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A70912 The history of the five wise philosophers: or, The wonderful relation of the life of Jehosaphat son of Avenario King of Berma in India. To which is added, meditations on the seven stations of life, with the three great stepts [sic] to eternal salvation: as faith; to be our guide: hope, to be or comfort; and, charity to hide a multitude of faults. Also, instructions for children to be obedient to their parents. A treatise both pleasant, profitable, and pious, / by H.P. Gent. H. P., Gent.; Parsons, H.; Peachum, Henry. 1672 (1672) Wing P946 155,713 206

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Treasurer depute and Sir John Hamiltoun of Orbestoun to the place and office of Justice Clerk and that ad vitam vel culpam conforme to the Act of this present Parliament made anent the election of Officers of Estate Counsellours and Sessioners upon the sixteenth day of September last by-past Like as his Majesty with advice and approbation foresaid gives and dispones to the forenamed persons and ilk one of them ad vitam vel culpam as said is the foresaids Offices respective above mentioned whereunto they are nominate and elected in manner foresaid Together with all honours dignities profits benefits liberties and priviledges which have beene possest and bruiked by any preceding Officers of Estate of the foresaids offices above written and which may be now bruiked by the Lawes of this Kingdome And ordaines a gift to be past and exped under his Highnesse great Seale to ilk one of the persons above named of the foresaid offices respective above written whereunto they are nominate and elected in manner before rehearsed ACT XXI ACT ANENT THE NOMINATION AND Election of Sir Alexander Gibson to be Clerk Register 13. November 1641. THe which day the Kings Majestie with advice and approbation of the Estates of Parliament nominated and elected Mr. Alexander Gibson younger of Durie to the place and office of Clerk of Register of this his Highnesse ancient and native Kingdome of Scotland and that ad vitam vel culpam conform to the Act of this present Parliament made anent the election of Officers of Estate Counsellers and Sessioners upon the sixteenth day of September last by-past Like as his Majestie with advice and approbation foresaid gives and dispones to the said Mr. Alexander Gibson younger of Durie ad vitam vel culpam as said is the foresaid office of Clerk of Register with all honours dignities priviledges profits casualities and liberties pertaining to the said office conforme to the foresaid Act and to the gift to be granted to him of the samine office under his Highnesse great Seal to be bruiked and possest by him as the samine hath been possest and bruiked by any preceding Clerk of Register and which may be now bruiked by the Laws of this Kingdome And ordains a gift to be past and exped under his Highnesse great Seal to the said Mr. Alexander Gibson of the foresaid office of Clerk of Register with all honours dignities profits casualities liberties and priviledges belonging thereto ACT XXII ACT ANENT THE NOMINATION AND Election of the Councellors 13. Novem. 1641. THe which day the Kings Majestie with advice and approbation of the Estates of Parliament conveened in playne Parliament nominated and elected the Persons under-written viz. Lord Lowdoun Chancellour Duke of Lennox Marques of Hammiltoun Earle of Argyle Earle Marshall Earle of Sutherland Earle of Mar Earle of Mortoun Earle of Eglintoun Earle of Cassils Earle of Glencairne Earle of Murray Earle of Perth Earle of Dumfermling Earle of Wigtoun Earle of Kinghorne Earle of Roxburgh Earle of Seaforth Earle of Lauderdale Earle of Lothian Earle of Kynnowll Earle of Southesk Earle of Weymes Earle of Dalhoussie Earle of Findlater Earle of Lanerk Earle of Levin Lord Angus Lord Lindesay Lord Yester Lord Sinclare Lord Elphingstoun Lord Balmerino Lord Burghlie Lord Amont Lord Balcarras the Clerk of Register Advocate Justice Clerk Thesaurer depute Master of requests Sir Robert Gordoun Sir William Douglas of Cavers Sir Patrik Hepburne of Wauchetoun Laird of Dundas Laird of Fintrie Laird of Cambo Laird of Dun Laird of Innes Laird of Morphie and the Provest of Edinburgh for the time being To be of the Councell ad vitam aut culpam conform to the Act made in this present Parliament upon the 16. day of September last by-past anent the nomination and election of the Officers of Estate Counsellors and Sessioners and conform to the Commission to be granted by the Kings Majestie with the advice and approbation of the Estates of Parliament to the saids Lords and others of his Majesties secret Councell above named for government of this Kingdome in all affairs concerning the peace good and happinesse thereof which by the Lawes and Custome of this Kingdome pertaine to his Majesties secret Councell Like as his Majestie with advice and approbation foresaid likewise nominated and elected the Earle of Arrundel the Earle of Pembroke the Earle of Salisbury and the Earle of Holland to be supernumerarie Counsellors of his Majesties Privie Councell of this Kingdome and to be contained in the foresaid commission to be granted to the Councell as supernumerarie there-intill And his Majestie with advice and approbation foresaid gives and grantes to the saids Counsellors above named and every one of them all honours dignities liberties immunities and priviledges whatsoever belonging to the Lords and others of his Highnesse Privie Councell of this his ancient and native Kingdome To be bruiked and possest by them siclike and with all respects as the samine have beene bruiked by any preceding Counsellers of his Majesties Privie Councell foresaid and which may be now bruiked and enjoyed by them by the Laws of this Kingdome conforme to the foresaid Act of the sixteenth day of September last by-past and to the commission to be granted to the saids Lords and others of his Majesties Privie Councell as said is ACT XXIII ACT ANENT THE NOMINATION AND Election of the Lords of Session ordinary and extraordinary 13 November 1641. THe which day the Kings Majestie with advice and approbation of the Estates of Parliament conveened in plaine Parliament nominated and elected Sir George Erskene of Innerteil Sir Alexander Gibson of Durie Sir Andro Fletcher of Innerpeffer Sir John Hamiltoun of Orbestoun Justice Clerk Sir James Carmichaell of that ilk The saurer depute Sir James Leirmonth of Balcomie Sir James Macgill of Crastoun Riddell Sir George Halyburtoun of Fodderance Sir John Hope of Craighall Sir John Scot of Scottistatbet Sir Alexander Falconer younger of Hackertoun Sir John Leslie of Newtoun and Sir Thomas Hope of Kerse Knights Mr. Archibald Johnstoun of Warristoun and Mr. Adam Hepburne of Humbie To be the fifteen ordinair Lords of Session and Senators of the Colledge of Justice and that ad vitam vel culpam and Judges for administration of Justice to the lieges conform to the foundation and erection of that Soveraigne Judicatorie of the Colledge of Justice Like as his Majestie with advice and approbation of the saids Estates of Parliament gave and disponed and hereby gives and dispones to the saids fifteen ordinair Lords of Session above named and to ilk one of them ad vitam vel culpam as said is the fifteen ordinarie places of the said ordinair Lords and Senators of the Colledge of Justice with all fees honours dignities profits casualities immunities liberties and priviledges whatsoever pertaining and belonging to the ordinair Lords and Senators of the Colledge of Justice and their places thereof to be bruiked and possest by the persons above named now nominate and lected thereto as said
Commission to John Earle of Rothes Lord Lesley c. Charles Earle of Dumfermling Lord Urquhart and Fuby c. John Lord Londoun Sir Patrick Hepburne of Wachtoun Sir William Douglas of Cavers William Drummond of Riccarton John Smith of Edinburgh Mr. Alexander Wedderburne of Dundy and Hugh Kennedy of Air as members of the Estates of Parliament And because many things may occurre concerning the Church and Assemblies thereof Therefore besides these of the Estates we nominate and appoint Mr. Alexander Hendersone and Mr. Archibald Johnstoun whom we adjoyne for that effect With power to them or any seven of them there being alwayes two of every Estate to passe to the said City of London and there or at any other place convenient mutually to be agreed upon to meet and conveen with any who shall be appointed by his Majesty and Estates of Parliament of England for the foresaid Treaty giving granting and committing like as we by these presents give grant and commit to them in manner foresaid full power warrant and commission to treat consult advise determine and agree as well anent the satisfying and granting of our Demands as in obtaining and securing a setled peace for all time comming conforme to the instructions given to them herewith or which shall be sent to them hereafter by us or any one of the said Quorums at the Campe of Edinburgh thereanent With power to them as said is to do everything which may conduce for the better and easier obtaining of our said demands and establishing a setled peace conforme to the said particular instructions in such like manner as we might do if we were all personally present our selves in full number promising to hold firme and stable all and every thing our said Commissioners in manner foresaid shall do in the Premisses conforme to the said instructions And in case it shall be found expedient or necessary to adde any more Commissioners to the foresaid persons these who shall so be sent authorized under our hands or the full number of any of the said Quorums shall have a like power and Commission by vertue of these presents with the fore-named Commissioners in such like manner as if their names were particularly exprest herein In witnesse whereof these presents are subscribed at Newcastle and Edinburgh the last of October and 4. of November 1640. SIC SUBSCRIBITUR Rothes Montrose Cassils Lothian Lyndesay Balmerino Naper Burghly Jo. Cooper Thomas Hope Ricccarton Caprinton Gaitgirth Dundas Edward Edgar Rich. Maxwell James Scot. Gorterfield Hume Hammilton Mr. Will. More Ja. Sword Hew Kennedy Rutherfoord And forasmuch as by vertue of the said Commissions the Commissioners therein authorised have treated and by the assistance and blessing of God have agreed upon the heads and articles following ARTICLES OF THE LARGE TREATY concerning the establishing of the peace betwixt the Kings Majestie and his people of Scotland and betwixt the two Kingdomes agreed upon by the Scottish and English Commissioners at the City of Westminster the seventh day of August 1641. THe SCOTTISH COMMISSIONERS having given in the Declaration following viz. WEE doe still in all Loyalty as becomes humble and duetifull Subjects acknowledge our dependency upon his Majesty as our dread Soveraign whether his Majesty live in Scotland or England and shall alwayes and in all things witnesse our high respects and best affections to the Kingdome and Parliament of England according to the strong bonds of nature and religion by which the two Kingdomes are joyned under one Head and Monarch yet as wee are fully assured that the Kingdome and Parliament of England is for the present farre from any thought of usurpation over the Kingdome and Parliament of Scotland or their Lawes and Liberties so for the preventing the misunderstanding of the Posterity and of Strangers and for satisfying the scruples of others not acquainted with the nature of this Treaty and the manner of our proceedings which may arise upon our comming into England and our treating in time of Parliament We doe by these declare and make known that neither by our Treaty with the English nor by seeking our peace to bee established in Parliament nor any other actions of ours doe wee acknowledge any dependency upon them or make them Judges to us or our Lawes or any thing that may import the smallest prejudice to our Liberties but that wee come in a free and brotherly way by our informations to remove all doubts that may arise concerning the proceedings of our Parliament and to joyne our endeavours in what may conduce for the good and peace of both Kingdomes no otherwise then if by occasion of the King his residence in Scotland Commissioners in the like exigence should be sent thither from England DID DEMAND that his Majesty would bee graciously pleased to command that the Acts of the late Parliament may bee published in his Highnesse name as our Soveraign Lord with consent of the Estates of Parliament conveened by his Majesties authority WHEREUNTO it is answered and agreed That for as much as the Kings Majesty at the humble desire of his Subjects did call and conveen a Parliament to be holden at Edinburgh the 2. of June 1640. wherein certain Acts were made and agreed upon which Acts his Majestie for the peace and good of his Kingdome is pleased to publish in his owne name with consent of the Estates and therefore commands that the said Acts bearing date the 11. day of June 1640. be published with the Acts to be made in the next Session of the same Parliament and that all the said Acts aswell of the precedent as of the next Session to be holden have in all time comming the strength of Lawes and to be universally received and obeyed by all the Subjects of the Kingdome of Scotland His Majesty doth in the word of a King promise the publishing of the said Acts in such sort as is above specified As for the manner of publishing the said Acts his Majesty approves that the Declaration of the Estates in the beginning of the Acts and the conclusion at the end may be past in silence at the publishing of the Acts and left out in the printed Copies And if any thing shall further occurre concerning the manner of publishing the said Acts his Majesties Commissioner may then offer it to the Estates to be considered of his Majesty being most assured that the Estates of Parliament will have a great care not to suffer his Majesties authority to be prejudiced in the managing of these great affaires Tertio Decembris 1640. THE SECOND DEMAND that the Castle of Edinburgh and other strengths of the Kingdome should with the advice of the Estates of Parliament according to their first foundation be furnished and used for defence and security of the Kingdome IS AGREED UNTO THE THIRD DEMAND that Scottish men within his Majesties Dominions of England and Ireland may be freed from censure for subscribing the Covenant and be no more pressed with oathes and subscriptions
is And ilk one of them siclike and with all respects and priviledges fees casualities immunities liberties and profits whatsoever as the samine hath beene possest and bruiked by any preceding Lords and Senators of the said Colledge of justice and which the saids Lords and Senators foresaids may now bruike and enjoy by the Lawes of this Kingdome and that ad vitam vel culpam conforme to the Act of this present Parliament made hereanent upon the sixteenth day of September last by-past Like as his Majestie with advice and approbation foresaid likewise nominated and elected Archibald Earle of Argyle Archibald Lord Angus John Lord Lindsay and John Lord Balmerino to be the foure extraordinair Lords of Session and Senators of the said Colledge of justice conforme to the foresaid Act made anent the nomination and election of the Officers of Estate Counsellours and Sessioners of the date the 16. day of September last by-past And His Majesty with advice and approbation of the saids Estates gave and disponed and hereby gives and dispones to the saids foure extraordinair Lords of Session above named and to ilk one of them the foure extraordinair places of the saids extraordinair Lords and Senators of the Colledge of justice with all honours dignities immunities liberties and priviledges whatsoever belonging to the extraordinair Lords of Session and their places thereof to be bruiked and possest by the foresaids foure Lords above named now nominated and elected thereto siclike and with all respects as the famine have beene possest and bruiked by any preceding extraordinair Lords of the Session and which may be now bruiked and enjoyed by them by the Lawes of this Kingdome ACT XXIV COMMISSION FOR REGULATING The common burthens of the Kingdome 15. November 1641. OUR Soveraign Lord and Estates of Parliament Considering that during the time of the late troubles of this Kingdom there were many great summes and burdens contracted undertaken and advanced for the outreiking and maintenance of the Armies and for other publike affaires As likewise considering that the courts of the common burdens of the Kingdome and the accounts of the tenth penny and of the other debts resting due and payable to the publike Together with the accounts and intromissions of all Commissioners Collectors others persons who have had any charge or intromission with any thing pertaining to the publike aswell in the Countrey as at the Army and other parts abroad are not yet fully closed cleared counted for payed nor reduced in order And seeing it is absolutely necessary that all the debts contracted and advanced for the publike use either within the Kingdome or without the famine be known satisfied payed and relieved As also that every thing resting to the publike be counted for payed and brought in for reliefe of the common burthens and that the whole counts of the Armies and other counts within and without the Kingdome together with the accounts of the monthly maintenance of the Army and Brotherly assistance granted by the Parliament of England for reliefe of the common burthens of this Kingdome at least so much thereof as is already payed be all cleared fitted and closed and that the rest and superplus of the said brotherly assistance yet resting may be craved uplifted and received for the publike use And it being likewise necessary that all and every person who have had any trust and intromission with any thing pertaining to the publike either within the Country or at the Armie or any other place be called to an account for their intromission and that the Generall Officers and others who have served in the publike be satisfied and recompensed for their service according to their demerits As also that the losses sustained by the particular persons whose ships and goods were taken at Sea either in England or Ireland be taken to consideration To the effect that the whole burthens and debts resting by the publike being knowne and all that is due to the publike being counted for payed and brought in for relief of the common burthens the estate and condition of the publike affairs may be the better known and according lie such course taken thereanent as may best conduce for the good and weale of the country And seeing the clearing and setling of the premisses will necessarily draw to such a length of time as his Majesty and the Estates of Parliament cannot in this present Parliament receive call for nor examine the saids accounts and common burthens of the Kingdome and settle and order every thing concerning the same In respect whereof Our said Soveraign Lord and Estates of Parliament have found it necessary and expedient that a select number of the severall Estates of the Kingdom be nominated authorised and appointed for clearing and setling of the whole premisses and for directing setling and ordering of every thing which may concerne the same Or which may offer and come in consideration thereanent Therefore His Majestie and Estates of Parliament presently conveened do by vertue of thir presents elect nominate choose authorise and appoint the persons after specified viz. John Earle of Lowdoun High Chancellour of Scotland Archbald Marques of Argyle Alexander Earle of Eglintoun John Earle of Cassils William Earle of Glencairne John Earle of Lauderdaill William Earle of Lothian John Earle of Lindesay David Earle of Southesk Iames Earle of Findlater Iohn Lord Sinclair Iohn Lord Balmerino Robert Lord Burghlie George Lord Forrester Sir Charles Erskene of Bandeth Sir David Hoome of Wedderburne Sir Robert Innes of that ilk Sir George Dundas of that ilk Sir William Cunyngham of Capringtoun Sir Iohn Wauchope of Nidrie Sir Alexander Erskene of Dun Sir Gilbert Ramsey of Balymayne Sir Duncane Campbell of Auchinbrek Sir William Forbes of Craigievare Sir Robert Greirsone of Lag Master George Douglas of Bonjedburt William Rig of Ethernie Alexander Gordoun of Earlstoun Iohn Binnie Burges of Edinburgh Thomas Durham Burges of Pearth Patrik Leslie Burges of Aberdene George Bell Burges of Linlithgow Patrik Bell Burges of Glasgow Iames Sword Burges of Saint Andrewes Iohn Kennedye Burges of Air Iohn Sempell Burges of Dumbartane William Glendoning Burges of Kirkcudbright Iames Scot Burges of Montrose Master Robert Barclay Burges of Irving Iames Anderson Burges of Couper George Gardine Burges of Bruntiland and Master Alexander Dowglas Burges of Bamff Together with Alexander Earle of Levin and Sir Adam Hepburne of Humbie one of the Senatours of the Colledge of Justice whom His Majestie and Estates of Parliament adde to the foresaid number as ordinair members with the rest to be Commissioners from his Majesty and the Parliament to the effect above and after specified Of the which persons any twelve of them shall be a Quorum there being alwaies three of them of ilk Estate To whom our said Soveraign Lord and Estates and whole body of the present Parliament Gives grants and commits full power warrant and commission to meet and conveen within the burgh of Edinburgh or such other places as
