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A26058 The cry of royal innocent blood heard and answered being a true and impartial account of Gods extraordinary and signal judgments upon regicides : with an historical relation of the deposing, murthering, and assasinating of several kings of England, Scotland, France, &c. ... Assheton, William, 1641-1711. 1683 (1683) Wing A4026; ESTC R23635 56,072 143

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foreign Army Yet the Queen and her Confederates put to Sea her whole Power not exceeding 3000 of all Nations and two days before St. Michaels day landed at Orwel in Suffolk the force being commanded by the Lord John Brother to the Earl of Hanault The news of their arrival coming to the Kings Ear he seemed like one amazed and at first would not credit the report but upon his being further certified he sent to the Citizens of London for Aid who answered that they would honour with all submission the King Queen and Prince but resolved to shut their Gates against strangers and to withstand them to their power this answer bearing no favourable Construction to the King he committed the charge of the Tower and in it his other Son commonly called John of Eltham in the Custody of Sir John D' Weston and retired with his favorites the Spencers Baldock and others into the West to gather forces against the Queen and her Accomplices having first Proclaimed them Traitours and offered the reward of 1000 pounds to any that could take the young Lord Mortimer dead or alive And by this his unadvised abandoning his chief strengths he gave the Queens party opportunity to strengthen themselves several Lords and others daily coming to their assistance and the better to terrify the Kings partakers and to colour the Treason it was rumour'd that the French King had sent with his Sister so many Dukes Earls and Lords that England would not suffice to feed them and that the Pope had sent to Excommunicate all the Kings partakers for which purpose two Cardinals had been sent over and credibly reported to have been seen in the Queens Camp though all was but fictitious and further to ingratiate with the People she caused it to be Proclaimed that her coming was only to remove evil Councillors from the King the same pretences that were used by our late forty one Parliament though Roger Lord Mortimer was the man that chiefly Councilled all the mischief then were the Kings favorites branded with the names of Traitors and Enemies to the Nation and 1000 pounds bid to any that could bring the younger Spencers Head And thereupon the Londoners rise in a tumultuous manner and commit many outrages cutting off the Bishop of Exceters Head as likewise the Head of John Le Marchel whom the King had appointed to Govern the City They likewise broke open the Prisons and set all Prisoners at liberty got into their possession the Tower and taking thence the Lord John of Eltham proclaimed him Custos or chief Governour of the City and the Queen likewise to strengthen her Faction caused most of the Prisons in England to be set open and repealed such as had been banished so that thereby her power greatly increasing She or rather the Lord Mortimer followed the King who destitute of friends still fled before his pursuers who besieged Bristol and therein took the Elder Spencer whom without any form of Trial they cut up alive having first exposed him to the fury of the People upon notice of which the King entered on Ship-board and intended to fly for Ireland but upon further consideration came ashore in Wales and there for the love the Welshmen bore him was concealed for many days in the Abby of Neath but the Queen and her Accomplices coming to Hereford after Prince Edward was Proclaimed High Keeper of England Henry Earl of Lancaster Brother to the late Earl of Lancaster Sir William Delazouch and others who had Lands in those parts where the King absconded were sent in quest of him with sums of Money to facilitate the discovery who in the end surprised him together with the young Lord Spencer Robert Baldock Lord Chancellor and Simon de Reading whom without any respect to the Person of the King they conveyed to Monmouth and from thence was the King carried to Kenelworth Castle and there committed to the keeping of the Earl of Leicester but the rest to Hereford where without any form of Trial was put to death the Lord Spencer being hanged on a Gallows fifty foot high and Robert Baldock committed to the keeping of the Bishop of Hereford who sent him up to London and exposed him to the fury of the Rabble who though a Bishop was used by them in such a barbarous manner only for being true to his Soveraign that within a short time after he died the Earl of Arundel and two other Gentlemen of note were put to death to pleasure Mortimer and now the mournful King divested of all his friends being at Kenelworth there repaired to him the Bishops of Winchester Hereford and Lincoln two Earls two Abbots four Barons and three Knights from every County with two of the Judges as from the Parliament which the Queen had called at London to perswade him to a Resignation of his Crown to his Son Edward and so many devices they had heaped together that in the end having first given private notice to the King of their approach and the cause they came to Kenelworth and presented themselves before the King who clad in black sutable to his mournful condition came out of an inward Chamber when in the head of the company set in order according to their qualities the Earl of Leicester and Bishop of Hereford began to declare the Message with which they were charged by the Body of the Kingdom as they termed the then sitting Parliament alledging that the Common-wealth of England was weary of his