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A49375 Loyalty vindicated being an answer to a late false, seditious & scandalous pamphlet entituled A letter from a gentleman of the City of New York to another concerning the troubles which happen'd in that province in the time of the late happy revolution : published for the sake of truth & justice / by a hearty lover of King William and the Protestant religion. Hearty lover of King William and the Protestant religion. 1698 (1698) Wing L3384; ESTC R2968 19,709 28

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Issues Orders and Warrants to the People to rise in Arms to assist him to wrest the Fort out of Capt. Leislers hands and provokes Capt. Leislers men in the Fort to Acts of hostility by which means one or two men were accidentally killed Coll. Slaughter Arrives demands the Fort which was surrendred to him immediately the Persons of Capt. Leisler and Mr. Milbourn are Seizd and soon after brought to Tryal their plea to the Jurisdiction of the Court which could not by Law try them for Mal Administration in Government violently over ruled and they Condemned as Mutes for High Treason and Murder they were Reprieved until His Majesties pleasure should be known and notwithstanding the Reprieve the Warrant of Execution Signed and they Executed But the Enemies to King WILLIAM and consequently to these Gentlemen had not sufficiently gratified their malice by these mens innocent blood but they labour in England to get a Justification for themselves and a confirmation that the said unjust Judgment was according to Law and when His Majesty was in Flanders and several Ministers of State were in place and trust in the Committee of Trade which His Majesty hath since thought fit to remove from His Council and their Offices a report was obtained from the Committee of Trade affirming that these Loyalists were Condemned and Executed according to Law But however the said Committee represented their Sons as fit objects of Her Majesties mercy to be restored to their Fathers Estates which Her Majesty was graciously pleased to grant And these maglignant Confederates so far prevailed with the Assembly of New York to compliment and flatter their new Governour Coll. Slaughter as to pass several Votes against the whole proceedings of the happy Revolution and to excuse the barbarous Severity of the Illegal Condemnation and bloody Execution which he had ordered And this was the S●ate of the Case until the Parliament of England took the matter into their Consideration and the Honorable the House of Commons in the Sixth and Seventh year of His present Majesties Reign appointed a Committee to examine all parties in relation to Capt. Leislers Execution where they were heard by their Council at Law and where Mr. Dudley who formerly applyed to get Money by Magistracy and Government in New-England and set up for a Judge in matters of ●lood in the Tryal of Capt. Leisler at New York was heard to make his de●ence where his Cobb-Webb Eloquence was too thin to put a vail over so black an Action as created horrour in the minds of that Honorable and Numerous Committee who reported the matter fully to the House and thereupon an Act of Parliament passed the Royal Assent wherein His Majesty the Lords and Commons of England do recite the Legality of Capt. Leislers Authority and justifie his proceedings in the Government and more especially his refusing to deliver the Fort to major Ingoldesby being the Fact for which he was Condemned and do absolutely reverse the Attainders and restore the Blood and Estates of Capt. Leisler and those persons Condemned and Executed in New York which Act of Parliament is Printed at the end of this Treatise And now after all it being about Eight years since these men d●ed when the Grave and Time should have so buryed the Persons and Memories of these good but unfortunate Persons that no Revenge should have room to desire a farther gratificati●n and when the Annim●sities between those of a Dutch extraction who are the most numerous Loyal and Sober Subjects of that P●ovince and ●he few Eng●ish who were most averse and backward in the Rev●lu●ion but violent and bloody in the Execution of Capt. Leisler as well as the most dissolute in their Morals in this Province had time to cool and might by a good Government have been wholly heal'd After all I say to have this fire again blown up to open these Wounds and to open the Graves of the Dead to disturb the Living was such an artifice of the Devil as must give a more than usual abhorrence in good minds which seads me to give an account of the Occ●sion the time manner and design of the Publication of this fire brand call●d a Letter and withall take some n●tice of the supposed author It is evident in New York and