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A12940 A counterblast to M. Hornes vayne blaste against M. Fekenham Wherein is set forthe: a ful reply to M. Hornes Answer, and to euery part therof made, against the declaration of my L. Abbat of Westminster, M. Fekenham, touching, the Othe of the Supremacy. By perusing vvhereof shall appeare, besides the holy Scriptures, as it vvere a chronicle of the continual practise of Christes Churche in al ages and countries, fro[m] the time of Constantin the Great, vntil our daies: prouing the popes and bishops supremacy in ecclesiastical causes: and disprouing the princes supremacy in the same causes. By Thomas Stapleton student in diuinitie. Stapleton, Thomas, 1535-1598.; Horne, Robert, 1519?-1580. Answeare made by Rob. Bishoppe of Wynchester, to a booke entituled, The declaration of suche scruples, and staies of conscience, touchinge the Othe of the Supremacy, as M. John Fekenham, by wrytinge did deliver unto the L. Bishop of Winchester.; Harpsfield, Nicholas, 1519-1575. 1567 (1567) STC 23231; ESTC S117788 838,389 1,136

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acknowledged the Popes Supreamacye as also the later acknowledging the same in the generall councell at Lions wherof we haue spoken and also afterward in the general Coūcel at Ferraria and frō thēce trāslated to Florēce Where also the Armenians were ioyned with the Roman Church But not then first For three hundred yeres before that aboute .10 yeres before the deathe of Henry the first in S. Bernardes tyme the Armenians submitted them selues to Eugenius .3 sending their chief Metropolitane who had vnder him moe thē a thousand Bishops to the See of Rome who trauayling in iourney of a yere ād a halfe came to Viterbū scarse ij dayes iourney from Rome where the Pope lay thē of whō they were receyued ād instructed in al such thinges as they sought at his handes touching the order of the blessed sacrifice the obseruation of festiuall dayes and certayn other pointes wherin they varyed from the rest of Christendome of which errours they are of old writers much ād oftē noted And this their submissiō to the Church of Rome fel before the tyme that M. Horne now talketh of affirming but falsly as his maner is that the people of Armenia acknowleged none but ōly their princes to be their supreme gournours Neither neded yow yet M. Horne to haue loked so far For if your enuious eie might haue abiddē our own late time and the late councel of Trent ye should haue found that the Armenians sent ambassadours to the Pope recognising hys supreamacy and desiring the confirmation of they re patriarch of Antiochia Ye should haue founde that Abdisa the patriarche of the Assyrians inhabiting nygh to the famous floud of Tygris came to Rome with no small eyther trauell or daunger of hys life to be confirmed of Pius Quartus the last pope of blessed memorie who also promised as well for hym selfe as for those that were vnder his spiritual gouernemēt that he and they woulde faythfully and constantly keepe suche decrees as should be set forth by the saied Councell of Trent Perchaunce ye will the lesse passe for the Armenians seeyng you haue on your syde as ye saye about thys tyme the greate prince of the Aethiopians hauing no lesse then 62. Kingdomes vnder hys Dominion the same country beyng the most auncient part of Christendome Southwarde And because your selfe haue forsaken your priesthodde take heede I pray you that ye haue not withall forsaken your Christendome ye are not contented with the Italians and other that call hym Prieste Ihon as thoughe he were a prieste and head Bishoppe ouer those Christian realmes hauing suche a power wyth them as the popes vsurpation as ye terme yt hath challenged here in Europe to be an head or vniuersall priest or Kyng And ye would rather he should be called as Sabellicus telleth the mighty Gyan So called as ye by a mighty lying exposition of your own falsly declare because he is the supreme ruler and gouernour of all causes aswel ecclesiasticall as tēporal But here first seing ye pretend your selfe to be so good an Antiquarie I would gladly knowe what monumentes ye haue of the Aethiopical religion about this time It had bene mete ye had laied foorth your Authour for your discharge Surely I beleue ye haue sene none at al of such antiquitie and I dare boldly auouch ye neither haue nor shal see any whereby ye may iustly gather that the Aethiopiās take their king for their Supreme head in all causes Ecclesiastical and Temporal We haue to the contrary the confession of the Bishop Raba Rago his kings Embassadour to the king of Portugale that he made .33 yeares now past saying that he doth acknowledge the bisshop of Rome as the chief bishop and pastour of Christes shepe We haue his confession wherein he declareth that the Aethiopiās euē frō the begīning of the Church did acknowlege the B. of Rome for the first ād chief Bisshop ād so at that day did obey him as Christes Vicar What speak I of his Orators cōfession We haue the kings own cōfessiō made to the Pope wherin he calleth hī Caput oīū Pōtifi●ū the head of al bisshops he saith to the Pope Aequū est vt omnes obedientiā tibi praestent sicuti sancti Apostoli praecipiūt It is mete that al men obey him euen as th'Apostles commaund He saith most humbly kneling on the ground that the Pope is his Father and he his sonne he saith again Your holines without al doubt is Gods Vicar And thinke ye now M. Horne that ye shal like a mighty Giant cōquer al your Readers ād make them such bōnd slaues to your ignorāce and folly that because Sabellicus sayeth he is called Mightye Cyan therefore yee maye so mightely lye as to conclude thereby for that he hathe the collection of the Spiritual liuinges that he is therfore the supreame gouernour in all causes Not so M. Horn. But now shal your greate falshood be discouered and lying sprite be coniured For beholde euen immediatly after the words by you alleaged out of Sabellicus that al benefices and spiritual promotions are obtayned at the Kings hands it foloweth I say immediatly Quod Rom. Pontifex Regum Maiestati dederit The which thinge the Bisshop of Rome hath geuen to the Kings Maiesty Which woordes of your authour you haue most lewdely nipped quyte of Such à Macariā you are and so lyke to M. Iewel your pewefellowe Neither doth he speake of any order of relligion about that age so many hundred yeres paste as ye pretende but of his and our late tyme. And so thus are you M. Horne after this your longe and fruitles iorney wherin as wayfaring men in longe iorneyes are wonte to doe ye haue gathered store of wonderfull lies to delight your hearers that haue not trauayled so far withal welcome home againe from Moscouia and Aethiopia into Englande M. Horne The .121 Diuision pag. 78. a. In England also King Stephā .426 reserued to him self the inuestitures of the Prelats as likevvise after him did Henry the secōd that made Thomas Becket Archbisshop of Cātorbury who therat was sworn to the King and to his Lawes and to his Sonne In the ninth yeere of his reigne this king called a Parliamēt at Northampton where he entended reformation of many priuileges that the Clergy had amongest these was one that although one of the Clergy had committed felonie murder or treason yet might not the King put him to death as he did the Laye men The which thing with many other the kinge thought to redresse in the said Parliament Thomas Becket resisted him but he might not preuayle againste the king 427 For wel neere al the Bisshops of Englande were against him In the .17 yere of his reigne the king made a iourney into Ireland where with great trauaile he subdued the Irishe and after with the helpe of the Primate of Armach he refourmed the maners of the people and dwellers in that countrey and