Government and conceived such irreconcileable dislike of his management of Kingly affairs that they would by no means permit him longer to Reign over them but were contented that his Eldest Son Prince Edward should succeed him in his Throne if he would make a voluntary Resignation if not they would proceed to Elect another not of his Blood c. The sound of this mournful Message struck so to the Kings Heart that e're any could prevent it he fell to the ground and lay stretched in a swoon a considerable time e're life could be perceived or he recovered to his Senses But in the end recovering he with many heavy Sighs bewailed his Infortunate condition and began to parly with his Vassals but found them inflexible persisting in threatning sort to tell him that unless he would freely resign his Diadem to his Son and disclaim all Right-to the Crown they would return his Answer and that immediately thereupon the Parliament would proceed to the Election of another not of his Race These Menaces made the distressed King who now was fallen low in the Opinion of his Subjects through the false insinuation of the factious Lords to consent to their hard proposals confessing that for his many sins God had permitted these Calamities to fall upon him but seeing they had not rejected his Race he was content to submit Whereupon they proceeded to the new invented and never before practised Ceremony of dekinging their Sovereign which in this manner was performed by Sir William
Lords that raised these stirs were Thomas Duke of Glocester the Earls of Warwick Derby Nottingham and Arundel yet upon the mediation of some Prelates the matter was so ordered that the Lords were content to present themselves to the King sitting in State at Westminster but so far from trusting his Royal word that they came strongly guarded and coming into his presence fell on their Knees yet after the former strain repeated their former demands throwing down their Gloves protesting to prove them Traitours by Combate whom they had so named yet the King in a sharp reply made them sensible how little he feared their Braves but in the end referred the further determination of matters to the next Parliament which shortly after held at Westminster And in the mean while bid them be content and mindful of their Allegiance yet they refused to separate themselves but withdrawing into the West near Burford set upon a party of Cheshire and Welshmen Commanded by Sir Thomas Molenaux and others and by the Kings special Order raised to conduct safe to Court the Duke of Ireland whom the King had secretly recalled from Banishment and after a hot dispute slew Sir Thomas and most of his Men the Duke hardly escaping then increasing their number they marched towards London whose approach caused the King to betake himself to the Tower and the Citizens through fear to open their Gates so that the Lords and the greatest part of their Host entered as it were in triumph and after some Messengers had passed between the King and them they found means to come to his presence and there boldly taxed him of secretly practising to fly with the Duke of Ireland into France and to deliver up Calais and other places in Normandy to the French King with many other unbeseeming expressions which either through real grief or a Noble disdain to be so used by his Subjects caused the King to shed Tears even in their sight and at last it was agreed that the King should the next day come to Westminster but the next day the King deferring his repair longer than the time appointed the Lords contrary to their Allegiance sent him word that if he came not speedily according to appointment they would chuse them another King who both would and should obey the Council of his Peers they having him present whom they intended to have Invested with the Diadem viz. Henry Earl of Derby Son to the Duke of Lancaster who afterward Dethroned him as shall be related The King having received this threatning message though much against his Inclination went to Westminster where the Lords were Assembled where they forced him not only to disclaim the Duke of Ireland divest the Lord Chancellour but likewise turn out of favour Alexander Nevil Arch-bishop of York the Bishops of Durham and Chichester the Lord Souches and Beaumont with many more of smaller account so that having stripped him of his friends they thought the easier to rule him and afterward committed as many of them as they could lay hands on Prisoners to the Tower to answer such Accusations as should be objected against them in the next Parliament which beginning the Candlemas following The first day of the Sessions most of the Judges were Arrested as they were sitting upon the Bench and committed to the Tower the Crime alleadged against them was that at Nottingham they having given Council to the Lords which they assured them was according to Law had afterwards assured the King that it was not according to Law but only they had been obliged to give such Opinions for their own security But Trisillian escaped for a while by flight being taken in the Morning was brought before the Parliament and having no longer respite than till the afternoon was carried to Tyburn and there according to Sentence had his Throat cut an unmanly death to be inflicted on a Lord Chief Justice There were likewise Executed almost all the Judges and about five Knights and Esquires most of the Kings especial favorites nor could the King stay this Execution but e're this mischief spread further 't was allayed by the arrival of the Duke of Lancaster who had obtained a great Sum of Money and a yearly Revenue of the King of Spain to quit his claim to the Crown of Castile and Leon and that the Lord Henry his Son Marrying the Lady Catharine that Kings