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A13030 A summarie of Englyshe chronicles conteynyng the true accompt of yeres, wherein euery kyng of this realme of England began theyr reigne, howe long they reigned: and what notable thynges hath bene doone durynge theyr reygnes. Wyth also the names and yeares of all the baylyffes, custos, maiors, and sheriffes of the citie of London, sens the Conqueste, dyligentely collected by Iohn Stovv citisen of London, in the yere of our Lorde God 1565. Whervnto is added a table in the end, conteynyng all the principall matters of this booke. Perused and allowed accordyng to the Quenes maiesties iniunctions.; Summarie of Englyshe chronicles Stow, John, 1525?-1605. 1565 (1565) STC 23319; ESTC S117862 206,452 546

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might geue to hym warnyng Anno. 6. Gregory Rockesley M. Iohn Adrian S. walter Lāgley S. Mychelmas terme was thys yeare kepte at Shrewsbury Anno. 7. Gregory Rockesle M. Robert Basing S Williā Merser S Reformation was made for clypping of the kynges coyne for whiche offence 297. Iewes were put to execution In this yeare began the foundation of the churche of the frier preachers or black friers by Ludgate and also castell Baynarde The towne of Boston was greately empayred with fyre Anno. 8. Gregory Rockesley M. Thomas boxe S. Rafe More S. This yeare was fyrst coined halfpens and farthings of siluer where before other coynes of other mettal ran among the people to theyr great losse noyāce Anno. 9. Gregory Rockesle M Williā Faringdō S Nicolas wichester S Dauid the brother of Lewlyn prince of Wales vnkyndly traiterously moued his brother against king Edwarde Anno. 10. Henry Waleis M. williā mazerer S. Nicolas wichest S. King Edward sent a cōpany of souldiors into wales vnder guiding of y e erles of Northūberland Surrey Of which cōpany many were slain and syr Roger Clifford taken prisoner The welshemē subdued certain castels and holdes of some townes threw downe the walles Anno. 12. Henry Waleis M. Rafe Blunt S. Haukyn Betuel S. Lewlyn prince of Wales was slayn by syr Roger Mortymer and his heade set vpon the tower of London William Marton Chancellor of England about this tyme buylded Marton colledge in the vniuersitie of Oxenford Anno. 12. Henry Waleis M Iorden goodchepe S Martin Boxe S Dauid the brother of Lewlyn prince of Wales was taken and beheaded and dyuers holdes and castels of the Welsh men geuen to englishe lordes Prince Edwarde of Caruaruan was born in Wales at the castell of Carnaruan a parliamēt was held at Shrewsburye Laurence Ducket a citisen of London was found dead and hanged within saint Mary Bowe churche of Chepe for the whyche were condemned .viii. men whiche were drawen and hanged and one woman brent This yeare the great conōuyte standyng agayn sainct Thomas of Acres in Chepe was fyrst begon to be made This yeare began a greate stryfe betwene the Kyng and the Erle of Glocester whiche after grew to the greate disturbance of diuers townes of Englād and specially of the Citie of London as after some deale shall appeare Anno. 13. Gregory Rockeslei M Stephē Cornhil S Robert Rokesley S This yere the liberties of the Citie of London was agayn seysed into the kynges handes and Stephen Sandwiche admytted for Custos and the Maior discharged as some write for takyng brybes of the Bakers The newe worke of the churche of Westminster vnto the end of the quire begon in the third yere of Henry the .iii. and continued in buildyng .66 yeres before it was fynished Anno. 14. Rafe Sādwiche M Walter Blunt S. Iohn Wade S. This yere were enacted by the King the statutes called Additamenta Gloucestria Anno. 15. Sir Iohn Bryton M. Thomas crosse S. williā Hautein S. Kyng Edward sailed to Burdeaur and from thence rode into Frāce wher he was honorably receiued of Philyp le-beau kyng of France This yeare the sommer was so excedyng hot y t many mē dyed