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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08108 A true coppie of the transportation of the Lowe Countries, Burgundie, and the countie of Charrolois: doone by the King of Spayne, for the dowrie of his eldest daughter. Giuen in marriage vnto the Cardinall Albert, Duke of Austria, vvith the articles and conditions of the same, signed by the King in Madrill. Translated out of Dutch by H.W. Nouember. 1598 Spain. Sovereign (1556-1598 : Philip II); Elstracke, Renold, fl. 1590-1630, engraver.; H. W., fl. 1598. 1598 (1598) STC 18468; ESTC S113157 16,222 30

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it shall be requisite Giuen in our Cittie of Madrill Realme of Castile the sixt day of the Month of May 1598. and of our raigne of Naples and Ierusalem the 45. of Castile Arragon Cicile and others the 44. and of Portingall the 19. Paraphed thus N. D. V. Subsigned PHILLIPPVS And more vnder By the King And vnder written A. de la Loo Approbation Aggreation and the Oath of the Prince of Spayne in the transportation of the Netherlands and Burgundie PHILLIP by the grace of GOD Prince onely sonne and heyre to the Kingdoms Countries Dominions of the King PHILLIP the second of that name my Lord and Father Vnto all present and to come greeting MY saide Lorde and Father hauing resolued to espouse my Lady th' Infanta Isabel Clara Eugenia our deere and wel beloued Sister with the Archouke Albert our beloued Vncle and Cosin and that according to the same his Catholique Maiestie hath also determined in our cōmunication and with our consent béeing there-vnto perswaded through great respects of the common good yea to the rest and tranquilitie of all Christendome in generall and perticulerly to the rest and quietnesse of the Netherlands As also to the end that our said good Sister be furnished according to her qualities and highnes of her birth To make a gift vnto our saide Sister of the Netherlands and the County of Burgundy in the forme and manner appearing by the open Letters which my Lorde and Father to that end dispatched signed with his own hand and sealed with his great seale whereof the tenor followeth from word to word Phillippus c. Make knowne that after hauing perticulerly vnderstoode what is aboue saide and mentioned euery point of the matter considering the common good which is lyke to proceede thereof vnto all Christendome Yea the same by reason of the perticuler loue which we owe and beare vnto our beloued Sister th' Infanta through her great woorthines We strengthen approoue and confirme for good by these presents notwithstanding any preiudice which might belong to vs our Successours now present or to come and for the same reasons we consent and agrée by these presents that the said Netherlands and Counties of Burgundy and Charloys shal be ceded transported and giuen vnto our beloued Sister th' Infanta in the manner as my aforesaid Lord and Father hath done it and as it may best continue and for the more security coroboration and assurance of what his Maiesty dooth dispose and ordaine in the fauour and furtherance of our beloued Sister Euen so doe wee dispose and ordaine there-vnto if so it be néedefull by these presents also in fauour of the same in the same forme and manner in all the whole procéeding of our owne free will without that wee haue any way there-vnto béene incited compelled either by deceite falshoode nor any respect of paternall reuerence nor any feare or other but iustly and truly being our intention that the said Countries shal belong and appertaine to our deere and beloued Sister th' Infanta Isabell Clara Eugenia and her Successours in the forme of the saide disposition of the King my Lord and Father And to the end that all may haue his full enteere effect and perfection and remaine for euermore faster and more stabler we haue renounced and renounce by these presents in fauour of our said beloued Sister for vs and our Successours all Benefices which may or might be by right giuen or assigned vnto vs or them which might contrary vnto these nor although it were by right of restitution in Integrum in the which we haue likewise renounced and by these presents doe renounce For our concluded and determined will is that no manner of things shall haue any force or power against this donation concession and transport which is done of the Netherlands in the forme and manner before written Wherefore we haue done and giuen our oath vpon the holy Euangilan Gospel which we haue touched with our hands to hold and obserue maintaine and accomplish and to cause to be held obserued maintayned and accomplished all what is aforesaid without euer to bring there against any manner of excuse or exception nor to suffer