will soon be made appear to His Majesty that the ●ate Government of New York under the Administration of Coll. Fetcher was a perfect sink of Corruption And although he was exalted to that Government from a poor mean refugee of Ireland yet he soon forgot the hand that raised him and to satisfy his Soul his Idol Gain he made a fast friendship with the few Papists Jacobites and dissolute English of New-York who had opposed the Revolution and revenged themselves on Capt. Leisler and who to be supported in their hatred to the Loyal Wi●iamites and connived at in their open breach of all the Acts of Trade found great advantage to reward Coll. Fletcher's friendship by Presents from themselves and gifts from Pirates and complyed with him and consented to all things proposed to them by him to the squandring of the Kings Revenue and to the great dishonour of the King destroying all conveniences of a Succeeding Governour and disposing of all the Lands in the Province that not one Inch is lest to be given in reward to any who may by their Services to His Majesty deserve or to incourage new Settlers and that in such quantities as will wholly make it impossible ever to People the Province giving to one man Seventy Miles in length and to several Fifty Forty and Thirty Miles in length and several Miles in breadth with many other unjust gross Mal Administrations On this bottom Coll. Fletcher joyned in the mortal hatred to the lovers of the Loyal Leisler and when several condemned to dye for their motions in that Revolution were order'd by Her gracious Majesty of Sacred Memory to be discharged Coll. Fletcher did it as an act of grace of his own and told them that although he released them yet he could call for them when he pleased and hang them And some time after told them That they dealt worse by him than the Lepers cleansed by our Saviour some of which returned to thank him but none of them ever did meaning none of them had given him a wicked Bribe or reward which he was used to receive These Truths Mr. Beekman and Mr. Gouver●●●r will attest Coll. Fletcher likewise paid that disregard to the Act of Parliament of England Reversing the Attainders and restoring Capt Leisler and others Condemned in Blood and Estate that he refused the Widow Leisler to be repossessed of her Estate nor had she that ●ustice done her during Coll. Fletchers Government nor untill my Lord Bellomont granted 〈◊〉 W●it of Possession which was a year and half after she was Entituled to it by Act of Parliament in England Reprinted at New-York He likewise wholly discouraged the generality of those who were
active in the Revolution putting few or none of them into Office or Employment and wholly adhering to those that gratifyed his Vanity Pride and Covetousness For which in return he gave them countenance in all matters as we●l as connivance at their unlawful Trade His Majesty having appointed the Earl of Bellomont Governour of New-York whose great Honour and Justice Coll. Fletcher both knew a●d dreaded some considerable time passed between his Patents being passed and his beginning his Voyage which Coll. Fletcher took the advantage o● therein to contrive methods so to divide the People of the Government that in Publick disorder he himself might escape having strict Scrutiny made into the Corruptions of his Government he therefore not satisfyed with crushing the Loyalists during his Government was resolved to assist the Publishing this Libel which might give such an Account of the Revolution of New-York as should Exasperate to the highest degree all that were concern'd in it and at the same time assured his Jacobite party that it was nec●ssary such a book should be Licensed to possess the Strangers who came with my Lord with such falsehoods as were useful to their party my Lord being as he feared inclined to favour whoever was we●l inclined to the Loyalty of Leisler So that as is supposed one Mr. Jam●●●n was employed to frame this Libel who was Clerk of the ●loody Court that Condemned Leisler a person most in the graces of Coll. F●etcher who was in Scotland condemned to dye for Atheism and Burning the Bible and was banished to New-York where he was by Cont●ibution ●reed from being a Servant and ●ermitted to teach School and being somewhat a Scholar and having good natural sense made use of his wicked parts to teach Blasphemy and Atheism and to ridi●ule Sober Religion till he got a Reputation amongst the disso●ute Church of England men whose Li●urgie he then would and still doth gabble over with great seeming devotion and up lifted eyes a few hours after he had been Blaspheming Christianity but his form of saying the Common Prayer s●fficiently recommended him to Coll. Fletcher so that the Secretary Clarkson was prevailed on to make him his Deputy for a