieutenant of the Tower of London He was about this time made Field-Marshal of all his Majesties Forces in the County of Worcester Salop Chester and North-Wales and in the 19 of Car. 1. was advanced to the title of Lord Byron of Rochdale in Lancashire Sir Will. Le Neve Kt Clarenceaux King of Arms. This person was of the antient family of his name living at Aslacton in Norfolk received some Academ education in Caies Coll. in Cambridge and afterwards by the favour of the Earl Marshal of England was created Herald extraordinary by the title of Mowbray 29 June 1624. Soon after he was made York Herald was imployed into France in the first of Car. 1 and from thence attended Qu. Henrietta Maria into
same with the other then was he created D. D. at 5 years standing in the degree of Bachelaur The said Matthew Fowler was now deeply engaged in his Majesties service for which afterwards he suffered as other Royallists did After his Majesties restauration he became Rector of the rich Church of Whitchurch in Shropshire in the place of Dr. Nich. Bernard deceased where he continued to his dying day He hath published besides Totum hominis mention'd in the Fasti an 1637 a Sermon entit The properties of heavenly wisdome preached at the Assizes held at Shrewsbury in the County of Salop. Lond. 1681-2 qu. He died on S. Stephens day 1683 aged 66 years and was buried in the Chancel of the Church at Whitchurch before mention'd Soon after was a black marble monument set up in the north wall over his grave with an inscription thereon wherein 't is said that he was almost 22 years Rector of the said Church that he was descended of the antient family of his name living in Staffordshire that he was first of the Vniversity of Oxon and afterwards of Cambridge and the ornament and glory of both and that when he was a young man of Ch. Ch he was one of the chief of those many Scholars that stood up and valiantly defended the Kings cause c. Other persons also occur created the same day or at least were nominated by his Majesty to be promoted Doctors of Divinity when they were pleased to make intimation to the Vicechancellour as one Ramsd●n of Linc. Coll King of Magd. Hall Babington of Ch. Ch. c. Jan. 31. Rob. Marks of Merton Coll. Jan. 31. Rich. Langston of Merton Coll. Jan. 31. Will. Cox of New Coll. Jan. 31. John Jones of Bras Coll. Thom. Hook of Cambr. was created the same day Feb. 21. William Bayly a Dignitary in Ireland He was soon after made Bishop of Clonfort and Kilmacogh in that Country Feb. 21. Thom. Browne of Ch. Ch. Feb. 21. Mich. Hudson of Qu. Coll. Feb. 21. Thom. Bourman of Cambr. One Rob. Boreman or Bourman Brother to Sir Will. Bourman Clerk of the Green-cloth to K. Ch. 2. was Fellow of Trin. Coll. in Cambr and afterwards D. of D. and Rector of S. Giles Church in the Fields n●●● London but what relation he had to the said Thomas I cannot yet tell This Robert who seems to be of the family of the Boremans in the Isle of Wight hath written several things among which are 1 The Countrymans Catechisme or the Churches plea for tithes Lond. 1651. qu. 2 The triumph of learning over ignorance and of truth and falshood Being an answer to four quaeries first whether there be any need of Vniversities c. Lond. 1653. qu. 3 Life and death of Freeman Sonds Esq 4 Relation of Sir George Sonds narrative of the passages on the death of his two Sons Both printed at Lond. in qu. The said Freeman Son of Sir George was hanged for murdering his Brother 5 A mirrour of Christianity and a mirrour of charity or a true and exact narrative of the life and death of Alice Dutchess Duddeley c. Lond. 1669. qu. The said Dutchess who had been the Wise of Sir Rob. Dudley died in her house near the Church of S. Giles in the fields 22. Jan. 1668 aged 90 years 6 Sermon on Philip. 3.20 Ibid. 1669. qu. This person Dr. Boreman after he had spent his time in celebacy died at Greenwich in Kent in the Winter time 1675. Mar. 4. Laurence Hinton of Mert. Coll. Prebend of Winchester He died at Shilbolton or Chilbolton in Hampshire of which he was Rector an 1658. 24. Will. Sherbourne of S. John Coll. in this Univ. and Prebend of Hereford He suffered afterwards much for the Kings cause and lost all his spiritualities but being restored to them again after his Majesties return enjoyed himself in a quiet repose for almost 20 years He died at Pembridge in Herefordsh of which he was Rector in the month of Apr. 1679 aged 92 years An. Dom. 1643. An. 19. Car. 1. Chanc. the same viz. Philip Earl of Pembroke and Mountgomery c. but he being thought unworthy to bear the said office by the King and University forasmuch as he was actually against the former in the present War and altogether neglected the other the K. authorized the members thereof to make choice of another wherefore they calling a convocation on the 24 of Octob. did elect for their Chancellour one that had been formerly of Magd. Coll viz. Will. Marquess of Hertford Vicount Beauchamp Baron Seymour c and on the 31 of the said month they admitted and installed him in the House of convocation then in the north chap. joyning to S. Maries Church in the presence of the Bishops of Bathe and Wells Salisbury Rochester and divers of the Nobility that were then in the University Vicechanc. Joh. Tolson D. D. Provost of Oriel who continuing in his office till the 18 of Nov Dr. Pink before mention'd succeeded him Proct. George Wake of Magd. Coll. Apr. 12. Will. Cartwright of Ch. Ch. Apr. 12. The senior Proctor having sprain'd his leg or else put it out of joynt and therefore not able to come to the convocation house to be admitted that ceremony a dispensation being first granted was performed in his Chamber at Magd. Coll. As for the other Proctor he dying 29. Nov. Mr. Joh. Mapl●t of the same house succeeded Dec. 9. This year in the month of Oct. the courts of Parliament assembled in the Schools and there sate for some time so that upon that account and that the other Schools were employed as Granaries all exercises and lectures if any at all were performed in S. Maries Church Bach. of Arts. July 4. Joh. Ahier of New Coll. See among the Masters an 1646. Dec. 2. John Lakenby of Magd. Coll. This person who was the Son of Simon Lakenby of Shadford in the County Pal. of Durham did afterwards retire to S. Edm. Hall and lived there a close student till the Garrison of Oxon was surrendred an 1646. At which time perceiving the English Church tottering he went beyond the Sea changed his religion and was entred into the English Coll. at Doway After some time spent there he returned into England became Usher to James Shirley when he taught in the White Fryers at London in the time of Oliver but being seized on and imprisoned for some time was at length released and died in London in a mean condition He was accounted famous among those of his opinion for the Greek and Latin tongues and for ecclesiastical history Feb. 16. John Douch of Trin. Coll. This person who was a Dorsetshire man born hath extant A Serm. on 1. Sam. 10.24 Print 1660. qu. Adm. 73. Bach. of Law But two this year were admitted viz. John Jennings of S. Johns Coll. Apr. 20 and Thomas Godwin sometimes a member of this University Mast of Arts. Apr. 12. Gilb. Coles of New Coll. Apr. 12. Nich. Ward of Sydney
was admitted Master See among the created Bach. of Phys 1649. Dec. 8. Joh. Rowe of Cambridge in Old England Two days after he was admitted Master as I have before told you Mast of Arts. Seven or more Masters of the said Univ. of Cambridge were incorporated but such obscure persons they were that nothing can be said of them Oct. 10. Will. Hamilton M. A. of the Univ. of Glascow in Scotland This person who was noted among the Presbyterians for a learned man was put in Fellow of All 's Coll. this year by the Visitors but left it in 1651 because he refused the Independent Oath called the Engagement Afterwards he took his rambles setled and had some place bestowed on him but what I cannot tell Among several things that he hath written is a Pamphlet intit Some necessity of reformation c. Printed 1660 1 in reply to a Pamphlet written by the learned Dr. Joh. Pearson intit No necessity of Reformation c. in answer to Reasons shewing the necessity of reformation c. See in Corn. Burges p. 237 in Hen. Savage p. 366 and in Jo. Biddle p. 198. There were also 4 English-men who were Masters of Arts of the University of S. Andrew incorporated but not one of them was afterwards a Writer Bishop or man of note Two of them were at present of Merton Coll who afterwards were prefer'd by the Visitors to be Fellows of Colleges in the places of Royalists ejected viz. one of Wadh. and another of Brasn Coll. Doct. of Phys Apr. 14. Edm. Trench Anglo-Nordovicensis Doct. of Physick of Bourges in France He took that degree there in 1638. John Micklethwait a Yorksh. man born who had taken the degree of Doct. of Phys at Padua in Italy 1638 was incorporated also the same day Apr. 14. He was now one of the Coll. of Physitians was several years after President thereof Physitian in ord to K. Ch. 2 from whom he received the honour of Knighthood and dying on Friday 28 July 1683 aged 70 years was buried in the lower end of the Church on the north side of S. Botolph without Aldersgate London George Rogers of Linc. Coll. Doct. of Phys of Padua was incorporated the same day Apr. 14. He is now as I conceive or at least was lately President of the Coll. of Physitians hath published certain things and therefore is to be remembred hereafter Oct. 13. Rob. Waydesden Doct. of Phys of Cambridge was then incorporated CREATIONS There were two or more Creations this year in all faculties which were called the Pembrockian Creations because they were made by the command of Philip Earl of Pembroke Chancellour of the University while he continued in Oxon to brake open Lodgings and give possession to the new Heads of the Presbyterian Gang. The Creations were made on the 12 14 and 15 of April and those that were not then created are not to be numbred among those of Pembrockian Creations Bach. of Arts. Twenty and three were created of which ten were of Magd. Hall yet but two were afterwards Writers as I can yet find viz. Apr. 15. Joh. Barnard of Linc. Coll. Apr. 15. Tho. Neast of Magd. Hall The last was afterwards made Fell. of New Coll. by the Visitors See more among the Masters an 1650. Bach. of Law Apr. 14. Benjamin Needler of S. Johns Coll. He was the only person that was created Bach. of Law He is mentioned among the Writers under the year 1682. Mast of Arts. Among 61 Masters that were created are these following Apr. 12. Charles Dormer Earl of Caernarvan Grandson by the Mother to Philip Earl of Pembroke Apr. 12. James Herbert Sons of the Earl of Pembroke Apr. 12. John Herbert Sons of the Earl