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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03022 The order and solemnitie of the creation of the High and mightie Prince Henrie, eldest sonne to our sacred soueraigne, Prince of VVales, Duke of Cornewall, Earle of Chester, &c. As it was celebrated in the Parliament House, on Munday the fourth of Iunne last past. Together with the ceremonies of the Knights of the Bath, and other matters of speciall regard, incident to the same. Whereunto is annexed the royall maske, presented by the Queene and her ladies, on Wednesday at night following. Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619. 1610 (1610) STC 13161; ESTC S122279 15,934 47

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the Earle of Derby the Rod and the Earle of Shrewsbury the cap and Coronet His Princely highnesse supported by the Earles of Nottingham and Northamp on came bare headed and so entring the Parliament chamber where the king was set in his Throne and the whole state of the Realme in order diuers strangers and forraigne Ambassadours being present he made low obeysance to his Maiestie three times and after the third time when he was come neere to the king kneeled downe on a rich pillow or cushion whilst the Earle of Salisbury read his Letters Patents Then his Maiestie at the reading of the wordes of Inuestiture put the Robes vpon him and girded on the sword inuested him with the Rod and Ring and set the Cap and Coronet on his head with which ceremony the creation being accomplished he arose and was by the Earles of Worcester Suffolke brought and seated in his place of Parliament on the left hand of his Maiestie Hauing so remained a while all ceremonies finished his Maiestie with the whole Court of Parliament rose vp and discended into the hal passing forth towards the bridge in solemne and stately manner the foremost as they proceeded in order were the Clerkes and Masters of the Chance●ie with the Kings Councell and other Ministers of the law next came the officers of Armes and then the Knights of the Bath as before after them the Iudges and so successiuely the Barons Vicounts Earles Marquesses and Dukes according to their degrees in the Parliament house and offices of state all in their Parliament roabes and lastly the King himselfe with the Prince who tooke water together the trumpets sounding in the Row-barge all the way as they went and the Heralds going before them in the same At White-hal staires they landed where the knights of the Bath and Noble-men being landed before stood ready on the bridge in goodly and gallant order to receiue them and going all before them conducted them in this manner vp to the great Chamber The king that day dined aboue but the Prince dined in the hall was serued with great state and magnificence He was accompanyed at his table with diuers great Lords as the Earles of Notingham Salisbury Worcester and Derby and namely all those that exercised any place or office about his creation At another table in the same roome on the left hand of the Prince sat the knights of the Bath all vpon one side and had likewise great seruice and attendance About the midst of dinner Garter principall king of Armes with the rest of the heralds approached the Princes table and with a loud and audible voyce proclaimed the kings stile in Latine French and English thrise and the Princes in like manner twise then the trumpets sounding the second course came in and dinner done that daies solemnity ceased At night a stately maske was presented before his Maiestie the inuention manner whereof I leaue to the author when he shall thinke good to publish The same day the deuise of the fireworks Seafight vpon the Thames should likewise haue bene shewed but for some respects were put of till the wedensday following and then performed to the much content and admiration of the beholders The Names of such Noblemen as were imployed in seuer all places of Office or attendance at the creation of the PRINCE The Earle of Salisbury The Earle of Suffolke The Earle of Notingham The Earle of Northampton The Earle of Worcester The Earle of Derby The Earle of Shrewsbury The Earle of Cumberland The Earle of Huntingdon The Earle of Sussex The Earle of Rutland Other Noblemen that were present in the Parliament house at the Princes creation besides those which were employed in attendance about him EARLES The Earle of Arundell The Earle of Bath The Earle of Southampton The Earle of Bedford The Earle of Penbroke The Earle of Hertford The Earle of Lincolne The Earle of Exceter The Earle of Montgomery VICOVNTS The Lord Vicount Mountague The Lord Vicount Bindon The Lord Vicount Lisle BARONS The Lord Aburgauenny The Lord Audley The Lord Zouche The Lord Willowby The Lord Barkley The Lord Morley The Lord S●roope The Lord Dudley The Lord Herbert The Lord Monteagle The Lord Mordant The Lord Eu're The Lord Rich. The Lord Sheffeld The Lord Paget The Lord Effingham The Lord North. The Lord Chandos The Lord Hunsdon The Lord Saint Iohn The Lord Burgleigh The Lord Compton The Lord Norreys The Lord Knolles The Lord Wotton The Lord Ellesmere The Lord Russell The Lord Grey The Lord Peter The Lord Harrington The Lord Gerrard The Lord Spenser The Lord Say The Lord Denny The Lord Stanhope The Lord Carew The Lord Cauendish The Lord Kniuet The Lord Clifton Hauing thus