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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13043 The chronicles of England from Brute vnto this present yeare of Christ. 1580. Collected by Iohn Stow citizen of London.; Annales Stow, John, 1525?-1605. 1580 (1580) STC 23333; ESTC S117590 888,783 1,248

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that at ●●ght of the clocke they shoulde lose their Maister Here is the ende and fall of Pride arrogancie of men Example of pride and arrogancie exalted by fortune to dignities for in hys tyme he was the haughtiest man in all hys procéedings alyue hauing more respecte to the honor of his person than he had to his spirituall profession wherein should be shewed all méekenesse 〈◊〉 a●● charitie The Cleargie of Englande beyng iudged by the Kings The Cleargie condemned in the Premunire learned Councel to be in the premunire for maintaining y ● power Legan●ine of the Cardinall were called by pro●e●● into the Kings Bench to aunsweare wherefore in their conuocation they concluded a submission where in they called the King Supreme head of the Church of England and were contented to giue the King 100000. poundes to pardon King Henrie supreame head their offences touching y ● premunire by acte of Parliamēt The fift of Aprill one Richard Rose a Cooke was boyled 1531 A Cooke boyled in Smithfielde for poysoning of diuers persons at the Bishop of Rochesters place King Henrie purchased the Hospitall of Saint ●ames ●éere to Charing Crosse and al the medows to the same adioyning Anno reg 23 The Kings house at Saint Iames. gyuing the sisters of the house pencions during their liues and then builded thereof a goodly Mansion with a Parke whiche he caused to be walle● about with Bricke The 〈◊〉 of August Thomas Bilney a Bacheler T. Bylney burned of Law 〈…〉 Norwich Richard Gresham 〈◊〉 Alth●●●●h● 28. of September Sherifes Maior Rice Griffyn executed Sir Nicholas Lambard G●●cer the 28. of October The fourth of December sir Rice Gryffyn was beheaded at the Tower hill and buryed at the Crossed Friers Iohn Hewes hys man 〈◊〉 to Tybor●● hanged and quartered The 17. of May deceassed Robert Thorne Bacheler and Merchant Taylour of London who gaue by his Testament his debts firste being paide is to be destributed in the citie Robert Thom his charitie in the Citie of London of London 500. l. to pore housholders in the xxv Wardes 20. l. in euery warde To reléeue prisoners in the Counters 50. l. To pore Maides mariages 50. l. To the foure prisons about London Newgate Ludgate Kings bench Marshalsea 100. l. To Aldermarie Church in London 10. l. Summe 710. poundes In the Citie of Bristow to the making vppe of the Frée Robert Thorn● his charitie in the tovvne of Bristovve schoole of Saint Bartholomew 300. l. to be diuided in the parishes among the poore housholders 300. l. to the redemption of the frée farme of prisage there 200. l. to the Almes houses there 100. l. to Thomas Moffit Maister of the Grammer Schoole 25. l. and to Robert his sonne 10. l. to the poore prisoners in Bristowe 50. l. to poore maides Mariages there 50. l. towarde making of a place for Merchants for the stréete in Bristow 100. l. to the repayring of hyghe wayes from Camer Marche to Bristow at the discretion of his executors as néede requyred and to the other high ways about Bristow 100. l. to Saint Nicholas Churche in Bristowe 20. l. to the four orders of Friers there euerye order 20. l. more to the prisoners of Bristowe 100. l. to the Chamber of Bristow 300. l. for the prouision of corne and wood more to the Chamber 500. l. to the reléefe of yong men that practise Clothing to the pore people of Bristow 500. l. And ouer and besides all this to be distributed in déedes of Charitie at the discretion of his executors 1000. l. Summe 3735. poundes Legacies to his sisters children other kindred amounted to 5142. l. 6. s̄ 8. d. His debts forgiuē wer 83. l. 5. s̄ 10. d. The residue of hys goods he gaue to his brother Nicholas Thorne The 28. of May Fryer Forrest was put in prison for contrarying Frier Forrest the Preacher before the King The othe which the Clergie had vsed to make to the Bishop Clergy svvor●e to the King of Rome was made voyde by statute a new othe confirmed wherein they cōfessed the king to be Supreme head The fiftéenth of May sir Thomas Moore after great sute Si● Thomas Moore made by him was discharged of the Chancelorship The fourth of June the King dubbed Thomas Audeley Lorde Audley made Lorde Chauncelour Knight made him kéeper of the greate Seale and not long after Lord Chancelor The fiftéenth of June fiue men were hanged and quartred Coyners and Clyppers executed Christes Church suppressed at Tower hill for coyning and clypping In the Moneth of July the King suppressed the Priorie of Christ church in London he sent the Chanons of that house to other Priories and gaue their Church plate and lands to sir Thomas Audley The thrée and twentith of Auguste William Warham Archebyshoppe of Canterburie deceassed The King repayred the Tower of London The firste of September the Lady Anne Bolleine was Marchionesse of Penbrooke made Marchionesse of Pembrooke at Windsore and then was gyuen hir by the King one thousande pounde by yeare The eleuenth of October King Henrie landed at Calleis with the Duke of Richemonde hys bastarde sonne the Duke of Norffolke Lord Treasurer of England the Duke of Suffolke the Marquesse of Excester the Erles of Darby Arundale Oxforde Surrey and Rutlande the Vicount Lisle King Edwarde the fourth his bastarde sonne the Lord Matrauers the Lord Sands Lorde Chamberlaine of the Kings house the Lorde William Hawarde the Lorde Bray the Lorde Montague the Lorde Cobham the Lorde Mordant the Lorde Dawbney the Lorde Grey the Lord Clinton the Lorde Vaux the Lorde Mountegle the Lorde Rocheford wyth diuers other Lordes the Bishoppes of Winchester London Lincolne and Bathe sir William Fitz William treasourer of the kings house sir William Pawlet Comptroller sir William Kingstone Capitaine of the Guarde sir Iohn Page sir Iames Boleine sir Anthony Browne sir Edwarde Neuell sir Thomas Cheyney sir Iohn Russell sir Richard Page sir Ralph Eldercare sir Edward Baynton sir Edwarde Santener sir Griffyth Deene sir Iohn Dudley sir Iohn Femer sir Henry Long sir Anthony Hungerforde sir Iohn Brudges sir Arthur Hoptō sir Anthony Wingfielde sir William Paston sir Edmonde Bedingfielde sir Thomas Strange sir William Hawte sir Edwarde Wotton sir William Askewe sir Iohn Marleant sir William Barington sir William Essex sir Giles Strangweis sir Edwarde Chamberlaine sir Giles Caple sir Iohn Sent-Iohn sir Walter Hungerforde sir William Gascoine sir Lionel Norrice sir Edwarde Boloine sir Thomas Lisle sir Iohn Ashton sir Thomas Palmer sir William Boloine sir William Finche sir William Pellam sir Thomas Rotherham sir Iohn Norton sir Richarde Sandes sir Iohn Neuell and thyrtie Esquiers with manye Gentlemenne and all theyr traines The towne of Calleis had at thys season xxiiij C. beddes and stabling for two thousande horses besides the Uillages about The xxj of October King Henrie rode towarde Boloigne and was by the
