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B18452 Camden's Britannia newly translated into English, with large additions and improvements ; publish'd by Edmund Gibson ...; Britannia. English Camden, William, 1551-1623.; Gibson, Edmund, 1669-1748. 1695 (1695) Wing C359 2,080,727 883

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houses eight were destroy'd for the Castle It was formerly walled about and as may be seen by the tract was a c The ditch of the town says Leland and the creast whereon the wall stood are yet manifestly perceiv'd and begin from the Castle going in compass a good mile or more mile in compass it hath a castle seated upon the river very large and so well fortify'd in former times that the hopes of it's being impregnable hath made some persons over-resolute For when the flames of Civil War had as it were set all England on fire we read that King Stephen ever now and then attempted it by siege but still in vain We much wonder'd at it's greatness and magnificence when we were boys and retir'd thither from Oxford for it is now a retiring place for the Students of Christ-Church at Oxford it being double wall'd and surrounded with d Leland says it has 3 dikes large and deep and well water'd two ditches In the middle stands a tower rais'd upon a very high mount in the steep ascent whereof which you climb by stairs I saw a well of an exceeding depth The Inhabitants believe it was built by the Danes but I should rather judge that something was here erected by the Romans and afterwards demolish'd by the Saxons and Danes when Sueno the Dane harrass'd the Country up and down in these parts At length it recover'd it self under William 1. as plainly appears by Domesday Book where it makes mention of eight ‖ Haga● Houses being pull'd down for the Castle as I observ'd but now Yet William Gemeticensis takes no notice of this Castle when he writes that William the Norman after Harold's defeat immediately led his army to this city for so he terms it and passing the Thames at the ford encamp'd here before he march'd to London Lords of Wallingford At which time Wigod an Englishman was Lord of Wallingford who had one only daughter given in marriage to Robert D'Oily by whom he had Maud his sole heir married first to Miles Crispin and after his death by the favour of K. Henry 1. to Brient † Fillo Comitis Fitz-Count and he being bred a soldier and taking part with Maud the Empress stoutly defended the Castle against King Stephen who had rais'd a Fort over against it at Craumesh till the peace so much wish'd for by England in general was concluded in this place and that terrible quarrel between King Stephen and K. Henry 2. was ended And then the love of God did so prevail upon Brient and his wife that quitting the transitory vanities of this world they wholly devoted themselves to Christ by which means this Honour of Wallingford fell to the Crown Which appears by these words taken out of an old Inquisition in the Exchequer To his well beloved Lords Of the Honour of Wallingford in T●●● de N●●● 〈◊〉 the Exchequer our Lord the King's Justices and the Barons of the Exchequer the Constable of Wallingford Greeting Know ye that I have made diligent Inquisition by the Knights of my Bailywick in pursuance of my Lord the King's precept directed to me by the Sheriff and this is the summe of the inquisition thus taken Wigod of Wallingford held the honour of Wallingford in K. Harold's time and afterwards in the reign of K. William 1. and had by his Wife a certain Daughter whom he gave in marriage to Robert D'Oily This Robert had by her a Daughter named Maud which was his heir Miles Crispin espous'd her and had with her the aforesaid honour of Wallingford After Miles ' s decease our Lord K. Henry 1. bestow'd the aforesaid Maud upon Brient Fitz-Count c. Yet afterwards in the reign of Henry 3. it belong'd to the Earls of Chester and then to Richard King of the Romans and Earl of Cornwall who repaired it and to his son Edmond who founded a Collegiate Chapel within the inner Court but he dying issueless it fell again to the Crown and was annexed to the Dukedom of Cornwall since when it hath fallen much to decay More especially about the time when that plague and mortality which follow'd the conjunction of Saturn and Mars in Capricorn A terrible ●●ague reign'd so hotly through all Europe in the year of our Lord 1343. Then this Wallingford by that great mortality was so exhausted that whereas before it was very well inhabited and had 12 Churches in it now it can shew but one or two But the inhabitants rather lay the cause of this their town's decay upon the bridges built at Abingdon and Dorchester e Just so Wilton the once chief town of Wiltshire began to decay when the road was turn'd through Salisbury and the bridge was built there by which means the High-road is turn'd from thence g From hence Southward the Thames gently glides between very fruitful fields on both sides of it by Moulesford Moulesford which K. Henry 1. gave to Girald Fitz-Walter from whom the noble Family of the Carews are descended A family that hath receiv'd the addition of much honour by it's matches with the noble families of Mohun and Dinham and others in Ireland as well as England Not far from hence is Aldworth where there are certain tombs and statues upon them larger than ordinary much wonder'd at by the common people as if they were the pourtraictures of Giants when indeed they are only those of certain Knights of the family of De la Beche which had a Castle here and is suppos'd to have been extinct for want of male-issue in the reign of Edward 3. And now at length the Thames meets with the Kenet The river ●enet which as I said before watering the south-side of this County at it's first entry after it has left Wiltshire runs beneath Hungerford ●unger●●rd call'd in ancient times Ingleford Charnam-street a mean town and seated in a moist place which yet gives both name and title to the honourable family of the Barons of Hungerford first advanc'd to it's greatness by f He was son of that Sir Thomas Hungerford who was Speaker to the House of Commons 51 Edw. 3. which was the first Parliament wherein that House had a Speaker Walter Hungerford who was Steward of the King's Houshold under King Henry 5. and had conferr'd upon by that Prince's bounty in consideration of his eminent services in the wars the Castle and Barony of Homet in Normandy to hold to him and his heirs males by homage and service to find the King and his heirs at the Castle of Roan one Lance with a Fox's tail hanging to it ●●ima pars ●pl Pa●● Nor●n 6 H. 5. which pleasant tenure I thought not amiss to insert here among serious matters The same Walter in the reign of Henry 6. was Lord High Treasurer of England ●rons ●ngerford and created Baron Hungerford and what by his prudent management and his matching with Catherine Peverell descended from the
