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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01159 Good nevves from France. Containing the insolent demands of the Iesuites. Being against 1. The Kings authoritie. 2. The ordinary iustice of his Maiestie. 3. The dignitie and power of the cardinalls, archbishops, and bishops of other orders & professions. 4. The young scholars vnder them. 5. The good and well-fare of the townes and cities which receiue them. 6. The perfection of sciences. 7. The antiquity & co[m]mandements of the Church. 8. The resolution of the clergie of France, and the letters patents of the Kings; and against the sentences of allowance and registring thereof, which they themselues haue pursued. Together with the decree or finall iudgement of the Kings Privie Councell giuen the 27. day of September 1624. in the ioynt defence of the vniversities of France. And against the Iesuites ... / Translated according to the French copie.. France. Conseil privé. Arrest du Conseil privé du Roy, donné le 27. de Sept. 1624. pour les Universitéz de France, jointes en cause, contre les Jésuites. English. Selections. 1624 (1624) STC 11274; ESTC S120957 11,859 30

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Nismes for the proclaiming and registring of the said Bulls Also the Act of the proclaiming and registring in the said Parliament of Tholouse the 11. of Aprill 1553. And in the registry of the Archbishop extracted out of the registers of the Parliament of Paris containing certaine conclusions and demands made by the Kings seruants in the said Parliament of the 26. Ianuary 1552. A copie of a contract of gist and legacie made foreuer by the said Sir de Tournon deceased the said Fathers the Iesuits of the Colledge which he had caused to be builded in the said towne of Tournon with the appurtenances dependancies and reuenue at the charge contained in the clauses and conditions as be declared by the sayd contract passed before Gilles Mesnager and Malthurin Porcher Notaries publike in the court of Iustice at Orleans the 6. Ianuary 1560. accepted by Don Iohn Baptist Violle a Priest Atturny generall of the Iosuites And moreouer is put downe the copie of the Procuration of the generall of the said Fathers the Iesuites for to accept the said gift and legacie of the 28. of October of the same yeare also the acte from the assembly that the Priests of the Abby of Chaise-Dieu being vnited to the said Colledge had which did approue and authorize the said contract of the 24. of February in the same yeare extracted out of the register of the Parliament of Paris concerning the Kings and the Queenes his mothers Letters for the verification of the afore going Letters patents to the allowance and approbation of the Bulls priviledges and institutions of the said Fathers to the Iesuites in the said yeare 1560. A suite in Law of Mr Mesnill deceased Aduocate in the cause of the Vniuersitie of Paris and of the Fathers the Iesuites followes the Counsell and resolution of the assembly of the Clergy of France kept at Poissy in the yeare 1561. A copy of the act of the assembly kept by the Gallican Church at Poissy aforesaid the 15. of September 1561. A copy of the decree from the sayd Parliament at Paris of the 13. of February in the said yeare 1561. By which is ordained that the said Act made in the assembly at Poissy should be registred vnder the conditions therein conteined A copy of the Letters Patents of the King Charles the ninth giuen in the moneth of Iuly 1561. for the conformation and allowance of the said gift and transport A copy of the Decree of the Parliament of Tholouse of the foureteenth day of Februarie in the said yeare 1561. for the Proclayming and registring of the said Letters of gift vpon the charges and conditions as are mentioned in the Act of the Assembly kept at Poissy the fifteenth day of September in the said yeare A reliefe of King Henry the third of the thirteenth day of Aprill 1584. to the Parliaments of Paris Roan Bourdeaux Dauphine Province and Borgongne for to verifie and register the sayd Bulls of the said Vniuersitie at Tournon and of the ratification which is Registred at Paris Grenoble and Province the ninth day of Iune the ninth day of Nouember and the nineteenth day of December in the said yeare 1584. A Decree of the court of Parliament at Aix for the verification of the said Bulls and Letters the nineteenth day of December 1584. A decree of the Court of Parliament at Paris of the nineteenth day of Iune 1584. for the execution of the said Letters Patents of the thirteenth day of Aprill aforesaid in the same yeare by which was ordayned that the said Letters and Bulls should be registred without which they may hinder or preiudice the freedome of the Gallican Church and without which the Patentees may take vpon them no other qualitie then of Scholars of the Colledge at Tournon A Copie of a Petition extracted out of the Records of of the Vniuersitie at Paris the seuenteenth day of this present moneth of September An other Copy of a Declaration made by the Fathers the Iesuites to the said Vniuersitie and extracted out of the sayd Records on the same day A Copy of a Petition presented to the Parliament at Paris by the Priests and Scholars of the Societie and companie of Iesus of the Colledge at Clermont vpon the reception to the Assemblie at Poissy and the Conclusions of the Cheefe Atturney of the sayd Parliament extracted also out of the sayd Records on the sayd day A printed Copy of the Edict vpon the reestablishing of the Fathers the Iesuites giuen at Roan in the moneth of September 1603. Letters in the forme of a Comminaltie of King Henry the Great deceased in the moneth of October 1604. By the which hee had allowed the sayd foundation and for so much as it should be necessarie confirmed the said Priuiledges and rights Other Letters in the forme of a Comminaltie of the moneth of December 1622. bearing such a like Confirmation vnderneath which is the Registring of the Parliament at Tholouse of the ninth of Ianuary 1623. A Decree of the said Parliament of the ninth of March of the said yeare 1623. Because the said Demandants should enioy the effect of the said Letters And a Copie of an Act from the Assembly kept in the great Hall of the Colledge and Vniversitie at Aix on the twentie-fifth day of Aprill of the said yeare 1623. by those of the said Colledge and Vniversitie A Copie of the Letters which the said Defendants haue obtained in the Chauncery at Tholouse the twelfth of Aprill 1624. for being received as Opposants against the Decree of the aboue-said Registring An exploit of an Assignement of the fourth of May 1624. An Extract of a Presentation done in the said Assignement on the seaventeenth day following A Decree of the said Parliament at Tholouse the thirteenth day of Iuly in the said yeare 1623. betweene the Societie of the said Vniversities at Tholouse Vallence and Cahors having obtained the Kings Letters against the said Societie of the Fathers the Iesuites at Tournon By the which allowing the said Letters the said Obtainers were received as Opposants to the Examination of the said Decree of the Registring and without having any regard therevnto the said Fathers the Iesuits at Tournon were forbidden that they should take vpon them any name title or qualitie of an Vniversitie neither to giue any Catholickes of Studie nor any Degrees in any Facultie nor any nomination to the Benefices vpon penaltie of dissolution and other sentences neverthelesse that all Testimoniall Degrees and Nominations which are given by them by authoritie of the same Decree of the Registring should be of no value And also they which might haue obtained them are forbidden not to vse the same vpon penaltie of the fiue hundred pounds without preiudice of the said Decree of the Registring concerning the vnion of the benefits there onely mentioned A Decree of the said Parliament at Tholouse of the eleventh of the said moneth of Iuly saying That notwithstanding the things aboue-said and alledged by