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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A33823 English liberties, or, The free-born subject's inheritance containing, I. Magna Charta, the petition of right, the Habeas Corpus Act ... II. The proceedings in appeals of murther, the work and power of Parliament, the qualifications necessary for such ... III. All the laws against conventicles and Protestant dissenters with notes, and directions both to constables and others ..., and an abstract of all the laws against papists. Care, Henry, 1646-1688. 1680 (1680) Wing C515; ESTC R31286 145,825 240

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five Year of our Reign Sententia lata super Chartas The Sentence of the Clergy against the Breakers of the Articles above written IN the Name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost Amen Whereas our Sovereign Lord the King to the Honour of God and of Holy Church and for the common profit of the Realm hath granted for him and his Heirs for ever these Articles above written Robert Archbishop of Canterbury Primate of all England admonished all his Province once twice and thrice Because that shortness will not suffer so much Delay as to give knowledge to all the People of England of these presents in Writing We therefore enjoyn all Persons of what Estate soever they be that they and every of them as much as in them is shall uphold and maintain these Articles granted by our Sov L. the K. in all points And all those that in any point do Resist or break or in any manner hereafter procure Counsel or any ways assent to resist or break those Ordinances or go about it by word or deed openly or privily by any manner of Pretence or Colour We the foresaid Arch-bishop by our Authority in this Writing expressed do Excommunicate and accurse and from the Body of our Lord Jesu Christ and from all the Company of Heaven and from all the Sacraments of Holy Church do Sequester and exclude NOTES It may be observed that this Curse is left out of our late Printed Statute-Book though inserted at large in that Printed in three Volumns in Queen Elizabeth's days Anno. 1557. There is likewise another like dreadful but more full and express Curse Solemnly pronounced before in the time of King Henry 3d. which being also omitted in our Modern Statute-Book I shall add here for the Readers satisfaction The Sentence or Curse given by the Bishops against the Breakers of the Great Charter IN the Year of our Lord One thousand two hundred and fifty three the Third day of May in the great Hall of the King at Westminster in the Presence and by the assent of the Lord Henry by the Grace of God King of England and the Lord Richard Earl of Cornwal his Brother Roger Bigot Earl of Norfolk and Suffolk Marshal of England Humphry Earl of Hereford Henry Earl of Oxford John Earl Warren and other Estates of the Realm of England William Boniface by the Mercy of God Arch-bishop of Canterbury Primate of all England F. of London H. of Ely S. of Worcester E. of Lincoln W. of Norwich G. of Hereford W. of Salisbury W. of Durham R. of Exeter M. of Carlile W. of Bath E. of Rochester T. of Saint Davids Bishops apparelled in Pontificials with Tapers burning against the Breakers of the Churches Liberties and of the Liberties or other Customs of the Realm of England and namely of those which are contained in the Charter of the Common Liberties of England and Charter of the Forrest have denounced the Sentence of Excommunication in this Form By the Authority of Almighty God the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost and of the Glorious Mother of God and perpetual Virgin Mary of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul and of all Apostles and of all Martyrs of Blessed Edward King of England and of all the Saints of Heaven We Excommunicate Accurse and from the Benefits of our Holy Mother the Church we Sequester All those that hereafter willingly and maliciously deprive or spoil the Church of her Right And all those that by any Craft or Wiliness do Violate Break Diminish or Change the Churches Liberties and free Customs contained in the Charters of the Common Liberties and of the Forr est granted by our Lord the King to Archbishops Bishops and other Prelates of England and likewise to the Earls Barons Knights and other Freeholders of the Realm And all that secretly or openly by Deed Word or Council do make Statutes or observe them being made and that bring in Customs or keep them when they be brought in against the said Liberties or any of them the Writers the Law-makers Councellors and the Executioners of them and all those that shall presume to judge against them All and every which Persons before mentioned that wittingly shall commit any of the Premises let them well know that they incurr the foresaid Sentence ipso facto i. e. upon the Deed done And those that Commit ought ignorantly and be admonished except they reform themselves within 15 dayes after the time of the admonition and make full satisfaction for that they have done at the will of the Ordinary shall be from that time forth wrapped in the said Sentence and with the same Sentence we burden all those that presume to disturb