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order_n church_n primitive_a time_n 2,288 5 3.9470 3 false
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A17591 An aunsvvere to the Treatise of the crosse wherin ye shal see by the plaine and vndoubted word of God, the vanities of men disproued: by the true and godly fathers of the Church, the dreames and dotages of other controlled: and by lavvfull counsels, conspiracies ouerthrowen. Reade and regarde. Calfhill, James, 1530?-1570. 1565 (1565) STC 4368; ESTC S107406 291,777 414

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herein_o &_o apply_v unjust_o unto_o the_o priest_n the_o word_n aspergam_fw-la super_fw-la vos_fw-la aquam_fw-la mundam_fw-la 36._o ezech._n 36._o i_o will_v sprinkle_v clean_a water_n on_o you_o which_o god_n peculiar_o promise_v of_o himself_o then_o also_o to_o enforce_v a_o necessity_n of_o oil_n that_o baptism_n can_v not_o consist_v without_o it_o whereas_o christ_n do_v not_o appoint_v it_o nor_o apostle_n use_v it_o pass_v his_o commission_n ut_fw-la ne_fw-la quid_fw-la gravius_fw-la but_o to_o attribute_v more_o unto_o the_o oil_n man_v own_o invention_n than_o to_o baptism_n itself_o the_o ordinance_n of_o christ_n i_o must_v needs_o say_v be_v proud_a &_o blasphemous_a yet_o cyprian_n so_o do_v for_o he_o say_v that_o unless_o they_o be_v on_o his_o wise_n anoint_v they_o can_v not_o be_v true_a christian_n to_o have_v the_o anoint_v of_o the_o father_n jesus_n christ_n within_o they_o be_v not_o enough_o unless_o a_o little_a oil_n have_v also_o besmear_v they_o a_o pitiful_a case_n that_o so_o good_a a_o father_n so_o faithful_a a_o martyr_n shall_v have_v so_o foul_a a_o blot_n to_o blemish_v his_o authority_n but_o as_o i_o say_v we_o must_v not_o gather_v out_o of_o the_o father_n writing_n what_o soever_o be_v witness_n of_o their_o imperfection_n yet_o do_v i_o marvel_v most_o what_o mad_a conceit_n you_o have_v to_o bring_v this_o place_n for_o the_o use_n of_o the_o cross_n in_o byshop_a of_o child_n only_a s._n cyprian_n in_o all_o that_o epistle_n and_o diverse_a other_o go_v about_o to_o prove_v that_o heretic_n shall_v be_v baptize_v and_o this_o be_v far_o from_o confirmation_n full_a little_a do_v it_o confirm_v your_o cross_n 11._o against_o the_o assertion_n of_o sevenfold_a grace_n folio_n 57_o a._n chapt._n 11._o now_o to_o speak_v a_o word_n of_o your_o sevenfolde_v grace_n which_o you_o say_v be_v confer_v at_o byshop_a i_o beseech_v you_o show_v i_o the_o ground_n of_o your_o devise_n i_o know_v that_o you_o delight_v in_o the_o odd_a number_n as_o all_o enchanter_n have_v do_v of_o old_a and_o therefore_o seven_o sacrament_n seven_o kind_n of_o grace_n of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n but_o wherefore_o vij_o because_o esay_n number_v but_o vij_o and_o this_o be_v the_o reason_n of_o all_o the_o papist_n that_o ever_o write_v but_o i_o may_v bid_v they_o tell_v they_o 11._o esay_n 11._o as_o tom_n fool_n do_v his_o goose_n esay_n number_v but_o syx_n and_o the_o seven_o be_v their_o own_o therefore_o still_o i_o prove_v that_o papist_n be_v falsefier_n of_o the_o word_n of_o god_n scripture_n papist_n falsefier_n of_o scripture_n and_o yet_o if_o the_o prophet_n have_v rehearse_v seven_o as_o it_o be_v of_o every_o man_n to_o be_v see_v he_o do_v not_o to_o gather_v out_o of_o that_o a_o seavenfold_a kind_n of_o grace_n be_v to_o absurd_a in_o asmuch_o as_o other_o place_n attribute_v of_o diverse_a effect_n diverse_a other_o title_n to_o the_o holy_a ghost_n nor_o the_o faithful_a be_v only_a partaker_n of_o those_o that_o esay_n do_v speak_v of_o which_o be_v wisdom_n understanding_n counsel_n strength_n knowledge_n &_o fear_n of_o god_n but_o also_o of_o other_o as_o chastity_n sobriety_n truth_n holiness_n which_o in_o like_a manner_n do_v flow_v from_o the_o same_o spring_n then_o also_o to_o thrust_v the_o power_n of_o god_n spirit_n into_o such_o a_o corner_n that_o it_o shall_v have_v but_o seven_o hole_n to_o start_v to_o be_v to_o straight_o a_o compass_n &_o can_v not_o contain_v he_o but_o this_o i_o may_v excuse_v you_o as_o the_o painter_n do_v himself_o who_o be_v reprove_v that_o he_o have_v leave_v out_o a_o commandment_n whereas_o he_o be_v bydden_a to_o write_v they_o all_o in_o a_o table_n answer_v there_o be_v more_o than_o you_o will_v keep_v so_o you_o in_o rehearsal_n of_o your_o seavenfolde_v grace_n speak_v of_o syxe_n more_o than_o you_o be_v partaker_n of_o wherefore_o to_o make_v my_o apostrophe_n to_o the_o reader_n as_o you_o do_v see_v dionysius_n be_v just_o disprove_v b._n folio_n 57_o b._n to_o be_v of_o no_o such_o authority_n and_o antiquity_n as_o the_o papist_n pretend_v see_v s._n augustine_n be_v deprave_a of_o they_o s._n cyprian_n allege_v where_o he_o defend_v a_o heresy_n the_o example_n of_o christ_n and_o his_o apostle_n most_o false_o draw_v to_o proufe_v of_o confirmation_n i_o trust_v you_o will_v more_o eastern_a and_o better_a regard_n the_o authority_n of_o ancient_a father_n in_o deed_n who_o plain_a assertion_n i_o have_v bring_v to_o the_o contrary_a you_o will_v more_o reverence_v the_o word_n of_o god_n the_o bread_n of_o life_n by_o they_o abuse_v to_o most_o impiety_n than_o the_o stink_a leven_n of_o these_o lie_a hypocrite_n who_o speak_v of_o scripture_n but_o esteem_v it_o not_o who_o lie_v the_o father_n for_o they_o but_o understande_v they_o not_o who_o pretend_v antiquity_n but_o be_v carry_v about_o with_o every_o wind_n and_o puff_n of_o new_a doctrine_n be_v as_o s._n cyprian_n say_v novatianos_n epistola_fw-la ad_fw-la novatianos_n beginner_n of_o schism_n author_n of_o dissension_n destroyer_n of_o faith_n betrayer_n of_o the_o church_n &_o antichriste_n in_o deed_n who_o go_v about_o to_o deface_v the_o catholic_a religion_n command_v by_o christ_n teach_v by_o the_o apostle_n continue_v in_o the_o church_n by_o the_o holy_a ghost_n have_v deface_v as_o it_o be_v the_o truth_n of_o christ_n ordinance_n to_o place_v their_o