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A35219 England's monarchs, or, A compendious relation of the most remarkable transactions, and observable passages, ecclesiastical, civil, and military, which have hapned [sic] during the reigns of the kings and queens of England, from the invasion of the Romans to this present adorned with poems, and the pictures of every monarch, from William the Conquerour, to His present Majesty, our gracious sovereign, King Charles the Second : together with the names of His Majesty's most Honourable Privy Council, the nobility, bishops, deans, and principal officers, civil and military, in England, in the year 1684 by R.B., author of the Admirable curiosities in England, The historical remarks in London and Westminster, The late wars in England, Scotland, and Ireland, &c. R. B., 1632?-1725? 1685 (1685) Wing C7314; ESTC R21089 148,791 242

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into England he restored the Citizens of London their Charter which for some misdemeanors had remained forfeited in his Hands twelve years And then presently marches with a stout Army into Scotland the Rebels being again in Arms under the Conduct of a Valiant Commander called William Wallace who had routed Earl Warren's Forces taking an advantage against them as they passed over a Bridge near Sterling Castle Hugh Cressingham and many English being slain the Scots fleaing off his Skin and cutting it in pieces divided it among them The King proceeding toward Scotland called a Parliament at York and there summoned the Scots to appear at a Day appointed which they not regarding he marched forward with vast Forces and coming near the Enemy as he was putting his Foot in the Stirrup his Horse starting at the sudden shout of the Scots Army threw him down and striking with his Heels broke two of the Kings Ribbs however he proceeded to Battel and the Scots by the encouragement of Captain Wallace fought valiantly but were at length defeated with the loss of seventy thousand Scots at a place called Fawkirk after which he took several strong places and then returned into England where in a Parliament holden at London and Stamford he confirmed Magna Charta and Charta de Foresta and it was enacted That no Tax nor Subsidy should be laid upon the Kingdom without consent of the King Peers and People and for the better satisfaction of the Parliament he lest these words out of his Grants Salvo Jure Coron e nostrae saving the right of our Crown Upon the earnest request of the Pope K. Edward now inlarged John Baliol who travelled into France and there remained and soon after the Scots were again in Arms so that he entred the third time into Scotland with strong Forces where none durst abide him in the Field the Lords and Gentry of the Castle having fortified themselves so strongly in Sterling Castle that they thought it impregnable while he was employ'd in the Siege he was advised not to endanger his Person so much whom he answered in the words of David A thousand shall fall on my side and ten thousand at my Right hand but it shall not come near me yet doubting the Siege would be long he used this Policy he ordered two Galleries to be set up in view of the Castle and then by sound of Trumpet proclaimed his free pardon to the Besieged if they surrendred within the space of three days but othewise he denounced hanging too them all without respect of Persons or Quality the Besieged trusting more to the Kings mercy than their own defence delivered up the Castle and themselves King Edward then taking fresh Oaths of the Justices Mayors and Governours of Castles and Towns and having setled the Kingdom returned into England bringing with him as the Trophies of his Victory the Crown Scepter and Cloth of State He burnt their Records abrogated their Laws altered their form of Divine Service and transplanted their most learned men to Oxford he brought their Marble Chair wherein their Kings were Crowned to Westminster whereon this Prophetical Verse was graven Ni fallat fatum Scoti quocunque locatum Invenient Lapidem regnare tenentur ibidem Unless Old Prophets fail and Wizards Wits be blind The Scots shall surely Reign where they this Stone shall find Which was judg'd to be verified by the coming in of K. James After his return from Scotland the King made a general inquiry into the Misdemeanors and Oppressions of his Officers of all sorts whose number and offences were so many that the Fines laid on them filled his Exchequer and inabled him to pay off all his old debts At this time the Bishop of Chester complained grievously against Prince Edward that by the lewd advice of Pierce Gaveston he broke into his Park and destroyed his Game for which the Prince was committed to Prison and Gaveston banished not to return upon pain of death In his thirty third year a General Peace was proclaimed between England and Scotland and Robert Bruce with other Noblemen voluntarily swore Allegiance to K. Edward yet within less than a year after Bruce and his Confederates privately procured a Dispensation from Pope Boniface with an Injunction That he should not meddle with the Scots they being a Free Nation and immediately appertaining to the Roman Chappel and that therefore the City of Jerusalem could not but defend her Citizens and help those that did trust in the Lord like Mount Sion and therefore enjoined Edward not to lay any claim to the Soveraignty thereof the King having read it with a great Oath said I will not hold my peace for Sion nor Jerusalem 's sake so long as I have breath in my Body but will prosecute my Right which is known to all the World to be just and defend it to the Death But the Scots threatned him that if he would not desist the Pope would proceed further to which the King with a disdainful smile answered Have you done Homage to me as to the Chief Lord of the Kingdom of Scotland and do you now think to frighten me with Threats and Lyes as if I were not able to maintain my Right Let me hear no more of this for if I do I swear by the Lord I will destroy all Scotland from Sea to Sea To which the Scots answered that in defence of Justice and their Countreys Rights they would spend their last Blood Yet Edward to keep fair with the Pope sent the Earl of Lincoln to Rome to justify his proceedings but the Pope continued resolute whereupon in a Parliament holden at Lincoln a full defence was made for the King though with this Protestation that the thing did not exhibit the Tryal of Cause but only gave the Pope an Account thereof to satisfy his Conscience the Barons unanimously declaring That their Kings Rights were not to be try'd before any Tribunal under Heaven they resolving to defend the Independency of the Crown of England with all their might against all Persons whatsoever to which Declaration an hundred of the Peers Subscribed their Names These high Resolutions made the Pope decline his pretensions leaving the Scots to themselves over whom Edward constituted the valiant Lord Segrave to be Custos whom yet the Scots soon after in a Skirmish discomfited and took Prisoner but he was rescued with all his Company by Sir Robert Neville without the loss of one Man on his Part. After which the King marched thither with a great Army but the Scots fled to the Woods and Mountains and the King returned to London whither not long after Captain Wallace a Knights Son being betrayed was sent Prisoner and executed for High Treason and his Quarters set up in divers parts of Scotland Then Robert Bruce appeared with Forces but was routed and forced into the utmost Isles of Scotland yet afterwards recruiting he did much mischief against whom King Edward marching fell sick at Carlisle commanding his
discovered his anger against the Lords who had forced his consent to their Banishment which he made appear upon this occasion The younger Spencer having got a few Ships together robbed and pillaged the Merchants of England and all other Nations in the Narrow Seas upon which they Petitioned that a Fleet might be set out to seize and Execute him as a Pyrate and notorious Thief the King smiled seeming to rejoyce thereat and instead of punishing him pardoned them both recalled them from Banishment to despight the Barons and raised them to higher Honour and Offices than before The Lords inraged hereat especially since the Spencers affronted them openly upon all occasions they resolved on revenge and to that purpose immediately raise a strong Army and take the Field and the King with the two Spencers and some other of the Nobles did the like and many sharp encounters passed between them the Lords forgetting they undutifully fought against their Soveraign and the King that his Cruelty had compelled them to take Arms In the end when many of the Barons and thousands of their adherents were slain they fled and were pursued by the King who took the Earls of Lancaster Hereford and many other Lords two and twenty of whom were beheaded in diverse parts of the Realm to the great terror of the People This success made the Spencers yet more insolent so that now they made their Will a Law in all things and presuming that all would be done they desired they persuaded the King to call a Parliament at York in which he created his eldest Son Edward Prince of Wales and Duke of Aquitan Old Hugh Spencer was made Earl of Winchester and Sir Andrew Harkly who was very active against the Lords Earl of Carlisle he likewise exacted the sixth penny of all Mens Estates in England Wales and Ireland whereat the People grievously complained alledging that they were quite impoverished by Famine and Dearth but especially by reason of the disorders in the Government The Scots having notice that K. Edward resolved to revenge the wrongs committed against his Subjects under Robert Bruce their usurping King to divert him invaded Ireland with strong Force but the King being forewarned had sufficiently provided against their landing so that most of them were slain and the rest forced to fly to their Ships and return shamefully home The King now thinking himself invincible marches with a brave Army into Scotland where the Scots being well-armed and many thousands in number pretended to give him Battel when they intended nothing less for as Edward approached they withdrew into the Woods Forrests and Mountains whereby the English Army were soon