uprightly faithfully diligently and carefully in the discharge of the said Commission answerable to the trust imposed upon them And therefore his Majesty with advice and consent of the saids Estates hath approven and by thir presents approves their proceedings and carriage therein And declares them and every one of them to have done good service to his Majesty and this Kingdome and that they have behaved themselves as good Christians loyall Subjects and well deserving Patriots ACT XXVI ACT FOR RELIEFE OF THOSE WHO Have given band for the use of the publike 15. November 1641. OUR Soveraigne Lord and Estates of Parliament Considering that the members of the late Committees from the saids Estates of Parliament to whom the furnishing of the Armes and all other necessary expences concerning the publike was intrusted conforme to the power and commission given to them as likewise others who were not of the Committee and also the generall Commissar or his deputes Having borrowed and undertaken great summes of money for the necessair use and behoof of the publike for the which summes and debts contracted by the saids Committees They have given security to the parties partly by publike acts in name of the Estates And where many persons were difficile and scrupulous to advance and lend moneys and other necessairs upon the publike security These of the saids Committees and others foresaids have given their owne particular bands and have moved divers others persons to give band and security to the lenders of the saids summes bearing borrowed money without any relation to the publike Likeas divers Noblemen Barons and Burrowes and others before the establishing of the saids Committees of Estates did willingly for advancement of the publike service give their particular bands for great summes of money for the publike use and which were given in to the Commissars and Collectors and counted for by them in their accounts whereby the forenamed persons who have granted such bands may be distressed for payment of the saids summes at the instance of the persons to whom they are bound So as for their furtherance and affection to the advancement of the publike service their Estates and Credit may both be indangered unlesse remeed be provided And his Majesty Estates foresaid being careful that neither the members of the saids Committees nor any others persons may suffer prejudice in their estates or credit by or through any bands granted by them to any persons for lent money silver plate or any other necessary commodity furnished and advanced for the publike use But that they and every one of them their heires and executors be freed and relieved by the saids Estates of the famine and of all dammage perill and danger which they may incurre and sustaine there through It being made appear that the summes of money or other commodities for the which they have given band as said is are counted for or applyed for the use of the publike and approven by publike act order and warrand Therefore Our said Soveraign Lord and Estates of Parliament by vertue of this present Act do hereby bind and oblige the Estates of this Kingdom to warrand and relieve the saids members of the said Committees of Estate and all others persons whatsoever who have given band and security for any summes of money or other commodities for the use of the publike and whereof count and reckoning is or shall be made and approven whereby it may appear that the famine are imployed for the use of the publike by publike warrand as said is And for their better relief of the same The saids Estates of Parliament binds and obliges them and the whole body of this Kingdom to make paiment to the persons creditors to whom the said bands and securities are given of the same summes and others commodities or prices thereof and that at the termes of payment appointed by the saids bands with the interest thereof conforme thereto in all points And to purchase and deliver to ilk person so bound as said is their saids bands given by them or sufficient discharges of the famine with all convenient diligence and in the mean time to keep them harmlesse and skaithlesse of the famine bands and of all execution perill and danger which may follow thereupon So being that the summes and goods contained in the saids bands have been applyed to the publike use by publike order and warrant as said is and are or shall be counted for approven in the accounts of the common burdens of this Kingdom Which bands so contracted and undertaken are hereby declared to be publike debts upon the Estates and shall affect and burden them notwithstanding that the famine be given by particular persons without relation to the publike in manner foresaid ACT XXVII COMMISSION FOR RECEIVING OF THE Brotherly assistance from the Parliament of England 15. November 1641. OUR Soveraigne Lord and the Estates of this present Parliament Considering that of the brotherly assistance promised and obliged to be payed by the Parliament and Kingdome of England to this Kingdome of Scotland for relief and defrayment of the common burdens and losses of the famine There is yet resting the summe of two hundreth and twentie thousand pounds sterling money conforme to the articles of the late treatie and an act of publick faith granted by the Parliament of England for payment thereof at the termes therein contained Therefore our saids Soveraigne Lord and Estates of Parliament Doe hereby grant full power warrand and commission and appoints nominants and authorizes the persons particularly after nominated viz. John Earle of Lowdoun Chancellour of Scotland Archbald Marques of Argyle Alexander Earle of Eglintoun John Earle of Cassils William Earle of Glencairne John Earle of Lauderdail William Earle of Lothian John Earle of Lindesay David Earle of Southesk James Earle of Findlater John Lord Sinclair John Lord Balmerino Robert Lord Burghlie George Lord Forrester Sir Charles Erskene of Bandeth Sir David Home of Wedderburne Sir Robert Innes of that ilk Sir George Dundas of that ilk Sir William Cunyngham of Capringtoun Sir John Wauchope of Nidrie Sir Alexander Erskene of Dun Sir Gilbert Ramsay of Balymayne Sir Duncane Campbell of Auchinbrek Sir William Forbes of Craigievare Sir Robert Griersone of Lag Mr. George Douglas of Bonjedburgh William Rig of Ethernie Alexander Gordoun of Earlstoun John Binnie Burgesse of Edinburgh Thomas Durham Burgesse of Pearth Patrik Leslie Burgesse of Aberdene George Bell Burgesse of Linlithgow Patrik Bell Burgesse of Glasgow James Sword Burgesse of Saint Andrewes John Kennedye Burgesse of Air John Semple Burgesse of Dumbartane William Glendoning Burgesse of Kirkcudbright James Scot Burgesse of Montrose Mr. Robert Barclay Burgesse of Irving James Anderson Burgesse of Couper George Gardine Burgesse of Bruntiland and Mr. Alexander Dowglas Burgesse of Bamff Together with Alexander Earle of Levin and Sir Adam Hepburne of Humbie one of the Senators of the Colledge of Justice whom his Majesty and Estates of Parliament addes to the foresaid
Commissioners to be nominate by the saids Lords of Secret Councell as said is for ordering the Commissars jurisdiction and clearing the bounds and limits thereof that there be no occasion of question betwixt them and other inferiour Judges with power to the saids Commissioners to regulate their judicatories and set down prices upon the Seales Testaments Summonds Acts Decreets and all other Writs concerning that Office to be taken by Commissars their Clerk or Procutor Fischall all quotes of Testaments being specially discharged to be exacted in any time comming and to settle and establish the fees of the Commissars of Edinburgh and for that effect to meet and conveen at Edinburgh the _____ day of _____ with power to them to appoint diets as oft as they shall think fit untill the said Commission take effect anent the particulars foresaid And whatsoever the saids Commissioners or their Quorum shal determine and conclude thereanent our Soveraign Lord with advice foresaid ratifies and approves and ordains the same to have the strength force and authoritie of an Act of Parliament ACT LXIII ACT DISCHARGING MONOPOLIES 16. November 1641. OUR Soveraigne Lord and Estates of Parliament considering the great hurt and prejudice sustained by sundry his Majesties lieges by the Monopolies used and exacted within this Kingdome and which have beene conferred to the use of any particular person or persons to the great hurt and prejudice of others his Majesties lieges and specially the gift for selling Tobacco granted to Sir James Lesley and Thomas Dalmahoy the Patent of the Lether granted to the Earle of Marre the Patent of Pearling granted to _____ Bannatine the Patent of Pearle granted to Robert Buchane the Patent of Armorie granted to Harrie Mauld Therefore our Soveraign Lord and Estates of Parliament by the tenour hereof annuls rescinds and simply discharges the particular gifts foresaids granted to the persons above written and all that may follow or hath followed thereupon And ordains the same and all other Patents of that nature purchast or to be purchast for the benefit of particular persons in prejudice of the publick to cease and be ineffectuall in all time comming ACT LXIV COMMISSION FOR MANUFACTORIES 16. November 1641. OUR Soveraign Lord and Estates of Parliament considering how necessary expedient and profitable the erecting and maintaining of Manufactories will be for this kingdome as well in keeping great quantities of money within the same which is now daily exported for wrought commodities as in setting poore ones on worke restraining of idle beggars increase of vertue and bringing of moneyes into the Countrey And this being a matter of so great goodnesse wished by every man and oft times aymed at to be brought to some perfection as witnesse many severall acts of Parliament acts of Convention and Councell especially King James the sixth his seventh Parliament cap. 113. Item King James 6. his 15. Parliament cap. 250. and 252. Item the acts of Councell May 1597. July 1600. November 1601. December 1601. May 1612. Octob. 1614. August 1616. July 1620. Feb. 1623. July 1623. Item the acts of Convention June 1605. November 1625. August 1626. yet the famine hath not as yet made any considerable progresse for want of cherishing entertainment and right order for prosecution thereof In consideration whereof His Majesty and Estates of Parliament being resolved to use all ordinar meanes for erecting cherishing and maintaining of Manufactories within this Kingdome And His Majesty with advice and consent foresaid being graciously pleased to grant all Liberties Priviledges and Immunities to the erectors thereof Therefore His Majesty and Estates foresaid gives grants and commits to these persons or Quorum thereof who shall be nominate by the Lords of secret Councell to whom the Kings Majesty and Parliament hereby gives the nomination of the saids Commissioners and Quorum thereof foresaid to the effect after specified full power warrant and commission to meet and conveen at Edinburgh or any other place or places at such dayes and times they or the said Quorum shall think fitting and there to consult advise and determine upon the best rules overtures and propositions and wayes for erecting and maintaining of the saids manufactories of all sorts With power to them or the said Quorum To call and conveen before and with them any person or persons who can give them information or assistance in the saids businesses As also with power to them or their said Quorum to appoint correction-houses in such parts of the Kingdome as they shall think most conduceable for the good of the saids Manufactories and restraint of idle and masterlesse beggars As also with power to them to prescribe rules and wayes for assisting supplying and maintaining of these who have already or shall during the time of this Commission erect and entertaine any of the saids Manufactories and to direct letters against masterlesse people and their receptars as well to burgh as land-ward commanding them to worke at such reasonable rates as the said Commissioners or Quorum thereof shall appoint With power likewise to them to make Corporations and to grant them priviledges conforme to the lawes of the Kingdome And sicklike his Majesty with advice foresaid out of his gracious favour and bountie doth hereby for the better encouragement to all these who have undertaken or shall undertake the erecting and maintaining of the saids Manufactories or any one thereof gives and grants to them the priviledges and immunities following viz. all Spanish and forraigne fine wool for making of fine cloth shall be custome free Item all litster ware oyle and others necessaries for the use of the saids workes allanerly shall be free of all Customes and Impost Item all parcels of cloth Seyes and others made by any who have erected or shall erect any of the saids works shall be Custome and Impost free for the space of fifteene yeares after the erecting thereof Item the workers of the saids works erected or to be erected shall be free of any taxation or imposition to be imposed on the Kingdome for any occasion by-gone or to come Item it shall not bee leasome to any in the Kingdome to hire reset or entertain any of the servants of the said works without consent of the Masters thereof ACT LXV COMMISSION BY THE KING AND Parliament to the Lords of secret Councell 16. November 1641. OUr Soveraign Lord with advice and consent of the Estates of Parliament Considering that his Majestie being now actually present in his royall person in this his native and ancient Kingdom and willing before his returne to England where his Majesties more ordinat residence hath been heretofore and will apparently be in time coming to leave behind him such a pledge and testimony of his tender respect royall care and fatherly affection for establishing the good and happie governement of this his Majesties ancient Kingdome as in some measure may supply the want of his royall presence amongst them Hath to this effect out of his native goodnesse condescended
THE ACTS MADE IN THE SECOND PARLIAMENT OF OUR MOST HIGH AND DREAD SOVERAIGNE CHARLES By the grace of God King of Scotland England France and Ireland Defender of the Faith c. Holden at Edinburgh in the severall Sessions thereof according to the dates therein mentioned Acts past and done in this present Session of Parliament the eleventh of June 1640. EDINBURGH Printed by Robert Young and Evan Tyler Printers to the Kings most excellent MAJESTIE ANNO 1641. Cum Privilegio Regiae Majestatis ACTS PAST AND DONE IN THIS PRESENT Session of PARLIAMENT the eleventh of June 1640. ACT I. ACT ANENT THE CHOOSING OF Robert Lord Burghlie to be President in this Court and Session of Parliament in respect of the absence of the Kings Commissioner THE Estates of Parliament presently conveened by His Majesties speciall authoritie Considering that in respect of the absence of His Majesties Commissioner they are necessitate to make choyse of one of their number to be President in this present Session of Parliament And understanding the sufficiencie of Robert Lord Burghlie for that charge They all in one voice with one consent did nominate elect and choose the said Robert Lord Burghlie to bee President and to proceed in this present Session and Court of Parliament for discussing and handling of the matters to be determinat thereintill ACT II. ACT ANENT THE CONSTITUTION Of the Parliament and all subsequent Parliaments THE Estates of Parliament presently conveened by His Majesties speciall authoritie Considering that this present Parliament was indicted by His Majestie for ratifying of such Acts as should be concluded in the late Assemblie of the Kirk for determining all Civill matters and setling all such things as may conduce to the publick good and peace of this Kirk and Kingdome And considering the severall complaints of this Kirk unto Parliaments from time to time proceeding from her continuall experience of prejudice and ruine through many persons and specially of Prelates their attempting to voyce or do any thing in name of the Kirk without either bearing Office in the Kirk or having commission from the Kirk And the Acts of the late Generall Assemblie condemning the office of Bishops Archbishops and other Prelates and the civil places and power of Kirkmen as their voycing and ryding in Parliament and craving the abolishing of these Acts of Parliament which grants to the Kirk or Kirkmen vote in Parliament to be abrogate as prejudiciall to her Liberties and incompatible with her spirituall nature Considering also that there are conveened in this present Parliament by His Majesties speciall indiction warrant and authoritie the Nobilitie Barons and Burgesses the Estates of this Kingdome who have a full and undoubted power to proceed and determine in all matters concerning the publick good of this Kingdome and that notwithstanding of the absence of the Prelates who by former Lawes were appointed to bee members of Parliament And to the effect none presume to move any question there anent The saids Estates now conveened as said is have declared and by these presents declares this present Parliament holden by the Nobilitie Barons and Burgesses and their Commissioners the true Estates of this Kingdome to be a complete and perfect Parliament and to have the famine power authority and jurisdiction as absolutely and fully as any Parliament formerly hath had within this Kingdome in time by-gone And ordaines all Parliaments hereafter to be so constitute and to consist onely in all time comming of the Noblemen Barons and Burgesses as the members and three Estates of Parliament And rescindes and annulls all former Lawes Acts of Parliament made in favours of whatsoever Bishops Archbishops Abbots Pryors or other Prelates or Churchmen whatsoever for their ryding sitting or voycing in Parliament either as Churchmen or the Clergie or in name of the Church or as representing the Church as an State or member of Parliament by reason of their Ecclesiasticall Offices Titles Dignities or Benefices and namely the 231. Act Parl. 15. K. Ja. 6.1597 anent the Kirk and specially parsons and prelates representing the third Estate and the 2. Act Parl. 18. K. Ja. 6.1606 anent the restitution of the estate of Bishops and their representing the third Estate with all Acts and Constitutions of Convention Councell or Session and all practises and customes whatsoever in so far as the same or any clause thereof tends or may be extended to the effect foresaid as being found and declared prejudiciall to the Libertie of this Kirk and Kingdom and to the puritie of the true reformed Religion therein established And prohibites all persons whatsoever to call in question the authoritie of this present Parliament upon whatsoever pretext under the pain of treason ACT III. ACT ANENT THE CHOOSING of Committees out of every Estate THe Estates of Parliament presently conveened by vertue of His Majesties speciall authority Considering that there have divers questions arisen in this present Parliament anent the freedome of the Parliament either to choose or not to choose Committees for Articles when they resolve to choose anent the manner of election of them anent their use and power By reason the same is not yet determined nor set down by any Acts of former Parliaments for removing whereof avoyding the great prejudice which by experience they find will hereby redound to this Kingdom and to the liberty freedom dignity of the supreme Courts of Parliament They have thought it necessary that a solid Order be set down as wel declaring the Liberty of the Parliament in the manner of their proceedings by themselves alone or by Committees for Articles as prescribing the form and manner of the election of these Committees for Articles and defining their use power and manner of proceeding to be observed in all times coming AND THEREFORE have statute and declared That according to the Liberty of all free Judicatories anent their own preparatorie Committees all subsequent Parliaments may according to the importance of Affairs for the time either choose or not choose severall Committees for Articles as they shall think expedient And that any subsequent Parliaments making election of Committees for Articles to prepare matters for them shall proceed in manner following To wit That these of the Noblemen shal be named and chosen by the Noblemen themselves out of their number And by the Barons Commissioners of Shires by themselves out of their number And the Burgesses Commissioners of Burrowes by themselves out of their number The names of the which persons so named and chosen out of every Estate not exceeding for every Committee the number prescribed by the Act of Parliament 1587. being openly read and made known to the whole Estates sitting in plain Parliament The said Estates having received any propositions which are ever first to bee presented to themselves by an Act shall authorize the said persons with power to treat reason and consult upon the expediencie or inexpediencie of such Articles allanerlie as shal be committed and
