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A35066 A vindication of Robert III, King of Scotland from the imputation of bastardy, by the clear proof of Elizabeth Mure (daughter to Sir Adam Mure of Rowallan) her being the first lawful wife of Robert the II, then Stewart of Scotland and Earl of Strathern by George, Viscount of Tarbat, &c. ... Cromarty, George Mackenzie, Earl of, 1630-1714. 1695 (1695) Wing C7027; ESTC R6005 24,829 54

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Governour of Scotland and both Sons to to the said Elisabeth Mure puts it out of all Reasonable Doubt that this Lady was a Daughter of that Family There is such a heap of Absurdities and Inconsistencies as well as Falshoods in the Forgery of this Fable that in pity to our Historiographers I will prosecute it no further hoping it may teach all future Writers to have better Avouchers for their Assertions than common bruit and open Fame or to take on Trust what 's writ by former Authors without authentick Evidence The Proofs of this Marriage are so strong and clear as to leave no Doubt except that of their being too clear for why should one design his Son always his eldest Son and Heir unless it had been doubtful that he was so As this is but a silly Conjecture in ballance with the least of the former Evidences so it will only occur to those who are little acquainted with the Stile of Writings at that time for there are hundreds of Charters by privat Subjects standing on Record then and thereafter with the very like Designations A second scruple is why should a Parliament recognize JOHN to be King Robert the 2 ds Son and Heir unless there were ground to doubt it And that an Act of Parliament was necessary to make that be believed But if they read this that they call an Act of Parliament Recognizing John's Title they will find a Narration sufficient to answer their Objection and those who are acquaint with our History know that it was ordinary for our Kings to make publick Declarations of their eldest Sons Succession David the first did send Malcolm his eldest Grand-child by Henry the Prince with Mcduff Earl of Fife through the whole Kingdom to be shewen and declared as his successor and Heir but this Custom was judged more necessary by King Robert Bruce and his Successors For the debate in the Succession betwixt the Baliol and the Bruce having brought the Kingdom to the very Brink of Ruine King Robert the Bruce before his Death did in Parliament declare that David his Son was his undoubted Heir and Successor albeit at that time he had neither Son nor Brother but David only Which is one of Mr. Cookes mistakes who writes as if Edward Bruce his Brother were then alive whereas he was dead long before King David Bruce after his Fathers Example did in a Parliament at Scoon Publish and Declare that Robert Earl of Strathern his Sisters Son was his undoubted Heir and Successor albeit at that time there was none of that Family to compete with him And as this Instrument before insert does narrate that this wise King in Example of his Predecessors did publish this Document so neither wanted their good Reasons why these three last Kings should have done so the Crown having been but lately before transported from the Baliols to their Family so that albeit there was no shadow of Competition in their own Family yet there was no imprudence in engaging the Parliament to own their Succession and to put frequent Bars upon the Door against the Race of the Baliol which then did exist both in the Baliol and the Cumming The last frivolous Objection is why did our Historians unanimously assert Elisabeth Mure's being married to Robert the 2 d. after Eupheme Ross's Death that is to say there are very great proofs that Elisabeth Mure was King Roberts Wife but some will not believe the truth unless you tell why our Historiographers did ly to which this is a sufficient Answer you should believe truth because it is proven and reject the Assertion which is redargued by so many Demonstrations but if you will allow me after clear Demonstrations of their Error to make some Excuse for their rash Injuries I offer these Conjectures viz. Major the eldest of these Historians wrote his History in the beginning of Queen Maries Reign some 200. years after Elisabeth Mure's Marriage he cites no Author nor can we learn of any that he had except the Manuscript of the Continuator of