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A37160 A discourse upon grants and resumptions showing how our ancestors have proceeded with such ministers as have procured to themselves grants of the crown-revenue, and that the forfeited estates ought to be applied towards the payment of the publick debts / by the author of the Essay on ways and means. Davenant, Charles, 1656-1714. 1700 (1700) Wing D304; ESTC R9684 179,543 453

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and Confiscated to the King's use In this Colloquy the Barons told him That he was in Debt and Ruin'd by the Strangers about him who had Consum'd all so that he was forc'd to give Tallies for the Victuals of his Table * Knyghton Col. 2445. N o 10. Domine Rex inter manus Alienigenarum res utique tua male agitur diversimode tractatur nam consumptis universis multo jam deprimeris e● alieno datis pro cibariis tuis Tallei● versus es in scandalum in omni populo tuo The Consequence of this Profusion was grievous Taxes the Taxes produc'd Discontents these Discontents encourag'● Simon Montford and others to begin th● Civil War in which this King had bee● lost but for the Courage and Conduct 〈◊〉 his Son In the Reign of Edward the I. we 〈◊〉 not find there was any Resumption b● Annn Dom. 1289. the Legislative Authority did very wisely interpose in Corre●ing the Abuses of Westminster-Hall * Vide Dan. p. 160 Mat. West p. 414. N o 10 and Knyghton Col. 2466. Fin●ing all the Judges for their Corruptio● and Extortions Sir Ralph Hengham w● had been Chief Justice of the high● Bench and Commissioner for the G●vernment of the Kingdom in the King Absence paid Seven thousand Marcs 〈◊〉 Edward Stratton paid Thirty four thousand Marcs Thomas Wayland found the greatest Delinquent Forfeited all his Estate The whole Set paid among 'em 〈◊〉 Hundred thousand Marcs which for those Days was a prodigious Summ. The next Reign of Edward the IId gives the prospect of Civil Wars Treachery Bloodshed and a view of all the Calamities that are the Consequences of ● Riotous and Profuse Court The unbounded Favour of this Prince o his Minion Pierce Gaveston made Earl of Cornwal and the Waste which the said Earl had made in the Crown-Revenue so provok'd the Peers that they never restd till they had obtain'd an Instrument mpowering several Ecclesiastical and ●ay Lords to make certain Ordinances ●or the good of the Kingdom which nstrument and Ordinances made by Virue of it were afterwards ratify'd in Parament Among other things it was then order'd That the Crown-Revenue should ●ot be Alienated Derecheif ordein est Rot. Ord. 5 Edw. II. N o. 3. pur les dettes le Roy acquitter son estate relever le plus honourablement mainteiner qe nul don de Terre ne de Rent ne de Franchise ne d' Eschete ne de Gard ne Marriage ne Baillie se face a nul des ditz Ordenours durant leur poer del dit ordeinment ne a uul autre sauns Conseil assent des ditz Ordenours ou de la greinder partie de eux au six de eux au moins mes totes les choses desquex profits poit surdre soient enpruees al profit le Roy jusques son estat soit avenantment releve c. There is this Remarkable in the Record That they bound up themselves as well as others from receiving any part of the King's Lands as we may suppose not thinking it fair for them who had the Power to keep the Purse shut to others and to open it for themselves They took likewise Care of a Resumption * Ibed N o 7. Et puis derecheife pur se qe l● Corone est tant abeissee demembree p● diverses donns nous Ordinons qe to● les donns qe sont donez au damage d● Roy descresse de la Corone puis 〈◊〉 Commission a nous fait des Chasteam Villes Terres Tenements Bayle● Gardez Marriages Eschetes Rel● queconques queles soint aussibien 〈◊〉 Gascoin Irland Gales Escoce co● me en Engleterre soint repelleez no● les repellons de tout sanz estre redonn● a meismes ceux sanz comun assent 〈◊〉 Parlement Et que si tieu maner des dom ou Reles soint Desormes donez enc●●tre la form avantdit sanz assent de so● Barnage ce en Parlement tant qe 〈◊〉 dettes soint acquittees son estat● avenantment releves soint tenus po● nuls soit le pernour puny en Parlement par Agard del Barnage 'T is true these Ordinances were revok'd in the * Great Statute Roll from H. III. to 21 Ed. III M. 31. Bibli Cott. Claud. Parliament which this King held at York the 15th of his Reign just after he had Defeated and put to Death Thomas Earl of Lancaster with many other of the Barons But his Rigid Proceeding with those who had Fought in Defence of their Countries Freedom and his immoderate Favour and Bounty to the Spencers Earls of Whinchester and Gloster with all his other Mis-government lost him both his Crown and Life in a short time after 'T is to be presum'd That what the Parliament had done in Edward II. Reign to hinder the Favourites from making Depredations upon the Crown-Revenue had effectually stopp'd the Evil because we do not find there was any need of an Act of Resumption in Edward the III's Time There is no part of our History more remarkable than the Life of Richard II. Grandson of Edward III. And no Times afford so many Presidents of Liberty asserted and of the Excesses of Regal Power with the Corruption of bad Ministers as this unfortunate Reign But Misgovernment will of Necessity bring on good Laws in the End The lavish Temper of this Prince his unreasonable Favour to the Duke of Ireland to Michal de la Pool Earl Suffolk his Chancellor and others with his loose and careless Administration produc'd the Parliaments of 10th 11th and 13th Richard II. by which his Power was circumscribd and bounded 'T is true 21 Richard II. he procur'd a Repeal of what had been formerly settled by Parliament for the Welfare of the Kingdom in which Sessions he got Iniquity establish'd by a Law but the Conclusion of all this Misgoverment was that he incurr'd so much the Publick hatred as to be deserted by the whole People and in a solemn manner to be depos'd The Excesses of the Court and Rapine of the Ministers in those days and towards the latter end of Edward III. produc'd Acts of Resumption The Commons pray that all kind of Gifts whatsoever made by King Edward III. may be examin'd if worthily bestow'd to be Confirm'd if otherwise to be Revok'd * Rot. Parl. 1 Ri. II. N o. 48. Item ils Prient pur ceo que la Corone est moult abaisse demembre par divers donns donez en temps de notre Seigneur que Dieux assoille queux donns il estoit malement deceux en plusieurs Personnes malement emploeis come home le poet declarer a grand damage de lui de notre Seigneur le Roi q'ore est si bien des Chasteaux Villes Terres Tenements Baillez Gardes Marriages Eschetes Releves aussi bien en Gascoigne Irlande come en Engleterre qe plese a notre Seigneur le Roy son Conseil faire examiner par les Rolles