borne and bred within this Kingdome known and esteemed to be of the qualitie foresaid without exception and who before their entrie and admission to whatsoever charge place or service within the said Castles or any of them either as Captaines Constables Commanders Souldiers or Servants within the same shall be bound and oblisht by a solemne oath to be given and made by them and every one of them to make faith that they shall faithfully employ whatsoever power charge or service committed or that shall be committed to them within the saids Castles or any of them so far as they can or in them lyes to the Kings Majesties honour and safetie to the peace safetie good and prosperitie of this Kingdome and common-wealth and to the preservation and advancement of the true reformed Religion therein presently established and professed as they will answere to God Like as incase it shall happen any of the persons foresaids to doe or attempt any thing contrarie to the premisses or any part thereof It is statute and declared that they shall be punished with all rigour as Traitours and common enemies to the King and Countrey And farther That the Captaines and Commanders of the saids Castles shall be chosen by his Majestie from time to time by advice of the Estates of Parliament and that such as shall happen to be placed therein betwixt Parliaments shall be first tryed and found by his Majesties Councell to be of the qualitie above-exprest and shall have the charge thereof only to the next ensuing Parliament by the which they shall of new be tryed and allowed or otherwise his Majestie shall place others therein by the advice of the Estates as said is Alwayes without prejudice of the Earle of Mar his heritable right of the keeping of the Castle of Striviling ACT XIX ANENT PRODUCTION OF THE REGIsters and Records of Parliament to the first Session of each Parliament THe Estates of Parliament now presently conveened by his Majesties speciall Authoritie Considering that for the better clearing and resolving of all doubts and difficulties which may arise in Parliaments anent such matters as shall be brought in before them It is very necessar that they have inspection of the Books Registers and Records of Parliaments as they shall have occasion to make use thereof Have statute and ordained that in all times comming the Clerke of Register and his Deputes and such others who for the time shall happen to have the charge keeping or power of any of the saids Registers or Records shall be holden to exhibite and produce the same as they shall be required by the Estates in time of Parliament that they may have the use and inspection thereof upon all occasions as they shall thinke expedient for clearing of whatsoever difficulties And siclike that the Clerk of Register or some having power from him and intrusted with the keeping of the Registers shall be present at all times and shall be ready to give extracts to the Lieges in their particular affaires upon their reasonable charges and expenses and both these under the paine of deprivation of the party contraveening any of the saids members of the Acts or to be otherwayes more mildely or severely punished as the Parliament shall finde the fault to demerit ACT XX. DISCHARGING ALL PROXIES TO BE Admitted in Parliament and that no forraine Noble-man shall have place and voice in Parliament unlesse they have ten thousand merkes of land rent within the Kingdome THe Estates of Parliament presently conveened by his Majesties speciall Authoritie Considering how farre the dignity honour and authoritie of the high and supreme Court of Parliament which is the great Councel of this Kingdom hath been and is yet likely to be farther diminished weakened by two reasons one is the giving of power of voicing and reasoning to Proxies and Procurators in absence of such as are al 's much tyed to give their personall judgement as their personall presence and hath all these honours riding sitting reasoning and voicing in Parliament only onferred on them and their Successours personally so that it is as absurd that they should give power to any to reason or voice for them as to give any power to ride and to sit in their place of honour and dignitie And it might tend to the weakning and utter overthrow of Parliaments For thus the absence of the most part of the best qualified and experienced might be supplied by Proxies granted to a few and of lesse abilities The other is the granting to strangers having titles of honour conferred on them without any other interest in this Kingdome power of sitting riding reasoning consulting and voicing in this Court of Parliament whereas none should be members of this Court but such as have enterest by Birth Bloud or Inheritance within this Kingdom and so may be sensible of the prejudice or advantage following the lawes and constitutions thereof Therefore the saids Estates statutes ordains that hereafter all Noblemen viz. Dukes Marquesses Earles Vicounts and Lords shall give their personal presence in all Parliaments so being personally present reason and advise voice and no wayes by proxies or procurators but dischargeth any such procurator and commissions in all time comming and that no persons shal hereafter have any place or voice in Parliament as said is but such Noblemen before specified and Commissioners from Shyres and Burrows as have enterest either by Birth Bloud or by Inheritance within this Kingdome and that proportional to the honor and dignity they carry which in the least proportion for every Nobleman must be ten thousand marks by yeare of land rent And that notwithstanding any gifts or patents granted or to be granted to any person whatsoever Such-like the estates foresaid casses and annulls all acts and constitutions any wayes derogatory to this present Act or any part thereof ACT XXI ACT DISCHARGING THE GRANTING Of Protections by the Lords of Councell and Exchequer FOrsameekle as the Estates of Parliament presently conveened by his Majesties speciall Authoritie Considering the great prejudice and hurt sustained by his Majesties Highnesse lieges by the frequent granting of Protections and Supersederes and remembring herewithall that his Highnesse Umwhile dearest Father of worthie memorie by the 47. Act of his eleventh Parliament anno 1587. intituled All Supersederes as contrair to the furtherance of justice are forbidden Of the which Act the tenour followeth Forsameekle as our Soveraign Lord and the Estates of this present Parliament understanding great contempt to be done to his Highnesse Lawes and great hurt to his lieges by passing of Licences and Supersederes which daily uses to be granted to such as either by themselves or other friends have credit of his Majesty they being at his Highnes Horne either for causes of Treason or not satisfying of their debts to their creditours for not obtempering decreets and charges Therefore our Soveraigne Lord with advice foresaid statutes and ordaines that no such Licences and Supersederes be granted
if the same had past the Signet and that aye and while the said Signet bee returned againe to Edinburgh and the same intimate to the Lieges The said George Hadden alwayes keeping and retaining the warrands and making a minute and note thereof And making the same together with the prices payed therefore forth-comming to the Lord Secretarie or others in his name by his warrand And ordaines these presents to be intimate to all his Majesties Lieges by publike Proclamation at the market crosse of Edinburgh to be made hereupon And these presents for the full warrand of the whole premisses to be enacted and recorded in their books of Sederunt Which Act the saids Estates not onely ratifies in manner above specified but also ordaines the said Act to stand in full force and strength to the effect above-written therein specified conforme to the tenour thereof foresaid while the _____ day of _____ 1600. and _____ yeares And strictly inhibits and discharges all keepers of the Signet in any time hereafter for any cause or any pretended occasion whatsoever to transport or carry the Signet or any Seale forth of this Kingdome under the pain of death and confiscation of their moveable goods ACT XXXII ACT DISCHARGING ALL CUSTOME OF Ammunition brought home to the lieges to their owne use for defence of religion and liberties of Kirk and Kingdom THe Estates of Parliament presently conveened by his Majesties speciall authority considering the priviledge and exemption bruiked by the Nobility and Barrons of this Kingdome whereby they have beene exeemed from payment of all custome for goods imported to this Kingdome for their owne use And there-with-all Taking to their consideration that the said exemption ought more especially be enjoyed for the armes brought home at this time to the Nobility Barrons and Gentry of this Kingdome and all others his Majesties lieges whatsoever for their owne use for defence of Religion Liberties of this Kirke and Kingdome in thir times of troubles since the yeare of God 1637. Therefore statutes and ordaines that all sort of Ammunition whatsoever brought into this Kingdome since the year of God 1637. or to be brought in hereafter during the time of thir troubles shall be free of all customes and imposition whatsoever And inhibites and discharges all Customers or whatsoever receivers thereof of exacting any custome or imposition for any kinde of armes or ammunition already imported or to be imported during the time foresaid And of all arresting or detaining the saids armes and ammunition or any goods belonging to the Merchants importers thereof for any custome acclaimed for the same which the Estates finds no wayes due nor reasonable to be granted in the case foresaid ACT XXXIII ACT FOR THE COMMITTEES OF ESTATES THe three Estates of Parliament presently conveened having taken to their consideration the present estate of this Countrey and Kingdome being invironed and threatned with armes by sea and land and great hostile preparations hatcht and prepared against the same without any just ground or quarrell whereby as manifestly doth appeare there is nothing lesse intended against this Church and Kingdome nor an utter exterminion and totall destruction So that the saids Estates are necessitate and forced to put themselves in readinesse for a just and lawfull defence of the Religion Laws Lifes Liberties and Countrey and withall considering how necessar it is for the good of the publick weal of the Countrey and maintenance of the armies lifted and to be up-lifted and out-reiked both by sea and land and for ordering directing and governing of the whole body of this Countrey and Kingdome That a setled grave and solide Committee from the Estates be elected nominate constitute and authorized by this present Parliament which Committee from the Estates shall consist of a competent number of the most able qualified and trustie Noblemen Barons and Burgesses of this Kingdome Therefore the foresaids Estates of Parliament now conveened doe hereby nominate elect choose and appoint the persons after specified viz. John Earle of Rothes James Earle of Montros John Earle of Cassils John Earle of Wigtoun Charles Earle of Dumfermling William Earle of Lothian John Lord Lindesay John Lord Balmerino James Lord Couper Robert Lord Burghly Archbald Lord Napeir John Lord Lower Sir Alexander Gibson of Dury Sir John Hope of Craighall Sir John Scot of Scotstarvet Senators of the Colledge of Justice Sir Thomas Nicolsone of Carnok Sir Patrik Hepburne of Wauchton Sir David Hume of Wedderburne Sir George Stirling of Kier Sir Patrik Murray of Elibank Sir Patrik Hamiltoun of Littlepreston Sir William Cunningham of Caprintoun Sir William Douglas of Cavers James Chalmers of Gadgirth Sir Thomas Hope of Carse _____ Drummond of Riccartoun _____ Lesly of Forbes Master George Dundasse of Maner John Smyth Edward Edgar Thomas Paterson Richard Maxwell Merchants Burgesses of Edinburgh William Hamiltoun Burges of Lithgow Master Alexander Wedderburne Clerk of Dundie George Porterfield Baliffe of Glasgow Hew Kennidie Baliffe of Aire John Rutherfurd Provest of Jedburgh Master Alexander Jaffray Burges of Aberdeene or Master William Ore in his absence James Sword Burges of S. Androes and James Scot Burges of Montros to bee Commissioners from the Estate To whom the Estates and Body of this Present Parliament gives and commits full power warrant and commission to doe order direct act and put in execution every thing necessar expedient and incumbent alswell for the preservation and maintenance of the armies both of horse and foot by sea and land as for ordering the Countrey and whole body and inhabitants thereof deciding of questions and debates which shall happen to arise or fall out in any businesse which shall occasion or offer in this Kingdome concerning the peace and quiet thereof But prejudice of the Colledge of Justice or any other ordinarie judicatorie within this Kingdome lawfully established by Act of Parliament which shall no wayes be prejudged by this commission And with full power to them to borrow up-take and levy moneyes for the use the publick and to give and prescribe orders and directions for depursing thereof and for any other thing requisite which may concerne the good quiet and peace of the Countrey And with power to them to call and conveene such Noblemen Barons Burgesses and other countrey men to repaire to them for their counsell and assistance in any businesse which shall occurre as they shall finde necessar and expedient And with power to them to give orders and directions to collectors commissioners and all other persons who shall happen to be employed or have charge or place either in the army or in the Countrey in the publick busines in every thing which concernes their place and charge and to call them to an accompt al 's oft as they please and to appoint Auditours for hearing and receiving thereof whether of their owne number or any other they please to nominate and with power to them to allow and disallow as they shall find equitable and expedient for what
ever the saids Commissioners shall either uplift and borrow for the publick use or shall find due by any compts bands bills of exchange or other furnishing or debt already borrowed and advanced for the use of the publick either in money victuall or any other necessar furnishing whatsoever the same compts being fitted and found lawfull by the saids commissioners and their auditors foresaids The saids Estates declares that what shall be found due or resting thereof shall be a lawfull debt and burthen which shall burthen and affect the saids Estates who do hereby bind and oblish them and their successors to pay relieve ramburse and defray the same Like as the saids Estates of Parliament doe hereby give and grant full power and warrand to the saids Commissioners from the Estate to prescribe injoyne and set downe rules and wayes for the defrayment of the same burthens and for payment and reliefe thereof to the creditors and others who lye and shall lye under the burthen of the same and that out of the readiest moneys or other goods belonging to the publick and Estate or otherwayes by proportion to impose the payment and reliefe thereof upon the Estate and inhabitants of the Countrey according to the rentals rolls and valuations of the rents of the Kingdome And for that effect to revise comptroll fit and allow the whole compts of the common burthens alswell already resting owing by bands contracts bills of exchange letters of credit factorie compts or otherwise as which shall happen to be borrowed and resting or owing hereafter and having drawne the same to a totall summe to cast a proportionall part thereof upon every sherifdome presbyterie parochin and burgh within this Kingdome conforme to the saids valuations And which sherifdomes presbyteries and burghs shall divide the same among the particular persons lyable therein and that letters be direct in the ordinar manner alswell for ingathering thereof as for reliefe thereof with certification if the same or any part thereof shall not be payed at the termes appointed by the saids Commissioners auditors foresaids The persons refusers or delayers shall not only pay anual-rent for the same conforme to the Act of Parliament but shall also pay ten marks for each hundreth markes failȝie With power likewise to them as said is to set down wayes for exsyses to be layed on vivers for the weal of the Countrey and helping to relieve the burthens thereof and maintenance of the Armie And with power to them to give orders instructions and directions to all inferiour Committees Shires Burghs Presbyteries Stewartries Regalities and others whatsoever within this Kingdome in every thing which concernes the publick and for the maintenance of the Armies and other necessar imployments through the whole Kingdome in such forme and manner as the saids Commissioners or so many of them as are a Quorum in manner after-specified shall direct and appoint And generally with full power to them to doe all and sundrie other things requisite anent the ordering directing managing prosecuting and executing of all affaires and businesse of this Kingdome which may or can conduce to the weale of this Kingdome or any part thereof And which ought and should or shall be needfull to be done by them for maintenance and preservation of the Religion and liberties of this Kingdome anent the premisses Without prejudice alwayes of the ordinarie Judicatories as said is And further with power to the saids Commissioners of Estate to nominate and constitute Commissioners over-seers and all other officers as well in the Armie as in the Countrey so oft as occasion and necessity shall require for maintaining of the Armie in every thing necessar and for exercising and discharging of all other things needfull for the publick through the whole Kingdome without prejudice of the generall Commissars gift And it is hereby ordained that the forme and manner of the proceedings of the saids Commissioners of Estate and the places of their residence respective shall bee in manner after-specified viz. There shall be two constant places of their residence whereof the one shall be at Edinburgh or any other convenient place where they may most conveniently and safely sit and reside And the other shall be constantly at the Armie who shall keepe correspondence the one with the other anent their proceedings And it is ordained that there shall be twelve of every Estate for both Committees making eighteene for every Committee and the Quorum to be thus viz. Three of each estate when the Estates are full or any seven promiscuously when any of the Estates keepeth not and when any of the persons nominate upon this Commission shall decease it shall be leisome to the most part of the Quorum of that Estate in Edinburgh or at the Camp respective to appoint any other of their owne Estate in place of the person deceasing viz The Quorum at Edinburgh or other-where else to nominate the person in place of the partie inlacking of the Commission appointed to reside at Edinburgh or other-where else And the Quorum of the Committee at the Camp to nominate the person in place of the partie inlacking of the Committee at the Camp And it is ordained that the forenamed Commissioners divide their numbers proportionally and with such equalitie as neither the Armie nor the Countrey at any time shall want a competent number to sit and reside constantly for determining of all matters incumbent to them And what ever the foresaid Quorum of _____ persons at Edinburgh or in the Countrey or moe of them and what ever the foresaid Quorum of _____ persons or moe of them being at the Camp shall determine decerne and ordaine in any cause businesse or debate incumbent to them the same shall have the full strength of a valide and lawfull decreet and sentence or what ever businesse or conveniencie shall be prescribed by the foresaids Quorums respective or either of them the same shall be as valide as if it were done by the whole number Providing alwaies that none of the saids Quorums either these who shall reside at Edinburgh or these who shall be with the Armie severally by themselves shall ingage in warre with any Nation or make capitulation of agreement without mutuall consent of the whole at the least of both the Quorums And because it is expedient that the saids Commissioners of Estate have a sufficient trustie and able Clerke for keeping of all the Records Registers Acts Bands Warrands and other Papers whatsoever which concerne the Publick or the saids Judicatories And the Estates of Parliament having reall experience of the trust qualification and ability of Master Adam Hepburne of Humbie for discharging of the same office and place Therefore the saids Estates of Parliament doe hereby create nominate and constitute the said Master Adam Hepburne to be Clerke to the saids Commissioners of Estate and other of them with all Priviledges Liberties Casualities Fees and Immunities belonging thereto With power to him to substitute Deputes