of his being seized of the Castle Honour and Lordships of Arundel in his own demesn as of Fee in regard of this his possession of the same Castle Honour and Lordships and without any other consideration or creation to be an Earl was Earl of Arundel Parl. 11. H. 6. and the Name State and Honour of the Earl of Arundel c. peaceably enjoy'd as appears by a definitive Judgment in Parliament in favour of John Fitz-Alan challenging the Castle and Title of Arundel 5 By virtue of an entail against John Mowbray Duke of Norfolk the right heir by his mother in the nearest degree From whence we gather That the Name State and Dignity of an Earl was annex'd to the Castle Honour and Lordship of Arundel as may be seen in the Parliament-Rolls An. 27 Hen. 6. out of which I have copy'd these notes word for word Of these Fitz-Alans 6 Edmund second Earl son to Richard marry'd the heir of the Earl of Surrey and was beheaded through the malicious fury of Q. Isabel not lawfully convicted for that he oppos'd himself in King Edw. the 2d's behalf against her wicked practices His son Richard petition'd in Parliament to be restor'd to blood lands and goods for that his father was put to death not try'd by his Peers according to the Law and Great Charter of England Nevertheless whereas the Attainder of him was confirm'd by Parliament he was forc'd to amend his Petition and upon the amendment thereof he was restor'd by the King 's meer grace Richard his son as his grandfather died for his Sovereign 4 Edw. 3. lost his life for banding against his Sovereign K. Richard 2. But Thomas his son more honourably ended his life serving King Henry 5. valorously in France and leaving his sisters his heirs general Sir John of Arundel Lord Maltravers his next Cousin and Heir Male obtain'd of K. Henr. 6. the Earldom of Arundel as we even now declared See before the Earls of Surrey and also was by the said King for his good service created Duke of Touraine Of the succeeding Earls I find nothing memorable the 11th liv'd in our time and dying without issue male was succeeded by Philip Howard his grandson by his daughter who not being able to digest wrongs and hard measure put upon him by the cunning tricks of some invidious persons fell into the snare they had laid for him and being brought into the utmost danger of his life dy'd But his son Thomas a most honourable young Gentleman ennobled with a fervent desire and pursuit after virtue and glory worthy his great birth and of an affable obliging temper was restor'd by King James and had all his father's honours return'd him by Act of Parliament Except the Castle and it's Earls Arundel hath nothing memorable for the College that there flourish'd and had the Earls for it's founders it's revenues being alienated now falls to decay Nevertheless there are some monuments of the Earls in the Church amongst the rest one of Alabaster very fair and noble in which in the middle of the Quire lie Earl Thomas and Beatrix his Wife 2d Daughter of John King of Portugal Neither must I pass by this Inscription very beautifully gilt set up here to the honour of Henry Fitz-Alan the last Earl of this Line since some possibly may be pleas'd with it VIRTUTI ET HONORI SACRUM MAGNANIMUS HEROS CUJUS HIC CERNITUR EFFIGIES CUJUSQUE HIC SUBTER SITA SUNT OSSA HUJUS TERRITORII COMES FUIT SUI GENERIS AB ALANI FILIO COGNOMINATUS A MALATRAVERSO CLUNENSI ET OSWALDESTRENSI HONORIBUS EXIMIIS DOMINUS INSUPER AC BARO NUNCUPATUS GARTERIANI ORDINIS EQUESTRIS SANE NOBILISSIMI SODALIS DUM VIXIT ANTIQUISSIMUS ARUNDELIAE COMITIS GUILIELMI FILIUS UNICUS ET SUCCESSOR OMNIUMQUE VIRTUTUM PARTICEPS QUI HENRICO VIII EDWARDO VI. MARIAE ET ELIZABETHAE ANGLIAE REGIBUS A SECRETIS CONSILIIS VILLAE QUOQUE CALESIAE PRAEFECTURAM GESSIT ET CUM HENRICUS REX BOLONIAM IN MORINIS OBSIDIONE CINXERAT EXERCITUS SUI MARESCALLUS PRIMARIUS DEINDE REGIS FUIT CAMERARIUS EJUSQUE FILIO EDWARDO DUM CORONARETUR MARESCALLI REGNI OFFICIUM GEREBAT EIQUE SICUT ANTEA PATRI CAMERARIUS FACTUS REGNANTE VERO MARIA REGINA CORONATIONIS SOLENNI TEMPORE SUMMUS CONSTITUITUR CONSTABULARIUS DOMUSQUE REGIAE POSTMODUM PRAEFECTUS AC CONSILII PRAESES SICUT ET ELIZABETHAE REGINAE CUJUS SIMILITER HOSPITII SENESCALLUS FUIT ITA VIR ISTE GENERE CLARUS PUBLICIS BENE FUNCTIS MAGISTRATIBUS CLARIOR DOMI AC FORIS CLARISSIMUS HONORE FLORENS LABORE FRACTUS AETATE CONFECTUS POSTQUAM AETATIS SUAE ANNUM LXVIII ATTIGISSET LONDINI XXV DIE FEBRUARII ANNO NOSTRAE SALUTIS A CHRISTO MDLXXIX PIE ET SUAVITER IN DOMINO OBDORMIVIT JOANNES LUMLEY BARO DE LUMLEY GENER PIENTISSIMUS SUPREMAE VOLUNTATIS SUAE VINDEX SOCERO SUAVISSIMO ET PATRONO OPTIMO MAGNIFICENTISSIME FUNERATO NON MEMORIAE QUAM IMMORTALEM SIBI MULTIFARIIS VIRTUTIBUS COMPARAVIT SED CORPORIS MORTALIS ERGO IN SPEM FELICIS RESURRECTIONIS RECONDITI HANC ILLI EX PROPRIIS ARMATURIS STATUAM EQUESTREM PRO MUNERE EXTREMO UBERIBUS CUM LACHRYMIS DEVOTISSIME CONSECRAVIT That is Sacred to Virtue and Honour The Valiant Heroe whose Effigies you here see and whose Bones are buried underneath was Earl of these parts he had his Sirname by being the son of Alan and moreover took the honourable titles of Lord and Baron from Maltravers Clun and Oswaldestre he was Knight of the Garter and liv'd to be the Senior of that Noble Order only Son to William Earl of Arundel and heir both of his Estate and Virtues He was Privy Counsellor to Henry 8. Edward 6. Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth Kings and Queens of England Governour of Calais and when Bologne a town of the old Morini was besieg'd by that King Henry was Marshal of the Army He was afterwards Lord Chamberlain to the said King and at the Coronation of his son Edward exercis'd the Office of Marshal of England to which King he was Lord Chamberlain as he had been to his Father Upon Queen Mary's coming to the Crown he was made High-Constable of England for the Coronation afterwards Steward of her Houshold and President of the Council which honour he had under Queen Elizabeth to whom he was likewise Steward of the Houshold Thus this person noble by birth by the honourable discharge of Offices more noble and most of all so by his great Exploits at home and abroad with his honour untainted his body broken and worn out with age in the 68. year of his life dy'd in the Lord devoutly and comfortably at London on the 25. of February in the year of our Lord 1579. John Lumley Baron of Lumley his most dutiful and disconsolate son in Law and Executor with the utmost respect put up this Statue with his own Armour after he had been buried in great pomp for the kindest of Fathers-in-Law and the best of Patrons as the