othe Item it is accorded appointed and agréed that the said Richard Duke of Yorke shal be called reputed from hence forth very and rightfull heire to the crownes royall estate dignitie and Lordshippe aboue saide and after the decease of the saide King Henry or when he will lay from him the saide crownes estate dignitie and Lordshippe the sayde Duke and his heyres shal immediately succéed to the saide crownes royal estate dignitie and Lordship Item the saide Richard Duke of Yorke shall haue by authoritie of this present Parliament castels manors lands and tenementes wyth the wardes marriages reliefs seruices fines amercementes offices anowsions fées and other appurtenaunces to them belonging what soeuer they be to the yearely valewe of tenne thousande markes ouer al charges and reprises where of fiue thousand markes shall be to his owne state thrée thousande fiue hundred markes to Edward his first begotten sonne Earle of March for his estate and one thousande pounde to Edmond Earle of Rutland his seconde sonne for his yearely sustentation in suche considerations and suche intent as shall be declared by the Lords of the Kings Counsell Item if any person or persons imagine or compasse the death of the sayde Duke and thereof probably be attaynte of open déede done by folkes of other condition that it be déemed and adiudged high treason Item for the more establishing of the sayde accorde it is appointed and consented that the Lordes spirituall and Temporall being in thys present Parliament shal make othes to accepte take worship and repute the said Richard Duke of Yorke and hys heires as aboue is rehearsed and kéepe and obserue and strength in as muche as apperteyneth vnto them all the things abouesayd and resist to their power all them that woulde presume the contrarie according to their estates and degrées Item the sayde Richard Duke of Yorke Erles of March and Rutland shall permitte and make other to helpe ayde and defende the sayde Lords and euery of them against althose that wyll quarrell or any thing attempt against the sayde Lordes or anye of them by occasion of agréemente or consenting to the sayde accorde or assistaunce giuing to the Duke and Earles or any of them Item it is agréed and appointed that this accorde and euery Article thereof be opened and notifyed by the kings letters patents or otherwise at such times and places and in maner as it shall be thought expedient to the sayde Rycharde Duke of Yorke with the aduise of the Lordes of the Kings Counsel The King vnderstandeth certainely the sayde title of the sayde Richarde Duke of Yorke iust lawfull and sufficient by the aduise and assent of the Lordes spirituall and Temporall and the Commons in this Parliament assembled by aucthoritie of y ● same Parliament declareth approueth ratifyeth confirmeth and accepteth the sayde title iust good lawfull and true and therevnto giueth his assent and agréemente of his frée will and libertie And ouer that by the sayd aduice and aucthoritie declareth entitleth calleth stablisheth affirmeth and reputeth the sayde Richarde Duke of Yorke very true and rightfull heire to the Corones Royal estate and dignitie of y ● realms of England and of Fraunce and of the Lordship of Irelande aforesaid and that according to y ● worship and reuerence that therto belongeth he be taken accepted and reputed in worship and reuerence by all the states of the sayde Realme of Englande and of all hys subiectes thereof fauyng and ordayning by the same aucthoritie the King to haue y ● saide Corones Realme royal estate dignity and preheminence of the same and the sayde Lordshippe of Ireland during his life naturall And furthermore by the same aduice and authoritie will consenteth and agréeth that after his decease or when it shall please his highnesse to laye from hym the sayde Corones estate dignitie and Lordshippe the sayde Richarde Duke of Yorke and hys heyres shal immediatelye succéede him in the sayde Corones Royall estate dignitye and worshippe and them then haue and inioye any acte of Parliament statute or ordinance or other thing to the contrarie made or interruption or discontinuaunce of possession notwithstanding And moreouer by the saide aduise and aucthoritie stablisheth graunteth confirmeth approueth ratifieth and accepteth the said accorde and al things therein contayned and therevnto fréely and absolutely assenteth agréeth and by the same aduice and authoritie ordayneth and establisheth that if anye person or persons ymagine or compasse the deathe of the sayde Duke and probably be attaynt of open déede done by folkes of that conditions that it be déemed and adiudged highe Treason And furthermore ordayneth and establisheth by the sayde aduice and aucthoritie that all statutes ordinaunces and actes of Parliament made in the time of the said King Hērie the fourth by the whiche he and the heyres of his bodye comming of Henrie late King of England the fifth the sonne and heyre of the sayd King Henrie the fourth and the heires of King Henrie the fifth were or be inheritable to the saide Crownes and Realmes or to the heritage of the same bée adnulled repelled dampned cancelled voyde and of none effect And ouer this the King by the saide aduice assent authoritie ordayneth and establisheth that all other actes and statutes made afore thys time by acte of Parliamente not repelled or adnulled by like authoritie or otherwise voyde be in such force effecte and vertue as they were afore the making of these ordinaunces and that no letters pattents royalx of record nor actes Judicial made or done afore this tyme not repelled reuersed ne otherwise voyde by lawe be preiudiced or hurte by this present acte Also it was ordayned by the same Parliamente that the sayde Richarde Duke of Yorke shoulde be called Prince of Wales Duke of Cornewall and Earle of Chester and protectour of Englande In the moneth of December the Duke of Somerset and the Earle of Deuonshire wente into the Northe Countrey with eighte hundered men and anone after the saide Duke of Yorke the Earle of Rutlande his sonne and the Earles of Salisburie a little before Christmasse with a fewe persons wente into the Northe also for to represse the malice of the Northerne men the whiche loued not the Duke of Yorke ne the Earle of Salisburie and were lodged at the Castell of Sandale and at Wakefielde Then the Lorde Neuill brother to the Earle of Westmerlande vnder a colour of Friendshippe came to the Duke of Yorke requyring of hym a commission for hym to rayse the people for to chastice the Rebelles as he sayde but when he hadde raysed to the number of eighte thousande menne hée broughte them to the Lordes of that Countrey that is to saye the Earle of Northumberlande Lorde Clifforde and the Duke of Somerset that were aduersaries to the Duke of Yorke and on the laste of December they fell on the sayde Duke Richarde killed hym and his Sonne the Earle of Rutland and many other knights and Esquiers to witte the Lorde Harington
