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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A18209 A defence of Catholikes persecuted in England invincibly prouing their holy religion to be that which is the only true religion of Christ; and that they in professing it, are become most faithfull, dutifull, and loyall subiects, to God, their King and country. And therefore are rather to be honoured and respected, then persecuted or molested. Composed by an ould studient in diuinitie. Broughton, Richard. 1630 (1630) STC 4833; ESTC S107625 93,830 235

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in the heauens and ●hatsoeuer yee shall loose on earth shal be loosed in ●e heauens God hath subiected to the hands of the ●riests the Regall head thea●hing vs that this Prince greater thē that The thron● power authoritie ●nd dignitie of Priests is aboue Regall this ●leth onely in things temporall the Priest ● heauenly The king of heauen hath giuen his power to his Priests and hath subiected ●e Regall head to th● hands of the Priests ●eclaring vnto vs that this is a greater Prince ●en he Neither hath he giuē such power vnto ●ngels or Archangels as to Pri●sts Sa●erdotib●●●●um est vt potestatem hab●ant quam Deus neque Chrys●st lib. 3. de Sacerdotio ●ngelis neque Archangel●s datam esse voluit Neque ●im ad illos dictum est Quae●unque alligaueritis in ●rrâ erunt alligata in coelo Et quaecunque soluereti●● terrâ erunt soluta in ●oel● It is giuen to Priests ●at they shall haue power which God would haue ●uen neither to Angells nor Ar●hange●●s For it is not ●ed to them Whatsoeuer you ●hall bind vpon earth ●all be bound also in heauen and whatsoeuer you shall ●ose on earth shall be loosed in heauen The power ●f binding which is in Princes is onely ouer ●odies that of Priests ouer soules and exten●eth to heauen Habent terrestres Principes vin●li potestatem verum corp●rum solum Id autem quod Chryso●● ibide● ●●o Sacordotum vinculum ipsam e●iam animam con●ngitatque ad coelos vsque peruadit Terreane Princes ●lso haue the power of fetters but of the bodie onely ●ut that which I saie the bonds of Priests toucheth the ●ule it selfe and passeth vnto the heauens This is the doctrine deliuered by Christ so exp●●nded both by the Gr●●ke and ●●●ine Church in Britani● and all places with all persons all good Emperours Kinges and Prince● of England and which the whole Christian worlde ha●e euer prof●ssed and declared 17. And the world will witnesse euery where against persecuting England that the Cath●lik● P●iest and Clergie thereof be as le●●ned ●●ly religious and as sa●● f●●m exception and eue● haue bene since they were persecuted ●●mber for number as any ●●●gi●●● all Ch●●stian re●owned Na●ions And of all Eng●●●h people they ha●e most ●o●o●red ●n●●east 〈…〉 offended their P●inces or 〈…〉 C●●●crie Most of them be and 〈…〉 of noble or 〈◊〉 famili●● and al●●●bred ●● and discended that th●y ha●e 〈◊〉 at home and abroad without 〈…〉 or hu●e They 〈◊〉 left 〈…〉 places i● 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 Engl●●d 〈…〉 and all They 〈…〉 B●shopr●cks 〈◊〉 or 〈…〉 but leaue 〈◊〉 to th●●●r 〈…〉 any 〈◊〉 Trib●●es or 〈…〉 From their Aduersa●ies The Catholike● of ●nglan● 〈◊〉 these ●o 〈…〉 more the Protestants doe 〈…〉 or many 〈◊〉 Presentations and 〈◊〉 which be●o●ged 〈◊〉 their ●o ●●ll into the lapse for the Protestant Bishops to bestowe as th●y will Ou● Catholik● Priests haue no wiues or children to trouble the Cōmon ●ealth with●ll Pari●he●●nd p●aces of birth be not postered or charged with any ●u●h n●r Scho●●erships or Fel●owships in Vn●uersitie● which are not or●ained for Minister● children● Tenan●s are ●ot put out of their liuings nor the Church Ri●ches and liuings horded vp beggars made ●ut not releeued for any 〈◊〉 of Priests ●r Priests fauourers All that be of their ac●uintance in Religion are instructed in dutie ●o God and Prince and be most true and ●utifull Subiect● to ●heir king ●n all occasiōs ●h●se cānot be the 〈◊〉 of a bad Religion 18. Their Religion vnder pre●en●e where●f they are presecuted they haue of●ē in pub●shed bookes proued in euery point and ●rticle to be onely true and now doe cō●● it ●●t to p●e●se which will so demonstrate 〈◊〉 