for the Kirk and the summe of five hundreth markes to be payed yearly to the said Master Archbald Johnstoun as present Clerk to the generall Assemblies of the Kirk for the Fee and Pension of that office and to his Successours chosen and appointed by the Assembly in that place for the discharge thereof and service thereintill And the summe of other five hundreth markes of Fee and Pension yearly to bee payed to Master Robert Dalgleish present Agent for the Kirk and to his Successours chosen and appointed by the Assembly in that charge And in respect that the Advocate Clerk and Agent for the Kirk must have their continuall residence at Edinburgh for attending the affairs of the Kirk and that the saids Fees and Pensions ought to bee payed out of the Bishops rents and that the saids officers should be payed thereof out of the nearest and most commodious rents belonging to the saids Bishopricks Therefore the saids Estates ordaines the saids fees and pensions to be payed to the saids present officers and to their successours respective in that charge out of the readiest of the few duties and out of the quotes of Testaments of the diocesse of S. Andrews Glasgow and Edibburgh according to the proportion and division to be determinate and set down by the Committee from this present Parliament appointed to remaine at Edinburgh and ordaines the foresaids fees to be payed conforme to that division by the heritors fewars fermorers and others adebted in payment of the few duties of the saids three Bishopricks and by the collectors and intrometters with the saids quotes of Testaments And also ordaines the Lords of Session to direct letters on this present Act and upon the determination and division of the said Committee at the instance of the Advocate Clerk and Agent for the Kirk present and to come for payment to them yearly of their saids fees and pensions above-specified And because that the present Procurator Clerk and Agent have been serving the Kirk in these places these two yeares by-gone without receiving their fees otherwayes due to them and that the rents of the saids two yeares are yet untaken up by the pretended Bishops of Edinburgh Glasgow and S. Andrews but are restand in the tenants and collectors hands Therefore they ordaine their entrie of payment to be to the crop and yeare of God 1638. yeares ACT XXXVIII ORDAINING THE WHOLE SUBJECTS And Lieges of this Kingdome to obey maintaine and defend the Conclusions Acts and Constitutions of this present session of Parliament and to subscribe the band appointed for that effect IN the Parliament holden at Edinburgh the eleventh day of June 1640. yeares the Estates of Parliament presently conveened by his Majesties speciall authority Considering that whereas after many petitions and supplications given in and presented to his Majestie and the Lords of his secret councell by divers of the Nobility Barons and Burgesses of this Kingdome for granting a free Generall Assembly and Parliament for reforming of many great abuses and novations tending to the overthrow of the true reformed Religion and undoing of this Kirk and Kingdome devised and brought in by the late pretended Bishops who by their subtle practises during his Majesties absence these many yeares had ingrost in their persons all the Ecclesiastick and civill Power of this his Majesties ancient and native Kingdome It was granted by his Majestie out of his Royall Justice and accorded by the Articles of Pacification made at his Majesties camp in the moneth of June 1639. yeares last by-past that a free generall Assembly and Parliament should be indicted by his Majestie and that all matters Ecclesiasticall should be determined by the Assemblies of the Kirk and matters civill by Parliaments and other inferiour Judicatories established by Law And that according thereunto his Majestie did indict an Assembly to be holden at Edinburgh the twelfth of August and a Parliament for ratifying the Conclusions of the same assembly and setting down such other things as might conduce to the peace and good of the Kingdome To be holden at Edinburgh the twenty sixth of August last by-past In the which assembly the matters concerning the puritie of the true reformed Religion and peace of this Kirk after great debate delayes and protracting of time made by John Earle of Traquaire his Majesties Commissioner being at length concluded upon the _____ day of August 1639. yeares the Parliament sitting down immediately thereafter upon the penult day of the said moneth of August the ratifications of the Conclusions of the same assembly and many other matters of great importance conducing necessarily to the setling of the peace of this Kingdome being proponed in Parliament were likewise shifted and delayed and the closing of the Parliament protracted from time to time unto the _____ day of November last by-past At the which time the said John Earle of Traquaire did take upon him without the consent of the Estates to prorogate the foresaid Parliament to the second day of June instant not only contrary to the Articles of Pacification but also to the prejudice of the Liberties of the Parliament for preservation whereof the saids Estates were forced to make a declaration in Parliament against the same And that albeit since the said _____ day of November unto this time the saids Estates have used all possible meanes to give his Majesty full satisfaction both by their peaceable carriage at home and by sending their Commissioners to acquaint his Majestie with all their just desires and the reasons thereof yet they have not onely received no answer but upon the contrary their proceeding in the said Parliament being untruly related by the said John Earle of Traquaire have been condemned as Rebellious without hearing And our Commissioners sent for clearing thereof all restrained in private houses for a long time and John Lord Lowdoun being one of them committed to the Tower where he is still detained prisoner The Castles of Edinburgh and Dumbartane have in the meane time beene fortified and provided with all sort of Ammunition in great abundance and Garisons of Souldiers not being natives of this Kingdome put therein the Garison in the Castle of Edinburgh dayly killing diverse of the inhabitants of this Citie and spoyling their houses with musquets and great Ordnance all ships belonging to this Kingdome arrested in England and Ireland and many of them coming from other places layed waite for and taken by the way their owners and passengers spoyled of their goods and apparell layed in the yrons and barbarously abused A Commission granted to the Generall of the English forces by sea and land to kill destroy and subdue this whole nation a printed Declaration put forth denouncing war against it perswading exhorting and provoking the other two Kingdomes to grant subsidies and take Armes against the inhabitants of this Kingdome as traitours and rebells And the Parliament of Ireland hath proceeded so farre as to declare them to bee such All which they have hitherto
Febr. 1641. Stilo Scotico and given in to the Treaty upon the 5. of the said Moneth And whereas it was desired by the Scottish Commissioners that the English Commissioners would let them know from the Parliament the security manner and termes of Payment of the foresaid summe of three hundred thousand Pounds and of the Arrears due for reliefe of the Northerne Counties It was agreed unto by warrant and order of the Parliament that they should have fourescore thousand Pounds as a part of the foresaid summe of three hundreth thousand pounds with the whole Arrears due to the Army before the disbanding thereof Conforme to the Paper of the 26. of May 1641. and given in to the Treaty upon the 27. of the said Moneth And concerning the security for paying of the remnant of the said sum of three hundred thousand pounds which is Arreare extending to 200 and 20000 Pounds It is resolved and agreed unto by both Houses of Parliament That an act of Parliament of publike Faith shall passe for security thereof And that one moity or equall halfe of the same extending to one hundred and ten thousand Pounds shall be payed at Midsommer in Anno 1642. And the other moity or equall halfe thereof to be payed at Midsommer in Anno 1643. as the order of the houses of Parliament of the 19 25. daies of June 1641. doth more fully purport And in like maner whereas it was desired by the Scottish Commissioners that they might know to whom they should addresse themselves for payment of the summes at the dayes appointed by the Parliament Conform to the Parliaments determination of the 19. of June Secondly at what place the payment should be made Thirdly that a safe conduct may be granted for the secure transporting of the moneys to Scotland at the times of the payment agreed upon It is answered and resolved by the Parliament That these Earles Lords and Commissioners following shall be the persons to whom the Scots shall addresse themselves for the receiving of the summes at the dayes appointed by the Parliament Earl of Bedford Earle of Essex Earle of Warwick Earle of Holland Earle of Stanford Lord Wharton Lord Mandevill Lord Brook Mr. Martin Sir Thomas Barrington Mr. Capell Sir Ar. Ingram Sir Gilbert Gerrard Sir Robert Pye Mr. H. Bellasis Sir Walter Earle Sir William Litton Sir Henry Mildmay Sir Thomas Cheek Sir John Strangewayes Mr. Arthur Goodwine Mr. Hampden Alderman Soam Alderman Pennington Resolved upon the question That the place of payment shall be the Chamber of London Resolved upon the question that a safe conduct shall be granted for the secure transporting of the moneyes to Scotland at the termes of Payment agreed upon at the charge of the Scots Conforme to the Paper June 22. 1641. yeares To the seventh Demand desiring that as his Majestie hath approved the acts of the late Parliament wherein all such Declarations Proclamations Books Libels Pamphlets as have bin made written or published against his loyal and dutifull subjects of Scotland are re-called and ordained to be suppressed and destroyed So his Majesty may be pleased to give order that the same may be suppressed recalled forbidden in England and Ireland and that the loyalty integrity and faithfulnesse of his Majesties subjects of Scotland towards his Majesties Royall Person Government may at the closing of this Treaty of Peace and at the time of publick thanksgiving for the same be made known in all places and all Parish Churches of his Majesties Dominions This was the more earnestly desired confidently expected from his Majesties Justice goodnesse Because no calamity or distresse hath so sore vexed or so deeply wounded the hearts of his Majesties Subjects as that their loyalty and love towards their Native King should have been controverted by the malignancy of bad Instruments brought into suspition And because they unfainedly desire pray for his Majesties happinesse and are resolved by all meanes and at all occasions to deny themselves and what they have for his Majesties Honour As is more fully contained in the Paper of the 8. of February 1641. Stilo Scotico It is answered upon the 10. of February 1641. Stilo Scotico We do agree that all declarations proclamations acts books libels and pamphlets that have been made published against the loyalty dutifulnesse of his Majesties subjects of Scotland shal be recalled suppressed forbidden in England Ireland And that this be reciprocall in Scotland if any such have bin made or published there in prejudice of his Majesties honour And this upon diligent inquiry to be done by the authority of the Parliament next sitting in Scotland of which the Commissioners of Scotland doe promise to have an especial care And we do also agree that when it shall please Almighty God to grant a happy close of this Treaty of Peace the loyalty of his Majesties said Subjects shall be made known at the time of publick thanksgiving in all places particularly in the Parish Churches of his Majesties Dominions Unto which we are the rather induced for that you expresse how deeply it hath wounded the hearts of his Majesties said Subjects that their loyalty love to his Matie their native King should be brought in question suspition Whereas they unfainedly desire pray for his Majesties happines are resolved by all means at all occasions to deny themselves what they have for his Majesties honor 10. Febr. 1641. stilo scotico Concerning the eighth Demand for an happy and durable Peace which is the chiefest of all our desires and unto which all the former seven Articles being now agreed upon are as many Preparations We do first of all desire that all monuments tokens shews of hostility upon the borders of the two kingdoms may be taken away that upon the reasons considerations particularly exprest in the paper of the 10. of Febr. 1641. stilo scotico That not only the Garrisons of Barwick and Carlile may be removed but that the works may be slighted and the places dismantled It is answered and agreed upon the 14. of June That his Majesty is desirous that all things betwixt the Kingdomes of Scotland and England bee reduced into the same state they were in before the beginning of the late troubles And therefore Hee doth give his Assent to the advice of the two Houses of Parliament that the Garrisons of Barwicke and Carlile upon the disbanding of the Scottish Army now in England and of all such Forces as are gathered together in Scotland be likewise presently removed And that the Fortifications of Barwick and Carlile bee also reduced to the same condition they were before the late troubles So that all Fortifications in Scotland bee likewise put in the same condition they were before the said troubles And that the Workes bee not repaired but suffered to decay and that the Ordinance and Ammunition bee removed And that it bee without prejudice to his Majesties
NON-COMMUNICANTS And Excommunicate Persons 10. September 1641. OUR Soveraigne Lord and Estates of Parliament Ratifies the two Acts of Parliament anent the escheats of excommunicate persons made by his Majesties Father of blessed memory one therof Par. 14. cap. 197. and the other Par. 20. cap. 3. with the addition and declaration following that no gift of escheat past or to bee past upon excommunication or horning upon excommunication shall be vallid but the samine is declared to have been and to be null in all time comming by way of exception or reply and declares the saids two Acts ratified as said is with the addition foresaid made thereto to be extended to all excommunication pronounced or to be pronounced against whatsoever person or persons and for whatsoever causes And further His Majestie and Estates foresaid Ratifies and approves the Act made by his Majesties Father Par. 16. cap. 17. anent non-communicants every year once with this declaration and addition that the penalties of the contraveeners modified in the said Act be payable in all time coming to the several Presbyteries within the Jurisdiction whereof the contraveeners dwell to be applied by them ad pios usus And that the said Presbyteries or any they appoint shall have power to crave receive and pursue for the same And further Our Soveraigne Lord and Estates foresaids for the greater terror and the more effectuall reclaiming of all excommunicate persons declares that all persons whatsoever according to the degrees and qualities mentioned in the said Act lying under the sentence of excommunication shall be lyable to the paines and penalties therein contained and that yearely after the sentence of excommunication ay and while they be relaxed therefrom and reconciled to the Kirk And also declares that the said yearely penalties against excommunicate persons shall pertain to every paroch Kirk and Kirk session in burgh or land-ward within their owne bounds to be applyed ad pios usus And that they or any person they appoint shall have power to crave receive and pursue the famine to be applyed to the pious uses of the severall paroch Kirk sessions where the contraveeners dwell And in case of the paroch kirk sessions their slacknesse the Presbyterie to exact after the expiration of yeare and day after the contraveening And further declares the donators to the excommunicate persons their simple escheat and life-rent and all other intrometters with their goods and geir and livings shall be liable to the payment of the saids paines and penalties in the samine manner as the excommunicate persons are lyable themselves And because in the said Act there is no particular penalty modified against Burgesses Therefore His Majestie and Estates foresaids ordaines everie Burges that beares or hath borne office of Magistracie so oft as he shall contraveene the said Act To pay the summe of two hundred marks and every other burges the summe of fourtie pounds And such like ordaines the said persons to be liable in the saids penalties respective not only for their own personall contraveening of the said Act but also so oft as the same shall be contraveened by their wives respective and also so oft as the same shall be contraveened by their children they shall incurre the fift part of the saids paines respective for every bairne not forisfamiliat and of the age of fifteen yeares compleat and that toties quoties they shall contraveene the said Act And such like that every servant so oft as he shall contraveene the said Act shall pay one yeares fee toties quoties lawfull requisition being alwaies made to the saids Wives Children and Servants by their Pastor or Presbyterie to give obedience to the said Act. ACT XIIII ACT ANENT THE BULLION 10. September 1641. OUR Soveraigne Lord and Estates of Parliament Considering that one of the chiefe waies for bringing in of money into this Kingdome hath been bullion