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A09376 A cloud of faithfull witnesses, leading to the heauenly Canaan, or, A commentarie vpon the 11 chapter to the Hebrewes preached in Cambridge by that godly, and iudicious divine, M. William Perkins ; long expected and desired, and therefore published at the request of his executours, by Will. Crashawe and Tho. Pierson, preachers of Gods Word, who heard him preach it, and wrote it from his mouth. Perkins, William, 1558-1602. 1607 (1607) STC 19677.5; ESTC S2273 415,205 614

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set down vnto vs examples of faith more at large But from this verse to the end of this Chapter he heapes vp briefely together many examples of faith one vpon another The reason whereof is First because the number of true beleeuers which are mentioned in Scripture is very great and therefore he could not here stand to set them downe in order one by one Secondly by handling all the examples at large which the Author propoundeth in this short Epistle hee should haue seemed to haue restrained the name and title of faith to a very few for all that are here named and commended for their faith are but few in comparison of all that truely beleeued in the olde Testament And therefore hee heapes vp the rest together to intimate that the number of beleeuers was more than he could record And this hee doth by a Rhetoricall preterition or passing ouer called in Schooles Paralepsis whereby matters are briefly dispatched and passed ouer with the very naming only What shall I say more That is as if hee had said I haue propounded diuers worthy examples of faith and besides these there are also many more but the time of writing an Epistle will not suffer me to handle them all at large First in this particular quicke dispatch of beleeuers by our Apostle wee may obserue a difference betweene the infinite vnderstanding of God and the created vnderstanding that is in mans minde Man indeed vnderstands the things that are reuealed to him of God but yet in a manner and order farre different from that which is in God for man cannot conceiue in his minde all the things hee knowes at once by one acte of his vnderstanding but must haue distinct time to conceiue of them one by one distinctly For looke as he vtters them distinctly one by one as we see in this place so likewise doth he apprehend them in conceit and vnderstanding But with God it is not so for God at once by one acte of vnderstanding without distinction of time doth conceiue of all things at once both past present and to come and so could vtter and expresse them if any creature were able in conceit so to comprehend them Secondly whereas the holy Ghost saith The time would be too short c. Hee giues vs to vnderstand that the number of beleeuers is very great and that a long time would not serue to repeat them or to write of them This directeth vs vnto a good answer to a question which much troubleth our common people to wit How great is the number of them that shall be saued whether is it greater than the number of them that shal be damned Ans. We must consider the nūber of the elect 2. wais 1. in cōparison of them that shall be condemned secondly in themselues If we compare the elect with the reprobate the number of the elect is but a small nūber for in most ages the church of God hath beene but a handfull to the rest of the world And in the Church this likewise is true Many are called but few chosen in respect of them that are called But yet consider the elect as they are in themselues and they are a huge great number yea innumerable as Saint Iohn saith speaking of the elect among the Gentiles beside the chosen Iewes for all that doe truely beleeue shall bee saued Now beleeuers are innumerable This the Author of this Epistle would insinuate vnto vs by his phrase of speech What shall I say more c. In handling these examples wee must obserue the order here vsed by the holy Ghost for in this 32. verse hee sets down the names of the persons that beleeue all ioyntly together rehearsing them one by one And in the 33 34 45 verses he laies downe briefly the fruits of all their faith in number tenne most notable actions seruing all and euery one of them most worthily to commend their faith In the handling of them wee will follow the order obserued by the holy Ghost and first speake of the persons then of their actions The foure first are these Gedeon Barac Samson and Iephte These foure were Iudges in Israel the fift is Dauid who was both a Prophet and a King the sixt is Samuel both a Iudge and a Prophet lastly the Prophets generally by whom wee must vnderstand especially these three Elias Eliseus and Daniel In speaking of these persons here commended vnto vs first we will intreate of them generally and then in particular In generall let vs first obserue the order which the holy Ghost here vseth in naming them Gedeon for time was after Barac and yet here he is first named so Samson was after Iephte and yet here he is put