this name of Esquire which in ancient times was a name of charge and office only crept first in among the titles of honour as far as I can find in the reign of Richard the second Gentlemen Gentlemen are either the common sort of nobility who are descended of good families or those who by their virtue and fortune have made themselves eminent Citizens Citizens or Burgesses are such as are in publick offices in any City or elected to sit in Parliament The common people or Yeomen are such as some call ingenui the Law homines legales i.e. freeholders Yeom● Gem●● 〈◊〉 Saxo● 〈◊〉 common people those who can spend at least forty shillings of their own yearly Labourers are such as labour for wages sit to their work are Mechanicks Artizans Smiths Carpenters c. term'd capite censi and Proletarii by the Romans The Law-Courts of ENGLAND AS for the Tribunals or Courts of Justice in England there are three several sorts of them some Spiritual others Temporal and one mixt or complicate of both which is the greatest and by far the most honourable call'd the Parliament Parliament a French word of no great antiquity The Saxons our fore-fathers nam'd it a Witen● gemot ●s the true Saxon word Ƿittenagemot that is an assembly of wise-men and Geraedniss or Council and Micil Synod from the greek word Synod signifying a great meeting The Latin writers of that and the next age call it Commune Concilium Curia altissima Generale Placitum Curia Magna Magnatum Conventus Praesentia Rogis Praelatorum Procerumque collectorum Commune totius regni concilium c. And as Livy calls the general Council of Aetolia Panetolium so this of ours may be term'd very properly Pananglium For it consists of the King the Clergy the Barons and those Knights and Burgesses elected or to express my self more plainly in Law-language the King the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons who there represent the body of the Nation This Court is not held at certain set times but is call'd at the King's pleasure when things of great difficulty and importance are to be consider'd in order to prevent any danger that may happen to the State and then again is dissolv'd when-ever he alone pleases Now this Court has the sovereign power and an inviolable authority in making confirming repealing and explaining laws reversing Attainders determining causes of more than ordinary difficulty between private persons and to be short in all things which concern the State in general or any particular Subject ●he Kings ●●urt The next Court to this immediately after the coming in of the Normans and for some time before was the King's Court which was held in the King's Palace and follow'd the King where-ever he went For in the King's Palace there was a peculiar place for the Chancellor and Clerks who had the issuing out of Writs and the management of the great Seal and likewise for Judges who had not only power to hear pleas of the Crown but any cause whatsoever between private persons There was also an Exchequer for the Treasurer and his Receivers who had charge of the King's revenues These each of them were counted members of the King's family and had their meat and cloaths of the King Hence Gotzelin in the life of S. Edward calls them Palatii Causidici and Joannes Sarisburiensis Curiales But besides these and above them likewise ●●e Chief ●●●tice was the Justitia Angliae and Justitiarius Angliae Capitalis i.e. the Lord Chief Justice who was constituted with a yearly stipend of 1000 marks by a Patent after this form The King to all the Archbishops Bishops Abbots Priors Counts Barons Viscounts Foresters and all other his faithful subjects of England greeting Whereas for our own preservation and the tranquillity of our Kingdom and for the administration of justice to all and singular of this our Realm we have ordain'd our beloved and trusty Philip Basset Chief Justice of England during our will and pleasure we do require you by the faith and allegiance due to us strictly enjoyning that in all things relating to the said office and the preservation of our peace and Kingdom you shall be fully obedient to him so long as he shall continue in the said Office Witness the King c. But in the reign of Henry the third it was enacted that the Common Pleas should not follow the King's Court but be held in some certain place and awhile after the Chancery the Pleas of the Crown and the Exchequer also were remov'd from the King's Court and establisht apart in certain set places as some how truly I know not have told us Having premis'd thus much I will now add somewhat concerning these Courts and others that sprung from them as they are at this day And seeing some of them have cognizance of ●uris Law namely the King's Bench Common Pleas Exchequer Assizes Star-Chamber Court of Wards and the Court of Admiralty others of Equity as the Chancery the Court of Requests the Councils in the Marches of Wales and in the North I will here insert what I have learnt from others of each of them in their proper places The King's Bench ●●e Kings ●●●ch so call'd because the Kings themselves were wont to preside in that Court takes cognizance of all pleas of the Crown and many other matters relating to the King and the well-being of the publick it has power to examine and correct the errors of the Common-pleas The Judges there besides the King himself when he is pleas'd to be present are the Lord Chief Justice of England and four others or more as the King pleases ●●mmon ●●●as The Common-Pleas has this name because the common pleas between subject and subject is by our law which is call'd the Common law there triable The Judges here are the Chief Justice of the Common Pleas and four others or more to assist him Officers belonging to this Court are the Custos Brevium three Prothonotaries and many others of inferior rank ●●●hequer The Exchequer deriv'd that name from a table at which they sat For so Gervasius Tilburiensis writes who liv'd in the year 1160. The Exchequer is a squar● table about ten foot long and five broad contriv'd lik● a table to sit round On every side it has a ledge of four fingers breadth Upon it is spread a cloath of black colour with stripes distant about a foot or span● it bought in Easter term A little after This Court 〈◊〉 report has been from the very Conquest of the Realm by King William the design and model of it being taken ●●m the Exchequer beyond Sea Here all matters belongi●●● to the King's revenues are decided The Judges of it are the Lord Treasurer of England the Chancellor of the Exchequer the Chief Baron and three or four other Barons The Officers of this Court are the King's Remembrancer the Treasurer's Remembrancer the Clerk