through the extremitie therof And yet wheat was so plenteous that it was sold at London for .iii. s .iiii. d. a quarter Anno. 16. Rafe sandwich M. willyā Herford S. Thomas staines S. Great hayle fell in England and after ensued so continuall raine that the yere folowyng wheate was solde for .xvi. d. a bushel and so encresed yerely the reigne of this kynge and his sonne tyll it was lastly sold for .xl. s. a quarter Anno. 17. Rafe sandwich M. Williā Betain S Iohn of Cāturb S Rice ap Meriduck a welshman rebelling against Payne Tiptoft wardeyne of the countreye was by the Earle of Cornewall in the Kynges absence taken drawen hanged and quartered at Yorke Anno. 18. Rafe sādwich M. Fulk of s Edmōd S Salomō Lāgford S This yeare kyng Edward returned into Englande and was honorably receyued of the citesens of London Anno. 19. Rafe sandwich M. Tho. Romaine S. Williā de Lyre S. This yere the staple of woll was ordeyned to be kept at Sandwiche And this yere the Iewes were banished the land for the which cause the cōmons gaue to the kyng a fyftene Anno. 20. Rafe sandwich M. Rafe Blunt S. Hamond Boxe S. This yere died quene Elian or the kinges wife was buried at Westminster in the chapell of sainte Edwarde at the fete of Henry the third This yere also dyed Elianoure wyfe vnto Henry the third mother to this Edwarde whose heart was buried at the gray fryers in London and her body at Ambresbury in the house of Nunnes Anno. 21. Rafe sandwiche M. Henry Balle S. Elys Russell S. The Kyng helde hys parliament at London to the whych with diuers lordes of his Prouince came the kynge of Scottes This yeare .iii. men had theyr ryght handes smitten of in Westchepe for rescuynge a prisoner arested by an officer of the Citie of London Anno. 22. Rafe sādwich M. Robert Rockesley S. Martin Aubrey S. The .xviii. day of May fell a wondrous snow and therwith an excedyng wynd By violence whereof great harme was done in sundry places of England as ouerthrowyng houses and trees c. Anno. 23. Sir Iohn Bryton M Henry Boxe S. Rich. Glocester S. Madocke with the Welshmen rebelled agaynst the kyng wherfore he in all hast made against them ouercam thē Thys yeare the frenchemen arriued at Douer and spoyled the towne and brent a parte of it in whiche skirmishe was slayne one Thomas of Douer Anno. 24. sir Iohn Bryton M Iohn Dunstable S. Adā Harlingbery S. Iohn Baylell was by kyng Edward admitted to be kyng of Scottes and he for the same dyd his homage and sware vnto hym fealtie This yere was takē Madock or Meridoke captayn of the rebells in Wales he was drawen and hanged at London Anno. 25. Sir Iohn Britton M. Thomas Sulff S. Adā de Fullam S. Iohn Bailell kyng of Scottes contrary to his allegiance by the settynge on of the frenchmen rebelled agayn king Edward Wherfore kyng Edward hasted hym thither He wan from him the castels of Barwicke and Dunbarre He slewe of the Scottes as saith Fabyan xxv M. and tooke prisoner sir Willyam Douglas and other noble men He conquered also Edenbrough wher he foūd the regall ensignes of Scotland that is to witte the croune the scepter cloth of estate In this tyme the englyshmen susteined many stormes in Gascoyn Guyen Anno. 26. sir Iohn Britton M. Iohn de stortford S williā de stortford S Kyng Henry sayled into Flanders to reskue Guy theyr Erle which was greuously ouerset by the Frenche kyng so that he had