by Fabian and by Polychronicon that he would sometime like a cōquerour for his owne lucre and safetie both displace the English prelats as he did the Knights and Nobles of the realme to place his owne Normans in their roome and also haue a peece many times of his owne mind cōtrary to the precise order of the Canōs and lawes ecclesiastical And this not only Fabian and Polychonicon but before them both Williā of Malmesbury doth also witnes Such faults therfore of Williā Cōquerour ād of others that your authour and other reporte in discōmendation serue you notwithstāding such beggarly shiftes you are forced to vse for good argumēts ād substātial bulwarks to build your newe supreamacy vpō And nowe might I or anie wise mā much meruail to cōsider how that ye haue ladē and freighted this one page of your boke with no lesse then .6 quotatiōs of the Polychronicō and yet not one of them seruing for but rather againste you yea eche one ouerthrowing your purpose And therfore because ye would be the lesse espied as throughout your whole discourse so here ye neither name boke nor chapter of your authour Beside that it is vntrue that ye write as out of Polychronicon that the popes Legates kept a Councell before which was kept at Winchester For he speaketh of none other but of that where Stigādus that we spake of was degraded and afterward kept streighly in prison by Williā Conquerour And the Bishops and Abbats ye speake of were not deposed by the King but as your self write by the kings meanes and procuremēt Which was as Fabiā reporteth all to the entent he might preferre Normans to the rule of the Church as he had preferred his Knightes to the rule of the temporaltie that he might stand in the more suertie of the lande M. Horne The .119 Diuision pag. 77. a. In like maner did his sonne William Rufus vvho made Anselm Bishop of Yorke and aftervvard trāslated him to Cantorbury But within a while strife and cōtention fel betwene him and Anselm for Anselm might not cal his Synods nor correct the bishops but as the kīg would the king also chalēged the inuestiture of bisshops This king also forbad the paying of any mony or tribut to Rome as saith Polychronicon The like inhibition made Henry the first and 417. gaue Ecclesiastical promotions as his auncestours had doone vvherefore Anselme fel out vvith the kinge and vvould not consecrate suche Prelates as he beynge a Lay man had made but the Archebishop of Yorke .418 did consecrate thē and therefore Anselme .419 fledde the Realme In an other councel at London the spiritual condescended that the kinges officers should punish Priestes for whoordome The cause of this decree as it seemeth vvas that a Cardinall named Ioannes Cremensis that came to redresse the matter after he had enueighed againste the vice vvas him selfe the same nyghte taken tardy In the which councell also sayth Polydore the kinge prouided many thinges to bee enacted which shoulde greatly helpe to leade a Godly and blessed life After this the kinge called an other Councell at Sarisbury Sommoning thither so well the chief of the Clergy as the people and swore them vnto him and vnto VVilliam his sonne Whereupon Polydorus taketh occasion to speake of the order of our Parliamente though it haue a French name yet in deede to be a councell of the Clergy and the Laitie vvhereof the Prince hath a full ratifiyng or enfringing voyce And not only saith he this king did make Bisshoppes and Abbottes vvhich he calleth holy rites Lavves of religion and Church ceremonies as other likevvyse cal it ecclesiastical busynes but the Princes of euery natiō begane euery wher to claim this right vnto thē selues of namīg and denouncing of Bisshops the which to this daie they hold fast with toothe and nayle Also Martinus here noteth Vntil this time and frō thence .420 euē til our daies the king of Hungary maketh and inuestureth according to his pleasure Bisshops and other Ecclesiastical persons within his Dominions Stapleton Ye shal nowe good reader see a more euidente testimonie of M. Hornes meruelouse newe logike and diuinity wherof I spake euen now For ys not this a worthy and a clerkly conclusion The wicked king Rufus woulde not suffer the blessed and learned archbishop of Caūterbury Anselme to cal hys Synodes and correcte the Bishoppes he challenged the inuestiture of Bishoppes he woulde paye no tribute to Rome Ergo the Quene of Englande is supreame head of the Church of Englande The losenes and fondnes of thys argumente euery childe may sone espie By this argument he may set the Popes crowne vppon the head of the wycked and heathen Prince especiallie the tyrāte Licinius with whome Eusebius cōparing the good and Christian Emperour Constantine cōpartner with hym in the empire ād not in hys wyckednes writeth thus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. First then he watched and obserued the Priestes of God that were vnder hys gouernemente and wheras they had nothing offended hym he by curiouse and subtyle working deuised pretensed matter to trouble and vex● them When he could fynd no iuste matter to accuse them withall he made a proclamatiō that the Bishoppes for no maner of matter should assemble together and that yt shoulde not be lawfull to any of them to repayre to theire neighbours Churches or to call any Synode or place to consulte and debate vppon suche thinges as apperteyned to the commoditye of the Churche Thys was hys dryfte by the wich he sowght they re destruction For either the Bishoppes were in daunger to be punished ▪ yf they trāsgressed his law or yf they kepte the lawe they broke the order and custome of the Churche For they could not aduise thē selues in any weighty matters but in a Synode And thys wicked mā hated of God gaue thys commaundement that he might worke quite contrarye to the doeinges of good Constantyne whome God loued For he such was his reuerēce to God suche was his studie and endeuour to haue peace and agreemente assembled Gods priests together Th' other cōtrariwyse wēt about to dissolue those things that were wel ordeined and to breke peace ād agreemēt Thus farre Eusebius of the heathen tyran Licinius Ye play therfore M. Horn like a very spider that gathereth nothīg but poison out of sweet herbes and so doe you out of good chronicles Ye are like to the flie that loueth to dwell in the horse dong I would to God your Reader M. Horne would either aduisedly weigh what an ill King this Williā Rufus was by the most agreable consent of all writers and what straūge and wōderful tokēs were sene in his time ād how he ended his life being slaine by the glaūsing of an Arrowe as he was a hūting or the excellēt learning cōstancy and vertue of the B. Anselmus and the great miracles that
