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A74028 Anno. XXVIII. Henrici VIII. Actes made in the parliament bego[n]ne and holden at Westm[inster], the. VIII. daye of Iune, in the. XXVIII. yere of the reygne of our most drad soueraine lord kyng Henry the. VIII. and there continued and kepte tyll the dissolution of the same parliament the. XVIII. of Iuly, to the honour of God, and for the common weale and profyt of this realme.; Public General Acts. 1536-1537. 28 Hen.VIII England and Wales. Sovereign (1509-1547 : Henry VIII); Henry VIII, King of England, 1491-1547. 1545 (1545) STC 9394.7; ESTC S124830 54,327 56

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ANNO. XXVIII HENRICI VIII ACTES MADE IN THE parliament begōne and holden at Westm̄ the VIII daye of Iune in the XXVIII yere of the reygne of our most drad soueraine lord kyng HENRY the VIII and there continued and kepte tyll the dissolution of the same parliament the XVIII of Iuly to the honour of God and for the common weale and profyt of this realme THO. BERTHELET REGIS IMPRESSOR EXCVDEBAT CVM PRIVILEGIO THE TABLE AN acte that felons abiuring for pety treason murder or felony shall not be admitted to the benefite of their clergie cap. i. An acte for continuinge of two statutes made in the last parliament touchyng suche as go away with caskettes iewels goodes or plate of their maisters capit ii An acte giuinge the kinges highnes auctoritie newely to allotte the towneshippes in the shyres and marches of Wales at any time within .iii. yeres nexte ensuing capi iii. An acte repellyng the statute lately made for the bringing in of doulas and lockerams cap. iiii An acte for auoydynge of exactions taken vpon prentyces in the cities boroughes and townes corporate cap. v. An acte for continuaunce of the statutes for beggers and vacabundes and agaynst conueiaunce of horses and mares oute of this realme agaynste Walshemen makynge affrayes in the counties of Herff Glou. and Salop̄ and aganst the vice of buggery cap. vi An act for the establishment of the succession of the imperial crowne of this realme cap. vii An acte for contynuaunce of the statute ayenste the cariage of brasse latenne and copper out of this realme and for makynge of cables and ropes for the wyndyng of wolles and ayenst kyllyng of weinlinges vnder the age of two yeres cap. viii An acte for continuaunce of the statutes of periury for makynge of iayles for peuterers and for sowynge of flaxe and hempe cap. ix An acte extynguyshynge the auctoritie of the byshop of Rome cap. x. An acte for restitution of the fyrste fruites in tyme of vacation to the nexte Incumbent cap. xi An acte declarynge the lymyttes of the kynges palays of Westm̄ cap. xii An acte compellynge spirituall persons to kepe resydence vpon theyr benefices cap. xiii An acte limitting the pryces of wynes cap. xiiii An acte for punishement of pirotes and robbers on the sea capit xv An acte for the release of suche as haue opteyned pretended lycences and dyspensations from the sea of Rome cap. xvi An acte giuynge auctoritie to suche as shal succede to the crowne of this realme whan they come to the age of .xxiiii. yeres to make frustrate suche actes as shall be made before in theyr tyme. cap. xvii An acte concernyng treason in certayne cases cap. xviii FINIS TABVLAE ¶ An acte that felons abiuringe for pety treason murder or felony shall not be admytted to the benefyte of theyr clergie Capi. i. WHere in the laste parliament begonne and holden at London the third day of Nouembre in the .xxi. yere of the kinges mooste gratious reygne Abiuration and from thens adiourned to Westmynster and there holden and continued by dyuers and sondry prorogations It was enacted amonges other thynges that such persone and persones Sainctuary which dyd ●ee or resorte to any paryshe church cimitory or other lyke halowed place for tuition of his lyfe by occasion of any murder robberye or other felony by the same person commytted and thervpon confessed any murder felony or other offence before a crowner for the whiche the same persone by the lawe of this realme afore that tyme vsed shulde abiure and passe out of this realme shulde be dyrected by the crowner to take his abiuratyon to any one saynctuary being within this realme which the same person wold decte and chose there to remayne as a saintuary man abiured duringe his naturall lyfe And if after such abiuration any person so abiured came out of the same saynctuarye to the which he was assygned and be taken without the same saynctuary not hauynge the kinges speciall pardon or licence so to do that then euery such personne abiured and after abiuration taken without saynctuarye whervnto he was assigned shuld suffre lyke peyne of deathe and after lyke maner shuld be ordered as he shuld haue done and ●den in case he had abiured this realme for murder or felony and after suche abiuration had returned agayne into this realme contrarye to the lawes of this land And it was further ordeined by the same acte that if any such saynctuary personne so abiured or any other personne or personnes which then were or at any tyme after shuld happen to be in any sainctuary of this realme for doinge of any pety treason murder or felonye or for being accessarye to any such offences or if any persone or persons which at any time after the making of the same acte shuld take any sayntuary of this realme for any pety treason murder or felony or for beinge accessary to any such offences or vpon abiuration and so being in sainctuary for any such cause matter or offence afterward cōmit any pety treason murder or felony within the same sainctuarie or be accessarie to any such offences or goo oute of the same sainctuarie and cōmytte any petye treason murder or felonye or be accessary to any such offences and afterward come again to the same sainctuarie or take any other sainctuarie for the same that euery such person and persons beinge indited for any of the said causes or offences shuld lose the priuilege of the saintuary by him taken and of euery other saintuary within this realme for any such cause of pety treason murder felony or abiuration or for any accessary to any suche offences ¶ And it was further ordeyned by the same acte that al foreine plees triable by countrey whiche shulde be pleded by any person or persons arrayned vpon any inditement for any pety treason murder or felonye shuld be tried before the same Iustices afore whom such personnes shuld be arrayned and by the same iurours of the countie that shal trie the petye treason murder or felony Challenge without any further respite or delaie And that no person arrayned for any pety treason murder or felony shulde be admitted to any paremptorye challenge aboue the noumbre of .xx. which acte was made to endure to the ende of the nexte parliament as by the said act amonges diuers clauses prouisions conteined in the same more plainely is expressed ¶ And where also in the same parliamēt it was enacted that no person or persons which shuld happen to be founde giltie after the lawes of this realme for any maner of petye treason or for any wilfulle murder of malice prepensed or for robbinge of any churches chapelles or other holie places or for robbyng of any personne or personnes in theyr dwellinge houses or dwellinge place the owner or dweller in the saide house his wife his chyldren or seruauntes then beinge within and putte in feare and drede by the same Or for
