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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22535 Charles, by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. to all and singular mayors, recorders, customers, comptrollers ... of and within all and singular the port townes ... England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I); Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649. 1630 (1630) STC 8968; ESTC S3769 5,500 1

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CHarles by the grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland defendor of the faith c. To all and singular Mayors Recorders Customers Comptrollers Surueyors Searchers all Farmers Deputies of and within all and singular the Port Townes Ports Hauens and Creekes within this our Realme of England and the Dominion of Wales now being and that hereafter shall be And to all and singular our Iustice of the peace hauing or which shall haue authoritie within the said port Townes Ports Hauens and Creekes and euery and any of them for the time being Greeting Whereas our late dread and Royall Father King Iames of happy memorie by his Proclamation dated at Westminster the ninth of Iuly in the fifth yeare of his Raigne of Great Britaine France and Ireland did straightly prohibite and forbid all manner of persons being naturall borne Subiects of this our Realme or any of the Dominions of the same of what estate or degree soeuer they were that they or any of them other then such persons as were excepted in and by an acte of Parliament made in the fift yeare of the Raigne of King Richard the Second in the said Proclamation mentioned and other then Souldiers Marchants Marryners and their Factors and Apprentices should not at any time thereafter without speciall lycence of our said Father or of any foure or more of his priuy Councell whereof his principall Secretarie for the time being to be one passe or departed out of our Realme of England or any the Dom●nions of the same Into the Kingdomes Countryes Territories or Dominions of any forraine King Prince of State or Potentate vpō corporal their great heauie paines penalties as by the Laws of this our Realme might be inflicted vpon such as shall offend therein for their so haynous and vnnaturall offences against their naturall Leige Lord and Country in that behalfe As by the said Proclamation amongst other things morefully and plainly appeareth And our said Father taking into his consideration that there were diuers persons aswell Women and Children vnder the age of one and twenty yeares as others besides the persons not restrayned by his said proclamation whereof some had good and necessarie occasions to passe beyond the Seas who neuerthelesse could not lawfully passe out of the same without such Lycence as in his said Proclamation was appointed in that behalfe In which cases for euery such of his said Subiects to obtaine Lycence from our said Father or foure of his Councell whereof his principall Secretary to be one was very inconuenient And that diuers of his Subiects being persons vnknowne and euill affected to the State of this Kingdome did oftentimes conuey themselues out of this Realme into the Ports beyond the Seas and combine themselues with f●raigne Enemies thereby to make trouble and disturbance to our said Father and his people did by seuerall Commissions vnder his great Seale of England giue power and authoritie to the Chiefe officers within the Ports of this Kingdome to administer an Oath vnto such persons as should desire to goe ouer beyond the Seas and to examine them and such as they shall finde to goe ouer vpon any good or lawfull occasion to allow and s●ffer to passe with diuers prouisions therin Neuerthelesse for the restraint of such as should be suspected or discouered to be persons dangerous or fit to be made instruments of desperate attemps which Commissions haue taken good effect to the purpose to which they were intended Know yet therefore that wee hauing well weighed the premises and for the exp●dition of such our Subiects as shall haue good and necessarie occasion to passe into our Realme of Ireland or into any other place or places elsewhere beyond the Seas And to quit and ease ourselues and our Priuie Councell of that continuell suite and trouble which thereby would happen vnto vs and them to the hinderance of other our weightie affaires and also to preuent as much as wee may all danger that may happen to vs or our Estate in the cases aforesaid And reposing trust and confidence in your fidelities w●sdomes and circumspections hauing assigned and appoynted and by these presents doe assigne and appoint you to be our Comissioners And wee doe hereby giue vnto you or any two or more of you full power and authoritie within the seuerall Iurisdictions Ports Creekes and Places respectiuely where you and euery of you are to execute your seuerall offices and places or to attend from time to tim● except the Ports of London Douer Sandwich Bristoll Beawmorris Chester and Leuerpoole to m●nister an Oath to all euery person parsons as well Women and Childr●n v●der ●he age of one and twenty yeares being of conuenient age to take an Oath as other Person and Persons other then the persons not restrayned