aforesaid but by suppression of 5 dissolution of 2 and alienation of two more they were reduc'd to this number There were 5 more alienated but 5 others were erected in their stead of which Mr. Camden himself had that of Ilfarcomb for above 30 years aa The other ornaments of this place in short are the Cloyster said by Leland to be the most magnificent in England the Library built by Bishop Jewel with the Chapter-house of a large octagonal figure and sustain'd only by a small marble pillar in the middle as also the College built and endow'd by Bishop Ward for 10 Minister's widows In that part of the Suburbs of Salisbury call'd Harnham stood the College de Vaulx which was built by Giles de Bridport Bishop of this place An. Dom. 1260. for the entertainment of several Scholars who retir'd hither upon account of some disturbances at Oxford Here they study'd University-Learning and having a testimonial from their Chancellour of their progress in Learning frequently went to Oxford and took their Degrees And so they continu'd even till Leland's time who speaking of it has these words That part of these Scholars remain in the College in Saresbyri and have two Chaplains to serve the Church there dedicated to S. Nicholas the residue study at Oxford c. Beyond this is the great Bridge call'd Harnhambridge Harnhambridge which was built by virtue of a privilege that Richard Poor obtain'd of Henry 3. when New-Sarum was incorporated viz. Quod ad emendationem ejusdem civitatis vias pontes ad eam ducentes mutent transferant faciant sicut viderint expedire salvo jure cujuslibet In pursuance of which power Robert Bingham his next successor built this stately Bridge An. 1245. which I the rather take notice of because it made such a considerable alteration in Wilton and this place for by bringing the great Western road this way the first presently decay'd and the latter which by the by ‖ Vid. p. 200. Monast Angl. t. 1. p. 197. Matthew Westminster reckons as a County of it self distinct from Wiltshire dayly improv'd bb The Earldom of this place which was bestow'd upon the Cecils in the reign of James 1. has continu'd in that family ever since and is now possess'd by James of that name Not far from this place is West-Deane West-Dean the seat of Sir John Evelyn Knight of the Surrey-family and now devolv'd to a daughter is in the possession of the Right honorable Evelyn Earl of Kingston cc Going along with the Avon we pass by Langford Langford the stately seat of the honorable Henry Hare Viscount Colerain in Ireland a great admirer of Antiquities then by Clarendon Clarend●● in the Park whereof are the footsteps of two Royal Palaces King-manour and Queen-manour Besides the famous Parliament held here temp Hen. 2. there was another summon'd to meet here by King Edw. 2. Anno 1317. but the differences at that time between the King and the Barons were so high that nothing of any moment was transacted This place was honour'd in the time of Charles 2. by giving the title of Earl to Edward Hide Baron of Hindon Viscount Cornbury and Lord Chancellor of England who dying at Roan in Normandy was succeeded by his eldest son Henry Not far from Clarendon is Farle Farle where Sir Stephen Fox one of their Majesties Commissioners of the Treasury out of a respect to his native place has founded a Hospital for 6 old men and as many old women with a Master who is to teach a Free-school here and to officiate in the Church which he also built from the ground a new in room of an old ruin'd Chappel and made it Parochial Northward of this is Frippsbury Fripps●●●● a very great entrenchment of a rude circular form it 's Diameter containing 300 large paces it is single-trench'd but the ditch is deep and the rampire high Only about 80 paces within the outer circumvallation is a deep trench without a rampire It has only two entrances one by east and the other on the west and there is some probability of it's being Saxon. dd About 7 miles north of New-Salisbury is Stone-henge Stone-henge a piece of Antiquity so famous as to have gain'd the admiration of all ages and engag'd the pens of some very considerable Authors 'T is of it self so singular and receives so little light from history that almost every one has advanc'd a new notion To give the several conjectures with some short remarks is as much as the narrow compass of our design will allow But not to hunt after such uncertainties and in the mean time pass over what lays before our eyes we will premise a description of the place as it now stands much more distinct than what Mr. Camden has left us It is situated on a rising ground Stone-henge ●scrib●e environ'd with a deep trench still appearing and about 30 foot broad From the plain it has had three entrances the most considerable lying north-east at each of which was rais'd on the out-side of the trench two huge stones gate-wise parallel whereunto on the inside were two others of less proportion After one has pass'd this ditch he ascends 35 yards before he comes at the Work it self which consists of 4 Circles of Stones The outward Circle is about 100 foot diameter the stones whereof are very large 4 yards in height 2 in breadth and 1 in thickness Two yards and a half within this great Circle is a range of lesser stones Three yards farther is the principal part of the work call'd by Mr. Jones The Cell of an irregular figure made up of two rows of stones the outer of which consists of great upright stones in height 20 foot in breadth 2 yards and in thickness one yard These are coupl'd at the top by large transome stones like Architraves which are 7 foot long and about three and a half thick Within this was also another range of lesser Pyramidal stones of about 6 foot in height In the inmost part of the Cell Mr. Jones observ'd a stone which is now gone appearing not much above the surface of the earth and lying toward the east 4 foot broad and sixteen foot long which was his suppos'd Altar-stone And so much for the structure and dimensions of the Monument only it may in general be observ'd that the stones are not artificial as Mr. Camden and some others would perswade us but purely natural as Mr. Jones p. 35. has asserted The opinions about it may be reduc'd to these 7 heads 1. That it is a work of the Phoenicians as Mr. Sammes in his Britannia conceits a conjecture that has met with so little approbation that I shall not stay to confute it 2. That it was a Temple of the Druids long before the coming in of the Romans which Mr. John Aubrey Fellow of the Royal Society endeavours to prove in his Manuscript Treatise entitl'd Monumenta
