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A82435 Anno Regni Caroli II. Regis Angliæ, Scotiæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ, duodecimo. At the Parliament begun at Westminster, the five and twentieth day of April, an. Dom. 1660 In the twelfth year of the reign of our most gracious soveraign lord Charles, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II); England and Wales. Parliament. 1661 (1661) Wing E1095; Thomason E1075_27 58,399 149

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Anno Regni CAROLI IJ. REGIS Angliae Scotiae Franciae Hiberniae DUO DECIMO At the Parliament begun at Westminster the Five and twentieth day of April An. Dom. 1660. In the Twelfth Year of the Reign of Our most Gracious Soveraign Lord CHARLES By the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith c. LONDON Printed by JOHN BILL Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty 1660. CUM PRIVILEGIO Anno XII CAROLI II. Regis An Act for the better ordering the selling of Wines by Retail and for preventing Abuses in the Mingling Corrupting and Vitiating of Wines and for setting and limiting the prices of the same FOr the better Ordering of Selling of Wines by Retail in Taverns and other places and for preventing of abuses therein Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the consent of the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That no person or persons whatsoever from and after the Five and twentieth day of March One thousand six hundred sixty one unless he or they be authorised and enabled in manner and form as in this present Act is prescribed and appointed shall sell or utter by retail that is by the Pint Quart Pottle or Gallon or by any other greater or lesser retail measure any kinde of Wine or Wines to be drunk or spent within his or their Mansion-house or houses or other place in his or their tenure or occupation or without such Mansion-house or houses or such other place in his or their tenure or occupation by any colour craft or mean whatsoever upon pam to forfeit for every such offence the sum of Five pounds the one moyety of every such penalty to be to our Soveraign Lord the King the other moyety to him or them that will sue for the same by Action of Debt Bill Plaint or Information in any of the Kings Courts of Record in which Action or Suit no Ess●ign Wager of Law or Protection shall be allowed And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That it shall and may be lawful to and for His Majesty His Heirs and Successors from time to time to issue out under His or their Great Seal of England one or more Commission or Commissions directed to two or more persons thereby authorizing them to Licence and give Authority to such person and persons as they shall think sit to sell and utter by retail all and every or any kinde of Wine or Wines whatsoever to be drunk and spent as well within the house or houses or other place in the tenure or occupation of the party so Licenced as without in any City Town or other place within the Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales and Town and Port of Berwick upon Twede and such persons as from time to time or at any time hereafter shall be by such Commission or Commissions as aforesaid in that behalf appointed shall have power and authority and hereby have power and authority to treat and contract for licence authority and dispensations to be given and granted to any person or persons for the selling and uttering of Wines by retail in any City Town or other place as aforesaid according to the rules and directions of this present Act and the true Intent and meaning thereof and not otherwise any Law Statute usage or custome to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That such persons as shall be commissioned and appointed by his Majesty His Heirs or Successors as aforesaid shall be and be called His Majesties Agents for granting Licences for the selling and uttering of Wine by retail And his Majesties said Agents are hereby authorized and enabled under their Seal of Office the same to be appointed by his Majesty to grant Licence for the selling and uttering of Wines by retail to any person or persons and for any time or terme not exceeding One and Twenty years if such person and persons shall so long live and for such yearly rent as they can or shall agree and think fit so as no Fine be taken for the same But that the Rent and summs of Money agreed upon and reserved be payed and answered half yearly by equal portions during the whole Term. