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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A79571 An epitomy of history. Wherein is shewn how severall princes and nations, came to their particular countries and dominions; also many great affaires in Judea, Tartaria, Russsia, Poland, Swethland, Germany Italy, Piedmont, Scotland, England, and many other places throughout the world, from the birth of our Saviour to this present time. H. C. 1661 (1661) Wing C39; ESTC R223831 56,492 161

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him coming to London and grant his desire that the old soldiers may goe out of London of which City the Common Council not long after Vote to pay no more taxes without a free Parliament upon which the Parliament imprison some and ordered Monk to pull down the gates Monck his Commission being within a day or two out draws up his forces by Morefields came into the City telling them his intentions and writ a letter to the House about filling them up but they tedious in the qualifications of Members the Members formerly secluded pressing Monk he admitted them to sit who made Monk General released Sir George Booth appointed a Council of State to govern till a new Parliament came as they had provided and so dissolved themselves the Parliament assembled the Lords also sate who as also the General receiv'd letters from the King at Breda about a general pardon and liberty the Parliament invite the King to returne to his Kingdoms ordered General Moùntague to attend his commands Proclaimed him sumptuously in London and sent divers Lords and Commons and of London severall Aldermen and others goe beyond Sea to him the King ariving General Monk met him at Dover who kneeling to kiss the Kings hand the King took him up into his Coach at Canterbury the Majestrates presented the King with a cup of Gold Major General Browne and the Lord Major with divers Citizens with Gold Chaines went to bring him into London where rich Tapestry was hung out with the Companies Streamers and the Conduits run with Wine at White-Hall the Speakers of both Houses congratuled his well coming home to his Throne and the King assuring them that they should not be more ready to ask what is fitting then he to grant it retired to his lodgings The Parliament proceeded on an Act of Indempnity the King makes Proclamation for all those to come in that had a hand in his fathers death at last the Act past to pardon all but the Kings Judges and those that came in upon the Kings Proclamation not be executed without the Parliaments consent after which all in possession was tried Harrison Scot Scroop Peters Jones Carie and others was hang'd and quartred Martin Titchburne Lilburn Penington and others that came in reserved in the Tower Okey Holland Hewson Lile Goffe Whalie was never taken the Parliament having also past an Act for disbanding the Army one for Rolemony and about twenty more the King in his Speech at dissolving them call'd them a healing Parliament In London about seventy persons rose in armes one night to pull down the Monarks of the earth as Antichristian who meeting with resistance fled to a wood yet came two dayes after earlie in the morning when the City guards was five times stronger but was soon scatterd but above twenty kill'd first and last most themselves and those who were taken was tried and hang'd The King sends out writs for another Parliament before they met he was Crown'd making General Monk Duke of Albemarle Mountague Earl of Sandwitch Hollis Sir George Booth others Barons the first day of Coronation besides the Judges the Nobles rod from the Tower before the King in rich gilt embroidered Sutes of apparel hors-trappings with rich Pages and Liveries the second day the Peers went on foot from Westminster-Hall to the Abby Barrons Viscounts Earles Marquesses Dukes with their Robes and distinct Coronets some of the Bishops in rich Copes after assembled the Kings second Parliament who passed an Act to confirm several Acts of the former Parliament who was not summoned by the Kings writts news came of the tryall execution of the Marque of Argile Goutherie a Minister in Scotland The Parliament of England passing an Act for the preservation of the King and another for a free present of monies another for repealing an Act for disabling persons in holy Orders to exercise Temporal jurisdiction several other Acts proceded on an Act about conformity using the common prayer was adjorn'd 3 months about 7 weeks after a Proclamation was made in the Kings name for establishing Bishops in Scotland another for appointing the money Stampt with the Cross and Harp the States Armes in the time of the late Commonwealth to be brought to the Mint for other money allowing for Coinage Collonell Hewson one of the Kings Judges died in Holland In October 1661. Malaga was visited with a raine that swelled to such a height that it carried away whole Bridges of B●ick and Stone whole houses with the people in them and abundance of wood and other materialls were driven into the Sea and a part of the City wall was overthrown the houses spoyld were about twelve hundred the people that perished thirteen hundred the damage of Oyle Wine and Rasons and otherwise to the value of about three millions of Gold About the same time at St. Malo hapned its uncertain how a fire which burnt three dayes and consumed three hundred houses About this same time the Spanish and French Embassadors Coaches skirmishing for precedency at their attendance of a Swede Embassador through London the Spaniard getting the better and about five of the French slaine the King of France sent to the Court of Spaine for satisfaction but receiving little and the Marquess of Cartena being informed of the French Commissioners not proceeding in the limits according to the new peace took Rantie but the Governor of Aras by a small fight many being wounded regained the former post but the King of Spain sending a great present to his Daughter the Queen of France and the new borne