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A53388 Eikon basilikē, or, The picture of the late King James, drawn to the life in which is made manifest, that the whole course of his life hath to this day been a continued conspiracy against the Protestant religion, laws and liberties of the three kingdoms : in a letter to himself, and humbly dedicated to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, William the Third ... / by Titus Oates. Oates, Titus, 1649-1705. 1696 (1696) Wing O36; ESTC R17038 168,273 168

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cut him off whilst Hill slept in a Pocky Skin Now Sir to lay open to you and the whole World the truth of this matter I pray observe that this Hill and this Riggs were in your Pay to be Spies upon the Conversations of several Honest men as Butler and Seely was afterwards in your Brothers for the same purpose Riggs and Hill gets into the Company of several Dissenters and in their hearing did talk at a strange rate against the Government and what a secret Cabal there was meeting in London for the change of the same and how that the King your Brother and your self were for introducing Popery and Slavery But to prevent your Attempts of that sort the said Riggs and Hill told them That Arms and Ammunition were provided and that a number of honest men were left to rise and defend the true Religion Laws and Liberties of the Kingdom and that Deale Castle and Windsor Castle were to be surprized This sort of Talk they had with some few honest men who in the Integrity of their Hearts confessed that they heard Hill and Riggs talk at this rate Nay these Devils could not deny but that they did use this sort of talk and intimated that they had a License so to do Notwithstanding these poor Creatures denied that ever they had any hand in any such Conspiracy nor indeed was any thing proved but what Hill and Riggs swore they had talk'd to them yet they were condemn'd and basely murder'd and their Families ruin'd by your procurement and Hill and Riggs escaped with Impunity tho' not without Infamy Your Jesuites would have courted them both to the Church of Rome but they appearing to be such Rogues they were afraid they would be a Disgrace to them who from their rising up in the World had themselves been a Scandal and Disgrace to the Creation of God 5. You having some Success in this your Conspirators would not be idle but drew in some warm Men into another Conspiracy in the North. The then Sheriff of the County of York and a great man whose Name I will omit because he did in part afterwards make England some amends for that piece of Villany you know at that time to please the Court he was reconciled to the Church of Rome and no doubt whilst so he was a fit Tool to carry on so wicked a Design which was to discourse of the Oppression the Nation lay under thro' the Duties of Excise c. and the disturbance that the Lawyers had made in the Kingdom That your Brother and you were bringing in of Popery and Slavery at which these poor Creatures were enflam'd and being promis'd the supply of Mony and by the High Sheriff the Assistance of Posse Comitatus they were drawn in to engage But alas it was but a Trappan they were taken and executed upon the Evidence of some of them that were engaged with them but how you rewarded that Person of Quality afterwards it is well-enough known This was another of your Projects as the Person of Quality you employed hath told to several Friends with great Grief some of whom are alive to this day But not to forget one passage let me tell you that you and your Conspirators made at the Tryal of Mr. Alured two Witnesses of one Man first he appear'd in a strange disguise with one Eye and gave his Testimony under one Name and then withdrew and appear'd in his common Dress and gave his testimony by his own Name and so Alured was murder'd by the Conspirators This can be prov'd by good testimony 6. I will give you a short Truth of the Fire of London how that Eight Men were executed for having a design to fire the City of London on the third of September 1666. And great care was taken to lay it upon the Fifth-Monarchy-Men and the old Officers of the Army that served under the Parliament but in truth it was contrived by your self and your wicked Popish Party and by you and them carried on to destroy that great Protestant City that with more ease you and your Accomplices might introduce Popery and Slavery among us for London was the Bulwark of the Protestant Religion and English Liberties and therefore she must be made a Burnt-Offering to your self and Hellish Popish Crew 7. Another Instance of your Conspirators shamming their Plots upon poor innocent Protestants and that is the Case of the Lord Claypool and by this cast an Odium upon the whole body of Protestant Dissenters For in the Month of August just about the time that your Conspirators were to execute their wicked Design to destroy the King then you deal with Secretary Coventry to clap up that poor innocent Gentleman for designing to seize the King as he went to Newmarket and you had two Witnesses ready at hand to have sworn that Design against him the said Claypool who was by the Secretary's Warrant arrested for High Treason But he the said Claypool knowing nothing of the matter demanded to know his Accusers that was according to that Villain 's usual way deny'd him and he frown'd upon as if he had been the greatest Knave in England next to Coventry himself Claypool was as stout as that Knave of a Secretary was proud and insolent and as for Claypool he would scarce answer any Question so away he was sent to the Tower a close Prisoner This startled every one except the Conspirators and my self who was privy to the whole business by the repeated Orders Coleman receiv'd from Sir your self for his Prosecution that when the Blow was given upon the King it might be charg'd upon the Fanaticks And to that end Sing and Throgmorton two virulent Papists and Butler and Seely two Popish Spies of your Brother's and yours both pretended Fanaticks the last I think is a Cornish man and was a Major in the late Protector 's Army so that you and all your Popish Conspirators intended as one Man to revenge the Death of the King on the Dissenting Party concluding that the Vermin of the Church of England would strike in with the Popish Party since they hated a Dissenter worse than a Papist tho' differing from them only in a few scoundrel Ceremonies not worthy to wipe a Porter's Tail withal Therefore as a Prologue to that cursed Design you could not think of a man fitter than this Lord Claypool he being Son-in-Law to that Lord Protector Cromwell but you and your Villains were disappointed for a time from destroying the King for when the true Plot was discover'd your devilish Witnesses against the Protestant Party disappear'd And so much for Claypool 8. Another Instance of your implacable Hatred to the Protestants and of your designing to sham a Plot upon them was your old and very good Friend Mr. Thomas Blood whom you and your Brother set upon my self to bring me into a Conspiracy with Richard late Lord Protector and him the said Blood to dethrone your Brother and your self which Sir