de vivre morir ovesqe lui encountre touts Gentz ceo par le Tresor qe il purchace de jour en jour enseignurant surlestate le Roy de la Corone en destruction du Roi du Peuple especialment enloignant le cuer le Seignour de ces liges Gentz en despisant lours Counseils nient soeffrant bons Ministers faire ley de Terre en ostant les bons Ministers mettant ceux de sa Covine ausi biens Aliens come autres qi a sa volunt a son commandment offendent droit et ley de Terre en parnant Terres Tenements et Baillies du Roi a lui et a ses Heires Et ad fait qe le Roi ad done Terres Tenements de sa Corone as divers Gentz a grand damage et decrese de l Estate le Roi et de sa Corone Et ceo ausi bien puis l ordeinement qe le Roi granta as Ordeinours de faire au profit de li et de son People come devant encountre l ordeinement des Ordeinours Et maintient Robbeours Homicides et les fait avoir le chartre le Roi de Peez en donant hardement a mesfeseurs de pis faire et menant le Roi en Terre de Guerre sauz commun assent de son Barnage en peril de son Corps et en destruction du Roialme Et en fesant sealer blanches Chartres desoutz le Grand Seal le Roi en deceit et desheritance du Roy et de sa Corone et encontre son Homage et felonesement fauxment et treterousment ad fait les choses susdites a grand dishonour et damage du Roi et desheritison de la Corone et a destruction du People in moults maners Et ovesqe ceo nous eantz regard a lez faits le tresnable Roi Pere le Roi qore est par qi Agard lavant dit Pieres forsjura le Roialme d Engleterre et voleit qe nostre Seignour le Roi son Fitz forjurast a touz jours la Campaigne de lui et qi puis par comun assent de tout le Roialme et du Roi et de lui mesmes les Prelatz Counts et Barouns autrefoitz estoit agardez de meisme le Roialme voider et voida et qe son retorner nestoit unqes par comun assent mes solement par assent des ascuns persons qi souz Condition si bien se portast apres son retourner a ce se assentirent Et ore certainement est troves son mal port pur qeu●port et pur Les grandes mauvaisetees Susdites et pur plusors autres qe purront aveiner a nostre Seignour le Roi et a son People et pur bon accord nurrer entre le Roi et ses Gentz et moltes maniers de discordes et perils eschuire Nous ordeinous par vertue de la Commission nostre Seignour le Roi a nous grantee qe Pieres de Gaveston come apiert Enemy le Roy et de son People soit de tout exiles auxi bien hors de Roialme d Engleterre d Escoce d Irland et de Galles come de ●o●e la Seignourie nostre Seignour le Roy auxi bien dela la mere come de cea a touz jourz sans james returner et qil voide le Roailme d Engleterre et totes les Terres susdites et tout outriment la Seignourie nostre Seignour le Roi entre ci et la Fest de toutz Seintz prochein avenir Et luy donons Port a Dover en la forme susdite et nuelle parte aillours a passer et a voider Et si le dit Pieres demoerge en le Roialme d Engleterre ou uuelle parte aillours en la Seignourie nostre Seignour le Roi outre la dit jour qe done luy est de voider et de passer come est susdite Adunqe soit fait de luy come del Enemy du Roi et du Roialme et de son People Et qe touz ceux qi desormes voant encontre cest ordeinement en droit du dit Exile ove le peine qe sensuit soit fait de eux solone ceo qe y appent si de ceo soint atteintz Pieres Gaveston at first was a Man only in the King's Pleasures but as weak Princes often remove Men from their Pleasures into their Business so Gaveston became presently a Minister of State For the Records show that he was Guardian and Lieutenant of the Kingdom in the King's Absence with very immoderate Powers and afterwards he was constituted * Pat. 1. Ed. 2. m. 3. Lieutenant of Ireland but the extravagant Honours and Favours conferr'd upon him and the Lands he got from the King drew as all our Historians witness the Indignation of the Parliament upon him † Walsing p. 99. Tho. Walsingham says that the Barons Librato utrobique Periculo inveniunt quod vivente Petro esse non poterit Pax in Regno nec Rex abundare Thesauro And so they never rested till he was banish'd the Kingdom * 5 Edw. 2. Rot. Parl. Nu. 22. In the same Parliament Henry de Beaumont was likewise accus'd for that to the damage and dishonour of the King he had receiv'd the Kingdom of Man which the Lords whom the King had consented should be of his standing Council thought fit should remain to the Crown And for that he had procur'd from the King to himself other Rents Lands Franchises and Offices And for that he had procur'd for others the Grants of Lands Rents Tenements Franchises and Offices And for that he had given evil Council to the King contrary to his Oath For all which the Judgment upon him was That he should be outed the King's Council for ever and not come near the King's Person unless he were summon'd to Parliament or call'd upon to attend the King in his Wars Or unless it were by common Assent of Archbishops Bishops Earls and Barons in full Parliament and that all his other Lands should be seiz'd into the King's Hands until the King should be satisfy'd the full value of what he had receiv'd from those Lands so granted to him by the King It seems likewise that in this Reign the Ladies were Begging and Intreaguing at Court For the Lady Vescey was * Rot. ibid. Nu. 23. accus'd for having prevail'd upon the King to give Sir Henry Beaumont her Brother and to others Lands Franchises and Offices to the Damage and Dishonour of the King for which she was order'd to repair to her own House without ever returning to Court to make stay there 'T is true as we have noted before the King got this whole Act repeal'd at the Parliament held at York 15 Edw. 2. but it was just after he had made a War upon his People and put to Death the * Tho. Walsing p. 116. Earl of Lancaster of the Blood Royal and Eleven or Twelve of the other Peers of