under is Ulcomb anciently a Mansion of the family De Sancto Leodegario commonly called Sentieger and Sellinger and Morinden where Sir R. Rockesley descended from Kriol and Crevecer built a house who held Lands at Seaton by Serjeanty to be Vantra●●s Regis Fin. Mic. 11 E. 2. when the King goeth into Gascoin donec perusus fuerit pari solutarum pretii 4 d. which as they that understand Law-Latin for I do not translate that he should be the King's fore-footman until he had worn our a pair of shooes prized 4 d. Nor hath this river any other thing memorable upon it besides Leeds-castle Leeds-castle Fam●y the C●●que● built by the noble Crevequers call'd in ancient Charters de Cr●uecuer and de Crepito corde Afterwards it was the unfortunate seat of Bartholomew Baron of Badilsmer who treacherously fortify'd it against King Edward 6. that had given it him but afterwards had the rewards of his treachery upon the gallows Take if you please the whole relation out of a little history of Thomas De-la-More a Nobleman of the same time which I lately publish'd In the year 1321. came Queen Isabel to the castle of Leeds about Michaelmas where she had design'd to lodge all night but was not suffer'd to enter The King highly resenting this as done in contempt of him call'd together some neighbouring inhabitants out of Essex and London and gave orders to besiege the Castle Bartholo mew de Badilsmer was he who own'd it and having left his wife and sons in it was gone with the rest of the Barons to spoil the estate of Hugh De-Spenser The besieg'd in the mean time despairing of succour the Barons with their Associates came as far as Kingston and by the mediation of the Bishops of Canterbury and London and the Earl of Pembroke petition'd the King to raise the Siege promising to surrender the Castle after the next Parliament But the King considering that the besieg'd could not hold out and moreover incens'd with their contumacy would not listen to the petition of the Barons After they had betook themselves to other parts he gain'd the Castle tho' with no small difficulty the rest of them that were in it he hang'd and sent his wife and sons to the Tower of London Thus the Medway after it has receiv'd the little river Len passes through fruitful Corn-fields and by Allington-Castle where Tho. Wiat senior a most learned Knight ●●ford rebuilt a fair house 40 Now decay'd whose son Sir Thomas enrich'd by an heir of Sir T. Haut proposing to himself great hopes upon fair pretences pitifully overthrew himself and his state to Ailesford in Saxon Eaglesforð call'd by Henry Huntingdon Elstre by Ninnius Epifford who also has told us that 't was call'd Saissenaeg-haibail by the Britains because of the Saxons being conquer'd there as others have in the same sense call'd it Anglesford For Guor-timer the Britain son of Guortigern fell upon Hengist and the English Saxons here and disordering them so at first that they were not able to stand a second charge he put them to flight so that they had been routed for ever had not Hengist by a singular art of preventing dangers betook himself into the Isle of Thanet till that resolute fierceness of the Britains was a little allay'd and fresh forces came out of Germany In this battel the two Generals were slain Catigern the Britain and Horsa the Saxon the latter was buried at Horsted a little way from hence ●d and left his name to the place the former was bury'd in great state ●●en's as 't is thought near Ailesford where 41 Under the side of a hill but not so artificially with mortis and tenents those four vast stones are pitch'd on end with others lying cross-ways upon them much of the same form with that British monument call'd Stone-henge And this the ignorant common people do still from Catigern name Keith-coty-house 42 In Ailsford it self for the religious house of the Carmelites founded by Richard Lord Grey of Codnor in the time of K. Henry 3. is now seen a fair habitation of Sir William Siddey a learned Knight painfully and expencefully studious of the common good of his country as both his endow'd house for the poor and the bridge here with the common voice do plentifully testifie p Nor must we forget Boxley ●●y hard by where William de Ipres a Fleming Earl of Kent built a monastery in the year 1145. and supply'd it with monks from Clarevalle in Burgundy 43 Medway having wound himself higher from the east receiveth a brook springing near Wrotham or Wirtham so named for plenty of worts where the Archbishops had a place until Simon Islip pull'd it down leaveth Malling which grew to be a town after Gundulph Bishop of Rochester had there founded an Abbey of Nuns and watereth Leibourn which hath a Castle sometime the seat of a family thereof sirnamed out of which Sir Roger Leibourn was a great Agent in the Barons wars and William was a Parliamentary Baron in the time of K. Edw. 1. and not far from the opposite bank ●g just over against this is Birling 44 Now the habitation of the Lord Abergeveny formerly the Barony of the Maminots then of the Saies whose estate at last came by females to the families of Clinton Fienes and Aulton On the east-side of the Medway after it has pass'd by Halling ●●g where Hamo de Heath Bishop of Rochester built a seat for his successors a little higher up is an ancient city call'd by Antoninus Duro-brus Duro-brivae and in some other places more truly Duro-provae ●●rev●s ●anci●ble ●sh'd ●elfer 〈◊〉 ●r 〈…〉 ●ester or Durobrovae Bede has it Duro-brevis and in the decline of the Roman Empire time did so contract this name that it was call'd Roibis whence with the addition of Ceaster which being deriv'd from the Latin castrum was us'd by our Forefathers to signifie a city town or castle they call'd it Hroueceaster and we more contractly Rochester as the Latins Roffa from one Rhoffus as Bede imagines tho' to me there seems to be some remains of that in the old Duro brovis And as to the name there is no reason to doubt of that since beside the course of the Itinerary and Bede's authority in an old Foundation-Charter of the Cathedral Church it is expresly call'd Durobrovis Only this I would have observ'd that the printed Copies of Bede read Daruervum where the Manuscripts have Durobrovis It is plac'd in a valley on some sides encompass'd 45 With a marsh river with walls but not very strong and as Malmesbury says is pent within too narrow a compass so that 't was formerly look'd upon as a Castle rather than a City for Bede calls it Castellum Cantuariorum i.e. the castle of the Kentish men But now it runs out with large suburbs towards west east and south It has had a great many
