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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A12738 The history of Great Britaine under the conquests of ye Romans, Saxons, Danes and Normans Their originals, manners, warres, coines & seales: with ye successions, lives, acts & issues of the English monarchs from Iulius Cæsar, to our most gracious soueraigne King Iames. by Iohn Speed. Speed, John, 1552?-1629.; Schweitzer, Christoph, wood-engraver. 1611 (1611) STC 23045; ESTC S117937 1,552,755 623

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a damsell belonging as shee said to the Dutches of Clarence who signified vnto Monsieur Vawclere that shee came from King Edward with a declaration of peace which hee fearing to impart the conditions to other had made her the instrument the better to passe without any suspect and he glad to heare for the Earles sake whom he entirely affected gaue her his safe conduct vnto the Duke of Clarence then at Amboys where hauing priuate accesse vnto him shee told that it was neither naturall nor honourable for him to take part against the house of Yorke that the house of Lancaster was not onely by the whole Court of Parliament debarred to bee the indubitate Heire of the Kingdome but that K. Henrie himselfe had discharged his Issue from claime as it standeth said she vpon Record to be seene contrary to which as he might well perceiue this marriage of Prince Edward with the Earles daughter did onely aime and intend to the vtter extinct of the house of Yorke whereof himselfe was one and in neere possibility of the Crowne Edwards Issue young and not many and the King very wanton a sinne commonly punished with want of posterity which if it so chanced then hee or his were the next These reasons wayed so ouer-wayed the Dukes further designes that hee promised thereafter a more brotherlike affection as saide hee Edward should find with which good newes shee returned into England Warwicke vtterly ignorant what was said or done 47 All now in a readinesse for the return ships money and men supplied by the French King the Admirall of France was sent to secure them from the Duke of Burgundies Fleet which with an extraordinary number and power lay in the mouth of Seyne to fight with Warwicke when he should loose out of Harborow but see how the heauens fauoured and frowned vpon the parties for the night before they should hoise saile such a stormy tempest tooke the Dukes Fleete lying more remote from the Lee that they were scattered asunder some into Scotland some into Denmarke and many of them drowned But the Seas calmed and the wind seruing faire the English set saile and landed at Dartmouth whence they had shipped into France almost six moneths before 48 King Edward relying vpon Burgundy abroad and thinking all friends who fawned at home gaue himselfe daily to follow the hound and the hawke and nightly to his court pleasures in dancings and daliances with damsels little minding their approach that meant to marre his mirth for Warwicke now landed proclaimed King Henry commanding all from sixteene to sixty vpon a great penalty to take Armes against Edward Duke of Yorke the most vniust vsurper of Henries rightfull Crowne and vncredible it was to see the confluence of them which came armed to him who ere-while applauded approued none but King Edward Thus making towards London his company daily encreased which the youthfull King seemed little to regard but verily supposing hee had now Warwicke in his trappe wrote to Burgundie to secure the seas lest he should escape againe into France and to his Lords of England to attend him in his wars but very many neglected his commaund and few or none made their repaire Which when Edward perceiued hee was strucke into a great feare and with his brother of Glocester the L. Hastings his Chamberlaine and the Lord Scales the Queenes brother hee hasted towards Nottingham there to determine what was to be done 49 In the mean while the bastard Faulconbridge in the west and the Earle of Pembroke in Wales euery where proclaimed King Henry and to forward the matter D. Godard preaching at Pauls Crosse declared by reading of Billes and diuers other proofes that King Henry was the vndoubted and true heire vnto the English Crowne Neither is the L. Montacute now the man that he was who hauing mustered sixe thousand in the name of King Edward and brought them forward almost to Nottingham on the sodaine drew backe his forces alleadging that Edward was vngratefull regardlesse of his friends as himselfe said himselfe was the example who hauing serued him in many bloudy battels was