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A73271 The summarie of English chronicles (lately collected and published) nowe abridged and continued tyl this present moneth of Marche, in the yere of our Lord God. 1566. By J.S.; Summarie of Englyshe chronicles. Abridgements Stow, John, 1525?-1605. 1566 (1566) STC 23325.4; ESTC S124615 158,676 423

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hauynge made sure league one with an other went eyther of them onward of theyr iorney toward Ierusalem Thys time the Iewes in diuers Iewes in England robbed and many slewe them selues places of this Realme as at Lincolne Stamforde and Lynne were robbed and spoyled And at Yorke to the number of four hundred ▪ more had the●r maister vaines cut so bled to death Anno reg 3. Baylyffes date 1191 William Hauer shall John Bukmotte KIng Richard in his iourney to waedes Ierusalem subdued the Erle of King Richard went to Ierusalé and his brother rebelled Cipres and then ioyning his puisance with the Frenche kinges in Asia conquered Acon wher ther grew betwen king Richard and Philip the Frenche kinge a greuous displeasure Iohn the brother of king Richard toke on him the kingdome of Englande in his brothers absence King Richard restored to the Christians the citie of Ioppa and in many battels put the Turke to gret sorow Anno. 4. Bailiffes Nicolas Duke Peter Newlay date 1192 King Richard exchanged Cypres with Guye ▪ of Lesyngham for the kingdom of Ierusalem Wherfore the king of England a long time after was called king of Ierusalem An. reg 5. Bailiffes Roger Duke date 1193 Richard Fitz Alyn King Richarde hauinge knowledge that Philip of Fraunce inuaded Normandy and that Iohn his brother had made himselfe king of England made peace with the Turkes for .iii. ▪ yeares and with a small company returnyng King Richard takē prisoner home ward by Thrace was taken prisoner by the Duke of Ostriches men and brought to Henry the Emperour and there kept in streite prison a yere and .v. monethes Where it is sayd that he slewe a Lyon and toke out his hert Anno reg 6. date 1194 Bailiffes William Fitz Isabell William Fitz Arnold Iohn the kinges brother by the settyng on of the Frenche king made gret warre within the land toke by strengthe the castelles of Windsore of Notinghā others And the French king made strong warre in Normandy date 1195 Anno. reg 7. Bailiffes Robert Beysaui Io●e le Iosue Hubert bishop of Salisbury was by king Richard sēt into Englād to haue the guiding thereof and also to treate with the lords cōmons for the kings deliuerance The sayd Hubert was by the monkes of Christes church in Cantorbury chosen archbishop Anno. reg 8 ▪ date 1196 Bailiffes Gerrad de Anteloche Robert Durant THis yere king Richarde was deliuered Great ransume payde for the king out of prison for the summe of one C. M. pounds of sterlinge money for paiment of which ransom al y t wol of white monkes chanons was sold and rings crosses of prelates with vessels chalices of al churches thrugh the land and .xvii. shrines wer ap●d and spoyled of the golde and siluer c. King Richard beyng thus deliuered shortly after landed at Sandwich so came to London where when he had arested him with a certayne number of knightes he rode to Notingham and wan the castel after that the castel of Tikhill he deposed his brother Iohn Richard agayn cronned at Winchester crouned him selfe agayn king of England in the citie of Winchester then he called a parliament where he called agayn into his handes all such thinges as he hadde eyther geuen or sold by patentes or otherwise wy which meanes he gathered a summe of money and sailed into Fraunce wher shortly a peace was concluded betwene the two kings for one yere Then Iohn which had taken part against his brother made meanes to Elianor his mother by whose mediation he was reconsiled In this tyme one William with the William with the long beard longe bearde moued the common people to se●e libertie and fredome not to be subiect to the riche and mightye By which meanes he drew to him many great companies and with all his power defended theyr cause against the riche The king beyng warned of thys tumult commanded him to cease from those attemptes But the people s●il folowed him as thei before had done and he made to them certayn orations openly taking for his Theme this sentence Haurietis aquas in gaudio de fontibus Saluatoris Which is to saye Ye shall drawe in ioye waters forth of the welles of your Sauior And to this he added I am sayd he the sauiour of pore men ye be pore and haue assaied longe the harde handes of the rich men Now drawe ye therfore holsome water forth of my welles and that with ioye For the time of your visitation is com●n This William was taken in Bowe churche in Cheape but not withoute shedding of bloud for he was forced by fyre smoke to forsake the church And he with .ix. of his adherēts wer hanged date 1197 Anno reg 9 Bailiffes Roger Blunt Nicholas Ducket This yere the warre was renued betwene King Richard of England and Philip of France in whiche eyther of them ●ped diuersly An. reg 10 bailiffes date 1198 Constantine Fitz Arnold Robert le Beau. King Richard of England be●●eged the castell of Galiarde and was wounded Kinge Richard woūded to deathe with a quarell that was shot from the wall and therof died the .vi. day of Apryll in the yere of our Lorde 1199. when he had reigned .ix. yeres and .ix. monethes His bodye was buried at Founteuerard his bowels at Carlile his hart at Roan King Iohn Anno Regni ● date 1199 IOhn brother to Richarde afore named beganne his reigne ouer this realm of England the .vi. day of Aprill in the yeare of oure lord 1199. and decesed in the yere 1216. the .xix. day of October He reigned .xvii. yeres .vi. monethes and .xiii. dais Of person he was indifferent But of melancolye and angrey complexion An. reg 1. bailifies Arnold bitz Arnold date 1199 Richard Fitz bartilmewe Philip king of France in the quarell of Arthur duke of Britain whom certayn of the Lordes had named kyng of England made warre vpon kynge Iohn inuaded Normandy and tooke from him diuers castels and tounes iii. s. of euery ploughe land King Iohn hearyng therof assembled a counsayle wherin was graunted to him iii. s. of euery plough lande through England beside the subsedy of the spirituall landes he sayled into Normandy where he spent the time to his losse and dishonour But aboute Michelmas a truce was concluded betwene the two kinges of Englande and of France king Iohn deuorsed This yere was a deuorce betwene king Iohn his wife the erle of Glocesters daughter because of nerenesse of bloude and after he was maried to Isabel the daughter of the Erle of Engolcsym in France by whom he had i● sonnes Henry and Richard and .iii. daughters Isabel Elianor and Iane. date 1200 An re 2. bailifs Roger. Dorset Iames bactilmew aldorm● In thys seconde yeare Raynulphe Erle of Chester by thexample afore shewed by kinge Iohn lefre his own wife named Constance which he before had
borne Edwarde the kinges sonne called Longshankes Anno. 23. M Williā Joyner S date 1238 Reimūd Bingley Rafe Ashewy This yeare on Candelmas day the king created syr Simō de Mountford Erle of Leycester Anno. 24. M Gerrard Batte S date 1239 John Gysors Michel Tony The King subdued the Welshemen which oftentimes rebelled An. 25. M Reymond Byngley S date 1240 John Doile Tho. Duresyne This yere were aldermen fyrst chosen The fyrste aldermen in London in London which thē had the rule of the wards of the citie but were euery yere changed as y e sherifs are now Anno. 26. M date 1241 Reymond Bingley S John Fitz John Rafe Ashewy KIng Henry sayled into Normandy with a fayre company purposing to recouer Poyteirs Guian other coūtreys but after many bickerings som what to the losse of Englishmen Henry treated a peace Anno. 27. M date 1242 Rafe Ashewy S Hugh Blunt Adam Basing THis yere the pleas of the crowne wer pleaded in the tower of Londō And in this yere Griffeth whiche Griffeth of wales brake his neck was sonne of Lewlyn lately prince of Wales entendyng to haue broken prison fell ouer the inner ward of the Tower of London and brake his necke Anno. 28. M date 1243 Michell Tony S Rafe Spicer Nicolas Batte THis yere Michell Tony Maior and Nicolas Batte Shiriffe were bothe conuict of per●ury by the othe of all the Aldermen Because Nicholas Batte had bene Shriue ouer one yere and for the same they were both deposed and other were in their places Anno. 29. M John Gysors S Robert Cornhill date 1244 Adam Bewlay RObert Grosthed bishop of Lincoln with other prelates cōplained to y e King of the wast of the goods and patrimony of y e church which daily was wasted by the aliant bishops clerks of this land who shortly wer auoided Anno. 30. date 1245 M John Gysors S Symon fitz mary Laurēce Frowike The labbey of Hayles builded This Richarde the Kinges brother builded the abbey of Hayles Anno. 31. M Piers Alleyn S John Doile date 1246 Nicolas Batte IN this yere was a mighty erthquake in England that the lyke to it was An earthequake not sene many yeres before This yere the king seised the fraunchise The