Wednesday following Upon whiche daye ●●e Maior sir Stephen Pecocke in a gown of Criniosin Uel●●t wyth his collar of Esses and al the Aldermen in Scar●●● with collars and chaines and all the Counsell of the Ci 〈…〉 with them tooke their Barge at one of the clocke and the 〈…〉 had another Barge and so rowed to Greenewiche where were manye Lordes Knightes and Gentlemen assembled al the walles betwéene the Kings palace and the Friers were hanged with Arras and all the way strewed with gréeue rushes The Friers Church was also hanged wyth riche Arras the Font was of siluer and stoode in the middest of the Churche thrée steppes highe whiche was couered with a fine cloth and diuers Gentlemen with apro●●● and towels aboute their neckes gaue attendance aboute it that no filth shoulde come to the font ouer it hung a square Canapie of Crimosin Sattin friuged with Golde aboute it was a rayle couered with red Say betwéene the Quéere bodye of the Church was a close place with a panne of fyr● to make the childe ready in when all these things were ●●dered the childe was brought to the Hall and then euery● man set forwarde firste the Citizens twoo and two then Gentlemen Esquiers and Chāplaines nexte after them the Aldermen and the Maior alone and nexte the King●● Councell then the Kings Chappell in Coapes then Barons Bishoppes Earles the Earle of Essex bearing the couered Basons guilte after him the Marquesse of Excest●● with a Taper of Uirgin Ware nexte him the Marquesse Dercet bearing the Salte behinde him the Ladye Mary of Norffolke bearing the Criso●e whyche was verye ●●●he of Pearle and Stone The olde Dutchesse of No●ffolke 〈…〉 the childe in a Mantle of purple Uel●e● wyth a long traine surred wyth Ermin The D. of Norffolke with his Marshals rod went on the right hand of the said Dutches the Du●●● of Suffolke on the left hand and before them went officers of Armes y e Countesse of K●●● bare the long traine of y ● childes Mantle and meane betwéene the childe the Countesse of Kent went the Earle of 〈…〉 the Earle of Darby on eyther side supporting the said traine in the middest ouer the child was borne a rich Canapieby the Lord Rochforde the Lord Husse the Lord William Howard the Lord Thomas Howard the elder After the child followed many● La●y●s ● Gentlewomē When y e child was come to the Church dore the Bishop of London met it with diuers Bishops Abbots mytered began the obseruaunces of the Sacrament The Godfather was Lord Tho● Archbishoppe of Canterburie the Godmothers were the olde Dutchesse of Norffolke the olde Marchionesse of Dorcet widows and the childe was named Elizabeth and after that al things were done at the Church dore the child was broughte to the Font and Christened that done Garter chiefe King of Armes cryed aloude God of hys infinite goodnesse send prosperous life and long to the highe mightie Princesse of England Elizabeth and then the Trumpets blewe then y e child was brought vp to y e Aultar the Gospel said ouer it After that immediatly the Archebyshop of Canterburie confirmed it the Marchionesse of Excester being Godmother then the Bishop of Canterbury gaue vnto the Princesse a standing Cuppe of Gold the Dutchesse of Norffolke gaue to hir a standyng Cuppe of Golde fretted wyth Pearle y e Marchionesse of Dorcet gaue 3. guilt bolles pounsed with a couer the Marchionesse of Excester gaue 3. standing boules grauen al guilt with a couer Then was brought in Waffers Confects I pocrase in such plenty y ● euery man had as much as he would desire then they sette forward y e Trumpets afore going in the same order toward the kings palace as they did when they came thitherward sauing that y e gifts that y e Godfather Godmothers gaue were borne before the child by 4. persons that is to say first sir Iohn Dudley bare the gift of the Lady of Excester the L. Thomas Howard the yōger bare the gift of the Lady Dorcet the Lord Fitz Walter bare the gifte of the Lady of Norffolke and the Lorde of Worcester bare the gifte of the Archebyshop of Canterburie and al the one side as they went was full of staffe-torches to the number of fyue hundreth borne by the Guarde and other of the Kings seruantes and aboute the childe were manye other proper Torches borne by Gentlemenne And in this order they brought the Princesse to the Quéenes Chamber dore and then departed The ●aior wente to the Kings Chamber and tarryed there a whyle wyth his bréethren the Aldermen and at the laste the Dukes of Norffolke and Suffolke came out from the King and reported to the Mayor and his brethren that the King thanked them hartily and commanded them to giue them thankes in his name and from thence they were had to the Seller and dranke and so went to their Barge The xxiij of Nouember béeyng Sonday on a Scaffolde Holy Mayde of Kent before the Crosse at Paules there stoode a Nunne professed in the Priorie of Saint Sepulchre in Caunterburie named Elizabeth Barton with sundry other persons and the Bishop of Bangor late Abbot of Hyde there preaching shewed their offences from whence they were committed to the Tower of London The xxviij of Januarye a great fish was taken at Blacke wall called a Whale whyche was broughte to Westminster to the King and so backe to Broken Wharfe and there cut out The firste of Aprill Woolfe and his wife were hanged 1534 VVoolfe and his vvife hāged on two Gibbets at the turning trée in Lambeth Marshe for murthering the two Merchant strangers aforesaide The xx of Aprill Elizabeeh Barton a Nunne professed at The holy Maid of Kent and other hanged and headed Saint Sepulchres in Canterburie Edward Bocking Iohn Deering two Monks of Christs Church in Canterburie Hughe Riche warden of the Friers Obseruants in Canterburie and Richard Risbe and another of his fellows of the same house Richarde Maister Parson of Aldington in Kent and Henrie Golde Pryest were drawn from the Tower of London to Tyborne there hanged headed c. for sundry conspiracies in the matter of diuorce betwéene the Kynges Maiestie and Quéen Katherine At which time were also attainted of misprision by acte of Parliament for the same matter Iohn Fisher Bishop of Rochester Iohn Adeson his Chaplain Tho. Abell Priest Thomas Gold Gentleman and Thomas Laurence Anno reg 26 Register to the Archdeacon of Canterburie The ninth of July Lorde Dacres of the North was arraigned Lord Dacres of the North arraigned at Westminster of high treason where he so wittily confuted his accusers that to their great shame he was foūd not guiltie The eleauenth of August was all the places of the Obseruant Friers houses suppressed Friers as Grenewich Canterbury Richmont Newarke and Newcastell putte downe and Austen Fryers set in their places and the Obseruants were