briefly described the manner of his Highnes creation I should here set a period to my discourse but that the knights of the Bath being a principall part and ornament of his princely triumphes and my selfe particularly bound to many of them I could not passe them ouer without some remembrance Therefore thus much out of the note of directions from the office of armes and some obseruation of credit concerning the order and ceremonies of the knighthood The manner of the Creation of the Knights of the Bath and the ceremonies obserued in solemnizing the fame ACcording to the order giuen from the Commissioners appointed for the ouersight and direction of these ceremonies the Lords others that were to receiue the honourable order of the Bath repaired on Saterday the second of Iune to Durham house in the Strond and there in the afternoone heard euening prayer obseruing no other ceremony at that time but only passing through the hall the heralds going before them with their Coates vpon their armes into the Chappel from whence after seruice ended they returned into the chamber they were to suppe in Their supper was prepared all at one table and all sat vpon on side of the same euery man hauing an Escutcheon of his armes placed ouer his head and certaine of the kings officers beeing appointed to attend them In this manner hauing taken their repast the tables were remoued and seuerall beds made ready for their lodging in the same place after the same manner al on one side and each one as afore right vnder the scutcheon of his owne armes Their beds were pallets with coueringstesters or Canopies of red Say but they vsed no curtaines The knights in the meane while were withdrawne into the bathing chamber which was the next roome to that they supped in where for each of them was prouided a seueral bathing tub which was lined both within and without with white linnen and couered with red Say After the bath they betooke themselues to their rest Early the next morning they were wakened with musicke and at their vprising inuested in their Hermits habits which was a gowne of gray cloth girded close a hood of the same with a linnen coyfe vnderneath and a handkercher hanging at
his girdle cloth stockings soled with leather but no shooes and thus apparrelled their Esquires gouernours with the heralds wearing the coats of armes and sundry sorts of winde instruments going before them they proceeded from their lodging downe through the hall the meanest in order for most as the night before till they came to the chappell Where after seruice ended their oath was ministred vnto them by the Earle of Worcester and the Earle of Suffolke in a solemne and ceremonious manner all of them standing forth before their stalles and at their comming out making low reuerence towards the Altar by which the Commissioners sate then were they brought vp by the heralds by two at once the chiefest first and so the rest till all successiuely had receiued their oath which in substance was this That aboue al things they should honour God and maintaine true Religion loue their soueraigne serue their country help maidens widdowes orphans and to the vtmost of their power cause equity and iustice to be obserued This done whilest they were yet in the Chappell wine and sweet meates were brought thē then they departed to their chamber to be disrobed of their Hermits weeds new reuested againe in Robes of Crimson taffata lined with white sarcenet hauing white hats on their heads with white feathers white boots on their legs white gloues tyed to the strings of their mātles Al which performed they moūt on horsbacke their saddles being of black leather and bridles of the same with white crosses vpō their brests cruppers of their horses each Knight betweene his two esquires well apparrelled his footeman attending and his page riding before him carrying his sword with the hilts vpward and his spurres hanging thereon In this order rankte euery man according to his degree the best or chiefest first they rode faire and softly towards the Court the trumpets sounding and the heralds all the way riding before them Beeing alighted at the Court gate they were conducted by the heralds and others appointed for that purpose into the hall where his Maiestie sitting vnder his Cloth of estate gaue them their knighthood in this manner First the principall Lord that is to receiue the order comes led by his two Esquires and his page before him bearing his sword and spurres and kneeleth downe before his Maiestie The Lord Chamberlaine takes the sword of the page and deliuers it to the King who puts the belt ouer the necke of the knight aslope his brest placing the sword vnder his left arme Then two noble men of the chiefe about the King put on his spurres and so is the ceremony performed In this sort the Earle of Oxford which was the principall of this number beeing first created the rest were al consequently knighted alike and when the solemnity thereof was fully finished they all returned againe in order as they came sauing some smal difference in that the youngest or meanest knight went now formost and their pages behinde them Comming back to Durham-house their dinner was ready prepared in the same roome and after the same fashion as their supper was the night before but being set they were not to taste of any thing that stood before them but with