kinge seised the fraunchises of the city ● of Londō Coyn changed ▪ of the citie of Londō for a iudgement ▪ that was geuē by the Maior and aldermen agaynste a wydowe named Margaret Diel but shortly the ▪ Maior and sheriffes were agayne restored to theyr offices and this yere was a new coyne and the olde called in Anno. 32. M Michel Tony S Nicolas Joy date 1247 Geffrey winton This yeare the wharfe of Quenes hiue in London was taken to ferme by the Communaltie of London to paye yerely fifty pound for the same Anno. 33. M date 1248 Roger fitz Roger S Rafe Hardell Iohn Tosalan This yere dyed Robert Grossehed a famous clerk and byshop of Lincoln who compiled many famous bookes whiche remayne to this daye in the latin and the frenche tongue the names wherof are partly declared by maister Bale in his story of English writers Anno. 34. M date 1249 Iohn Norman S Humfrey Basse Williā fitz Ric ▪ This yere was a great winde vpon A greate winde the day of Simō and Iude which did muche harme in many places of Englande Anno. 35. M date 1250 Adam Basing S Laurēce frowike Nicolas Batte The frier Augustins began to build or inhabite in wales at Woodhous King Henry maried his daughter Mary to Alexander king of Scots receiued of him homage for the realme of Scotlande Anno. 36. date 1251 M Iohn Toleson S The maior of London sworne in thex chequer Williā Durham Tho. Wimborn This yere was graūted by the king that wher before this time the citizens of London did present theyr Maior before the kyng whersoeuer he were and so to be admitted now he should come onely before the Barons of the exchequer and they shoulde admit him and geue him his othe Anno 37. date 1253 M Nicolas Batte S Many vilages in Englande drowned Iohn Northāptō Richard Picard This yere in the moneth of Ianuary the sea rose in such height that it drowned many vilages houses nere vnto it in diuers places of England This yere also the Thames sprang so highe that it drowned many houses about y e water side And this yere was graunted of the king that no citizen of London should paye scauage or tolle for any beastes by them brought as the● before time had vsed Anno. 38. date M Ri. Hardel Dra. S The liberties of London seased Ro. Belington Rafe Ashewy This yere also y e liberties of London wer again seased by the meane of Rychard Erle of Cornwalle because the Maior was charged that he loked not to the bakers for theyr syses of bread so that the citie was forced to please the Earle with 600. markes or they were restored agayne Alphonce king of Castel gaue Elinor his doughter in mariage to prince Edward the sonne of king Henry to whō his father gaue the princedome of Wales The kings eldest sōne prince of Wales and gouernance of Guian and Ireland wherof beganne that the kings of England ordeined their eldest sonnes princes of Wales Anno. 39 M date 1254 Richard Hardell draper S Stephen Oistergate Hen. Walmode THe king againe seased the liberties The liberties of Lon●on seased of the citie for certayn mony which the quene claymed for her right of the citizēs so that they gaue vnto his grace 400. marke and then were restored to their liberties agayne The. 22. day of Nouēber wer brought to Westminster 102. Iewes from Lincolne whiche were accused for crucifying Execution ●f the Ie●es of a chylde at Lincoln they were sent to the tower of London of these 8. were hanged and the other remayned long in prison Anno. 40. M Rich. Hardell draper date 1255 S Mat. Bokerel Iohn Mynor THis yere a peace was made betwen the citizens of London the abbot of Waltham who had ben long in controuersie for tol that he demaunded of the citizens that came to Walthā fayre but at the last the citizens were set free and bound to no toll Anno. 41 M Richarde Hardell Draper date 1256 S Rich. Ewyll William Ashewy GReat variance was betwene y e king the Londoners in so muche y t the The maior of London diuers Aldermen the sherifs depriued Maior diuers aldermen sheriffes were depriued of their offices and the gouernance of the citie cōmitted to certeine persons of the kings appointing The king for so much as he had oftentimes promised the restitution of certayne ancient lawes but neuer performed the same the lords murmuring against him to appeace their malice he held a parliament at Oxenford which The mad parliament was called the madde parliament because many things were there enacted which proued after to the confusion of the
d and viii d six pigeōs for one peny a fat goose for ii d a pyg for a peny so al other victuals after y e rate This yere appered a blasing sterre Anno. 12. M date 1337 Henry Darcy S Walter Neale Nicolas Crane King Edward sent Embassadors beyond the sea to allie with hym the erle of Heynault and other lordes whiche obeyde not the french king of who by the meanes of Iaques Dartuell he had great comfort bothe of the Flemmings diuers lords princes of those parts This yere the kyng granted that the officers of the Maior and Sheriffs of London should beare maces of syluer Anno. 13. M Henry Darcy date 1338 S Williā of Pomfret Hugh Marbre Kyng Edward for establishement of amitie betwene hym and the Hollanders Selanders and Grabanders sailed to And warpe where he concluded the matter with his aliances and by y ● consent of y e emperor Lewys was proclaimed vicar generall of the empire In this mean time certain frenchmē Southāpton robbed had entred the hauē of Southhampton and robbed the towne brent a great part therof and vpon the sea they toke ii great ships called the Edward and the Christopher Anno. 14. M Andrew Aubery grocer date 1339 S William Thorney Roger Frosham Kynge Henry helde a parliament at Great subsedye Westminster he demaunded the fyfthe part of euery mans goods The customes of the wolles to be paid .ij. yeares before hand and the nynth sheafe of euery mans corne Which was granted hym But before it were all payde the loue of the people dyd turne into hatred and their prayer into cursyng c. The kyng changed his coyn made Coyn changed the noble and half noble The noble at vi s .viij. d which is how .x. s̄ Kyng Edward entred the borders of France and made clayme to the whole realme of France as his rightful inheritance Armes of Englande and France entermedled and for more auctoritie named hym selfe kyng of France and entermedled the armes of France as it remayneth to this daye Anno. 15. M date 1340 Andrew Aubery grocer S. Adam Lucas Bartholomew marys The quene of England wife to king Iohn of Gaunt Edward beyng at Gaunt was deliuered of a sonne which afterwarde was called Iohn of Gaunt which was first earle of Richemount and after Duke of Gloucester Kyng Edward sailyng into Flaunders nye to the towne of Sluce mette Sattayl ou●e sea with the Frenche kynges nauy where was foughten a cruell battail Wherof the kyng of England had the victury and the Frenche flete that was in nūber 400. sayle was welnere destroied and the souldiors taken slayn drouned so that of 33000 four escaped aliue After this victory kyng Edwarde besieged Turney and the town of saint Omers At the end of .xi. wekes after the siege a peace was concluded for xii monethes and the kyng returned Anno. 16. M Iohn Oxenford vintener date 1341 S Rich. barkyng Iohn Rockesleye This yeare came into England .ii. cardinals to treate a peace betwene the kynges of Englande and of France who concluded it for .iij. yeares but it lasted not so long This yere the quene was deliuered of a man childe at Langley and was named Edmund of Langley and was kyng Edwards thirde sonne Anno. 17. M Symon Francis mercer date 1342 S Iohn Lufkin Rich. Kyslingbury This yere died Iohn duke of britain by reason of whose death war strife grewe and parts takyng by y e Frenche kyng and kyng Edwarde Anno 18. M date 1343 Iohn Hamond S Iohn Sewarde Iohn Aysesham This yere y e king called a parliamēt at Westminster In time whereof Edwarde hys eldeste sonne was created prince of Wales This yere y e king made a coin of fine gold and named it the Florentine y ● is A newe coyne to say the peny of y e valu of .vi. ● .viii d the halfpeny of y ● valu of .iii. ● .iiii. d the farthing of the valu of .xx. d which coyn was ordeined for his warres in France for the gold therof was not so fyne as was the noble before named Anno. 19. M date 1344 Iohn Hamōd S Geff. Wichingham Thomas Legget This yere y e king held a solemn feast The order of knights of the garter at his castel of Windsor where he de●sed the Order of the garter and stablished it as it is at this day And then he sayled into Sluce so into little Britain with a strong army He sent y e erle of Derby with a strōg army into Guyē for to ayde the erle of Northampton Anno. 20. M date 1345 Richard Lace● Mercer S Edmonde Heuenall Iohn Gloucester King Edward made a great preparation for the warres of Fraunce and Philip de Valoys kynge of Fraunce made as great preparatiō to defend his land agaynst him Anno. 21. M Geffrey Wichinghā S date 1346 Iohn Croydon Will. Clopton King Edward sailed into Normādy with 1100. sayle with his son Prince Edward they ouer rode spoiled destroied y e coūtrey before them vnto Paris gathered wōderful riches of prai which