own_o dream_n &_o devise_n as_o it_o appear_v by_o the_o number_n of_o their_o sacrament_n by_o decline_v in_o all_o point_n from_o the_o order_n of_o christ_n &_o his_o apostle_n by_o oil_n cream_n salt_n spittle_n candle_n &_o such_o like_a add_v unto_o baptism_n by_o prefer_v byshop_a of_o child_n afore_o it_o by_o make_v oil_n of_o their_o own_o addition_n of_o more_o effect_n &_o virtue_n than_o the_o element_n of_o water_n sanctify_v by_o the_o word_n of_o god_n final_o ascribe_v perfection_n of_o christianity_n which_o consist_v in_o the_o spirit_n to_o the_o outward_a work_n of_o conjure_v and_o cross_v now_o m._n martial_n to_o come_v to_o your_o holy_a order_n which_o among_o your_o sacrament_n you_o put_v in_o the_o three_o place_n i_o marvel_v that_o you_o be_v so_o barren_a in_o the_o ground_n which_o of_o itself_o be_v so_o fruitful_a that_o whereas_o you_o number_v but_o vij_o sacrament_n this_o one_o have_v beget_v by_o spiritual_a generation_n six_o more_o for_o the_o master_n of_o the_o sentence_n who_o you_o and_o all_o your_o faction_n do_v follow_v make_v vij_o degree_n of_o order_n 1._o lib._n 4._o dist._n 24._o cap._n 1._o et_fw-la hij_fw-la ordines_fw-la sacramenta_fw-la dicuntur_fw-la &_o these_o order_n say_v he_o be_v call_v sacrament_n he_o say_v not_o that_o they_o do_v all_o concur_v to_o make_v a_o sacrament_n so_o by_o this_o mean_v we_o have_v now_o xiij_o sacrament_n a_o plentiful_a increase_n and_o to_o set_v forth_o the_o more_o the_o dignity_n of_o their_o call_n in_o every_o one_o of_o these_o holy_a order_n they_o have_v christ_n himself_o a_o companion_n with_o them_z but_o whereas_o sacrament_n must_v have_v a_o promise_n annex_v to_o they_o a_o promise_n immediate_o from_o god_n if_o any_o of_o these_o order_n or_o they_o altogether_o shall_v make_v a_o sacrament_n some_o piece_n of_o scripture_n shall_v be_v bring_v for_o proufe_v of_o it_o neither_o angel_n nor_o man_n can_v make_v a_o sacrament_n therefore_o they_o lie_v when_o they_o do_v call_v their_o order_n sacrament_n in_o as_o much_o as_o they_o which_o be_v call_v among_o they_o ordines_fw-la minores_fw-la the_o inferior_a order_n by_o their_o own_o confession_n be_v never_o know_v in_o the_o primitive_a church_n but_o long_o devise_v after_o 51._o in_o confess_v polonica_fw-la cap._n 51._o hosius_n himself_o out_o of_o who_o you_o take_v your_o authority_n as_o well_o of_o augustine_n as_o of_o leo_n to_o prove_v your_o order_n a_o sacrament_n confess_v in_o the_o same_o place_n that_o of_o old_a time_n ordines_fw-la ij_o minores_fw-la inter_fw-la sacros_fw-la non_fw-la numerabantur_fw-la these_o inferior_a order_n be_v not_o reken_v among_o the_o holy_a one_o but_o now_o they_o be_v holy_a all_o and_o sacrament_n al._n if_o i_o shall_v rehearse_v the_o idle_a ceremony_n that_o be_v observe_v in_o every_o one_o of_o they_o the_o jewish_a disagrement_n of_o the_o doctor_n themselves_o when_o each_o man_n have_v a_o sere_a assertion_n of_o his_o own_o defend_v with_o tooth_n and_o nail_n the_o clout_a religion_n of_o old_a patch_n of_o judaisme_n paganism_n and_o christianity_n together_o whereby_o they_o commend_v this_o their_o sacrament_n to_o the_o world_n i_o shall_v cumber_v the_o reader_n to_o long_o with_o unfruitful_a matter_n and_o busy_v myself_o more_o a_o great_a deal_n than_o need_v to_o confute_v that_o which_o you_o m._n marshal_n such_o be_v your_o modesty_n be_v ashamed_a
latter_a clause_n with_o you_o you_o will_v not_o have_v attribute_v operation_n to_o the_o priest_n nor_o effect_n of_o sacrament_n to_o the_o sign_n of_o the_o cross_n nor_o have_v be_v lay_v over_o the_o form_n for_o it_o but_o you_o feel_v not_o the_o stripe_n i_o be_o very_o sorry_a for_o that_o very_o very_o you_o have_v well_o deserve_v they_o for_o if_o s._n cyprian_n will_v not_o ascribe_v so_o much_o virtue_n to_o the_o name_n of_o god_n that_o it_o shall_v be_v able_a to_o do_v all_o otherwise_o than_o call_v upon_o which_o respect_v the_o faith_n of_o the_o receyver_n shall_v we_o think_v that_o he_o have_v a_o sorry_a break_n of_o the_o air_n whereby_o the_o cross_n be_v make_v in_o such_o high_a reverence_n and_o admiration_n on_o a_o time_n the_o same_o father_n be_v demand_v his_o judgement_n whether_o such_o as_o be_v baptize_v bedrid_a be_v christian_n 64._o cyprianus_n magno_fw-la epist._n 64._o or_o no_o whereto_o he_o answer_v aestimamus_fw-la in_o nullo_n mutilari_fw-la &_o debilitari_fw-la posse_fw-la beneficia_fw-la divina_fw-la nec_fw-la minus_fw-la aliquid_fw-la illic_fw-la posse_fw-la contingere_fw-la ubi_fw-la plena_fw-la &_o tota_fw-la fide_fw-la &_o dantis_fw-la &_o sumentis_fw-la accipitur_fw-la quod_fw-la de_fw-la divinis_fw-la muneribus_fw-la hauritur_fw-la we_o think_v that_o the_o benefit_n of_o god_n can_v not_o in_o any_o thing_n be_v mangle_v and_o make_v the_o weak_a nor_o any_o thing_n less_o can_v happen_v there_o where_o the_o grace_n that_o be_v draw_v from_o the_o spring_n of_o god_n goodness_n be_v apprehend_v with_o full_a and_o perfect_a faith_n as_o well_o on_o the_o giver_n behalf_n as_o on_o the_o receyver_n if_o such_o as_o be_v baptize_v in_o their_o bed_n have_v but_o a_o little_a water_n sprinkle_v upon_o they_o want_v a_o great_a number_n of_o ceremony_n which_o cyprian_a thought_n apostolic_a and_o necessary_a be_v in_o as_o good_a case_n as_o the_o rest_n quia_fw-la stant_fw-la &_o consummantur_fw-la omne_fw-la as_o he_o say_v maiestate_fw-la domini_fw-la &_o fidei_fw-la veritate_fw-la because_o all_o thing_n do_v stand_v and_o be_v bring_v to_o perfection_n by_o the_o majesty_n of_o god_n and_o sincerity_n of_o faith_n shall_v we_o think_v that_o the_o idle_a ceremony_n of_o a_o cross_n can_v give_v effect_n to_o sacrament_n and_o sacrament_n be_v imperfect_a without_o a_o cross_n your_o own_o doctor_n do_v overthrow_v you_o but_o you_o cite_v two_o authority_n of_o s._n augustine_n to_o confirm_v your_o error_n for_o the_o first_o where_o he_o say_v b._n folio_n 49._o b._n with_o the_o mystery_n of_o