the parlyamente begonne and holden at London the thyrde daye of Nouembre in the .xxi. yere of the reygne of oure mooste drad soueraygne lorde kynge Henry the .viii. and frome thense adiourned to Westmynster and there holden and contynued by dyuers prorogations vnto the .iiii. daye of Februarye in the .xxvii. yere of the reygne of our sayde soueraygne lorde and then and there holden and continued vnto the dyssolution therof one acte and ordynance was made in the session of the sayde parlyament holden the sayde .iiii. day of Februarie Shires newly made in Wales wherby amonges other thynges dyuers shyres and counties were newely made and named within the dominion and principalitie of wales and dyuers townes paryshes lordeshyppes commotes and cantredes within the sayde dominion and principalitie were allotted appoynted lymitted to the said seueral shires and counties as by the same act more plainly and particularly amonges other thinges appereth And for as moche as by credable information it is commen to the kinges knowledge sythens the makinge of the sayde acte that some lordeshyppes townes paryshes commotes hundredes and cantredes be not indyfferently allotted and lymytted to the shires named in the sayde acte for the commoditie of the kynges ●ectes therin inhabyted Be it therfore enacted by auctoritie of this presente parlyament that the kynges hyghnes durynge the tyme of thre yeres ●t after the ende of this present parlyament shall haue power and auctoritie by wrytynge vnder his great seale Allottyng of townshyps in Wales to allotte appoynte assygne and ly●te to euery of the shires named in the sayde acte suche and so many lordshyps townes parisshees hamlettes hundredes commotes and cantredes as his maiestie by his moste highe wisedome shall thinke moste conuenient and agreable for the ease and commoditie of his louinge subiectes the inhabitantes of his sayde dominion and principalitie Principalitie of Wales And shall lykewyse haue power and auctoritie to name and assygne the shyre townes in euerye of the sayde shires named in the sayde acte And that euery suche limitation apointment nomination and assignement to be made by the kynges hyghnes in that behalfe by auctoritie of this acte shall be as good and effectuall to all intentes and purposes as thoughe it had bene done and made playnely and particularly by auctoritie of parliament any thyng conteyned in the sayd acte made in the last parliament or any other thynge or thinges to the contrary therof notwithstandyng ¶ An acte repellyng the statute lately made for the bringing in of doulas and lokerams Cap. iiii WHere in the parliament holden at Westminster the third daye of Nouember in the .xxi. yere of the reigne of our soueraygne lorde king Henry the .viii. amongest other thinges it was enacted and established that no person nor persons englishe nor straunger denisen or alien from or after the feaste of saincte Mighel tharchangel than next folowyng shuld bryng or conuey or cause to be conueied or brought by any maner of meanes into this realme of England any linnen clothe called doulas or lockerams Doulas and lockerams on●es euery hole piece of doulas conteined in length fyue score elles of assise accompted to euery elle one inche of assise and in bredth one yarde of assise And euery halfe piece fyfty elles in lengthe and one yarde in bredth of lyke assise and al the hole piece and half piece of one goodnes in making And also it was there enacted and establyshed that euery hole piece of lockerams shulde be of lyke length as the hole piece of doulas and euery halfe piece of lockerams shuld be of lyke length as the halfe piece of doulas and euery such hole piece and halfe piece of lockerams to be in bredth a hole yarde lackyng a nayle of the yarde and euery piece and halfe piece to be in lyke goodnes by all the length of the same piece vppon peyne of forfeyture of the same doulas and lockerams so to be brought or conueyed into this realme not conteynyng the full lengthe bredth and goodnes or the value therof as in the same statute more playnely at large doth appere Sithens the makyng of whiche acte a greate nombre of kinges subiectes that is to saye weauers tuckers spynners dyers and wulpikers and many others haue bene ydell and without worke to theyr great impouerysshynge whiche more and more is lyke dayly to encreace if remedy be not prouyded for as moche as the clothemakers whiche before the makynge of the sayde acte were wonte to conuey theyr sayde clothes into Britaine where the sayde lynnen clothe called doulas and lockerams is made and from thense to brynge with theym the sayde lynnen clothe called doulas and lockeram whiche they canne not doo sythens the makynge of the sayde acte without daunger and forfayture of the sayde lynnen clothe by reason that there shall noo englishe man be suffered to carye or conuey any of the sayde clothes called doulas or lockerams from the parties of beyonde the sea into this realme of the length conteyned in the sayde acte whiche wyl make the sayde cloth makers to leue the makynge of theyr cloth to the greatte and manyfolde perylles of the kynges subiectes Be it therfore enacted by the kynge oure soueraygne lorde with the assente of the lordes spirituall and temporall and the commons in this present parlyament assembled and by the auctoritie of the same that the sayde acte made in the sayde .xxi. yere be to all intentes pourposes and constructions in the lawe made vtterly voyde and of none effecte as yf this sayde acte hadde neuer ben had nor made Neuerthelesse to the entent that the byers of the sayde lynnen clothes shall not at any tyme hereafter be deceiued by the length of the sayd clothes Be it therfore enacted by the auctoritie afore sayd that after the feast of sayncte Myghell the archangell nexte commynge no maner of personne englysshe nor straunger denysen nor alyen putte to sale any hole piece or halfe piece of the sayde lynnen clothe called doulas and lockerams one lesse there be mencion expressed vppon euery of the sayde hole piece or halfe piece of the sayde lynnen clothe called doulas or lockeram so putte to sale as is aforesayde the hoole and entier noumbre of the yardes or elles that is conteyned in euerye suche hole piece or halfe piece vppon peyne of forfeyture of the same hole piece or halfe piece not conteynynge the noumbre of yardes or elles so mencioned vpon euery of the sayde hole piece or halfe piece so put to sale as is afore sayde The one halfe of euery suche forfayture to be to the kynge our soueraygne lorde and the other halfe to hym that shall sease and wyll sue for the same by action of det byl plaint information or otherwyse in whiche action suite or information no wager of lawe nor essoyne shall be admitted or allowed ¶ Prouyded alwayes that this acte or any thyng therin conteyned be not preiudiciall ne
hurtefull to any person or personnes that before the fyrst day of this parlyamente hath made any seaser or putte in any information in to any of the kynges courtes for any maner of forfayture doone or commytted by any person or personnes contrarye to the sayde estatute made in the saide thyrde daye of Nouembre the .xxi. yere of the reygne of our soueraygne lorde kynge Henry the eyght ¶ An acte for auoydinge of exactions taken vpon prentices in the cities boroughes and townes corporate Cap. v. WHere in the parliament begonne at London the third day of Nouembre in the .xxi. yere of the reigne of our moste drad soueraigne lorde king Henry the .viii. and from thens adiourned and proroged vnto westminster the .xvi. day of Ianuary in the .xxii. yere of the reigne of our said soueraigne lorde and there then also holden It was is recited that where before that time it was established enacted in the .xix. yere of our late soueraigne lorde king Henry the .vii. that no maister wardeynes and felowshippe of craftes or any of them nor any rulers of the gyldes or fra●ities shuld take vpon them to make any actes or ordinaunces ne to execute any actes or ordinaunces by thē before that time made or then hereafter to be made in disheritance or diminutiō of the prerogatiue of the king nor of other nor against the cōmon profite of the people but if the same actes or ordinaunces were examined or approued by the Chancellour treasorer of England or chief iustice of either bench or thre of thē or before the Iustices of assise in their circuite or progres in the shire where such actes or ordinaunces be made vpon peyn of forfaiture of .xl. fi for euery time that they do the contrary as more plainely in the said acte doth appere wardenies of felowshyps Syth which tyme diuers wardens and felowships haue made actes ordinaunces that euery prentice shuld pay at his first entre in their common hall to the wardens of the same felowship Apprentice somme of them .xl. s some .xxx. s some xi s some .xiii. s .iiii. d. some .vi. s .viii. d. som .iii. s .iiii. d. after their owne sinister mindes and pleasure contrary to the meaning of the said act made in the said .xix. yere of the reigne of the said late kinge Henry the .vii. and to the great hurte of the kinges true subiectes putting their children to be prentises It was therfore in the said parliament holden at westminster in the said .xxii. yere of the reigne of kyng Henry the .viii. established and enacted by the kinge our soueraigne lord Fraternitie● by the aduise of his lordes spirituall and temporall and of the cōmons in the same parliament assembled by the auctoritie of the same that no maister wardeines or felowships of craftes or maisters or any of them nor any rulers of fraternities shulde take from thensforth of any prentice or of any other persō or persons for the entre of any prentice into their said felowship aboue the some of .ii. s .vi. d. nor for his entree whan his yeres and terme is expired and ended aboue