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A29737 A chronicle of the Kings of England, from the time of the Romans goverment [sic] unto the raigne of our soveraigne lord, King Charles containing all passages of state or church, with all other observations proper for a chronicle / faithfully collected out of authours ancient and moderne, & digested into a new method ; by Sr. R. Baker, Knight. Baker, Richard, Sir, 1568-1645. 1643 (1643) Wing B501; ESTC R4846 871,115 630

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battell saying They were but clouds and would soone passe away yet so watched him that what with light skirmishes and what with skarcity of victuals his forces were so diminished that of thirty thousand which went out of Callice there scarce retunred six thousand home which made King Edward say of this King Charles that he did him more mischiefe sitting still then his Predecessours had done with all their stirring And now by this time all Poictou is lost and all Aquitaine also but onely Burdeaux and Bayon when the Arch-bishop of Roan and others are sent from Pope Gregory the eleventh to mediate a Peace betweene the two Kings but each of them standing upon high termes of conditions nothing could be effected but Truce upon Truce for two or three yeares together In which time Edward Prince of Wales died and with him we may say the Fortune of England being a Prince so full of vertues that he left no place for any vice and if he had lived in the Heroicke times might well have beene numb●ed amongst the nine Worthies His body was buried at Canterbury where his Monument standeth King Edward in his seven and fortieth yeare calleth a Parliament at W●stminster which lasted but eight dayes and to which were Summoned by Writ of Clergy men onely foure Bishops and five Abbots Of King Edwards Acts after the death of the Prince IN the time of the Princes sicknesse King Edw●rd cals a Parliament at Westminster in which when demands were made for supply of the King demands were presently made for redresse of grievances for the subjects It was required that the Duke of Lancaster the Lord Latymer then Lord Chamberlaine Dame Alice Pierce the Kings Concubine and one Sir Richard Sturry might be removed from Court And this was so vehemently urged by their Speaker Sir Peter la Moore that the King rather then not to be supplied gave way unto it and thereupon all these persons are presently put from Court but the Prince soone after dying they are all recalled to Court againe and restored to their former places About this time ex●mplary justice was done upon Sir Iohn Minsterworth knight who was drawne hanged and quartered at Tiburne for Treason by him committed in defrauding Souldiers of their wages Thi● was now the f●ftieth yeare of King Edw●●ds Raigne and he for another Iubilee gra●●s another generall pardon to his subjects● onely William Wic●ham Bishop of Winchester is excepted being lately by procurement of the Duke of Lancaster fallen into the Kings displeasure● and forbidd●● to come to the Parliament This Parliament was called the good Parliament●●●ough it wrought ill effects for Sir Peter de la Mare at the suite of Alice Pierce is committed to perpetuall imprisonment at Not●ingham though within two years after by importunate suite of friends he regained his liberty This Alice Pierce presuming upon the Kings favour grew so insolent that she entermedled with Courts of Justice and other Offices where ●he herselfe would fit to countenance her Causes And now the Duke of Lancast●● is come to have the Regencie and to manage all the affaires of the kingdome but King Edward to prevent the mischiefes when by disordering the succession might grow in the kingdome providently settled the same in Parliament upon Richard of Burdeaux ●reating him first Earle of Chester and Cornwall and then Prince of Wales and caused all the Lords of the Realme to tal●e an Oath to accept him for their King as his lawfull Heire when himselfe should be dead In this meane time a Treaty was had about a marriage betweene this Prince Richard and M●ry a daughter of Charles King of France and an offer was made to King Edward to leave him foureteene hundred Townes and three thousand fortresses in Aq●itaine upon condition he would render Callice and all that he held in Picardy but before any thing could be concluded King Edward died Of his Taxations IN the eighth yeare of his Raigne in a Parliament holden at London there was granted him a fifteenth of the Temporalty a twentieth of the Cities and Boroughs and a tenth of the Clergy In his tenth yeare in a Parliament at Northampton is granted a tenth penny of Cities and Boroughs a fifteenth of others and a tenth of the Clergy Also all such treasure as was committed to Churches through England for the Holy Warre is taken out for the Kings use towards his warres with France The next yeare after all the goods of three orders of Monks Lom●ards Cluniakes and Cistercians are likewise seised into the Kings hands and the like Subsidy as before granted at Nottingham In his twelfth yeare and as some write in absence of the King in a Parliament at Northampton is granted by the Laity one halfe of their Wooll but of the Clergy the whole The next yeare after a fifteenth was likewise paid in Wooll by the Commonalty In his foureteenth yeare in a Parliament at London is granted him for Custom● of every sacke of Wooll forty shillings for every three hundred Wooll Fells forty shil● for every Last of Leather forty shillings and of other Merchandises according to the rate the same to endure from that Easter to the Whitsontide twelve moneth after Besides there was granted of Citizens and Burgesses a ninth part of goods of forraine Merchants and others a fifteenth of Husbandmen the ninth Sheafe the ninth Fleece the ninth Lamb for two years also another tenth of the Clergy and for his present supply he had Loanes of divers persons and the City of London lent tw●nty thousand Markes For the grant of which mighty Subsidy the King besides his Pardon to divers kinds of offendours remits all Amerciaments for transgressions in his Forests Reliefs and Scurage to the first time of his going into Flanders besides all aides for the marriage of his sonnes and daughters during his Raigne pardoning and remitting all ancient debts and ●rr●rages both of his Fermors and others till the tenth yeare of his Raigne and likewise confirmes the great Charter of Magna Chartae In his eighteenth yeare in a Parliament at London a tenth was granted by the Clergy and a fifteenth by the Laity● Besides a Commission is sent into every Shire to inquire of mens abilities and all of five pounds to tenne of Lay Fee were appointed to finde an Archer on horsebacke of twenty five a Demilaunce and so ratably above There had formerly been made a certaine coyne of Gold called the Floren of base alloy for the Kings benefit towards his warres in France but this was now called in● and Nobles of finer metall coyned to the great contentment of the people In his nine and twentieth yeare he hath by Parliament granted unto him fifty shillings upon every sack of Wooll for six years next ensuing by which Imposition it was thought the King might dispend a thous●●d Markes Sterling a day the vent of Wooll was so great in that time But that which exceeded all his Taxations was the Ransome he had in
multitudes as opposed them for he marching with the rest of the Army towards Baugeux was encountred by the Earle of Clermont with seven thousand French and Scots whom yet at first he made to recoyle till the Constable of France with foure hundred men at Armes and eight hundred Archers came to the rescue and then fresh men comming upon them that were already tyred the English lost three thousand and above seven hundred besides divers that were taken prisoners After this losse of men followes presently a losse of Towns Harflew is assaulted and though valiantly for a while defended by Sir Robert Curson yet surrendred at last upon composition Then the French King with an Army royall besiegeth Caen in Normandy a Towne belonging to the Duke of Yorke defended in his absence by his Lievtenant Sir David Hall but the Duke of Somerset being Regent in commiseration of his Dutchesse being in the Towne notwithstanding the s●out opposition of Sir David Hall surrenders it upon composition to the French whereof Sir David giving notice to the Duke of Yorke it bred such a deadly quarrell between the two Dukes that they were never after throughly reconciled And thus is all Normandy recovered from the English after it had been in their possession a hundred years and finally all France is reduced to the obedience of Charles the French King And now hereafter there will be little to do abroad but there will be the more to do at home and more bloud will be shed in England by civill dissentions then was shed before in all the Wars of France This losse of Normandy and other parts in France is imputed much to the Duke of Somerset at that time Regent but the Duke of Suffolke must beare a great part of the blame partly for having beene the cause of the surrender of Anjou and Mayne and the chiefe procurer of the Duke of Glocesters death and partly for having wilfully wasted the Kings treasure and been a meanes to remove the ablest men from the Councell Boord of all which aspersions the Queen takes notice and knowing how far they trenched upon the Dukes destruction and her own She so wrought that the Parliament assembled at the Black-Friers is adjourned to Leicester and from thence to Westminster but though all means were used to stop these accusations against the Duke yet the lower House would not be taken off but exhibited their Bill of Grievances against him That he had traiterously incited the Bastard of Orleance the Lord Presigny and others to levy warre against the King to the end that thereby the King might be destroyed and his Son Iohn who had married Margaret Daughter and sole Heire of Io●n Duke of So●●●set whose title to the Crowne the sayd Duke had often declared in case king Henry should dye without issue might come to be King That through his treachery the French King had gotten possession of the Dutchie of Normandy and had taken prisoners the valiant Earle of Shrewsbury the Lord Fawc●●bridge and others but to these accus●tions he peremptorily affirmed himselfe not guilty so much as in thought Then were further allegations made against him that being with others sent Ambassador into France he had transcended his Commission and without privity of his fellow Commissioners had presumed to promise the surrender of Anjou and the delivery of the County of Mau●ts to Duke Rayner which accordingly was ●erformed to the great dishonour of the King and detriment of the Crowne That he had traiterously acquainted the French King with all the affaires of State and passages of secrecie by which the enemy was throughly instructed in all the designes of the King and Councell That he had received rewards from the French king to divert and disappoint all succours sent to the kings friends in France Upon these and divers other accusations brought against him to bleare the peop●es eyes he is committed to the Tower but the Parliament was no sooner dissolved but he was set at liberty which so incensed the common people that they made an Insurrection and under the leading of a desperate fellow styling himselfe Blewbeard they committed many outrages but by the diligence of the Gentlemen of the Country the Captain was apprehended and the Rebellion ceased And now another Parl●ament is called where great care is taken in chusing of Burgesses presuming thereby to stop any further proceeding against the Duke of Suffolke but his personall appearance at the Parliament gave such a generall distaste to the House though he came in the company of the king and Queene that they forbore not to begin the Assembly with Petitioning the king for punishment to be inflicted upon such as had plotted or consented to the resignation of A●jo● and Mayne whereof by name they instanced in the Duke of Suffolke Iohn Bishop of Salisbury Sir Iame● Fynes Lord Say and others This Petition was seconded by the Lords of the upper House whereupon to give some satisfaction to the Houses the Lord Say Lord Treasurer is sequestred from his place the Dukes Officers are all discarded and himselfe formally banished for five yeares but with an intent after the multitude had put out of minde their hatred against him to have revoked him but God did otherwise dispose of him for when he was shipped in Suffolke with intent to have passed over into France he was met by an Englishman of War taken and carried to Dover sands and there had his head chopt off on the side of the long-boate which together with the body was left there on the sands as a pledge of some satisfaction for the death of Duke H●●phry Whil●st these things are done in England the Duke of Yorke in Ireland began to make his way to the Crowne as descended from Philippe daughter and heire of George Duke of Clarence elder brother to Iohn of Gaunt great Grandfather to the present king Henry the sixth And for a beginning it is privately whispered that king H●nry was of a weake capacity and easily abused the Queene of a malignant spirit and bloudily ambitious the Privie Councell if wise enough yet not honest enough regarding more their private profit then the publique good that through their delinquencies all Fr●●ce was lost and that God would not blesse the usurped possession of king He●ry with these suggestions the Kentishmen seemed to be taken which being observed by an instrument of the Duke of Yorke called Mortimer he takes his time and tells the multitude that if they will be ruled by him he will put them in a course to worke a generall Reformation and free them for ever from those insupportable burthens of taxations so often upon every slight occasion obtruded upon them These promises of Reformation and freedome from impositions so wrought with the people that they drew to a head and make Mortimer otherwise Iacke Cade their leader who stiling himselfe Captaine Mend-all marcheth with no great number but those well ordered to Bl●ck-heath where betweene Eltha● and Greenwich he