of Pembroke Apr. 12. Sir Will. Cobbe of Adderbury in Oxfordshire Visitors of the Univ. appointed by the Parliam Apr. 12. Will. Tipping of Draycot Esq in Oxfordshire Visitors of the Univ. appointed by the Parliam Apr. 12. Joh. Cartwright of Aynoe in Northampt●shire sometimes of Brasn Coll. Visitors of the Univ. appointed by the Parliam Apr. 12. Joh. Wilkinson Gent. Visitors of the Univ. appointed by the Parliam All these besides three more whose Christian names occur not were presented by Sir Nath. Brent to the new Vicechanc. Dr. Reynolds at which time the Chancellour of the Univ. sate in the supream chair in the convocation-Convocation-house Apr. 14. Lieut. Col. Tho. Kelsey commonly called Colonel Kelsey now Deputy-Governour of the Garrison of Oxon for the Parliament was then actually created M. of A. This person who had been a mean Trader in Birchin-Lane in London a godly Button-maker as I have heard was a great Creature of Ol. Cromwell who made him a Commissioner of the Admiralty worth 500 l. per an and Major Gen. for Kent and Surrey the Salary for one of which Counties came to 666 l. 13 s. 4 d per an besides the Revenues due to him as being Governour of Dover Castle After his Majesties restauration when then he was deprived of all his places he took upon him the trade of Brewing in London lived at least 20 years after and died but in a mean condition as I have heard Francis Allen a Captain in Oxford Garrison was created the same day He afterwards lived at or near Abendon and died but in a sorry condition One of both his names a Goldsmith in Fleetstreet London son of the poor Vicar of Gretton in Northamptonshire was one of the Judges of K. Ch. 1. and a constant Rumper but whether of any kin to the Captain I cannot tell Thom. Wait another Judge of the said King was the son of an Ale-house Keeper of Market Overton but he was not created Latimer Cross lately Manciple of Magd. Hall now Steward of Magd. Coll. He died 3 Dec. 16●7 and was buried in Magd. Coll. Chappel whereupon his Stewardship was bestowed by the then President on a godly brother called Elisha Coles Francis Howell of Exet. Coll. He was afterwards one of the Proctors of the University moral Philosophy Reader and at length Principal of Jesus Coll. by the favour of Ol. Cromwell as being an Independent to the purpose After his Majesties restauration he was turn'd out of his Principality so that living mostly in and near London a Nonconformist and a Conventicler died at Bednal Green in Middlesex on the 8 or 10 of Mar. 1679. Afterwards his body being conveyed to the phanatical Burying-place joyning to the New Artillery yard near London was there buried in the presence of a great many Dissenters Sam. Lee of Magd. Hall was created also the same day He was afterwards made Fellow of Wadham Coll became a Writer and Publisher of several Books and is now living in New England John Milward of New Inn was created the same day Apr. 14. This person who was soon after made Fell. of C. C. Coll. by the Visitors continued always after a Nonconformist and died so Under his name is published a Sermon intit How we ought to love our neighbour as
head of a considerable party of desperate Phanaticks near to Daventry in Northamptonshire to hinder if possibly it might be not only the said Settlement but Restauration of the King he the said Col. Ingoldesbie did with his own Regiment and some other Troops and Companies of Foot such as he could confide in draw towards him and about the 23 of Apr. making an Onset took Lambert with his own hands while the other prime Officers were taken by others of Ingoldesbie's party c. Whereupon for this his good service his Majesty did not only spare his life as having been one of his fathers Judges but gave order that he should be made a Knight of the Bath at his Coronation which accordingly was done Afterwards he retired to Lethenborough lived several years after in a quiet repose and died in the beginning of Sept. 1685. Before which time his Estate at Lethenborough was as it was then reported sold to Elianor Gwynn for the use of her natural son which she had by K. Ch. 2. called Sir Charles Beaucleer Earl of Burford and afterwards Duke of S. Albans This Col. Ingoldesbie was elder brother to Henry Ingoldesbie a Colonel also in the Parliam Army and to Thomas a Captain c. May 19. Col. John Hewson a Colonel of Foot was also presented by Proct. Zanchy and by him conducted to his place among the other Officers He was sometimes an honest Shoomaker in Westminster but getting little by that trade he in the beginning of the grand rebellion went out a Captain upon the account of the blessed cause was very zealous for it fought on stoutly and in time became a Colonel When K. Ch. 1. was by the godly brethren brought to trial for his life he sate as one of the Judges consented to the sentence passed upon him and sealed and subscribed the warrant for his execution Afterwards for his said service he became Governour of Dublin one of the Council of State in July 1653 a member of the Little or Barebones Parliament held the same year and of all the Parliaments since before his Majesties restauration a Knight also of the new stamp and at length one of Olivers Lords to have a negative voice in the Other House Upon an infallible foresight of the turn of the times he conveyed himself away into Holland to save his neck and soon after died and was buried at Amsterdam about 1662 as the vulgar report went at that time Colonel John Okey was another great Officer that was then also presented by Proct. Zanchy May 19. and by him conducted to the rest His parentage was as mean as his calling having been originally as 't is supposed a Dray-man afterwards a Stroaker in a Brew-house at Islington near London and then a poor Chandler near Lyon-Key in Thamestreet in London At length changing his Apron for a Buff-coat he became thro certain military degrees a Col. of Dragoons and by the artifice of Cromwell had unknowing to him his name inserted among the Kings Judges and so consequently was by him appointed to sit among that diabolical crew which if he refus'd to do he knew full well it would displease Cromwell much and in the end contract prejudice against him This Fellow who was of greater bulk than brains and of more strength than wit or conscience left Cromwell when he saw that he aimed at the office of a single person sided with the Anab. and Fift-Monarchy-men and thereupon was committed to custody for a time and his Regiment taken from him and given to a great Creature of Ol. called Ch. L. Howard afterwards E. of Carlile At length upon a foresight of the return of Monarchy he fled into Holland and setling at Delf● in a very timorous condition under the name of Frederick Williamson because his fathers name was William with Miles Corbet and John Barkstead two other Regicides the last of which went by the name of Joh. Harman they were all seized upon in the beginning of March 1661 by the forward Endeavours of Sir George Downing his Majesties Envoy or Resident at the Hague by order from the States they being then in an Ale-house Soon after they were sent to England in the Blackamore Frigot and upon their arrival were committed Prisoners to the Tower of London Afterwards being convey'd to the Kings-bench Bar at Westm Hall to know what they could say for themselves why Execution should not pass upon them they were returned to the Tower again and on the 19 of April 1662 were all convey'd thence each in a Sledge to Tybourn and there hang'd drawn and quarter'd Afterwards Okey's quarters were instead of being hang'd on several gates of the City of London permitted by his Majesty's order to be inter'd by his Relations because he had behaved himself dutifully towards him in his last words at the Gallows Soon after were publish'd their Speeches and Prayers together with several passages at the time of their Execution at Tybourne with some due and sober animadversions on the said Speeches Lond. 1662. in 5 sh in qu. and A letter from Col. Barkstead Col. Okey and Mil. Corbet to their friends in their congregational Churches in Lond. with the manner of their apprehension Lond. 1662 in 1 sh in qu. But this last is a feigned thing and reflects upon Sir Geor. Downing as a Revolter from their Cause as indeed he was which afterwards was his advancement He was then a member of that Parl. which began at Westm 8 of May 1661 wherein acting much to the great dislike of those that took themselves to be the honest party of the House had this character given of him Sir Geor. Downing a poor child bred upon charity like Judas betray'd his Master What can his Country expect He drew and advised the Oath of renouncing the Kings family and took it first himself For his honesty fidelity c. he was rewarded by his Maj. with fourscore thousand pounds at least and is a Commissioner of the Customes the House-bell to call the Courtiers to vote at six of the clock at night an Exchecquer teller c. May 19. Geor. Sedascue Adjutant General of the Parliament Army was also then presented and took his place He had been a Cornet of Horse in the Expedition against the Rebels in Ireland 1641. 42. Col. Edward Grosvenour Quartermaster General of the said Army was presented and created M. of A. the same day In 1656 he was chose Burgess for Westminster to serve in that Parl. which began 17 of Sept. the same year he being then a favourite of Oliver and for the same place also to serve in Richards Parliament c. May 19. Owen Roe Scoutmaster General was also then created and conducted by Proctor Zanchy to the rest of the Officers He was originally a Silk-man and in the beginning of the Rebellion being a violent Covenantier and afterwards an Independent was by Oliver's interest made a prime Officer Lieut. Col. I think in the Militia of London and