strong power came to London where they caused the kyng to cal a parliamēt whereof hearynge Alexander Neuyll Archbyshop of Yorke Syr Lionel Uere Marques of Deuelen syr Mychael de la Poole Chaūcellour erle of Suffolk fearyng punyshment fled the lande and died in straunge countreys The kynge by counsayle of the aboue named lordes duryng the parliament caused to be taken syr Robart Triuilian chiefe Iustice of Englande syr Nycholas Brembre late Maior of Londō syr Iohn Salysbury knyght of houshold syr Iohn Beauchampe Stewarde of the kyngs house syr Symon Burley syr Iames Bernes and syr Robert Belknappe knyghtes and a sergeaunt of armes named Iohn Uske the whiche by authoritie of the sayde parliament were conuict of treason and put to death at the towre hyll at Tyborne And Iohn Holt Iohn Locton Rychard Gray Wylliam Burgth and Robert Fuithorpe iustice with the other foresayde lordes which before had voyded the land were banished and exiled for euer Anno. 12. Sir Nych Twyford M. Tho. Austen S. Adam Gathill S. This yere the kyng kepte a great iustes in Smythfielde whiche continued xxiiii days This yere on the fifth day of August was the battayle of Ottyrborn where syr Henry Percy slewe the erle Douglas of Scotland and after was taken prisoner Anno. 13. Williā Uenour M. Iohn Walcot S. Iohn Loueney S. An esquier of Nauarre accused an englyshe esquire called Iohn Welshe of treason for the triall whereof a daye of fyght was betwene them taken to bee fought in the kyngs palais at westminster where they fought a strong fyght but Iohn Welshe was victor and constrayned the other to yelde Where he was dispoyled of his armour and drawē to Tyborn and hanged for his vntruth Anno. 14. Adam Bawme M. Iohn Francis S. Tho. Uiuent S. The duke of Lancaster vncle to king Richard sayled with a company of souldiours into Spayn to claym the realme of Cast●le for so muche as he had taken to wife the eldest daughter of kyng Peter that was expelled his kyngdom by Henry his bastard brother be conquered the countreye of Galice and made league with the kyng of Portugall but by great mortalitie whiche fell among his people he was fayne to dismysse his armye and shortly after loste all that euer he had wonne Anno. 15. Iohn Hind Draper M. Io. Chadworth S Henry Uamer S A bakers man bearynge a basket of horsebread in Fletestrete one of the bishop of Salisburies mē toke out a lofe y t baker requyryng his lofe the byshops man brake the bakers head whervpon folowed suche parties takyng that the Maior and Sheriffes and all the quyete people of the citie coulde not order the vnrulynes of the multitude there gathered togyther but that they woulde haue hym deliuered to them who brake the bakers heade or els to breake open the gates of the sayde byshops palaice who was the kynges high treasorer for the whyche the kynge seased the liberties of the Cytie and discharged the Maior and Sheriffes of the rule of the Citie and committed the gouernement therof to a knight of the court called sir Edward Dalingerige The citisens making great sute and labour to obtein the kynges fauoure coulde not thys yere obteyne it Anno. 16. William Stonden Grocer M. Gilbert Māfield S Tho. Newingtō S Thys yere by the great sute labour of doctor Grauesend then byshop of Lōdon the liberties were shortly restored in reward of whiche paynes he desyred the Maior wyth the citisens of London in their liueries to resort yerely on their ix pryncipall dayes to the Churche of Poules vnto the graue of the same byshop after his decease who lyeth in the myddle of the west end of the sayd churche and there to say De profundis c. As ye may reade in Robert Fabyan Anno. 17. Iohn Hadley Grocer M. Drew Barētin S. Rich. whittington S. A truce prolonged betwene France and Englande for .iiii. yeares Thys years dyed Quene Anne wyfe to kynge Rychard Anno. 18. Io. Frēche Mercer M Wil. Bramtō S. Tho. Knolles S. Aboute thys tyme was Wikliffe famous in England King Richard made a voiage into Ireland which was more chargeable then honorable And this yeare was greate tempest of wynde in England Anno. 19. Wil. More Uintener M Roger Elys S wil. Sheringhā S A truce for .xxx. yeares was made betwene England and France and kyng Richard toke to wife Isabell the daughter of Charles the Frenche kyng Anno. 20. Adā bame goldsmith M Tho. Wilford S. williā Parker S. The duke of Gloucester king Richardes vncle wyth the Earle of Arundell and other was put to cruel death for so muche as they rebuked the