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A30029 A modest defence of my book entituled, Quakerism expos'd as also of my broad sheet : with a scheme of the Quakers yearly synod, and other books presented anno 1699 to the Parliament : and G. Whitehead's inside turn'd outward, by reprinting his ancient book Ishmael, &c. intirely, shewing thereby the Quakers ancient testimony of contempt of the Holy Scriptures and blasphemy against the blessed Trinity ... / by Francis Bugg. Bugg, Francis, 1640-1724?; Atkinson, Christopher. Ishmael and his mother cast out into the wilderness. 1700 (1700) Wing B5375; ESTC R19514 73,450 146

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we cannot for Conscience sake Fight Kill or Revenge either for our selves or any Man else Oh! no by no means this they could not be brought to and the Riddle I have unfolded in my Pil. Prog. c. 2d Edition p. 192 to 199. For as they yet never made one Publick Ad dress to His Majesty from thir Yearly Meeting that great and dangerous Body nor one Prayer that I could ever hear of either in their Books or in their Meetings nor ever yet wrote one Book in Favour of the Government But did all these in the late Reign But still there is one Clause in this Paper worth Notice i. e. ' As the King has been tenderly inclined to give Ease and Liberty of Conscience c. And I pray is it inconsistant with His Majesties Tenderness to give Liberty of Conscience to His Protestant Dissenters who hold the Fundamentals of the Christian Faith joined in the Association to preserve his Majesties Royal Person and Government And Pray heartily for him in their Meetings And to Curb and Restrain such as will doneither but hold such horrid Pernicious and Destructive Principles both to Church and State and even to Humane Society No sure God hath given him both Wisdom and Conduct and he knows how to make a difference and distingush between such as Subvert the Faith undermine Christianity and Damn the Ever-Blessed Trinity to the Pit of Hell and such who make it their Business to Instruct their People in the Fundamentals of Christianity as is well expressed in divers Laws particularly in that wherein is this Clause viz. Provided and be it enacted That no Quaker or Reputed Quaker shall by Virtue of this Act be qualified or permitted to give Evidence on any Criminal Causes to Serve on any Juries or bear any Office or Place of Trust or Profit in the Government any thing in this Act contained to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding And for this Clause all true Protestants have good cause to be Humbly thankful to God the King and the Parliament and that for more Reasons than I think meet here to enumerate But notwithstanding the Quakers Temporizing Paper above recited the King's Majesty as a Nursing-Father to the Church and Spouse of Christ and as a Zealous Defender of the Faith once delivered to the Saints put forth his Royal Proclamation from his Court at Kensington the 24th of Feb. 1697. which we have read both at Church and Courts of Judicature An Abstract thereof is as followeth viz. By the KING A PROCLAMATION WILLIAM REX WHereas we cannot but be deeply sensible of the great Goodness of Almighty God in putting an end to a Long Bloody and Expensive War by the Conclusion of an Honourable Peace so we are not less touched with a Resentment that notwithstanding this and many other great Blessings and Deliverances Impiety Prophaneness and Immorality do still abound in this our Kingdom and whereas nothing can prove a greater Dishonour to a well-ordered Government where the Christian Faith is professed nor is likelier to provoke God to withdraw his Mercy and Blessings from us and instead thereof to inflict Heavy and Severe Judgments upon this Kingdom than the open and avowed Practice of Vice Immorality and Prophaneness which amongst many Men has too much prevailed in this our Kingdom of late Years to the high Displeasure of Almighty God the great Scandal of Christianity and the ill and fatal Example of the rest of our loving Subjects who have been soberly Educated and whose Inclinations would lead them to the Exercise of Piety and Virtue did they not daily find such frequent and repeated Instances of dissolute Living Prophaneness and Impiety c. And whereas several Wicked and Prophane Persons have presumed to Print and Publish several Pernicious Books and Pamphlets which contain in them Impious Doctrines against the Holy Trinity and other Fundamental Articles of our Faith tending to the Subversion of the Christian Religion Therefore for the Punishing the Authors and Publishers thereof and for the preventing such Impious Books and Pamphlets being Published and Printed for the future we do hereby strictly Charge and Prohibit all Persons that they do not presume to Write Print or Publish any such Pernicious Books or Pamphlets under the Pain of our High Displeasure and of being Punished according to the uttermost Severity of the Law And We do hereby strictly Charge and Require all Our Loving Subjects to Discover and Apprehend such Person or Persons whom they shall Know to be the Authors or Publishers of any such Books or Pamphlets and to bring them before some Justice of Peace or Chief Magistrate in order that they may be proceeded against according to Law God save the KING For these and the like Reasons the Norfolk Clergy did Accept the Quakers Challenge did meet them at the time perfixed and there did endeavour