the Peace of our Soveraign Lord the King and of the Realm To the perpetual Memory of which thing we the foresaid Prelates have put our Seals to these presents So Zealous were our Ancestors to preserve their Liberties from encroachments that they employed all the strength of humane Policy and Religious Obligations to secure them intire and inviolate And since this Act is still in as much force as the Act against Conventicles I cannot fadome the Reason why our Prelates should not as well hold themselves obliged twice a Year to accurse the Infringers thereof as to Prosecute Protestant Dissenters However we may note that by this Statute Chap. 2. it is expresly provided that if any Judgments be given from that time forwards against any of the points of Magna Charta they shall be annull'd and holden for nought therefore Quaere whether the conviction of Protestant Dissenters by a Justice and spoiling them of their goods without any Trial and Conviction by a Jury which is expresly against the 29 Chapter of Magna Charta ought not to be taken notice of and redress'd and the original Promoters thereof to be Curs'd by my Lords the Bishops as aforesaid A Statute made Anno 34 Edw. 1. commonly called de Tallageo non Concedendo CHAP. I. The King or his Heirs shall have no Tallage or Aid without consent of Parliament NO Tallage or Aid shall be taken or Levied by Us or our Heirs in our Realm without the good Will and Assent of Arch-Bishops Bishops Earls Barons Knights Burgesses and other Freemen of the Land CHAP. II. Nothing shall be purveyed to the Kings Vse without the Owners consent NO Officer of ours or of our Heirs shall take Corn Leather Cattel or any other Goods of any manner of Person without the good Will and Assent of the Party to whom the Goods belonged CHAP. III. Nothing shall be taken of Sacks of Wooll by Colour of Maletot NOthing from henceforth shall be taken of Sacks of Wooll by colour or occasion of Maletot CHAP. IV. All Laws Liberties and Customs confirmed WE Will and Grant for Us and our Heirs That all Clerks and Lay-men of our Land shall have their Laws Liberties and free Customs as largely and wholly as they have used to have the same at any time
betwixt the said Sheriffs and the said Chusers so to be made 5 and every Sheriff of the Realm of England shall have power by the said authority to examine upon the Evangelists every such Chuser how much he may expend by the year 6 and if any Sheriff returned Knights to come to the Parliament contrary to the said Ordinance the Justices of Assizes in their Sessions of Assizes shall have power by the authority aforesaid thereof to enquire 7 and if by inquest the same be found before the Justices and the Sheriff thereof be duly attainted that then the said Sheriff shall incur the pain of an hundred pounds to be paid to our Lord the King and also that he have Imprisonment by a year without being let to mainprise or bail 8 and that the Knights for the Parliament returned contrary to the said Ordinance shall lose their wages Provided always that he which cannot expend forty Shillings by year as afore is said shall in no wise be Chuser of the Knights for the Parliament 2 and that in every Writ that shall hereafter go forth to the Sheriffs to chuse knights for the Parliament mention be made of the said Ordinances Note Though this Statute make the penalty on a Sheriff but 100 l. for a false Return yet the House may further punish him by Imprisonment c. at their pleasure by the Law and Custom of Parliaments We shall now proceed to certain excellent Laws of a latter Date made for the explanation and conservation of our Liberties and in the first place present you with that excellent Petition of Right granted by King Charles the first Anno Regni Caroli Regis Tertio The PETITION exhibited to His Majesty by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled concerning diverse Rights and Liberties of the Subjects To the Kings most excellent Majesty HUmbly shew unto our Soveraign Lord the King the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in Parliament assembled That whereas it is declared and enacted by a Statute made in the time of the Reign of King Edward the first commonly called Statutum de Tallagio non Concedendo that no Tallage or Aid shall be laid or Levyed by the King or his Heirs in this Realm without the good Will and Assent of the Arch-bishops Bishops Earles Barons Knights Burgesses and other the Freemen of the Commonalty of this Realm 2 and by authority of Parliament holden in the five and twentieth year of the Reign of King Edward the third it is declared and Enacted that from thenceforth no person should be Compelled to make any Loans to the King against his Will because such Loans were against Reason and the Franchise of the Land 3 And by other Laws of the Realm it is provided that none should be Charged by any Charges or Imposition called a Benevolence nor by such like Charge 4 By which the Statute before mentioned and othe the good Laws and Statutes of this Realm your Subjects have Inherited this Freedom that they should not be Compelled to Contribute to any Tax Tallage Aid or other like Charge not set by Common Consent in Parliament 2. Yet nevertheless