that any shall bring them in our name the which we affirme and promise with princely words and that we wil giue any ayd assistance to the fulfilling of what is said Such being as is said our earnest will and desire In witnes wherof we haue dispatched these present open Letters the which wee haue subsigned with our owne hands and caused to be contrasigned by the Secretaries infrascripts of the estates of the King my Lord and Father in the said matters of the said Lowcountries and Burgundy and caused them to be sealed with the great Seale of Armes of his said Maiesty hanging at a golden string being present and as witnesses ther-vnto requested Don Gomes de Auila Marques of Velada our Gouernour and great Steward Don L. H. t. a p. de mora Earle of Castel Rodrigo G tand Commander d'Alcantara Gentleman of the Kings Chamber and Cup-bearer to our owne person Don Iehan d'Iiaques great Commaunder of Lean al thrée of the Counsaile of Estate and Messire Nicholas d'Amant Knight likewise Counsailour of Estate and Keeper of the Seale of his Maiesty in the matters of the afore-said Netherlands and Burgundy and Chauncelour of his Countrey and Dukedome of Brabant Giuen in the Cittie of Madrill the Realme of Castile the sixt day of the moneth of May in the yeare of grace 1598. Paraphe N. e. r. t signed Philippus And more vnder By order of my Lord the Prince subsigned A de la Loo and the saide Letters were sealed with the great Seale of Armes of his Maiesty in redde waxe hanging at a golden string Procuration of th'Infanta to her future Spouse to receaue the Netherlands in her name ISabell Clara Eugenia by the grace of God Infanta of al the Kingdoms of Spaine Dutches of Burgundy Lorrayne Brabant Limborch and Artoys Countesse Pallatin of Haynault Holland Zealand of Namen and Zutphen Marquesse of the Romish Dominion Lady of Freesland of Saliues and Machelen of the County Citty and Country of VVtrecht Oueryssel and Groeninghen To all present and to come which shall see or beare these Presents KNow that as well for the welfare of Christendome ingeneral as the perticuler of the Netherlands and for other good considerations it hath pleased the King my Lord and Father for the furtherance of our future marriage by the dispensation of our holy Father the Pope with our beloued Cosen the Archduke Albert and with the consent agréeation and agréement of the high and puissant Prince our déere and welbeloued Brother to make vs a gift concession and transportation of all the Netherlands and Burgundy by the open Letters thereof dispatched and respectiuely subsigned by their owne hands she sixt day of this present moneth of May with other open Letters touching the acceptation of the transport and donation to the
end that the saide Netherlands and Burgundy should by vs be held and possessed also our Heires and Successours in forme and manner and according to the conditions perticulerly expressed by the saide open Letters And that by the same his Maiesty hath consented agréed and promised vs and giueth absolute and inreuocable power of our owne authority without taking any other consent to seise our selues or by sending of procuration to our said future husband the Archduke Albert the whole and entire possession of the said Netherlands and County of Burgundy and Charoloys and to doe in the said effect all what perticulerly is saide in the said open Letters MAke knowne that we for the causes aboue specified and in euery thing to follow the will and ordinance of his Maiesty to the furtherance of the same all what in regard of the aboue written is needfull for our voyage to the saide Netherlands haue of our owne mind and absolute power authorised and giuen full and inreuocable power and commission with all faculty so generall as perticuler to our future husband the Archduke Albert for and in our name and in our behalfe to do either through himselfe or through others which he shal appoint there-vnto or shal finde lawfull by vertue of these Letters once or at more times all and in perticuler the thinges as much as in our name and behalfe as in the behalfe of all the Prouinces of the Netherlands and County of Burgundy and Charoloys in generall and through the Estates of euery Prouince in perticuler shall be required and néedfull there to be done for respectiuely to take seise to haue and to hold in our name the whole and entire possession of all the said Countries and of euery Prouince thereof with all what thereunto belongeth to vse them wholy quietly without any contradiction obstract or hinderance and to that ende to assemble the Estates of the said Countries be it in generall or perticuler to doe in our name the requisite oaths as also to receaue of the aforesaide Estates and others their vsuall oathes And