extreamly distressed by Storms Rain Frost Snow and Hail and likewise with want of Provisions which caused great Mortality so that without performing any thing Honourable he began to retire which the Scots perceiving they pursued him with all cruelty and violence and falling upon his Army forced the King to save himself by flight and leave behind him his Treasure Ordinance and Provisions This disaster happened by the treachery of Sir Andrew Harkley who having privately received Money of the Scots designed to betray the King for which Treason he after lost his Head The Queen being sensible of the malice of the Spencers against her who estranged the King from her Company and Bed and lamenting the late slaughter of many of the Nobility and the continued misery of the Nation she with her Son Prince Edward fled into France to her Brother King Charles where she was at first received with great joy and Promises of assistance the Barons likewise by Letters assuring her of their Service to her self and Son But the Spencers by unvaluable Presents to K. Charles and his Courtiers soon took him off that instead of assistance he reproved his Sister for leaving her Husband the Pope being likewise obliged by the same means required the French King upon pain of his Curse to send the Queen and Prince to Edward and she hardly escaped being betray'd by her own Brother but privately getting into the Empire by means of Sir Robert Artois her kinsman she was joyfully entertained by the Lord Beaumont and his Brother who accompanied her and her Son with three hundred Knights and Gentlemen and landed in England at which the Barons rejoycing soon joyned with her increasing hourly so that the King hastened to Wales to raise Forces leaving the Government of London to Walter Stapleton L. Treasurer and Bishop of Exeter a great Favourite of the Spencers and an Enemy to the Queen and therefore generally hated by the Citizens who abhorring his proud and insolent Government caused his head to be struck off at the Standard in Cheapside without any Legal Tryal and then violently rushing into the Tower slew all they found there keeping that and the City for the Queen and Prince K. Edward upon this revolt chang'd his purpose and posting to Bristow fortified the Town and Castle Sir Hugh Spencer the Father and Son being with him and the Earl of Arundel was made Governour resolving to defend it with all their might but soon after the City was besieged and taken by the Queen and Lords and the Earl of Arundel and Spencer the Father taken Prisoners but the King and Young Spencer being besieged in the Castle not trusting to the strength thereof got out privately in the Night and put themselves in a small Fisherboat but every day for a whole week when the Boat went to Sea it was driven back again near the Castle which the L. Beaumont observing he with a small Vessel chased the Boat and took her wherein he found the King and young Spencer whom they so much desired and brought them to the Queen who presenting them before the besieged in the Castle they presently surrendred Old Spencer the Earl of Winchester and the Earl of Arundel whose Daughter was married to the younger Spencer were beheaded and the King being in an honourable restraint the Queen Prince and Barons with a strong Army marched toward London carrying young Spencer in Triumph before whom several Fidlers and Pipers sung danced and play'd scornfully upon Reeds through every Town and Village as they past where being come he was bound to the top of an high Ladder and his Heart and Privy-members being burnt his Head was set on London Bridge After which the Queen nobly treated and rewarded Sir John of Heynault the Lord Beaumont and their followers who departed home and were there received with great honour The Queen and young Prince to redress all disorders assembled a Parliament in which the King by general consent was deposed and committed to Killingworth Castle with honourable atttendance and Prince Edward his Son Crowned King not long after Edward was removed to Cors-Castle where he was barbarously murdered by his Keepers who through a Horn thrust a burning Spit into his Fundament after he had reigned almost nineteen years and in the forty first of his Age 1307. EDWARD the
spoil and wast Fathers their Sons and Sons their Fathers slew Vndutiful unkind unnatural This War Now York then Lancaster great grew As Conquest did on either side befal But I the Crown and Scepter still did hold For what by wrong I got by force I wore And Prince of Wales I made my Son so bold But as my greatness still increased more By fatal Fate my Vital Thred was cut And all my Glory in a Grave was put THough by right the Crown of England if K. Richard should dye without issue ought to have descended to Edmond Mortimer Earl of March Son and Heir to Edmond Mortimer by Philip his Wife who was Daughter and Heir of Lionel Duke of Clarence the third Son of King Edward the third yet his Cousen Henry of Bullingbroke Duke of Hereford and Son and Heir of John of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster the younger Brother of Lionel was Elected and Crowned King For after the Resignation of K. Richard was read openly in Parliament Duke Henry rising from his Seat made his challenge to the Crown as followeth In the name of God Amen I Henry of Lancaster claim the Realm of England and the Crown with all the Appurtenances as coming by the Blood Royal from King Edward the third by that Justice which God of his Grace hath sent to me and by the help of my Friends for the recovery of the said Realm which was in point of Perdition to be lost through default of Government and breach of Laws After he had thus spoke the States acknowledged him for King and placed him on the Royal Throne though the whole proceedings against Richard were publickly condemned by John Bishop of Carlisle as hateful to God and Trayterous toward their Prince he not having the favour of Thieves and murderers who are try'd by indifferent Judges and condemned after full proof against them But the Bishop had no sooner ended his Speech e're he was seized by the Earl Marshal and committed close Prisoner in the Abby of St. Albans In this Parliament the Crown of England was intailed upon King Henry and his Heirs for ever and the King created his eldest Son Henry Prince of Wales Duke of Cornwal and Earl of Chester The Parliament was no sooner ended but several of the greatest Lords who pretended most Joy for Henry's advancement conspired to take away his life at a solemn Justs or Triumph at Oxford contr ved for that purpose In this Treason were engaged Edward Plantaginet Duke of Aumerle Son and Heir apparent to Edmond of Langley Duke of York Thomas Holland Duke of Surrey and John his Brother Duke of Exeter both half Brothers to King Richard John Montague Earl of Salisbury Hugh Spencer Earl of Glocester Sir Thomas Blunt and one Magdalen a Servant to King Richard and in Stature and Countenance much like him All the Conspirators except the Duke of Aumerle met at Oxford at the time appointed with strong Guards who going to visit his Father the old Duke snatch't a Writing out of his bosom wherein the whole Plot was display'd who thereupon made haste to discover it to the King at Windsor but his Son outriding him another way came first just as K. Henry was providing to go and disclosing all received the Kings Pardon who perceiving his danger went presently to the Tower of London preparing to raise a great Army The Conspirators upon this discovery being desperate put Magdalen into Royal Robes affirming him to be K. Richard escaped out of Prison and with great Forces they marched toward London to meet the King who going courageously against them with 20000 Men the common Souldiers were so discouraged that they generally run away and left their Lords who were most of them taken and put to death in several parts of the Kingdom Thus was King Henry delivered from this Danger and to prevent the like for the future he caused King Richard to be murdered at Pomfret Castle as aforementioned When the French King Charles the Sixth Father-in-Law to King Richard heard of his Deposing he sent Letters of Defiance to King Henry and raised an Army-Royal in Picardy resolving to revenge his Wrongs but when he heard certainly of his Death he desisted After this the Welch and Scots made Invasions but King Henry with Fire and Sword soon quelled them Yet the next year the Scots again entred the Northern Borders with barbarous Cruelty but were encountred by Henry Hotspur Son of the Earl of Northumberland with 10000 stout Men who gave them a bloody Overthrow killing above 10000 Scots in the Field and taking above 500 Prisoners and among them the Earls of Douglas Fife Murray and Angus The next year the French King sent 1200 Lords and Commanders to Wales to assist Owen Glendour in his Rebellion but meeting with a Storm twelve of his greatest Ships were cast away with all the Men and Arms and the rest with great difficulty returned to France Which Misfortune caused the English to scoff and scorn the French Kings unprosperous Expedition which so exasperated him that he immediately sent another Army of 12000 Men who landed safely and joyned with 10000 rebellious Welch then in Arms. King Henry being sensible of his own danger if he should make but one false Step presen●ly provided a very brave Army and marched with all expedition into Wales which when the Frenchmen had notice of distrusting the fickle Nature of the Welch and fearing they would forsake them in time of danger and fly to their Woods and Mountains like Men amazed they run back to their Ships and cowardly returned to France without effecting any thing upon which the Welch likewise disbanded so that King Henry dissolved his great Army and returned home without Blows In his third year King Henry demanded the Scotch Prisoners taken in the last Battel by Henry Hotspur the Earl of Northumberland Earl of Worcester and others who refused to deliver them alledging That by the Law of Arms they belonged to them upon which great Discontents arose between them For the Piercies resolved to restore their Cousin Edmund Mortimer the true Heir to the Crown and to depose King Henry To which end they first earnestly petitioned the King to ransom him he being taken Prisoner by Own Glendour in fighting for King Henry but the King not granting their Request as not desiring his Liberty caused it to be published That he had voluntarily made himself a Prisoner to give some colour for the Treasons the Lords had contrived on his behalf The Piercies being much disturbed at this Proclamation paid his Ransom to Glendour and redeemed him entring likewise into a League with Glendour of mutual Defence and for deposing King Henry and several Scottish Lords joyning with them they raised considerable Forces publishing Six Articles of High Misdemeanours and Misgovernment against King Henry for which they defied him as a Traytor and Usurper and vowed his Destruction King Henry now finding his Crown lay at stake levied a stout Army and first