of late divers Commissions directed to sundry Commissioners in several Counties with Instructions have Issued by means whereof your people have been in divers places Assembled and required to lend certain Sums of Money unto your Mejesty and many of them upon their refusal so to do have had an Oath administred unto them not warrantable by the Laws or Statutes of this Realm and have been Constrained to become bound to make Appearance and Attendance before your Privy Council and in other places and others of them have been therefore Imprisoned Confined and sundry other ways molested and disquieted 2 and divers other Charges have been laid and levyed upon your people in several Counties by Lord Lieutenants and Deputy Lieutenants Commissioners for Musters Justices of Peace and others by Command or direction from your Majesty to your Privy Council against the Law and free Customs of this Realm 3. And where also by the Statute called the great Charter of the Liberties of England it is declared and Enacted that no Freeman may be taken or imprisoned or be disseised of his Freehold or Liberties or of his free Customs or be outlawed or Exiled or in any manner destroyed but by the lawfull Judgment of his Peers or by the Law of the Land 4. And in the eight and twentieth year of the Reign of King Edward the third it was declared and Enacted by Authority of Parliament that no man of what Estate or Condition that he be should be put out of his Land or Tenements nor taken nor Imprisoned nor disherited nor put to death without being brought to answer by due process of Law 5. Nevertheless against the tenor of the said Statutes and other the good Laws and Statutes of your Realm to that end provided diverse of your Subjects of late have been Imprisoned without any cause shewed 2 and when for their deliverance they were brought before Justices by your Majesties Writs of Habeas Corpus there to undergo and receive as the Court should order and their keepers commanded to certify the causes of their detainour no cause was certifyed but that they were detained by your Majesties special command signified by the Lords of your privy Council and yet were returned back to several prisons without being charged with any thing to which they might make answer according to the Law 6. Whereas of late great Companies of Souldiers and Mariners have been dispersed into diverse Counties of the Realm and the Inhabitants against their wills have been compelled to receive them into their Houses and there to suffer them to sojourn against the Laws and Customes of this Realm and to the great grievance and vexation of the People 7. And whereas also by authority of Parliament and in the five and twentieth year of the reign of King Edward the third it is declared and enacted that no man shall be forejudged of life and limb against the form of the great Charter and Law of the Land 2 and by the said great Charter and other the Laws and Statutes of this Your Realm no man ought to be Judged to death but by the Laws established in this your Realm either by the Customes of the Realm or by Acts of Parliament 3 And whereas no offendor of what kind soever is exempted from the proceedings to be used and punishments to be Inflicted by the Laws and Statutes of this your Realm nevertheless of late diverse Commissions under Your Majesties great Seal have Issued forth by which certain persons have been Assigned and appointed Commisioners with power and authority to proceed within the Land according to the Justice of Martial Law against such Souldiers and Mariners or other dissolute persons joining with them as should commit any Murder Robbery Felony Mutiny or other Outrage or Misdemeanour whatsoever and by such summary Course
Laws of the Kingdom A DIGRESSION touching the Antiquity Vse and Power of PARLIAMENTS and the Qualification of such Gentlemen as are fit to be chosen the Peoples Representatives THe Recital of these several Laws for frequent calling of Parliaments declaring the same to be of such Importance or Necessity to the safety and wel-being of the Nation Invites us to give the vulgar Reader some further Information touching those most Honourable Assemblies which though a digression will I hope be no Transgression for I am willing at any time to go a little out of my way provided I may thereby meet with the Readers profit and Advantage Of the Names and Antiquity of Parliaments THe word PARLIAMENT is French derived from the three words Parler la ment to speak ones mind because every Member of that Court should sincerely and discreetly speak his mind for the general good of the Common-Wealth and this name saith Cook 1 Instit fo 110. was used before William the Conquerer even in the time of Edward the Confessor But most commonly in the Saxons time it was called Michegemote or Witenage Mote that is the Great Mote Meeting or Assembly whence our Ward-Mootes in London receive their name to this day or the Wise-Moote that is the Assembly of the wise men and Sages of the Land But this word Parliament is used in a double sense 1. Strictly as it includes the Legislative Power of England as when we say An Act of Parliament and in this Acceptation it necessarily includes the King the