the_o cross_n the_o ignorant_a be_v instruct_v and_o teach_v the_o font_n of_o regeneration_n be_v hallow_v etc._n etc._n i_o answer_v as_o i_o do_v before_o according_a to_o the_o true_a meaning_n of_o the_o word_n mystery_n that_o the_o meaning_n of_o the_o cross_n which_o we_o believe_v and_o see_v not_o for_o so_o chrisostome_n 7._o chrisos_fw-la 1._o ad_fw-la cor._n cap._n 2._o hom._n 7._o say_v and_o not_o the_o visible_a and_o material_a cross_n work_v the_o effect_n aforesaid_a for_o you_o will_v grant_v i_o that_o the_o sign_n of_o the_o cross_n be_v but_o a_o accessary_a thing_n the_o substance_n of_o the_o sacrament_n may_v consist_v without_o it_o augustine_n 3_o aug._n in_o io._n tract_n 40._o et_fw-la de_fw-la catacl_n cap._n 3_o say_v not_o accedat_fw-la crucis_fw-la signatio_fw-la ad_fw-la elementum_fw-la &_o fit_a sacramentum_fw-la let_v the_o sign_n of_o the_o cross_n concur_v with_o the_o element_n and_o it_o be_v a_o sacrament_n but_o let_v the_o word_n come_v to_o the_o element_n and_o it_o be_v a_o sacrament_n and_o yet_o he_o do_v not_o attribute_v so_o much_o to_o the_o element_n itself_o or_o to_o the_o word_n as_o you_o do_v to_o the_o sign_n of_o the_o cross_n for_o of_o baptism_n he_o say_v vnde_fw-la ista_fw-la tanta_fw-la virtus_fw-la aquae_fw-la ut_fw-la corpus_fw-la tangat_fw-la &_o cor_fw-la abluat_fw-la nisi_fw-la faciente_fw-la verbo_fw-la non_fw-la quia_fw-la dicitur_fw-la sed_fw-la quia_fw-la creditur_fw-la nam_fw-la &_o in_fw-la ipso_fw-la verbo_fw-la aliud_fw-la est_fw-la sonus_fw-la transiens_fw-la aliud_fw-la virtus_fw-la manens_fw-la whence_o come_v this_o so_o great_a virtue_n of_o the_o water_n to_o touch_v the_o body_n and_o wash_v the_o soul_n but_o by_o the_o work_n of_o the_o word_n not_o because_o the_o word_n be_v speak_v but_o because_o it_o be_v believe_v for_o in_o the_o word_n itself_o the_o sound_n that_o pass_v be_v one_o thing_n and_o the_o virtue_n remain_v another_o if_o only_a faith_n bring_v effect_n to_o sacrament_n if_o the_o word_n itself_o be_v not_o avayleable_a without_o belief_n shall_v we_o think_v that_o s._n augustine_n make_v such_o account_n of_o the_o sign_n of_o a_o cross_n in_o deed_n he_o make_v great_a of_o the_o mystery_n of_o the_o cross_n because_o on_o it_o only_o depend_v faith_n but_o the_o mystery_n you_o have_v nothing_o to_o do_v withal_o for_o unless_o it_o be_v a_o material_a cross_n or_o a_o cross_n make_v with_o a_o fynger_n in_o some_o part_n of_o the_o body_n you_o profess_v that_o in_o this_o treatise_n you_o will_v speak_v of_o none_o 24._o folio_n 24._o and_o now_o to_o the_o second_o allegation_n out_o of_o augustine_n as_o the_o manner_n of_o sign_v with_o the_o cross_n be_v in_o his_o time_n usual_a so_o will_v i_o wish_v for_o your_o own_o sake_n that_o you_o can_v content_v yourself_o with_o his_o signification_n and_o wade_v no_o further_o in_o so_o dangerous_a a_o puddle_n than_o he_o have_v dyp_v his_o foot_n before_o you_o well_o do_v he_o please_v himself_o in_o a_o subtle_a devise_n of_o he_o when_o he_o will_v refer_v the_o apostle_n word_n ephe._n 3._o to_o the_o figure_n of_o the_o cross_n mean_v by_o the_o breadth_n that_o there_o be_v speak_v of_o charity_n by_o height_n hope_n by_o length_n patience_n by_o depth_n humility_n but_o these_o make_v no_o more_o for_o paul_n meaning_n than_o the_o geometrical_a proportion_n that_o ambrose_n out_o of_o the_o same_o place_n gather_v only_o there_o be_v some_o edification_n in_o the_o word_n and_o though_o you_o apply_v they_o to_o your_o most_o advantage_n b._n folio_n 48._o b._n yet_o can_v you_o not_o infer_v your_o purpose_n of_o they_o for_o you_o will_v have_v it_o appear_v that_o no_o sacrament_n be_v make_v and_o perfect_v right_o without_o the_o sign_n of_o the_o cross_n 118._o trac_n in_o joan_n 118._o but_o augustine_n go_v not_o so_o far_o only_o he_o say_v nihil_fw-la eorum_fw-la rite_n perficitur_fw-la none_o of_o they_o be_v solemn_o do_v and_o according_a to_o the_o receyve_v order_n for_o be_v you_o m._n lawyer_n ignorant_a of_o this_o common_a position_n among_o the_o civilians_n quod_fw-la recte_fw-la iusticiam_fw-la causae_fw-la rite_n solennitatem_fw-la respicit_fw-la that_o this_o term_n recte_fw-la have_v respect_n unto_o the_o righteousness_n and_o truth_n of_o the_o cause_n but_o rite_n which_o be_v the_o word_n that_o augustine_n use_v do_v go_v no_o far_a than_o to_o the_o order_n and_o solemnity_n thereof_o so_o i_o grant_v you_o well_o that_o in_o augustine_n time_n if_o there_o want_v a_o cross_n there_o want_v a_o ceremony_n and_o yet_o be_v the_o sacrament_n perfect_a notwithstanding_o in_o our_o church_n of_o england_n a_o cross_n be_v command_v to_o be_v make_v in_o baptism_n yet_o be_v it_o never_o think_v of_o any_o wise_a or_o godly_a non_fw-la de_fw-fr conscr_n dist._n 5._o cap._n nunquid_fw-la non_fw-la that_o baptism_n be_v insufficient_a without_o it_o go_v to_o your_o canon_n where_o order_n be_v take_v ut_fw-la omne_fw-la sacramenta_fw-la crucis_fw-la signaculo_fw-la perficiantur_fw-la that_o all_o sacrament_n shall_v be_v make_v perfect_a with_o the_o sign_n of_o the_o cross_n yet_o in_o the_o gloze_n upon_o the_o same_o place_n you_o shall_v find_v twice_o in_o one_o leaf_n these_o word_n non_fw-la removet_fw-la quin_fw-la aliter_fw-la possint_fw-la sanctificari_fw-la &_o valere_fw-la ad_fw-la remissionem_fw-la sed_fw-la refert_fw-la factum_fw-la nec_fw-la aliter_fw-la fit_a solennis_fw-la baptismus_fw-la he_o do_v not_o take_v away_o this_o but_o that_o otherwise_o that_o be_v to_o say_v without_o the_o sign_n of_o the_o cross_n they_o may_v be_v sanctify_v and_o the_o thing_n be_v avayleable_a unto_o remission_n but_o it_o be_v requisite_a that_o the_o thing_n be_v do_v that_o be_v to_o say_v the_o sign_n of_o the_o cross_n be_v make_v nor_o otherwise_o it_o be_v a_o solemn_a baptism_n this_o be_v the_o pope_n law_n and_o your_o gospel_n wherefore_o i_o beseech_v you_o good_a solemn_a sir_n be_v not_o so_o hard_a master_n to_o we_o that_o for_o default_n of_o solemnity_n a_o folio_n 50._o a_o we_o shall_v be_v defaulk_v of_o fruit_n of_o sacrament_n as_o for_o chrisostome_n i_o have_v answer_v you_o oft_o he_o speak_v of_o a_o cross_n that_o you_o have_v nothing_o to_o do_v withal_o it_o be_v to_o heavy_a for_o you_o to_o bear_v it_o be_v not_o to_o be_v see_v
