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A03196 The exemplary lives and memorable acts of nine the most worthy women in the vvorld three Iewes. Three gentiles. Three Christians. Written by the author of the History of women. Heywood, Thomas, d. 1641.; Glover, George, b. ca. 1618, engraver. 1640 (1640) STC 13316; ESTC S104033 101,805 245

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grew in great hatred for the giving up of Normandy by appointment for which and other grievances the Duke of Yorke father to him who was after King Edward the fourth with other confederate Lords opposed the Queene and her faction of which mortall warre ensued The King being much instigated by this magnanimous Lady his Queene accompanyed with the Duke of Somerset with a great army tooke their journey towards the Marches of Wales being ascertained that the Duke of Yorke with sundry other Lords were up in Armes who understanding of the Kings comming with so great a power swarved from his Hoast and tooke his way towards London but because hee could not be received into the City to refresh his people he went over Kingstone Bridge and so into Kent where on a place cald Bremt heath he embatteld himselfe soone after came the King to Blacke-heath and did the like these two Armies affronting each other a motion was made to mediate a peace betwixt them to further which to the Duke were sent the Bishops of Winchester and Elye and the Earles of Warwicke and Salisbury to whom the answer was that he intended no violence against the person of the King onely to remoove from about him some evill disposed persons by whose meanes his people was much oppressed and the Commons greatly impoverished the chiefest of which was the Duke of Somerset to satisfie whom it was concluded by the King that hee should be kept in durance to answer all such Articles as the Duke could object against him Vpon which promise made by the King the first day of March being thursday the Duke broke up his Campe and personally came to the Kings tent where he found the Duke of Sommerset at liberty and the next attending on the King and by the Queenes meanes the Duke of Yorke was sent to London where he remained in a sort a prisoner and more straitly had beene kept if present newes had not come that his Sonne Edward then Earle of Marsh was hastning up towards London with a strong power of Welsh and Marchmen which stroke so suddaine a terrour into the Queene and her Counsell that the Duke was set at large having liberty to retire himselfe into his owne country soone after by meanes of the Queene the Duke of Summerset was created Captaine of Callis which kindled a new fire in the Yorkists insomuch that the Duke being in the Marches of Wales called unto him the Earles of Warwicke and Salisbury with divers other Lords Knights and Esquires and sufficiently strengthened himselfe and in Aprill made what speed he could towards London Which hearing the King and the Queene shee suddenly caused using the Kings name and Authority in all things a strong Army to be levyed entending to conveigh the King West-ward without incountring the Duke of Yorke In which were imployed the Dukes of Summerset and Buckingham the Earles of Stafford and Northumberland the Lord Clifford and others who held their journey towards Saint Albones which the Duke hearing coasted the Country and upon Thursday before Whitsunday tooke one end of the Towne where whilst motion of peace was treated on the one party the Earle of Warwicke with the March-men entered on the other and skirmished violently against the Kings people In conclusion the day fell to the Yorkists where that time was slaine the Duke of Sommerset the Earle of Northumberland and the Lord Cl●fford with many other Noble Gentlemen which victory thus obtained by the Duke hee with great seeming honour and reverence the morrow following conveighed the King to London and lodged him in the Bishops pallace and soone after by a Parliament held at Westminster the Duke of Yorke was made Protector of England the Earle of Salisbury Chancellour and the Earle of Warwicke Captaine of Callis and all persons before neere unto the King remooved and the Queene and her Counsell who before ruled all both King and land utterly disabled for having voyce in either at all which her high Spirit seemed nothing daunted But with some Lords who secretly adhered unto her party she so far perswaded that in making the King insufficient it was such a dishonour to him and disgrace to the Realme that by pollicy and friendship shee caused the Duke of Yorke to be discharged of his