Daughter should have the Title of Prince of Austria with several other advantageous matters and upon his arrival King Richard whether again to buy his absence is uncertain bestowed upon him the Dutchy of Aquitain confirming it in Parliament and putting into his Possession the Cap of Maintenance and Ducal Rod at which time his Son Henry Earl of Derby went for Prussia and there ingaged himself in the War against the Lithuanian where he Atchieved many noble deeds in Chivalry but soon after died the Dutchess of Lancaster Dutchess of York Dutchess of Derby and what was more grievous to the King his Queen whom he intirely loved all dying almost in a years space whereupon the Duke of Lancaster went over to take possession of his Dutchy and then upon complaint of the Out-cries committed by the Wild Irish passed into Ireland with an Army to suppress them and upon his return into France he was Married to the Lady Isabel that Kings Daughter and thereupon a peace concluded between the two Nations for the space of thirty years And now the Duke of Ireland being dead the discontents of the Lords seemed somewhat abated yet not long for the restless Duke of Glocester still contriving to secure his steerage at Helme by over-awing the King put so many affronts upon him that he often complained thereof to his Uncles the Dukes of Lancaster and York who perswaded the King of his good intent though his words might seem harsh but within a while after a Combination of the said Duke with the Earls of Arundel and Warwick the Lords Cobham and Chevy being discovered by Thomas Mobray Earl of Nottingham wherein they had conspired to Imprison the King and his Uncles Lancaster and York as likewise to put to death many of his Councellours upon which they were Arrested and the Duke sent Prisoner to Calais where afterward he was smothered with a Pillow and here only the Earl of Arundel Beheaded These Executions wrought some alteration in the minds of the People whose Darling the Duke of Glocester was so that they greatly maligned his Prosecutors and some vowed secretly to revenge but to salve up these discontents especially amongst the great ones the King in the next Parliament took upon himself the Title of Prince of Chester created his Cousin Henry Earl of Derby Duke of Hereford the Earl of Nottingham Duke of Norfolk the Earl of Rutland Duke of Amaurle the Earl of Kent Duke of Surry the Earl of Huntington Duke of Exceter the Earl of Sommerset Marquess of Dorset the Lord Spencer Duke of Glocester c. and added to his
opportunity to recover it The King seeing himself in danger resolves to oppose the torrent and therefore Arms and with a strong power marcheth towards Wales in whose Marches the Duke resided with his forces of which the Duke having notice and understanding the Kings power was such that he was no ways able to oppose them upon his feigned submission he so wrought upon the good nature of this pious and peaceful King that a peace was concluded and after some heats and accusations had passed between the Dukes of York and Somerset the former was swore to be true to the King and never more take up Arms but regarded his Oath no longer than it served for his purpose for joyning with the Earls of Warwick Salisbury and others of the Faction he again takes Arms and marches towards London and to oppose him the King does the like both Armies meeting at St. Albans a dreadful fight began which for a long time lasted doubtful but at last the Earl of Warwick with his Battalian breaking through a Garden fell in so furiously that the Kings party were put to the rout six hundred slain and amongst them the Duke of Somerset Earl of Northumberland Stafford Lord Clifford and others of Note Here the King received a slight wound in the Neck with an Arrow and was taken Prisoner though at the same time the Lords of the Faction pretended abundance of respect leading him to London and there procured a Parliament to be called in his name where they caused an Act of Indemnity to be passed and all things to be so ordered that they render their Faction pleasing to the multitude and now nothing remained but to depose the King and deprive him of Life but this they feared to do till their insinuations had spread wider and that they had got Prince Edward his Son into their hands for the King notwithstanding this adversity was extreamly beloved for his singular Piety and meekness nor did this suffice for in this Parliament the Duke of York got himself made Protector of England and its appurtenances a thing never heard of before unless in the Nonage of a King but his insolencies were such by Imprisoning and deposing the Kings best friends that he was soon divested of that power at the instance of the Queen and several Noble Lords well-wishers to the King These Intestine broils Incited the French and Scots to molest the Sea-port Towns and ways the remote parts of England upon news of which the King the better to revenge those injuries called an Assembly of the Peers at London whither the Duke of York Earls of Warwick and Salisbury were Summoned under the Kings Privy Seal and accordingly came but finding things not for their purpose they feigned a Plot against their Lives and so retired to their several Castles and places of strength without leave taken and there gathering forces upon a second Summons came in Hostile manner yet the good natured King so labored that a reconciliation or at least a seeming one on the part of the Yorkists was the result of that meeting but it continued not so long for upon a Quarrel between one of the Kings Servants and one of the Earl of Warwicks all was again in a combustion for the Earl of Warwick upon that occasion being Assaulted flies to Calais and there maintains himself by Piracy