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A06713 The Florentine historie. Written in the Italian tongue, by Nicholo Macchiavelli, citizen and secretarie of Florence. And translated into English, by T.B. Esquire; Istorie fiorentine. English Machiavelli, Niccolò, 1469-1527.; Bedingfield, Thomas, d. 1613. 1595 (1595) STC 17162; ESTC S113983 322,124 238

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it bee imagined how great authoritie and force that Cittie in short space atteined vnto So that it became not onely chiefe of Toscana but also was accounted amongst the best Cities of Italy and should haue so continued had not the often and new diuisions disturbed the same vnder this gouernment the Florentines liued tenne yeares within which time they enforced the Pistoiesi Aretini and Senesi to make league with them Returning from Sienna with their Army they surprized Volterra and demolished some castles leading the inhabitants of them to Florence All which enterprises were performed by counsell of the Guelfi who could do much more then the Ghibilini because they for their insolencie during the raigne of Federigo were hated of the people The faction of the church also much more loued then the faction of the Emperour because the Florentines hoped thereby to preserue their libertie but beeing vnder the Emperour they feared to loose it The Ghibilini then seeing themselues bereft of authoritie could not liue contented but still aspecting occasion to recouer the gouernment and seeing Manfredi sonne of Federigo possessed of the kingdome of Napoli who had also discomforted the forces of the church thought the time come to serue their purpose Secretly then they practised with him to take their authoritie vppon him but their practise was not so cunningly handled but that the same was discouered to the Antiani who presently sent for the Vbarti They not onely refused to appeare but also tooke Armes and fortified themselues in their houses wherwith the people offended likewise tooke Armes and ayding the Guelfi enforced them and all the rest of the Ghibilini to abandon Florence and go vnto Siena From whom they prayed aide of Manfredi king of Napoli and by the industry of Farrinata Vberti the Guelfi vpon the riuer Arbia receiued so great an ouerthrow and slaughter as those that were saued returned not to Florence but supposing their Cittie lost fled into Lucca The chiefe Captaine of those souldiers sent by Manfredi was Earle Giordano a man of war in that time greatly esteemed Hee after the victorie went with the Ghibilini to Florence reducing the citie wholly to the obedience of Manfredi deposing the magistrates and altering euerie other order whereby might appeare any forme of libertie Which iniurie with small wisdom committed was generally of the people taken in great disdaine and of friends to the Ghibilini they became mortal enemies wherof with time grew their vtter ruine The Earle Giordano hauing occasion to return to Napoli for the seruice of that kingdome left in Florence as deputie for the king the Earle Guido Nouella Lord of Casentino who at Empoli assembled a Councell of Ghibilini it was necessarie to raze Florence as apt by reason the people were Guelfi to recouer force for the aide of the church To this so cruell a sentence in preiudice of that noble citie there was no citizen nor friend Farinata Vbarti excepted that apposed himself He openly without respect spake in fauour therof laid that he had not laboured nor aduentured himselfe in so many perils but to the end he might inhabit his natiue country would not loose that he had so long sought nor shunne that which fortune had laid vpō him Yea being no lesse enemy to them that should so determine then he had bene to the Guelfi he wold not refuse to fauour his country hoping that his vertue which had chased out the Guelfi from Florence should also defend the same Farinata was a man of great courage excellent in the wars chief of the Ghibilini and greatly esteemed of Manfredi his opinion therefore preuailed and new means were thought vpō how to preserue the state The Guelfi before fled to Lucca for feare of the Earles threatning were sent away from thence and went to Bologna frō whence they were called by the Guelfi of Parma to go with them to an enterprise against the Ghibilini wherin by their vertue the enimies were vanquished and they recouered their owne possessions So that encreasing in riches honour knowing also that Pope Clemente had sent for Carlo of Angio to take the kingdome from Manfredi by Ambassaders they offered him their seruice and the Pope did not onely receiue them for his friendes but also gaue them his Ensigne which euer sithence the Guelfi haue carried in their warres and is that which at this day is vsed in Florence Then was Manfredi by Carlo dispossessed of his kingdome and slain In which enterprise the Guelfi of Florence happening to be present their faction gained reputation and the Ghibilini became the weaker Whereupon those that gouerned with the Earle Guido at Florence thought it meere by some benefit to winne the loue of the people which with many iniuries had before that time bene lost For those remedies which before this time of necessitie would haue preuailed vsing them now without order and out of time did not onely hurt but also hasten their ruine They then thought good to make the people friends and partakers of such honours and authoritie as had bene taken from them and elected thirtie sixe Citizens Commoners who with two Gentlemen called from Bologna should reforme the state of the Citie They thus assembled presently diuided the Citie into Arts or Misteries ouer euery one of which Misteries they appointed one Magistrate to do iustice to all those within his gouernment They ordeined also an Ensigne to euerie Misterie to the end that all men might repaire therunto armed whensoeuer occasion did serue These Misteries were in the beginning twelue seuen great and fiuelesse Afterwards the lesse Misteries encreased to fourteene so then the number was as at this present it is twenty one The thirtie six men appointed for reformation practised many things for the benefit of the people The Earle Guido for the paying of the souldiers imposed a Subsidie vppon the Citizens whom hee found so vnwilling therewith as hee durst not enforce them to paie those summes that were imposed And supposing to haue lost the state he ioyned himselfe with the chiefe of the Ghibilini which done determined to take that frō the people by force which they for want of iudgement had graunted For that purpose assembling the souldiers Armed and accompanied with the thirtie sixe Reformers hee made an Alarum and foorthwith the Reformers retired themselues to their houses and the Ensignes of the Misteries came foorth followed by many Armed men who vnderstanding that the Earle Cuido with his followers were at Saint Giouanni they made head at Saint Trinita and there elected Giouanni Sodarini theyr Captaine The Earle on the other side hearing where the people were marched towardes them who fled not but assoone as the Earle drew neare charged him neare vnto the place called Loggio delli Tornaquinci There they forced the Earle to retire with the slaughter and losse of many his souldiers The Earle fearing that his enemy seeing his souldiers maimed and weary would
reasons according to their owne desire perswaded the Duke Nicholo tolde him that himselfe might be sent into Toscana and Brescia might neuerthelesse be still besieged for the Duke was Lorde of the Lage and had the strong places belonging to the Towne well furnished the Captaines there remaining and men inough to encounter the Earle whensoeuer he should attempt any other enterprise which without the rescue of Brescia hee could not and to rescue it was impossible So that he might make war in Toscana and yet not leaue the enterprise in Lombardy Hee told him moreouer that the Florentines were enforced so soone as he came into Toscana to reuoke the Earle or else lose it so that if any of these two things came to passe the victorie would follow The banished men alledged that if Nicholo with his Army did drawe neare to Florence it was impossible but that the people being wearie of charges and the insolency of the great men would take Armes against the Gouernours They shewed also how easie it was to approach Florence promising to make the way open through Casentino by meanes of the friendship which Rinaldo had with that Earle Thus the Duke first disposed of himselfe and after confirmed by perswasions of these men resolued vpon this enterprise The Venetians on the other part notwithstanding the bitternesse of the winter failed not to call vpon the Earle with all his forces to succor Brescia Which the Earle answered could not be in that time done but of force it must tarrie the spring of the yeare and in the mean time prepare an Army by water so as both by water and land it might at time conuenient be releeued Hereupon the Venetians became sorie and slow in all their prouisions which was the cause that in their Army many people died Of all these things the Florentines being aduertised began to mistrust seeing the warre at hand and no great good done in Lombardy The suspition also which they had of the Popes souldiers did greatly perplex them not because the Pope was their enemie but for that they sawe those souldiers more obedient to the Patriarke their mortall foe more then to the Pope himselfe Giouanni Vittelleschi Cornetano was first Notarie Apostolicall after Bishop of Ricanati then Patriark of Alessandria and at length after all these dignities become Cardinall was called the Cardinall of Florence This Cardinall being a man both couragious and craftie such a one as was by the Pope so greatly beloued as thereby he became Generall of all the forces belonging to the Church and was Captaine in all enterprises that the Pope tooke in hand either in Toscana Romagna the Kingdome or the Citie of Rome Whereby he wonne such reputation among the people and so great authoritie vnder the Pope that the Pope himselfe stood in doubt how to commaund him and the people did onely obey him and no other At such time as the newes came that Nicholo would passe into Toscana this Cardinall with his company happened to be at Rome whereby the Florentines feare was doubled because that Cardinall after the banishment of Rinaldo had euer bene enemie to Florence for that the pacification among the factions of Florence made by his meanes were not obserued but all things done to the preiudice of Rinaldo who had bene the occasion that Armes were laid down which gaue his enemies good means to banish him Then the Gouernors of the state imagined the time come to restore Rinaldo of his losses if with Nicholo being come into Toscana they ioyned their forces but therof they doubted the more by the vntimely departure of Nicholo from Lombardy who left there an enterprise halfe wonne to begin an other more doubtfull which he would not do without some new intelligence and secret subtiltie Of this their mistrust they had enformed the Pope who knew his owne errour in giuing to an other ouermuch authoritie But when the Florentines stood thus doubtfull what to do Fortune found then a meane whereby to assure the Patriarke That state in those times mainteined diligent espials to discouer what Letters were brought too and fro and thereby conceiued if any thing were practised to the preiudice thereof It happened that at Monte Pulliciano some Letters were taken which the Patriarke without consent of the Pope wrote vnto Nicholo Piccinino Those Letters by the Generall of the warre were presently sent vnto the Pope And although they were written in Carects vnused so as no certaine sence could be made of them yet this obscuritie togither with the practise of the enemie bred so great suspition in the Pope as he determined to assure himselfe The charge of this action he committed to Antonio Rido of Padoua being then Captaine of the Castle in Rome Rido hauing receiued this Commission was readie to obey the Popes commandement aspecting an opportunitie to performe the same The Patriarke being determined to goe into Toscana and minding the next day to depart from Rome desired the Captaine Rido to attend for him in the morning vpon the Castle Bridge at such time as hee should passe that way Antonio Rido thought then a good occasion was presented and gaue order to his men what to do tarrying for the comming of the Patriarke vppon the Bridge which way of necessitie he must passe hard by the Castle So soone as hee was arriued vppon that part which vsed to be drawne vp Rido gaue his men a signe to drawe the Bridge and shut the Patriarke into the Castle which was performed So as of a Generall to the Armie the Patriarke was become a prisoner in the Castle The people that followed him at the first murmured but vnderstanding the Popes pleasure pacified themselues The Captaine did comfort him with curteous wordes and perswaded him to hope well To whome the Patriarke aunswered that great personages were not wont first to be apprehended and after set at libertie For those that deserue imprisonment did not merite to bee enlarged and so shortly after died in prison After his death the Pope appointed Generall of his Armie Lodouico Patriarke of Aquilea Who albeit before that time would not intermeddle with the warre betwixt the League and the Duke yet was then content to take the same in hande promising to be readie to defende Toscana with foure thousande Horse and two thousande footemen The Florentines deliuered of this feare stood yet in doubt of Nicholo and mistrusted the confusion of matters in Lombardy by reason of the diuersitie of opinions betwixt the Venetians and the Earle Wherefore to bee more fullie aduertised of their mindes they sent Neri the sonne of Gino Capponi and Guiliano de Auanzati to Venice Whom they gaue in Commission to determine in what sorte the Warre shoulde bee made the next yeare following Commaunding Neri that so soone as hee vnderstoode the mindes and opinions of the Venetians hee shoulde goe vnto the Earle to knowe his and perswade him to those thinges which for
esteemed more his safetie then their state or proper commoditie they thought not fit he should remaine long from Milan being newly come to his gouernment and hauing there diuerse strong enemies to be suspected so that if any of them should practise against him they might easily in his absence do it For which respects they perswaded him to returne home and leaue part of his forces for their defence This counsell contented Galiazzo and without further consideration returned to Milan The Florentine Captaines disburthened of this let to declare the same was the true occasion of their slow proceeding drew so neare to the enemie that they ioyned battle which continued one half day neither partie yeelding to other Notwithstanding there was not anie man therein slaine but some horses hurt and a fewe prisoners on either part taken The winter now being come and the season of the yeare no longer seruing for the fielde they retired to their lodgings Bartolomeo went to Rauenna the Florentines into Toscana the Kings souldiers and the Dukes resorted home to their maisters Countries But so soone as this assault beganne to be forgotten and no disorder made in Florence as the Florentine Rebels promised and the other souldiers wanting paie were content to entreate of peace which with small difficultie was concluded The Rebels then dispairing of all hope to diuerse places dispersed themselues Diotisalui went to Farrara where he was by the Marquesse Borso receiued and relieued Nicholo Soderini fledde to Rauenna where liuing long vppon a poore pencion giuen him by the Venetians in the ende there died This Nicholo was accounted a man iust and couragious yet vncertaine and slowe of his resolution which was the cause that the Gonfaloniere lost that opportunitie which being out of office hee would haue taken but could not The peace concluded the Citizens who remained in Florence with victorie thinking themselues not assured vnlesse they did as well oppresse those they suspected as their apparant enemies perswaded Bardo Altouiti then Gonfaloniere d'Giustitia to remoue more Cittizens from their offices and to banish many others Which thing greatly encreased the power of that faction and terrified the contrarie part which power they vsed without respect and proceeded so much at their pleasure as it seemed that God and fortune had consented to giue that Cittie into their hands Of which doings Piero knew little and that litle he could not being afflicted with sicknesse remedie For his diseases were so great as he could not vse any member saue only his tongue wherwith he exhorted them and praied them to liue ciuilly and enioy their natiue country rather entire thē broken And for the comfort of the Citie he determined with magnificence to celebrate the marriage of Lorenzo his sonne who was alreadie contracted to Clarice discended of the house of Orsini which marriage was performed with great pompe as to so magnificent a feast apperteined For performance of these triumphs diuers daies were consumed in feasting dancing publike shews Wherunto was also ioined for more apparāce of greatnes of the Medici 2. marshal exercises the one represented a battle fought in the field the other of a towne besieged which things were deuised in good order performed with so much vertue as might be While these matters were doing in Florēce the rest of Italy liued quiet but yet in great suspitiō of the Turke who proceeded still in his enterprise against the Christians and had wonne Negroponti to the great infamie and dishonour of the Christian name Then died Borso Marquesse of Farrara to whom succeeded his brother Hercule Euen then died also Gismondo da Rimino a perpetuall enemie to the Church who left to inherit that state Roberto his naturall sonne afterwards accounted the most excellent Captaine of Italy Then likewise died the Pope Pagolo in whose place was created Sisto quarto called before his creation Francesco da Sauona a man of base and vile condition yet for his vertue made Generall of the order of S. Francesco and afterwardes Cardinall This Pope was the first that beganne to shewe of what great force the Papacie was and that manie things before time accounted faults might be by Papall authoritie couered This Pope had amongst many others in his house two men the one called Piero and the other Gerolamo who as euerie man thought were his vnlawfull sonnes notwithstanding men called them by other names more honest Piero being made a Frier was preferred to the dignitie of Cardinall and called Cardinall of S. Sisto To Gerolamo he gaue the Cittie of Furli and tooke it by force from Antonio Ordelaffi whose auncestors had bene long time Princes there This ambitious manner of proceeding made him the more esteemed by the Princes of Italy and euery of them sought which way to be accounted his friend The Duke of Milan gaue his daughter Catterina in marriage to Gerolamo and with her the Citie of Imola which by force he had taken frō Taddeo Alidossi Betwixt this Duke and the King Ferrando was also made new alliance For Eliza-bella daughter to Alfonso eldest sonne of the King was married to Giouan Galiazzo eldest sonne to the Duke Thus Italy continued quiet and the greatest care of the Princes was one to honor the other and with new alliances friendships leagues one to assure himselfe of the other But notwithstanding so great a peace Florence was by the Citizens thereof greatly afflicted And Piero being troubled with ambition of the Citizens and his own diseases could not procure remedie yet to discharge his conscience and laie before them their misdemeanor he called to his presence the chiefe Florentines and said vnto them as followeth I neuer thought that anie time could come when the maner behauior of friends would proue such as to make me loue desire my enemies or that I might wish victory to be conuerted to losse Because I thought my selfe accompanied with men whose appetites were confined to measure that it sufficed them to liue in their country assured honoured and that which is more vpon their enemies reuenged But now I know my self far deceiued as he that knew little the ambition of men and least of all yours For it contenteth you not to be Princes of so great a Cittie and among you a few to haue the honors offices and commodities wherewith many Citizens were wont to be honored It contented you not to haue the goods of your enemies among you diuided It contenteth you not to burthen others with publike charges you free from all paiments to take the publike profit but you wil also with euery kind of iniury molest them You cease not to rob your neighbors you feare not to sell iustice you flie ciuill iudgement you oppresse peaceable men and aduance those that be insolent Neither do I beleeue that there is in all Italy so many examples of violence couetousnes as be in this cittie But sith it hath giuen you life
election of the Emperour hee made also a constitution that the election of the Popes should from thencefoorth appertaine to the Cardinals Neither was he so contented but compounding with some Princes that then gouerned Calauria and Puglia for such reasons as shall be hereafter declared constrained all the officers appointed by the Romanes to yeeld their obedience to the Popes and remooued some of them from their offices After the death of Nicholao there happened a schisme in the church because the Clergie of Lombardy would not obey Alexander the second elected at Rome but created Gadalo of Parma Antipope Enrico hating the greatnesse of these Bishops sent vnto the Pope Alessandro requiring him to resigne the Papacy command the Cardinals to go into Germany there to elect a new Pope This Enrico was the first Prince that felt the force of spirituall displeasure For the Pope called a new counsaile in Rome whereat he depriued him from the empire and kingdome After that time some people of Italy followed the Pope and some the Emperour which was the beginning of the factions who called themselues Guelfi and Gibellini Thus Italy deliuered from forreine inuasion by ciuill discord began to be tormented Enrico being excommunicate was by his owne people constrained to come to Rome on barefoote and kneele to the Pope for pardon Which happened in the yeare 1080. Notwithstanding shortly after there happened a new discord betwixt the Pope Enrico Wherupon the Pope again did excommunicate the Emperour who sent forthwith his son also called Enrico with an army to Rome He with the helpe of the Romanes who hated the Pope besieged him in his castle till Roberto Guiscardo came from Puglia to the rescue Enrico tarried not his comming but returned alone into Germany The Romanes persisted in their obstinacie so that Rome was againe by Roberto sacked and brought vnto the former ruine notwithstanding it had bene lately by diuerse Popes repaired And because of this Roberto the kings of Naples be descended it seemeth not superfluous particulerly to set downe his actions and discent After the disunion happened among the heires of Carlo Magno as haue bene before declared the same occasioned a new people of the North called Normandi to assaile France and conquered that country which is called of them Normandia of those people some part came into Italy in the time that the Berengarii Saraseni and Vnni troubled the same They also tooke some townes in Romagna which warres they vertuously performed Of those Normaine princes one called Tancredi begot diuerse sonnes amongst whom was Guglielmo surnamed Terabar and Roberto called Guiscardo The principalitie being come to Guglielmo and the tumults of Italy somewhat ceased the Saraseni did notwithstanding still hold Sicilia and continually made rodes vpō the land of Italy For which cause Guglielmo agreed with the prince of Capoua and Salerno and with Melorco the Greeke who gouerned Puglia and Calauria for the Emperour of Greece to assault Sicilia and after victorie it was condescended amongst them to diuide the places victored by foure parts This enterprise had fortunate successe and the Saraseni driuen out they possessed Sicilia After which victorie Melorco secretly caused men to come from Grecia and for the Emperour tooke possession of the whole Iland not diuiding the spoyle but tooke all to his owne share wherewith Guglielmo became discontented yet hiding his offence till a time more conuenient departed from Sicilia with the princes of Salerno and Capoua who being departed vpon the way homewards Guglielmo returned not to Romagna but with his souldiers marched towards Puglia where he wonne Melfi And shortly after notwithstanding the forces of the Grecian Emperour he possessed well neare all Puglia and Calauria In which prouinces he gouerned in the time of Nicholao secundo Roberto Guiscardo his brother hauing many differents with his nephewes for the inheritance of land vsed the authoritie of the Pope to compound them And the Pope did willingly fauour him being desirous to haue the friendship of Roberto to the end that against the Emperours of Germany and the people of Rome he might be defended as in effect it fell after out and hath bene alreadie declared how at the request of Gregorio septimo he draue Enrico from the siege of Rome subdued the people therein To Roberto succeeded Ruggeri and Guglielmo his sonnes To their possessions he annexed Napoli and all those lands which lie betweene Napoli and Rome He gaue also Sicilia vnto Ruggero But Guglielmo going afterwards to Constantinople to marry the Emperours daughter was by Ruggero depriued of his Country Ruggero after this victorie became insolent and called himselfe king of Italy yet after contented with the title of King of Puglia and Sicilia was the first that gaue name and lawe to that kingdome which to this day within the auncient boundes thereof is mainteined Notwithstanding it hath many times exchaunged both blood and Nation Because the race of Normandie beeing worne out the Kingdome came to the handes of the Germaines from them to the French men from the French to the Aragonesi and at this day it is possessed by the Flemmings Now was Vrbano the second become Pope who being hated in Rome and fearing through the disuniting of Italy he could not in securitie there remaine determined a glorious enterprise First hee went into France accompanied with all his Clergie and in the citie of Anuersa he assembled many people to whom he made a solemne Oration wherin he persuaded an enterprise against the Saraseni which tooke so great effect as the people were desirous to performe the same which enterprise with all others to that purpose were called Crociata For all those men that went in that iourney weare vppon their Armours and garments a redde Crosse The princes and chiefe leaders of that enterprise were Gotfredi Eustachio and Alduino di Bulgo Earle of Bologna with one Pietro an Hermit who for his godlie life and wisedome was greatly respected To this iourney manie Kinges contributed treasure and manie priuate men without paie therein personally serued So great effectes did the religion worke in those dayes to perswade the mindes of men moued with the example of such as were their heads This enterprise had in the beginning glorious successe for all Asia minor Soria and part of Egipt were therein conquered by the Christians At which time beganne the order of Knighthood of Ierusalem which to this day continueth and is the chiefe obstacle to the Turkes About that time also grew the order of the Knights Templarii which for their euil life was shortly after suppressed In diuerse times following diuerse accidents happened wherin many nations and many particuler men were aduaunced For the furnishing of this enterprise the Kinges of Fraunce and England the Pisani Venetians and Genouesi passed the sea and gained great reputation fighting in fortune variable till the time of Saladino the Sarasine whose vertue the rather through discord of the