and much weakned the Kings Army so that soon after all Aquitain was lost Another Cause was the horrid Murder of the innocent Duke of Glocester for the King being of a mild patient and virtuous Temper and the Queen on the contrary of a proud politick revengeful Humour despised the soft Disposition of her Husband and could not endure that the King being now of full Age should be any longer under a Governour and to that end was resolved to dismiss the good Duke of Glocester from his Protectorship being much encouraged therein by the Duke of Buckingham the Duke of Suffolk the rich Cardinal of Winchester and the Archbishop of York and a Parliament being called the Duke of Glocester by their procurement was arrested and committed to Prison for High-Treason and the next morning was found dead in his bed and judged by all to be barbarously murdered And now the Duke of Tork secretly conspired with his accomplices to set up his Title to the Crown and the Duke of Suffolk ruling all used several oppressive methods against the People whereby no man nor money was raised for France and the Counsel not able to manage any thing to the honour of the King either at home or abroad so that in a short time all Normandy was lost for which the Duke of Suffolk was accused in Parliament and committed to the Tower but the Queen suddenly dissolving the Parliament restored him again to favour yet afterward upon the importunity of the Commons he was banished for five years but being taken by an English man of War as he was sailing to France they landed him at Dover and cut off his head on the sands whereby the innocent blood of the Duke of Glocester was in some measure revenged When the English had thus lost France a French Captain scoffingly asked an Englishman when they would return again to France who seriously replied when your sins shall be greater and m re grievous in the sight of God than ours then shall the English again Conquer France It has been observed that from the Reign of King Edward the first to this time which was about two hundred years there was an extraordinary concurrence of martial men prudent Counsels and excellent conduct so that this Nation was renowned throughout the Christian World but why they did all afterwards decay must be left to the learned to discuss The Duke of York being sent into Ireland to suppress a Rebellion there and hearing how matters went both in England and France began to declare his right to the Crown as being descended from Philip Daughter and Heir of George Duke of Clarence elder Brother to John of Gaunt great Grand-Father to Henry the sixth these things being whispered by the Duke of York's friends and Allies in England and likewise that the Kings understanding was weak the Queen proud and ambitious and the Council base and treacherous and that all France was lost because of the usurpation of King Henry it caused great dissatisfactions in the minds of the People upon which Jack Cade calling himself John Mortimer made an insurrection in Kent and with a rude multitude marched toward the King then at Greenwich sending a Message that he intended no harm to his Royal Person but would only displace some of his evill Councellors who were great oppressors of the People the Queen soon raised an Army to suppress them but they were defeated by Cade who marched to London and did much mischief but the Kings General Pardon being Proclaimed his followers left him and Jack Cade was slain fighting for his Life This cloud being past a greater suceeded for many of the Nobility and Commons hating the ill Government of the Queen and her adherents sent for the Duke of York from Ireland the chief of his friends being the Duke of Norfolk the Earls of Devonshire Salisbury Warwick and the L. Cobham who concluded to raise an Army to remove the Duke of Somerset from the King and Queen as a deceiver of the King a friend to his enemies and the chief occasion of the loss of France the King fearing the worst likewise raised an Army but to take away all pretence he committed the D. of Somerset to the Tower upon which the Duke of York dissolved his Army and came privately to Court where he found the Duke of Somerset with the King by whose procurement the Duke of York was committed some few days Prisoner but being again at Liberty he made fresh complaints of the disorders of the Government and the Duke of Somerset and strengthning himself with the power of the chief of the Nobility he caused Somerset to be arrested for High-Treason on the Queens great Chamber from whence he was sent to the Tower but was presently after released and made Captain of Callice Upon which the Duke of York again l●●ieth an Army and was met by another on the Kings part at St. Albans where a bloudy battle was fought above eight thousand and among them the Duke of Somerset being slain and King Henry taken Prisoner and brought to the Duke of York who used him courteously and having called a Parliament at London the Duke of York was made Protector of the Kings Person the Earl of Salisbury Lord Chancellor and the Earl of Norwich his Son Captain of Callice who managed affairs to the general satisfaction of the Nobility and People but the Duke of Buckingham having lost his eldest Son and the new Duke of Somerset his Father resolved upon revenge and joyning with the Queen they called a great Councel at Greenwich by whose Authority the Duke of York and the Earl of Salisbury were removed from the Government the Queen designing by all means to cut them off of which the Duke of York being sensible resolved now to maintain his claim to the Crown in the open Field and to that purpose raised an Army but his intention being discovered too early to the King he fled with his youngest Son to Ireland his eldest Son the Earl of March got to Callice where he was joyfully received from whence returning by the incouragement of several of the Nobility and landing at Sandwich in Kent he soon gathered an Army of Twenty five thousand men with which he met the Kings forces at Northampton where after a furious fight the King was routed with the loss of ten thousand men and himself taken Prisoner The Duke of York having notice of this Victory returns suddenly to London from Ireland where a Parliament being called in the Kings name the Duke sitting down in the imperial Throne in the House of Lords in an eloquent speech declared his right to the Crown whereupon after mature deliberation it was enacted by both Houses That King Henry should retain the name and honour of a King during life that the Duke of York should be proclaimed Heir Apparent of the Crown and to be a present Lord Protector of the Realm and that if King Henry or any of his confederates should
thereof was extreamly displeased at so great an affront and secretly contrived mischief against him to whom the Duke of Clarence who had been disobliged by his Brother joyned himself and married Warwick's Daughter and soon after with other great Lords and Confederates they raised a Rebellion in York-shire and were so strong that at Banbury King Edwards Forces were overthrown and 5000 of them slain the Lord Rivers the Queens Father and the Lord Strafford being beheaded Yet King Edward preparing another great Army marched toward the Rebels but many of the Nobility endeavouring to procure a Peace obtained a Parley during which King Edward being less watchful of himself was seized in his Bed by the treacherous Earl of Warwick and secretly sent Prisoner to Middleham Castle in York-shire to be there kept Prisoner by his own Brother the Archbishop of York who likewise joined with Clarence and Warwick against him from whom either accidentally or willingly he soon after made his escape and at last came safe to London where by the procurement of the Lords the King the Earl of Warwick and the Duke of Clarence met upon security given in Westminster Hall where Warwick used such high Language to the King upbraiding him for his Ingratitude that all parted in high discontent and soon after at the Battel of Loosecoats the Rebels were beaten by King Edward throwing off their Coats for haste to make their escape in which fight were slain 10000 men The Earl of Warwick and Duke of Clarence hearing of this misfortune fled in despair with their Ladies and other Gentlewomen to Callice but were denied entrance by the Governour though the Dutchess of Clarence was then in Labour and delivered on Shipboard whereupon they went to Deip in France and were kindly entertained by that King where divers others repairing to them they consulted to restore King Henry and Prince Edward Henry's Son married the Earl of Warwicks second Daughter whereat the Duke of Clarence was much concerned and resolved to submit to his Brother upon the first opportunity All things being in readiness Warwick and his Confederates imbark for London and land at Dartmouth where his Forces soon increased very much and he then made Proclamation in all places for all men to come to his aid against the Duke of York who falsely and traiterously called himself King In the mean time Edward levied a strong Army wherewith he marched toward the Rebels but being informed of the general love of the People to Warwick and hearing me then loud shouts of King Henry King Henry a Warwick a Warwick he suspected the fidelity of his own Forces and with 800 of his best Friends left his Army and fled in the Night to Lincolnshire and from thence to Holland to the Duke of Burgundy As soon as it was known that Edward was gone the Earl of Warwick c●me to London and taking Henry out of the Tower carried him triumphantly through the City to Pauls and from thence to the Bishops