euery Article of th● P●●se●utours Re●ion euen by the Apostle● and Apo●olike men and Fathers of that age in ●hich they liued holy Scripturs and Pro●stants themselue● and they haue often ●ade most earnest and hūb●e petitions late● p●blished in print to the Parlament 〈◊〉 publickly euen with vnequall condi●ons to themselues and their caus●●● dispute ●d m●intain● all and euery part of the do●ine they hold and 〈◊〉 against the best ●arned Protestant Bishops or 〈◊〉 their Persecutours And yet if mē would or should speake doe and proceede consequently as they which tak●●pon them to be teachers instructours and Reformers in Religion of all men in all times and places ought and without vtterly disabling themselues therein are bound A Prieste or Bishop that saieth Ma●se absolueth penitents or reconci●eth men to the Catholike faith by power authoritie or Iurisdiction from Rome is no more guiltie of so ●ermed treason by the Parlamēt Protestant Acts and lawes then all other Ecclesiasticall Parlamēt an 〈◊〉 Elizab. Statute 2. Parlam 1. Iacob Parlam ● Car●li person● d●acons or others inferiours Religious of what name title or degree soeuer as Subdeacōs Acolythists Exorcists or others wanting all such power as is euident by that o● Queene Elizabeth receiued and prosecute● by king Iames ād king Charles Priests therefore are not or should not be so prosecute● for their Priestlie functions God forbyd any English minded man or louer of Englan● should thinke or wish it a thing so penall an● capitall for any Inhabitāt of England or English man to be borne abid or remaine in hi● beloued natiue Countrie of England thoug● he we●e a meaner and more vnworthie ma● then any meanest Priest of England is 19. The Protestants thus deriue our Clerg●● Succession Th● first Parlament of Q● C●mbd Annal pag 36. ●●izabeth being ended the Oath of th● Queens supreamacie was proposed to the Catholike Bishops and Ecclesiasticall Persons many as refused to sweare were depriued their benefices dignities and Bishopriks ● Rulers of Churches 50. Prebendaries 5. ●isters of Colledges 12 Archdeacons 12. ●anes and 14. Bishops all that then ●emai● except one Anthonie Bishop of Landaffe ● calamitie of his See and ●ome commit●ed prison in the Tower Fleete Marshallea ● kings Bench. How reuerend and learned ●n those of our Clergie then we●e and they ●ch immediately ioyned with the and cōti●d a Successiō of renowned Clergie Priests ● memorable bookes and writings of very ●y of them in defence of Catholike Reli●n ther honour therby registred among ● must worthie writers and their glorie in whole Church of Christ are warrant to posteritie I am an vnworthie witnesse ● many older and of more frequēt conuersa● with Priests then I can better testifie that ●hin 25 yeares of the Reigne of Queene E●beth when so many from our Seminaries ● come hither that at one time there were ● of them Prisoners in the Marshallea and ●y of them put to death There were then ●y of Queene Maries Priests depriued and ●secuted by Queene Elizabeth still liuing ● labouring here in this holy cau●e and ●st of them were very learned as they were ● which were sent from our Seminaries to ●plie their number and ioyne with them as ●ers published bookes from them their
and Gouernment as generally Catholik● euer haue done and will as they are bound by Religion to doe In the time of young king Edward 6. Cranmar and his Protestant Complices by that young kings will did their vttermost to extinguish and ouerthrowe it Queene Mary and her Catholike Regimēt did nothing against it but reuiued preserued and confirmed it In the Protestāt reigne of Q. Elizabeth Statuts were made to auoide or hinder it It was enacted by Protestant Parlament Capitall to acknowledge it Hales an Eng●ish Protestant companion to the Scotish Knox wrote a booke expressely against the Title of king Iame● No Protestant answeared confuted or seemed to disalowe it Onely Catholiks Sir Anthonie Browne a Iudge Doctour Morga● Doctour of Diuinitie and Doctour Smith of the Ciuill lawe confuted it The death of that glorious Catholike Queene Marie Grandmother to king Charles and true Heire of England was long sought and after contriued concluded and executed by Queene