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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22844 Certaine statutes especially selected, and commanded by his Maiestie to be carefully put in execution by all iustices, and other officers of the peace throughout the realme with his Maiesties proclamation for further direction for executing the same. Also certaine orders thought meete by his Maiestie and his Priuie Counsell, to bee put in execution, together with sundry good rules, preseruatiues, and medicines against the infection of the plague, set downe by the Colledge of the Physicians vpon his Maiesties speciall command: as also a decree of the Starre-Chamber, concerning buildings and in-mates.; Laws, etc. England and Wales.; England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I); Royal College of Physicians of London. 1630 (1630) STC 9342; ESTC S125901 56,831 142

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punishment vpon them as shal be due to such as neglect their owne duties and Our Royall command published vpon so important an occasion And We doe hereby will require and command all and euery Our Iudges of Assize Maiors Sheriffes Iustices of Peace Constables Headboroughs and other Our Officers Ministers and Subiects whom it may concerne that they carefully and effectually obserue and performe all and euery the Premisses as they will answere the neglect thereof at their vttermost perils And whereas Wee haue lately commanded a Booke to be printed and published containing certaine Statutes made and enacted heretofore for the reliefe of the Poore and of Souldiers and Mariners and for punishment of Rogues and Vagabonds and for the reliefe and ordering of persons infected with the Plague and also containing certaine Orders heretofore and now lately conceiued and made concerning health All which are necessarie to be knowen and obserued by Our louing Subiects that thereby they may the better auoid those dangers which otherwise may fall vpon their persons or estates by their neglect thereof Wee haue thought it fit hereby to giue notice thereof to all Our louing Subiects to the end that none may pretend ignorance for an excuse in matters of so great importance And Wee doe hereby declare that whosoeuer shall bee found remisse or negligent in the execution of any part of the Premisses shall receiue such condigne punishment for their offence as by the Lawes of this Realme or by Our Prerogatiue Royall can or may be iustly inflicted vpon them Giuen at Our Court at Whitehal the three and twentieth day of April in the sixt yeere of Our Reigne of England Scotland France and Ireland God saue the King Anno xliij Reginae Elizabethae ❧ An Acte for the reliefe of the Poore BE it enacted by the authority of this present Parliament that the Churchwardens of euery Parish and foure three or two substantiall housholders there as shall be thought meete hauing respect to the proportion and greatnes of the same Parish and Parishes to bee nominated yeerely in Easter weeke or within one moneth after Easter vnder the hand and Seale of two or more Iustices of the Peace in the same Countie whereof one to be of the Quorum dwelling in or neere the same Parish or diuision where the same Parish doeth lie shall bee called Ouerseers of the poore of the same Parish And they or the greater part of them shal take order from time to time by and with the consent of two or more such Iustices of Peace as is aforesayd for setting to worke of the children of all such whose parents shal not by the said Churchwardens and Ouerseers or the greater part of them bee thought able to keepe and maintaine their children And also for setting to worke all such persons married or vnmarried hauing no means to maintaine thē vse no ordinary daily trade of life to get their liuing by and also to raise weekly or otherwise by taxation of euery Inhabitant Parson Vicar and other of euery occupier of Lands Houses Tithes impropriate or Propriations of tithes Colemines or saleable vnderwoods in the said Parish in such competent summe and sums of money as they shal thinke fit a conuenient stocke of Flaxe Hempe Wooll Threed yron other necessary ware stuffe to set the poore on work and also competent summes of money for and towards the necessary reliefe of the lame impotēt old blind and such other among them being poore and not able to worke also for the putting out of such children to be apprentices to bee gathered out of the same Parish according to the ability of the same Parish and to do and execute all other things aswell for the disposing of the said stocke as otherwise concerning the premisses as to them shal seem conuenient Which said Church wardens Ouerseers so to be nominated or such of them as shall not be let by sicknesse or other iust excuse to bee allowed by two such Iustices of Peace or more as is aforesaid shall meete together at the least once euery moneth in the Church of the said parish vpon the Sunday in the afternoone after diuine Seruice there to consider of some good course to bee taken and of some meet order to be set down in the premisses shal within foure daies after the end of their yeere after other Ouerseers nominated as aforesaid make yeeld vp to such two Iustices of peace as is aforesaid a