which now for lacke of the true way of managing thereof is become unprofitable Therefore our Soveraign Lord with advice and consent of the saids Estates Statutes and Ordaines that in time comming all and every Merchant passing forth of this Kingdome with any Merchandize or sending the same forth of this Countrie at the customing of the saids goods shall find sufficient security to the customers for importing and inbringing such quantity and proportion of Bullion as by the Lawes of this Kingdome is due for the saids goods transported by them and shall accordingly deliver the same and cause be delivered to the Master of the Coine house and shall receive back again his Majesties coine of this Kingdome And shall make faith that the same was brought by them from forraign parts or by others in their name and discharges all payment of Bullion before the hand and all pactions made anent Bullion one with another and paying of the same with his Majesties coyne or with any silver that is within the Countrey already under the pain of doubling of the said Bullion As also because the Bullion is ordained to be payed to the master of His Majesties coine house who hath his only residence in Edinburgh and that thereby many Merchants who dwell not within the said Burgh will be put to great and unnecessary charges for a small matter of Bulion Therefore it is declared that it shall be lawfull to the saids Merchants to send the famine to the said Master of the coine house providing he send therewith an attestation under his oath and hand if he can write and under his mark if he cannot write and both before two subscribing witnesses of Magistrates or Councell of the Burghs where they dwell that the said Bullion due by him was brought within this Kingdome from forraine parts and that the same was not acquired nor bought by him within the same ACT XV. ACT ANENT THE ELECTION OF Officers of Estate Counsellours and Sessioners 16. September 1641. OUR Soveraigne Lord and the Estates of Parliament considering that whereas there was an Article in the Treatie anent the manner of choosing and placing of Officers of State Counsellours and Sessioners whereof the answer was remitted to be determined by his Majestie and this Parliament And his Majestie being willing to give this his ancient and native Kingdome all satisfaction possible That fit and qualified persons shall ever fill these places And considering that his Majesties residence because of his great affaires will be more ordinary in England then here whereby the qualification of persons may not at all times be so well knowne to him Therefore his Majestie with advice and consent of the Estates of Parliament Declares for himselfe and his Successors That he will nominate and make choice of such able and qualified persons to fill these places as shall be fittest for his service and may give most contentment to the Estates of Parliament Which nomination and choice His Majestie will make with the advice and approbation of the saids Estates of Parliament during their sitting And if any of the saids
places shall happen to vake and must be provided in the intervall betwixt Parliaments his Majestie will choose and nominate Officers of State and Counsellours with the advice and approbation of the Councell all that number being warned upon 15. daies calling to meet thereanent and most part of the whole consenting And in like manner the Sessioners with the advice and approbation of the most part of that House Which elections made in the intervall shall be allowed or disallowed in the next ensuing Parliament as the Kings Majestie and the Parliament shall think expedient And the Officers of State Counsellours and Lords of Session so nominated and chosen by his Majestie and the Parliament or allowed by his Majestie and them shall be provided ad vitam vel culparn and they all shall be lyable to the censure of the Kings Majestie and Parliament ACT XVI ACT ANENT THE ELECTION OF THE Lord LOWDOUN to be Chancellour Ultimo Septembris 1641. THE which day the Kings Majesty with the advice and approbation of the Estates of Parliament did nominate and elect John Lord Lowdoun to exerce and discharge the place and office of High Chancellour of this his Highnesse ancient native Kingdome and gave and disponed to him during all the dayes of his life time the said office with all honours dignities profits liberties and priviledges which have beene possest and bruiked by any preceding Chancellours and which may be now bruiked by the Lawes of this Kingdome Like as his Majestie with advice and approbation foresaid makes and constitutes the said John Lord Lowdoun during all the dayes of his life time High Chancellour of this his said Kingdome to be bruiked and enjoyed by him with all dignities honours commodities liberties and priviledges which have beene possest and bruiked by any preceding Chancellours and which may be now bruiked by the Lawes of this Kingdome and ordaines a gift and patent to be past under His Highnesse great Seale to the said John Lord Lowdoun thereupon ACT XVII ACT ANENT THE CHANGE OF THE Termes 29. October 1641. OUR Soveraign Lord and Estates of Parliament Considering the great prejudice his Majesties Lieges doe sustaine by the inconveniencie of the present usuall termes of payment of their debts and annuall Rents at Whitsunday and Martinmas heretofore Where as if the samine were altered and changed to Lammas and Candlemas yeerly they might get in their owne rents and dueties to pay their lawfull creditors therewith more easily at the said Termes of Lammas and Candlemas then at the former termes of Whitsunday and Martinmas Therefore Our Soveraign Lord and Estates of Parliament have now altered and changed the foresaid former course of the Termes of payment from Whitsunday and Martinmas to the Termes of Lammas and Candlemas in all time hereafter And ordains the same to be the usual Termes of payment of all debts and annuall and for using of all order of Redemption ordains all Premonitions Requisitions to be made before the said Termes of Lammas and Candlemas in place of the Termes of Whitsunday and Martinmas in time coming Notwithstanding of any clauses of Redemption Premonition or Requisition contained in any Bands or other Writs bearing the samine to be made or done either before Whitsunday or Martinmas in manner therein specified Whereanent our Soveraign Lord and Estates of Parliament dispenses for ever Beginning the first Termes Redemption Premonition or Requisition at and before Candlemas next in place of the Terme of Martinmas and the next Terme at and before Lammas next for and in place of Whitsunday and so forth yearely and tearmly in all time coming But prejudice to all creditors of all their just annual rents that shal be due to them from Martinmas next to Candlemas next to come and from Whitsunday to Lammas which is declared to be one quarters annuall And likewise but prejudice to them of all other bygone annual resting owing to them of whatsoever other years or terms preceding which are and shall be payed at the Terme of Candlemas next And this Act to be understood only for borrowing and lending of moneys upon band or infeftment and payment of annuall rents and the former Termes of Whitsunday and Martinmas to stand for redemptions proper woodsets flitting and removing of Tenants both in Burgh and Land ACT XVIII ACT ANENT THE CHARGES AND Expences of the Commissioners for the Barons 11. November 1641. OUR Soveraigne Lord and Estates of Parliament ratifie and approve the Acts made by his Majesties Predecessours King James the first of worthy memorie in his 7. Parl. and 101. Act thereof and the Act made by his Majesties umwhile dearest Father of worthy memorie in his 22. Parl. anent the Commissioners of small Barons in Parliament in the whole Heads Clauses and Articles thereof And specially that Article of the said last Act bearing that all Free-holders be taxed for the expences of the Commissioners of the Shires passing to Parliaments or Generall Councels And letters of horning and pounding to be direct for payment of the summes taxed for that effect upon a simple charge of six dayes allanerly With this addition for clearing of the quantity and manner of the said taxation that there shall be allowed to every one of the saids Commissioners for their whole charges and expences five pounds every day for their expences upon any parliaments or generall councels counting the first and last daies from the down sitting and rising of the saids Parliaments with such other dayes allowed for the Commissiòners of every shire for their coming to the saids Parliaments or generall Councels and returning there-from from time to time as they shall sit or be adjourned viz. for the Commissioners of the sheriffdome of Edinburgh for their comming and going one day of Fife two dayes of Linlithgow two dayes of Clydesdail foure dayes of Nithisdail foure daies of Dumbartane foure dayes of Sterling two dayes of Hadingtoun one day of Bervik foure dayes of Clakmannane two daies of Kinroshire two dayes of Peiblis two dayes of Bute six daies of Angus foure dayes of Pearth foure dayes of Mearnes foure dayes of Air foure dayes of Wigtoun six dayes of Kirkcudbryght four daies of Roxburgh four daies of Aberdene eight dayes of Renfrew foure daies of Selkirk two daies of Bamff eight dayes of Elgine ten dayes of Narne ten daies of Argyle eight dayes of Innernes twelve daies of Caithnes sixteen dayes of Sutherland fourteen dayes of Orkney thirtie dayes The which daily allowance after the rising of the said Parliaments or generall Councels shall be calculate and put in a summe by the Clerk of Parliament under his hand to be divided and imposed proportionally upon the whole freeholders heritors and life-renters holding of the Kings Majestie and the Prince according to the proportion of their Lands and Rents lying within the shire Excepting alwayes forth of this Act all the Lands belonging to the Noblemen or their immediate Vassals And therefore declares that their Lands holden of his Majesty
or Prince and their Vassals to be free of the said taxe notwithstanding of this present Act or any Act preceding And that letters be direct thereupon by the Lords of Session to charge the Free-holders heritors and life-renters holding of his Majesty and the Prince to conveene at the head Burgh of every shire upon one speciall day for dividing and setting down the proportion thereof in manner foresaid With power also to stent the saids free-holders heritors and life-renters for the tenth peny more of the said whole summe so calculate for the expences of the letters to be raised therefore and others charges in the collection thereof with certification that such as shall conveene shall have power to proceed notwithstanding of the absence of the rest And that letters of horning and pounding be direct thereupon at the instance of the said Commissioners for payment thereof in manner above-written And if payment be not made within the dayes contained in the charge so that the Commissioners be forced to pound therefore Then and in that case it shall be lawfull to pound for the double of the summe charged for by and attour the Sheriffe And that no suspension passe thereupon but upon consignation allanerlie and if the suspension discusse against the suspender in that case the suspender shall be ordained to make payment to the Commissioners of the double of the summe charged for by and attour the Commissioners others charges and expences in discussing the suspension And this Act to take effect for the commissioners of this present Parliament and all Parliaments ●ereafter ACT XIX ACT IN FAVOURS OF THE COMMISsioners for the Sherifdome of Sutherland 11. November 1641. OUR Soveraign Lord and Estates of Parliament considering that by an Act of the date of thir presents made anent the expences of Commissioners of Shires passing to Parliaments or Generall Councels and Conventions allowance shall be given to the saids Commissioners for their whole charges and expences in manner specified in the said Act And that the daily allowance appointed for ilk Commissioner in manner mentioned and divided in the said Act after the rising of the saids Parliaments or generall Councels shall be calculate and put in a summe by the Clerks of Parliament under their hand to be divided and imposed proportionally upon the whole Freeholders of the Kings Majesty and the Prince according to the stent of their lands lying within the Shire And that letters be direct thereupon by the Lords of Session to charge the saids Freeholders of his Majesty and Prince to conveen at the head Burgh of every Shire upon a special day for dividing setting down the proportion thereof in maner foresaid as the said Act made in favours of the said whole Commissioners of small Barons and Shires at more length bears And his Majestie and the saids Estates considering that in the Parliament in the year of God 1633. a particular Act of Parliament was made in favours of the Free Barons and others Inhabitants within the Sherifdome of Sutherland giving power to them to elect and choose their own Commissioners for the said Sherifdome to compeir at Parliaments meetings and generall Conventions within this kingdom at all occasions And considering likewise that by the said Act made in favours of the saids whole Commissioners the Commissioner chosen and attending this present Parliament for the Sherifdome of Sutherland and the Commissioners who shal be chosen and sent from the said Sherifdome of Sutherland to attend thir Parliaments Generall Councels and other Generall meetings and Conventions of Estates hereafter in all time comming shall have no allowance of their expences and charges to be depurst by them in the said service albeit the said Shire be one of the remotest and farthest distance in the Kingdome Because there is onely two Inhabitants within the said Shire holding Lands of the Kings Majesty the whole remanent heritors being either Vassals to the Earle of Sutherland or holding their Lands of some other Superiour And so according to the said generall Act the allowance of the Commissioner of that Shire cannot be divided not imposed for payment and satisfaction of his charges and expences except the samine be extended against the Heritors Fewars and Freeholders within the said Sherifdome holding lands of other Superiours in manner under written Therefore His Majesty and Estates of Parliament ordains the allowance appointed by the said generall Act in favours of the Commissioners of the said Sherifdome of Sutherland to be extended divided and imposed proportionally upon all and sundry Heritors Fewars Life-renters and Freeholders within the said Shire whether they bee Vassals to his Majesty or holding their lands of any other Superiours whatsoever according to the stent of their lands lying within the said Shire and that letters be direct thereupon by the Lords of Session to charge all and sundry the Heritors Fewars Life-renters and Free-holders within the said Shire holding of any Superiour whatsoever to conveene at Dornoch being the head Burgh of the said Shire upon a speciall day for dividing and setting down the proportion thereof in manner foresaid With power also to stent all and sundry the saids Heritors Fewars Life-renters and Free-holders holding of whatsoever Superiour within the said Shire for the tenth penny more of the saids whole summes so calculted for the expences of the letters to be raised therefore and others charges in collecting thereof With certification that such as shall conveene shall have power to proceed notwithstanding of the absence of the rest And that letters of horning and pounding be direct thereupon at the instances of the saids Commissioners for payment thereof in manner above written And if payment be not made within the dayes contained in the charge so that the said Commissioners shall be forced to pound therefore then and in that case it shall be lawfull to pound for the double of the summe charged for by and attour the Sheriffe And that no suspension passe thereupon but upon consignation allanerly And if the suspension shall discusse against the Suspender in that case the Suspender shall be ordained to make payment to the Commissioners of the double of the sum charged for by and attour the Commissioners others charges and expences in discussing the suspension And this Act to take effect for the Commissioners of this present Parliament and all Parliaments hereafter ACT XX. ACT ANENT THE NOMINATION And election of the Officers of Estate 13. November 1641. THe which day the Kings Majesty with advice and approbation of the Estates of Parliament conveened in Parliament nominated and elected the persons underwritten to the places and offices of Estates of this Kingdome respective after mentioned formerly possest by them viz. Robert Earle of Roxburgh to the place and office of Privie Seale William Earle of Lanerk to the place and office of Secretarie Sir Thomas Hope of Craighall to the place and office of his Highnesse Advocate Sir James Carmichaell to the place and office of
service and whose fees and recompences are not already allowed and appointed And also with power to them to allow and appoint such fees and recompences to all others who shall necessarily be imployed and intrusted by them as they shall find reasonable And in case any of the above named Commissioners shall happen to depart this life during the indurance thereof It shal be leasome to the rest of the saids Commissioners of that Estate or most part thereof to elect nominate and appoint others in the place of these who shall happen to depart ilk Estate choosing Commissioners in place of these who shall happen to decease of their own estate Like as our said Soveraign Lord and Estates of Parliament doe hereby require and command all and every person within this Kingdome and all others whom the famine may concerne as they will answer at their highest perill that they give exact and ready obedience to such orders warrants letters and directions as shall be given forth ordered and directed by the saids Commissioners or their quorum foresaid anent the whole premisses Requiring also all Sheriffes of Shires Magistrates of Burroughs Stewards of Stewartries Bailiffes of Regalities Provosts and Bailiffes of Burghs and all others persons whatsoever upon their highest perill as they shall be required to assist and concurre to the executing and obeying of such orders warrants and other dispatches as shall be directed and given forth by the saids Commissioners to the effect above specified With power likewise to the saids Commissioners and their Quorum to call for the assistance advice and information of any persons within this Kingdome of whatsoever quality for cleering of whatsoever questions doubts or scruples which may arise occurre in any particular concerning the premisses as occasion shall offer who are hereby required to assist the saids Commissioners by their presence counsell information and advice as they shall be desired for that effect And it is ordained that horning pounding and caption and all other manner of execution personall and reall shall be directed upon all warrants acts and orders of the saids Commissioners and their Quorum for the better obeying and executing of the famine and for the more ready and timous payment of the said publicke dues Which Commissioners above named are and shall be liable and countable to his Majestie and the Parliament for their exact diligence and constant attendance And for their carriage in the right discharging of this present Commission intrusted to them and every part and particular thereof Like as they shall be obliged to report and represent to the next Parliament a full accompt of their proceedings and deportments anent the premisses Together with the true estate and condition of the burdens and affaires of the publick to the effect that his Majestie and the Parliament after consideration of the premisses and of their proceedings and carriage thereintill may take such farther course thereanent as shall be found expedient And it is also hereby declared That the nomination made by his Majestie and the Parliament of a Clerke to this Commission is and shall bee but prejudice of the Clerk of the Registers right to depute Clerks to all other Commissions from the Parliament seeing the present Clerk