iii. s .iiii. d. vpon peyne of forfaiture of .xl. li. for euery time that they doo to the contrary the one halfe to the kinge our soueraigne lorde and the other halfe to the partie that therfore shall sue by action of dette information or otherwise and that in the action afore saide no protection or essoyne shal be allowed As by the same act amonges other thinges therin conteyned more playnely may appere Sithen whiche sayde seuerall actes establisshed and made as is afore saide diuers maisters wardeines and felowshippes of craftes haue by cautel and subtil meanes compassed and practised to defraude and delude the said good and holsom statutes causinge dyuers prentises or yonge men immediatly after their yeres be expyred or that they be made free of their occupatiō or felowship to be sworne vpon the holy Euangelist at their first entre that they ne any of thē after their yeres or terme expired shall not set vp or open any shoppe house nor sellar nor occupie as freemen without the assent and licence of the maister wardens or felowshippes of their occupations vpon peine of forfaitinge theyr freedome or other like penaltie By reason wherof the said prentices iourney men be put to as moch or more charges therby then they before time were put vnto for the obteininge and entering of their fredom to the great hurt and impouerishement of the saide prentices and iourney men and other their frendes For remedie wherof be it now by the auctoritie of this present parliament establisshed ordeined and enacted that no mayster wardens or felowshippes of craftes nor any of them nor any rulers of fraternities gildes or brotherhedes frō hensforth cōpel or cause any prentice or iourney mā by oth or bond heretofore made or hereafter to be made or otherwise that he after his apprentiship or terme expired shall not set vp nor kepe any shop house or sellar Iourney mā nor occupie as a free man without licence of the mayster wardeines or felowship of his or their occupation for and concerning the same nor by any meane exact or take of any such prentice or iourney men nor any other occupieng for them self nor of any other persons for them after his or their said yeres expired any sum of money or other thinges for or concerning his or their fredome or occupatiō other wise or in any other maner thē before is recited limitted appointed in the said former acte made in the said .xxii. yere of the reigne of king Henry the viii vpon the peyne to forfaite for euery time that they or any of them shal offend contrary to this acte The one half therof to the king our souerayne lorde the other half to the partie that wil sue for the same in any of the kinges courtes by actiō of det informatiō or otherwise in which suite or action no protectiō nor essoine shal be allowed for the partie defendant ¶ An acte for continuance of the statutes for beggers vacabundes and against conueyaunce of horses and mares out of this realme ageinst Welshe men making affrayes in the counties of Herff Glouc. and Salop̄ and against the vice of buggery Cap. vi WHere in the parliament begonne at London the third day of Nouembre in the .xxi. yere of the reigne of our most drad soueraigne lorde king Henry the .viii. and from thense adiourned to westmynster and there holden and continued by prorogation vnto the .xvi. day of Ianuarie in the .xxii. yere of our saide soueraine lord it was then in that session of the saide parliament an acte made and established declaring and concerning as well how aged poore and impotent personnes Vagab● compelled to lyue by al●rs shoulde be ordered as howe vacabundes and myghty strong beggers shuld be whipped and punished whiche acte was then made
suretie of his succession in the crown of this realme in the parliament begonne and holden at Westminster in the .viii. daye of Iune in the .xxviii. yere of the kinges most gratious reigne And also for lacke of such heires to such person persons as the kinges highnes shall limitte and appoint to succede to the crown by vertue auctoritie of the same act and not to any other within this realm nor foreine auctoritie power or potentate And in case any other othe be made or hath be made by you to any person or persons that then ye to repute the same as vayne adnichilate And that to your counninge writte and vttermooste of your power without gyle fraude or other vndewe maner ye shall obserue kepe maynteine and defende the saide acte of succession made in the saide parliament begon and holden at westmynster in the said .viii. day of Iune in the saide .xxviii. yere of the kinges most roiall reigne and al the holle effectes and contentes therof and al thinges that shall be done by the kinges highnes by auctoritie of the same and all other actes and statutes made in confirmation or for executiō of the same or of any thing therin conteined and this ye shal do against al maner of persōs of what estate dignitie degree or condition so ●uer they be in no wise do or attempte nor to your power suffre to be done or attempted directlie or indirectly any thing or thinges priuily or appertely to the let hinderaunce damage or derogation therof or of any parte of the same or of any thynge or thinges that shal be done by the kinges highnesse by vertue or auctoritie of the said act by any maner of meanes or for any maner of pretence so helpe you god al saintes and the holy Euangelistis ¶ And it is also enacted by auctoritie afore saide that all maner your subiectes as well spirytuall as temporall suynge lyuerey or ouster le mayne out of the handes of your highnesse or of your heires or successours or doynge any feyltie to your highnesse or to your heires or successours by reason of tenure of theyr landes shall swere the saide corporall Othe aboue mencyoned And that they nor any of theym shall here after haue any lyuereys oustre le mayne or restytution out of your handes nor oute of the handes of your heyres or successours tylle they shall haue made the saide corporall Othe in fourme aboue rehersed And if any person or persones beynge commaunded by auctorytye of this acte to make the sayde Othe afore lymytted obstynately or wylfullye refuse that to doo or wyll proteste and saye whan they shall be examyned vpon any interrogatories that shal be obiected to theym for or concernynge this acte or any thyng therin conteined that they be not bounde to declare their thought and conscience and styffely theron abyde that then euery suche personne soo doynge for euery suche offence shall be taken and accepted for offendour in hyghe treason And that euery suche refusell shall be demed and adiudged highe treason Treason and the offendour therin beinge as afore is limitted lawefullye conuicted or attemted therof by the lawes of this realme shall suffre suche peines of death losses and forfaitures and also lose priuileges of saintuaries in like maner and fourme as is aboue mentioned for the treasons afore limitted by this acte ¶ And be it further enacted by auctoritie of this present parliamente that if it shall please the kynges maiestie at any tyme here after by his letters patentes vnder his greate seale or by his laste wyll made in wrytinge Letters patentes and ligned with his most gratious hande to auaunce any person or persons of his most royall bloud to any title style or name of any estate dignitie or honour what so euer it be and to gyue to them or to any of them any castelles honours manours landes tenemētes liberties frācheses or other hereditamentes in fee symple fee tayle or for terme of theyr lyues or the life of any of them that then al and euery such letters patentes and last wyl of his highnes so to be made to any such person or persones of his blode shal be good and effectuall to them and euery of them according to the tenour purporses and effectes of euerye such letters patentes and laste will And that the said persone and persones and euery of them shall haue and enioy as well all suche titles style and names of honour dignitie and estate whiche shall be conteyned and expressed in any such letters patentes or laste wyll of the kynges hyghnes as suche castelles honours manours landes tenementes lyberties francheses and all other hereditamentes whiche shall be specifyed and mencyoned in euery such letters patentes or last will in such maner fourme fation and condicion and according to such estate or estates in the lawe as shal be expressed and limitted in euery suche letters patentes or last wyll in as large and ample maner to all intentes and purposes as if the titles styles and names of honour dygnitie and estate and the castelles honours manours landes tenementes lyberties francheses and other