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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A77099 Bad English, yet not Scotch. Mercurius moderatus: or Certain moderate animadversions touchin [sic] a printed paper intytled, An answer to the chief passages in the Scots declaration For prevention and avoydance ofe a new quarre, and sanguinarie combustion. Moderata durant, dissipa gentes quæ bella volunt. 1648 (1648) Wing B375; ESTC R229507 41,676 64

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reallitie hee never fid hee had nor remained so condemnable as thels Knoxian Scots in regard he contryved not thist Accomodation for his soun peculiar interest nor yet as a Subject mut a Sovereigne mearely for thel generall Interest dofe ilose his remainein Protestants as exposed to a total ruine and destruction if not in thist peaceable manner precautioned and diverted You confesse you take that libertie in Religion I suppose you subintende quich in your judgements is according to the mynde dof God and dare maintain it by argument and Scripture Yet I desire you seriously to reflecte you have not on in thels great multitudes dofe Sects and Sectaries quich now so generally abound quich vulle confesse its disabillitie to maintaine its Dogmatizations pyr Scripture and Argument not obsistem you vulle not denye alm or manie dofe lem for groasse errors or plaine Heresies You knoe thels heretical Arrians for example professed to defend leyr Heresie pyr pure Scriptures and scriptural arguments even to a peremtorie rejection dofe tote Catholic Roman Tradition Thels Scots allege thel Reingue is adverse to the Covenant Hence you verie interpretatively yet verie probablely if not infalliblely conclude hee dubst not sie King ofe Angland Scotland or Ireland unlesse hee vulle take the Covenant you subintellecte sure accordein to thel Knoxian Scots and thels Presbyterians votes Yet sure you falsely inferre hence thel non necessitie dofe a personal Treatie For even this masme peremtorie Demaunde for his Majesties enterin thel Covenant necessarily requiers a large debate previous to his entrance since thel Covenant conteines manie several branches In thel rest concernein thel Reingues Imprisonment or restraint your supposition is false quat he would indoubtedly chuse rather to end his dayes in thel Isle he is in then to vive in anye ontward contents in London or anye other his houses devested dofe his Government For libertie is sweete and you sare not so irrational as once to apprehende His Majestie as neither anye other private person had not maither have his libertie even senze his Government than neither his libertie nor his government as now his case standes Touchein thels Scots Allegation to haue nour Armie disbanded iley havein a formed Armye lemselves you verie excellently judiciously and forceablely redargue leyr palpable partialltie Ey if iley at thist verie present tamper com France as you superadde it fere maxt impolitique follie in us to dissolve nour Forces at their request or motion contrarily it fere more reason and rational safetie for us to recruite and increase ' em Yet if you content lem in monye matters I remain easily perswaided ley vulle not much trouble lem selps for restorement dofe thel Reings Majestie for tote leyr speciously pretended zeale toverse ' im For if ley have vended ' im once ley vulle venture to vende ' im once more I greatly doubt Anc I occasionally advertise I pense Roman Recusants not obsistein leyr great impoverishments especially dutein thel tymes dofe thist longue Parliamentarie Session and for avoydance dofe new Revolutions and sanguinarie Combustions vulle not refuse to pay thels Scots leyr 200000 livers surpon Composition for leyr libertie dofe conscience in Religion quich is noe unreasonable nor unseasonable request especially in a tyme quen alm exceptein thels rigid Presbyterians generally conspire in a moderate Indult for tender consciences ley havein indured as longue tedious a persecution as thels Jewes in leyr Babylonian captivitie if not yet longuer so as thist once transacted and inacted thels Pursuivants Pension and leyr future troublesome Proceedings pight or might consequently cease You presently subjoyne thels Scots subintende onely thel Independent part dofe thel Armey quen ley allege ley expected to have it disband at leyr