Lords and the Commons each of which have a Negative Voice in making Laws and without their joint Consent no new Laws can pass that be obligatory to the Subject 2. Vulgarly the word is used for the Two Houses the Lords and Commons as when we say the King will call a Parliament his Majesty has Dissolved his Parliament c. The Lords of Parliament are divided into two sorts viz. Spiritual that is to say the Bishops who sit there in respect of their Baronies parcel of their Bishopricks which they hold in their Politick Capacity and Temporal The Commons are likewise divided into three Classes or parts viz Knights or Representatives of the Shires or Counties where note that though the Writ require two Knights to be chosen and that they are called Knights yet there is no necessity that they should actually have the degree of Knighthood provided they be but Gentlemen for the Statute 23 Hen. 6. cap 15 hath these words That the Knights of the Shires for the Parliament hereafter to be Chosen shall be not able Knights of the same Counties for which they shall be chosen OR OTHERWISE such Notable Esquires or Gentlemen born of the same Counties as shall be able to be Knights and no man to be such Knight which standeth in the degree of a Yeoman and under Secondly Citizens chosen to Represent Cities Thirdly Burgesses that is to say those that are chosen out of Boroughs Note that the difference between a City and a Borough is this a City is a Borough Incorporate which is or has within time of Memory been an Episcopal See or had a Bishop and this althô the Bishoprick be Dissolved as West minster having heretofore a Bishop though none now still remains a City Cook 1. Instit Sect 164. Boroughs are Towns Incorporated but such as never had any Bishops Of the Three Estates in Parliament THere has been a great debate about the Three Estates some zealously pleading That the Bishops are one of the three Estates of the Realm and the Lords Temporal a Second and the Commons-house the Third and the King over all as a Transcendent by himself Others as stifly deny this and assign the King as he his the Head of the Common Wealth to be the first Estate the Lords as well Spiritual as Temporal jointly to be the Second and the Commons-House the Third Non opis est nostrae tant as Componere Lites We shall not presume to undertake a decision of this arduous Controversy but in our poor opinion the matter seems to appear more difficult than really it is by means that the contending Parties do not first plainly set down what it is they severally mean by the word Estate Which may be taken 1. For a rank degree or Condition of Persons considered by themselves different in some notable Respects from others wherewith they may be compared And in this respect my Lords the Bishops may very properly be said to be an Estate or one of the Estates of the Realm for then there will be several Estates above the number of three for so in the House of Commons there may be said to be three Estates viz. Knights Citizens and Burgesses And heretofore in the days of Popery when there were 26 Abbots and Priors that held per Baroniam too as well as the Bishops called to the Parliament and sat in the Lords House see Fullers Church History Lib. 6. 292. Whether they being Religious and Monastical Persons whereas the Bishops were Seculars no small difference in their account might not as well claim to be a distinct Estate by themselves as now the Bishops do may be a question But secondly When we spake of three Estates in the Constitution of our English Government 't is most natural to mean and intend such a poize in the Ballance or such an Order or State as hath a Negative Voice in the Legislative Power For as the King and Commons excluding the Lords so neither the King and Lords excluding the Commons much less the Lords and Commons excluding the King can make any Law but this glorious Triplicity must be in mutual Conjunction and then from their united Influences spring our happy Laws But in this sence the Lords Spiritual by themselves have no pretence to be a distinct Estate That is they have by themselves no Negative Voice which I conceive the proper Characteristick or essential Mark of each of the three Estates For suppose a Bill pass the Commons and being brought into the Lords House all the 26 Bishops should be against it and some of the Temporal Lords yet if the other Temporal Lords be more in number than the Bishops and those that side with them the Bill shall pass as the Act of the whole house and if his Majesty please to give it his Royal Assent is undoubted Law Which demonstrates the Bishops have of themselves no Negative Voice and consequently are none of the three Estates of the Realm But if any will have them called an Estate and mean something else be it if he please to explain his Notion 't is like I shall not contend with him about a fiddle faddle word Touching the Power of the Parliament THe Jurisdiction of this Court saith Cook 1 Instit Sect. 164. is so Transcendent that it maketh Inlargeth Diminisheth Abrogateth Repealeth and reviveth Laws Statutes Acts and Ordinances concerning matters Ecclesiastical Civil Martial Marine Capital Criminal and common And 4 Instit Fol. 36.