kyng in certayne matters ouer lyberally Anno. 21. Richard Whittingtō Mercer M. williā Askhā S. Io. wodcock S. Thys yeare deceased Iohn of Gaunt duke of Lancaster He was buryed in Poules Churche on the Northe syde of the quyer The Duke of Hereforde and also the Duke of Norffolke were bothe banyshed the lande Anno. 22. Drew Barētin Goldsmith M. Iohn wade S Io. warner S Kynge Rycharde lette the realme of Englande to ferme to syr Wyllyam Scrope Earle of Wyltshyre and to .iii. knyghtes Busshy Bagot and Grene. And then in Apryll he wente wyth an armye into Irelande leauynge for hys Lieuetenaunte in Englande syr Edmund of Langley hys vncle and Duke of Yorke Kynge Rycharde beyng occupyed in Irelande Henry Bolynbrooke Duke of Hereforde and of Lancaster whyche was banyshed into France beynge sente for of the Londoners came into Englande wyth a smalle power and landed in Holdernesse in Yorkeshyre to whome the Communes gathered in greate number whereof Kynge Rycharde hearynge aboute September he returned and landynge at Mylforde hauen he went to the Castell of Flynt in Wales where he rested hym entendynge to gather more strengthe In the whych tyme Henry Duke of Lancaster came vnto Brystowe where he tooke syr Willyam Scrope Ealre of Wylteshyre and Treasourer of Englande syr Iohn Bushy and syr Henry Greene. Syr Iohn Bagot was there taken but he escaped and fledde the other .iii. were iudged and put to execution Kynge Rycharde beyng in the castell of Flynte hys noble menne forsakynge hym was taken and by Henry duke of Lancaster sente to the tower of London where shortly after he yelded vp and resigned to the saide Henry all hys power and Kyngely tytle to the Crowne of Englande and Fraunce knowledgynge that he worthyly was deposed for his demerites and mysgouernyng of the Common weale King Henry the fourthe Anno Regni .1 HEnry the fourthe was ordeyned Kyng of Englande more by force as it appeared then by laufull succession or election Whyche thynge tourned hym to muche vnquyetnesse and caused often rebellyon in thys Realme of courage he was noble and valyaunt and after the Ciuile warres were appeased shewed hym selfe very gentill and louyng to hys subiectes He began hys reygne
riche and a goodly pray so returned w tout any damage Mounsyre de Bees inuaded the Englyshe pale besyde Grauelyn Kyng Henry sent the lorde Edward Seymour Earle of Hertforde and the Lorde Lysle hyghe Admirall wyth a companie of .vii. thousand men to preuent the Frenchmē which intended to build an other fort at S. Iohns Rode at whyche tyme they entred into the hauen two daies before the Frenchemen had appointed to be there and so defeated them of their purpose Often skirmishes were betwene the Englishe garrisons in Bulleyne the Frenche forte greately to the losse of both partes and at one time especially were slayn sixtene Englishe gentlemen and .80 other and sewe or none of the Frenchemen The stewes other like borthell houses wer by the kings cōmandement put down in all partes of the realme The .24 day of December the kinges maiestie came into the parliamēt house to geue his royall assent to such actes as there had passed where was made vnto hym by the speaker an eloquent oration whiche the kyng hym selfe dyd very eloquently and wittyly answere In February shoulde a woman haue ben burned in Smithfield for clyppyng of gold but the Kynges pardon came she being at the stake redy to be burned In Aprille were dyuers assemblyes made to entreate a peace betwene Englande and Fraunce but as yet tooke none effecte This .38 yeare of Henry the .viii. the citisens of London leuyed in the Citie two fiftenes for the conueyance of more water to the Citye and then was the Cunduites at Algate and at Lothbery begunne to be buylded And the cunduites at Byshoppes gate was taken downe and sette lower as it nowe standeth This yeare the .xiii. day of Iune beynge Whytsonday a continuall peace was proclaymed