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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A46594 The royal charter of confirmation granted by His Most Excellent Majesty King James II, to the Trinity-House of Deptford-Strond for the government and encrease of the navigation of England, and the relief of poor mariners, their widdows and orphans, &c. England and Wales. Sovereign (1685-1688 : James II) 1685 (1685) Wing J381; ESTC R2580 74,522 223

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the sum of five pounds The Penalty of heating Pitch Tar c. but in such a manner That the Master of every Ship or Vessel being within the River of Thames do take care not to suffer any manner of Pitch Tar Rozine Grease Tallow Oyl or the like to be heated on board by Fire Loggerhead Shot or any other thing but that it be done as often as there may be occasion either upon the shore or in a Boat being afloat upon the penalty of three pounds to be paid as aforesaid That all Masters of Ships do take care in the drying their Bread-rooms How Bread Rooms to be dry'd and the Penalty of not observing the same to appoint able and careful men for doing the same and not to dry them in the night or keep any Fire therein in the night time upon the penalty of five pounds to be paid as aforesaid V. Item The Penalty of keeping Guns shotted It is ordered that the Master of every Ship homeward bound do unshot all his Guns before or so soon as he shall arrive at Gravesend upon the penalty of twenty Nobles to be paid to the use of the Poor of this Corporation And that no Master of a Ship The Penalty of firing Guns in the Night time being above Blackwall do presume to Fire any Guns before Sun rising or after Sun setting upon the penalty of ten shillings for each Gun so fired to be paid as aforesaid VI. The Penalty of Masters for suffering Bumboats to come aboard Item Whereas by reason of Dirtboats otherwise called Bumboats their carrying Fruit Wine Strongwaters c. to sell to shipkeepers and others aboard Ships there is much wrong done to the Owners by the purloyning of Cordage and other materials It is order'd that all Masters of Ships for the preventing of the evils aforesaid do from henceforth take care that themselves their Officers and Servants do not permit any such Boats to come on board their Ships or that they buy or sell any thing with them That they also do take care that their men do put the Dirt of their Ships Of not carrying and laying ashore their Dirt in proper time and Place as there may be occasion into their own Boats at seasonable hours in the day and do carry and lay it on shore above high-water-mark Of throwing their Dirt into the River and that they do not suffer any Dirt or Filth to be thrown over board into the River and in case of any of the aforesaid neglects the Master shall forfeit and pay for each of the same to the use of the Poor of this Corporation the sum of twenty shillings VII Item It is order'd that no Master do suffer to be taken in The Penalty of taking in or heaving out Ballast without a Port Sail. or heav'd out of his Ship any Ballast without having a sail nail'd to the sell of the Port or if a small Vessel to the Gunnel to over hang the side of the Lighter upon the penalty of twenty shillings to be paid to the use of the Poor of this Corporation for his every time so offending VIII The Penalty of hindring the Officer of the Trinity-House from coming on board to search for Powder c. Item It is order'd that whatsoever Master either by himself his Officers or Seamen shall at any time refuse or hinder any person appointed by this Corporation and upon demand shewing his Authority under the common Seal thereof from coming on board his Ship in the day time to search for any Powder Guns unshotted heating of Pitch Tar Rozine Grease Tallow Oyl and the like the carcless or unseasonable drying of Bread-Rooms the suffering Bumboats to come aboard and to Traffique with them or to enquire into any other Offences there committed against the Orders of this House He shall forfeit and pay to the Poor thereof for his every time so offending the sum of five pounds IX The Penalty of any Brothers Petitioning about any general Sea-Cause without the consent of Trinity-House Forasmuch as certain Members of this Corporation have heretofore partly of themselves and partly at the request of others very disorderly and very indiscreetly preferr'd Bills Petitions and other writings to the high Court of Parliament and to other inferiour Jurisdictions in the Name of Seamen in General without making the Master Wardens and Assistants acquainted therewith to the great detriment and scandal of the Corporation for preventing thereof for the time to come it is order'd that if any being Members of this Corporation shall at any time hereafter do or attempt the like matters as aforesaid or shall set their hands to any Bill Petition or other writing concerning any General Sea-Cause without the consent of the Master Wardens and Assistants thereto first had and obtain'd every such person shall forfeit and pay for every such Offence to the use of the Poor of this Corporation the sum of five pounds X. Item Orders for the good Government of Sea-men on ship-board For the better regulating and Government of Sea-men and Mariners it is Order'd That if any Mariner whilst on Ship-board