Pallace where he kept his Court. Then a Parliament being called Edward and his Adherents were attainted of High Treason and their Estates confiscate to the King the Duke of Clarence is declared Heir of the Dukedom of York and the Crown is intailed upon Henry and his Heirs and in default of his issue to the Duke of Clarence and his In a short time Edward by the assistance of the Duke of Burgundy lands in England with small Forces and few joyning with him he declared he came not to challenge the Crown but only his inheritance of the Dutchy of York upon which the People flock't in to him and at last the Lords told him They durst not joyn with him unless he would stile himself King which he did accordingly and the Earl of Warwick with other Nobles coming against him with a strong Army got into Coventry they suspecting the Duke of Clarence who joining accordingly with King Edward they defied the Earl of Warwick who durst not venture without the Walls King Edwar'd hereupon leaves Coventry and marches toward London where he was again joyfully received and King Henry was again committed to the Tower and was soon after followed by the Earl of Warwick who at Barnet was slain with his Brother the Marquess and 10000 men slain After this Queen Margaret landeth from France and some Nobles joyning with her the two Armys met at Teuksbury in Glocestershire where King Edward again remained Victor killing 3000 of his Adversaries and the Queen and her Son Edward were taken Prisoners the Prince being then cruelly murdered by Richard Duke of Glocester and soon after King Henry was found dead in the Tower being wickedly stabbed by the same bloody Richard After this King Edward makes his claim to France and to gain it craved aid of his Subjects by way of Benevolence and among others a covetous Widdow gave him twenty pounds which the King who was there present unknown to her observing not only gave her Thanks but came and kissed her telling her That she should have a kiss from a King for her Money whereat the old Woman was so transported that she told him a Kings kiss was worth more Money and thereupon gave him twenty pound more The King having got an Army together sailed to France but the French King fearing his power chose rather to buy his Peace of the Kings Courtiers which he did accordingly with great Sums of Money paid yearly to the English Nobility Among others he sent two thousand Crowns to the Lord Hastings Lord Chamberlain the Messenger desiring a Receipt for his own security which the Lord Chamberlain scrupling at said Sir What you desire is very reasonable but the Gift comes from the good Will of your King and not from my Request If you please to give it put into the Pocket of my Sleeve and no other Acquittance shall you have of me for it shall never be said that the Lord Chamberlain of England was a Pensioner to the King of France neither shall my Acquittances be ever found in the Chamber of Accounts in France After this the Lord Chamberlain was more esteemed by the French and had his Money paid without a Receipt About this time the Duke of Clarence being sent to the Tower for High Treason was drowned in a Butt of Malmsey and soon after King Edward himself died after he hid lived 40 years and reigned twenty two 1483. He was a very compleat Person exceeding Valiant but too wanton he used to say he had three Mistresses of different Qualities one of them the Fairest another the Merriest and a third the Holiest Harlot alive whom he could never send for to his Bed but she was always at Prayers with her Beads EDWARD the FIFTH King of England c. IF Birth or Beauty Innocence or Youth Could Pity raise within a Ty●ants Heart Then surely Richard would have found it Truth And not have acted such a bloody Part. What Glory then to be of Royal Race What Joy is there in
to the Earl of Leicester HENRY the THIRD King of England AMidst great Troubles and Confusions I In Youth ascended to the English Throne England was then opprest with Misery By Frenchmen who by me were overthrown For the brave English under my Command Did soon expell those their insulting Foes My Barons did my Sovereignty withstand And brought upon themselves and me great Wo●● For in each Battel none but I did lose I lost my Subjects Lives on every Side From Civil Wars no better Profit grows Friends Foes my People all that beat or died My Gain was Loss my Pleasure was my Pain These were the Triumphs of my troublous Reign AFter the Death of King John Henry his eldest Son of nine years old was Crowned King the Earl of Glocester who had married one of his A●●●s and was Learned Wise and Valiant being made Protector of him and the Kingdom who administred Justice faithfully among the People The Youth of the King and the Treachery of many of the English Nobility encouraged Philip of France and Lewis his Son to land fresh Forces in the Realm to whom the Welch likewise joyned all the Forces they could raise But the new Protector raised an Army against them and in many Encounters defeated them And Pope Honorius finding the French slighted his Thunderbolts sent out new Curses more sharp and severe than any of his Predecessors whereupon Prince Lewis seemed at present to be affrighted and to prepare for his Departure though his Father Philip still sent new Forces over But Hugh de Burgh Governour of the Ci●●u●-Ports preparing a gallant Fleet valiantly encountred them at Sea and took all their Ships This great Victory brought Lewis to treat of Peace and being absolved by Guallo the Popes Legat and receiving a considerable Sum of Money he surrendred all the Forts Towns and Castles he had taken and with all his Forces sailed back to France leaving his English Friends who had assisted him all these Wars to the rigour of the Law whereby they were cut off by miserable and cruel Deaths The Kingdom having now time to breathe a Parliament was called wherein the Laws of King Edward were revived and the Grand Charter called then Magna Charta containing several Laws for the Liberty Ease and Security of the Subject was confirmed and a Tax granted for sending an Army into France to recover Poictiers and Gascoigne under Richard the Kings Brother which had been injuriously seised by the French for some years Those Provinces were soon regained wholly back to the English which in a short time produced a Peace between both Nations But then worse Troubles succeed it at home for the King confiding onely in some leud Officers about him disregarded his Nobility and most Loyal Subjects invading their Liberties and Estates and vexing them with many grievous and unnecessary Taxes which were levied upon them by his Officers with all manner of severity At length a Parliament was called at Oxford wherein his Designs were altogether crossed and the Proceedings therein of such ill Consequence that it was stiled Insa●um Parliamentum or the Mad Parliament For when Multitudes came to complain of their Wrongs and Oppressions the Lords and Commons for redress thereof established many things which they judged necessary but highly intrenching upon the Kings Prerogative for they chose Twelve of the most Considerable Persons in the Kingdom whereof the Earl of Glocester and Simon Montfort Earl of Leicester were Chief who were called Les Douze Pieres or The Twelve Peers to whom full and absolute Power was granted by a Patent sealed by the King though unwillingly to support and maintain the Laws they had made The Parliament being ended the Commissioners began strictly to put those Statutes into Execution whereby they dismissed most of the Kings Menial Servants from their Attendance on him placing others of their Mind in their State This above all other things did most disturb the King and thereupon he grew extreme melancholy But hoping for better Success he summoned another Parliament wherein he with extreme Passion and Grief complain'd of his hard Usage by the Twelve Peers but the Lords and Commons were so far from remitting any thing that they further ratified all that had been done and the Archbishop with nine other Bishops publickly denounced a solemn Curse against all that by Advice or Assistance should oppose those Laws or the Authority of the Twelve Peers This still encreased the Kings Discontent who could take no delight in any thing he enjoyed and therefore went over to divert himself with Lewis King of France who treated him with all manner of Kindness and Magnificence About this time Hugh de Burgh Earl of Kent was accused by the Bishop of Winchester and others That he had scandalised and abused the King That he had enticed and trayterously defiled the King of Scots Daughter whom he married in hope to succeed her Brother in her Right That he stole out of the Jewel-house a Jewel of such excellent Vertue as to make those who had it Invincible which he had bestowed upon Llewellin Prince of Wales the King's Enemy These and many other Articles was he charged with who doubting the Power of his Enemies retired into Essex where he was seised by Soldiers who sent for a Smith to make Shackles for him to prevent his escape but the Smith understanding who they were for fetching a deep Sigh said Do with me what you pl ase and God have mercy on my Soul but as sure as the Lord lives I will never make Iron Shackles for him but will rather die for most cruel Death imaginable For is not this the most Loyal and Courageous Hubert who hath so often preserved England from being destroyed by Strangers and restored England to England Let God be Judge between him and you for using him so unjustly and inhumanely requiting his most excellent Deserts with the worst of Recompences However the Commander bound him and carried him Prisoner to the Tower of London from whence by the means of the Bishop of London he was a while after released The King being continually tormented with the diminishing of his Regal Authority endeavoured to procure some Remedy from abroad and to that end with great expence of Money he secretly obtained tw● Bulls from Pope Alexander the Third whereby the King and all those who had sworn to maintain the new Laws and Ordinances and to support the Authority of the Twelve Peers were freely absolved and discharged from keeping those Oaths But this being kept private the Twelve Peers ruled all and were so diligent in their Business that they left the King nothing to do so that he was King in Name onely not in Power Soon after Hugh Spencer being Lord Chief Justice and a great Favourite with the King was removed by the Twelve Peers being charged with Corruption and Arbitrary Proceedings They likewise dismissed such Sheriffs and Justices as the King had made chusing others in their Places which