tooke it in too great a quantity or that there was some foule play used he fell soone after into such a loosenesse that the night following he had above fifty stooles yet the next day he rode to Nottingham and the day after to Leicester Abbey being so sicke by the way that he was ready to fall off his Mule comming to the Abby gates the Abbot with all the Covent met him to whom he said Father Abbot I am come hither to lay my bones among you and then was led up into his chamber and went to bed where growing sicker and sicker the next morning Master Kingston Lie●tenant of the Tower who had beene sent to bring him up comming to him and a●king him how he did I doe but tarry saith he the pleasure of God to render up my poore soule into his hands for this is my case I have a flux with a continuall feaver the nature whereof is that if there be no amendment within eight dayes either excoriation of the entrailes will ensue or frenzie or else present death and the best of them is death and as I suppose this is the eight day Sir said Master Kingston you are afraid of that you have no cause for I assure you the King commanded me to say unto you that you should be of good cheere for that he beareth you as much good will as ever he did No no Master Kingston said the Cardinall I see how it is framed but if I had served God as diligently as I have done the King he would not have given me over in my gray hayres but it is a just reward for my study to doe him service not regarding the service of God to doe him pleasure and having so said his speech failed and incontinent the clock struk eight and then he gave up the Ghost which made some about him to remember how he had said the day before that at eight of the clock they should loose their master Being dead he was buried in the Abby of Leicester This man held at once the Bishopricks of Yorke Winchester and Durhan the dignities of Lord Cardinall Lega● and Chancelour of England the Abbey of Saint Albans diverse Priories and sundry great Benefices in Commendum he had also in his hands as it were in Farme the Bishoprick of Bath VVorcester and Here●ord which having beene given by King Henry the seventh to strangers that lived out of the Realme they suffered Woolsey to enjoy them receiving of him a Pension onely The Re●inue of this Pre●ate is scarce credible a thousand persons daily in his houshold of whom many Knights and some Lords all which greatnesse as it came by the Kings favou● so by the withdrawing of his favour it was overthrowne so true is that saying of Salomon The Kings favour is as dew upon the grasse but his wrath is as the roaring of a Lion and as a messenger of death After this the King removed from Hampton-Court to Greenwich where with his Queene Katherine he kept a solemne Christma● and on twelfth night he sat in state in the Hall where was divers Enterludes costly Masques and a sumptuous Banquet After Christmas he came to his Mannor of Westminster which before was called Yorke Place for the Cardinall had made a Feoffment of it to the King which the Chapter of Yorke confirmed and then it was no more called Yorke Place but the Kings Mannor of Westminster now VVhitehall At this time the whole Clergie of England was charged by the Kings learned Councell to be in a Praemunire for supporting and maintaining the Cardinals Legatine power and were thereupon called by Processe into the Kings Bench to answer but before their day of Appearance came they in their Convocation concluded an humble submission in writing and offered the King an hundred thousand pound to have their pardon by Parliament which offer after some labour was accepted and their pardon promised In which submission the Clergie called the King supreame Head of the Church This Pardon was signed with the Kings hand and sent to the Lords who assented to it and then sent it to the Lower House but here divers of the House excepted against the Pardon unlesse themselves also might be included in it who they said having had something to doe with the Cardinall might be brought into the same case as the Clergie were Hereupon their Speaker Thomas Audeley with a convenient number of the House was sent to the King about it to whom the King made answer that he was their Soveraigne Lord and would not be compelled to shew his mercy and seeing they went about to restraine him of his liberty he would grant a Pardon to the Clergie which he might doe by his great Seale without them and for their Pardon he would be advised before he granted it with this Answer the Speaker and Commons returned much grieved and discontented and some said that Thomas Cromwell who was newly come into the Kings favour had disclosed the secrets of the House which made the King give this unpleasing Answer But soon after the King of his own accord caused their Pardon also to be drawn and signed it● which easily passed both Houses with great commendation of the Kings judgement to denie it at first when it was demanded as a right and to grant it afterward when it was received as of grace In this Parliament time on the thirtieth of March Sir Thomas Moore Lord Chancellour with twelve of the Lords came into the Lower House acquainting them that though in the matter of the Kings Divorce he might sufficiently rest upon the judgement of learned men in his owne Universities of Oxford and Cambridge yet to avoid all suspicion of parciality he had sent into France Italy the Popes Dominions and the Venetians to have their opinions and then causing them to be read Sir Bryan Tuke tooke out of a box certaine writings sealed which were the determinations of the Universities of Orleance of Paris of Anjou of Burges of Bolonia of Padua and of Thoulouse all which were peremptory in these two Points that the Brother by the Law of God might not marry the Relict of his brother and then being against the law of God that it is not in the power of the Pope to dispence with it and now said they you may know that the King hath not sought this Divorce for his pleasure but for discharge of his conscience and this said they departed The King himselfe when he heard of these determinations was so farre from rejoycing at it that he rather mourned as for the losse of so good a wife yet he conversed with her as he had done before in nothing altered but in abstaining from her bed But being willing the Queene should know these Determinations in Whitsonweeke after he sent divers Lords to acquaint her with them requi●ing her thereupon to recall her Appeale and to refer the matter to eight indifferent Lords which she utterly refused using her usuall Answer
Queene and for her sake with Cromwell to neither of whom he was greatly affected not to the Queene as misliking her religion not to Cromwell as envying his greatnesse he so wrought upon the Kings inclination what by suggesting and what by aggravating that the Lord Cromwell the ninth of Iuly sitting in the Councell Chamber was suddenly apprehended and committed to the Tower and the ninteenth of the same moneth was attainted by Parliament and never came to his Answer by a Law which as some reported he himselfe had caused to be made and the eight and twentieth of Iuly was beheaded on the Tower-hill for crimes as appeares in Record of Heresie and Treason This Lord Cromwell was borne at P●tney a Village in Surrey neere the Thames side sonne to a Smith after whose decease his Mother was married to a Sheereman for the pregnancy of his wit he was first entertained by Cardinall Woolsey and by him imployed in many great affaires the Cardinall falling the King tooke him into his service and finding his great abilities first advanced him for his worth and then for his pleasure overthrew him But the greatest part of Stephen Gardiners practice had beene done before for at Midsomer before the King caused the Queene to remove to Richmond as for her health and pleasure and and in the time of her absence on the sixt of Iuly sent certaine Lords to the Lower House of Parliament who there declared certaine causes for which the Kings marriage with the Lady Anne of Cleve was not to be counted lawfull and so carried the matter that the Convocation cleerly determined the King might marry any other and so might she Being thus Divorced it was further Enacted she should no more be called Queene but the Lady Anne of Cleve The fault for which this Divorce was decreed is not expresly delivered● some say a precontract of the said Lady with a Lord of Germany was pretended but it seems to have bin for some womanish defect in her body as she spared not to a●firme that she had never bin carnally known by the King in al the time of their lying together and as it is said when her Ladies one time said unto her that they looked now every day to hear of her great belly she should answer they might look long enough unlesse saying how dost thou sweerest God morrow sweet-heart and suc● like words could make a great belly for said she more then this there never passed between the King and me How ever it was she willingly submitted to the Decree whether out of fear or perhaps as little liking the King as the King did her and afterward led a private life here in England wel respected of the King and dying sixteen yeers after in the fourth yeer of Quee● Mary was buried at Westminster About this time Leonard Gray Deputy of Ireland was on the Tower-hill beheaded for suffering his Nephew Gerald Fitz-Garret to escape who had been declared an enemy to the state and then also was Thomas Fines Lord Dacres a young m●n of foure and twenty yeers of age hanged at Tyburne ●or kiling a meane peson upon a suddaine affray also the fourth of A●gust Thomas Epson a Monke of Westminster for denying to take his oath to be true to the King had his Monks garment plucked from his back the last Monke that was seen in such habit in England till Queen Maryes dayes The sixt of Iuly in the two and thirtieth yeere of his Reigne King Henry had been divorc●d from the Lady Anne of Cleve and now the eighth of August following the Lady Katherine Howard Niece to the Duke of Norfolke and daughter to the Lord Edward Howard was shewed openly as Queene at Hampton-Court On the tenth of Iune the yeere following Sir Edmund Knevet of Norfolke Knight was arraigned before th● Officers of the Green-cloath for striking one Master Cleere of Norfolke within the Tennis-court of the Kings House● being found guilty he had judgment to loose his Right hand and to forfeite all his lands and goods whereupon there was called to do execution first the Serjeant Surgion with his Instruments pertaining to his office then the Serjeant of the Wood-yard with a mallet and a block to lay the hand upon then the Kings Master-cooke with the knife ●o cut off the hand then the Serjeant of the larder to set the knife right on the joynt then the Serjeant Farrier with searing●irons to seare the veines then the Serjeant of the ●oultry with a Cock which cock should have his head smitten off upon the same block and with the same knife then the Yeoman of the Chandry with seare-cloaths then the Yeoman of the Scullery with a pan of fire to heare the irons a chafer of water to coole the ends of the irons and two formes for all Officers to set their stuffe on then the Serjeant of the Cellar with wine Ale and Beere then the Serjeant of the Ewry with Bason Ewre and towels all things being thus prepared Sir William Pickering Knight Marshall was commanded to bring in his prisoner Sir Edmund Knevet to whom the chiefe Justice declared his offence which the said Knevet confessed and humbly submitted himselfe to the Kings mercy onely he desired that the King vvould spare his Right hand and take his left because said he if my right hand be spared I may live to doe the King good service of vvhose submission and reason of his suite vvhen the King vvas informed he granted him to loose neither of his hands and pardoned him also of his lands and goods The summer of his three and thirtieth yeer● King Henry with his Queene Katherine made a progresse into the North-parts and ret●rning at Alhallantide to Hampton-court he was there informed of the Queens dessolute life first before her mariage with one Francis Deerham a Gentleman of N●rfolke whom imployed afterward in Ireland she had lately againe at Pomfret received into her service and now since her mariage with one Thomas Colepepper of the Kings Privy-chamber whereupon the thirteenth of November Sir Thomas VVriothsley Knight secretary to the King was sent to the Queen at Hampton-Court to charge he● with these crimes and discharging her houshold to cause her to be convayed to Sion there to remaine till the Kings pleasure should be further knowne the deli●quents being examined Deerham confessed that before the King● mariage with the Lady Katherine there had been a pre-contract between himselfe and her but when he once understood of the Kings liking towards her he then waved and consealed it for her preforment so the first of December the● Gentlemen being arraigned at the Guild-hall they confessed the Indictment a●● had Judgment to die as in cases of treason the tenth of December they we●e drawne from the Tower to Tyburne where Colepepper was beheaded and Deerham was hanged and dismembred Colepeppers body was buried in Sepulchers Church in London but both their heads were set on London-bridge the two and twentieth of December