he sēt into Englād Shortly after he encoūtred y e french king nye the forest of Cresse when he had not in his host the eight man in comparison of y ● Frenche army and obteyned of them a traumphant victorie ▪ Wher was slain the kyng of Goheme with tenne other great princes .80 baners .1200 knightes and .3000 common souldiors After this victory kyng Edwarde wente toward Caleys and besieged it In the meane whyle Dauid of Scotlād made warre vpon the borders of England but the bishop of Yorke with other lordes gathered a great company aswell spirituall as temporall and nere vnto Durham did byd the kyng of Scottes battaile where was fought a cruel and fierce battaile But in the end the victory fell vnto the quenes syde there was taken the kyng of Scottes with many of his greatest lordes and there R. of scots taken was slayne one other aboue .15000 souldiours Anno. 22. M date 1347 Thomas Legget skinner S Adam Bramson Richar. Basingstoke This yere after kyng Edward had Caleys yelded lien afore Calais a yere more it was yelded vp to hym as ye maye reade in Iohn Frosarde Anno. 23. M date 1348 Iohn Lufkyn ●●shmōger S Henrye Pycarde Symō Dolell In the ende of this yere about August Gret plage the pestilēce begon in dyuers places of England and specially at London and so continued tyll that tyme twelue moneth Anno. 24. date 1349 Walter Turke fyshmonger S Adam Burye Rafe Lynne The King caused to be voyned grotes and halfe grotes the whych lacked ●teration coyne of the weyght of his former coyn .ii. ● vi d of a pound troy And about y ● end of August ceased the death in London which was so vehemēt and sharp that ouer the bodies buryed in churches and churchyardes monasteries and other accustomed burying places was buried in
this inuention he receiued this benefite that his name was neuer knowen lefte he might for this abhominable deuise haue ben cursed and euyl spoken of whilest y ● world standeth so sayth Polydore By the meane of the paimēt aboue named A rebellio by Iacke Straw an others this yere y e cōmons of ●his land specially of Kent Essex sodeinly rebelled assembled together vpō black Heath to the number of 60000 ▪ and aboue whiche had to their captaines Watte Tyler Iacke Strawe Iacke Shepard Tom Myller Hobbe Carter and suche other whiche were animated to this rebellion by one Iohn Wall or ball a seditious precher They caused muche trouble and busynes in the realme and chiefly about the citie of London where they practised much villany and destroying many goodly places of the nobles as the Sauoye The Sauoy burnte ●nd Saint Iohns in ●mithfielde ●poyled Saint Iohns in Smithfield other They let foorth all prisoners and sette them at libertie they spoyled all the bookes of lawe in the Innes of court the Recordes of the Counters and other prisons They fet the kyng foorth of the towre of London compellynge hym to graunt all bondmen fredome and that he shoulde neuer demande tribute or taxe of his commons and also required Iacke Straw and Wat Tyler to bee made Dukes of Essex and Kent and gouernours of the kynges person from thens forth both in peace and warre whiche things he granted for he durst in no point deny thē But William Walworth maior of London beyng in Smithfielde nere vnto the kinges person and seynge hym stande hoodlesse afore Iack Straw rebuke the said Straw of his great leudenes Iack straw slayne with a dagger slewe him brought the kyng into the citie Whervpon the rude company was dispersed fledde Why y e city of London geueth the Dagger in armes as shepe som one way and some an other In memory of this dede the city geueth the dagger in theyr shield of armes Anno. 5. M Iohn Northāpton Draper date 1381 S Iohn Rote Iohn Hynde This yere was a terrible earthquake An earthquake throughout all England which threw downe many castels steples houses and trees Anno. 6. M Iohn Northāpton Draper date 1382 S Adā Baume Iohn Selye This yeare was a combat foughten A combate at y e kings palaice of Westminster betwene one Garton appellant and syr Iohn Ansley knight defendāt y e knight was Victor Garton was from that place drawen to Tyborn and there hāged for his false accusation Anno. 7. M Nicolas Brember grocer date 1383 S Symon Winchcombe Iohn Moore This yeare was one Wall or Ball taken at Couentre by Robert Treuil Execution at s Albons lian and iudged to be hanged at saincte Albons for that he was the animator of the rebels spoken of in the fouethe yeare of this kynges reigne Anno. 8. M Nicolas Brembre grocer S Nicholas Exton date 1384 Iohn Frenche The Kyng went toward Scotland with a great army but when he drewe nere y e borders such means was sought that a peace was concluded Anno. 9. M Nicolas Brembre grocer S Iohn Organ date 1385 Iohn Churcheman Kyng Richard maried the daughter of Dinceslaus emperour of Almayn Anno. 10. M Nicolas Exton goldsmith S William Stondon date 1386 William More The Erle of Arundell went into the Duchy of Buyan for to strengthen suche souldiors as the kyng at that tyme had in those parties or to scoure the sea of Rouers The erle Keping his course encountred with a mighty flete of Flēmyngs laden with Rochell wyne and set vpon them tooke them and brought theim to dyuers portes of Englande wherby wyne was then so plentuous that it was sold for .xiii. ● .iiii. d ▪ xx ● a tonne of the very choyse Anno. 11. M Nicolas Exton goldsmith S date 1387 Wylliam Denour Hugh Fostalfe This yere Thomas of Wodstoke duke of Glocester y ● erles of Arūdell Warwike of Darby of Notingham consyderyng how this lande was misgouerned by a few persons about y e king entending reformation of the same assembled at Radecocke brydge where they tooke their counsell and raisyng a strong power cam to Lōdon where they caused the kyng to cal a parliamēt whereof hearyng Alexander Neuyll archbyshop of Yorke sir Lionel were marques of Deuelen sir Michael dela Poole Chācellor erle of Suffolk fearing punishment fled the lande and died in strange countreis The kynge by counsaile of the aboue named lordes during the parliament caused to be taken sir Robert Tresilian chief Iustice of Englande sir Nicholas Brembre late Maior of Lōdon sir Iohn Salisbury knight of houshold sir Iohn Beauchampe steward of the kings house sir Symon Burley sir Iames Bernes and syr Roberte Belknappe knightes and a sergeant of armes named Iohn Dske the whiche by authoritie of the sayd parliament were conuict of treason and put to death at the toure hil at Tyborn And Iohn Holt Iohn Locton Richard Graye Milliā Burgth and Robert Fulthorpe iustice with y ● other foresayd lordes which before had voided the land wer banished and exiled for euer Anno. 12. M Sir Nico. Twyforde goldsmith S Tho. Austen date 1388 Adam Cathyll This yere the kyng kept a great iustes in Smythfield whiche continued Iustes in smithfielde xxiiij days This yere on y e fifth day of August was the battayle of Ottirborn where syr Henry Percy slewe the erle Battaile at Ottirborn Douglas of Scotlande and after was taken prisoner Anno. 13. M William Denour grocer S Iohn Walcot date 2389 Iohn Loueney An esquire of Nauarre accused an ● combat ▪ englysh esquire called Iohn Welshe of treason for the triall wherof a daye of fyght was betwene them taken to bee fought in the kings palais at Westmin ster where Iohn Welshe was victor constrained the other to yelde He was Execution ▪ despoyled of his armour and drawen to Tyborne and hanged Anno 14. M Adam Bawme ▪ goldsmith S date 1390 Iohn Francis Thomas Diuent The duke of Lācaster vncle to king Richard sailed with a company of souldiors into Spayn to claim the realme of Castile for so much as he had taken to wife the eldest daughter of king Peter that was expelled his kingdom by Henry his bastard brother he conquered the countrey of Galice and made league with the king of Portugal but by great mortalitie which fell among his people he was fayn to dismisse his army and shortly after loste all that euer he had wonne Anno. 15. M Iohn Hynde Draper S date 1391 Iohn Chadworth Henry Damer A bakers man bearynge a basket of A fraye in Fletestret● ▪ ●orsebreade in Fletestreet one of the bishop of Salisvuries men toke out a lofe y t baker requiring his lofe y e byshops mā brake y e bakers head whervpō folowed such parties taking y t the Maior and sheriffes and all the quiete people of the citie coulde not order the vnrulynes of the