Fordan an obscure man whose Writings shew that he did take common Reports as Proofs and Warrants for his Assertions but Fordan who wrote before that time hath not the least Assertion of this so considerable a matter had it been true and Majors Philosophy as well as his History does sufficiently shew that he did take for truth what others reported at Random Boetius's Business was to give good Latine to the Collections of his Predecessors and he was happy enough in Writing had he not unhappily stuffed it with too many Fables which we must only impute to his easie Nature Lesly had no Design in writing his History but to assert his Queens Right and resent the Injuries done her and therefore minded little to put his Authors to the Test of Record Buchanan who was to support a bad Design by writing excellently his care was not to canvell Fashoods especialy when they contributed to his purpose as this Imputation bound on Elisabeth Mure and her Succession did and albeit the first must needs have founded the Account on false Report and never looked into the Records which had they done that which now appears clearly to us in redarguing that Falshood would certainly have done so to them so the succeeding Authors have this Excuse tho' I confess a bad one that they found their Falshood on what was writ before them And perhaps even the first of them by a supine inadvertence having heard that Robert the 2 d. after Queen Euphem's Death had Children by a Concubine to whom he had great Kindness and that this Concubin's Name was Moram did ignorantly confound this Concubine Moram with his first Wife Mure. My Conjecture is founded on this following Charter ROBERTUS Dei gratiâ Rex Scotorum sciatis nos dedisse hac praesenti Cartâ nostrâ Confirmasse JOANNI SENESCALL genito inter nos dilectam nostram Moram omnes singulas terras nostras de Ballachie de Moncreiff cum pertinen in Thanagio de Kinclaven infra vice-comitatum Perth Tenen Haben eidem Joanni haeredibus suis de Corpore suo legitime procreandis quibus utique forsitan deficientibus dilecto filio nostro JACOBO SENESCALL genito inter nos Mariotam de Cairden haeredibus suis de Corpore suo legitime procreandis Quibus utique forsitan deficien ALEXANDRO SENESCALL dilecto filio nostro de dicta Mariota genito haeredibus suis de Corpore suo legitime procreandis quibus similiter fortasse deficientibus ad nos haeredes nostros Reges Scotiae plenarie perpetuo revrsuris c. Reddendo unum denarium c. apud Perth 15. January anno Regni nostri 12. This Charter gives you Account of 4. ●Sons of King Robert the 2 d. and two Concubines never mentioned in our Histories Moram seems to have been the last of the two Concubines because her Son John's Charter bears a
Charter of Confirmation granted by King Robert to John Kennedy of the half of the Barony of Dalrymple on a Disposition from Malcolm Son to Gilchrist Son to Adam Dalrymple of that Ilk Testibus Episcopis sancti Andreae Dunkelden Johanne primogenito nostro haerede Comite de Carrick Another Charter in June primo Anno Regni of the Lands of Badinoch to Alexander his Son Nota he was the youngest Son of Elizabeth Mure and his Heirs and failzing of him to David his Son and his Heirs Nota David was the eldest Son of Eupheme Ross and at the same time there was a Charter granted to David Earl of Strathern of the Lands of Vrquhart c. And the Reddendo of both these Charters are for Services to him and his Heirs Successors to the CROWN of SCOTLAND In these Charters amongst other Witnesses Joannes filius noster Comes de Carrick is always one Another Charter on the 8. of May Anno Regni secundo confirming to Paul Macktyre some Lands disponed to him by William Earl of Ross Testibus Wilielm Patric Episcopis sancti Andreae Brechen Joanne primo-genito nostro haerede Comite de Carrick c. In the Charters granted the first year of his Reign to David Earl of Strathern of the Lands of Vrquhart and the 2 d. year of his Reign to Queen Eupheme of the Lands and Castle of Kinross amongst the Witnesses Joannes filius noster natu maximus Haeres Comes de Carrick is always one There are twenty other Charters of the like Tenor which were needless to adduce for Confirmation of this Truth That in the very first year of his Reign John was Earl of Carrick Robert was Earl of Menteith and Alexander was Earl of Badinoch And therefore Buchannan and the other Historians are wrong in asserting that they were