Protectors place and the Earle of Salisbury from being Chancellour which was the cause of new combustion and finding as shee thought the City of London to favour more the Yorkists then her faction shee caused the King to remove thence to Coventry whether the Duke with the Earles of Warwicke and Salisbury were sent for who in their way were so ambusht that with great difficulty they escaped from being surprised an other assembly of all the Lords was appointed at London where all of them were richly accompanyed and strongly attended where a seeming attonement was made betwixt them for joy of which upon our Ladyes day in Lent the King the Queene and Lords of both parties went in sollemne procession to Pauls But this smothered fire broke quickely into open flame I will let passe many of the circumstances and come to the matter The Duke of Yorke knowing the inveterate malice which the Queene bore unto him assembled his Friends and gathered a strong army of March-men and others in the beginning of the thirty eight yeare of the King and strongly encamped himselfe at Ludlow the Queene also gathered like strength to encounter the Duke unto whose aide the Earle of Warwicke sent a strong band of men from Callis in whose company one Andrew Trollop who the night before the incounter with the entire company of those Callis souldiers left the Dukes Hoast and went unto the Kings where they were joyfully received which much dismaide the Yorkists and the more because they were privy to all their counsell wherefore upon mature deliberation they resolved to flye and leave their Campe standing as if they had still kept the field the Duke with his two sons and some few others fled into Wales and so after into Ireland and there remained the other Lords of his confederacy tooke their way into Devonshire from thence they sayled into Garnesy and after to Callis In the morning when all this was knowne to the adverse party there was sending and running to all Ports and places to surprise these Lords but their pursuite came to late so that the Kings Army spoyled Ludlow and the Castles and tooke the Dutchesse of Yorke and her children and sent them to the Dutchesse of Buckingham her sister then were all the Yorkists proclaimed Rebels and Traitors and the young Duke of Summerset made by the Queene Captaine of Callis but notwithstanding all the Kings Authority joyned with hers hee could not be there received which was the cause of many skirmishes and much blood shed in which though the Lords lost many men yet they came dayly so thicke unto them
out of diverse parts of England that their losse was not perceived In which interim one Iohn Dinham was sent with certaine ships to set upon the Kings Navy at Portsmouth who sped him so well that he tooke the Lord Rivers in his bed with the Lord Skales his son with other rich preys taking of the Kings Navy what shippes them best liked which some conjecture was not without the consent of the Mariners who bore a singular affection to the Earle of Warwicke With part of these ships the Earle of Warwicke sayled into Ireland to conferre with the Duke of Yorke about their re-entry into the Land and returned into Callis with safety in which time a Parliment was held at Coventry by Authority whereof the Duke of Yorke with the other Lords were attainted and their Lands and goods ceased to the Kings use then provision was made to defend the Havens and Ports and at Sandwich was ordained a new strength under the command of one Sir Simon Mountford that none should passe unto the aide of the Lords of which they having intelligence sent out another Navy un●o Sandwich and after long fight with the said Mountford tooke him and at a place called Ris-banke smote off his head after which the confederate Lords seeing what power they had with them and knowing that many hearts in England adhered to their faction after they had set Callis in order they prepared for England and landed at Dover and marching through Kent came to London the second day of Iuly where having well refreshed their people they sped them towards the King who was then at Coventry and awaited there with a sufficient army Who marching as farre as Northampton the ninth day of Iuly both hosts incountred where betwixt them was a blooddy battle fought but in the end the victory fell to the Earles of Warwicke and Salisbury and the Kings host were utterly defeated and many of his Noblemen slaine amongst which were the Duke of Buckingham the Earle of Shrewsbury the Vicount Bewmount Lord Egremond and others and the King taken in the field after which victory by