Dolphin The King of France resented this gift so kindly as that he declared there should be no war but wrote thanks to his Catholick Majesty for the twelve China dishes and Diamonds sent to the Queen and Dolphin worth 50000 Crownes but the Prince of Spaine now died notwithstanding the body of St. Diego was brought from Lizna to his Chamber who as one wisely or other wisely observes hath done great cures for the Princes of Spaine About this time the Turks pretended to the Emperor of Germany if he beleeve it that he will come no further then Transilvania and is ready to make peace with the Emperor it s supposed only because he finds the Christians gathering so great strength against him that he had better then to come on towards Germany joyn with the confederate rebellious Army of the Popish Subjects against their King and make shure if he can that Kingdome In England King Charles the Second being sure to the Infanta of Portugall she is generally pray'd for in the Churches under the name of Queen Catherine In Spaine there is a Prince borne to Comfort against the loss of the new diseased Prince In England the King appoints several learned persons of the Episcopall and Presbyterian perswasions to reveiw the Liturgie who after long debating about the Common Prayer and Ceremonies come no nearer one another then at the beginning The
a Tinderbox they quickly laid fourteen Deare on the ground and then rested the next day being fogie and the Ice keeping their Ship off the Coast they hauled towards Green-harbor intending to stay aboard a Ship there till their own came in the way they killed eight Deare more but coming laden to Green-harbor they found the Ship departed upon which having but three daies limited for their departure out of the Country they cast much Venison out of the Shallop and hasted towards Bellsound to their Captain but a fog increasing and they having no compasse they wandred till the Ships there was gone which filled them with astonishment knowing none ever inhabited those clymates nor would undertake for any rewards to winter in those parts though allowed great provisions yea they had heard that Malefactors chose rather to returne to satisfie the Law then after they had viewd the desolateness of the place be pardoned to stay there one winter they remembred also that there was nine men formerly left there who was devoured by the Bears they wanted cloaths food and a house to keep themselves from the extremiry of cold they went again towards Green-harbor to kill Venison for winter the first day they killd seaven after twelve more Deare and finding another Shallop left behind there they laded it with graves of Whales and with the food in their own they hasted to their Tent at Bell-sound in their way they were forced to stay at Bottel-Cove where the winde blowing hard and Anchor coming home their Shallop sunk and wet their provision upon which they run into the high wrought Sea to their Shallops to save the rest of their provision and they brought their Shallops to shore and took the Venison swiming and got to Bell-sound the Tent there was built of Timber and boards and covered with Flemish tiles the use of it was for the Coopers to make Casks to put in Traine oyle they took down an other little Tent where the Oyle used to be made to make a Tent within the great one they found also four Hogsheads of Lime which mingled with sand made morter which they had much adoe to keep from freezing they rais'd a wall of one brick thickness against the inward planks of the great Tent but the bricks failing they nayled the other sides with boards their Chimnie whence was their light was four foot high sealing all very close their beds were Deare skins they stowed seaven old Shallops two Coffers breaking them for fire now having scarce any day they spied two Sea horses a sleepe on Ice and with an harping Iron slew them and rosted and eate them but the nights and cold increasing they perceiv'd their provision short and so stinted to one meal a day and to fast a Wensdays only to eat graves or fritters of the Whales a loathsome meat their cloathes torne they made thread of rope yearn and needles of Whale-bone but their Whale-graves grew mouldie and they found that their Bear and Venison could not afford them five meales a week from the fourteenth of October to the second of February they never saw the Sun peepe above the Horizon not knowing day from night but the Moon as in England but they made a Lamp of some Sheet lead they found in the Coopers Tent and some Oyle and rope yearne in January when a duskish light appeared it was so cold as it raised Blisters on their flesh after this they melted the snow with hot Irons for water and with Pickaxes broake the Ice about the beginning of February the days were about seaven hours long but their victuals not like to last them six weeks but they spying a Bare and Cub coming towards their Tent went out with Lances upon whom the great Bare greadily came but was soon tumbled on the ground biting the snow for anger the young one fled this Bare served them twenty daies but eating her liver their skins peel'd of many more Bares came to the Tent seaven of which they kill'd one of them six foot high and the dayes lengthning several fowled resorted to them upon which came the Foxes also before in their burrow under the Rocks for to catch them they devised traps baiting them with fowles skins which fowle they caught by making springs of Whalebone laying them on the fleshie side of Bearskins they rosted and eate fifty Foxes when the weather was warm enough to goe further and oftner out they met with divers Willcoks eggs after came two Hull Ships which sent a Shallop near the shoare knowing men was left there crying haie to which one in the Tent answered hoe and so welcom'd the new comers with long before rosted Venson and cold water and after were entertain'd in the Hull Ships then came the London Fleete with Captain Goodlier who refreshed them with cloathes and victualls with whom they returned safely