rewarded with a verball word Marquesse without any maintenance at al no not so much as Pyes poor nest therfore he had iust cause neuer to draw his sword in his quarrell any more and them that did hee assured them should receiue the like reward in the end 50 These with the like distastures diuulged among the rude multitude it was a world to see the face of this new World for in euery streete Bonfires were made in euery Church bels rung Ditties were sung at euery meeting and euery man cried K. Henry King Henry whose Eccho likewise redoubled a Warwicke a Warwicke and indeed all so applauded the passage now on foot as King Edward hearing the rumor thought it not safe any longer to stay therefore with those trusty Lords and some others hee fled from his hoast besides Nottingham passing the Washes towards Lynne with greater difficulties then was befitting a Prince to aduenture and thus without any order taken for his Realme in two Hulkes of Holland and one English shippe destitute of all necessary prouisions set sayle toward Burgundy and in the way was encountred by the Easterlings Englands great Enemies hauing much adoe to cleare himselfe from their surprise 51 In these times of misery the Queene whose marriage was the onely cause of all these stirres vpon the first of October had stolne out of the Tower and taken Sanctuary at Westminster where like a woman forsaken shee solitarily remained and on the fourth of Nouember following was deliuered of a sonne which without all pompe more like a priuate mans child then a Prince was there also baptized by the name of Edward who after his fathers death a while was King of England as shall be said other Sanctuaries were full of King Edwards friends that praied deuoutly for his prosperous health and well hoped the world would againe turne as shortly it did One King thus fled and the other in prison the Kentish whose conditions are mutable at the change of Princes came to seeke prey in London where they knew it was to bee had Ratcliffe S. Katherins and Southwarke they robbed and within the City did some hurt besides yea and surely more had done had not Earle Warwicke in good time come to the rescue which encreased his name that was great enough before 52 Earle Warwicke accompanied with his brother the Archbishoppe of Yorke the Prior of Saint Iohns the Duke of Clarence the Earle of Shrewsburie Bastard Faulconbridge Lord Stanley and other Gentlemen some for loue some for feare some to gaze at this wauering world vpon the sixt of October entred the Tower of London wherein King Henry had beene retained prisoner almost the space of nine yeeres and there again elected him for their lawfull King and
August His fame grew principally by martiall deedes in the great warres of France vnder Edward the third but spred and setled it selfe by good workes among which the goodly stone-bridge at Rochester in Kent was one 46 In the meane space the wars of Wales were managed by Prince Henry who tooke the Castle of Aberistwith but Owen Glendowr soone after got it againe by faire fraud and thrust into it a Garrison of his owne Thus Owen prospered for a time but the Earle of Northumberland and Lord Bardolf forsaking Wales and seeking to raise a force in the North were encountred by the Sherife of Yorkeshire who after a sharpe conflict slew the Earle in the field and so wounded the Lord Bardolf that hee died thereof The Earles head was cut off which being first ignominiously carryed through London was fixed vpon the Bridge The King hauing thus vanquished his chiefe enemies went to Yorke where inquiries were made for the Earles adherents of which he condemned ransomed and emprisoned many The Abbot of Hales because hee was taken fighting on the Earles behalfe had sentence to die which was executed vpon him by hanging In fortaine and transmarine parts the Kings affaires had mixt successe for Edmund Earle of Kent at the siege of Briant in Britaine was strucken with a quarrell into the head whereof hee died but yet after he had first taken the said Castell and leueld it with the earth 47 The peace of Christendome hauing beene long tempestuously troubled by a Schisme raised by ambition of opposite Popes wherof the one was chosen at Rome the other at Auinion by contrarie factions of the Cardinals A generall Councel was summoned to bee held at Pisa in Italie whither the King of England sent his Ambassadors and the Clergy elected Robert Alum Chancellour of Oxford Bishoppe of Sarum to signifie that vnlesse both the Popes would giue ouer their Papacie neither of them should thenceforward be acknowledged for Pope The King in his letter