to shew them their Errors and would have convinced them thereof and then had them Retracted their Errors and thereby to have merited the Indulgence of the Government and the Love of their Christian Neighbours But they refusing all this Labour of Love and Good Will boasting they were Protestants and so Recognized and with all boldness rejected all their Endeavours of Conviction upon which the Gentry in Norfolk some of which were there and many Justices of the Peace and others Signed a Petition as they also in the County of Suffolk have done waiting a seasonable Opportunity to present the same A Copy thereof excepting Names is as followeth viz. To the Honourable the Commons of England in Parliament Assembled the Humble Petition of the Justices of the Peace and Grand-Juries of the said County of Norfolk in Session Assembled in behalf of themselves and the Body of this County at large Humbly sheweth THAT We cannot without Resentment take Notice of the Growth and Daily Increase of a Sect of People among Us called Quakers and the Mischiefs and Dangers from thence threatning this Nation It is too observable with what restless Zeal their deluding Teachers and as may well be suspected many Romish Emissaries under their Vizar and Disguise daily ramble into all parts of these Kingdoms and boldly spread their Venemous Doctrine every where attempting to Infect and Shock the Minds of Weak and Unstable Protestants and Assuming to themselves Rules of Discipline Powers in Matters of Religion and Forms of Government repugnant to the Established Laws of the Kingdom contrary to the very Acts of Toleration and not allowed to any other Dissenters vouching in all their Practices Divine Inspiration for their Warrant and their Indulgence of the Government for their Indemnity How apparently their Blasphemous Books and Pernicious Principles tend to subvert the Fundamentals of Christianity and the undermining the Civil Government are sufficiently demonstrable The Publishing whereof by pretended Permission of Authority We humbly conceive to be of most dangerous Consequence We therefore obliged in Duty to God and Our Country do humbly pray That you
Holy Spirit to amend our Lives according to thy Holy Word Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be World without End Amen ERRATA PArt 1. Page 1. line 13. for of God read for God p. 8. l. 1. f. derided r. divided p. 21. l. 14. r. doth blind p. 32. l. 12. f. 45. r. 35. p. II. p. 12. l. 16. f. third r. second part p. III. p. 13. l. 32. f. unwilling r. willing p. 26. l. 12. on this del p. 15. l. 7. f. K. C. II. r. K. C. I. in Cutting off his Head for that say they was a remarkable Record of the Righteous Judgment of God * See their Book West Answering to North p. 97. George Whitehead TURN'D TOPSIE-TURVY PART I. I Find in a Book wrote by W. Penn intituled A Key c. and presented to the Parliament 1699. to obviate the Objections against the Quakers in several Books then presented to both Houses of Parliament by the Norfolk Clergy this Passage to the Reader in his Epistle i. e. It is very Unfair as well as Indiscreet in any to Oppose and Calumniate what they do not Understand It has been says he our Unhappiness far more than all our Adversaries have been able to say against us that hitherto we remain Unknown by those who yet stick not to condemn us c. This indeed if true might Apologize for them but it is so far from that that were their Principles and the Danger of them fully known it would operate more against them that all their Adversaries as they account them have yet said against them for want of knowing them so fully as by their Fruits in time possibly may be manifest But whose Fault is it that they are no better known Is it not their own By their two-fac'd Practice and double Meanings in all they say or write their Books being of two sorts contrary each to other suitable to their Titles and Directions one sort to the World's People whether to the Parliament Bishops Judges Justices Priests and Professors in many of which they 'll pretend to own the Scriptures yea and a Scripture-Trinity too tolerably well but their other sort of Books to their Disciples directed with these and the like Titles viz. This is only to go amongst Friends Again This is only to go among Friends and not otherwise Again Written only for Friends that can read it In which they tell you the Scriptures are Death Dust Serpents Meat Beastly Ware a Rotten Foundation a Dead Letter the Husk c. and that such as tell People that the Scriptures are the written Word of God are no Ministers of Christ that the Scriptures are not a Means to bring People to the Knowledge of God and to work Faith in them and that the Trinity of Persons is for the Lake and the Pit But notwithstanding all this and ten times more that I could recite First Of their acknowledging to the World's People as above the Excellency of the Holy Scripture and that it 's of Divine Authority and the best Book extant in the World in direct Opposition to their Doctrine they teach to their poor deluded and willingly ignorant Disciples yet they frequently call their own Books The Word of God as in many Instances I could shew Nay I have one Book of theirs by me wrote by Christopher Tayler one of their ancient and approved Teachers bearing this Title Certain Papers which is the Word of the Lord and in p. 2 3 16. of that Book it 's said To you all this is the Eternal Word of God Nay further Geo. Whitehead preferrs