true and perfect account of al summes of money by them receiued or rated and sessed and not receiued and also of such stocke as shal be in their hands or in the hands of any of the poore to worke and of all other things concerning their said office and such summe or summes of money as shall be in their hands shal pay and deliuer ouer to the said Church-wardens and Ouerseers newly nominated and appointed as is aforesaid vpō paine that euery one of them absenting themselues without lawfull cause as aforesaid frō such monethly meeting for the purpose aforesaid or being negligent in their office or in the execution of the orders aforesaid being made by and with the assent of the said Iustices of Peace or any two of them before mentioned to forfeit for euery such default of absence or negligence twenty shillings And be it also enacted that if the said Iustices of Peace doe perceiue that the Inhabitants of any parish are not able to leuy amōg themselues sufficient summes of money for the purposes aforesaid that then the said two Iustices shall and may taxe rate and assesse as aforesaid any other of other Parishes or out of any parish within the Hundred where the said Parish is to pay such summe and summes of money to the Churchwardens Ouerseers of the sayd poore Parish for the said purposes as the said Iustices shal think fit according to the intent of this Law And if the said Hundred shal not be thought to the said Iustices able and fit to relieue the sayd seuerall parishes not able to prouide for themselues as aforesaid Then the Iustices of Peace at their generall quarter Sessions or the greater number of them shal rate and assesse as aforesayd any other of other Parishes or out of any Parish within the said Countie for the purposes aforesaid as in their discretion shall seeme fit And that it shall be lawfull aswell for the present as subsequent Churchwardens and Ouerseers or any of them by warrant from any two such Iustices of Peace as is aforesaid to leuie aswel the said summes of money and all arrerages of euery one that shall refuse to contribute according as they shall be assessed by distresse and sale of the offendors goods as the summes of money or stock which shal be behind vpon any account to be made as aforesayd rendring to the parties the ouerplus and in defect of such distresse it shal be lawfull for any
such maner and forme as the Iustices of Peace in any Countie may or ought to doe within the same Countie by vertue of this Acte Any thing in this Acte to the contrary thereof notwithstanding Prouided alwayes that this Acte or any thing therein contained shall not extend to the poore people for the time being in the Hospitall called Saint Thomas Hospital otherwise called the Kings Hospital in the Borough of Southwarke neere adioyning to the Citie of London but that the Maior Communaltie and Citizens of the sayde Citie of London for the time being shall and may haue the rule order and gouernment of the sayd Hospitall and of the poore people therein for the time being any thing in this Acte to the contrary notwithstanding Prouided alwayes that this Acte or any thing therein contained or any authority thereby giuen shall not in any wise extend to disinherite preiudice or hinder Iohn Dutton of Dutton in the Countie of Chester Esquire his heires or assignes for touching or concerning any liberty preeminence authoritie iurisdiction or inheritance which the said Iohn Dutton now lawfully vseth or hath or lawfully may or ought to vse within the County Palantine of Chester and the Countie of the Citie of Chester or either of them by reason of any ancient Charters of any Kings of this land or by reason of any prescription vsage or title whatsoeuer And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that all fines and forfeitures appointed or to grow by this present Acte except such as are otherwise limited and appointed by this present Act shall wholly goe and be imployed to the vse of the reparations and maintenance of the said houses of Correction and stocke and store therof or reliefe of the poore where the offence shall be committed at the discretion of the Iustices of the Peace of the same limit Citie Borough or Towne corporate And that all fines and forfeitures appointed or to grow by conuiction of any person according to this present Act shall by warrant vnder the hands and seales of any two or more of the Iustices of the Peace of the same County Citie Borough or Towne corporate bee leuied by distresse and sale of the goods and chattels of the offender which sale shall be good in the Law against such offender And that if any of the said offences shal be confessed by the offender or that the same shall bee prooued by two sufficient and lawfull witnesses before such two or more Iustices of the Peace That then euery such person shall forthwith stand and be in the Law conuicted thereof And bee it also further enacted by the authoritie aforesaid that any two or more Iustices of the Peace within all the said seueral Shires Cities Boroughs or Townes corporate wherof one to be of the Quorum shall haue full power by authority of this present Acte to heare and determine all causes that shall growe or come in question by reason of this Acte And bee it also further enacted by the authority