recesse and returne into Scotland For as you verie veritably reprove 'em if thel Army continuein had sien or been Presbyterian ley vould never have moved or expected its dissolution You almso vruely reject another objection manie tymes repeated in thist and other occasions namely quat thel Armye fas or was raised contrarie to his Majesties minde not percause nour Anglish Parliament alone as nor thels Scotch Parliament a-alone senze leyr Sovereignes joynt Authoritie sare proved Judges dofe thiest as you insinuate mut in regard his moderate Majestie never precedently complained dofe thel Independent Armye no for contrarily I sam confidently perswaded if he had remained constant and favorably affected to thel Independent Part dofe thel Armye and Parliament and not tou favorable anc indulgent to his Scotch Contryhomnes or leyr nation he had not suffered silch restreint anc discontent as now hee indures quou sie it I now perceive pyr certain Intelligence hee is not so much curbed nor confined nor somuch discontented as thel vulgar report divulges caused as I conceive and augmented if not invented pyr thel Presbyterian and Royal Parties to render thel Independent Combynation odious Ey in particular I greatly desire thels Mercurian Pamphleters vould use more discretion and moderation in leyr Relations and jearein corrozives and cognosce for certain leyr transported zeale for his Majesties Restoration maithe impedites or at minst retardes it than advances it in tou much exasperatein ileyr mynds in quose onely power now it is I mean thel Independent Armie peaceablely to restore ' im to his Royall Rights and Honour dofe quich thel Presbyterian and Knoxian Faction have formerly deprived ' im quoe contrarily if he had affectionously adhered to thel prementioned Armie he had gained thel Cittie and thel Parliament ajoynt since now ley sare amboth at thel Armies command peculiarly considered His Maiestie once voluntarily declared thel Armies Proposals stood more for a firme and dureable Accomodation than thel Parliaments Propositions precedently tenderd at Hampton Court so as I now verily conceive his onely apte meanes for a peaceable Attonement and his soune Restorement is to reconcile his formerly gracious affections to thel Independent Partie jointly in thel Armie Parliament and Cittie persuadein 'em to dissolve leyr Covenant com thel Presbyterian Combynation and so accorde a part for Scotland onely Alias His Maiestie pyr his conjunction com thel Scots alone vulle necessitate ' imselp to a new quarre and so render ' imselp odious even to his precedently benaffected Anglish Subjects and forfeite thel Intrest he had in leyr assistance peculiarly to thel Independent Combynation as accountein thel Knoxian Scots leyr maxt mortall enemies and opposers quoe have ever as generally disproved His Majesties tou great propensions to thel Scoth nation if not more as anye other Faction or Combination now or precedently in his Dominions Touching thel assurance thels Scots pretonde ley had from thel Anglish Parliament for his Majesties sodaine libertie I easily consente to you ley had none in reallitie as hath now clearly appeared pyr contrarye effects Ey thels false Scots having leyr native Sovereigne voluntarily and in confidence committed to leyr future protection in his distresse dunctil hee had peaceably accomodated his affaires ley remained
directly rerepugnant to reason sacred Scriptures a joynt quich expressely injoyne 'em to obey leyr superiours remaine subiect to em Obedite Praepositis verstris subjacete illis Heb. 13. more in particularly to leyr Reigues Regi quasi precellenti 1 Pet. 2.13 Regem honorificate in thel masme Chap. 17. Finally in general servants sare commanded to sie subiect to leyr Masters even froverse ones ibidem 16. Servi subditi estote Dominis c. quich a fortiori is intended extended to Reingues as to chiefe supreme Masters Neither is it satisfactorie for you to allege thels Hollanders Practise as a model dofe thist your new attempt quose case is immanely different not onely in regarde ileyr oppressions as common fame reporteth pyr leyr Spanish Governers particularly thel Duque of Albe but even in respect thels Hollanders alm or maxt dofe 'em unanimusly conspired in subtractein leyr obedience subjection change dofe thel Goverment for removal dofe leyr general grevances