in the Cytie of London betwene the kyng of England and the Frenche Kynge wyth a solempne Procession at the tyme of proclamation gyuynge laude and prayse to God and at nyghte thoroughout the Citie great bonfyers were made The .xxvii. day of Iune doctor Crome recanted at Paules Crosse. The .xvi. daye of Iuly were burned in Smithfielde these fower persones Anne Askewe gentylwomanne Iohn Lasselles gentylmanne Nicholas Otterden Prieste and Iohn Handlande Taylour And Doctour Shaxton somtyme byshoppe of Salisbury preached at the same fyre and recanted hys opynyon perswading them to do the like but they would not The .xxi. daye of Auguste came into Englande to doo hys duetie from the Frenche Kynge Mounsyre Deneball hygh Admyrall of France wyth great Tryumphe and also broughte wyth hym the Sacre of Diepe and xii galeys wel besene in dyuers poyntes and landed at London at the tower wharfe where he was honourablye receyued wyth many nobles and pieres of thys Royalme wyth greatte shootynge of gunnes and so broughte to the Bysshop of Londons palaice and laid there twoo nightes On Mondaie the xxiii daye of August he rode to Hampton Courte where the Kinge laie and before he came there Prince Edward receaued him with a companie of fiue hundred coates of veluet and the princes lyuerie were with sleues of cloathe of golde and halfe the coate embroudered with golde And there were to the number of eighte hundred horses royally apparailed whiche broughte him to the manour of Hampton court to the prudent Prince hys father and quene Katherin Anno. 38. Hēry Noble-thorne merchant tailer M. Rich. Iarbis S. Th. Curtise S. In Ianuarie Thomas Duke of Norfolke was sent to the tower of London and condempned to perpetuall prison And shortly after his sonne the Earle of Surrey was condemned and beheaded the .xix. daie of Ianuarie These thinges beinge doone aboute the ende of Ianuarie Kinge Henry departed out of this life appointings his first heire to be his yong son prince Edwarde and the seconde ladie Mary his daughter by his firste wife Quene Katherine and the thyrd Ladie Elisabeth by his seconde wife Quene Anne Boloigne Edwarde the sixte Anno Regni .1 THe gracious prynce Edwarde the sixte began his reigne the xxviii daie of Ianuarie in the yere .1546 when he was but .ix. yeres old He deceased in the yeare .1553 the .vi. daie of Iuly so he reigned .vi. yeares .v. moneths and viii daies by his fathers will were appointed .xvi. gouernours and ouerseers of this yonge prince the chiefe wherof was his vncle Earle of Hertforde who by the cōsent of the residue shortly after was made Duke of Sommersette and proclaymed Protectoure of the Kynge and realme The .xix. day of February he roade solempnely with hys vncle syr Edward Seymour Lorde Gouernour and protectour Duke of Somersette wyth the nobilitie of the realme from the tower to Westmynster thorough the Cytie whiche was richely hunged with couer-lettes and Carpettes of Tapistrie and arras Cheape beynge rychely hanged with cloth of gold and syluer euery cundite runnyng with wine with pageantes being richely apparailed to receiue him at euerye place with Orations of his praise And on the Southesyde of Paules Churcheyard an Argosie came frome the Battilment of Poules churche vppon a Cable beinge made faste to an anker at the Deanes gate lieng vppon his breast aidinge him selfe neither with hande nor foote and after ascended to the middeste of the same Cable and tombled and played many pretie toyes whereat the Kinge with the nobles of the Realme lawghed righte hartilye The fiue and twentye daye of Februarye he was crowned Kynge at Westmynster wyth greate solempnitie In the Monethe of Marche syr Andrewe Dudley Uyce admyrall wyth the Paunce and the Harte beynge but syngle manned hadde a great conflicte wyth three Scottysshe shyppes beynge double manned and obteyned the victorie and toke many prysoners and broughte the shyppes