aforesaid that the Lord Chancellor or Keeper of the great Seale of England for the time being shall and may at all times hereafter by vertue of this present Act without further warrant make and direct Commission or Commissions vnder the great Seale of England to any person or persons giuing them or some of them thereby authority aswell by the othes of good lawfull men as of witnesses or examination of parties or by any other lawfull wayes or meanes whatsoeuer to enquire what summes of mony or other things haue been or shall bee collected or gathered for or towards the erection of any houses of Correction or any stockes or other things to set poore on worke or for the maintenance therof at any time after the seuenteenth day of Nouember in the eighteenth yeere of the Reigne of the Queenes most excellent Maiestie and by whom the same were or shall be collected or gathered and to whose hands commen and to what vse and by whose direction the same was or shall bee imployed And to call all euery such person persons and their suerties and euery of their executors or administrators to an accompt And to compell them and euery of them by attachment of their goods or bodies to appeare before them for the same to heare and determine the same and to leuie such money and things as they shal find not to haue been duly imployed vpon the said houses of Correction or stocks or vpon other like vses hauing in such other like vses respect of things past by the said Commissioners to be allowed of either by distresse sale of the goods and chattels of such persons as they shall thinke fit to bee chargeable or answerable for the same or by imprisonment of their bodies at their discretion And that the said Commissioners shall haue full power and authoritie to execute the same Commission according to the tenor and purport thereof And that all their proceedings doings iudgements and executions by force and authority thereof shall be and remaine good and auaileable in the Law which said money so leuied by the sayd Commissioners shall bee deliuered and employed for the erecting or maintenance of the same Prouided alwayes neuerthelesse that euery Seafaring man suffering shipwracke not hauing wherewith to relieue himselfe in his trauailes homewards but hauing a Testimoniall vnder the hand of some one Iustice of the Peace of or neere the place where he landed setting downe therein the place and time where and when he landed and the place of the parties dwelling or birth vnto which he is to passe and a conuenient time therein to be limited for his passage shall and may without incurring the danger and penaltie of this Act in the vsuall wayes directly to the place vnto which he is directed to passe and within the time in such his testimoniall limited for his passage aske and receiue such reliefe as shal be necessarie in and for his passage Prouided also that this Statute nor any thing therein contained shall extend to any children vnder the age of seuen yeeres nor to any such Glassemen as shall be of good behauiour and doe trauaile in or through any Countrey without begging hauing licence for their trauailing vnder the handes and Seales of three Iustices of the Peace of the same Countie where they trauell whereof one to be of the Quorum And be it also further enacted by the authoritie aforesaid that this present Act shall be proclaimed in the next quarter Session or Sessions in euery Countie and in such other market Townes or places as by the more part of the Iustices of the Peace in the sayd Sessions shal be agreed and appointed This Acte to endure to the end of the first Session of the next Parliament ❧ Certaine branches of the Statute made in the first yere of the Reigne of King IAMES concerning Rogues Vagabonds and sturdie Beggars FOrasmuch as sithence the
to be prosecuted by any two of the said Iustices of Peace whom they shall authorize Prouided alwayes that this Act shall not take effect vntill the Feast of Easter next And be it enacted that the Statute made in the nine and thirtieth yeere of her Maiesties reigne entituled An Acte for the reliefe of the poore shall continue and stand in force vntill the Feast of Easter next And that all Taxations heretofore imposed and not payed nor that shal be payed before the said feast of Easter next And that all Taxes hereafter before the sayd Feast to be Taxed by vertue of the sayd former Act which shall not be payed before the sayd Feast of Easter shall and may after the said Feast of Easter be leuied by the Ouerseers and other persons in this Act respectiuely appointed to leuie taxations by distresse and by such warrant in euery respect as if they had bene taxed imposed by vertue of this Act were not payd Prouided alwayes that whereas the Iland of Fowlenesse in the Countie of Essex being inuironed with the Sea and hauing a Chappell of ease for the inhabitants thereof and yet the said Iland is no Parish but the Lands in the same are scituated within diuers Parishes farre distant from the same Iland Be it therefore enacted by the authoritie aforesaid that the said Iustices of peace shall nominate and appoint Inhabitants within the saide Iland to be Ouerseers for the poore people dwelling within the sayde Iland and that both they the sayd Iustices and the said Ouerseers