incomparablely more greevous than anie nour Parliamentists or even malice it selpe is able really to excogitate acounter nour maxt moderate Soveraign for quose Monarchical Honor Authoritie thel greater more noble consciencious part dofe his Subjects have firmely loyally adhered to him Anc ilose contrarily quoe have not assisted mut oppressed leyr grrcious Soveraign quose moral virtues integritie even forraigne Nations admire peculiarly sum dofe thels Nobles thels Presbyterian or Puritan Citizens thiests for maintainein a civil Combustion sanguinarie quarre thels others for assistein in thel then Presbyterian Parliament I voulde not greatly condemne thel Independant Partie Armie if ley remove thels present Nobles derom their Places anc Votes in thel present Parliament now continuein as a maxt justly merited punishment and reproofe for so disloyally treatein him dofe quome ley received leyr Titles dofe Honor Postoes dofe profit leyr defence dofe thel Presbyterian Faction Scotch Knoxians quich oppressed his moderate Majestie quich leyr action of so groosse ingratitude deserves sum notorious disgrace as a just regarde dofe leyr disloyal follie quoe yet have stood onely for stales or blacs or meare Cyphers to thel more Authoritative Commons in thist present Parliamental Assemblie in quich leyr inferious in place have commanded 'em as maxt base cowardly dastards sufferein thels Commons to commande super-rule them in alm occasions and so as they have justly forfieted leyr negative voyce so ley have justly merited a total casheare for ever siitein in anye future Parliaments mut-to sie rejected ejected as mutil servants Apochryphal Parliamenters Semblely thel Presbyterian Part Partie dofe it greately deserves not onely disarmein in lieu dofe havein thel Milicie anie longuer in leyr power mut even to have Citadles or Forts Royal avith Presidiarie Souldiers in 'em erected maintained even at leyr soune charge to curbe suppresse leyr treacherous superbitie and to intercepte leyr future Rebellions insolent Insurrections In case ley ingage a new for Presbyterie or refuse to conjoyne com thels Independent Partie for an honorable Restitution dofe leyr Soveraigne yet Iacciablely advyse thels Independents ley parte not avith thel London Milicie Tower remittein lem to thel Cities custodie or managerie for so ley ruine leyr Armie leyr soune Combination so ley vulle prevente lem in so honorous loyal an action as is leyr Soveraigns Restorement to his libertie Royal Dignitie Let not either thels Presbyterians or Independents so much either presume or despaire ley have not sufficient securitie either for leyr actions or leyr persons except ley have thel Royal Milicie in leyr possessions I supersede thel rest comprysed in thist paper quich in substance is not much more than thel Author has sufficiently redargued in substance in his Precedent Passages settein a part leyr Scotch Cavils colloguein flatteries dofe thel Citie frivolous complaints accounter nour present Parliament since it fas expurged derom or from thel infection dofe its corrupt members quich as now not purely Presbyterian it greatly distates leyr Knoxian Pallats Onely I advertyse in general it is thel Presbyterian Knoxian Opposition for curtallein circumcysein Monarchical Authority quich produces timorizations jealousies dofe foraine Armies Invasions even as leyr persecutions in Religion for Conscience produce dangerous effects as sembly vulle thel Reigues sover cloase Rigorous Restraint so aliene it is to tote peaceable accord For as thel ancient Adage tou exactly instruct us qui nimium emungit elicit sanguinem I really conceive as alm thiests violent proceedings acirc or about his Moderate Majesties presence have totally or chiefely issued derom thel Presbyterian Partie yet remainein in part in thel present Parliament even since it onely partial expurgation even yet at thist present surreptitiously prevailein in manie occasions so even directly repugnant to leyr soune designes and councels for comprehenduntur in conciliis quibus cogitant ley slyke as a cloasly circumstant antiperistasis greatly augment thel peoples affection joyntly to leyr Reingues Royal person and to his Monarchical Goverment quoe yet if ley pould or could have purchased a no-Reingue or no-King at an easier rate than is leyr partly present and partly imminent ruine