to the River of Thames Greene-land is very Mountanious which all the year is cover'd with Ice and Snow the planes in part are bare in summer there growing neither Tree or hearbe except Scurvey-grass and Sorrill the Sea is as barren affording no fish but Whales Seales Sea-horses and some few small fish The Turk gets Babylon from the Persian with the loss of 40000 runs his Navie to the Red Sea to the Cawsacks and Hungarie but the Plague about Alepo frighted them back In England the King disavowes the paper the Scotts avouched the Scotts prepare to come towards England the King calls a Parliament and seeing they had little mind to raise money he desolved them but the King gathered contributions of the Clergie went with an Army to the North where was a small skirmish but the Lords on both sides composed the business and the King calls another Parliament 1641 who get an Act not to be disolv'd without their own consent fall to bring such as they judged offenders to tryall perswaded the King to consent to the condemnation of Strafford which he grieved for afterward the Parliament call in Commissioners from Scotland send for Bastwick and Burton who was exild imprison'd the Arch Bishop of Canterbury the Londoners Petition against Bishops twelve of the Bishops leave the house and protest ten of which was imprison'd by the Parliament the King takes a journie towards Scotland The Irish Rebellion broak forth where about 200000 Protestants was murthered Dublin was to have been surprised but discoverd by some discourse of the Lord Mackhoone who was sent into England and hang'd the King returnes sumptuously in London exhibites Articles against six Parliament men and came with some in Armes to Westminster and entred the House himself and demands the six Members who was not there upon this the people came thrunging to Westminster in discontent and the Parliament judged their priviledges broken the King went to Hampton Court people Petition that the Malitia may be put into the hands of the Parliament the King refuses it and went to York sending the Parliament word he would go over Sea
against the Irish and would arme a lifeguard of 220 horse foot but by letters intercepted from the Lord Digbie the Parl. suspected something else and appoint Hotham not to yeeld Hull to the King the K. summond the Country as being in danger of the Parliament the Parliament declared such extraordinary arming of men to be against the Laws many of the Lords and Commons went to the King the Parliament sent propositions to him who not consenting they order money and Plate to be brought in for Religion the King and Laws the King did the like Proclaming against their Warrants for the Malitia they forbid raising armes by the Kings warrant and get an Army under Essex of fourteen thousand the King besieges Hull looses twenty one men in a retreat the King sets up his Standard for men sends for a Composure but the Parliament would not treat till he had revokt his Proclamation calling them Rebels the Armies at Edge-hill fight both sides took prisoners 5000 was slaine most of the Kings and Ruthen his general a prisoner died of his wounds The French gets Tarine from the Spaniards and many Victories the Pirates of Argier take a Spanish Ship valeu'd at about three hundred thousand pound A Countryman killing a hogg before three of his Children one of which being six years old the other two kil'd their brother in their fathers absence and boast of it their Mother threw her selfe for grief in a Well and her husband hang'd himself The Emperor Fard beheads some of his commanders for not fighting makes peace with the Turks for twenty years In England many victories and places are got some by the King some by the Parliament who rais'd excise tried and executed Chalanor for a plot against them About this time was the revolt of Portugall a place of 800 miles Circute 400 miles by the Sea this once belong'd to the King of Casteel and was under an Earle whose Son gaining much from the Moores was made General fought with five Mahomitan Kings their Army being about 400 thousand the King of Casteel made this Earle the first King of Portugal who was confirmed by the Pope at last the King of Casteel and Portugal fell to wars and moreover a Cardinall coming to be King and dying without Issue many pretending right to it the people the Pope also as Doner of Crownes in controversies but the Dutchess of Burgance was supposed the true Heir but the King of Spaine also pretended a title which being supported by armes in two battles assisted by the French he subdues Portugal but ruling of them hardlie by impositions and listing yearly four thousand Portugizes they was weary of the Spanish Government and both Priests and People sought deliverance the King of Spaine sends for the Duke of Burgance Count Oliverz excuses his coming to Court but assures the King of the Dukes affection the K. makes him chief over his Malitia the Nobilty and Arch Bishops meet and tell the Duke of Burgance of their desire to make him King who seem'd to desire time to consider of it but the business was so unanimously carried on that on a set day by the signe of a shot from Lisbone they fell on upon the guards in several places by Land and Sea killing only one Swise and threw the Kings Secretary their great enemy out of a window and sackt his house but in about two hours all the shops was open and all quiet rejoycing in their King John who promis'd to run all hazards for his Countries good the plot took effect at the same time in other places and Castles also in the Indies and elswhere abroad the Spaniards being quietly sent home without blood The Lords spiritual and temporal Commons in Parliament confirmed the King the Marquess of Furara gave the oath of allegian e to the Clergie and others the King was after Crowned by the Arch-bishop of Lisbone attended with the Nobility the King had put into his hand a Chrystall Scepter he altered but very few officers of State the Parliament would have enacted him some monies but he