ouer and aboue shal be done by our said future husband the Archduke Albert all what we to that end in proper person ought to doe if we were there present and although that there were any matter which should require more especiall commaundement then is in the said Letters mentioned We then suffer by Princely words and by our Honours to finde agréeable to keepe fast and sure and to obserue and cause to be obserued and inuiolably accomplished and in good fayth alwaies all what soeuer by the saide Archduke our future husband or by those which he shal haue appointed or commit by vertue of the said Letters shal be done or passed in regard of the said entire full and accomplished possession of the saide Netherlands and Burgundy according to the forme and manner mentioned in the saide open Letters of the said donation cession and transport to the which we referre our selues without euer to contrary the same or suffer the same to be contraried directly or indirectly in what manner soeuer for such is our will In witnes wherof we haue signed with our hand and caused to be contresigned by the Secretaries Infrascript of the Estates of the King my Lord and Father in matters of the saide Netherlands and Burgundy and sealed with the great Seale at Armes of his Maiesty hanging at a golden string Giuen in the Citty of Madrill the Realme of Castile the xxx day of May the yeare of grace 1598. Paraphed thus N. d. i. t. and subsigned the Lady Isabell and on the fold By order of my Lady the Infanta And more signed A de la Loo And were the said Letters sealed with the Kings great Seale in redde waxe hanging at a golden string Demonstration of the Archduke Albertus done to the generall Estates ALBERT by the grace of God Cardinall Archduke Lieuetenant Gouernour and Captaine Generall DEere and welbeloued the two Letters héere-vnder ioyned are of the King my Lord and of the Prince his Sonne for assurance in our behalfe to declare vnto you a resolution which his Maiesty hath taken to the welfare and consolation of these Countries by the accord and consent of the said Lord the Prince And because wee cannot personally accomplish the same being a waighty matter vnlesse we absent our selues from hence we are therefore by these to giue you vnderstanding of our great charge which in effect is that his Maiesty hath found good as well for the generall welfare of all Christendome as especially for these Countries no longer to prolong the marriage of the woorthy Infanta his Eldest Daughter as wel for the conseruation of his house as diuers other respects he hath to this effect cast his eyes on our person and that by the consent of our holy Father the Pope of the Empresse our honourable Lady and Mother and of the Emperour my Lord and Brother And that moreouer to giue better commodity vnto his Daughter and vs to manifest the perticuler inclination which hee beareth these Countries will transport them ouer as a gift to his Daughter to the furtherance of the said marriage together with the County of Burgundy without detayning or parting any thing thereof in any manner whatsoeuer assuring himselfe that you and al others will reioyce of this his kinde resolution being the same stretcheth to the common welfare rest of the saide Countries as being the onely way to attaine to a good and sure peace and to come out of this miserable warre which is the thing which his Maiesty hath so feruently desired Wherfore for our parts since it toucheth vs we are to esteeme it greatly as also wee greatly esteeme the great honour and good which by these his Maiesty doeth to our person choosing vs aboue all other persons and onely for this respect ought we to receaue an incredible contentment And so much the more doe wee reioyce that by these occasions we may shew the effects of our good and cordiall desires In following the paths of the Princes of Burgundy and Austria our Predicessours labouring for the welfare and rest of the said Countries to the which we haue and doe beare a perticuler inclination estéeming thereof since our comming hether to haue made a reasonable proofe although not wholy such as we desired by reason of diuers troubles and mishaps which are befallen vs We know full well the heauy and burthensome charge which by this resolution will fall on our necks But assuring our selues that we shall through you and others be counsailed ayded and assisted we hope that by the grace of God the matter wil haue a good and prosperous successe and that we shall see these Countries to returne in their auntient flowre greatnes and prosperity as they were in the dayes of our Predicessours and they seeing with what courage the worthy Infanta and I shal employ our selues there-vnto our persons mindes and our meanes we shal kéepe the same