as_o you_o but_o to_o be_v feel_v as_o we_o then_o trouble_v not_o yourself_o more_o than_o you_o need_n we_o be_v agree_v by_o this_o time_n chrisostom_n and_o you_o &_o i_o and_o all_o that_o a_o cross_n we_o must_v have_v the_o matter_n be_v certain_a but_o the_o metal_n we_o doubt_v of_o i_o promise_v you_o i_o can_v break_v the_o charm_a of_o simon_n magus_n nor_o hammer_v of_o alexander_n the_o coppersmith_n wherefore_o you_o must_v bring_v better_a prove_n than_o these_o or_o else_o you_o shall_v be_v sure_a to_o fail_v of_o your_o purpose_n if_o you_o will_v have_v any_o gain_n at_o all_o run_v in_o better_a order_n lest_o all_o that_o behold_v you_o cry_v extra_n oleas_fw-la you_o range_v beyond_o the_o bound_n you_o have_v fill_v your_o cheek_n with_o a_o great_a deal_n of_o vain_a wind_n and_o when_o you_o have_v gape_v as_o wide_o as_o you_o can_v what_o bring_v you_o forth_o a_o vision_n of_o probianus_n a_o proper_a lie_n and_o what_o conclude_v you_o of_o it_o that_o in_o as_o much_o as_o neither_o angel_n nor_o man_n have_v ever_o do_v any_o thing_n for_o the_o weal_n of_o man_n without_o the_o sign_n of_o the_o cross_n therefore_o no_o sacrament_n can_v be_v make_v without_o it_o but_o angel_n say_v i_o have_v no_o hand_n to_o make_v such_o cross_n as_o we_o do_v nor_o such_o as_o you_o do_v treat_v of_o therefore_o instruct_v your_o angel_n better_o when_o soever_o you_o will_v call_v he_o to_o speak_v on_o your_o side_n as_o for_o your_o other_o author_n what_o shall_v i_o say_v to_o you_o mysconster_v cyprian_a you_o understand_v not_o augustine_n chrisostom_n make_v nothing_o for_o you_o therefore_o awake_v out_o of_o your_o dream_n at_o last_o &_o good_a morrow_n m._n martial_a you_o note_v out_o of_o cyprian_a that_o because_o he_o have_v operationis_fw-la autoritas_fw-la b._n folio_n 50._o b._n the_o authority_n of_o operation_n thereupon_o be_v ground_v a_o authority_n &_o commission_n from_o god_n to_o make_v &_o minister_v his_o sacrament_n but_o this_o be_v in_o your_o dream_n for_o whosoever_o have_v the_o use_n of_o eye_n or_o his_o right_a wit_n will_v see_v &_o consider_v that_o there_o be_v mean_v no_o priest_n gesture_v but_o holy_a ghost_n work_v you_o note_v out_o of_o augustine_n that_o in_o his_o time_n church_n font_n &_o altar_n be_v hallow_v child_n confirm_v etc._n etc._n but_o if_o you_o go_v to_o hallow_v and_o confirm_v of_o our_o day_n &_o compare_v it_o with_o that_o which_o be_v use_v then_o 2._o euseb_n li._n 4._o de_fw-la vita_fw-la constantini_n &_o athanas_n in_o apol._n 2._o you_o shall_v see_v no_o more_o likeness_n than_o be_v between_o chalk_n &_o cheese_n we_o read_v how_o constantinus_n that_o live_v in_o the_o same_o age_n with_o augustine_n about_o xl_o year_n before_o he_o hallow_v his_o church_n at_o jerusalem_n he_o call_v together_o the_o father_n that_o be_v assemble_v at_o tyrus_n he_o courteous_o entertain_v they_o he_o royal_o feast_v they_o he_o charitable_o do_v deal_v unto_o the_o poor_a he_o liberal_o do_v endue_v the_o church_n what_o do_v the_o bishop_n on_o the_o other_o side_n they_o pray_v and_o preach_v some_o red_a their_o lesson_n of_o divinity_n some_o do_v reveal_v their_o secret_a contemplation_n other_o some_o do_v make_v their_o learned_a sermon_n &_o the_o rest_n do_v occupy_v themselves_o in_o prayer_n for_o the_o peace_n of_o the_o church_n &_o preservation_n of_o the_o emperor_n and_o although_o this_o order_n seem_v to_o have_v spring_v a_o judaeorun_n encanijs_fw-la of_o the_o jew_n observance_n in_o their_o dedication_n without_o commandment_n of_o god_n to_o we_o &_o therefore_o a_o wilworship_n yet_o read_v we_o not_o of_o any_o magical_a enchantment_n or_o any_o such_o popish_a pageant_n as_o episcoporum_fw-la pontificale_fw-la teach_v in_o augustine_n his_o time_n they_o need_v no_o more_o for_o hallow_v of_o a_o church_n but_o a_o sermon_n and_o prayer_n ecclesiarun_n consecration_n of_o church_n by_o popish_a order_n in_o pontificali_fw-la de_fw-la consecratione_fw-la ecclesiarun_n in_o which_o peradventure_o that_o i_o may_v feed_v your_o humour_n they_o make_v the_o sign_n of_o a_o cross_n with_o their_o finger_n but_o since_o his_o time_n &_o ever_o since_o popery_n have_v have_v the_o upper_a hand_n a_o great_a number_n of_o thing_n else_o have_v be_v exact_v by_o law_n &_o think_v more_o necessary_a than_o any_o of_o the_o other_o two_o as_o a_o holy_a water_n sprinkle_v a_o bucket_n salt_n water_n wine_n ash_n mortar_n tylesharde_n bone_n baggage_n frankincense_n oil_n cream_n sercloth_n clout_n twenty-four_o cross_n twenty-four_o candle_n these_o toll_n to_o work_v withal_o be_v in_o a_o readiness_n the_o bishop_n come_v for_o none_o can_v do_v the_o feat_n but_o he_o and_o first_o he_o conjure_v water_n and_o salt_n ut_fw-la sit_fw-la omnibus_fw-la sumentibus_fw-la salus_fw-la mentis_fw-la &_o corporis_fw-la &_o quicquid_fw-la ex_fw-la eo_fw-la tactum_fw-la vel_fw-la respersum_fw-la fuerit_fw-la careat_fw-la omni_fw-la immunditia_fw-la omnique_fw-la impugnatione_fw-la spiritualis_fw-la nequitia_fw-la that_o to_o all_o the_o receyver_n it_o may_v become_v health_n of_o mind_n and_o body_n &_o that_o whatsoever_o be_v touch_v or_o sprinkle_v therew_v t_o may_v lack_v all_o uncleanness_n &_o all_o assault_n of_o spiritual_a wickedness_n that_o devil_n disease_n corruption_n of_o air_n infection_n of_o body_n &_o what_o soever_o may_v be_v prejudicial_a to_o health_n and_o welfare_n may_v quite_o be_v void_v whersoever_o any_o drop_n of_o this_o water_n fall_v a_o sovereign_a medicine_n not_o only_o sufficient_a to_o discredit_v physic_n but_o also_o to_o decay_v priest_n occupation_n wherein_o i_o marvel_v at_o their_o