the Lords obtained they brought the King still keeping his estate up to London and lodged him in the Bishops pallace and sent newes of their happy successe to the Duke of Yorke who was at that time in Ireland A Parliament was then cald in the name of the King and holden at Westminster during which the Duke of Yorke upon the tenth day of October came to the City of Westminster and lodged him in the Kings pallace upon which a rumour rose that Henry should be deposed and the Duke of Yorke made King Whilst these things were thus in agitation the Duke came one day unto the Parliament Chamber and in the presence of the Lords sate him downe in the Kings Chaire and boldly made claime to the Crowne as his rightfull inheritance At which the Lords began to murmure as well his friends as others and after the matter was long disputed the Duke was perswaded to renounce that claime during the life of King Henry In all which time the Queene whom all these terrours could not daunt kept her selfe with the Lords of her party in the North and using the Kings name gathered a strong power which as she protested in the front of her Campe was to be revenged on the Kings Rebells and Enemies There is one thing worthy observation that during this Competitorship betwixt the King and the Duke though they lodged both within one pallace yet would he for no intercession or intreaty once visit the King which could be little lesse interpreted then an haughty and ambitious insolence To proceede it was after concluded by the Authority of the whole Parliament that King Henry should continue King all his naturall life but after his death Prince Edward his sonne to be made incapable of that Royall dignity but the Duke and his Heires to be Kings and he in the meane time to be made Protector and Regent of the Land and if at any time the King of his owne free will were disposed to resigne it should be to the Duke if he then lived or else to his Heires after him which on the Saturday next being the ninth day of November was proclaimed through the City And further because Queene Margaret with the Prince her Sonne the Dukes of Summerset and Exeter with divers other Lords kept her still in the North and came not up at the Kings sending it was concluded by the Lords there present that the Duke of Yorke with the Earle of Salisbury and others should raise an Army to fetch in the said Queene and Lords who hearing of their comming met with him neere unto Wakefield where was fought betwixt them a sharpe and bloody battle in which the Duke of Yorke was slaine with his young Sonne the Earle of Rutland with Sir Thomas Nevell sonne to the Earle of Salisbury and the Earle himselfe was taken alive and soone after beheaded It is said that the Duke of Yorke being sore wounded was brought before the Queene who in great derision and scorne placed him on a molehill instead of a Throne and put a Crowne of paper on his head for a Diadem and after she had sufficiently taunted his ambition caused him to be slaine this done with her victorious host shee made what speede shee could towards London and at Saint Albones was met by the Earle of Warwicke and the Duke of Northfolke who brought the King with them to the field where after a strong fight upon a Shrove-tuesday in the morning the Duke and Earles Army were routed and the King againe taken and brought unto the Queene The same day she caused her sonne Edward to be made Knight with other Gentlemen to the number of thirty persons The Queene being now in her former supreame command and thinking to sway all things as before at her owne pleasure newes were brought that Edward Earle of March eldest Sonne to the Duke of Yorke and the Earle of Warwicke were met with a great strength of March-men and others and were speeding towards London which tidings compelled the King and Queene to retire them with their Army Northward the other taking this advantage entred the City the first weeke in Lent to whom resorted great numbers of Gentlemen from the South and East then was a great Counsell called of the Lords spirituall and temporall who after many argumen●s debated gave up this sentence that forasmuch as King Henry contrary to his honour and promise at the last parliament made and also that he was reputed unable and insufficient to governe the Realme by their generall assents he was thought worthy to be deposed and discharged of all royall dignity Then incontinently by the Authority of the said Counsell and consent of the Commons there present Edward the eldest son to the Duke of Yorke with an unanimous suffrage was