makes it reasonable enough to suppose that these two might be stations for the reception of the Armies in their march Upon the east side of the road between Streethey and Burton stands Eddingal Eddinghall where is a rais'd way pointing towards Lullington in Derbyshire which Dr. Plot is of opinion might probably be one of the Roman Viae vicinales or by-roads which they had beside their great high-ways for the convenience of going between town and town p More to the West is Blithfield Blithfield the seat of the Bagotts as Mr. Camden tells us It came into this family by the marriage of the daughter and heir of Blithfield in the reign of Edward the second Before which time they were seated at the neighbouring village of Bagotts-Bromley From this family were also descended the ancient Barons of Stafford afterwards Dukes of Buckingham Farther Northward and not far from Checkley by a small brook call'd Peak are the stately ruins of Croxden-Abbey Croxden-Abbey formerly a Monastery of Cistercian Monks founded by Theobald de Verdon a Norman Baron about the time of Henry the second Continuation of the LORDS After Edward Stafford last Duke of Buckingham of that name there were three of that family who enjoy'd the title of Lords Stafford Henry Edward and another Henry the daughter of the last being marry'd to William Howard son of Thomas Earl of Arundel and Surrey King Charles the first created this her husband Nov. 1640. Viscount and Lord Stafford More rare Plants growing wild in Staffordshire The mountainous part of this Country called the Moorelands produceth the same plants with the Peak Country of Derbyshire The more depressed and level parts with Warwickshire At a village called Worton in this County about two miles distant from Newport in Shropshire grow in plenty the Abies Ger. Park faemina sive 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 J. B. The female or Yew-leav'd Firr-tree which whether they were native of this place or anciently planted here is some question That they were natives Dr. Plot gathers not only from their disorderly natural situation and excessive height to which planted trees seldom arrive but chiefly from the stools or stumps of many trees which he suspects to have been Firrs found near them in their natural position in the bottoms of Mosses and Pools particularly of Shebben-pool some of the bodies whereof are daily dug up at Laynton and in the old Pewet-pool in the same parish where these now grow Sorbus Pyriformis D. Pitt The Pear-like Service I have already declared my opinion that this is no other than the common Service-tree Dr. Plot tells us that it grows in the Moorelands at many places Sambucus fructu albo Ger. Park fructu in umbella viridi C. B. acinis albis J. B. White-berried Elder In the hedges near the village of Combridge plentifully Dr. Plot hist nat Staff Tripolium minus vulgare The lesser Sea-star-wort Said to grow in the grounds of Mr. Chetwynd of Ingstree within two miles of Stafford in a place call'd the Marsh near the place where the brine of it self breaks out above ground frets away the grass and makes a plash of Salt-water Dr. Plot. hist nat Staff SHROPSHIRE SHROPSHIRE By Robert Morden Lower upon the river Temd we see Burford Burford which from Theodorick Say's posterity descended to Robert de Mortimer and from his heirs to 4 Sir Jeffrey Jeffrey de Cornubia or Cornwaile Cornwaile of the lineage of Richard Earl of Cornwall and King of the Alemans whose heirs even to our days have bore the honourable title of Barons but were not such Barons as might sit in Parliament Burford is held of the King Inq. 40 E. 3. to find five men towards the Army of Wales and by the service of a Barony as appears by the Inquisition But observe by the way those who held an entire Barony were formerly reputed Barons and some Sages of the Common Law will have Baron and Barony to have been Conjugates Baron and Barony conjugates like Earl and Earldom Duke and Dukedom King and Kingdom Temd here leaves Shropshire and by its Northern Banks arise some hills of no difficult ascent call'd Clee-hill Clee-hill famous for producing the best Barley and not without some veins of Iron c at the bottom of which in a little village call'd Cleybury Hugh de Mortimer built a castle which immediately King Henry the second so entirely demolish'd finding it a Nursery of Rebellion that scarce any remains of it are visible at this day and Kinlet a seat of the Blunts Blunt signifies yellow hair in the Norman tongue a name very famous in these parts denoting their golden locks This is a very ancient and honourable family and hath spread its branches far Then we see Brugmorfe Bridgemorfe commonly call'd Bridgnorth on the right hand bank of the Severn so call'd of Burgh and Morfe a Forest that adjoyns to it before call'd Burgh only a town enclos'd and fortified with walls a ditch a castle and the river Severn which with a very steep fall flows in amongst the rocks It stands secure upon a rock through which the ways that lead into the upper part of the town were cut 'T was first built by Edelfleda Domina Merciorum Lady of the Mercians and wall'd round by Robert de f His right name is Belesme for so the ancient Saxon Annals call him Belism Earl of Shrewsbury who relying upon the strength of the place revolted from Henry the first as likewise did Roger de Mortimer from Henry the second but both with ill success for they were forc'd to surrender and so were quieted At the siege of this castle as our Chronicles say King Henry the second had like to have lost his life by an arrow which being shot at him was intercepted by a truly gallant man and lover of his King 5 Sir Hubert Syncler Hubert de Saint-Clere who sav'd the King's life by being accessary to his own death At this place formerly 6 Sir Ralph Ralph de Pichford behav'd himself so gallantly that King Henry the first gave him the little 7 Burgh Brug near it to hold by the service of finding dry wood for the great chamber of the castle of 7 Burgh Brug against the coming of his Soveraign Lord the King d Willeley is not far off the ancient seat of 8 Sir Warner the Warners of Willeley Willey or Willeley from whose posterity by the Harleys and Peshall it came to the famous family of the Lacons Lacon much advanc'd by intermarriage with the heir of Passelew and lately improv'd by the possessions of Sir J. Blunt of Kinlet Kt. Other castles and towns lye scattering hereabouts as New castle Hopton castle Shipton and Corvesham upon the river Corve the gift of K. Hen. 2. Lib. Inq. to Walter de Clifford Brancroft and Holgot commonly call'd Howgate which formerly belong'd to the Mandutes then