Sir are my instructions The K. took a view of and finding them proper men well mounted and armed smilingly told the Cornet His instructions were in fair characters and legible without spelling The Cornet then pressed the King to go along with him no prejudice being intended but rather satisfaction The King told him he would not stir unless the Commissioners went along with him The Cornet replyed that for his part he was indifferent However the Commissioners in this interim had by an Express acquainted the Parl. with this violence and so soon as they perceived his Majesty was inclinable to go with Joyce and that it was the Kings pleasure they should follow him they knew not whither they immediately made themselves ready And after that they had put several questions to the Cornet whose answers were insignificant and saw full well that reason was of no force to disswade nor menaces to affright they were willing to attend the K. at all adventures This audacious attempt exceedingly troubled the Commissioners and the more for that they knew not how to help it as well appeared by their countenances for indeed it sadned the hearts of many The K. was the merriest in the company having it seems some confidence in the Army especially from some of the greatest there as was imagined The K. being in his coach call'd the Earls of Pembroke and Denbigh as also the L. Mountague into it The other Commissioners members of the H. of Commons being well mounted followed leaving Holdenby languishing for that beautiful and stately structure was in two years after pulled down among other Royal Houses whereby the splendor of the Kingdom was not a little ecclips'd as it since appeared His Majesty following his guide the confident Cornet he went that night to Hinchingbroke where he lodged in the fair mansion house of Col. Edw. Mountague made Earl of Sandwich after the restauration of K Ch. 2. whose Lady was daughter to Joh. Crew Esq then one of the Commissioners and afterwards created a Baron by K. Ch. 2. in which House his Maj. was treated with honour and welcome as were also the Commissioners From Hinchingbrooke the K. went next night to Childerley a house of Sir Joh. Cutts not far from Cambridge to which during his Majesties three days stay many Doctors Graduats and Scholars of that University repaired To most of whom the K. was pleased to give his hand to kiss for which honour they returned their gratulatory and humble thanks with a V●vat Re● Thither also came Fairfax the General of the Parl. Army Lieut. Gen. Cromwell Commissary Gen. Hen. Ireton Maj. Gen. Philip Ski●pon Lieut. Gen. of the Ordnance Tho. Hammond Col. Joh Lambert Col. Edw. Whalley Col. Rich. Deane Col. Charles Rich and several other Field and Commission Officers some of which as soon as they came into the presence kist his Majesties hand after the General who had began the way These things being done the K. took the General aside in the first place and discours'd with him the General unask'd disavowed his Majesties seizure by Joyce at Holdenby as done without his order and approbation but probably by some other powerful Officer in the Army seeing that Joyce was neither at a Council of War or otherwise called into question for it and by his Letter declared no less to the Parliament Whereupon as 't is farther reported the K. made answer that unless he would hang up Joyce he would not believe him c. From thence he went to Newmarket where he made a considerable stay and thence to Royston where continuing two or three days a certain Envoy from some German Prince whose dead father had been a Companion to the Knights of the most noble Order of the Garter made an Address to his Majesty with a Letter and a return of the George and Garter richly set with Diamonds according to the usual custom and to receive his Majesties direction with whom to be deposited A military Officer Whalley before mention'd afterwards one of the Kings Judges being in the room was so malepert as to interpose and would be privy to what the Envoy had to communicate to the King who by his frown expressing his displeasure at so great rudeness towards him and incivility to a stranger Mr. Babington the Kings Barber instructed the Officer better by a removal which the King was pleased with and the Officer had a reproof from the General for his disrespect to his Majesty Afterwards his Majesty by easie journeys went to Hampton Court where he continued in great splendour near a quarter of an year in which time there were great hopes of an accommodation and conclusion of peace between him and his Parliament but being frighted thence by the endeavours of the Adjutators of the Army at Putney he retired obscurely to the Isle of Wight and how he was violently taken thence and hurried to Hurst Castle you shall hear more anon As for Joyce before mention'd a pragmatical and busie person who had been a godly Taylor in London and perswaded and egg'd on by a godly Minister of that City to take up arms for the righteous Cause had soon after the said audacious act was by him performed his Arrears paid and was made at least a Captain and at length a Colonel But after Oliver had advanc'd himself to the Protectorate and thereupon had cashier'd and imprison'd divers prime Officers who worse than malign'd him for so doing an 1654 this Col. Joyce became a Malecontent at the change and signified so much to Olivers face whom he upbraided with his own service and his faithfulness but escaped any other censure than a bidding him be gone Cromwell well knowing him to be one of those mad men that would say and do any thing they were bid The next that I am to mention who had the degr of M. of A. confer'd on him if he would please to accept of it was Lieut. Colon. Ralph Cobbet an Officer in Col. Faithful Fortescue's Regiment The Reader may be pleased now to observe that the Treaty for Peace at Newport in the Isle of Wight between the Commissioners appointed by Parliament and his Majesty being in a manner concluded insomuch that it was voted by the members thereof that his Majesties answers and concessions were a ground sufficient and satisfactory to both Houses of Parliament to proceed upon in order to a settlement of a peace of the Kingdom the Adjutators of the Army did thereupon conclude that if a Peace was setled the said Army should be disbanded and become useless and therefore they framing Cases and a Remonstrance setting forth their grievances and that the principal Actors of the Kings party in the late War should be proceeded against according to justice his Majesty not being excepted they ordered among themselves that the said Treaty should be broken off and the King's person secured for their own ends thus In the latter end of Nov. 1648 a considerable party of Horse and Foot belonging to
disconsolate and relegated place to walk two miles at least in length containing but a few paces in breadth either in the company of the Governour of the said Castle or in that of Captain Reynolds an Officer therein beside Harrington while he was there and Herbert who according to their duties did always attend him That which made some amendments was a fair and uninterrupted prospect a good way into the Sea a view into the Isle of Wight one way and main Land the other with the sight of Ships of all sizes daily under sail with which his Majesty was much delighted In this Castle his Majesty continued from the evening of the 30 of Nov. till the 21. of Dec. following an 1648. and what hapned in that interval I have partly told you in Jam. Harrington among the Writers under the year 1677. p. 437.438 About the 15 of the said month of Dec. Major Harrison came late at night with orders for the removal of his Majesty thence lodged there two nights and went away without seeing the King or speaking with any of his Attendants Two days after L. Col. Cobbet before mention'd came and acquainted his Majesty with the orders he had received for his remove thence to Windsore Castle forthwith The King told him he was more kind at that time than he was at Newport when he would not gratifie him or any other the knowledge of the place he was to go to Windsore was the place he ever delighted in and 't would make amends for what at Hurst he had suffer'd All things in short time being made ready he bad solitary Hurst adieu and having pass'd the narrow passage before mention'd which reaches well nigh from Hurst to Milford three long miles there appeared a party of Horse belonging to the Army who had then their Winter quarter at Lindhorsh and were ordered to convoy the King to Winchester but going first to Ringwood then through the New Forest to Rumsey went thence to the said City At his entrance therein the Mayor and Aldermen of the City did notwithstanding the times receive the King with dutiful respect and the Clergy did the like During his short stay there the Gentry and others of inferiour rank flock'd thither in great numbers to welcome his Majesty and out of zeal to pray for his enlargement and happiness with which the King was much satisfied and was pleased to give his hand to many of them to kiss Thence his Majesty rode to Alton and so to Alresford while the Inhabitants round about made hast to see his Majesty pass by and to pour forth their prayers for his preservation From thence he went to Farnham 'twixt which two Towns Major Harrison met him with a party of Horse to convey him to Windsore See more before in Thomas Harrison among these creations Bach of Phys May 19. Thomas Trapham Chyrurgion to the General of the Parl. Army was then actually created Bach. of Physick while the said General Cromwell and the aforesaid Officers were seated in their Gowns in the Doctors seats This person who was Son of John Trapham of Maidstone in Kent and had been licensed by the University to practice Chyrurgery an 1633 did practice it in these parts for some time before the grand rebellion broke forth Afterwards he turned tail for profit sake practiced in the Parliament Army and became a bitter enemy to his Majesty K. Ch. the first to whose body after his decollation in the latter end of Jan. 1648 he put his hand to open and embalm and when that was done he sewed his head to his body and that being done also he said to the company then present that he had sewed on the head of a Goose Afterwards he was Chyrurgeon to Oliver Cromwell at the fight at Worcester against K. Ch. 2 was a great man among his party and got what he pleased After his Majesties return he retired to the fanatical Town of Abendon in Berks practiced there among the Brethren and dying an absolute Bigot for the cause in the latter end of Dec. 1683 was buried on the 29 of the same month in the presence of a great number of Dissenters in the Church yard of S. Helen there close under one of the windows of that Church One of both his names and his Son as it seems I shall elsewhere mention Nov. 14. James Ward was actually created by the favour of Fairfax the General This person who was lately made Fellow of Magd. Coll. by the Visitors I have mentioned among the Incorporations an 1648. Jan. 14. Edm. Scrope eldest Son of Col. Adrian Scrope mention'd among the Creations of Bachelaurs of Arts this year was created by order of the Delegates of this University This ingenious and most comely Gentleman who had by the endeavours of his Father been made Fellow of All 's Coll. by the favour of the Committee and Visitors was afterwards Keeper of the Privy Seal in the Kingdom of Scotland He died much lamented by those that knew him in 1658 or thereabouts and was buried with solemnity by two or more Officers of Armes at Ch. Ch. alias the Grey-friers within Newgate in London Bach. of Div. May 19. Matthew Barten sometimes Mast of Arts of New Inn now a sturdy zealous and dayly Preacher up of the blessed cause in the Parliament Army was actually created Bach. of Div while the General Lieut. General and Officers were sitting in their respective stalls It was the pleasure then of Fairfax and Cromwell that George Sikes Jam. Baron Joh. Dale and Josh Cross all zealous and doughty Brethren for the said cause might be created Bachelaurs of Div. when they pleased June 8. George Sikes was created in a Convocation then held This person who was Son of George Sikes of Lutterworth in Leycestershire was originally of S. Johns Coll a Servitour I think and as a member of it he took the degrees in Arts. Afterwards siding with the faction he became a Presbyterian a Covenantier an Independent was made Fellow of Magd. Coll by the Com. and Visitors where he had his share of the old gold or spurroyals belonging to that house went away with and never restored them again as others did and took the Engagement became a great admirer and follower of Sir Hen. Vane junior and therefore esteemed by the generality an Anabaptist Fifth-monarchy man and a Hodg-podge of religions He hath written The life and death of Sir Hen. Vane Knight or a short narrative of the main passages of his earthly pilgrimage Printed 1662 in qu. 