Balduinꝰ noteth almost 600. times by his sentēce interlocutory to cut of their friuolous elusiōs We haue nowe nead of such an other Marcellinus to be styckler an arbitrer betwen you and M. Fekenhā Againe the sayd S. Augustine sayd of the Donatistes as Baldwine noteth that he did meruaile if the Donatists had any bloud in their body that being so often taken in manifeste and open lies yet neuer blushed I say then to you M. Horne that this kinge was not the supreame head but the pope who practised his supremacy in this kinges dayes as much as any pope hath done in this realme in our tyme or sithen this king Henries tyme. Was not the Priour of Canterbury deposed by the Pope Were not a nomber of the clergy that helde with the Barons againste the kinge depryued of their Ecclesiasticall lyuinges and fayne to send to Rome for their absolution Was not the Archbisshop of Canterburies election annichilated and frustrated by the pope Did not the Archbishop of Canterbury Edmond goe to Rome for the dispatche of his Ecclesiasticall affayres Were not S. Hewe of Lincolne and the foresayd S. Edmonde S. Richarde bisshop of Chichester and S. Thomas of Canterbury by the popes authority translated in this kings tyme Was not the kinge hym selfe with Pandulphus the popes Legate presente at the sayd translation at Canterbury Did not Octobonus the popes legate make certayne constitutions ecclesiasticall which are euery where to be had in prynt Did not the king hym selfe procure the Popes curse vppon the Barons that rebelled againste hym Was not the Pope the Iudge in controuersy depēding betwene the kinge and the Archbisshop of Canterbury Did not the kinge hym selfe procure to be absolued and discharged of his othe by the Pope as supreame Iudge in matters spirituall Did not this kinge send his bisshops to the greate councell holden at Laterane wherof we haue spoken aswell as other princes did Did not this kinge helpe with his money the Pope againste themperour Frederike thowghe he were allied vnto him And shall all this superiority quayle onely for such bare and friuolouse matter as you laye forth But what yf yt be not only friuolouse M. Horne but starke false I maruayle suerly yf this kinge toke away anie priueleges from the Clergy Why M. Horne What kinge was yt thinke yow that gaue the priuileges for the clergy and the commōs yea and the nobylity to cōteyned in magna charta but this kinge Who caused the bishops of this realme beinge arayed in theyr Pontificalibus solemly to accurse in Westmynster hall the king him selfe and his nobility being present the infringers of the same but this king Hēry the .3 Who gaue vnto the Church of Poules in Londō such priuileges as the city of Londō had and least the citie of London should take any domage therby gaue to the city out of his checker an yearely rente of seuē pounds euer syns vsually payd but this kīg Hēry Lo M. Horn you heare of great priuileges gratiously graunted and geuen to the clergy But what priuileges or when any were taken away from thē I can not yet fynd No sayth M. Horn can ye not fynd it Why doe ye not then take a litle paynes to reade my authour Polidor to whome I doe remit my reader Yes M. Horn that paynes haue I taken and that shall ye full well vnderstand I wil reherse your own allegation in your authours own words Nowe was saieth he the .1226 yeare of our Lorde God and the .9 yeare of kinges Henries raigne come In the whiche yeare there was an assemble of nobility In this assemble by the consente of the kinge and the nobilitie manie liberties and priuileges were geuen to the order of priesthod and to the commons and many ordinances were made which the kings that followed did so allowe that a good part of the Law is gathered thereof as appeareth in the great Charter and in the Charter of the Foreste Howe say yow M. Horne is there any more bludde left in your body then was in the Donatists of whom S. Augustin complayneth what a Macarian pageante haue ye here played What Thinke yow as Cyrces turned Vlysses companie into hoggs that ye maye so enchaunte all your readers by this your supreame lying supreamacy that they shall be so swinishe as to beleue yow in this poynte or in any other beinge here taken with the maner and as the ciuilians say 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 What colourable shifte can ye nowe pretende to saue your poore honesty Is not this the very place that your ●elfe translate out of Polidorus Doth yt not say the quite contrary to that for the which ye alleage yt The matter is so opē that I wil refuse no arbitrers no not your owne protestante fellowes It is beside the matter of the story wherin your own author cōdemneth you a law matter Cal me therfore a quest of Lawiers Let thē tel you whether Hēry the .3 in this coūcel toke away the Charter or made and graūted the Charter Yf perchaunce ye wil appeale from thē to the Grammarians and say that irrogare priuilegia is to take away priuileges which in dede is your extreme miserable refuge against al truth and the words and meaning of your author I am cōtent ye chose a quest of thē neither therin wil I vse any peremptory challenge but am content to stand to the iudgment of your nigh neighbours in the famous schole of Wīchester or if ye wil of M. Cooper the dictionary maker better acquaynted with these matters thē perchaūce your self are But see M. Horn how as accordīg to the old sayīg vnum malū non venit solum So with yow vnum mendacium non venit solum But that as thowgh there were a game set vp for lying ye adde for the with an other lie Ye saye there was a tribute demaunded of all the clergy by the Legate but yt was denied him Your author saith he demaunded the tenth of the clergie to mainteyne warre against the Saracens and yt was sone graunted him Your authour reciteth also after the minde of some writers that in a conuocation Ottho the Popes Legate demaunded a certayne yerelye paymente which was denied him but he doth improue those that so write And so withal it is not a single but a double or rather a treble vntruth that ye write concerning this tribute For this demaunde yf yt were made was not made at that tyme as you say when that Councel that ye call the solemne Councel was holdē and wherin the great Charter was graunted and where as ye most falsly say yt was disanulled but in a conuocation at an other tyme. Now putting the case there were any such payment denied doth that spoile the pope of his supremacy By as good reason ye may conclude yf any thing be denied the King that he demaundeth in the parliament that therefore he is no King This former answere