Register consented to the Parliaments choosing of a Clerk to this Commission in respect the present Clerke Register being generall Commissar to the late Armie is a principall partie to compt to this Commission for his charge and discharge and so could not depute a Clerk to this judicatorie where he is to make his own compts ACT XXV ACT OF APPROBATION TO THE Committee of Estates 15. November 1641. OUr Soveraigne Lord with advice and consent of the Estates of Parliament considering that forsameikle as the Estates of Parliament in June 1640. for the reasons and considerations at that time moving them did nominate elect choose and appoint umwhile John Earle of Rothes John Earle of Cassils Charles Earle of Dumfermling John Earle of Wigtoun William Earle of Lothian John Lord Lindesay John Lord Balmerino Robert Lord Burghlie James Lord Couper John Lord Loure Sir Alexander Gibson of Durie Sir John Hope of Craighall Sir John Scot of Scotistarbet Senators of the Colledge of Justice Sir Patrik Hepburne of Wauchtoun Sir David Home of Wedderburne Sir Patrik Murray of Elibank Sir Patrik Hamiltoun of Little-prestoun Sir William Cunyngham of Capringtoun Sir William Douglas of Cavers Sir Thomas Nicholson of Carnok James Chalmers of Gadgerth Sir Thomas Hope of Kerse Drummond of Riccartoun John Forbes of Leslie Mr. George Dundasse of Maner John Smyth Edward Edgar Thomas Paterson Richard Maxwell Burgesses of Edinburgh Mr. Alexander Wedderburne Clerk of Dundie Mr. Alexander Jaffray Burgesse of Aberdene or Mr. William More in his absence William Hamiltoun Bailiffe of Linlithgow James Sword Burgesse of Saint Andrewes George Porterfield Bailiffe of Glasgow Hugh Kennedie Bailiffe of Air James Scot Burgesse of Montrose and John Rutherfurd Provest of Jedburgh and certaine other persons to be Commissioners from the saids Estates to whom they gave and granted full power warrand and commission to doe order direct act and put in execution every thing necessarie expedient and incumbent as well for the preservation and maintenance of the Armies both Horse and Foot by Sea and Land as for the ordering of the Countrey and whole Bodie and Inhabitants thereof deciding of questions and debates which should happen to arise or fall out in any businesse which should occasion or offer within the Kingdome concerning the peace and quiet thereof But prejudice of the ordinarie judicatories established within this Kingdome by Acts of Parliament And with power to them to borrow up-take and levie moneys for the use of the publick and to give and prescribe order and directions for disbursing thereof And generalitie did give them full power To doe all and sundrie other things requisite anent the ordering directing managing prosecuting and executing of all affaires and businesse of this Kingdome which might or should conduce to the weal of the famine or any part thereof and which might or could be needfull to be done by them for maintenance and preservation of the religion and liberties of this Kingdome anent the premisses as the said commission of the date the 11. day of June 1640. in the same at more length beares And siclike the saids Estates did nominate and constitute Mr. Adam Hepburne of Humbie to be Clerk to the said Commission and gave him power to substitute deputes one or more And his Majesty and the saids Estates now presently conveened having taken to consideration the paines taken by the saids Noble-men Barons Burgesse and other particularly above rehearsed al 's well these who remained at Edinburgh as these who went along with the Armie and resided at the Camp or sent as Commissioners to Rippon and London and of the said Mr. Adam Hepburne and Robert Hepburne his Colleage who served as Clerks in the said Commission They find that they have walked
number as ordinair members with the rest to be Commissioners from his Majesty and the Parliament to the effect after specified Granting and committing like as his Majesty and Estates foresaids doe by vertue of thir presents grant full power warrand and commission to the forenamed persons or to any twelve of them who shall be a quorum there being alwayes three of them of ilk estate either by themselves or by such others persons as shall be intrusted and authorised by them or their Quorum foresaid for that effect to crave receive uplift and intromet with the foresaid summe of two hundreth and twentie thousand pounds sterling money foresaid yet resting unpayed of the said brotherly assistance promised and obliged to be payed by the said Parliament of England in manner foresaid And with power to the saids Commissioners or such as shall be appointed by them as said is to give and grant discharges upon the receit of the said summe in whole or in part which shall be al 's vallid and sufficient as if the famine were granted by his Majestie and whole body of this present Parliament And with power to them to setle accord and agree upon the best wayes and courses how the said brotherly assistance may be most timously conveniently payed at the termes of payment appointed for that effect or otherwise how the famine may be advanced either by exchange or otherwise for defrayment and reliefe of the saids common burdens as may be most conducible for the reliefe and good of the publick And whatever acquittances or discharges the forenamed persons or such other persons as shall be authorized by them shall grant subscribe upon the receit of the said summe or any part thereof or whatever other course they shall accord and agree upon concerning the famine his Majesty and the Estates of Parliament doe by these presents approve and authorise the same and if need bee shall ratifie the famine in the next ensuing Parliament And generally our said Soveraigne Lord and Estates foresaids grants and commits full power and commission to the forenamed persons and their Quorum foresaid and to these who shall be authorised by them as said is to doe exerce accord and agree upon all and every thing necessary anent the payment and recoverie of the foresaids summes and every thing else which may concerne the samine in all respects needfull and expedient Whereanent our said Soveraigne Lord and Estates of Parliament declares that thir presents shall be a good and sufficient warrand for them and all others whom the samine may concerne the forenamed Commissioners and these to be authorised and appointed by them for the effect above specified being alwayes comptable and answerable for their carriage and proceedings in the premisses ACT XXVIII ACT AGAINST GOING OF Salt-pans and Mils on the Lords day and other prophanations of that day 15. November 1641. OUR Soveraign Lord and Estates of Parliament Considering notwithstanding the Acts of the Generall Assembly ratified in this present Parliament June 1640. against the prophaning of the Lords day by going of Salt-pans Salmond fishings Kils Mils and hyring of shearers on the said day yet the saids abuses are not left off but rather increased Therefore Our Soveraign Lord and Estates foresaids for the better restraint of the saids abuses and prophanations do againe inhibite and discharge all going of Salt-pans or Mils and all working of works thereintill upon the Lords day and all hyring and conditioning of shearers on the said day and that under the paines and penalties following to be payed to the particular Sessions of every paroch wherein the abuses before specified are committed to be imployed to pious uses viz. The summe of twenty pounds for ilk day foresaid working in manner foresaid of ilk Salt pan of ilk dayes fishing of Salmond and of ilk Mill to be payed by the heritors and possessors thereof for the time and the masters to be answerable for their servants And the summe of ten pounds for ilk shearer and fisher of Salmond on the Lords day the one halfe to be payed by the hyrers and conducers the other halfe by the persons hired toties quoties And ordaines the magistrates of the town to keep the transgressours in ward while they pay the said penalties for the which the Magistrates shall be answerable to their sessions And further Our said Soveraign Lord and Estates do hereby inhibite and discharge all Markets using of Merchandize carrying of loads upon the Lords day and all other prophanations or abuses thereof whatsoever And that under the same pain of ten pounds to be payed by every transgressour to their Sessions respective for the uses foresaid toties quoties And ordaines the saids penalties respective above specified to be exacted by and attour the confiscation of the salt corne marchandize loads and other goods whatsoever imployed used gayned or made and wrought in the prophaning and a busing of the said Lords day which paine is also hereby ordained And if the transgressours be not able to pay the penalties foresaids ordaines them to be punished exemplarly in their bodies according to the merit of their fault toties quoties ACT XXIX ACT ANENT THE NOMINATION AND Election of Sir James Galloway to be Master of Requests 15. November 1641. THe which day the Kings Majesty with advice and approbation of the Estates of Parliament nominated and elected Sir James Galloway to be Master of Requests of this His Highnes Ancient and Native Kingdome of Scotland and that ad vitam vel culpam conforme to the Act of this present Parliament made anent the Election of Officers of Estate Councellours and Sessioners upon the sixteenth day of September last by past Like as His Majestie with advice and approbation foresaid Gives and dispones to the said Sir James Galloway ad vitam vel culpam as said is the foresaid office To be Master of Requests of this His Majesties Kingdome With all Honours Dignities Priviledges Profits Casualities and Liberties pertaining to the samine office which have been possest and bruiked by any preceding Master of Requests and which may be now bruiked by the Lawes of this Kingdome And ordains a gift to be past and exped under his Highnes great seale to the said Sir James Galloway of the foresaid office With all Honours Dignities Profits Casualities Liberties and Priviledges pertaining and belonging thereto as said is ACT XXX ACT ANENT THE COMMISSION FOR Plantation of Kirks and Valuation of teinds 15. November 1641. OUR Soveraign Lord and Estates of Parliament Considering the humble Supplication of the general Assembly presented by the Commissioners thereof for planting of Kirks uniting or dis-uniting of Paroches and for other pious and good workes mentioned thereintill For the which and other causes after specified It is necessair That power commission be given from His Majesty and Estates to the effect under-written And therefore His Majesty and Estates foresaid have granted and by these presents grant full
persons and of the crimes whereof they are accused the Parliament declares that they will not proceed to a finall sentence nor insist upon the punishment of those persons but that they doe for the reasons foresaids freely remit them to his Majesty The Estates of Parliament considering that whereas albeit James Earle of Montrose Archbald Lord Naper Sir George Stirling of keir knight Sir Archbald Stewart of Black hall _____ are cited before them and accused as guilty of diverse crimes misdemeanours committed by them to the just offence of the Estates of Parliament and derogatorie to the great trust confidence had of them And albeit the Parliament have just reason to prosecute their processes yet neverthelesse the saids Estates of Parliament taking into their consideration his Majesties gracious goodnesse towards this his native Kingdom and fatherly care and wisedome in composing all past differences and providing for the future to the great joy and happines of all his subjects Do in retribution thereof with an unanimous consent to testifie their high respect and thankfulnesse to his Majesty and that his Majesty may joyfully returne a contented prince from a contented people to the setling of his royall affaires in his other dominions beleeving that the famine will be acceptable to his Majesty and conduceable to the good and peace of the kingdome Declare that for acquitting themselves of their oath they will onely proceed to the exact tryall of the saids parties by a committee to be appointed and authorized by the King and Parliament in respect of the present necessity of their other affaires and after triall shall be taken of the saids persons and of the crimes whereof they are accused The Parliament declares that they will not proceed to a finall sentence nor insist upon the punishment of the saids persons but that they doe for the reasons foresaids freely remit them to his Majesty At Edinburgh the sixteenth day of November the yeare of God 1641 yeares the Parliament having expressed their respect and thankfulnesse to his Majesty by remitting unto him these that are cited as Incendiaries and others according to their above written declaration he was graciously pleased the better to testifie his Princely care and to prevent any feares that may be conceived from the medling of those persons in the affaires of State or Court to make this Declaration following I Taking in good part the respect and thankfulnesse of this Parliament in remitting to me these who are cited as Incendiaries and others according to their Declarations Doe declare that I will not imploy any of these persons in offices or places of Court or State without consent of Parliament nor grant them accesse to my person whereby they may interrupt or disturb the firme peace which is now so happily concluded ACT XXXIV ACT AND COMMISSION FOR TRYING The Incendiaries and Plotters 16. November 1641. OUR Soveraigne Lord and Estates of Parliament having taken to consideration That in the Session of Parliament conveened by his Majesties authoritie upon the eleventh day of June 1640. yeares full power and warrant was given and granted to the Preses and Quorum of the Committee of Estates therein appointed for directing in the Kings Majesties name and in name of the Estates of Parliament summonds and precepts to the Lyon King at Armes and his brethren Heraulds Pursevants and Maissars to warn and charge the persons under written viz. John Earl of Traquaire Sir Robert Spottiswood of Donipace knight Sir John Hay of Lands late Clerk Register Doctor Walter Balcanquell and Master John Maxwell sometime pretended Bishop of Rosse to compeir personally before the Parliament at certaine dayes and diets by-gone And that conforme to the said warrant of Parliament summonds were raised and intended at the instance of Sir Thomas Hope of Craighall Knight baronet his Majesties Advocate and at the instance of Sir Thomas Nicolson of Carnock Knight Baronet Masters Roger Mowat Alexander Peirson James Baird and Thomas Nicolson Procutors of the Estate to compeire before the Kings Majesty and Estates of Parliament at certaine dayes and diets now by-gone to answer for the crimes of Treason and other crimes contained in the said summonds and precepts of the date the _____ day of _____ yeares And al 's our Soveraigne Lord and Estates of Parliament considering that summonds and actions are depending before our said Soveraigne Lord and the Estates of this present Parliament against Iames Earle of Montrose Archbald Lord Naper Sir George Stirling of Keir Knight Sir Archbald Stuart of Blakhall _____ as having been plotters devisers and machinators of courses against the publick weale and as having been the committers of other severall crimes and forefaults particularly specified and contained in the said summonds raised and depending against the saids Earle of Montrose Lord Naper Lairds of Keir and Blakhall _____ Before the Kings Majestie and Estates of this present Parliament of the date the _____ day of _____ 1641. years as the famine at more length beares Therefore our Soveraigne Lord and the Estates of this present Parliament for the further examination and tryall of the persons above specified their guiltinesse of the points and crimes above written contained in the summonds particularly and respectively above mentioned Gives and grants by thir presents full power authority and commission to the persons after mentioned viz. Iohn Lord Lowdoun Chancellour John Earle of Lauderdaill _____ Earle of Weymes Robert Lord Burghly James Lord Couper George Lord Forrester Sir Iohn Hammiltoun of Preston Sir William Cokburne Lord Langtoun Harie Montgomrie of Gifin Sir George Dundas of that ilk Sir Iohn Wauchope of Nidrie William Rig of Ethernie George Bell for the towne of Linlithgow Thomas Bruce for Stirling Mr. George Gray for Hadingtoun George Gardine for Bruntiland and Robert Cunnyngham for Kinghorne James Sword for Saint Andrewes and Sir Alexander Gibson of Durie and Sir Adam Hepburne of Humbie two of the ordinary Senators of the Colledge of justice or to any Quorum of the said number of the saids persons being present for the time which Quorum shall consist of nine two being for ilk estate by the saids two Judges above named to proceed in all further examination of the points of the saids crimes consisting in facto And that by examination of witnesses and by writ or other probation competent of the Law against so many of the saids persons as are not compeiring without all farther citation in respect of their absence and contumacie And al 's to call and conveene before them the foresaids persons above rehearsed in the said summonds particularly and respectively above written so many of them as are incarcerate before them at such dayes and diets as they most conveniently shall appoint at Edinburgh the fourth day of January next to come which is appointed to be the first diet of their meeting And ordaines these who are incarcerate to be cited personally and these who are out of the Countrey at the Mercat Crosse of