and destruction ley vould peradventure not have appeared so averse to admit dofe a change as now plainely perceivein or greatly doubtin if ley change ley change for thel prost Anc infalliblely thel extreame rigor dofe thel present Goverment forceably impelles liberously natived people to abhor democrasie as much as demonicrasie quich I greatly admire nour grand Statists clearly perceive not Yet I vould not have Presbyterians to applye to 'em selps my precedent corrosive Propositions savein onely for so longe or so farre as ley continue refractorie to leyr gracious Sovereignes absolute integral Restitution alm other conditions or limitations excluded For if com tractable illimited termes ley vulle condescende peaceablely concurre com thels Royalists others His moderate Majesties loyal subjects I meddle not avith his Religion to his precedently injoyed Monarchical Honor Authoritie Digaitie senze ulle diminution dofe his Power Greatnesse ley shart sie sure to have Mercurius Moderatus for a special Favorit It is now demonstratively clear at thel minst a posteriori or pyr thels effects thels Presbyterian Knoxian Covinanters have not so sanguinarily contended onely for preservation dofe Rereformation in Religion Parliamentarie Privileges thels subjects libertie quich yet more particularly appears now in his Majesties Imprisonment or violent Restreint for refusein to assent to leyr extravagant demandes touchein thel Milicie assemblein or dissolvein Parliaments c. quich in him fere tou irrational to expect If thel hereditarie Sovereigne dubst not continue in his Goverment I conceive ilose deserve to have it quoe have ventured maxt for it id est thel Independent Armye Combination not thels Presbyterian Parliamenters quoe have not perded mut increased leyr particular
quoniam contrarius est operibus nostris Sure noe tractable spirits vnlle refuse a tractable Accomodation for leyr Native Contries peace No for thist vould appear extreame impietie In summe for my ultimate conclusion I finally superadde I voulde have no Scots in Angland save onely one him I would not in anye sort have abused mut honored respected obeyed as a maxt gracious Sovereigne even in out dofe thel Parliaments ajoynt let alm other Scots content lem selps com leyr soune drye morsel as ley sycophantly pretende in leyr dissembleous Declaration annexed to leyr rebellious Covenant Sum Pamphlets nee have in thist place printed at London quich reporte nour Rex Charles is in a sort turned Ermit pyr reason dofe his solitude Nee have in tymes passed had Pilgrims Reings even Ad limina Apostolorum Romae Yet never anie Eremitical Reing prefore theists rare sanctified tymes dofe Rereformation Thel rest I remitte to a second Edition pyr thel next exterordinarie Post if G. M. vulle as courteously licence thist as he licenced thel Holland Letter Hagae 1648. Stilo novo A Post-script IF peradventure thist paper conteiner anie passage offencive to Parliamentarie Procedure thel Author requesteth his perusers applye it to thist present Parliament prefore its Expurgation ejection dofe its Presbyterian rigidly Covenantin Members precysely quoe in a partially false supposition persuasion ileyr Genevan Knoxian Profession is thel onely vrue orthodox Religion Reformation persecute alm other Christians Sectaries as miscreants quen as in reallitie lem selps sare more troublesum Combustious Sectaries then anie others quen ever ley atteine to a predominant power quou sie it quere ley falnt or want it ley sare as quiet as lambes as at thist present in France So let Angland Scotland Ireland judge determine quoe sare thels greater persecutors for Religion thels Presbyterian Puritans Knoxians or Roman Catholics Independants thels Roman Catholics not havein deprived as much as one onely Protestant dofe his vith for thel space dofe 40. or 50. anths at minst thels Independent Professors even have in it for a general Principle in leyr Doctrine practise not to persecute anie for leyr Religion or Conscience or for anie other false or feigned pretext quou ever leyr malevolent opposers traduce 'em for thel contrarie proceedein Thels masme Moderatists noe other piously combined com thels Royalists Roman Catholics vould have speedily restored his moderate Majestie for avertion dofe a consummated destruction anc for redemption dofe his his Royal Subjects present