warne thee of gentle Reader to th entent that if hereafter the foresaid Copies come forth in printe as this very yere Neubrigensis did and that the printed Copies haue more or lesse then we reporte out of the writen Copies thou may not suspect any falshood or forgery in vs but vnderstanding the case as we haue saied maiest take our dealing to be as it is true and sincere I herefore hauing conferred the printed Neubrigensis with the writen Copie and finding some difference as ofte as that which I alleage out of Neubrigensis is in the printed Copie so ofte I haue noted in the Margent the booke and Chapter of that Copie And when that I alleage is in the writen not printed Copie I note in the Margent Neubrig M.S. for Manuscriptus Againe in quoting the leaues of the Tomes of Councells I haue alwaies in maner folowed the former Copies printed at Collen in three Tomes Anno. 1551. Only towarde the ende of this booke I haue folowed the last edition of this present yere quoting the leaues according to that Edition and then for perspicuites sake I hau● added in the Margent Edit Postr Vale. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 AN ANSVVERE TO THE PREFACE THE PREFACE OF M. HORNE It is novve an vvhole yeare past since I heard of a book secretly scattered abroad by M. Fekenham emong his friends And in Aprill last I came by a Copie therof Vvhen I had read the booke and perceiued both the matter and the maner of the mans doings therin I savv his proofes so slender and his maner of dealing so shameles that I stood in doubt vvhat to do vvhether to discouer the man by vvriting or to shake him of vvith silence If I had not seene a further meaning in his setting forth and publishing the book .1 thē he durst plainely vtter or then his cunning could by any meanes ansvveare vnto or then that I vvith a good conscience mought haue neglected I vvoulde haue past it ouer vvith silence as a peece of vvoorke not vvorthy of ansvvere But seing the .2 chiefe end and principal purpose intēded as may be iustly gathered in publishing the booke vvas to ingrafte in the mindes of the subiectes a misliking of the Queenes Maiestie as though shee vsurped a povver and authoritie in Ecclesiasticall matters vvhereto shee hath no right to slaunder the vvhole Realme as though it vvere stranged and directly against the Catholike Churche renouncing and refusing to haue Communion therevvith And vnder my name to deface the mynisters of Christes Churche I could not choose oneles I vvould vvilfully neglect my duety to her Maiestie shevv my selfe ouermuche vnkinde vnto my natiue Countrie and altogeather become careles of the Churche Mynisterie but take penne in hand and shape him a ful and plaine ansvvere vvithout any curiositie T. Stapleton IT is to be knowen gentle Reader as I assuredly vnderstand that the Reuerent Father my L. Abbat of Westmynster M. Fekenham being prisoner in the Tower and supposing that the othe of the supremacie then passed in the Parliament holden at Westmynster in the fifte yere of the Queenes Maiesties raigne should foorth with as it was probable be tendred him and others gathered as it were in a shedule certain reasons and causes why he thought he could not with safe conscience receiue the said othe Minding to offer the said shedule to the Commissioners if any came The saied shedule M. Fekenham deliuered to M. Horne at Walthā a manour place of the Bishop of Winchester in Hamshier he being at that time there the said M. Horns prisoner by the committie of the Queene her highnes honourable Councel and that vpon this occasion In M. Fekenhams abode at Waltham there was daylie conference in matters of Religion namely of the principall pointes of this Treatise betwene him and M. Horne as him selfe confesseth In the which space he required M. Fekenham sundry and diuers times that he woulde by writing open vnto him the staies of his conscience touchinge the othe of the Queenes highnes Supremacie being the whole matter and cause of his trouble with no smal promises that he should susteine no kinde of harme or iniurie therby And in fine if there came no furder fruit or benefitte therof vnto him the whole matter should be safly folded vppe and left in the same estate where they beganne Wherevpon M. Fekenham thinking verely all things by him promised to be as truely meant as spoken made deliueraunce to M. Horne of a small Treatise deuised by him before his comming foorth of the Tower entituled The Answere made by M. Iohn Fekenham Priest and Prisoner in the Tower to the Queenes highnes Commissioners touching the othe of the Supremacie With this declaration also made vnto the said Master Horne that vpon the passing of the said statute he thought to haue deliuered the said Treatise to the Commissioners if any came as the staie of his conscience concerning the refusall of the foresaid othe And forasmuche as they came not he being as before is said vrged and pressed by the said M. Horne to open vnto him by writing the causes forcing him to breathe and staie vpon the taking of the foresaid othe made deliuerance of the very same Treatise deuised in the Tower with the foresaid Title and declaration Which Treatise being afterwarde encreased as wel by M. Hornes Answers as by M. Fekenhams Replies thervnto made after his return back againe to the Tower he sent one copie to the right honorable the L. Erle of Lecester and one other to Syr William Cicil Knight and Secretarie vnto the Queenes highnes with the same title that the printed book conteineth both of them being deliuered by M. Lieutenant of the Tower This shedule or litle Treatise M. Horne calleth a booke ▪ yea and that made with the helpe of the rest that he might seme after two yeares and more to haue done a worthy and a notable acte in answering six poore leaues for thereabout in M. Hornes booke amounteth the quantitie of M. Fekenhams Treatise and to haue made a great conqueste vpon M. Fekenham and his fellowes woorthie for this great martiall prowes to be if al other thinges faile a Prelate of the Garter This his Treatise was he forced to deliuer to the right Honorables as before for his necessary purgation concerninge suche false accusations and slaunders as Maister Horne had made and raised vppon him as shall heereafter in more conueniente place be specified VVherefore this beeing done as ye haue heard so plainly so simply and vpon such cause sheweth that M. Fekenham had no such meaning as M. Horne here falsly surmiseth As one who hadde his principall and chiefe regard how to satisfie his owne and not other mennes consciences howe to saue him selfe from slaunders and vntrue accusations and not to woorke with other men by perswasion VVherefore this is an vntrue and a false surmise of M. Horne as are the other two here also in saying that M.