shall Swear The Penalty of Swearing or Blaspheming Curse or Blaspheme the Name of God he shall forfeit and pay for every such Offence one shilling the same to be put into the Poors Box remaining on board the said Ship for the use of the Poor of this Corporation If any Seaman whether Officer or other after he shall be hired to serve in any Ship Lying on shore without Leave shall at any time lye on shore during the Term of the Voyage without leave first had from the Master or chief Officer on board he shall forfeit and pay for every such offence to the said Poors Box half a Crown If any Mariner whether Officer or other Absence from Prayers being in perfect health shall absent himself from Prayers being perform'd according to the Liturgy of the Church of England or shall not immediately after the Ring of the Bell or other publick notice repair thereunto He shall forfeit and pay for his every time so neglecting to the said Poors Box six pence If any Mariner shall be Drunk he shall forfeit and pay Drunkenness for every such offence to the said Poors Box one shilling If any Mariner shall be obstinate and stubborn Disobedience in not obeying the Masters lawful Commands or the Mate or Boatswains in his absence he shall forfeit and pay for every such Offence to the said Poors Box half his months Pay But upon any persons being found to offend against any of the above mentioned Orders in this Law mentioned At the Liberty of the Master either to inflict Corporal Punishment or take the Penalties aforesaid it shall be left to the liberty of the Master or Commander of the the Ship with the advice and consent of the Mates Boatswain Purser Gunner and Carpenter or Major part of them either to inflict Corporal Punishment according to the custome of the Seas or receive and take the penalties hereby imposed for the breach of the aforesaid Laws and if it shall happen that the said person or persons have not present mony to satisfie what is Ordered to be paid for any such Offences then it is required that he or they subscribe their Names to the Master or Pursers Book thereby signifying their Consent that the said forfeitures may be defalked out of their Wages the next Pay day following XI Item It is Order'd The Penalty of a Seaman's deserting one Master and shipping himself with another That if any Mariner or Seaman having ship'd himself with any Master for a Voyage shall afterwards desert and leave him and ship himself with another that Master with whom he goeth the Voyage shall upon notice given on behalf of this Corporation detain two shillings in every pound of the Wages of the said Mariner or Seaman for the time he serveth in his Ship to be paid to this Corporation for the use of the Poor thereof XII Item It is Order'd that every Commander of Ship The Master to make an agreement in writing with every Seaman he shall entertain hireing any Mariner or Seaman to sail with him upon any Voyage to Sea do take in writing under the said Seamans hand upon what conditions he is entertained and that he doth submit himself to the By-Laws of Trinity-House ALL which said Acts Ordinances and Constitutions in manner and form aforesaid We George Lord Jefferyes Baron of Wem Lord high Chancellour of England Sir Robert Wright Kt. Lord Chief Justice of the Pleas before his Majesty to be holden and Sir Edward Herbert Kt. Lord Chief Justice of his Majesties Court of Common Pleas at the request of the Master Wardens and Assistants and Elder Brethren of the said Corporation by Authority and Vertue of an Act of Parliament made in the nineteenth year of the Reign of King Henry the Seventh for that purpose have Seen Read Examined and Perused and for good lawful and laudable Ordinances Constitutions and By-Laws so far as we lawfully may do Allow and Approve by these presents In Witness whereof We have hereunto Subscribed our Names and set our Seals the four and twentieth day of June in the year of our Lord God One thousand six hundred Eighty Seven Jefferies C. R. Wright Edw. Herbert
the same doth grow or stand before the first day of March next coming notice shall be given by the Queens Majesties Letters under her Signet shall at any time hereafter be taken down fell'd or otherwise cut down upon pain that every person by whose procurement or consent such Offence shall be committed shall forfeit the Sum of One hundred pounds whereof the One moyety to the Queens Majesty and the other Moyety to be to the Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Trinity-House And if the said person or persons so offending be not of the value of One hundred pounds then the same person and persons to be deemed convict of Outlawry ipso facto to all constructions and purposes And further be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid To License Mariners to row in the Thames That all Mariners and Seafaring Men dwelling about the said River of Thames being thereto Licensed by the said Master Wardens and Assistants and having sufficient Certificate of such License from the said Master Wardens and Assistants as well between their Voyages as at other times at their Wills and Pleasures by force hereof the better to keep and refrain chemselves from Folly Idleness and Lewd Company and for the relief of them their Wives and Children shall and may freely and quietly exercise and Row in their own Wherryes or any other