into Orwelle Hauen where they dydde remayne The Lorde Protectoure wyth the reste of the Counsayle sent Commissioners into all partes of the Realme wyllynge them to take all Images out of theyr Churches for the aduoydynge of Idolatrie wyth them were sent dyuers preachers to perswade the people from theyr beades and suche lyke At the same tyme Procession was commaunded to be no more vsed And shortly after was a Parlyament wherin besyde other thynges Chauntryes were geuen into the Kynges handes to bee vsed at hys pleasure And also an order taken for the vse of the Lordes supper that it should be in bothe kynds of bread and wyne This yeare in Auguste the Duke Somersette and the Earle of Warwike wyth a noble armye were sente into Scotlande and nere to Edenborough at a place called Muskelboroughe the Englyshmen and Scottes mett where betwene theym was foughten a cruell battayle The victorye by the onely prouydence of God fell to the Englysh men and the Scottes were slayne as writeth maister Patten in his booke aboue .xiiii. thousande and taken prysoners of lordes knyghtes and gentylmen .xv. C. Anno. 1. Syr Iohn Gresham mercer M. Thomas white S. Robert Chersey S. This seconde yere of kyng Edwarde the .vi. the watche whyche
agayne by his kepers and by the kynges commaundement cast in the Tower of London where after he was shewed at westminster in Chepe on scaffoldes and stocked to the great wonderment of many people This yeare one Godfrey a carpenter toke downe the Wethercock of Paules and set it vp agayne This yeare the Englishe marchants beyng long absent out of Flaunders commynge into Flaunders with marchandise wer receyued into And warpe with generall procession so glad was the towne of theyr returnyng whiche was by theyr absence sore hyndred and impoueryshed Anno. 14. Sir Iohn Perciuall mar tailer M. Tho. bradbury S Stephē Ienins S At saincte Thomas Watryng a strypling was put to execution whych called hymselfe Edwarde Earle of Warwycke and sonne of George Duke of Clarence whiche George synce the begynnyng of Kyng Henries reygne was kept secretly in the tower of London Thys yere master Iohn Tate aldermā of Lōdon began to edifie S. Anthonies churche iu London with a notable free schole to the same adioynynge and also one almes house for poore people The .xvi. day of Iuly beyng sonday and the next sondaye folowyng .xii. persones bare faggots at Paules crosse Anno. 15. Nicholas Alwyn mercer M. Iames wilforde S. Richard Bronde S. This yeare the .xvi. daye of Nouember was arraygned at Westmynster Perkyn Warbeck and .iii. other which Perkyn and one Iohn a Water were executed at Tyborne the .xxiii. daye of the same moneth of Nouember And soone after on the .xxviii. daye of Nouember was the Erle of Warwike put to deathe at the Tower hylle and one Blewet and Atwood at Tyborne This yere was a great death in London Whereof after Fabyan dyed .xx. thousande but after Halle hys Chronicle .xxx. thousand In Maye the Kynge and Quene sailed to Calaice and at saynct Peters they mette wyth the Duke of Burgoyne Anno. 16. William Remington Fishmōger M. Iohn Dawes S. williā Stede S. This yere the Kyng buylded new his manour at Shene changed the name therof and named it Richemont and he buylded newe his place called Baynardes castell in London and repayred his place at Grenewiche with muche other buyldynge Syr Edmund de la Poole Duke of Suffolke departed secretly by meane of whom was lyke to haue ben a newe insurrection Kyng Henry trouthplighted his daughter Margaret to Iames the Kyng of Scottes and the .4 day of October landed at Plymmouth Katherin daughter of the kyng of Spayne and thys yeare was fynished by master Tate the churche of sainct Anthonies Anno. 17. sir Iohn Shawe goldsmith M. Sir Lau. Ailmer S Henry Hede S This syr Iohn Shawe mayre of London before named caused the kitchens and other houses of office to be bnylded at the Guylde hall of London and sens