Alienations of the Crown-Revenue And a Resumption made The Records for this 117 Great Profusion and Misgovernment in the Reign of King Richard the Second The Rapine of the Ministers of those Times occasioned Acts of Resumption several Records produc'd to this Purpose from 119 to 127 In the Reign of Henry the Fourth the Commons pray that a Resumption may be made The Record 127 In the Fifth of this Reign the Commons pray that the King will take Care for the Repair of his Castles in particular Windsor Castle and of the Maintenance of his Parks And complain that the Lands assign'd for the Repair of Windsor Castle are granted away praying they may be resumed The King's Answer The Record for this 128 Lands and Mannors annexed to Windsor Castle 31 Henry 8th 131 The same Year of Henry 4th the Commons pray that Lands alienated from the Duchy of Cornwall may be resum'd The King's Answer The Record 132 In the 6th Year of the same Reign the Commons again pray for a Resumption The King's Answer The Record 133 What ●ort of a Resumption was then made and the Reasons for it The Record 140 In the Seventh and Eighth of this Reign the Commons pray that the Lands to be conquer'd in Wales may not be granted away the first Quarter of a Year The Record 143 In the same Year the Commons pray that certain Foreigners by Name may be banished which is granted and the King orders an Accompt to be deliver'd in Chancery of what Grants they had obtain'd The Record 144 In the 11th of this Reign the Commons pray that no Alienation of the Crown-Revenue may be made to which the King assents The Record 145 What sort of Resumption was made in the Reign of Henry the Fifth The Record 148 A Resumption made 28 Hen. 6. The Record 149 to 158 The Exceptions or Savings inserted by the King in this Resumption 159 to 178 Another Resumption the 29th of this Reign 181 Another Resumption the 33th of the same Reign 193 A Resumption the 1st of Edward 4th The Record 208 Another Resumption 3d and 4th of the same Reign 210 In the 7th Edward 4th The King invites his People from the Throne to make an Act of Resumption 214 A Resumption 7th Edward the 4th The Record 216 The King by the Mouth of the Chancellor thanks the House of Commons for this Resumption 221 222 In the 13th of the same Reign there pass'd another Act of Resumption 222 The Method which was taken in this Reign to pay the King's Debts See the Record 225 In the 1st of Henry 7th there was one General Act and afterwards other particular Acts of Resumption 232 What Sort of Resumption was made Ann. 6. Hen. 8 238 The Author has himself examin'd at the Tower the French Records cited in this Book 243 All the Resumptions recapitulated 244 245 Several Observations upon these Acts of Resumption 245 to 248 The Effects these Acts of Resumptions produced 249 In what Posture the Crown-Revenue stood 28 29 Hen. 6. ibid. How it stood in the Reign of Hen. 7. what Taxes he had and what an immense Sum he left behind him 249 250 The Acts of Resumption principally put the Crown-Revenue into the State Hen. 7. left it at his Death 250 The State of the Revenue Anno 12. Eliz. 252 The Reason why no Resumption could be proper during her Time ibid. Resumptions talk'd on in the Reign of King James the First ibid. What Steps were made towards a Resumption in the Beginning of King Charles the Second's Reign 253 254 State of the Revenue at King Charles's Restauration 255 Sir John Fortescue's Opinion concerning Resumptions out of a Manuscript in the Bodleian Library 257 to 262 When the Debtors or Accomptants to the King have been unreasonably discharg'd Privy-Seals have been revoked The Record 263 SECT IV. That several Ministers of State have been Impeach'd in Parliament for presuming to procure to themselves Grants of the Crown-Revenue WHat sort of Power our King 's anciently had to alienate the Crown-Revenue 274 The Opinion of some Authors upon this Subject 275 Observations upon the Scaccarium and Hanneperium ibid In Alienations the King trusted as Head of the Common-wealth 278 The Danger if Alienations might not be inquir'd into 279 'T is manifest the Legislature has a Power to inquire into Grants ibid. Resumptions an extraordinary Exercise of the Legislative Authority 280 What Provision the Wisdom of the Law has made that there may not be occasion for 'em ibid. If this does not do by calling corrupt Ministers to an Accompt 281 The Care Hen. 4. took in the Revenue and the good Laws thereunto relating ibid. The Effect it had 283 The Care our Ancestors had long before taken in this Matter 284 1st By regulating the Expences of the King's Court ibid. 2dly By desiring the King to employ wise and able Men 285 3dly By procuring the Banishment of Strangers who were become a Burthen upon the Court ibid. 4thly By appointing Commissioners to inspect the publick Accompts The Record 287 5thly By enquiring into the Management of particular Branches 290 The Provisions which our Constitution has establish'd that the King may not be deceiv'd 291 The Progress Grants ought to make 292 First in the Treasury The Treasurer of the Exchequer or Lord-Treasurer's Duty and Oath ibid. From thence the Grant goes to the Attorney-General His Duty 204 From thence to the Secretary of State His Duty 295 From the Signet it should go to the Lord Privy-Seal His Duty and Oath 296 From the Privy-Seal it goes to the Lord Chancellor His Duty and Oath 297 All this inforced by a positive Law 27 Hen. 8. 298 The Force of the Laws enervated by Clauses of Ex certa Scientia Graetia Speciali Mero Motu and by Clauses of Non Obstante 301 Matthew Paris his Opinion of these Clauses of Non Obstante 302 Of the Destinction the Lawyers make between Directive and Coercive 305 When Ministers have broke through the Laws in this Matter of Grants our Ancestors have proceeded by Impeachments 307 Ranulphus Bishop of Durham accus'd for Male-Administration His Character 308 Pieres Gaverton impeach'd for procuring Grants The Record 309 Henry de Beaumont accus'd expell'd the Council and banish'd by Parliament from the King's Presence upon the same Accompt 313 The Lady Vescie accus'd and banish'd the Court in the same Manner and upon the same Accompt 314 Procuring Grants one of the principal Heads of Accusation against Hugh Spencer Earl of Glocester 315 In the 4 Edw. 3. Articles were exhibited in Parliament against Roger Mortimer Earl of March for having procured to himself Grants of the Crown-Revenue The Record 316 In the 10 Rich. 2. Michael de la Pool was impeach'd for that being Chancellor and sworn to the Kiug's Profit he had procured to himself Grants of the Crown-Revenue The Judgment against him The Records 317 to 323 In the 11 Rich. 2. the said Michael de la Pool was