rather chose to accept of the peoples benevolence which amounted to four millions of gold this news astonisht the Court at Madrid that a Kingdome should be lost by lights and fireworks and ever since they have continued in war with Portugal Rome fortified fearing the Spaniard for receiving a Portugall Ambassador The Queen of France upon a vow to the Ladie Lauretta for health restored to the Dolphin sends twelve hundred weight of silver and an Image of Jesus The Emperor redeemes the Image of Marie of the Sweedes with 10000 Florenes after the Sweede fights him for 8 hours took 289 officers after took in eight places Wrangle also beats the Dane but the Dane makes peace with both Sweede Dutch In England the Parliament get assistance of the Scots the King by a cessation in Ireland gets some thence who were quickly broaken but the Scots took in many places weakned Newcastles army in the North with whom at Marston-More the Parliaments army Manchester and Fairfax being now made chief commanders fight the Parliaments left wing was first worsted but Cromwel who commanded under Fairfax broke the Kings left wing Lashly the Scot pursuing and Cromwel coming about again with his horse releev'd the left and got the victory took bag and baggage and 100 Ensignes after the Scots took Newcastle In Cornewal Essex being incompassed the foot submitted to the King the horse forcing their way and escaping as they could Essex flying to Plymouth Propositions was sent by the Parliament to Oxford about Religion Ireland Malitia but nothing done Fairfax is voted General a new Army is modeld foreigne Ambassadors sought to agree the King and Parliament The King Prince Rupert fight the new Army routed their left wing Cromwel did the like by the King and Skippon weakning their foot Cromwel forcing the Ks. horse to flight the foot was taken 4000 brought prisoners through London about 600 on both sides slain most of the Conquerors Fairfax's Army by Crumwels meanes lose not an hour takes in many places and Hopton was spoyled by Waller in the West The Parliament would not accept of the Kings offers made to their Commissioners at Vxbridge the Scots was to hard for Montross though sometimes vexed by him but at last they utterly overthrew him tried and executed him The French take Graveline by a laborious siege the great Vizor presents himself arm'd before the Turke complaining of disaffected persons but he is stab'd the Dutch pass through the Danish Seas whether they will or no but a Tower giving light to Marriners being remov'd fourteen of their ships was dashed against rocks there was burnt at Constantinople 1000 houses 15000 ware houses In July 1647. The Duke of Arots Viseroy of Naples for the King of Spaine imposed taxes among other commodities upon fruits upon which the people gave out mutenous words the Viseroy consulted with the precincts of the
City who some of them advanc'd much money upon the gabell or tax the noise was that if this was taken off another would be set upon Corne one Masianello a spritely fellow of a middle Stature in a blew Wastcoat and barefoot with a Marriners cap an Anglier for little fish advised the Fruiterers to tell the Country Fruiterers in the Market place that they would buy no more Gabel fruit the next day the shop-keepers refused to buy but one of the Citizens perswaded them to buy for the present but Masianello went up and downe cryed avant Gabel Let the King of Spaine live and the ill Government die many boyes and others being got together he told them I will free you from all your slaveries if you will be ruld by me and he listed 2000 against a Festivall with a stick in every ones hand upon which day the people set up a Castle of wood and battered it down with sticks and fruit an Officer at the same time threatning the Fruiterers a Cousen of Masianello saying God gives plenty and ill Government gives dearth through his fruite downe among the people Masianello hit one of the City Officers on the breast with a stone and cried no Gabel no Gabel the people increased with armes to whom Masianello said be merry companions this poor Fisherman shall release Naples from Tyranny upon which the people fier'd the house with accounts next to the Tolehouse then the Gabel houses for other commodities after above 10000 went to the Viseroys Pallace with loaves of bread on their Pikes and cried they would be freed from all taxes the Viseroy promis'd that of fruit should be wholly abolisht and part of that of Corne but they not satisfied forc'd upon his lodgings through the Soldiers but he escaped to a Church and the Archbishop promis'd them they should be fully satisfied but they desiring that some may be inrol'd to see this done the Viseroy got to St. Elmo's Castle the people now about fifty thousand disarm all guards and routed a regiment of Germans going to the Viseroy who sent some Lords to tell the people they should have what they desired but they demanded the Originall of the old grants that no new tax should be imposed without consent of the Pope a Copie of this being brought by a Duke they found a fault and cried out they was cheated and so imprison'd the Duke then they went and burnt several Officers of the Custome houses and many rich embroyderies Pearles precious stones was cast into the fire Masianello hanging many that kept several things to themselves and he searched divers houses for Armes The Viseroy sent an instrument to them to take off all taxes and to pardon them but the pardon they said was not full the third day they went to the Secretaries house burnt his writings Coaches Pictures and Jewels of all kinds they demanded the Tower where the bell hung to sound to war and quickly forc'd the Soldiers out and straitned the Castle where the Viseroy was the Arch-bishop brought the Originall and pardon but they cryed out they was the Kings good Vassals and so went on with their Malitia made Masianello their captain who erected a place to hear Petitions the fourth day he sent to have the Duke of Caivanons house destroyd