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A82523 All the ordinances and declarations of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the assessing of all such as have not contributed upon the propositions of both Houses of Parliament, for raising of money, plate, horse, horse-men, and armes for the defence of the King, kingdome, and Parliament; or have not contributed proportionally according to their estates. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament that these ordinances be forthwith printed and published. Joh. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum. Also divers orders of the committee of Lords and Commons for advance of money and other necessaries for the army: for the better execution of the said ordinances and declarations. Martin Dallison clerke to the said committee. England and Wales. Parliament. 1643 (1643) Wing E1200; Thomason E246_15; ESTC R19471 9,908 11

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ALL THE ORDINANCES AND DECLARATIONS OF THE LORDS and COMMONS Assembled in PARLIAMENT For the Assessing of all such as have not contributed upon the Propositions of Both Houses of Parliament for raising of Money Plate Horse Horse-men and Armes for the defence of the King Kingdome and Parliament or have not contributed proportionally according to their Estates Ordered by the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament that these Ordinances be forthwith Printed and Published Joh. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum ALSO Divers Orders of the Committee of Lords and Commons for Advance of Money and other necessaries for the Army for the better execution of the said Ordinances and Declarations Martin Dallison Clerke to the said Committee Printed at London for R. Dunscomb Februar 14. 1642. An Ordinance and Declaration of the Lords and Commons in Parliament WHereas the King seduced by wicked Counsell hath raised an Army and levyed warre against the Parliament and great number of Forces are dayly raised under the commands of Papists and other ill affected persons by Commissions from his Majesty And whereas divers Delinquents are protected from publike Justice by his Majesties Army and sundry outrages and rapines are daily committed by the Souldiers of the said Army who have no respect to the Lawes of God or the Land but burne amd plunder the houses and seize and destroy the persons of divers his Majesties good Subjects And whereas for the maintenance of the said Army divers Assessements are made upon severall Counties and His Majesties Subjects are compelled by the Souldiers to pay the same which said Army if it should continue would soone ruine and wast the whole Kingdome and overthrow Religion Law and Liberty For suppressing of which said Army and ill-affected persons there is no probable way under God but by the Army raised by authority of the Parliament which said Army so raised cannot be maintained without great summes of Money yet for raising such sums by reason of his Majesties withdrawing himselfe from the advice of the Parliament there can be no Act of Parliament passed with his Majesties assent albeit there is great Justice that the said Monyes should be raised The Lords and Commons in Parliament having taken the same into their serious consideration and knowing that the said Army so raysed by them hath beene hitherto for the most part maintained by the voluntary contributions of divers well affected persons who have freely contributed according to their abilities But considering there are divers others within the Cities of London and Westminster and the Suburbs of the same and also within the Borough of Southwarke that have not contributed at all towards the maintenance of the said Army or if they have yet not answerable to their Estates who notwithstanding receive benefit and protection by the same Army as well as any others and therefore it is most just that they should as well as others be charged to contribute to the maintenance thereof Be it therefore Ordained by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled and by Authority thereof That Isaac Pennington Lord Major of the City of London Sir John Wollaston Knight and Alderman Alderman Towes Alderman Warner Alderman Andrews Alderman Chambers Alderman Fow●e Sir Thomas S●ame Knight and Alderman Samuel Vassell John Venne Morris Thompson and Richard Warring Citizens or any foure of them shall hereby have power and authority to nominate land appoint in every Ward within the City of London six such persons as they or any foure of them shall thinke fit which said six so nominated or any foure of them shal hereby have power to enquire of any that shall remaine or be within the said several Wards that have not contributed upon the Propositions of both Houses of Parliament concerning the raising of mony plate horse horsmen armes for defence of the King both Houses of Parliament and also of such as are able men that have contributed yet not according to their Estates and Abilities And the said six persons so nominated or any foure of them within their severall and respective Wards and Limits shall have power to Assesse such person and persons as are of Ability and have not contributed and also such as have contributed yet not according to their ability to pay such summe or summes of Money according to their Estates as the said Assessors or any foure of them shall thinke fit and reasonable so as the same exceed not the twentyeth part of their Estates and to nominate and appoint fit persons for the collection thereof And if any person so Assessed shall refuse to pay the money Assessed upon him It shall be lawfull to and for the said Assessors and Collectors or any of them to levy the said summe so Assessed by way of Distresse and sale of the goods of the person so Assessed and refusing And if any person so distrained shall make resistance It shall be lawfull to and for the respective Assessors and Collectors or