preferr'd to these Estates and Dignities after Eupheme Rosses Death and after the 3 d. year of his Reign But now we come to the more solid confutation of our Historians assertions and to show that not after the 3 d. year of King Robert the 2 ds Reign and after Queen Euphem's Death but in the first year of his Reign and on the 27 th of March that year being 1371 the King and Parliament do Recognosce John who was afterwards called Robert the 3 d. and was eldest Son of Elizabeth Mure to be the undoubted Lineal and Legal Successor to Robert his Father as his eldest Son and Heir The Evidence whereof is an authentick Act and Record of Parliament yet extant amongst the Kings Records to which the great Seal of the Kingdom is appended together with other 52 Seals of the Prelates Noblemen and Barons in Parliament assembled a full and true Abstract whereof follows In Nomine sanctae individuae Trinitatis Patris Filii Spiritus Sancti Amen Anno ab Incarnatione Domini millesimo tricentesimo septuagesimo primo secundum morem Computationem Ecclesiae Scoticanae Mensis Martii die vicesimo septimo serenissimus Princeps Dominus Robertus Rex Scotorum illustris Apud Sconam tempore suae Coronationis existens assistentibus sibi praelatis Comitibus Baronibus ac caeteris de Clero Populo Regni sui post sacra Vnctionis Coronationis suae Peracta solennia factaque Declaratione Juris quo idem serenissimus Princeps successit ac succedere debuit Domino David Regi Scotiae Avunculo Praedecessori suo tam proximitate sanguinis quam ex quadam declaratione per quaedam instrumenta confecta tempore inclytae memoriae Domini Roberti Regis Scotiae avi praedecessoris ipsius Domini nostri Regis ibidem exhibita atque lecta Nec non receptis homagii fidelitatis solitis juramentis ab ipsis Praelatis Comitibus Baronibus aliis de clero populo ibidem existentibus in Coronatione Regum Scotiae ab olim praestari consuetis debitis volens more exemplo celebris memoriae ejusdem boni Regis Roberti avi sui coram Clero populo Successorem verum Haredem suum declare ibidem licet de ipso clarè constitit atque constet ex abundanti unanimi consensu assensu dictorum Praelatorum Comitum procerum magnatum indicavit asseruit recognovit declaravit voluit quod cum ipsum contigerit pro dispositione divina ab hac luce migrare Dominus Joannes filius suus primogenitus Comes de Carrick SENESCALLVS SCOTIAE erit esse debet verus legitimus haeres fuus ac sibi post mortem suam in Regno Scotiae domino disponente succedet succedere debet posteum sedebit sedere debebit super SOLIVM Regni sui Qua Declaratione sic facta per ipsum Dominum nostrum Regem de praefato primogenito haerede suo ex abundanti ut supra unusquisque praelatorum Comitum procerum magnatum aliorum ibidem existentium voce propriâ singulatim pro se haeredibus successoribus suis asseruit affirmavit declaravit recognovit voluit Quod idem Dominus Joannes post mortem praefati patris sui superstes vivus sit divinà favente gratia futurus Rex Scotiae tanquam haeres legitimus ejusdem patris sui Promittens quilibet bona fide manu in signum fidei dationis levata quod eum pro Rege haerede legitimo ejusdem patris sui habiturus crit ipsumque juvabit atque defendet contra quoscunque mortales nec non sigillum suum scripto seu juramento super hoc fiendo apponens in signum suorum consensus promissionis praedictorum cum ipsi super hoc fuerint requisiti Quibus recognitione promisso fidei datione in consilio Domini nostri Regis sic praemissis actis idem Dominus noster Rex per venerabilem virum magistrum Joannem de Peebles Doctorem Decretorum canonicum Glasguen Clericum suum proponi fecit in publicum qualiter ex abundanti indicavit declaravit prefatum Dominum Joannem filium suum primogenitum verum suum heredem nunc esse esse debere de jure Et post mortem suam regni Scotiae volente Deo REGEM futurum Et qualiter praefati Comites Proceres alii de consilio affirmarunt cognoverunt consenserunt fide media ut praemittitur promiserunt quod populum cum clero convocari fecerat ut in eorum praesentia de eorum consensu unanimi fieret publicaretur Ne aliquis super hoc ignorantiam praetendere posset aliqualiter in futurum Tota autem multitudo Praelatorum Comitum Baronum aliorum tam cleri quam populi unanimi voluntate clamore consono nullo penitus reclamante affirmaverunt recognoverunt voluerunt ipsum Dominum Joannem tanquam primogenitum haeredem Domininostri Regis patris sui suum fore Regem futurum ac manu levata in signum fidei dationis promiserunt quod eum pro Rege suo futuro