hereditamentes whiche shall be comprysed in any such letters patentes or laste wyll to be made were all redye yeuen by good sufficient letters patentes to suche personne or persons of the kynges blode by theyr speciall names and surnames and ratyfyed and confyrmed by auctoritie of this presente parlyamēte Or as if the names of suche personne and personnes soo beyng of the kinges bloudde and such titles stiles names castelles honours manours landes tenementes lyberties francheses or other hereditamentes hadde ben specyally named and expressed in this acte and gyuen to suche person and personnes of the kinges bloude by theyr propre names and surnames by sufficient wordes termes clauses sentences immediatly by auctoritie of this present parliament Sauinge to al and euery person and persons and bodyes politike and to theyr heyres assignes and successours other than to the kinges highnes his heyres or successours al such ryghte title interest possession rentes annulties fees offices comens rightes interestes petitions condicions all other hereditamentes which they or any of them may or mought claime of in or to any the said titles stiles names castelles honours manours landes tenementes liberties frācheses and other heredytamentes conteyned or mentioned in any suche letters patentes or laste wyll in as large and ample maner as if this acte hadde neuer be had nor made ¶ AND BE it fynally enacted by auctoritie afore said that this presente acte and euery clause article and sentence comprised in the same shal be taken and accepted according to the plaine wordes and sentences therin conteined and shall not be interpreted nor expounded by colour of any pretēse or cause or by any subtill argumentes inuentions or reasons to the hynderance disturbance or derogation of this act or any part therof Any thing or thinges acte or actes of parlyament
here to fore made or here after to be had done or made to the contrary therof not withstanding And that euery acte statute lawe prouision thinge and thinges heretofore had or made or here after to be hadde done or made contrary to the effecte of this statute shall be voyde and of no value nor force ¶ An acte for continuaunce of the statutes againste the caryage of brasse latenne and coper out of this realme And for making of cables and ropes for the wyndynge of wolles agaynst kyllynge of weynelynges vnder the age of two yeres Cap. viii WHere in the laste parlyamente begonne and holden at London the thyrde daye of Nouember in the .xxi. yere of the kinges most gratious reigne frome thens adiorned to westminster and there holden and continued by diuers prorogations vntyl the dissolution therof it was ordeined and established amongest other thinges one acte for restrayning the caryages of brasse Brasse laten and copper latten and coper out of this realme And also one other acte was made in this parliament for the trewe makinge of cables halsers and ropes Cables halsers ropes wynding of wolles Kyllynge of weinlynges One other acte for the trewe windinge of wolles and one other act to restraine killing of weinelinges bullockes steres or hester being vnder the age of two yeres All whiche foure seuerall actes were made to continue and endure to the nexte parliament as by the said actes more plainly appereth For as moch as the said seuerall actes and euery of them be necessary for the common welth of this realm be it therfore enacted by auctoritie of this presente parliament that the said foure seuerall actes and all clauses articles and prouisions therin conteyned shall from hensforthe be and stande good and effectuall and to endure and contynue vntyll the laste daye of the nexte parlyament ¶ In act for continuance of the statutes of petiurie for making of iayles for pewteres and for sowynge of flaxe and hempe Cap. ix WHere in the parliament begonne and holden at London the thirde day of Nouembre from thense adiourned to westminster and there holden and continued by prorogatiō vnto the .xv. day of Ianuarie in the .xxiii. yere of the reigne of our moste dradde soueraigne lorde kynge Henry the .viii. Atteynt Periury Iayle it was then in that sessiō of the said parliament one act made and established for the atteintes to be sued for punisshemēt of periurye vppon vntrue verdictes which acte was then made to endure to the last daye of the nexte parliament And where also in the saide session of the said parliament one acte was made and established for making of iayles in diuers shires of this realme whiche acte was than made to continue and endure for one yere nexte after the ende of the same parliament And where also in the time of the same parliament Pewterers one other acte was made concerning pewterers which act was also made to endure to the last day of the next parliament And also in the time of the said parliamēt one other acte was made concerning sowinge of flaxe and hempe Flax and hemp which acte also was made to continue and indure to the last day of th nexte parliament as by the said foure seuerall actes more plainely appereth For as moch as the said foure actes be good and beneficiall for the common welth of this realme be it therfore enacted by auctoritie of this presente parliament that the said foure actes and euery of them and al clauses articles and prouisiōs therin conteined shall stande continue and endure in theyr force and strengthe and be obserued and kepte to the laste day of the nexte parliamente ¶ An acte extinguishing the auctoritie of the bishop of Rome Ca. x. FOr as moch as not withstanding the good holsome lawes ordinances and statutes heretofore made enacted established by the kinges highnes our moste gratious soueraigne lord and by the hole consent of his high courte of parliamēt for the extirpation abolution and extinguissment out of this realme other his graces dominions seignories and contreis of the pretended power and vsurped auctoritie of the bishop of Rome Byshope of Rome by some called the pope vsed within the same or elles where concerninge the same realme dominions segniories or countreis which dyd obfuscate and wreste goddes holy worde and testament a longe season from the spiritual and trewe meanynge therof to his worldelye and carnall affectyons as pompe glorye auaryce ambytion and tyrannye couerynge and shadowinge the same with his humayne and polytike deuises traditions and inuentions sette forthe to promote and stablyshe his onelye domynion bothe vppon the sowles and also the bodyes and goodes of all Christyan people excluding Christ out of his kingedome and rule of man his soule as moche as he may and all other temporall kinges and princes out of theyr dominions which they ought to haue by goddis lawe vppon the bodies and goodes of theyr subiectes wherby he dyd not onely robbe the kinges maiestie being onely the supreme head of this his realme of Englād immediatly vnder god of his honour righte and preemynence due vnto hym by the lawe of god but spoiled this his realme yerely of innumerable treasure with the losse of the same deceiued the kinges louing obedient subiectes perswadinge to them by his lawes bulles and other his deceiuable meanes suche dreames vanities and fantasies as by the same many of them were seduced and conueied vnto superstitious and erronious opinions so that the kynges maiestie the lordes spirytuall and temporall and the commons in this realme being ouerweried and fatigated with thexperience of the infinite abhominations and mischefes procedinge of his impostures craftilie colouring of his deceites to the great damages of soules bodyes and goodes were forced of necessitie for the publique weale of this realme to exclude that forein pretended power iurisdiction and auctoritie vsed vsurped within this realme and to deuyse such remedies for theyr relife in the same as doth not onely redounde to the honour of god the highe praise and aduauncemēt of the kinges maiestie and of his realme but also to the great and inestimable vtilitie of the same And not withstandinge the said holsome lawes so made and heretofore establisshed yet it is commen to the knowlege of the kinges highnes and also to diuers and many his louing faithfull and obedient subiectes howe that diuers sedicious and contentious persones being impes of the saide bisshoppe of Rome and his see and in harte membres of his pretended monarchy do in corners elles where as they dare whisper inculke preache and perswade and from time to time instill in to the eares and heades of the pore simple and vnlettered people the aduauncement and continuaunce of the said bishoppes feined and pretended auctoritie pretending the same to haue his grounde and original of goddes law wherby the opinions of many be suspended theyr iugementes corrupted deceiued and