Rome for●ydden that the bishoppe of Rome made in his controuersie of deuorcemēt caused proclamation to be made in Septēber for● biddinge all his subiectes to purchase any thing from the court of Rome Anno. 22. M date 1530 syr To. Pargitour salter S Wil. Daūcie J. Choping The Cardinall beynge before caste The Cardinal dece●sed and conuict in a premunire in Nouember was arrested by the earle of Northumberlande at Cawood and died at the abbey of Leicester the. 28. daye of Nouember and was there buried The v. day of April was a cooke named One boyld in Smithfielde Richarde Rose boyled in a cauldron of brasse in Smithfield for poysonyng the byshop of Rochesters seruantes and other The wole clergie of England being Anno. 23. Clergie in premunire iudged by the kings lerned councel to be in the premunire for mainteyningr the power legatiue of the Cardinall were called by proces into the kinges benche to answere wherfore in theyr conuocation they concluded a submission wherin they called y ● king suprem King ●yrste named supreme head head of the church of England were contented to geue the king 100000 .li. to pardō them theyr offences touching the premunire by act of parliament The Kinges palaice builded at saint James whiche before was a house of susters The xix daye of Angust a batcheler of lawe called Thomas Bilney was burned The xxii ▪ day of October one Pa●t●ner a marchant and a glasier bare fagottes at Paules crosse Anno. 23. M date 1531 ● Nich. Lambert ●rocer S Ri. Gresham Edw. Altam The xxvii day of Nouember was a Execution monke of Bury burned in Smithfield The i●●i day of December was one Execution Ryce Grifyn a gentilman of Wales beheaded at the tower hil and his man hanged drawen and quartered at Tyborne for treason The .xxvii. day of Ianuary a Duche An. reg 24 Execution man bare a fagot at Paules crosse and the last of April was one Baynam burned in Smithfield The xxv day of May was taken be Gret fishes taken twene London and Grenewiche two great fishes called Herlpoles both a male and a female This yere the othe that the clergie Clergie ●worne was wonte to make to the byshoppe of Rome was made voide by statute and a newe othe confirmed wherin they cōfessed the king to be supreme head Syr Thomas More-after sute made Thomas 〈◊〉 was discharged of the Chauncelorship the .xvi. day of May. And the fourth of Iune the kinge dubbed Thomas Audeley knighte and made him keper of the great seale And not long after lord Chauncelor of England Thomas Cromwell maister of the Thomas Cromwel kinges Iewell house began to bee in great fauoure with kinge Henry and was now of the counsell The xv day of Iune were fiue men Execution drawen frō Newgate to the tower hil and there hanged and quartered for ●oyning of syluer and clipping of golde The ●yfth day of Iuly was a priest Execution drawen hanged and quartred for clipping of golde Also in Iuly the king put down the Crichurch put down Tower of London repayred priory of Chrichurch in London In August and September the king repayred the tower of London The fyrste of September was lady Anne Bulleyne made Marques of Pembroke at Windsor The vii daye of October the kinge went to Caleys and to Bulloigne and came ouer agayne the xiii day of Nouember Anno. 24. M syr Stephē Pecocke Haberda S date Ric. Reinold Iohn Martin Nic. Pinchō The .xv. day of December was a great fyre at the byshop of Lyncolnes place in Holborne Kinge Henry who had maried the King Henry maried lady Anne Boleine lady Anne Bulloyne on the xii day of April beyng Easter eue next folowing caused her to be proclaymed Quene of Englande The twelfth day of May one Pauier Anno. 25. Desperatiō beyng the towne clerke of London hong him selfe On Whitsonday beyng the last day Quene Anne crowned of May was the lady Anne Bulleine solemnely and honorably crowned at Westminster The xvii daye of Iuly were two A murder Marchauntes slayne on the water of Thames towarde Westminster by one Wolfe and his wife The 7. of September was the lady Ladye Elizabeth borne Elizabeth daughter to kinge Henry borne at Grenewich and ther christned at the friers church the x. day of September The v. day of October was a Fyre at barnardes castell great fyre at Baynardes castell The .24 of October being sunday ther was a scaffold set vp at Paules crosse and theron stode a nonne named Anne Barton of Courtopstrete besyde Cantorbury Anne bartō two Monkes of Cantorbury two obseruaunt friers the person of Aldermary in London called maister Golde an other prieste confessoure to the sayde Nonne and twoo laye men there preached at that tyme the byshop of Bangor called the Abbot of Hyde where he shewed theyr offences and so from thence they were sente to the tower of London Anno. 25. M syr Christopher Askew Draper S date Williā Forman Th. Kitson This yere Pope Clement cursed king Henry and the realme of England This curse was hāged on a churchdore at Dunkirke in Flaunders and taken downe by one William Locke a Mercer of London The .xxviii. day of Ianuary was a A gret fish taken great fysh taken at Blackewall called a whale and was broughte vppe to Westminster to the king to see and so brought downe to broken wharfe and there cut out Commissioners were sente all ouer An ' o the ●to the king England to take the othe of al persons to the acte of succession for the refusall of whiche acte doctour Fysher byshop of Rochester and syr Thomas More late lord Chancellor of England were sent to the tower of London The fyrst day of April Wolf and his Wolfe and his wife hanged wife wer hanged on two gybets at the turninge tree in Lambith marshe for murdringe of the two marchant ▪ strangers afore named The xx day of April wer two monkes Execution of Cantorbury two obseruant friets the person of Aldermary in Londō and the Nonne called the holy Mayde of Courtopstrete in Kente all these were drawen from the tower of London vnto Tyborne and there hanged and beheaded and theyr heades set on London bridge and other gates of the Citie of London The xx day of Aprill al the craftes Othe to the king and companies in London wer sworn to the kinge and to the Quene Anne and theyr heyres The xv day of May was a gret fyre Au. reg 16 at Salters hall in Breadstret The v. day of Iune were all seruants and prentises of the age of .20 yeres or aboue sworne to the king and Quene Anne his wife and to the issue of them The .ix. day of Iuly was the lord Datres of the north arrained at Westminster Lorde Datres of high treason where he so wittily and directly confuted his accusers
wyff●ers and other wayters who in goodly order passed through Lōdon to Westmynster and so through the sanctuary and round about the park of S. Iames and so vp throughe the fie●●e home through Holborne The .viii. day of Iuly the Vicar of Execution Wandsworth with his chaplayne and his seruaunt and f●yer Wayre were all foure drawen from the Martha●sey vnto saint Thomas a Wateryngs and there hanged and quartered The .xvi. day of September Duke Frederik of Bau●●ie the Paulsgraue of Rhine the Marshall of duke Iohn Frederick electour of Saxonye with other came to London by whome the mariage was concluded betwene king Henry the lady Anne sister to William the Duke of Cleue Anno. 31. M date 1539 Sir Williā Hollis Mercer S Tho. Feyrie Tho. Huntlowe This Thomas Huntlow sheriffe before Charitable deedes of Huntlowe named gaue to the company of the Haberdashers certain tenements for y ● which they be bound to geue to .x. pore almes people of the same company euery one of them viii d euery friday for euer And also at euery quarter ▪ dyner to be kept by the maisters of the same companye to be geuen to euery one of those .x. poore people before named a peny lofe of bread a potle of ale a pece of biefe worth .iiii. d in a platter with porage and .iiii. d in money The. 14. day of Nouēber Hugh Feringdon Execution abbot of Reding .ii. priests the one called Rug the other named Onion were attainted of high treason for denying the king to be supreme hed of the church were drawen hanged and quartered at Readyng The same day was Richarde Whitinge abbot of Glastenbury likewyse attaynted hāged and quartered on Tower hyll besyde his monastery for the same cause Execution The first day of December was Iohn Beche abbot of Colchester put to execution for the lyke offence In Decēber wer appointed to waite Pēcioners ▪ first began on the kynges highnes ▪ person 5● gen tilmē called Pencioners or speares The third day of Ianuary was the K. Henry maried the lady Anne of Cleue lady Anne of Cleue receiued at Black heath and brought to Grenewich with great triūph the syxt day of the same moneth she was maried to kyng Hēry The .xviij. day of Apryl was Thomas Thomas Cromwel lorde Cromwell created Erle of Essex and made great chamberlayn of England whiche euer the erles of Oxenforde had before that tyme. The knyghtes of the Rhodes was Order of y ● Rhodes put downe in Englād dissolued in England wherof heringe syr William Weston knight priour of S. Iohnes for thought dyed the fifthe day of May. In May was sent to the tower doctor Wylson and doctor Sampson bishop An. reg ●● of Chichester for releuynge certain prisoners which denied the kynges supremacie and for the same offēce was one Richarde Farmer Grocer of Lōdon a welthy man and of good estimation cōmitted to the Marshalsey after in Westmynster hall was arraigned and attainted in the Premun●re and lost all his goodes The .ix. day o● Iuly Thomas lord Tho. Crōwel beheaded Cromwell Erle of Essex being in the counsaile chaumber was sodeinly apprehended and cōmitted to the Tower of London The .xix. daye of the same moneth he was attainted by parliamēt and neuer came to his answer whiche lawe he was the authour of he was ▪ there attainted of heresy and hygh treson And the .xxviii. day of Iulye beheaded at the tower hyll with the lord Hungerforde King Henry by auctoritie of parliament Quene Anne