Son and Heir of our Soveraign Lord the KING his Father should be their KING And with Hands lifted up to Heaven in token of their sincerity promised that they should have and esteem him after the death of his Father for their future KING by the strength of Almighty GOD and that they should Defend and Assist him with all their Might against all deadly Which things being so done the s●ids bishops Earls and Barons there present did Append and put their Seals to this Decree for ever In testimony of all the Premisses together with the Sign and Sub●tion of the publick Clerk under-subscribing These things were done at the Abbacy of Scoon Day Moneth and year of GOD above-written c. Here is only the Most authentick Evident which perhaps Europe can shew giving an irrefragable Proof that John afterwards called Robert eldest Son to Elizabeth Mure was in the first year of his Fathers Reign owned and acknowledged as his eldest lawful Son and Heir and undoubted Successor to the Crown and that in the lifetime of Queen Eupheme to which her Son in law the Earl of Douglass his Seal amongst others is appended And therefore Elizabeth Mure his Mother was lawful Wife to Robert Earl of Strathern afterwards KING and consequently it is false that these Children were only legitimat by King Roberts marrying their Mother after Queen Euphems death and after the third year of his Reign And that the Act of Parliament recognizing Iohn as such was past in the fourth year of the said King's Reign This solemn Act and authentick Record yet extant doth evidence to a Demonstration to the dishonour of those negligent Historiographers who did write so confidently what this Act and Instrument doth so clearly canvel Nor is it so by this great Act only but by very many other authentick Documents standing in Record as a Charter granted on the 13 th of Iune Anno Regni primo to Allan Lawder of Whitsled and the other Charters before mentioned and twenty others not mentioned which all bear Record that in the first year of King Robert the seconds Reign and in Queen Euphems Lifetime the KING the Prelats the Lords and all who received Charters from the King did look on the said John as his undoubted eldest Son and Heir Earl of Carrick and STEWART of SCOTLAND and the Charters granted to and received by Queen Eupheme by her Son David and her Son Walter for services to the King and his Heirs do carry in them John is the undoubted eldest Son and Heir Albeit what is said seems demonstrative enough yet to leave no part of this injurious Lybel unransaked We shall next shew that before Robert the second yea very many years before whilst he was Earl of Strathern and STEWART of SCOTLAND JOHN his Son was owned by him and by the whole Nation as his eldest Son and Heir There is a Charter wherein Robertus Senescallus Scotiae Comes de Strathern Joannes Senescallus filius noster primo-genius Haeres confirm a Mortification made by Reginaldus More Pater Wilielmi More Equitis to the Abbacy of Pasly recorded in their Register which tho' it want a Date yet there follows in the same Register a Charter given by the said Robert Senescallus Scotiae confirming all Gifts given by his Predecessors and himself to the Abbacy of Pasly dated anno 1361 which was nine years before he was KING In which amongst other Witnesses Joannes Senescallus Dominus de Kyle primogenitus noster is one Which verifies also that his Father did communicat his Honours and Estate with him at that time This Charter is recorded in Fol. 39. of the Register of Pasly In the year 1328. on the thirteenth of February there is a Submission recorded in the said Register of Pasly betwixt the Procurator of the said Abbacy called Andrew Kelcho who was Prior of the Abbacy on the one part and Reginald More or Mure Procurator for the Master Channons and Monks of Simpringhame concerning 40 Merks of Annuity payable by the Abbacy of Pasly to Simpringhame and assigned by them to the said Reginald On which submission the Abbot is decerned to pay the 40 Merks to Reginald and his Successors he getting a sufficient Write from those of Simpringhame to secure Pasly for what they pay And for further Security to the Abbacy Reginald and his Son Sir William consign a Write disponing his Lands of Sanackar Camsestrang Doulargis Cowdams Stafflour and Hormisdale lying