here folowīg who speaketh of M. Fekenhā without any regarde so loosely and lewdely as to saye he maketh his belly his God that his frēds mistrusted his reuolting and wauering incōstācy that he sent foorth copies of the book as M. Horn termeth the shedule when he sawe the othe should not be tendred him and such lyke Where are nowe in this your false tale the dewe circūstāces that ye nedelessely required of M. Fekenhā most necessarie here to haue bene obserued of yow Suerly the rest is as true as that ye write of his seruante and of his charges wekely defrayde by his frēds and brought in by his seruāte which is as farre as I can vnderstande stark false Why doe ye not I pray you in these and your other blinde fonde folishe and false ghesses and surmises make your tale more apparāte and cowlorable clothing it with some cōuenient and dew circumstances that ye do so much harpe vppon against M. Fekenham Ye be now again blindly and lewdly harping vpō his revolte to slaunder and deface him Ye say he sent out his copies when he vnderstode right wel that the othe was not like to be tendered him How proue ye it good Sir He and other Catholiks made their certain accompte that after the end of the parliament the othe should haue ben offred thē what was the cause it was not exacted I certainly know not were it for the great plague that immediatly reigned and raged at London I pray God it were no plague to punish the straunge procedings in that parliament against his holy Church and to put vs in remembraunce of a greater plague imminēte and hanging ouer vs in this or in an other world onlesse we repent or were it by special order goodnes and mercy of the Quenes Maiesty I can not tel But this well I wote no gramercy to you sir who so sore thirsted and lōged for the catholiks bloud And therfore as sone as Gods plague ceased thought to haue your self plaged the Catholiks exactīg the Othe of M. Doctour Bonner Bisshop of Lōdon But lo here now began your and your fellowes the protestant bisshops wonderful plague and scourge that throwgh your own seking and calling this man to the othe the matter so meruelously fel out that ye and your felowes as ye were no church bisshops whose authority ye had forsaken and defied so you were also no parliament bisshops Vpō the which a pitiful case your state your honour your worship and bisshoply authority yea faith and al now restethe and dependeth A meruelouse prouidence of God that while ye could not be contente to spoile the true bisshops of their wordly estate and honor but must nedes haue their poore lyfe and al you your self were founde to be no bisshops no not by the very statutes of the realme But lette these thinges now passe and herken we to Maister Hornes blaste The 8. Diuision Pag. 6. b. M. Fekenham First is that I must by a booke Othe vtterlye testifie that the Queenes highnes is the onely supreme gouernour of this realme and that aswell in all Spirituall or Ecclesiasticall thinges or causes as Temporall But to testifie any thinge vppon a booke Othe no man may possiblye therein auoide periury except he doe first know the thing which he doth testifie and whereof he beareth witnesse and geueth testimonye And touching this knowledge that the Queenes maiesty is the onely supreme gouernour aswell in Spirituall or Ecclesiastical causes as in Tēporal besides that I haue no such knowledge I know no way nor meane whereby I shoulde haue any knowledge thereof And therefore of my part to testifie the same vppon a booke Othe beinge without as I am in deede al knowledge I cannot without committinge of plaine and manifest periury And herein I shal ioyne this issue with your L. that whē your L. shal be able either by such order of gouernment as our Sauiour Christe left behinde him in his Gospel and new testament either by the writing of such learned Doctours both Olde and new which haue from age to age witnessed the order of Ecclesiastical gouernmente in Christes Churche either by the general Councels wherein the righte order of Ecclesiastical gouernement in Christes Church hath beene most faithfully declared and shewed from time to time or elles by the continual practise of the like Ecclesiasticall gouernment in some one Church or part of all Christendom VVhan your Lordshippe shal be able by any of these fower meanes to make proufe vnto me that any Emperour or Empresse King or Quene may claym or take vpon thē any such gouernmēt in spiritual or ecclesiastical causes I shal herein yelde and with most humble thankes reken my selfe well satisfied and shal take vppon me the knowledge thereof and be ready to testifie the same vppon a booke Othe M. Horne The reason or argument that moueth you not to testifie vpon a book Othe the Q. Supremacy in causes ecclesiastical is this No man may testifie by Othe that thing vvhereof he is ignorant and knovveth nothīg vvithout committīg periury But you neither knovv that the Q. highnes is the onely supreme gouernour asvvel in causes Ecclesiasticall ▪ as Temporall neither yet knovv you any vvay or meane vvhereby to haue any knovvledge thereof Therefore to testifie the same vppon a booke Othe you can not vvithout committing of plaine and manifest periury For ansvveare to the Minor or seconde Proposition of this argument Although I might plainly deny that you are vvithout all knovvledge and vtterly ignoraunt both of the matter and the vvay or meane hovv to come by knovvledge therof and so put you to your prouf vvherein I knovv you must needes faile yet vvil I not so ansvveare by plain negatiue but by distinctiō or diuisiō of ignorāce And so for your better excuse declare in vvhat sort you are ignoraūt and vvithout al knovvledge There are three kinds of ignorātes the one of simplicity the other of vvilfulnes and the thirde of malice Of the first sort you cānot be for you haue had longe time good oportunity much occasiō and many vvaies vvhereby to come to the knovvledge hereof Yea you haue knovvē and profest openly by deede and vvorde the knovvledge hereof many yeers together For you did 28. knovv acknovvledge and confesse this supreme authority in causes Ecclesiastical to be in King Hēry the eight and his heyres vvhā your Abbay of Eueshā by cōmō cōsent of you and the other Mōks there vnder your couent seale vvas of your ovvn good vvilles vvithout compulsion surrendred into his handes and you by his authority refourmed forsooke your folishe vovve and many .29 horrible errours and superstitions of Monkery and became a secular Priest and Chaplaine to D. Bell and aftervvarde to D. Bonner and so duringe the life of King Henry the eight did agnise professe and teach opēly in your sermōs the kings Supremacy in causes Ecclesiastical This knovvledge remained stedfastly in you al