before him This the holy Ghost would neuer doe without some special cause We therefore must knowe that the Scripture vseth a two-fold order in reckoning vp of persons to wit the order of time when as hee that liued first is first named and the order of dignity when the most worthy and excellent is named first though he were later in time Now the Scripture accounteth best of them that did excell in faith and in the fruits thereof so in this place whereas Gedeon is set before Barac Samson before Iephte the holy Ghost obserues not the order of time but the order of dignity according to the excellency of their faith naming them in the first place that were most famous for this grace of faith and did exceed the other in the fruits thereof Here we learne this speciall point That the more men excell in faith and other graces of God the more God will honour them for looke who most honour God shall be most honoured of him but the more a man excels in grace the more he honours God And for this cause is Gedeon preferred before Barac and Samson before Iephte because they were more plentifull in the fruits of faith This must mooue vs not onely to seeke to haue faith but to labour euery day more and more for the increase of faith and of obedience for the more a man abounds in grace before God the more will God honour him both here and in heauen And thus much for the order wherein they are propounded Secondly let vs consider what manner of persons these were Gedeon Barac and the rest They were extraordinary men in their time raised vp by God for the speciall good of his Church and the common wealth of the Iewes that they might help and defend them in distresse And therefore as their calling was extraordinary so God indued them with extraordinary gifts of wisdome strength zeale and authority for which they are here renowmed in this Catalogue of most worthy beleeuers In their example wee may obserue this point That whom God doth raise vp extraordinarily for some speciall good in his Church them he endues with extraordinarie gifts to discharge that calling and withall hee giues them the spirit of grace with a true and liuely faith
a furtherance and helpe or rather the perfection of humane learning perswading and prouing and conuincing that which humane learning cannot And thus we see how faith makes vs to vnderstand But what doth it make vs to vnderstand the text saith That the world was ordained c. Amongst many Expositions we may most safely set downe and approue this God by his word or cōmandement hath ordained that is made in good order the ages that is the world and all in it and all this he did by his word and which is more strange then that made them all of nothing That is a wonderfull thing reason cōceiues it not but disputes against it Philosophy grants it not but writes against it but marke the priuiledge of this faith it makes a man beleeue it and shewes him also how it is Now for our better perceiuing the excellency of this power of faith here are 4. points set downe 1. What was created The worlds 2. In what manner Ordained 3. By what meanes By Gods word 4. Of what matter Of nothing Of these in order The first point is what was made The text answereth The worlds The word signifieth in the originall ages and so it is also taken Heb. 1.2 God made the worlds or ages by Christ. By this word then hee meaneth these two things First times and seasons which are ordinary creatures of God as well as other for amongst other creatures Gen. 1. are recorded also times seasons to be Gods creatures Secondly he vnderstandeth the world also and all in it and so it is truly translated For with good reason may the word ages signifie the world because the world and all in it had their beginning in time haue their continuance in time and shall haue their end in time againe Time begun them time continues them and time shal end them and so the world is euerie way measured by the compasse of time and therefore it pleaseth the holy Ghost to tearme the world and all in it Ages or times Now whereas it is said Ages that is times and seasons were ordained of God we learne that if time be a creature or an ordinance of God created for so great purposes as to be the measure of all things Take heed then of abusing so excellent an ordinance if thou hast spent it well spend it still better Time is so good a thing it cannot be spent well enough But hast thou misspent time that is to abuse it Take S. Pauls counsell Eph. 5.16 Redeeme the time that is seeing what is past cannot be recall'd then recompence the losse of it by the well bestowing of time to come Spend euerie houre well and that thou maist do so be alwaies either doing good to other or receiuing good from other doe either and time is well spent And take heede thou be not of the number of those that often say they cannot tell how to driue away time and therfore they deuise many toyes cōceits and vaine pleasures yea many wicked vnlawful delights and all to shift off as they say and deceiue the time It is