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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A75428 An ansvver to the chief, or materiall heads & passages of the late declaration, called, The declaration of the kingdome of Scotland and ansvver to the commissioners to both Houses of Parliament, upon the new propositions of peace, and the foure bills. Imprimatur, Gilb. Mabbot. 1648 (1648) Wing A3398; Thomason E421_32; ESTC R204779 19,190 26

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what Letter was sent to the Parliament after the battel at Marston-moor by the Generals Which you conceive to be the cause of the alterations A terrible disgrace to the Parliament as if the Parliament were moved in the least by the London Remonstrance drest at Worcester house This you say might have been prevented if the Parliament at first framing the new Model had hearkened to the advice of taking the covenant c. It 's true then there had been an Army that would not have subdued Englands enemies probably in one and twenty years and the Kingdom must have been subject all this while to plunder mens wives and daughters subject to the same condition as they were in the North. But the Proposition for London is left out in which formeerly it was ordained that they have their Militia in their own hands also the Tower and that their Militia go not out of the City but by their consent also an Act of Parliament for confirming their Charters Customs Liberties c. And an Act that all by-By-laws be as firm as an Act of Parliament with power to repeal them as they please and for good service done by Parliament For London these times give it over-great to be ruled either by King or Parliament and so reason bids no addition The people that govern in it in regard their skill is chiefly in getting money have little understanding in any thing else especially the Ancients in whom rule is and therefore subject to run several ways in a week therefore very unfit to manage weapons and most unfit to have charge of the Tower where all weapons are For Charter Priviledges c they have often been confirmed and if now forfeited as sure not the Act of oblivion puts in old State As for their by-By-laws being as good as an Act of Parliament if it were granted London would be undone for example all Acts done in Common-Councel relating to London are by-By-Laws no Acts of Parliament Put case they give Fifty Subsidies to Parliament To repair of Pauls To make a new Line of Communication And then give as much more to pull it down should they agree that their Militia that is the Train Bands or Housekeepers go to Newcastle or farther in arms and all these binding a man had better be a slave in Turkey then a free Citizen of London A hundred other instances might be given As for power of repealing there 's no danger if the making binde not Let it be considered what a brave City London would be if a company of Shoe-makers Taylors Chandlers Bricklayers Plaisterers and such like men who generally can neither write nor read shall be able to make Laws as good as if by King Lords and Commons agreed unto what will become of London and where is His Majesties Negative voyce or the Lords and Commons a Cobler of London is a brave man indeed As to the Court of Wards there seems to be no difference His Majesty is willing to part with it upon consideration and the Parliament is willing to give it For Deans and Chapters Lands intended for augmentation of means for ministers you wish it so To settle One hundred pounds a year and no more for every Minister and dividing the Parishes as equal as possible will do well but why the Ox should eat of any mans corn but his he treads out seems irregular There is one thing more that is The Bill for the Militia sent to the King gives power to put Soldiers into the Town of Barwick contrary to the large Treaty The words are no more but these That His Majesty consent that the Militia of the Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales and Town of Barwick also the Island of Garnsey and Jersey be in the hands of Parliament the reason of the naming Barwick being not for putting Soldiers in but because that Town is reckoned a part of Scotland and so named being not comprehended in England as is not Wales Garnsey and Jersey whence see how easie it is for discontent to finde fault where none is Somewhat might be added as to the late Dissent presented to His Majesty whose fore-goer was a Trumpet Truly your love is kindely taken and sure will be by England but the Trumpet cannot be terrible Your Dissent in matters of Religion is allowed you by Instructions but for the glory of the King you are required an endeavor and no more But to allow you the Dissent Consider whether this hath not been a means to keep His Majesty from consent and indeed it appears by His Majesties Answer that He is turned about thereby For whereas in one of His Messages He desires to give the Scots content apart now His main Objection putting Him upon refusal is your dissent and so you may be said to be the hinderers of a good Peace For let it be observed His Majesty gives no Reasons against the Bills onely in general they divest the Crown which for former failings in former Messages He was content to yield unto And so whereas His Majesty and the Commissioners of Scotland press that Argument or Reason may take place they now flie to they cannot agree or they dissent and there 's an end If any one had pleased to take this pains a little to undeceive the people this should have been willingly spared In that which the Parliament are to give in answer you will have things full and clear to all though it may be you may stay sometime in the mean time if this prove but a peparative to keep the mindes of men from being too much carried away with one story until they hear another it is all that is aimed at FINIS