them to be of greater Authority than the Bible Thus do they to their Disciples contemn villifie and set at nought the Sacred Word of God whilst they extol their own Pamphlets as The Word of the Lord yea The Eternal Word of God and as such of greater Authority than the Holy Scriptures How then is it possible for such as are not Conversant with their Books to know them Indeed to understand Quakerism rightly is the Business of an Age I have had more than Forty Years Experience of them and yet I do not know the Depth of their Deceit and Hypocrisie I mean of their Leaders for amongst their Hearers I do believe there are many honest tho' miserably deluded amongst them I my self in my young Years was carry'd away with their Dissimulation and a great Zeal I had tho' I must confess it was without true Scripture Knowledge But some Years before I left them I saw them both to walk and act contrary to their Pretensions a large Account thereof I have given in my Pilgrim's Progress insomuch that I wrote four Books against their Hypocrisies whilst with them in hopes of a Reformation amongst them but still the more I came to examine into their Principles and to observe their Practices the more cause I found to leave them and to this Day I have kept on Ripping and Stripping this well-favoured Harlot who calls her self the only true Church of Christ and that out of her there is no Salvation as in Josiah Coole's Book The Whore unvailed c. p. 12 16 18 28 31 41 50. where also she asserts their Infallibility and that there 's no Tares in their Church that their Light is Judge of all Controversies all Power in Heaven and Earth being committed to it and Miracles thereby wrought And that she agree with the Papists that our Bible is a brazen-fac'd Book an unjust corrupt and perverse Bible else she would not have printed it after them without a Word of Reproof and the more I came to study this Point the more cause I found to discover and lay bare her Nakedness to the view of the Nations and my Labour has not been in vain but have prospered notwithstanding G. W.'s Inchanting Demureness and hardy Boldness to defend himself and Brethren from my several and repeated Charges of divers Kinds tho' like the Magicians of old Exod. 8.7 he has done much Hurt But this Book of his I am now Reprinting will be like ver 18. I know and am perswaded there is a Finger of God's Divine Providence that has attended those who have denied themselves and have faithfully managed this Controversie of God's Glory and the Good of Souls and are content to become as the Off-scouring of all things for his Name sake But why do they still complain they are not known I do think if they look into my Books they may see themselves as in a Glass and so may others especially in New Rome Unmask'd c. New Rome Arraign'd c. The Picture of Quakerism drawn to the Life c. my Pilgrim's Progress c. and Quakerism Exposed I say these especially tho' I think there 's none that I have writ but give some Discovery mote or less but if all these be wanting read The Snake in the Grass and the Defence
punished if they will follow their own Light blind Zeal and Imaginations In like manner such as poyson the Streams of the Christian Religion subvert the Faith undermine Christianity broach and maintain damnable Errours denying the Lord that bought them as you have done I hope then it is not raising Persecution to have you Examined and your Errours censured which is the main thing you fear whilst you would make the World believe you fear Persecution In answer to this John Feild in his Defence c. p. 3. recites thus much viz. I do profess my self a Member of the Church of England I have often and do again tell you that I am against Persecution and will add That Persecution for Righteousness sake is a Badge of a False Church c. But these Words with many others as by comparing you may see for the Name of Jesus he has dropt as not for his turn And in this tho' John Feild was a Tool yet he was no Fool for he knew very well that no Quakers ever suffered in England for the Name of Jesus Neither was there in their time ever known that an Act Parliament was made or a Justice's Warrant ever signed to persecute any Man for the Name of Jesus And I now anew do declare That I am against Persecution and do refer the Reader to my Book The Picture of Quakerism drawn to the Life c. pag. 73 to 125. for my Judgment in that Case But there is one Passage I may not let slip in Geo. Whitehead's Truth and Innocency Vindicated c. p. 44. Such Records are not intended to make the Governors nor Government odious for Persecution to Posterity Neither do I know of any among us that have so threatned to publish to After-ages c. Reply But Ah George what is become of thy Sincerity that canst thus Lie in the Face of the Government What dost not thou know W. Penn Is he not still among you And tho' others be dead yet their Books are still among you I am now turning thee upside down even thy Inside outward therefore hold up thy Chin and draw near me that I may take off thy Mask of Sincerity and shew thy foul Inside Read the Picture of Quakerism p. 102 103. where divers of your Books are quoted that do so threaten particularly W. Penn's Judas and the Jews c. p. 41. Our faithful Chronicles says he of the Bloody Tragedies of that Professing Generation will tell future Ages other things Now George is not this a Threat Yes sure Only Sam. Cater's and other Sham-Sufferings are discovered