wonderfull to see that the wicked whose time of ioy is onely in this world should seeke to hasten it make it seem shorter yet so it is the diuel blinding them but howeuer it is seeme it shorter or longer that same one sinne of misspending their time shall condemne them if they had no more for if account must be giuen for euery idle word a fearefull account remaines to be made for so many idle houres Let vs then be very carefull in the vse of this good ordinance of God and neuer deuise how to passe away time for there is no man that is a profitable member in the place where he is that can finde one houre so idle that he knowes not how to imploy it either in receiuing or doing some good Were ordained The second point in this example is the māner Did God make a perfect or an imperfect world The text answereth it was ordained The word signifieth thus much God framed the Ages that is all creatures visible and inuisible in a most excellent perfect absolute order As in a campe euerie man keepes his ranke and order and no man goeth out of his standing appointed him So euery creature had his due place and his proper vse assigned him of God so that the workmanship of the world in euery creature in euery respect was absolute and thus ordained is as much as perfectly made And the whole world was as the perfect body of a man where euery member bone ioynt veine sinew is in his proper place and nothing out of square Ob. Was euery thing created in his order and due place Whence then com so many disorders in the world The diuel hath His kingdome authoritie lawes subiects he rules in the wicked Now cā there be any order in Sathans kingdom Againe whence are so many alterations and subuersions of kingdomes so many wars so much effusion of bloud The Gospel is transported frō Country to Country ciuil dissensions in Cities priuate families betwixt mā man betwixt man some creatures betwixt creature and creatures yea hatred often vnto the death yea often hatred betwixt creatures of the same kind All these being so where then is that excellent order wherein they were created I answere the state of all creatures is changed from that wherein they were created by the fall of our first parents God made no disorder He saw euery thing that he had made and lo it was very good therfore it was in a most perfect order For orderly comelinesse is a part of the goodnesse of a thing but disorder is the effect of sinne it entred with sinne and it is both a companion and a reward of sinne Had we continued in our innocence all creatures had continued in their excellent order But when wee had broken the perfect order that God had appointed vs immediatly all creatures broke that order wherin they were afore both towards vs one amongst another Whil'st we obayed God all creatures obayed vs but when wee shooke off the yoke of obedience vnto God and rebelled against him then they became disobedient vnto vs. Whil'st we loued God al creatures loued reuerenced vs but when we fell to hate the Lord then began they to hate vs and not before If therefore thou seest any disobedience and hatred in the creatures towards thee any disorder and vanity amongst themselues thank thy selfe for it thou broughtst it into the world with thy sinne This being so we are hence taught when wee see any disorder in any creature not to blame the Lord nor the creature but to turne backe to our selues to take notice of our owne sinnes and corruptions and to acknowledge this was not so at the first but our sin was the cause of it and therfore be humbled ashamed of our selues that we should destroy and confound that excellent
body and soule and for proofe thereof they bring S. Paul where he saith Christ is the first fruits of them that sleepe Answer True indeede of them that sleepe that is of all that die for Christ entred into heauen both in body soule first of all them but Henoch neuer died as the Text here auoucheth therefore that place hinders not but Henoch might be in heauen in his body before Christs humane flesh ascended thither Thirdly they argue out of Saint Iohn No man hath ascended into heauen but he that descended the sonne of man which is in heauen But say they this sonne of man is not Henoch but Christ therefore none but Christ ascended bodily into heauen Answer That place is not meant of corporall ascending but of vnderstanding mysticall and heauenly things no man ascendeth to the full knowledge of heauenly Misteries but Christ alone who descended from heauen from the bosome of his Father And thus we see this opinion hath no strength of Argument to rest vpon but wee may safely hold notwithstanding any thing that can be said against it that Henoch was translated both in body and soule And if any man yet doubt how he could be takē vp in body before he was glorified Wee are to know though he died not yet his body was changed as those men shall be which shall be found aliue at the last day The second opinion is that Henoch was taken vp in soule and body into Paradise some say the heauenly