a number of poore kindred who to his great cost lay hanging upon him yet was the marriage solemnised with as great charge as if he had beene to have Mountaines with her and this was another grievance And now is the score of these grievances called upon to be paid for the Lords could no longer endure so many indignities to see themselves fleighted and onely strangers advanced as Brent● who held the Earledomes of Nottingham Oxford Bedford and B●ckingham and others the like and to see their persons exposed to danger and their estates to ruine for which no remedy could be but onely the Kings confirming their Charter of Liberties wherein it is strange to observe upon what different grounds the King and the Lords went It seemes the King thought that to confirme that Charter were to make himselfe to be lesse then a King and the Lords thought that as long as it was denied they were no better then slaves● and as the King could endure no diminution so the Lords could endure no slavery but the King might keep his owne with sitting still the Lords could not recover their owne but by motion and seeing their strength must be in their number by commotion hereupon they confederate together and of this confedencie Richard now Earle Marshall upon the death of his brother William is chiefe who repaire to the King and boldly shew him his errour and requires satisfaction Hereupon the King sends presently over for whole Legions of Poict●uins and withall summons a Parliament at Oxford whither the Lords refuse to come after this a Parliament is called at Westminster whither likewise they refuse to come unlesse the King would remove the Bishop of Winch●ster and the Poictouins from the Court and more then this they send him word that unlesse he did this they would expell both himselfe and his evill Counsellours out of the Land create a new King Upon this threatning Pledges are required of the Nobility for securing of their Allegeance and Writs a re●ent out to all who hold by knights service to repaire to the King at Glocester by a certaine day which the Earle Marshall and his associates refusing the King without the ●udgement of hi● Court and their P●●rs causeth them to be Proclaimed Out-lawes seiseth upon all their Lands which he gives to his Poictouins and directs out Writs to attach their bodies wheresoever in the kingdome But now of these confederate Lords the Bishop of Winchester wonne the Earles of Chester and Lincolne with a thousand Markes and the King had so pleased his brother the Earle of Cornwall that he likewise left them whereupon they withdrew them into Wales and confederate with L●●ilin Prince of Wales● whither also came Hubert de Burgh escaped out of prison and joynes with them taking intermutuall Oaths that no one without other should make their accord Hereupon the King goeth himselfe in person into Wales where not prevailing he returnes to Glocester imployes new forces of strangers but all without successe At last a Frier is imployed to perswade the Earle Marshall to submit himselfe to the King but all in vaine till at length a traine is laid to draw him over into Ireland to defend his state there being seised upon by the King where by treachery circumvented he lost his life Yet the King disavowes the sending of any such Commission into Ireland protesting he never knew thereof and laies the fault upon his Officers an easie way for Princes never to be found in any fault After two yeares affliction a Parliament is assembled at VVestminster wherein the Bishops admonish the King by his Fathers example to be at unity with his people and to remove from him strangers and to governe the kingdome by Natives of the Realme and by the Lawes otherwise they would proceed by Ecclesiasticall censure both against his Counsellours and himselfe The King seeing no way to subsist but by temporising consents to call home those Lords out of VVales restores them to their places and possessions removes all strangers from about him and cals his new officers to account Hereupon the Bishop of VVinchester Peter de Rivalis and Stephen Seagrave take sanctuary but afterward by mediation they obtained with great Fines their Liberty dearly paying for their two years greatnes After this a Parliament is againe called which the King would have to be kept in the Tower whither the Lords refusing to come another place of more freedome is appointed in which Parliament order is taken for removing all Sheriffes from their places upon complaint of corruption and here the King displaceth his Steward and offers to take from the Bishop of Chichester then Chancellour the great Seale which he refuseth to deliver as having received it by the common councell of the kingdome and now Pe●●r de Rivali● a●d St●phen Seagrave are received againe into grace by which may appeare the vici●●itude of fortune in Princes favours After this in the one and tw●ntieth year● of ●is Raigne another Parliament is held at London where the King requires the thirteenth part of all the moveables as well of the Clergy as Laity which being directly opposed the King promiseth by oath never more to injure the Nobility so they would but relieve him at that present After foure dayes consultation ●he King p●omising to use onely the counsell of his naturall Subjects and protesting against the Revocation lately propounded● and freely granting the inviolable obse●vation of their Liberties under paine of Excommunication a Subsidy is granted him bu● so that foure knights be appointed in every Shi●e to receive and deliver the same 〈◊〉 to some Abbey or Castle where it may be saf●ly kep● that if the King ●aile in p●rformance of his Grants it may be restored to the Coun●rey from whence it was collected And now the King to make a shew of true reconciliation for his part suddenly causeth the Earles VVarren and 〈◊〉 with Iohn Pits Geoffrey to be sw●rn his Counsellours yet was neither of the points either for removing of strangers or for disposing the money observed afterward by the King● for the money he made bold to take at his pleasure and for strangers they were so farre from removing that they were drawne nearer to him for now VVilliam Valentine Unkle to the Queen is growne the most inward man with him and nothing done but by his counsell also the Earle of Province the young Queenes Father a poore Prince hath a good share of the money that was collected and Simon de Montford a French man borne is entertained by the King and preferred s●cretly in marriage to Eleanor the Kings sister Widow of VVilliam Earle of Pembroke the great Marshall and is made Earle of Leycester by right of his Mother Avice daughter of Blanchman Earle of Leycester which courses so incense the Nobility that it put them out into a new commotion and Richard the Kings brother becomes one of the party whom the other Lords make their spokesman to the King to
Kings Writ Affaires of the Church in his time IN the second yeere of this Kings Reigne there came messengers from the new-elected Pope Vrban to require the Kings ayd against such Cardinals as he named Schism●ticks that had elected another Pope whom they named Clem●nt which Cardinalls sent messengers likewi●e to crave his ayd for them but through perswasion of the Archbishop of Canterbury Vrbans request was granted and Clement rejected In his fourth year Iohn Wickliffe set forth his opinion touching the Sacrament of the Altar denying the doctrine of Transubstantiation in such sort as the Church of Rome did then teach In his sixth year Henry Spencer Bishop of No●wi●h received Bulls from Pope Vrb●n to grant all priviledges of the Crusado to all such as would come over and assist him against the Anti-Pope Clement which being debated in Parliament It was after much opposition agreed that it should go forward and thereupon the Bishop not only gathered much money from such as would contribute to the expedition but drew many great Captaines to go themselves in person as namely Sir Hugh Calverley sir William Farington the Lord Henry Beau●●●t sir William Elmham sir Tho●as Tryvet and divers others The money raised by contribution came to 25000 Franks and the Army to 3000 Horse and 15000 Foot with which Forces the Bishop passing over into Flanders wonne the Towns of Graveling Dunkirke and Newport but at last encountred by a mighty Army of the French he was put to the worse and returned into England In the twelveth yeare of this Kings Reigne an Act was made that none should passe the Seas to purchase promotions or provisions as they tearmed them in any Church or Churches Also in this yeare Thomas late Earle of Lancaster by reason of miracles reported to be done by him was Canonized for a Saint At this time also the Wickliffs mervelously increased Preaching against Pilgrimages and Images whose greatest opposer was the Bishop of Norwich In his thirteenth yeare Proclamation was made that all Beneficed men abiding in the Court of Rome should return into England by a certain day under pain of forfeiting their Benefices and all other not Beneficed under a certain pain likewise Also about this time a Statute was made that no Ecclesiasticall person should possesse Manours Houses Lands Revenues or Rents whatsoever at the hands of the Feoffee without the Kings Licence and the chiefe Lords In his eighteenth yeare the Wickliffs were persecuted and excommunication pronounced against them by the Archbishop of Canterbury In this Schisme of the two Popes the French Clergy wrote in behalfe of Clement their Pope and sent it into England the Clergy of England on the contrary wrote in behalfe of Pope Vrban and so nothing was agreed Works of Piety in his time IN the 20th yeare of this Kings Reign William B●teman Bishop of Norwich builded Trinitie Hall in Cambridge In the third year of his Reign Iohn Philpot Major of Lo●don gave to the Citie certain Tenements for the which the Chamberlain payeth yearly to thirteen poore people to every of them seven pence the week for ever and as any of those thirteen persons dyeth the Major appointeth one to succeed and the Recorder another In the one and twentieth yeare of his Reign King Richard caused the great Hall at Westminster to be repaired both the Walls Windows and Roofe In his time Si●●● Archbishop of Canterbury slain by the Rebels upon Tower hill built the West-gate of Canterbury and from thence to the North-gate commonly called the long wall Thomas Fits-Ala● or Arundell being Bishop of Ely built the great Gatehouse of Ely house in Holborne and being after Bishop of Canterbury he built a faire spire steeple at the West-end of his Church there called to this day Arundell steeple and bestowed a tuneable ring of five Bells upon the same Of Casualties happening in his time IN his third yeare so great a mortality afflicted the North parts of England that the Country became almost desolate In his sixt yeare on the 24 day of May there happened so great an earthquake or as some write a watershake that it made Ships in the Havens to beat one against the other In Iuly in the year 1389. whilest the King was at Sheene there swarmed in his Court such multitudes of Flyes and Gnats skirmishing with one another that in the end they were swept away with brooms by heaps and bushels were filled with them In his twelveth yeare in March first there were terrible Windes afterward followed a great mortality and after that a great dearth that a bushel● of wheat was sold for thirteen pence which was then thought a great price for the years before it was sold for six pence and Wooll was sold for two shillings a stone In his fourteenth year on Christmas day a Dolphin was taken at London-bridge being ten foot long and a monstrous grown fish Ind his eighteenth year an Exhalation in likenesse of fire appeared in the night in many places of England which when a man went alone went as he went and stayed as he stayed sometimes like a wheele sometimes like a Barrell sometimes like a timberlogge but when many went together it appeared to be far off Also in a Parliament time ther was a certain Image of waxe made by Necromancie as was sayd which at an houre appointed uttered these words The Head shall be cut off the Head shall be lift up aloft the feet shall be lift up above the Head and then spake no more This happened in the Parliament called the Marvellous Parliament not long before the Parliament that wrought wonders In his one and thirtieth yeare a River not far from Bedford suddenly ceased his course so as the channell remained dry by the space of three miles which was judged to signifie the Revolting of the Subjects from their naturall Prince In his two and twentieth yeare almost through all England old Bay-trees withered and afterwards grew green againe which was supposed to import some strange event About the yeare 1380. the making of Gunnes was found by a Germa●e which may well be reckoned amongst casualties seeing it was found by casualty for this Germane having beaten Brimstone in a morter to powder and covered it with a stone it happened that as he struck fire a sparke chanced to fall into the powder which caused such a flame out of the morter that it raised the stone a great heigth which after he perceived he made a Pipe of iron and tempered the powder with some other ingredients and so finished that deadly Engine The first that used it were the Venetians against the inhabitans of Geneva Of his Wives KING Richard in his time had two Wives the first was Anne Daughter to the Emperour Charles the Fourth and Sister to the Emperour Wenceslaus who lived his wife ten years and dyed without issue at Sheene in Surry in the year 1392 whose death King Richard tooke so heavily that he caused the buildings of that