Eue had continued in state of grace they should neuer haue had children by any carnal copulatiō but otherwise Yea that there should haue bene no difference betwen the Male and the Female kinde Secondly he saied that the blessed Saintes in heauen doe not see the essence of God Whiche errour he learned of Petrus Abailardus againste whome S. Barnarde writeth and of Arnoldus Brixiensis of whome as I suppose Arnoldistae of whom we spake of be called Thirdly he said that the bodie of Christ is no otherwise in the Sacramente of the Aulter then in other bread and all other things Fourthly he said there was no hell Fifthly he denyed the resurrection of the flesh And yet is this Almaricus a worthy Bisshoppe and an holy Martyr in Maister Foxes madde Martyrologe Neither can he finde any matter why he was condemned but for teaching and holding againste Images whiche if it were true as it is false yet were he but a starke stinking Martyr I will nowe vnfolde and rippe vppe the heresies of some other condemned by Frederike that Maister Horne may see his own iudgement geuen against him and his fellowes especially against their hereticall Articles agreed vppon in their Schismaticall Conuocation and nowe after fower yeares offered to the Parliament to be confirmed and ratified geauen I saie not onely by the moste famouse Generall Councell aforesaied but also by his owne Supreme Head the Emperour Frederike and by his owne wordes and confession And here it shall be sufficient to set before yow the Waldenses onely For as a good fellowe ones said whiche had prouided a feast furnished with manye disshes to his friend maruailing at suche plentie but all was but swines fleshe which he had by his iolie cokerie dressed in suche diuersitie So all this rascall rablement of these huge monstruous names and sectes are in effecte nothing but the swinish secte of the Waldenses otherwise called the poore brethren of Lyons taking there their originall of one Waldo their vnlearned and blinde presumptuouse guide Whiche had in diuerse Countries diuerse names whereof some ye haue heard and were commonlie called in England as appeareth by our Actes of Parliamente and Chronicles and in some other Countries also Lollardes Wil ye then knowe what their Relligion and order was in Churche matters I remitte the Latine and learned Reader to Aeneas Syluius and to Paulus Aemilius and the English Reader to Maister Foxe him selfe Who at large to decke and beutifie his holy Canonisation setteth their errours and heresies foorth to his Reader And to be short there shal ye find that our holy English Cōuocatiō borowed their damnable Articles whereof we haue spoken of them and the whole order beside of this their gaie Gospelling Church Of this secte sprang among other the Albanenses whiche otherwise are called Albigenses of the people called Albij in the Countie of Tholous in Fraunce the whiche we haue before rehearsed Nowe the Arnoldistae can not be the schollers and disciples of Arnoldus de Villa noua being at this time and long after vnborne and so it seemeth that they are so called of Arnoldus Brixiensis and withal that as well Maister Horne as his Maister Illiricus from whome he fetched these Epistles of Arnoldus de Villa noua are out of the waye Maister Horne for imagining this Arnoldus to haue liued aboute the time of King Henrie the first And Illiricus for imagining Arnoldistas to be named of Arnoldus de Villa noua and to be condemned before he was borne Him selfe confessing that he liued aboute suche time as we before haue declared Maister Foxe also as greate an Antiquarie as he is as farre as I can learne confoundeth these two Arnoldus and maketh a great sturre for the auauncing of his newe Ghospel of this Arnoldus de villa noua being a false lying Prophet ▪ as I haue before shewed you And yt may be proued both by him and by Illyricus that he was an Heretique if he mainteyned suche errours as they specifie whereof nothing doth appeare in the foresaied Epistles And therfore I suppose yf any of them both mainteyned these errours yt was this Arnoldus Brixiensis Who for theis errours of the Waldenses as it may seme with his disciples is excommunicated by the generall coūcel as I tolde you before Now for the other secte of the Albanenses or Albigenses springinge of the loynes of the holye brother Waldo beside the cōmon and vsuall errours of the Waldenses they cōdēned matrimony ād lyued lyke brute beastes in most filthie and beastlie bytchery Who not withstanding multiplied in such sort and so desperatly suffred al kind of punishmēt ād death to for the maynteyning of theire heresies that they were set vpon and destroyed with an armie And yet are they preciouse martyrs with M. Foxe thoughe him self cōfesse that the chroniclers make them no better thē Turkes and infidelles and wold fayne for the honesty of his new ghospell and hys newe canonisation that men shoulde thinke yt were not so contrary to all the Chroniclers vpon his owne bare woorde as one that doth not nor euer shal be able to shewe any thinge worthye of any credite to the contrarye The desperate rage of theis wilde wodde Waldenses was suche as I haue sayde that they did not shūne but rather couitte deathe to make they re secte in the eies of the worlde more commendable as M. Foxes holye martyrs haue of late donne in Englande and els where and for this cause bothe the councell and themperour calleth them Patarenos For they so called them selues as in the olde tyme the Messalian heretikes called them selues for the like cause Martyrianos as men glorying that for their secte and heresie had suffred martyrdomme Now let Mayster foxe make an accompte of hys holy martyrs and see howe manie he canne fynde that haue not maynteyned the sayd errours of these Albigenses Paterans or Waldenses and he shall fynde his holie cataloge altogether voyde and empted So that the olde martyrs may take they re olde place in the Kalender againe And because Mayster Foxe doth so highlie esteme these men and so lightlye regardeth what so euer either the forsayde moste famous and lerned councell or the late councell of Trente hathe sayde or donne againste the doctrine of his holye Martyrs and wyll not belieue the catholikes when they truelye call them furiouse and madde martyrs let him at the leaste belieue this Emperour Friderike a newe greate Charles as Mayster Horne sayeth and let hym in fewe wordes heare a rownde and a full answere to all his vglie and madde martyrologe He then speaking of the sect of the folishe frontyke and wood Waldo sayeth In exēplum martyrū qui pro fide catholica c. They call them selues sayeth Fridericus as thowghe they followed the example of the Martyrs which died for the catholike fayth Paterans as men prompte and redie to suffer death howbeit these wretched Paterans hauing no