discretion_n right_a provident_a otherwise_o for_o the_o purse_n that_o by_o avaunce_v one_o thing_n of_o less_o importance_n they_o will_v derogate_v authority_n from_o the_o more_o help_n to_o hell_n so_o many_o wholesome_a suffrage_n so_o many_o saint_n intercession_n so_o many_o meritorious_a and_o devout_a mass_n that_o i_o speak_v nothing_o of_o the_o blood_n of_o christ_n which_o among_o the_o rabble_n of_o romish_a heretic_n be_v a_o thing_n of_o a_o thousand_o least_o account_v of_o but_o what_o shall_v i_o stand_v in_o search_v their_o absurdity_n in_o who_o life_n &_o doctrine_n there_o be_v nothing_o else_o but_o devilish_a &_o absurd_a thus_o when_o the_o sorcerer_n have_v make_v his_o first_o charm_n he_o go_v thrice_o about_o the_o church_n cast_v of_o holy_a water_n on_o the_o stone_n wall_n first_o low_a then_o high_a than_o hy_a of_o all_o and_o at_o every_o time_n knock_v at_o the_o church_n door_n with_o a_o cross_n in_o his_o hand_n say_v tollite_fw-la portas_fw-la principes_fw-la vestras_fw-la 23._o psal_n 23._o which_o word_n as_o they_o translate_v they_o be_v you_o prince_n lift_v up_o your_o gate_n whereas_o david_n say_v tollite_fw-la porte_fw-fr capita_fw-la vestra_fw-la you_o gate_n lift_v up_o your_o head_n but_o a_o small_a matter_n to_o falsify_v the_o prophet_n who_o they_o never_o true_o understode_v yet_o as_o for_o this_o text_n be_v a_o shipman_n hose_n with_o they_o sometime_o they_o apply_v it_o to_o christ_n go_v down_o to_o hell_n sometime_o to_o magistrate_n to_o make_v a_o way_n open_a to_o christ_n sometime_o also_o to_o salomon_n temple_n well_o when_o thus_o in_o a_o mockery_n m._n bishop_n have_v knock_v twice_o &_o twice_o go_v solemn_o about_o the_o church_n with_o as_z much_o devotion_n as_o a_o horse_n at_o the_o three_o time_n the_o great_a door_n open_v for_o he_o shut_v in_o one_o before_o of_o purpose_n to_o open_v it_o when_o his_o quew_n come_v then_o set_v he_o up_o a_o cross_n in_o the_o midst_n of_o the_o church_n and_o make_v another_o charm_n say_v that_o the_o piece_n of_o wood_n which_o he_o call_v the_o cross_n of_o christ_n may_v be_v a_o stay_n &_o defence_n for_o all_o suppliant_n there_o that_o that_o piece_n of_o wood_n may_v triumph_v there_o and_o for_o evermore_o then_o must_v the_o ash_n be_v throw_v into_o the_o church_n o_o horrible_a witchcraft_n and_o the_o bishop_n must_v write_v with_o his_o crosier_n his_o a.b.c._n in_o greek_a upon_o the_o ground_n after_o this_o a_o confection_n be_v make_v of_o salt_n wine_n and_o ash_n such_o a_o drug_n as_o i_o will_v wish_v no_o worse_a for_o my_o lord_n own_o holiness_n when_o so_o ever_o his_o queysie_n stomach_n do_v loath_a better_a nouriture_n of_o the_o word_n of_o god_n for_o doubtless_o it_o be_v restority_n to_o such_o see_v what_o he_o say_v to_o it_o ut_fw-la vinum_fw-la cum_fw-la aqua_fw-la &_o cinere_fw-la mixtum_fw-la armatum_fw-la caelestis_fw-la defension_n virtutis_fw-la etc._n etc._n that_o wine_n mix_v with_o water_n and_o ash_n may_v be_v arm_v with_o defence_n of_o heavenly_a virtue_n then_o oil_n and_o cream_n be_v put_v into_o the_o holy_a water_n sure_o that_o be_v a_o purgative_a and_o a_o strong_a one_o belike_o
for_o the_o marble_n stone_n be_v anoint_v with_o it_o and_o a_o verse_n of_o the_o psalm_n 45._o psalm_n 45._o song_n the_o lord_n have_v anoint_v thou_o with_o the_o oil_n of_o gladness_n above_o thy_o fellow_n o_o stony_a heart_n to_o apply_v the_o word_n which_o the_o spirit_n of_o god_n proper_o speak_v of_o solomon_n &_o under_o salomon_n person_n of_o christ_n to_o a_o greasy_a stone_n that_o every_o man_n do_v tread_v on_o every_o dog_n bewray_v then_o do_v the_o choir_n sing_v erexit_fw-la jacob_n lapidem_fw-la 67._o genes_n 28._o psalm_n 67._o jacob_n rear_v up_o a_o stone_n whereof_o they_o know_v not_o the_o signification_n also_o they_o bleat_v out_o with_o wide_a throat_n ibi_fw-la est_fw-la benjamin_n adolescentulus_fw-la in_o mentis_fw-la excessu_fw-la there_o be_v little_a benjamin_n out_o of_o his_o wytte_n as_o they_o translate_v it_o and_o think_v you_o that_o they_o be_v well_o in_o their_o wit_n which_o for_o dominator_fw-la eorum_fw-la will_v put_v in_o mentu_fw-la excessu_fw-la whereas_o they_o shall_v have_v say_v there_o be_v little_a benjamin_n their_o governoure_n to_o say_v there_o be_v young_a benjamin_n ravish_v of_o his_o wit_n but_o this_o be_v scripture_n of_o church_n hallow_v this_o be_v the_o purpose_n these_o be_v the_o text_n the_o prayer_n be_v the_o same_o that_o solomon_n use_v when_o he_o be_v command_v to_o make_v the_o temple_n save_v that_o they_o will_v have_v a_o crop_n of_o colocyntida_n to_o mar_v a_o whole_a pot_n full_a of_o pottage_n for_o they_o add_v unto_o these_o invocation_n of_o saintes_n derogation_n to_o god_n &_o abuse_v of_o his_o creature_n when_o this_o be_v do_v the_o rot_a bone_n and_o relic_n be_v hallow_v with_o like_a ceremony_n and_o solennity_n as_o they_o have_v before_o and_o then_o they_o put_v on_o their_o mask_a coat_n &_o come_v like_o blind_a fool_n with_o candle_n in_o their_o hand_n at_o none_o day_n and_o so_o proceed_v to_o the_o holy_a mass_n with_o rent_v of_o throat_n and_o tear_v of_o note_n chant_v of_o priest_n howl_v of_o clerk_n fling_v of_o coal_n and_o pipe_v of_o organ_n thus_o they_o continue_v a_o long_a while_n in_o mirth_n and_o iolyty_n many_o mad_a part_n be_v play_v but_o when_o the_o vice_n be_v come_v from_o the_o altar_n and_o the_o people_n shall_v have_v no_o more_o sport_n they_o conclude_v their_o service_n with_o a_o true_a sentence_n terribilis_fw-la est_fw-la locus_fw-la iste_fw-la this_o place_n be_v terrible_a and_o have_v they_o not_o fair_a fish_v think_v you_o to_o make_v such_o a_o do_v to_o bring_v in_o the_o devil_n o_o blind_a beast_n o_o senseless_a hypocrite_n who_o god_n have_v give_v over_o unto_o themselves_o that_o they_o shall_v not_o see_v their_o own_o folly_n &_o yet_o bewray_v their_o shame_n to_o all_o the_o world_n beside_o and_o be_v not_o this_o your_o