England And what succeeded to this unfortunate Prince upon such an extraordinary Act of Violence is but too manifest The Ministers and Promoters of all the Irregularities committed by that King were the two Spencers Earls of Winchester and Glocester who were put to death in a tumultuous manner * Col. 2547. Knyghton indeed says the Earl of Glocester was arraign'd before Sir William Trussel Justiciarie Dominus Hugo Spencer ductus coram domino Willielmo Trussell Justiciario areniatus est coram eo ad Barrum One of the principal Heads of the Accusation against Hugh Spencer was for that he had advised the King to give and grant unto the false Traitor the Earl of Winchester Andrew Harkely and to himself Lands appertaining to the Crown in disherison thereof * K●ygh●on Col. 2548. Hugh apres celle maveiste vous Consellastes nostre Seignour le Roy en desheritaunce de sa Coronne a doner vostre Piere que fuist faux Traytour le Conte de Wyncestre Andrewe de Harkely Traytour notorye attaynte le Conte de Cardoyle Et a vous Hugh la Terre de Cantermaure altres Terres que furont proprement Appurtenancez a la Coronne For which and for other Crimes he was condemned and Executed Among the Articles exhibited in Parliament Anno 4. Edw. 3. against Roger Mortimer Earl of March two of 'em are for procuring to himself Grants of the Crown-Revenue That he caused the King to make him Earl of March and to give Him and his Heirs many Lands in Disherison of the Crown And that the said Roger caused the King to give to Him and his Children and Confederates Castles Towns Mannors and Franchises in England Ireland and Wales in decrease of the Revenues of the Crown Judicium Rogeri de Mortimer * Rot. Parl. 4 Edw. 3. Et a mesme le Parlement per son dit Royal Poer a luy accroche fist tante qe nostre Seignour le Roy luy fist Conte de la Marchie luy dona plusours Terres a luy a ses Heirs en desheritance nostre dit Seignour le Roy de sa Corone Item le dit Roger per son Royal Poer a luy accroche fist le Roy doner a luy a ses Enfantz a ses Alliez Chastelx Villes Manoirs Franchises en Engleterre Irland Gales en decrese de sa Corone Rot. ibid For this and for other Crimes of which some were judg'd to amount to Treason he was condemned to be hang'd at Tyburn and the Sheriffs of London were order'd to attend the Execution In the 10th of Richard II. Michael de la Pool Earl of Suffolk was Impeach'd in Parliament upon several Articles the Principal of which was For that being Lord Chancellor and sworn to promote the King's Profit he had purchas'd of the King Lands Tenements and Rents of a great Value against his Oath and such Grants being more than he deserv'd considering the great Poverty of the King and Kingdom To which he answer'd that he had no Lands of the King but since his being created Earl and that by way of Exchange To which the Commons reply'd by showing the Oath he took when he was made Lord Chancellor the Effect whereof was for doing Justice observing the Laws Councelling the King and not to suffer any Damage or Disherison of the Crown and that by all means he should promote the King's Profit And hereupon because he confess'd the Gift of the Lands to him whilst he was Chancellor and that during the same time the Exchange was made of good Lands for a Casual Custom at the Port of Hull they inferr'd that the same was not for the King's Profit according to the Tenor of the Chancellor's Oath And therefore they pray Judgment The Judgment against the said Earl was That for Breach of his Oath all the said Mannors and Hereditaments which he had of the King's Gift should be seiz'd into the King's Hands together with all the mean Profits saving to the Earl his 20 l. per Annum Creation-Mony in the County of Suffolk But take the Words of the Record as far forth as they relate to the present Matter Rot. Parl. 10 Ri. 2. P. 1. Num. 1. Premierement qe le dit Conte estant Chanceller jure de faire le Profit du Roy purchassa de nostre Seignour le Roy Terres Tenements et Rents a grand value come piert per Recordes Rolles de la Chancellerie encontre son serment La ou il n'avoit tant desservi considerez la grante necessite du Roy et du Royalme et outre ce a cause qe le dit Conte fust Chanceller au temps du dit Purchasse faite les dites Terres et Tenements furent extendus a meindre value qils ne veillent per an per grant some en deceite du Roy. Rot. ibid. Nu. 6. Qand al premier Article de son Empechement cest assavoir depuis qil estoit Chanceller qil deust purchasser certeins Terres du Roy c. Le dit Conte respond qe depuis qil fust Chanceller il ne purchassa unqes nulles Terres ne Tenements du Roy ne le Roy luy donna ne al nully des soins nulles Terres ne Tenements tant qe aux temps qe le Roy fist prendre l'estat du Conte mes per voie de verrai Exchange Cest assavoir qe come le dit Conte avoit CCCC Marcs annuelx sur la Custume de Kyngston sur Hull per descente de Heritage pur qeux il pleust au Roy d assigner au dit Conte Terres et Tenements a la value et assignee et ordonna partie devant qil fust Chanceller et partie depuis et ce au profit du Roy si bien annuellement come par Cause de une Some de mille Marcs paiees ou Roy per le dit Conte pour celle cause c. Then he proceeds to give several Particulars of the Agreement and to set forth his Merits and that the King made him take the Honour of Earl upon him without his seeking and how he was persuaded to be Chancellor But it seems the Parliament did not take his Answer to be sufficient for the Commons reply'd in the Words following Rot. ibid. Num. 8. Et les Communes replians al responce du dit Conte del premier Article Monstrent as Seignours la Copie de son serment fait qant il fust Creez Chanceller en maniere quensuit Vous Jurrez qe bien et Loyallement servirez a nostre Seignour le Roy et a son People en l office de Chanceller et droit feres as toutes Gens pouvres et riches seloncles lois et usages du Royalme et loyalement conseillerez le Roy et son Conseil sellerez et qe vous ne saverez ne sufferez le damage ne desberitison le Roy ne qe les droitures de la Corone soient destruits per nulle