order to which we must consider for what ends they serve and they are principally Two The first is the preservation of our Religion from Popery the other is to preserve inviolable our Liberty and Property according to the known Laws of the Land without any giving way unto or Introduction of that Absolute and Arbitrary Rule practiced in Forreign Countreys which we are neither to imitate or regard Therefore 1. Take Care to Choose such as are well known to be men of good Consciences fearing God throughly Principled in the Protestant Religion and of high Resolution to maintain it with their Lives and Fortunes And amongst these rather cast your Favour upon themof large Principles I mean in matter of meer opinion such as will not sacrifice their Neighbours Property and Civil Rights to the frowardness of their own Party in Religion Narrow Souls that will own none but those that bear their own Image and superscription will sooner raise Persecution at home than secure us from Popery and Invasion from abroad The great Interest of England at this day is to Tolerate the Tollerable to bear with the weak to encourage the Conscientious and to restrain none but such as would restrain all besides themselves 2. As we ought as near as we can possibly judge to Elect good Protestants towards God and just towards men yet since in this Corrupt Age wherein we Live men are not so spiritual as they ought to be it is not amiss to seek for those whose spiritual Interest is seconded by a Temporal one For though men talk high and keep a great Noise with Conscience and love to their Country yet when you understand Mankind aright not as it should be but as it is and I fear ever will be then you will find that private Interest is the string in the Bears Nose it is that Governs the Beast And therefore the surest Champions for our Religion Caeteris Paribus against the Papacy are our Abby Landed-men for notwithstanding the Registred Dispensation to King Henry the Eighth from the Pope for the seizing of those Monasteries and Lands yet of late they pretend that the Pope had not Power to Alien them from the Church so that the present Possessors can never trust or rely upon that or any new promises or Actual Grants thereof especially from him whose everlasting and declared Maxime it is Never to keep Faith with Hereticks Undoubtedly to make easy his ascent into the Saddle he will proffer many Assurances and Grants but if these Abby-Landed men be not the most silly of all others they will never believe him For when he is once firmly setled then will he with his Canon-Law Distinctions like Fire under Quicksilver Evaporate away all his Promises and violently Resume the Lands glorying of his own Bounty if he require not the mean profits ever since they have been sacriligiously with-held from Holy Church 3. Endeavour to Chuse men of Wisdom and Courage who will not be Hectored out of their Duties by the Frowns and Scowles of men Never had you more need to pitch upon the old English Spirit that durst be faithfull and just against all Temptations What a degenerate Race have we known that could never yet Resist Smile or Frown but tamely sunk below their own Convictions and knew the Evil they did yet durst not but Commit it 4. Make it your business to Chuse such as are resolved to stand by and maintain the power and priviledges of Parliament for they are the Heart-strings of the Common-Wealth together with the power and just Rights of the King according to the Laws of the Kingdom so as the one may not Entrench upon the other And such as with a becoming true English Courage will Prosecute all Traitors whether already Impeached or to be Impeached And to secure us from Popery hereafter and to get removed all Corrupt and Arbitrary Ministers of State and wicked Judges and stiflers of the discovery of the Popish Plot and Suborners and vile Pamphleteers that endeavour so industriously to Clear the Papists and expose the Protestant Religion and poison the People Lastly Take particular notice of those who are men of Industry and Improvement for such as are Ingenious and laborious to propagate the growth and advantage of their Country will be very tender of yeilding to any thing that may weaken or Impoverish it If you Conduct yourselves thus prudently honestly and gallantly in your Choice without putting the Gentlemen whom you chuse to serve you to charges the consequence will be that as you will be sure to have a good Parliament when ever His Majesty shall please to call one and such as will be zealous for the safety of the Protestant Religion and prosperity of the Nation if they shall continue to sit and Act so on the other side If they should be Dissolv'd and never so many new Parliaments be called yet you run no hazard for the same Candidates will still be ready to serve you And so we shall conclude our discourse of Parliaments when I shall first have observ'd that antiently all Freemen of England though not Free-holders