so deeply wounded the Kings Mind that he resolved immediately to make use of the Popes Bulls and thereupon caused them to be solemnly proclaimed in England Wales and Ireland adding That all who did any way support those Laws or the Twelve Peers should be committed to Prison He likewise took an Oath of all above twelve years old in and about London to be true to him and his Heirs But the Lords were not to be frighted declaring That they were resolved rather to die than recede from the Acts of that Honourable Assembly And judging that the King was designing something against them they went into the Marches of Wales where they raised a strong Army and then humbly addressed themselves to the King by Letters protesting their Fidelity to him and beseeching his Majesty That for the Honour of God the Good of his Soul and the Welfare of his People he would renounce and forsake those Counsels which were given him to suppress the Ordinances of Oxford and the Twelve Peers The King was much displeased with these Letters but returned no Answer Whereupon the Barons marched with a strong Army toward London carrying a Banner wherein the Kings Arms were curiously wrought As they passed they destroyed and burnt the Houses and Estates of those that favoured the Popes Bulls as undoubted Enemies to the King and Kingdom and then approaching to London they were joyfully received by the Citizens The King des●●ing to divide the Lords caused it to be published That himself and the greatest part of the Barons were agreed and therefore required that all Arms might be laid aside and Peace restored But the Barons marched to Windsor where finding many Strangers in the Kings Palace they rifled and removed them but at length upon the Kings Motion all Differences were referred to Lewis the French King who upon hearing of both Parties declared That all the new Laws and Ordinances should be made void and the Power of the Twelve-Peers dissolved This Sentence the Lords judged Partiality and therefore fly again to Arms on th Marches destroying all that belonged to Sir Roger Mortimer who counselled the King to withstand them Prince Edward likewise raises an Army and marches against them but is overthrown After this they marched to London in Triumph hut King Henry hearing that Peter and Simon Montfort had raised Forces at Northampton he levied a strong Army and took the Town by Assault making the two Commanders and many others Prisoners The Barons being powerful were herewith nothing discouraged yet still sent Letters to the King with humble Protestations of their Fidelity if the new Laws were observed But Henry his Brother Richard King of the Romans and Prince Edward sent the Barons an absolute Defiance and wi h their Armies they met at Lewes in Sussex where after a bloody Fight the two Kings Prince Edward and several other Persons of Quality were taken Prisoners above 20000 being slain After which both Sides inclined to hea●●en to Peace and at length it was agreed That the King by new Articles and Oaths should confirm the Power of the Twelve Peers and the other new Laws yet that two Spiritual and two Temporal Lords should review them and alter what they thought fit and if they could not agree the Duke of Britain was to be U●pire This being concluded the two Kings eldest Sons were delivered as Hostages to the Barons where they continued above nine Months The King then called another Parliament wherein the Oxford Ordinances were again confirmed and the King again swore to maintain the Authority of the Twelve Peers and those Laws till any thing were found amiss in them and all who had defended them in the late Wars were pardoned by the King whereupon the two Princes were enlarg'd Yet soon after the two great Earls of Glocester and Leicester differed about these Laws and Prince Edward joyning with Glocester a cruel Battel was sought at Evesham in Worcestershire wherein Simon Montford Earl of Leicester and his Son Sir Hugh Spencer were slain and the Power of the Barons was utterly defeated And a Parliament being called no Man durst then contradict the Kings Will so that all the Laws made at Oxford the Authority of the Twelve Peers all Patents Commissions and Instruments whatsoever relating to what was Enacted in that called The Mad Parliament were brought forth and publickly damned cancelled and made void And thus King Henry regained his former Power and Authority to do as he pleased After which he humbled the City of London but upon their Submission received them again into Favour When Pope Innocent the Fourth offered the Kingdoms of Sicily and Naples to Richard King of the Romans aforementioned with many impossible Conditions You might as well said the Kings Agent at Rome say to my Lord and Master I sell or give you the Moon climb up catch and take it Pope Alexander his Successor desired to borrow a great Sum of Money of Richard to whom he replied I will lend no Money to my Superiors whom I cannot oblige to repay me again This Richard is said to be so very rich that he was able to spend 100 Marks a day for ten years together which was a great Sum in that Age. Wicked rather than witty was that of a Dean and High Treasurer of England about this time who it seems had carried himself so well in his Office that when he died he made this wicked Will I bequeath all my Goods and Possessions to my Sovereign Lord the King my Body to the Earth and my Soul to the Devil Prince Edward full of Heat and Courage now resolves to make himself famous and transporting an Army into the Holy Land he there wrought Wonders the Turks not daring to engage in that Quarter wherein he was and raising the Siege of Acon which they had long lain before with above 100000 Men But since Force would not they resolved to dispatch him by Treachery a villainous Saracen wounding him unawares with a venomous Knife though after much Pain and Danger and the extreme Love of his Queen Eleanor who suckt out the Poyson with her Mouth he recovered thereof But in his absence King Henry died when he had reigned above Fifty six years in the Year 1272. EDWARD the FIRST King of England c. MY Glorious Victories and Valour try'd My Mighty Actions And ne'er dying Fame Were all proclaim'd throughout the World so wide By gallant Deeds I won Immortal Fame Rebelliouis Wales I utterly subdu'd And made them Vassals to my Princely Son I Scotland entered with Fire and Blood And almost all that Kingdom over-run Still where I fought triumphantly I won Through Wounds and Death my Glory I obtain'd Yet when I these renowned Deeds bad done A costly Sepulchre was all I gain'd For though Grandees contend for Earthly Sway Death binds them to the Peace and parts the Fray EDward sirnamed Longshanks from the Properness of his Person being informed of his Father's Death by great Journeys arrived
Insolencies that they were hated and cursed by the Inhabitants who did them all the mischief possible and hid their Provisions from them so that they were forced first to sell their Arms then their Horses and last of all their Clothes to keep themselves from starving after which the French King finding how odious they were to the People and not being able to give them fresh Supplies of Money and Victuals he suddenly disbanded them and lost his Honour his great Hopes and Money all at once After this the Barons humbly beseech the King to confirm his former Oath and to expell those wicked Counsellors afore-mentioned and banish those flattering Judges who to please him had subscribed such Illegal Opinions but the King absolutely denied their Request Whereupon to prevent their own and the Kingdoms Ruine as they declared they raised a strong Army of their Friends and Abettors wherewith they marched toward London with full resolution to have those former Laws confirmed Upon which those vile Favourites fled all to the French King for Aid against the Lords The King having tried the Affections of his People and finding they would not fight against the Barons especially the Londoners seemed to agree with the Lords assuring them he would call a Parliament wherein those Favourites should answer to all charged against them and if convicted should suffer such Punishment as they should judge fit This unexpected Condescension so highly contented the Lords that they returned the King hearty Thanks and presently disbanded all their Forces but the Kings Mind was soon altered for he permitted Robert Vere Duke of Ireland to raise 5000 Men for the Guard of his own Person which the Lords observing they in an instant got their Confederates together and suddenly encompassed the Duke and his Army near the Thames so that he was forced to swim cross on Horseback from whence he presently fled into France where about five years after as he was hunting he was slain by a Wild Boar. Yet such was the Affection of the King toward him while he lived that he caused his dead Carcase to be embalmed and brought into England and to be apparelled in Princely Robes and Ornaments putting about his Neck a Chain of massy Gold cove●ing his Fingers with Rings and solemnizing his Funeral with all manner of Pomp and Magnificence But to return After the Duke had escaped as aforesaid the Barons executed several of his chief Companions for terrour to others but commanded the Multitude to return home with all speed and then marching to London were highly treated and enterta ned by the Citizens The King who kept his Court in the Tower of London was now willing to admit of a Conference with the Lords where it was concluded That a Parliament should be called who being met the Kings Counsellors and Judges were condemned for High Treason against the King and Kingdom John Earl of Salisbury and Sir Nicholas Brember were beheaded and Tresillian the Lord Chief Justice was hanged at Tyburn and the rest of the Judges had suffered the same Fate had not the importunate Request of the Queen changed it into Banishment And thus were all things in a great measure setled and composed The next year the Scots invaded the Land and did much mischief but by the