Consiliarius concessit in fata Parisiis merito perfidum evomens Spiritum in terra peregrina Simon de Beurle whom the Commons had Impeach'd that Parliament was beheaded at Tower-hill His being Knight of the Garter exempted him from a more ignominious Sentence that was pronounc'd against him This Man 's sudden Rise from 20 Marcs to 3000 Marcs per Annum drew the Hatred of the People upon him * Knyghton Col. 2727. Dominus de Burlee qui de Patrimonio haereditario expendre non valuit ultra XX Marcas sed in paucis annis in obsequio praedicti Regis crevit ad ultra valorem trium mille Marcarum annui proventus Some perhaps will object That in the 21 Rich. 2. most of what had been Rot. Parl. 21 Ri. 2. Num. 47 48. done 10 and 11 of the same Reign was repeal'd 'T is true the Fact is so For Richard after he had treacherously got into his Hands the Duke of Glocester his Uncle and after he had imprison'd the Earls of Arundel and Warwick the only three Lords in whom the People placed any Confidence the Nation was quite disperited insomuch that the King was able to pack a Parliament which yet could not be brought to do his Business 'till it was adjourn'd from Westminster to Shrewsbury There he did what he would by the Help of Sir John Bushie then Speaker of the House of Commons Sir William Bagot and Sir John Green of whom Sir * Life of Hen. 4. P. 84. John Hayward says These were then in all the Credits and Authority with the King and his chiefest School-masters both of Cruelty and Deceit They were proud arrogant and ambitious and upon confidence of the King's Favour profess'd Enemies to Men of ancient Nobility to the end that being lately start up they might become more famous by maintaining Contention with great Persons And first by their importunate Travail all the Charters of Pardon granted by the King were in this Parliament annulled and revoked These Pardons were revoked while the Parliament sate at Westminster where Thomas Arundel Archbishop of Canterbury was banish'd and his Temporalities seiz'd All the other irregular Matters were transacted at Shrewsbury But what was the End of all this Violence and breaking in upon the Rights of Parliament 'T is seen in the Story the People thereupon grew so discontented that Henry Duke of Lancaster was encouraged to come and invade the Kingdom with some few Friends and of Soldiers only fifteen Launces in his Company who was chearfully embrac'd by the whole Nation One of the first Things done in the Reign of Henry the 4th was to Repeal all that had pass'd at the Parliament held at Shrewsbury and to affirm all that was done 11 Rich. 2. * Rot. Parl. 1 Hen. 4. Num. 66 67. Qel Parlement feust tenuz pur Grand honur et Comune Profit de tout le Royalme And here 't is to be noted That in the First Article against King Richard II. when he abdicated the Throne 't was objected to him That he did wastfully spend the Treasure of the Realm and had given the Possessions of the Crown to Men unworthy by reason whereof new Charges were laid on the Necks of the poor Commonalty But take the whole Article * Rot. ibid. Num. 18. Imprimis abjicitur Regi Richardo quod propter malum regimen suum videlicet bona et Possessiones ad Coronam suam spectantia etiam personis indignis donando et alias indiscrete dissipando et ob hoc collectas et alia Onera gravia et importabilia Populo sine causa imponendo nec non alia mala iunumer abilia perpetrando alias de assens●● et mandato suis per totu● Parliamentum ad gubernationem Regni certi Praelati et alii Domini temporales erant electi et assignati qui totis viribus suis circa justam Gubernationem regni propriis sumptibus suis fideliter laborarent tamen Rex facto per eum Conventiculo cum suis complicibas dictos dominos tam Spirituales quam Temporales circa Regni utilitatem occupatos de alta Proditione impetere proponebat Justiciarios Regni ad suum nefandum propositum roborandum metu mortis et cruciatus Corporis violenter attraxit dictosdominos destruere satagendo The Fate of Michael de la Pool could not work upon his Grandson William de la Pool so as to make him a better Man towards the Public For we find this William Duke of Suffolk treading in his Grandfather's Steps and so acting in his Ministry as to provoke an Accusation from the House of Commons The Grants out of the Crown Revenue which he had procur'd for himself and those of his Alliance and Party occasion'd so much popular Anger that in the 28 Year of Henry VI. he drew upon himself an Impeachment the first part of which contains Matter of High Treason in the second part he is accus'd of divers great Offences Misprisions untrue Labours and false Deceits but we shall only take notice of those Articles which relate to our present Subject Rot. Parl. 28 Hen. 6. Num. 28. To the Kyng our Soverayne Lord sheweth and with dolorous Lamentations Compleyneth youre true feithfull Subgettes and Comons beyng in this youre present Parlement by youre Commaundement Roial That William de la Pole Duke of Suffolk hath doone and caused to be doone ayents youre Regalie Honour Estate and Prosperite of youre moost noble Persone and the We le of youre true Subgettes of youre Reames of Englond and Fraunce youre Duchies Guyen and Normandy and other Places under your Obeisance divers grete Offences Misprisions untrue Labours and fals Deceytes in Manner and Fourme ensueying Num. 29. First The seid Duke the 16th Yere of youre Reigne then beyng next and Pryvyest of youre Counseil and Steward of your Household then and many Yeres seth for covetise of grete lucre of good singulerly to hymself sturred and moeved youre Highnesse the seid 16th Yere Ye thenne beyng in Prosperite and havyng grete Possessions to yeve and graunte moche partie of youre seid Possessions to divers Persones in your seid Reame of Englond by the which ye be gretely empoverished the Expences of youre honourable Household and the Wages and Fees of youre menyal Servants not payed youre Warderobe the Reparations of youre Castells and Manners and youre other ordinary Charges were not had satisfyed nor doo and so by his subtill Counseil importune and unprofitable Labour to youre moost High and Royal Estate the Revenues of the Demesnes and Possessions of youre Corone youre Duchie Lancastre and other youre Enheritaunces have bee so amennsed and amentysed that youre Commons of this youre Reame have bee soo ymportably charged that it is nygh to their fynal Distruction Num. 30. Item The seid Duke havying alwey inordinate Covetise hath by sotill means and sinistre Suggestions for his especyal availle caused you to graunt many Priviledges Fraunchises c. Num. 31. Item The seid