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That such Licence shall not be given or granted but to such who shall personally use the Trade of selling or uttering of Wines by retail or to the Landlord and owner of the house where the person useing such Trade shall sell and utter Wine by retail nor shall the same be assignable nor in any wise beneficial or extensive to indempnifie any person against the penalties of this present Act except the first taker And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That it shall may be lawful to and for his Majesty his Heirs Successors to constitute and appoint such and so many other Officers and Ministers as a Receiver Register Clerk Controller Messenger or the like for the better carrying on of this service as He and they shall think fit so as the Sallaries and Wages of all such Officers to be appointed together with the Sallary or Wages of His Majesties said Agents do not exceed six pence in the pound of the Revenue that shall hence arise And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the Rents Revenues and sums of Money hence arising except what shall be allowed for the Wages and Sallaries of such Officers and Ministers which is not to exceed Six pence out of every Pound thereof shall be duly and constantly paid and answered into His Majesties Receipt of Exchequer and shall not be particularly charged or chargeable either before it be paid into the Exchequer or after with any Gift or Pension And His Majesties said Agents are hereby enjoyned and required to return into the Court of Exchequer every Michaelmas and Easter Terms upon their Oaths which Oaths the Barons of the Exchequer or any one of them are hereby authorized to administer a Book fairly written containing a true full account of what Licences have been granted the preceding half year and what Rents and sums of money are thereupon reserved and have been paid or are in arrear together with the Securities of the persons so in arrear to the end due and speedy Process may be made out according to the course of the Exchequer for the recovery of the same Provided always That this Act nor any thing therein contained shall not in any wise be prejudicial to the priviledge of the two Vniversities of the Land or either of them nor to the Chancellors or Scholars of the same or their successors but that they may use and enjoy such priviledges as heretofore they have lawfully used and enjoyed any thing herein to the contrary notwithstanding Provided also That this Act or any thing therein contained shall not extend
penny in the pound and no more out of all such monies as shall be issued by vertue of this Act and each of the Auditors aforesaid shall receive for his pains and Charges in and about this Service the sum of twenty shillings per diem during the continuance of this Service which the Treasurers of the aforesaid monies are hereby enabled and required to issue and pay accordingly XVI That the Commissioners shall direct the said Treasurers from time to time to grant Assignations who are hereby required to observe the same for such and so many sums of money on the respective Receivers or Treasurers for raising money by the Act aforesaid in the several Counties Cities or places where they understand any of the said Money lies as the Commissioners for disbanding the Army and Navy or any threé or more of them as aforesaid shall direct and appoint to such persons and in such manner as the said Commissioners or any threé or more of them as aforesaid shall direct and appoint XVII That the Commissioners herein named or any thrée of them shall and are hereby authorized to call to accompt the present Treasurers in this Act named And Iames Nelthorpe and Iohn Lawson Esquires late Treasurers at Wars or any other former Treasurers or Commissioners of the Army or Navy for all such sums of money as they or any of them stand accomptable for and to certifie the same accompts into His Majesties Exchequer Anno Regni CAROLI IJ. REGIS Angliae Scotiae Franciae Hiberniae DUO DECIMO At the Parliament begun at Westminster the Five and twentieth day of April An. Dom. 1660. In the Twelfth Year of the Reign of Our most Gracious Soveraign Lord CHARLES By the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith c. LONDON Printed by IOHN BILL Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty 1660. CUM PRIVILEGIO Anno XII CAROLI II. Regis An Act for further supplying and explaining certain defects in an Act Intituled An Act for the speedy provision of money for disbanding and paying off the Forces of this Kingdom both by Land and Sea WHereas through some doubts arising upon or by negligence in the execution of one Act of this present Parliament Intituled An Act for the speedy provision of money for the disbanding and paying off the Forces of this Kingdom both by Land and Sea And also of one other Act Intituled An Act for supplying and explaining certain defects in the aforesaid Act The same Acts do not answer the ends aforesaid in such measure as was expected without some further explanation of the sence thereof and a review of the several Assessments made thereby so that some persons may not escape without payment at all or go away at very small proportions whilst others pay their just and full due It is