that tyme the Mayors feastes hath ben there kept where as before that tyme they were kept eyther at the Grocers or the marchant Taylers Halle On saint Erkenwalds day prince Arthur beyng but .xv. yeare olde was maried unto Katherin daughter to Ferdinando Kynge of Spayne the .xiiii. of Nouember whiche Arthur shortly after departed this mortal life at Ludlow and was buried at Worcester The dyche from Thames to Holborn bridge was new caste Anno. 18. Bartho Rede Goldsmith M. Hēry Keble S Nico. Nines S In this yere began the newe worke of the Kynges chapell at Westmynster and Elizabeth Quene of England dyed at the Tower of London in chyldebed and was buried at westminster Shortly after was dame Margarete the Kynges daughter maryed to the Kynge of Scottes This yeare the felowshyp of Taylers in London purchased a graunte of the Kynge to bee called Merchaunts Tayloures Anno. 19. sir williā Capell Draper M. Christo. Hawes S. Robert wattes S. Tho. Granger S. The .xxi. daye of Nouember was a dreadfull fyre vppon the north ende of London bridge And vpon the .vii. daye of Ianuary were certayne houses consumed wyth fyre agaynst sainte Botulphes church in Thames strete and the xxvii day of Marche was an house burned against saint Martins le grand and the same day was hurt done wyth fyre in the parishe of saint Peter the poore This yeare was holden a parliament where was ordeyned a new coyne of siluer as grotes halfe grotes and shyllinges with halfe faces and in the same parliament was graunted to the Kyng the loane of .36000 li. Anno. 20. Iohn Winger Grocer M. Roger Achilley S Williā Browne S This yeare the lyberties of the Cytie of London were agayne confirmed Anno. 21. Thomas Kneisworth Fishmōger M. Rich. Shore S. Rog. Groue S. This Thomas Kneysworthe Maior of London of his owne goodes buylded the Cundyte at Byshoppes gate Moreouer he gaue to the companye of the Fishmongers certayn tenements for the whyche they be bounde to fynde iiii scholers that studye arte two to be at Oxenforde the other two at Cambridge euery of them to haue .iiii. li. the yere for their exhibition They be boūd also to geue to .xiii. aged poore people of their company to euery of them euerye weke viii.d to euery of them at Bartylmeutide a winter garmēt of frise or such like for euer And also to geue to y e prysons of Newgate Ludgate euery yere xi.s whose notable workes by him done are wel worthy of remembrance and to be folowed of others Edmonde dela Poole was conueyed through the citie vnto the tower of London and there left as prisoner This yere Philip king of Castile and hys wyfe were weather dryuen into Englande as they were passynge towarde Spayn● who were honorably receiued by the Erle of Arundell at the kynges appoyntment with .iii. C. horses all by torchelyght Anno. 22. Sir Rich. Haddon mercer M. wil. Copinger S Tho. Iohnson S wil. fitz william S Thys yere the kyng of his goodnesse deliuered out all prisoners in London whiche lay for .xl. s. aud vnder Anno. 23. William Browne mercer M. Williā Butler S. Iohn Kyrkeby S. In the ende of Aprill dyed william Browne maior and for hym was chosen Laurence Ailemer draper who serued out that yere This yeare syr William Capell was put in suite by the Kynge for certayne thynges by hym done in the tyme of his Maioraltie Anno. 24. Stephen Genings M. M. tailer M. Tho. Ermeu S. Rich. Smith S. This yere was finyshed the goodlye hospitall of the Sauoy nere vnto Charing crosse whiche was a notable foundation for the pore done by king Henry the seuenth This yere dyed this moste noble and famous prince kyng Henry the seuenth which was in the yere .1509 the .xxii. day of April when he had reigned .23 yeres and eight moneths and was buryed at Westminster in the new chapel which he had caused to be builded and lefte behynd him Henry prince of Wales whiche after him succeded lady Margaret quene of Scottes and lady Mary promised to Charles kyng of