Hundred Pounds a year Rent and Coll. Fletcher gave him Fifty Pounds per Annum Salary out of the Kings Revenue as Clerk of the Council and through all his Government made use of his vile Service and afterwards recommended him to the Earl of Bellomont as one of the honestest men in the Government although at the same time he knew the said Jamison was actually marryed to two Wives t●en living This man so qualifyed was intrusted to do this piece of Service but 't is believed the aforemen●ioned Coll. Bayard gave him some assistance in furnishing him with some Materials without doubt according to orders no falsehood was balk'd that could serve the cause and so this Libel was hammered out in which there is scarce a Paragraph but what contains one or more Scur●ilous Untruths which are delivered with an Highland modesty and peremptorily affirmed to be truth without any proof on purpose to Vi●ify the Transactions of the Revolution and Massacre over again the Reputation of those whose persons were Murdered Eight years before for their Loyalty and withal the Villany proper to persons who hate the present Government are added to this Account some Servile Votes of the Assembly of New-York made to slatter their new Governour Coll. Slaugh●●r who signed these Loya●ists Warrant for Execution and likewise is Printed an order or report God knows how obtained of the Committee of Trade for J●st●ying the said Condem●ation and Execution But this Libeller contrary to his duty to truth all●giance to His Majesty and respect to Laws for he could not hide his Virulency to the present Government takes no noti●e of the Act of Parlia●ent o● England Reversing the Attainders of these Condemned Gentlemen which gives the Lye to his whole Li●el Justifies Capt. Leisler as Lawful Governour of New York and in full effect expresses that he was basely Murdered contrary to all Law and Reason for doing his duty as His Majesties La●ful Governour of New York which is the sence of the words of the said Act. But the Libeller did as he was ordered and the book raised the flame it was designed to raise and was carryed to the Press by Mr. Brook who although a Refugee from Ireland and preferred by King WILLIAM to be Collector and Receiver General of the Customes and Revenue of New York and a new-comer thither took upon him to be one of the bloody Judges of this Royalist but is since for betraying his said Trust and neglect of his duty suspended from all his Employs even that of being Judge and one of the Council by the Right Honorable the Earl o● Bellomont who was ●is Security for his Collectors place to the Commissioners of the Customs of England but could not bear his treachery to that Trust which he himself had been Instrumental to advance him to And Mr. Wilson late Sheriff of New-York a hot headed despicable fellow who to serve the Tory party contrary to his Oath made a most false Return of Assembly men to serve for the Counties of New-York and Orange in the last Assembly For which palpable breach of his Oath and Trust His Excellency the Earl of Bellomont with consent of the Council suspended him from being Sheriff of New-York But when this Libel was so midwived to the Press by the Kings Collector who was likewise one of the Council and this foresworn Sheriff Then Coll. Fletcher calls the Council where 't is proposed as appears by the Minute of Council that a book being found at the Printers giving an Account of the Revolution of New-York and containing nothing but Truth 'T is resolved N●mine contradicente that it should be Printed But who were the Council who consented to this great piece of Service to His Majesty Why Coll. Fletcher who is supposed to have given orders for its being Written Coll. Bayard of whom enough is said plainly and truly Mr. Brook who carryed it to the Press and was one of Leislers Judges Mr. Pinhorn another of Leislers Judges who is since removed by His Excellency the Earl of Bellomont ●rom being Judge and of the Council for speaking most Scandalous false and reproachful words of His most Sacred Majesty King WILLIAM and for protecting and concealing in his house a Popish Priest and some other Enemies of the Revolution So that to omit the false sordid flatteries given to Coll. Fletcher which are impertinently added by the Libeller it is apparent that there was a wicked conspiracy by this book to give distraction by Printing it just before the Earl of Bellomont's Arrival at New-York and thereby to divide the People and so to disturb Affairs under his Government that there should be no time or opportunity of quickly inquiring into the Corruptions of Coll. Fletchers managements This was the time and design of its Publication these the qualities of the supposed Authors and of the Persons who carryed it to the Press and after this