Duke of Somerset is arrested in the Queens great Chamber and sent to the Tower and in a Parliament now convoked appe●ched of Treason and many heynous crymes objected against him whereupon the King though weake is brought to London of purpose to dissolve the Parliament and that di●solved the Duke of Somerset is presently set at liberty againe and not only so but is made Captaine of Callice and Guysnes the onely remainder the English had in France Upon this the Duke of Yorke and his party with a great power march towards London against whom the King attended with the Duke of Somerset the Duke of Buckingham and his sonne both named Humfry Henry Earle of Northumberland Iames Earle of Wiltshire Iasper Earle of Pembrooke and two thous●nd men marcheth forwards at S. Albans both armies meet the Duke in the morning send● a letter to the King protesting his fidelity and synderity onely he desires the Duke of Somerset may be delivered to stand or fall by the Judgement of his Peers and this he would have or dye in the pursuite The King for answer Commands him to disband and submit to his mercy and not expect that he will deliver any in his Army who have shewed their loves in standing to him Herewith the Duke acquaints his friends who hereupon fall every one to his quarter The Earle of Warwick fell upon the Lord Cliffords quarter where the Duke of Somerset h●sting to the rescue was slaine and with him the Earle of Northumberland Humfry Earle of Stafford the Lord Clifford and about five thousand others besides many that were hurt the King himselfe shot in the neck with an arrow the Duke of B●ckingham and the Lord Scales in the faces the Earle of Dorset so hurt that he was faine to be carryed home in a Cart The Kings army had been increased after his comming forth to eight thousand but now they are all dispersed or slaine and the King unguarded is left in a poore thatcht house whither to be freed from the danger of arrows he had withdrawn himselfe The Duke of Yorke having notice where the King was goes with Wa●wick and Salisbury who all three upon their knees present themselves before him making humble petition to him for pardon of what was past and now seeing the common Enemy was slaine they had what they aymed at To whom the King throughly affrighted said Let there be no more killing then and I will doe what you will have me This first battell of S. Albans was fought upon the three twentieth day of May in the three thirtieth year of King Henries raigne The bodies of the Duke of Somerset the Earle of Northumberland and the Lord Glifford were buried in the Chappell there And now the Duke of York in the kings name commands a surcease from ●●rther hostility and in all reverent manner conveyeth the king to London where they keep the feast of Pentecost together at which time a Parliament is summoned to begin at Westminster the ninth day of July and therein it is enacted that the Duke of Glo●cester should be decl●red publikely a loyall Subject and that none should misreport or dispute the actions of the Duke of Yorke or of any in his company and moreover the Duke of Yorke is m●de Protector of the kings Person and of the Realme the Earle of Sali●bury is made Lord Chancellor and the Earle of Warwicke Captain of Callis wherein they all carried themselves with unblameable demeanour In this meane time the Queene not well pleased with these proceedings s●ekes all me●ns to incite the Lords of her party and they as much seeke to incite her to make opposition she puts the Duke of Buckingham in minde that these Traitours had slaine his hopefull Son at S. Albans she tells the now Duke of Somerset that by them his deare Father lost his life And they againe put the Queen in minde of the unsufferable indignity done to her in making her Husband only a king in name setting a Tutor over him as though he were a childe whil'st the Duke of Yorke and his complices manage all Upon which incitation all the enemies of the Yorkshire Faction are assembled by the Queene at Greenwich where it is debated of some course to be taken for restoring the king to his former liber●y and Government at length it is concluded that the duke of Yorke should be comma●ded to give over his place of Protectorship for that the king was of yeares and discretion sufficient to Rule of himselfe without a Guardian and the Earle of Salisbury to surrender his place of being Lord Chancellor for that the great Seal was never delivered him seeing that which was now used was made since the kings restraint and therefore not sufficient to which conclusion of theirs the king easie to be wrought upon yields his co●sent and thereupon they are both discharged from their Offices and summoned to appeare at the Councell Table at Gr●enwich but the Lords were wiser than to put themselves into their hands and therefore make answer that none had power to displace them nor to command their appearance in any place but in Parliament and so they continued about Lond●n placing and displacing whom they pleased ●nd by their triumvirat authority tooke Iohn Holland Earle of Exeter out of Sanctuary and sent him prisoner to Po●f●et Castle These proceedings gave occasion to the licentious multitude to raise commotions and the Prentices of London upon a very slight occasion fall upon out-landish Merchants rifle and robbe their houses and the Major assembling a company of substantiall Citizens to suppresse them the Ring-leader of the disorder flyes to Sanctuary Commissioners are sent to enquire and punish the offence but when the Major and Commissioners were set tydings came that the Commons were up in Arms whereupon the Commissioners left the busines to be proceeded in by the Major who so discreetly ordered the matter that many of the offenders were punished some by death others by fine and all things were quieted and appeased At this time the French having little to do against the English in France would needs be doing something against them in England They set out two Fleets one under the conduct of William Lord Pomyers the other of Sir Peter Bressy the Lord fell ●pon Fulney in the West-Country the knight upon S●●dwich in Kent where some hurt they did but not of importance to countervaile their Voyage And now the Queen finding the little respect the Londoners bore to her party or the kings perswades the king as for his health and recreation to make a Progresse into Warwickeshire which he did by the way hunting and hawking and the Queen making show of minding nothing but pastimes and this she did with a purpose the easier to entrap the three Lords of Yorke Salisbury and Warwicke to whom shee writ most loving letters earnestly inviting them to be at Coventry by an houre appointed which they not doubting any fraud intended to have done but
Hereupon the Lord Howard and his Company went to Rendre the Lord Willoughby to Gorscha●g and Sir William Sands with many other Captaines to Fontarely King Henry in the meane time hearing what the King of Spaines intention was sen● his Herauld Windsor with Letters to the Army willing them to tarry there●for that very shortly he meant to send them a new supply of Forces under the conduct of the Lord Herbert his Chamberlaine but this message so incense● the Souldiers that in a great fury they had slaine the Lord Howard if he had ●o● yeelded presently to returne home who thereupon was forced to hire shippe●● and in the beginning of December they landed in England being taught ●●y this experience what trust is to be given to Spanish promises About the same time that the Marquesse went into Spaine Sir Edward H●●ard Lord Admirall of England with twenty great ships made forth toward● Br●ttaine where setting his men on land he burned and wasted divers Town● and Villages and being threatned by the Lords of Brittaine to be encountred to encourage his Gentlemen he made divers of them Knights as Sir Edwa●● Brook brother to the L. Cobham Sir Grif●eth Downe Sir Thomas Windham Sir Thomas Lucy Sir Iohn Burdet Sir William Pirton Sir Henry Sherburne and Sir Stephen Bull. The Brittains were tenne thousand the English but five and twenty hundred yet the Brittaines not contented with this advantage of number would ne●ds use policy besides for by the advice of an old experienced Captaine their Generall commanded his men that a●soone as Battels were joyned● they should retire a little meaning thereby to draw the English into some disadvantage but the common Souldiers not knowing their Generalls purpose and supposing he had seen some present danger instead of retyring tooke their heeles and fled so giving the English by their Brittish policy if not a Victory at least a safety to returne to their ships After which the Brittaines sued for truce and could not obtaine it for the English Admirall pursued his forraging the Countrey till fearing there were many French ships abroad at Sea he came and lay before the Isle of Wight King Henry in the meane time followed his pleasures and in Iune kept a solemne Just at Greenwich where he and Sir Charles Brandon took up all cummers and the King shewed himselfe no lesse a King at Arms then in Estate After this King Henry having prepared men and ships ready to go to Sea under the Governance of Sir Anthony Out●read Sir Edmund Ichingham William Sidney and divers other Gentlemen appointed them take the sea and to come before the Isle of Wight there to joyne with the Admirall which altogether made a Fleet of five and twenty faire ships and to Portesmouth he we●t himselfe to see them where he appointed Captaines for one of his chiefest ships called the Regent Sir Thomas Knevet master of his horse and Sir Iohn Carew of Devonshire and to another principall ship called the Soveraigne he appointed for Captaines Sir Charles Brandon and Sir Henry Guildford and then making them a banke● sent them going The French King likewise had prepared a Navy of nine thirty ships in the Haven of Brest whereof the chief was a great Carrick called the Cordelyer pertaining to the Queen his wife These two Fleets met at the Bay of Brittaine and there entred a tirrible fight The Lord Admirall made with the great ship of Deepe and chased her Sir Charles Brandon and Sir Henry Guildford being in the Soveraigne made with the great Carrick of Brest and laid stemme to stemme to her but whether by negligence of the Master or by reason of the smoake from the Ordnance the Soveraigne was cast at the ster●e of the Carrick whereat the Frenchmen shoured for joy which Sir Thomas Knevet seeing suddenly he caused the Regent in which he was to make to the Carrick and to grapple with her a long boord and when they of the Carrick perceived they could not get a sunder they let slippe an Anchor and so with the streame the ships turned and the Carrick was on the Weather side and the Regent on the Lee side at which time a cruell fight passed between these two ships but in conclusion the Englishmen entred the Carrick which when a Gunner saw he desperately set fire on the Gunpowder as some say though others affirmed that Sir Anthonie Outhread following the Regent at the sterne bowged her in divers places and set her powder on fire but howsoever it chanced the Carrick and the Regent both were consumed by fire In the Carrick was Sir Piers Morgan and with him nine hundred men in the Regent were Sir Thomas Knevett and Sir Iohn Carew and with them seven hundred men all drowned and burnt King Henry to repaire the losse of the Regent caused a great ship to be made such