a modest carriage and gracefull abstinence to refraine diuers kindes of sweet musicke being played the while and after a conuenient time of sitting to arise withdraw themselues leauing the table furnished to their Esquires and pages About foure of the clocke in the afternoone they rode againe to Court to heare seruice in the kings Chappell keeping the same order they did at their returne from thence in the morning euery knight riding betweene his two Esquires and his page following him At their entrance into the Chappell the Heralds conducting them they make a solemne reuerence the the youngest knight beginning the rest orderly ensuing and so one after another take their standing before their stalles where all being placed the eldest knight maketh a second reuerence which is followed to the youngest and then all ascend into their stalles and take their accustomed places Seruice then beginneth and is very solemnely celebrated with singing of diuers Antheames and playing on the Organes And when the time of their offertory is come the youngest knights are summoned forth of their stalles by the Heralds doing reuerence first within the stalles and againe after they are discended which is likewise imitated by all the rest And being al thus come forth standing before their stalles as at first the two eldest knights with their swords in their handes are brought vp by the Heralds to the Altar where they offer their swords and the Deane receiues them of whom they presently redeem them with an Angell in golde and then come downe to their former places whilst two other are led vp in like manner so doing successiuely till the whole ceremony be performed which done and seruice ended they depart in such order as they came with accustomed reuerence At the Chappell doore as they came forth they were encountered by the kings Master Cooke who stood there with his white Apron and Sleeues and a Choping-knife in his hand and challenged their spurres which were likewise redeemed with a noble in money threatning them neuerthelesse that if they proued not true and loyall to the King his Lord and Mast. it must be his office to hew them from their heeles On Monday morning they al met together again at the Court where in a priuate roome appointed for them they were cloathed in long roabes of purple sattin with hoods of the same all lined and edged about with white taffata And thus apparrelled they gaue their attendance vpon the Prince at his creation and dined that day in his presence at a side-bord as is already declared THE NAMES OF SVCH Lordes and Gentlemen as were made Knights of the BATH in honour of his Highnesse Creation in order as they were Knighted on Sonday the third of Iune 1610. THe Earle of Oxford The Lord Gourdon sonne and heire of the Marquesse Huntley The Lord Clifford sonne and heire to the Earle of Cumberland The Lord Fitz-walter sonne and heire to the Earle of Sussex The Lord Fitzwaren son and heire to the Earle of Bath The Lord Hay sonne and heire to the Earle of Arroll The Lord Erskin sonne and heire to Vicount Fenton The Lord VVindsor The Lord VVentworth Master Charles Somerset third sonne to the Earle of Worcester Master Edward Somerset fourth sonne to the Earle of Worcester Master Francis Stuard Master Ferdinando Dudley sonne and heire to the Lord Dudley Master Iohn Cary son and heire to the Lord Hunsdon Master Oliuer Saint Iohn sonne and heire to the Lord Saint-Iohn Master Gilbert Gerrard sonne and heire to the Lord Gerrard Master Charles Stanhope sonne and heire to the Lord Stanhope Master VVilliam Stuard Master Edward Bruse sonne and heire to the Lord Kinlosse Master Robert Sidney second sonne to Vicount Lisle Master VVilliam Touchet second sonne
The Order and Solemnitie of the Creation of the High and mightie Prince HENRIE Eldest Sonne to our sacred Soueraigne Prince of VVales Duke of Cornewall Earle of Chester c As it was celebrated in the Parliament House on Munday the fourth of Iunne last past Together with the Ceremonies of the Knights of the Bath and other matters of speciall regard incident to the same Whereunto is annexed the Royall Maske presented by the Queene and her Ladies on Wednesday at night following Printed at Britaines Bursse for Iohn Budge and are there to be sold. 1610. THE ORDER AND SOLEMNITIE OF THE creation of Prince HENRY eldest sonne to his sacred Maiestie Prince of VVales as it was celebrated in the Parliament house on Monday the fourth of Iune last past HIs Maiestie aswell to shew the bounty of his affection towards his deerest Sonne the Prince as to settle in the hearts of his louing Subiects a liuely impression of his Royall care for continuance of the happy and peacefull Gouernement of this land in his issue and posterity hauing determined to inuest his Princely Highnesse with those titles and dignities which the former Princes of this Realme haue vsually beene adorned It seemed fittest both in regard of his Highnesse yeeres now arriuing at mans estate and shewing rare proofes of heroicall vertue and also for that it would be a matter most gratefull and acceptable to that honorable Assembly to haue the solemnities thereof performed in this present Parliament Wherefore the time approaching his Maiesties pleasure signified and preparation made accordingly on VVednesday the thirtieth of May last his Highnesse accompanied besides the