therefore Enacted and Declared by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the consent and advice of the Lords and Commons in Parliament Assembled and by the Authority of the ●ame That all and every person and persons of the several Ranks Degrées and Qualifications in the said Act or Acts mentioned shall contribute and pay the several and respective sums of money therein appointed to be paid any pretence of e●emption being the Kings Majesties Servants to the contrary notwithstanding And also that every person and persons Ecclesiastical and Temporal Bodies Politick and Corporate shall pay for their Estates both real and personal the sum of Forty shillings for one hundred pounds per annum and so proportionably for a greater or lesser Estate And for every hundred pounds personal Estate after the rate of five pounds per annum Provided it extend not to Estates under five pounds per annum And to the intent the same may be equally and indifferently Assessed and Taxed Be it further Enacted and Declared by the Authority aforesaid That the several Commissioners in the said Act named or any three of them within their several and respective Counties Limits and Precincts shall have power to nominate and appoint two or more of the most able and discréet persons in every Parish Villa● or Hamlet to review the several Rates 〈◊〉 Ass●ssments that have been made in their several and respective Parishes Villages and Hamlets And where they shall finde that by the negligence or default of any former Assessors any persons or Estates have béen under Rated or omitted to be Rated That then they shall Rate and Assess all such persons and Estates so under-rated or omitted to the full value they are to be rated and assessed at either for their degrées persons or estates by this or the former Acts to that purpose made in this present Parliament or shall by the appointment at the discretion of the said Commissioners make new Assessments or Rates and shall return the same or their said Additional Rates at such places and times as the said Commissioners or any thrée of them shall appoint And it is further enacted and declared by the Authority aforesaid That every sworn Attorney or Clerk in the Office of the Clerk of the Pipe in the Exchequer and euery Attorney belonging to the Office of the Lord Treas●rers Remembrancer shall pay Twenty nobles apéece And be it further enacted and declared That every Barrester at Law and every other person or persons that hath or have subscribed to any Deed or Writing wherein he or they have béen written or entituled Esquire or that hath or have acted by vertue of any Commission or pretended Commission Act or pretended Acts of Parliament wherein they have before the sitting of this Parliament béen written or entituled Esquire shall pay as reputed Esquires within the said Acts. And to the intent that none that have or shall pay his or their due proportions that he or they ought to pay in respect of his or their quality or degrée may be doubly charged every person that hath or shall pay his full proportion for his or her degrée and quality the same excéeding the proportion of his or her estate real and personal shall by certificate under the hands and seals of 〈◊〉 or more of the Commissioners within the same County or Precinets where such sum hath o● shall be paid be discharged from further payment for his or her estate so that it be particularly expressed in every such Certificates where such estate lieth and the several and respective values thereof so that it may appear that his or her proportion for his or her degrée or quality doth exceed that of his or her estate and also where any person or persons Bodies Politick or Corporate have paid or shall pay for his her or their estate in one or more Counties he or they shall by like Certificate or Certificates be discharged in other places for so much and such values specially mentioned to be paid in the said Certificates and no more And be it enacted and declared by the Authority aforesaid That the said Commissioners
by the Authority aforesaid That the Governor of the said Isle of Jersey or his Deputy for whom he will answer shall not make to any person or persons any writing or writings such as is above specified to authorise or appoint such person or persons as aforesaid to fetch e●port or transport out of the Port of Southampton aforesaid unto the said Isle of Jersey in one year accompting the year from the first day of January One thousand six hundred and sixty aforesaid any greater quantity of VVool then Two thousand Tods in any one year and that the Governor of the said Isle of Guernzey or his Deputy for whom he will answer shall not make to any person or persons any writing or writings such as is above specified to authorise and appoint such person or persons as aforesaid to fetch export or transport out of the Port above specified unto the said Isles of Guernzey with Alderny