a one as had never been seen in England and named it Henry Grace de Dieu Though King Henry had hitherto followed his pleasures as well agreeing with his youth and constitution yet he neglected not in the meane time severer studies for he frequented daily his Councell Table and no matter of importance was resolved on till he had heard it first maturely discussed as was now a War wi●h France which he would not enter into upon his owne head nor yet upon advise of his private Councell till he had it d●b●ted and concluded in Parliament whereupon he called his High Court of Parliament wherein it was resolved that himselfe in person with a Royall Army should invade France and towards the charges thereof an extraordinary Subsidy was willingly granted On May even this yeer Edmund de la Poole Earle of Suffolke was beheaded on the Tower Hill This was that Earle of Suffolke whom King Phillip Duke of Austria had delivered up into the hands of King Henry the seventh upon his promise that he would not put him to death which indeed he performed but his sonne King Henry the eight was not bound by that promise and by him he was and shortly after to bring another Lord in his place Sir Charles Brandon was created Viscount Lisle For all the great preparation for France King Henry forbore not his course of Revelling but kept his Christmas at Greenwich with divers cu●ious devises in most magnificent manner In March following the Kings Navy Royall to the number of two and forty ships was set forth under the conduct of Sir Edward Howard Lord Admirall accompanied with Sir Walter Deveraux Lord Ferrers Sir Wolston Browne Sir Edward Ichingham Sir Anthony Poynings Sir Iohn Walloppe Sir Thomas Windham Sir Stephen Bull William Fits Williams Arthur Plantagenet William Sidney esquires and divers other Gentlemen who sayling to Brittane came into Bertram Bay and there lay at Anchor in sight of the French Navie wherof one Prior Iohn was Admirall who keeping himselfe close in the Haven of Brest the English Admirall intended to assaile him in the Haven but because his ships were to
please them both The Recorder set forth the complaint of the Lords against the Protectour in such sort that he made many inclinable to favour that side but one named George Stadlow better advised stept up and in a long Speech shewed what mischiefes had come to the City by opposing the King and therefore gave his opinion to suspend giving aide to the Lords at lest for a time His advice was harkened to and thereupon the Court resolved onely to arme a hundred Horsemen and foure hundred foot in defence of the City and to the letters returned submissive but dilatory answers After some other passages betweene the Protectour and the Lords Sir Edward Winkfield Captaine of the Guard was sent from the Lords to Windsor who so well perswaded the King of the Lords loyall affection towards him and of their moderate intention towards the Protectour that the King was contented to have him presently remvoed from him and suffered him within two dayes after to be carried to the Tower In whose absence seven Lords of the Councell and foure Knights were appointed by turnes to attend the Kings person and for affaires of State the government of them was referred to the whole body of the Councell soone after were sent to the Protectour in the Tower certain Lords of the Councell with Articles against him requiring his present Answer whether he would acknowledge them to be true or else stand upon his justifica●ion The chiefe Article was this That he tooke upon him the Office of Protectour with expresse condition that he should doe nothing in the Kings affaires but by assent of the late Kings Executours or the grea●est part of them and that contrary to this condition he had hindered Justice and subverted laws of his owne authority as well by letters as by other command and many other Articles but all much to this purpose The Protectour whether thinking to speed better by submission then by contesting or perhaps finding himselfe not altogether innocent for indeed in so great a place who can beare himselfe with such sincerity but he will commit errours with which he may be taxed subscribed an acknowledgement with his owne hand humbly submitting himselfe to the Kings mercy and desiring their Lordships favour ●owards him Upon this submission three moneths after he had bin imprisoned he was released entertained and feasted by the King and swor●e again to be a Privie Councellour but no more Protectour at which time betweene him and the Lords a shew at lest of perfect amity was made and to make it the more firme the Dukes daughter was afterward married to the Lord Lisle Sonne and heire to the Earle of Warwicke at which marriage the King himselfe was present and perhaps to honour their reconcilement and this marri●ge the Earle of Warwicke was made Lord Admirall of England Sir Iohn Russell Lord Privie Seale was created Earle of Bedford the Lord Saint-Iohn was created Earle of Wiltshire and soone after made Lord Treasurour Sir William Paget Controlour of the Kings House was made Lord Paget Sir Anthony VVinkfield Captaine of the Guard was made Controlour and Sir Thomas Darcye was made Captaine of the Guard But of the other side the Earle of Arundell the Earle of Southampton were put off from the Councell of whom the Earle of Southampton dyed shortly after at Lincolne-Place in Holborne and was buried in Saint Andrewes Church there About this time a Parliament was held at Westminster wherein one Act was made against spreading of Prophesies another against unlawfull Assemblies but for feare of new tumults the Parliament was untimely Dissolved and Gentlemen were commanded to retyre to their Count●ey-habitations and ●or the same cause also Trinity Terme did not hold About this time also Pope Paul the third dyed after whose death the Cardinals being divided about the election of a new Pope the Imperial part which was the greatest gave their voyces for Cardinall Poole which being told him ●e disabled himselfe and wished them to choose one that might be most for the glory of God and good of the Church upon ●his stop some that were no friends to Poole and perhaps looked for the place themselves if he were put off laid m●ny things to his charge amongst other that he was no● withou● suspition of Lutharisme as having bin very conversant with Immanuell Tremellius and Anthonius Flaminius great Lutherans and not altogether without blemish of incontinency there being a young Nunne that was thought to be his daughter But of these criminations Poole so cleered himselfe that he was afterward more importuned to take the place then he was before and thereupon one night the Cardinals came unto him being in bed and sent him word they came to adore him which is one special kind of electing the Pope but he being awaked out of his sleepe and acquainted with it made answer that this was not a worke of darkenesse and therefore required them to forbeare till the next day and then to doe as God should put in their mindes But the Italian Cardinals attributing this putting off to a kinde of stupidity and sloth in Poole looked no more after him but the next day chose Cardinall Montanus Pope who was afterward named Iulius the third And now the King of France upon many just considerations was growne desirous to have a Peace with England and thereupon sent one Guidol●i a Florentine in●o England to make some overture of his desire to the Lords of the Councell who addressing himselfe to the Earle of Warwicke whom he knew to be most prevalent so prevailed that it was concluded foure Embassadours should be sent from the King of England into Franee● and foure from the French King to treat with them The Commissioners for the English were Iohn Earl of Bedford William Lord Paget Sir William Peter and Sir Iohn Mason Secretaries of State For the French were Monsieur Rochpot Monsieur Chatillon Guyllart de Martyer and Rochetelle de Dassie much time was spent to agree about a place of meeting till at last the English to satisfie the French were contented it should be before Bulloigne where were many meetings and m●ny diff●rences about conditions but in conclusion a Peace was concluded upon certaine Articles the chiefe whereof was that Bulloigne and the places adjacent should be delivered up to the French within six weekes after the Peace Proclaimed and that the French should pay for the same two hundred thousand crownes within three dayes after delivery of the Towne and other two hu●dred thousand crowes upon the fifth day of August following hostages were on both sides given for performance and to those Articles the French King was sworne at Amyens and the King of England in London the Lord Clinton who had been Deputy of Bulloigne was made Lord Admirall of England Presently after this Agreement the Duke of Brunswicke sent to the King of England to offer his service in the Kings wars with ten thousand men and to intreat a marriage with the Lady
and the Cardinall on their right hand all the Lords Knights and Burgesses being present the Bishop of VVinchester Lord Chancellour made a short speech unto them signifying the presence of the Lord Cardinall and that he was sent from the Pope as his Legate a Latere to doe a worke tending to the glory of God and the benefit of them all which saith he you may better heare from his own mouth Then the Cardinall rose up and made a long solemne Oration wherin he first thanked them for his restoring by which he was enabled to be a member of their society then exhorting them to returne into the bosome of the Church for which end he was come not to condemne but to reconcile not to compell but to call and require and for their first worke of reconcilement requiring them to repeale and abrogate all such Lawes as had formerly beene made in derogation of the Catholicke Religion After which Speech the Parliament going together drew up a Supplication which within two dayes after they presented to ●he King and Queene wherein they shewed themselves to be very penitent for their former errours and humbly desired their Majesties to intercede for them to the Lord Cardinall and the See Apostolicke that they might be Pardoned of all they had done amisse and be received into the bosome of the Church being themselves most ready to abrogate all Lawes prejudiciall to the See of Rome This Supplication being delivered to the Cardinall he then gave them Absolution in these words Wee by the Apostolicke authority given unto us by the most Holy Lord Pope Iulius the third Christs Vicegerent on Earth doe Absolve and deliver you and every of you with the whole Realme and Dominions thereof from all Heresie and Schisme and from all Judgements Censures and Paines for that cause incurred and also Wee doe restore you againe to the unity of our Mother the holy Church The report hereof comming to Rome was cause that a solemne Procession was made for joy of the conversion of England to the Church of Rome And now the Queene had a great desire to have King Phillip crowned but to this the Parliament would by no meanes assent In October this second yeere of her reigne a rumour was spread of the Queenes being with childe and so forward that she was quicke and thereupon were Lettes sent from the Lords of the Councell to Bonner Bishop of London that Prayers of Thanksgiving should be made in all Churches and the Parliament it selfe was so credulous of it that they entred into consideration of the education of the childe and made an Act desiring the King our of 〈◊〉 confidence they had in him that if the Queene should faile he would be pleased ●o take upon him the Rule and Government of the childe but after ●ll this in Iune following it came to be knowne that it was but a Tympany ●r at lest the Queene so miscarried that there came no childe nor the Queene likely ever after to have any But howsoever in hope of the joy that was expected in Ianu●ry of this yeere divers of the Councell as the Lord Chancellour the Bishop of Elye the Lord Treasurour the Earle of Shrewsb●ry the Controlour of the Queens house Secretary Bourne and Sir Richard So●thwell Master of the Ordinance were sent to the Tower to discharge and set at liberty a great part of the Prisoners in the Tower as ●amely the late Duke of Northumberlands sonnes Ambrose Robert and Henry also Sir Andrew Dudley Sir Iames Cro●ts Sir Nicholas Throgmorton Sir Iohn Rogers Sir Nicholas Arnold Sir George Harper Sir Edward Warner Sir William Sentlow Sir Gowen Carow William Gybbs Esquire Cutbert Vaughan and some others About this time one William Fetherstone a Millers sonne of the age of eighteene yeeres named and bruted himselfe to be King Edward the sixth for which being apprehended and examined he answered as one lunaticke and thereupon was whipped at a Carts ●ayle and banished into the North but the yeere after spreading abroad againe that King Edward was alive and that he had talked with him he was arraigned and condemned of treason and at Tyburn hanged and quartered In the moneth of March the Queene was taken with a fit of Devotion and thereupon called unto her foure of her Privie Councell namely William Marquesse of Winchester Lord Treasurour