deuorced was deuorced frō the lady Anne of Cleue and it was enacted that she shold be taken no more as Quene but called the lady Anne of Cleue The .xxx. day of Iuly Robert Barnes Execution Thomas Gerrarde William Ie●ome priestes wer burned in Smythfield The same daye Thomas Abell Edward Powel and Richard Fetherstone were drawen hanged and quartered for denyeng the kynge to be supreme head of the church of England The fourth day of August were drawen Execution from the tower to tyborn six persons one led betwene two sergeāts and there hanged and quartered o●● was the Priour of Dancaster an other a Monke of the Charter house of London master Gyles Horne a Monk of Westmynster one Philpot and one Carew and a fryer The .viii. day of August was the lady K. Henry● maried Ratherine Haward shewed openly as Quene at Hampton court whiche dignitie she enioyed not long This yere was great death of hotte burnyng agues and f●●xes and suche a drought that welles and small riuers A greate drouthe were dryed vp and many cattell died for lacke of water the sa●te water flowed aboue London bridge Anno. 32. M Syr wil. Roche Draper S date 1540 William Laxton Mart ▪ Bowes The .xxii. daye of December was Execution An. reg 33. Egerton and Harman put to death for counterfaityng the kynges great seale In April began a newe rebellion in Cōmotion in Yorkeshire yorkshire the beginners wherof were shortely taken and put to execution in dyuers places of whiche Leigh Tatorsale and Thorneton were put to death at Lōdon the xxviii day of May Execution and sir Iohn Neuell knight was executed at Yorke The same day the coūtesse of Salisburye was beheaded in the tower of London The .ix. day of Iune were Damport Execution and Chapman two of y e kynges gard hanged at Grenewiche for robberies The .xxviii. daye of Iune the lorde Execution Leonard Gray which before was deputie generall of Irelande was beheaded at the tower hyll Execution The. 28. day of Iune wer hāged at S. Thomas a Waterings Mantell Roiden Froudes gentilmē for a spoile murder that they had don in one of the kynges parkes vpon May Morning the lorde Dacres of the South being Execution in company with them and on the morow which was saint Peters day the lord Dacres was led frō the towre a foote betwene y e two sheriffes through the city to tyborn ther put to deathe This sommer the kyng toke his progresse The kings progresse to Yorke The fyrst day of Iuly was a welsh man drawen hanged quartered for prophecying the kyngs maiesties deth Anno. 33. M Sir michel Dormer Mercer S Sir Roulād Hyll Hē Suckley The lady Katherine Haward whom the kyng had maried for her vnchaste liuyng committed with Thomas Culpeper Francis Derehā was by parliament Execution attainted Culpeper Dereham wer put to death at Tyborne the x. day of Decēber The .xiii. day of February Execution were beheaded within the tower the lady Haward otherwise called Q. Katherin the lady Rocheford K. Henry maried his sixt wyfe And shortly after king Henry maried the lady Katherin Parre that had ben wi●e to the lorde Latimer At this parliamēt the kyng was proclaimed kyng of Ireland which name K. Henrye named kīg of Ireland his predecessours
neuer had but were called Lord of Irelande The .x. day of March a mayd was boyled in Smithfield for poysonynge A ▪ mayd boiled in smithefyeld many persons In Maye the .xxxiiii. yeare of his raigne king Henry toke a loane of money of all such as were aboue the value Anno reg 34. of 50. pounde and vp warde The Duke of Norfolk with an army royall was sente into Scotlande where he bourned and wasted all the marches and there taried without any battaile proffered by the king of Scottes vntyll the myddest of Nouember followyng Anno. 34. M Iohn Cotes Galter S Henry Hoblethorne Henry Hancotes After the departure of our army frō Scotland the king of Scottes made a roade into Englād did much harm but at the laste sir Thomas Wharton and syr William Musgraue with a fewe of the borderers mette with the Scottes on saynct Katherins eue the xxiiii of Nouember where by the greate power of God they beynge in number 15000. were ouerthrowen in whyche conf●ic●e was taken the lorde Maxwell the erles of Glencarne and Sassilles with all the capitaynes of the army And on saint Thomas euen the Apostle they were broughte to the tower of London where they lay that nyght the next daye folowyng they were by the kynges charge apparelled all in sylke and rode through the city to Westminster where they wer sworn to bee true prisoners and then were they delyuered to the custodye of dyuers noble men whiche honorably entertayned them In this season an Harolde of England rydynge on the borders syde to do a message was mette by certayne rebels which cruelly against all lawe of armes slewe him in his cote armor but they for this dede were sent to the king the yere folowing who executed them for that offence At newyeres tyde the Scottes that were taken by Carlile were by the kinge sente home agayne with greate giftes vpon condition to agree to certayne articles The thyrd day of Iune the Abrine a An. reg 15 lorde in Irelande with diuers of the wild Irish submitted thē to king Henry and in Iuly the sayde Abrine was created Earle of Clawricarde This yere in Iuly king Henry sent Goyng to Laundersey ouer 6000. men to Landersey whither also came the Emperour in proper person with a gret army and sho●tly after came down the french King in proper person with a gret army and offred to geue battell to the Emperour by reason wherof the siege was raysed The xxviii day of Iuly were brent Execution at Wyndsor three persons Anthony Person Robert Testwood and Henry ●ilmer This yere was a gret death in London A pestilēc● of the pestilēce therfore Michelma● terme was adiourned to saint Albons and there was kept to the ende Anno. 35. M date 1543 Syr Wil. Bowyer Draper S Iohn Toules Richarde Dobbes Syr William Bowier deceased the xiii day of Aprill about Easter and syr Raufe Warren serued out the residue of that yeare A roade was made into Scotlande by the garryson there who burned 60. villages and tooke great prayes bothe of men and beastes In Nouember the Englishmen that were sente to Laundersey came home agayne This yere beyng leape yeare chaunsed Foure eclipses foure Eclipses ▪ one of the Sonne the .xxiii. day of Ianuary and three of the Moone The beginning of March Germaine Execution Gardiner Larke parson of Chelsey be syde London and Singleton wer executed at Tiborne for denying the king to be supreme head of the churche and shortly one Ashbee was likewise executed for the same The .xxii. day of Marche the Lorde Admirall with a great nauy departed from London towardes Scotland The fourthe day of Aprill a gonne Houses blowen vp with gonpouder pouder house called the black swanne standing vpon the east sinithfield was blowen vp with other houses nighe adioyning and therin were burned fyue men a boye and a woman Vpon May day died the lord Thomas Anno. 36. Audeley highe Chancellor of England After whom succeded lord Thomas Writhesley The nauie sent by the lord admirall with whō was the lord Edward Seymor Earle of Hertforde the kinges lieuetenant and general captain of the army the fourth day of May arriued at Lith the hauen of Edenboroughe and toke the towne of Lyth and spoyled it Lithe and Edenborough takē after which they made toward Edenborough where at a certayne bridge the Scottes had layde theyr ordinance but by the policie of our Captaynes and souldiors the Scottes ordinance was won and discharged against thē selues after this the towne of Edenboroughe sent vnto the armye pretending to deliuer the Towne vpon certayne conditions to the behofe of oure Kinge But when the army entred they were inuaded by them for whiche cause the towne was destroied and wasted Kinge Henry and the Emperou● agreed ioyntly to inuade the realme of France with two great powers A proclamation made enhaunsinge Coynes in ●hanced the value of Gold to the rate of xlviii ● and siluer to iiii shil●inges the ounce It is to be noted that at this time the kinge caused to be coyned the base moneys Base moneys coyned which was called down the fifth yere ●f Edward the syxt and called in the second yere of Quene Elizabeth After the whitson holye dayes the Duke of Norfolke and the Lorde priuie seale with a great army tooke their boyage into Fraunce and besieged Motterell where they laye vntyll the kinge hadde wonne Boloigne Not longe after the Duke of Suffolk with many other noble men passed the seas and encamped before Boloigne on the East syde The xiiii day of Iuly kinge Henry King Henry went to ●oloigne with a goodlye companye passed from Douer to Casaice and the 26 ▪ day encamped on the north syde of Boloigne after whose comming the town was so sore battered with gonneshot and certayne of their Towers beynge vndermined so shaken that after a monethe●s ●●ege the capitayne sente woorde to the king that he would yelde the towne to his behofe vpon condition that al whiche were within myghte departe with bagge and baggage whiche conditions king Hēry graūted the Boloigners Boloign● wonne departed to the number of 4454. and the xxv day of September the kinge entred into highe Boloigne with the nobilitie of this realme and the trompettes blowing The fyrst of October king Henry departed from Boloigne towarde Douer The nynthe daye of October in the nighte the French men came vnwares vppon the Englishemen in base Boloigne and slewe of them a great number Howe beit they were shortely hased from thence Anno. 36. M William Laxton Grocer S Iohn Wilforde date 1544 Andrewe Iudde This yere was taken by the kinges shippes of the west countrey and of the English coast the number of 300. frenche shippes and more The vii day of Iune a gret army of An. 37 Frenchmen came nere to the hauen of Boloigne and skir●ished with the englishmen and this army beganne to