which the people did spoyling the Marble Statues in his garden while a Treaty was held and the Instrument brought again one Parone an assistant of Marsianello with consent of the Duke of Matalonie brought 500 of the Bandati pretending for the people which Parone would have stay together on horseback but Masianello commanding them to be disperc'd among the foot some of them shot at him upon which they missing him the people seazed on the soldiers and Parones head was cut off who confest a plot of powder against the people Masianello missing the Duke Matalonie beheaded his brother Caraffa he searcht and found much powder in vaults now he had above 100 thousand with him arm'd who obey'd him at a minute he set Centinells and spies mad an order that none should goe with upper garments least they carry armes which the Nobility Cardinalls and all obeyed now the Viseroy assuring them they should have all their priviledges and be accounted the Kings Children Masianello went in cloath of silver as the Archbishop advised him to the Viseroy who embraced him and both coming to a belcony the people cried let the King of Spain live but he putring his finger to his mouth all was silent he punisht with death any robbery by his souldiers and went the next day the Streets being hung with rich Tapestery to confirme Articles which the Officers of State swore to get the King of Spaine to confirm after Musick and the Ordinance playing he return'd to the people pulling off his rich and putting on his fishers cloathes he gave the Bishop of Severine a passe and five hundred double pistols to bare his charges after he spent a day in mirth drinking to his hurt the next day he insolently struck his Captaines without cause sent for 2 Lords to come to him who complaining to the Viseroy it was thought good to perswade the people now to depend no more on Masiauello but the Viseroy and after Masianello being inflam'd in Drink playing mad tricks was laid hold of but escaping told the Archbishop that he now perceived the people to hate him he desired a procession to the most holy Lady for him after a while he went into the Hall where some rusht upon him and kild him In England Oxford was besieged one of the Kings last refuges he gets out to the Scots Army who receiving 400000 l. delivers his person to the Parliament Oxford yeelded some time after the Army complaine they had not what they fought for and they removed the King impeached 11 Members the Parliament passed voates against the Army and Adjourned four daies many members going to the Army a preparation was making to oppose the Army which soon vanisht at the Armies approach to London the Army restored the Members that came to them and declared they was willing to close with the King the Scots desire to have him out of their hands he was admited to Hampton-Court he refused to consent to propositions sent him and gets privately to the Isle of Wight and sends to treate at London with safety The Parliament then sends four Propositions which the King refusing they vote no more Adresses which causes a rising about Colchester and a great Army under Hambleton comes out of the North which Cromwell beat the Parliament yet treat the Army cry for Justice upon offenders but the Parliament Vote the Kings consessions satisfactorie the Armie put out some Members bring the King to Windsor then the Parliament Vote the Commons the supreame Authority make a Court to try the King who appearing desired to speak with both Houses but the Court sentenc'd him to lose his head after Hambleton and Capel lost their lives also
The Pope warrs with the Duke of Parma but being beaten layes it to a Marquess The French in fight took 6000 prisoners and 40 great guns and the Spaniards also yeelds Ipre the Tartars and Cossack over run Poland took 2000 in fight after destroyed 8000 Jews 20000 natives the Pole yeelds them the Ceremonies and demands they crave after quaraling againe was beaten The Venetian beating the Turks at Dardenel the Governor and three Bashaws was slain at Constantinple on pretence of cowardize or falsness In England the Parliament Voted a Common-wealth Government make Cromwel Deputy of Ireland the young King comes over Sea by agreement into Scotland is Crown'd by them Fairfax refus'd co goe against the Scots but Cromwel was Voted General who at Dunbar with a weake sickly Army overthrew the Scots took 15000 Armes Kings Bishops and banisht persons Lands was sold mony was Coined with the States Armes Edinburgh yeilded In Holland the Prince of Orange attempted to seize Amsterdam by horse and foot coming in the night but it was frustrated by Post letters giving knowledge and the Sluces let open A civil war overspread France by some Princes standing up for the servile people therein Cardinal Mazarine was banisht but after the stir he was admitted and Condie slited the Venetian in the haven of Fogio takes from the Turk 72 Oaregallies 18 other ships and 60 laden also a Bashaw and 7000 men all with the loss of 9 men upon which the Turk brings the Christians to whips and chains but by the French Orator apeased him but he stops English Ships comes again but the Venetian slew 1500 This year the Sulton had seaven sons in one moneth borne to him The King of Brittain gets a great Army in Scotland but some English landing at Queens Ferre beat a party of the Scots of about 4000 and took B●r●twood the King steered towards Worcester with about 15000 the Presbyterian joynd with the Northern Army and Love taken at a meeting in London was after beheaded by a high Court of Justice the King was Proclam'd King of great Brittain at Worcester Cromwell leaving Monck in Scotland hasted to Worcester where several forces met him after he had with a sharp conflict gain'd a pass over Severn and Powick bridge overthrew the Scots who fought stoutly then he run into the Towne killing in the streets and elsewhere about 3000 took ●000 Hambleton dying of his wounds the King got into an Oake in a wood 500 l. was offered to any that should detect him but