putte in places of the Grey Fryers The fourtéenth of August was a greate fire at Temple Bar Fire at Temple Barre and certaine persons burned The sixetéenth of Auguste was burned the Kings Stable The Kings Stable brent at Charing Crosse called the Mewes wherin was burned many greate horses and greate store of Haye The one and twentith of September Doctour Taylour Thomas Cro●vvell Master of the Rolles Maister of the Rolles was discharged of that office and Thomas Cromwell sworne in his place the ix of October The Earle of Kildare dyed prysoner in the Tower of London and his sonne Thomas Fitz Garet rebelled in Irelande slew Doctour Allen Bishop of Deueling and tooke the kings Ordinaunce wherefore the King sente thither sir William Skeuington with a company of souldiours Nicolas Leueson William Denham the 28. of September Sherifes Maior The Popes authoritie abrogated Sir Iohn Champneis Skinner the 28. of October In Nouember was held a Parliament at Westminster wherein the Pope with al his aucthoritie was cleane banished this Realme and order taken that he should no more be called Pope but Byshoppe of Rome and the King to bée reputed and taken as supreame head of the Churche of Englande hauing full aucthoritie to reforme all errours heresies Firste fruites tenths giuen to the King 1535 Anno reg 27 Charter house Monkes and abuses of the same Also the first fruits and tenths of all spirituall dignities and promotions were granted the king with a subsidy of the laity of twelue pence in y ● pound with a fiftéenth and a tenth The nine and twentith of Aprill the Prior in the Charter house at London the Prior of Beuall the Prior of Exham Reynoldes a brother of Sion and Iohn Haile Uicar of Thistleworth were all condemned of Treason who were drawne hanged and quartered at Tyborne the fourth of May theyr heads and quarters set on the gates of the Citie al saue one quarter whyche was set on the Charterhouse at London The eighte of May the King commaunded al about hys Polled heades commaunded Courte to poll their heades and to giue them example hée caused hys own head to be polled and from thence forth his bearde to be notted and no more shauen Hollanders condemned for heretiques The fiue and twentith daye of Maye was in Saint Paules Churche at London examined ninetéene men and sixe womē borne in Holland whose opinions were firste that in Christ is not two natures God and Man secondely that Christe tooke neyther flesh nor bloude of the Uirgin Mary thirdlye that children borne of Infidels shall be saued fourthly that baptisme of Children is to none effecte fifthly that the Sacrament of Christes bodye is but breade only sixtly that hée who after his Baptisme sinneth wittingly sinneth deadly and cannot be saued Fourtéene of them were condemned a man and a woman of them were burned in Smithfielde the other twelue were sent to other townes there to be brent Charter house Monkes executed The eightéenth of June thrée Monks of the Charterhouse at London named Exmew Middlemore and Nidigate were drawne to Tyborne and there hanged and quartred Byshoppe of Rochester beheaded The two and twentith of June Doctour Iohn Fisher Byshoppe of Rochester was beheaded on the Tower hill hys head was set on London Bridge and his body buryed within Barking Curchyard The sixte of July sir Thomas Moore was beheaded on Sir Thomas Moore beheaded the Tower hill for deniall of the Kyngs Supremacie and then the body of Doctour Fisher Byshoppe of Rochester was taken vp and buryed with sir Thomas Moore in the Tower Doctour Foxe the Kyngs Almoner was made Bishoppe of Hereforde and Hugh Latimer Bishoppe of Worcester the blacke Frier of Bristowe was made Byshoppe of Rochester In August the Lorde Thomas Gerard sonne to the earle of Kildare was taken in Ireland and sent to the Tower of London In October the King sente Doctour Lee and other to visite Abbeys visited the Abbeys Priories and Nunneries in Englande who putte forth all religious persons that woulde goe and all that were vnder the age of foure and twentie yeres and closed vppe the residue that woulde remayne and tooke order that no manne shoulde come to the houses of women nor women to the houses of menne but onelye to heare theyr seruice all religious menne that departed the Abbot or Prior to gyue them for their habite a Priestes gowne and fortie shyllyngs of money the Nunnes to haue suche apparell as Secular women weare and to goe where they woulde He tooke out of Monasteries and Abbeys theyr reliques and chiefest Jewels Humfrey Monmouth Iohn Cotes the 28. of September Sherifes These Sheriffes in the beginning of their yeare put away twelue Sergeants and twelue Yeomen till they were forced by a Courte of common Councell to take them againe Sir Iohn Allen being one of the Kinges Councell was at the Kings requeste chosen Maior of London Sir Iohn Allen Mercer the 28. of October Maior This sir Iohn Allen when he deceassed in Anno 1544. Charitable deedes of sir Iohn Allen. and hadde béene twice Maior of London and of Councel with the King as is aforesaide he gaue to the Citie of London a riche collar of Golde to be worne by the Maior whyche Collar was firste worne by sir William Laxton on Sainct Edwards daye to the election of the newe Maior who gaue to euery Warde in London twentie pounde to be distributed to the pore housholders besides to one hundreth and twentie persons thrée score men euerie of them a gowne of broad cloth and a blacke cappe and thréescore women to euerye of them a gowne of the like cloth and a white kerchiefe The eleauenth of Nouember was a greate Procession Procession at London of all the religious men thrée Bishoppes and foure Abbots mytered whyche was for ioy the French King was recouered of hys health In the moneth of December the names of all Chauntries Names of Chauntries were taken and who had the gifte of them The eighte of Januarie dyed Lady Katherine Dowager Katherine Dovvager de ceassed at Kimbalton and was buryed at Peterborowe The nine and twentith of January Quéene Anne was deliuered of a child before hir time whych was borne dead In a Parliament begonne in the moneth of Februarye Aparliament was graunted to the King and his heyres al religious houses Small houses suppressed 1536 Anno reg 28 in the Realme of Englande of the valewe of two hundred pound and vnder with al lands goods to them belonging the number of these houses then suppressed were 376. the value of their lands then 32000 pound and more by yere the mouable goods as they were sold Robin Hoods penniworths 10000. pound the religious were tourned oute to the worlde more than 10000. On May daye was a greate iusting at Greenewich where were Chalengers the Lorde Rocheford and other and Defendors Iustes