and Roial Court of Parlement and by Aucthorite of the same Resp The Kyng by the Advyse and assent of the Lords Spirituelx and Temporelx in this present Parlement assembled and by the Aucthoritie of the same agreeth to this Petition and Resumption and the same accepteth and establisheth Alweys forseyn that all exceptions moderations forprises and provisions by hym graunted ordeined and admitted and putte in Wryting in this same Parlement upon the premisses be and stand good and availlable in Lawe after the Fourme and effecte of the contynue of the same exceptions Moderations and Provisions And that all Lettres Patentes of the Kyng made to oney Persone or Persones named in oney of the same Exceptions moderations forprises and provisions be good and effectuel after the Fourme and continue of the same Lettres Patentes by whatsomever name oney such persone or persones be named in oney such Lettres Patentes the said Act and Petition of Resumption or oney thing conteined therein notwithstanding Provided alway that it extend not to oney Possessions or other thyng made or graunted by the Kyng to oney persone or persones in Caleis or in the Marches thereof or in the Lond of Irlond These that followen been the Exceptions Moderations forprises and provisions by the Kyng graunted ordeined and admitted and in this same Parlement upon the Premisses put in wryting First Saving for Merton-College 2 For Leon Lord Wells inasmuch as he had a Pension justly due to him 3 For the Dower of the Dutchess of Warr. 4 For Lands exchang'd with John Fray 5 For the College of Leicester 6 For the Expences granted by Patent to Richard Duke of York in the Lieutenancy of Ireland 7 For Restitutions of Temporalities c. to Arch-Bishops Bishops c. 8 For the Priory of Henton 9 For John Stourton Treasurer of the Houshold for 5000 l. to be expended in his Office 10 For the Prior of St John's for 15 s. per Annum 11 For the Friars of Kings Melcombe upon a valuable Consideration 12 For Lands taken in Farm of the King and improv'd 13 For Jervais le Unlre's Pension of 24 l. per Annum as the King's French Secretary 14 For Lands given to the Abbot and Church of Westminster out of which they were to distribute Alms. 15 For the Duke of Somerset's Lands bought of the King for valuable Considerations by Henry Cardinal and sold by the Cardinal to the Duke 16 For the Chief Justice 17 For Oriel-College 18 For All-Souls College 19 For the Abbot and Covent of Selby their Release of Dismes 20 For Thomas Derling Serjeant of Arms his Cloathing and accustom'd Wages 21 For John Waterford the same 22 For John Bury's Pension of 12 p. per diem c. 23 For the Priory of Brydlyngton Endow'd by the King in especial Devotion 24 For a small parcel of Land given to the Charter House of Sheen Founded by the King his Father 25 For Lands only restor'd to the College of Knollesmes-House in Pontfract 26 For John Earl of Shrewsbury as to 100 l. Annual Pension for Life and Lands in Waterford till then yeilding nothing being in the Hands of Rebels the said Earl having had no other Recompence for his long Services 27 For the Lord Scales Pension of 100 l. per Annum for his long Services in France and Duchie of Normandy 28 For William Stone 's Pension of 26 l. 13 s. 4. granted him last Parliament at the Request of both Houses for great Services as well to the King as to his Father 29 For Richard Welsden's Pension of 10 l. 6 s. per Annum for Life out of the Fee-farm Rent of New-biggyng which Fee-farm had been usually distributed among the King's Servants from King Edward III's time 30 For the City of Canterbury's Charter in relation to their Officers only 31 For Charters of Denization 32 For Sir John Astley's Pension of 100 Marks for Life 33 For Houses granted to the Dean and Church of St. Steven Westminster 34 For Will. Rouse one of the Clerks of the Crown as to his Patent for his Office and as to 20 l. per Annum out of the Hamper for Execution of his said Office 35 For the Collegiate Church of Leicester as to their Ton of Wine 36 For Will. Crawen and others their Patent who were erected into a Fraternity 37 For the Heirs of the Lord Bardolph on accompt of Lands restor'd to them by good advice 38 For the Vicounts Beamont and Bougchier both as to the Patents for their Honours and Creation-Money 39 For the Dean and Chapter of Lichfield concerning their Patent for certain Liberties and Priveleges 40 The same for the Town of Estratford 41 The same for the City of York 42 For the Abbot of Byland about a small Fee-farm Rent 43 For John Vicount Beamount Ralph Lord Cromwel and others in relation to Lands granted to them the Value not express'd in the Proviso 44 The same for John Fanceby value not express'd 45 The same for John Hampton but 40 l. per Annum resum'd from him 46 For Ralph Bapthorp Esquire of the Body for Lands given or sold to him 47 The same for John Norreis only there is resum'd from him 50 Marks per Annum Pension and 6 l. 13 s. out of Merston Messey 48 For Phil. Wentworth Esquire of the Body 49 The same for Thomas Danyel but the Manuor of Gedyngton of 26 l. 6 s. Yearly Value is resum'd from him 50 The same for Will. Tresham only 20 per Anuum is resum'd from him 51 The same for Thomas Myner and others the King 's menial Servants only 20 out of 40 l. per Annum is resum'd from Jenk yne Stanley 52 For the Earl of Arundel for Lands granted to him the value not express'd 53 The same for Richard Earl of Warwick 54 For Richard Earl of Salisbury but a Fee-farm taken from him of 24 l. per Ann. and some certain Privileges very extraordinary are taken from him and others in Richmondshire reserv'd to him 55 A Saving for the Lord Dudley as to some Patentes but other things are resum'd 56 For certain Priv●leges granted to Sir John Boteller 57 For Sir Thomas Haryngton on accompt of Lands granted to him for good Services specified in the Provisoe 58 For Sir Richard Wyddewil Lord Rivers and others on accompt of Lands granted or confirm'd to them 59 For Sir John Talbot and others on accompt of 20 l. per Annum Pension to be paid to them or the survivor of them 60 For the Lord Clifford for Lands granted to him 61 The s●me for Henry Everingham so as his Grant exceed not the value of 12 Marks per Annum 62 For Rich. Hakedy the King's Apothecary as to 40 Marks Yearly granted for his Life 63 For Robert Fenys and Thomas Bermingham for Grants made to them but form Robert there is resum'd 20 l. Feefarm Rent 64 For Rob. Manfeld and his Son for Lands Granted or Confirm'd 65 The same for Will. Say and Thomas Shargyl the Kings