had a right to chuse their Representatives till the same was altered and limited by the following Statute for the reasons therein mention'd The Statute Anno 8. Hen. 6. Cap. 7. What sort of men shall be Chusers and who shall be Chosen Knights of the Parliament ITem whereas the Elections of Knights of Shires to come to the Parliaments of our Lord the King in many Counties of the Realm of England have now of late been made by very great Outragious and Excessive numbers of People dwelling within the same Counties of the Realm of England of the which most part was of people of small Substance and of no value whereof every one of them pretended a voice Equivalent as to such Elections to be made with the most worthy Knights and Esquires dwelling within the same Counties whereby Man Slaughter Riots Batteries and Divisions among the Gentlemen and other People of the same Counties shall very likely rise and be unless convenient and due Remedy be provided in this behalf 2 our Lord the King considering the premises hath provided ordained and stablished by Authority of this present Parliament that the Knights of the Shires to be chosen within the said Realm of England to come to the Parliament of our Lord the King hereafter to be holden shall be chosen in every County of the Realm of England by People dwelling and resident in the same Counties whereof every one of them shall have Landor Tenement to the value of forty Shillings by the year at the least above all Charges 3 and that they which shall be so chosen shall be dwelling and resident within the same Counties 4 and such as have the greatest number of them that may expend forty shillings by the year and above as afore is said shall be returned by the Sheriffs of every County Knights for Parliament by Indentures sealed
place then under pretence of Service as Ambassador or the like he might send him into the furthest part of the World which being an Exile is prohibited by this Act. 5. No Man destroyed That is forejudged of Life or Limb or put to Torture or Death every oppression against Law by colour of any usurped Authority is a kind of destruction And the words Aliquo modo any otherwise are added to this Verb destroyed and to no other Verb in this Chapter and therefore all things by any manner of means tending to destruction are prohibited as if a Man be accused or Indicted of Treason or Felony his Lands or Goods cannot be granted to any no not so much as by promise nor any of his Lands or Goods seized into the Kings hands before he is Attainted For when a Subject obtaineth a promise of the forfeiture many times undue means and more violent prosecution is used for private Lucre tending to destruction than the quiet and just proceeding of the Law would permit and the party ought to live of his own until Attainder 6. By Lawful Judgment of his Peers That is by his Equals Men of his own Rank and Condition The general division of Persons by the Law of England is either one that is Noble and in respect of his Nobility of the Lords House of Parliament or one of the Commons and in respect thereof of the House of Commons in Parliament And as there be divers degrees of Nobility as Dukes Marquesses Earls Viscounts and Barons and yet all of them are comprehended under this word Peers and are Peers of the Realm so of the Commons there be Knights Esquires Gentlemen Citizens and Yeomen and yet all of them of the Commons of the Realm And as every of the Nobles is one a Peer to another though he be of a several degree so it is of the Commons and as it hath been said of Men so doth it hold of Noble Women either by Birth or Marriage And forasmuch as this Judgment by Peers is called Lawful it shews the Antiquity of this manner of Trial It was the ancient accustomed Legal Course long before this Charter Or by the Law of the Land That is by due process of Law for so the words are expresly expounded by the Stat. of 37 Edw. 3. chap. 8. And these words are specially to be referred to those foregoing to whom they relate As none shall be condemn'd without a lawful Trial by his Peers so none shall be taken Imprison'd or put out of his Free-hold without due process of the Law that is by the Indictment or Presentment of good and lawful Men of the place in due manner or by Writ Original of the Common-Law Now seeing that no Man can be Taken Arrested Attached or Imprisoned but by due process of Law and according to the Law of the Land these conclusions hereupon do follow 1. That the Person or Persons which commit any must have lawful Authority 2. It is necessary that the Warrant or Mittimus be lawful and that must be in Writing under his Hand and Seal 3. The Cause must be contained in the Warrant as for Treason Felony c. Suspicion of Treason or Felony or the like particular Crime For if it do not thus specifie the Cause if the Prisoner bring his Habeas Corpus he must be discharged because no Crime appears on the Return Nor is it in such Case any offence at all if the Prisoner make his escape whereas if the Mittimus contain the Cause the escape would respectively be Treason or Felony though in Truth he were not Guilty of the first offence And this mentioning the Cause is agreeable to Scripture Acts 5. 