as aforesaid as sh●ll offer or d●si●e to goe ouer the Seas to our said Realme of Ireland or into any other place or places elsewhere beyond the Seas at any of the said Ports Hauens or Creekes respectiuely as aforesaid except before excepted to answere truely to such questions as you or any two or more of you shall aske of them And vpon such their Oath to aske learne of them thei● Names and Su●●●ances the place of their birth and aboad their state degree vocation trade mysterie or occupation and the true cause or causes of their going ouer toge●●er with the place or places whether they intend or are to goe and the time that they intend and are lik● to stay and tarry before they returne all other questions that your discretions accordin● to the o●●asio●s ●ou shall thinke fit All which persons and their answeres in the pointes aforesaid or what else ●n your discretions you shall thinke fit to be demanded of them and the time of their pass●ge● We will that you cause an orderly and perfect entry to be made in a Booke by such Clarke or Clarkes as we haue nominated and appointed or shall nomina●e and appoi●te thereunto vnder our great Seale of England or his or there Deputy or Deputies whi●h booke may be extended vpon all occasions And wee doe also by these presents giue full power and aut●oritie vnto yo● or any two or more of you respectiuely within all and euery the said Ports Hauens and Creekes except before excepted to tender the Oath mentioned 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 acte o● P●rl●●m●nt made in the third yeare of our said late Fathers Raigne of England Scotl●nd France and Ireland In●ituled an acte for the discouering and repressing of Pop●sh re●●s●nts vnto any such person or persons as you or any two or more of you in your discretio● shall thinke fit except such persons as are not restrayned by the said Proclamation which shall be ●●es●●●us to passe ouer the Seas into our said Realme of Ireland or into any other pl●ce or places els●where beyond the Seas at the s●id Ports Ha●ens or Creekes respectiuely except before excepted vpon which examination so by you or any
such two or more o● 〈◊〉 be taken and entred in mann●r af●resaid and the said Oath so ●endered in case where you or any two or more of yo● sh●ll thinke it fit as aforesaid Such of the said ●erso●s intendi●● to goe ouer the S●a● into our said Realme of Ireland or into any ●ther place or p●aces els●where beyo●d the Seas as ●ou or any such two or more of yo● shall fi●de to goe o●er for a●y good or lawfull occ●sio●s w●ich you sha●l no● dis●ouer by suc● their examinati●n or otherwise or learne to be gentlemen or are nor value or publikely noted of any disl●yal ●r dangerous action or ●ff●ction and shall also willi●gly take the said Oath mention●d u … e said ●et● o● Parliament mad● in the said third yeare of our said Fathers Raigne of En●la●d Scotland France ●nd Ireland in case where you or any two or more of you shall thi●ke go●d to min●ster the same as afores●id you or any such two or more of you may and shall allow and suff●r to passe and there●pon you or a●y two or more of you shall sig●●f● v●de● your hands ●nd seales the same persons to be allowed to passe ouer the Seas into our said Realme of Ireland or into any other pla●e or places els●w●ere beyond t●e Seas at ●ny of the P●r●s H●uens or Cr●ekes respectiuely as aforesaid except before excepted of which your said testimonialls you shall cause to be e●tered into the sai● Booke a short R●membrance v●on which your testi●oniall or t●stimonialls so made these our letters patents shall be vnto the persons themselues So by you or two or more of you ●nder such your testimonialls allowed a s●ffi●●ent warrant to passe a●d goe ouer the Seas or any of the said Ports Hauens or Cre●kes aforesaid except before excepted And ●o all and euery the Customers Com●●●o●lers and Searchers and ot●er Officers of the said Por●s to let them passe there without other Lycence to be had or other entry of the names of such pass●●gers by them or any o● them to ●e m●de or taken A●d to all owne●s of Ships or vessells to carry and conuey them from thence ouer the Seas T●e said Proclamation made the ninth of Iuly in the said first yea●● o● our said Fathe●s Raigne of g●eat Br●ttaine France and Ireland or any Statute Ordinance Lawes Proclamations Restraynt or ●ther things to the co●trary Notwit●standing P●ouided neuerthelesse and our will and pleasure is that such as vpon examination you or any two or more of you shall find or otherwise Discouer or Suspect to be Persons dangerous or fi● to be made instruments of desperate Attempts or which shall refuse to take the said Oath mentioned in the said Act of Parliament made in the said third yeare of O●r said Fathers Raigne when you shall according to your discretions thinke fi● to tender the same to such you shall not onely denie Passage but also commit them to Ward and shall forthwith certifie Our Priuie Counsell of them and all things that you shall vnderstand concerning them whereupon such directions as you shall receiue from Our said Counsell Our will is that you doe in all things follow and obserue Prouided also that if any the Persons so Passing ouer as aforesaid shall after his departure out of this Realme