in the Baronies of Renfrew and Cowall in Warrandice to the Abbacy for securing them until he produced the said Writing from Simpringhame as said is he having failed for two years to procure the said security from Simpringhame those of Pasly addressed to Robert Earl of Strathern STEWART of SCOTLAND and to JOHN his eldest Son and Heir Who were Superiors of the Lands disponed by Reginald to them for their Security desiring a Charter whereby they might be seased in the saids Lands Which Robert and his said Son did grant and it is recorded in Folio 16. of the old Register of Pasly The Charter is long and therefore I have only abstracted out of it what is useful for our purpose as follows OMnibus hanc Cartam visuris vel audituris Robertus SENESCALLUS Scotiae Comes de Strathern JOANNES SENESCALLVS primo-genitus Haeres ipsius Dominus Baroniae de Kyle salutem in Domino sempiternam cum dudum Reginaldus More pater domini Wilelmi More militis concesserit pro se haeredibus suis firmiter obligaverit omnes terras suas subscriptas in Baronia de Kyle de Cowall viz. Terras de Sanakar de Camsestrang de Doulargis de Cowdams de Stafflour terram de Hormisdale quascunque alias terras suas possessiones infra dominum nostrum existentes religiosis viris Abboti conventui monasterii de Pasleto ordinis cluniacensis Glascuensis diocesis fore applicandas perpetuis eorum usibus appropriandas in casu quo ante primam solutionem sibi faciendam cujusdem annui redditus quadraginta Mercarum In quo dicebat idem Reginaldus dictos Abbatem conventum magistro Canonicis Monialibus de Sympringhame in Anglia singulis annis obligat Literas quietae clamationis perpetuae securitatis a praedicto Magistro Canonicis Monialibus de Sympringhame non procuraret ac eisdem Abbati conventui Monastrii de Pasleto praedictarum literarum praetextu virtute munitis praedictis Magistro Canonicis Monialibus de Sympringhame de praedicto annuo redditu in toto vel in parte non tenerentur in perpetuum ulterius respondere ac super hoc praedictus Reginaldus pro se haeredibus suis subjecerit praedictas terras voluntati ordinationi cognitioni SENESCALLI scotiae qui pro tempore fuerit patronus dicti Monasterii de Pasleto quod libere possit in favorem dictorum religiosorum virorum Abbatis Conventus Monasterii de Pasleto ad requisitionem
subsequent Marriage nor by any Act of Parliament And therefore Elizabeth Mure or More was first and lawful Wife to Robert Earl of Strathern STEWART and thereafter KING of SCOTLAND and John was his eldest Son and apparent Heir antecedently to the Act of Parliament and to Eupheme Rosses death As the foregoing Collection and Abstracts do fully verifie that Elizabeth Mure's Children were recognized and owned as King Robert the seconds eldest lawful Children and his Son as his eldest Son and undoubted Heir before Robert was King so soon as he was Crowned King and in the whole Tract of his Reign before he married Eupheme Ross during her Marriage and after her Death and that by no less evidence than authentick Deeds and Instruments extant both on Record and in their Originals and with no lower Avouchers than Kings and Parliaments in Parliament conveened and many other authentick Documents of undoubted Faith besides a few of which much more all do make so strong a Probation of Elisabeth Mure's Marriage and the Legitimation of her Children that they could not be redargued by Robert the 2 d. himself if he would and are stronger proofs thereof than any perhaps in the World can produce after so long a time yet to confirm this truth I shall add one whch is not in our Records but in a very publick one the notice whereof came to my knoledge lately by Mr. Forbes who came from Doway and had an authentick Extract which he gave me whilst he was Prisoner here And very long after I had made the former Collection It is an Abstract of a Charter gtanted by Robert STEWART of SCOTLAND Earl of Strathern in the year 1364. Whereby he gives grants and founds a Chaplanary in the Church of Glasgow and that for performing an Obligation under which he did ly to the Bishop of Glasgow as delegate from the Pope to grant to the said Robert Earl of Strathern a Dispensation for a Marriage to be contracted betwixt him and Elisabeth Mure by reason of his Affinity and Consanguinity with her The Original of which Charter with its Seals and Subscriptions is as yet extant and entire in the Scots Colledge of