rights led and done And ordaines all such services as are to be led deduced hereafter for serving of the heires of the vassals of the lands and others foresaids as heires in the famine lands to be served heires thereintill to be holden of the Kings Majesty and His Successours foresaids as their superiours of the famine Lands and others above mentioned in all time coming with this provision that the few duties of these lands holden of the chapters now retained in titulo shall pertaine and be payed them during the present titulars life-times And it is declared that this present act shall not be prejudiciall to the infestment granted by his Majesty to the Duke of Lennox of the superiority of the whole Lands and Barronies which pertained to the temporality of the Arch-bishoprick of Glasgow but that the said infestment shall stand vallid in the selfe and the vassals to hold their Lands of the said Duke of Lennox and his Successours as their superiours thereof in time coming And also declares thir presents neither act nor reservation foresaid shall not be extended to the Deanrie or Sub-deanrie of Glasgow nor nothing holden of the Dean or Sub-dean As also but prejudice to the Earle of Lauderdaill of his infestments of Stobo and Ettilstoun which is no wayes prejudged by this act nor reservation foresaid Providing that this provision shall not better nor strengthen the Earle of Lauderdails right and infestment foresaid But the famine to be in that famine condition as before the date of thir presents ACT LII COMMISSION FOR REVISING OF The Registers 16. November 1641. OUR Soveraigne Lord and Estates of Parliament considering that this long time by-gone the Registers and Records of Parliament have not beene visited so that some of the ancient Records might have been abstracted vitiate or disordered Therefore our Soveraigne Lord and Estates foresaids gives full power and Commission to the persons following viz. the Lord Chancellour the Earle of Argyle Earle of Lauderdaill and Clerk Register to meet when the Lord Chancellour shall appoint To take inspection and revise and looke over all the whole Registers and Records of Parliament aswell these in the Castle as these in other mens custodie and to call for the old Inventars thereof and compare them with the Registers and to make two new authentick Inventars thereof without copying of the saids Registers and Records Which Inventars shall be subscribed by the most part of the visitors the one whereof shall be delivered to the Clerk Register to bee kept by him the other Inventar shall be laid up either with their Honours or some other lockfast place whereof the Lord Chancellour for the time shall keep the key and to cause make presses boxes buists or other necessaries fitting for keeping of the saids Registers and Records And also to consider of the place and house where the saids Registers lie and to advise and appoint the best wayes and meanes for preserving and sure custodie of the saids Registers and Records With power also to them to mark and observe any defect or wants in the saids Registers and Records and the vitiations thereof if any be And siclike to marke number and put in perfect order the saids Registers and Records with power also to make a perfect Index of all the unprinted Acts of Parliament which doe not concerne particularly private persons but such as import and concerne only generally the whole lieges And siclike gives full power to the persons foresaids to lay up the principall late Treatie amongst the saids Records and Registers and generally to doe all and sundry other things whereby the saids Registers and Records may be preserved and their perfections or imperfections may be notified And ordaines them to make report of their faithfull and exact diligence hereintill at the next Parliament And our Soveraigne Lord and Estates foresaid declares thir presents is no wayes prejudiciall to the Clerk Register of receiving keeping and using of the saids Registers and keyes thereof in the meane time conforme to his right and place ACT LIII ACT ANENT COCQUETS AND ENTRIES of Ships modifying the entrie to 23. shillings 4. pennies and the Cocquet to 40. shillings 16. November 1641. OUR Soveraigne Lord and Estates presently conveened understanding there are divers abuses committed by the Customers and Receivers of entries of Ships and by the keepers of the Cocquet in sometime exacting from Masters of Ships greater summes of money than is due to them and sometimes absenting themselves to the great prejudice of the Merchants estate and to the hazard of the losse of their voyage Therefore our Soveraigne Lord with advice and consent of the Estates ordains that there be no greater price exacted for entring their Ships and Goods then the summe of twenty three shillings foure pennies and for the said Cocquet then the summe of fourty shillings and that the keepers of the said Cocquet attend by themselves or their servants diligently and readily to answer and give out Cocquets to all Merchants and Masters of Ships under paine of losing their place whensoever they shall be found either to exact more then the said summe above written or shall occasion to the saids Merchants and Masters more delay nor is needfull for writing of the same ACT LIV. ACT ANENT DISCHARGING THE Registration of comprisings and appointing the recording and allowing of comprisings and prices thereof 16. November 1641. OUR Soveraigne Lord and Estates of Parliament having taken to their consideration that the registration of Comprisings hath put the lieges to great needlesse and unnecessary charges and expences and that the famine doth neither adde to the validity of the Comprisings nor to the benefit of the Comprisers And therefore have discharged and by the tenour hereof discharges all registration of Comprisings together with all gifts Acts of Councell and others warrants consuetude or custome whatsoever granted or observed thereanent And declares that the famine Gifts Acts of Councell and others warrants consuetude or custome to be null and of none availe force nor effect in all time comming And siclike our Soveraign Lord and Estates of Parliament considering that a short Record of all Comprisings of lands and rents heritable bands contracts reversions and others and legals thereof viz. of the comprisers names and designations The defenders names the debt for the which the comprising is used the lands and others comprised the Maissers and Clerks names the times of the denunciations and executions and witnesses thereto and date of the comprisings and of the superiours of the lands comprised is very necessar for the Lieges their informations Therefore statutes and ordaines that all comprisers shall be obliged to bring their comprisings to the clerk of the Bils within threescore dayes after the date of the comprisings to the effect that the famine may be allowed by the Lords of Councell and Session At the which time ordaines the said clerk to the bils to make a record of the saids comprisings in a
of his royall favour and bounty that the vassalls of ward lands holding of his sacred Majesty and of the Prince his highnesse may enjoy their former libertie with the benefite of his Majestie and his most noble progenitors their bounty and benevolence foresaid unprejudged or empared by foresaid act 1633. Therefore our said Soveraigne Lord and Estates of Parliament rescinds and annulls the foresaid 16. Act of his Majesties first Parliament in anno 1633. yeares intitulate Anent vassals holding ward And declares the famine Act to be null of none availe force strength nor effect in all time coming in so farre as the famine Act is or may bee extended to the lands holden ward of the King or Prince as said is And declares the vassals of the ward lands foresaids and others his Majesties Lieges and Subjects to bee in that same estate and condition and have the same libertie concerning ward lands which they had before the making of the said Act and as if the famine had never beene made Which our said Soveraign Lord Estates of Parliament declares to be extinct and of none availe force nor effect in all time hereafter ACT LIX ANENT THE BREADTH OF PLAIDING 16. November 1641. WHereas our Soveraign Lord and Estates presently assembled understanding that the plaiding of this Kingdom is one of the most ancient prime commodities thereof which of late through the inconstancy of the breadth is likely to become of no estimation abroade Therefore our Soveraign Lord with advice of the said Estates ordains the makers thereof to make the same of no lesse breadth then of three quarters of an elne under pain of confiscation of all that shal be found of a lesser breadth And farther understanding that the Lords of his Majesties Councell had for eschewing of the deceit in making thereof ordained the same to bee presented in Folds and not in Rols to the market as it was used of before Therefore his Majesty with consent and advice foresaid ratifies and approves the said Act of Councell dated at Edinburgh the twentie fourth day of March 1635. yeeres in all the heads clauses and circumstances thereof and ordaines the same to takefull execution and to stand as a law in all time coming ACT LX. ACT IN FAVOURS OF LAICK PATRONES Of Provestries Prebandries Chaplandries and Alterages 16. November 1641. OUR Soveraign Lord and Estates of Parliament Ratifies and approves the Act of Parliament made by King James the sixt His Majesties Father of eternall memory Par. 1. cap. 12. anent Provestries Prebandries Alterages Chaplandries and collegiall Kirks pertaining to laick Patrones together with the act of Parliament 12. cap. 158. ratifying the famine and ordaines the said acts to have full force and effect in all time comming With this declaration alwayes that in respect the vassals which held lands of the saids Provests Prebanders and others foresaids are put to a great uncertainty of their Superiours it not being knowne to them who are provided to the saids Provestries Prebandries Chaplandries Alterages and others foresaids by reason there is no publike Register to the which they may have recourse for knowledge and notice thereof and that the farthest that they can know by any registers is the infeftments and seasings made to these who are laick Patrons holding of His Majestie Therefore for securing of the vassals who hold Lands Mils Fishings Tenements annual rents of others whatsoever of the saids Provestries Prebandries of collegiall Kirks or of Chaplandries Alterages and others of that nature at any time of before It is Stature and ordained that the entry of the saids vassals by retour precept of clare constat resignation comprysing or other wayes whatsoever shall pertaine to the laick Patrones and their successours who stands infest in the said laick patronages holding immediately of His Majesty and that the entrie of the vassals by them shall be al 's vallid and sufficient to the saids vassals receivers thereof as if they were entered by the Titulars of the saids Provestries Prebandries Alterages Chaplandries and others foresaids and that the said laick Patrons shall be in all time comming in their places as superiour to the said vassals and to have the same power to give infeftments to his Majesties Subjects upon retour or by precept of clare constat or by resignation comprising or any other manner of way with gifts de novo damus and that without consent of persons provided or to be provided to the saids Provestries and Prebandries of collegiall Kirks Alterages Chaplandries or others titulars of collegiall Kirks and alse without consent of the chapter or convent of the said Prebandries therof or most part of the same which of before was in use and custome whereanent and anent all acts in the contrair his Majesty with consent foresaid dispences for ever reserving alwayes to the titulars of the saids Provestries Prebandries Alterages Chaplandries and others foresaids the fruits rents and emoluments of the saids Provestries Prebandries and others foresaids which are no wayes prejudged by this present Act. It is hereby father statute and ordained where there is any Prebandries Chaplandries Alterages or others foundations of that nature above mentioned founded and situate within any burgh royall of this Kingdome that the Provest Bayliffes and Councell of that Burgh where the famine are founded are and shall be in all time comming only indoubted Superiours by whom and by no others the vassals and tenants enter in manner above specified the Provest and Bayliffes being alwayes Patrons ACT LXI ACT DISCHARGING QUOTES OF Testaments 16. November 1641. OUR Soveraign Lord with advice and consent of the Estates of Parliament taking to consideration the great burden hurt and prejudice his Majesties lieges have sustained thir many years by-gone by exacting of great quote the time of the confirmation of the defuncts Testaments to the wasting and consuming of the means and estates of Minors in speciall and to the generall grievance of persons of all sorts Therefore our Soveraign Lord with consent foresaid out of his Highnesse gracious care and fatherly affection to the weal and ease of all his Majesties subjects statutes and ordains that no quote shall hereafter be payd by any of his Majesties subjects for any Testament of whatsoever qualitie to be confirmed by them And for that effect discharges all Commissars Commissars Clerks Fischals and others whom it effeirs not to exact nor uplift any quote for whatsoever Testament to be confirmed hereafter the party confirmer paying allanerly the other ordinar dues as appertaine ACT LXII COMMISSION FOR REGULATING OF Commissariates 16. November 1641. OUr Soveraign Lord with advice and consent of the Estates of Parliament hath given and granted and by the tenour hereof gives and grants full power and Commission to these persons who shall be nominate by the Lords of secret Councell to whom his Majestie and Estates of Parliament remits and refers the nomination of the Commissioners to the effect after specified or any five of the saids
to an Act made in this present Session of Parliament with consent of the Estates whereby his Majesty for himselfe and his Successours hath willed enacted and ordained that now and in all time coming the Officers of State Lords of secret Councell and Lords of Session on whose care wisedome and fidelity in their severall judicatories which next unto the supreme Court of Parliament are the chiefe and principall judicatories depends the weal and happinesse of the government shall be chosen now and in all time comming by His Majesty and his Successours with advice and approbation of the Estates of Parliament when they are sitting and for the interim with advice of the Lords of secret Councell and Session respective as in the said Act of Parliament at more length is contained Therefore His Majesty hath with speciall advice and approbation of the saids Estates nominated elected and chosen the persons after following Lord Loudoun Chancellour Duke of Lennox Marquesse of Hammiltoun Earle of Argyle Earle Marshall Earle of Sutherland Earle of Mar Earle of Mortoun Earle of Eglintoun Earle of Cassils Earle of Glencairn Earle of Murray Earle of Pearth Earle of Dumfermling Earle of Wigtoun Earle of Kinghorne Earle of Roxburgh Earle of Sea-forth Earle of Lauderdaill Earle of Lothian Earle of Kinnowl Earle of Southesk Earle of Weymes Earle of Dalhoussie Earle of Finlater Earle of Lanerk Earle of Levin Lord Angus Lord Lindesay Lord Yester Lord Sinclair Lord Elphingstoun Lord Balmerino Lord Burghlie Lord Almond Lord Balcarras Clerk Register Advocate Justice Clerk Thesaurer Depute Master of Requests Sir Robert Gordoun Sir William Douglas Sir Patrike Hepburne Lord Dundas Lord Fintrie Lord Cambo Lord Dun Lord Innes Lord Morphie The Provest of Edinburgh for the time being and thir supernumerarie Councellors English viz. _____ Earle of Arundall _____ Earle of Pembroke Earle of Salisbury _____ Earle of Holland To whom or any nine of them by these supernumerary above named His Majesty with advice and consent of the said Estates hath committed and commits the administration and governement of this his Majesties native Kingdom in all affaires concerning the peace good and happinesse thereof which by the Lawes and Custome of this Kingdome pertaines to the judgement cognition and determination of his Majesties privie Councell with power to them or any nine of them as said is to meet and conveen at the place appoynted for the ordinair residence of his Majesties privie Councell within the burgh of Edinburgh or at any other place or places which by common consent in case of any necessity or urgent occasion thereof shall bee found most fit and convenient and there to advice consult deliberate conclude decerne and determine upon all and sundry affaires purposes and actions which may concerne the good and peace of the Kingdome according to the Lawes and Acts of Parliament established or to bee established within the famine and to heare decide and determine upon all causes and actions betwixt Subject and Subject proper to bee decided by the Lords of his Majesties privie Councell and that none bee present at their meetings but such as are of the privie Councell with the clerke of the privie Councell whom his Majesty with advice foresaid continues in his place as of before His Majesty with advice and consent foresaid hath likewise given and granted and by the tenour hereof gives and grants full power and Commission to the said Councell and every one of them upon any interveening occasion of disorder or trouble in such parts of the Countrey where they shall remaine for the time To command and charge the person or persons committers of such disorders to observe and keepe his Majesties peace and to charge the contraveeners thereof to enter their persons in ward in such part or places or within such a short space as the said Councellour shall think meet there to remaine till order bee taken by a full number of the Councell in the matter wherein they have offended Providing alwayes he be comptable to his Majesty and the rest of the Councell and that no just cause of complaint be heard against him And if the person or persons so charged to ward shall happen to disobey and contemn the charge his Majesty with advice and consent of the saids Estates declares that upon report thereof to the Councell a pecuniall summe shall be imposed upon the offender according to the quality of his person and nature of his offence and the Councell is to cause apprehend the offenders and commit them to ward with power likewise to the said Councell to make and set downe Acts and Ordinances for governement of the Kingdome and suppressing of disorders within the same With power likewise to the said Councell to give and appoynt Assessors to the Justice generall and his Deputies in case of necessity and to give warrant to the said Justice his Deputes and Assessors for continuing execution after conviction or for mitigating the punishment of the Law in criminall causes if the nature and quality of the crymes shall require to grant Commissions of Justiciarie in matters criminall other Commissions in matters concerning the weale of the Kingdome and al 's with power to them to give warrant to the said Justice generall his Deputes and others Commissioners foresaids for imponing of fines or pecuniall summes upon the crimes of Adultery bearing and wearing of Hagbuts and Pistolets usury and such other transgressours of the acts of Parliament where the punishment by the Law is inflicted upon body or goods or left to the arbitriment of the Judge And likewise with power to them to grant exemptions from hostes raids assises and licences for departing out of the Kingdome according to the conditions contained in the act of Parliament And alse with power to the said Councell in case an open and avowed rebellion shall happen to be raised within the said Kingdome which cannot be redressed but by force To give commission of Lieutenantrie and Justitiarie for repressing of the said rebellion and to direct charges to such parts of the countrey as they shall think fit for concurrence to be given in execution of the said commission and to give order and direction to furnish and advance the summes of money that shall be requisite in such expeditions With power likewise to the said Councell to raise the Session upon any interveening occasion or necessity and to appoint times and places of their downe sitting And generally with power to the said Councell to do use and exerce all and every thing which the Councell of the said Kingdome did or might have done the time of his Majesties late Father Providing alwayes like as his Majesty expresly provides with advice and consent foresaid that this Commission shall no wayes be prejudiciall to the commission of Exchequer And it is declared that any nine of the said Councell shall be a sufficient number and make a Session providing the Lord Chancellour be one of the nine and in case of the