so commit or put t● vre attempt or consent vnto any act deuise plot or thing against Vs or any of Our Kingdomes and Dominions or any Our Lawes or Statutes that euerie Person so offending shall loose the benefit of this Warrant and of this Our Letters Patents and shall to all intents and purposes be taken and adiudged to be as one that maliciously and contemp●uously did P●sse or depart out of this Realme contrarie to the tenor and effect of the said Statute of the said Proclamation and without any Lycence obtained from Vs. And therefore We doe hereby straightly charge and command all Masters of Ships or Shippers and other Persons whatsoeuer that they or any of them doe not presume or attempt to take into their Ships Hoyes or other Vessels at any time from henceforth any Passengers whatsoeuer to the intent to Passe out of this Realme other then the Persons not restrained or to be Lycenced to Passe according to the said Proclamation without permission and Warrant of Our said Commissioners or any two or more of them vnder their hands first obtained as aforesaid vpon such paines and penalties as may be inflicted vpon the offenders for contempt of Our Royall command And to the intent that the Clearke and Clearkes and their Deputies appointed to make a true and perfect entrie of the Names of Passengers and other things herein before appointed to be Registred and to keepe a Booke thereof to be extant according to Our pl●asure herein before declared may bee the better app●oued to be Our faithfull Subiects and truely to execute their places in all things as shall be most fit We doe hereby ordaine constitute and appoint That all and euery the said Clearke and Clearkes and their Deputies in each seuerall Port of their seuerall attendance Respectiuely before they or any of them be admitted to the execution of the said Office or place of Clearke or deputie Clearke shall before two more of Our said Commissioners residing of in or neere that Port respectiuely where the said Clearke or deputie Clearke shall attend not onely take the seuerall Oathes of Supremacie and Allegeance but also shall take a corporall Oath vpon the holy Euangelist for the due and faithfull execution of the said Office or place of Clarke or D●puty Clarke of the purport and effect following viz. YOu shall diligently attend and faithfully execute the Office or place of Clearke or deputie Clearke if he be a Deputie of the Passengers ouer the Sea whereunto you are appointed in the Port of R. naming the Port you shall make and keepe a perfect entrie in a Register Booke to bee kept of purpose of the names and surnames of all such as shall be Lycenced by the Commissioners in that behalfe appointed to passe the Seas with their places of birth and aboad their state degree vocation trade mysterie or occupation and the true cause or causes of their going ouer together with the place or places whither they intend or are to goe and the time they are like or intend to returne according as they shall answere the same vpon Oath before his said Maiesties Commissioners with the date of their Passes and such other things as the said Commissioners shall direct you to enter and Register that the same may be extant vpon all occassions you shall doe your best endeauour to discouer and find out all fraude and counterfeiting vsed or attempted by any Passengers for the concealing of his true Name qualitie or estate or occasion or end of his going ouer and thereof acquaint the said Commissioners that such suspected Persons may be stayed according to their Commission you shall not draw vp or make any Passe or Lycence for any Passenger but such onely as shall bee first examined vpon Oath before the said Commissioners and haue before them taken the Oath of Allegaence according to the said Commission nor shall giue any Ticket or Note vnder your hand to any Searcher Shipmaster or other Officer for the Shipping away of any Passenger but such onely as shall be first Lycenced and allowed by the said Commissioners by Passe vnder their hands and in all things else to the said Office belonging Well duely behaue your selfe as an honest diligent and faithfull Officer ought to doe So helpe you God And for the better performance hereof We doe by these presents giue and graunt vnto you Our said Commissioners or any two or more of you within or neere the seuerall Ports or Places where you shall be resident to administer the said Oath to the said Clearkes and their deputies and euery of them Respectiuely without any farther or other Warrant or Comm●ssion from vs in that behalfe to behad procured or obtained And We also command by Authoritie hereof all and singular Iustices of Peace Mayors Sheriffes Bayliffes Constab●es Headboroughes Customers Comptrollers Searchers Surueyors ●nd all other our Officers and Ministers that they and euery of them be diligent carefull in the execution of this Our Commission and to the vttermost of their powers to cause Our pleasu●e herein expressed to be from time to time performed with all conuenient expedition In witnesse whereof We haue caused these Our Letters to be made Patents Witnesse Our selues at Westminster the Nineteenth day of Nouember in the Sixth yeare of Our Raigne Per breu priuato Sigillo WILLIS