utterly disowning the King Supream Lord of that Place but being not long satisfied there he Sails over to the Assistance of the Duke of York and Earl of Salisbury who again had taken up Arms and Encamped near Ludlow bringing with him one Captain Andrew Trolop and a stout Band of Calesians whom all along he had perswaded that they were to fight in the Kings Quarrel but they finding it otherwise upon the Kings approach expressed their Loyalty by forsaking the Yorkists and coming over to the King who good natured Prince received them with all convenient expressions of kindness and Royal favour and Trolop their Captain being privy to all the Plots and Designs of the Yorkists Faction the Kings Enemies disperse the Duke of York with the Earl of Rutland his youngest Son into Ireland the Earl of March his Eldest Son and Heir together with the Earls of Warwick and Salisbury with much difficulty escape to Calais which place had King Henry timely fortified he had driven them all to great extremity yet the Parliament proceeded to Proclaim them and their Abetters Traitours and to attaint them of high Treason disabling them or their Heirs of ever inheriting their Titles or Possessions which made them again prepare to Invade England by stealth in their wonted Hypocrisy the better to win the multitude to side with them with deepest Oaths protesting they only sought the good and welfare of King Henry and the removal of evil Councillors sending many Writings abroad fraight with dissimulations to that purpose which wrought them much favour so that Landing in Kent and swearing to be true to King Henry especially the Earl of Warwick who swore it upon the Cross of the Cathedral of Canterbury they came forward to London still increasing in number which caused the King and Queen being no ways confident of the Citizens to remove to Northampton whither the Earls of March and Warwick hasted and notwithstanding their many fair pretences gave the King Battel overthrew his Army and taking him Prisoner brought him as it were in Triumph to London and although they held him Prisoner yet continued their dissembled kindness towards him with many feigned expressions of Obedience and Loyalty Upon news of this success the Duke of York hasts from Dublin in Ireland and pulling off the Mask he had so long vailed his design with layed claim in the Parliament then sitting to the Crown breaking open the Kings Lodgings and possessing himself thereof but the Parliament not approving his rashness he drew up his Pedigree in which he proposed himself to be the rightful Heir which was likewise opposed with many forcible Arguments yet so powerful was his Faction that he prevailed to be Proclaimed Heir apparent and again to enjoy the Title of Protector of England with a grant that Henry the Sixth should Reign only during his natural Life and that then the Crown should devolve on him and his Heirs as descended of the Masculine Line from Edward the Third but at this time the Queen being in the North gathering forces to release her Husband would by no means consent to this agreement which caused York to advance in order to oppose her but her forces consisting of near 18000 and his a far less number he contrary to the advice of his Council resolving to give Battel before his Son the Earl of March could joyn him the Battel was fought at Wakefield and therein himself the Lord Harington Sir Thomas Nevil Son to the Earl of Salisbury and almost all his Soldiers were slain so severe is the Almighty in punishing perjury and disloyalty to him and his Vice-gerents Kings Anointed
the Earl of Salisbury was taken Prisoner and Beheaded and his head with the Dukes fixed upon York Gates upon this the Queen and her Army came to London and released the King by the overthrow of Warwick at St. Albans restoring him to his Power and Majesty but rested not long e're the Earl of March Eldest Son to the Duke of York advanced with a Puissant Army and the Earl of Warwick having escaped the fight joyned with him which news made the King and Queen retire into the North to provide against the threatning storm whereupon Edward Earl of M●rch without any controul advanced and entered London fearful of a Sack and there by threats and perswasions prevailed with the unstable multitude to give their Assents for his being Crowned King which Ceremony ended though against all Law and Right he drew forth his Army and advanced against the King who had gathered great forces which were in chief by the Duke of Somerset Earl of Northumberland and Lord Clifford both Armies consisting of 112000. the greatest Army of English that ever England saw who upon the charge being sounded began the Fight with great fury near Ferry-Bridge which continued ten hours and was lost on the Kings side by the overhastiness of the Northern Archers who spent all their Arrows at a distance as not being able to discern the Enemy by reason the Snow that then fell was driven full in their Eyes The Nobility that died on the Kings side were the Lords Scales Willowby Beaumont Wells Grey Dacres Fitz Hugh Buckingham and Clifford the two Bastards of Exceter of Knights and Esquires a great number and in all on both parts the slain were computed 35091. a slaughter the like not known in England since the Conquest Upon this fatal overthrow King Henry hs Son the Prince and several great Lords escaped into Scotland where they were kindly received and a Marriage proposed between the young Prince and the Lady Margaret the Scotch King's Daughter upon which Queen Margaret passed into France to negotiate her Husbands affairs with the French King for new supplies In the mean while Edward is Crowned at Westminster and a Parliament called wherein King Henry and Prince Edward his Son are disinherited of