audience into Paules schole The .xxii. day of August the duke of Execution Northūberlād was beheaded and with him wer put to deth sir Iohn Gates syr Thomas Palmer called Buskin Palmer knightes The xxvi day of August in the eueninge The greate Hary a ship was burnt at Wolwiche called the greate Hary by the negligence of mariners she was of burthen a thousand tunne The last day of September the quenes A man stode on y e wethercok of Poules hyghnes rode thorough the citie to Westminster in moste goodly maner and pagentes in all places accustomed beyng moste gorgeously trimmed And as her grace passed by Pauls a certain duche man stode vpon the wethercock with an enseigne in his hande flouryshyng with the same very strange to the beholders And y e morow her grace was crowned at Westminster by doctor Gardiner bishop of Winchester The fyfth day of October began the Parliament at Westminster and masse of the holy ghoste was songe The xxv ▪ day of October the barge Grauesend barge of Grauesend by great misfortune of a catch running vpon her was ouerthrowen and .xiiii. persons drowned and xvi saued by swimming The xxiii the xxv the .xxvii. days of October were certayn disputations in the long chapell at the north doro of Paules concerning Transubstantiation but nothing throughly determined Anno. 1. M Tho. White marchant taylour date S Thomas Offley Wil. Hewet The same syr Thomas White a worthy patron and protector of poore scholers and learninge renewed or rather erected a college in Oxford that was in S. Iohns college in Oxforde erect●d great ruine and decay now called S. Iohns college and before Bernard college indowing the same with landes reuenues to the greate preferment of learning and comfort of poore mennes children The like College also now called trinity college syr Thomas Pope knight Trinitie college erected to his great praise and singuler cōmendation erected which sometime was called Durham colledge appoyntinge for the maintenaunce of the fellowes and scholars like possession Cardinall Poole who fledde out of England in the tyme of kinge Henry and was in gret estimatiō in the court of Rome and sent for by Quene Mary to returne into his countrey The xiii day of Nouēber D Cra●●er Archbishop of Cantorbury lady Iane that was before proclaimed quene an● the lord Gilford her husband wer openly arraigned condemned for treason The .v. day of December the parliament was dissolued in the which parliament all statutes that wer made eyther of Premunire in time of king Hēry the viii or concerning religion an● administration of the sacramentes vnder king Edward the syxt wer repealed and the latten seruice restored as it was in the last yere of king Henry the eyght and communication was had of the Quenes mariage with king Phillip the Emperours sonne c. The beginning of Ianuary the emperor sent a noble man called Ecmondane and certayne other ambassadours in to England to make a perfect conclusion of the mariage betwen king Philip and Quene Mary The .xx. day of Ianuary the lord Chancellor with other of the counsel declared openly vnto the Quenes maiesties houshold that ther was a mariage concluded betwen her grace and the king ●f Spayne whiche should be a greate strength honour and enriching to the realme of England This mariage was so greuously taken of diuers noblemen gentlemen commoners that for this and religion they in such sort conspired against the Quene that if God had not wonderfully preuented them it woulde haue brought much more trouble and danger Cōmotion in Kent For syr Thomas Wyat in Kente beyng one of the chiefe about the .xx. daye of Ianuary gathered a certayne company much incensed the people of those parts against y ● quene saying That she the counsel intended not only by alteration of religion to bring in the pope but also by mariage of a stranger to bring the realme into miserable seruitude The Quene sent the duke of Norfolk with a cōpany of soldiors into Kent against Wiat wher y ● duke meting with Wiat not farre from Rochester bridge was forsaken of his souldiours and returned to London Also Henry duke of Suffolk father to lady The du●●of Suffol● proclaimed hi● daugh●ter quen● Iane flying into Leicestershyre Warwikeshy●e in diuers places as he wēt again proclaymed his daughter quene ▪ but the peple did not inclin● vnto him Wherfore when the erle of Huntingtō that was sent to pursue him cam to Couentry y e duke hauing no gret strength of men about him was brought therby into a streight and hydyng himselfe ●n a parke of his owne by Couentry was bewraied and by the erle of Huntington brought prisoner to London and Duke o● Suffolke taken The quene came to the Guild hall in London the same day beyng the fyrst of February the Quene came from Westminster to the Guilde hall in London and there after vehement woordes against Wiat declared that she ment not other wyse to marry then the Councel shold thynke bothe honourable and commodious to the realme and therfore willed them truely to assiste her in repressing such as contrarye to theyr dueties rebelled Moreouer she appoynted lorde William Haward lieuetenaunte of the citie and the Erle of Pembroke generall of the fyelde whiche both prepared all thinges necessarye for theyr purposes Wy●te came neare vnto the Citie and entred into Southwarke the third day of February wherefore the drawe ▪ bridge was broken down ordinance bent to that parte generall pardon proclaymed to al them that would geue ouer and forsake the rebelles After Wiat had layne i● dais in Southwarke he turned his iourney to King●●on on Shrouetuisday in the morning beyng the syxt of February where he passed ouer the Thames and purposed to haue come to London in the nighte but by meanes that the cariage of hys thief ordinance brake he was so letted that he coulde not come before it was farre day At that time the erle of Pembroke ▪ and diuers other were in sainte Iames field with a gret power theyr ordinance so bent that Wiate was fayn to leaue the common way and with a smal cōpany came vnder saint Iames wall from the danger of the ordinance and so went by Charinge crosse vnto Ludgate without resistance and there thought to haue be let in But perceauinge that he was disapoynted of his Wiat taken purpose he returned ▪ and about temple barre was taken prisoner Proclamation was made in Londō that no man should keepe in his house any of Wiates faction And shortly after about the number of fifty wer hanged on .xx. paire of gallouses made for that purpose in diuers places in and about the citie The .xii. day of February Lady Iane the duke Suffolkes daughter and her husband lorde Gylford were beheaded Execution for feare least any othe shold make lil ▪ trouble for her title as her father ha● attempted ▪
The xvii day of February was proclamation made that al strangers shold boyde the Realme within .xxiiii ▪ dayes next ensuinge vpon payne of confiscation of theyr goodes al free de●●sens marchantes embassadours and theyr seruantes except The xvii daye of February Henry Duke of Suffolk was condempned of Execution treason the fourth day after beheaded at the tower hill The. 23. of February about 240. prisoners of Wiats fa●●●●on went with halters about theyr neckes toward Westminster who had theyr pardō in chepe ▪ The x. of Aprill D. Cra●●er archbishop of Cantorbury D. Ridley o● London and Hugh Latimer ones by shop of Worcester were conueyed as prisoners from the tower of London to Oxford ▪ there to dispute with the diuines and learned men The .xi. day of Aprill syr Thomas Execution Wiat was beheaded at tower hill ▪ and after quartered his quarters were se● vp in diuers places and his heade 〈…〉 gallowes at Hay hill wher it w●● 〈◊〉 after s●olne away The 27. of Aprill the lord Thomas Gray brother to the late duke of Suffolke was beheaded William Thomas a gentleman and Execution certayne other persons wer apprehended for conspiring quene Maries death the same William Thomas for that offence the .xviii. day of May was drawē hanged and quartered at Tyborne The .xxiiii. day of May beinge the ●east of Corpus Christi a ioyner called Iohn Strete wold haue taken the sacrament out of the priests hands in Smith field in the time of procession but he was resisted taken put in Newgate The fourth day of Iune was taken Crosse in Cheape down all the gallowes that wer about London The same day began the crosse of Cheape