church_n hallow_v that_o you_o talk_v of_o this_o be_v it_o that_o your_o church_n have_v ordain_v now_o that_o you_o may_v prove_v in_o particularity_n that_o which_o general_o you_o do_v avouch_v before_o the_o sign_n of_o the_o cross_n to_o be_v use_v in_o all_o sacrament_n you_o come_v to_o a_o enumeration_n of_o they_o all_o and_o i_o dare_v say_v you_o be_v glad_a to_o catch_v such_o occasion_n to_o treat_v of_o the_o seven_o sacrament_n yet_o doubt_v i_o not_o but_o before_o i_o have_v do_v with_o you_o i_o shall_v make_v you_o content_v to_o cut_v of_o u_o of_o they_o first_o as_o touch_v the_o use_n of_o baptism_n you_o begin_v with_o dionysius_n 21._o dionysius_n areopagita_n folio_n 52._o b_o euseb_n eccl._n hist_o li._n 3._o ca._n 4._o &_o lib._n 4._o cap._n 21._o to_o who_o you_o geve_v the_o surname_n of_o areopagita_n and_o honourable_a title_n of_o saint_n paul_n scholar_n eusebius_n in_o deed_n make_v mention_n of_o such_o a_o one_o and_o say_v that_o he_o be_v the_o first_o bishop_n of_o athens_n and_o this_o he_o speak_v of_o the_o report_n of_o a_o other_o dionysius_n of_o alexandria_n but_o as_o for_o any_o write_n of_o he_o he_o have_v no_o word_n at_o all_o and_o doubtless_o if_o it_o have_v be_v true_a which_o you_o affirm_v he_o will_v not_o have_v suppress_v it_o s._n hierome_n make_v mention_n of_o two_o eccles_n in_o catal_a scripit_fw-la eccles_n of_o that_o name_n one_o that_o be_v at_o corinth_n in_o the_o reign_v of_o marcꝰ_n antoninus_n verus_fw-la and_o lucius_n commodus_n a_o other_o that_o be_v scholar_n sometime_o to_o origene_n and_o bishop_n afterward_o of_o alexandria_n in_o the_o reign_n of_o galienus_n but_o not_o a_o word_n yet_o among_o all_o their_o writing_n which_o he_o most_o diligent_o do_v rehearse_v either_o of_o the_o heavenly_a or_o ecclesiastical_a hierarchy_n out_o of_o which_o you_o cite_v all_o your_o authority_n wherefore_o it_o be_v a_o bastard_n book_n unjust_o father_v upon_o s._n paul_n his_o dionise_v whereas_o the_o style_n itself_o and_o matter_n there_o entreat_v of_o do_v argue_v that_o it_o be_v of_o no_o such_o antiquity_n for_o to_o go_v no_o further_o than_o to_o those_o word_n that_o you_o do_v allege_v of_o he_o 52._o folio_n 52._o how_o the_o bishop_n assign_v some_o man_n to_o be_v godfather_n to_o he_o that_o be_v to_o be_v baptize_v here_o be_v a_o plain_a lie_n for_o the_o use_n of_o godfather_n be_v not_o invent_v forty_o year_n after_o it_o be_v evident_a by_o consent_n of_o all_o man_n yea_o the_o decree_n itself_o bear_v witness_v with_o i_o higini_fw-la de_fw-fr cons_n dist_n 4._o cap._n in_o catechismo_fw-la platina_n in_o vita_fw-la higini_fw-la that_o hyginus_n be_v first_o founder_n of_o godfather_n and_o among_o all_o the_o receive_v writer_n of_o that_o age_n you_o shall_v not_o light_o read_v of_o any_o gossip_n but_o suppose_v it_o be_v true_a that_o our_o record_n have_v that_o hyginus_n hatch_v this_o egg_n he_o live_v at_o the_o least_o a_o hundred_o and_o forty_o year_n after_o christ_n and_o how_o can_v s._n paul_n his_o scholar_n who_o life_n yourself_o can_v stretch_v no_o long_o than_o to_o the_o .96_o year_n after_o christ_n speak_v of_o that_o which_o he_o never_o think_v on_o marshal_n in_o the_o name_n of_o the_o author_n allege_v by_o marshal_n which_o be_v so_o long_o devise_v after_o but_o to_o the_o matter_n i_o know_v right_n well_o that_o within_o cc._o year_n after_o christ_n there_o be_v creep_v into_o the_o church_n many_o idle_a ceremony_n and_o the_o simplicity_n of_o christ_n his_o ordinance_n refuse_v each_o man_n as_o he_o have_v either_o credit_n or_o authority_n presume_v of_o himself_o to_o add_v somewhat_o to_o christ_n institution_n and_o the_o flesh_n deliting_a in_o her_o own_o devise_n deliver_v the_o same_o with_o as_o straight_o a_o charge_n as_o if_o that_o christ_n himself_o have_v take_v order_n for_o it_o notwithstanding_o if_o ought_v beside_o the_o authority_n of_o scripture_n be_v so_o ancient_a in_o deed_n as_o i_o last_o speak_v of_o &_o admit_v at_o any_o time_n into_o god_n his_o service_n yet_o be_v we_o no_o more_o bind_v to_o observe_v the_o same_o than_o the_o father_n themselves_o have_v yield_v to_o it_o for_o if_o they_o have_v repel_v the_o tradition_n vary_v tradition_n no_o ground_n of_o doctrine_n tradition_n vary_v of_o their_o elder_n and_o after_o establish_v some_o other_o of_o their_o own_o their_o example_n prove_v no_o use_n apostolic_a or_o necessity_n to_o have_v be_v in_o the_o one_o &_o their_o precedent_n authoryse_v that_o we_o may_v as_o lawful_o dysanull_v the_o other_o enforce_v not_o therefore_o a_o doctrine_n of_o a_o custom_n tradition_n always_o have_v vary_a and_o many_o such_o as_o cyprian_n tertullian_n augustine_n with_o other_o have_v think_v to_o be_v necessary_a for_o salvation_n the_o church_n of_o rome_n itself_o have_v not_o think_v expedient_a to_o be_v use_v for_o instruction_n christ_n give_v commandment_n baptism_n to_o be_v minister_v 28._o math._n 28._o in_o the_o name_n of_o the_o father_n and_o of_o the_o son_n and_o of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n 10._o act_n 10._o the_o apostle_n continue_v in_o the_o same_o order_n ceremony_n or_o circumstance_n we_o read_v of_o no_o more_o in_o scripture_n save_v only_o the_o water_n without_o all_o conjuration_n consecration_n 3._o luc._n 3._o or_o insufflation_n the_o person_n baptize_v the_o preach_v of_o god_n his_o promise_n and_o faith_n in_o christ_n and_o prayer_n of_o the_o faithful_a now_o come_v you_o boon_n to_o tertullia_n time_n and_o you_o shall_v find_v many_o strange_a invention_n three_o dyppynge_n in_o the_o water_n taste_v of_o milk_n and_o honey_n cormil_n lib._n de_fw-fr cormil_n abstayn_v from_o all_o other_o wash_v for_o a_o seven_o night_n after_o in_o hieromes_n time_n 20._o lib._n 15._o com._n in_o esaiam_n epist_n 72._o epi._n ad_fw-la bonifacium_fw-la de_fw-fr pec_fw-fr mer._n &_o remis_fw-la cap._n 20._o there_o be_v no_o honey_n use_v but_o in_o