then sent to Pope Gregory chargeth him as Platina likewise doth with Pertury and that this Papall emulation had beene the cause of the murther of more then two hundreth and thirty thousand Christians slaine in warres There assembled a great number of Cardinals Archbishops Bishops and mitred Prelates who elected a new Pope Alexander 5. a man trained vp at Oxford where hee tooke degree in Theologie reiecting the two others who long and bitterly had contended for the place The King also cals his Parliament to find out meanes for more money to the custody and charge whereof hee ordained Sir Henry Scrope creating him Treasurer as Thomas Beaufourt the Kings halfe brother Lord Chancellour In which Parliament was reuiued the sacrilegious Petition of spoiling the Church of England of her goodly patrimonies which the pietie and wisdome of so many former ages had congested But the King who was bound by oath and reason to preserue the flourishing estate of the Church detested their wicked proposition and for that cause denied all other their requests The Duke of Burgundies prouisions which he had made to reduce Caleys to the French dominions stored at Saint Omars were consumed with casuall fire to ashes 48 About these times the great and bloudy factions betweene the Dukes of Burgundy and Orleance brake forth The cause was for a murther committed vpon Lewis brother to the French king and father of the said Duke of Orleance as he came late one night from the Queenes lodging who at that time lay in of a child The murtherers to preuent pursuit strewed galthrops behind them The Duke of Burgundie iustified the fact for that Lewis had as hee said laboured with the Pope to put the King from his seat vpon pretence that hee was as vnfit to gouerne as euer Childericke was whom Pope Zacharie pronounced against This prepared the way for that scourge wherwith God meant to chastice the pride and sinnes of France Each partie sought to fortifie it selfe with friends aswel at home as abroad The Duke of Burgundie had the King and the Dolphin on his side the other had the Kings of Nauar and Arragon the Dukes of Berrie and Britaine with many of the mightiest Earles and Lords The Duke of Burgundie who together with the King and the face of gouernment kept in Paris perceiuing his aduersaries strengthes to bee more then his owne offers to the King of England a daughter of France in marriage with the Prince and many great promises so as hee would ioyne in defence of the King send ouer competent forces whereunto hee is said to haue answered Our aduise is that you should not in this case aduenture battell with your enemie who seems to prosecute a tust reuenge for the death of his Father but labour to asswage the displeasure and anger of the exasperated yong man by all the good meanes which are possible If that cannot bee then stand vpon your guard and draw into place of most safety with such force of men as may best serue for your defence After all this if hee will not bee appeased you may with the better conscience encounter him and in such case wee will not faile more fully to assist according as you request For the present he sent ouer the Earls of Arundel and Kyme and many men of Armes with plenty of English Bow-men who came safe to Paris where they in nothing diminished the ancient glory of their nation but behaued themselues valiantly 49 The Duke of Orleance and the Peeres of his faction seeing their successe consult how to draw the King of England from their enemie and thereupon send ouer one Falconet and others with solemne letters of credence whom they made their irreuocable Procurators to entreat agree and conclude on their behalfes with the most excellent Prince Henry by the grace of God King of England and his most noble sonnes c. for the restitution and reall redeliuerie of the Dutchie of Aquitain with all the rights and appurtenances which as is affirmed are the inheritance of the said most excellent Lord the King of England by them to bee made and done c. The Ambassadors hauing shewed forth this Proxie exhibited the points of their negotiation in these Articles by which wee may see how farre the desire of reuenge will transport great minds 1 They offer their bodies to be imployed against all men for the seruice of the King of England sauing their faith to their owne Soueraigne as knowing the King of England would not otherwise desire them 2 Their sonnes daughters nephewes Neeces and all their Cosens to bestow in marriage at the King of Englands pleasure 3. Their Castles Townes treasure and all their goods to be at the seruice of the sayd King 4. Their friends the Gentlemen of France the Clergy and wealthy Burgers who are all of their side as by proofe they said shall well appeare 5. They finally