Discretion of the States a Truce was concluded for seven years And soon after John of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster raising a strong Army transported them into Spain where he demanded the Kingdom of Castile in the Right of his Wife Constance eldest Daughter of Peter the deposed and slain King and with the assistance of the King of Portugal he performed many great services forcing the King of Spain to sue for peace who married Constance the Dukes Eldest Daughter by his said wife and gave him eight Waggons loaden with massy Gold paying also ten thousand Marks yearly to him and his Dutchess during their Lives He likewise married his younger Daughter Ann to the King of Portugal and then returned to England with great riches and honour In his sixteenth year the usurped Jurisdiction of the Pope was abridged for it was enacted in Parliament That the Popes pretended Authority within this Kingdom shall thenceforth cease and that no appeal upon any Account should be made to the Court of Rome and the penalty of perpetual Imprisonment and Forfeiture of Lands and Goods In his seventeenth year his virtuous Queen Ann died and two years after K. Richard married Isabel Daughter to Charles the Sixth of France upon which a peace was concluded betwixt both Nations for Thirty years and K. Richard rashly delivered up the strong Town and Castle of Brest to the Duke of Brittain which much discontended the Nobility especially the Duke of Glocester the Kings Uncle who plainly told him That it was not convenient to deliver up that without blows which his Ancestors had gained with so much expence of blood whereas the King inraged resolved upon revenge and therefore hearkened to all manner of false informations against him and among others he was told That the Electors designed to have chosen him Emperor of Germany had not his Vncle and others represented him as altogether unfit and unable to Govern an Empire who could not rule his own Subjects at home This false suggestion still aggravated the Kings Anger against the Lords so that under pretence of friendship and with the breach of his Oath and honour he caused the Duke of Glocester and the Earls of Warwick and Arundel to be suddenly apprehended and then summoning a Parliament Sir John Bushie Speaker of the House of Commons a man of a proud and insolent Spirit in a long speech magnified the King profanely attributing to him the highest Titles of Divine Honour and condemning to Hell all that as he said had traiterously conspired against his Majesty and particularly impeaching the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury who sate next the King and was silent because the King under pretence of favour had enjoined him not to answer and to absent himself for the future protesting that no damage should arise to him yet for want of answering these false Accusations he was with the Kings consent banished the Realm the Earl of Arundel was beheaded for High Treason and the Earl of Warwick escaped upon great submission and confessing many Crimes whereof he was altogether Innocent but the good Duke of Glocester without Tryal or sentence was sent to Callice and by the Kings order Thomas Mowbray Earl of Nottingham caused him to be there stiffled betwixt two Feather-beds for which good service he was made Duke of Norfolk The King likewise procured both Houses of Parliament to grant full and absolute power to six or eight such Persons as he should nominate to enact and determine what they should think Convenient in all causes whereby many mischievous things were decreed to the dammage of the Kingdom and to please his Guard who were most Cheshire men of mean birth and fortunes he stiled himself Prince
THIRD King of England c. IN Peace and War I still Triumphant stood Fortune for me seemed to fix her Wheel I did revenge my Fathers Death and Blood And forced France my valiant Arm to feel I warr'd on Scotland with victorious Steel The slaughtring Sword and Fire did all devour A Kingdom so divided needs must reel Betwixt the Bruces and the Baliols Power Thus every day my Grandeur mounted higher With Black Prince Edward my victorious Son Vnto the top of Honour we aspire By glorious Victories and great Actions done But all my Triumphs Fortunes Force and Strength Old Age and Death to Nothing brought at length AT the Age of Fifteen years Edward the Third was Crowned King his deposed Father being then alive He was chiefly counselled in his younger years by Queen Isabel his Mother Edmond Earl of Kent and Sir Roger Mortimer which Knight to ingratiate himself with the Queen was a chief Instrument in the Murder of the late King In his second year the Scots proclaimed War against England whereupon King Edward with an Army of fifty four thousand Men and attended with Sir John Heynault the L. Beamont and five hundred Lords and Gentlemen marched into Scotland where he pursued his lurking Enemies who fled into Woods Mountains and Hills and thereby tired the English Army so that he returned without any memorable Action and then married Philip the Daughter of William Earl of Heynault and calling a Parliament at Northampton the two Spencers and Walter Stapleton were attainted of High Treason at which time by the advice of the Queen and Mortimer a dishonourable Peace was made with the Scots whereby that King was discharged from doing homage to Edward and the great Charter called Ragman whereby the late King of Scotland and all his Nobility under their Hands and Scals did acknowledge their Subjection to the Kings of England was delivered up and the Kings Sister Jane was married to David Son and Heir to K. R. Bruce Roger Mortimer was now made Earl of March which did much discontent the Nobility especially after they saw that by his power with the King and Familiarity with the Queen he had trecherously procured the Earl of Kent the Kings Uncle to be beheaded but by Divine Vengeance Mortimer himself was charged by the State with these Trayterous Articles 1 That he had wickedly procured the murther of the late King 2. That by false and malicious accusations he had caused the King to cut off the Head of his Vncle who was Noble Religious Valiant and a main Pillar of the Commonwealth 3. That he had too familiarly conversed with the Queen Mother to her just reproach and the Kings dishonour 4. That for a Bribe of twenty thousand pound he had procured the release of the Scots Homage Lastly That he had cheated the King of his Jewels and Treasure converting them to his own use For these horrid Treasons he was condemned and Executed in the same manner as young Spencer and Q. Isabel was committed to a strong Castle where she continued above thirty years after and then died In his fifth year Philip the French King sent to require King Edward to do Homage for the Dutchy of Guyen which he unwillingly performed his Lords being therewith offended alledging That in the Right of Queen Isabel his Mother the Crown of France belonged to him and that he therefore ought not to have acknowledged any Fealty at all The King then sent to David King of Scotland to restore the Castle of Berwick and do him Homage for the Kingdom but David stoutly answered That his Father won that Castle by Conquest and he would hold it by the Sword and That his Father never acknowledged any Subjection and if any had been due yet King Edward had released him from it The King being of a great Spirit was resolved to revenge these Affronts by conquering both Scotland and France and to that end he presently sent an Army against the Scots and over-run the better part of that Country without resistance taking Berwick and Crowning Edward Baliol King of Scotland to whom he committed the Government of Berwick Castle and two years after he again marched into Scotland and setled this new King on his Throne receiving his Homage and restored several English Lords to their Estates which by the Peace with King Bruce they were deprived of David the deposed King fled into France and after two years by the assistance of the French King landed some Forces in Scotland but King Edward soon encountred and routed them and then returned victoriously into England In his tenth year Philip the French King gave the Earldom of Artois away by Sentence from Robert Artois to Maud Countess of Burgundy and Aunt to this Robert which so incensed him that he said By me Philip was made King and by me he shall be again deposed For these Words he was proclaimed a Traytor to the Crown throughout all France so that to save his Life he fled into England where for his former Service to Queen Isabel and her Son when in France he was honourably received and entertained by King Edward who knew him to be a wise and valiant Man and therefore made him Earl of Richmond and loved him so entirely that he never undertook any Matter of Consequence without his Advice This Noble Knight continually informed the King of his Right to the Crown of France by his Mother Queen Isabel and that with such convincing Reasons and Persuasions that Edward began now in earnest to contrive the attaining thereof negotiating privately with the Earl of Heynault his Wives Father and Brother-in-Law to the French King and with Sir John of Heynault Lord Beaumont his Brother and several other Princes and States of Germany who encouraged and assisted him therein creating him Vicar-General of the Empire by which he had Power to command the Nobility and Commons of those Countries to aid him in his Enterprise Whilst these things were secretly consulting in England Philip of France little suspected he was to fight for his Crown with the English and therefore at the Importunity of Pope Benedict the Eleventh he had prepared a greater Army for the Holy Land than ever any Christian Prince did before him which were provided with all Necessaries for three years and the Government of his Kingdom he committed to his eldest Son John Duke of Normandy Being just ready to depart he had News of the Pretensions and Preparations of the English and therefore thought it more necessary to defend his Kingdom at home than to go upon such a frivolous Errand abroad In the mean time King Edward having by many Politick Devices drained his Subjects Purses insomuch that for want of Money a fat Ox was sold for a Noble a fat Sheep for Six pence six Pigeons for a Penny and a Quarter of Wheat for Two shillings he with his Queen sailed to Antwerp where he concluded the Methods of the War with the Princes of Germany and