shall haue the same power and authoritie to all intents considerations and purposes for the execution of the parts and articles of this Acte and shall be subiect to the same paines and forfeitures and likewise that the inhabitants and occupyers of lands there shall be liable and chargeable to the same paiments charges expences and orders in such manner and forme as if the same Iland were a Parish In consideration whereof neither the sayd inhabitants or occupiers of land within the sayd Iland shall not be compelled to contribute towards the reliefe of the poore of those Parishes wherein their houses or landes which they occupy within the sayd Iland are situated for or by reason of their sayd habitations or occupyings other then for the reliefe of the poore people within the sayd Iland neither yet shall the other inhabitants of the Parishes wherein such houses or lands are situated be compelled by reason of their resiancie or dwelling to contribute to the reliefe of the poore inhabitants within the sayd Iland And be it further enacted that if any Action or Trespasse or other suite shal happen to be attempted brought against any person or persons for taking of any distresse making of any sale or any other thing doing by authority of this present Acte The defendant or defendants in any such action or suit shall may either plead not guilty or otherwise make Auowry Cognisance or Iustification for the taking of the sayd distresses making of sale or other thing doing by vertue of this Act alleaging in such Auowry Cognisance or Iustification That the sayd distresse sale trespasse or other thing whereof the plaintife or plaintifes complained was done by authority of this Acte and according to the tenor purport and effect of this Acte without any expressing or rehearsall of any other matter of circumstance contained in this present Acte To which Auowrie Cognisance or Iustification the plaintife shall be admitted to reply That the Defendant did take the sayd distresse made the said sale or did any other Acte or Trespasse supposed in his declaration of his owne wrong without any such cause alleaged by the said Defendant whereupon the issue in euery such Action shall be ioyned to be tried by verdict of twelue men and not otherwise as is accustomed in other personall actions And vpon the triall of that issue the whole matter to be giuen on both parties in euidence according to the very trueth of the same And after such issue tryed for the defendant or non-suite of the Plaintife after appearance the same Defendant to recouer treble dammages by reason of his wrongfull vexation in that behalfe with his costes also in that part susteined and that to be assessed by the same Iurie or writ to enquire of the dammages as the same shall require Prouided alwayes that this Acte shall endure no longer then to the end of the next Session of Parliament Anno xliij Reginae Elizabethae ❧ An Acte for the necessary reliefe of Souldiers and Mariners WHereas in the fiue and thirtieth yeere of the Queenes Maiesties Reigne that now is An Acte was made intituled An Acte for the necessary reliefe of Souldiers and Marriners And whereas in the nine and thirtieth yeere of her Maiesties Reigne there was also made another Acte intituled An Acte for the further continuance and explanation of the sayd former Bee it enacted by authority of this present Parliament that both the sayd Actes shall be and continue in force vntill the feast of Easter next and shall bee from and after the sayd feast discontinued And forasmuch as it is now found more needefull then it was at the making of the sayd Actes to prouide reliefe and maintenance to Souldiers and Marriners that haue lost their limmes and disabled their bodies in the defence and seruice of her Maiestie and the State in respect the number of the sayd Souldiers is so much the greater by how much her Maiesties iust and honourable defensiue warres are increased To the ende therefore that they the said Souldiers and Mariners may reape the fruits of their good deseruings and others may be incouraged to performe the like endeuours Be it enacted by the authority of this present Parliament that from after the sayd feast of Easter next euery parish within this Realme of England and Wales shall bee charged to pay weekely such a summe of money towards the reliefe of sicke hurt and maimed Souldiers and Mariners that so haue been as afore is said or shall lose their limmes or disable their bodies hauing been prest and in pay for her Maiesties seruice as by the Iustices of Peace or the more part of them in their generall quarter Sessions to be holden in their seuerall Counties next after the feast of Easter next so from time to time at the like quarter Sessions to be holden next after the feast of Easter yeerely shall be appointed so as no parish be rated aboue the summe of ten pence nor vnder the summe of two pence weekely to be payd and so as the totall summe of such taxation of the Parishes in any County where there shall be aboue fifty Parishes doe not exceede the rate of sixe pence for euery Parish in the same Countie which summes so taxed shall bee yeerely assessed by the agreements of the parishioners within themselues or in default therof by the Churchwardens and the pety Constables of the