4. The Warrant or Mittimus containing a lawful Cause ought to have a lawful conclusion c. And him safely to keep until he be delivered by Law c. and not until the party committing shall further Order If any Man by colour of any Authority where he hath not any in that particular Case shall presume to Arrest or Imprison any Man or cause him to be Arrested or Imprisoned this is against this Act and it is most hateful when it is done by Countenance of Justice King Edw. the 6th did Incorporate the Town of Saint Albans and granted to them to make Ordinances c. They made a by-Law upon pain of Imprisonment and it was adjudged to be against this Statute of Magna Charta so it had been if such an Ordinance had been contained in the Patent it self We will sell to no Man deny to no Man c. This is spoken in the Person of the King who in Judgment of Law in all his Courts of Justice is present And therefore every Subject of this Realm for injury done to him in Bonis Terris vel Persona in Person Lands or Goods by any other Subject Ecclesiastical or Temporal whatever he be without exception may take his Remedy by the course of the Law and have Justice and Right for the Injury done him Freely without sale Fully without any denial and Speedily without delay For Justice must have three Qualities it must be Libera Free for nothing is more odious than Justice set to sale Plena Full for Justice ought not to limp or be granted Piece-meal and Celeris speedy Quia Dilatio est quaedam negatio Delay is a kind of denial And when all these meet it is both Justice and Right We will not deny nor delay any Man c. These words have been excellently expounded by latter Acts of Parliament that by no means common right or common law should be disturbed or delayed no though it be commanded under the Great Seal or Privy Seal Order Writ Letters Message or Commandment whatsoever either from the King or any other and that the Justices shall proceed as if no such Writs Letters Order Message or other Commandment were come to them all our Judges swear to this for 't is part of their Oaths so that if any shall be found wresting the Law to serve a Court Turn they are perjur'd as well as unjust The Common-laws of the Realm should by no means be delayed for the Law is the surest Sanctuary that a Man can take and the strongest Fortress to protect the weakest of all Lex est tutissima Cassis the Law is a most safe Head-piece and sub Clipeo legis nemo decipitur no man is deceived whilst the Law is his Buckler but the King may stay his own suit as a Capias pro fine for the King may Respit his Fine and the like All Protections that are not Legal which appear not in the Register nor warranted by our Books are expresly against this Branch nulli diff●remus we will not delay any Man As a Protection under the Great Seal granted to any Man directed to the Sheriffs c. and commanding them that they shall not Arrest him during a certain time at any other Mans suit which hath words in it Per Prerogativ●m nostram
Assent and Consent to the use of all things contained and prescribed in the Book of Common-Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and other Rites Ceremonies of the Church according to the use of the Church of England or have not subscribed the Declaration or Acknowledgment contained in a certain Act of Parliament made in the 14 Year of His Majesties Reign and Intituled An Act for the Vniformity of publick Prayers and Administration of Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies and for the establishing the Form of making ordaining and consecrating of Bishops Priests and Deacons in the Church of England according to the said Act or any other subsequent Act And whereas they or some of them and diverse other person and persons not ordained according to the Form of the Church of England and as have since the Act of Oblivion taked upon them to preach in unlawful Assemblies Conventicles or Meetings under colour or pretence of Exercise of Religion contrary to the Laws and Statutes of this Kingdom have setled themselves in divers Corporations in England sometimes three or more of them in a place thereby taking an opportunity to distil the poisonous Principles of Schism and Rebellion into the hearts of His Majesties Subjects to the great danger of the Church and Kingdom II. Be it therefore enacted by the Kings most excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That the said Parsons Vicars Curates Lecturers and other persons in Holy Orders or pretended Holy Orders or pretending to Holy Orders and all Stipendiaries or other persons who have been possessed of any Ecclesiastical or Spiritual Promotion and every of them who have not declared