aboue rehersed Clergy Sainctuary the offendours shal not be admitted to haue the benefite of his or their clergie but be vtterly excluded therof and from the same and also of the priuilege of any sainctuary ¶ Prouided alway that this acte extende not to be preiudiciall or hurtfull to any person or persons for taking any vittaile gables ropes ankers or sayles whiche any such person or persons compelled by necessitie taketh of or in any shippe which may conueniently spare the same so the same persone or persones pay out of hande for the same vittaile gables ropes ankers or sayles money or money worth to the value of the thinge so taken or to delyuer for the same a sufficient byll obligatorie to be payde in forme folowing Straictes of Marrocke That is to say if the taking of the same thinges be on this side the straytes of Marroke then to be paide within .iiii. monethes And if it be beyonde the saide straites of Marroke then to be payde within .xii. monethes next ensuynge the makyng of such billes And that the makers of suche bylles well and truely paye the same dette at the daye to be limitted within the said billes ¶ Prouided alwaye that whanne so euer any suche commission for the punyshement of the offences aforesaide or of any of them shall be directed or sent to any place within the iurisdiction of the fyue portes Fyue portes that then euerye such commission shall be directed vnto the lorde wardayne of the sayde portes for the time beinge or to his deputie and vnto thre or foure suche other person or persons as the lorde chauncellour for the tyme beynge shal name and appoynte Any thynge in this present acte to the contrary notwithstandynge ¶ Prouided alway that whan so euer any commission shal be directed vnto the fiue portes for the inquisition and trialles of any the offences expres● in this acte that euery such inquisition and triall to be hadde by vertue of such commission shal be made and had by the inhabitantes in the saide ●e portes or the membres of the same any thing in this act to the contra● therof not withstandinge ¶ An acte for the release of such as haue obteyned pretended lycences and dispensations from the see of Rome Capi. xvi WHere the bisshoppe of Rome and his predecessours Byshoppe of Rome of his and theyr couetous and ambitious myndes to th entent to aduaunce and enriche them selfes and the see of Rome to the greate empouerisshynge of this realme of Englande and other the kynges domynyons contrary to goddes lawes the lawes and statutes of this realme and in derogation of the imperiall crowne of this sayde realme haue heretofore wrongefully pretended extorted vsed and exercised within the same diuers and many vsurped powers iurisdictions and auctorities durynge and by the which tyme the sayd bysshoppe and his predecessours arrogantly and iniustly haue taken vpon them for great summes of money and other profittes to them giuen to graūt vnto the kynges subiectes and other inhabitauntes within this realme and other the kinges dominions many diuers sundry auctorities immunities faculties priuileges lycences indulgences and preeminences of diuers kindes natures and qualities which all thoughe they proceded by an iniuste and vsurped auctorytie haue bene vnto nowe of late by the subiectes of this realme temerously and ignorauntly accepted receyued vsed erronyously put in excercise and execution the which vsurped auctoritie iurisdiction and power is nowe iustely trulye and ought to be clerely and absolutely extynguyshed extirped and abolysshed within this realme and other the kynges domynions And for as moch as all and euery such person and persons bodies polytyke and corporate which vnlawefully and without any maner of auctoritie or iuste grounde heretofore haue temerously and ignorantly accepted receyued vsed erroniously put in execution and exercise the said faculties immunities auctorities priuileges lycences indulgences and preeminences haue nowe sincere pure and perfite intelligence and knowlege of the said vsurped auctoritie iurisdiction and power And that the said faculties auctorities priuileges licences and indulgences so as is aforesaide accepted receyued vsed and erroniously exercised were ben to all intentes and purposes clerely voyde frustrate and of none effecte All be it if they shulde be impeached or interrupted of such priuileges liberties preeminēces auctorities iurisdictions profittes and other commodities which they now haue vse and exercise by colour of such vayne and voyde licences dispensations and faculties it shulde be to their intollerable inquietations and vtter vndoynge Wherfore be it enacted by auctoritie of this present parliament that al bulles breues faculties and dispensations Bulles Breues Faculties Dyspensatyons of what names natures or qualyties so euer they be of heretofore had or opteyned of the bishoppe of Rome or of any his predecessours or by the auctoritie of the see of Rome by or to any subiectes resiantes or bodies politike or corporate of or in this realme or of or in any other the kinges dominions shall from hensforth be clerely voyde and of no value force strength nor vertue and shall neuer here after be vsed ●dmitted allowed pleaded or alleged in any places or courtes of this realme or of any other the kinges dominions vpon the peynes conteyned in the statute of prouision and premunire made in the .xvi. yere of the reigne of king Richarde the seconde Yet not withstandinge at the mooste humble petition and intercession of the lordes spirituall and temporal and the commons in this present parliament assembled it maye please the kinges maiestie of his moste gratious benignitie goodnes and blessed disposition that it maye be enacted by auctoritie of this parliament that al mariages had and solempnised within this realme or in any other the kinges dominions Maryages before the thirde day of Nouember in the .xxvi. yere of the kinges moste gratious reigne wherof there is no deuorce or separation had by the ecclesiasticall lawes of this realme which mariages be not prohibited by goddes lawes limitted and declared in the act made in this present parlyament for the establishement of the kinges successiō or otherwyse by holy scripture shall be by auctoritie of this present parliament good laufull and effectual and shal be from the beginning of such mariages reputed estemed taken adiudged receyued approued allowed by the auctoritie of this present parliament to al and singular purposes effectes and ententes as good as sufficient and as vayleable as though no impediment of matrymony had euer ben betwene them that haue contracted and solemnysed such mariages And that all children procreated and to be procreated in and vnder such mariages shall be laufull to all intentes and purposes Archebishoppes and byshoppes ¶ And that it may be also enacted by the auctoritie of this present parlyament that all archebishoppes and bishoppes of this realme or of any the kynges dominions consecrated and at this present time taken and reputed for archebisshops and bisshops may by
to endure and continue vntyll the last daye of the nexte parliament And where also in the said session of the sayd parliament one other acte was made for the restraint of carieng and conueyinge of horses and mares out of this realme Horses and mare● whiche acte was also made to continue and endure to the last daye of the nexte parlyament as by the said two seueral actes more plainly appereth And where also at the sayde parliament continued and proroged vnto the thyrde day of Nouembre in the .xxvi. yere of the reygne of our sayde soueraygne lorde it was then in that session of the sayd parliament welshemen an other acte made and establyshed for punyshement of welshemen attemptynge assaultes or affrayes vpon any the inhabitauntes of Hereforde Gloucestre Shropshyre whiche acte was also made to endure vnto the last day of the next parlyament as by the sayde acte more plainely appereth And where also in the sayd parlyament contynued and proroged vnto the .xv. daye of Ianuary in the .xxv yere of our sayde soueraigne lord it was then in that session of the sayd parlyament one other acte made and establyshed for punishement of the vyce of buggery declarynge suche offence to be felony Buggery whyche acte was than also made to endure to the last daye of the next parlyament as by the sayde acte more plainely appereth For as moche as the sayde .iiii. seueral actes be beneficiall and profitable for the common weale of this realme Be it therfore enacted by auctoritie of this present parliament