Clesiphon A fifth wonder Chares Lyndius The sixth wonder Aelians The Pallace of Cyrus Memnon A remarkeable controversie A law among the Grecians Phidias A cruell and an injust sentence The plea of the Athenians The answer of ●he Elians The seventh wonder Scopas Briay Tymothius Leocares Rare buildings and Architectors A glorious tombe built by Simon the High Priest Mausolea The magnanimity of Queene Artimesia Xerxes Her demeanor in the Navall fight The Greekes prime Commanders Xerxes his character of Queene Artimesia Of turbulent and combustious women Helena Hippodamie Aspatia Teuca Polizo Lavinia Dejaneira Nicostrate Polidices Lucretia Virginia Phedra Martia Thais A briefe catalogue of eminent and excellent women Dominica Iuguldis Clotildis Placida Pompeia Paulina Helena Monica Elpheda The first Schoole in Oxford Mercia Ethel●ida King Alareds issue A remarkeable accident The Danes defeated by stratagem The day well divided Elpheda too as Virago King Edwards Royall and numerous issue Spinster from whence it came A Nunne ravisht The first profe of Elphedaes valour Her monomachy A brave victory Her valour and piety The death of Etheldredus Elphedaes Acts Buildings c. and reparations of decayed Cities Her rare Chastity Elswin● Chastity Beauty Further of Elphedaes valour The outrages of the Danes Turbetillus defeated An Emlation betwixt two women A strange deliverance Elphedaes death Elphedaes Daughter Her Epitaph King Edward subdued the two Kings of Scotland and Wales King Ethelstane Preparation for a marriage The Lady Margaret brought over into England The marriage of the King to the Lady Margaret An unprofitable match The Queene assumes regall prerogative Humphrey Duke of Glocester the Kings Vnckle His death A true character of Duke Humphrey A Parliament at Lecester The death of the Marquesse of Suffolke Blew-beard Iacke Cade The birth of Prince Edward The Queene the instigator of all combustions The proceeding of the Duke of Yorke A Peace mediated betwixt the King and the Duke The Duke of Yorke sent to the Tower The Earle of March soone to the Duke of Yorke Summerset created Captaine of Ca●is A new combustion Lords of the Queenes party The battle at Saint Al●ones The Kings prison The Duke of Yorke Protector Yorke discharged of his Protectorship Procession to Pauls Andrew Trollope Yorkes flight and his Army dissolved The Dutchesse of Yorke prisoner and Ludlow spoyled The Yorkists proclaimed Traitors Iohn Dinham surprised the Kings Navy Simon Mountford beheaded by the Yorkists The York●sts land in England The battle at Northampton The Kings host discomfitted The King taken Yorke lodgeth in the Kings Pallace Yorke layeth claime to the Crowne The Queenes magnanimity Yorks pride The decree of the Parliament The battle of Wakefield The Duke of Yorke slaine Another battle at Saint Albons Prince Edward made Knight Edward Earle of March raiseth new forces Henry thought worthy to be deposed Edward Earle of March made King The bloody battle at Towton or Shirborne Henry with his Queene flye into Scotland Henry in all his actions most infortunate The Coronation of King Edward the fourth of that name Queene Margarets Army Margaret distressed by Sea Exham field Henry tooke Prisoner King Edward marryeth Elizabeth Gray The Lady Bova The Duke of Clarens and Earle of Warwicke proclamed Rebels Henry againe proclaimed King King Edward flyes the land Henry received as King Strange alteration in the state Glocester who was after Richard the third Edward landeth in England He maketh his Proclamations in the name of King Henry Edward possesseth Yorke Henry surprised by Edward The Earle of Oxford leadeth the Van. The Battle at Barnet Lords slaine in the battle Queene Margaret landeth in England The battle at Teuxbury Margaret with the Prince her son taken Her magnanimity Prince Edward murthered by the Duke of Glocester Queene Margaret sent into her owne Country The death of Henry His buriall A Character of Queene Elizabeth Her descent Her birth Her Baptisme An oath of Allegiance taken Katherine the mother and Mary the daughter disabled of all● regall claime Vnder what Constellation she was borne Her Infancy Her Childhood Queene Anne dead Prince Edward borne Created Prince of Wales An alternate aff●ction betweene the Prince and his sister Elizabeth The death of King Henry the eighth Prince Edward procl●imed King His Coronation Her retirement into the Country Her first suiter His name is conceald Her Virgin modesty The death of King Edward the sixth The Lady Iane Gray proclaimed Queene The Duke of Northumberland sent against the Lady Mary Northumberland beheaded