And also all Grauntes to be made of old Offices which were Offices the first day of youre Reigne to the which belongeth and needeth actuel Exercise and Fees and Wages the same first day to the same Offices perteynyng or belongyng except out of the seid Peynes And that no such persone to whome oney Lesse or Lesses Graunte or Grauntes shall be made after the seid Fest for terme of Yeris or atte Wille of oney Thyng parcelle of the Duchie of Lancastre Erldome of Chestre Principalete of Wales Caleys and Guysnes and the Marches therof or of oney thyng to theym or oney of theym belongyng or appërteynyng be not hurt nor endamaggd by the penalty of this seid Acte Then follow Two Savings one for the Prince of Wales and another for Richard Duke of York as to some Patents they had Resp As touchyng this Petition of Resumption the Kyng hath well conceived and understood the Maters Articles and Desyres conteyned in the same Petition wherfore the Kyng by thadvyse and assent of the Lords Spirituel and Temporell beyng in this present Parlement and by Auctorite of the same taketh and resumeth into his Hands all manner thyngs conteyned in the seid petition and the same agreeth and accepteth the Penalte in seid petition except and leid apart alweye his Prerogative reserved forseyn alweye that suche provisions and Exceptions as been by his Highnesse by thadvyse of the seid Lordes Spirituel and Temporel made and agreed or to be agreed and in this same Parliament put in Wrytyng upon the premisses be good and effectuel the seid Acte notwithstanding for the Egalte and Reason that the Kyng ought to do to his people the which shall be to the pleaser of Godde the Honour and the We le of his Lond and People Then follow a great Number of Savings and Provisions all of 'em much of the same Nature with those in the former Acts and none of 'em seem such as could any wise defeate the Designe of the Parliament which was that all immoderate Grants should be actually resumed But some may object that Henry the Sixth under whose Reign these Three Resumptions were made was a weak Prince unfortunate Abroad engag'd in Factions at Home and kept under by the Power of the House of York whereunto we answer That it was the Interest of Great Men rather to oppose such an Act for they were most like to suffer by it therefore it s Passing was not the Effect of Faction but indeed it was carry'd on by the Weight of the People But these Objections will be more fully answer'd when we show that the same Thing was done by a Prince who had master'd all Parties and under an Active and Martial Reign which was that of Edw. IV. his Successor where the Presidents for a Resumption are four times confirmed As soon as Edward the Fourth came to the Crown one of the first Things desired by his Subjects was an Act of Resumption Rot. Parl. 1 Edw. 4. N o 11. And over that that our seid Sovereign Leige Lord King Edward IV. the Fourth Day of Marche was lawfully seised and possessed of the seid Corone of Englond in his Right and Title and from thenceforth have to hym and hys Heires Kynges of Englond all such Mannours Castels Lordshippes Honours Londs Tenements Rentes Services Fees Feefermes Rentes Knyghts Fees Advowsons Gyftes of Offices to geve at his pleasure Fairs Markets Issues Fines and Amerciaments Libertees Franchises Prerogatives Escheates Custumes Reversions Remainders and all other Hereditaments with theyr Appurtenances whatsoever be they in Englond Wales and Irelond and in Cales and the Marches thereof as Kyng Richard the 2 d. had on the Fest of Seint Matthew the Apostle the 23th Yere of his Reigne in the Right and Title of the seid Corone of Englond and Lordshippe of Irelond Resp The Kynge by thadvyse and Assent of the Lords Spirituel and Temporel in this present Parlement assembled at the Request of the Comyns beyng in the same agreeth and assenteth to this Petition and it accepteth with certain Moderations Provisions and Exceptions by his Highnesse thereupon made and in certain Cedules written and in the same Parlement delivered the tenor of which follows Then follow the Exceptions or Savings to particular Interests which are in Number 85. But this Resumption looking so far backwards as the Reigns of Henry the Sixth Henry the Fifth and Henry the Fourth was too large to have any good Effect And as to its having been impracticable and not well concerted we have this Argument that a new Act better digested and which did not retrospect so far was thought necessary Anno 3. 4. of the same Reign Anno 3 4. Edw. 4 ti There pass'd another Act of Resumption 3 4 Ed. 4 Rot. Parl. N o 39. At which day and place for divers Causes and Considerations conteynyng the Honour and Prosperite of the Kyng our Soverayne Lord and also the Commonwele defence and welfare of this Reame and of his Subgetes of the same hit is ordeyned and enacted and stablished by thadvyse and assent of the Lords Spirituels and Temporels and of the Comyns in this present Parlement assembled and by Auctorite of the same That the Kyng fro● the Fest of the Purification of oure Lady the Yere of our Lord 1464 have take seize hold and joye all the Honours Castells Lordshipps Towns Townshipps Manours Londes Tenementes Wastes Forestes Chases Rentes Annuities Reversions Fermes Services Issues Profites and Commodites of Shires which he had the 4th day Marche or eny tyme after afore the seid Fest by reason of his Duchie of La●castre or by the Forfeitur of Henry the 6 th late in dede and not in right Kyng of Englond in Englond Irelond Wales and Marches thereof Guysnes and Caleys and Marches thereof and pass'd from hym the seid 4th day of Marche or eny tyme after and afore the seid Fest by his Letters Patentes to eny Persone or persones in Fees Fee-simple Fee-taille terme of Lyfe or terme of Yeres And that the Kyng have and Injoy every of the Premisses in like Estate and Condition as he had theym the seid 4th day of Marche or after And also that all Yefts Grauntes and Relesses made by the Kyng the seid 4th day of Marche or eny tyme after afore the seid Fest to eny Persone or Persones of eny of the Premisses in Fee-simple Fee-taille terme of Lyfe or terme of Yeres under eny of his Seales be from the seid Fest of Purification void and of noo force nor effecte Ibid. N. 40 And also that all Yeftes Grauntes Ratifications Relesses and Confirmations made by the Kyng the seid 4th day of March or eny tyme after and afore the seid Fest to eny Persone or Persones of any Possessions Right Title or Interesse of his Duchie of Yorke or Erldome of Marche or eny part of them or of eny Pension Rent Annuite to be had taken perceyved or levyed of or in the same Duchie and Erldome or