the Crown and all Regal Authority upon news of which Queen Margaret returns to Scotland having obtained a considerable supply of men from her Father Duke Reynold Duke of Anjoy King of Naples Jerusalem and Sicily having suffered much by storm from Scotland she passed into England together with her Husband and such Scotch forces as that King assisted her with and took several Castles in Northumberland several Loyal English daily resorting to the Royal Standard which proceeding greatly alarumed Edward so that constituting the Lord Montacute his Lieutenant General he furnished him with an Army with which he gave Battel to King Henry's forces near unto Hexham where the Yorkists prevailed and King Henry is obliged again to fly into Scotland from whence some time after coming into England in disguise he was taken Prisoner by Thomas Talbot in Cletherworth in Lancashire and from thence brought to London with his Legs bound under the Horses Belly so little respect had those Varlets into whose hands he fell to afflicted Majesty and upon his arrival committed Prisoner to the Tower Edward having King Henry in safe custody began to give himself over to sports and Daliances and above all to bethink himself of a Wife upon which several were proposed as the Lady Margaret Sister to King James of Scotland the Lady Elizabeth Sister and Heir Apparent to Henry King of Castile the Lady Bona Daughter to the Duke of Savoy and Sister to the French Queen of which the latter being thought the fittest Match the Earl of Warwick was sent over to negotiate the affair and proceeded so well that he procured a free consent of the French King Queen and the Lady her self when in the mean while Edward had cast his Eyes upon Elizabeth Grey Widdow to Sir John Grey slain in the Quarrel of King Henry at St. Albans and notwithstanding all the perswasions of the Dutchess of York his Mother Married her and made her Queen which Warwick taking as a grievous affront put upon him from that moment Alienated his Affections from Edward and consulted how to restore King Henry to his Crown and Dignity in order to which he first consults his two Brothers George Nevil Arch-bishop of York and John Nevil Marquess of Montacute the former of which soon consented but the latter proposed many delays whereupon the politick Earl the better to bring his designs about resolves to bring to his Lurd George Duke of Clarence Edwards Second Brother whom he knew to be discontented with his Brothers Rule and so effectually wrought with Soliciting that he soon found him pliable and ready to espouse his Interest whereupon the more to secure him he proposed to him his Eldest Daughter in Marriage with the one half of his Wives Inheritance which was afterwards consummated at Calais and in the mean while by the countenance of the Earl many Commotions were raised in England to countenance which and to dispossess Edward of his Usurped Crown to say no worse the Duke and Earl prepared for England having first espoused his second Daughter to Prince Edward Son to King Henry and then arriving a great conflux of People hasted to his Banner so well known and dreaded in England being the White Bear and Ragged Staff to oppose which torrent e're it grew greater Edward hastened and at Woolvy four Miles from Warwick where the Duke and the Earls Host lay pitched his Tents and bid the Earl Battel who undaunted Spirit brooked no such Bravado advance and both Armies stood Imbattled expecting the dreadful blast but it so happened that the Fight was delayed and both Armies retire as if a Peace would undoubtedly insue but crafty Warwick had other designs on foot for within a while after he surprized Edward in the midst of his Army and took him Prisoner committing him to the custody of the Archbishop of York from whom he soon after escaped which greatly perplexed the Earl yet he so ordered the matter as not to seem in the least to regard it Edward upon his escape fled to London and the Duke and Earl continuing in their station levied great forces but upon the Mediation of the Nobility it was so ordered that the Duke and Earl came to Edward upon his Letters of safe conduct but Edward taxing them with Disloyalty and they him with ingratitude nothing was done but both departed Edward to Canterbury and the other returned to Warwick and from thence sent their Agents into Lincolnshire where they dealt with the Commons to take up Arms under the Leading of Sir Robert Wells Son to the Lord Wells but he in revenge of his Fathers Death whom Edward had basely Beheaded contrary to his promise rashly ingaged Edwards power before Warwick could come to his Aid and by that means lost
the day and his own Life upon notice of which overthrow the Duke and Earl betook themselves again to Calais of which place the latter was Captain but were denied entrance by Vawclere his Lieutenant and thereupon went to the French Court where they were kindly received and within a while returning into England gathered so huge an Army that Edward was forced to fly the Land and his Queen to take Sanctuary whereupon King Henry was again restored to his Regal Dignity and Edward with all his adherents Proclaimed Traitors and in Parliament disinabled from Inheriting the Crown and it again Intailed on King Henry upon which Heart-breaking news Edward procures forces from the Duke of Burgundia who had Married his Sister and under pretence of Friendship enters England pretending to no more than his Dutchy of York framing Letters for his safe conduct under the Seal of the Earl of Northumberland but he no sooner entered but surprized that City whereupon Warwick and Clarence prepare to drive him thence but the latter was so wrought with under hand that he revolted to Edward and endeavored to perswade Warwick