to be new gyldid The .xv. daye of Iuly Elizabeth a The sprite in the wall wench of the age of .xvi. or xviii yeres did open penaunce at Paules crosse where she confessed that she beyng in●●ced by lewde councell had vpon the ●iiii day of Marche laste passed counterfait certain speches in an house nere vnto Aldersgate in London about the which the peple of the whole citie wer wonderfully molested The .xix. day of Iuly king Philip the emperours sonne arriued at South-hampton King Philip the .iiii. day after he came to Winchester and there was honourably receiued of the bishop and a gret number of nobles the next day he met with the quene with whom after he had long and familiar talke The second day beyng saint Iames day the mariage was in honorable maner solemnised betwen him and Quene Mary Shortly after king Philip and quene Mary departed from Winchester and with a goodly company were brought to London and there with great prouision wer receaued of the Citizens the .xviii. day of August At that time a man came as it Paules steple laye at Anker were flying vpon a rope from Pauls steaple to the deanes wall In October the emperor sent embassadours into England to yeld vnto his sonne king Philip the Dukedome of Millayne Anno. M. 2. P. 1. M date Iohn Lyon grocer S Dauid Wodroffe Wil. Chester The .xxiii. of Nouember Cardinall Cardinall Poole Poole came into England and was receyued with honoure in all places 〈◊〉 he passed ▪ At the same tyme he was by Parliamente restored to his olde estate and dignitie that he was putte from by king Henry the quenes father and shortely after came into the Parliamente house where the king quene and other states were al present Then he declaryng the cause of hys legasie fyrst exhorted them to returne to the cōmunion of the churche restore to the most holy father and pope his due aucthoritie secondly he aduertised them to geue thanks to God that had sent them so blessed a king and quene finally he signified for so much as they had with great gentilnes restored him to his honour dignitie that he most earnestly desired to see them restored to the heauenly court vnitie of the church The next day the whole court of parliamēt drue out the forme of a supplicatiō the summe wherof ▪ was that they greatly repented them of that schisme that they had lyued in And therfore desyred the Quene and the Cardinall that by theyr meanes they mighte be restored to the bosome of the holy church obedience of the seu of Rome The nexte day the king quene and Cardinall beyng present the lorde Chancellour declared what the parliament had determined concerning the Cardinals request and offered vnto the kinge and Quene the supplication before mentioned which beyng read the Cardinall in a large oration declared how acceptable repentaunce was in the sighte of God c. Immediately he ▪ makinge prayer vnto God by authoritie to hym committed absolued them and restored them to the church of Rome When all thys was done they wente all vnto the chapell and there synging Te deum with greate solempnitie declared the ioye and gladnesse that for this reconciliation was pretended The ii day of December beyng sonday the kinges maiestie the lord Cardinal and diuers other of the nobilitie repaired to saint Paules church in London and so vnto a window of the same directly against the crosse wher the byshop of Winchester being lord Chācellor of England made a sermon ▪ declaryng how this realme was agayne restored to the church of Rome The 27. of Decēber the prince of P●amont The prince of Piamōt duke of Sauoy with other lords wer receiued at Grauesend by the lord priuie ●eale other ▪ so cōueyd along the riuer of Thames to Westminster In the beginning of Ianuary the parliament was dissolued Wherin it was enacted that the statutes before tyme made for the punishment of heretikes and the confirmation of the popes power should be reuiued and in so good force as euer they had ben before king Henries reigne and that such actes as wer made against the supremacie of the Pope should be cleane abrogated The ix day of Ianuary the prince of The prince of Orenge Orenge beyng receiued at Grauesend was conueyed along the riuer of Thamis and landed at Suffolke place The iiii of February Iohn Rogers Execution ▪ was burned in Smithfield The .vii. of February the lord Strange being maried at the court the same day at nighte was a goodly pastyme of Iuga cana by Iuga ca●● ▪ cresset lyght there were .lxx. cresset lightes The xviii of February the bishop of Execution ▪ Ely with y e lord Mountacute diuers other ▪ well apparelled rode forth of the citie of Lōdon towards Rome ambassadours frō the king quene counsel The xvi day of March a weauer of Shordit●h was burned in Smithfild On Easter day one William Flower with a wod●ni● woūded a priest as he was ministrynge the sacrament to the people in S. Margaretes churche at Westminster for the which offence the sayd William had his right hand smitten of and for opinions in matters of religion was burned in sainct Margarets churchyard the .xxiiii.
date 1422 William Estfield R. Tattersale A subsedie was graunted for three yeres fiue nobles of euery sack of wol that should passe out of the lande A priest was burned for heresie called Execution William Tayler This yere the west gate of London Newgate builded now cal●ed newegate was newly builded by the executors of Richard Whittington late Maior of London Anno. 2. M William Crowmer Draper S date 1423 Nicho. Iames Thomas Wadforde This yere the duke of Bedford wan from the Dolphin of Fraunce manye strong holdes and townes and nere to a towne called Vernell he discomfited the Dolphins whole power for in that fighte were slayne .iii. erles and many other noble men and .5000 common souldiours Syr Roger Mortimer for treason Execution was condemned by acte of parliament and hanged and quartered This yere Iames king of Scottes was deliuered who had remayned prisoner in England .xviii. yeres and he maried the lady Iane daughter to the erle of Somerset cosyn to king Hēry Anno. 3. M date 1424 Iohn Michell Fishmonger S Symon Seman Io. Bywater This yere the kinge of Portingale came into England and was honorably receaued The fyrste custome This yere by the parlia●●●●t holden at Westminster was graunted to the king for three yeres ▪ to help him in his warres a subsedy of .xii. d. in the poūd of all marchandizes brought in or caried out of this realme and .iii. s. of euery tonne of wine the which was then called tonnage and pondage but since ●t hath bene renewed at sundry parliamentes and nowe is called custome Furthermore it was enacted that all marchant strangers shoulde be lodged within an english host within .xv. dais of their cōminge to their port sale to make no sale of any marchādise or they were so lodged then within .lx. days folowing to make sale of al that they brought and if any remayned vnsolde at the sayd .lx. dayed ende that then all such marchandize so vnsold to be ●orfeyte to the king Anno. 4. M Io. Couentre Mercer ▪ S date 1425 Wil. M●lrede Iohn Brokel Grudge and variance betwene the Parliamēt at Leicester duke of Gloucester protector of England and his half brother the byshop of Winchester whiche was appeased by the regent of Fraunce and debated by a parliament at Leicester Anno. 5. M Iohn Raynewell Fishmonger S date 1426 Io. Arnold Io. He●ghtham This Iohn Raynewel Maior of London Thre wardes in London discharged of Fy●tenes before named gaue certayn lands or tenem●tes to the citie of London for the which the same citie is bound to pay for euer all such fyftenes as shall be graunted to the king so that it passe not three fyftenes in one yere for three wardes of the same that is to say Dougate warde Bellynsgate warde and Algate warde Anno. 6. M Iohn Gidney Draper S date 1427 Henry Fr●wicke Rob. Otley This yere a woman dwelling in wh●t Chappell parishe withoute Algate of London was in the night murdred by a Britayne or Frenchman whom she had cherished and brought vp of almes Who conueying such iewels and stuffe as he might cary was taken in Essex and brought vp to London but as sone Murder quite with murder as he came in the parishe where he had committed the murder the wiues caste vpon him so muche fylthe and ordure of the strete that notwithstanding the resistaunce made by the Constables they slew him out of hande Anno. 7. M date 1428 Henry Barton skinner S T. Dushous Iohn Abbot This yere y ● duke of Norfolk was like to haue byne drowned passing through London bridge his barge beyng set vppon the piles whelmed ouer so that he and very few escaped beyng drawe vp with ropes the rest were al drowned Anno. 8. M date 1429 William Estfield Mercer S William Russe Rafe Hollande This yere was King Henry crowned at Westminster Anno. 9. M date 1430 Nicholas Wotton Draper S Walter Chertsey Robert Large This yere at Abington began an insurrection Commoted at Abington of certayn lyght persons that entended to haue wrought muche mischiefe but they wer quieted by the lorde protector and the chiefe authour beyng vaily of the towne named Welliam M●undeuil a weauer otherwise naming him selfe Iack