Paris whether it was carried by James Beton Arch-bishop of Glasgow and depositat there with many other authentick Records of that Bishoprick The Abstract of which Deed and Instrument follows Nos infra scripti rogati a clarissimo viro Ludovico Innese Reginae magnae Britaniae Eleemosinario Primario Collegii Scotorum in Academia Parisiensi ut conveniremus in regale monasterium sancti Germani a pratis situm in hac urbe parisiensi illic inspecturi diligenter examinaturi Chartam Roberti SENESCALLI Scotiae datam apud Perth Anno Domini millesimo trecentesimo sexagesimo quarto duodecimo die Mensis Januarii quae servatur authentica in archivo ejusdem collegii denuo instaurati per reverendissimum in Christo patrem Jacobnm a Bethum Archepiscopum Glascuensem in Scotia quisecum vetera Ecclesiae suae monumenta in hanc Vrbem transtulit partim in eodem Collegio ad perpetuam rei memoriam deposuit convenientes anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo nonagesimo quarto die vigesima sexta mensis Maii chartam supra commemoratam nobis ab eodem clarissimo viro Ludovico Innese exhibitam diligenter inspeximus examinavimus eacura qua major adhiberi non potuit excussimus eam jue testamur esse antiquam genuinam scriptam charactere illorum omnino temporum nullam falsi aut suppositionis suspicionem facere posse sigillis duobus sigillatam quae testamur etiam esse antiqua integra Ad majorem autem testimonii judiciique nostri fidem eandem Chartam hic de verbo ad verbum describi curavi mus Que talis est OMnibus hanc Cartam visuris vel audituris Robertus SENESCALLVS Scotiae Comes de Stratratherne salutem in Domino sempiternam cum dudum venerabili patri Domino Zuillano Dei gratia episcopo Glascuensi fuerit per literas apostolicas specialiter delegatum ut supra matrimonio contrahendo inter nos quondam Elisabeth More dum ageret in humanis non obstante impedimento consanguinitatis affinitatis contractui matrimoniali praedicto impedimentum praestante authoritaate apostolica dispensaret dummodo duas Capellas las velunam pro arbitrio ipsius episcopi perpetuo fundaremus ac dictus venerablis pater consideratis in hac parte considerandis nobiscum super impedimento praedicto authoritate qua supra dispensans nobis injunxit ut una Capellania in Ecclesia Glascuensi ad unum certum Altare ad pensionem decem mercarum Sterling annuatim percipend de certis Redditibus nostris fundaretur perpetuo nosque eandem capellaniam sic fundare fideliter promisimus infra certum tempus jam transactum nobis per dictum Episcopum limitatum Noverit universitas vistra nos ex causa praemissa dedisse concessisse hac presenti carta nostra Confirmasse pro nobis haeredibus nostris perpetuo Deo beatae Mariae Virgini beato Kentigerno uni Capellano celebrat celebraturo perpetuo in Ecclesia Glascuensi praedicta decem mercas Sterling ad sustentationem ejusdem Capellani anuatim percipend de annuo redditu quadraginta Librarum Sterling exeunte de terra de Cars Abbatis infra vice-comitatum de Stryveline nobis haeredibus nostris debet per religiosos viros Abbatem conventum monasterii sanctae crucis de Edinburg Tenen haben percipien annuatim in perpetuum eidem Capellano qui pro tempore fuerit per manus dictorum Religiosorum ad terminos Pentecostes sancti Martini in hyeme per portiones aequales in liberam puram perpetuam Eleemosynam adeo liberè quietè plenariè honorificè sicut aliqua Elymosina per totum Regnum Scotiae liberius conceditur percipitur sive datur Et nihilominus totum jus nobis competens per Chartam infeodationis recolendae memorae Domini Regis Roberti avi nostri sive obligatorum dictorum Abbatis Conventus seu quascunque alias Evidentias ad compellendum dictos Abbatum Conventum adsolutionem dicti annui redditus decem Mercarum in Episcopum Glascuensem qui pro tempore fuerit Capitulum Glascuense sede vacante per hanc Chartam nostram perpetuo transferimus ipsosque eorum alterum quantum ad hoc nostros haeredum nostrorum Assignatos Assignatum facimus constituimus etiam ordinamus si forte contingat quod absit quod dictae decem Mercae annuae per dictum Capellanum qui pro tempore fuerit percipi non potuerint ut est dictum vel ex eo quod dicti Abbas Conventus solvere noluerint aut compelli non potuerint ad solutionem earundem vel ex eo quod nos aut aliquis haeredum nostrorum contra praesentem infeodationem concessionem nostram solutionem dictarum decem Mercarum impediverimus aut impediverit aut per