but the most the earthly Paradise and there liues in his mortall and corruptible body and must afore the last day come againe in his body with Elias and fight against Antichrist and when by their doctrine they haue ouercome him hee shall by violence kill them and so they shall die Martyrs And this is the generall receiued opinion of the most Papists But it is a meere conceit and a dreame and there is no ground for it but good argument against it For first as for the Earthly Paradise it was defaced by the flood nor doe we read that euer man was in it but Adam And some of their owne fables tell vs that Seth went to the gates of Paradise when his father Adam was sicke to get some Physicke out of Paradise for his father but hee could not get in Nor doe we finde any mention of it afterwards So that it is likely in all reason that it was defaced by the vniuersall flood And if they meane he was translated into the Heauenly Paradise I answer thither can no vncleane thing come but a mortall body is vncleane and themselues say hee was taken away in his mortall body and in it shal come againe and die Therefore Henoch hauing a mortall and vnglorified bodie cannot be in the highest heauens into which nothing can enter which is not glorified and made immortall If they alleadge Ecclesiasticus 44.16 Enoch pleased God and was translated into Paradise c. I answer we neede not call in question the authoritie of the booke nor answer that it is not in the Canon of faith For the text is corrupted wilfully by some that shewed thēselues in the Latine too bold with the text both there and elsewhere for in the Greeke originall there is no such matter as Paradise but the words are these Enoch pleased God and was translated for an example of repentance to the generations And thus we see this opinion is euery way erroneous and hath no shadow of reason in it nor for it Seeing therefore both these opinions are to bee refused let vs in few words set downe the true and Orthodoxall iudgement of the Church out of the Scriptures in the olde and new testament And it is this That this holy man by Gods special fauour to him was assumed into heauen both body and soule his soule beeing perfectly sanctified and his body glorified in the instant of his translation and there he remaineth in glory expecting the generall resurrection and the full glorification of all Gods elect Out of this translation of Henoch we may learne First that there is a life euerlasting prepared of God for his children wherein they shall liue for euer both in soule body for hereof hath God giuen vs most euident testimonies both here in Enoch and afterward in Elias Elias a Iew Enoch none Enoch in the first world Elias in the second Enoch before the flood Elias after Enoch vncircumcised Elias circumcised Enoch married Elias vnmarried and both were assumed into heauen in soule and body and are there to this day and tarry for vs till the ende of the world assuring vs that our soules liue for euer that our bodies thogh they die shall rise againe to life Here therefore wee haue a notable ground for that last but not the least article of our faith where we professe to belieue life euerlasting Secondly in this example we learne that God is not tied to the order of Nature The order which God established set downe concerning all men after Adams fall is this Dust thou art and to dust shalt thou returne By vertue of this decree all men are to die as sure as they once liue and when that time appointed by God is come all the world cannot saue one man but accordingly die he must But here notwithstanding we see God that tied man to this order is not tied himselfe Enoch and Elias are exempted they die not their bodies neuer turned to dust such is the power of God ouer the order of Nature in all naturall actions Thirdly whereas the Papists holde that all the Fathers who died before Christ were in Limbus a place out of heauen and came not in heauen till Christ fetcht them thence and carried them with him at his ascension Here wee learne it is most false forged For here we see Henoch and afterwards Elias were in heauen both in body and soule many hundred yeares before Christs Incarnation whereby as also by many other euidences that might be brought it is apparant that Limbus Patrum is nothing but a deuise of that hereticall Church of Rome Hitherto hath the holy Ghost auouched the translation of Henoch Now hee proueth substantially that he was taken away Neither was hee found for God had taken him away And for his proofe he first laieth downe his ground then he thereupon frameth his argument consisting of diuers degrees of demonstration The ground is the plaine and euident testimonie of the old Testament in Genesis where the words are these Henoch was not found or not seene for God tooke him away Against this ground being the very wordes of the olde Testament no man can take exception And heere in a word let vs all marke the high and soueraigne authoritie of Gods word which euen the holy Ghost himselfe vouchsafeth to alledge for the confirmation of his owne words It had beene sufficient that the holy Ghost here affirmed Enoch to be taken away but we see