'T is a most canting and enthusiastical piece and the effects rather of a craz'd than setled brain And instead of giving the Reader an account of the birth extract breeding actions c. of that Knight usually called Sir Humerous Vanity he puts the Reader off with his such as 't is Divinity What else he hath written I know not nor any thing besides of the person only that he was a great encourager of Henry Stubbe in
his proceedings James Baron lately made Divinity Reader of Magd. Coll. by the Com. and Visitors was created the same day He was Son of George Baron of Plymouth in Devons had been puritanically educated in Exeter Coll and closing with the dominant party in the time of the rebellion got besides his Readers place to be Minister of one of the Hendreths in Berks and by the name of Mr. James Baron of Hendreth he was appointed one of the Assistants to the Commissioners of that County for the ejection of such whom the Saints called scandalous ignorant and insufficient Ministers and Schoolmasters that is Orthodox and Loyal Clergy After his Majesties restauration he retired to London and lived a Nonconformist mostly at or near Bunhill He hath published under the name of Jacobus Baronius a little thing printed on one side of a sheet entit Quaestiones Theologicae in usum Coll. Magd Oxon. Oxon. 1657 And with Thankful Owen did gather and publish the works of Thom. Goodwin in two vol. in fol. and set before them a canting preface He died in the beginning of the year 1683 and was buried as I have been informed near the graves of the Goodwin and Owen in the fanatical burial place near Bunhill-fields and the New Artillery-yard John Dale of Magd. Coll was created the same day June 8. As for Joshua Cross he was not created Bach. of Div. but Doct. of the Civil Law as I shall anon tell you Febr. 16. Sim. Ford of Ch. Ch. was created by dispensation of the Delegates On the 12. of Jan. going before the said Delegates decreed that the said Mr. Ford. sometimes of Magd. Hall who had been expelled the Vniversity with great injury as they said should be restored with all Academical honour imaginable and that his Grace be proposed for Bach. of Divinity c. He proceeded Doct. of Div. in 1665. Mar. 14. Will. Durham sometimes of New Inn now Chaplain to Will. Lenthall Master of the Rolls was created in Convocation by dispensation of the Delegates Doct. of Law May 19. Thomas Lord Fairfax Baron of Camerone in Scotland Generalissimo of all the Parliament Forces in England and Constable of the Tower of London was created Doctor of the Civil Law being then in Oxford and entertained by the members thereof as Cromwell and divers prime Officers were The ceremony of the Creation was thus After he had been adorned with a scarlet gown in the Apoditerium or Vestry belonging to the Convocation but without hood or cap the new Beadles who had not yet got their silver staves from those that were lately ejected conducted him with Cromwell towards the upper end of the Convocation House the members thereof then standing up bare whereupon Hierom Zanchy one of the Proctors rising from his seat which pro tempore was supplied by a Master and going to and standing on his left side took him by the right hand and presented him in a most humble posture to the Vicechanc. and Proctors standing with a short flattering Lat. speech such as 't was Which being done and he who then held the Chancellours Chair Dr. Chr. Rogers admitting him with another flattering speech by his authority or rather observance Zanchy and the Beadles conducted him up to the next place on the right hand of the Chancellours Chair This person who made a great noise in his time not only in England but throughout a great part of the world was Son and Heir of Ferdinando Lord Fairfax a busie and forward man in Yorkshire in raising men and maintaining the Parliament cause against his Majesty by the Lady Mary his Wife Daughter of Edmund Lord Sheffield Earl of Mulgrave which Ferdinando dying 13. March 1647 aged 64 years was buried in the Church of Bolton Percy in Yorkshire As for his Son Thomas whom we are farther to mention he was born at Denton in the Parish of Otlay in the same County in January 1611 9. Jac. 1. and was baptized at Denton on the 25 of the said month After he had spent some time in S. Johns Coll. in Cambridge to which afterwards in his latter days he was a benefactor he went beyond the Seas and spent the rest of his youth in martial discipline under the command of Horatio Lord Vere among whose forces he trailed a Pike in the Low Countries was at the considerable action of the taking of Busse in Flanders but had no command while he was there Afterwards he retired to his Fathers house and took to Wife Anne the Daughter and Coheir of the said Lord Vere by whom he had issue Mary born 3. July 1636 and Elizabeth The first of which was married to George Villiers Duke of Buckingham 19. Nov. 1657. In the beginning of the rebellion in 1642 when his Majesty was forced to raise a Guard at York for the defence of his Person this Sir Thomas Fairfax who was entrusted by his Country to prefer a petition to his Majesty the scope whereof was to beseech him to hearken to his Parliament and not raise Forces he did accordingly deliver it but his Majesty refusing it as a Parliamentarian Writer tells us he press'd it with that instance and intention following the King so close therewith in the Field call'd Heyworth-moor in the presence of near a hundred thousand People of the County the like appearance was ever hardly seen in Yorkshire that he at last did tender the same upon the pomel of his saddle But finding no propitiatory as the said author tells us and seeing a War could not be avoided he early paid the vows of his martial education and as soon as the unhappy troubles brake forth he took a Commission under his Father Ferdinando before mention'd whose timely appearance and performances for the Rebels in the North deserves a story of it self He had not served the Parliament in lower commands long but that the great Masters at Westminster did vote him their General 31. Dec. 1644 at which time they cashier'd Robert Earl of Essex of that high command with whom they had sworn 12. July 1642 to live and dye This making of a new General was done when the Parliament ordered their Army to be new modell'd So that victory in a manner being prepared to his hand he vigorously proceeded and what he did in a short time for the blessed cause which is too much here to be set down let the author of Englands recovery c. tell you who tho in the latter end of that book p. 321. he doth highly characterize him especially for his religion but little for policy yet a severe Presbyterian will tell you that he was a Gentleman of an irrational and brutish valour fitter to follow another mans counsel than his own and obnoxious to Cromwell and the Independent faction upon whose bottom he stood for his preferment it having been no dishonour to him to become the property of another mans faction c. adding these matters but what will not a fool in
authority do when he is possest by knaves Miserable man His foolery did so long wait upon Cromwells and Iretons knavery that it was not safe for him then to see his folly and throw by his cap with a bell and his bable Elsewhere he speaks of his ill breeding and churlishness of his being a Cypher or Prepositor in the Free-school called the Army while Cromwell was Head-master and Ireton Vsher c. that he was a stalking horse a Brute c. and indeed his Majesty K. Ch. 1. doth once at least in his works stile him the brutish General as being a person not fit to hearken to reason When the War was terminated and no enemy either in Field or Garrison left he went to London in Nov. 1646 where he was in a most high manner joyed and caressed by the Citizens of London and Parliament for the great service he had done for the Commonwealth and nothing was thought too good or great for him After his Majesty was taken away from Holdenby and conveyed to Childerley Newmarket c. he expressed himself civil to him as he did afterwards at Hampton-court but then having no pious frauds in him or dissimulation for a good end he did not or could not endeavour as being no politician to countermand the diabolical designs of Cromwell and the hellish crew He did not endeavour to repell or hinder the Remonstrance of the Army the purging of the House of Commons of its chief members the Agreement of the People c. but was lull'd on in a kind of stupidity 'T is true that before the King was beheaded in order to whose trial he was nominated the chief Judge but did not sit he did use his power and interest to have the execution defer'd for some days forbearing his coming among the Officers and did fully resolve with his own Regiment to prevent the execution or have it defer'd till he could make a party in the Army to second his design But behold his policy all the morning of that day on which the King was beheaded and the time when he was beheaded he was with certain Officers of the Army at Prayer or in discourse or both in Maj. Tho. Harrisons apartment in Whitehall being a room at the hither end of that Gallery looking towards the Privy-garden and knew nothing of it as it doth appear by this passage When his Majesty was beheaded on a Scaffold joyning to the Banquetting-house at Whitehall and his Corps thereupon immediatly coffin'd and covered with a black velvet Pall Bishop Juxon who attended him