this Maiors yeare Corne rose to fourtéene shillings the quarter and wood waxed scant in London and was sold for thirtéene and fourtéene shillings the thousand of ●illets and coles at tenpence the sacke by reason of the great death and sicknesse the last Sommer for lacke of hēlp and carriage King Philip being absent out of the Realme and Quéene Mary being dangerously sicke ended hir life at hir Manour of Saint Iames by Charing crosse the xvij of Nouember in the yeare 1558. when she had raigned fiue yeares four monethes and odde dayes The same daye deceassed Cardinall Poole at Lambheath and a little before two of hir Phisitions besides diuers Bishops and noble men Quéene Mary was buryed at Westminster and Cardinall Poole at Canterbury ¶ Queene Elizabeth ELizabeth our most gratious Anno reg 1. and soueraigne Lady second daughter to King Henry the viij to the great comfort of Englande was with full consent proclaimed Quéene of England France and Irelande Defender of the Fayth c. on the xvij of Nouember in the yeare of oure Lorde God 1558. Forthwith the Portes and Hauens were stopped and none suffered to passe out of the Realme without licence Proclamation was made forbidding all men to Preach saue such as should be appoynted also to alter any rytes or Ceremonies vsed in the Church saue as it was in hir graces Chappell The xxiij of Nouember Quéene Elizabeth came from The Queene commeth from Hatfild Bishops Hatfield in Hertfordshire vnto the Lord Northes house in the late Charterhouse of London the Sheriffes of London méeting hir Grace at the farther ende of Barnet Towne within the Shere of Middlesex and so rode before hir till the came to the Charterhouse Gate next Aldersgate where hir Grace remayned On Monday the eyght and twentith of Nouember about The Queene ●emoueth to the Tovver two of the clocke in the after noone Quéene Elizabeth rode from the Lorde Northes house along by the Barbycane in at Creeplegate then along by the wall to Bishopsgate which Gate was richly hanged where the Waytes of the Citie playde and ouer against the Kings head Tauerne a Scholler of Paules Schoole made a short Oration to hir Maiestie in Latin Uerses the company of the Mercers standing in theyr rayles next the Scholler and so all the other Companyes of the Citie in order from thence to Mart Lane ende nexte vnto Barking Church in Tower streete the Lorde Maior of London riding wyth Mayster Garter King at Armes bearing a Scepter before hir Maiestie whiche Lorde Maior mette hir at the Charterhouse Gate nexte Aldersgate where Mayster Recorder saluted hir Grace in the name of the Lorde Maior and the whole Citie and so with Lordes Knightes and Gentlewomen richly apparelled brought hir to the Tower of London but when hir Grace entered at Mart Lane a peale of Gunnes beganne to be shotte off at the Tower whiche continued almost halfe an houre The fifth of December the Quéene remoued by water from the Tower to Somerset place néere to the Strand The xiij of December the corpse of Quéene Mary was honourably conuayed from Saint Iames to the Abbey of Queene Mary buryed Westminster and there placed vnder a rich Hearse decked with penons banners and Schutchions of the Armes of Englande and France where she remayned that nighte and on the morrow after the Masse of Requiem and a Sermon preached by Doctor White Bishop of Winchester was ended she was buryed in the Chappell of King Henry the seauenth on the North side The xxiiij of December was solemne obsequie kept in Obsequie for Charles the Emperour the Abbey of Westminster for Charles the fifth late Emperour which deceassed in Spayne in the moneth of September last past Quéene Maryes herse yet standing altered with the Armes of the Emperour and richly hanged with a rich pall-cloth of gold lying on the hearse the Emperours Embassadour being chiefe mourner with other Péeres and Lords of England assistant with him c. The first of January the Lord Maior and Aldermen gaue in commandement to euery warde in London that the Procession Epistle and Gospell in English Parson or Curate in euery Parish Church in London should reade the Epistle and Gospell of the day in the Englishe tong in the Masse time and the English Procession then vsed in the Quéenes Chappell according to a Proclamation sent from hir Maiestie and priuie Counsell proclaymed in the Citie of London the xxx of December which commandement was that day obserued in most parish Churches of the Citis The ninth of January in the morning the Image of Thomas Becket which stoode ouer the dore of the Mercers Image of Thomas Becket throvvne dovvne Chappell in London toward the stréete was found broken and cast downe and a bill set on the Church dore deprauing the setters vp thereof The xij of January the Quéenes Maiestie remoued from hir place of White hall to the Tower by water the Lorde Maior of London and his bréethren the Aldermen in their Barge and all the Craftes of the Citie in their Barges richly decked with targets and banners of euery mysterie The Batchelers of the Maiors companie in their Barge with a Foyst hauing thrée toppes trimmed and richly decked to wayte on them which shotte off gunnes all the way all these awayted on hir Maiestie who tooke hir Barge about two of the clocke in the after noone the Lord Maior folowing after and euery company in order with great melodie of musicall instruments till hir grace was through London bridge and landed at hir priuie staire of the Tower Wharffe and then the Maior after leaue taken and thankes of the Quéene returned through the Bridge with the floud and landed at the Three Cranes Wharffe in the Uintrie The xiiij of January at which time the Londoners had made sumptuous prouision the Quéenes Maiestie passed through the Citie of London to hir Palace at Westminster Coronation the next day she was Crowned by Doctor Oglethorp Bishop of Carelile The xxv of January began a Parliament at Westminster Parliament before the States whereof Doctour Coxe late come from beyond the Seas and sometime Schoolemayster to King Edward the sixth made a learned Sermon In this Parliament the first fruites and tenthes were granted to the Crowne and also the supreme gouernemēt ouer the state Ecclesiasticall Likewise the Booke of commō Prayer and administration of the Sacraments in our vulgar tongue was restored to be done as in the time of King Edward the sixth In the Easter Holydayes preached at the Spittle Doctour Bill the Quéenes Almoner Doctour Coxe and Doctour Horne the two last came lately from beyond the seas On Lowsonday the seconde of Aprill Mayster Sampson made the rehearsall Sermon at Paules Crosse The iij. of Aprill the Quéenes Maiestie appoynted a cōference or disputation to be had at Westminster Church betwéene 1559 the olde Bishops and certayne learned men late A conference at VVestminster come