in the Castle of Napoli Suspitions thus growing in the minds of the one and the other they came to fight and the Queene with the helpe of Sforza who was returned to her seruice vanquished Alfonso draue him out of Naples depriued him of his adoption and adopted Lodouico de Angio whereof grew a great warre betwixt Braccio who had folowed Alfonso Sforza that fauoured the Queen In the proceeding of these wars Sforza occasioned to passe the riuer of Pescara was there drowned wherby the Queene became again disarmed should haue bene driuen out of the kingdom if Philippo Visconti Duke of Milā had not enforced Alfonso proceeding on in his iourney against the Queen to be staied For hauing besieged Aquila the Pope supposing the greatnes of Braccio not to be good for the church enterteined Frācesco the sonne of Sforza against Braccio at Aquila slew him ouerthrew his army On the part of Braccio Oddo his son was saued frō whō the Pope tooke Perugia left to him Montone yet shortlie after fighting for the Florentines in Romagna was there slaine So then of all these that serued with Braccio Nicholo Piccinino remained of most reputation Now because we are come with our history neare to that time which I determined and that the rest which remaineth vnspoken importeth for the most part nothing else but the wars which the Florentines Venetians had with Philippo Duke of Milan which shall also be discoursed hereafter when particulerly we entreate of Florence I will not speak more therof but briefly reduce to memorie in what termes Italy with the Princes and the souldiers of those daies remained Among the principall states Queene Giouanni 2. held the kingdom of Napoli La Marca Patrimonio and Romagna Part of the townes to these belonging obeyed the church part of them were vsurped by tirants or their ministers as Farrara Modena Reggio by the house of Este. Faenza by Manfredi Imola by the Alidosi Furli by the Ordelaffi Rimino and Pesaro by the Malatesti and Camerino by the house of Varano The Prouinces of Lombardy were partly gouerned by Philippo Duke of Milan and partly by the Venetians For all those that had therin any particuler states were extirped except the house of Gonzaga which gouerned stil at Mantoua In Toscana the greatest princes that gouerned were the Florentines onely Lucca and Siena liued with their lawes Lucca vnder Guinici Siena as absolutely free The Genouesi sometimes in libertie and sometime in seruitude to the house of France or Visconti were without reputation and among the meaner Potentates accounted For all the principall Lords and Potentates were at that time of their owne subiectes vtterly disarmed The Duke Philippo liuing at home and not suffering himselfe to be seene his warres were altogither directed by ministers The Venetians so soone as they began to make warres by land lost all that glorie which before vpon the sea they had gotten And following the custome of other Italians by the direction of strangers gouerned their warres The Pope being a man of religion and the Queene Giouanna a woman did laie by their Armes doing that for necessitie which others had done by election The Florentines also to like necessitie yeelded for their sundry ciuil diuisions among themselues had clearly extirped the Nobilitie and left the Common weale to be gouerned by those that had bene brought vp in marchandise and were therby enforced to abide the fortune of others The discipline of warre then remained only in the poore Princes Gentlemen that wanted liuing and they not moued by any desire of glorie but rather to become rich and assured armed themselues They then being wel practised in the warres not hauing any other trade to liue sought by the wars to make themselues strong and honourable Among this number for their value most renowned were Carmignuola Frācesco Sforza Nicholo Piccinino brought vp by Braccio Agnolo della Pergola Lorenzo and Michelletto Attenduly Tartaglia Giacopaccio Cecolino da Parugia Nicholo di Tolentino Guido Torello Antonio dal Ponte ad Hera and others Besides them were those great Lordes of whom I haue alreadie spoken And with them may be numbred the Orsini and Calonnesi Barrons of Rome with some other Gentlemen of the kingdome and of Lombardy who making a misterie or art of the warre had among themselues a secret league and intelligence whereby they protracted the seruice for their profit And so the Princes for whom they serued were on both sides loosers In conclusion the warres became so cowardlie that anie ordinarie Captaine hauing in him but a shadow of the auncient vertue might to the admiration of all Italy haue vanquished those souldiers who through small wisedome and want of iudgement were much honoured Of these idle Princes and of these most base and cowardlie souldiers this my Historie shall at large entreate But first as in the beginning I promised it seemeth necessarie for me to returne backe and tell the originall of Florence letting euerie man to vnderstand fully what was the state of that Cittie in those dayes and by what meanes amongst so many troubles happened in Italy during the space of a thousand yeares the same hath still continued The ende of the first Booke ❧ THE SECOND BOOKE AMONG other great and maruellous orders of the auncient common weales principallities at this time decaied was that wherby new Townes and Citties were from time to time builded For there is nothing more worthie an excellent Prince or well gouerued common weale nor more profitable to any Country then the building vp of new Townes where men may with commoditie for defence and tilladge assemble themselues which thing those people might easily do hauing in custome to send dwellers into such Countries as were either vnpeopled or conquered which people were in those dayes called Collonies For besides that this order occasioned new Townes to be built the same also did make the Country conquered to be more assured to the Conquerers thereof It also replenished the voyd places and mainteined the people in such orders as they were planted which wrought this effect that men most commodiously inhabiting did most multiply They were also in the offence of others the more readie and in defence of themselues more assured That custome being through negligence of common weales and Princes of this time discontinued doth occasion the weakenesse and ruine of their Countries because that only maketh euery gouernment assured and euery Country as is beforesaid plentifully inhabited The assurance groweth because Collonies planted in any prouince newly conquered is as it were a castle and gard to hold the same in obedience Besides that no country wel inhabited can maintaine the inhabitants thereof nor continue them as they be planted without that rule and order for all places are not plentifull or wholesome which is the cause that the people in the one do abound and want in the other So as if no meane be to take away
certain day many of those banished men apt for armes should go to places neare Florence by the riuer Arno passe into the citie and there with friends enter the houses of the chiefe gouernors and sleying them reform the gouernment as themselues thought good Among the conspirators within was one of the house of Ricci named Samminiato but as in conspiracies for the most part it happeneth that a fewe are not of force inough and many will not keepe counsell Samminiato seeking companions found an accuser This man imparted the matter to Saluestro Cauicciulli whome the iniuries done to his kinsfolke and himselfe ought haue made trustie But he regarding more the feare at hand then the future hope suddeinly bewrayed the practise to the Senators and they apprehending Samminiato constrained him to confesse all the conspirators yet was there no man apprehended sauing Tomazo Duuisi who comming from Bologna and not hearing what happened in Florence was by the way intercepted All the rest after the apprehension of Samminiato for feare fled Then Samminiato and Tomazo being according to their merits punished authoritie was giuen to diuerse Cittizens to finde out more offenders and assure the state They then discouered for Rebels sixe of the family of Ricci sixe of the Alberti three of the Medici three of the Scali two of the Strozzi Bindo Altouiti Barnardo Adimari with many of the meaner sort They admonished all the family of Alberti Ricci and Medici for tenne yeares a fewe of them excepted Among the Alberti was one called Antonio who being accounted a quiet and peaceable man was in that respect not admonished It chanced after the suspition of the conspiracie not quenched there was a Monke taken who had bene seene diuerse times during the conspiracie to goe from Bologna to Florence This Monke confessed that he had brought diuerse letters to Antonio who denied the matter yet being auowed by the Monke he was condemned in mony and confined 300. miles distant from the citie Also to the end that the Alberti might not daily put the state in daunger all that family aboue fifteene yeares of age were banished This accident happened in the yeare 1402. The next yeare died Giouan Galiazzo Duke of Milan whose death as is beforesaid ended the warre which had continued twelue yeares In this meane space the gouernment became of more authoritie and hauing fewe enemies both within and without the Florentines attempted the enterprise of Pisa and gloriously conquered that citie They continued then quiet within from the yeare 1400. till 33. sauing that in the yeare 1412. the Alberti hauing broken their confines a Balia was chosen wherby new ordinances were made to assure the state and impose greater paiments vpon them In that time also the Florentines made war to Ladislao King of Napoli which was ended by the death of the King in the yeare 1414. In execution whereof the King finding himselfe the weaker yeelded to the Florentines the citie of Cortona where he was Lord. Yet shortly after he reuiued the warre which proued more dangerous then the former And had the same not bene as the other ended by the Duke of Milans death he had also brought the libertie of our citie into that daunger that by the Duke it had bene Neither did this war of the Kings end with lesser aduenture then the other For when he had surprized Rome Siena La Marca and Romagna and that he wanted nothing but Florence to passe with a mightie force into Lombardy hee died So as death was euer more friendly to the Florentines then any other friend and of more power to defend them then any other vertue After the death of this King the citie continued quiet without within eight yeares In the end of which time with the warres of Philippo Duke of Milan the factions were reuiued and continued til the ruine of that state which from 1380. had bene gouerned and with much glorie enterprised many warres and brought vnder the Empire thereof Arezzo Piso Cortona Liuorno and Monte Pulciano And would haue done greater things had the citie continued vnited and the old humors not bene reuiued As in the next booke shall particulerly be declared The ende of the third Booke THE FOVRTH BOOKE ALL Cities and chiefly they which be well gouerned vnder the name of Common-weales doo often alter their state and gouernment not by meanes of libertie and subiection as many imagine but by meane of seruitude and lycentiousnesse For onely the name of libertie is honoured of the people who are the ministers of lycentiousnesse and seruitude still sought for by the Nobilitie so as either of them do studie not to subiect themselues either to lawes or men True it is that when it happeneth as sildome it doth that by good fortune of some Citie there riseth vp therein a wise good and mightie Citizen of whome such lawes be made as these humours of the Nobilitie and of the people be kept quiet or at the least so restrained as they cannot doo euill then may that Cittie be called free and that state firme and stable For being builded vpon good lawes and good orders it needeth not afterwardes the vertue of anie man to vphold it Of such lawes and orders manie auncient Common-weales whose estates continued long were endowed Such orders and lawes those states wanted and doo want which haue oft times chaunged their gouernment from states tyrannicall to licentious and from licentious to tyrannicall And in them by meane of their mightie enemies there is not nor cannot be anie stabilitie at all because the one pleaseth not the good men and the other offendeth the wise men The one may do euill with facilitie the other can do good with difficultie In the one insolent men in the other fooles haue too much authoritie And therefore it behoueth that both the one and the other by the vertue and fortune of some excellent man be mainteined who either by death may be taken away or by aduersitie proue vnprofitable I say therefore that gouernment which had the beginning in Florence by the death of Georgio Scali in the yeare 1381. proceeded first from the vertue of Masso delli Albizi and after was by Nicholo di Vzano continued The Cittie liued quiet from the yeare 1314. till the 22. At which time the King Ladislao was dead and the state of Lombardy into partes diuided So that neither without nor within there was any thing that could breede diffidence or mistrust Next to Nicholo di Vzano the Citizens of most authoritie were Bartolomeo Valori Nerome di Nigi Rinaldo de gli Albizi Neridi Guio and Lapo Nicolini The factions which grew by the discord of the Albizi Ricci and after with great troubles by Saluestro di Medici reuiued were neuer quenched And albeit the partie most fauoured of the multitude raigned not aboue 3. yeares and in the yere 1381. the same was oppressed yet that humor hauing infected the greater number of the people
recouered souldiers determined with them some new victorie to blot out the dishonour of the late losse and take from the Venetians the meane whereby they should rescue Brescia He hauing intelligence from some prisoners taken in that war that the Cittadell of Verona was weakely manned and guarded so as easily it might be surprized thought that Fortune thereby had offered an occasion to recouer his honour and that the new ioy of his enemie for the late victorie should now for a later losse be conuerted into sorrow The Citie of Verona is in Lombardy seated at the foote of those mountaines which diuide Italy from Germany and is so builded as it partaketh both of the mountaines and the plaine The Riuer of Adice springeth out of the Vale of Trento and in the course thereof to Italy it descendeth not straight into the plaine but turneth on the left hand and passeth by the midst of that Cittie Yet the one part of the Citie towards the plaine is greater then the other part towardes the mountaines Vpon these be built two Fortresses the one called S. Piero and the other S. Felice which seeme more strong by nature of the seate then the thicknesse of the wall For being set high they commaund the whole Citie In the plain on this side the Adice are ioyning to the wall of the towne two other Fortresses the one distant from the other a thousand paces one of them is named the newe Cittadella and the other the old Cittadella From the one of these within there passeth a wall to the other and is in respect of the compasse as it were a string to a bowe All this space betwixt the one wall and the other is inhabited and called Borgo di San Zeno. These Fortresses and this Borgo Nicholo Piccinino intended to surprize thinking the same easie as well for the negligence of the guard therin as the small care had thereof by meanes of the late victory For he knew well that in the warre there is no enterprise so easily performed as is that which the enemie feareth not Hee therefore making choyse of his men being acquainted with the Marquesse of Mantoua in the night marched to Verona and not being there looked for scaled the walles and wanne the new Cittadell From thence he sent his men into the towne who brake the gate of S. Antonio and thereby all his horsemen entred Those that for the Venetians kept the old Cittadell hearing first a noyse when the guard of the first Cittadell was slaine and after when the gates were broken open knew well that enemies were come made Alarum rung Belles and stirred vp the people Whereof the Citizens taking knowledge came out in a confused sort those that were of most courage tooke Armes and went vnto the Pallace of the Rettore In the meane while Nicholo had sacked Borgo of S. Zeno. Then going forward the Citizens knowing that the Dukes souldiers were within the towne and seeing no way to resist them perswaded the Venetians Rettore to flee to the Fortresse thereby to saue their persons and the towne saying it was better to preserue their liues and the riches of the citie till a time more fortunate then for the encountring of the present furie to die themselues and vtterly impouerish the citie Then the Rettore and all other Venetians whatsoeuer fled into the Fortresse of S. Felice Which done many of the chiefe Citizens came to Nicholo and to the Marquesse of Mantoua beseeching that it would please them to take that citie with honour as it was rich rather then with their shame to suffer it to be made poore and spoyled And the rather because they had neither deserued well of their chiefe Lords nor in defence of the town merited any mallice of Nicholo or the Marquesse Then were they both by Nicholo the Marquesse comforted and as much as in furie of the warre might possibly be defended from the spoyle Nicholo thinking assuredly that the Earle would come to recouer the Towne laboured by euerie meane to get into his hands all the strong places and those which hee could not get with trenches and ditches were diuided from the Towne to the end that the enemie should passe in with more difficultie The Earle Francesco was with his men at Tenna and hearing those newes at the first thought the same vntrue but after being better aduertised of the troth thought good by speedie proceeding to amend his former negligence And albeit his chiefe Captaines of the Campe did counsell him to leaue the enterprise of Verona and Brescia and go to Vicenza for not being besieged of the enemie during his aboad there yet would hee not be perswaded by them but in any wise trie his fortune to recouer that cittie and in the midst of these doubtfull imaginations promised the Proueditore of Venice and Barnardo de Medici the Florentine Generall certeinly to recouer the citie if any of the Fortresses did remaine vntaken till he came thither Then giuing order for his iourney he with his souldiers in great haste marched towards Verona Whom Nicholo seeing thought good as he had bene counselled by his Captaines to go to Vicenza Yet finding that the enemies marched towards the Towne directing their course to S. Felice he determined to defend that Fort but all too late because the trenches about the Castle were not finished and the souldiers for couetousnesse of the spoyle were diuided among themselues so that he could not come thither soone inough For the Earles souldiers had before approached the Fortresse and from thence with good successe and dishonour of Nicholo recouered the citie Who togither with the Marquesse of Mantoua fled first to the Cittadell and from thence to Mantoua Where assembling the remaine of their saued souldiers they ioyned with the others that besieged Brescia Thus was Verona in foure daies by the Dukes Army both wonne and lost The Earle after this victorie being at that time winter and the cold great had with much difficultie victualled Brescia and went to remain in Verona giuing order that certaine Gallies should tarry that winter at Torbali to the end that at the spring of the next yeare he might be strong both by sea and land for the rescue of Brescia The Duke seeing the warre for that time staied and his hope to surprise Verona Brescia remooued wherof the Councell and the money of the Florentines was the occasion and that they could not be altered from the loue of the Venetians for any iniurie they had receiued of them nor for any promise he could make them determined to the end they should shortly reape fruite of those seedes they had sowne to assault Toscana being therto encouraged by the banished men of Florence and by Nicholo Nicholo was thereto moued with the desire he had to winne the possessions of Braccio and driue the Earle out of La Marca And the Florentines desired to returne to their Country So either of these with
being perswaded it was shame and dishonor that a priuate Gentleman had taken from them the Castle of Serezana And bicause the capitulations were that it was lawfull to demaund all things taken and if they were not restored to make warre against the withholder they resolued speedily to prepare money and men to performe that enterprise Then Agostino Fregoso who had surprized Serezana being perswaded that at his priuate charge he could not mainteine so great a warre gaue that towne to S. George And sithens we are to make mention diuerse times of S. George and the Genouesi it seemeth not amisse to declare the orders and customes of that Cittie being one of the principall states of Italy The peace made betwixt the Genouesi and Venetians after the greatest warre that was seene in many yeares past the State not being able to pay those Cittizens who had lent great summes of money appointed their reuenues of the Dogana to be paid vnto them till such time as the principall debts were discharged And for their meeting togithers they appointed the Pallace ouer the Dogana These creditors among themselues ordeined a forme of gouernment appointing a Councell of a hundred and a Senate of eight Citizens which officers as heads of the Cittie might dispatch all affaires The debts were diuided into parts which they called Luoghi and intituled the whole corporation of S. Georgeo This gouernment thus established euer hapned new necessities whereupon they resorted to S. George for new aide who being riche and well ordered could easily serue their turnes And the communaltie on the other side hauing graūted the Dogana began for pawne of the moneys to giue their lands yea the matter went so farre by reason of the common necessities and seruices of S. George that vnder gouernment thereof the greater part of the Townes Citties and Lands of Genoua doe now belong to S. George who doth gouerne and defend them Also euery yeare by publique suffrage officers be appointed without any intermedling of the Communaltie Hereof it proceedeth that those Citizens haue no regard of the common profit as a thing tirannized and set their whole care vpon S. George as well and equally gouerned whereof do arise the easie and often alterations of the State and that the people do otherwhiles yeeld their obedience to some of their owne Citizens and sometimes to a Stranger for not S. George but the Communaltie doth alter in gouernment which was the cause that whē the Adorni Fregosi contending for the principallitie did fight the communaltie only and the greater part of the citizēs stood neutrall and yeelded to the victorious Neither doth the office of S. George other then whensoeuer any man hath taken the gouernment it sweareth him to obserue the lawes thereof which to this day are not changed For S. George hauing in possession the armes the money and the gouernment cannot without the danger of a certaine rebellion be altered A rare order surely and not found by the Philosophers amōg their imagined or visible Cōmon-weales to see within one circle and among one number of Citizens libertie and tirannie ciuill life and corruption iustice and licentiousnes which order onely mainteineth that towne full of auncient and venerable customes And if it should happen which in time will assuredly come to passe that S. George shall be owner of all the Citie that State will be more notable then the Venetian Common-weale To this S. George Agostino Fregoso gaue Serezana who receiued it willingly and taking in hand the defence thereof presently prepared a nauie by sea and sent certaine forces to Pietrasanta to impeach all those that resorted to the Florentine Camp then neare vnto Serezana On the other side the Florentines desired to take Pietrasanta as a towne needfull to be had for the winning of Serezana for being betwixt it and Pisa they could not besiege it so long as by the Pietrasantesi or others therein they were impeached in the siege of Serezana To bring this enterprise to passe they sent from Pisa to the Camp a great quantitie of munition and victuall slenderly garded to the end that they of Pietrasanta should feare the lesse and in hope of a good bootie to assault them The matter was then followed according to expectation For the souldiers in Pietrasanta seeing before their eyes so great a bootie tooke it which gaue the Florentines iust occasion to execute the enterprise wherefore leauing Serezana they besieged Pietrasanta which was well manned and brauely defended The Florentines hauing their artillerie in the plaine made a bulwarke vpon the mountaine hoping from thence to batter it Giacopo Guicciardino was Commissarie of the Florentine forces And while they besieged Pietrasanta the nauie of Genoua tooke and burnt the fortresse of Vada and setting some of their souldiers a land spoiled the countrey thereabout Against whome Buongianni Gianfiliazzi was sent with certaine footmen who partly stayed their pride so as they durst no longer spoile at their pleasures Yet the nauie continuing to molest the Florentines went vnto Liuorno and with certaine instruments approched Torre Nuoua battering it diuerse dayes with artillerie but seeing nothing done to their aduantage returned back with shame In the meane space Pietrasanta was coldly assaulted whereupon the enemies tooke hart assaulted the Bulwarke and tooke it which was so greatly to their reputation and the Florentines feare as they were readie to breake vp the Campe. In so much as they retired foure miles from the towne and the officers of the Camp thought good that the moneth of October being come it was time to lodge the army and deferre that siege till the next Spring This disorder being knowne in Florence made the Magistrates much offended and therefore to repaire the Camp in force and reputation made choise of new Commissaries Antonio Pucci and Bernardo del Nero who with great summes of money went vnto the Camp and declared to the Captaines the indignation of the Senate and the people and how great a shame it should be vnlesse the army did againe returne to the siege for it were an infamie so great a Camp to be repulsed by so small a guard and so weake a towne They also shewed the present and future commoditie that would insue of that victorie Which perswasion moued the souldiers to returne to the walls and first of all to recouer the Bulwarke For the performance whereof they knowing how much curtesie affabilitie and good vsage might do to incourage the minds of men Antonio Pucci by comforting promising and imbracing the souldiers procured the Bulwarke to be assaulted so furiously as euen in a sodeine it was taken yet not without losse for in that assault the Earle Antonio de Marciano with a peece of artillerie was slaine This victorie terrified those of the towne so much as they began to offer composition whereupon to the end the conclusion might be made with the more reputation Lorenzo di Medici thought good to come to the Camp
THE FLORENTINE Historie WRITTEN IN THE ITALIAN TONGVE BY NICHOLO MACCHIAVELLI CITIZEN AND SECREtarie of Florence And translated into English By T. B. Esquire LONDON Printed by T. C. for VV. P. 1595. NON TIBI SPIRO S r. Richard Newdigate of Arbury in the County of Warwick Baronet 1709 TO THE RIGHT HONOVRABLE SYR CHRISTOPHER HATTON KNIGHT OF THE ORDER ONE OF HER MAIESTIES PRIVIE COVNCELL AND LORD CHANcellour of England MY VERIE GOOD LORD It hath bene and yet I thinke is an vse allowable to present those whom we honour or loue with such things as either for their value be profitable or for their noueltie pleasing Wanting power to performe the one I make bold to do the other and according to my promise send you this old Historie newly translated Which albeit your L. hath heretofore read in the Italian toong yet may it be that for varieties sake you will againe vouchsafe to peruse it in our English written by him that is all yours Sure I am and by reading hereof your L. shall be assured that neither I haue fully expressed the Authours conceit nor the writer well performed his dutie Notwithstanding sith both those wants may be supplied by your iudgement I aduenture the Booke into your L. hand whom I dare trust with any pardonable error For as I haue taken in hand this labour more to enterteine my selfe not otherwise occupied then thereby to merit your thanks or the commendation of others so doo I recommend the same to your L. rather to be looked on at leisure then as a thing of perfection worthie to be studied Yet do I thinke and so do others of more iudgement that this Historie doth equall or excell the most part that haue bin written not so much for the order and argument of the matter as the iuditiall discourses and obseruations of the Authour Wherein be discouered the causes of forraine and domesticall discords the commodities and discommodities of treaties and the secret humours of Princes with diuerse other things verie considerable chiefly of such as be called to consultation of publike affaires gouernment And as the end of all Histories ought be to mooue men vnto vertue and discourage them from vice so do I thinke there is not any that conteineth more examples to that purpose then this writer who leauing aside all partialitie and the custome of those that studie to flatter whom they fauour and misreport whom they loue not doth seeme greatly to follow the truth and setteth forth rather the causes and effects of euerie action then ouer-much extoll or disgrace the persons of whome the storie entreateth But as of all other things so hereof your L. can best iudge Wherefore most humbly reaccommending to your good fauour this poore Present and my faithfull seruice I take leaue At the Court this eight of Aprill 1588. Your L. most humble and assured to commaund Thomas Bedingfeld The Proeme of the Authour MY meaning was at such time as I determined to write the Actions of the Florentine people both within and without the Citie to begin my Narration from the yeare of the Christian Religion 1444. at which time the house of Medici through the merits of Cosimo and Giouanni his father aspired to more reputation then any other in Florence For I thought that Leonardo of Arezzo and Poggio two excellent Historiographers had particulerly set downe all things that till those dayes had hapned But hauing afterwards diligently read their writings to see with what order and meanes they proceeded to the end that following the same our Historie might be by the Readers better allowed I found that in their description of the warres made by the Florentines both against Princes and other forraine States they had vsed exceeding great diligence but of the ciuill discords and inward enimities of the effects by them brought forth they had vtterly omitted one part so brieflie described the other as the Readers could not thereby gather any profit or pleasure at all which I thinke they did either because they iudged those matters so meane as were not worthie the writing or else feared to offend the posteritie of some persons who should thereby haue bene euill reported VVhich two respects be it spoken without offence seeme to me vtterly vnworthie men of great reputation For if there be any thing in Histories that delighteth or teacheth it is that which maketh particuler description Or if any reading be profitable for men that gouerne in Common-weales it is that which sheweth the occasions of hate and faction to the end that being warned by harme of others they may become wise and continue themselues vnited Also if euery example of Common-weales do moue the mind those we read of our Country doo moue most and be most profitable Moreouer if the diuisions of any Common-weale haue euer bene notable the diuisions of Florence are of all others most notable For the most part of other Common-weales to vs knowne were content with one onely diuision ond thereby according to the accidents sometimes encreased and sometimes ruined their Cities But Florence not content with one had many diuisions In Rome as euery man knoweth after the Kings were expulsed diuision grew betweene the nobilitie and the multitude which continued till the ruine thereof the like hapned in Athens and all other Common-weales which in those dayes flourished But in Florence first the noble men became diuided among themselues Then the nobilitie and the people And at last the people and the multitude Yea many times it hapned that one of these being victorious diuided it selfe into two Of which diuisions followed so many murthers so many banishments and so many subuersions of Families as neuer chaunced within any Citie that can be remembred And surely it seemeth to mee there is nothing that witnesseth so well the greatnes of our Citie as that which dependeth vpon these diuisions being of force sufficient to subuert any Citie of what greatnes or power so euer Notwithstanding our state still encreased For so great was the vertue of those Citizens by their wisedome and courage to work the aduancement of themselues and their country as they that hapned to escape so manifold mischiefes could by their vertue procure more encrease to the Citie then the displeasure of those accidents which wrought the decaie could decrease it And withouc all doubc if Florence had bin so happie as it might vpon the deliuery thereof from the Empire haue taken some forme of gouernment which would haue holden the state vnited I know not what Common-weale either auncient or moderne that for vertue of Armes and industrie before it could haue bene preferred For most true it is that after the Ghibilini were banished in so great numbers that all Toscana and Lombardy was full of them the Guelfi with the rest that remayned at the warre against Arezzo one yeare before the iourney of Compaldino drew out of their owne Cittie of Cittizens onely 1200. men of Armes and 12000.