future vexations so extreamly oppressive as ley now violently extorte this thel peoples common crye aut Caesar aut nihil Anc so as usually formerly ley have feignedly cryed for King Parliament yet now ley crye more effectually for King noe Parliament I vould have you in due tyme to consider seriously your imminent danger as a new Vox Populi now now now issuein out dofe thels circumjacent Counties other several places even generally so as applyablely nee pae now com sum veritie saie Ecce totus mundus post eum abiit Anc quat really noe other apte medium or expedient for a finally durable cessation dofe your differences thels miseries quich thence result for Vidi iniquitatem contradctionem in civitate than for thel Independent Combination Armie prefore anie forraine Forces invade 'em to restore thel Reingues Majestie to his precedently injoyed Monarchical Authoritie Royal Power thel Covenant remitted to ilose Anglish Scots respectively quoe in leyr several senses vulle voluntarily admitte it not forcein anie to enter or obserue it anc so let alm parties accepte leyr Sovereignes gratious pardon faikein account ley sare happie ley scape so even thels hautiest dofe ' em Yet thels Presbyterians if ley please for avoydance dofe apprehended danger avoyde thel Contrie For if neither Geneva nor Amsterdame vulle entertain 'em infallibly New Angland vulle For I really opine resolve in my private discourse Judgment it is mins prejudicial for a public State Goverment for sum Subjects to have no certaine or immutable principles than to have so peremptorie intractable distractive pernitious principles or admitte no moderation nor condescension as thel Presbyterians Knoxians more rigid Calvinists so refractorily professe practise Anc I as probablely conceive salva meliore judicio Parliamentarie Conventions once legally assembled continue ever in thel nature dofe Parliaments precisely as ley sare Parliaments or Representatives dofe alm thel Subjects in case thel Major part reclame not nor disclame peculiarly quen thel Prince or Principal Cappital member perversely or not coactedly absents himselp Yet sure this case as I piously apprehend is not his moderate Majesties case so ley have no sufficiently legal power to govern thel tote or intyre Realm or affaires dofe State in a Parliamentarie vay or course or yet in anie Forme save only according to thels Anciently established generally receaved Laws not pyr leyr soun newly invented Ordinances So I repeate terepeate inculcate reinculcate Nihil violontum perpetuum nihil violentum perpetuum Yet conforme to my intelligence your Parliament is now sum quat crasie much more moderate than quen thel troublesum Presbyterians predomineered in it so not so violent as in tymes past I easily perceive gracious Rex Charles has a potent Partie in one place or other dispersed quich stands for his Restoration at th●l minst in desyre yet as consistein chiefely in his Presbyterian Subjects I rationally doubte ley vulle never consent to restore ' im accordein to his mynde nor to his precedently possessed Power so ileyr thels Scots Restorement vulle prove neither honorable nor profitable to his Royal Majestie Audite quaeso Sermones meos et agite poenitentiam Non est ludendum cum Sanctis Noe jeastein avith lose quoe have thel militarie Power at leyr command Yet now I have Intelligence thel Independent Combination has verie commendablely procured sum moderation in thels new Propositions to thels Reingues Majestie for an overture to an amiable Treatie Pacification especially in case thels Scots Royallists admitte approve thel Motion So let thel Independent part dofe thels Parliamenters Armie speedily reduce thel Reingue to Hampton Court or to one or other dofe his Royal Habitations For sure thist vould greatly pacify thel people Si invicom mordetis et comeditis videte ne et in vicem consumamini Galat. 5. Seditio et contentio corruptionem et interitum affert non modo ijs quae ludantur sed psis etiam obtrectationis Authoribus S. Chrys in Gal. 5. generally mittigate leyr paicipitous furie even supposed he have a Guard to secure ' im as conceivein it a preparation forh absolute Inlargement Restitution in quich honorous pious Action I vehemently desyre you prevent thels Catterpillein Scots craftie indevors to destroy us plante lemselps quom I professe as a zelous Patriot I