The deaths of Suffolke the Lady Ian● and Gu●lford Dudley Mary proclamed Queene Her Coronation The troubles of the Lady Elizabeth Her danger greater in her solitude then in her soveraigntie The reasons Winchester infidiateth her life Doctor Guin and Doctor Wendiffe Her committing to the Tower Her hard usage Her infinite dangers Her great patience King Phillip favoureth the Lady Elizabeth An imposterous birth King Phillip discovereth the plot Triumphs for the supposed heyre King Phillips departure out of the Land His returne Observations concerning Queene Maries raigne Callis lost The death of Queene Mary Lady Elizabeth proclaymed Her Coronation How the state stood in the beginning of her raigne King Phillip a suiter to marry Queene Elizabeth Great prepa●ation of the French to invade England A weake ground to support so great a title Sebastian Marteguinus two forward Spaine France and Scotland combine against Queene Elizabeth Her debilities Her prudent preparations Arthur Poole incouraged by the Guisians c. New invasions t●eatned The Bull of Pope Pius Quintus A rebellion in the North. Duke D'Alva Man purposeth God disposeth Dakers revolt from the Queene Bakers Forces routed by the Lord Hunsden Commotions in Ireland Spanish Plots Eighty eight Domestick conspiracies Discovered Prevented Don Iohn of Austria aymes at the Crowne of England and Scotland One brother crosseth the other England aymed at by all The death of Don Iohn Captaine Thomas Stukeley Brave boasts Tempting titles Stukeley slaine in the great battaile of Alcazer Nicolas Saunders a pestilent Traytor Sam. Iosephus The unpittied death of the rebells Divers other conspirators Bernardinus Mendoza base proceeding Cardinall Alan and others Doctor Parry The foureteene traytors Queene Elizabeths confidence in the Almightie A rare spirit in a Princesse The death of the foureteen Traytors The French Embassador The Spanish Armado The Navie stiled invincible defeated Doctor Lopes his treason His death Her Majesties deportment in the Campe at Tilbury The next yeare she assaulted Lysbone The treason of Edward Squire A miraculous preservation A Character of Queene Elizabeth
upon their enemy 64 Hamans ten sons hang'd 65 A memoriall for the Jewes great deliverance ib. Mordecai the second man in the kingdome ib. BONDVCA HEr severall appellations 70 Prasutagus her husband maketh Caesar Co-keyre with his Queene and daughters 71 The unjust proceedings of the Romans ib. Their barbarous lust and crueltie 72 Bunduca's person and condition ib. Reasons Inducing the Brittaines so rebell against the Romans 73 Swetonius Paulinus the Roman Generall ib. Bunduca's first insurrection 74 Her royall Army ib. Her habit in Battaile ib. The place where shee encampt 75 Her oration to her Souldiers ib. Her devision of the Romans 76 The goddesse Andate or victory 77 The providence of Paulinus Swetonius ib. The strength of the Romans in Brittaine 78 The estate of the Citie Comelodunum at that time 79 The estate of the Roman Colonies 80 The Citie demolished 81 Bunduca intercepteth the Roman expidition ib. She prosecuteth her victory ib. The demeaner of the Roman Generall 82 Virulam sackt and spoiled ib. The cruell behaviour of the inraged Brittains 83 The courage of the Roman Generall 84 The number of the Bunduca's Army ib. The place where she incamped 85 The time of the years ib. The martialling of the Roman Army 86 The proportion of a Legion ib. Bunduca in the Battaile 87 The order of her Battaile ib. She incourageth her Souldiers 88 The onset on both sides ib. A description of the Battaile 89 Valour on both sides ib. The Romans Victors 90 The Brittaines Army routed ib. The numbers slane on both sides 91 Of Bunduca after the battaile ib. Her death and place of buriall ib. Divers opinions concerning her place of enterrement ib. PENTHISILAEA OF Viragoes or women of masculine Spirit 96 Of Camilla Helerna Semiramis Zenobia 97 Hypsecratea Tomyris Teuca Maria Puteolana 98 Of the Amazons in generall 99 Their originall 100 Whence they derived their names 101 Marthesia Lampedo Orreta Antiope ib. Menelippe Penthifilaea 102 Securigera Vexillifera Peltifera 103 Penthisilaea's beauty ib. The death of Penthisilaea 104 Monithaea or Thalestris in the time of Alexander 105 The end of the Amazonean race ib. The manners of the Scithians 106 The custome of the Sarromates 107 Their Kings at their death 109 ARTIMESIA HEroicke women in all ages 112 Renowned women 113 The seaven wonders of the world and first of the Aegiptian Pyramids 114 Of King Cleopas and Rhodopē the second wonder 115 The third and fourth wonder 