on the Scaffold and Thomas Herbert the only Groom of his Bedchamber that was then left did go with the said Corps to the Back-stairs to have it embalm'd and Mr. Herbert after the body had been deposited meeting with Fairfax the General Fairfax asked him how the King did whereupon Herbert looking very strangely upon him he told him that the King was beheaded at which he seem'd much surpriz'd Afterwards Herbert walking farther in the Gallery with the said Bishop they were met by another great Commander named Ol. Cromwell who knew what had lately past for he told them unasked that they should have orders for the Kings burial speedily as I have been informed by the Letters of the said Thomas Herbert In little more than a fortnight after viz. Feb. 14. an 1648. General Fairfax was elected one of the Council of State consisting of 30 persons and soon after when K. Ch. 2. ship'd himself near the Hague in Holland to go to Scotland there to be invested in his right he laid down his Commission as General being influenc'd thereunto by certain Presbyterian Ministers because he would not engage against him whereupon Cromwell was made General in his place and how he afterwards acted against that King especially when he went into England to obtain his right all Histories will tell you Afterwards the Lord Fairfax retired to his Seat in Yorkshire lived there mostly during the Reign of Oliver was ready to rise with the people of his County to assist Sir George Booth in Cheshire if any ways successful and soon after did not only appear in the head of a great party when the forces belonging to Col. Jo. Lambert began to desert him when they were about to fight Gen. Monke at what time he was coming into Engl. from Scot. to restore the Rump but declared with his party in Decemb. 1659 against illegal taxes and free-quarter as also for the freedom of a Parliament as it was in the year 1648. On the 2. Jan. 1659 the Rump Parliament then sitting he was by them appointed one of the Council of State and in Apr. following being elected the first Knight for the County of York to serve in that Parliament which began at Westminster on the 25 of the said month he was by the members thereof appointed one of those 12 Commons to go with those persons appointed by the House of Lords to attend on his Majesty in Holland for the greater solemnity and luster of his Court there On the 16 of May following they were there with his Majesty at the Hague where Fairfax drew upon him the curiosity and eye● of all men as known to them by name to have been Captain General of the Parliament Army And when the first ceremony was past he desired as 't is said to see the King in private and to ask him pardon for the past offences which accordingly he did with all submission After the said Parliament was dissolv'd he retired to his seat lived retiredly and dying there was buried in an Isle joyning on the south side to the Chancel of Bilborough or Bilburgh near York Over his grave was soon after pur this Epitaph Here lye the bodies of the right honorable Thomas Lord Fairfax of Denton Baron of Camerone who died Novemb. the 12 an 1671 in the sixtieth year of his age And of Anne his Wife Daughter and Coheir of Horatio Lord Vere Baron of Tilbury He had Issue Mary Duchess of Buckingham and Elizabeth Under this Lord Fairfax his name were published while he bore armes for the Parliament especially when General Many Letters of which most were to the Speaker of the House of Commons some Relations concerning skirmishes battles taking of Castles Towns c. As also Remonstrances Declarations Speeches Messages c. He was a great lover of learning religious in the way he professed and when Oxford Garrison was surrendred for the use of the Parliament he took great care for the preservation of the publick Library which in several respects did suffer while the Garrison was possest by the Royal Party And what he did for it at the time of his death I have elsewhere told you May 19. Oliver Cromwell Lieutenant General of the Parliament Army was then also created Dr. of the Civ Law He was conducted with Fairfax by the Beadles towards the upper end of the Convocation the members thereof then standing bare and was presented by
Cleypole a Gent. of N●rthamptonshire made by Oliver Master of the Horse one of his House of Lords and a Knight and Baronet 16. of July 1657 he being then Clerk of the Hamper The said Elizabeth died 7. Aug. 1658 and was buried in Henry the Sevenths Chap. at Westm in a Vault made on purpose 5 Mary the second Wife of Thom. Bellasyse Vicount Fauconberg or Fauconbridge married to him with a great deal of state at Hampton-Court on the 18 of Nov. 1657 much about which time he was made one of Olivers Lords Several years after his Majesties restauration he was made Captain of the Guard of Pensioners 6 Frances the youngest Daughter was married to Mr. Rob. Rich the only Son of Robert Lord Rich Son of Robert Earl of Warwick on the 11 of Nov. 1657 and about the same time was made one of Olivers Lords or of the Other House This Mr. R. Rich died 16. of Feb. 1657 his Father on the 29. of May 1659 and his Grandfather on the 18 of Apr. 1658. Oliver Cromwell had also four Sisters one of which was married to John Desborow a Yeoman and a great lubberly Clown who by Olivers interest became a Colonel and if not of the Long yet of the Little Parliament which he helped to break About that time he became one of the Generals at Sea helped to set up his Brother in Law Protector for which he was made one of his Council Major General of divers Counties in the West one of the Lords of the Cinque-ports and of the other House c. Another Sister was married to Roger Whetstone an Officer in the Parliament Army but he dying before Oliver came to his greatness she was remarried to Joh. Jones a pretended Gent. of Wales a Recruiter of the Long Parliament and a Colonel afterwards one of the Kings Judges Governour of the Isle of Anglesie one of the Commissioners of Parliament for the government of Ireland in which office he acted tyrannically and one of the other House that is H. of Lords belonging to Cromwell c. He was hang'd drawn and quarter'd at Charing-cross for having had a hand in the murder of his Prince on the 17. Oct. 1660. A third Sister was married to Valentine Walton of Stoughton in Huntingdonshire afterwards a Colonel in the Parliament Army and one of the Judges of K. Ch. 1. After her death he married the Daughter of one Pimm of Brill in Bucks Widow of Austen of the same place but upon the foresight of the return of Monarchy he fled from Justice to save his neck setled either in Flanders or the Low Countries and lived unknown for some time in the condition of a Gardiner with a certain Gentleman At length being sick and foreseeing he should die discovered himself to have been a man of fashion and desir'd that after his death his near relations in England might be acquainted with it His said second Wife retired after his Majesties restoration to Oxon and living in an obscure condition in Cat-street died meanly on the 14 Nov. 1662 and was buried in S. M●ries Church A fourth Sister named Robina was married to Peter French D. D. and after his death to Dr. John Wilkins as I have told you elsewhere whereby she hung upon and was maintained by the revenues of the Church to her last Oliver Cromwell had several Uncles whose descendents taking not part with him only one or two they were not prefer'd by him He had also five Aunts the eldest of which named Joane was married to Francis Barrington whose Son Robert was countenanced by Oliver The second named Elizabeth was Wife of John Hamden of Hamden in Bucks Father of John Hamden one of the 5. members of Parliament excepted against by K. Ch. 1 and a Colonel for the Parliament in the beginning of the rebellion which John lost his life in their service in June 1643. By this match Oliver Cromwell came to be related to the Ingoldesbies and Goodwins of Bucks The third named Frances was the second Wife of Rich. Whalley of Kirton in Nottinghamshire Father to Edward Whalley a Colonel in the Parliament Army one of the Kings Judges Commissary General in Scotland one of Olivers Lords and a Major General He fled from justice upon the approach of the return of K. Ch. 2 and lived and died in a strange Land But now after these large digressions let 's return to the rest of the Creations this year Feb. 16. Joshua Cross lately of Linc. Coll and sen Proctor now Fellow of that of Magd and Natural Philosophy Reader of the University by the authority of the Committee and Visitors was then actually created Doctor of the Civil Law by the favour of Fairfax and Cromwell lately in Oxon Soon after he left his Fellowship because he took to him a Wife but keeping his Readers place till his Majesties return was then discharg'd of it by the Commissioners appointed by his Majesty for the regulation of the University He died in his house near Magd. Coll. 9. May 1676 aged 62 years and was buried in the North Isle joyning to the Chancel of the Church of S. Peter in the East within the City of Oxon. In a meeting of the Delegates of the University the same day just before the Convocation began wherein Cross was created it was consulted among them that some Academical honour should be confer'd on Hierome Zanchy the Proctor then a Colonel in Ireland for the service of the Parliament At length it was Concluded that he should be adorned with the degree of Doctor of Civil Law in the beginning of the next year but whether it was done o● that he was diplomated it appears not Doct. of Phys June 13. Thomas Sclater M. A. of Trin. Coll. in Cambridge was created by vertue of the Commendatory Letters of the Chancellour of the University which say that he was put upon this recommendation by Sir Thom. Widdrington c. This Thomas Sclater was Burgess for the University of Cambridge to serve in Richards Parliament an 1658. Feb. 16. John Wilkinson sometimes of Magd. Hall now one of the Visitors of the University of Oxon was created by vertue of a dispensation from the Delegates He was nephew to Dr. John Wilkinson President of Magd. Coll and Brother to Dr. Henry Wilkinson Princ. of Magd. Hall lived afterwards at Doncaster in Yorkshire where he practiced among the Godly party and dying in 1655 was buried at Arksey near to that place I have made mention of two of both his names that were Writers in the Fasti of the first vol. pag. 816. 817 but this John the Physitian was no Writer Mar. 7. Will. Petty about this time Fellow of Brasn Coll was created by vertue of a dispensation from the Delegates of the University who had received sufficient testimony of his rare qualities and gifts from L. Col. Kelsey the Deputy Governour of Oxford Garrison Doct. of Div. July 24. Daniel Greenwood Bach. of Div. sometimes Fellow of Brasn Coll