absence of the said Lord Chancellour it is declared that it shall be lawfull to any nine or moe of the Councell conveened in the ordinar place and at the indicted time of meeting to choose one of the number conveened who shall preside at the meeting al 's oft as the Lord Chancellour shall be absent And his Majesty and Estates considering that the often absence of the most part of the Councell and their not attendance upon the charge and trust concreded unto them will be a great impediment and hinderance to his Majesties service Therefore his Majesty with advice foresaid declares that it is his speciall pleasure and command that the Lord Chancellour or President of the Councell to be elected as said is doe see and provide that the Councell be frequent specially in great and weighty matters of Estate And if upon occasion that requires the number of the Councell to be more full then the said Quorum the Lord Chancellour or President to be elected in manner foresaid shall write to such others of the Councell as they think fit to be present and give their attendance In which case if any disobey without a licence obtained from his Majesty or the Quorum of the Councell or without some reasonable cause either of which shall excuse their absence then and in that case his Majesty with advice foresaid wils that the absent shall be censured by the said Councell as a neglecter of his Majesties service and that his Majesty be advertised thereof And it is declared that if any of the saids Councellours places vaiks by decease dimission or deprivation that his Majestie in the interim shall nominate another of the same degree and quality in the vacant place with advice of the most part of the Lords of Privie Councell they being all present at the said election at the least lawfully warned to that effect upon fifteene dayes warning conforme to the Act of Parliament made thereanent Which election made in the interim as said is shall be allowed or disallowed by his Majestie with consent of the Estates in the next ensuing Parliament as they shall think expedient And al 's his Majesty with consent of the saids Estates gives power to the saids Lords of Secret Councell or any nine of them as said is to set down such rules and orders for their meetings and attendance and spaces and times thereof as they shall resolve appoint and ordaine amongst themselves And wils and declares that the saids Lords of Secret Councell now nominate as said is and these who shall be surrogate in their places in the interim in manner foresaid shall have bruik and enjoy their places ad vitam vel ad culpam and shall be liable to the censure of his Majesty and the Estates of Parliament anent their proceedings therein firme and stable holding whatever by the saids Lords or any nine of them as said is shall be lawfully done in the premisses And decernes and ordaines all his Majesties lieges and subjects to reverence acknowledge and obey the saids Lords of his Majesties councell in all things concerning the charge and trust committed to them as said is under all highest paine and charge which after may follow And this Commission to indure to the next Parliament and longer ay and while the same be expresly discharged ACT LXVI ACT DISCHARGING THE CUSTOME Of two and an halfe of the hundred and the Impost of foure pounds on the Tunne 17. November 1641. OUR Soveraign Lord and Estates of Parliament considering that the prices of all Merchandize doe daily rise to exceeding great dearths which is alledged to bee occasioned through extraordinary Customes and Impositions For remeed whereof his Majesty with advice and consent of his saids Estates doth discharge all and sundry whatsoever Customes and Impositions exacted by the Customers which are not allowed and approved by the Acts of Parliament and especially the late Custome of two and an halfe per Centum and late new Imposition of foure pound upon the Tunne of wine and all raising of his Majesties Customes directly or indirectly without consent of Parliament And because that the too much troubling of Merchant estate and drawing of Masters and Mariners from their ordinary charges doth much impede the trade Therefore his Majesty with advice and consent foresaid discharges the taking of Merchants Masters and Mariners oaths in the matter of Customes and to the end that the subject of trade may not be restrained with unnecessary customes therfore his Majesty with consent foresaid declares that all goods and Merchandize imported from forraine places to this kingdome and out paying inward Custome shall be free of all outward Custome according as is used in England and Ireland Like as his Majestie declares that he consented to the Act above written upon this condition that commission and warrant be granted to the Exchequer to establish the Booke of Rates according as the prices of merchandize now rules and his Majesty permitted the option to the Burrowes Whereupon the Burrowes having advised they made choice to be ruled by the Booke of Rates anent the Customes and consented that Commission should be granted to the Exchequer to establish the Booke of Rates according as the prices of Merchandize now rules In respect whereof our Soveraigne Lord and Estates of Parliament ordaine a Commission to be drawne up to the Exchequer to the effect foresaid and extracted thereupon for establishing the Booke of Rates according as the prices of Merchandize now rules And therefore our said Soveraigne Lord and Estates of Parliament ordaines the Act above mentioned to stand as a law in manner and to the effect before rehearsed ACT LXVII ACT IN FAVOURS OF MINORS ANENT The duties of the lands comprised from them 17. November 1641. OUR Soveraigne Lord with advice of Estates of Parliament ratifies and approves the Act of Parliament made in August 1621. cap. 6. in so farre as the famine concernes Minors and declares that the true meaning thereof was and is that Minors having right to the legall reversion should be no further obliged than during their minoritie of 21 yeares of age but allanerly for the annuall rent of the summes contained in the comprisings and that they tyne not the right of the superplus of the mailes and duties of the lands so farre as the famine exceeds the said annuall rents induring their said minoritie ACT LXVIII ACT ORDAINING THE COMMISSIONERS For the Thesaurarie 17. November 1641. OUR Soveraign Lord Considering that His Majesty was lately pleased to condescend to the humble desire of His Majesties Estates of Parliament to nominate by their advice and approbation His Officers of Estate of whom his Majesties high Thesaurer is one And that His Majesty for the present is not resolved upon the nomination of any particular person to enjoy the said place but hath with advice of the saids Estates taken present course to supply the want of a principall Thesaurer by a Committee Therefore His Majesty with consent
100 22 Act anent the nomination and election of the Counsellours 101 23 Act anent the nomination and election of the ordinair and extraordinair Lords of the Session 102 15. November 1641. 24 Act anent the Commission for the common burthens of the Kingdom 103 25 Act of approbation in favours of the Committee of Estates 110 26 Act for reliefe of these who have given band for the use of the publicke 112 27 Act for receiving of the remainder of the brotherly assistance from the Parliament of England 113 28 Act discharging the ganging of Salt-pans Mills fishings Kills and other prophanations on the Lords day 115 29. Act anent the nomination and election of Sir James Galloway to bee Master of Requests 116 30 Commission for plantation of Kirks 117 16. November 1641. 31 Commission anent the Articles of the Treatie referred to consideration by the Treatie 123 32 Commission for conserving the articles of the Treatie 124 33 Act anent the five Incendiaries and Plotters with the Kings declaration thereanent 126 34 Commission for trying the Incendiaries and Plotters 127 35 Act for passing from these who are cited to the Parliament as unfriends 130 36 Act anent selling yarne by weight ib. 37 Act anent linnen cloath and breadth thereof 131 38 Act discharging the importation of strong-waters ib. 39 Act anent the excise of herring 132 40 Act anent loyall packing of Salmond 133 41 Act dispensing with the Kings rents uplifted by warrant of the Committee for the publicke use 134 16. November 1641. 42 Act discharging advocations for summes within a hundred pound 135 43 Act for directing of cocquets within the regality of Saint Andrewes in the Kings name ib. 44 Act discharging transportation of eggs 136 45 Act against destroyers of Planting Parks and others ibid. 46 Act ordaining the pursuer of the thiefe to be restored to his owne goods 137 47 Act anent coale-hewens 138 48 Act discharging the mixing of tinne with lead ibid. 49 Act anent presenting and docquetting of signators letters and others 139 50 Act anent the election of the President of Parliament 140 51 Act anent superioritie of lands which held of Bishops and their Chapters ibid. 52 Commission for revising of the Registers 142 53 Act anent Cocquets and entries of Ships 143 54 Act discharging the registration of Comprisings and appointing onely recording and allowing thereof and modifying 40. shillings for both ib. 55 Act discharging the Lords of the Session to exact twelve pennies for the pound and all other exactions imposed upon sentences to be pronounced by them 144 56 Act anent the pardon of penall Statutes 145 57 Act in favours of Orphans fatherlesse children and others ibid. 58 Act in favours of the vassals of ward lands holding of the King and Prince 146 59 Act anent the breadth of plaiding 147 60 Act in favours of the Laicke Patrons of Provostries Prebendaries Chaplainries and Altarages ibid. 61 Act discharging the quotes of Testaments 149 62 Commission for regulating the Commissariats ibid. 63 Act discharging Monopolies 150 64 Commission for the Manufactories ibid. 65 Commission for the Secret Councell 152 17. November 1641. 66 Act discharging the Custome of two and an halfe on the hundred and the impost of foure pound on the Tun. 155 67 Act in favours of Minors anent the duties of the lands comprised from them 156 68 Commission for the Thesaurarie 157 69 Act anent the restitution of the horse and armes to the owners out-putters thereof 158 70 Act Salvo jure cujuslibet 159 71 Act appointing the next Parliament to conveene the first Tuesday of Iune 1644. ibid. THE TABLE OF THE VNPRINTED ACTS AND RATIFICATIONS PAST IN This Parliament which began the last day of August 1639. and did conclude the 17. of November 1641. 1 DEclaration by the Estates of Parliament premitted by them to thir acts and proceedings made in that session of Parliament holden 11. of June 1640. 2 Act in favours of the Lady Loudoun and her children 11. of June 1640. 3 Act and declaration anent the closure of that Session of Parliament 11. of June 1640. 4 Ratification of Generall Lesleys Commission to be Generall 5 Act approving his proceedings as Generall in anno 1639. 6 Ratification of Colonell Hammiltouns commission to be Generall of the Artilerie 7 Ratification of Generall Major Baily his commission 8 Ratification of Generall Major Munros gift 9 Ratification of the Generall Commissars gift 10 Act against the Keepers of the Castle of Dumbartan 11 Act against the Keepers of the Castle of Thrave 12 Decreet of forfeiture against Generall Ruthven and others therein contained 13 Reference in favours of Robert Scot of Dryhoip to the Committee of Estates 14 Reference Laird of Kinhilt to the Committee of Estates 15 Reference for James Arnot to the Committee of Estates 16 Reference for Master William Cunnyngham to the Committee of Estates 17 Protestation by William Dick Provest of Edinburgh anent the custome of ammunition 18 Reference in favours of Sir John Hammiltoun of Reidhouse to the Committee of Estates 19 Instrument and protestation for the Queenes-ferrie 20 Declaration of the Estates anent the Earl of Glencairne his sitting and voycing in this session of Parliament 21 Articles for ordering the house of Parliament 22 Act to the Kings Advocate and Procutors for the Estate for raising summonds against the Earle of Montrose Lord Naper Lairds of Keir and Blakhall 23 Commission for concluding and subscribing the treatie at London 24 Supplications Constable of Scotland and Towne of Edinburgh with the Parliaments deliverance thereupon 25 Declaration of the Assembly anent a Band subscribed by some Noblemen which is now cancelled 26 Warrant for the Kings Advocate his in-coming to the Parliament house 27 Ratification of the act of Exchequer for reliefe of these who are bound for the 100000. marks therein contained 28 Act in favours of the Laird of Lochend for entring of him to his Lands gratis 29 Act in favours of Sir William Dik against Laird Aickin 30 Protestation by the Kings Advocate anent his place liberties and priviledges 31 Declaration by the Paraliament anent the Kings Manifest concerning the Prince Elector Palatine 32 Act and warrant for publishing and printing of the Acts made in June 1640. 33 Act and warrant for causing print his Majesties Manifest anent the Prince Elector with the Parliaments approbation and remonstrance thereupon to the King with the Kings answer 34 Act in favours of the Prince Elector for restraint of Levies and recrues of Souldiers 35 Ratification of the profession of Theologie in the Universitie of Glasgow 36 Commission for the accompts of the three Regiments viz. Lord Sinclaire Munro and Cochrane 37 Act of approbation and exoneration in favours of the Lord Loudun 38 Act of exoneration and approbation Earle of Rothes 39 Act of approbation and exoneration Earle of Dumfermling 40 Act of exoneration Master Robert Barclay 41 Act of exoneration Adam Blair 42 Act of approbation and exoneration Sir John Smith 43 Act of
of his infeftment of the lands of Nidrie marshall and others therein contained 263 Ratification in favours of William Seytoun of Grange of his gift of generall post-master of Scotland containing an exception in favours of the burghes of Bruntiland and Kinghorne 264 Ratification in favours of the town of Weik of their infeftment with a declaration declaring the said town to be the head burgh of the sheriffedome of Caithnes 265 Commission to the Earle of Erroll anent the justiciarie of the fishings upon the water of Ithane 266 Ratification in favours of the towne of Bruntiland of an act of exchequer with a declaration that Sir James Melvill his assuming of the style of Bruntiland shall no wayes be prejudiciall to their liberties 267 Ratification in favours of the Earle of Erroll of a pension granted to him by the Kings Majesty 268 Ratification in favours of the Earle of Kinoull of his right of the lands of Erroll 269 Ratification of the immutuall band amongst the heritours adjacent the Pow of Inchaiffray 270 Ratification in favours of William Gray of Pittindrum and William Master of Gray his son of a tak set by the Kings Majesty to them of the teinds of their lands lying within the Parochin of Fowles and others therein contained 271 Ratification in favours of the minister of Brechin 272 Ratification in favours of the Minister of Navar. 273 Ratification in favours of Sir Alexander Gibson of Durie one of the Senators of the Colledge of justice 274 Ratification in favours of the Master John Cant. 275 Ratification in favours of the Fewars of Kylismure 276 Ratification in favours of the James Dumbar 277 Ratification in favours of the Lord Lorne 278 Two ratifications in favours of the Laird Ackine 279 Two ratifications in favours of Sir James Macgill of Cranstoun Riddle Knight one of the Senators of the Colledge of Justice 280 Two Ratifications in favours of Sir James Scot of Rossie 281 Ratification in favours of the Earle of Eglintoun 282 Ratification in favours of the Earle of Queensberry 283 Ratification in favours of the rights of the Canongate 284 Ratification in favours of my Lord Advocate 285 Ratification in favours of Somervell of Drum 286 Ratification in favours of Robert Pringle of Stichell 287 Ratification in favours of John Carstairs 288 Ratification in favours of the Laird of Houstoun 289 Ratification in favours of Doctor Chalmers 290 Ratification in favours of James Maxwell of Innerweek 291 Ratification in favours of the Earle of Lawderdaill 292 Ratification in favours of Master William Cochrane of Cowdoun 293 Ratification in favours of the Towne of Irving 294 Ratification in favours of the Laird of Dalmahoy 295 Ratification in favours of the South Queensferrie 296 Ratification in favours of Sir Richard Grahame 297 Ratification in favours of William Scot and his brethren 298 Protestation Earle of Sutherland anent his place 299 Protestation Lord Borthwik anent his place 300 Protestation L. of Cambo as Commissioner for the Sherifdome of Fife 301 Protestation L. of Cesnok in name of the whole Barons 302 Protestation L. of Wedderburne as Commissioner for the Sherifdome of Bervik 303 Commission and warrant by the King and Parliament to the Exchequer for regulating the Book of Rates 304 Warrant by the King and Parliament to the Councel to dis-band the companies yet on foot and to provide for moneys for that effect 305 Protestation Towne of Kinghorne and Robert Hepburne for the Earle of Dumfermling against Halhils Ratification 306 Protestation for the Kings Veallers against James Sinclars Ratification 307 Protestation Towne of Renfrew against the Laird of Grenocks Ratification 308 Protestation Wrights of the Cannongate against the Wrights of Edinburgh their Ratification 309 Protestation Earle of Argyle against the Ratification for the town of Dumbartan 310 Protestation Town of Glasgow against the same Ratification 311 Protestation Town of Glasgow against the Ratification for the Burgh of Renfrew 312 Protestation Town of Renfrew against the Ratifications of the Burgh of Glasgow 313 Protestation Town of Dumbartan against the Ratifications of the said Burgh of Glasgow 314 Protestation L. Dun against the Ratification of the Towne of Montrose 315 Protestation L. of Houstoun against the Ratification of Renfrew 316 Protestation L. of New-warke against the Ratification of Renfrew 317 Protestation Marquesse of Hammiltoun against the Ratification of the Town of Linlithgow 318 Protestations Earls of Buckleugh and Hadingtoun and Bayliffe of Lochend against the Ratification in favours of Francis Stuart 319 Protestation Towne of Pebles against the Ratification of the Earle of Traquair 320 Protestation Lord Amond against the Act for the Kirk of Denny 321 Protestation L. of Minto against the Ratification of the Town of Glasgow 322 Protestation Towne of Renfrew against the Ratification in favours of the L. of Houstoun 323 Protestation Kirk of Anster against the Ratification of the Kirk of Kilrinnie 324 Protestation Sir William Dik and the whole fishers against the Ratification in favours of the L. Aickine 325 Protestation Town of Edinburgh against the Ratification in favours of the Wrights of the Canongate 326 Protestation Towne of Edinburgh against Robert Lesleys ratification 327 Protestation Earl of Galloway against the Ratification in favours of the Universitie of Glasgow 328 Protestation Earle of Pearth against the Town of Newburgh 329 Protestation and declaration Earle of Dumfermling against the Ratification for the Queenes-ferrie 330 Protestation Towne of Air against the Town of Irvings Ratification 331 Protestation for _____ Hoome against John Carstairs Ratification 332 Protestation Town of Brechin against the act of erection of the kirk of Carrestoun 333 Protestation Earle of Lauderdail against the Towne of Muscleburghs Ratification 334 Protestation and declaration Earle of Kinnoull contra Patrik Ruthvens Ratification 335 Protestation Towne of Edinburgh against the act in favours of the Hat-makers 336 Protestation L. of Haddo against the Ratifications in favours of the L. Fraser and L. Lesley and their protestation in the contrair 337 Protestation Laird Lesley for the shire against the Town of Aberdenes Ratification of their infeftment 338 Protestation Lord Maitland against the Earl of Hooms ratification 339 Protestation Lord Yester against the ratification of the Towne of Pebles 340 Protestation and declaration by the King and Parliament in favours of the Procutor and agent for the Kirk for their fees against the Ratification in favours of the Duke of Lennox of his right to the Bishoprick of Glasgow 341 Protestation Marques of Hammiltoun against the Duke of Lennox Ratification 342 Protestation Colledge of Glasgow against the Town of Glasgows Ratification 343 Protestation Earle of Lanerk for Robert Lesley against the Ratification of the gifts of the Bishops rents of Orknay with his Majesties declaration abiding by the gift of Robert Lesley as being first done and preferring the samine to all other gifts 344 Protestation L. Giffan against the Ratification in favours of the town of Glasgow of the Bishoprick of Galloway their gift therof 345 Protestation Earl of Murray against Innes of Leuchars Ratification 346 Protestation Town of Glasgow against the Town of Rutherglens Ratification 347 Protest L. of Balymayne against the L. of Panmures Ratification 348 Protestation Earl of Argyle against the Earle of Seaforths Ratification of the Lewes 349 Protestation Earl of Sutherland against that Ratification 350 Protestation Marquesse of Hamiltoun against the Towne of Lanerks Ratification 351 Protestation and declaration Towne of Dumbartan against Renfrew their Ratification 352 Protestation and declaration Renfrew against the Town of Dumbartan their Ratification 353 Protest L. of Lawers against the Earl of Tullibardans Ratification 354 Protestation Earl of Seaforth against the Ratification of the town of Weik 355 Protestation Earle of Southesk against the Ratification in favours of the Minister of Brechin with the Commissioners of Brechins protestation in the contrarie 356 Protestation Alexander Urchart against the Ratification in favours of the Town of Cromartie 357 Protestation Marques of Hammiltoun against the Ratification in favours of the Town of Glasgow 358 Protestation Lord Yester against the Ratification in favours of the Earl of Kinnoul 359 Protestation Earl Marshall against the Ratification in favours of the Earl of Kinnoull 360 Protestation in favours of the Earl of Erroll FINIS