if persecution or throwing out be a mark sure it s of truth rather then error The Parliament gives tolleration for Sects to set up in any place convenient This is but for trial to see whether they be consistent with the Civill Peace which if not they will suppresse them besides would not the Presbyters have that liberty Then as you would that men should do to you so do you to others And not liable to any penalty That 's the businesse The sword of the spirit is nothing without the fleshly sword That phrase Sir you shall be of this Religion Will you Nill you and none other not shall you worship any other way but the States way if you do to Lollords Tower you go Iesus Christ his Apostles tested or rather drank deep of this Cup of mercy from Jews and others Though it seems that this extends not to tollerate the worst yet men may write and discourse of all whatsoever For writing no doubt care will be taken that none shall so as to do hurt As to opinions you know in all parts in Latine men have taken liberty the main care is in not writing to disturb the civill Peace and truly all that can be written in seven years cannot strike deeper to set a kingdome in a fire of difference and a new War then this very Declaration of yours Printed in England without any Authority yea in defiance of Parl. yet is there not one word in any of the Treaties or Covenant that Mr. Iohn Cheesly shall have power to Print in England no nor any of the Commissioners For discouse you knovv disputations vvere allovved in the Universities and the best Schollars ever studied to maintain that vvhich vvas contrary to received truths as the best vvay to finde out truth It vvere a sad fruit of all our troubles and suffering if vve might notdiscourse without imprisonment and banishment and upon any subject Argument never did truth hurt They would have the Parliament call to mind former sayings and doings and consider that Divines have sate foure years framing a Directory for Doctrine and Worship and at last are laid aside Either the Divines have done their part or they have not if they have not let them end it give it to the Houses publish it to the kingdom and avvay to their charges there is nothing on their part required as to establishing of it if it be done vvhy are they yet here they vvere called but to advise and present The Houses Ordained a Fast for extirpation of Heresies and Schisms Are Heresies and Schisms so because contrary to the vvord of God Then every man hath his liberty to judge and to there may be danger for if the generality of the people of England shall think Presbyterie a Sect or a Schisme then the Covenant svvears them to root it out and fasting puts an edge to this oath if they be only so that the State declares so then vvhen they have made a civill Lavv declaring vvhat shall not be and vvhat shall the subject ought to and no doubt vvill give active or passive obedience thereto The Covenant bindes to observe the authority of the supream Magistrate priviledge of Parliaments and firme Peace between the Kingdomes The Parliament offers the return of his Majesty upon such tearms as they conceive safe and good and truly if the King be to be resident among them there is need of other manner of tearms in England and for England then in or for Scotland A Scepter bruiseth not at distance as it doth at hand Priviledge of Parliaments How many of Scotlands priviledges have England or its Parliament violated It were well if Scotlands Commissioners could wash their hands as well of breaking the priviledges of Englands Parliament As for a firm peace between the Kingdoms the Parliament and kingdom of England sure have not hitherto been wanting when it shall be considered what they have suffered and yet do suffer and what they have parted with to Scotland It s confest and hath been acknowledged in word and deed that England was beholding to Scotland very much and truly if they kick not down that soop of milk it will never be forgotten by this Nation But this may be said their own interest and safety was involved And England have sundry times done as much and more for them when thoy were trampled upon and brought to misery by their Princes many sheets close written will not contain the favours England hath shewed to Scotland in their distresse and this over and above at Englands own charge And sure its a good prayer That God would confound those who shall be instrumentall in a War between the kingdoms or shall not assist each other against a common enemy but on the other side let not Scotland think because of intercourse of favours and kindnesses to each other that therefore England must become Ward to Scotland no more then they would have Scotland be in Ward to England for like and gretter favours Yet it is evident that many Sectaries with their adherents and abetters do by their Doctrine and actions offer violence to the King his Person and Authority For their Doctrine its possible other men may Preach as vvildly as many Presbyters vvho have in all times but chiefly of late in their Pulpits Preached up this or that faction rather then Iesus Christs Doctrine and as the party increases or decreases so they do in their zeal Shevv such an example of four Sectaries as that delivered in by four Divines to the Common Counsell vvhose names shall be omitted because men of good life certainly vvhere they say they had done vvhat they could to stir up the people in the late tumult and force upon the Parliament For their actions if it be examined it vvill be found they have rather gone the contrary vvay and vvhen it vvas apprehended they vvould be instrumentall to restore the King Hovv vvere they hugg'd by the royall party and hated by the Presbyters for the Kings Authority vvhere is it Is it not agreed he have none untill he do so and so And against Rites and Priviledges of Parliament so that there is not any one Article of Covenant which is not in high degree violated by them When the Parliament of England shall intreatyour help to repair them for the Sectaries breaking of Priviledges of Parliament you shall doe well to give your help according to Covenant But why speak you not of the late force done upon the Parliament where the Lords and Commons were kept prisoners untill they had voted what the Presbyters and Royalists would have and after the Lords had said what they would have them yet were kept up not being suffered to depart and the Members of Parliament fored from London and a war commenced armes raised and upon those extorted Votes what say you will you according to Covenant right the Parliament in this Priviledge if they desire you No no you will halt then as when you were to