of Martian the Emperour for calling of the Chalcedon Councell nextly alleaged M. Horns purpose is no whit furdered but Pope Leo his primacy euidently proued By the Actes also of the sayd Councell the popes and the bishops Supreme Iurisdiction in al ecclesiastical matters to be treated examined iudged and defined throughe out the whole Councel appeareth and M. Hornes purpose remayneth vtterly vnproued I haue farder out of the sayd Chalcedon Councell being the fourthe Generall and so one of the foure allowed in our Countre by Acte of parliament in the reigne of the Queenes Mai. present gathered euident and sundry argumentes for proufe of the Popes and bishops Supremacy in causes ecclesiasticall And here I require M. Horne or any mans els whatsoeuer to shewe howe it is possible without manifeste contradiction to allowe the Authorytie of this fourthe Generall Councel and to bannishe the Popes Authorytie which this whole Councel agnised or to geue to the Prince Supreme Authorytie in al ecclesiastical causes the same by this Councel resting in the bishops only not in the Prince at all In hath consequently ben shewed against M. Horne that his exāples of Leo and Zeno Emperours haue proued nothing lesse then his imagined Supremacy His next examples of three popes Simplicius Felix .3 and Symachus haue al proued so manifest testimonies for their owne Supremacy euen out of the bookes and places by M. Horne alleaged that in this matter he semeth a plaine preuaricatour and one secretly defending the cause which he seemeth openly to impugne Nowe in Fraunce M. Horne your lucke hath bene no better then before in the East Church and in Italy it was Your arguments in this behalfe haue bene to to pelting and miserable But the bishops Iurisdiction in all those matters hath bene as euident Your story of Iustinus the elder nextly by you alleaged but confusedly and out of measure mangled being wholy layed forthe hath plainely proued the popes Supremacy and nothing at al the princes Iustinian your next exaample and largely by you prosecuted hath neuer a whit proued your matter but for the Popes absolute Supremacy hath diuerse waies pronounced not onelye in his behauyour in the fifte Generall Councell but in his Edictes and Constitutions which you for your selfe so thicke haue alleaged In that place also I haue noted by diuerse exāples what euil successe Churche matters haue had whē Princes most intermedled Ther also by the way a Councell in Fraunce by M. Horne alleaged hath openly pronounced for the popes vniuersall Supremacy Your last examples taken out of Spayne haue nothinge relieued your badde cause but haue geuen euidēt witnesse for the Bishops Supremacy in ecclesiastical causes And thus farre haue you waded in the first .600 yeres after Christe without any one prouf for your newe Laicall Supremacy But for the popes and Bishops Supremacy in matters of the Church the Cōtinual practise of that first age and that in al Countres hath clerely pronounced as hath bene at large shewed In the third book as the race your runne is the longer ād triple to that ye ranne in before so is our cause the strōger and yours the febler or rather the wretcheder that in the cōpasse of .900 yeres that of so many Emperors kings and princes of so many Coūcels both General and National of so diuerse parts of the Christened worlde al the East part Italy Fraunce Spayne Germany and our own Countre of Englād yea of the Moscouites Armeniās and Aethyopiās to of all these I say not one Prince Councel or Coūtre maketh for you and not one prince Councell or Countre maketh against vs but all haue agnised the popes primacy and not one in the worlde of so many hundred yeres haue agnised or so muche as hearde of muche lesse sworen vnto the Princes Supreme Gouuernement in all Ecclesiasticall causes Your first proufe belyeth flatly the See of Rome and proueth nothing by any doing of Phocas the Emperour the Supremacy that you woulde proue The Kinges of Spayne and the Toletane Councelles haue made nothinge for you but haue clerely confounded you not only in the principal matters in hande but also in diuers other matters by your lewde heresies denied Your patched proufes and swarming vntruthes in your next narratiō touching certain Popes of Rome and of the Churche of Rauēna haue discouered the miserable wekenesse of your badde cause and nothing relieued yowe the Popes Primacy by your owne examples notwithstanding established Your fonde surmise against the Decree of Constantin .5 Emperour for the prerogatiue of the See Apostolike as it nothing furdered your matter in hande yf it had not bene made so it shewed wel the misery of your cause that to make your paradoxe to beare some credit you were fayne to discredit al the Historiās and writers of that matter calling them Papistes the Popes Parasites and fayners of that which they wrote The practise of Ecclesiasticall gouernement vsed in the sixt general Councel next by you alleaged cōfirmeth both in word and dede the Popes Primacy and the Bisshops Supreme iurisdiction in matters Ecclesiasticall and geueth forth no maner inckling of your imagined Supremacy In which only matter beside twenty vntruthes by you vttered there about you are as much confounded as in any other Councell or Countre before notwithstanding your great obiection of Pope Honorius to the which I haue there sufficiently aunswered Your talke of the three Kings of Spayne next ensewing and of the three Toletane Councells kept in their reignes doth so litle disproue the Supreme iurisdiction of Bisshops in Ecclesiastical causes that it maketh them Supreme iudges euen in ciuil causes So wide you are euer from prouing your purpose The .7 General Councel by you shortly noted doth amply and abundantly confirme the Popes Primacy and nothing in the worlde helpeth your purpose Charles Martel ād Carolomanus his sonne exercised no whit of your imagined Supremacy but haue cōfessed both clerely the Popes Primacy by their doings euē in the matters by your self treated Your most ignorant and ridiculous exposition made of the keyes of S. Peters Confession sent to this Charles and your extreme fonde argument deducted thereof hath vtterly shamed you yf any shame be in you Your slaunderous reproches against S. Augustine our Apostle and S. Boniface the Apostle of Germany and holye Martyr haue redounded to your owne shame and follye your cause thereby nothing in the worlde furdered No yf yt had bene all true which you hadde reported of them Charlemayne for all his callinge of Councelles confirmynge of the same and publishinge of Churche Lawes practised not yet anye like Gouuernement in Ecclesiasticall causes as you haue defended no nor anye Gouuernement at all but was lead and gouerned him selfe in all suche thinges of the Fathers and Bisshoppes then liuing especiallye of the See of Rome The whole Order also of the Councelles by you alleaged