and Sarke in any one year accepting the year from the first day of January aforesaid any greater quantity of VVooll then One thousand Tods for Guernzey Two hundred Todds for Alderney and One hundred Todds for Sarke in any one year and that the Customer of the Port of Southampton aforesaid shall keep a true accompt of all the said quantity of Woolls so by him permitted to be loaden by vertue of this Act and shall not permit any greater quantity of VVoolls to be loaden then by this Act is prescribed in any one year to either of the said Islands respectively under any pretence whatsoever upon the penalty of the forfeiture of his place and the summe of One hundred pounds in money one moyety whereof to the Kings Majesty His Heirs and Successors and the other moyety to him or them that will sue for the same in any Court of Record wherein no Essoyne protection or wager of Law shall be allowed And if any of the Governors aforesaid or any their or either of their Deputy or Deputies of the said Isles or either of them shall give grant or make any Licence or Licences for exporting from Southampton aforesaid into the said Isles respectively of any greater quantity of such VVooll then is before by the true meaning of this Act limitted and appointed in that behalf That then the respective Governor or Governors of such of the said Isles shall forfeit and pay to the Kings Majesty His Heirs or Successors the summ of Twenty pounds of lawful money of ●ngland for every Todd of VVooll which shall be so licenced to be exported over and above the rate or proportion of VVooll in and by this Act or the true meaning thereof limited or appointed And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the respective Governors aforesaid or their respective Deputies or any their Clerks Officers or Servants for the Granting making or Sealing of every such writing of Licence as is aforesaid and for the entring a Remembrance of the same into some book which they shall have and keep for that purpose may have and take the summ of Twelve pence and no more upon pain of Forfeiting to be partie grieved the summ of Five shillings for every penny which shall be taken over and above the said summ of twelve pence in and by this Act allowed to be taken and so after that proportion the said penalty or Forfeiture for the taking above Twelve pence as aforesaid to be recovered by Bill Plaint or Information in any Court of Record at Westminster or elsewhere wherein no Injunction Protection Priviledge Essoyne or wager of Law shall be admitted or allowed Anno Regni CAROLI IJ. REGIS Angliae Scotiae Franciae Hiberniae DUODECIMO At the Parliament begun at Westminster the Five and twentieth day or April An. Dom. 1660. In the Twelfth Year of the Reign of Our most Gracious Soveraign Lord CHARLES By the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith c. LONDON Printed by JOHN BILL Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty 1660. CUM PRIVILEGIO Anno XII CAROLI II. Regis An Act for Confirmation of Marriages WHereas by vertue or colour of certain Ordinances or certain pretended Acts or Ordinances divers marriages since the beginning of the late troubles have bee● had and solemnized in some other manner then hath been formerly used and accustomed Now for the preventing and avoyding of all doubts and questions touching the same It is Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty with the advice and assent of the Lords and Commons in Parliament Assembled and by Authority of the ●ame That all Marriages had or Solemnized in any of his Majesties Dominions since the first day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred forty and two before any Iustice of Peace or reputed Iustice of Peace of England or Wales or other his Majesties Dominions and by such Iustice or reputed Iustice so pronounced or declared And all Marriages within any of His Majesties Dominions since the same first day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred forty two had or solemnized according to the direction or true intent of any Act or Ordinance or reputed Act or Ordinance of one or both Houses of Parliament or of any Convention sitting at Westminster under the name Stile or Title of a Parliament or assuming that name Stile or Title shall be and shall be adjudged esteemed and taken to be and to have been of the same and no other force and effect as if such Marriages had been had and solemnized according to the Rites and Ceremonies established or used in the Church or Kingdom of England any Law Custome or Vsage to the contrary thereof notwithstanding And be it further Enacted that where in any Suite commenced or to be commenced in any of the Courts of the Common Law any issue hath beén joyned and not already tryed or determined or shall be joyne● upon the point of Bastardy or lawfulness of marriage for or concerning the marriages had and solemnized as aforesaid the same