the short time wherein he continued the name of a King which onlie was two monthes and sixteene daies and in them also he sate vncrowned without Scepter or ball all which Richard aimed at and perfidiously got before they could come to his head or into his hands His age at the death of his father and entrance into his throne was eleuen yeeres fiue monthes and fiue daies and within three monthes after was with his brother sin othered to death in the Tower of London as shall be shewed in his Raigne of whom we are now by order of succes sion to write RICHARD THE THIRD KING OF ENGLAND AND FRANCE AND LORD OF IRELAND THE FIFTIE SIXTH MONARCH OF THE ENGLISH HIS RAIGNE ACTS ISSVE AND DEATH For the most part written by Sir Thomas Moore CHAPTER XIX RIchard the third sonne of Richard Duke of Yorke born at Fotheringhay Castle in the County of Northampton was first honoured with the title of Glocester being the third Duke of that number consequently by vsurpation crowned King of England the third of that name a name indeed noted to the Kings so called to bee euer ominous and the title of Glocester to those Dukes euer fatall all of them both dying violent and vntimely deathes which ought to haue beene the more fearefull vnto Richard now hauing possession and interest in them both But that not regarded or destiny enforcing his aspiring mind gaue him no rest till his restlesse body found it lastly in the graue For his brother deceased when his life was most desired no man in shew tooke his death so heauily as himselfe or tendered the young King with a more honourable respect when as God knowes his mind ranne vpon deepe reaches how to compasse the wreath for his owne head which the better to fashion hee withdrew a while into the North and at Yorke in most sad and solemne manner obserued the Funerals of the dead King but howsoeuer the Maske couered this subtle Dukes face from the eie of the multitude yet Buckingham well knew the ambitious desire of his aspiring heart and indeed was the Dedalus that made him the wings wherwith he mounted so neere vnto the Sun as that the wax melting like the high-minded young Icarus he caught his last fall 2 What intendments they had before the Kings death is vncertaine though it may be suspected but sure it is he now gone the Duke of Buckingham twice sollicited Gloucester by his messengers in the North met him at Northampton himselfe accompanied him to London forwarded him in Counsell and was the first Actor in this following tragedy For first making him Protector procuring his young Nephew forth of Sanctuary disabling the young King bastardizing them both perswading the Citizens working the Nobility and all this done to set the Crowne vpon crookt Richards head and so moulded their minds vnto the man as they all became humble petitioners vnto him for to accept of the same who in the meane while had well conned his owne part by profuse liberalitie by passing great grauity by singular affability by ministring of iustice and by deepe and close deuises whereby hee wonne to himselfe the hearts of all but the Lawyers especially to serue best his turn which was so affected that in the name of all the States of the Realme a Petition was drawne and presented him to accept the wearing of the Crown the true copy wherof as we find it recorded in the Parliament Rol we haue inserted is as followeth In Rotulo Parliamenti tenti apud Westm. die Veneris Vicesimo tertio die Ianuarii An. Regni Regis Richardi 5. primo inter alia continetur vt sequitur Memorandum quod quaedam billa exhibita fuit coram Domino Rege in Parliamento praedicto in haec verba Where late heretofore that is to say before the consecration coronation and inthronization of our soueraigne Lord the King Richard the third a roll of parchment containing in writing certaine Articles of the Tenor vnderwritten on the behalfe and in the name of the three Estates of this Realme of England that is to witte of the Lords Spirituall Temporall and of the Commons by name and diuers Lords Spirituall and Temporall and other Nobles and notable persons of the Commons in great multitude was presented and actually deliuered vnto our said Soueraigne Lord the intent and effect expressed at large in the same roll to the which Roll and to the considerations and instant petition comprised in the same our said Soueraigne Lord for the publike weale and tranquility of this land benignely assented Now forasmuch as neither the said three Estates neither the