mention_v of_o the_o outward_a reverence_n therefore_o as_o you_o call_v it_o so_o be_v it_o in_o deed_n a_o poor_a judgement_n of_o you_o that_o because_o god_n be_v worship_v in_o spirit_n and_o in_o truth_n therefore_o man_n fall_v before_o a_o piece_n of_o wood_n knock_v the_o breast_n and_o hold_v up_o the_o hand_n may_v not_o in_o any_o wise_a be_v think_v idolater_n enrich_v i_o beseech_v you_o this_o poor_a judgement_n of_o you_o with_o better_a reason_n or_o hold_v your_o tongue_n for_o shame_n as_o touch_v your_o wisdom_n &_o deep_a discretion_n 132._o folio_n 132._o wherein_o you_o will_v not_o be_v so_o abase_v to_o be_v more_o brutish_a than_o beast_n more_o simple_a than_o bird_n more_o foolish_a than_o daw_n but_o that_o you_o know_v a_o dead_a image_n from_o a_o live_a man_n a_o still_a picture_n from_o a_o quick_a creature_n i_o say_v that_o scripture_n show_v precedent_n of_o the_o contrary_a in_o as_o wise_a man_n as_o you_o be_v and_o as_o for_o your_o own_o part_n experience_n do_v teach_v we_o otherwise_o the_o juggle_a of_o papist_n with_o rood_n and_o image_n have_v seek_v by_o all_o mean_n to_o plant_v a_o opinion_n of_o holiness_n &_o divinity_n to_o rest_n in_o dead_a thing_n and_o howsoever_o you_o believe_v of_o they_o yet_o damnable_a be_v the_o service_n that_o you_o command_v unto_o they_o and_o the_o more_o you_o know_v the_o vile_a condition_n and_o estate_n of_o they_o the_o more_o just_a and_o terrible_a be_v your_o condemnation_n in_o exact_v a_o worship_n &_o adoration_n of_o they_o therefore_o i_o say_v with_o paul_n because_o you_o know_v god_n and_o glorify_v he_o not_o as_o god_n neither_o be_v thankful_a 1._o rom._n 1._o but_o become_v vain_a in_o your_o ymagination_n and_o your_o foolish_a heart_n be_v full_a of_o darkness_n when_o you_o profess_v yourselves_o to_o be_v wise_a you_o be_v very_a fool_n ❧_o and_o thus_o have_v i_o answer_v your_o ten_o article_n use_v more_o word_n in_o disprouf_n of_o they_o than_o the_o cause_n require_v or_o any_o man_n of_o indifferency_n will_v look_v for_o at_o my_o hand_n only_o i_o will_v not_o be_v say_v to_o conceal_v any_o piece_n of_o proufe_v that_o you_o bring_v for_o mayntenaunce_n of_o your_o error_n wherefore_o i_o have_v turn_v over_o leaf_n by_o leaf_n as_o in_o the_o margin_n every_o where_o appear_v peruse_v each_o line_n and_o word_n that_o have_v any_o reason_n in_o it_o annex_v a_o sufficient_a and_o the_o same_o abundant_a confutation_n of_o it_o your_o conclusion_n in_o deed_n i_o deal_v not_o withal_o for_o it_o contain_v more_o than_o be_v in_o the_o premise_n more_o than_o you_o be_v able_a or_o go_v about_o to_o prove_v it_o be_v but_o a_o heap_n of_o lie_n and_o slander_n which_o impudent_o speak_v may_v be_v best_a answer_v with_o silence_n nor_o any_o news_n it_o be_v the_o professor_n of_o the_o truth_n to_o the_o deprave_a of_o you_o paul_n be_v blaspheme_v as_o a_o teacher_n of_o heresy_n 18._o act._n 18._o sozomenus_n li._n 1._o cap._n 18._o as_o who_o religion_n shall_v be_v new_a and_o strange_a constantine_n be_v accuse_v as_o a_o innovater_fw-la and_o perverter_n of_o god_n order_n because_o he_o further_v and_o follow_v christianity_n the_o faithful_a father_n want_v not_o their_o cross_n they_o be_v always_o revile_v with_o most_o word_n of_o reproach_n and_o deem_v of_o the_o world_n the_o vile_a person_n of_o the_o earth_n but_o as_o they_o do_v not_o contend_v in_o scold_v 5._o theodor._n li._n 3._o cap._n 5._o but_o stand_v most_o stiff_o in_o heresy_n reprove_v so_o suffice_v i_o to_o have_v detect_v your_o folly_n and_o disprove_v your_o untruth_n that_o the_o simple_a at_o jest_n wise_n be_v not_o abuse_v by_o you_o the_o cause_n itself_o stand_v to_o fast_o to_o be_v batter_v with_o such_o feeble_a assault_n of_o you_o the_o honesty_n of_o man_n who_o you_o will_v seem_v to_o touch_v be_v not_o to_o be_v impair_v with_o the_o run_v over_o of_o a_o rail_a mouth_n if_o you_o gather_v hereafter_o any_o sound_a skill_n and_o ripe_a discretion_n do_v come_v unto_o you_o you_o will_v correct_v your_o former_a folly_n and_o thank_v i_o for_o the_o minister_a occasion_n of_o amendment_n but_o if_o god_n have_v utter_o resign_v you_o to_o yourself_o and_o wilfulness_n reign_v in_o your_o witless_a head_n breed_v a_o confidence_n to_o put_v still_o your_o more_o shame_n in_o print_n myself_o will_v contemn_v so_o lewd_a a_o adversary_n and_o give_v place_n to_o other_o that_o with_o more_o freedom_n of_o speech_n and_o less_o derogation_n unto_o their_o person_n may_v answer_v you_o according_a to_o your_o shameless_a desert_n finis_fw-la quae_fw-la meliora_fw-la tuis_fw-la placitis_fw-la hoc_fw-la tempore_fw-la noram_fw-la impartire_n tibi_fw-la visum_fw-la est_fw-la hijs_fw-la vtere_fw-la mecum_fw-la a_o table_n by_o order_n of_o the_o article_n brief_o contain_v the_o effect_n of_o the_o whole_a book_n herein_o be_v to_o be_v note_v gentle_a reader_n that_o by_o the_o letter_n a_z follow_v the_o number_n be_v signify_v the_o first_o side_n of_o the_o leaf_n and_o by_o the_o letter_n b_z be_v signify_v the_o second_o side_n of_o the_o same_o in_o the_o epistle_n what_o famous_a clerk_n be_v now_o a_o day_n become_v writer_n what_o be_v to_o be_v think_v of_o marshal_n what_o argument_n he_o use_v how_o he_o traitorous_o take_v away_o the_o chief_a part_n of_o the_o queen_n stile_n how_o she_o for_o her_o clemency_n be_v not_o gracious_a to_o papist_n how_o foolish_o he_o flatter_v she_o the_o queen_n pryvate_a do_n no_o precedent_n to_o all_o of_o every_o fact_n not_o to_o judge_v a_o affection_n how_o public_a order_n have_v take_v away_o rood_n &_o image_n how_o marshal_n do_v lie_v in_o say_v that_o cross_n be_v not_o suffer_v in_o high_a way_n how_o his_o three_o ground_n of_o his_o cause_n be_v lay_v only_o upon_o lie_n how_o for_o the_o doctrine_n of_o the_o cross_n we_o may_v stand_v to_o judgement_n of_o the_o father_n though_o scripture_n be_v not_o in_o the_o preface_n the_o cross_n a_o forge_a ensign_n of_o christ_n fol._n 1._o a._n