issues shall be tryed by Iury of twelve men according to the course of Tryal of other issues tryable by Iury at the Common Law and not otherwise any Law Statute or Vsage to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding Anno XII CAROLI II. Regis An Act for Prohibiting the Planting Setting or Sowing of Tobacco in England and Ireland YOur Majesties loyal and obedient Subjects The Lords and Commo●s in this present Parliament Assembled considering of how great concern and importance it is That the Columes and Plantations of this Kingdom in America be defended protected maintained and kept up and that all due and possible encouragement be given unto them and that not onely in regard great and considerable Dominions and Countries have been thereby gained and added to the Imperial Crown of this Realm But for that the strength and welfare of this Kingdom do very much depend upon them in regard of the
Four or Three of them as aforesaid at the respective Rates and Prises set by this Act and under the penalties as aforesaid to be recovered as aforesaid Anno XII CAROLI II. Regis An Act for the Levying of the Arrears of the Twelve Moneths Assessment commencing the 24 th of June 1659 and the Six Moneths Assessment commencing the 25. of December 1659. WHereas there are severall great summs of money yet uncollected and in Arrear And divers summs of money in the hands of the Collectors and not payed in due upon the twelve moneths Assessment commencing the Twenty fifth of December One Thousand six Hundred Fifty nine for payment of the Arrears of his Majesties Army now disbanding and to be disbanded notwithstanding all former Orders and His Majesties Proclamation for the speedy levying and collecting thereof Be it therefore Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majestie and the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That the Commissioners nominated and appointed in the respective Counties Cities and Corporations of this Kingdome the Dominion of Wales and the Town of Berwick in an Act made this present Parliament for the speedy provision of money for disbanding and paying of the Forces of this Kingdome both by Land and Sea do forthwith cause all the said Arrears to be levied collected by such wayes and means as the same was formerly appointed to be levied and collected And likewise all such summs of money as remain in any Collectors hands to be speedily payed in to Iames Nelthorp and Iohn Lawson Esquires late Treasurers at war for and towards the speedy disbanding and paying off the said Forces Provided alwayes That the summe of Five Hundred and Twenty Pounds and Twelve Shillings disbursed by Robert Quarum Receiver Generall of the County of Cornwall by the desire and direction of the Commissioners of Assessments and other Gentlemen of the said County for the publique service of the Kingdome And also the summe of Seventy Pounds disbursed by the Town of Lyme Regis in the County of Dorset for the same service shall be and are hereby discharged and allowed unto the said Receiver and Town of Lyme Regis as if the same had been actually payed in to the Treasurers appointed to receive the same Any thing in this Act to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding Anno XII CAROLI II. Regis An Act for granting unto the Kings Majesty Four hundred and twenty thousand pounds by an Assessement of Threescore and ten thousand pounds by the Moneth for six Moneths for Disbanding the remainder of the Army and paying off the Navy WHereas it was well hoped That the moneys Enacted to be raised by several Acts of this Parliament That is to say One Act Entituled An Act for the speedy provision of money for Disbanding and Paying off the Forces of this Kingdom both by Land and Sea And one other Act Entituled An Act for supplying and explaining certain defects in an Act Entituled An Act for the speedy provision of money for the disbanding and paying off the Forces of this Kingdom both by Land and Sea And one other Act Entituled An Act for raising Sevenscore thousand pounds for the compleat disbanding of the whole Army and paying off some part of the Navy would have effectually sufficed to have compleatly disbanded the Armies and paid off the Navy But by the slow coming in of the same moneys the growing charge being still kept on the same cannot be effected without further supply And if no further supply should be made the growing Charge would become insupportable The Commons Assembled in Parliament do therefore give and grant unto Your most Excellent Majesty for the uses herein after expressed and no other the sum of four Hundred and twenty thousand pounds to be raised levyed in manner following And do humbly pray Your most Excellent Majesty That it may be Enacted and be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament Assembled That the sum of Threescore and ten thousand pounds by the Moneth for six Moneths beginning from the