sharpe of wigmores Land in Wales with other wer put to death This yere was one Richard Russel Execution at Tyborn a wolman drawen hanged and quartered at Tiborne for treason Anno. 10. M Ioh. Welles grocer S date 1431 Iohn Adirlee Step. Grown This Iohn Wels of his goods caused The Standard in cheape builded the condite named the Standard in cheape to be builded in Anno. 1442. This yere king Henry was crowned at Paris Anno. 11. M Io Parneis Fishmōger S Iohn Olney Io. Padde●●ey This yere was sene in the southwest a A comete sterre called a Comete or blasing sterr Anno. 12. M Iohn Brokley Draper S date 1433 Thomas Chalton Iohn Kyng The erle of Huntington was sente with a companye of souldioures into France where he atchiued many great feates of Armes Anno. 13. M date 1434 Roger Otley Grocer S Th. Barnwell Simgnd Eyre This yere was a gret frost that such A gret frost marchandi●e as came to the Thames mouth was caried to London by land This frost endured from the .xxv. daye of Nouember vnto the .x. day of February which was .x. wekes Anno. 14. M date 1435 Hen. Frowike mer. S Th. Catworth Ro. Clopton Charles of France recouered the citie of Paris and wanne by force the town of Harflew and of saint Denis expelling and murdring the Englishmen in great number Anno. 15. M date 1436 Iohn Michell Fi●hmonger S Th. Worsted William Gregorie This yere on the third day of Ianuary dyed Quene Catherine mother to king Henry the syxt and wife to Henry the fyfth and lyeth buried at Westminster This yere on the fourtene day of Ianuary A parte of London bridge fell downe the gate of London brydge with the tower vpon it next to Southwark fell downe and ii of the furdest arches of the sayd bridge but as god would no man therwith perished This yere all the lyons in the tower of London dyed which had bene there a long tyme ▪ Anno. 16. M William Eastfield Mercer S date 1437 William Chapman Williā Hallio The king caused a great obite to be kept in Pouls church for Sigismund the Emperour who was knight of the Garter Anno. 17. M Stephen Browne Grocer S date 1438 Hugh Dycker Nicholas Yoo This yere on new yeres day a stacke Three men slayne of wodde fel downe at Baynardes castell and flew three men and hurt mainy other Ther was so great a dearth in Englande Great dearth that the poore people made them bread of fetches peason fern rootes This yere by the fall of a stayre at Xviii persons murdered Bedford .xviii. persons wer slayne In this yere the Cundite in Fletestrete was begon by syr William E●●field The condit in
that to theyr great shame he was sound by his peres not gilty The xxii daye of Iulye was Iohn Frith brent Frith ▪ burned in Smithfield for his opinions and with him on yong mā called Andrew Hewet a taylors seruant The xi day of August was al the places Frier houses suppressed of the obseruant Friers put down and Austen Friers set in theyr places and the same obseruantes were put in places of gray friers c. The thyrtenth day of August was a Fyre at temple barre great fyre at Temple barre and much hurte done and certayne personnes burned The xvi day of August was burned The kings stable brent the kings stable at Charing crosse called mewes wherin was burned many great horses and great store of haye Thomas Cromwel was appointed and sworne maister of the Rolles the ix day of October Anno. 26. M Syr Iohn Champneis Skinner S Nic. Lewson date 1534 William Denham In Nouember by a parliament the Bishop of Romes autoritie abrogated byshop of Rome with al his authoritie was cleane banished this Realme and commaundement geuen that he should no more be called Pope but bishop of Rome and that the king should be ●eputed as supreme head of the Churche of England hauing ful aucthoritie to reforme all errors heresies and abuses in the same Also the firste fruites and ●irst frutes geuē to the king An. reg 27 tenthes of all spirituall dignities wer graunted to the king The .xxix. day of Aprill the prior of the Charter house of London the prior of Beual the prior of Exam and a brother of the same called master Reignoldes and a prieste called maister Iohn Haile vicar of Thistil worth wer al cōdemned of treason who wer executed the fourth day of May and theyr heads Execution and quarters set on the gates of the citie of London and at the Charter house of London was set one quarter The eighte day of Maye the kinge Polled heads commaunded all aboute his courte to poll theyr heades and to geue them ●nsample he caused his owne heade to be polled likewise The xxv day of May was ▪ a gret examination Examination of Hollanders Execution of heretikes born in Hollād there was examined .xix. men and vi women of the same countrey borne The iiii day of Iune a man and his wife borne in Holland wer burned in Smithfield for the arrians heresie The .18 day of Iune wer .3 monkes Execution of the Charterhouse named Exmewe Midlemor Nudigate drawen to Tiborne and there hanged and quartred The xxii day of Iune was doctor Bishop of Rochester beheaded Syr Thomas Mor● beheaded Disitation of abbcis fysher byshop of Rochester beheaded at tower hill The vi day of Iuly syr Thomas More was beheaded at the tower hill for deniall of the kings supremacie In October the king sent doctor Lee to visite the abbeis priories and nonneties in England to put out al religious persons that would go and al that wer vnder the age of .xxiiii. yeres and al such monkes chanons friers that wer so put out the abbot or pr●or shold geue euery one in stede of theyr ▪ habite a priests gown and xl.s of money And the nonnes to haue such apparel as secule● women weare and to go where they would he toke out of monasteries theyr reliques and chiefest iewels Anno. 27. M syr Iohn Alleyn ▪ mercer S date 1535 Hūfrey Monmothe Iohn Cottes The xi day of Nouember was a gret A generall procession generall procession at London by the kings cōmandemēt for the recouering of the Frenche kinge to his healthe The number of copes that were worn in this Procession was seuen hunbred and fourtene The laste daye of December the Names of Chauntries taken Lord Maior of London gaue commandement to all parishes in the same to bring in before him the names of a● the Chauntries in their parishes and who had the gift of the same The .viii day of Ianuary died lady Lady Katherine deceased Smal house● o● religion geuen to y e king An reg 28. Katherine dowag●r at Kimbalton and was buried at Peterborowe The ▪ 4. daye of February wer geuen to the kinge by a parliamen● with the consent of the abbottes ▪ all religi●us houses that wer of .300 marke and vnder On May day king Henry beyng at a Iustes at G●ene wich sodenly departed to Westminster hauing only with him ● persons The next day An Bulleine Execution Quene was had to the tower ▪ and ther for things layd to her charge beheaded the xi● day of May. The same time were apprehended Execution the Lord Rocheford brother to the sayd Quene Henry Noris Marke Sme●ō William Brierton Fraūcis weston all of the kings priuie chamber which also about matters touching the quene were put to death the .xxii. day of May The .xx. day of May the kynge maried Lady Iane daughter to syr Iohn Seymor knyght whiche at Whitsontide was openly shewed as Quene K. Henry maried lady Iane. The .viii. day of Iune the king held his court of parliament the bishops and clergie of this realme held a conuocation at Paules church in Lōdon where after muche debatyng of many matters they publyshed a booke of religion entitled Articles deuised by the kynges highnes In this boke is specially meutioned but .iii. sacramentes Cōmotion in Lincoln shire with the whiche the Lincolnshire men were offended and fearing the vtter subnertion of theyr olde religion taised a great commotion against whō the kynge dyd sende a stronge power wherof when the rebels hadde knowledge they desyred pardon brake vp theyr armie and departed home but their capitains were apprehended and executed The men of Lincolnshire beyng pacified within sixe dayes after began a newe insurrection in Yorkeshire for the same causes for they were persuaded that al theyr syluer chalices crosses sewels and other ornamēts shold be taken out of their churches These people were gathered togyther to the numbre of forty thousand hauyng for their badges the .v. woundes with the figure of the Sacramente and Iesus written in the myddest in token that they intended to fyght for the mayntenance of christen religion Anno. 28. M date 1536 Sir Rafe Warren Mercer S Rich ▪ Paget William Bowyer The .xii. day of Nouember sir Thomas Neweman bare a faggot at Poules Crosse for that he song Masse with good ale The .xiii. day of Nouember one master Mayster Pagyngtō slayne Robert Pagyngton a Mercer of London was slayn with a gunne as he was goyng to Masse at sainct Thomas of Akers Agaynst the rebelles of Yorkeshire the Kyng sent the Duke of Norffolke the Duke of Suffolke the Marques of Excester and other with a great army by whom after the daye and place was appointed to fyghte the Capitaynes of bothe parties had communication of peace and promyse was made to the rebelles that suche thynges as they wer greued with shold be