said persons which in their name presented and deliuered as it is aforesaid the said Roll vnto our said Soueraigne Lord the King were assembled in forme of Parliament by reason whereof diuers doubts questions and ambiguities beene moued and engendred in the minds of diuers persons as it is said Therefore to the perpetuall memory of the truth and declaration of the same be it ordained prouided and established in this present Parliament that the Tenor of the said roll with all the contents of the same presented as is abouesaid and deliuered to our foresaid Soueraigne Lord the King in the name and in the behalfe of the said three Estates out of Parliament now by the same three Estates assembled in this present Parliament and by authority of the same bee ratified enrolled recorded approued and authorized into remouing the occasions of doubts and ambiguities and to all other lawfull effects that shall now thereof ensue So that all things said affirmed specified desired and remembred in the said rol in the tenor of the same vnderwrittē in the name of the said 3. Estates to the effect expressed in the same roll be of the like effect vertue force as if al the same things had bin so said affirmed specified desired remembred in a full Parliament and by authority of the same accepted approued The Tenor of the said Roll of parchment wherof aboue is made mention followeth is such To the high and Mighty Prince Richard Duke of Glocester Please it your noble Grace to vnderstand the considerations election and petition vnderwritten of vs the Lords Spirituall temporalll and Commons of this Realme of England and thereunto agreably to giue your assent to the common and publike weale of this land to the comfort and gladnese of all the people of the same First we consider how that heretofore in time passed this land many yeers stood in great prosperity honour and tranquilitie which was caused forsomuch as the King then raigning vsed and followed the aduise and counsell of certaine Lords spirituall and temporall and other persons of approued sadnesse prudence policy experience dreading God and hauing tender zeale and affection to indifferent ministration of iustice and to the common and publike weale of
The King excuseth his vncle The King is brought backe to Northampton The Duke of Glocester sends a dish of meat vnto the Lord Riuers The L. Riuers others beheaded Queene Elizabeth taketh Sanctuary The L. Chamberlaine sendeth the newes to the L. Chancellor The great heauinesse and confusion of the Queene and her seruants The Archbishops comforts to the Queene The L. Chancellour giues the great Seale to the Queene Great feare conceiued of the ouermuch murmuring made The L. Chancellour sendeth for the great Seale to the Queene Perswasions of the L. Hastings that nothing was extreamly meant L. Hastings somewhat dissembleth False imputation cast vpon the Lords of the Queenes bloud How soone the Commons are brought into fooles Paradise King Edward met by the Citizens and accompanied by them into London Richard Duke of Glocester made Protector of the King and Realm The great Seale is taken from the Archbishop of Yorke The Protectors perswasion to take out of Sanctuary the yong Duke of Yorke A ●…e ●…ch to fetch out the Duke The Protector would haue the Queene sent vnto If the Queene refuse to deliuer the Duke what is to be done All the Counsell allow of the Protectors speech A great offence to breake the Sanctuary S. Peters owne Cope was to be seen in Westminster The Duke of Buckinghams speech Queene Elizabeth held to haue a shrewd wit Not feare but frowardnes kept the yong Duke in Sanctuary A great feare without any great cause Buckinghams opinion of the Sanctuaries Much abuses suffered in Sanctuaries Westminster S. Martins The true vse of the Sanctuary The Duke of Yorke vncapable of Sanctuary Neither Pope nor King can allow Sanctuary men to consume other mens substance A man may take his wife out of Sanctuary without any offence to S. Peter Buckinghams conclusion The generall consent of them all The Cardinall doth his errand to the Queene The Queenes answere to the Cardinall Queene Elizabeth yeeldeth to deliuer the yong Duke The ambitious desire for a crowne Richard Duke of Yorke deliuered to the Cardinall A Iud●… kisse Buckingham priuie to the Protectors plo●… Suspicion without cause The couenants betwixt the Protector and the Duke of Buckingham Two counsels to diuers ends The mistrust of the times All flocke to the Protector Lord Stanleyes speach to the Lord Chamberlain * Catesby Catesby the cause of much mischiefe Catesby set to sound the Lord Hastings Lord