kinde was that whereof this Historie largely discourseth The State Populer do likewise boast of the excellencie thereof as that which obserueth equalitie without exception of persons and reduceth the constitutions ciuill vnto the lawe of nature For as nature hath not giuen riches offices or honor to one man more then to another so the Gouernment Populer tendeth to haue all men equall without priuiledge or prerogatiue whatsoeuer For by such meane they say that auarice in those that be riche and insolencie in them that be great shall be taken away which are the most perilous inconuenients that can happen to any Common-weale and consequently all thefts oppressions partialities and factions are remoued adding that humaine societie cannot be nourished without amitie and the nourisher of amitie is equalitie and no equalitie can be found but onely in States Populer it followeth therefore that is the best and most commendable gouernment bicause each man enioyeth libertie naturall and equall iustice without feare of tyrannie or oppression These and some other reasons are framed in commendation of Gouernment Populer Whereunto I say that this order of commanding which chiefly respecteth equalitie is not nor hath bene in any Common-weale bicause no such equalitie of goods and honors could be obserued And he who taketh vpon him to bestow them equally shall proceed contrarie to nature For as she hath made some men more wise and aduised then others so hath she framed them to commaund and others to obey Some haue wisedome and aptnesse to direct others haue strength of bodie and fitnesse to execute what is commaunded And touching libertie naturall whereof Populer States do glory much were that such as is supposed how could there be either Magistrate lawe or forme of gouernment for where Magistracie is there can be no generall equalitie Besides that all wise and learned writers haue misliked that kinde of gouernment Plato calleth it a market where all things are to be sould Aristotle alloweth not thereof nor of the Aristocracie Seneca saith it is impossible for any man to please the people that taketh pleasure in vertue And how can a multitude as a monster of many heads void of reason and iudgement determine any thing good or profitable Also to aske counsell of the people as was anciently vsed in States Populer is as it were that wise men should seeke to be informed by mad folks Which moued Anacarsis to say seeing the Magistrates to propound matters and the people to resolue that in Athens wise men moued questions and fooles determined what should be done If any man produce the Populer Gouernment of the Suisses continued more then three hundreth yeares Thereunto may be answered that the nature of that people is apt to be so gouerned Besides that the most mutenous sort of them are commonly from home in seruice of the warre vnder forraine Princes and the rest more tractable do not care much how the State is handled And among themselues there is no diffidence by reason the Nobilitie of those Countreys were slaine first at the battell of Sampac and after at Basil the rest willinglie banished themselues By this which hath bene briefly said appeareth how both the optimacie and Populer gouernments are subiect to mutation disorder and vtter ruine and consequently how fortunate those people are whom God hath destined to liue in the obedience of a successiue royall Monarchie where the Prince submitteth himselfe no lesse to the lawes of nature then he desireth the subiects should be obediēt vnto him leauing to euery one libertie of life and propertie in that he possesseth Succession argueth Gods prouidence and gouernment naturall planteth a certaine reciproke loue betweene the Prince and the people One other reason of nature appeareth in that the Monarke is alone in soueraigntie for as God onely ruleth the whole world and as the sunne alone giueth light to all creatures so the people of one land do most naturally yeeld obedience to one head and commander Yea all nations were first so gouerned as the Assirians Persians Egiptians Iewes Grecians Scithians Turks Tartars Englishmen Frenchmen Spanyards Polonians Danes c. and in the Indias were found no other gouernment Neither do the sacred Histories make mention of other Rulers then Kings onely And to confirme what hath bene said of royall gouernment reade the opinions of Plato Homer Herodotus Xenophon S. Ciprian S. Ierome with other as well diuine as philosophicall writers Finally it seemeth that Soueraigntie in one onely person is more honorable and magnificent then if the same were diuided among a fewe Lords as is vsed in the Aristocracie or among the whole multitude as in Populer Gouernments And experience hath proued that for direction and commandment in the warre pluralitie of Gouernors haue almost euer receiued preiudice and dishonor Which moued the Romanes at such occations to make a Dictator The like was done by the Lacedemoniās and is at this time vsed of the Venetians whome they call gran Proueditore By these reasons and examples omitting many other appeareth that the Monarchie royall is a gouernment most reasonable most naturall most honorable and most necessary And such is the happinesse of our fortune that by diuine prouidence there liueth not in any land a more perfit paterne of an excellēt Prince then is our present Soueraigne who feareth God rightlie and gouerneth her subiects iustlie prudent in counsell and valorous in execution In prosperitie modest in aduersitie constant faithfull to friends and feared of enemies affable to the good and effroyable to the euill vnder whose sacred protection our peace our plentie and our securitie hath many yeares prospered T. B. The Contents of many principall things worthie note conteined in this worke In the first Booke THe occasion how the Romane Empire became destroyed Diuerse incurtions of barbarous people into Italy The ruine repaire and building of sundry noble Cities The acts of Belisario The acts of Narcete Of Comondo and Rosmonda Of Clefi King of Gotti The meanes whereby the Bishops of Rome aspired to greatnes And how they at diuerse times haue bene the ruyne of Italy How long the Lombardy possessed Italy How Pope Vrban determined the enterprise of Asia against the Sarafins The originall of Venice The warre betweene the Venetians and Genou●is Of other warres in Italy What famous Captaines in those daies serued the Princes of Italy In the second Booke THe originall of Florence The first diuision of the Florentines Of the factions Guelfi and Ghibilini The order and forme of the Florentine Common-weale Manfredi chiefe of the Ghibilines and the warre which hapned betweene those sides The returne of the Guelfi into Florence New ordinances in the Citie The Citie reduced into quarters Of Giano della Bella. and newe tumults in Florence Bertaccio causeth the hand of one Lore to be cut off Of the enimitie which arose betweene the Cherchi and Donati Florence accursed by the Pope The comming of Carlo de Valloys the Frēch kings
Attila being arriued in Italy besieged Aquilegia where without resistance hee continued two yeares and during the siege spoyled the country thereabouts and dispersed the inhabitants of the same which as hereafter shalbe declared was the beginning of the citie of Vinegia After the taking ruine of Aquilegia and many other cities he marched towards Rome from the spoyle whereof at the request of the Bishop he refrained The reuerence respect which Attila did bear towards this Bishop was such as perswaded him to leaue Italy and retire himselfe to Austria where he died After his death Velamer king of the Ostrogotti and other the leaders of forraine nations tooke Armes against Tenrico and Eurie his sonnes the one of them they slew and constrained the other with the Vnni to returne ouer Danubio into their owne countrey The Ostrogotti and the Tepedi were setled in Pannonia the Eruli and Turingi vpon the shoare on the other side of Danubio King Attila thus departed from Italy Valentiniano the Emperour in the West imagining to repaire the countrey and hoping with more commoditie to defend the same from the barbarous people abandoned Rome and setled himselfe in Rauenna These aduersities happened to the Empyre in the West occasioned the Emperours who then dwelt at Constantinople many times to graunt the possession thereof to others as a thing full of perils and expence And the Romanes otherwhiles seeing themselues abandoned without leaue created an other Emperour or some deputie to performe that office as did Massimo the Romane after the death of Valentiniano who constrained Eudossa lately wife to the Emperour to take him to her husband This woman beeing borne of Emperiall blood desirous to reuenge so great an iniurie and disdaining to bee married with a priuate Citizen secretly perswaded Genserico King of the Vandali and Lord of Affrica to come into Italy shewing him the facilitie and profit of that enterprise Hee enticed with hope of so great a spoyle came speedily thither and finding Rome abandoned sacked the Towne and there remained foureteene dayes Hee also tooke and spoyled diuerse other Townes in Italy and fraughting himselfe and his Army with spoyle returned into Affrica The Romanes came home to Rome and finding Massimo dead elected Auito a Romane for Emperour After the death of diuerse other Emperours the Empire of Constantinople came to the hands of Zenone and that of Rome to Oreste and his sonne Augustolo who through subtiltie had vsurped that Empyre While these men thus possessed and determined to holde the Empyre by force the Eruli and Turingi who as is aforesayd after the death of Attila remained vppon the shoare on the other side of Danubio conspired togither vnder the conduct of their Captaine Odoacre came into Italy and possessed such places as were by them left voyd Then the Longobardi people also toward the North entered Italy ledde thither by Godolio their King who were as heereafter shall be declared the greatest plague of that countrey Odoacre arriued in Italy conquered the same and neare vnto Pauia slew Oreste forcing Augustolo to flie away After which victorie to the ende that Rome varying in gouernment the gouernour might receiue a new title Odoacre leauing the name of the Empire caused himselfe to be called King of Rome and was the first Captaine of all the forraine people that inuaded Italy to inhabit there Because all the others either for feare not to enioy that they had gotten or else doubting to be driuen out by the Emperour in the East either else for some other hidden occasion onely spoyled the country and that done sought to plant their habitation elsewhere Thus we see that in those dayes the ancient Romane Empire was reduced to the gouernment of these Princes Zenone remaining in Constantinople commaunded all the Empire in the East The Ostrogotti gouerned Mesia and Pannonia The Visigotti Sueui and Alani possessed Guascognia and Spaine The Vandoli ruled Affrica The Franchi and Burgundi liued in France The Eruli and Turingi remained in Italy The kingdome of Ostrogotti came to the handes of Theodorico Nephewe of Velamer beeing in league with Zenone Emperour in the East wrote vnto him that it seemed a thing vniust to his people the Ostrogotti that they beeing in vertue superiours to all others should be inferiours in Empyre And therfore he could not by any meanes hold them within the consines of Pannonia It seemed therefore necessarie to suffer them to take armes and seeke new Countries But first hee thought good to let him vnderstand thereof to the intent hee might graunt them some country where with his good fauour and their greater commoditie they might inhabite The Emperour Zenone partly for feare and partly for the desire hee had to haue Odoacre driuen out of Italy graunted that Theodorico might come against Odoacre and take the possession thereof Then Theodorico departed from Pannonia leauing there the Zepedi his friends and being arriued in Italy slew Odoacre and his sonne by whose example hee tooke vnto him the title of King of Italy making Rauenna his royall seate moued by the same reasōs that induced Valentiniano there to dwell Theodorico was a man both for warre and peace moste excellent for in the one hee was alwaies victorious and in the other generally profited the cities and people to him subiect Hee diuided the Ostrogotti with their Captaines into sundry townes to the end that in the warre hee might commaund them and in the peace correct them hee enlarged the Citie of Rauenna and restored Rome in all thinges the discipline of warre except giuing to the Romanes euerie other honour with his only authoritie kept in awe all the barbarous Kings vsurpers of the Empyre Hee built townes and sortresses betweene the Alpes and the point of the sea Adriatico the rather to empeach the passage of other barbarous people that should assaile Italy And had not his great vertue bene in the end of his life blotted with some cruelties committed vppon suspition of his kingdome as the death of Simmaco and Boetio men of most godly life he had bene in all respects worthy of honour and memorie For the vertue and bountie of him did not only repaire Rome and Italy of the afliction committed by the barbarous nations but also reduced them into an order and gouernment moste fortunate And surely if any times were euer in Italy and the other Prouinces there-abouts by reason of barbarous oppression miserable they were those which happened from the time of Arcadio and Onorio till his dayes For who so shall consider the great mischiefs which happen to cōmon weales by the variatiō of gouernment or change of the Prince without any dissention and diuision shall finde the same alone of force inough to ruine any state or kingdome how mightie soeuer It may therefore be imagined how great miseries the Romane Prouinces endured for they did not only alter their gouernment but also their lawes their customes their maner of life
whom Carlo had concluded a league About this time Pascale the first was become Pope and the priestes of the parishes in Rome by reason of their nearenesse to the Popes person and their presence at his election to honour their authoritie with a more venorable title beganne to bee called Cardinals taking vnto them great reputation chiefly after they had excluded the Romanes from the election of the Pope who almost euer before that time was some Citizen of Rome Pascale beeing dead Eugenio secundo of the order of Santa Sabina was elected Pope And Italy beeing then in the handes of French men did partly alter the order of gouernment and the more for that the Popes had in the temporalities thereof gained greater authoritie and made Earles and Marqueses as before time Longino Esarco of Rauenna had created Dukes After a fewe other Bishops Osporco a Romane aspired to the Papacy who for the homelinesse of his name caused himselfe to be called Sergio which was the beginning why the names of Popes was chaunged at their elections By this time Carlo the Emperour was dead to whome succeded Lodouico his sonne After his death there grew so great contention amongst his sonnes that in the time of his graund-children the Empire was taken from the house of France and brought into Germany where the first Emperour of that nation was called Ainolfo and by meanes of these disorders the family of Carlo did loose not onely the Empire but also the kingdome of Italy because the Lombardi recouered their strength and offended the Pope and Romanes so much as the Pope not knowing how to bee helped for necessitie gaue the Kingdome of Italy to Berengario Duke of Erieoli These accidents encouraged the Vnni who then remained in Pannonia to assault Italy But beeing come to triall of battle with Berengario they were vanquished and forced to returne into Pannonia now called Vngaria which countrey hath euer since reteyned their name At that time Romano Chieftaine of the Emperiall Armie deposed his maister Constantino and made himselfe Emperour in Greece By reason whereof Puglia and Calauria rebelled from the obedience of the Empire and suffered the Sarasins to come thither who beeing there and possessing the Countries attempted to besiege Rome But the Romaines because Beringario was occupied in the warres against the Vnni made Albarigo Duke of Tuscan their Captaine by whose vertue Rome was saued from the Sarasins They beeing departed from the siege builded a Castle vppon the mountaine called Gargano and from thence they commaunded Puglia and Calauria and disturbed the rest of Italy Thus in those dayes Italy was maruellously afflicted towardes the Alpes assaulted by the Vnni and towards Naples by the Sarasins In these miseries Italy many yeares remained vnder three Kings of the Beringarii one succeeding an other In which time the Pope and the Church were continually molested and by meanes of diuision of the princes in the West and the weakenesse of the Emperour in the Easte knewe not where to bee succoured The Cittie of Genoua with all the Riuers thereto belonging werein those dayes by the Sarasins destroyed whereof came the greatnesse of the Cittie of Pisa for thither manie people fled for refuge This happened in the yeare of the Christian religion nine hundreth thirtie and one But Ottone sonne of Enrico and Matilda Duke of Saxony a man exceeding wise of great reputation being become Emperour Agabito then Pope praied him to come into Italy and saue him from the tyrannie of the Berengarii The states of Italy were in those daies thus disposed Lombardy was vnder Berengario the third and his sonne Alberto Toscana and Romagna were gouerned by the deputies of the Emperour in the West Puglia Calauria partly to the Emperour in Greece and partly to the Sarasins obeyed In Rome were elected yearly of the nobilitie two Consuls who according to the auncient custome ruled that Citie Vnder them was appointed a Iudge to minister iustice to the people There was also a councell of twelue men which gaue gouernours to the townes subiect vnto Rome The Pope had in Rome more or lesse authoritie according to the fauour hee found with the Emperours or others that were there most mightie Then came the Emperour Ottone into Italy and tooke the kingdome thereof from the Berengarii who therein had raigned fiftie fiue yeares and therewith had restored the Pope to his dignitie This Emperour had one sonne and one nephew both also named Ottoni the one and the other of them succeeded in the Empire In the raigne of Ottone the third Pope Gregorio quinto was by the Romanes driuen out and Ottone came into Italy to put him again into the possession of Rome The Pope then to be reuenged of the Romans tooke frō them the authoritie of creatiō of the Emperour gaue the same to the Germaines appointing three Bishops of Maguntia Treueri Colonia three secular Princes the Marques of Brandenburge the Earle Palatine of the Rhein the Duke of Sassonia to be electors which constitution was made in the yeare 1002. After the death of Ottone the third Enrico Duke of Bauiera was by these electors made Emperour and after twelue yeares by Pope Stephano the eight crowned This Enrico and Simionda his wife were persons of most godly life as appeareth by diuerse churches by them builded and endowed Amongst which number was the temple of S. Miniato neare to the Citie of Florence Enrico died in the yeare 1023. After whom raigned Currado of Sueuia and after him Enrico the secōd who came into Italy the church thē being in schisme foūd there three Popes all whom he deposed caused Clemente secundo to be elected of him was he crowned Emperour In those dayes Italy was gouerned partly by the people partly by the Princes partly by the ministers of the Emperour of whō the chiefe was called Chancelor Amōg the Princes Gotfredi the Countesse Matilda his wife borne of Beatrice sister to Enrico the second were most potent for she and her husband possessed Lucca Parma Reggio and Mantoua with all that countrey at this day called Patrimonio The ambition of the people of Rome did at that time make much warre with the Popes for they hauing helped the Pope to driue out the Emperors and reformed the Cittie as to them seemed good sodeinly became enemies to him And the Popes receiued more iniuries at their hands thē at any other Christian Princes And euen in those dayes when the censure of the Popes made all the West of the world to tremble yet euen then the people of Rome rebelled And both the Popes and the people studied for nothing so much as how one of them might ouerthrow the authoritie and estimation of the other Nicholao secundo being aspired to the Papacy tooke from the Romanes the creation of the Pope as his predecessour Gregorio quinto had before taken from them the
assemble more forces returned with thē into Italy had though hardly the victorie and then though with displeasure of the Legate returned to Bohemia leauing onely Reggio and Modena manned recommending Parma to Marsilio and Piero de Rossi who were in that citie of most power He being gone Bologna reuolted to the league and diuided among them foure Citties apperteining to the church allotting Parma to the house of Scala Reggio to Gonzaga Modena to Este and Lucca to the Florentines During the conquest of these Cities grew great warres but they were chiefly by the Venetians compounded It may perhaps be thought strange that among so many accidents of Italy I haue omitted to speake of the Venetians common weale being for the order and power thereof to be preferred before euerie other principallitie To satisfie that admiration the cause thereof being knowne I wil looke backward to time long since passed and declare what beginning that Cittie had King Attila at such time as he besieged Aquilegia the inhabitants of that towne hauing long defended themselues dispairing fled with their goods to the rocks within the point of Mare Adriatico The Padouani seeing the fire at hand and fearing that Aquilegia being wonne Attila would assault them carried all their moueables of most value into the same sea to a place there called Riuoalto whither they also sent their wiues children and aged men leauing the youth to defend the citie Aquilegia being taken Attila defaced Padoua Monselice Vicenza and Verona The Padouani and the chiefe of the others seated themselues in the marishes about Riuoalto Likewise all the people of that prouince which vvas aunciently called Venetia vvere driuen out by the same misfortune did also flie thither Thus constrained by necessitie they abandoned faire and fertile countries to inhabit these steril and paludious places void of all cōmoditie And yet because great numbers of people were at one instant come thither they made that place not onely habitable but also pleasant ordeining among themselues lawes and orders which amidst so great ruines of Italy they obserued and within short space encreased in force and reputation For besides the inhabitants aforesaid many of the cities of Lombardy chiefly those that feared the cruelty of their king Clefi fled thither which was no small encrease to that citie So that in the time of Pipino king of France when at the request of the Pope he came to driue the Lombardi out of Italy it was agreed in Capitulations betwixt him and the Emperour of Grecia that the Duke of Beneuento and the Venetians should be subiects neither to the one nor the other but among themselues enioy libertie Moreouer considering that as necessitie had driuen them to dwell within the water so it behoued them without helpe of the firme land to seeke meanes wherby they might procure their own liuelihood For which purpose they made ships gallies with them sailed throughout the world and filled their citie with sundry sorts of marchandise whereof other men hauing necessitie required free accesse vnto them At that time and many yeares after the Venetians thought not vppon other dominions then those where the traffique of their marchandise might safely arriue Then they wan diuers hauens in Grecia Soria and in the passages that the French men made in Asia because they oftentimes imploying the Venetian shippes appointed vnto them as a reward the Ile of Candia While in this estate and order they liued their name by sea was terrible and vpon the firme land of Italy venerable So that in all controuersies that happened they were for the most part arbitrators as in cōtrouersies which rose in the league by reason of those cities which they had diuided amongst them For that controuersie being recommended to the Venetians they ordered that Bargamo Brescia should appertaine to the Visconti But in processe of time hauing conquered Padoua Vicenza Triuigi Verona Bargamo Brescia with diuerse cities in the kingdom and Romagna entised with desire of gouernment they atteined so great an opinion of power and reputatiō that not only of the princes of Italy but also of the kings beyōd the mountaines they became feared Wherupon those princes conspiring togither tooke from them in one day all the states and countries vvhich they in many yeares and vvith infinite expences had gained And though in these late times they haue recouered part yet not recouering their forces and reputation do like all other princes of Italy remaine at the deuotion and discretion of others Now was Benedetto 12. come to the Papacy who seeing himselfe driuen out of Italy and fearing that the Emperour Lodouico should become Lord thereof determined to make all those his friends who had vsurped the townes which the Emperour possessed To the end that thereby they should haue cause to feare the Empire and ioyne with him in the defence of Italy For the more assurance of this attempt he made a decree that all tyrants of Lombardy should by iust title possesse the townes by them vsurped But the Pope presently vpon this grant died and Clemente sexto elected in his place The Emperour then seeing with what liberalitie the Pope had giuen the towns belōging to the Empire determined to be no lesse liberall of the Popes goods then the Pope had bene of his and therefore gaue freely all lands belonging to the church which any tyrant had vsurped and they to hold them by authoritie imperiall By meane whereof Galiotto Malatesti and his brethren became Lords of Rimino Pesaro Fano Anthonio di Montefeltro of la Marca and Vrbin Gentile da Varano of Camerino Guido di Polenta of Rauenna Sinibaldo Ordalaffi of Furli and Cesena Giouanni Manfredi of Faenza Lodouico Alidosi of Imola Besides these many others possessed towns belōging to the church so as fevv remained out of the hands of one Prince or other vvhich vvas the cause that the Church till the comming of Alissandro 6. vvas holden dovvne vveake but he vvith the ruine of these Lords or their posteritie restored the same At such time as the Emperor made this grant he remained at Trento seemed as thogh he vvould passe from thence into Italy wherby grevv many warres in Lombardy by that occasiō the Visconti became Lords of Parma Then died king Robarto of Napoli of vvhom remained only tvvo grand children vvomen begotten by Carlo his Son vvho long before vvas dead bequeathing his kingdom to the elder of them called Giouanna vvhom he vvilled to marrie vvith Andrea sonne to the K. of Vngaria his nephevv This Andrea continued not long her husband but vvas by her murdred she married anevv to a brother in lavv of his called Lodouico prince of Tarranto But K. Lodouico brother to Andrea to reuenge his death came vvith Forces into Italy draue the Q. Giouanna vvith her husband out of the kingdom About this time hapned in Rome a thing very memorable vvhich vvas that one called