any of them to call to their assistance any of the trained Bands of the said City of London or any other his Majesties Subjects who are hereby required to be ayding and assisting to the said Assessors and Collectors in the premises And it is hereby further ordained that the respective Burgesses of Westminster and Southwarke together with the severall Committees appointed for the Subscriptions of Money Plate Horse Horse-men and Armes within the said City and Borough shall respectively have power hereby to nominate Sessors for the said City and Borough in such manner as the Lord Major c. hath for the City of London and the said Assessors or any foure of them to name Collectors as aforesaid Which said Assessors and Collectors shall have the same power respectively within their respective limits as those to be nominated within the said City of London have hereby limited to them And for the Suburbs of London and Westminster the respective Knights of the Shire where the said Suburbs are shall have hereby the like power to name Assessors and they so named or any foure of them and the Collectors by them to be nominated or any of them within their respective limits shall have the like power respectively as the Assessors and Collectors fot London have by vertue of this Ordinance And be it Ordained that the summes so Assessed and levyed as aforesaid shall be paid in at Guild-hall London to the hands of Sir John Wollastan Knight John Warner John Towes and Thomas Andrews Aldermen or any two of them And the Assessors and Collectors to be nominated by vertue hereof shall weekely report to the Committee of the House of Commons for the Propositions aforesaid what summes of money have beene Assessed and what summes have beene levyed weekely according to the purport hereof And the said monies so levyed and paid in shall be ●sslied forth in such sort as the other moneyes raised upon the Propositions aforesaid and not otherwise Die Martis 29. Novemb. 1642. VVHereas a late Ordinance is
passed by both Houses of Parliament for the Reasons therein declared for the assessing of all such persons within the Cities of London and Westminster and the Suburbs thereof with the Borough of Southwarke as have not contributed upon the Propositions of both Houses of Parliament for raising of Money Plate Horse Horsemen and Armes for defence of the King Parliament and Kingdome or have not contributed proportionably to their Estates and Abilities And whereas it is thought fit that some additions be made for further explanation and better execution of the said Ordinance Be it further Ordained and Declared by the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament that such persons as shall be Assessed by the respective Assessors in the said Ordinance appointed and shall within sixe dayes next after notice given to them or left at their severall houses within the said Cities Suburbs or Borough pay in the one moity of the said summes of money so Assessed and within twelve dayes after the said notice given as aforesaid the other moity thereof unto the Treasurers of money and plate in Guild-hall London or unto the Collectors appointed by the said Ordinance respectively to receive the same that then the said Treasurers or Collectors shall give Acquittances for the same as hath beene done to such who have lent moneyes or Plate upon the Propositions of both Houses as aforesaid And the said moneyes so paid to the said Treasurers or to the said severall Collectors shall be repaid upon the Publike Faith as all other moneyes lent upon the said Propositions of both Houses And as for those who shall so farre discover their disaffection as not to bring in the severall sums of money so Assessed upon them to the persons before appointed within the times limited that then their goods shall be distrained and sold according to the said Ordinance And if no sufficient distresse be found that then the said Collectors shall respectively have power to enquire of any summe or sums of money due or to be due unto them respectively so Assessed from any person or persons for any Rents Tithes Goods or Debts or for any other thing or cause whatsoever And the said respective Collectors shall have power by vertue of this Ordinance to receive all or any part of the said summes due or to be due unto them or any of them so assessed untill the full value of the summe or summes so Assessed and the charges in levying and recovering of the same shall be received and satisfied And the said respective Collectors shall have further power to compound for any of the said Rents Tithes Goods or Debts due unto the said person so Assessed respectively as aforesaid with any person or persons by whom the said Rents Goods or Debts are or shall be owing as also to give full and ample discharge for the mony by them so received upon composition or otherwise which discharges shall be good and effectuall to all intents and purposes And if the summe or summes of Money so Assessed cannot be levyed by any of these meanes or wayes then the persons so respectively Assessed shall be imprisoned in such places of this Kingdome and for so long time as the Committee of the House of Commons for the Examinations shall appoint and Order And the families of all such persons so imprisoned shall no longer remaine within the Cities of London and Westminster the Suburbs and the Counties adjacent And be it further Ordained that all and every the Assessors and Collectors of the said severall summes shall have the protection of both Houses of Parliament for their indemnity in this service and receive such reasonable allowances for their paines taken and charges disbursed or to be disbursed therein as the Committee of Lords and Commons for advance of Money and other necessaries for the Army raised by the Parliament shall apportion and appoint A Declaration of the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament Die Mercurii 7. Decemb. 