to do the like who generously answered to the Messenger go tell your Duke that I had rather be an Earl and always like my self than a false and perjured Duke and that e're my Oath shall be falsified as his apparently is I will lay down my Life at my Enemies Foot which I doubt not but shall be bought very dear and thereupon Marched towards London when at St. Albans he considered what was best to be done and finding that the Sword must decide it he advanced and at Barnet both Armies approached each other where in the spacious Field the Battle joyn'd on Easter day with such fury that the like had not been known and continued doubtful for a long time when as the day being overcast with mist hindering the Soldiers sight Warwicks Battalian took the Stars Imbroidered upon the Earl of Oxford's Mens Coats for his Son Edwards Body whereupon they let fly upon their friends which mistake caused the Earl to leave the fight his Men crying Treason Treason we are all betrayed which Warwick perceiving charged with fury upon the Enemy but entering too far was beaten down and slain though not without performing wonders sutable to his great Soul who had been Englands Make-King for many years before with him perished his Brother the Marquess of Montacute and a great number of smaller note as likewise the loss of the Battle on the side of the Lancastrians Son after this overthrow Queen Margaret and Prince Edward arrive at Weymouth and understanding the loss of the Battle of Barnet Field she went to Ceerue Abby whither the Lancastrian Nobility that escaped the slaughter came to her and with comfortable words put her in hopes of better success and immediately raised such forces as they could and joyned them to those they Queen had brought over from France but loth she was that the Prince her Son should hazard himself in the Battle and urged sundry persons but was over perswaded by the Lords whose preparations alarumed Edward so that gathering an Army he advanced towards them resolving to hinder the increase of the Queens power having first committed King Henry and the Archbishop of York to the Tower and at Teuxbury both Armies met where after a hot Encounter by the Treachery of the Lord Wenlock the Battle went with Edward which Treachery was rewarded with death the Duke of Somerset the Queens General beating his Brains out with his Battle-Ax In this Battle of the Lancastrian Nobility were slain John Lord Summert John Coventry Earl of Devonshire the Lord Wenlock in manner aforesaid several Knights and three thousand common Soldiers and on the other side not fewer Upon this defeat Proclamation was made for the Apprehending Prince Edward who was soon taken by that unworthy Knight Sir Robert Crofts and delivered to his most Capital Enemy the Duke of Somerset and others of Quality having taken Sanctuary were haled thence and beheaded Prince Edward not passing fourteen years of Age being brought before Edward had assumed the Soveraignty he beheld him with a stern Countenance and demanded how he durst with Banners displayed enter his Realm to which the young Prince with an undaunted Courage replied to recover my Fathers Kingdoms and most Rightful Inheritance possessed by his Father and Grandfather and immediately from him descending to me how darest thou then that art but his Subject take up Arms against thy King This Brave and Generous Answer so touched King Edward to the quick that he unmanly with his Gauntlet smote him on the Mouth when at the same instant the more villanous Duke of Glocester afterwards Usurper of the Crown by the name of Richard the Third together with his wicked Accomplices stabbed the Prince to death in Edwards presence Monsters unworthy of the name of Men but Heavens vengeance for this and other black crimes overtook the Actors The Prince after his being murthered was Buried in the Grey-Fryars at Tewksbury without any Ceremony and now Queen Margaret having taken Sanctuary was discovered and brought Prisoner to the Tower where she continued till her Father with a great Ransome to raise which he was forced to sell most of his Signeouries to the French King he redeemed her and now King Henry being Prisoner likewise and the Thorne that made Edwards Crown sit uneasie he resolves to be rid of him and therefore sent his Brother that Crook-backed Monster in the shape of a Man to dispatch him who pretending to discourse about his releasment stabbed the pious King to the Heart and eased him of this troublesome Life though perpetual horrour haunted the Actor of this black deed to his Grave After this cruel murther committed on the pious King his Body was for many days exposed to the view of the People ever bleeding afresh which raised at once pitty and detestation in the Spectators and then carried by Water to Chersie in Surry And thus fell this good King though not unrevenged for he lived to see the miserable ends of all such as had first broached the mutual War against him viz. Richard Duke of York the Earls of Salisbury and Warwick and afterward God was not slow to revenge his Royal Blood for within a while the Duke of Clarence King Edwards Brother was attainted of Treason and privately put to death in the Tower as some say drowned in a Butt of Malmsey King Edward himself continually infested with troubles through his unquiet Reign and People every where suffering through storms pestilence and Losses by Sea and Land after his Decease his two Sons murthered by their unnatural Uncle the Duke of Glocester and that Monster himself after a short Usurpation slain in Bosworth Field as in the sequel shall more at large be shown and thus I shall end with the death of this pious though unfortunate King who left no Issue his only Son being murthered as is before recited CHAP. V.