malis Quin superest quin extremis exhausta ruinis Funere sic crevit firmior usque suo Oppida ut exaequet jam munitissima Civis Militis censum munia Martis obit Post quam servitio durísque est functa periclis Effert laetitiae signa serena suae Et nunc antiquo foelix se jactat honore Cum reddit Domino debita jura suo Cujus ab Auspiciis unita Britannia tandem Excelsum tollit libera in astra caput bound of the Scottish and the English Land Where both their realms and both their labours end After a thousand turns of doubtful state She yet outbraves the vain assaults of Fate A happy Port in all her storms hath found And still rose higher as she touch'd the ground Surpass'd by none her stately forts appear Her sons at once inur'd to Trade and War Now all her storms and all her fears are gone In her glad look returning joys are shown Now her old honours are at last restor'd Securely now she serves her ancient Lord Bless'd with whose care united Britain rears Her lofty head among the rival-stars It may not be amiss to add here the account which Aeneas Sylvius or Pope Pius the second who came Legate into Scotland about the year 1448. gives of the borderers in this Country The Co●ment● i● Pius 2. p●●lish'd 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 Gebed●●● in his life written by himself since their manners still continue the same A certain * Twede River falling from a high mountain parts the two Kingdoms over which Aeneas ferry'd Manners 〈◊〉 the Ba●●●rers and coming to a large village about sun-set he alighted at a country-man's house where he sup'd with the Curate of the place and his host The table was plentifully furnish'd with pottage hens and geese but nothing of either wine or bread appear'd All the men and women of the town flock'd in as to some strange sight and as our countrymen use to admire the Aethiopians or Indians so these people star'd at Aeneas asking the Curate what countryman he was what his errand could be and whether he were a Christian or no But Aeneas being aware of the scarcity he would meet with on this road was accommodated by a Monastery with a rundlet of red wine and some loaves of bread When these were brought to the table they were more astonish'd than before having never seen either wine or white bread Big-belly'd women with their husbands came to the table side and handling the bread and smelling to the wine beg'd a taste so that there was no avoiding the dealing of the whole amongst them After they had sate at supper till two hours within night the Curate and the Landlord with the children and all the men left Aeneas and rub'd off in haste They said they were going to shelter themselves in a certain tower at a good distance for fear of the Scots who at low water us'd to cross the river in the night and fall a plundering They would by no means be perswaded to take Aeneas along with them though he very importunately entreated them to do it Neither carry'd they off any of the women though several of them both wives and maids were very handsom for they believe the enemy will not harm them not looking upon whoredom as any ill thing Thus Aeneas was left alone with only two Servants and a Guide amongst a hundred women who sitting in a ring with a fire in the middle of 'em spent the night sleepless in dressing of hemp and chatting with the Interpreter When the night was well advanc'd they had a mighty noise of dogs barking and geese gagling whereupon the women slipt off several ways the guide run away and all was in such a confusion as if the enemy had been upon ' em But Aeneas thought it his wisest course to keep close in his Bed-chamber which was a Stable and there to await the issue lest running out and being unacquainted with the Country he should be robb'd by the first man he met Presently both the women and the guide return acquainting them that all was well and that they were Friends and no Enemies that were arriv'd ll There were in this Country certain petty Nations who were call'd dd The Fifburgingi or Fifburhingan as the Saxons call'd them were the Danish Inhabitants of the five Towns of Leicester Lincoln Nottingham Stanford and Derby To these were afterwards added the Cities of York and Chester and then the same people and for the like reason were call'd Seofenburgenses Sevenburgenses and dd The Fifburgingi or Fifburhingan as the Saxons call'd them were the Danish Inhabitants of the five Towns of Leicester Lincoln Nottingham Stanford and Derby To these were afterwards added the Cities of York and Chester and then the same people and for the like reason were call'd Seofenburgenses Fifburgingi ●●●bur●●es ●●●gingi but so dark is the account we have of 'em that I am not able to ascertain the true place of their residence nor tell you whether they were Danes or English Florence of Worcester publish'd by the right honourable the Lord William Howard says that whilst the Parliament sate at Oxenford Sigeferth and Morcar two eminent and mighty e Tha Yldestan Thaegenas says the Chronicle The Historian should have given the word a more honourable signification than Ministri for whatever the Saxon Thegn may signifie the old Danish Diagn which ought to have been known and consider'd here always imports Government and Power Ministers of the Seovenburgenses were privately murder'd by Edrick Streona And that Prince Edmund ●rince of 〈◊〉 Edbur●●g contrary to the good liking of his father marry'd Alfrith the wife of Sigeferth and taking a progress as far as the Fifburgingi invaded Sigeferth 's Territories and subdu'd his People But let others make a further enquiry into these matters ●●gs ●kes and ●●s of ●●thum●●rland This Province was first brought under the Saxon yoke by Osca the brother of Hengist and his son Jebusa and was for some time under the government of Dukes who were homagers to the Kings of Kent Afterwards when the Kingdom of the Bernicians ●●●nicians whom the Britains call Guir a Brinaich that is Mountainers was erected the best part of it lay between the Tees and the Scottish or Edinburg Frith and this was subject to the f The Kingdom of Northumberland is here very erroneously made a part of the Kingdom of Bernicia whereas in truth this was a part of that Kings of Northumberland When these had finish'd their fatal period all beyond Twede became part of Scotland and Egbert King of the East-Saxons had the surrender of this County and g Egbert did indeed so far subdue the Northumbrians that their King Eandred became Tributary to him but Northumberland continued a Kingdom long after that annex'd it to his own Dominions Alfred afterwards h Just as they assign'd the Kingdom of the West-Saxons c.