1642. VVHereas in and by a late Ordinance of both Houses of Parliament it is Ordained for the cause therein expressed that all persons of ability within the Cities of London and Westminster and Suburbs of the same and also within the Borough of Southwarke who have not at all or not answerably to their Estates contributed towards the maintenance of the Army raised by authority of this present Parliament shall be assessed in such manner and proportion as in the said Ordinance is directed of which the Lords Commons now assembled in Parliament doe expect a vigorous and speedy execution but finding some doubt to be raised upon the point of time whether that clause of not contributing at all or not in proportion to their Estates bee meant of not contributing before the passing of the said Ordinance in both Houses of Parliament or to bee extended to any time before the assessing of them and giving them notice of it in such manner as in the said Ordnance is appointed Wee the said Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled doe hereby Declare That if any person or persons who have not contributed at all or not answerably to their Estates shall before any assessement of them be made and notice thereof left at their Houses according to the said Ordinance contribute towards the maintenance of the said Army by loane or otherwise according to their severall and respective Estates as others well-affected have already done without evasion or collusion every such person so contributing shall be accepted as doing an acceptable service to the Common-Wealth and be freed from the paiment of all and every Tax and Assessement of him to be mad by the Assessors authorized by the said Ordinance for that purpose as likewise from all Distresses imprisonment and other Punishments to be inflicted by vertue of the said Ordinance or any addition to or explanation made of it for the not paying of any such Assessements And hereof all such Assessors and Collectors are hereby required to take notice And for this end It is Ordered by the said Lords and Commons That this Declaration be forthwith printed and published Votes of the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament for better enabling of the Lord Major to put their late Ordinance in execution Die Mercurii Decemb. 1642. Resolved upon the Quession That the Lord Maior and other persons named in the Ordinance shall have power to nominate and appoint six other persons to be Assessors in the severall Wards of Farringdon without and Cripplegate and as many in other Wards as there shall be cause Resolved upon the Question That the Lord Major and the other persons named in the said Ordinance shall have power to nominate two persons to be Assessors in the severall priviledged places within the severall Wards Die Mercurii 14. Decemb. 1642. An Ordinance made by the Lords and Commons in Parliament Assembled for the better and more speedy execution of the late Ordinance of the 29. of November 1642. VVHereas according to an Ordinance and
person assessed that hath not satisfyed the assessement That the said Collectors shall have power to seize such Chests money or Goods for satisfaction of the summes assessed Jo. Browne Cler. Parliamentorum Die Mercurii 8. Februa 1642. An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons in Parliament for the better Levying and receiving of Monies Assessed by vertue of the late Ordinance of 29. Novemb. 1642. VVHEREAS Information is given That divers Collectors nominated for the Collecting Levying and receiving of the summes of money Assessed by vertue of the late Ordinance of both Houses of Parliament of the 29. of November last for Assessements by reason their other Imployments in the Publique Affaires of the State have beene taken off from the due execution of the same Ordinance whereby well affected Persons are still occasionally pressed to further contributions whilest those that have not contributed or not in proportion to their Estates doe not make a proportionable supply Be it therefore Ordained and Declared by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament That the Collectors nominated or to be nominated by vertue of the said Ordinance shall from and after the eleventh day of this instant moneth of February onely give notice to the Persons assessed or to be assessed of the severall summes of money at which they are or shall be assessed And after the dayes limitted by the said Ordinance for payment shall be elapsed shall repaire to the houses of the persons assessed or to be assessed and demand the severall summes of money at which they are or shall be assessed and if the same be unpaid then to take notice whether sufficient distresse may be had to satisfie the summes assessed or no and accordingly to certifie the same under their hands to the Committee of Lords and Commons for Advance of money and other necessaries for the Army And the said Collectors are hereby required and authorised to enquire of any summe or summes of money due or to be due unto the persons respectively assessed or to be assessed from any person or persons for any Rents Tithes Goods or Debts or for any other thing or cause whatsoever And to compound and receive the same and give discharges therefore according to the power to them formerly given by the said Ordinance And it is hereby further Ordained that where the said Collectors shall certifie that a sufficient Distresse may be had for the summes of money assessed or to be assessed That Colonell Randall Manwaring Colonell Richard Browne Captaine Edmund Harvey Captaine Robert Manwaring Captaine Heriot Washborne and such Captaines Lieutenants Officers and Souldiers under their severall and respective Commands as they or any of them shall appoint Upon notice thereof given shall immediately repaire unto the severall houses of the persons assessed or to be assessed and certified as aforesaid And levy the summes of money so assessed by distresse in as ample manner as by the said