Sir Robert Rochester Comptrolour Sir William Peter Secretary and Sir Francis Englefield Master of the Wards and signified unto them that it went against her conscience to hold the Lands and Possessions as well of Monasteries aud Abbeys as of other Churches and therefore did freely relinquish them and leave them to be disposed as the Pope and the Lord Cardinall should thinke fit and thereupon charged them to acquaint the Cardinall with this her purpose A●d shortly after in performance hereof Iohn Fecknam late Deane of Pauls was made Abbot of Westminster and had possession delivered him and with him fourteen Monkes received the Habit at the same time and on the twentieth of November Sir Thomas was instituted Lord of Saint Iohns of Hierusalem and was put in possession of the Lands belonging unto it And when it was told her● that this would be a great diminution of the Revenues of her Crowne she answered she more valued the salvation of her soule then a thousand Crownes a most religious speech and enough if there were but this to shew her to be a most pious Prince The fourth of September this yeer King Phillip waited on with the Earle of Arundell Lord Steward the Earle of Pembrooke the Earle of Huntington and others went over to Callice and from thence to Brussels in Brabant to visit the Emperour his Father who delive●ing him possession of the Low Countries in March following he returned into England but then on the sixth of Iuly following by reason of wars with France he passed again over to Callic● and so into Flanders from whence he returned not till eighteene moneths after which made great muttering amongst the common people as though hee tooke any little occasion to be absent for the little love hee bore to the Queene In the third yeere of the Queene dyed Stephen Gardiner Bishop of Winchester at his house in Southwarke of whose death it is memorable that the same day in which Bishop Ridley and Master Latimer suffered at Oxford he would not goe to dinner till foure a clocke in the a●ternoone tho●gh the old Duke of Nor●olke was come to dine with him the reason was because he would first heare of their being burnt and as soon as word of that was brought him he presently said Now let us goe to Dinner where sitting downe and eating merrily upon a sudden he fell into such extremity that he was faine to be taken from the Table and carried to his bed where he continued fifteen dayes without voyding any thing either by urine or otherwise which caused his tsongu to swell in his mouth and so dyed after whose death
Spain where for England was employed the Earl of Arundell Thursbey Bishop of Ely and Doctor Wootton Dean of Canterbury with whom William Lord Howard of Effingham was joyned by a new Commission As soon as King Philip heard of the death of his wife Queen Mary pa●●ly out of considerations of State and partly out of affection of love he solicited Q. Elizabeth by his Ambassadour the Earl of Feria to joyni● Marriage with himself which was no more for two sisters to have successively one husband then was done before for two brothers to have successively one wife and for this he promised to procure a Dispensation from the Pope To which motion the Queen though she well knew That to allow a Dispensation in this case to be sufficient were to make her own Birth Illegitimate yet to so great a Prince and who in her sisters time had done her many favours she would not return so blunt an Answer but putting the Ambassadou● off for the present in modest tearms She conceived there would be no better way to take him off clean from further sute then by bringing in an Alteration of Religion which yet she would not do all at once and upon the sudden as knowing the great danger of sudden changes but by little and little and by degrees as at first she permitted onely Epistles and Gospels the Ten Commandments the Lords Prayer and the Creed to be read to the People in the English Tongue in all other matters they were to follow the Romane Rite and Custome untill order could be taken for establishing of Religion by Authority of Parliament and a severe Proclamation was set forth prohibiting all Points of Controversie to be medled with by which means she both put the Protestants in hope and put not Papists out of hope Yet privately she committed the correcting of the Book of Common Prayer set forth in the English Tongue under King Edward the sixth to the care and diligence of Doctor Parker Bill May Cox Grindall Whitehead and Pilkington Divines of great Learning with whom she joyned Sir Thomas Smith a learned Knight but the matter carryed so closely that it was not communicated to any but ●o the Marquesse of Northampton the Earl of Bedford and Sir William Cecile The two and twentieth of March the use of the Lords Supper in both kindes was by Parliament allowed The four and twentieth of Iune the Sacrifice of the Masse was abolished and the Liturgy in the English Tongue established though as some say but with the difference of six voyces In Iuly the Oath of Supremacy was propounded to the Bishops and others And in August Images were removed out of Churches and broken or burnt By these degrees the Religion was changed and yet the change to the wonder of the world bred no disturbance which if it had been done at once and on the sudden would hardly at least not without dangerous opposition have been admitted During this time a Parliament had been summoned to begin at Westminster upon the fifteenth of Ianuary and now the Queen for satisfaction of the people appointed a Conference to be held between the Prelates of the Realm and Protestant Divines now newly returned who had fled the Realm in the time of Queen Mary for the Prelates were chosen Iohn White Bishop of Winchester Ralph Bayne Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield Thomas Watson Bishop of Lincolne Doctor Cole Dean of Pauls Doctor Langdell Arch-deacon of Lewis Doctor Harpsefield Arch-deacon f Canterbury and Doctor Chadsey Arch-deacon of Middlesex For the Protestant side were appointed Doctor Scory Doctor Cox Doctor Sands Doctor Whitehead Doctor Grindall Master Horne Master Guest Master Elmer and Master Iuell The place was prepared in Westminster Church where besides the Disputants were present the Lords of the Queens Councell with other of the Nobility as also many of the Lower House of Parliament The Articles propounded against the Prelates and their adherents were these First That it is against the Word of God and the Custome of the ancient Church to use a Tongue unknown to the people in common Prayer and in the Administration of the Sacraments Secondly That every Church hath authority to appoint and change Ceremonies and Ecclesiasticall Rites so they be to edification Thirdly That it cannot be proved by the Word of God that there is in the Masse a Sacrifice Propitiatory for the living and the dead For the manner of their Conference it was agreed it should be performed in writing and that the Bishops should deliver their Reasons in writing first The last of March was the first day of their meeting where contrary to the Order the Bishops brought nothing in writing but said They would deliver their mindes onely by Speech This breaking of Order much displeased the Lords yet they had it granted Then rose up Doctor Cole and made a large Declaration concerning the first Poynt when he had ended the Lords demanded if any of them had more to say who answered No Then the Protestant Party exhibited a written Book which was distinctly read by Master Horne This done some of the Bishops began to affirm they had much more to say in the first Article This again much displeased the Lords yet this also was granted them to do at their next meeting on Munday next but when Munday came so many other differences arose between them that the Conference broke off and nothing was determined But in the Parliament there was better Agreement for there it was enacted That Queen Elizabeth was the lawfull and undoubted Queen of England notwithstanding a Law made by her Father King Henry the eighth that excluded both her and her sister Mary from the Crown seeing though the Law be not repealed yet it is a Principle in Law That the Crown once gained taketh away all defects Also in this Parliament First fruits and Tenths were restored to the Crown and the Title of Supreme Head of the Church of England was confirmed to the Queen with so universall consent that in the Upper House none opposed these Laws but onely the Earl of Shrewsbury and Sir Anthony Brown Viscount Mountague and in the Lower House only some few of Papall inclination murmured saying That the Parliament was packt and that the Duke of Norfolk the Earl of Arundel and Sir William Cecill for their own ends had cunningly begged voyces to make up their Party The Supremacie thus confirmed to the Queen the Oath was soon after tendred to the Bishops and others of whom as many as refused to take it were presently deprived of their livings And that we may see how inclining the Kingdom at this time was to receive the Protestant Religion It is said that in the whole Realm wherein are reckoned above Nine thousand Spirituall Promotions there were no more that refused to take the Oath but onely fourscore Parsons fifty Prebendaries fifteen Masters of Colledges twelve Archdeacons twelve Deans six Abbots and fourteen Bishops indeed all that were at that time
the like whereof had not been known in former Ages should not be drawn into Example In her fortieth yeer in a Parliament at Westminster were granted her by the Clergy three entire Subsidies and by the Laity as many with six fifteenths and Tenths In her two and fortieth yeer to furnish her self with money towards the Irish War she delegated certain Commissioners to confirm the Crown Lands to the possessors that held any of controverted Titles and to take money for the Confirmation thereby to take away the troubles by concealers who at this time were very busie Of her LAVVS and ORDINANCES IN a Parliament holden in her first yeer an Act was made That every person should go to Divine Service upon Sundayes and Holy-dayes or else pay twelve pence to the poor Also it was enacted That Bishops should not let the Lands of the Church longer then for one and twenty yeers or three Lives except to the Queen or her Successors In her third yeer Proclamation was made That the Teston coyned for twelve pence and in the Raign of King Edward embased to six pence should not be currant but for four pence the Groat but for two pence and the piece of two pence but for a penny And not long after all the said base Moneyes were called in and fine Sterling money was allowed for them after the Rate For Ireland also she coyned Sterling money where nine pence in England went for twelve pence there The Queen was the first that brought certain Counties to deliver Provision at a certain rate that so they might be freed from the Purveyors Also the first that granted allowance to Judges for their Circuit In her sixth yeer in a Parliament then holden it was made Treason to refuse taking the Oath of Supremacy yet with this limitation That by it the blood should not be dishonoured nor goods confiscate nor the Oath to be required of any Baron of the Kingdom Also this yeer by a Common Councell in London It was enacted That all such Citizens as from thenceforth should be constrained to sell their houshold-stuff Leases of houses or such like should first cause the same to be cried thorow the City by a man with a Bell and then to be sold by the common Outcryer appointed for that purpose and he to receive one farthing upon the shilling for his pains In her three and twentieth yeer she represseth by Proclamation excesse in apparell Gold Chayns and Clokes which men wore down to their heels The length of Swords was limitted to three Foot and Daggers to twelve Inches besides the Hilts. Buildings likewise in the Suburbs were restrained In-mates forbidden and expresse charge set forth That no dwelling house should be new built within three miles of any of the City Gates under pain of imprisonment and losse of the materialls In her time was set on foot by Sir Thomas Smith the Law made for the serving of Colledges with provision to the great benefit of those Scholasticall Societies In her two and fortieth yeer she setteth forth Proclamations against the Transportation of Gold or Silver wrought or unwrought according to the former Acts of Parliament in that case provided This yeer also she founded the Company of the East India Merchants and allowed them ample Priviledges In her three and fourtieth yeer all Monopolies are called in by Proclamation In her four and twentieth yeer severe Laws are made against Papists some inflicting death some fine and imprisonment In her eight and twentieth yeer a Proclamation was set forth prohibiting to sow Wo●d within eight miles of any of the Queens Houses and four miles off any Cities or Towns Corporate AFFAIRS of the CHURCH in her time ON Sunday the first of Ianuary next after the Queens coming to the Crown by vertue of her Proclamation the English Letany was read accordingly as was used in her Graces Chappell in all Churches thorow the City of