the house of Donati was a Gentlewoman a widow and rich who hauing one onely daughter a maiden of much beautie whom within her selfe shee determined to marrie vnto Buondelmonti a yong Gentleman and the chiefe of his house This her intent eyther through negligence or delay of time none beeing made priuie thereof was deferred so long that Buondelmonti was contracted to the daughter of Amidei wherwith she greatly discontented supposing it were possible with the beautie of her daughter to stay the marriage before the same should be solemnized one day seeing Buondelmonti comming towards her house came downe her daughter following and meeting him at the gate said I am very glad that you are now become maried yet was it my meaning you should haue had this my daughter and with those words she opened the gate and shewed her vnto him The Gentleman beholding the beautie of the maiden which indeed was rare and therewith considering that her parentage and portion was not inferiour to hers whom he had alreadie taken became exceedingly desirous to haue her Then not respecting his faith alreadie giuen nor the iniurie he did in breaking the same nor yet the inconuenience that might ensue thereof said Sith it hath pleased you to reserue your daughter for me I should bee vnthankfull beeing yet all in time to refuse her After the speaking of these words without farther delay hee married her This marriage beeing knowen highly offended all the Familie of Amidei and Vbarti who were by his first marriage allied Then assembling themselues and consulting together in the ende concluded that such an iniurie might not bee borne without shame nor the reuenge thereunto due could bee other than the death of Buondelmonti And albeit some did fore-cast the inconueniences that might followe such an Action yet Moscha Lamberti sayde that who so euer casteth all doubts should neuer resolue anie thing alleadging the auncient Prouerbe A thing once done is past remedie Then gaue they the charge of this murther to bee performed by Moscha Stiatta Vberti Lambertuccio Amidei Odorigo Fifanti These men in the morning of Easter day at the houre of Resurrection assembled themselues in the houses of the Amidei by which streete Buondelmonti passed the bridge vpon a white horse and supposing as it seemeth that it had bene a thing as easie to forget an iniurie as renounce a marriage was at the foote of the bridge vnder an Image of Mars which there is standing assaulted and slaine This murther diuided the whole Citie the one halfe tooke part with Buondelmonti the other with Vberti These Families by reason they were strong in houses towers and men fought manie yeares before the one could chase the other out of the Cittie till at length without anie firme peace made a truce was taken which according vnto occasion was sometimes kept and sometimes broken Florence continued in these troubles till the time of Federigo the second who being also King of Napoli was perswaded hee might encrease his dominion against the Church And to make his authoritie more assured in Toscana he fauoured the Vberti and their followers who thereby draue out the Buondelmonti and so our Cittie like vnto all other Townes of Italy became diuided into Guelfi and Ghibilini And it seemeth not superfluous to make mention of the Families that depended of the one and the other Those that followed the faction of Guelfi were Buondelmonti Narli Rossi Frescobaldi Mozzi Baldi Pulci Gherardini Faraboschi Bagnesi Guidalotti Sachetti Manieri Lucardesi Chiaramonti Compiobbesi Caualcanti Giandonati Gianfigliazzi Scali Gualerotti Importuni Bostichi Tornaquinci Vecchietti Tosinghi Arregucci Agli Sitii Adimari Visdomini Donati Pazzi della Bella Ardinghi Tebaldi Cherchi For the Ghibilini were Vberti Mannelli Vbriachi Fifanti Amidei Infanganti Malespini Scolari Guidi Galli Capardi Lamberti Soldanieri Capriani Toschi Ameri Palermini Migliorelli Pigli Baruchi Cattani Agollanti Brunelleschi Caponsachi Elisei Abbati Tedaldini Giuochi Caligai Besides these noble houses manie popular families ioyned in that action so that welneare all the Cittie became corrupted with this diuision But the Guelfi being driuen out retyred themselues into Townes of the Vale of Arno where their chiefe places of strength were and the best they could against the furie of their enemies defended themselues Federigo then dying such as remained in Florence and were men neuterall hauing also credite with the people thought better to reunite the Cittie than holding it in diuision vtterly to ouerthrow it They therefore found meanes that the Guelfi setting all iniurie aside should returne and the Ghibilini without suspition receaue them They thus vnited it seemed to them that the time would well serue to frame an order for the libertie of the Cittie before the new Emperour should grow strong For which purpose they diuided the Cittie into sixe parts and chose twelue Cittizens for euerie part to gouerne the same whom they called Antiani and were changed euerie yeare Also to remoue all offences that might arise by Iudges they elected two Straungers to that office calling the one Captaine of the people and the other Podesta who were authorised to iudge all causes that happened in the Cittie either ciuill or criminall Also because no order is assured without defenders thereof they appointed in the Citie twentie Ensignes and threescore and sixteene in the Countrey vnder which all the youth was mustred and commanded they should bee readie armed euerie man vnder the ensigne whereto he belonged whensoeuer he were either by the Captain or the Antiani called And as the ensignes which those soldiers were appointed vnto were diuers so were the weapons diuersly diuided for the crosbowes had their priuate ensigne the holberdiers theirs Also at euerie feast of Penticost with great pompe they erected new ensignes and appointed new Captaines trained the souldiers to such perfection as euerie man knew in what order hee should march retire and charge the enemy Then they caused a great chariot couered with redde and drawne by two Oxen to carry their chiefe ensigne of colour white and redde Whensoeuer they intended to assemble all their forces they commanded this Chariot to be brought into the market place and with great ceremony giue charge thereof to the chiefe Captaines of the people They had also for the magnificence of their enterprise a greatbell called Martinella which was rung continually one whole moneth before their Army was brought into the field to the end that the enemie might prepare for his defence So great was the vertue of men in those dayes and so honourably they proceeded in their actions where at this present to assaile the enemy sodeinly and without warning is thought to be a wise and honourable thing in those dayes the same was holden cowardly and dishonourably This Bell was also carried with the Army and by the sound thereof the watches and other orders of the Campe were commanded Vpon these martiall ordinances and ciuill rules the Florentines laide the foundation of their libertie Neither can
assault him and in the night kill him determined forthwith to flie and so saue himselfe So as contrarie to the counsell of the gouernours and others of his faction he presently fled with his men to the Citie of Prato So soone as hee came thither finding himselfe out of feare being in a place of securitie remembred how great an errour he had committed and desirous to amend the same the next morning earely marched with his men towards Florence offering to enter the Citie by force which by cowardise hee had abandoned but that attempt tooke no successe for the people which with difficultie might haue driuen him away with facilitie could hold him out So that with great sorow and shame he went vnto Casentino and the Ghibilini to their vilages Thus the people remained with victorie and for the comfort of those which loued the common wealth determined to reunite the citie and call home all citizens as well Ghibilini as Guelfi by meanes whereof the Guelfi after sixe yeares absence from the citie were returned And the Ghibilini notwithstanding the memorie of their late iniurie were pardoned and put in their country yet much hated both of the people and the Guelfi for these could not forget their exile and those remembred too much the tyrannie which was vsed during their authoritie which things caused that neither the one nor the other were contented While in this forme the Florentines liued it was reported that Corradino nephew to Manfredi should come with forces from Germany to the conquest of Napoli Whereupon the Ghibilini tooke heart and hope thereby to recouer their authoritie And the Guelfi began to thinke how they might assure themselues of their enemies for which purpose they praied king Carlo to defend them in the time of Corradino his passage The souldiers of Carlo being in march made the Guelfi insolent and amazed the Ghibilini so much that two dayes before they arriued without any violence offered they fled The Ghibilini thus departed the Florentines reordeined the state of their citie elected twelue chiefe men to be magistrates and gouerne their citie for two moneths whom they called not Antiani but Buoni Homini Next vnto them they appointed a Councell of fourescore Citizens which they called La Credenza After them were an hundreth and fourescore Commoners who with the Credenza and the twelue Buoni Homini were called the Councell generall They ordeined moreouer one other Councell of a hundreth and twentie Citizens of the Comonaltie and Nobilitie mixed which should giue perfection confirmation to al things determined in the other Councels This gouernment thus setled the faction of the Guelfi togither with the Magistrates fortified the citie to the end they might the better defend themselues from the Ghibilini whose goods they diuided into three parts the one they imployed to publike vses the second was giuen to the Captaines the third diuided amongst the Guelfi in recompence of their losses The pope also to maintain the Guelfi in Toscana ordeined the King Carlo to bee Lieftenant Emperiall of that countrey The Florentines thus holding themselues in reputation by vertue of these new orders gouerned all things well with their lawes at home and with their armes abroad Then died the Pope and after long disputation in the end of two yeares Gregorio decimo was elected who hauing bene long time in Soria and was at the time of his election did not make so great account of the factions as his predecessors had done But returning home towards France being arriued at Florence to performe the office of a good Pastor sought to vnite that citie wherein he preuailed so farre with the Florentines as they were content that Commissioners for the Ghibilini might be receiued into Florence to solicit the return of their faction which was concluded Notwithstanding the Ghibilini were so terrified as they durst not come home The Pope laid the fault thereof to the citie and being offended did excommunicate the same In which displeasure the Florentines continued all the life of that Pope but after his death the citie was absolued by Pope Innocentio quinto to whom succeeded Nicholao tertio descended of the house of Orsini And because the Popes had alwaies in suspition those that aspired to greatnes in Italy although by the fauour of the church they were thereunto atteined sought alwaies to put them backe Therof grew many tumults and often variations for the feare of him that was become strong occasioned the aduancement of an other that was weake who beeing likewise growne vp was forthwith feared and being feared cast downe This was the cause that ocsioned the kingdome to be taken from Manfredi and giuen to Carlo This was also that which caused the Pope to mistrust Carlo and seek his distruction Nicholao tertio then for the reasons beforesaid sound meanes through the helpe of the Emperour that the gouernment of Toscana was taken from Carlo and in his place hee sent thither Latino his Legate At that time Florence remained in verie hard estate because the Nobilitie of the Guelfi were become insolent and feared not the Magistrates so as euerie of them committed murthers and other violences without any iustice or punishment of those that committed the same because they were alwaies by one or other great person fauoured To bridle this great insolencie it was by the chiefe of the people thought good to reuoke such as were banished which gaue opportunitie to the Legate to reunite the citie and the Ghibilini returned home In the place of twelue gouernours there were foureteene made for euerie part seuen to gouerne the cittie during one yeare and they to be elected by the Pope Florence continued in this order of gouernment two yeares Then Pope Martino aspired to the Papacie who being a French man restored vnto king Carlo all that authoritie which the Pope Nicholao had taken from him wherby the factions in Toscana were suddeinly reuiued For the Florentines tooke Armes against the Emperours Gouernour to depriue the Ghibilini of the gouernment therewith also to hold the great men in awe they ordeined a new forme of gouernment The yeare 1282. beeing come the companies of the Misteries hauing receiued their Magistrates Ensigns became greatly esteemed They among themselues elected in the place of the fourteene three Citizens to remaine two moneths gouernours of the common-weale and called them Priori who might be either Commoners or Gentlemen so that they were Merchants of some Misterie Afterwards the chiefe Magistracie was reduced to sixe men so as in euery part of the citie there might be one which order continued till the yeare 1342. At which time the cittie was diuided into quarters and the number of Priori encreased to nine and diuerse times in that meane while by reason of some accident they were in number twelue This Office was the meane as shall hereafter appeare that the Nobilitie was ruined for then by many occasions they were excluded and afterwards
without respect oppressed whereunto the Nobilitie at the beginning consented for they vnwilling to bee vnited with the people and desiring to haue all the state into their hands and the people hauing like desire became both loosers Then they appointed a pallace for their office where by auncient custome the Magistrates and Counsellours assembled who were in honourable fort by Serieants and other Ministers there attended albeit at the erection of this office the officers were called Priori yet afterwards for more magnificence was ioyned therunto the name of Signory The Florentines for a space among themselues remained quiet during which time they made warre vppon the Aretini because they had banished the Guelfi and in Campaldino most fortunately wonne the victory The cittie then encreasing in men and riches thought good to encrease also the wals therof and therefore inlarged the circuit of the same to that compasse which now wee see for before that time the Diametre thereof was onely that space which is from the old bridge to S. Lorenzo The wars abroad and peace at home had as it were worne out of Florence the factions of Guelfi and Ghibilini Then remained only those humors which naturally were wont to be in euerie cittie betwixt the Nobilitie and the people For the people desirous to liue according to law and the great men studying to command them becommeth a thing impossible they should accord togither This humour so long as the Ghibilini held the citie in awe was not discouered but so soone as they were vanquished it shewed the force thereof for euerie day some popular man was iniured and Magistrates knew not by what meanes to punish the same because euerie Gentleman with the force of his friends defended himselfe The Magistrates of the misterie studying to remedie so great a mischiefe prouided that euerie Senate in the beginning of their authoritie should create one Gonfaloniere di Giustitia a man elected in the number of Commoners vnto whom was appointed one thousand men vnder twentie Ensignes readie at all occasions to maintaine iustice whensoeuer they were by their Gonfalone or their Captaine commanded The first chosen was Vbaldo Ruffoli he drew forth the Gonfalone and razed the houses of the Galetti because one of that Family had in France slaine a popular man It was an easie thing for the misteries to make this order by reason of the great hatred among the Nobilitie who considered not of any prouision against them till such time as they felt the bitter execution thereof which at the first gaue them great terror neuerthelesse afterwards they returned to their wonted insolencie For alwaies some one of the Nobilitie being an Officer had therby meanes to hinder the Gonfaloniere in execution of his office Moreouer for that euerie accuser must produce his witnesse to proue the offence offered and no man for feare of the Nobilitie durst giue witnesse the citie in short space returned to the former discord and the people iniured in the same sort as they were wont to bee because iudgement was slow and execution thereof wanted The populer sort then not knowing what course to take Giano della Bella a Gentleman of auncient race yet therewith one that loued the libertie of his Country encouraged the chiefe of the misteries to reforme the disorders of the citie By this Councell it was ordeined that the Gonfaloniere should remaine with the Priori and haue foure thousand men at his commandement They likewise made all the Nobilitie vncapable of the Senate and euery man that was accessarie in anie offence to be as subiect to punishment as the principall They decreed moreouer that publique fame should suffice to receiue condemnation by the lawes which they called Ordinamenti della Giustitia By this mean the people gained great reputation and Giano della Bella much hated because thereby he became euill thought of by the Nobilitie and reputed one that oppressed their authoritie The rich Commoners did also enuie him for that they imagined his credit ouermuch which at the first occasion was so proued For it shortly after happened that in a fraie one of the people chanced to be slaine at which conflict diuerse Gentlemen were present and among the rest Corso Donati vnto whom as the most quarrelsome of the companie the fault was laid and by the Captaine of the people apprehended Howsoeuer it were either that Corso had not offended or that the Captaine feared to commit him he was presently set at libertie Which deliuerie so greatly offended the people that they tooke Armes and ranne to the house of Giano della Bella desiring him to be a meane that those lawes might be obserued whereof he had bene the inuentor Giano willing that Corso should be punished did not as many thought he would do cause the people to laie down their Armes but perswaded them to go vnto the Senate and praie them to looke vnto the matter The people in the meane while much moued and supposing the Captaine to haue offered iniurie and also that Giano had forsaken them went not to the Senat but vnto the Captaines pallace which they tooke and sacked That fact greatly displeased all the Citizens and those that desired the fall of Giano accused him laying all the fault to his charge Amongst the Lords of the Senate one of his enemies happened to be who accused him to the Captaine for hauing stirred the people to sedition During the time that this cause was in debating the people armed went againe to the house of Giano and offered him defence against the Senators his enemies But Giano would neither make proofe of this populer fauour nor yet commit his life to the Magistrates because he feared the lewdnesse of these and the inconstancie of those so as to take occasion from his foes to offend him and from his friendes to harme their countrey he determined to depart and so giuing place to enuie and to deliuer the Citizens from that feare they had of him went into voluntarie exile notwithstanding he had with his great perill deliuered the citie from seruitude of the Nobilitie After his departure the Nobilitie hoped greatly to recouer their dignities and iudging that all their euill was by his mean procured they assembled themselues togither and sent two of them to the Senate which they thought did fauour them much to entreate that by the same the seuere lawes made to their preiudice might in something be quallified which request being knowne troubled much the people fearing that the Senators would grant the same Insomuch as the desire of the Nobilitie the suspitiō of the people drew them to the sword The Nobilitie made head in three places at S. Giouanni in the new market place and in the Piazza di Mozzi Their Captaines were Forese Adimari Vanni di Mozzi and Geri Spini The people on the other side with their Ensigne in great numbers assembled at the Senators pallace who at that time dwelt neare vnto
Florentines hearing those newes resolued and determining to rescue that towne shut vp their shops and went confusedly togither to the number of twentie thousand footmen and fifteene hundreth horse Also to diminish the strength of Castruccio and encrease their owne the Senators by proclamation gaue notice that whatsoeuer Rebell of the faction of Guelfi would come to the rescue of Prato should be after the enterprise restored to his country Vpon this proclamation more then foure thousand Rebels came presently thither This great Army in haste conducted to Prato so much terrified Castruccio that without triall of his fortune by fight he retired to Lucca Then grew great controuersie within the Campe of the Florentines betwixt the Nobilitie and the people for these would haue followed the enemie hoping by fight to haue ouerthrowne him and those would returne backe saying it sufficed that they had hazarded Florence to succour Prato Which was well done being constrained by necessitie but sith the cause was now remooued no wisedome would where litle was to be gotten and much to be lost that fortune should be further tempted This matter the people not agreeing was referred to the Senators who found among themselues the same diuersitie of opinions that was betweene the people and the Nobilitie which being knowne much company assembled in the Market place vsing great words of threatnings to the Nobilitie In so much that they for feare gaue place to the will of the people but all too late because in the meane while the enemy was with safetie retired to Lucca This disorder brought the people into so great indignation of the Nobilitie that the Senators would not performe the promise by their consent giuen to the Rebels which the Rebels vnderstanding and hoping to preuent the Senate before the Campe arriued at Florence offered to enter the gates But their intent being discouered by those in the Citie were repulsed Then they sought to compasse that by perswasion which by force they could not and sent eight Ambassadours to put the Senators in remembrance of their promise and the perill they had vnder the same aduentured hoping of that reward which was by them offered The Nobilitie thereby put in mind knowing themselues by promise bound laboured greatly in the fauour of the Rebels Notwithstāding by reason the people were offended for not following the enterprise of Castruccio nothing was obteined which afterward proued the great shame dishonour of the citie For many of the Nobilitie therewith displeased did assaie to win that by force which by entreatie they could not For which purpose they conspired with the rebelles to enter the Cittie armed and they would take armes also for their aide This appointment before the day of execution was discouered whereby the banished men at their comming found the cittie armed and order giuen to apprehend them abroad and keepe downe those that were within Thus this enterprise was in euerie respect without successe After the departure of the rebels the citizens desired to punish those by whose meanes they did come thither And albeit euerie man knew who were the offenders yet no man durst name them much lesse accuse them Therefore to vnderstand the troth without respect it was ordered that secretly the names of the offenders should bee written and priuilie deliuered to the Captaine In this accusation were named Amerigo Donati Teghiaio Frescobaldi Lotteringo Gerardini who hauing Iudges more fauourable then perhaps they deserued were onely condemned in pecuniall punishment The tumults which grew in Florence by comming of the Rebels to the gate made triall that one Chieftaine for all the companies of the people did not suffice and therefore they required after that to euerie company might be appointed three or foure Leaders and to euerie Gonfaloniere two or three others whom they would haue called Pennonieri To the end that in time of necessitie all the companie not assembling part of them vnder one head might be imployed Moreouer as it happeneth in all common weales after any accident some old lawes be disanulled some others are made new so the Senate before appointed from time to time the Senators with the Collegii which then were to the end their force might be the greater had authority giuen them and their successors to continue in office during the space of fortie moneths And because many Citizens feared their names not to be put into the bagge they procured a new Imborsation Of this beginning grew the election of Magistrates as well within as without the Citie which election was in those dayes called Imborsation Afterwards the same was called Squittini And for that euerie three or at the most fiue yeares this order was taken the occasion of tumults in the Citie at the choice of Magistrats was remooued yet were they ignorant of such discommodities as vnder this small commoditie was hidden The yeare 1315. being come and Castruccio hauing surprised Pistoia was growne to that greatnesse that the Florentines fearing the same determined before such time as he was setled in his Principallitie to assault him and bring him vnder their obedience For which purpose they leuied twentie thousand foote men and three thousand horse With these forces they besieged Altopassio in hope by hauing of that Towne to impeach the passage of those that would come to the succour of Pistoia The Florentines preuailed in this enterprise and hauing taken the place marched towards Lucca spoiling the country where they went Notwithstanding through the small wisedome of the Generall or rather his infidelitie little good ensued thereof This Captaine was called Ramondo de Cardona Hee seeing the Florentines to haue bene liberall of their libertie giuing the same somtimes to Kings and sometimes to the Legates of Popes and men of meane qualitie thought it possible to bring himselfe to be a Prince if first he could lead them into some great necessitie He gaue them therefore to vnderstand that for his better reputation it was meete for him to haue the same authoritie within the Citie that he had in the Army otherwise he should not haue that obedience of his souldiers which belonged vnto a Generall Whereto the Florentines not consenting the Army proceeded slowly or rather euerie day losing somewhat and Castruccio continually gained Because by that time were come vnto him diuerse supplies sent by the Visconti and other tirants of Lombardy Castruccio by this meane growne strong and Ramondo hauing neglected his seruice as for want of fidelitie he did not prosper at the first so he could not after saue himselfe for whilest he lingered with his Camp Castruccio did assault him and ouerthrew him neare vnto Altopassio In which conflict many Citizens were slaine and with them Ramondo himselfe who thereby found the punishment of fortune which his infidelitie and euill seruice to the Florentines deserued The displeasures which Castruccio did after the victorie by spoyling distroying burning imprisoning killing cannot be told Because without any resistance he
those that were iniured was Piero de Bardi and Bardo Frescobaldi They being gent. and naturally proud could not endure that a stranger wrongfully and in the presence of some Magistrates had done them iniurie which both against him and those that gouerned they conspired to reuenge Into that conspiracie entered many Noble families and some of the people whom the tyrannie of him that gouerned did offend The order of execution agreed vpon was that euery man shuld assemble into his house as many armed men as he could and in the morning of All Saints day when euerie bodie was in the church to take armes and kill the Captaine Which done they determined to place new Senators and with new orders to reforme the state But because enterprises of perill the more they be thought vpon the more vnwillingly be performed It alwaies happeneth that cōspiracies not suddenly executed are for the most part discouered There was among the conspirators one called Andrea de Bardi in whom the consideration of punishment could do more then the hope of reuenge reuealed all to Iacamo Alberti his brother in law Then Iacamo enformed the Priori and the Priori enformed the Gouernours And because the day of danger grew neare which was the feast of All Saints manie citizens consulted in the Pallace and thinking it dangerous to deferre the time iudged it best that the Senators should cause the bell to be rung and thereby call the people to armes Taldo Valori was Gonfaloniere and Francesco Saluiati one of the Senate They being to the Bardi kinsmen would not haue the Bell rung saying it were not well done vpon euerie light occasion to arme the people For authority being giuē to a loose multitude could worke no good effect It was also easie to moue tumults but to appease them hard It were therfore much better first to examin the troth of the cause punish the same by law thē correct it disorderly with ruine of the citie which words were not willingly heard For the Senators with many iniurious and presumptuous speeches were enforced to ring the Bell vpon hearing wherof all the people ran sodeinly into the market place armed On the other side the Bardi Frescobaldi seeing themselues discouered intending to winne their purpose with glory or die without shame tooke armes hoping to defend that part of the citie where their own houses were and on the other side of the riuer fortified the bridges trusting to be succoured by the nobility of the country other their friends Which purpose was disappointed by the people that inhabited where their houses were who tooke armes in fauour of the Senat so that finding themselues disapointed they abādoned the bridges retired to the street where the Bardi dwelt as a place of more strength then any other that very valiantly they defēded Iacobo de Agobio knowing all this conspiracy to be against him fearful of death amazed at the pallace of the Senators in the midst of the armed men placed himself But there was more courage in the Rettori who had lesse offended and most of all in the Podesta called Maffeo de Maradi For he presented himself to those that fought as a mā senceles without al feare passing the bridge Rubaconte entred in amōg the swords of the Bardi making signes to speak with thē Wherupon they cōsidering the reueuerence of the man his vertue other his good great qualities staied their weapons quietly heard him He then with modest graue words blamed their cōspiracy laying before them the perils wherto they were subiect if they gaue not ouer this populer enterprise giuing thē also hope that they should be fauourably heard and mercifully iudged And promised moreouer to be the mean wherby their reasonable offences should find compassion Then he returned back to the Senators and persuaded thē not to be victorious with the bloud of their own citizens neither to iudge before the cause were heard And his persuasion preuailed so much as by cōsent of the Senate the Bardi Frescobaldi with their friends were suffered to abandō the citie return to their castles They being gone and the people disarmed the Senators proceeded onely against the families of Bardi and Frescobaldi who had taken armes And to spoile them of some part of their power they bought of the Bardi the Castle of Mangona and the Castle of Varina and made a lawe that no Cittizen might possesse a Castle within twentie miles of Florence Within fewe monethes after Stiatta Frescobaldi was beheaded and many others of that familie proclaimed Rebelles It sufficed not the Gouernours to haue oppressed the Bardi and Frescobaldi but they did as men commonly doo the more authoritie they haue the worse they vse it and the more insolent they become so where was before one Captaine of the Guard who oppressed the Cittizens within Florence they also chose an other in the Countrey to the ende that men to them suspected should neither within the Cittie nor without haue anie dwelling So earnestly were they bent against the Nobilitie that they forced not to sell the Cittie to be reuenged aspecting onely occasion which came well and they better vsed the same By meanes of many troubles which hapned in Lombardy Toscana the possession of the citie of Lucca was come into the hāds of Mastino della Scalla Lord of Verona who notwithstanding hee was bounde to deliuer the same to the Florentines did not because he thought himselfe able to hold it the rather by being Lord of Parma and therefore of his promise he made none account at all which moued the Florentines to offence For reuenge whereof they ioyned against him with the Venetians and made so hotte warres vpon him as thereby he was inforced almost to abandon his country Notwithstanding therof followed nothing but some satisfaction of mind to haue oppressed Mastino For the Venetians as all other doe that ioyne in league with such as be weaker then themselues after they had surprised Triuigi and Vuensa without respect of the Florentines made peace with Mastino Shortly after the Visconti Princes of Milan hauing taken Parma from Mastino and hee fearing for that cause that Lucca could not be kept determined to sell it Those that desired to buy that citie were the Florentines and the Pisani In beating the bargaine the Pisani perceiued that the Florentines richer then they would obteine it Therefore they sought to winne it by force and with the aide of Visconti besieged it The Florentines notwithstanding proceeded and bargained with Mastino paying part of the money in hand and for payment of the rest deliuered hostages Naldo Ruccelai Giouanni the sonne of Barnardino de Medici and Rosso de Rici and then by order of Mastino the possession of the Citie was deliuered The Pisani notwithstanding pursued their enterprise and by all meanes possible laboured to get the Cittie by force yet went the Florentines to rescue the Cittie