some part of it it was argued on both sides by a Committee of Parliament and learned Councel of the Kings and upon Debate the Kings Councel yielded and the King consented Bills or Acts of Parliament do not hinder His Majesty of making his exceptions These words His Majesty will advise These and many other you bring to prove His Majesties Negative ought to be allowed Him But do you mean that He shall say so and that is sufficient for shame do not urge it so for if after a Parliament hath been long in making Laws it may be for the support of the Being of the Kingdom and to prevent immediate Ruine and Destruction and while these Laws were making have spent the Kingdom many thousands shall His Majesty by the Advice of a Favorite dissolve the Parliament and say He will advise to what end are Parliaments they were as good never sit or Debate when such an answer shall blast all It s one thing to give Reasons against and another thing to blast good endeavors by saying I will but do nothing And in this case if the Kingdom stand in eminent and real need no doubt the Parliament may declare a Law and so Keeper Littleton said this Parliament That an Ordinance was good if His Majesty refused with I will advise and not do so And in protecting and defending His Subjects Sure the Parliament will not deal with His Majesty as the Egyptians did with the Israelites if they intreat Him to take again the Protection of them they will give Him wherewith Yet remember that Kings of England in their fullest Power could not raise Men or Money to defend themselves or Subjects without Parliament And all know that these two wanting it s a poor defence that can be made And though Kings who usually studied the weal of their People were permitted to make War and Peace as they saw cause yet it cannot be proved nor seems it reasonable the premises considered that de Jure the Militia was so in the King or Power of War and Peace as that he could do it without consent of the Parliament but that the People whom it chiefly concerned and who were like to undergo the miseries or good incident to them were asked and yet His Majesty in as full Power as any of the Kings of England Many a time it hath been said in Parliaments before this That the King could not go to War without consent of His Subjects and how often did Kings when they saw a necessity of War call Parliaments and communicate their desires and had consent from Parliament Which are the Essence and Being of all Kings and the chief part of their Duty and Function The main Conditions at the Coronation it s confest is to 〈…〉 but they are both according to Law 〈◊〉 the Militia you are content it be setled so as it may not 〈…〉 agreed but you would have His Majesty have it as to Foraig● States and His Posterity after Him which to deny roots up the foundation of Monarchy If His Majesty have it as to any Affair how is it consistent with the Parliaments having it and may not a Power intended to one place be converted to another how often hath it and so presently a new Wat As for His Majesty no doubt the Parliament when they see Him so moved as that He is cordial for the Liberty of the Subject The Interest of Religion as agreed no doubt they will be apt again to repose in him and until he hath taken the Covenant if you remember the Negotiation with the Queen you are neither willing he have the Militia or any thing else For His Posterity you know how the Heir apparent hath acted where he is how he there acts and moves what assurance he hath given of acting better then his Father and is not the Parliament wise in being shie how they intrust their Life and Death and into whose Hands they put that Power As for rooting up the foundation of Monarchy it s but restricting it thereby to bring it to be consistent with the Peoples Liberty the stick that is crooked must be set for a time the contrary way or it will never be strait Yet you would not have Monarchy as high as Tyranny The Father would not have the Son take evil courses but yet gives way that he have the same allowance company place opportunity as before And you by no means can agree to an Armies being up in England now there 's no Enemy when some Garisons and the Train bands may do it and not an Army to inslave King and Subject Hath the Parliament of England taken any notice of what you in Scotland continue or disband you would fain have us naked once more that we might either be surprised by our Adversaries or need again your help For the Trained bands we have had experience of them and seen the miserable inconvenience in London and Countrey of taking housekeepers from Trade Wives Children and Servants and how many thousand have been thereby undone and how the Kingdom hath thereby been impoverished You are not ignorant that in other parts of the world the Plow and Trade pays the Soldier and that those who are not faln upon that fight but were these Trained bands Sectaries then by no means Trained bands would not do well As for the Armies inslaving King and Subject it s not so they are kept on foot that England may not be slave to King and Scotland When your Army returned into Scotland it was expected the Parliament disband this in England Was it sure it was not imagined England was so much fool somewhat hath been said to that before Farther thus Were there not an Army in England what think you would become of Presbytery let any reasonable man judge if it would stand a moneth and not be rooted out and the preachers and professors of it Do not think to deceive the world with words England in general loves Episcopacy better and Popery as well as Presbytery for in time of Episcopacy they had all things in plenty and good fellowship to boot who shall expect to enjoy Bishops Lands in lieu of their money you had if no Army when will the Parliaments debts be paid without an Army how will money be had to reduce Ireland without an Army You see an Army can hardly do these things but in spight of Parliament and Army Common-Prayer book and whatever is Episcopal enters openly and men refuse to pay any kinde of Taxes Therefore you declare that Propositions go for disbanding That is Sectaries that so an Army of Presbyters may come in the room and if you put it not so it s not as the Eleven Members would have nor according to the Compact with them and their Party And truly could Presbyters have been kept from being tampering with Royalists to patch up an unsound Accord its probable Sectaries had never been used so much and could such be had its like They might be with