hitherto intreated Now here and s● forward to the end of this chapter is set downe a third order of examples of faith namely of such as liued from the time of the giuing of the Law to the time of the raigne of the Maccabees This 30. verse containes the first example of this ranke namely the example of Iosuahs faith of those that went with him into Canaan And their faith is commended vnto vs by a notable fact of theirs the causing to fall the walls of Iericho the History whereof we may reade at large Iosuah 6. The summe of it is this Whereas the Israelites came vnto Canaan and could not enter into the Land by reason of the strength of Iericho by which they must needs passe nor could win it by reason of the huge walls of Iericho the Lord promiseth to deliuer Iericho into their hands onely the people must doe this they must compasse-about the walls seauen daies carie the Arke of the Lord with them sounding with Rammes hornes and showte and so the walls should fall downe Now the Lord hauing made this promise vnto them the Israelites and specially Iosuah obey his commaundement and beleeue his promise and thus doing by faith the walls of Iericho fell downe after they were compassed-about seauen doyes Indeed the power of GOD was the principall cause of this ruine of the walls but yet because vpon their beleeuing GOD shewed this power therefore is the downfall of them ascribed to their faith Here are many notable points to be learned 1. Whereas the Text saith By faith the walls of Iericho fell downe wee may obserue the wonde●full power of true faith Iosuah and the Israelites beleeued Gods promises that hee would ouerturne the walls of Iericho and as they beleeued so it came to passe So our Sauiour Christ saith Matthew 17.20 If a man had but as much faith as a graine of mustard-seed he shall say vnto the mountaine remooue hence and it shall remoue and nothing shall be vnpossible vnto him signifying that by the power of true faith such things as are impossible to mans reason shall be brought to passe if God haue promised them as we see in this place the mighty walls of Iericho fall downe by faith which to mans reason is impossible So the Lord promised to Abraham That he should be the Father of many Nations yea that all the Nations of the earth should be blessed in him This was strange but Abraham beleeued it and as hee beleeued so it came to passe for many Nations descended from him and after the time of Christes ascension when all the Nations of the world were called to the light of the Gospell they were blessed in Christ the promised Seede of Abraham and therefore is hee called the Father of the faithfull in all Nations And to come vnto our selues To miserable men it may seeme a strange thing that the power of the diuell and the strength of the flesh should be ouercome in vs yet let a man beleeue this promise of God God so loued the world that hee gaue his onely begotten sonne that who so beleeued in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life Iohn 3.16 I say let him beleeue this effectually and hee shall finde by faith the Kingdome of sinne Satan in his heart and conscience weakned euery day more and more And therefore S. Iohn saith not without cause This is the victorie that ouercommeth the world euen our faith 1. Iohn 5.4 2. Here obserue that among the causes of the change ouerthrowe of Townes Cities Kingdomes this is one namely faith in Gods promises Many men haue written of the change of Kingdoms do giue diuers reasons therof But most of them omit the principall and that is faith by vertue whereof many times Kingdomes and Townes are brought to ruine and ouerthrow God promised to Abraham to his seed that he would giue thē the land of Canaan for their inheritance now they beleeued this promise heere wee see it comes to passe as they beleeued Iericho by faith is ouerturned the rest of their Cities the people of Canaā dispossessed So that we see faith in Gods promises is a means to Gods people to ouerturn cities kingdoms that are enemies to Christ and to his Gospell God hath made a promise vnto his Church that the whore of Babylon Reuel 18.2 that is the Kingdome of Antichrist shall flourish for a while but after it shall be destroyed yea such a ruine shall come vnto it that the Kings of the earth and all great men and Marchants shall bewaile the destruction thereof Now this promise being receiued by faith and beleeued of Gods Church shall vndoubtedly come to passe It is in some part verified already for we see some Kingdomes and people haue renounced the cursed Doctrine and tyrannie of Rome and many Christian Princes haue alreadie shaken off the Popes yoke yea and this promise shall come to passe daily more and more Let all the Kings of that sort doe what they can and let the people set themselues neuer so much against Gods Church yet Babylon shal downe for God hath promised so to his Church and his Church beleeueth the same and therefore by their faith it shall be brought to passe in despite of the diuell Thirdly here we learne that when any City Towne or Kingdome is to make warre either in defence of themselues or in lawfull assault vpon their enemies a speciall meanes for good successe heerein is true faith Christian policie is a commendable thing in this case but if policy be seuered from faith it is nothing Faith in Gods promises of protection and assistance doth farre surpasse all worldly wisedome And therefore good King Iehosaphat when he was to fight against the huge Armies of the Moabites and Ammonites giues this counsell to his people 2 Chron. 