who shewed himself a zealous brother for the interest and Party of James Duke of Monmouth for whose title to the Crown speaking certain matters at Ch●chester he was on the 10 of Febr. 1685 tryed upon an information of high misdemeanour of which being found guilty he was thereupon committed to the Kings Bench Prison July 8. Dan. Capell of Magd. Coll. July 8. Tho. Cole of Ch. Ch. The first of these two is mention'd among the Writers the other who was son of Will. Cole of London Gent was educated in Westm School and thence elected Student of Ch. Ch. In 1656 he became Principal of S. Maries Hall but being ejected thence by the Kings Commissioners in 1660 he lived afterwards a Nonconformist kept a Boarding-school and taught Youths of the Presb. and Indep perswasion at or near N●ttlebed in Oxfordshire Under his name hath been published 1 How we may steer an even course between presumption and despair on Luke 3.5.6 printed in the Supplement to the Morning exercise at Cripplegate Lond. 1674. and 76. qu. 2 A discourse of regeneration faith and repentance preached at the Merchants Lecture in Broadureer in London Lond. 1689. oct and other things as 't is probable but such I have not yet seen Jul. 10. Josich Banger of Magd. Coll. This person who was son of Bern. Banger M A. and Rector of Yerlington in Somersetshire became Fellow of Trin. Coll. this year He hath written An alarm to secure sinners or God discovered to be as well a burning as shining light Lond. 1676. oct This is the same I suppose which was several years before printed under the title of A serious Item to secure sinners What other things he hath written I know not or whether he was a Nonconformist after his Majesties restauration Jul. 10. Walt. Pope of Wadh. Coll. Jul. 10. Charles Potter of Ch Ch. Dec. 17. Sam. Thomas of S. Joh. Coll. He was before incorporated B. of A. as I shall tell you in the Incorporations following Admitted 54. Bach. of Phys Three were admitted who also were admitted Doctors this year as I shall anon tell you Bach. of Div. Oct. 10 Obadiah Grew of Balliol Coll. See among the Doctors of Div. following ☞ Not one admitted Doct. of Law only created as I shall tell you by and by Doct. of Phys June 14. Anth. Nourse of Wadh. Coll. Accumulators Aug. 10. Tho. Arris of Brasn Coll. Accumulators Dec. 13. Alan Pennington of Qu. Coll. Accumulators As for Arris he was licensed to proceed by vertue of an order from the Committee for the regulating of the University which partly runs thus He is thirteen years standing in the Vniversity and is well affected to the Parliament and present Government c. In 1661 he was chosen Burgess for S. Alban in Hertfordsh to serve in that Parliament that began at Westm 8 May the same year Doct. of Div. Oct. 10. Obad. Grew of Ball. Coll. 16. Henr. Savage of Ball. Coll. The first accumulated the degrees in Divinity Incorporations Aug. 20. Sam. Thomas lately Bach. of Arts of 4 years standing of Peter House in Cambridge was then incorporated Bach. of Arts. After his Majesties restauration at which time he was turn'd out of his Fellowship of S. Johns Coll he became one of his Chaplains or Petty-Canons and at length Chauntor of Ch. ch He hath written and published several things and therefore ought hereafter to be remembred among the Oxford Writers Nov. 6. John Twisden a Kentish man born who had taken the degree of Doctor of Phys in the University of Anger 's an 1646 was incorporated in the same degree He was afterwards a Physitian of note in the great City a Mathematician one of the Coll. of Physitians and author of several books among which are these 1 Medicina veterum vindicata or an answer to a book intit Medela medicinae c. Lond. 1666. oct 2 Answer to Medicina instaurata c. Lond. 1666. oct written by Dr. Edw Bolnest Physitian in ord to his Maj. 3 The use of the great Planisphere called the Analemma in the res●lution of some of the chief and most useful Problems of Astronomy Lond. 1685. 86. qu. See more of the said Dr. Twisden's Works in Joh. Greaves among the Writers p. 89. and in Hen. Yelverton p 341. Dec. 12. Joh. Rant L. L. Pac. of Cambr. He was now Fellow of All 's Coll. by the favour of the Committee and Visitors Jan. 14. Jonathan Goddard Doctor of Phys of Cambr. He was now Warden of Mert. Coll. by the favour and power of Oliver Cromwell 21. Rich. Gibbon Doct. of Phys of Padua He had that degree confer'd upon him at Padua 1645. Mar. 11. Sam. Argall Doct. of Phys of the said Univ. was also then incorporated He was an Essex man born and took that degree at Padua in 1648. 24. Will. Aymes M. A. of Cambr. c. Creations Apr. 9. Will. Stephens a Parliament man and one of the Judges of the Admiralty was openly declared in Convocation Doctor of the Civil Law by a Diploma then dated by vertue of a Statute tit x. § 4. quo Magnates vel Nobiles honoris causa gradus academicos intra Vniversitatem dignentur as it is said in the publ Reg. of this time He died in 1658 being then an Inhabitant of the Isle of Wigh● Jul. 3. Edw. Wise of Exeter Coll. Esq who had spent some terms in Cambr. was actually created Bach. of Arts. On the 24 of July 1652 it was granted by the Delegates of the Univ. that he the said Edw. Wise ex nobili stemmate ortus as they say might be admitted to the degree of Mast of Arts in Congregation but whether he was really admitted it appears nor Sept. 9. Sir Thom. Honywood of Essex Kt was actually created Doct. of the Civ Law This person who was brother in law to Sir Hen. Vane the same who was beheaded in 1662 was a Committee man in the time of the Long Parliament that began 3 Nov. 1640 was also a military man and led as a Colonel a Regiment of Essex men to fight at Worcester against K. Ch. 2. an 1651. To which place coming in good time he endeavoured to shew his valour against Kingship and the House of Stuarts In 1654 he was one of the Knights to serve for Essex in that Parliament began at Westm 3 of Sept. the same year and a Knight again for the same County in that Parl. which began at the same place 17 Sept. 1656 both which Parliaments were called by Oliver L. Protector And being a man soft in spirit and too easie like a nose of wax to be turn'd on that side where the greatest strength then was was taken into Olivers Court and by him made one of the Other House that is House of Lords One Sir Rob. Honywood his near Relation was made one of the Council of State about the 16 of May 1659 but had no degree confer'd on him in this University as I can yet find Thom. Cooke a
Coll. 23. Joshua Stopford of Magd. Coll. The first of these two hath published several ingenious books and is now living in Worcestershire The other was esteemed a good Greecian and would sometimes course in Greek in the publick Schools Mar. 9. Robert Huntingdon of Mert. Coll. In the beginning of the year 1692 he became Bishop of Kilmore in Ireland in the place of Dr. Will. Sherendon a Non-juror who had been consecrated B. of that City on the 19 of Febr. 1681. Adm. 152. Bach. of Law Jul. 4. Thomas Ireland of S. Maries Hall This ingenious person who was son of Will. Ireland Vergerer of the Church of Westminster was bred in the Coll. School there and thence elected Student of Ch. Ch but ejected in the time of Oliver by Dr. Owen his Dean Whereupon retiring to S. Maries Hall he entred upon the Law line and took a degree as a member of that house After the restauration of his Maj. Ch. 2. he obtained his Students place again but took no higher degree yet in the vacancy of the See of Durham between the death of Dr. Joh. Cosin and the translation thereunto of Dr. Crew he had confer'd on him the Chancellourship of the Dioc. of Durham He hath extant besides several copies of verses occasionally printed in books Verses spoken at the appearance of the K. and Qu Duke and Dutchess of York in Christ Church Hall Oxford 29 Sept. 1663. Oxon. 1663. qu. They were also about the same time printed at Lond. with this title Speeches spoken to the K. and Qu Duke and c. pr. in qu. After dinner of the same day his Majesty with his royal Consort and their royal Highnesses went from their Lodgings with their respective Retinews purposely to see that spatious Refectory which had been built by the great Cardinal Wolsey where the Dean Canons and Students waiting their coming Mr. Ireland spoke the said Verses in number 116 on his knees Which being well done the K. thanked him for them gave him his hand to kiss and commanded a copy of them This Mr. Ireland who might have done greater matters had not his mind been diverted by the frequent indulgences of Poets died at or near the Golden Lyon in the Strand within the Liberty of Westm during his attendance on his beloved Miss in the middle of Decemb. 1676. Whereupon Dr. Rich. Lloyd of All 's Coll. succeeded him in his Chancellourship Dec. 15. Hugh Davis of New Coll. He hath published an English book in fol intit De jure Vniformitatis Ecclesiasticae c. and therefore larger mention is to be made of him hereafter Adm. 5. Mast of Arts. Apr. 9. Nath. Hodges of Ch. Ch. He was afterwards one of the Proctors of the Univ and Chaplain to Anthony Earl of Shaftsbury who while he was L. Chancellour of Engl. procured for him a Prebendship in the Church of Nerwich and Glocester Another of both his names is a Physitian now living and therefore this Nath. Hodges ought to be mention'd for distinction sake 21. Gabr. Towerson of Qu. afterwards of All 's Coll. May 29. George Castle of All 's Coll. June 11. Tho. Sprat of Wadh. Coll. June 11. Hen. Bagshaw of Ch. Ch. June 11. Nath. Vincent of Ch. Ch. 12. Rob. South 15. Edw. West of S. Maries Hall 17. Thom. Owen of Mert. Coll. He was afterwards Archdeacon of S. David Jul. 4. Lancelot Addison of Qu. Coll. 20. Richard Berry of Brasn Coll. The last of these two was afterwards made one of the Chaplains or Petty-Canons of Ch. Ch. purely upon the account of his Voice and good Singing but being forced to leave that house upon no good account in the beginning of June 1670 he went into Ireland to seek his fortune but whether beneficed there I cannot tell He hath published A Sermon upon the Epiphany preached at Ch. Ch. in Dublin 1672. printed in qu. and perhaps other things Qu. Dec. 15. Dan. Nicols of S. Joh. Coll. This person who had by the Visitors been made Scholar of his Coll of which he was afterwards Fellow conformed after his Majesties restauration and at length became Rector of Scotton in Lincolnshire He hath published A Sermon preached in the Cathedral of Lincolne 18 Jul. 1681 being Assize-Munday on 1 Sam. 12.14.15 Lond. 1681. qu. and perhaps other things Adm. 101. or thereabouts ☞ Not one Bach. of Phys was adm this year Bach. of Div. Jun. 18. James Bedford of Queens Coll. This person a young forward