that the said .iiii. actes and euery of them and al clauses articles and prouisions therin conteined shall from hensforth be obserued and kept and continue and endure vnto the last day of the nexte parlyament ¶ An acte for the establyshement of the succession of the imperiall crowne of this realme Capi. vii IN their most humble wyse shewen to your moste royal maiestie the lordes spiritual and ●mporal and al other your louynge and obedyente subiectes the commons in this your most high court of parliament assembled that where in your laste parliament begonne and holden at London the thirde daye of Nouembre in the .xxi. yere of your mooste gracious reygne and from thens adiorned to Westm̄ and there holden and contynued by dyuers and sundry prorogations vnto the .xv. daye of Ianuary in the xxv yere of your mooste noble reygne and than there holden It was made and ordeyned an acte concernynge amonges many thynges as wel for ratification and confyrmation of your maryage Lady Anne Boleine than hadde and solempnysed betwene your hyghnes and the late lady Anne Boleyne Marques of Pembroke as for the lymittation of the successiō of your imperial crowne of this realme to the issue of your body begoten to be begoten of the body of the sayde ladye Anne with diuers remaynder ouer for defaute of suche issue as in the said acte playnely particularly more at large is expressed and mencioned Othe And where also by the sayde acte it was ordeyned and establysshed that all and syngular your subiectes shuld take a corporal othe for the fulfyllynge maynteynynge and defendynge the hole effectes and contentes of the sayde acte And it was further ordeyned by the sayde acte amonges other thinges that if any person or personnes subiecte or resiant within this realme or within any your gracis dominions after the fyrst daye of Maye than nexte ensuynge by wrytynge prynte dede or acte procured or dyd or caused to be procured or done any thyng or thynges to the preiudice sclander dysturbance or derogation of the sayd matrymony solemnised bitwen your maiestie and the sayd lady Anne or to the peryl sclaunder or disherison of any the issues and heyres of your hyghnesse beynge lymytted by the same acte to inherite to be inheritable to the crowne of this realme wherby any suche issues or heires of your hyghnes myghte be destroyed disturbed or interrupted in bodye or title of inheritance to the crowne of this realme as to them is lymytted in the same acte that than euery suche person and personnes and theyr aydours counsaylours maynteynours and abbettours and euery of them for euery suche offence shoulde be adiudged hyghe traytours and that euery suche offence shuld be adiuged high treason And the offendours and their aydours counsaylours maynteynours and abettours and euery of them beynge lawefully conuycte of suche offence by presentment verdicte confession or processe according to the customes and lawes of this realme shulde suffre peynes of death as in cases of hyghe treason as in the said acte amonges many other articles clauses and prouisions is more at large mencioned and specified ¶ AND also in the sayd parlyamente holden at Westmynster by prorogation in the thyrde daye of Nouembre in the .xxvi. yere of your mooste noble reygne an other acte was made for declaration and ratification of the sayd othe whiche dyuers of your subiectes then hadde taken and all your subiectes after that were bounde to take for due obseruation of the sayd acte of the sayde Succession Succession as by the same acte amonges other thinges is also specified and expressed And all be it moste dradde soueraygne lorde that the sayde actes were thenne made as it was then thoughte by your maiestie nobles and commons vpon a pure perfite and clere foundation thinkynge the sayde mariage then had betwene your highnes and the sayd lady Anne in theyr consciences to haue ben pure sincere perfite and good and so was reputed accepted and taken in the realme tyll nowe of late that god of his infinite goodnes frome whom noo secrete thynges canne be hydde hath caused to be broughte to lyghte euidente and open knowledge as well certayne iuste trewe and lawefulle impedimentes vnknowen at the makynge of the sayde actes and sithen that time confessed by the sayde ladye Anne before the mooste reuerende father in god Thomas Archebysshoppe of Canturburye Metropolytane and prymate of all Englande syttynge iudicially for the same by the which plainely appereth that the said mariage betwene your grace and the said lady Anne was neuer good nor cōso●ante to the lawes but vtterly voyde and of none effecte By reasō wherof your highnes was is laufully deuorced and seperated from the bōdes of ●e said mariage in the lyfe of the said ladye Anne And this not withstanding moste gracious soueraine lord the lady Elisabeth your doughter beinge borne vnder the said vnlaufull mariage by vertue and auctoritie of the acte of your successiō aboue remēbred for lacke of heires males of your body shuld immediately succede as your lauful heire in the most roial estate of your imperiall crowne of this realme gainst all honour equitie reason and good conscience if remedy shuld not be prouided for the same And ouer this most dradsouerayne lorde al be it that your maiestie not knowing of any lauful impedimētes entered into the bondes of the said vnlauful mariage auanced the same lady Anne to
misprision of treason by any construction vppon any of the statutes of this realme heretofore made shall be freely and clerely pardoned discharged released by auctoritie of this act of al those and such treasons and misprisions of treasons aboue mencioned And that none of his said louing subiectes for any of the said treasons or misprisions of treason aboue mēcioned and specified shal hereafter at any time by any maner of meanes be empeched vexed or troubled in theyr bodies liues lādes goodes or cattalles any thinge in this act or in any acte or actes heretofore made for treasons or misprisons of treason to the contrary therof not withstandinge ¶ And that it be further enacted by auctoritie afore saide Atteinder of quene Anne and other that the sayde late Queene Anne George Boleyn late lorde Rocheforde Henry Norreis esquier Fraunces Weston knight William Breretō esquier and Marke Smeton for theyr abhominable and detestable treasons by them and euery of them mooste abhominably and trayterously committed and done against your maiestie the realme shal be by auctoritie of this present parlyament conuicted and atteinted of high treason in suche maner fourme and accordingelye as they be by the dewe course and order of your lawes of this realme And that the saide late Queene Anne George lord Rocheforde Henry Norreis Fraunces Weston William Brereton and Marke Smeton and euery of them shall lose and forfaite to your highenes and to your heires al suche theyr manours meases landes tenementes rentes reuersyons remaynders vses possessions offices ryghtes condycions and all other hereditamentes of what names natures or qualyties so euer they be which they or any of them or any other to theyr vses or to the vse of any of them had or ought to haue had of any estate of inheritaūce in fee symple or in fee taile in vse or possessiō at the daies of their seueral treasons cōmitted limitted and expressed in theyr inditemente or at any time after Sauing to euery person persons and bodies politike and to the heires assignes and successours of euery of them other than to the said late Quene Anne and the other traytours afore named and theyr heires and assignes of euery of them and all and euery other person persons claiming by thē of or any of them or to theyr vses or to the vses of any of them or to the vse of any of theyr heires all suche right title vse possession interest condicion fees offices rentes annuites commons and all other commodities and hereditamentes what soo euer they or any of them moughte shulde or ought to haue had if this acte had neuer ben had ne made ¶ And ouer this moste gracious soueraigne lorde for as moche as it hath pleased your mooste roiall maiestie not withstandinge the great and intollerable perils and occasions which your highnes hath suffered and susteined as wel by occasion of your firste vnlaweful mariage solempnised betwene your highnesse and the lady Katheryne Princes Dowager late princes dowager as by occasion of the saide vnlafull mariage betwene your highnes and the said late queene Anne at the most humble petition and intercession of vs your nobles of this realme for the ardent loue and feruent affection which your highnes beareth to the conseruation of the peace and vnitie of the same