agonye and I beséeche thée and vppon my blessing charge thée that like as thou haste sayde so thou minister iustice equally and in no wise suffer not them that be oppressed long to call vpon thée for Justice but redresse oppressions and indifferently and wythout delay for no perswasion of flatterers or of them that bée partiall or suche as vse to haue their handes replenished wyth gyftes deferre not Justice vntill to morrowe if that thou mayste doe iustice thys daye leaste peraduenture GOD doe Justice on thée in the meane tyme and take from thée thyne authoritye remember that the wealth of thy body and thy soule and of thy Realme resteth in the execution of Justice and doe not thy Justice so that thou be called a Tyraunte but vse thy selfe meanely betwixte Justice and mercie in those things that belong to thée And betwéen parties do iustice truely and extreamely to the cōsolation of thy poore subiects that suffer iniuries and to the punition of them that be extortioners and doers of oppressiōs that other therby may take example in thus doing thou shalt obtayne the fauour of God and the loue and fear of thy subiectes and therefore also thou shalte haue thy Realme more in tranquillitye and reste whiche shal bée occasion of greate prosperitie wythin thy Realme whyche Englishmen naturally do desyre for so long as they haue wealthe and Ryches so long shalte thou haue obeysaunce and when they bée poore then they bée alwayes readye at euerye motion to make insurrections and it causeth them to rebel agaynst theyr soueraygne LORDE for the nature of them is suche rather to feare losing of theyr goods and worldly substaunce than the ieoparding of theyr liues And if thou thus kéepe them in subiection mixed with loue and feare thou shalte haue the moste peaceable and fertyle Countrey and the moste louyng faythfull and manlye people of the Worlde whyche shall because of no small feare to thyne aduersaries My sonne when it shall please God to call me to the waye decrede for euerye Worldely creature to thée as my sonne and heyre I muste leaue my Crowne and my Realme whyche I aduise thée not to take vaynelye and as a manne elate in pryde and reioyced in Worldlye honour but thinke that thou arte more oppressed wyth charge to puruie for euerie Person wythin the Realme than exalted in vaine honoure of the Worlde Thou shalt be exalted to the Crowne for the wealthe and conseruation of the Realme and not for thy singular commoditie and auaile my Sonne thou shalte be a minister to thy Realme to kéepe it in tranquilitie and defende it Like as the harte in the myddest of the bodye is principall and chiefe thyng in the bodye and seruesh to couet and desire that thyng that is moste necessarie to euerye of thy members so my Sonne thou shalte be amongst thy people as chiefe and principall of them to minister imagine and acquire those thyngs that maye be moste beneficiall for them And then thy people shall be obediente to thée to ayde and succoure thée and in al things to accomplishe thy commaundemēts like as thy members laboure euerye one of them in theyr office to acquire and get that thing that the hearte desireth and as thy hearte is of no force and impotent without the ayde of thy members so without thy people thy raygne is nothing My sonne thou shalt feare and dread God aboue all things and thou shalt loue honour and worship him w t all thy hearte thou shalte attribute and ascribe to hym all things wherein thou séest thy selfe to be well Fortunate ●ée it victorye of thyne enymies loue of thy friendes obedience of thy subiectes strength and actiuenesse of body honor riches or fruitefull generations or any other thing whatsoeuer it be that chanceth to thy pleasure Thou shalt not imagine that any such thing shoulde fortune to thée by thyne acte nor by thy desert but thou shalte thinke that all cōmeth only of the goodnesse of our Lord. Thus y u shalt with all thine heart prayse honour and thanke God of all hys benefits that he giueth vnto thée And in thy selfe eschew al vaineglorie and elation of heart following the holesome counsell of the Psalmist which sayeth Non nobis Domine non nobis sed nominituo dagloriā which is to say Not vnto vs Lord not vnto vs but to thy holy name be giuen laude and praise These many other admonishments and doctrines this victorious king gaue vnto this noble prince his sonne who with effect followed the same after the death of his father whereby he obtained grace of our Lorde to attaine to gret victories and many glorious and incredible conquests through the helpe and succour of our Lord whereof he was neuer destitute The king his father drawing to his end after due thankes giuen and supplications made to God gaue his benediction to the Prince his sonne and so yéelded to God his spirit the. xx day of March Anno. 1412. when he had raigned xiij yeares sixe moneths and odde dayes He was conueyed by water to Feuersham and from thence by lande to Canterburie and there buryed ⸪ ¶ King Henry of Monmouth HEnrie the fifth began his raigne y t xx day of March Anno reg 1. Titus Liuius in y ● yere 1412. This Prince excéeded the mean stature of men he was beautiful of visage his necke long bodye slender and leane and hys bones smal neuer the lesse he was of maruellous greate strength and passing swifte in running in so much that he with two other of his Lords without bow or other engine would take a wilde Buck or Doe in a large Park he delighted in sōgs musical instrumēts in so much y ● in his chappel amōgst other his priuate prayers he vsed certaine Psalmes of Dauid translated into heroycall English méeter by Iohn Lydgate Monke of Bury Whilst his father liued beyng accōpanyed w t some of his yong Lords gentlemen he wold waite in disguised araye for his owne receyuers and distresse them of theyr money and sometimes at suche enterprices both he and his company wer surely beaten and when his receiuers made to him their complaints how they were robbed in their comming vnto him he wold giue them discharge of so much mony as they had lost and besides that they should not depart from him without great rewards for their trouble and vexation especially they should be rewarded that best hadde resisted hym and his company and of whom he hadde receyued the greatest most strokes But after the decease of his father was neuer any youth or wildnes that might haue place in him but all his actes were sodainely chaunged into grauitie and discreation To this noble Prince by assent of the Parliamente all 1413 the estates of the realme after thrée dayes offered to do fealtie before he was crowned or had solemnized his othe wel and iustly to gouerne the common weale which offer béefore was neuer found