20.20 Put your trust in the Lord your God and ye shall be assured Beleeue his Prophets and ye shall prosper giuing a most notable instruction and shewing that the best help for our defence is faith in God whereby we rest vpon his word and promise that hee will helpe vs yet this taketh not away the vse of meanes but it giues the blessing and efficacie vnto them Faith wee knowe is called a shield among the spiritual armour of God whereby a man awards the blowes of Satan and though that be the principal vertue of it yet is it also a notable shield to defend men euen against their outward visible enemies a most strong engine aginst thē to work their ouerthrow Hence Dauid saith He will not be afraid for tenne thousand of the people that should beset him round about They therefore that would defend themselues against their enemies yea and ouercome them in lawful assault must embrace obay true religion with Christian policy ioyn faith in Gods promises for by faith we make God our Captain throgh him we shal do
valiantly and beate downe our enemies on euery side Lastly heere wee may learne what a vaine thing it is to trust in outward worldly meanes The walls of Iericho were both strong and high and hard it had beene to haue ouerthrowen them by ordinary meanes but yet we see it proued but a vaine thing to trust vnto them as the men of Iericho did for they found but little reliefe and defence in them for the Lord layes them flat to the ground and so the people of Israell went straight forward and tooke the Citie So likewise it is a vaine thing to trust to mans strength or in the strength of an horse or in the number of men or in riches or in gifts of wisedome and learning or in any other outward ordinary meanes whatsoeuer the reason is because God can ouerturne them with the least breath of his mouth This must admonish vs that howsoeuer we vse ordinarie meanes of our preseruation and helpe yet euer wee must cast our whole care on GOD and put all our confidence in him for helpe and safety for without him all other outward meanes are nothing but vaine helpes For vaine is the help of man And thus much for the fact it self Further this fact is set out vnto vs by two circumstances to wit by the meanes which they vsed and by the time which they obserued for this exploit For the first when they come to Iericho this strong Citie which they must needes subdue or else they could not this way enter and possesse the Land they do not goe about to ouerturne the Citie by vndermining battering or scaling the walls but according to Gods appointment they go one by one in order round about the Citie walls day by day for one weeke space and on the seauenth day they compasse it seuen times during all which time they kept great silence saue onely that seauen Priests sounded vpon seauen trumpets of Rammes-hornes before the Arke till Iosuah bade them shout Now in common reason a man would iudge this rather to be some childish sport then a means to fling downe these great walls Nay consider it well and it may seeme a course tending rather to ouerthrowe themselues then the walls of Iericho for they marched not in battell ray as though they would pitch a field against the people of Iericho or lay siege to their Citie but they went in length one before another so as they might compasse the Citie about Now if the men of Iericho should haue come forth and made assault vpon them in all likelihood the Israelites had been ouerthrowen so weake and feeble were the meanes And yet the Lord for waighty causes prescribes this course vnto them to wit 1. Heerby to try the faith of his people whether they will beleeue his promises or no when they are enioyned to vse weake and feeble meanes and in mans reason foolish Secondly to make manifest in the weakenesse and insufficiencie of the meanes his owne all-sufficient power and wisedome for the furtherance of his glory for through weakenesse is Gods power made perfect 2. Corinthians chapter 12. verse 9. Hence our Sauiour Christ when hee was to cure the man that was borne blinde tempers clay of spittle and layes it to his eyes Iohn chapter 9. verse 6 A meanes in cōmon reason rather fit to make a man blinde then to recouer his sight and yet Christ vseth it for the furtherance of Gods glory in the manifestation of his Diuine power whereby the