Presbyterian who was one of the number of Cambridge men that came to Oxon in 1648 to obtain preferment from the Visitors was by them made Fellow of Queens Coll being then Bach of Arts. So that he and George Phillips another of the same gang afterwards Proctor of the Univ. being Juniors and wanting good chambers they did on the 21 of May 1649 make a motion to the Society of that House that forasmuch as the younger Fellows had bad Chambers they would allow that the outward Chappel which they said was useless might be converted into Chambers for them to lodge in c. Which motion being looked upon by the Seniors there men of the old stamp as a horrid and villanous thing they did not dare to express it so for fear of danger that might ensue but passed it over as a slight matter Afterwards this Mr. Bedford who was a forward and conceited person and presum'd to take his degree of Bac. of Div. before those who were much his Seniors in the House became Pastor of Blunsham and Erith in Huntingdonshire before this year and wrot and published The perusal of an old Statute concerning death and judgment Sermon at the funeral of Mrs. Francis Bedford dau of Sam. Bedford a member of Parliament and Justice of Peace for the County of Bedford who died 18 Jan. 1656 aged 12 years on Heb. 9.27 Lond. 1657. qu. The said Sam. was brother to James Bedford the author who perhaps hath published other things Qu. Jul. 23. Tho. Barlow of Qu. Coll. Jul. 23. Tho. Lamplugh of Qu. Coll. Jul. 23. Tho. Tully of Qu. Coll. Jul. 23. Rich. Rallingson of Qu. Coll. Doct. of Law Jun. 27. Will. Offley of Vniv Coll. He was the only person that was adm this year Doct. of Phys Jun. 18. Pet. Fiott of Exet. Coll. 19. Edw. Stubbe of Pemb. Coll. 23. Will. Quaterman of Pemb. Coll. 30. Elisha Coysh of Pemb. Coll. The last was afterwards one of the Coll. of Physitians ☞ Not one Doct. of Div. was admitted this year Incorporations May 14. Joh. Collins M. A. of Cambr. Whether he be the same Joh. Collins who was Doct. of Div. and author of Several discourses concerning the actual providence of God divided into three parts c. Lond. 1678. 79. qu. and of other things as 't is probable I cannot yet tell He is not to be taken to be the same with Joh. Collinges Bach. of Div. and sometimes Minister of S. Stephens Parish in Norwich a frequent Writer before this time because their names
depos'd from his Protectorship in the beginning of this year Vicechanc. the same viz. Dr. Conant 8. Oct Proct. George Philipps of Qu. Coll. Ap. 13. Thomas Wyatt of S. Joh. Coll. Ap. 13. Bach. of Arts. Apr. 14. Franc. Turner of New Coll. July 11. Charles Bridgman of Qu. Coll. Oct. 12. Joh. Lloyd of Mert. Coll. The first of these three was afterwards successively B. of Rochester and Ely and having written and published several things he is hereafter to be remembred among the Writers and Bishops The second was afterwards an Archdeacon as I shall tell you among the Masters an 1662 and the last who was afterwards of Jesus Coll was at length B. of S. David Oct. 12. Jam. Janeway of Ch. Ch. 14. Sam. Hardye of Wadham Coll. He was the author of The Guide to Heaven c. printed at several times in two parts in oct the last part of which was published 1687. 88. and therefore he is hereafter to be numbred among the Oxford Writers Nov. 1. Benj. Woodroff of Ch. Ch. He hath published several things and therefore he is also hereafter to be remembred Jan. 16. Thom. Guidott of Wadh. Coll. Feb. 28. Sam. Parker of Wadh. Coll. The first of these two who is now a Physitian of note is hereafter to be remembred among the Writers The other who was afterwards of Trin. Coll. was at length B. of Oxon. I have mention'd him at large among the Writers in this vol. Feb. 28. Joh. Langford of Ch. Ch. This person who was a Ruthyn man born in Denbighshire did afterwards translate into good welsh The whole duty of man Lond. 1672. oct He took no higher degree in this University but elsewhere and is now living and beneficed in Wales Mar. 15. Sam Holding or Holden or Linc. Coll. This person who hath published several things is hereafter to be remembred among the Writers Adm. 148. Bach. of Law May 18. Thomas Jones of Mert. Coll. Oct. 12. Will. Trumbull of All 's Coll. Of the last you may see more among the Doct. of the Civil Law 1667. Adm. 4. Mast of Arts. June 2. Joh. Dobson of Magd. Coll. 4. Joh. Skelton of Queens Coll. The last was afterwards Chaplain to Dr. Tho. Barlow Bishop of Lincolne who collating him to the Archdeaconry of Bedford was installed therein 22. Mar. 1678 and afterwards to the Prebendship of Biggleswade in the Church of Linc. was installed also therein 3. May 1684. June 21. Thomas Hockin of Magd. Coll. This person who was afterwards Fellow of All 's Coll hath written A discourse of the nature of Gods decrees Being an answer to a Letter from a person of quality concerning them Lond. 1684. oct In the title of this book he writes himself Bach. of Div sometimes Fellow of Allsouls Coll. and late Preacher at Great S. Barthelmews in London But whether he took the said degree of B. of D in this University it appears not June 21. Will. Shippen of Vniv Coll. He was afterwards Proctor of the University and at length Rector of Stockport in Cheshire and author of The Christians triumph over death Sermon at the funeral of Rich. Legh of Lime in the County Pal of Chester Esq at Winwick in Lancashire 6. Sept. 1687 on 1. Cor. 15.55 Oxon. 1688. qu. He is Doct. of Divinity not of this University but by the Diploma if I mistake not of Dr. W. Sancroft Archbishop of Canturbury June 25. Henry Foulis of Qu. Coll. June 25. Capel Wiseman of Qu. Coll. June 25. Henry Denton of Qu. Coll. The last of these three who was Son of Thomas Denton of the antient and gentile family of his name living at Warnel-Denton in Cumberland travelled afterwards to Constantinople in the quality of a Chaplain to the English Embassador and after his return did translate into English A description of the present state of Samos Nicaria Patmos and Mount-Athos Lond. 1678. oct Which book was written by Joseph Georgirines Archbishop of Samos living then 1678 in London who the year before had for some weeks been in Oxon about the Act time to obtain money from the Academians towards the finishing the Greek Church in London This Mr. Denton who was Fellow of Queens Coll and presented by the Provost and Fellows thereof to the Rectory of Blechingdon in Oxfordshire on the death of Joh. Hook B. D. sometimes Fellow of Magd. Coll which hapned 20. of Feb. 1673 was buried in the Church there 19 Aug. 1681. July 2. Arthur Brett of Ch. Ch. 4. Dav. Lloyd of Oriel Coll. 8. Rich. Morton of New Coll. Adm. 78. Bach of Phys June 4. Nath. Hodges of Ch Ch. July 9. Joh. Smith of Brasn Coll. Adm. 6. Two also were licensed to practise Physick of whom Hen. Brunsell M. A. of Magd. Hall was one ☞ Not one Bach. of Div. was adm this year Doct. of Law May 18. Nicholas Staughton of Exet. Coll. Esq was adm Doctor of the Civ and Can. Law being then dispensed with for certain Terms and on the 27 of June following after he had spoken a formal Speech before the Members of the University for which he was laughed at because not at all desired or required he was admitted ad suffragandum in domo Convocationis Congreg About a month or two after was printed a sharp Libel intit Sundry things from several hands concerning the Vniversity of Oxford c. And at the end of it were printed 25 Queries the last of which runs thus Whether the Boy Dr. Staughton of Exeter Coll. did well to lye in his scarlet Gown that night he was made Doctor since his degree was a thing he ought not to have dreamed of He was then Lord of the ancient Mannour of Staughton in Surrey which unexpectedly fell to him after the death of divers persons of that name and on the 29 of January 1660 he was created a Baronet May 18. Tho. Jones of Mert. Coll who accumulated the degrees of Law by vertue of the Chanc. Letters was then adm to proceed Doct. of Phys Jun. 2. Thom. Jeanes of Magd. Coll. This person who was originally of Trin. Coll. in Cambr. did while he was a Junior there with Joh. Fidoe and Will. Shaw his Contemporaries of the said House write and publish The Parliament justified in their late proceedings against Charles Stuart Or a brief discourse concerning the nature and rise of Government together with the abuse of it in Tyranny and the peoples reserve To which is added An answer to a certain paper entit The humble advice to the Lecturers of Banbury in Oxfordshire and of Brackley in Northamptonshire Lond. 1648 in 2 sh and an half in qu. Afterwards Jeanes going to Oxon was made Fellow of Magd. Coll. by the Visitors and always after during his stay there he was esteem'd by all that knew him a good Scholar and a generous and stour man But so it fell out that after Dr. Tho. Pierce became President of the said Coll. he found means to expell him thence an 1662 under pretence of
1682. (d) Reg. Matric Univ. Oxon. P.P. fol. 29. a. (e) Dr. Gilb. Burnet in his pref to the sec Vol. of the Hist of the reformation of the Church of England 1682. (*) The author of the First pacquet of Advices and Animad to the men of Shaftesbury c. p. 19. (†) In the Exact and most impartial accompt of the indictment arraignment c. of 29. Regicides the murtherers of K. Ch. 1. c. Lond. 1660. qu. p. 69. (a) In his Memoires and just vindication of the Earl of Shaftesbury c. printed at Lond. in 8. sheets in fol. p. 8. (b) The author of The th●rd part of 〈◊〉 Protestant Plot. p. 56. (c) See The Proceedings at the Sessions-house in the Old Baylie c. upon the indictment for high treason against Anthony Earl of Shaftesbury Lond. 1681. in 13. sheets in fol. (d) Lond. 1681. in 13. sh in fol. (e) See pag. 58.503 (f) See the first part p. 21.22 (g) So the Seasonable Address to both Houses of Parliament Lond. 1681. qu. p 13. 1682 3. (h) John Dryden in his Poem called Absalom and Achitophel Lond. 1682 5. edit p. 5. 1682 3. (f) Joh. Dryden in The vindication or parallel of the French holy League and Covenant c. against Mr. Tho. Hunt's Defence of the Charter and the Authors of the Reflections Lond. 1683. quart pag. 39. (g) Printed at Lond. 1683. (h) Joh. Dryden before quoted in his Vind. of the Parallell p. 40. 1682 3. 83 168● (a) Anon. in a book intit The Nonconformists Vindication c. Lond. 1672. in oct p. 133. (b) In his Patronus bonae fidei p. 1. (*) In the Engl. translation from the French of the Critical History of the Old Test Lond. 1682. quart (c) Matth. Scrivner in the beginning of his Actio in Schismaticos Anglicanos Lond. 1672. qu. p. 4.5 (d) In his Preface to the Divines of all the reformed Churches before his S. Eccl. Angl. Vind. (f) In his Epist p. 56. (g) Printed at Lond. 1679. oct p. 208.209 and p. 222.223 c. (h) Printed 1682. in qu. from p. 92. to p. 95. (i) Pr. at Lond. 1680. qu. from p. 9. to p. 17. (k) In Patron bonae fidei p. 1.2 1683. 