worshippe of hys holy name and for the encrease of vertue the dilation of cunning and establishmente of Christian Fayth whereof the one in Cambridge to bée called hys Colledge royall of oure Ladye and Saint Nicholas And the other at Eaton beside Windsor to bée called hys Colledge of oure blessed Ladye And for the performaunce of thys hys deuoute purpose hee enfeffed certayne Byshoppes wyth other Noble and worshipfull personages by hys letters patents wyth lands and possessions parcel of his enheritance of the Dutchie of Lācaster to the cleare value of wel neare xxxiiij hundred pound by yere whych letters patents he after confirmed by his Acte of Parliament declaring also by his wil vnto his sayde feoffées his intent and meaning howe the same should be imployed vpon the edifications of his saide two Colledges wherof in my iudgemente the deuice is so excellent and the buildings so princely and apt for that purpose as I can not omitte to set forth vnto you the very plat of the whole Colledge in Cambridge euen as I finde mentioned almost Verbatim in his said wil supposing that if the rest of the house had procéeded according to the Chappel alreadie finished as his full intent meaning was the lyke Colledge coulde skant haue bin found againe in any Christian land The words of the Will are thus As touching The Chappel the dimensions of the Church of my sayde Colledge of our Lady and Saint Nicholas of Cambridge I haue deuised appointed that the same Church shal containe in length 288. foote of assise without any Iles all of the widenesse of xl foote And the length of the same Church from y e West end vnto the Alters at the Quire dore shal contayne 120. foote And from the Prouostes stall vnto the gréece called Gradus Chori 90 foote for 36. stals on either side of the same Quyre aunscoering to lxx fellowes and ten Priests conduits whiche must be de prima forma And from the sayd stalles vnto y e East end of the sayde Church lxij foote of assise Also a Reredosse bearing the Roodelofte departing the Quire and the bodye of the Churche contayning in length xl foote and in breadth xiiij foote The walles of the same Church to be in height 90. foote imbattelled vawted and Charerooffed sufficiently butteraced and euery Butterace fined with finials And in the East end of the same Church shal be a Window of nine dayes and betwixt euerye Buttrace a Windowe of fiue dayes And betwixt euery of the same Buttraces in the Bodye of the Churche on both sides of the same Church a Closet with an Alter therein contayning in length twenty foote and in bredth ten foote vawted and finished vnder the soyle of the I le windowes And the pauement of y e Church to be enhansed 4. foote aboue y e groūd without And y e height of the pauement of the Quire one foote and a halfe aboue the pauement of the Churche And the pauemente of the Alter thrée foote aboue that And on the North side of the Quier a The Vestry Uestry contayning in length fiftie foote and in breadth 22. foote departed into two houses beneath and two houses aboue which shal containe in hight 22. foote in al with an entrey from the Quire vauted And at the West ende of the The Cloister Church a Cloyster square the East pane contayning in length 175. foote and the West pane as muche The North pane two hundered foote and the South pane as muche of the whiche the Deambulatoriē thirtéene foote wide and in heyght twentie foote to the Corbill Table wyth cleare stories and Butteraces wyth finalles vawted and embattelled And the grounde thereof foure foote lower then the The Steeple Churche grounde And in the middle of the West pane of the Cloyster a strong Tower square contayning foure and twentith foote wythin the Walles And in height one hundred and twentie foote to the Corbill table And foure small Turrets ouer that fined wyth Pynacles And a dore into the sayde Cloyster inwarde but outwarde noone And as touching the dimensions of the housing of the saide The base Cour● Colledge I haue deuised and appointed in the South-side of the sayde Churche a Quadraunte closing to bothe endes of the same Churche the East pane wherof shal contayne 230. foote in length and in bréedth within the Wals The East pane two and twentith foote In the same panes myddle a Tower for a Gatehouse containing in length thirtie foote and in bredth two and twentith foote and in height lx foote with The great Gate in thrée Chābers ouer y e Gate euery one ouer y e other And on either side of the same gate foure Chambers euerye one contayning in length fiue and twentie foote and in breadth two and twentie féete And ouer euery of these Chambers two Chambers aboue of the same measure or more with two Towers outwarde and two Towers inwarde The Southe pane shall containe in length 238. foote and The south pane in breadth two and twentie foote wythin in which shall bée seuen Chambers euery one cōtayning in length nine and twentie foote and in breadth 22. with a Chamber percell of the prouosts lodging contayning in length 35. foote wyth a Chamber in the East corner of the same pane contayning in length 25. foote and in breadth xxij foote And ouer euery of all these Chambers two Chambers and with fiue Towers outward and thrée towers inward The West pane The vvest pane shal contain in length 230. foote and in breadth within 24. foote in whiche at the ende towarde the Church shall bée a The Librarie Librarie contayning in length 110. foote and in bread the The disputation house 24. foote And a large house for reading and disputations cōtayning in length xl foote And two Chambers vnder the same Librarie eache contayning 29. foote in length and in breadth foure and twentie foote And ouer the sayde Lybrary a house of the same largenesse for diuerse stuffe of the The vvardrobe sayd Colledge In the other ende of the same pane a Hall The Hall containing in length 100. foote vpō a vaute of 12. foote high ordained for the Cellor and Buttrie and the breadth of the Hall sixe and thyrtie foote On euerye side thereof a Baye Windowe And in the neather ende of the same Hall towarde the middle of the same pane a Pantrey and Buttrie The Pantrie and Buttrie euerye of them in length twentie foote and in breadth seauentéene foote and ouer that two Chambers for Officers And at the neather end of the Hal toward the West a goodlye The Colledge Kitchin Kitchin And euerye corner of the same pane shall haue inwarde two Towers ordayned for the wayes into the Hall and Librarie And in euerye corner of the sayde Quadraunt shall be two corner towers one inwarde and one outwarde moe than the Towers aboue rehearsed The