cutting his hair and disguis'd in habit he with the assistance of a Lady got beyond Sea the Earle of Darby who had got about 1400 was routed by Lilburnes Regiment and after beheaded many of the Nobility in Scotland was apprehended the Parliament reward Cromwel make an Act of Navigation which enrageth the Dutch In France Condie armes could not be appeased who with the Parliament of Paris urg'd the Decree against Cardinal Mazarine the Cardinall with Armes opposeth him by the Kings order The English fight with the Dutch at Sea for refusing to strike the Topsail and to allow the tenth herring while an Ambassador from Holland and a Treaty was at London Trump came with 42 sail towards the Brittish Sea where he lost one and forty men by the English after which follow'd several more fights in one of which Trump was slaine above 20 men of War sunk 1000 prisoners About this time the French going to releive Dunkirk was by the English by reason of the brest men taking English Ships by the Kings Commission scatterd and Dunkirk yeelded to the Spaniard Cromwel dissolved the Parliament fearing their too long sitting declared a Counsell of State nominated a Parliament many of which being high for Tyhes and against toleration the other part incenst went out of the house with the Speaker delivering their receiv'd power into the hands of Cromwel who the Officers of the Army made Protector with a Council of 21 who made peace with the Dutch put the Papists in Ireland all to one Province Powel and Gerrard was executed for a plot to sease the guards he summons another Parliament agreeing with the Sheriffs that they should not alter the Government reserving liberty to Adjourn them at such a time after which he dissolved them broke with Spaine sent an Army to Hispaniola who grew faint when they landed and was easily repulsed but after seased Iamaica Island There was several risings now in Armes Penruduck and others was executed Cromwel appointed Major Generals in the Countries who took the tenth part of the Estates of those that assisted the King Cromwel makes a peace with the French that they exclude the King of England Condie for hatred of Cardinall Mazarine falls from the French Court and joynd with the Spaniard The Moscovite falls upon the Pole upon matter of honour the Pole desired the Swedes assistance upon which he would not lay any claime more to Swedeland the Queen of Swedeland resigned up her Crown to her Cousen and was by the Popes Nuntio in the Duke of Tyrolls Country upon her owning the Catholick Religion with a deal of Pomp and ceremonies absolv'd of all her sins At Cullen in Germany many was distraind for not strowing flowers on a Sacrament day Colonell Doylie wrote of the good condition of Iamaica the English hd surprised there 6000 Spaniards who had hid themselves In the Magulls Country there is a City calld Nagracus where there is a Chappell pav'd of Plate of pure gold where is plac'd an Idoll call'd Matta visited yearly by thousands of Indians who cut off part of their tongus to offer in sacrifice to it Also in the same Province they goe to Iallamack where out of cold springs and hard Rocks are daily seen uncessant eruptions of fire before which they fall downe and Worship In the year 1655. the Duke of Saxony condemn'd a man for stealing a Deer to be bound in chaines upon a Stagg his feet fast under the beasts belly with an Iron Chaine soldered and his hand also in the same manner chained to the hornes and so set loose to run away with him the Stagg having run near a hundred English miles upon a direct line in twenty six hours time coming near some waggoners who came out of Silesia fell downe wherefore the poor man sitting on his back told them the business and earnestly begged of them to shoot him to put him out of his pain but they durst not fearing the Duke in the mean time the Stagg getting up run away with all his might so the miseries that poor creatures undergone if the Stagg killed him not in running cannot be expressed In England the Protector calls another Parliament who would have made him King but he could not take it upon him The English Fleet much spoyl'd the Spanish Indian silver Fleet. Sir Henry Slingsby and Dr. Hewit was now beheaded for a conspiracy Cromwell according to agreement with the King of France sent over
into Flanders 6000 foot which did the French great service in taking Mountmedi St. Venant and the fort of Mardike Now the King of England had 2000 English Scots and Irish unimployed which the King of Spaine with consent sends with some others commanded by the Duke of York to assault Mardike but they after six houres conflict was forc'd to retire upon which the English and French straitly besieged Dunkirk to oppose them the Dukes of Austria and York and Condie assembled 16000 horse and foot 300 English foot gave the first onset who routing the Spanish foot the horse fled and the French pursued them till the Duke of York resisted but he was overpower'd and 2000 of the Spaniards fide was prisoners after which the Governor of Dunkirk the Marquess of Leda being slaine in a sallie Dunkirk was surrendred upon conditions and by the King of France and Cardinal in person put into the hands of the English About this time the Protestants of Piedmont was by their Duke of Savoy through the instigation of the Priests cruely forc'd into the woods the Protestants in many parts especially England contributed largely to them and at last Cromwell Protector of England got the King of France to mediate with the Duke for peace with them The Swede gathers a great Army having made a league with Brandenburgh comes into the Poles Country taking divers places as far as Wsee without a blow the Pole rendezvous 36 miles from Warsow had a hallowed sword sent him but the Swede giving him a great overthrow the King of Poland fled to Cracovia which yeelded to the Swede and the Pole fled towards Hungarie An Envoy came from the King of Polands Standardbarer in his name and other of the Nobility that seeing their King was fled out of