which will despoil your Chronicle Again in his Rejoinder p. 410. New Provocations says Penn may give fresh occasion for their History to come abroad to the Nation more compendiously than ever See also R. Barkley's Anarchy c. p. 42. That as thro' our Faithful Testimony in the Hand of the Lord that Antichristian and Apostatized Generation the National Ministry hath received a deadly Blow by our discovering and witnessing against their forced Maintenance and Tythes against which we have testified by many cruel Sufferings of all kinds as our Chronicles shall make known to Generations to come c. What George is here no Threatning Dost thou indeed say thou knowest of none among you that have an intent to publish your Sufferings to render the Government odious for Persecution This is such a Lie that it will wound the Author And so I turn to John Feild again In my Book Quakerism Exposed c. there is this Passage p. 23. But this your Shuffle shewed the Gentry Justices of Peace the Clergy and Protestant Dissenters That your Principles are so destructive to Common Christianity as that you did not dare to stand the Test And this yea on this yea only this so far as I know put them upon a Petition to the Honourable House of Commons to do that for God and the Christian Religion which they could not do namely to Examine your Principles and Censure your Errours as to their Wisdom should seem meet And in this they i. e. both the Church of England Men and Protestant Dissenters are unanimous and this disturbs you this perplexes you and for this your Tool John Feild calls and compares them to Herod and Pilate Haman and Judas Upon this John Feild by way of Prayer replies Defence c. p. 10. Pray let Fra. Bugg who asserts this make it appear to the King and both Houses of Parliament that this yea only this put them upon it and that they are unanimous herein For if so there is not one of these Sorts but what is consenting thereto or hath been actually concerned in the Petition But if it hath not been so then the Parliament may be hereby informed That he hath not truly represented themselves i. e. the Parliament for they are included in his general Words And let him tell if he can what that common Christianity is that the Quakers Principles are so destructive to c. Well John I have hear'd thy Prayer and G. W.'s Ishmael herewith reprinted do tell you if what I have hitherto does not what that common Christianity is which your Principles are destructive to and in a great part shew the Cause of your Shuffle in that you did not dare to own your Books and either defend or retract your Blasphemous and Seditious Principles together with many other Reasons in my said Book Qua. Exposed c. to which I refer the Reader Nor doth it follow from what I therein said that every individual Man of all sorts was concerned in the Petition nor that the Parliament was at all concerned What the Parliament Petition the Parliament No John this is a Quibble which hath no Ground in any Field but such that bring forth nothing but Thorns or Thistles But John here is more in this Suggestion than every body on first sight will be aware of For what is it less than to tell all the Counties Shires Cities and Burroughs in England and Wales that their Representatives are such Friends to your Errours that they are not unanimous in and with their Electors as to have you examined about them And not only so but the Protestant Churches abroad who are Scandalized by your pernicious Errours if you be as your selves boast Recognized Protestants And this John I take to be Scandalous to our English Protestant Parliament who profess Faith in our Lord Jesus which you testifie was not the Son of God which is a Damnable Errour denying the Lord that bought you with the Price of his most Precious Blood if you would accept thereof on Gospel-Terms And from this Scandal there needs be no other Vindication than the Good and Christian Laws already made and their frequent Votes in Parliament and the Humble Address made to the King's Majesty in the Year 1697. which not only gave me Encouragement to Charge and Challenge you and when you threw that off and Challenged the Clergy it likewise incouraged
them to Charge you And when you shuffled and evaded their Charge it gave them Encouragement for the Petition that they might Examine you an Abstract thereof is as followeth viz. The Humble Address of the House of Commons to the KING May it please Your Majesty WE your Majesties most Dutiful and Loyal Subjects the Commons in Parliament Assembled do with great Joy and Comfort remember the many Testimonies which your Majesty hath given us of your Sincerity and Zeal for the true Reformed Religion as established in this Kingdom and in particular we beg leave to present to your Majesty our most Humble and Thankful Acknowledgments for the late Gracious Declaration your Majesty has made to us from the Throne that you would effectually discourage Prophaneness and Immorality c. We do further in all Humility beseech your Majesty that your Majesty would give such effectual Orders as to your Royal Wisdom shall seem fit for the suppressing all Pernicious Books and Pamphlets which contain in them Impious Doctrine against the Holy Trinity and other Fundamental Articles of our Faith tending to the Subversion of the Christian Religion and that the Authors and Publishers thereof may be Discountenanced and Punished c. And to the end that the Quakers may see the Zeal of