Joy that not a Cloud of Discontent appeared upon the Brow of any but such is the Malice of the Powers of Darkness to hinder the progress of the Gospel which in his Pious Reign whilst he absolutely weiled the Sword of Justice spread so wide that the like no Age had parallel'd was not wanting to raise such Pestilential Whirlwinds of Discontent or rather Treasonable Intentions as overturned all order and Government bedewing Albions Surface with Blood and lastly with that more valuable then Ten thousand vulgar lives and to accomplish it the Monsters his Agents a while sought by underhand means but at last finding the Rabble moulded for their purpose they appeared bare faced and inveighed against his Favourites and first of all the Duke of Buckingham who at length was Murthered by one Felton basely and treacherously at Portsmouth for which the Murtherer was deservedly hanged in Chains The next thing was to object against the Legality of Ship-Money though Twelve of the Judges were of opinion that the Land being in danger of an Invasion the King at any time with the advice of his Counsel might leavy Money to defend it without intrenching upon Priviledge of Parliament for indeed if such a thing might not be the Nation might be over-run with a Forreigne Enemy before money in a Parliamentary way could be raised to defend it yet these were but slight Cavels for what happened afterward for they openly encouraged the Scots to Rebel and act such Insolencies that the like happened not in that Kingdom before in the age of Man Sacriledge and Murther being counted Trifles and although they in Parliament denyed the King any supply for his urgent occasions yet for their dear Rebel Bretheren of Scotland in recompence for the mischief they had done in Church and State they voated them 100000 pounds and to shew themselves better than their words soon after added 200000 more and then fell to Impeach the noble Earl of Strafford of High-Treason as many believed upon no other account then that he was the Kings Favourite and so far proceeded in their pernicious Designs by raising Tumults with Clubs and Stalves to assault the Kings Pallace crying out Justice against the Earl and no Bishops that the King though not without the Earls consent thinking to appease those Blood thirsty Wretches after his Attaindure Signed a Bill for his Execution which on the 12 of May 1841 was Executed on Tower-Hill his Majesty being greatly averse to that Fatal Trajedy and at the same time O the Indulgence of this Blessed Prince Signed another Bill for the Houses siting till they should consent to be dissolved which they turned to his destruction for having got the Millitia into their Hands they Armed against him and to them joyned such Rake-Hells as they could scrape together of all Religions as Anabaptists Independants Quakers Presbyters Brownists Ranters Advanities Socinians and what not all fit Instruments of Hells to hew down the Ceeder of Monarchy and Imbrew the Earth with Blood of her Sons Upon this and many other affronts the King sets up his Standard at Nottingham after his having been denyed entrance into Hull by the disloyal Knight Sir John Hotham who had a Reward for his Treason the just Judgment of God soon overtook him for both he and his Son were soon after Beheaded by their Rebellious Masters Command viz. The Parliament for to please whom he had manifestly broken his Oath to his Prince And now all being in a Combustion and no likelyhood of deciding matters but by the Sword though nothing was wanting on his Majesties part that might conduce to a Peace and happy Reconcilliation many dreadful Battels were Fought wherein the success was various till most of the Flower of the English Nobillity were Lost and the King left destitute of Mony and other such necessaries as are Rightfully termed the Sinns of War Fortune who rightfully is painted Blind turned the Scale of Victory and success till no considerable place of Strength but Oxford was left him where finding no concessions would mollifie the Flinty temper of his implacable Enemies he after some consultation with his Council resolved rather than to hazard being obliged to such hard conditions as a close Seige might extort to Fly to the Scotch Army who were in the Parliaments pay and from some of whose perfidious chief he had received several kind Invitations which he effected in the disguise of a Serving-Man and found it Incamped at South-well where he was first kindly entertained with promise of Protection but Treacherous Villains as they were and be it a Brand to their Posterity for ever rather then loose their Arrears due from the Parliament they delivered up their lawful Soveraign the best of Kings to the dispose of his merciless Enemies but Heavens vengeance delayed not to such perfidious dealing for soon after all Scotland was put into a Bloody Sweat by the Usurper The King being in the Hands of his Enemies was Imprisoned at Holmby where having stayed some time he was taken thence by Collonel Joyce and carryed to Childersly thence to Newark and so by several Stages till he came to Hampton-Court where a Treaty was proposed though nothing less intended for at that very time the Tub-thumpers fearing if the King should be restored they should loose their canting Trade bauled out nothing but Death and desolation saying Not words but rhe Sword shall end the Controversie and placing a hundred Bugbears before the Peoples Eyes to render them averse to any compliance but there cant availed not for such was the Gracious concessions of this good King that they were highly approved of by many and therefore Cromwell and his Faction fearing it should come to perfection layed a Plot to fright the King from Hampton-Court by possessing him under pretence of Friendship that there was a design against his Life which was so Hypocritically demonstrated to him by Collonel Whaly that the King leaving Letters behind him to signifie the cause of his departure he in the Company and by the advice of Mr. Ashburnham and others departed about midnight none endeavouring to Impeach his passage the Plot being before hand so layed and in the end came into the Isle of Wight of which Collonel Hammond was made Governour who being Brother to his Majesties Chaplain he thought he might the better confide in him but as disloyal as he was he proved perfidious to his distressed Majesty for upon the Parliaments publishing their Order to make it Treason for any that concealed his Person he secured him and sent them notice thereof Upon this the King Writes to the Parliament giving them more fully to understand the reasons of his departure and that he was still desirous that the Treaty of Peace might be continued and that he would consent to any thing that in Honour and conscience he might do so that after many messages had passed the Treaty was renewed wherein the Kings extraordinary Wisdom appeared and his Princely Goodness so far