his Country they submitted to the King of Swedeland as their Soveraign Elbin yeelded and the King of Swed made his Chancellor Governor of Prussia the Swede followed the King of Poland in Silesia beates him taking seaven Standards and sends to block up Danzick gives the Pole a great overthrow at Warsovia and now when the Pole in a manner lost all the Moscovite comes into Liesland against the Swede besieges Riga and the Emperor of Germany became the Swedes open enemy the Dane also came against him by Sea and Land and besieged Bremerverden from whence the Swede coming quickly drove him to Iutland the Swede goes then to Hulsten also takes Fredericks Ode after by the frost gets Funen Island the Poles now took Lisna destroyed many Protestants went into Prussia to Thorn the Swede and Dane make peace an Envoy came to the Swede from Cromwell Protector of England to assure him the Swedes enemies should be his enemies The pretended Lord Protector of England with fourteen daies sickness died the Ducth demanded of the Portugall the Isle of St. Thomas commerce with Brazeel The Turk demands double custome of the Christians at Ierusalem The French and some English enter Ostend on a surprise but are beaten out The Swede returne upon the Dane get into Zealand and besiege Copenhagen where was the King and Nobles of Denmark Corenburgh Caslte was yeelded to the Swede the Dane in a sally had 1500 disperst the Dutch fought for the Dane near Shoven where they lost eight Ships 100 men with Wittie Wittiens that died of his wounds the Swede only loosing two Ships but attempting to storm Copenhagen lost many valorous Officers and Soldiers in the tedious time of the Legure the King of Swedeland fell sick and died advising his Counsell to peace The K. of France marries the K. of Spains daughter concludes a peace who had been long enemies Embassadors come to the King of England from France Venice Holland to desire Amity Peace is supposed to be between England and Spaine war being made only by Cromwel The Turks with an Army of 80 thousand Tatrars now marches towards Germany subdues Transilvania places Soloni Gàber Prince carries away many thousand Christians Captives King Charles the Second of England his Restauration Richard Cromwell immediately after his Fathers death was by the Council Proclaimed the Lord Protector who not long after summond a Parliament which was very ready to settle the Government by a single person but in their proccedings being much for Tythes settling the Church and the Presbyterial Ministrie without the liberty others expected the Officers of the Army in consultation with some others resolve to bring again the Government to a Commonwealth which Richard Collonel Goff and others sought to oppose by drawing forces together who presently instead of fighting with run to Desboroughs and Lamberts party then the Officers of the Army put out the Parliament dethron'd Richard also the Soldiers in Ireland falling in with those in England Henry Cromwell is deprived of his Deputyship then the Army bring in the remaining part of the long Parliament of the year 41 excluding the secluded Members still who preently place all Officers for a Commonwealth put out others but people being now weary of the tossings of Government inclin'd to armes Sir George Booth appeard with an Army of above 6000 but the Parliament sent Lambert who subdued him he endeavouring to escape in womens apparrel was taken prisoner the Parliament upon Lamberts returne gave him 1000 pound not long after Lamberts and Desboroughs friends in the Army Petition to the Parliament for a general for which the Parl. percieving a single person againe aim'd at put out Lambert Desborough and seaven Officers of the Army more Colonell Morlie guarding the Parliament Lambert with a party stops their going to the house Morlie requires their admition they stood one against another with their guns cockt ready to fight but the Counsell of State perceiving that the Soldiers would all be of Lamberts side ordered the guards to goe home the Parliament sitting no more the Officers of the Army at Walingford house make Fleetwood General Lambert Lieftenant General Desborough Major-Generall of the horse and Monk of the foot and erected a Committee of Safety but upon dissatisfaction by letters Monck complain'd of their turning out the Parliament Lambert goes with an Army of 10000 against him Monk sent Commissioners to treat at London but on their returne being not satisfied with what his Commissioners had done he marching towards England desired another Treaty at Newcastle and call'd a convention in Scotland who assisted him in his motion Hazlerig and Morley sease on Portsmouth with whom many of the Soldiers joyn'd for the Parliament and the Navie also declare against Lambert the Soldiers about London fell in also for the Parliament the Parl. now sitting Lamberts Army deserted him Monk marches towards London the Counties and London by Commissioners hinted their desire privately to him the Parliament sent Commissioners to him who satisfied the Parliament in him he gave uncertain hopes by his carriage and letters to all but promis'd he would be for the Parliament and against Lambert the Parliament entertain