but they of Florence would be alone and gouerne all without companie of the Nobilitie And for as much as the desire of the Romane people was more reasonable the offences done to the Nobilitie became the more tollerable By meane whereof that Nobilitie without resistance gaue place and after some disputation a lawe was made to the peoples satisfaction they being content that the Nobilitie should continue their dignities On the other side the desire of the Florentine people was iniurious and vniust by reason whereof the Nobilitie prepared themselues for defence and without banishment and bloud of the Cittizens their contentions were not ended Also those lawes which were afterwards made not for the common commoditie but altogither in fauour of the people were ordeined Thereof proceeded likewise that by victories of the people the citie of Rome became more vertuous Also the people hauing sometime authoritie in the warres and commaundement in gouernment with the Nobilitie were indowed with like vertue and caused that citie by encrease of vertue in men to encrease also in power But in Florence the people hauing victorie the Nobilitie were depriued of Magistracie and being desirous to recouer it it behoued them by their behauiour and manner of life to endeuour themselues not onely to seeme but also to be men populer Heereof came the alteration of Ensignes and the chaunge of titles which the Nobilitie to seeme common people were constrained to make So as that vertue in armes and generositie of minde which had bene in the Nobilitie was extinguished and could not be reuiued in the people where it was not which is the cause that Florence euer after becam the more abiect And as Rome knowing the vertue of it self grew to such pride as without a Prince could not be mainteined so Florence was reduced to such termes as euery wise law maker might haue brought the same to any order or forme of gouernment as by reading of the former booke may partly be perceiued Now hauing already shewed the beginning of Florence the original of the liberty therin with the occasions of diuision and how the factions of the nobilitie and of the people with the tyrannie of the Duke of Athene did end lastly how the Nobilitie were destroyed It remaineth to discourse the enimitie betwixt the people and the multitude with such accidents as of those diuisions proceeded So soone as the authoritie of the Nobilitie was oppressed and the warre with the Arch-Duke of Milan finished it seemed that no occasion of displeasure or offence remained in Florence But the froward fortune of our Cittie and the euill orders thereof caused newe dissention to arise betwixt the families of Albizi and Ricci which diuided Florence as by the Buondelmonti and the Vberti and as by the Donati and Circhi it had before beene diuided The Popes who at that time remained in Fraunce and the Emperours in Germany to maintaine their reputation in Italy sent thither at sundrie times sundrie multitudes of souldiers English men Germaines and Brittaines They the warres ended beeing without paie and entertainment sometime vnder the Ensigne of one Prince and sometimes vnder an other spoyled the Countrey In the yeare 1353. one of those companies came into Toscana vnder the conduct of Monsigneur Reale whose comming amazed all the Citties of that Prouince And the Florentines did not onelie in that respect publiquely leuie forces but also diuerse priuate Cittizens Amongest whome the Albizi and Ricci for their owne defence Armed themselues These two houses hating one the other studied howe they might one oppresse the other yet were they not come to Armes but onely contended in the gouernment and in Councell The Cittie then vpon this occasion armed there happened by chaunce a quarrell in the olde Market whither many people as is at like occasions the custome resorted During the brunt of this brute newes were brought to the Ricci that the Albizi assailed them And in like maner it was tolde to the Albizi that the Ricci sought for them Vpon these rumours all the citie arose and the Magistrates could with difficultie hold backe the one and the other of these families from dooing of that violence which without any fault or intent of theirs was occasioned This chance though of no importance somwhat kindled the minds of those gentlemen euery of them were the rather desirous to allure partakers And forasmuch as by the ruin of the nobilitie the Citizens were reduced to such an equalitie that the magistrates had more reuerence then they were wont either of them determined by ordinary meane and without priuate violence to oppresse his aduersary We haue alreadie tolde how after the victory of Carlo the first the Guelfi were created Magistrates and to them great authoritie giuen ouer the Ghibilini Notwithstanding through tract of time and new diuisions that law became so much neglected that many descended of Ghibilini aspired to the most principall offices Vguccione de Ricci then chiefe of his family found meane that the law against the Ghibilini was reuiued of which faction as some thought the Albizi were who many yeares past did come from Arezzo to inhabit Florence Vpon reuiuing of this law Vguccione hoped to depriue the Albizi of authoritie because thereby it was ordeined that whosoeuer was descended of the Ghibilini should not in any wise beare office in the state This practise of Vguccione was discouered to Piero sonne of Philippo degli Albizi who determined to fauour it least doing the contrarie he should declare himselfe a Ghibilino This lawe although renewed by ambition of the Ricci yet did it not diminish but encrease the reputation of the Albizi and was the originall of many mischiefs Neither can any lawe be made more preiudiciall to a Common weale then that which hath relation to time long since passed Piero hauing thus consented to the law that which his enemies had deuised for a let was the high way to lead him to his greatnesse For being made as chiefe of this new ordinance he still encreased in reputation and became more fauoured of the Guelfi then any other And for as much as there was no Magistrate appointed for discouerie of the Ghibilini the lawe alreadie made serued to small purpose It was therefore prouided that authoritie should be giuen to the Captaines to detect those that were of faction Ghibilini and finding them to giue admonishment that they should not take vppon them any office in the state Or if they should disobey the said admonishment then to be condemned Hereof it commeth that since that time all those that be disabled to beare office in Florence be called Ammoniti The captains thē by this authority grew to be so insolent as they did not only admonish those that deserued admonition but also euery man whomsoeuer it pleased them being thereto moued by any cause whatsoeuer either of couetousnesse or ambition So that from the yeare 1357. at which time this ordinance was made
was by the offence of the Florentines followed For the better execution thereof they made league with Barnabo and with all the cities enemies to the church and elected eight Citizens to gouern the said war vnto whom authoritie was giuen to proceed without appeale and spend without account This warre begun against the Pope notwithstanding the death of Vgucciono encouraged those that followed the faction of Ricci and had against the Albizi alwaies fauoured Barnabo and disfauoured the church and the more for that the eight were all foes to the faction of Guelfi which was the reason that Piero delli Albizi Lapo di Castiglionichio Carlo Strozzi and the rest diuerse times ioyned to the offence of the aduersarie And while the eight made warre and they admonished the warre continued three yeares and by death of the Pope was ended This warre was with so vniuersall satisfaction and so great vertue gouerned that the office of the eight was from yeare to yeare continued in those men and they were called Santi notwithstanding they litle regarded the Popes curses spoiled churches and forced the Clergie Thus without respect they preferred the seruice of their country before the Popes indignation And thereby taught the church that as being friend thereunto they had defended it so being enemie they were able to annoy it hauing procured all Romagna La Marca and Perugia to rebell But notwithstanding all these warres made by the Florentines against the Pope yet could they not defende themselues from the Captaines of their owne factions and their followers For the enuie which the Guelfi bare vnto the eight made them to become insolent and though they spared the rest of the Nobilitie yet rested they not to iniure the eight Also the Captaines of factions were growne vp to so great arrogancie as they were more fauoured then the Senators and men with more reuerence resorted to their houses then to the Pallace In so much as euerie Embassadour that came to Florence brought with him some commission or instruction to entreate with these Captaines Then died Pope Gregorio whereby the citie being deliuered of forreine warre presently begun great confusion at home For on the one side the insolencie of the Guelfi was insupportable and on the other side no meane could be deuised to oppresse them Onely this hope was left that euerie man should take armes and so make triall whether partie should preuaile On the part of the Guelfi were all the old Nobilitie with the greater number of the mightiest people of whom as hath bene declared Lapo Piero and Carlo were the chiefe On the other side were all the people of least reputation who had for Leaders the eight Gouernours of warre Georgio Scali Tomazo Strozzi and with them the Ricci Alberti and Medici The rest of the multitude as in like cases it euer happeneth ioyned to the partie discontented It seemed then to the Guelfi that the forces of their aduersaries were great and therefore themselues in much daunger whensoeuer any vnfriendly Senate should happen to be chosen Therefore thought good for the preuenting of that mischiefe to assemble themselues in some place conuenient where they might consult of the state of that Citie For it seemed that the Citizens admonished being in number growne great the most part of the Citie were their foes Whereto they could not deuise other remedie but as they had taken from them the honours so also to banish them the Citie take the Pallace by force and reduce all the state to the order wherunto it was by the auncient Guelfi reduced who liued not secure for any other reason but onely because they had driuen out all their aduersaries To this plot euerie man consented but of the time of execution they discented The yeare 1378. being come in the moneth of Aprill Lapo thought good not to deferre the time saying there was nothing that hindred time so much as time and then specially because in the next Senate Saluestro de Medici was likely to be chosen Gonfaloniere whom to their factiō they knew most contrary Piero delli Albizi thought otherwise for his opinion was it should be deserred because the execution of their intent required forces which without publishing of the matter could not beleuied if the matter were discouered they should therby incurre manifest daunger His opinion therefore was it should be delaied till the feast of S. Iohn then at hand at which time many people would resort to the towne among whome they might conuey in vnknowne as many friendes as they thought good Moreouer to finde meanes how to preuent the election of Saluestro it was thought fit to admonish him and if that deuise seemed not good then to put into the election an other also of the same quarter So as it might fall out that insteed of him some other of his companions should be chosen This cause was set downe as a resolution notwithstanding that Lapo vnwillingly thereunto consented iudging delaie was dangerous and that no time can be in euerie respect fit for execution For whosoeuer tarrieth all opportunities either he shall neuer performe anything or if he doth the same for the most part falleth out to his disaduantage The Colledge was warned and Saluestro not repulsed but chosen Gonfaloniere for the eight hauing discouered the practise found meanes to preuent that which was looked for Thus Saluestro sonne of Alemanno di Medici who being of a verie noble populer house could not endure that the people should be by a few great men oppressed And hauing deuised how to end their insolencie seeing the people fauoured that enterprise he did communicate his intent to Benedetto Alberti Tomazo Strezzi and Georgio Scali and they promised to bring him all the aide they possibly could Thē was there a law secretly established wherby the ordināces of iustice against the great men were renewed the authoritie of Captains was diminished The same also restored power to the admonished to haue restitution of their dignities And because as it were at one instant they intended both to propound and obteine hauing first to passe the Colledge after to determine in the Councels finding Saluestro President which place in those dayes for the time being made him be placed as Prince of the Citie they caused the Colledge Councell in one selfe morning to be assembled And first to the Colledge onely they propounded the lawe made which as a new thing was by that small number reiected Whereby Saluestro seeing his wings clipped wherewith he hoped to ascend to his desire fained for his necessitie to depart the place and contrarie to expectation went to the Councell and standing vp where he might be both seen and heard of euerie man said He thought himselfe made Gonfaloniere not to determine of priuate causes which haue their ordinary Iudges but to attend the state correct the insolencie of the great men and qualifie the rigor of those lawes which were found by proofe to hinder the
Common weale And albeit he had with diligence trauelled in these matters and to his power preuented all inconueniences yet the sinister disposition of men so greatly opposed it selfe to his iust indeuour that the way of well doing was stopped and their intent was altered not onely from determining well but also from hearing thereof Wherefore seeing that he could not do aniething more for the state or the common commoditie he knew not to what end he should continue longer in that office which either he deserued not or as it was thought of others he would not hereafter deserue For these respects he intended to retire home to the end the people might put in his roome some other of more vertue or greater fortune This speech ended he departed from the Councell towards his house such as were in the Councell his friends with some others also desirous of Innouation began to murmure Then the Senators and Colledges drew neare and finding their Gonfalone departing by entreatie and authoritie staied him and into the Councell being full of tumult perswaded him to returne where many noble Citizens were with words most iniurious threatned Among whom Carlo Strozzi was by an Artificer taken by the bozome and had bene slaine if the standers by had not saued him But that which stirred the greatest tumult and put the citie in armes was the motion of Benedetto Alberti who from the window of the Pallace cried aloude to the people to take armes Wherupon sodeinly all the Court was full of armed men By that mean the Colledges were forced by threatnings and feare to do that which being desired they would not In the meane time the Captaines of the factions had assembled many Citizens and consulted how to defend them against the order of the Senators But so soone as they heard the rumour appeased and vnderstood what was by the Councell resolued euerie man fled to his owne house For there is no man that moueth any alteration in a Citie that knoweth how either to worke it at his owne wil or suppresse it at his pleasure It was the intent of Saluestro to create a law appease the Citie but the matter fell out contrarie For the humours moued had chaunged euerie man so much that the shoppes were shut vp Citizens were assailed at their houses many conueyed their goods to Monasteries and hid them in Churches as though euerie one looked for some miserie at hand The companies of misteries assembled and euerie misterie elected a Sindaco Then the Priori called their Colledges and the Sindachi consulted with them how the Citie might be made quiet but their opinions being diuerse nothing was determined The next day following the misteries drew forth their Ensignes which the Senators knowing doubting that which happened called the Councels to put order but ere they were all assembled a tumult was begun and presently the Ensignes were come out followed by armed men to the Pallace Thereupon the Councell to giue hope of contentation to the misteries and the people and take from them the occasion of suspition gaue generall authoritie to the Senate the Colledges the Eight the Captaines of parts and the Sindachi to reforme the Cittie for common commoditie thereof While these matters were in hand certaine of the Ensignes of misteries with others of lesse qualitie thereby moued by some that desired reuenge of the last iniuries receiued of the Guelfi shrunke away from the rest and went vnto the house of Lapo di Castiglionichio sacking and burning the same He hearing that the Senate had done an enterprise contrarie to order taken by the Guelfi and seeing the people in armes hauing no other remedie but either hide himselfe or flie first hid him in Santa Croce after in the habit of a Frier fled into Casentino where he was heard complaine of himselfe for consenting to Piero delli Albizi and of Piero for that he would needs deferre to assure the state till the feast of S. Giouanni But Piero and Carlo Strozzi at the beginning of the vprore hid themselues thinking that the brunt past their friends and kinsfolkes were of force sufficient to continue them secure in Florence The house of Lapo being sacked because mischiefes are hardly begunne and easily encreased many other houses some for hate vniuersall and others by priuate displeasure were also spoiled and burned And the ministers of these mischiefes to make their companie the more forcible for the spoyling of other mens goods brake the Gayles let forth the prisoners They also sacked the Monasterie of Agnoli and S. Spirito where many Citizens had bestowed their goods Neither had the publique chamber of Florence escaped the hands of these disordered spoylers if one of the Senators had not taken vpon him the defence thereof who on horsebacke followed with some armed men resisted the furie of the multitude This populer madnesse partly by mediation of the Senate and partly for that the night drew on was appeased The next day the Balia restored fauour to the Citizens admonished with condition that within the next three yeares they should not be capable to exercise any office They also disanulled the lawes made by the Guelfi in preiudice of the Citizens They proclaimed Lapo di Castiglionichio and his companions Rebels and with them diuerse others hated of the multitude After these resolutions they published new Senators among whom Luigi Guicciardini was Gonfaloniere whereby hope was conceiued that all tumults wold cease because they were holden quiet men and louers of peace Notwithstanding the shops were kept shut the Citizens still armed and great watches throughout the citie charged For which cause the Senators receiued not their office without the Pallace with the pompe accustomed but within not vsing any ceremonie at all These Senators thought nothing so necessarie to be done at their entry into office as to procure a peace in the citie and therfore caused al armes to be laide downe the shops to be opened and the people of the countrey called thither in the fauour of Citizens to be dispatched away They ordeined Guards in many places of the citie so as if the Citizens admonished could haue liued content the people had bene quiet But they not willing to abide three yeares from honour did finde meane that for their satisfaction the misteries againe assembled and demanded of the Senate that for the good of the citie and quiet thereof no Cittizen might any more be admonished as a Ghibilino either by the Senators the Colledge Captaine or Consull Moreouer they required new Imborsation to be made of the Guelfi and the old to be burned These demands were presently accepted both by the Senate and all other Councels because thereupon it was supposed all newe tumults would cease But mans nature doth not onely content it selfe with his owne but will also couet other mens and be reuenged Those that hoped in the disorder declared to the misteries that they should neuer be assured vnlesse many of their enemies were
greater tyrannie then that of the Duke of Athene but the bountie of Lando was such as suffred no thoght to enter his mind that might be preiudiciall to the vniuersall quiet His wisedom directed all things so as many of his fellowship gaue him place his aduersaries by force of armes were oppressed Which maner of proceeding caused the multitude to stand dismaied and the better sort of Artificers to looke about them thinke how great their shame was hauing oppressed the great mens pride to endure the populer dregs At such time as Michele obteined this victorie against the multitude a new Senate was chosen wherin were two men of so vile and vnworthie condition as euery man desired to be acquit of that great infamie When these officers were created which was the first day of September the Market place was full of armed men So soone as the olde Senators came out of the Pallace there was a brute giuen out among the armed men that they would not that any of the base people should be of the number of Senators Whereupon the Senate for their satisfaction depriued two the one called Tira the other Baroccio in whose roomes they placed Georgio Scali and Francesco di Michele They also deposed the mysteries of the base people and all officers excepting Michele-Lando Lorenzo di Puccio and a fewe others of the better sort They diuided the honours into two parts allotting the one to the greater mysteries the other to the lesse Of the Senate they willed there should be euer fiue of the lesse mysteries and foure of the great And the Gonfaloniere to be chosen sometimes of the one and sometimes of the other The state thus ordeined for the present appeased the citie And albeit the gouernment was taken away from the base people yet the Artificers of meanest condition remained more mightie then the populer Nobilitie who were forced to giue place to winne from the base people the fauoure of the mysteries and content them which was also fauoured by such as desired that those should be oppressed who vnder the name of Guelfi had with great insolencie iniured many Cittizens Among others that allowed this manner of gouernment Georgio Scali Benedetto Alberti Saluestro di Medici and Tomazo Strozzi were made as Princes of the citie These matters thus proceeding and handled the diuision alreadie begunne betwixt the populer Nobilitie and the meane Artificers through ambition of Ricci and Albizi became confirmed Whereof because afterwardes followed greeuous effects and of them we shall be often occasioned to speake we will call the one populer the other plebeiall The state continued thus three yeares full of banishments and murthers For they that gouerned knowing there were both within and abroade manie euill contented did liue in great suspition The Cittizens within discontented either they continually attempted some newe practise or deuised with themselues how they might do it And those that liued without hauing no bridle by meane of some Prince or some Common weale here and there sowed sedition At this time Giannozzo di Salerno Lieutenant to Durazzo descended of the Kings of Napoli hapned to be at Bologna intending to assault the kingdom take the same frō Queene Giouanna At the same time also were in Bologna many banished Florentines who with the Pope and with Carlo practised diuerse things which was the cause that they who gouerned in Florence did liue in great suspition and gaue credit easily to the slaunders of those Citizens that were suspected During this doubtfull time it was reuealed to the Magistrates that Giannozzo of Salerno should with the banished men present himselfe before Florence and that many within would take armes and deliuer the citie to his hand Vpon this report many were accused the chiefe of whom were Piero delli Albizi and Carlo Strozzi and next to them the Cipriani Giaccomo Sacchetti Donati Barbadori Filippo Strozzi and Giouanni Anselini who were all taken sauing Carlo Strozzi that fled And the Senate to the end none should take armes in their fauour appointed Tomazo Strozzi and Benedetto Alberti with many armed men to guard the citie These Citizens were apprehended and examined but the accusation and their answere conferred togither no fault was in them found Insomuch that the Captaine not willing to condemne them their enemies in the meane space moued the people to mutinie and by force they were iudged to death Neither was Piero degli Albizi any whit fauoured either for the greatnesse of his house or for that long time he had in the citie more reputation then any other and had bene there more honoured and feared During his prosperitie some friend of his either to perswade him to curtesie in his greatnesse or else some enemie to threaten him with the inconstancie of fortune at such time as hee made a solemne banquet to diuerse Citizens sent him a siluer dish full of Comfits and in those Comfits was hidden a naile which being founde and seene of diuerse his guestes it was imagined that thereby he should remember to staie the wheele because fortune hauing set him on the height thereof the wheele keeping course must needes cast him downe Which interpretation was first by his decaie and after by his death verified After this execution the citie remained full of confusion because both the victored and the victorious stood in feare but the worst of all was that the gouernours themselues liued in continuall suspition For euerie accident were it neuer so litle made them to do new iniuries to the factions condemning admonishing and sending the Citizens into exile Whereunto they ioyned new lawes and new orders many times made onely to fortifie their authoritie All which was done to the iniurie of them who were to their faction suspected And they created fortie sixe men who with the Senate should discouer men suspected to the state These officers admonished thirtie nine Citizens making many populer persons great men many great men populer Also the rather to withstand all external forces they enterteined Iohn Aguto an English Captain who in those daies was accounted of great experience in the war had long serued the Pope others in Italy The suspition abroad proceeded of intelligence giuen how certain companies of men at armes belonging to Carlo Durazzo were put in readinesse to assault the kingdome Among whom as was reported were many banished Florentines For the meeting with those perils besides the ordinarie forces a summe of mony was prouided Carlo arriued in Arezzo receiued of the Florentines fortie thousand Duckets promising not to molest them After that time he atchiued his enterprise and happily surprized the kingdome of Napoli tooke the Queen Giouanna sent her prisoner into Hungary Which victorie encreased a new suspition of those that in Florence feared the state Because they could not beleeue that their money should do more with the King then the auncient friendship which that house had with the Guelfi who with manifold