first day of January One thousand six hundred and sixty shall be Assessed Taxed Collected Levyed and Paid in the several Counties Cities and Burroughs Towns and Places within England and Wales and the Town of Berwick upon Tweed according to such rates rules and proportions and by the same Commissioners as in and by a certain Act past this Parliament Entituled An Act for raising of Sevenscore thousand pounds for the compleat disbanding of the whole Army and paying off some part of the Navy which said Commissioners shall meet on or before the twelfth day of Ianuary One thousand six hundred and sixty and are hereby enabled to use and execute all and every the like Rates Rules Proportions Powers and Authorities as in and by the said Act are mentioned and referred unto or expressed as fully and amply as if the same had been particularly inserted in this present Act. And be it further Enacted That the sum of Two hundred and ten thousand pounds being one moyety of the six months Assessment hereby imposed shall be assessed collected levyed and paid in to the Receiver or Receivers General who shall be appointed by the said Commissioners upon or before the first day of February One thousand six hundred and sixty And the other Two hundred and ten thousand pounds residue thereof upon or before the first day of April One Thousand six hundred sixty one And be it further Enacted that all and every the sums to be collected and levied by vertue of this present Act shall be paid at the Guild-Hall of the City of London unto Sir George Cartwright Sir Richard Brown Lord Mayor of the City of London Sir Iames Bunce Sir William Wheeler Sir William Vincent Thomas Rich Esq and the Chamberlain of the City of London for the time being who are hereby appointed Treasurers for the Receipt thereof and the Acquittances of them or any threé of them shall be a sufficient discharge for so much as shall be received by vertue of this Act to any person or persons who shal pay in the same And whereas there is a present necessity of raising of Eighty thousand pounds Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That if any person or persons of the City of London or any other place who hath or have advanced any monies upon the Credit of an Act of this Parliament Entituled An Act for raising Sevenscore thousand pounds for the compleat disbanding of the whole Army and paying off some part of the Navy shall continue the Loane of such monies upon the Credit of this Act and Declare the same under his or their hands unto the Treasurers by this Act appointed before the One and thirtieth day of December One thousand six hundred and sixty And if any other person or persons shall advance one hundred pounds or
of Threescore and ten thousand pounds for one month only beginning from the First day of Iuly One thousand six hundred sixty and one shall be Assessed Taxed Collected Levied and paid in the several Counties Cities Burroughs Towns and Places within England and Wales and the Town of Berwick upon Tweede according to the several Rates Rules and Proportions and in such manner and form and by the same Commissioners as in and by a certain other Act passed this Parliament for raising the like sum of Seventy thonsand pounds for one month only beginning from the Twenty ninth of September One thousand six hundred and sixty Entituled An Act for the speedy raising of Seventy thousand pounds for the present supply of His Majesty are mentioned or referred unto and intended which Commissioners shall meet-upon or before the fifth day of Iuly One thousand six hundred sixty and one and are hereby enabled and required to use and execute all and every the like Powers and Authorities as in and by the said Act are mentioned or referred to and intended as fully and amply as if the same Rates Rules Proportions Powers and Authorities had been particularly inserted in this present Act. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all and every the sums of money charged by this Act upon the several Counties Cities Towns Burroughs and Places aforesaid shall be raised levied and paid into His Majesties Receipt of the Exchequer upon or before the first day of August One thousand six hundred sixty one by the several Receive General who shall be appointed by the said Commissioners Provided always and it is hereby declared That no Mannors Lands Tenements and Hereditaments which were formerly assessed and taxed for and towards former Assessments and Land-taxes and are now in the possession or holding of His Majesty or of the Queens Highness or of any Ecclesiastical person or persons or his or their Farmers and Tenants shall be exempted from the payment of the several sums of money in this Act comprized but that the said Mannors Lands Tenements and Hereditaments shall be rated assessed and taxed for and towards the said several sums of money in this Act comprized in such manner and form as they were