people might knowe hee was able in himselfe to doe whatsoeuer he would Now looke what course the Lord here takes for the battering of the walles of Iericho the like he vseth in ouerthrowing the kingdome of the diuell the spirituall Iericho especially in the new testament For after Christs ascension when he intended to destroy the Kingdome of darkenesse vnder which all the nations sate he sets apart a fewe fisher-men simple persons wāting worldly wit policy neither did hee put a sword of flesh into their hands but the word of God into their mouthes and thus sent them to dispossesse the diuell out of all the world and to batter downe the kingdome of darkenesse by their preaching And now in these later daies wherein the Antichristian kingdome of the Pope had spread it selfe through all places almost God vsed the same weake meanes to ouerthrow it For hee set apart a silly Monke and indues him with gifts to preach the truth by which meanes the kingdome of Antichrist receiued a greater wounde than if tenne Princes had set themselues against it And strange it is to see how GOD ouerturneth all the stratagems deuised against his Church and how hee vanquisheth the power of sinne by the weake meanes of the Gospel preached and by the praiers of the Church than which to the world nothing seemes more feeble or foolish The consideration hereof is of speciall vse for it may be wee shall see Kings and people of great power and number to make reuolt from the Gospel of Christ and to fall to Antichrist embracing popery hereat indeede wee must be grieued but yet withal here is good cause of comfort vnto vs for wee must knowe that Satans kingdome must bee battered downe not so much by the power of Kings as by the breath of GODs mouth not so much by the sword of flesh as by the sword of the spirit So it is said that the man of sinne euen Antichrist must bee abolished not by the power of Princes yea let all the princes potētates in the world do their best for him yet his kingdome must downe in Gods good time for God will consume him with the breath of his mouth and abolish him by the brightnesse of his comming 2. Thes. 2.8 that is by the preaching of the word in the mouthes of his Ministers who are men voyde of all worldly power and policie Yet further obserue the meanes They walke about the walles of Iericho seuen daies together If men should attempt the like enterprise at this day in all likelihood it would cost them their liues for now there are deuised such instrumēts of warre I mean great ordinance field pieces that will kill afar off vndoubtedly if ther had bin such instruments of war in this city the Israelites could not so safely haue compassed the walles so many daies together Whereby it appeares more than probable that in those daies there were no gunnes knowen no not amongst the heathen which at this day are so rise amongst Christians Whence may be gathered that these later daies are perillous times for now mens heads are set to deuise more hurtfull meanes against the life of man than euer the sauage heathen knew For beside the inuention of gunnes which put downe all euidence of prowesse and valour seene in Ancient warres our age exceedes in contriuing such strange kindes of poysons as were neuer knowen in former times For men haue now deuised poyson of that sort that will
many Parents is farre otherwise for whereas they should first seeke vnto the Lord and come to his Prophet they either runne first to the ordinary meanes of physicke or being worse disposed seeke help of wizards blessers by their charmes and sorceries forsaking GOD and running to the Diuell Indeede the vse of lawfull meanes is not to be discommended simply but this preposterous course is blame-worthy and depriues many of Gods blessing in the meanes That they seeke helpe of Physick before they haue sought to the Lord in this holy practice of faith Quest. But how can the parents faith benefit the childe Answ. It cannot procure vnto it eternall life for euery one must bee saued by his owne faith in Christ. And yet the childe receiues many a good blessing at Gods hand by meanes of the Parents faith as namely the benefit of the couenant of grace in the seales thereof besides the fruition of many temporall blessings as life it selfe in this place The consideration hereof must mooue all parents aboue all things to labour for true faith for by the practice hereof they shall be able to bring the greatest blessing vpon themselues and their children and vpon the lawfull meanes which they shall vse for their good Say the Lord shall lay his hand vpon children and seruants in a family what must parents and masters doe Surely the best way for helpe is the practice of faith in true humiliation for sinne and prayer to God for mercy and for a blessing vpon the meanes which they shall vse In all societies this is true that by the faith of the gouernors many curses are remooued and many blessings procured God sends his Iudgements among vs daily and we knowe not when other moe shall