Ordinance of 29. November and an Order of both Houses of Parliament of the third of this instant moneth of February the Collectors nominated upon the said Ordinance are authorised and appointed to doe and performe And the distresse and distresses so had and taken to carry into Guild-hall London or Crosseby-house in Bishops-gate streete London or to such other place or places as the said Committee shall appoint To be sold and disposed of for or towards satisfaction of the summes assessed at such times and by such persons and in such manner as by the said Committee shall be directed And in case certificate be made by the said Collectors that no sufficient distresse can be had or found and the sums of money assessed cannot be levyed by any of the wayes or meanes in the said Ordinance mentioned Then the said Colonell Randall Manwaring Colonell Richard Browne Captaine Edmund Harvey Captaine Robert Manwaring Captaine Heriot Washborne and such Captaines Lieutenants Officers and Souldiers under their Command as they or any of them shall Command and appoint shall repaire unto the dwelling houses of such person or persons as are or shall be assessed and certified as aforesaid and there or within any other place within this Kingdome where such person or persons shall be suspected to be to make diligent search and him her or them to apprehend and bring in safe custody before the Committee of the house of Commons for Examinations who have power to imprison them in such places of this Kingdome and for so long time as the same Committee shall appoint and Order And the said Colonells and Captaines and other the Captaines Lieutenants Officers and Souldiers under the command of them or any of them shall have power to breake open any of the lockes and doores of any roome of other place in or belonging to the said houses or places where search shall be made for the parties assessed or to be assessed respectively and the Goods Debts Money and Estate of such persons as already are imprisoned or to be imprisoned shall stillbe lyable and shall and may be seized on sould received and disposed of for satisfaction of the summes assessed wheresoever or in whose hands soever the same shall be found And the Families of such Persons Assessed or to be Assessed who have or shall absent themselves from their dwelling houses or places of aboad within the Cities of London and Westminster the Suburbs of the same and the Borough of Southwarke shall be further proceeded against as in the said Ordinance of 29. Novemb. is provided And the said Collectors and all Collonels Captaines Lieutenants Officers Souldiers and other person or persons as shall be appointed or imployed in and for the better execution of the said Ordinance as aforesaid shall have the protection of both Houses of Parliament for their indempnity in this service And if any thing not mentioned in the said Ordinance of 29. November or this present Ordinance may conduce to the more effectuall levying and receiving of monies to be assessed upon the said Ordinance of 29. November the same is hereby referred to the wisdome and care of the said Committee of Lords and Commons for advance of money and other necessaries for the Army And lastly it is Ordered that this Ordinance shall be Printed and published Jo. Browne Cler. Parliamentorum Februa 9. 1642. At the Committee of Lords and Commons for Advance of Money and other Necessaries for the ARMY IT is Ordered That the Assessors nominated upon the Ordinance of Parliament of 29. Novemb. last for Assessements within the Cities of London and Westminster and the Suburbs of the same and the Borough of Southwarke doe forthwith proceed to make a further and full Assessement of all the Inhabitants in the severall and respective places aforesaid which they hold meete to be assessed And that the said Assessors doe on or before Friday the 17. of this instant February deliver to this Committee under their hands two scrowles of the names of the persons assessed and the summes of Money at which they shall be assessed one of which scrowles shall remaine with the Clerke of this Committee and the other to be delivered or sent by him to the Collectors in the severall and respective places aforesaid And it is ordered that henceforth the Collectors of each Ward and place do weekly every Tuesday and every Fryday in the afternoones certifie under their hands to this Committee the dayes that notice was given to the parties Assessed And the dayes for payment limitted by the said Ordinance being expired the said Collectors are to repaire to the houses of the persons assessed and demand the severall summes at which they were assessed which they finding unpaid are to take notice whether a sufficient Distresse may be had to satisfie the summes assessed or no and accordingly from time to time to certifie the same to this Committee every Tuesday and Fryday weekely in the afternoones whereof they are not to faile And it is ordered that this be Printed and published Martin Dallison Clerke to the said Committee
Declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament of the 29. of November last the persons whose names are subscribed are appointed and since approved of by both Houses of Parliament to bee Assessors and Collectors of _____ It is now ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament And the said persons are hereby required and authorized upon the Receipts of this order forthwith to proceed effectually and diligently to execute the said Ordinance according to the tenor hereof in every behalfe without omission favour dread malice or any other thing to be attempted by them or any of them to the contrary thereof And for that end It is further Ordained and Declared That the said Assessors shall hereby have authoritie to call before them as well such persons as they shall thinke fit to their assistance as also all or any such persons as are to be assessed And the said Assessors shall appoint the said