bad Mind doth a handsom Shape deform So I who was by Blood Descent and Form The perfect Image of a Gallant Prince Because my Vices I did not reform No Faith 's in Face or Shape I did evince My Royal Name and Power a Mock was made My Subjects madly in Rebellion rose Mischief on Mischief still did me invade Oppos'd Depos'd Expos'd Inclos'd in Woes With doubtful Fortune I in Trouble Reign'd At length by Murder Death and Rest I gain'd KIng Edward the Third in his last Sickness created his Nephew Richard Son to the Black Prince deceased Prince of Wales Earl of Chester and Duke of Cornwal committing the Regency of the Kingdom to John of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster After his Death Richard the Second of that Name of Eleven years old was Crowned King of England In the whole Course of his evil Government he slighted his Nobility and taxed his Subjects severely to throw it away prodigally upon his ill-deserving Favourites despising the Advice of the Wise and hearkning to the Follies of his young debauched Companions In his first year Charles King of France presuming on his Minority being assisted by the King of Castile landed in England burning the Towns of Plymouth Dartmouth Portsmouth Rye and others on the Sea and would have proceeded further had they not been encountred by the Earls of Cambridge Buckingham and others who beat them back to their Ships At the same time a valiant Scot named Alexander Ramsey at the instigation of the French King with only forty men desperately scaled the Walls of Berwick Castle and finding the Captain and Guards sleeping they took it without blows designing to have taken the Town too but the Inhabitants from the great noise in the Castle suspecting mischief cut down the Stairs of the Drawbridge on the Townside so that when the Scots let it fall the Chains broke and the Bridge fell into the Castle Ditch whereby the Scots not being able to get out were made Prisoners by their own Victory They then endeavoured to fortify the Castle but it was soon besieged and taken by K. Richard's Forces who gave quarter to none but only Ramsey their Captain Soon after the French again landed in England doing great mischief at Dover Winchelsey Hastings and Gravesend where they got much Booty To prevent and revenge these injuries a Parliament was called at Westminster wherein four Pence was laid upon every person above fourteen years old the levying whereof caused a dangerous Rebellion under Jack Straw Wat Tyler John Wall a Factious Priest and others who stiled themselves The Kings Men and the Servants of the Commonweal of England declaring that all Men ought to be equal in Dignity and Estate as being all the Sons of Adam they marched through several Countreys to London the mean sort of People joyning with them so that they became very formidable committing all manner of Insolencies and making bold demands of the King and the Lord Mayor which so incensed the Mayor that he struck Tyler off his Horse with his Sword where he was killed immediately upon which the Rebels who were above 20000 soon disperst no less than fifteen hundred being Executed for the same with several cruel Deaths and Torments in divers parts of the Realm And thus in an instant vanished this great cloud which threatned the destruction of King and Kingdom In his tenth year the King forsaking the advice of his gravest and most experienced Nobility was perswaded to commit many illegal and disorderly Actions by the Counsel of Michael de la Pool his Chancellor Robert de Vere Earl of Oxford Alexander Archbishop of York and Robert Tresillian Lord Chief Justice who without cause exasperated him against the Duke of Glocester his Uncle and the Earls of Warwick and Arundel whom they intended to surprise at Supper if Nicholas Exton Lord Mayor of London would have assisted them But failing herein they resolved to impeach them in Parliament but they being jealous of the Kings intent came thither strongly guarded while they were on their way in a Wood near the Court the King asked the Opinion of several about him what he should do in the case at length he merrily demanded of one Sir Hugh Liun who had been a good Souldier in his days but was now distracted what he would advise him to do Issue out quoth Sir Hugh and let us set upon them and kill every Mothers Son and when thou hast so done by Gods Eyes thou hast killed all the faithful Friends thou hast in England But K. Richard doubting the success of any violent course that Design was defeated and the King demanding a great Tax of four fifteens is not only denied but several misdemeanors of his Government are declared to him and at length Michael de la Pool his favourite is by the Lords found guilty of many offences Condemned Fined and Imprisoned and Commissioners were appointed to examine the Crimes of all the Kings Officers the King taking an Oath not to recal that Commission without consent of Parliament and it was enacted That all those who should perswade the King to infringe the same should for the second offence suffer as Traytors to the King and Kingdom Notwithstanding which this Parliament was no sooner ended but Pool Vere Tresillian and others perswaded him contrary to this Solemn Oath to assemble the Judges at Nottingham where they pronounced the Duke of Gloucester and the thirteen Commissioners and divers others to be guilty of High Treason for compelling the King to ratify the Commission under his Great Seal which Judgment they confirmed under their Hands as agreeable to the Laws of the Kingdom The Truce with France being ended that King sent 1000 Persons of Quality into Scotland who joyning with their Army of 30000 they therewith invaded England committing many violences but hearing King Richard was marching toward them they turned into the craggy Mountains of Wales doing much mischief to the Inhabitants and in the mean time K. Richard entred Scotland with 68000 men burning and destroying Edinborough St. Johnstons Sterling Dundee with many other places and then returned home The Scots and French returning found little or no sustenance by reason of the late ruins so that the Frenchmen were forced to return home without Horses Arms or Money but the Admiral and several Grandees were kept as Pledges by the Scots till the French King had satisfied the losses and damages which they had sustained meerly for his sake upon whose account they entred into this War whereupon he was forced to send what Money they demanded to redeem his Commanders The French King vowing Revenge against the English for these Disgraces prepared a very great Army which he designed to transport into England in a Navy of no less than 1200 Ships Against whom King Richard soon raised vast Forces consisting in above 100000 Men. But all these mighty Preparations soon came to nothing for the French Soldiers in their March toward the Ships committed such horrid
Son of K. Henry the 8. by Q. Jane Seymour his third wife who died soon after her delivery He was very carefully educated by his Father and had such a happy Genius that in a short time he attained to a perfect use knowledge of the ancient and modern Languages and was exceedingly skilled in all the liberal Arts He was of a beautiful body a mild and gracious disposition and an Heavenly wit so that the renowned Cardan calls him a Miracle of Nature After K. Henrys Death Edward by unquestionable right succeeded him his Father having appointed twenty eight Councellours to assist him in the Government till he came of Age who chose the Earl of Hartford afterward Duke of Somerset to be Protector of the King and Kingdom After his Fathers funerals were past several Persons were advanced to honours in order to his Coronation which was performed February 20 1547. At which three Swords were delivered to him as King of England France and Ireland and having received them he said There was yet another Sword to be delivered to him whereat when the Lords wondred I mean said he the sacred Bible which is the Sword of the Spirit without which we are nothing neither can do any thing King Henry before his death strictly charged the Lords of the Council to use their utmost endeavour for perfecting the marriage of his Son Edward with the young Queen of Scots in prosecution whereof the Protector entred Scotland with a considerable Army by Land and a fleet of sixty Ships under the Lord Clinton scoured the Seas upon which the Governour of Scotland erected the Firecross which was two firebrands set in the fashion of a Cross and pitched upon the point of a spear with a Proclamation that all above sixteen years of Age and under sixty should resort forthwith to Musselborough and bring provision of victuals with them upon which so many came in that the most serviceable only were retained the English approaching a Fierce Battle ensued but at last the English remained victors wherein were slain fourteen thousand cots with the L. Fleming and other Persons of Quality and of English only Fifty one Horsemen and one Footman though many wounded this sight was at Edmonstone Bridge near Musselborough there were fifteen hundred Prisoners taken the chief whereof were the Lords Yester Hobley and Hamilton the Master of anepool the Lord Weems and the Earl of Huntley who being demanded how they were stood affected to the Marriage answered That they liked the match well enough but did not approve of this kind of woing After this the English plundred and fired ●eith and took several other places so that the Earl Bothwell and other Gentry of Tiviotdale came and submitted to the Protector entring into Terms of Peace with him The Protector returning to London called a Parliament wherein the six Articles were repealed and those Colledges and Chappels that K. Henry had not seized were given to the K. the Churches were ordered to be purged of Images no Beads Processions Prayers to Saints or for the Dead or in an unknown Tongue to be used Masses and Dirges were likewise abolished upon this divers Bishops refusing to comply with the Injunctions in Religion were removed and committed to Prison It was likewise ordained that the Eucharist should be received in both kinds that Bishops should be made by the King under his Letters Patents without any other pretended