Elizabeth and her Protestants Many worthie Catholicks here for her cause loste their liues lands and what they possessed And all ge●rally for suspition of fauouring her and king Iames his Title and now of king Charles were much persecuted Yet no Persecution could euer force vs from that dutie to lawfull Princes and their Temporall Titles but we euer performed it though with daunger as we haue and doe our dutie to God and the holy Church No Catholike Clergie man a● any time impugned it 2. William Bishop of Chaleedon and Richard now his persecured Successor maintained proued and confirmed it So haue all Archpriests Assistants and all in any authoritie among the Clergie either by opinion word or writing And some of vs that yet liue and write I might here catch hold of my owne penne with others haue as expressely plainely and effectua●ly taught and published it as king Charles can desire The Protestant writers of their great publike Theater of grea● Britanie haue not giuen so great allowance vnto it The Lord Verulam in his historie of king Henrie 7. hath not asscribed too much a good Catholike writer would haue g●uen more vnto it 3. And to pu● all out of doubt or question in this businesse because P●●e●ts and Catholikes are charged so much for adhearing to Papall powe● in this they are assuredly knowne to be the truest Subiects to our king For all Popes actually or virtually in neuer approuing or legittimating Queene Elizabeth haue ratified and confirmed the iust Right of Scotland in th●s kingedome and Ireland And nothing can be saide to be more authentically approu●d and confirmed by Popes authoritie then Pope Innocentius 8. by his Papall Bull as our Protestants confesse and relate Bulla Innocentij S. in ●●trim Henrici Regi● Ang. 7. Ma●●● Parker Antiquit. Brit. in ●● Merit it confirmed both the marriadge of king Henry 7. with Elizabeth daughter and heire to king Edward 4. and his most lawfull and Iust 〈◊〉 to the Crowne of England By all Titles and Rights by Right of Inheritance right of warre right of marriage right of Electiō and right of Parlament by hi● Pontisicall power Pa●● ad confirmandum illud legitimum diuinitusque conciliatum ac ad pacem tranquillitatem Anglorum maximè necessarium Matrimoniu● suis Bullis opus esse putauit quia quarto cognationis gradu coniuncti nuptias contraxerunt In quibus etiam nè authoritate carere videretur regnum acquisitum Regē confirmauit illudque iure hareditario Iure belli iure coniugali Iure elec●●onis Iure Senatus seu Parliamenti Anglicani necnon Iure Pontificio atque suo ad Henritum Regem septimum eiusque Haredes in perpe●●●● spectare debere pronuntiauit The Pope though● i● needefull by his Bulls to confirme that godly reconciled Marriage most n●●●ssarie for the peace and tranquillitie of English men for that they ●ad married in the sowerth degree In which also least it may seeme to want authoritie ●e co●firmed the obtained kingdome on the king and declared it to appertaine perpetually to king Henrie the 7. and his heires by ●●●editarie right by right of warre by right of Marriage by righ● of election by right of the Coun●ell o● Engli●● Parlament by Pontificall and his owne right This is so constringent and bind●ng an obligation of all English Catholikes attributing so much to Papall pow●r and Iu●i●diction as Protestants saie we doe euer to performe all temporall dutie and obedience to our king Charles the vndoubted true lawfull He●re of that so established king Hery●● to him and his heires for euer that no Catholike man allowing of Papall authoritie can euer be iustly suspected of disobediēce or vndutifulnesse to our Soueraigne And all the Protestants of ●ngland in their Religion cannot produce such a bonde testimonie or warrant fo● their like fidelitie 4. Therefore being thus clearely and manifestly made knowne and euident that the Religion of English Catholikes in euery point is most true and holy plensing to God and profitable in temporall Regiment the sacred Orders of our Bishop and Priest so honourable we hope our king and hi● Councell hereafter will rather thinke of defending then offending protecting then persecuting K. Charles Declaration to all Subiects An. 1628. them And besides