Collectors in their severall Divisions and Precincts for the gathering the sums that shall be assessed And give notice of the summe summes of money at which every person in their divisions and Pr●cincts shall be particularly assessed And whereas it is expressed in the said Ordinance So as the assessement exceed not the twentieth part of the estates of the persons to be assessed It is hereby Declared for prevention of all inequality in the said assessement That if the said Assessors or any foure of them proceeding in their assessement according to their Judgements and best Information shall assesse any person above the twentieth part of his estate And that the person so assessed doth find himselfe grieved with the same assessing or rating That then the party so assessed paying one moiety of the summe hee shall be assessed at within sixe dayes next after assessement and notice thereof given or left at the dwelling house of the party so assessed may during sixe dayes after his having paid the said Moiety as aforesaid have liberty and may addresse himselfe for remedy and reliefe unto the persons nominated by the said Ordinance to nominate the Assessors or any foure of them and may tender his voluntary Oath or Protestation to such persons that he is over-rated and of the true value of his estate if he please and after due examination and perfect knowledge thereof had and perceived the said Persons authorized to nominate Assessors as aforesaid or any foure of them shall hereby have power to Order such abatement of the said assessement according as shall appeare unto them just and equall upon the same examination And it is hereby further Ordained and Declared that the person so assessed and sworne shall within three dayes next after the Order of abatement in that behalfe made pay unto or be repald by the Treasurers who received the other moiety of such assessement such summe or summes of money as by the said Order of abatement shall be appointed And in case the said person so sworne and assessed shall not pay within the said three dayes next after Order of abatement made the summe thereby ordered to be paid That then the same summe shall be recovered by distresse or otherwise as is provided in the said Ordinance of the 29. of November last in case the summes assessed shall not be paid into the Guild-hall London according to the true meaning of the same And if it be proved by witnesses or by the parties owne confession or other lawfull wayes or meanes within six months after any such Oath made that the same person so rated and sworne was of any better or greater estate in Lands Goods or other things above specified at the time of the making the said Ordinance then the said person so sworne did declare upon his Oath that then every person so offending shall lose and forseit so much lawfull money of England as he the same person so sworne was first assessed at or taxed to pay by vertue of the Ordinance aforesaid To be recovered by Distresse or otherwise as is provided in the said Ordinance of the 29. of November last in case the summes of money to be assessed by vertue of the said Ordinance shall not be paid into the Guild-hall London according to the true meaning of the same And it is hereby further Ordained and Declared That the said Assessors and Collectors shall incurre no damage by ●●ason of their over-valuing the estate of any person assessed or to be assessed or recovering or receiving the same by vertue of the Ordinance aforesaid unlesse some corruption or indirect carriage therein shall be proved in Parliament against them Die Veneris Decemb. 16. 1642. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament that this Ordinance be forthwith Printed and published Jo. Browne Cler. Parliamentorum Die Veneris Decemb. 16. 1642. VVHereas severall Ordinances of both Houses of Parliament of the 29. of November last and the seventh and foureteenth of this instant December are passed concerning assessing such persons as are of ability and have not contributed or not according to their ability as in the said Ordinances doe and may appeare It is now further Ordained and Declared by the Lords and Commons in Parliament Assembled That the severall and respective Assessors shall not assesse any of the Members of either of the Houses of Parliament or the Assistants of the House of Peeres any thing in the preceding Ordinances or any of them to the contrary notwithstanding But that the Members of either House shall be assessed by that House whereof they are Members and the Assistants of the Peeres by the House of Peeres Ordered that this Ordinance shall be Printed Jo. Browne Cler. Parliamentorum Ult. Januar. 1642. At the Committee of Lords and Commons for Advance of money and other necessaries for the ARMY IT is Ordered that all such persons as already are assessed or hereafter shall be Assessed upon or by vertue of the Ordinance of both Houses of Parliament of the 29. of November last doe immediately from and after payment of the summes at which they are assessed unto the Treasurers at Guild-hall repaire unto Haberdashershall in the afternoones and there produce and shew their Acquittances unto the Clerke of this Committee who is intrusted with the keeping the Accompts of that businesse and is appointed to Register the same Acquittances And it is likewise Ordered that this be Printed and published Martin Dallison Clerke to the said Committee Die Veneris 3. Feb. 1642. IT is this day Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled that the Collectors made upon the Ordinance of the 29. of November for Assessements shall have power to breake open any Chests Trunks Boxes Doores or other things whereby to take a Distresse for the summes of money assessed upon any person and unpaid And the time limited for payment by the said Ordinance elapsed And also if they finde any Chests money or other Goods in the hands of any persons which shall be proved or confessed to belong to any