Manegli and the Alderotti It was the custome to create the Balia for time certaine but those Citizens hauing it in their hands being placed by honest meane notwithstanding their time were not expired did yeelde vp their offices which being knowne many ranne armed to the Pallace desiring that before the officers departed more Citizens might be confined and admonished Which request greatly offēded the Senat who with faire promises enterteined them til forces were made readie then wrought so as feare enforced them to laie downe those armes which furie caused them to take in hand Yet somewhat to feed so fierce an humor and notwithstanding take away more authoritie from the plebeyall Artizans it was ordered that where they had the third of the offices they should now haue onely the fourth part Also to the ende that two of the most trustie Citizens might be alwaies of the Senate they gaue authoritie to the Gonfaloniere di Giustitia and foure other Citizens to make a Borza of chosen men out of which number at euerie Senate should be elected two The state thus setled after six yeares which was in the yeare 1381. the citie liued quiet within till the yeare 1393. In which time Giouan Galiazza Visconti called Conte di Vertu tooke prisoner his vncle Barnabo by that mean became Prince of all Lombardy This Giouan Galiazzo hoped by force to be made king of Italy as by craft he was atteined to be Lord of Milan And in the yeare 1390. hee began a braue warre against the Florentines wherein Fortune became so variable as many times the Duke was in no lesse daunger to lose all then the Florentines who indeed had lost all if the Duke had longer liued Yet the resistance by them made was so couragious and maruellous as might be by any Common weale and the end no lesse perillous then the warre had bene terrible For when the Duke had taken Bologna Pisa Perugia and Siena and prepared a Crowne to be set on his head in Florence as king of Italy he died Which death suffered him not to taste the sweete of his passed victories nor the Florentines to feele the perils at hand While this warre with the Duke continued Masso de gli Albizi was made Confaloniere di Giustitia whom the death of Piero had made enemie to the Alberti And for that the humour of the factions continued Maso notwithstanding that Benedetto was dead in exile did hope before that Senate ended to be reuenged vpon the rest of that family and tooke occasion by one that was vpon certaine practises with the Rebelles examined who named Alberto and Andrea delli Alberti Whereupon both they were apprehended and the citie wholly chaunged In so much as the Senate tooke armes assembled the people created a new Balia and by vertue thereof many Cittizens were confined and new Imborsations of officers made Among those that were confined were almost all the Alberti many Citizens also admonished and some put to death Vpon occasion of so great iniuries the mysteries and the base people tooke armes thinking their honour and liues were in hazard One part of them came into the Market place an other ranne to the house of Veri di Medici who after the death of Saluestro remained as chiefe of that family To deceiue those that came into the Market place the Senate appointed Captaines and gaue the Ensigne of the faction Guelfa deliuering the same into the hands of Rinaldo Gianfigliazzi and Donato Acciaiuioli as men of the populer number more then any other acceptable to the multitude Those that went to the house of Veri desired him to take the gouernment and deliuer them from such as were enemies to good men and good orders All such writers as haue left memorie of the proceedings of that time do affirme that if Veri had not bene more honest then ambitious hee might without any let haue aspired to the principallitie of that citie Because the exceeding great iniuries done to the mysteries some iustly and some vniustly had so kindled their mindes to reuenge as nothing wanted for the performance of their desires but a Captaine to lead them Neither wanted those that would put Veri in remembrance what he might do For Antonio di Medici who had before time bene long for priuate respects his enemy did perswade him to take in hand the gouernment of the state To whom he answered as thy threatnings being mine enemie made me not to feare thee so thy Councell being my friend shall not abuse me Hauing vttered these words he turned himselfe to the multitude and perswading them to be of good courage promised to be their defender so that they would be content to be by him directed Then in the midst of them he went to the Market place and from thence vp to the Pallace and being come to the presence of the Senate said That he was not sorie to haue so liued that the people of Florence did loue him but yet sorie hee was that they had not such opinion of him as his passed life did deserue For sith he had not shewed any signe of seditiō or ambition he could not conceiue why he was thought a mainteiner of sedition or as ambitious a man that studied to vsurpe his country Therefore hee humbly besought their Lordships that the ignorance of the multitude might not be imputed his fault because so much as in him was hee submitted himselfe vnto them He moreouer put them in minde to vse their fortune modestly and be content to take rather halfe a victorie with sauing the citie then a whole conquest with the ruine thereof The Senators greatly commended Veri and required him to persuade that armes might be laide downe and then they would not faile to do that which he and other Citizens should counsell them After these speeches Veri returned to the Market place and ioyning his followers to those that were conducted by Rinaldo and Donato said vnto them all that hee had found in the Senators a verie good disposition towards them to whom he had also said much albeit by means of the short time and absence of the officers nothing was concluded Wherfore he praied them to laie their weapons downe and obey the Senate thereby to declare that curtesie rather then pride entreatie more then threatning might moue them and that they should not lacke meanes and securitie so long as they were by him gouerned Thus vpon his word euery man was content to return to his owne house The multitude hauing vpon this perswasion disarmed themselues the Senate first caused a guard to be set in the Market place then they mustered two thousand Cittizens men assured to the state equally diuiding them vnder Gonfaloni whom they commaunded to be readie whensoeuer that they were called Also commandement was giuen that no man whose name was not taken nor warned should for anie cause be armed This preparation made they confined slew many of those Artificers
Italy he should finde some of them poore and some others his enemies Neither were the Florentines alone as hee had often sayd of force sufficient to mainteine him So as on euery side it appeared that for him it was necessarie to mainteine the Venetians mightie vppon the land These perswasions ioyned with the hate which the Earle had conceiued of the Duke for being mocked in the marriage caused him consent to the composition yet would hee not at that time be bound to passe the Riuer of Po. These compositions were made in the moneth of February the yeare 1438. Wherein the Venetians did couenaunt to defraie two thirds and the Florentines one third of the charge And both of them togither at their common charge entred obligation to defend the lands which the Earle had woon in La Marca Neither was this League contented with these forces but vnto them they ioyned the Lord of Faenza the sonnes of Pandolfo Malatesta of Rimini and Pietro Giampagolo Orsino And although with great promises they had perswaded the Marquesse of Mantoua yet could they not remoue him from the friendship and paie of the Duke Also the Lord of Faenza after that the League was setled finding a better bargaine reuolted to the Duke which depriued the League of hope to be able to performe the enterprises entended in Romagna In these dayes Lombardy remained thus troubled Brescia was besieged with the Dukes forces so straightly as euerie day was feared that for famine it should be forced to yeeld And Verona became so inuironed with enemies that it doubted the like end and if any of these two Cities were lost euery man iudged all the other preparation for the wars would be to no effect and the charges till that time made vtterly lost Neither was there found any other certaine remedy then to procure that the Earle Francesco might passe into Lombardy Wherein were three difficulties the one in perswading the Earle to passe the Riuer of Po and make warre in all places The second that the Florentines seemed to be at the discretion of the Duke if the Earle should goe from them The third was what way the Earle with his forces should take to conuey himselfe into the country of Padoa where the rest of the Venetians forces remained Of these three difficulties the second which apperteined to the Florentines was most to be doubted Notwithstanding they knowing the necessitie and being weary of the Venetians who with all importunitie desired the Earle saying that without him they should be abandoned they preferred the necessitie of others before the suspition of themselues There remained also one other doubt which way they should go and how the same might be made assured by the Venetians Moreouer because the handling of this contract with the Earle and the perswading him to passe the Riuer Po was appointed to Neri the sonne of Gino Capponi the Senate thought good to send him expresly to Venice to make that fauoure the more acceptable there and to take order for the way and safe passage of the Earle Then was Neri dispatched from Cesena and in a Boate conueyed to Venice where by the Senate hee was receiued with more honour then euer any Prince before that time had bene For vpon his comming and that which by him should be determined they thought the welfare of their dominion depended Neri then being brought to presence of the Senate spake as followeth Most Noble Prince my Lords who haue sent mee were hitherto euer of opinion that the greatnesse of the Duke would be the ruine both of this state and of their own Common-weale So that the well doing of these states must be your greatnesse and ours also If this had bene by your Lordships beleeued we should be now in better condition and your state assured from those perils which presently do threaten it But because that in time conuenient you haue neither giuen vs ayd nor countenance we could not readily procure remedie for your harmes nor you speedily demaund it as men which both in aduersitie and prosperitie knew not how to behaue your selues forgetting that we are of such disposition as whom we once loue we will loue euer and whom we hate we will hate euer The good will which we haue euer borne to this most Noble Senate your selues do know and haue oftentimes seene by the aide we haue giuen you both in mony and men The displeasure which we haue borne to Philippo is such as we will alwaies beare towards his house and so the world knoweth Neither is it possible that auncient hatred can be either by new desertes or new displeasures cancelled We were and are assured that in this war we might with great honour haue stood indifferent to the Duke and with no great daunger to our selues For though he had bene by your ruine become Lord of Lombardy yet had there remained so much force in Italy as we need not to haue dispaired of our well doing because he encreasing in state and power the enmitie enuie towards him would haue also encreased Of which two things warre and displeasure be engendred We knew also how great charges by eschuing this war we should haue auoyded how eminent perils we should haue escaped and how this warre by our meanes might be remoued from Lombardy into Toscana Notwithstanding all these suspitions haue bene by our auncient affection borne to your state cancelled and we haue determined to aide you with the same readie good will wherewith we will defend our own if the same should be assaulted Wherfore my Lords iudging it before all other things most necessarie to succour Verona and Brescia and thinking also that without the Earle the same could not be they haue sent me hither first to perswade him to come into Lombardy and make war in all places he being heretofore as you know bound not to passe the Riuer of Po. Therefore I vsed with him those reasons wherwith we our selues be moued And he as he seemeth by Armes inuincible wil not be ouercome with curtesie And that liberallitie which he sawe vs vse towards you he hath bene pleased to surpasse the same For knowing well in how great perils after his departure Toscana remained and seeing that we haue more regarded your perill then our owne well doing is also content to preferre the same before his owne I am therfore now come here to offer you the Earle with seuen thousand horse and two thousand foote men readie to assault the enemie in what place soeuer he may finde him I beseech you then and my Lords also do intreate you that as the number of his souldiers is greater then his obligation wherby he bound himself to serue so it may please you that your liberallitie towards him may be likewise enlarged To the end that neither he shall repent his comming to your seruice nor we be sorie to haue perswaded him thereunto This speech pronounced by Neri was with no lesse attention heard of the
Senate then if from the mouth of some Oracle the same had proceeded For by his words all the audience was so mooued that they would not suffer the Prince as is the custome to make any answere But euerie man stood vp and many of them weeping for ioy held vp their hands thanking the Florentines for so friendly an offer and him for hauing with so great diligence and speede performed the same Promising moreouer neuer to forget that fauoure nor that any time either in themselues or in their posterie should cancell the memorie of this merite And that their Common-weale should be as much at the Florentines commandement as their owne These curtesies and congratulations ended they consulted what way the Earle might martch to the end that the bridges and passages should be prepared Foure waies were then thought vpon whereby he might passe The one from Rauenna by the sea side which being narrow and full of marishes was not liked An other was by the direct way which being impeached by a Fortresse called Vccellino kept for the Duke the same ought to be surprized before the Armie should march further which was heard to do in so short a time vnlesse the occasion of the enterprise were omitted the same requiring great diligence and speede The third was by the wood of Lago where because the Riuer of Po was ouerflowed to passe that way seemed not onely hard but also impossible The fourth was by the Champion of Bologna from thence to Ponte Pulidrano to Cento through Finale and Bondeno and so to Farrara From whence by water and land they might be conueyed into Padouana there to ioyne with the Venetian forces In this way albeit there was manie difficulties and might by the enemie in some places be impeached yet was it thought the best of all others Whereof the Earle aduertised with great speed began his iourney and on the twentith of Iune arriued in Padouana The comming of this Captaine into Lombardy made Venice and all the countrie thereto belonging in great hope For as they seemed before to dispaire now they began to hope not onely to hold their owne but also to win from others The Earle first of all went to the rescue of Verona and the rather to meete with Nicholo and his Armie he marched to Soaue a Castle builded betwixt Vicentino Veronesi and inuironed by a diche which reached from Soaue to the marish of Adice The Earle seeing his passage by the plaine stopped thought to passe by the mountaines and by that way to come neare to Verona Supposing Nicholo did not thinke that he would take that way being vnpleasant mountanous or if he did he could not in time come thither to impeach him Wherefore being prouided of victuals for eight daies hee and his men passed the mountaine and arriued vnder Soaue in the plaine Where albeit some bulwarks had bene made by Nicholo yet were they not such as staied his passage Nicholo then seeing the enemie aboue his expectation come thither fearing to fight vpon disaduantage retired himselfe on the other side of Adice and the Earle without anie obstacle entred into Verona Thus the Earle hauing performed the first enterprise which was to remoue the siege the second yet remained to rescue Brescia This Citie is so seated vpon the riuer of Garda the scite wherof is such that though it be besieged by land yet may it be victualled by water which was the cause why the Duke put so great forces vpon that Lage and in the beginning of his victories had surprized all those townes which by the Lage could relieue Brescia The Venetians had also Gallies vppon the Lage but they were not of power inough to fight with the Dukes forces The Earle therefore thought fit with some more souldiers to strengthen the Nauie and win those townes which with held the vittails from Brescia He therfore brought his Campe before Bandolino a Castle vpon the Lage hoping if that were wonne the rest would presently yeeld In that enterprise fortune disfauoured the Earle for the greatest number of his men fell sicke so as leauing the enterprise hee went vnto Zeno a castle belonging to Verona where the country is plentiful the aire wholesome Nicholo seeing the Earle retired not to omit occasion to possesse himselfe of the Lage left his Campe at Vegatio and with some choise men went vnto the Lage There with great furie he assaulted the Venetian Armie tooke welneare all their Gallies After this victory almost al the Castles vpon the Lage yeelded vnto Nicholo The Venetians dismaid at this his losse and fearing therby that they of Brescia would yeeld also sollicited the Earle both by Letters and Messengers to make speed to succour it But the Earle seeing that by the Lage there was no hope to relieue it by land it was impossible by reason of ditches bulwarkes and trenches made by Nicholo so as whosoeuer should enter must go to present destruction determined to proue the way of the mountains wherby as he had before saued Verona so he hoped perhaps to rescue Brescia The Earle for the atchiuing thereof departed from Zeno and by the Vale of Acrine marched to the Lage of S. Andrea and came to Torboli and Penda vpon the Lage of Garda From thence he went to Tenna and there pitched his Campe because to passe from thence to Brescia it behooued him to surprise that Castle Nicholo vnderstanding the intent of the Earle brought his Armie to Pischiera and after with the Marquesse of Mantoua and some of his owne choise souldiers marched towards the Earle and fighting togither Nicholo was ouerthrowne Some part of his men were taken prisoners an other part retired to the Armie the third part fled to the Nauie Nicholo then retired himselfe into Tenna and the night being come imagined he could not escape from thence if he tarried til the next day Wherfore to eschue that perill certaine he aduentured a daunger doubtfull Nicholo had amongst many his seruants one Almaine a man of great strength and to him aboue others euer most faithfull Nicholo perswaded this man that if hee would put him into a sacke he might vpon his shoulders as though he were some other thing carry him to some place from whence he might escape At this time the Campe yet remained about Tenna Neuerthelesse by meanes of the victorie the day before no great order or watch was taken so that this Almaine the more easily might conuey his maister Wherefore taking him vpon his shoulders as though he were some other burthen himselfe being apparelled like a Porter he passed through the Camp without any let and so saued his maister This victorie if it had bene well vsed as it was happily wonne had much better releeued Brescia and the Venetians thereby should haue proued more happie But the same being euill vsed the ioy thereof was the lesse and Brescia remained in the same distresse that it was before For Nicholo hauing
driuen backe But when the Bridge was by the Florentines assuredly wonne and that their forces were entered into the waie Nicholo wanted time through the furie of the enemie and the incommoditie of the place to supplie his souldiers For they of the Vangarde were forced to mixt themselues with the Rearewarde and so the one disordering the other all the whole Armye was forced to flie and euerie man without anie respect ranne towardes the Towne Then the Florentine souldiers beganne to spoyle which spoyle of prisoners armour and horses was great For with Nicholo there was not saued aboue one thousand horses They of the Borgo who in hope of spoyle had followed Nicholo were of spoilers become a spoyle bicause they were all taken and put to ransome Their ensignes and carriages were lost and the victorie was much more profitable for Toscana then preiudiciall for the Duke For if the Florentines had lost the battell Toscana had bene his but he losing the battell lost no other thing but the armour and horses of his Army which with plentie of money might be recouered Neither could any warre be made in the countrey of another lesse dangerous then was the warre of those dayes For in so great an ouerthrow and so long a fight which continued from twentie to foure and twentie of the clock more were not slaine then one man and he also not hurt by the vertue of any other but being falne from his horse was trodden vpon with horses and so died with so great securitie men fought in that age The reason thereof is that for the most part the souldiers fought on horseback and couered with armour they were defended from death till they yeelded And therefore finding thēselues able to fight they so did and being not longer able they yeelded This conflict for matters which happened both in and after the fight was a signe of the great vnhappines of those warres bicause the enemies being vanquished and Nicholo returned into Borgo the Gouernours of the Florentines would haue followed and besieged him there to haue the victorie sullie But some souldiers and some Captaines also refused to obey them saying they would first carrie away the spoile and cure the hurt men Also a thing more notable the next day at high noone without leaue or respect either of the Gouernours or of the Generall the souldiers went vnto Arezzo and there bestowed their spoile which done they returned to Anghiari A thing so much against all order Militarie and Discipline of warre that the remaine of any Army well ordered might and would easily and deseruingly haue recouered that victorie which the Florentines vndeseruedly had gotten Besides this the Gouernours commaunding that all souldiers taken should be stayed to the end that the enemy might not grow and sodeinly recouer strength yet were they presently deliuered All which things are greatly to be meruailed at First how in such an Army there should be vertue sufficient to win victorie And then how there could be in any enemy so little value as would be of so disordered a people oppressed But while the Florentines went and returned from Arezzo Nicholo gained time to go with his souldiers from Borgo and marched towards Romagna with whome also fled the Florentine Rebels who seeing all hope failed for their returne to Florence they deuided themselues and euery man tooke his owne way some remaining in Italy and some without as they could find meane to bestow themselues Of which number was Rinaldo who made his habitation at Ancona from whence the rather to gaine himselfe a celestiall countrey hauing lost his dwelling vpon earth he went vnto the Sepulchre of Christ and being returned home at the marriage of one of his daughters sitting at the table sodeinly died wherein fortune did fauour him that in the day of his last sorrow she called him away A man in euery fortune honourable and would haue bene much more honourable had he bene borne in a Cittie vndeuided Bicause many times those his vertues which in a factious Cittie did hinder him in a Cittie vnited would haue aduanced him The Commissaries then seeing the souldiers returned from Arezzo and Nicholo departed presented themselues before Borgo The Borghesi offered to yeeld to the Florentines but they refused to receiue them And in compounding this agreement the Popes Legat grew suspitious of the Commissaries fearing they intended to take that Towne from the Church in so much as they grew to words of offence and some disorder would haue followed betwixt the Florentine and the Popes souldiers if the matter had bene more spoken of But bicause euery thing passed according to the Legats desire all anger was pacified While this assault of Borgo continued aduertisements were giuen that Nicholo Piccinino was gone towards Rome and as others said towards La Marca Whereupon the Legat and the rest thought good to marche towards Perugia to succour La Marca or Rome if Nicholo directed his course to any of them Barnardo de Medici followed and Neri with the Florentines marched to surprize Casentino This resolution made Neri incamped before Russina and surprized it with the like furie that he had taken Bihiena Prato Vecchio and Romena From thence he went to Poppi and there lodged the Army deuiding it into two parts the one vpon the plaine of Certomondo the other vpon the hill that reacheth to Fronzoli The Earle seeing himselfe both of God and men abandoned shut himselfe vp in Poppi not hoping of any aide but the rather to procure a composition least to his disaduantage Neri there besieging him was desired to accept composition The conditions whereof were such as thereby he might hope to saue himselfe his children and goods portable yeelding the Towne and his state to the Florentines When these capitulations were in making the Earle came downe to the bridge of Arno which passeth by the towne and there with great sorrow spake thus If I had well measured my fortune with your power I should now haue come as a friend to reioyce at your victorie and not as an enemy intreate you that my miserie might be pittied This present chance as it is to you honorable and pleasant so is the same to me lamentable and grieuous I was owner of weapon horses subiects and riches who can therefore meruaile though with griefe of mind I leaue them If you will and can command all Toscana of necessitie we must all obey you and if I had not committed this errour neither should my fortune haue bene knowne nor your liberalitie appeared For if at this time you fauour me you shall thereby giue to the world a testimonie of your mercie Let therefore the vertue of your compassion exceed the greatnes of mine offence and be pleased that at the least this onely house may descend to those of whome your auncestors haue receiued benefits To whome Neri answered that as he had hoped ouermuch in those that could do little so had he