of late rated taxed and assessed for and toward the said former land-Rates any Law Statute or Custome to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding Provided always that neither this Act nor any thing therein-contained shall be drawn into example to the prejudice of the antient Rights belonging to the Peers of this Realm And be it Declared and Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That these persons hereafter named shall be added Commissioners for their several Counties places and precincts respectvely and shall exercise the same powers as the other Commissioners intended by this Act are Authorized and impowred to do That is to say Berks. For the County of Berks Peregrine Hobby Richard Harrison Esqs John Fettiplace of Ferne●amEsq and Samuel Woodcox Borrough of New Windsor For the Borrough of New Windsor Andrew Plumpton Richard Firshburne Gent. Bucks For the County of Bucks William Tirringham Esq Sir Thomas Hampson Baronet Sir Philip Palmer Baronet Thomas Ratcliff Esq Cambridge For the County of Cambridge Sir Thomas Dayrell John Bennet Esq Sir Anthony Cage Levinus Benner Isle of Ely For the Isle of Ely Roger Jennings Esq Chester For the County of Chester Sir George Warburton Baronet Edward Warren Jeffery Shakerley Henry Leigh Esqs City of Chester For the City and County of the City of Chester The Major for the time being Cornwal For the County of Cornwal Robert Roberts Esq Sir William Tredinham Joseph Tredinham Thomas Penhallow the Knights and Burgesses that serve for the said County and Iames Eirsey Gent. The Major of Lostwithel for the time being Iohn Mollesworth Esq William Williams of Trenythen Cumberland For the County of Cumberland Mr. Anthony Bouch Mr. Richard Uriell Mr. Thomas Croswhat Mr. Robert Webster Devon For the County of Devon Nicholas DaviesDoctor of Physick William Jennens Gent. Edmond Tremayne William Putt John Kellond William Bogan George Howard Iohn Kelly Iames Rodd Esquires Walter Jago Francis Drew Esq William Walrond Esq John Blagdon Gent. Iohn Hamm Gent. Henry Newte York For the West-Riding in the County of York Welbury Norton Robert Wivell Esquires Richard Roundhil Gent. William Hamond Walter Hawksworth Esquires Cuthbert Wade Iohn Preston Gent. Arthur Ingram Esq Edward Atkinson William Witham Gent. Samuel SunderlandEsq Thomas Ward Gent. Sir William Ingram Knight Sir John Goodrick Baronet Sir Tho. Wentworth Sir Edward Rodes Knights Godfrey Copley of ●p●otsbrough John Clayton Ioshua Horton Thomas Stringer Esqs The Alderman of Leedes for the time being York Northriding For the Northriding in the County of York Sir William Caley Arthur Caley Esq William Wivell Esq Sir Tho. Gower Baronet Thomas VVorsley Charles Tankred Csqs Sir William Francklyn Baronet the Bailiffs of Scarboroughfor the time being Tristram Fish Robert Belt Esqs Tho. Robinson Thomas Scudamore Esqs York City For the City and County of the City of York all the Aldermen of the City of York Kingston upon Hull For the Town of Kingston upon Hull Mr. George Crowle Essex For the County of Essex Mr. Edward Glascock Mr. Miles Hubbert Mr. Iohn Smart Capt. Hunter Dean Tindal Esq Isaac Wincall Thomas Clopton Thomas Peek Peter Iohnson Thomas Manby Esqs Glocester For the County of Glocester Thomas Freame Tho. Floyde Samuel Sheppard Phillip Sheppard VVilliam Morgan Richard Daston Iohn TookeEsqs Robert Lord Tracy Thomas Morgan Esq Sir Nicholas Throckmorton Knight VVilliam Bromage Gent. VVilliam VVinter of DimmockGent Richard Matchen Gent. Iohn WinnyatGent Thomas Aylway Gent. Hereford For the County of Hereford Sir Herbert ParretKnight John Barnaby of Brookehampton esq Thomas Baskervile of Collington Gent. John Boothof Hereford Esq City of Hereford For the City of Hereford Thomas Davies Esq Major James Lawrence Gent. Tho. Clerk Gent. Hertford For the County of Hertford Marmaduke Rawden Iames Willimott Iunior Gent. Thomas A●asDr of Physick Richard Combes Esq Sir Robert Io●lyn Knight Thomas Coppin Edward Briscoe Iohn Halsie Esqs Mr. Fetherston of Blackeswere Edward Brograve Ralph Gore Thomas Brograve Edward Cason Thomas Bonest Henry Becher Henry Chancey George Bromley Alexander Meade Iohn Crouch Iames Willimott Iunior George Poyner Gent. Iohn Iesson esq Sir Edward Alston Knight St. Albans For the Borrough of St. Albans William FoxwistEsq Recorder Mr. Iohn New Mr. Edward Eames Mr. Thomas Cowley Senior Mr. William Marston Sir Henry Conningsby Edmond Smith Alban Cox Richard Combes Esq Thom. Marsto●Gent Kent For the County of Kent Sir Willi●m Mann Sir Edward Masters Thomas Peake esq Sir Tho. God●rey The Major of Maydston for the time being Sir William Merideth Baronet Sir Thomas Peirse Baronet Mr. Richard Manley Mr. Thomas Manley Sandwich For the Town of Sandwich Iohn Verrier Peter Peke Gent. Lancaster For the County of Lancaster Henry BanisterEsq Ieoffry Rushton Gent. Richard FleetwoodGent Iohn Molineux esq VVilliam Fife esq Sir George Middleton