then he called to Dr. Juxon for his Night-Cap which he having put on said to the Doctor I have a Gracious God and a Good cause on my Side to which the Doctor answered There is but one Stage more this Stage is Turbulent and Troublesome it is a short one but you may consider it will soon carry you a very great way it will carry you from Earth to Heaven and there you will find a great deal of Cordial Joy and Comfort To which his Majesty replied I go from a Corruptible to an Incorruptible Crown where no disturbance can be no disturbance in the World when as the Doctor again answered You are to Ex●hange a Temporary for an Eternal Crown a good Exchange After this they asked if his Hair was well then he taking off his Cloak and George gave to the Doctor saying Remember which as many suppose was to give his George to the Prince then he put off his Doublet and bid the Executioner set the Block and bid him when he stretched out his Hands shewing him the manner to strike After that having said several Prayers and bidding the Executioner who was disguised with a Vizard-masque stay for the signe he meekly layed down his head and after a short space giving the Sign O horror and Eternal Infamy to his Murtherers had it struck off at one blow which bloody as it was was taken up and shewed to the People who in Groans and tears expressed their unfeigned Sorrow The Tragedy Finished his Body and Head were put into a Coffin covered with mourning Velvet and carryed to his House at St. James's where it was Embalmed and layed in a Leaden Coffin to be seen of such as resorted thither and after a Fortnights exposing delivered to four of his Servants who in a Hearse conveyed it to VVindsor themselves in mourning accompanying the Corps and placed it in the Danes-Hall all hung with mourning and Lights stuck round whither resorted the Duke of Lenox the Marquess of Hartford the Earl of Lindsey and the Marquess of Dorchester to pay their last Duty to their Royal-Master having received orders of Parliament for his Interment but were denyed by Whitchcot to Bury him in St. Georges Chappel by the form of the Common-Prayer-Book of the Church of England though they pleaded the consent of the Parliament thereto he alledging that the Parliament would not permit the use of what they had so solemnly abolished and so destroy their own Acts the Lords reply'd that there was a difference between destroying their own Act and dispencing with it and that no power so binds its own hands as to disable it self in some cases but the rigid Fanatick would not hearken to their reasons so that they were obliged to seek a place and at last found King Henry the Eight his Vault where t is conjectured his Body and that of his Wife the Lady Jane Seymore lies in Leaden Coffins there being Room for one more they Interred the King and upon his Coffin fixed in large Characters King Charles 1648 bedewing the Earth with Tears and Sighs but especially the Bishop for that he was not permitted to do his last Duty to his Royal Master Thus by Murthering hands fell this blessed Martyr but Heavens Vengeance was not slow in making it manifest how Sacred Kings lives ought to be held First it is observed that the first raisers of the Rebellion most of them died miserable some by Grievous Diseases some Beheaded and Hanged by their own Rebel Party and others lived miserably in Exile Oliver that Monster during his greatness was nightly terrified with dreadful Visions and in the day time continually in fear of his Life seldom Lying twice in a Room and ever haunted with an Evil Conscience till he was cut off in the Strength of his days and Transported to his proper place in a Whirl-wind and after his Majesties Restauration had his odious Corps together with Bradshaws and his Son Iretons taken out of their Graves and Hanged upon Tyburn their Heads set up at Westminster-Hall Pride Ewer Lord Gray of Grooby Danvers Malleverer Bourcher Purefoy Blackstone Constable Dean killed by a Shot Allen Peham Moor Allured Edwards Norton Venn Andrews Stapeley Horton Fry Hammond Pennington and Meyen all of them the Kings Judges Dyed miserably before his present Majesties Restauration Olivers Daughter Dyed Madd his Son Richard tumbled down as soon as set up and beset with Bayliffs for Debt these of the Kings Judges were condemned and Executed as Traytors since his Majestys Restauration viz. Harrison Carew Cook Peters Scot Clement S●roop Jones Hacker Axtel Okey Corbet and Berkstead being Excluded the Act of Indemnity these following of the Kings Judges were Sentenced to Death as Traytors and kept in Prison to be Executed at the pleasure of the King viz. Wallen Heningham Martin Row Garland Smith Tichburn Fleetwood James Temple Peter Temple Waite Lilburn Millington Potter and Downs most of which since Dyed miserably in Prison those that Fled and came to miserable ends for the most part in Exile were these Wagan Lisle Say VValton VVhaly Ludlow Linsey Hewson Goffe Holland Challenor Cawlice Love Dixwell Braughton and Danby the following were such as upon humble submission and Recantation found mercy and only Fined Hutchison Lassels both Fined but VVilliam Lord Munson James Challenor Sir Henry Mildmay Robert VVallop Sir James Harrington and John Philips were deprived of their Estates and Sentenced to be drawn on Sledges to Tyburn with Ropes about their Necks like Traytors and then returned to the Tower where they were to continue Prisoners during their Natural Lives And thus Heavens Vengeance overtook the Regicides and brought those monsters to their deserved Punnishents who durst stretch out their Bloody and Trayterous hands to the sheding Innocent Blood of the Lords Anointed and that such or worse may be the Portion of all that shall hereafter dare to imagine the like is the hearty wish of the Authour FINIS Books sold by Daniel Brown at the Black Swan and Bible without Temple-Bar and Thomas Benskin in St. Brides Church-Yard A Prospect of Government in Europe and Civil Policy shewing the Antiquity Power Decay of Parliaments with other Historical and Political Observations relating thereunto By T. 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