ordinary traine of his household with diuers young Lords and Gentlemen of speciall marke departed from his house of S. Iames towards Richmond where being come towards euening he supped and reposed himselfe for that night Next morning being Thursday about nine of the clocke he tooke water to returne againe to London attended only with some few Barges of his owne followers and such Noblemen and others as accompanied him thither the day before Passing softly downe the streame he was seuerally encountered by diuers Lord swhich came to meete him on the way the Thames began soone to flote with Botes and Barges hasting from all parts to meete him and the shores on eyther side where conueniency of place would giue way to their desires swarmed with multitudes of people which stood wayting with greedy eyes to beholde his triumphant passage About eleuen of the clocke vnderstanding that the tide was falne so low as there would not be conuenient roome for all the Barges in his traine to go orderly downe notwithstanding his first appointment was to haue come to London about noone and dinner prepared for him accordingly at White-hall hee made stay at Barne-Elmes and there landing refreshed himselfe in an Arbour by the water side and tooke a short repast of such sweete meats and other things as could there be prouided on the sudden By this time the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London with the seuerall Companies of the Citie honorably furnish't and appointed and disposed in faire order were ready attending with a great traine and sumptuous showe to receiue his highnesse at Chelsey their Barges deck't with banners streamers and ensignes and sundry sortes of loud-sounding Instruments aptly placed amongst them There were also two artificiall Sea-monsters one in fashion of a Whale the other like a Dolphin with persons richly apparrelled sitting vpon them who at the meeting and parting of the Lord Mayor and his company with the Prince were to deliuer certaine speeches vnto him In this goodly manner this well furnish't Fleete of the City receiued his Highnes somewhat beyond Chelsey about two of the clock in the afternoone and after the Lord Mayor and Aldermens salutation humbly presented and gratiously accepted by his Highnesse they turned their stemmes and so proceeded towards London obseruing this course that whereas at their approach the Lord Mayors Barge came foremost and the Companies euery one in their degrees followed after now that order being chaunged the Companies went before the meanest in place first the rest according to their seuerall rankes successiuely ensuing and lastly the Lord Mayor attended with his two Sea-monsters on eyther side going immediately before the Prince and conducting his ioyfull passage to the Citie Next after the Princes Barge followed his seruants the Barges of sundry Noblemen and others which had met him on the way and on euery side such a confused company of Botes of all sortes fraught with beholders as it seemed the Riuer though then enlarged to her vtmost limits by the tides friendly aduantage was too little to containe them as likewise the land on eyther shore which neuer felt the weight of such an infinity of people vpon any former occasion Approaching neereto VVhite hall the King and Queene with the young Duke of Yorke and Lady Elizabeth stood in the priuie Gallerie window to see the order of their comming and that his Maiestie might take the better viewe of the Lord Mayor and Citizens show they were appointed to passe along on London side whilst the Prince in the meane while fetched a Compasse about by Lambeth and so comming to VVhite-hal bridge where the Lord Maior and Aldermen tooke leaue of his highnesse there landed his landing being congratulated with a loude peale of Chambers from the other side of the water which in their thundring voyces carried vp to the skie the ioy of the peoples hearts conueyed in the issue of these happy triumphs At his highnesse comming on shore his seruants attended vpon the bridge to receiue him making a Guard for him to passe thorow to the hall where he was entertained by the Lord Knols and the Lord Wotton Treasurer and Controller of the houshold likewise in the great chamber by Vicount Fenton Captaine of the Guard in the Presence by the Earle of Suffolke Lord Chamberlaine and lastly by the King and Queene in the Priuy chamber After which his highnes reposed himselfe and so ended that dayes solemnity On munday following the Lords and Peeres of the Realme being all assembled in Parliament his Maiesty accompanied with the Prince who was that morning to be inuested in his Principalitie tooke water at the priuy staires at White hal and landing together at Westminster bridge his Maiesty passed directly to the Parliament-house and the Prince to the Court of Wardes from whence after a whiles tarryance for the disposing of things in due order his highnesse proceeded in this maner to his Creation First went the Heralds and Officers of Armes in their rich coates next followed the Knights of the Bath being fiue and twentie in number apparrelled in long Roabes of purple Satin lyned with white Taffata then Garter principall king of Armes bearing the Letters Patents the Earle of Sussex the purple Robes the train borne by the Earle of Huntingdon the Earle of Cumberland the sword the Earle of Rutland the Ring