for ever It pass'd in the Negative by 39 Voices Resolved That a Committee be appointed to consider of the Articles against the Earl of Arlington and to report what Matter is therein contained and can be prov'd that is fit for an Impeachment Committed to Mr. Crouch c. Memorandum The Committee never made their Report for the 24th of March the Parliament was Prorogued to the 10th of November 1674 and so the Matter fell Journal of the House of Commons Lunae 26 die Apr. 1675. A Charge or Impeachment against Thomas Earl of Danby Lord High-Treasurer of England containing several Offences Crimes and Misdemeanors of a very high Nature being presented and opened to the House and afterwards brought in and delivered at the Clerk's Table and read Art 6. That the said Earl hath procured great Gifts and Grants from the Crown whilst under great Debts by Warrants counter-signed by himself The 2d Article of the Impeachment being read and the Matter thereof debated Resolved That before the House do proceed farther in the Debate of this Article they will hear the Witnesses The Witnesses were heard then the House Adjourn'd Lunae 3 die Maii 1675. The House then proceeded in the farther Consideration of the Articles against the Lord-Treasurer And 3d. 4th 5th 6th and 7th Articles being read and the Question being severally put Whether any fit Matter doth appear in the Examination of those Articles to impeach the Lord-Treasurer It pass'd in the Negative Journal of the House of Commons Sabbati 21 die Decemb. 1678. Articles of Impeachment of High Treason and other High Crimes Misdemeanors and Offences against Thomas Earl of Danby Lord High-Treasurer of England were delivered from the Committee Art 5. That he hath wasted the King's Treasure by issuing out of His Majesty's Exchequer and several Branches of his Revenue divers great Summs of Money for unnecessary Pensions and secret Services to the Value of 231602 l. within Two Years And thus he hath wholly diverted out of the known Method and Government of the Exchequer one whole Branch of His Majesty's Revenue to private Uses without any Account to be made thereof in the Exchequer contrary to the express Act of Parliament which granted the same And he hath removed two of His Majesty's Commissioners of that part of the Revenue for refusing to consent to such his unwarrantable Actings and to advance Money upon that part of the Revenue for private Uses Art 6. That he hath by indirect Means procur'd from His Majesty for himself divers Considerable Gifts and Grants of Inheritance of the Ancient Revenue of the Crown even contrary to Acts of Parliament Ordered That the Articlee of Impeachment against the Lord High-Treesurer be Engrossed and that Sir Henry Capel do carry them up to the Lords on Monday Morning next We have cited these two presidents relating to the Earl of Danby to shew when the old Whigs were in the supermest Perfection of their Virtue and Publick Zeal That they then thought it a High Crime and Misdemeanor For a Minister to Picture to himself Giants out of the King's Revenue By the Authorities and Presidents we have quoted it appears manifestly that our Ancestors have from the first Institution of this Government very highly resented such Proceedings But here it may be asked how a Statesman is to behave himself when the Prince is inclin'd to Liberality and overborn with Importunities to give away what should subsist Him and the State To which we answer That the Lord Chancellor's Oath plainly directs the Minister in his Duty Ye shall neither know nor suffer the King 's Hurt nor his Disheriting nor that the Rights of the Crown be distressed by any Means as far forth as ye may let it And if ye may not let it ye shall make Knowledge thereof clearly and expresly to the King with your True Advice and Council By which Words without doubt the Law must mean and the Chancellor's Oath is part of our Law and Constitution That this high Officer is to oppose with all his Power and Intrest what he sees tending to the King and Kingdom 's Prejudice and if he finds a great Number of Grants passing the Law intends by binding him with such an Oath That he should from time to time represent to the King his Debts the Taxes and Necessities of the Nation But suppose that notwithstanding this Representation the Prince will have the Grant to proceed how is the Minister to act in such a Case Without doubt he is then to consider this Maxim of our Law That the King can do no hurt and that the Minister only is accountable for any Male-Administration He is to contemplate what high Officers in the State have been impeached upon the like Account and without all Controversie he is rather to leave the Court and quit his Employment than to do a thing which cannot be justified by the Laws and Constitution of this Kingdom * Daniel P. 134. Simon Normannus Keeper of the Great Seal under Henry III. and Jeffery his Brother both Knights-Templars and Men in great Powrr suffer'd themselves to be turn'd out of their Employment rather than to pass a Grant from the King of Four Pence upon every Sack of Wool to Thomas Earl of Flanders the King's Uncle P. 519. † Matthew Parris speaking of these two Brothers being put from Court says Seminarium Causa praecipua fuit hujus Irae Regiae quod idem Simon noluit consignare quoddam detestabile Scriptum contra Coronam Domini Regis confectum Cujus Tenor talis fuit ut Comes Flandriae Thomas perciperet de quolibet sacco Lanae delatae ab Anglia per partes suas Telonium Scilicet de quolibet sacco quatuor denariorum Nec Galfridus Templarius huic enormi facto consensit licet Rex ad hoc avide nimis anhelaverit 'T is true Men are very unwilling to quit Great Employments attended with much Wealth and High Honours and the common Excuse of such as comply more than they ought is That others will be readily found to do the same thing So that they shall prejudice themselves without any Advantage to the Publick Nay they often pretend to remain at Court only to prevent greater and farther Mischiefs Suppose then this to be Case and that the Tide runs so strongly one way that no single Minister in his Station is able to stem it and that the Prince will divest himself of his Revenues notwithstanding he is otherwise advis'd what does the Constitution of this Kingdom require from a Lord Chancellor a Lord Treasurer Lord Privy-Seal and the Secretary of State when such Measures are taken What Proofs will clear them before the whole World that they are no ways consenting to such Proceedings and that things are carried by an irresistible Strength against that Council they would be thought to give Without doubt they stand justified before a Parliament and in the Opinions of the People if they give manifest Evidence that their