execution and therefore to crie away away wherevpon the people ranne some one way some another many fell into the Tower Ditch and they which ●arried thought some pardon had bin brought some sayd it thundered some that the ground moued but there was no such matter The xvij of February on which day was receyued the Bookes of the reliefe of all the wardes of London towardes the new Hospitals by the Kings commissioners the Counsell dined a● Mayster Cowpers the Sheriffe and after dinner Mayster Thomas Curteys Alderman came thither to speake with the Lord Chancellour for a matter he had depending afore him in the Chancerie but for his misde●●●●o●r in words and ●●gnes to the Lord Chancellour at that time the sayde Mayster Curteys was committed to warde in the Fleete The sixe and twentith of February Sir Ralph●a Vane Anno reg 6. Sir Ralpha Vane and other executed and Sir Miles Partridge were hanged on the Tower hill Sir Michaell Stanhope with Sir Thomas Arundell were beheaded there The last of Aprill through negligence of the Gunnepowlder 1552 makers a certayne hou●e néere to the Tower of London with thrée Last of Powlder was blowne vp and House blovvne vp vvith Gunpovvlder brent the Gunpowlder makers being fiftéene in number were all slayne The xvj of May was a goodly muster of Horssemen made before the King in the Parke at Greenewich Under the Kings Banner his band of Pencioners in Muster of Horssemen number 15● euery Pencioner two great Horsses and a Gelding the Lord Bray their Lieuetenaunt The Lord Marques of Winchester high Treasurer vnder his Banner the 〈…〉 one C men The Duke of North●●berlande greate mayster of the Kings honshold vnder the white Lion and the ragged staffe fiftie The Duke of Suffolke vnder the Unicorne in the Starre C. x. The Earle of ●●●for●● Lorde Pri●ie Seale vnder the Goate C. The Marques of Northumpton high Chamberlayne vnder the Mayden head C. The Earle of Warwike mayster of the Kings horses vnder the white Lion fifty The Earle of Huntington vnder his Banner fifty The Earle of Ru●la●d vnder the Peacocke fifty The Earle of Pembroke vnder the gréene Dragon fifty The Lord Darcy vnder the Maydens body fifty The Lord Cobham vnder the Sarizens head fifty The Lord Clinton Lord Admirall vnder y e Anker fifty The Lord W●rden of the fiue Portes vnder the Rose in the Sunne b●●●●es ● The xxvj of July began the preparing of the Grey Friers Grey Fri●●● in London a● Hospi●all● house in London for the poore father ●esse Children and also in the later end of the same moneth began the repayring of Saint Thomas Hospitall in Southwarke for poore impotent and lame persons The i●j of August at Middleton xj miles from Oxford a A Monster woman brought f●●th achild which had two perfect bodyes from the na●ell vpward and were so ioyned togither at the na●ell that when they were layd in length the one head body was Eastward and the other West the legges for both the bodyes grew out at the midst where the bodyes ioyned and had but one issue for the excrements of both bodyes they liued xvi●j dayes and were women children The vi●j of August were taken at Queeneborough i●● great Great Fishes Fishes called Dolphins and the ●éeke following at Blacke Wall were vj. more taken and brought to London the least of them was more than any Hor●●e This moneth of August began the great prouiūon for the poore in London towardes the which euery man was contributorie and gaue certaine money in hand and co●enanted to giue a certayne wéekely The commons of the Citie of London being assembled in Four electione for one Sheriffe their Guild hall on the first of August elected Iohn Grimes Clothworker to be Sheriffe for the yeare following who refused and payd his fine of two hundred pound The vj. of August the commons chose Thomas Clayton Baker who likewise refused and payde his fine The xv of August the commons chose Iohn Browne Mercer who also refused and payde his fine The xix of August the commons chose Iohn Maynard Mercer who tooke the same in good part and serued William Garrard Iohn Maynard the 28. of September Sherifes Great Fishe● taken The seauenth of October were thrée great Fishes called Whirlepooles taken at Grauesend which were drawne vp to the Kings Bridge at Westminster In this moneth of October the King demaunded of the Merchant Aduēturers by way of prest of euery broad cloath then shipped to Bawmes ●art twentie Shillings sterling to A pre●t by the Merchant Aduenturers be payde at Antwarp for certayne dette there and they to haue the Kings band for the repayment thereof which did at that time amount to more than xlviiij thousand pound The xvij of October the Sergeants feast was kept at Sergeants feast Greys Inne by Oldborne Mayster Robert Brooke Recorder of London being the principall of the new Sergeants and sixe more besides him the Lorde Maior and Aldermen béeing bidden to the sayde feast rode from the Lord Maiors house vp Friday stréete through Cheape and out at Newga●e all in their Scarlet Gownes to the said Greys Inne Sir George Barne Habe● dasher the 28. of October Maior This Sir George Barne gaue a Wind●●ill in Fins●●r is Charitable deedes of Sir George Barne Field to the Haberdasher● of London the profites thereof to be distributed to the poore Al●es people of the same company Also to the par●●● Church of S. Barthelmew the little certayne tenements for the which the Parson and Church-wardens be bounde to distribute to the poore people of the same Parish xvi●j pence in bread euery Sonday for euer The first of Nouember being the feast of All Saintes Booke of common Prayer the new Seruise Booke called Of common Prayer begonne in Paules Church and the like through the whole Citie the Bishop of London Doctor Ridley executing the seruice in Paules Church in the fore●●●ne in his Rochet only without Coape or Uestment preached in the Quire and at after n●●ne he preached at Paules Crosse the Lord Maior Aldermen and Craftes in their best Liueries being present which Sermon tending to the setting forth the sayde late made Booke of common Prayer continued till almost fiue of the clocke at night so that the Maior Aldermen and companyes entred not into Paules Church as had bin accustomed but departed home by Torchlight By this Booke of common Prayer all Coapes and Uestments were forbidden through Englande and Prebendes of Paules left off their hoods the Bishops left their Crosses c. as by an Acte of Parliament more at large is set out After the feaste of all Saints the vpper Quéere in Saint Paules Churche in London where the highe A●ltare stoode was broken downe and al the Quéere thereabout and the table of the Cōmunion was set in the lower Quéere where the Priests sing The thrée and twentith of Nouember the children were