verie holily liued and died Her house in memorie of her was after made a Monasterie by the name of S. Annalena as at this present it is and euer shall be This action somewhat decreased the power of Neri and tooke from him reputation and friends Neither did that onely content the Cittizens in authoritie For the tenne yeares of their office being passed and their authoritie in the Balia ended diuerse men both by word and deedes tooke courage to complaine against the continuance of those officers and therfore the Gouernors thought for the holding of their authoritie it was necessarie to haue their offices prolonged giuing new commission to friends oppressing their foes For which consideration in the yeare 1444. by their councels a new Balia was created which reestablished officers giuing authoritie to a few to create the Senate reuiuing the Chancelorship of reformation remouing Ser. Philippo Peruzzi and in his place appointing one other to gouerne according to the pleasure of the great men putting in prison Giouan the sonne of Simone Vespucci The gouernment thus setled the offices of state taken anew they turned their minds to matters abroad Nicholo Piccinino being as hath bene beforesaid abandoned by the King Alfonso and the Earle with the helpe he had of the Florētines became strong assailed Nicholo neare vnto Fermo and there gaue him so great an ouerthrow that Nicholo lost wel-neare all his souldiers and with a fewe fled into Montecchio Nicholo tarried there all the winter to increase his army and therein was helped by the Pope king Alfonso In so much as the spring time being come and the other Captaines returned to the field Nicholo was the strōger and the Earle brought to extreame necessitie and had bene vtterly defeated if the intent of Nicholo had not bene by the Duke altered Philippo sent for Nicholo pretēding to haue occasion by mouth to impart vnto him matters of great importance Which Nicholo being desirous to heare abandoned a certaine victorie for an incertaine pleasure and leauing Francesco his sonne to gouerne the army went vnto Milan The Earle vnderstāding of his departure frō the Camp would not lose the opportunitie to fight in the absence of Nicholo and assaulting the army of Nicholo neare vnto the Castle of Monte Loro ouerthrew it and tooke Francesco prisoner Nicholo at his arriuall in Milan seeing himself abused by Philippo vnderstāding his camp to be brokē his son prisoner with sorow died the yere 1445. being of the age of 64. yeares hauing bene a Captaine more vertuous then happie Of him there remained two sonnes Francesco and Giacopo who as they were of lesse vertue then the father so had they worse fortune By which meane the souldiers bred by Braccio were almost worne out and the discipline of Sforza alwaies holpen by fortune became more glorious The Pope seeing the army of Nicholo suppressed and him dead nor much hoping in the aide of Arragon sought to make peace with the Earle which by mediation of the Florentines was concluded The peace made in La Marca all Italy had liued in quiet if the Bolognesi had not disturbed the same There was in Bologna two mightie Families Channeschi and Bentiuogli of the one Annibale and of the other Battista was chiefe These to be the rather assured one of the others friendship contracted a marriage But betweene men which aspire to one greatnesse though alliance may easily be made yet friendship cannot Bolognia was in league with the Florentines and Venetians which league had bene concluded by meane of Annibale Bentiuogli after they had driuen out Francesco Piccinino Battista knowing that the Duke desired greatly to haue the fauour of that Cittie practised with him to kill Annibale and bring that Cittie vnder his ensigne The order of this murther agreed vpon the 24 of Iune 1445. Battista with his men assaulted Annibale slew him which done he proclaimed the Dukes name throughout the towne At that time the Commissaries for the Venetians and the Florentines were in Bologna and at the first rumor retired vnto their houses but afterwards perceiuing that the murtherers were not fauoured by the people who were in great numbers armed and assembled lamenting the death of Annibale they tooke courage went towards them assailed the Canneschi whom in lesse then one houre they ouerthrew slaying some and forcing the rest to flie the Cittie Battista not fleeing in time nor slaine remained at his house and hid himself in a vessell made for the keeping of corne His enemies hauing all the day sought him and assured he was not gone out of the towne threatned his seruants so much as one of them at length discouered where he was From thence he was taken out and slaine then drawne through the streets and at last burned so as the victorie of the Duke was of force sufficient to perswade Annibale to the enterprise but not of power ynough to saue him from death Thus by the death of Battista and the fleeing of the Canneschi these tumuls were appeased The Bolognesi remained in great confusion bicause there was not left of the house of Bentiuogli any man fit for gouernmēt And for that there remained one sonne onely of Annibale but six yeares old who was called Giouanni the Bolognesi feared least among the friends of the Bentiuogli some diuision would grow which might perhaps occasion the returne of the Canneschi with the ruine of their countrey and faction While the Bolognesi continued in this doubtfull imagination Francesco late Earle of Poppi being in Bologna informed the chiefe Cittizens that if they had desire to be gouerned by one descended of the bloud of Annibale he could informe them of such a one Declaring that about 20. yeares past Hercole the Cosen of Annibale happened to be at Poppi and had there carnall knowledge of a yong woman in that Castle who was after deliuered of a sonne called Santi whom Hercole diuerse times affirmed to be his And it seemed to be a thing likely for that the child so much resembled Hercole as liker it could not be His words were belieued by those Cittizens and they deserred no time to send vnto Florence to find out the yong man and perswade with Cosimo di Medici and Neri Capponi that they might haue him The supposed father of this Santi was dead and the yong man liued vnder the tuition of an Vncle of his called Antonio Cascese This Antonio was rich without children and friend to Neri The matter being vnderstood Neri thought fit neither to reiect the motion nor imbrace it but commaunded that Santi in the presence of Cosimo and those that were sent frō Bologna should speake with him Then order being taken for their meeting Santi was by the Bolognesi not only honored but also as it were adored Then Cosimo calling Santi aside said vnto him there is none that in this matter can better counsell thee then thy selfe for thou art to take
number of eight thousand vnder the conduct of Astore di Faenza and Gismondo Malatesti held the enemie aloofe towards the Castle of Colle fearing alwaies they should be forced to fight and thought that if they lost not that day they could not lose the warre Because the small Castles being lost might be recouered by peace and the great townes were assured by reason the enemie was not able to assaile them The King had also vpon the sea neare to Pisa twentie saile of Gallies and Foysts And while La Castellina was assaulted that Nauie battered the fortresse of Vade which through the small diligence of the Captaine was taken By meane whereof the enemie afterwards molested the country thereabouts Which molestation was easilie remoued of certaine souldiers aduenturers sent by the Florentines who constrained the enemie not to retire far from the sea side The Pope during these warres intermedled not but where he hoped to make peace betweene the parties For he refrained the warres abroad fearing greater troubles at home In those dayes liued Steffano Porcari a Citizen of Rome both for birth and learning but much more for courage and magnanimitie of minde to be honoured This Steffano according to the custome of men desirous of glorie thought to do or at the least to attempt some thing worthie memorie Then imagining he could not take in hand any thing more worthie then to deliuer his country from the subiection of the priests reduce it to the ancient libertie resolued to enterprise that action hoping therby if it were brought to passe to be called a new founder and father of Rome Those things which gaue him hope of happie successe were the wicked conuersation of the Prelates with the discontentment of the Barrons and people But aboue all other he was most encouraged with certaine verses written by the Poet Francesco Petrarcha in his song which beginneth thus Spirto gentil che quelle membra reggi c. Sopra il monte Tarpeo Canzon Vedrai Vn Cauallier che Italia tutta honora Pensoso Piu d'altrui che di se stesso This Steffano was perswaded that Poettes many times were inspired with the diuine spirite of prophesie Whereof hee conceiued that fortune would assuredly happen vnto him which Petrarcha had in his verses prophecied and that himselfe was the man that should be the executor of so glorious an enterprise imagining that for eloquence for learning for fauour and friends there was no Romane to him comparable This conceipt possessing him he resolued to execute the same yet could he not so secretly practise but by words by conuersation and his manner of life somewhat was discouered and by that mean became suspected to the Pope who to remooue him from the commoditie of doing harme confined him to Bologna and commaunded the Gouernor of that Citie euerie day to see him Notwithstanding Steffano for this first disgrace dismaied not but with the more endeuour followed his enterprise and by all secret subtill meanes practised with his friends going to Rome and returning with such speed as he might at times necessarie present himselfe to the Gouernour And so soone as hee had drawne a sufficient number of men to be of his minde determined without further delaie to attempt the enterprise giuing order to his friends in Rome that at a time prefixed they should prepare a solemne supper where all the conspirators should meete and euerie man bring with him his assured friends and hee himselfe before the supper were ended would be there also All things were done according to appointment and Steffano arriued at the feast After supper apparrelled himselfe in cloath of gold and other ornaments which gaue him Maiestie and reputation In that sort he came forth to the conspirators embracing them perswading them with long speech to be resolute and readie to performe so glorious an attempt Then he deuised the order therof appointing part of them the next morning to surprize the Popes Pallace the rest to call the people to armes The same night as some say through infidelitie of the conspirators the matter was reuealed to the Pope Others affirme that it came to knowledge by those that sawe Steffano come into Rome But howsoeuer it were the same night after supper the Pope caused Steffano with the most part of his companions to be apprehended and according to their merits put to death Such was the end of this his enterprise It may be that some wil commend his intention yet wil his iudgment of all men be reproued Because this and such like enterprises although they carry with them a shadow of glorie yet in executiō they bring almost euer assured misaduenture The war had now continued in Toscana almost one whole yeare and the armies were returned to the field in the yeare 1454. At which time Alisandro Sforza was come to the Florentines with supply of two thousand horse Wherby the Florentine army was wel encreased and the Kings Camp diminished The Florentines thought good to recouer some things by them lost so with small labor gained the possession of certaine Townes Afterwardes they incamped before Foiano which through negligence of the Commissaries was sacked and the inhabitans being dispersed wold not willingly return thither til such time as by priuiledges rewards they were allured The fortresse of Vada was also recouered For the enemies seeing they could not defend it did presently abandon burn it During the time that these things were done by the Florentine army the Kings souldiers fearing to come neare their enemies retired themselues towards Siena many times spoiling the Florentines country committing robberies tumults and exceeding great displeasures Neuerthelesse that King omitted not to deuise some other way to assault the enemies to cut off their forces or by new troubles assaults to keep them occupied Gherardo Gambacorti was Lord in the vale of Bagno He and his auncestors either by friendship or by obligation had alwaies in times past either as hired or as recommended serued the Florentines With him the King Alfonso practised to haue that countrey and offred in recompence therof an other in the kingdome This practise was discouered at Florence yet to sound the dispositiō of Gherardo they sent an Embassador to remēber him of the obligation of his ancestors and his owne also and therewith to persuade him to continue his fidelitie towards that Commonweale Gherardo seemed to meruaile much at this message with great othes protested that neuer any disloiall thought had entred his minde and that he would come vnto Florence and make his owne person a pledge of his fidelitie neuerthelesse being at that present sick he could not goe thither but with the Embassador would needs send his sonne to remaine in Florence as an hostage These words this demōstration brought the Florentines to beleeue that Gherardo had said troth and his accuser being accounted a lier was not regarded nor the accusation any more thought
haue bene greater then the mind of man could haue conceiued But it pleased God by that small example to reuiue in mens mindes the memory of his power But now to returne to our matter The King Alfonso as is before said discontented with the peace and seeing that the warre which he caused Giacopo Piccinino to make vpon the Sanesi without any reasonable occasion had wrought no effect he thought to moue an other with the allowance of the league And in the yeare 1456. he assaulted the Genouesi both by sea and land as desirous to giue that state to the Adorni and depriue the Frigosi who then gouerned Besides that he caused Giacopo Piccinino to passe Tronto and assault Gismondo Malatesti who hauing well manned his townes regarded not much the assault of Giacopo so as the enterprise of the King on this side tooke no effect at all But that warre of Genoua occasioned more warre to him and his Kingdome then himselfe looked for At that time Pietro Fregoso was Duke of Genoua he fearing himselfe to be of force vnable to withstand the Kings assault determined to giue that to an other which himselfe could not hold and yeeld it into the hands of such a one that would at the least in that respect defend him so might he also hope in time to come to be reacquited Then sent he Embassadors to Carlo the seauenth King of France and offered him the dominion of Genoua Carlo accepted this offer and to take possession of that Cittie sent thither Giouanni de Angio sonne to King Rinato who not long before was departed from Florence and returned into Fraunce For Carlo was perswaded that Giouanni hauing bene before imployed in Italy knew how to gouerne that Cittie better then any other hoping also that being there he might deuise vpon the enterprise of Naples of which Kingdome Alfonso had dispossessed his father Rinato Then went Giouanni to Genoua and being there was receiued as Prince All the fortresses belonging to the Cittie with the whole gouernment were deliuered to his hand This accident displeased Alfonso thinking he had drawne in an enemy ouer mightie yet not dismayed therewith couragiously followed his enterprise and sayled on with his Nauie till he came vnder Villa Marina at Ponto Fino where taken with a sodeine disease he died By death of this King Giouanni and the Genouesi were deliuered of the warre and Ferrando who succeeded his father Alfonso in the Kingdome grew suspitious least an enemy of so great reputation in Italy might happily win the fauour of many his Barons whose fidelitie he doubted and whose mindes he knew desirous of Innouation for which respects they might percase be perswaded to ioyne with the French He also instructed the Pope whose ambitious mind as he thought aspired to take from him this new Kingdome His onely trust was in the Duke of Milan he being indeed no lesse carefull of the Kingdome then was Ferrando for he mistrusted that if the French did preuaile they would also labour to surprize his state which they had some colour to claime as to them apperteining That Duke therfore presently vpon the death of Alfonso determined to giue that Kingdome vnto Pietro Lodouico Borgia his nephew Also to make that enterprise seeme more honest and acceptable to the rest of the Italian Princes he published that his intent was to reduce that Kingdom vnder the Church of Rome perswading the Duke in that respect not to fauour Ferrando offering him those townes which of auncient time he possessed in the Kingdome But in the middest of these imaginations and new troubles Pope Calisto died and in his place was created Pio secundo borne in Siena and of the family of Piccolhuomini This Pope minding onely to benefite the Christians and honor the Church setting aside all priuate passion at the Duke of Milans request crowned the King Ferrando thinking he should better appease the warres by mainteining of him in possession then by fauouring the French to giue them the Kingdome or if he should as Calisto did challenge it for himselfe For this benefite Ferrando gaue vnto Antonio the Popes nephew the principallitie of Malfi and married him vnto his owne base daughter He restored also Beneuento and Terracina to the Church Then all men supposing that the armes of Italy were laid downe the Pope tooke order to mooue the Christians to make warre vpon the Turks as it was before deuised by Pope Calisto At which time there rose great dissention betwixt the Fregosi and Giouanni de Angio Lord of Genoua which dissention reuiued a warre of more importance then was the other alreadie passed At that time Pietrino Fregoso happened to be at a Castle of his in Riuiera He not holding himselfe according to his merits rewarded by Giouanni de Angio who by help of him and others of his house was made Prince became open enemy to Giouanni This discord pleased Ferrando as that which might onely be the meanes of his good speed Then sent he men and money to Pietrino hoping by his aide to driue Giouanni from that state Which he knowing sent into Fraunce to encounter Pietrino There finding much fauour he receiued a great supply and went against Pietrino who was become strong also so as Giouanni retired into the Cittie where also in the night Pietrino entred and possessed some places thereof but the next morning was by the souldiers of Giouanni assaulted and slaine and all his men likewise either slaine or taken This victorie encouraged Giouanni to set vpon the Kingdome and in October 1459. with a mightie nauie he departed from Genoua And landing at Baia marched from thence to Sessa where he was by the Duke of that countrey receiued Then came vnto Giouanni the Prince of Tarranto the Cittizens of Aquila with many other townes and Princes in so much as that Kingdome was almost ruined Ferrando seeing that desired aide of the Pope and the Duke Also to haue the fewer foes made peace with Gismondo Malatesti wherewith Giacopo Piccinino being naturall enemy to Gismondo became so much displeased as he discharged himselfe from the seruice of Ferrando and ioyned with Giouanni Ferrando also sent money to enterteine Federigo Lord of Vrbino and within short space he assembled according vnto that time a great army Then marched he to the riuer of Sarni where he found the enemy and fought with him in which conflict the forces of King Ferrando were ouerthrowne and many of his principall Captaines taken But notwithstanding this ouerthrow the Cittie of Naples with a fewe other townes and some Princes continued faithfull to Ferrando though all the rest of the Realme and Nobilitie yeelded their obedience to Giouanni Giacopo Piccinino perswaded Giouanni to follow the victorie and presently to marche to Naples thereby to possesse himselfe of the chiefe Cittie of the Kingdome which Giouanni refused to do saying he would first spoile all the countrey and then it would be more easie to surprize
The other following Barnardo surprized the Pallace and committed the Podesta with all his familie to the custodie of one of his companie Which done they walked the streets proclaiming the name of libertie By that time it was day and many people by meane of the noise came to the market place where vnderstanding that the Cittadell and Pallace were taken the Gouernor also with his familie imprisoned they meruailed much The eight Cittizens chiefe Officers of the towne assembled in their Pallace to consult what was to be done But Barnardo and his men hauing awhile walked the towne and finding himselfe not well followed hearing where the eight were went vnto them declaring that the occasion of his enterprise was to deliuer them and their countrey from bondage and that they should gaine great glorie to take armes and accompanie him in that glorious action whereby they should win perpetuall quiet and eternall fame He also laid before them the memorie of their auncient libertie comparing it with their present condition He likewise told them what aide they should be assured to haue of others if they would but for a fewe daies defend themselues from the Florentine forces He informed them moreouer that he had intelligence in Florence whereby he was aduertised that Cittie would wholie follow him The eight not moued with these perswasions answered that they knew not whether Florence liued in libertie or bondage as a thing they desired not to vnderstand But well they knew their owne desire was not to enioy other libertie then to obey those Magistrates that gouerned in Florence of whome they had not receiued any such iniurie as might moue to take armes against them Wherefore they perswaded him to restore the Podesta to his libertie send his men out of the towne and saue himselfe speedily from that danger whereinto he was vnaduisedly fallen These speeches dismaied not Barnardo for he intēded to see if feare might moue the Pratesi to that which with intreaty could not Therefore to terrifie the Cittizens and determining to put the Podesta to death he tooke him out of prison and commanded him to be hanged at the Pallace window The Podesta being brought to the window the halter vpon his neck and seeing Barnardo to sollicit his death turned himselfe towards him and said Barnardo thou puttest me to death hoping the rather to be followed of the Pratesi but the contrarie will come to passe For the reuerence which this people doth beare to the Gouernors sent by the Florentines is so great that so soone as they shall see this iniurie done to me they will hate thee so much as the same will prooue thy ruine wherefore not my death but my life may be the occasion of thy victorie For if I commaund them that which thou wouldst haue done they will more willinglie obey me then thee Thus I following thy direction thou mayst become owner of thy desire This counsell seemed to Barnardo being a man irresolute verie reasonable and therefore willed him at a window to commaund the people to yeeld their obedience to Barnardo Which being done the Podesta was lead back to prison By this time the weakenesse of the conspirators was discouered and many Florentines inhabiting that towne were assembled among whome was Georgio Ginori a Knight of Ierusalem He being the first that tooke armes against the Rebels assaulted Barnardo in the streets sometimes intreating and sometimes threatning the people to follow him till at length by Georgio and many others who tooke armes Barnardo was hurt and taken Which done it was no hard matter to deliuer the Podesta and vanquish the rest For they being fewe and diuided into sundrie parts of the towne were welneare all taken or slaine In the meane space the fame of this accident was come to Florence and reported to be much greater then it was For the aduertisements were that Prato was surprized the Podesta with his houshold put to death Pistoia in armes and many of the Cittizens of the conspiracie in so much as many Cittizens sodeinly came to the Pallace to consult with the Senate At that time Roberto Sanseuerino happened to be in Florence who being a man of great experience in warre was sent with certaine forces to Prato commaunded that he should approach the towne and send back particuler aduertisements in what state the same stood and do there what by his wisedome should be thought good Roberto marching on his way and passing the Castle of Campi a messenger came vnto him from Cesare Petrucci declaring that Barnardo was taken his companions fled or slaine and all the tumult pacified Whereupon Roberto returned to Florence and shortly after Barnardo being brought thither a prisoner and demaunded why he tooke that enterprise in hand aunswered bicause he determined rather to die in Florence then liue in exile and thought good to accompanie his death with some memorable action This tumult begun and ended as it were in one instant the Cittizens of Florence returned to their wonted order of life thinking to enioy that state without suspition which they had lately established and setled whereof insued those inconueniences which many times be ingendred by peace for the youth became more prodigall then they were wont spending their money in apparrell feasting and other like vanities and being idle consumed their substance in play and women Their whole studie was to be brauely apparrelled and to seeme wittie or subtile for he that could most cunninglie mock and deride others was holden the wisest and most esteemed These and such like disorders were by the Courtiers of Milan increased For at that time thither came the Duke with his wife and Court to performe as he said a certaine vowe and was there receiued with pompe meete for so great a Prince and friend to the Florentines In that time also was seene a thing in Florence neuer before vsed which was that the Courtiers of Milan notwithstanding the time of Lent did without respect of the Ecclesiasticall order eate almost none other meate but flesh Albeit the Duke found the Cittie of Florence full of courtlie delicacie and customes contrarie to all well ordered ciuilitie yet his comming increased the same Wherefore the good Cittizens thought fit and necessarie to bridle the excesse with new lawes for apparrell for funerals and feastings In the midst of this great peace there happened in Toscana a new and vnlooked for tumult In the Prouince of Volterra certaine Cittizens happened to finde a Mine of Allum whereof knowing the commoditie to be helped with money and defended with authoritie they ioyned with them some Cittizens of Florence making them partakers of such profit as should thereof arise This matter at the beginning as it happeneth for the most part in all new actions was by the people of Volterra little esteemed But the commoditie thereof afterwards knowne they desired too late and without effect that which at the first they might easilie haue obteined Then began they to propound
minds more prepared for that action they alwaies talked thereof and with the sheathes of daggers made for that purpose one of them in the breast and belly strake the other Then they deuised of the time and place In the Castle they thought it not fit to be performed In hunting they feared it would proue incerteine perilous When the Duke walked in the streets for pleasure they imagined it would be hard and vnlikely to be done And at feasts they doubted the places would not serue Wherefore they resolued at some publique pompe and triumph where they were certaine of his being to kill him for thither they might vnder diuerse coulours assemble their friends They concluded also that if any of them vpon occasion were by the officers apprehended the rest should with their swords in the middest of his enemies sley him This happened in the yeare 1476. The feast of Christmas then being at hand at which time on S. Stephens day the Duke was woont with great pomp to visit the Church of that holie Martir they resolued that place and time would best serue for the execution of their intent The morning of S. Stephens day being come they caused certaine of their most assured friends and seruants to arme themselues saying they would go to aide Giouandrea who contrarie to the mind of some his euill willers would make a conduct for water in a certaine ground of his They being thus armed went to the Church pretending that they would before their departure take leaue of the Prince They procured also diuerse other their friends and kinsfolks for sundrie considerations to come thither hoping that the deed being done euery one would follow them to performe the rest of the enterprise And their intent was the Duke being slaine to ioyne with those armed and goe to that place of the Cittie where they might more easily raise the people and perswade them to arme themselues against the Duchesse and Princes of the State supposing the people by meanes of the famine wherewith they were then grieued would easily fauour the enterprise and vnto the people they determined to giue leaue to spoile the houses of Ceco Simonetta Giouanni Botti and Francesco Lucani all Magistrates of the gouernment whereby they should be assured of them and gaue the people libertie This resolution was set downe and the execution thereof firmely agreed vpon in their minds Giouandrea with the rest met earely in the Church and there altogithers heard Masse which being ended Giouandrea turning towards the image of S. Ambrose sayd O Ambrose Lord of our Cittie thou knowest our intention and the end wherefore we will aduenture our selues to so many perils Be fauourable to this our enterprise and by fauouring of iustice shew how greatly iniustice doth displease thee To the Duke on the other side before he came to the Church many signes happened to prognosticate his death at hand For the day being come he put on his priuie armour as euerie other day for the most part he did yet sodeinly before he went from his house either bicause he thought it not sightly or that it did hurt his bodie he tooke it off Then thought he to haue heard Masse in the Castle but his Chapleine was gone to S. Steffano Then commaunded hee that the Bishop of Como should say the Masse but he alleaged certaine reasonable lets so the Duke was as it were by necessitie occasioned to goe to the Church But first he called for his two sonnes Giouangaliazzo and Hermes whome he embraced and kissed often as though he had no power to depart from them yet in the end he determined to goe and comming out of the Castle betwixt the Embassadors of Farrara and Mantoua rode to the Temple The conspirators in the meane while to giue the lesse suspition and keepe them from the cold were retired into a chamber belonging to the chiefe Priest of the Church their friend and vnderstanding that the Duke did come they came from the chamber into the Church Giouandrea and Girolamo placed themselues on the right hand of the Church doore and Carlo on the left hand Then those that went before the Duke entered the Churche doore and after the Duke himselfe inuironed with a greate multitude of people as it alwaies happeneth in time of such a princelie pompe The firste of the Conspirators that went towardes him were Lampugnano and Girolamo They pretending to make place and roome for the Prince came hard vnto his person and assaulted him with short and sharpe daggers which they had hidden in their sleeues Lampugnano gaue him two woundes the one in the bellie the other in the throate Girolamo likewise in the throate and in the brest strake him Carlo Visconti standing neare vnto the doore and the Duke past him at such time as his companions gaue the assault could not hurt him before but gaue him two other wounds one on the shoulder the other in the back and these sixe wounds were all so sodeinly and speedily giuen that the Duke was fallen to the ground before any man knewe what the matter meaned Neither could he do or say any thing that was knowne but in falling one onely time he cried O Ladie helpe me The Duke thus laid on the ground the rumor grew great many swords were drawne out and as it hapned in like cases vnlooked for some fled out of the Church and some ranne thither without any certaine knowledge or occasion of the matter But those who were next vnto the Duke seeing him slaine and knowing the murtherers pursued them Of the conspirators Giouandrea intending to get out of the Church went amongst the women who being many and according to their custome set on the ground was so troubled and staied with their garments that he was by a Moore one of the Dukes footmen ouertaken and slaine Carlo was likewise by those that were present killed But Girolamo Olgiato escaped out of the Church seeing his companions slaine and not knowing whither to flee went home where he could be neither by his father nor brothers receiued But his mother onely hauing compassion of her sonne did recommend him to a Priest an auncient friend of that house who put him in Priestlike garments and remooued him to his house where he remained two daies hoping that some tumult in Milan would arise and thereby he might be saued But that not comming to passe and fearing to be found there he assaied to flee disguised yet being knowne was brought before the Magistrates and there he confessed all the order of the conspiracie This Girolamo was twentie three yeares of age and died with no lesse courage then he had executed the enterprise For being brought to his death stript naked and prepared for the hangman who with his knife in hand stood readie to cut him in pieces he spake these Laten words Mors acerba fama perpetua stabit vetus memoria facti This enterprise was by these vnhappie yoong men secretly practised and