that is here saide his owne Regall declaration published with aduise of his Councell calleth vpon him and them so to doe For there with that aduise h● thus publikly protesteth before God and m● We ●all God to record before whō we stand● that it ● and allwayes hath b●ne our hearts desi●e ●o be foun● worthie of that Title which we accompt the most glorious in all our Crowne Defendor of the saith 5. We must m●st humbly remember vnto him the saith whereof he is ●●ilc●● Defender wherein there is so m●ch glo●●e● it is tha● onely true saith of Ca●●o●iks as is here proued and no other true faith being but one ● Ephes 4. Vnus Dominus vna sides vnum baptis●a One Lord one faith one Baptisme And this faith of Catholiks of Eng●and is the true Catholike Apostolik faith and saith of the Church of Rom● now and when that Title Defendor of ●● faith was giuen to king Henry the 8. befor● his lapse from the Church of Rome by the Pope there for defending that faith against Luther The Title giuen must be interpreted by the giuer the Pope not the receiuer which could not receiue but what was giuen And this Title was giuen receiued and vsed many yeares before Queene Elizabeth or before her Religion the Religion of English Protestāts now was borne ād was vsed both by king Hēry 8. and Queene Mary not of this new Religion wherefore we hope our king calling God to Record will rather defend the faith of his Catholikes and them then to suffer them to be thus persecuted and his Councell which counsailed him in that declaration will so aduise and counsaile him And his Parlament that could not finde their Religion 80. yeares old will not hinder him in so good a deede seeing it is certaine by their owne accompt that the Title Defendor of the faith is about 30. yeares older then their Religion and so he cannot by that Title defend their faith A non ens can haue no defence It can neither be defended or offended FINIS FAVLTS ESCAPED AND CORRECTED Pag. 17. lin 3. Theanus for Theonus l. 15. Thadiacus for Thadiocus p. 21. l. 22. paene for penè p. 27. l. 28. most worthiest for worthiest p. 39. l. 28. were for was p. 42. l. 18. Phylosopho for Philosopho p. 43. l. 20. Huntingtonsyhre for Huntington shyre p. 47. l. 21. did increased for and encreased p. 51. l. 20. these man for these men p. 52. l. 19. Missae Papisticae for Missa Papistica p. 61. l. 19. Ireland for Iland p. 63. l. 6. translated them for translated p. 69. l. 22. euery one for and euery one p. 71. l. 7. formae for forma p. 80. l. 23. iurisdiction for iurisdiction on the Christians p. 91. l. 18. after S. Peter adde and to the holy Roman Church p. 100. l. 25. make no Parenthesis p. 111. l. 8. Omitt Theodoretus p. 120. l. 26. Omitt Thou shalt p. 123. l. 6. Amphilabus for Amphibalus Some other faults of lese moment I haue not put downe here they being easie for the Reader to correct in reading FAVLTS ESCAPED AND CORRECTED Pag. 13. lin 23. at which time for after which time pag. 17. l. 3. Theanus for Theonus l. 15. Thadiacus for Thadiocus p. 21. l. 22. paene for penè p. 23. l. 24. first to haue perswaded for before to haue brought p. 25. l. 5. as they most happely did for as soone after it most happely was p. 27. l. 28. most worthiest for worthiest p. 39. l. 10. S. Bonifacius for S. Benedict Biscop p. 35. l. 28. were for was p. 42. l. 7. yea 386 for yeare 586. p. 42. l. 18. Phylosopho for Philosopho pag. 43. l. 20. Huntingtonsyhre for Huntingtonshyre p. 47. l. 21. did increased for and encreased p. 51. l. 20. these man for these men p. 52. l. 19. Missae Papislicae for Missa Papistica p. 61. l. 19. Ireland for Iland pag. 63. l. 6. translated them for translated pag. 69. l. 22. euery one for and euery one pag. 71. l. 7. formae for forma p. 80. l. 23. iurisdiction for iurisdiction on the Christians p. 91. l. 18. after S. Peter adde and to the ho●y Roman Church pag. 100. l. 25. make no Parenthesis p. 111. l. 8. Omit Theodoretus p. 120. l. 26. Omit Thou shalt p. 123. l. 6. Amphilabus for Amphibalus pag. 125. l. 1. allmost 1000 for aboue 1000. p. 150. l. 22. let for left pag. 156. l. 18. many for euery Some other faults of lese moment I haue not put downe here they being easie for the ●eader to correct in reading