their unfeigned Assent and Consent as aforesaid and subscribed the Declaration aforesaid and shall not take and subcribe the Oath following I A. B. do swear That it is not lawful upon any pretence whatsoever to take Arms against the King and that I do abhor that Traiterous position of taking Arms by his Authority against his Person or against those that are commissioned by him in pursuance of such Commissions and that I will not at any time endeavour any Alteration of Government either in Church or State III. And all such person and persons as shall take upon them to preach in any unlawful Assembly Conventicle or Meeting under colour or pretence of any exercise of Religion contrary to the Laws and Statutes of this Kingdom 2. shall not at any time from and after the 24th day of March which shall be in this present year of our Lord God One thousand six hundred sixty and five unless only in passing upon the Road come or be within five Miles of any City or Town Corporate or Burrough that sends Burgesses to the Parliament within His Majesties Kingdom of England Principality of Wales or of the Town of Berwick upon Tweed 3 or within five Miles of any parish Town or place wherein he or they have since the Act of Oblivion been Parson Vicar Curate Stipendiary or Lecturer or taken upon them to preach in any unlawful Assembly Conventicle or Meeting under colour or pretence of any exercise of Religion contrary to the Laws and Statutes of this Kingdom 4 Before he or they have taken and subscribed the Oath aforesaid before the Justices of the Peace at their Quarter-Sessions to be holden for County Riding or Division next unto the said Corporation City or Burrough Parish place or Town in open Court which said Oath the said Justices are hereby impowered there to administer 5 Upon forfeiture for every such Offence the sum of Forty pounds of lawful English Money the one third part thereof to His Majesty and His Successors the other third part to the use of the poor of the Parish where the Offence shall be committed and the other third part thereof to such person or persons as shall or will sue for the same by Action of Debt Plaint Bill or Information in any Court of Record at Westminster or before any Justices of Assize Oyer and Terminer or Gaol-delivery or before any Justices of the Counties Palatine of Chester Lancaster or Durham or the Justices of the great Sessions in Wales or before any Justices of Peace in their Quarter Sessions wherein no Essoin Protection or wager of Law shall be allowed IV. Provided always and be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons restrained from coming to any City Town Corporate Burrough Parish Town or place as aforesaid or for any other Person or Persons as shall not first take and subscribe the aforesaid Oath and as shall not frequent Divine Service established by the Laws of this Kingdom and carry him or her self reverently decently and orderly there to teach any publick or private School or take any Boarders or Tablers that are taught or instructed by him or her self or any other upon pain for every such Offence to forfeit the sum of Forty pounds to be recovered and distributed as aforesaid V. Provided also and be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid that it shall be lawful for any two Justices of the Peace of the respective County upon Oath to them of any Offence against this Act which Oath they are hereby impowered to administer to commit the Offender for six Months without Bail or Mainprise unless upon or before such Commitment he shall before the said Justices of the Peace swear and subscribe the aforesaid Oath and Declaration VI. Provided always that if any person intended to be restrained by vertue of this Act shall without fraud or Covin be served with any Writ Sub-poena Warranr or other Process whereby his personal appearance is required his Obedience to such Writ Sub-poena or Process shall not be construed an Offence against this Act. Note That as to the Penalty of Forty Pound the party must be tried at the Assises or Sessions before it is forfeited But any two Justices of Peace may commit for six Months unless before them he 'l swear and subscribe the Oath in this Declaration specified the Assent and Consent and the Declaration therein referr'd unto which if he do he puts himself out of their power Now the Assent and Consent he has spoke of is appointed by the Stat. 13 and 14. of Car. 2di chap. 4. as follows I A. B. do here declare my unfeigned Assent Consent to all every thing contained prescribed in by the Book intituled the Book of common Prayer Administration of the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church according to the use of the Church of England together with the Psalter or Psalms of David pointed as they are to be sung or said in Churches and the form and manner of making ordaining and consecrating of Bishops Priests and Deacons The Declaration is by the Act last mentioned as