London and likewise the Epistle and Gospel of the day begun to be read at Masse-time in the English To●gue Also in a Parliament holden in her first yeer the first Fruits and Tenths were restored to the Crown and the Supreme Government over the State Ecclesiasticall and the book of Common-Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments in the English Tongue was restored and by degrees the Protestant Religion was established The Bishops that refused the Oath of Supremacy were all removed and Protestant Bishops placed in their room It was enacted also That all persons should go to Divine Service upon Sundayes and Holy-dayes and a Fine of twelve pence imposed upon every one that should be absent and the same to be given to the poor In her fourth yeer the Queen was solicited by Pope Pius to send her Orators to the Councell of Trent which she refused as not acknowledging it a lawfull Councell In a Parliament holden in her eighth yeer it was enacted and by a generall consent declared That the Election of the Arch-bishops and Bishops in England together with their Consecration Confirmation and Investiture which some persons slanderously called in question was lawfull and Canonicall and that they were rightly and according to the Acts and Statutes of the Kingdom chosen and consecrated In her eleventh yeer there arose in England two contrary factions in Religion on the one side Thomas Harding Nicholas Sanders and other Divines that had fled out of England began to exercise the Episcopall Jurisdiction upon the Queens Subjects which they had derived from the Sea of Rome On the other side Colman Burton Hallingham Benson and other making profession of the pure Religion would allow of nothing but what was directly taken out of the Scriptures openly condemning the received Discipline of the Church of England together with the Church Liturgy and the very Calling of Bishops as savouri●g too much of the Romish Religion protesting in the Pulpi●s That it was an impious thing to hold any thing common with the Church of Rome and used all diligence to have the Church of England reformed in every point according to the Rule of the Church of Geneva These although the Queen commanded to be committed to prison yet it is incredible how upon a sudden their followers encreased known by the envious name of Puritans This sect so mightily encreased that in her sixteenth yeer the Queen and Kingdom was extremely troubled with some of the Clergy who breathing out nothing but Evangelicall parity cryed down the Ecclesiasticall Form of Government as a thing polluted with Romane dr●ggs and setting forth Books likewise Intituled The Admonition to the Parliament and the Defence of the Admonition they refused to resort to the Divine Service publikely in use and framed to themselves other Rites Whereupon the Queen to suppresse them whom by no means she liked commanded every where the severity of the Law touching the Uniformity of Common-Prayer to be put in execution and those books upon pain of Imprisonment to be delivered into the hands of the Bishops or some
by Coach to the King at Hampton Court where foureteen dayes together they were feasted and royally entertained and then returned But these Festivalls were follwed with a little disturbance for in May the yeare after great Assemblies were gathered together in Northampton-shire Warwickshire and Leicester-shire throwing downe Inclosures at first without any particular head but at last rose up a base fellow called Iohn Reynolds whom they named Captaine Pouch because he had a great leather Pouch hanging by his side who affirmed to the Company that in that Pouch he had sufficient to defend them against all cummers but when hee was afterward apprehended and his Pouch searched there was nothing found in it but a piece of green Cheese Proclamation was made commanding them to surcease their disorder But this prevailed nothing till the King sent Henrie Earle of Huntington Thomas Earle of Exceter Edward Lord Zouch and Sir Edward Co●ke Lord Chiefe Iustice of England to suppresse them by force of Armes and to punish the Levellers according to the nature of their offences some by Death as for Treason some by Fines as for Routs but Captaine Pouch was made exampler On Friday the twelfth of Iune his Majesty attended with divers Lords dyned with the Lord Major Sir Iohn Wats who after dinner presented him with a purse full of Gold and humbly besought his Majestie that he would be pleased to bee free of his Company the Cloath-workers To which the KING graciously condiscended and thereupon called to Sir William Stone Master of the Company and said Stone give me thy hand and now I am a Cloath-worker And in token of my speciall favour to this fraternity I doe here give to this Company a brace of Bucks yearely for ever against the time of the Election of the Master and Wardens at which time also many Lords and Gentlemen were made Free of the Cloath-workers On Thursday the 16. of Iuly the King and Prince with many Lords dined at Merchant T●l●rs-Hall where the Master and Warden of that Society presented the King with a Purse of Gold giving him humble thankes for gracing their Fraternity with his ●oyall presence● and therewithall shewed him a Roll wherein were Registred the names of seven Kings one Queene 17 Princes and Dukes two Dutchesses one Archbishop one and thirty Eearles threescore and six Barons seven Abbots seven Pryors with a great number of Knights and Esquires who had been free of that Company which His Majesty graciously accepted but told them that he himselfe was already free of another Company but the Prince his son should be free of theirs and that he would see the Garland put on his head whereupon the Master presented the Prince also with a purse of Gold which he graciously accepted and said that not only Himselfe would bee free of the Merchant Tailors● but the Lords also that were with him should do the like all which was performed with great solemnity The fourth of Iuly this yeare Sir Thomas ●nevet was called by Writ to the Parliament by the name of Baron of Estrick the next day Sir Iulius Caesar Chancelor of the Exchecker was sworne a Privy Counsellor and the sixteenth of November fallowing Sir ●ervis Clyfton Knight was called to the Parliament by Writ by the name and title of Baron of Layton Brameswold whose only daughter and heire was soon after married to Eysme Steward Baron of Aubigny in France sole brother of the Duke of L●nox whom he afterward succeeded in that Dignity About this time Hugh Earle of Tervon most ungratefully and utterly forgetfull of the Kings great clemency to him together with Te●rconell Hugh Baron of Dungaunon and divers other Irish Lords fled into the parts beyond Sea with a purpose to solicite forreign Princes against the King and to offer the Kingdom of Ireland to the Pope which was presently signified to the Realm by Proclamation On the Eleventh of Aprill this year George Iervis a Seminary Priest and the three and twentieth of Iune● following Thomas G●rnet a Iesuit were both executed at Tybourn Thom●● Garnet having the favour offered him to be pardoned if he would but take the Oath of Allegeance which he refused The nineteenth of Aprill at Whitehall died Thomas Earle of Dorset Lord Treasurer whose death because he dyed suddenly as he sate at the Counsell-Table was by some untowardly interpreted but being dead and his head opened there were found in it certain little bags of water which whither by the strayning of his study the night before in which he sate up till eleven a clock or otherwise by their own maturity suddenly breaking and falling upon his braine caused his suddain death So certain it is that death comes not always by determinate steps but sometimes per saltum and we all cary about us the causes of suddain death though unsensible of them till we be unsensible This Lord was of excellent parts and in his place exceeding Industrious and I have heard many Checker men say there never was a better Treasurer both for the Kings profit and the good of the subject The twentith of May at Windsor were made two Knights of the Ga●ter George Earle of Dun●arre and Philip Earle of Mo●●g●mery but the Earle of Dunbarra within a yeare or two after left both his honor and his life but not his life without honour having been a faithfull servant and a wise Counsellor to the King and was honorably Interred in the Church at Westminster About this time were many famous English Pirates that stuck not some of them to turne Turks and lived in great state at Tunis of whom the chiefe were W●rd Bishop Sir Francis Verney and Gl●●●●le whom after many depredations and outragious acts at Sea partly the King of Spaine suppressed and partly the King of Eng. and 19 of their associ●tes being taken were hanged a● Wapping Also at this time in the Strand on the North side of Durham house where ●●ood an old long stable Robert Earle of Salisbury now Lord Treasurer of Eng●●●d caused to be erected a stately Building which upon Tuesday the tenth of Aprill in the yeare 1609 was begun to be richly furnished with wares and the next day after the King the Queene and Prince with many great Lords and Ladies came to see it and then the King gave it the name of Britteines ●urse On the eight of May this year the King by Proclamation prohibited all forreine Nations that after August they should not fish upon any of the Coasts of England Scotland or Ireland nor the Isles adjacent without the speciall Licence from the Commissioners in that behalfe Ordained At this time the making of Allum which heretofore with great charges had been fetched from forreigne parts was by diverse that laboured in it and now lastly by Sir Iohn Burchier brought to perfection in England and therupon the King prohibited upon paine of confiscation any Allum to be brought from beyond the Seas and took the whole traffick therof to himself And now the
Iames His Raigne there were so many made that it may not be unfit to set them down in a Cathalogue together In His first yeare were made foure Earles and nine Barons namely Henry Howard yonger brother of the last Duke of Norfolk was made Earle of Northampton Thomas Sackvile Lord Buckhurst was made Earle of Dorset and shortly after Charles Blount Lord Montjoy was made Earle of Devonshire and Thomas Howard Baron of Walden was made Earle of Suffolk Henry Grey was made Lord Grey of Groby afterward by King Charles made E. of Stamford Henry Danvers was made Baron of Dansley afterwards by K. Charles made Earle of Danby Sir Iohn Peter of Essex was made B. of Writtle Sir W. Russell was made Baron of Thornaugh Sir Thomas Gerard was made Baron of Gerards Bromly in Stafford-shire Sir Robert Spencer was made B. of Wormelayton in the County of Warwick Sir Thomas Egerton was made B. of Elesmore and Sir Robert Cecill was created B. of Henden in Rutlandshire and Sir Iohn Harington was made Baron of Ex●on In His second yeare on the 20 of May were made foure Barons and one Viscount Sir Robert Sidney was made Baron of Penshurst Sir William Knowles Baron of Grayes Sir Edw. Wotton Baron of Marley and Mildmay Fanc Lord de Spencer and in August the same yeare Sir Robert Cecill Baron of Essenden was created Viscount Cranbourne In His third yeare of the 4 of May were created three Earles and one Viscount and foure Barons namely Sir Robert Cecill Viscount Cranbourne was created E. of Salisbury● Sir Thomas Cecill his elder brother L. Burghley was created E. of Exeter and Sir Philip Herbert younger brother to the E. of Pembrok was created E. of Montgomery Robert Sidney Baron of Penshurst was created Viscount of Lisle Sir Iohn Stanhope was made Baron of Harington Sir George Carew Baron of Clopton Mr Thomas Arundell of Devonshire● Baron of Warder and Master William Cavendysh Baron of Hardrick● In his fourth yeare on the fourth of Iuly Sir Thomas Kneve●t was called by writ to the Parliament by the name of B●ron of Estrick● and was thereby Baron of that Title and on the seventh of September Sir Iervys Clifton was likewise called by writ to the Parliament by the name of Baron of Layton Bromsensold and was thereby Baron of that Title In his ninth yeare upon Easter-munday Sir Robert Carre was created Viscount Rochester and In his tenth yeare an the fourth of November was created Earle of Somersett In his eleventh yeare Lewis Steward Duke of Lenox was made Earle of Richmond and after Duke of Richmond In his thirteenth yeare on the 29. of Iu●e Sir Iames H●y of Scotland was created Baron of Sawley and about three yeares after was made Viscount Doncaster and Sir ●obert Dor●er was created Ba●on of Wyng afterward by K. Charles made Earle of Car●arvan In his fourteenth yeare on the 9. of Iuly Sir Iohn Hollis was created Baron of Haughton and Sir Iohn Roper of Ken●● was made Baron of Tenham and on the 17. of August Sir George Villiers was created Baron of Whadden and Viscount Villiers and on the 7. of November Thomas Egerton L. Elsemore was created Viscount Brackley and he dying soon after his sonne Iohn was created Earle of Bridgewater William L. Knowles was created Viscount Wallingford and Sir Philip Stanhope was created Baron of Shelford On the 5 of Ianuary the