mens Wherryes by them to be hired or wherein they shall be hired to work up and down the said River of Thames to apply and follow the Ordinary passing and carrying of the Queens Majesties people to and fro as other Watermen commonly called Wherrymen of the same River use and accustome to do without Impeachment Hinderance or Let to the contrary and that such Seasaring men shall not thereby be drawn under any other Government than under the said Master Wardens and Assistants as they were before any Act Statute Provision Proclamation Ordinance or Custom heretofore against the Premisses Ordained or made in any wise notwithstanding Copia Vera Johan Walker Deput Johan Brown Cler. Parliamentor THE GRANT OF Queen ELIZABETH In the 36. Year of Her Reign OF THE Ballastage Beaconage and Buoyage TO THE TRINITY-HOUSE ELIZABETH By the Grace of God Surrender of the Ballastage by the Lord Admiral Queen of England France and Ireland Defender of the Faith c. To all to whom these present Letters shall come Greeting Whereas our loving Cousin and Councellor Charles Lord Howard of the most Noble Order of the Garter Knight Baron of Effingham and our great Admiral of England hath by his Deed in our Court of Chancery enrolled bearing Date the seven and twentieth day of May last past for divers considerations him therein moving fully wholly and absolutely Surrendred yielded and given up unto Us and into our hands the Lastage and Ballastage and Office of Lastage and Ballastage of all and all manner of Ships and other Vessels whatsoever coming or being in or upon the River of the Thames or which shall at any time hereafter be coming Floting Issuing passing Sailing or going into or out of the River of the Thames betwixt our City of London and the Main Sea of what burthen soever such Ship or Ships or other Vessels shall be and of and by what Name or Names soever such Ballastage and Lastage is or may be called known or used or which do or hereafter shall remain lye or be at in upon or near unto any Wharf Bank or Creek near unto the same River or any Coast Shore or part of the same betwixt the Bridge of London towards the West part and the said Main Sea towards the East And all his lawful Right And Title to the same Title Interest and demand whatsoever which he hath or might have claim or pretend to have of in or to the premises or any of them by Vertue of the said Office of Great Admiral of England or of our Letters Patents dated at Westminster the eighth day of July in the seven and twentieth year of our Reign made unto him of the said Office of Great Admiral of England or of any Sentence or Clause therein contained or otherwise Prays the Granting thereof to the Trinity-House And hath besought us that we will be pleased to Give Grant and Confirm the premises unto the Master Wardens and Assistants of the Trinity-House of Deptford-Strond in our County of Kent And whereas he hath further by his said Deed of the date aforesaid also fully Surrenders also the Beaconage and Buoyage wholly and absolutely Surrendred yielded and given up unto us and into our hands all his Right Title Interest Authority and demand whatsoever which he hath or might have Claim Challenge or pretend to have of in or to the making Erecting Setting up Placeing or Laying out of all or any Beacons Buoyes Marks and Signs for the Sea to be made Erected and Set up Placed or laid forth in or upon the Sea or Sea-Shores Coasts near the Sea or Vplands or Forelands or elsewhere near the Sea by Vertue or Colour of the said Office of great Admiral of England Letters Patents aforesaid or otherwise howsoever And hath by his said Deed declared and made known Declares the Right thereof to be in Trinity-House by Act of Parliament that albeit by the Letter of our said Letters Patents aforesaid the said Beaconage and other the last recited premises are granted unto him Yet it doth notwithstanding evidently appear unto him that it is in and by one Statute or Act of Parliament made in the Eighth Year of Our Reign specially and expresly Ordained and Enacted that the said Master Wardens and Assistants of the Trinity-House of the Deptford Strond aforesaid being a Company incorporated should and might lawfully by Vertue of the said Act from time to time at their Wills and Pleasures and at their Costs and Charges make Erect and Set up such and so many Beacons Marks and Signs for the Sea in such Place or Places of the Sea-shores and Vplands near the Sea Coasts or Forelands of the Sea for Seamarks as to them shall seem most meet needful and requisite whereby dangers may be avoided and escaped and Ships the better come to their Ports without Peril But for that the placing and laying out of Buoyes in convenient Places of the Sea and Channel for passing into and out of Havens and Rivers being a thing most necessary to forewarn shun and prevent the Peril and danger of those places may yet be questioned upon by the strict Letter of the said Statute Not fully enough express'd in the said Act. or Act of Parliament for that the said Buoyes be properly and naturally placed and laid out upon or within the Water of the Sea-Haven or River and not on the Sea-shore or Banks dry at any time and doth therefore justly deserve some explanation In regard of which premises he doth further by his said Deed of the date aforesaid humbly also beseech us Prays therefore