manner by Coll. Fletcher and the afore mentioned of the Council it was permitted to be Printed so that it is no wonder that this book was a Mine Sprung from Hell to blow up the Peace of this Province when so many Sons of Belial in Office and Authority joyned in its Contrivance and Publication who must keep to their nature and not stick at any plain falsehood although it fly in the face of the King Lords and Commons of England and Truth it self that may Exasperate and raise a flame and if possible Murder over again those Martyrs for their Loyalty Capt. Leisler and Mr. Millourn who were barbarously Executed for bravely Asserting the Rights and Liberties of English men against Popish and Arbitrary Government and for their Early and Sincere Affection to His most Sacred Majesty KING WILLIAM whom GOD send long to Reign
Country to King James's faithful Allie the French King had not a hair hurt except by the fright their own guilt occasioned and these Revolutioners must either be very sober or loving in their drink or these Jacobites had never scap'd being Dewitted by a sufficiently provoked People who had the Power but more grace than to use it False Assertions without proof are sufficiently answered by denying them This northern forehead answers himself for the Libeller says the people cry'd out that they disowned all Government and in the next line tells you they proclaimed Capt. Leisler their Commander But I suppose he gives this contradiction as a proof of the Peoples being drunk to be against all manner of Government and choose a Governour in the same breath 'T is likewise notoriously false that no other Commission'd Officer was amongst them for most of the Officers of the Militia of the City joyned therein But had it been true then Capt. Leisler as the only Commission Officer ought to Command them and they were just and sober in their choice as well as prudent in their Trust of so good and faithful a Person But the fact of this was false for Capt. Leisler though instrumental in shaking off the Tyrannical Government did not believe he had a Title to govern longer than the Peoples Resolutions were known and therefore circular Letters were carryed by Coll. Depeyster and Capt. De Brayn to the several Counties whose Freeholders chose their Representatives who being met appointed Capt. Leisler Commander in Chief under their Hands and Seals and appointed several to be of his Council under the name of a Committee of Safety to preserve the Publick Peace of the Province Who did it so effectuall that those divested of the Governing power had no other harm done to their persons and the late Lieutenant Governour was permitted to withdraw himself whither he pleased And here I must remark that he fared much better than Sir Edmund Andross at Boston who was made close Priosoner and sent home to England and yet no man was Executed or attainted there for that act of Loyal Violence Boston having proclaimed King WILLIAM and Queen MART and New York Fort and Government possess'd by Loyal Leisler and ●is party and the Lieutenant Governour withdrawn out of the Province then the ●ibeller saith That the late Council and their Convention o● Justices of the Peace Officers had great mind to proclaim the King Queen whom they never had declared for and we must take his word for it but he owns the Loyalists did proclame them but saith it was very disorderly I observe what ever made for the Revolution or against the late King James is very displeasing to the Scribler For when the People took the Government out of their Arbitrary betrayers hands he saith they were drunk or mad now the proclaiming of the King Queen was very disorderly in neither of which he gives one instance Pag. 7. But thank God they were proclaimed their goodness will pardon small disorders which were the effects of Loyal Zeal Although the Jacobites will never forgive them for it Some of which Council and Magistrates went to Coll. Bayards house and drank and rejoyced that Leisler had done what they never could have the heart to do nor made one step towards And we may know what kidney these drinkers were of by whose Wine they drank For Coll. Bayard having been a complying tool all King James's Arbitrary Reign you shall judge of the rest by his opinion of the happy Revolution in his letter to Mr. West of the 14th of January 1689 90. Wherein he calls them Philistines calls Leisler and his Loyal party the Arch Rebel and his hellish crew wishes he had a sufficient number to suppress the Rebels calls them usurpers of the Government and calls Sir Edmund Andross his Excellency and calls his friends Loyal and the whole tenour of the Letter is to keep up King James's title to admit his Commissions of Government to be of force to brand all that declared for the Prince of Orange