our Government against the Errors contained in their Books and not to presume to Discourse as they do as if they and they only were the White Hen's Chickens and the only Favourites as I can give particular Demonstrations both by what I have heard with my Ears from some of their Young Disciples who as the Old Cocks Crow the Young ones Learn as well as I have observed from Credible Information I shall recite His Majesties most Gracious Answer to the foregoing Address which is as followeth viz. Gentlemen I Cannot but be very well pleased with an Address of this Nature and I will give immediate Directions in the several Particulars you desire But I could wish some more Effectual Provision were made for the suppressing those Pernicious Books and Pamphlets which your Address takes notice of By this time the Quakers thought themselves concerned being Conscious to themselves as well they might that no People in the King's Dominion no not the Muggletonians were so obnoxious to the Censure of the King and Parliament as themselves Upon which they bestirred themselves like the Magicians in Moses's time to bring forth a likeness And therefore when there was a Bill Preparing they Printed a Paper and presented it to the House of Commons by way of Instructions in which there were these Words viz. WHereas the Bill enacts That if any Person or Persons c. shall deny any of the Persons in the Holy Trinity to be God and make it punishable by the same Bill were it not more safe and plain to put it in Scripture Terms as instead of Deny any one of the Persons to be God to insert If any one shall deny any of the Three that bear Record in Heaven the Father the Word or the Holy Ghost to be God 1 John 5.7 Now if the Quakers can but bend the Parliament to their Bow then they 'll agree but as for them they cannot condescend a Hair's Breadth as one of their Teachers Patrick Livingston formerly Taught For say they The Father is Light the Son is Light and the Holy Ghost is Light Nay if they desire three or four Persons more added as that the Door is Light the Elect Stone is Light the Vine is Light the Blood is Light the Water is Light they 'll allow all and all these are One no one of which was before or after the other nor one greater or lesser than another and yet all this while they mean not a Word according to the Scriptures and the common belief of all Sound Christians but Reduce all to their Light within But still fearing what might happen and to guard their Errors they soon presented His Majesty with a Paper and this put me upon undergoing the Charge of Reprinting one of their Books intirely that so I may set them in their True Light to be seen and read of all Men And as it is my Duty so by my Reasonable Service to God and my Country though by some my Words may be despised Eccles 9.16 A Copy of the Quakers Paper is as followeth viz. To King William III. over England c. The Grateful Acknowledgment of the People Commonly called Quakers Humbly Presented May it please the King SEeing the most High God who rules in the Kingdoms of Men * * Dan. 5.21 and appointeth over it whomsoever he will hath by his over-ruling Power and Providence placed thee in Dominion and Dignity over these Realms and by his Divine Favour has signally preserved and delivered thee from many Great and Eminent Dangers and Graciously turned the Calamity of War into the desired Mercy of Peace we heartily wish that we and all others concerned may be truly Sensible and humbly Thankful to Almighty God for the same that the Peace may be lasting and a perpetual Blessing And now O King the God of Peace having returned thee in Safety it is Cause of Joy to all them that fear him to hear thy good and seasonable Resolution effectually to discourage Prophaneness and Immorality Righteousness being that which exalteth a Nation And as the King has been Tenderly Inclined to give Ease and Liberty of Conscience to his Subjects of different Perswasions of whose Favour we have largely partaken so we esteem it our Duty Gratefully to Commemorate and Acknowledge the same earnestly beseeching Almighty God to assist the King to prosecute and effect these his just and good Inclinations that his Days may be Happy and Peaceable and hereafter he may partake of a lasting Kingdom that will never fade away London the 7th of the 11th Month 1697. Signed in Behalf of the said People by us George Whitehead Peter Bowen Will. Mead Gilbert Layty John Edge Daniel Quane Tim. Emmerson Thomas Hawes Samuel Jobson Theod. Eccleston Nicholas Gates Will. Ingram Will. Onkingate Thomas Lower John Paine John Butcher Will. Macket Rich. Needham John Vaughton John Hound Michael Russel Jof Wilkinson Joseph Wyeth John Hall Josiah Ellis Now by this fair and smooth Paper who would think but the Quakers would have Signed the Association pursuant to the Act of Parliament Intituled An Act for the better Security of His Majesties Royal Person and Government c. Oh! no by no means For they tell you in their Paper Intituled The Ancient Testimony and Principle of the People called Quakers Renewed with respect to the King and Government and touching the present Association Dated the 23d of March 1695 6 viz. And whereas we the said People are required to sign the said Association we sincerely declare That our refusing so to do is not out of any dissatisfaction to the King and Government nor in Opposition to his being declared Rightful and Lawful King of these Realms but purely because