that the King your Brother was brought to that state of Security that if any Male-content among them should not prove true to them and their Design his Majesty would not give ear to their Information and therefore prayed them to be diligent for now was the time or never and accordingly Messengers were sent to Father La Chaise viz. Edward Nevil your Confessor and William Busby to carry the aforesaid Letters to La Chaise and these did bring home La Chaise's Answer and withal several Letters that Coleman had written to him upon that Affair in your Name and by your Command that bore date in the month of January as these also did in the month of January 1677 8. some little time before the Parliament sat down And then Sir there was a Pension obtained for Coleman your diligent Secretary of 2000 Crowns a Year and another from Rome but what that was I do not so well remember But this is not to be forgotten that the Fathers of S. Omers had great Assurance of considerable Sums from the Pope and from the General of the Jesuits if any Progress were made in that Glorious Attempt Here Sir you and your Party signalize your selves in several particulars worthy of your being put in mind of 1. The great Preparations that were made for the Rising of the Irish Papists 2. That the great Design of Rising was for the Defence of their Liberties and Religion 3. You were not certain but that your Brother might engage in earnest with the Parliament for entring into an actual War with France 4. That in case he should your Conspirators would let in French Forces into Ireland 5. That your Brother was brought to such a state of Security that if any Malecontent amongst you should not prove true to you or your Design he would not give ear to their Information 1. The great Preparations that were made for the Rising of the Irish Papists and this your Agent Talbot was engaged in and your Secretary Coleman was privy to it and you too by the Letters that Coleman wrote by your Order to the said La Chaise with whom you your self left this Jesuit to correspond Coleman being a Servant to you and a trusty one too But there were many Protestants that had their Eyes opened and made their Observations of the Carriage of your Teagues how imprudently insolent they had been and how they were Armed and Countenanced by some in the Government and therefore they can attest the Truth of this Proposition of mine and they are Men of unexceptionable Credit So that if you will try the Merits of the Cause you may come forth and be heard 2. That the great Design of Rising was for the Defence of their Liberties and Religion and the Recovery of their Estates You know Sir that you were converted to the Religion of the Church of Rome and you were so zealous for it even to a Miracle that you regarded nothing in the World in Comparison of your Religion And so it was with your Friends here in Ireland and whilst the English Protestants were uppermost you had instilled this Principle in them by your Jesuites and other Conspirators that they were but Slaves And as for those that could not recover their Estates forfeited by Rebellion by the dint of Perjury they must try by the dint of the Sword to destroy the English Protestant Interest or else they were not only Slaves but Beggars too into the bargain 3. They were not certain but that the King your Brother might engage in earnest with the Parliament in an actual War against France you know Sir he had been but uncertain in his Proceedings with you in this damnable Conspiracy for he had broke the Engagements that he had made with Madam your Sister in the Establishing the Popish Religion in Ireland and that he had passed the Test Bill in England and that he refused to sign Coleman's Declaration for the dissolving the Parliament notwithstanding his solemn Engagements to you and your Party to do it and that he received the Sacrament in his Chappel according to the Usage of the Church of England though he had received the same but that morning from Ireland the Jesuit according to the Rites of the Church of Rome and therefore neither Teague nor your self were sure of him 4. In Case he should heartily engage with the Parliament in an actual War against France your Conspirators would let in French Forces into Ireland and so they did when you Trayterously Invaded that Kingdom and what they did for you then they would have done as much for you eight or ten Years before They were zealous for the Popish Religion and so were you and your Interests were both one and they are to this day I think I need not go further to prove that Point 5. The King your Brother was brought to such a state of Security that if any Malecontent amongst you should not be true to you or your Design he would not give ear to their Information you know who it was that so governed the King and led him by the Nose but you supposed your selves safe But this remember that when Information was made of this Hellish Conspiracy the King your Brother heard it and the Evidence was so strong and the Plot made so plain that he could not gainsay it he being in every part of it himself excepting that of his own Life and was convinced that the Parliament ought to have the Examination of the same put into their hands which was accordingly done And what the Parliament that was within some few days after the Discovery thereof to sit did do and what Credit they gave to it and three other Parliaments you and your Followers cannot forget 9. Your Conspirators the Jesuites from St. Omer's were made acquainted by Letters from those of London in conjunction with your Servant Coleman That William Morgan and one Lovel Jesuites were dispatched as Messengers into Ireland to see how Affairs stood there and this Morgan's and his Companion 's Charges were paid by the said Coleman who gave them Instructions in your Name to encourage the Irish Papists to defend their Religion and Liberties And Coleman and the Jesuites transmitted 2000 Pound for the Supply of their present Wants and a Promise of 4000 Pound was in your Name made by Coleman and the Jesuites in case there should be any Action But Sir these Messengers Morgan and Lovel they went away on the last of January 1677 8. and returned the latter part of March following and gave such a melancholy Account of Peter Talbot's lavishing the Money that you had in a special manner entrusted him withal and not applying the same for the use of the Irish as you had directed that it strook a great Damp upon the Minds of your Conspirators here in London and That the said Talbot had forged Receipts of several Summs of Money by him pay'd to several of their Officers though the same were