Haestinge speeches concerning the plot Catesby false to his founder The counsel sate in the Tower for the ordering of the yong Kings Coronation The Protectors dissimulation The Protector now another man Lord Hastings speech to the Protectors question The Queene accused of Sorcery The withered a●…ne of the Protector by nature and not by 〈◊〉 The L. Chamberlain arrested The L. Staley wounded at Councell Table The L. Chamberlaine beheaded The L. Stanleys dreame The L. Hastings answere to the L. Stanleye me●…age Predictions towards the Lord Hastings The Lord Hastings speech to a Purseuant The vaine and suddain state of man The description of the Lord Hastings Citizens sent for into the Tower to the Protector The fained feare of the Lord Protector A Proclamation made to publish the Lord Hastings treasons The Protectors subtilty further knowne by his Proclamation The Schoole-masters opinion The Sheriffes of London carrie Shores wife to prison Shores wife did pennance All commend and pitie Shores vvife The description of Iane Shore Shee died the eighteene yeere of King Henry the eight saith Iohn Harding Shores wife did much good but no man hurt The Subiect not vnworthy to bee written The state of the world The Lords of the Queenes bloud beheaded at Pomfrait The Protector sought to strike whiles the yron was hote The Maior of London made of the Protectors counsell Shaa and Pinker two flattring Preachers Pinker preached at S Marie Hospitall and Dotor Shaa at Pauls Crosse. The plot and deuice how to entitle the Protector to the Crowne The sonne maketh the mother an adultresse K Edward and his children made bastards The text and contents of Doctor Shaas sermon Shaas shamlesse assertions Thē Preachers intention preuented Gods heauy punishment vpon the false flattering Preacher The Duke of Buckingham commeth to the Guildhall Buckinghams oration to the commons of London The fine glosings of the Duke of Buckingham King Edwards exactions made more then they were His tyranny towards his subiects exemplified by Burdet and Others No safety of goods or life as he falsely alledged The rage of ciuil wars cost Englād more blood then twice the winning of France had done Great dangers alledged and slenderly proued King Edwards wantonnesse set out to the full London the kings especiall Chamber The end of the Dukes errand The great modesty that the Duke pretendeth An author like the subiect The marriage o●… King Edward imputed a great mischiefe The Protector must be the only true heire to his father and so to the Crowne Scriptures abused The Dukes pithy perswasions vnto the Citizens The Londoners are mute and astonished at Buckinghams Oration Buckingham goeth ouer his lesson againe The reward of flattery The Recorder commanded to speake to the people●… The great silence of the people The Duke speaketh once more Prentices and Seruingmen the first proclamets of K. Richard The affection of the election seene by the faces of the Assembly The Nobles and Citizens assemble at Baynards Castle The Protector made it strange to speake with such a multitude Palpable dissembling betwixt the Protector and Buckingham The Protector intreated to accept of the Crowne The Protector saith nay and would haue it Buckingham vrgeth and threatneth the refusall Th Protor fauourably accepteth the Crowne Diuers opinions of the people The Raigne and age of King Edward Monarch 56 Richard III. All the Richards and Dukes of Glocester came to vntimely deathes Richard 1. flaine with an arrow Richard a murthered at Pomfrait Tho. Woodstocke 〈◊〉 her●…d to death Humfrey murdered a●… S. Edmondsbury Richard slaine at Bosworth held Duke Richard subtilely complotteth for the Crowne The Duke of Buckingham the onely raiser of the Protector By Persal Buckinghams secrete seruant The degrees by which the Protector ascended into the throne The Protector fitted himselfe to the peoples affections A Petition exhibited to the Protector to accept of the Crowne An Act of Parliment passed to establish K. Richards election All doubts taken away of King Richards election The petition of the kings election made lawfull and authorised by Parliament The forme of he 〈◊〉 exhibi●…d vnto the Protector Faire gloses vpon soule prete●…ses O time how dost thou turne and art turned Flattery feares not how to report How can Princes rule to shu●… reproach when they are dead The Queene her mother falsly standered K. Edward accused to haste been contracted to the Lady Elienor Butler The tongue of slander is a sharp arrow They haue taught their to●…gs to speake lies Ier. 9. 5. George Duke of Clarence and his heires made vncapable of