1683. 1683. (a) Letter to a friend concerning some of Dr. Owens principles and practices Lond. 1670. qu. (b) Sam. Parker in his Defence and continuation of Eccles Polycy c. after p. 588. (c) Letter to a friend as before p. 28. (d) Ibid. (e) Ib. p. 39.40 (f) J. H. in his Authority of the Magistrate about religion discussed c. Lond. 1672. oct p. 6. (g) The author of A Letter to a friend as before (h) Sam. Parker in his Defence and Continuance of Ecclesiast Policy c p. 610. (i) Printed at Lond. 1673. oct sec ed●t (*) In A Letter to a friend as before p. 34. (a) Printed at Lond. 1680. qu. (b) Lond. 1680. qu. (c) Ib. 1680. qu. (d) Ib. 1681. qu. sec edit 1683. 1683. 1683. (†) In his Remarks of the government of several parts of Germany Denmark Sweedland c. Printed at Amsterd 1688. in tw p. 143. 1683. 1683. (a) Jos Glanvill in his Plus ultra c. Lond. 1668. oct pag. 2. (b) Ibid. p. 118. (c) Ibid. (d) In his Prefatory answer p. 2. (e) Ibid. p. 187.188 (f) Ib. pag. 211. 1683. 1683. (a) Reg. Matric Un. Ox. PP fol. 257. b. (b) See The fourth Plea of Conformists for Nonconformists p. 44.45 (c) Fred. Lossius Medic. Dorchest in Observat Medicinal Lond. 1672. oct lib. 1. Observ 5. p. 9. (d) In All in one c. p. 3. 1683 4. 1683 4. 1684 1684. 1684. 1684. (a) The Beacons quenched c. Lond. 1652. qu. p. 13. And The Beacons flaming c. Lond. 1652. p. 20.21 (b) Georg. Hornius in Epist ad Lectorem ante librum cui tit est Rerum Britannicarum lib. 7. c. Lugd. Bat. 1648. oct (c) Clem. Walker in his Hist of Independency Printed 1649. § 12. p. 32. 1684. 1684. (*) The same as it seems who was afterwards Bishop of Chester 1684. 1684. 1684. 1684. 1684. (a) In his preface to his Admonition to Mr. W. Eyre and in his Epist before his Directions for comfort (b) In the commendatory Epist to Mr. Woodbridge's Sermon (c) See more in his Confession of faith c. printed at Lond. 1655. p. 6. 1684. 1684. 1684. 1684 ● (*) Reg. Schol. Soc. Coll. Trin. su● an 1632. 1684 5. (g) In his pref to the Reader before his Clavis Mathemat c. Oxon. 1652. e●it tert 1685. (†) Ger. Lang●a●ne in his Account of the English Dramatick Poets c. Oxon. 169● p. 396. (a) In the Poems of Joh. Earl of Rochester printed 1680. p. 113. (b) Tho. Shadwell a Dram. Poet afterwards Poet Laureat to K. Will. and Qu. Mary (c) He returned from Flanders scabbed and lowsie as 't was reported 1685. 1685. 1685. 1685. 1685. 1685. (a) List of the names of the Long Parliament an 1640. likewise of the Parliam holden at Oxon 1643. Lond. 1659. oct (b) True account of the proceedings betwixt James Duke of Orm●nde and Arth. Earl of Anglesey c. p. 9. (c) Printed at Lond. 1681 in octav 1686. 1686. 1686 (a) See Hist Antiq. Vniv Oxon lib. 2. p. 285. a. 1686. 1686. 1686. 1686. (a) Sam. Rolle a Nonconformist in his Prodromus or the Character of Mr. Will. Sherl●cks book called A discourse of the knowledge of Jes Chr. c. Lond. 1674. oct p. 15. (b) W●ll She●●●ck D. D. (c) Ib. in Prodrom p. 15. 1687. 1687. 1687. 1687. (a) Tho. Spra● in The Hist of the Royal Society c. Lond. 1667. qu. part 2. p. 240. 1687. 1687. 1687 8 (a) Andr. Marvell in his Rehearsal transpros'd second part Lond. 1673. p. 74. (b) So Lew. du Moulin in his book entit Patronus bonae fidei c. Lond. 1672. p. 18. (c) See Sam. Parkers epist dedic before his Free and impartial censure c. (d) Lew du Moul. before mentioned in his Specim Contra Durellum in Patron bon fid p. 19. (e) In the Third Collection of Papers relating to the present juncture of affairs in England c. published at Lond. in Dec. 1688. p. 11. (f) Ibid. (g) Ib. p. 17.18 (h) Andr. Marvell in Rehears transp Sec. qart p. 323. (i) In his Second defence of the Nonconformists c. Lond. 1681. p. 187. (k) Printed at Lond. 1680 qu. fourth edit (l) Pr. at Lond. 1680. qu. sec edit (m) In his sec part of The rehearsal transpros'd p. 121. 168● 8. (*) Author of A seasonable Argument to perswade all the grand Juries of England to petition for a new Parliament c. pr. in qu. 1677. p. 7. 1688. 1688. 1688. 1688. 1688. 1688. 1688. 1688 9. 1689. 1689. 1689. (a) Camden in his Britannia in Lanc. 1689. 1689. 1689. 1689. 1689. 1689. 1689. (*) Mystery of the Good Old Cause briefly unfolded c. Lond. 1660. oct p. 30.31 1690. 1690. 1690.
He was now Rector of Ibstock in Leycestershire where being always esteemed a great Royalist and Episcoparian was therefore forc'd thence by the faction So that flying to Oxon as an Asylum he was created Doctor of the Civil Law and often preached there He died at Ibstock I think an 1647. or thereabouts Daniel Vivian of New Coll. He was a Founders Kinsman and dying at Farndish in Bedfordshire an 1670 was there I suppose buried Brome Whorwood of Halton in Oxfordshire Esq sometimes a Gent. Com. of Trin. Coll. This person tho he stuck close to K. Ch. 1. in his necessities yet he did not to his son K. Ch. 2 after whose restauration he was several times elected Burgess for the City of Ox. He died in the Old Pallace Yard at Westminster 12 Apr. 1684 and was buried in the Church of Halton near to the grave of his father Sir Thom. Whorwood Kt leaving then behind him a natural son named Thomas begotten on the body of his servant named Catherine daugh of Thom. Allen of the Parish of S. Peter in the East in Oxon Baker Sir Thom. He le of Devonsh Bt. He was Burgess for Plimpton in the Parl. that began 13 Apr. 1640 and with Sir Joh. Hele both Lords of great Estates in their Country and Walt. He le of Winston did retire to his Majesty at Oxon adhere to him and thereby brought his Cause into great credit for the justness of it as also rich contributions thereunto and many forces to maintain it Will. Dowdeswell of Pembr Coll. This person who was accounted a learned man among those of his Society became Preb. of Worcester in 1660 in the place of Francis Charlet M. A. some years before that dead and had if I mistake not other Spiritualities in the Church In his Prebendship succeeded Dr. George Benson Archdeacon of Hereford an 1671. On the same day Nov. 1. were also created Doctors of the Civil Law Joh. Knotsford a Knight I think Joh. Wandeston Will. Atkyns Joh. Palmer and one Peachy or at least were permitted to be created when they pleased which is all I yet know of them Nov. 10. Will. Smith Esq sometimes a Gent. Com. of Trin. Coll. He was a Burgess for one of the Cinque-Ports called Winchelsey for that Parl. that began at Westm 3 Nov. 1640 but left it went to Oxon and sate in the Parl. there 1643. Dec. 20. Sir Tho. Manwaring Kt Recorder of Reading in B●rks Hen. Moody sometimes a Gent. Com. of Magd. Hall I take this person to be the same with Sir Hen. Moody Bt son of Sir Hen. Moody of Garsdon in Wilts Knight and Baronet who was now in some esteem at Court for his poetical fancy The father who had been a well bred Gent died in 1630. Dec. 20. Tho. Thory Dec. 20. George Thorald Sir Joh. Heydon or Heyden Kt. Lieutenant-General of the Ordnance belonging to his Majesty He was of the family of the Heydens in Norfolk was as great a Scholar as a Soldier especially in the Mathematicks suffered much for his Majesties Cause and died in the Winter time an 1653. One Joh. Haydon Gent. was entred into the publick or Bodleian Library under the title of Juris Municipalis studiosas an 1627 Whether the same with the former I cannot tell I have made mention of Sir Christop Heyden who perhaps was father to Sir John in the first vol. of this work p. 278. Jan. 31. Edw. Lord Littleton Lord Keeper of the Great Seal Sir John Banks Kt. Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas was actually created Doctor of the Civil Law the same day This worthy person was born of honest parents in Cumberland at Keswick as 't is said became a Commoner of Qu. Coll. in this University an 1604 aged 15 years left it before he took a degree entred himself a Student in Greys Inn in Holbourne near London where applying himself most severely to the study of the Common Law became a Barrester and a Counsellor of note In the 6 of Car. 1. he being then a Knight and Attorney to Pr. Charles he was constituted Lent Reader of that house and in the 7 of Car. 1. he was made Treasurer thereof In 1640. 16 Car. 1. he was made L. Ch. Just of the Kings Bench and soon after following his Majesty when he was forc'd by tumults from Westm he was made one of his Privy Council at Oxon and L. Ch. Just of the Com. Bench or Pleas where dying 28 Dec. 1644 was buried in the north trancept joyning to Ch. Ch. Cathedral See his Epitaph in Hist Antiq Vniv Oxon. lib. 2. p. 289. a. Sir Francis Crawley of Luton in Bedfordsh Kt one of the Justices of the Common Pleas was also then actually created Doct. of the Civ Law You may read much of him in the Memoires of the lives and actions of excellent Personages c. published by Dav. Lloyd M. A. Lond. 1668. fol. Sir Rob. Forster Knight one of the Justices of the Common Pleas was then also created He was the youngest son of Sir Thom. Forster Kt. one of the Justices of the Common Pleas in the time of K. Jam. 1 was after he had left the University a Student in the Inner Temple where he became a Barrester and Counsellor of note In the 7 of Car. 1. he was elected Summer Reader of that House in the 12 he was made Serjeant at Law and in the 15 of the said Kings Raign one of the Justices of the Kings Bench and about that time a Knight Afterwards he followed his Majesty to Oxon sate in the Parl. there as Sir Joh. Banks and Sir Franc. Crawley did suffered as other Royalists when the Kings Cause declined and compounded for his Estate After his Majesties restauration he was made L. Ch. Just of the Kings Bench 31 May 1660 and in Octob. following L. Ch. Just of the Common Pleas. He died on the fourth day of Octob. 1663 aged 74 years and was buried in the Church at Egham in Surrey where there is a comely monument in the wall over his grave in the body of the said Church Febr. 7. Sir Rob. Heath L. Ch. Just of the Com Pleas was then actually created Doctor of the Civ Law This noted and loyal person was born in the Parish of Eatonbridge in Kent and baptized in the Church there educated in the knowledge of the Common Law in the Inner Temple made Recorder of London 10 Novemb. 1618 in the place of Rich. Martin deceased Summer Reader of the same Temple in 1619 Sollicitor General in the year following being then of Micham in Surrey and Justice of the Peace for that County Attorney General in 1625 Serjeant at Law 1632 one of the Justices of the Common Bench in 1640 and two years after or more Lord Chief Just of the Common Bench or Pleas he being then with his Maj. at Oxon. He hath extant Objections in a Conference discoursed by the Lords and held by a Committee of both Houses against the