in matters Ecclesiastical shuld do nothing belonging to their office without the will and consent of the bishops Ergo much lesse the lay men or prince which are no spirituall men should medle in matters Ecclesiastical especially they shuld not change the olde religion they shuld not abolish the blessed Sacramēts the prince shoulde not call him selfe supreame head of the Church the parliament should not annexe all spiritual iurisdiction to the crowne at least without the consent of the bisshops What say I without the consent Nay against the full and conformable assent of all the catholyk bishops and the whole conuocation offering theire most humble petition and supplication to the parliament that there might be no such alteratiō And yet the parliamēt Law of one realm for the alteration of relligion yf al the bishops had consented were not a sufficient discharge in conscience When ye can wel soyle this argument M. Horn then I suppose ye shall fynd M. Fekenham somwhat conformable to your request in the taking of the othe Againe M. Fekenhā prayeth you to take the whole sentence with you and to take the paines but to reade vj. or vij lynes further and to consider what you shal fynd there That is that no man is more honorable in the Church then the bisshop and that we must honour him firste and the king after him Of the which sort of sentences his epistles are ful directly impugning your newe pretensed supremacy And now ye neade nothing to feare that which ye tell vs for a great incōueinence that if Ignatius sentēce be not wel and wisely weighed the bishop must both toll the bell to seruice and sweepe the Church al lone This is but a poore office for a bishop and al this highe fetche neded nothing sauing that after this your long and paineful trauayle takē to confute so clerkly theis fewe obiectiōs of M. Fekē ye thought good to refresh ād quickē your weary sprites with this your mery sportīg And yet take ye hede that it turne not vpō your self M. Horne in very good ernest For of this once I am assured that if ye measure the matter by the old canōs of the aūciēt Church you that mainteyn so many heynouse heresies if you may haue any office at al in the Church you cā haue no better thē to toll the bel to seruice ād sweepe the Church or suche like And yet I doubt whether you may haue as much as that office beīg for theis your heresies with bel boke ād cādel accursed ād by the Church besome that is by the sentēce of excōmunication so cleane sweeped out of the Church that as I sayd I doubt whether by the olde canōs ye may medle with the basest office of al perteyning to the Church And yet for any yl wil I beare to your person in case ye were a good ād a catholike mā I could for my part be cōtent that ye enioyed your bishoprike stil ād that as amply as did any of the most Catholik prelats before you M. Horne The .178 Diuision pag. 125. b. So that your Conclusion being yet as insufficient as the rest you are fain● to adioyne an other peece thereunto VVherein although yee shevve hovve euil aioygner you bee to adioyne those tvvo peeces of sentences togeather in one Conclusion that are of cleane sundry matters yet in one poynt yee haue made them both agree that as yee vvrested the one so ye not only vvrest but flatly .672 falsifie the other and yet neither of thē both stand you in any steade to helpe your obiection much lesse to conclude the same For first hovv dooth this follovve S. Augustine saith say you of the Doctours of the Church That they beleeue I beleeue that they holde I holde that they teache I teache that they preache I preache yeelde to them and thou shalt yelde to me .673 Ergo Bisshoppes and Priestes haue povver and authority to make lavves orders and Decrees and to vse all cohibitiue iurisdiction ouer their flockes and cure Novve if your freendes that haue beleeued hitherto as you beleeue haue helde as you holde taught as you teache preached as you preache and beleeuing the vpright dealing and conscience that you pretende haue yelded vnto you herein do but a litle examine your .674 false dealing vvit● those Fathers vvhom you vvould seeme so vvholy to follovve I thinke they vvould no longer beleeue you holde vvith you nor yelde vnto you but suspect you as a deepe dissembler or rather abhorre you as an open sclaunderer and belyer not only of me but of the aunciēt Fathers themselues For first I vvould learne of you vvhere S. Augustine hath those vvoords in al his sixe bookes against Iulian Istis cede mihi cedes if he haue them shevve vvhere if he haue them not then hovve ye follovve S. Augustine Hovv dare you impudētly say ye preache and teache that he did vvhen ye manifestlye .675 mangle alter peruert and corrupt the saying that he did teache In dede for fashions fake ye cite a peece of S. Augustins sentence that they beleue I beleue c. but for that vvhich follovveth istis cede me non caedes yelde to thē and thou shalt not strike or whippe me you .676 haue put in these vvordes istis cede mihi non cedes yelde to them and thou shalt yelde to me and yet this corrupting of the sentence maketh it serue no vvhit the more for your purpose but vttereth your falshood that belike vvil not spare to corrupt that vvhich maketh flat against you that thus vse to corrupt this vvhich maketh neither to nor fro vvith you nor against me But as S. Augustine vvriting in the same matter against Iulian a Disciple of Pelagius an .677 English Monke dealing vvith S. Augustine as ye haue don vvith me said to Iuliā so say I to you Ye feine me to say that I say not to conclud that I cōclude not to graunte that I graunte not and you cōclude to your self that vvhich I deny c. In dede you haue laboured more to finde out those reasons which ye might better vtter against your selfe than against me But in such a cause ye should not neede to take such peines yf you had any shame in you S. Augustin in these bookes against 678 Iuliā as in his other against the 679 Donatistes as I haue declared before did attribute vnto themperours and Princes the Bisshops and Priestes such Ecclesiasticall Iurisdiction as I haue don Of the same minde that he vvas herein vvere also 680 those Fathers that he oyteth VVherfore you vvil novv I trust according to your promise yelde and relente If not to me for stubborne hart yeat according to your conclusion to S. Augustine and the auncient Fathers to beleue herein that they beleeue to hold that they hold to teache that they teache to preache that they preache and no more to vvringe maime slaūder