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parliament_n call_v king_n reign_n 2,919 5 8.1473 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03691 An ansvveare made by Rob. Bishoppe of VVynchester, to a booke entituled, The declaration of suche scruples, and staies of conscience, touchinge the Othe of the Supremacy, as M. Iohn Fekenham, by vvrytinge did deliuer vnto the L. Bishop of VVinchester vvith his resolutions made thereunto. Horne, Robert, 1519?-1580.; Feckenham, John de, 1518?-1585. 1566 (1566) STC 13818; ESTC S104234 173,274 272

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the Kinge of the misorder of Thurstan whome the Kinge had made Abbot of Glastonbury by whose iudgement the Abbot was chaunged and tourned to his owne Abbay in Normandy but the Monkes scattered aboute by the Kinges hest After this the kinge bestowed many Bishoprikes on his Chaplaines as London Norwiche Chester Couentry c. And ruled both the Temporalty and the Spirytualty at his owne will saithe Polychronicon He tooke noman fro the Pope in his lande he meaneth that the Kinge woulde suffer no Legate to enter into the lande from the Pope but he came and pleased him he suffered no Councell made in his owne countrey without his owne leaue Also he woulde nothinge suffer in suche a councell but as he woulde assent So that in geuinge or translatinge of Spiritual promocions in geuing his assent to councels and suffring nothing to passe without his cōsent in hearing and determining Ecclesiasticall causes in restreining the Popes libertie without his speciall licence and in ruling the s●iritualtie at his owne wil king William sheweth plaine that he tooke him selfe for the supreame gouernour within this Realme in all maner of causes so well Ecclesiasticall as Temporall In like maner did his sonne William Rufus who made Anselme Bishoppe of Yorke and afterwardes translated him to Cantorbury But within a while strief and contention fell betweene him and Anselme for Anselme might not call his Synodes nor correct the Bisshops but as the king would the king also challenged the inuestiture of Bishoppes This king also forbad the paiyng of any money or tribute to Rome as saith Polychronicon The like inhibitiō made Henry the first and gaue Ecclesiasticall promocions as his auncestours had doone wherefore Anselme fel out with the king and would not consecrate suche Prelates as he beynge a Lay man had made but the Archebishop of Yorke did consecrate them and therefore Anselme fledde the Realme In an other councell at London the Spiritual condescended that the kinges officers should punishe Priestes for whoordome The cause of this decree as it seemeth was that a Cardinall named Ioannes Cremensis that came to redresse the matter after he had enueighed against the vice was him selfe the same nyght taken tardy In the whiche councell also saith Polydore the king prouided many thinges to bee enacted whiche shoulde greatly helpe to leade a Godly and blessed life After this the kinge called an other counsell at Sarisbury Sommoning thither so well the chief of the Clergie as the people and swore them vnto him and vnto William his sonne Whereupon Polydorus taketh occasiō to speake of the order of our Parliament though it haue a French name yet in deede to be a councell of the Clergy and the Laitie whereof the Prince hath a ful ratifiyng or enfringing voyce And not only saith he this king did make Bisshoppes and Abbottes whiche he calleth holy rites Lawes of Religion and Church ceremonies as other likewyse cal it Ecclesiasticall busines but the Princes of euery nation began euery where to claime this right vnto them selues of naming and denouncing of Bisshoppes the whiche to this daie they holde fast with toothe and nayle Also Martinus here noteth Vntill this time and from thence euen till our daies the king of Hungary maketh and inuestureth according to his pleasure Bisshops and other Ecclesiastical persones within his Dominions And here sithen I am entred into the noting of the practises of other countries in this behalfe I might not onely note the doinges about this time of Frederike king of Sicill and Iames the king of Spain his brother in reformation of Religion in their Dominions as appeareth in their Epistles writen by Arnoldus de noua Villa but also make a digression to the state of other partes in Christendom as of the Churches of Grece of Armenia of Moscouia c. that acknowledged not any but onely their Princes to be their supreme gouernours in all thinges next to Christe as especially also to note that most aunciēt part of Christendome southwarde in Aethyopia conteining 62. kingdomes vnder y e ruling of him whom we misname Presbyter Ioannes as who saye he were a Prieste and head Bishoppe ouer those Christian Realmes hauinge suche a power with them as the Popes vsurpation hath challenged here in Europe to be an head or vniuersall Priest and kinge If we may beleue Sabellicus who sayth that he hath bothe often talked with the marchauntes that haue their traffique there and hath also diuerse tymes enquired the matter by an interpretour of the inhabitauntes there borne they all saie that his name is neither Presbyter Ioannes nor Pretto Ianes but saye they his name is Gyā that is mightie and they marueile greatly what the Italians meane to call him by the name of Priesthoode But this they saie that all the suites or requestes euen of their greate Bisshoppes are brought before the kinge him selfe and that all their benefices or Spirituall promotions be obteined at his handes So that there beynge as Sabellicus telleth further an exceadinge great nomber of chiefe Prelates or Metropolitanes and vnder euery one Prelate at the least twenty Bishoppes all their sutes and causes Ecclesiasticall beyng brought vnto him and he the maker of all these Prelates Bishoppes and other Ecclesiasticall persones he is called ouer them all Clergie or Laye in all causes Ecclesiasticall or temporall Cyā the mightie that is the supreme Ruler and Gouernour and euen so hath continued sithen those partes were first Christened as they saye of Thomas Dydimus the Apostle vntill our time But this by the waye nowe from them to retourne to our owne countrey In England also king Stephan reserued to him self the inuestitures of the Prelates as likewise after him did Henry the seconde that made Thomas Becket Archebisshoppe of Cantorburie who thereat was sworne to the kinge and to his Lawes and to his Sonne In the ninth yeere of his reigne this kinge called a Parliament at Northampton where he entended reformation of many priuileges that the Clergie had and amongest these was one that although one of the Clergie had committed felonie murder or treason yea● might not the kinge put him to death as he did the Laye menne The whiche thinge with many other the kinge thoughte to redresse in the saide Parliament Thomas Becket resisted him but he mighte not praeuayle againste the kinge For well neere all the Bisshoppes of Englande were against him In the 17 ▪ ●ere of his reigne the king made a iourney into Ireland wherewith great trauaile he subdued the Iris he and after with the helpe of the Primate of Ar●●ch he refourmed the manners of the people and dwellers in that countrey and that in three thinges especially ●irst in rulinge and orderinge of the Churche by the Curates and howe they shoulde order their diuine Seruice and minister the Sacrament of matrimonie as it was in Englande and other Christian Regions The seconde was howe