Viscount Villiers was created Earle of Buckingham and on the third of March Sir Edward Noell of Rutland-shire was made Baron of Rydlington In his fifteenth yeare on New-yeares day Sir George Villiers Earle of Buckingham was created Marquis of Buckingham and on the 12 of Iuly Sir Francis Bacon Lord Chancellour of England was created Baron of Verulam and not long after Viscount Saint Albans Also in the Summer of this year the King created foure Earles and one Countesse namely the Viscount Lisle was made Earle of Leycester the Lord Compton was made Earle of Northampton the Lord Rich was made Earle of Warwick the Lord Cavendish was made Earle of Devonshire and the lady Compton wife to Sir Thomas Compton and mother of the Marquis of Buckingham was created Countesse of Buckingham In his sixteenth yeare on the 25 of November Sir Iohn Digby Vice chamberlaine to the King was created Baron of Shirbourne by Patent to him and his heires Males In his seventeenth yeare in the moneth of Iune Esme steward Lord d' Aubigny younger brother Duke of Lenox was created Earle of March Iames Marquis Hammilton was created Earle of Cambridge and Sir Iohn Villiers brother to the Marquis of Buckingham was Baron of St●k and Viscount Purbeck In his eighteenth yeare William C●vendish was created Viscount Mansfield afterward by King Ch●rl●s m●de Earle of Ne●castle and on Munday the fourth of Dec●mber Sir Henry M●●tague being first made Lord Treasurer was created Baron of Kimbolton and Viscount M●●devile and not long after Earle of Manchester and Sir Iohn Ramsey Viscount Haddington of Scotland was created Earle of Holdernesse and William Fielding was created Baron of Newhen●●● and Viscount Fielding In his ninteenth yeare Henry Cary was made Lord Cary of L●ppington afterward by King Charles made Earle of Manmouth Sir Edward Mountague elder Brother to the Viscount M●●devile was made Baron of Boulton the Lord Darci● of Essex was created Viscount Colchester afterward by King Charles made Earle R●vers the Lord Hu●sdo● was created Viscount Rochford afterward by King Charles made Earle of D●ver Sir Lyonell Cranfield Master of the Wardes was created Baron of Cranfield in Bedford-shire and Sir Howard● second sonne to Thomas Earle of Suffolke● was created Baron Chorleton and Viscount Andover afterward by King Charles made Earle of Barke-shire In his twentyth yeare in the moneth of September the Viscount Doncaster was created Earle of Carlile the Viscount Fielding was created Earle of Denhigh the Lord Digby was made Earle of Bristow the Lord Cranfield was created Earle of Middlesex and Sir Henry Rich was made Baron of Kensington In his one and twentyth yeare the Marquis of Buckingham being then in Spaine with Prince Charles had his Patent sent him to be Duke of Buckingham William Grey was created Baron of Warke Elizabeth the widdow of Sir Moyle Fynch of Kent was created Viscountesse Maidestone afterward by K. Charles made Countesse of Winchelsly ●his two and twentieth year the Earle of Clanricard of Ireland was created Viscount Tunbridge in Kent afterward by King Charles made Earle of Saint Albans Sir Iohn Hollis Baron of Haughton was created Earle of Clare Sir 〈…〉 Ri●h Baron of Kensington was created Earle of Holland the Lord 〈…〉 Baron of Say and Seale was made Viscount Say and Seale Sir 〈…〉 ●ane was created Earle of Westmerland Oliver Lord St. Iohn of Blet●●● 〈◊〉 made Earle of Bullinbrook Sir Christopher Villers brother to the Duke of B●ckingham was made Earle of Anglesey and Sir Iames Ley was made 〈…〉 afterward by King Charles made Earle of Marlborough Also this year●● Sir Francis Leak was made Baron of Deincourt and Sir Richard Roberts was made Lord Roberts of Truro in Cornwall And this was the number of all the Earles and Barons made by King Iames● but in his time also began another sort of Nobility to bee made in England which had none of the Priviledges of English Barons but had onely Title to bee called Lords of some place either in Scotland or Ireland although they possessed not a foot of Land in either Of which ●o●t the number being great I forbeare to rehearse them lest I should be tedious or otherwise bee thought to encroach too much upon the Heralds office It is sufficient to have shewed that King Iames advanced so many in honour that in a kind it might be said of him as was said of Augustus Caesar That he left Rome of Marble which hee found built of Brick The beginning of THE RAIGNE OF KING Charles KING Iames being deceased on the 27 day of March in the forenoon the same day in the afternoone Charles Prince of Wales His only son then living was Proclaimed King of Great-Brittain France and Ireland with the Generall acclamation of all sorts of People as being a Prince of admirable endowments both of mind and body He was now about the age of 25 yeares whereof the most part of one he had spent in Spaine where although he was frustrated of the end for which he went yet it gave him a tincture of Travaile and Expe●ience more worth perhaps then the end he went for For by this meanes he attain●● to a greater degree of that which made Ulysses so famous Quod mores hominum multorum vidit urbes The first thing he did after his Coronation was to proceed in the marriage agreed upon in His Fathers time with the beautiful vertuous Lady Henrieta Maria yonger daughter of the Great Henry the 4● K. of France after which marriage we have only to say that he was happy in the Wife of His bosome Happy in His hopefull Issue Happy in the love of His people Happy in the Peace and tranquility of his Kingdomes● and Happy in the continu●nce of all these Happinesses for 15 years together and might have so continued still if it had not been for Discordia Demens Viperiu●s crinem vitti● innexa cruentis But of that which happened afterward I dare not take upon me to be a Register Neither is it indeed safe to begin a Narration which I must be faine to breake off in amaz●ment as having nothing left me to say but Omnia in malu●●●ere and so far from any apparance of humane remedy that our only Anchor must be this supersunt● Yet our hope is It will be but a fit and the storme once past faire weather again and fairer perhaps than it was before and then with Ioy we shall resume our stile Laetumque choro Poeana canemus In the meane time comforting our selves with the words of the Prophet David Many are the troubles of the Righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all Carolus en Rex magnus in armis major in ermis Quid mirum Imperio magnus amore magis FINIS
being made he would needs read it before them all himselfe and then subscribed it and withall made it his suit that t●● Duke of Lanc●ster might be his Successor and King after him and for a signe of his desire hereof he tooke his Signe● Ring of Gold from his finger and put it upon the Duke of Lancasters that never man who had used a Kingdome with such violence gave it over with such patience or rather such willingnes that he seemed rather to affect it then that he was any way forced to it This Resignation of K. Richard being shewed to the Parliament both Houses gave their assent and then C●mmissioners were appointed to pronounce openly the sentence of his deposing which was done by the Bishop of Assaph and all Allegiance renounced to him And now it is easie to be observed what a wonderfull concurrene of fortunes in behalfe of the Duke of Lancaster and against K. Ri●hard happened together whereof if any one had been missing he had never been turned ●ut of his Throne in such manner as he was For first if it had not happened that K. Richard had been in Ireland at the time when the Duke began his attempt it had ●or been possisible for him to compass● his designe as he did And then if King Richard being in Ireland he had not by misfortune of weather been kept sixe weekes from hearing of the Dukes arrivall he had not given him so large a time for raising of Forces and ●o more easily might have resisted him Or after K. Richard heard of the Dukes arrivall if he had followed the Earle of Salisbury and not stayed so many dayes longer then he promised he had found an Army ready to receive ●im sufficient at least to have given a stop to the Dukes proceedings Or when at last he came over and found his Army to faile him if withall his own courage had not failed him but that he had manfully put it to the hazard of a Battell as his souldiers themselves would have had him to doe he could not chuse but have made a better end of his busines then now he did But when all is done there is no warding ●he blowes of Fortune or to say better No resisting the Decree of Heaven but seeing that Decree is an Abyssus to us and may perhaps but be conditionall we shall manifestly be Traitors to our selves if we use not our uttermost endeavours to divert it That it may truly be said King Richard lost his Crown more by his own Treason then by the Treason of any other Of his Taxations IN his second yeere in a Parliament held at Glocester was granted to be paid by the Merchants upon every sack of wooll a Mark for this present yeere and for every pounds worth of wares brought from beyond Sea and sold here sixe pence of the Buyer In his Third yeere in a Parliament of Westminster a Subsidie was granted to be levied of the Great men of the Realm to the end the Commons might be spared The Dukes of Lancaster and Britain paid 20 marks every Earl 6 marns Bishops and Abbots with Miter as much every Monk three shillings foure pence also every Justice Sheriffe Knight Esquire Parson and Vicar were charged after a certaine rate but no Commons of the Layitie Also this yeere in another Parliament was granted a Tenth by the Clergie and a Fifteenth by the Laytie but with this condition That from thenceforth which was in March 1380. till the Feast of S. Michael which should be in the yeere 1381. there should be no more Parliaments but yet was not observed In his Fourth yeere in a Parliament at Northampton a new kinde of Subsidie was granted of every Priest Secular or Regular sixe shillings eight pence and as much of every Nunne and of every man or woman maried or not maried being sixteen yeeres of age beggers onely excepted foure pence In his Fifth yeere a Subsidie was granted by the Merchants of certaine Customes of their wools which they bought and sold called a Maletot to endure for foure yeeres In his Seventh yeere was granted him one Moyity of a Fifteenth by the Laytie and shortly after a Moyitie of a Tenth by the Clergie In his Ninth yeere halfe of a Tenth and halfe of a Fifteenth by the Laytie In his Eleventh yeere there was granted him a Tenth of the Clergie and a Fifteenth of the Laytie In hi● Twelveth yeere at a Parliament was granted of every Sack of wooll forty shillings whereof ten shillings to be applyed presently to the Kings use the other thirty to remaine in the hands of Treasurers towards the charges of warres if any should happen Also there was a Subsidie granted of sixe pence in the pound whereof● foure pence to the use last mentioned the other two pence to be at the kings pleasure In his Fifteenth yeere at a Parliament was granted a Tenth of the Clergie and a Fifteenth of the Laytie towards the charges of Ioh● Duke of La●caster sent into France In his Eighteenth yeere a Tenth was granted by the Clergie and a Fifteenth by the Laytie towards his own journey into Ireland In his Twentieth yeere the Clergie granted him a Tenth to be paid that yeere In his one and twentieth yeere upon pretence of having ayded the Duke of Glocester and the Earles of Arundell and Warwick against him he caused blanke Charters to be made which he compelled both Citizens and Gentlemen in the Country to seale whereby he might charge them afterward to pay whatsoever he required In his two and twentieth yeere a Fifteenth and a halfe was granted and for the Customes of wools fifty shillings upon every Sack of Englishmen borne and three pounds of Strangers Of Lawes and Ordinances in his time IN his second yeere in a Parliament at Glocester it was enacted That Merchant-strangers might buy and sell in Grosse or by Retaile within this Realme In his Third yeere in a Parliament at Westminster It was Ordained that the Priviledges and Immunities of the Abby of Westminster should remaine inviolate but with this Proviso against those that tooke Sanctuary with pu●pose to defraud their Creditours That their lands and goods should be lyable to their debts In his Sixth yeere a Parliament was holden in which the Major of London upon suggestion that the Fishmongers used great deceit in uttering of their Fish obtained to have it Enacted That from thenceforth none of that Company nor of the Vintners Grocers Butchers or other that sold any provision of Victuals should be admitted Major of the City but in the Parliament next following were restored to their liberty againe saving that they might not keepe Courts among themselves but that all transgressions of their Customes should be tryed at the Majors Court. In his Eleventh yeere K. Richard created Iohn Beauchamp of Holt Baron of Kedermister by his Letters Patents the first that was so made for before this time Barons were alwayes made by calling them to Parliaments by the