for the good and quiete gouernaunce therof of your most excellente goodnes to entre in to mariage againe and haue chosen taken a righte noble vertuous and excellent lady quene Iane to your trewe and lawefull wyfe Queene Iane. and haue laufully cellebrated and solemnised mariage with her according to the lawes of holy church Who for her conuenient yeres excellent beautie and purenesse of flesshe and bloudde is apte god willinge to conceiue issue by your highnesse whiche mariage is soo pure and sincere withoute spotte doubte or impedimēt that the issue procreated vnder the same whan it shal please almighty god to send it can not be laufully trewely nor iustely interrupted or disturbed of the ryghte and title in the successyon of your crowne It maye therfore nowe please your moste gratious maiestie at the mooste humble petition and intercessyon of vs your nobles and commōs assembled in this presente parliamente as well for the clere extinguisshement of all ambyguities and doubtes as for a pure and perfecte vnitie of vs your moste humble and obedient subiectes and of all our posteryties that it maye be enacted by your moste gratious and roiall maiestie by consent of vs the lordes spiritual and temporal and the commons in this present parliament assembled and by auctoritie of the same in maner and forme as hereafter in articles ensueth ¶ FYRSTE FOR AS MOCHE as the maryage here to fore solempnised betwene your hyghnes and the said lady Katharine late prynces dowager deceased whiche afore was lawefull wyfe to your naturall brother prynce Arthur and by hym carnally knowen as hath duly bene proued by ●fficient witnesses at al times was is and ought to be demed and determined to be against the lawes of almighty god not dispensable by any humaine auctoritie and so hath be demed and determined as well by the hole clergie of this realme in both conuocations and by bothe the vniuersities therof as by the vniuersities of Bonony Padua Paris Orleaunde Tolowes Angiew and diuers other also by a great nombre of priuate wrytinges of many ryghte excellent well lerned men Be it therfore enacted by auctoritie of this presente parliamente accordinge as it was ordeyned and enacted in the said acte made in the last parlyament for the establyshement of your succession that the said mariage heretofore hadde and solempnised betwene your highnesse and the said lady Katherine which was before laufull wyfe to the said prince Arthur your elder brother and by him carnally knowen as doth dewely appere be sufficient proue in a laufull proces had and made before the said most reuerend father in god Thomas by the sufferaunce of god archebisshoppe of Caunturburye Metropolitane and prymate of all England shall be by auctoritie of this presente parliament diffinitiuely clerely and absolutely declared demed adiudged to be against the lawes of almighty god and also accepted reputed and taken of no value ne effect but vtterly voide and adnichiled And that the seperation therof made by the said archebishoppe shall be good and effectuall to all intentes and purposes any licence dispensation or any other acte or actes going before or ensuinge the same or to the contrarie therof in any wise not withstandinge And that euery suche lycence dispensation acte or actes thynge or thinges had made done or to be done to the contrary therof shal be to al intentes voide and of none effecte and so shall be reputed and takē by and amonges al vs your true subiectes and inhabitauntes our heires and successours of and in your realme and dominions for euer And that the issue borne and procreated vnder the same vnlaufull
mariage made solemnised betwene your highnes and the said lady Katherine shal be takē demed and accepted illegittimate to all intentes and pourposes and shal be vtterly forclosed excluded and barred to claime chalenge or demaunde any inherytaunce as laufull heyre to your highnesse by liniall dissent ¶ And also for as moche as the mariage solempnised betwene your highnes and the said late quene Anne vpō true and iuste causes was and is demed and adiudged by the said most reuerende father to be of noo value ne effecte and a deuorce seperation therof hadde and made by the due order and processe of the lawes of the churche of Englande before the said reuerende father Be it therfore enacted by the auctoritie of this present parliamēt that the same mariage betwene your highnes the said late quene Anne shall be taken reputed demed and adiudged to be of no force strength vertue nor effecte that the separation and deuorce therof had by the sentēce and iudgement of the said most reuerende father shal be good effectuall and soo here after shall be taken and reputed for euer by al your subiectes theyr heires and successours And that none appeale repeale reuocation or adnullation therof or any part of the same shall here after be hadde taken allowed or admitted in any behalfe And that all the issues and childrene borne and procreated vnder the same mariage betwene your highnesse and the said late quene Anne shall be taken reputed and accepted to be illegittimate to al intentes and purposes and vtterly forclosed excluded and barred to clayme challenge or demaunde any inheritaunce as laufull heyre or heyres to your hyghnes by lyniall discent the sayd former acte made in the last parlyament for the stablyshement of your succession or any thing therin contiyned or any other thinge or thinges to the contrarye therof in any wyse not withstandynge Degrees of mariage prohybyted by goddes lawes ¶ And further more syns many inconueniences haue fallen as wel within this realme as in others by reason of marieng within the degrees of mariage prohibited by goddes lawes that is to say the sonne to marye the mother or the stepmother carnally knowen by his father the brother the sister the father his sonnes daughter or his daughters daughter or the sonne to marye the daugher of his father procreate and borne by his stepmother or the son to mary his aunte being his fathers or mothers sister or to mary his vncles wife carnally knowen by his vncle or the father to mary his sōnes wyfe carnally knowen by his son or the brother to marye his brothers wyfe carnally knowen by his brother or any man maryed carnally knowinge his wyfe to marye his wyfes daughter or his wifes sonnes daughter or his wyfes daughters daughter or his wyfes syster ¶ And further to dilate and declare the meaning of these prohibitions It is to be vnderstand that if it chaunce any man to knowe carnally any woman Prohibitiōs of mariage that then all and singuler personnes beinge in any degree of consanguynitie or affinitie as aboue wrytten to any of the parties so carnally offendinge shall be demed and adiudged to be within the cases and limittes of the said prohbiitions of maryage All whiche mariages all be it they be playnely prohibite detested by the lawes of god yet neuertheles at some times they haue proceded vnder colours of dispensations by mans power which is but vsurped and of right oughte not to be graunted admitted ne allowed For no man of what estate degree or condition so euer he be hath power to dispence with goddes lawes as all the clergye of this realme in the said conuocations and the moste parte of all the vniuersyties of chrystendome and we also do affyrme and thynke ¶ BEIT therfore enacted by auctorytie afore sayde accordynge as it is declared and conteined in the said acte made in the last parliament for the establishement of your succession that no person or persons subiectes or resyauntes of this realme or in any your dominions of what estate degree or dignitie so euer they be shal from henseforth mary within the degrees afore rehersed what pretence so euer shall be made to the contrary therof And in case any person or persons of what estate dignitie degree or condition so euer they be hath bene heretofore maryed within this realme or in any other the kynges dominions within any the degrees aboue rehersed and by any the archebishoppes or ministers of the church of England be separate from the bondes of such vnlaufull mariages that then euery suche seperation shal be good laufull fyrme and permanent for euer not by any power auctoritie or meanes to be reuoked or vndone hereafter And that the children proceding or procreate vnder such vnlauful maryage shal not be lauful ne legitimate any foreyn lawes lycences dispēsations or other thing or thinges to the contrary therof not withstandinge And that in case there be any person or persons within this realme or in any the kinges dominions al redy maried within any of the said degrees aboue specified and not yet seperate from the