116 A fift wonder 117 The sixt wonder 118 The beautiful Pallace of Cyrus ib. A strange controversie betwixt the two Citties of Athens and Elis. ib. Phidias 118 The pleading of the Athenians 120 The stout answer of the Aelians 122 The seaventh wonder erected by Queene Artimesia ib. The gravers of King Mausolus Tombe 123 Rare builders and Architectors ib. Mausolea 124 The magnanimity of Queene Artime●ia 125 Her brave demeanour in that great navall fight betwixt the Persians and the Grecians Xerxes his character of Queene Artimesia 126 ELPHLEDA OF com●ustions and 〈◊〉 women 132 Helena Hyppodamia Aspa●ia Poli●o Lavinia 133 Dejareira Nicostrate Polidices Lucretia ibid. Virginea Phaedra Martia Thais 134 A Catalogue of excellent and eminent women ib. Dominica Iuguldis 135 Glotildis Placida Pomp●ia Paulin● Helena Monicha 136 Etheldredus raised the first Schoole in Oxford 137 King Alureds issue ib. A remarkable accident 138 The Danes defeated by stratagem 139 King Edwards numerous issue 140 Whence Spinsters came ib. The first proofe of Elphledas valour 141 Her monomachy and brave victory 142 Her valour and pietie 143 Her Acts buildings and repayring of decayed Cities ib. Her rare chastitie and of her daughter Elswina 144 Of chastitie and beautie 145 Further of her valour the Danes outrages and the death of Turbitillus 146 An emulation betwixt two women with a strange deliverance 147 Elphleda's death and further of her daughter 148 Her Epitaph 149 Her brother King Edwards victories and of King Ethelstane 150 Queene MARGARET A Preparation for her mariage 154 Her bringing over into England with her marriage to King Edward the sixt 155 She assumeth regall prerogative 156 The death of Humphrey Duke of Gloster with his Character 157 A Parliament at Lecester the death of the Marquesse of Suffolke 158 Blew-beard Iack Cade the birth of Prince Edward 159 The Queene the raiser of all combustions ib. The proceedings of the Duke of Yorke a peace betwixt the King and the Duke The Duke of Yorke sent to the Tower 160 Sommerset made Captaine of Callis new combustion by the Queenes partie 161 The battaile at Saint Albans the King prisoner the Duke of Yorke Protector and discharged of his Protectorship 162 Procession to Pauls and of Andrew Trollop 163 Iohn Dinham surpriseth the Kings Navy and Simon Mountford beheaded by the Yorkists 165 The bettaile at Northampton the King taken and Yorke lodged in the Kings Pallace 166 Yorke claimes the Crowne his pride the decree of the Parliament 167 The battaile of Wakefield the Duke of Yo●ke slaine 168 Another battaile at Saint Albans Prince Edward made King the Earle of Marsh raiseth new Forces 169 Edward Earle of Marsh made King the bloody battaile at Sherborne 170 Henry with his Queene flye into Scotland 171 Edward crowned Queene Margarets Army her distresse by Sea 172 Exam-field Henry tooke prisoner King Edward marrieth the Lady Grey 173 The Lady Bona the Duke of Clarens and Earle of Warwicke proclaimed Rebells 174 Henry Proclaymed King againe and Edward flyes the Land 175 Edward Lands in England possesseth Yorke King Henry surprized by Edward 176 The battaile at Barnet 177 Queene Margaret Lands in England the battaile at Teuxbury 178 Queene Margarets magnanimitie Prince Edward murdered by the Duke of Gloster 179 Queene Margaret sent into her countrey King Henries death and buriall 180 Queene ELIZABETH A Character of Queene Elizabeth 184 Her descent 185 Her birth baptisme Queene Katherine the mother and Mary her daughter disabled of all regall clayme 186 The Lady Elizabeths constellation infancie childhood 187 Prince Edward created Prince of Wales ibid. The great love betwixt Edward and Elizabeth brother and sister 188 The death of King Henry the eighth ibid. Prince Edward proclaymed King his Coronation 189 The Lady Elizabeths first suiters her modesty 190 The death of King Edward the sixt the Lady Jane proclaimed Queene 191 The Duke of Northumberland sent against the Lady Mary ib. Northumberland beheaded the deaths of the Duke of Suffolke the Lady Jane and Guilford Dudley 192 Mary proclaymed Queene ib. Her Coronation the Lady Elizabeths troubles 193 The Bishop of Winchester pursueth her life her committing to the Tower 194 Her cruell usage and patience King Philip favoureth her 195 An imposterous birth ib. King Phillip discovereth the plot his departure out of the Land 196 Observations concerning Q. Maries raigne Callis lost ib The death of Queene Mary the Lady Elizabeth proclaymed Queene 197 Her Coronation and how the state stood in the beginning of her raigne 198 King Phillip would marry Queene