Authority and that all persons exercising Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction should have the Kings Arms in the eals of their Office after which they confirmed the Kings Supremacy In the mean time the young Queen of cots was conveyed into France and married to Francis the Dauphin at six years old These Alterations of Religion caused divers Insurrections for the Commissioners going into the Country to execute the aforementioned orders as Mr. Body one of the Commissioners was performing his office in the West of England by plucking down Images he was stabbed to the heart by a Popish Priest and the Common People joining with the Priest upon the instigation of other Papists they took Arms to the number of ten thousand refusing the pardon offered them and besieging Exeter which was Gallantly defended but at length the King sending his Forces soon dispersed them several of the Ringleaders being taken and executed in London This was succeeded by another Insurrection in Norfolk under one Ket a Tanner who issued out warrants in his Majesties name acting the part of the Kings Deputy without his Authority and calling the Tree near Norwich wherein he pretended to administer Justice The Oak of Reformation but the Earl of Warwick marching against them upon offer of a General Pardon they laid down their Arms sixty of them being before executed by Martial Law and nine hanged upon the Oak of Reformation A third Insurrection happened upon the neck of this in Yorkshire raised by one Ombler a Gentleman Dale a Parish Clerk and Stephenson a Priest who gathered four or five thousand to assist them upon conceit of a Prophecy That the time should come wherein there would be no King the Nobility and Gentry should be destroyed and the Land ruled by four Governours elected by the Commons holding a Parliament in Commotion which should begin at the North Seas of England And this they thought to be the time and that the Rebels in Devonshire Yorkshire and Norfolk should join together to accomplish this Prophesy but hearing of the bad success of their friends and having a pardon sent them by the King they forsook their Leaders who were taken and executed at York At this time some heats arose at Court between the Wives of the two Brothers the Lord Protector and L. High Admiral about precedency whereupon the Admiral was accused of attempting to get the Kings Person and Government into his hands with divers other matters for which he was condemned by the contrivance of the Earl of Warwick and by his Brothers Warrant beheaded upon Tower-hill And now Cardinal Pool was upon the Death of Paul the third elected Pope which being told him he desired them to consider well whether they were swayed by no passion of mind or did any thing for favour or affection but only for the honour of God and the Church they taking this for a kind of denial presently chose Cardinal Montanus who took the name of Julius the third During these domestick troubles the French had divers times attempted Bulloign and had now got seven thousand men and all other provisions necessary to surprize it but being come within a quarter of a Mile of the Fort the Garrison had notice thereof who put themselves into such a posture to receive them that they were repulsed with a great slaughter fifteen Waggons being laden with the dead bodies afterward they attempted Guernsey and Jersey with no better success being beaten off with the loss of a thousand men upon this succeeded a Peace whereby it was agreed that Bulloign should be surrendred
of Cheshire as if that were more honourable then to be King of the Realm and to sweetten these things honours were bestowed upon divers Noble-men his Cousen Henry Bullingbroke Earl of Darby Son and Heir apparent to the Kings Fourth Uncle John of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster was created Duke of Hereford his Cousen Edward Plantaginet Earl of Rutland was created Duke of Albemarle and several others were advanced He also granted free pardon to all but fifteen whom he should name whereby he kept the Nobility in fear and awe so that if any offended him he would declare him to be one of the fifteen and put his life upon Tryal for pretended Treason It happened about this time that the Duke of Hereford hearing daily complaints of the Kings misgovernment and his extream arbitrary and illegal proceedings he privately disclosed his grief thereat to the Duke of Norfolk intreating him to inform the King thereof and to beseech him to be more favourable to the Lords who were with too great severity condemned for High-Treason The Duke of Norfolk regarding more his own advancement then the Common good resolved to rise by the fall of his friend and therefore told all to the King with the most malicious and aggravating circumstances imaginable whereat the King inraged summoned his Cousen to answer who freely acknowledged what he had privately and friendly desired might be reformed but denied the false suggestions added thereto and challenged the Duke of Norfolk to a single combate to vindicate himself which was accepted and consented to by the King but when the day came and they entted the Lists for fight the King would not suffer them to proceed but banished the Duke of Norfolk for ever who soon after died at Venice and the Duke of Hereford for six years who went into France and was honourably received by that King and not long after his Father John Duke of Lancaster died and the King unjustly seized all his honours and estate into his hands which he divided among his Flatterers and Minions which unworthy act so much displeased his Uncles the Duke of York and the Duke of Albemarl that they left the Court and retired to their own Houses In the mean time the King was wholly misled by the lewd conduct of William Scroop Earl of Wiltshire Sir James Bagot Sir John Bushie and Sir Henry Green by whose advice without consent of his Counsel he raised a great Army farming the whole Revenues of his Kingdom to these his favourites for several years and sailing into Ireland wholly subdued that rebelling Nation but in his absence Henry now Duke of Lancaster with his old friend Thomas Arch-Bishop of Canterbury returned to England to claim his Dutchy of Lancaster and landing in the North great numbers of armed Troops admiring his Nobility and virtues joined with him so that within a few days he marched to London and was there received and entertained with much joy King Richard returning soon raised great Forces which he conducted against the Duke but perceiving his Subjects daily revolt from him and hearing that his three unworthy Favourites Scroop Bushie and Green on whom he most relied were taken and beheaded he voluntarily came to the Duke of Lancaster and confessing his own insufficiency and weakness to govern well praised the singular Qualities of the Duke as worthy of a Kingdom offering to resign it to him if he would accept thereof Though the Duke was very willing to wear a Crown yet hoping to have it by the free consent of all the Nobility and People he caused the King to be guarded to the Tower of London and then calling a Parliament twenty four Articles of Misgovernment were publickly charged against the King and sent him by both Houses of Parliament who not only confessed them to be true acknowledging his inability to Rule better but by an Instrument in Writing under his Hand and Seal resigned his Crown and Kingdom to Henry Duke of Lancaster which being read and generally approved of by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons they deposed King Richard and made Henry King and his old Friend Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury installed him in the Royal Throne Richard was then sent to Pomfret Castle but Henry fearing his Government could not be safe while Richard lived he was soon after assaulted by Sir Pierce of Exton and eight more with Bills and Poleaxes in his lodging and after valiant resistance made was overpowered and murdered by them in the twenty second year of his Reign and the thirty third of his Age 1399. In this Age lived Sir John Mandevil of whom so many Fictitious Relations have been written that it may be judged he was never in being But very credible Historians assert that there was such a person born at St. Albans in Hartfordshire who attaining to Learning had an earnest desire to visit Asia and Africa which he accordingly performed travelling thirty four years into Scythia Armenia Egypt Lybia Arabia Media Mesopotamia Persia Chald●●a Greece Illyria Tartary and divers other Kingdoms of the World and committed what he had observed to Writing at his return wherein though there may seem some things incredible yet it may be supposed many of them were taken from fabulous Authors and added to his Book and others were written by report from others for that he did not design to relate lies may appear because he kept his Religion after all his wandrings and and did oft complain of the corruptions of that Age saying often Virtus cessat c. In our time it may be certainly said that Virtue is departed the Clergy err the Devil reigneth and Simony beareth sway Some Authors write he died at Leige in Germany where they shew the Furniture of his Horse and Spurs worn in his Travels yet the Town of St. Albans will not allow of it but claim the honour of his Interment and have a riming Epitaph for him upon a Pillar near where they judge his Body lies which Mr. Weaver says in his Monuments being set to some lofty tune as the Burning of Antichrist or the like will be worth singing It is as follows All you that pass by on this Pillar cast Eye This Epitaph read if you can 'T will tell you a Tomb stood once in this room Of a gallant Spirited Man John Mandevil by name a Knight of great fame Born in this honoured Town Before him was none that ever was known For Travel of so high renown As the Knights in the Temple cross legg'd in Marble In Armor with Sword and with Shield So was this Knight grac't which time hath defac't That nothing but ruins doth yield His Travels being done he shines like the Sun In Heavenly Canaan To which blessed place O Lord of his Grace Bring us all Man after Man HENRY the FOURTH King of England c. From misled Richard I the Crown did wrest Which wrongfully upon my Head was plac'd Vncivil Civil Wars the Realm molest And Englishmen do England