with the black name of Rebels by which he owned King James was still in his heart and had he power equal to his will would have kept him still on the Throne and therefore we may judge of his and his Companies joy on this occasion and whose Health they drank which eight years after they tell us was King WILLIAM'S and Queen MARYS His Majesties Proclamation to confirm Sheriffs Collectors c. in their Offices being Published the Convention removed Matthew Plowman a Papist from being Collector but this is now when Capt. Leisler had rescued the Government was possess'd of the Fort and had proclaimed King WILLIAM and Queen MARY Then the Conventi●n who had done none of these things and were angry at those who did they removed a Papist from his Office about the middle of June who was permitted by them to act above two Moneths from the time that the Lieutenant Governour and Council resolved to remove Papists from Offices which as the Libeller in the first page of his Letter saith was the beginning of April they kept him in as long as they could and now to mend the matter they put others in his place of the same principles as to King James of which the famous Bayard aforementioned was the Ringleader And the Libeller brags that they were the first in the Province that took the Oaths to Their Majesties appointed by Act of Parliament It may be true but it is as true that they were the last and backwardest to assist in the Revolution or declare for the Prince of Orange which they never did but afterwards pursued to death those that had done it They were indeed most forward to take Oaths when they were to gain by them and to have the fingring of the Revenue For the carrying of the purse they will deny their old Master King James not out of hatred to him but love to Money being 〈◊〉 by solemn Oath to be true to their own interest which Oath binds them closer than any Oath of Allegiance These worthy Commissioners of the Revenue sate in the Custom-house but Capt. Leisler with the Inhabitants who had possession of the Government and Fort demanded of them by what Authority they pre●ended to act who refusing to give Capt. Leisler any Account they offered to turn him out of the Custom-house by force on which tu●●● ma●e by three Jacobites a guard of Inhabitants from the Fort came to defend their Captain And the People in the Streets were so enraged at Coll. Bayard who they knew was as inveterate as any Papist against the Revolution that they had certainly tore him to pieces had not the good temper of Capt. Leisler been his protector who was the only person capable of saving him in that extremity and favoured his escape and let him live to have afterwards a hand in the Murdering his deliverer So that the Violence of Armed men
the Adopted Son of the father of Lyes For major Ingoldesby having no Commission nor Authority to Command on his Arrival took on him the Title of Commander in Chief usurp'd a shew of Government calling a Council and Issuing peremptory orders as appears by the Records of the Council Book nay quite contrary to the Romantick Account of the Libeller he sent a demand under his own hand which I have seen wherein he acknowledges Capt. Leislers offer to him of his own Houses in the City for the Accommodation of himself and Officers and to appoint fit Quarters for the Souldiers which major Ingoldesby under his hand denyes to accept of saying he demanded the Fort from him which unless Capt. Leisler would deliver up to him he would esteem him as an Enemy to King WILLIAM and Queen MARY I have likewise seen Capt. Leislers Letter to major Ingoldesby full of Civility and true Reason wherein he acquaints him that he held the Fort and Commanded by Virtue of a trust reposed in him by the People and confirmed by His Majesty and assuring him that if he had any Commission from His Majesty or any Instruction or Order from Coll. Slaughter appointed Governour of the Province on his producing it The Fort should be immediately delivered to him but desired to be excused from resigning his trust till he found one qualifyed and authorized to receive it from him But this was not satisfaction to major Ingoldesby who was prevailed with to take the Government on him in opposition to Capt. Leisler and as Governour in Chief although never Impowred by King or People he issues orders to the several Counties to be ready to attend and assist in opposing Leisler and his party with Arms which was the proclaiming open War and pursuant thereto he sends his Rounds in the night and ordered or permitted his Rounds at all hours to pass the guards and centrys on the Walls of the Fort and not to make answer but by reproachful Language when challenged by them in order to provoke the drawing of blood and ingaging the People in a Civil War and farther major