befall vs but for the remoueall and preuēting of them we must giue our selues to true humiliation and praier and so shal we finde the Lords mercy towards vs as these two women did And thus much of this tenth fruit of faith and of them all seuerally Now from them all ioyntly together obserue this speciall point That faith is such a grace of God as doth bring downe from heauen vpon euery beleeuer all Gods blessings that are needfull for him Who is hee that desires not to bee made partaker of GODs blessing● needfull for him both in soule and body Well the onely way and meanes hereto is to get a true and liuely faith and to put the same in practice in all such duties as God shall require at our hands The worthy men before named obtained al the former most wonderfull blessings by meanes of their faith By it they scaped the edge of the sword they quenched the violence of the fire waxed mighty in battel c. as wee haue heard Now if faith be such a notable grace of God then aboue all things in this world let vs labour for it We must not content our selues with lip-faith and so presume vpon Gods mercies but wee must labour for a true and liuely faith in Christ which may purifie our hearts and bring forth fruit in our lyues Here are strong motiues to perswade vs hereunto for what doe wee desire riches honour or fauour and grace in the world would wee haue health and strength nay the fauour of God which is all in all then looke to get true faith for in the practice thereof thou shalt obtaine of God all needfull blessings both temporall and spirituall Many toyle themselues exceedingly by worldly meanes to get temporall blessings as health wealth honour c. and yet neuer attaine thereto because they seeke them not by faith I confesse naturall men get many good things but to them they are no blessings because they want faith both in getting and keeping of them for they lay all religion aside and toyle themselues wholly in worldly meanes This course the childe of God must beware of Say that a Prince bids one of his seruants goe to his Treasurie and there inrich himselfe with Iewels with gold and siluer and with whatsoeuer he lacketh what will this man doe Surely first hee will call for the keyes wherby he may vnlocke the doors and chests for else he can get nothing Behold in the Ministerie of his word God shewes vs his full treasury wherin wee may inrich our selues with all his blessings Now wee must not with the foole runne without the key but labour first for true faith which is that key whereby Gods heauenly treasures are opened vnto vs and we must be sure that we haue a sound key that is a true and sound faith which may strongly turn about the lockes of Gods treasury For this is most certaine he that doth vnfainedly beleeue shall neuer want any thing either in body or soule that is good for him to haue Euery one will say hee beleeues but the truth is that true faith is rare for mens hearts are not purified nor their lyues changed but they remaine as sinnefull as ever they were which causeth Gods iudgements to be rife among vs. Wherefore as we desire our owne good both in soule and body so let vs labour for true faith and shewe forth the power of it in our lyues And thus much of these Iudges and Prophets and of the fruits of their faith Beleeuers vnder the Maccabees VERSE 35. Others also were racked and would not bee deliuered that they might receiue a better resurrection IN these words the author of this Epistle proceedes to the fourth order of Examples of faith contained in this Chapter wherein as in the former lastly handled hee proceedes briefly heaping vp in fewe words many worthy exāples of faith cōcealing the names of the parties onely setting downe those things for which their faith is commended vnto vs. And this fourth and last order of examples comprehendeth such beleeuers as liued vnder the regiment of the Maccabees and afterward to the comming of Christ. For of beleeuers in former times it cannot be vnderstoode because there is a manifest distinction put betweene these beleeuers and the former Iudges Kings and Prophets in these words others also whereby it is plaine that heere he propounds examples of beleeuers different from those which hee mentioned before And it is also plaine that these beleeuers liued before the comming of Christ. For howsoeuer the Christians in the Primitiue Church were racked scourged and tormented after this sort yet of them this place cannot be vnderstoode because they enioyed the promise of the Messias but these heere mentioned enioyed not that promise in their dayes but wayted for it by faith and therein died Verse 39. And indeede in the time of the Maccabees the Church of the Iewes was wonderfully persecuted by Antiochus about two hundred yeares before Christ as we may see 2. Maccabees 4. and 6. chapters Question Where had the Author of this Epistle this large narration of these strange persecutions seeing they are not registred in the bookes of the olde Testament Answere Wee may iudge that hee