assisted with twenty two Lords they lost by storme three Gallies as soon as out of Sea coming near England a Fleming inform'd the English Admirall and Sir Francis Drake who quickly with what Shipps they had put the Spaniards Ships to disorder and took one with instructions in it what the Spaniards should doe if they conquerd wherein was part of their Treasure also the Spaniards Anchord at Callis the English send fire Ships besmear'd with Rozume and Brimstone among them in dead of night which made them put to Sea in confusion towards Ireland which Sea being tempestuous many of their Ships run upon sands scarce fourteen got safe home for which there was appointed thanksgiving to God The Scots was dealt with towards entring an Army that way but King James prevented it the King married the King of Denmarks Daughter Drake now took several places from the Spaniard the Popish Lords in Scotland made no small stir for their Interest And a Cardinall wrote against King James but all was crusht the Queens Physitian was put to death for plotting her death Balls was sent to fire the English Fleet a Navie from England takes Cadis vanquisht the Spanish Fleet releiv'd prisoners the Spaniard answerd it with another fleet the greatest part of which was cast away One Walop came to poyson the Queens saddle with the benediction of a Jesuit who would pawn his Soul for him The Queen sent another Fleet under Essex to take the Spaniards Indie Fleet but stormes gave leave onely for Essex to returne safe who was after sent Deputy in Ireland with an Army with whom the Queen was displeas'd and he came into England unlookt for was beheaded but Tyrone in Ireland the Spaniards which was sent thither by the Popes advice was all subdued Brute came from Rome against King James Priests was Proclam'd to depart the Realm Queen Elizabeth dying King James was proclamed King of England Scotland France and Ireland several was found in a conspiracy against him two Priests was executed one affirming the King no King till Crown'd the Jesuits was now banisht but a little after the great designe of Gun-powder Treason was laid for blowing up King and Parliament by putting barrels of Powder in a vault where the Plotters went with dark Lanthorns which was discover'd by a Messenger carrying a letter to a rong person Hawks and others was hang'd for it There was another Proclamation against Roman Priests and an Order that all that came from beyond Sea should take the Oath of Allegiance which Garrat refusing he was executed after the Oath was imposed on all now in 1612 died Prince Henry whose sister married the Palsgrave The Jews continue hardned in their unbelief scatterd about the world many of them are rich and cunning Merchants but enjoy not Land or Majestracy in some places they are admitted with their Synagogues in other places only to trade but in Spain and elsewhere if they be known they lose life and estate but if they cannot get enough to transport themselves they seem to live and die Christians About this time Ninety thousand Moros was driven out of Spain Mathias In his times great warrs was between the Duke of Austria who by conditions from the Emperor was K. of Bohemia also with the Protestant people of Bohemia upon the account of Religion Mathias reigned but about 6 years Ferdinand the second what remarkables in and after his time he vigorously prosecuted the war with the Bohemian Protestants Frederick Elector Palatine K. of Bohemia Brother to K. Charles of Engl. K. of Bohemia was in Fight under Prague overcome and fled to Holland the Bohemian Provinces now returning to the obedience of the Emperor who restor'd the Jesuits in Prague several other places yeelded also to the Emperor Breda was taken by the Spaniard Rochell now calls forth the English who under the Duke of Buckingham with about 120 Ships possessed the Island of Ree all but the Castle but sucker coming from the King of France they was driven out again the King after besieges Rochell which brought to extremity veelded and was turn'd to a kind of Village Gustanus King of Sweathland and the Lutheran Princes gave the Catholick Army under Tillie a great blow slaying near 10000. The Swedes subdued all Franconie the Saxon also a friend of the Sweede invaded Bohemia and also Prague the Swedes went through Alsatia and Bavaria but some of the Emperial Princes desire the King of Frances aide Vulsteine now Captaine of the Catholicks recovers Prague and at Lutzen fights with the Swede two daies in which the King was slain the Chancellor still undertook the war the Duke of Bavaria was now the Commander of the Emperors party several fights passed Frankford was taken two or three times and Luna four times the Emperor displac'd his general made his son the King of Hungarie who took Hedleburgh Spaine assists him he takes also several townes in lower Franconie the Sweeds confer with the Protestants the Duke of Newburgh desires to be Newter for which the Sweede after afflicts him The Dutch in the West-Indies take 2 Ships with sixty Tunne of gold and at Ginnie 1044 pound waite of gold and bring the Island of Pacunia under their yoke In the East-Indies they took seaven Ships possess the best Island for Salt also Paraibus in Poland the King could not assist the Emperor because the States which chose him would not consent In England now was a great fire on London-bridge the winde turning suddenly from Thames-streete where much Pitch and Tarr was Aturne Noy set on foot Ship-money and now was several Patents of Commodities granted Hambden had a Tryal with the King about Shipmoney The Sweeds beats the Emperor In England Prin wrote against Stage-plays and Burton wrote against Bishops who were censured in Star-Chamber loosing their eares and was exild The Scots now refused to admit of the Liturgie and Bishops The Spaniard punish the Dutch at Dunkirk but the Dutch Admiral Trump so beat the Spanish Fleet that fifteen scarce escapt of fifty Ships The Scots raise an Army to prevent any to hinder them of what they ingage for the King marches to them the Scots declare they intend not the least hurt to the King the English refusing to fight the Scots they had good conditions the Palatinate receiving help from the King of England takes in Westphalia but the Emperor Ferdinand the second scatters his forces takes his brother Rupert who getting his liberty goes to help his unkle against the Parliaments forces In May 1630 the Merchants of London sent the Ship Salutation for Green-land arived there in June following with two other Ships all commanded by Captain Goodlier the Ship where the Captain was meeting with store of Whales sent for the Salutation to take in part of the Trane Oyle as they went meeting with cross winds the Master sent eight men a shore to kill Venison who took with them a brace of doggs A Snaphance two Lances and