Ingoldesby ordered all the men under his Command to wear Marks on their Arms to distinguish them from those who joyned with Capt. Leisler During this Revolution and Civil War I am told not above two persons were killed which happiness attended the moderate temper of Capt. Leisler and the Committee of safety who could not be raised to punish the Insolence of the Tory party suitable to what they gave just occasion for Soon after viz. in March about a Month or five Weeks after major Ingoldesby's usurpation Coll. Slaughter Arrived who Summoned the Fort late at night and contrary to the Libellers assertion it was never den●ed to be delivered but the delivery suspended till next Morning it not being prope● according to Military Rules to deliver a Fort in the night and then it was Surrendred by Capt. Leisler who wa●●ing on the Captain General Coll. Slaughter instead of thanks for the faithful Service he had done His Majesty in defending the Fort and Province from the French our professed Enemies and the Treachery of Papists and Jacobites amongst our selves was immediately by his order Seized with Mr. Milbourn and others of the Loyal party and bound over to answer at the next Supream Court of Judicature where Capt. Leisler and Mr. Milbourn pleaded to the Jurisdiction of the Court That whereas he was in possession of the of the Government by the choice of the People and con●●med in it by the Kings Majesties Letters that he was not bound by Law to answer for his Mal Administration in Gove●nm●nt to any Court or Authority but to His Majesty who had intrusted him but this was over-ruled by the Violence of the Court without reason or Law and as Mu●es they were found guilty of High Treason and Murder and although a Reprieve was granted them by Coll. Slaughter until His Majesties pleasure should be known in the matter yet the Violence of the Jacobite party of which sort were most of Capt. 〈◊〉 Judges and Officers of the Court was such that they gave no rest to Coll. Slaughter until by their Importunity they prevailed with him to sign the Dead Warrant And they were Executed accordingly So that the representation of the matter with an account of their Reprieve reached His Majesty at the same time with the account of their Execution and Death So fell Capt. Leisler and Mr. M●●bourn men of known Integrity Honesty and Loyalty and by a pretended course of Law contrary to all Law condemned where their Judges were most of them violent Enemies of the happy Revolution and therefore resolved to revenge themselves on these Gentlemen who were the most Early and Zealous Instruments of it and who had first expended great part of their Estates and then suffered Martyrdom for King WILLIAM and Queen MARY their Religion and Laws The proofs and papers referred to in this account remain in the hands of Mr. Jacob Leisler only Son of Capt. Jacob Leisler the Martyr to Jacobite Revenge The proof that Capt. Leisler was legally Governour of New-York That major Ingoldesby was but a bear Captain of Foot and had no other command in that Province nor authority to demand the Fort from Capt. Leisler The proof that Capt. Leisler did as a good Subject d●liver the Fort to Coll. Slaughter upon demand and his Justification is immediately expressed in the Act of Parliament of England which 〈◊〉 their Attainders and restores their Familie● in Blood and Esate So that this is the full and true account of this Tragedy New-York lay under the Curse of an obsolute Government by King James's Commission to Sir Edmund Andross the people took courage on the first News of the Revolution in England and 〈◊〉 off the Opp●essers and declared for the Prince of Orange th● Lieu●en●nt Governour the Council and Justices of the Peace which met and cal●d themselves a Convention being Officers 〈◊〉 by king James would not declare for the Prince of Orange Wherefore the people did not think themselves 〈◊〉 in their hands but Seized upon the Fort and chose Capt. Leisler Commander of the Fort until 〈…〉 procured a return of Representatives of the 〈◊〉 hol●●rs of the several Counties of the Province who on their meeting making a Declaration for His present Majesty did under their Hands and Seals constitute Capt. Leisler Commander in Chief until the Kings pleasure should be known and likewise appointed him a Council by the name of a Committee of Safety And in these Persons the Government was lodged who proceeded to support themselves by the most moderate methods could be devised The Lieutenant Governour hereupon withdraws out of the Province major Ingoldesby Arrives with Authority over none but his Foot Company and yet demands the Fort which Capt. Leisler durst not deliver to him without betraying his Trust both to the King and People major Ingoldesby usurps the Title of Commander in Chief he