Gareock and Strath-Bogie-Land A small part of Buchan Strathdovern Boyn Einzie Strath Awin and Balvenie The East part of Murray The West part of Murray Badenoch Lochabir and the south part of Ross A small part of Ross lying on the south side of Cromartie-Frith The rest of Ross with the Isles of Sky Lewis and Herris Sutherland and Strathnavern Cathness Beside the Stewartries mentioned by our Author there is that of Orkney which contains all the Isles of Orkney and Zetland The Constabularie of Hadington contains East-Lothian To pursue Mr. Camden's method in his general Description of England it will be necessary to give a scheme of the bounds and extent of the several Dioceses of this kingdom Diocese of St. Andrews Glasgow Edinburgh Dunkeld Aberdeen Murray Brichin Dumblam Ross Cathness Orkney Galloway Argile The Isles Contains Part of Perthshire and part of Angus and Mernes The shires of Dunbarton Ranfrew Air Lanerick part of the shires of Roxburgh Dumfreis Peebles and Selkirk The shires of Edinburgh Linlithgow part of Strivelingshire Berwick-shire the Constabularie of Hadington and Bailery of Lauderdale The most part of Perthshire part of Angus and part of West-Lothian Most part of Bams-shire and part of Mernis The shires of Elgin Nairn and part of Inverness and Bamf-shire Part of Angus and Mernis Part of Perth and Striveling-shires The shire of Tain Cromertie and the greatest part of Inverness-shire Cathness and Sutherland All the Northern Isles of Orkney and Zetland The shire of Wigton the Stewartrie of Kircudbright the Regality of Glentrurie and part of Dumfries-shire Argile Lorn Kintyre and Lohaber with some of the West Isles Most of the west Isles Under this Constitution the Government was thus 1. In every Parish the cognizance of some scandals belong'd to the Session a Judicature compos'd of the greatest and worthiest persons in each parish where the Minister presided ex officio 2. But if the Case prov'd too intricate it was referred to the Presbyterie a superior Judicature consisting of a certain number of Ministers between 12 and 20 who met almost every fortnight The Moderator herein was nam'd by the Bishop and besides the censures they inflicted 't was by them that such as enter'd into Orders were solemnly examined The Presbyteries are these that follow Dunce Chernside Kelso Ersilton Jedburgh Melross Dumbar Hadington Dalkeith Edinburgh Peebles Linlithgow Perth Dunkeld Auchterarder Striveling Dumblane Dumfreis Penpont Lochmabane Midlebie Wigton Kircudbright Stranraver Aire Irwing Paselay Dumbarton Glasgow Hamilton Lanerick Biggar Dunnune Kinloch Inerary Kilmore Sky St. Andrews Kirkaldy Cowper Dumfermelin Meegle Dundee Arbroth Forfar Brichen Mernis Aberdeen Kinkardin Alfoord Gareoch Deir Turref Fordyce Ellon Strathbogie Abernethie Elgin Forres Aberlower Chanrie Tayn Dingwell Dornoch Week Thurso Kirkwal Scaloway Colmkill 3. Above this was the Provincial-Synod who met twice a year in every Diocese and had the examination of such cases as were referred to them by the Presbyteries here the Bishop presided ex officio 4. Above all was the Convocation when the King pleas'd to call it wherein the Archbishop of St. Andrews presided And besides these every Bishop for the cases of Testaments c. had his Official or Commissary who was judge of that Court within the Diocese Of these Edenburgh had four the rest one But since Presbyterie has been introduced the Church-government stands thus 1. They also have their Parochial Sessions but with this difference that though the Minister presides yet a Lay-man a Bailie ordinarily assists 2. In their Presbyteries they chose their own Moderator to preside 3. They have their Synod or Provincial Assembly but without a constant head for every time they meet they make choice of a new Moderator 4. Their General Assembly this consists of two members from every Presbytery and one Commissioner from each University The King too has his Commissioner there without whose consent no Act can pass and before they be in force they must be also ratify'd by the King Thus much of the several Divisions of Scotland As to the Orders and Degrees of this Kingdom there appears no alteration in them since our Author's time and if any one desires to have a more particular information in their Courts of Justice and Methods of Proceeding a separate Treatise upon this subject written by the Learned Sir George Makenzy late Lord Advocate of Scotland will give him ample satisfaction The Degrees of SCOTLAND THE Government of the Scots as that of the English consists of a King Nobility and Commonalty The King to use the words of their own Records is directus totius Dominii Dominus direct Lord of the whole Dominion or Domain and hath Royal Authority and Jurisdiction over all the States of his Kingdom as well Ecclesiastick as Laick Next to the King is his Eldest Son who is stiled Prince of Scotland and by a peculiar right is Duke of Rothsay and Steward of Scotland But the rest of the King's Children are called simply Princes Amongst the Nobles the greatest and most honorable were in old times the Thanes Thanes that is if I have any judgment those who were ennobled only by the office which they bore for the word in the antient Saxon signifies The King's Minister Of these they of the higher rank were called Ab-thanes of the lower Under-Thanes But these Names by little and little grew out of use ever since King Malcolm the 3. conferred the Titles of Earls and Barons borrow'd out of England from the Normans upon such Noblemen as had deserv'd them Since when in process of time new Titles of Honour have been much taken up and Scotland as well as England hath Dukes Marquisses Earls Viscounts and Barons Dukes Marquesses Earls Viscoun● Barons As for the title of Duke the first that brought it into Scotland was Robert the Third about the year of our Lord 1400 as the honourable titles of Marquiss and Viscount were lately brought in by our most gracious Sovereign King James the sixth These are accounted Nobles of a higher degree and have both place and voice in Parliaments and by a special name together with the Bishops are called Lords Amongst the Nobles of a lower degree in the first place are Knights Knight● who are certainly made with greater solemnity than any where else in Europe by taking of an Oath and being proclaim'd publickly by the Heralds In the second are those who are called Lairds Lairds and commonly without any addition Barons amongst whom none were antiently reckoned but such as held immediately from the King Lands in Capite and had the * Powe● hang 〈◊〉 Jus Furcarum In the third place are such as being descended of Honourable Families and dignify'd with no certain title are term'd Gentlemen Gentlemen All the rest as Citizens Merchants Artificers c. are reckoned among the Commons The COURTS of JUSTICE THE supream Court as well in dignity as authority is accounted the Assembly of the States of the Kingdom which is called a