bondes of such vnlaufull mariage that then euery suche person so vnlaufully maried shal be seperate by the diffinitiue sentence and iugement of the archebishops bishops and other ministers of the churche of Englande and in other your dominions within the limittes of their iurisdictions auctorities and by none other power or auctoritie And that all sentences and iugementes giuen and to be giuē by any archebishop bishop or other minister of the church of Englande or in any other the kinges dominions within the limittes of their iurisdictions and auctoritie shall be diffinitiue firme good and effectuall to all intentes and be obserued and obeyed without suing any prouocations appeles prohibitions or other processe from or to the courte of Rome to the derogation therof or contrary to the acte made sithen the beginninge of the last parliament for restrainte of such prouocations appeles prohibitions and other processes ¶ And also be it enacted by auctoritie afore said that all the issue hereafter to be had and procreate betwene your highnes and your said most dere and entierly beloued laufull wyfe Quene Iane shall be your laufull children heires and be inheritable and inherite accordinge to the course of inheritaunce and lawes of this realme the imperiall crowne of the same with all dignities honours preeminences prerogatiues auctorities and iurisdictions to the same annexed or belonging in as large ample maner as your highnes at this present time hath the same as king of this realme the inheritaunce therof to be and remayne to your said children and right heyres in maner and fourme as here after shal be declared That is to say ¶ First the said imperiall crowne and other the premisses shal be to youre maiestie and to your heires of your body laufully begoten that is to say Establisshement of the kynges
or persons craftely ymagine inuente or attempt by colour of any pretence to depriue the kinges highnes the quene or the heires of their bodies begotten or any other the heires of the kinges body laufully begotten or any person or persons to whom the kinges highnes shall dispose giue and limit the crowne of this realme by auctoritie of this acte of any of their titles stiles names degrees or royal estates or regall power Or if any person or persons at any time hereafter being required or cōmaunded by the kinges highnes or by such person or persons as shal be auctorised by his grace or his laufull heires to make or take an othe to answere to such questions and interrogatories as shal be obiected to them vpon any clause article sentence or worde conteined in this acte do contemptuously or vtterly refuse to make or take such oth or without frustratorie delay do not make or take the same oth or after the making or taking such othe do contemptuously refuse directly to answere to such questions and interrogatories as shall be obiected concerninge the same or any part therof that then euery such person and persones of what astate degree or condition so euer he or they be and their aydours counsayllours maynteynours and abettours and euery of them for euery such offence afore declared Treason shal be adiudged highe traytours And that euery such offence afore especified shal be adiudged high treason and the offendours therin and their aidours counsailours mainteinours and abettours and euery of them beinge laufully conuict of any such offence by presentment verdite confession or processe according to the custom lawes of this realme shal suffre peynes of deathe as in cases of high treason And that also euery such offendour being conuicte as is aforesaid shal lose and forfaite to your highnes and to your heires or successours kynges or regal rulers of this realme all such manours landes tenementes rentes annuities and hereditamentes which they had in possession as owners or were sole seased of by or in any right title or meanes or any other persō or persōs had to their vse of any estate of enheritance at the day of such treasons offences by them committed and done And shal also lose forfaite to your highnes and your said heires as well all maner suche estates of freeholde and interest for yeres of landes and rentes as all other goodes cattalles dettes which they had at the time of their conuiction or atteinder of any such offence Sauynge alway to euery such person and persons and bodies politike to their heires assignes and successours and to the heires and successours of euery of them other then such persons as shall be so conuicte or atteinted and their heires and successours and all other clayminge to their vses all suche righte title vse interest possession condition rentes fees offices annuities and commens which they or any of them shall haue in or vpon any such manours landes tenementes rentes annuities or hereditamentes that shall so happen to be lost and forfaite by reason of any conuiction or atteynder for any the treasons offences aboue rehersed at any time before the said treasons and offences committed ¶ Be it also enacted by auctoritie aforsaid that no person or persōs offending in any the treasons conteined and limitted by this act or in any other treasons shal in any wise haue and inioy the priuilege or immunitie of any maner sainctuarie within this realme or els where within any the kinges dominiōs but shal vtterly lose and be excluded of the same any vse grant Sainctuary custome prescription confirmation or any other thinge or thinges to the contrary hereof in any wise not withstandinge ¶ And be it also enacted by auctoritie aforesaid that if your maiestie shall happen to deceasse before any such your issue and heire male of your body which shuld inherite the crowne of this realme shal be of his age of .xviii. yeres or before that suche your issue and heire female whiche shulde inherite the crowne of this realme shal be maried or be of the age of .xvi. yeres whiche almyghty god defend that than the said issue and heire male to the crowne so beinge within the age of .xviii. yeres or your said issue and heire female to the crowne so beinge vnmaried or within the said age of .xvi. yeres shall be and remayne vntyll suche time as such issues and heyres shall come to their said seuerall ages afore limitted at and in the gouernance of their naturall mother and of suche other your counsaylours and nobles of your realme as your highnes shall limitte and appoynt by your laste wyll made in writynge sygned with your mooste gracyous hande yf it shall be thought by your highnes moste conuenyent soo to be or elles the sayd yssues and heyres shall be at and in the gouernaunce of suche of your counsaylours and nobles of youre realme as your maiestie shall name and appoynt by your last wyll made in writynge and signed with your most gracyous hande as is aforesaide And if any person or persons by wrytynge Treason printing or exterior dede or act directly or indirectly procure or do or cause to be procured or done any thinge or thinges to the lette or distourbance of the same that than euery such offence shall be high treason and the offendours beinge therof conuicted shall suffre such peynes of deathe and losse of inheritaunce priuileges of sainctuaries freeholdes interestes for yeres goodes cattalles and dettes in such maner and fourme as is aboue specified in cases of treason afore mencioned ¶ AND for the more sure establishment of the successiō of your most roiall maiestie accordinge to the tenour and fourme of this acte Be it further enacted by auctorytie aforesayde that as welle all the nobles of your realme spirituall and temporall as all other your subiectes nowe liuing and beinge or that hereafter shall be at their full ages by the commaundement of your maiestie or of your heires or successours Othe at al times hereafter from time to time whā it shal please your highnes or your heires or successours to apoynt shal make a corporal othe in the presence of your highnes or your heires or successours or before such other as your maiestie or your heires or successours will assigne for the same for the kepinge obseruing defending auowynge and maynteynynge of this acte and of all thinges that shall be done by your hyghnes by auctoritie therof accordinge to the tenour of an othe hereafter ensuinge That is to say Ye shal swere to beare faith truthe and obedience all onely to the kinges maiestie supreme heed in erthe vnder god of the churche of Englande durynge his lyfe and to his heires of his body of his most diere and entierly beloued lauful wife quene Iane begoten and to be begoten and procreated And further to the heires of our said soueraigne lorde according to the limittation in the statute made for