resolutely executed The cause of their destruction was that they were not followed and defended of them to whome they trusted Let Princes therefore learne to make themselues so much honored and loued as no man can hope to hurt them and saue himselfe And let all priuate persons know how vaine it is to thinke that the multitude notwithstanding it be discontented will in their perils follow or accompanie them This accident amazed all Italy but much more trouble proceeded of other chances that shortly after happened in Florence For thereby the peace which had continued in Italy the space of twelue yeares was broken as in the Booke following shall be declared Which Booke as it beginneth with bloud and terror so doth it end with sorrow and miserie The ende of the seuenth Booke THE EIGHT BOOKE THE beginning of this Booke placed amidst two conspiracies the one in Milan alreadie declared the other happened in Florence and to be spoken of it may be thought fit that according to my custome I should somewhat saie touching the quallitie of conspiracies and of what importance they are Which willingly I would do had I not in other places discoursed thereof or that such a matter might be briefelie passed ouer But seeing it requireth great consideration and is alreadie spoken of we will proceed and tell how the Medici hauing ouercome all enemies that openly opposed themselues being desirous their house alone might haue authoritie in the Cittie it behoued them to oppresse all others that secretly practised against them For so long as they contended against other families but with equall authoritie the Cittizens enuying their greatnesse might openly and without feare affront them Bicause the Magistrates being free neither partie before losse of victorie had any occasion to feare it selfe But after the victorie in the yeare 66. the State became so much in the hand and power of the Medici as all men discontented were inforced either patiētly to abide the condition wherein they liued or else by way of conspiracie and secret practise to amend their fortune But sith cōspiracies are with difficultie performed for the most part they procure the ruine of the conspirators and the greatnes of him against whome they be conspired So that a Prince by conspiracie assaulted if he be not therein slaine as was the Duke of Milan which seldome hapneth becommeth thereby the stronger and being before good becommeth euill Bicause conspiracies do giue him occasion to feare feare counsaileth him to seeke assurance and in seeking assurance he doth iniure others whereby he gaineth hatred and many times procureth his own destruction So as in cōclusion treasons do sodeinly ouerthrow those who attempt them and trouble him many times against whome they be attempted Italy was as hath bene before declared diuided into two factions the Pope and the King on the one side and the Venetians the Duke and Florentines on the other side And albeit there was not betwixt them any warre moued yet was there dailie occasion giuen thereof and the Pope chiefelie in all his actions studied to offend the state of Florence Philippo de Medici Archbishop of Pisa then dying the Pope contrarie to the will of the Senate of Florence gaue that Bishopprick to Francesco Saluiati whome hee knewe to bee enemie to the house of Medici But the Senate denying to deliuer possession thereof there followed great displeasure betwixt the Pope and the Medici Besides that the Pope did great fauours in Rome to the familie of Pazzi and in euerie acte disfauoured the house of Medici In those daies the house of Pazzi liued aboue other the Florentine families in most riches and glorie The chiefe of them was called Giacopo who for his riches and Nobilitie was made Knight He hauing no children but one onely daughter had for heires diuerse nephews sonnes of Piero and Antonio his brethren The chiefe of whom were Guglielmo Francesco Rinato and Giouanni After them Andrea Nicholo and Galeotto Cosimo de Medici seeing their riches and nobilitie gaue his neece Biancha in marriage to Guglielmo hoping that alliance would make those houses more vnited and remoue all occasion of displeasures and suspitions which many times hapned betwixt them Notwithstāding so incertaine and fallible are the expectatiōs of men the matter came otherwise to passe for those that counselled Lorenzo told him it was perilous and contrary to his authoritie to suffer the Citizens to increase their riches and state which was the cause that those degrees of honor were not graunted to Giacopo and his nephews which as other Citizens thought they deserued Hereof grew the first displeasure of the Pazzi and the first feare of the Medici The increasing of the one was cause that the other also increased in so much as the Pazzi in all actions whereat other Citizens did meete were not to the Magistrates welcome Also the officers of eight men vpon a like occasion without such respect as was wont to be borne towards the great Citizens constrained Francesco de Pazzi being at Rome to returne to Florence Whereupon the Pazzi in all places with iniurious words and full of offence complained which doings caused others to suspect think thēselues to be iniured Giouanni de Pazzi had married the daughter of Giouanni Barromei a man of great riches which riches after his death for want of sonnes should come vnto her Neuertheles Carlo his nephew toke possession of part of those goods and therby the matter being brought to triall and sute an order was made by vertue wherof the wife of Giouanni de Pazzi was disinherited and the possessions giuen to Carlo which iniurie the Pazzi did altogither impute to the Medici Of this matter Giuliano de Medici did many times lament and complaine to his brother Lorenzo saying he feared least they desiring too much should lose all But Lorenzo being full of youth and authoritie would needs take all vpon him and make euery man know that all things were done by him The Pazzi being noble and rich could not indure so great iniuries but deuised by what means they might procure reuenge The first that moued speech against the Medici was Francesco He being of more courage and life then the others determined to get that which he wanted or lose that which he had And bicause the gouernment of Florence was hatefull vnto him he liued for the most part in Rome and there according to the custome of Florentine Merchants occupied great summes of money Being also of familier acquaintance with the Earle Girolamo one of them often complained to the other of the Medici In so much as after many consultations they concluded that to make the one of them assured of his lands and the other of his Cittie it was necessarie to alter the gouernment of Florence which they thought could not be done without the death of Giuliano and Lorenzo They also supposed that the Pope and the King would easily thereto consent if the facilitie of the enterprise
actions of this Pope were to him displeasing and would be content that men iniured not hauing any other refuge might resort vnto him Wherefore the Florentines did not onely refuse to obey this excommunication but also the same notwithstanding inforce their Priests to celebrate diuine seruice They also assembled a Councell in Florence wherunto all the Prelates of Toscana repaired and appealed from the Pope to the next Councell On the other side the Pope wanted not reasons to iustifie his cause and therefore alleaged it was the office of a chief Bishop to remoue tyrants oppresse the wicked and aduaunce the good All which things it behoued him by all waies to procure For it was not the office of seculer Princes to imprison Cardinals hang vp Bishops to kill cut in peeces and drawe the Priests through the streets murthering both guiltie and vnguiltie people without respect Notwithstanding all these quarrels and accusations the Cardinall whom the Florentines kept prisoner was released and sent home to the Pope which was the cause that the Pope without respect with all his and the Kings forces assailed them And those two armies conducted by Alfonso eldest sonne of Ferrando Duke of Calauria and by Federigo Earle of Vrbino entred Chianti by leaue of the Sanesi who fauoured the enemie and surprized Radda with diuerse other Castles and spoyled the countrey which done they encamped at Castellina The Florentines seeing these assaults were much afraid being without men and slowly aided by friends For albeit the Duke had sent a supplie yet the Venetians denied they were bound to helpe them in priuate causes And the warre being against priuate men they were not to aide them because priuate quarrels are not publiquely to be defended Wherefore the Florentines thought good by Embassadors to perswade the Venetians to a better opinion and sent Tomaso Soderini vnto the Senate In the meane space souldiers were enterteined and Hercole Marquesse of Farrara appointed Generall While this preparation was in making the enemy distressed Castellina and the people there dispairing of rescue after fortie daies defence yeelded From thence the enemie marched towards Arezzo and laid siege to Monte S. Souino By this time the Florentine armie was readie and being come within three miles the enemie seemed therewith perplexed For Federigo de Vrbino desired truce for a fewe daies which was graunted with so great disaduauntage to the Florentines that they who desired it did much meruaile For if that request had not bene obteined they had bene forced to depart with shame But hauing those daies to repaire them in the ende of the truce they tooke that Castle before the faces of our men Yet the winter at hand the enemy to lodge himselfe with more commoditie retired into the countrey of Siena The Florentines likewise bestowed themselues where with most commoditie they could And the Marquesse of Farrara hauing litle profitted himselfe and done lesse good to others returned to his owne In those daies Genoua rebelled from the Duke vppon these considerations After the death Galeazzo hauing left his sonne yoong and vnfit to gouerne their grew discention betwixt Lodouico Octauiano and Ascanio his vncles and the Ladie Bona his mother for euerie of them desired the tuition of the litle Duke In which contentions the Ladie Bona Duchesse by counsell of Tomaso Soderini Embassador there for the Florentines and Cecco Simonetti who had bene Secretarie to Galeazzo gat the vpper hand Whereupon the Sforzi fled from Milan Octauiano flying was drowned in the Riuer Adda and the others togither with Roberto of Sanseuerino were to sundrie places confined for Roberto in those troubles had abandoned the Duches and ioyned with them After happened some tumults in Toscana by which new accidents those Princes hoping of new fortune euerie of them attempted somewhat whereby to returne to his country The King Ferrando who saw that the Florentines were in their necessitie succoured onely by the state of Milan to take also from them that aide found meanes that the Duchesse should so be set a worke in her country as of her they could not be aided And by Prospero Adorno and the Lord Roberto who were rebelled found meanes to make Genoua reuolt from the Duke Neuerthelesse the small Castle stood firme wherunto the Duchesse sent great forces to recouer the Citie but they were ouerthrowne Then she seeing the daunger of her sonne and her selfe by the continuance of that warre Toscana disordered and the Florentines in whom she onely hoped afflicted determined that sith she could not hold Genoua as subiect she would recouer it as a friend And agreed with Battistino Fregoso enemie to Prospero Adorno to giue him the little Castle and make him Prince of Genoua vpon condition that he would driue out Prospero and disfauour the Sforzi According to this agreement Battistino with the helpe of the Castle and his faction surprized Genoua and according to the custome made himselfe Doge The Sforzi then and the Lord Roberto being driuen out of Genoua went with their followers to Lunigiana Thereupon the Pope and King seeing the troubles of Lombardy pacified tooke occasion by those that were driuen from Genoua to disturbe that part of Toscana which is towards Pisa To the ende that the Florentines diuiding their forces should become weake and tooke order that the winter now past Roberto should goe with his forces from Lunigiana to assault the countrey of Pisa This Roberto then moued exceeding great tumult surprizing and sacking many castles in that country spoiling hard to the wals of Pisa At that time arriued in Florence Embassadors from the Emperor the French King and the King of Hungary sent by those Princes to the Pope They perswaded the Florentines also to send vnto him promising to make some end of the war and procure a good peace The Florentines refused not to make this trial and the rather that therby they should let the world know they were desirous of peace These Embassadors dispatched returned again without any thing done Wherupō the Florētines to honor themselues by the reputation of the French King being by the Italians partly offended partly abandoned sent vnto him Donato Acciaiuoli a man well learned in the Greek Latin toongs one whose ancestors had alwaies born office in the citie but being on his way at Milan he died Then the state to reward his heires and honor the memory of him being dead with publike expence honorably buried his bodie aduancing his sons and giuing portions of mony to his daughters marriages In his place they sent Embassador to the King Guidantonio Vespucci a man also learned in the Emperial and Papall lawes The assault of Roberto vpon the country of Pisa troubled much the Florentines for being alreadie occupied in a great war towards Siena they saw not how to make prouisiō for Pisa But to hold the Lucchesi faithfull and that they should not releeue the enemie with mony or victual sent Embassador vnto
much as the factions came to bloud and euerie wise man feared future mischiefes Because the great men who were vsed to respect could not endure to be laide hand vppon and others were not content that euerie man should equally be burthened Many of the chiefe Citizens therefore assembled themselues and concluded that it behoued them to take the gouernment into their hands because their small diligence had giuen head and suffered the publique proceedings to be reproued allowing ouermuch boldnesse in those that were wont to be heads of the multitude Hauing to this effect consulted they determined manie times to meete all togither and in the church of S. Steffano assembled more then 70. Citizens with the lycence and allowance of Lorenzo Ridolfi and Francesco Gianfi gliazzi who at that time were of the Senate To this conuention Giouanni de Medici came not either because he was as a suspect vncalled or that hee would not being of contrary opinion appeare But Rinaldo delli Albizi as mouth of that companie discoursed the estate of the citie how by their negligence it was come to the hand of the multitude from whome in the yeare 1381. by their auncestors it was taken putting them in minde of the iniquitie that raigned in that state from the yeare 77. till 81. And how sith that time till this present some had their fathers slaine some their grandfathers now were returned to the selfesame perils the citie fallen to the like disorders because the multitude had alreadie at their pleasure imposed Subsidies wold ere lōg if the same were not by a greater force or better order withstood appoint the Magistrates Which being brought to passe the multitude would vsurpe their places and ruine that state which had bene with much glorie of the cittie fortie and two yeares continued and Florence should be gouerned either casually vnder the will of the multitude so as one part should liue lycentiously the other daungerously or vnder the commandement of some one that shall make him selfe Prince of all Wherefore he assured them that euerie man that loued his country and his owne honour was constrained to beware and put them in minde of the vertue of Bardo Mancini who with the ruine of the Alberti saued the citie from those perils wherein it then was and that occasion of boldnesse in the multitude proceeded of the large Squittini which were by their negligence made which was the cause also that the Pallace was filled with new men and people of base condition He therefore concluded that the only remedie was to yeeld the gouernment to the great Citizens and remoue the lesse Artificers from their authoritie reducing them from 14. to 7. companies Which should be a meane that the multitude could haue in the Councels lesse authoritie as well in respect that the number of them were diminished as that the great men should haue most power who for the old enmity did disfauour the multitude affirming likewise that to know how to imploy men according to the time was great wisedom For as their ancestors vsed the multitude to oppresse the insolency of the great men who thereby became humble and the multitude insolent so it were now fit to bridle the insolencie thereof with the aide of the great men And for compassing of these matters they might resort either to subtiltie or force For some of them beeing of the Tenne by that colour might bring men secretly into the citie This counsell giuen by Rinaldo was by euery man allowed And Nicholo of Vzano among other said that all things alledged by Rinaldo were true and the remedies good and certaine if the same might be done without manifest diuision of the citie which would come to passe if Giouan de Medici were not perswaded from them For hee being on our side the multitude without head and force could not offend But if he wold not consent without armes it could not be And with armes it were daungerous for either they should not preuaile or not enioy the victory Also modestly he reduced to their memories his former admonitions how they refused to preuent these difficulties when they might But now the time serued not to do it without hazarding a greater mischiefe and therefore as the vttermost refuge it behoued to gaine his fauour Commissiō therfore was granted for Rinaldo to goe vnto Giouanni and perswade him to be of their minde This Gentleman performed his Commission and with the best reasons he was able perswaded him to enter with them into this action and that he would not for the loue of the multitude become insolent to the ruine of the state citie Wherto Giouanni answered that he thought it the office of a wise and good Citizen not to alter the accustomed orders of the citie because there was nothing that so much offended men as alteration sith thereby many be offended where many liue discontented some euill accident is daily to be looked for Also hee thought that this their resolution might worke two effects verie dangerous The one by giuing the honours to those who neuer before hauing them would not much esteeme them and should haue the lesse occasion to complaine if they neuer had them The other by taking the honours from those that were vsed to haue them should make them vnquiet till they were restored And so shall the iniurie done to the one part be greater then the benefit which the other part could thereby receiue Thus shall the authour of this change win few friends many enemies and these will be more ready to offend him thē the others to defend him For mē are more naturally inclined to reuēge an iniury thē be thankful for a good turne because this bringeth losse but that promiseth profit and pleasure Then turning his face towards Rinaldo saide And you sir if you remember matters passed with what subtilties men walk within this citie your self would be more lowe in these resolutions For the giuer of that counsell so soone as with your forces he hath taken away the authoritie of the people would againe take the same from you by the aide of those who by this meane of iniurie will become your foes And it will befall to you as it did to Benedetto Alberti who through the perswasions of him that loued him not cōsented to the ruine of Georgio Scali and Tomazo Strozzi and shortly after by the selfesame men that perswaded him was sent into exile Hee therefore wished him more naturally to thinke vpon matters be willing to follow his father who hauing loue of the multitude cared not to offend a fewe men euill disposed It was then ordained that whosoeuer had to paie halfe a Florine for Subsidie should paie it or not as himselfe pleased And besides all men indebted should for the day of the councell goe free with out molestation of his creditors In the end he concluded that for his owne part he would leaue the cittie in that
order and estate it presently remained These matters thus handled were vnderstood abroad and the same gaue great reputation to Giouanni and hatred to the other cittizens Neuerthelesse hee discontinued all affaires the rather to discourage those that vnder his fauour intended new practises Also in all his comunication hee let euerie man to vnderstand that hee would not nourish but extinguish factions And for himselfe he desired nothing but the vnion of the citie yet were manie that followed him therewith discontented For diuers of them did perswade him to be in those matters more quick of which number was Alamanno de medici who being fierce of nature ceased not to sollicite him to persecute their enemies fauour friends blaming his coldnesse slow maner of proceding Which was as he alledged occasion that their foes without respect practised against him Which one daie would take effect with the ruine of his house and friends To the same effect was hee encouraged by Cosimo his sonne Yet notwithstanding all these reasons to him reuealed or prognosticated hee stood firme in his intent and by that meanes the faction became discouered and the cittie in manifest diuision At that time were in the Pallace two Chauncellors one called Ser Martino and the other Ser Pagolo This fauoured the parte of Vzano that of Medici Rinaldo seeing that Giouanni refused to concurre with them thought fit to depriue Ser Martino of his office hoping afterwards to finde the Pallace more fuourable That practise foreseene by the aduersaries Martino was defended and Pagalo with sorrow and iniury of his friends remooued which had presently wrought bad effects if the present warre had not bene the citie by the ouerthrow receiued at Zagonara terrified During the time that these matters were managed in Florence Agnola della Pergola had with the Dukes forces taken all the townes which the Florentines possessed in Romagna Castaro and Modigliana excepted some of them beeing lost by the weakenesse of the place and others by the default of those that had them in guarde In the surprizing of these townes two notable things appeared The first how much the vertue of men euen to their enemies is acceptable The other how greatly cowardice and fainte heart is contemned Biagio of Milan was Captaine of the fortresse called Montepetroso He being enuironed with fire and enemies not finding any meanes how to defend his charge or escape with life cast ouer the wall where no fire yet burned certaine cloathes and strawe and vpon the same his owne two children and said to his enemies Take you here those goods which fortune hath giuen me and you haue power to bereaue me of but my riches of minde wherein glorie and my honour lieth neither will I giue them nor you can take them from me The enemies ran to saue the poore children and offered him roapes and ladders to conuey himselfe downe safe But he refused all succours chusing rather to die in fire then receiue a life from the enemies of his country An example truly like to those of the auncient time so highly commended And is the more notable that such resolutions are but rare The children were by the enemies restored to all thinges that were theirs and could be found and with great care conueyed to their friends to whom their countrey also was no lesse kinde For during their liues they were publikely releeued and mainteined The contrary happened in Galeata where Zanobi di Pino was Podesta For he without any defence yeelded his charge to the enemie and besides perswaded Agnolo to abandon the Alpes of Romagna and come into the hilles of Toscana where he might make warre with lesse perill and more profit But Agnolo could not endure the cowardice and base mind of that man and therfore gaue him prisoner to his seruants who in contempt and disdaine allowed him no more foode but painted cards saying by that means they would make him of a Guelfo to become a Ghibellino But within a fewe daies Pino pined to death In this meane time the Earle Oddo togither with Nicholo Piccinino was entred into the vale of Lamona to reduce the Lord of Faenza to the friendship of the Florentines or at the least to empeach Agnola della Pergola in the spoile of Romagna Yet by reason that vale is strong and the country people warlike it chaunced that Oddo was slaine and Nicholo Piccinino ledde prisoner to Faenza But fortune would that the Florentines obteined that by this losse which if they had woon the victorie should percase neuer haue bene compassed For Nicholo being prisoner wrought so with the Lord of Faenza his mother that they by his perswasion became friendes to the Florentines By this league Nicholo Piccinino was deliuered but folowed not that councel he gaue to others For whiles he cōmoned with the cities that enterteined him either for that the conditions he had made seemed ouer meane or that he hoped of better elsewhere suddeinly without leaue taking departed from Arezzo where hee lodged and went into Lombardy and there tooke paie of the Duke The Florentines by this accident became fearefull and being dismayd with their charges lost thought they could not alone maintaine the warre and therfore sent Embassadours to the Venetians desiring them while the enterprise was easie to ioyne against one who being suffered to grow might become as dangerous to them as to the Florentines To the same enterprise also Francesco Carmignuola did perswade them who was in those dayes accounted a man of warre most excellent and had bene sometimes a souldier vnder the Duke yet at that time rebelled against him The Venetians stood doubtfull not knowing how much they might trust Carmignuola fearing that the enmitie betwixt the Duke him was but fained They thus standing doubtfull it happened that the Duke procured one of the seruants of Carmignuola to poyson his maister which poyson not being strong inough killed him not but brought him to extremitie This being knowne to the Venetians cleared all suspition and the Florentines following their request the league was made betwixt them either partie binding himselfe to make warre at their common charge and that whatsoeuer were gotten in Lombardy should be the Venetians and whatsoeuer were possessed in Romagna should be the Florentines and Carmignuola to continue General of the league Then was the war by mean of this league brought into Lombardy and by Carmignuola gouerned with so great vertue that in fewe moneths he had taken many townes from the Duke togither with the Citie of Brescia the winning whereof in those dayes and in those warres was accounted maruellous This warre was continued fiue yeares and the Citizens become wearie of the Impositions alreadie past agreed to renew them and prouided the same might be imposed according to the value of euerie mans wealth In this Imposition it fell out that many mightie Cittizens were sore charged And therefore before the lawe passed it became of them