satan_n sleight_n to_o dysplace_v god_n and_o his_o word_n ibid._n the_o devil_n be_v the_o ape_n of_o god_n ibid._n all_o gentility_n take_v precedent_n of_o god_n service_n ib._n b._n sacrament_n of_o the_o hebrew_n counterfeit_v by_o the_o heathen_a ib._n b._n minos_n follow_v moses_n ib._n hill_n and_o grove_n in_o imitation_n of_o the_o tabernacle_n 2._o a._n witch_n and_o sorcerer_n in_o stead_n of_o prophet_n &_o priest_n ibid._n the_o poet_n paradise_n for_o christian_n heaven_n ib._n their_o purgatory_n for_o hel._n ib._n papist_n herein_o the_o devil_n chief_a minister_n 2._o b._n for_o baptism_n of_o infant_n baptism_n of_o bels._n ib._n more_o solemnity_n in_o the_o devil_n service_n than_o in_o christ_n ib._n holy_a water_n devise_v in_o despite_n of_o baptism_n ib._n ordinance_n of_o god_n and_o ordinance_n of_o the_o devil_n 3._o a._n sole_a life_n exact_v in_o the_o devil_n minister_n ib._n adultery_n with_o papist_n a_o light_a trifle_n ib._n the_o devil_n depute_v saint_n intercessor_n 3._o b._n as_o god_n make_v man_n image_n of_o himself_o so_o the_o devil_n devise_v image_n of_o god_n 4._o a._n god_n book_n burn_v devil_n book_n advance_v ib._n macedonius_n his_o answer_n to_o theodosiꝰ_n man_n of_o war_n 4._o b._n image_n come_v from_o gentility_n and_o foolish_a zeal_n ib._n image_n can_v not_o be_v without_o abuse_n ib._n how_o prone_a we_o be_v to_o superstition_n ib._n how_o lactantius_n affirm_v no_o religion_n to_o be_v where_o a_o image_n be_v 5._o b._n how_o image_n creep_v into_o the_o church_n 6._o b._n &_o 8._o a._n to_o have_v a_o image_n be_v a_o will-worship_n and_o therefore_o unlawful_a 6._o b._n prove_v that_o nothing_o in_o god_n service_n shall_v be_v admit_v beside_o the_o word_n 7._o a._n image_n teacher_n of_o lie_n ib._n how_o god_n order_n be_v break_v by_o image_n ib._n that_o image_n come_v from_o gentility_n be_v prove_v 7._o b._n that_o in_o eusebius_n time_n 325._o year_n after_o christ_n no_o image_n in_o church_n 8._o a._n serenus_n bishop_n of_o massilia_n break_v all_o image_n 8._o b._n fruit_n of_o image_n ibid._n place_n of_o scripture_n condemn_v image_n 9_o a._n papist_n devotion_n like_a to_o michah_n 9_o b._n image_n mayntayner_n like_v to_o jeroboam_fw-la ib._n erasmꝰ_n opinion_n of_o im._n 10._o b._n imag._n be_v prove_v not_o to_o teach_v otherwise_o than_o wicked_o 11._o a_o that_o memory_n be_v holpen_v by_o the_o story_n be_v answer_v 12._o a._n that_o god_n can_v have_v no_o image_n make_v of_o he_o 12._o b._n that_o christ_n neither_o can_v nor_o ought_v have_v a_o image_n make_v of_o he_o 14._o a._n &_o seq_n image_n not_o only_o forbid_v to_o be_v worship_v but_o also_o to_o be_v
god_n sin_n be_v remit_v not_o by_o the_o force_n of_o water_n but_o power_n of_o the_o spirit_n therefore_o the_o devil_n will_v have_v his_o consecration_n of_o water_n and_o of_o salt_n 3._o de_fw-fr consecr_n dist._n 3._o qua_fw-la cuncti_fw-la sanctificentur_fw-la ac_fw-la purificentur_fw-la aspersi_fw-la as_o it_o be_v write_v in_o the_o pope_n decree_n that_o whosoever_o be_v sprinkle_v therewith_o be_v by_o and_o by_o sanctify_a purify_a make_v clean_o and_o holy_a go_v no_o further_o than_o to_o their_o portess_n and_o you_o shall_v see_v how_o they_o approve_v it_o aqua_fw-la benedicta_fw-la deleantur_fw-la tua_fw-la delicta_fw-la aqua_fw-la benedicta_fw-la sit_fw-la tibi_fw-la salus_fw-la &_o vita_fw-la by_o the_o holy_a water_n so_o be_v thy_o offence_n put_v the_o fro_o let_v the_o holy_a water_n be_v salvation_n and_o life_n to_o thou_o these_o word_n be_v in_o their_o daily_a service_n but_o o_o blasphemous_a mouth_n to_o attribute_v that_o to_o their_o invention_n which_o be_v the_o work_n of_o god_n alone_o the_o price_n of_o the_o blood_n of_o christ_n our_o saviour_n yet_o will_v they_o have_v as_o their_o father_n have_v when_o he_o come_v forth_o with_o scriptum_n est_fw-la the_o scripture_n for_o they_o apply_v i_o promise_v you_o to_o as_o good_a a_o purpose_n as_o when_o the_o witch_n by_o her_o pater_fw-la noster_fw-la make_v her_o pail_n go_v a_o milk_n for_o why_o shall_v i_o not_o compare_v the_o priest_n that_o consecrate_v cross_n and_o ash_n water_n and_o salt_n oil_n and_o cream_n bow_n and_o bone_n stock_n and_o stone_n that_o christian_a bell_n that_o hang_v in_o the_o steeple_n that_o conjure_v worm_n that_o creep_v in_o the_o field_n that_o give_v s._n johns_n gospel_n to_o hang_v about_o man_n neck_n to_o the_o vile_a witch_n and_o sorcerer_n of_o the_o earth_n each_o prince_n have_v his_o people_n &_o deliver_v his_o law_n to_o be_v observe_v of_o they_o which_o if_o they_o keep_v they_o show_v they_o be_v he_o and_o god_n that_o his_o servant_n may_v be_v know_v to_o the_o world_n by_o walk_v according_a to_o his_o will_n ordain_v some_o work_n wherein_o he_o will_v have_v we_o to_o exercise_v ourselves_o as_o the_o fear_n the_o faith_n the_o love_n to_o godward_o the_o repentance_n of_o our_o evil_n the_o profession_n of_o the_o gospel_n the_o furtherance_n of_o the_o same_o prayer_n thanksgiving_n &_o praise_v of_o god_n patience_n perseverance_n justice_n charity_n and_o such_o other_o like_a what_o do_v the_o devil_n now_o to_o seal_v his_o servant_n into_o league_n with_o he_o he_o devise_v ordinance_n to_o make_v they_o to_o be_v know_v by_o as_o strange_a attire_n difference_n of_o meat_n refusal_n of_o marriage_n rise_v at_o midnight_n shut_v up_o in_o a_o cloister_n erect_v of_o image_n worship_v of_o saint_n service_n in_o latin_a gad_v on_o pilgrimage_n make_v of_o vow_n most_o wilful_a beggary_n most_o vile_a hypocrisy_n hereby_o the_o simple_a have_v be_v so_o delude_v that_o they_o think_v god_n service_n to_o consist_v herein_o and_o so_o the_o devil_n for_o god_n be_v honour_v hereby_o the_o devil_n child_n have_v so_o magnify_v themselves_o that_o god_n law_n neglect_v their_o beastly_a fancy_n have_v be_v have_v in_o reverence_n for_o prouse_v whereof_o go_v no_o further_o than_o to_o this_o sole_a life_n be_v not_o by_o god_n command_v the_o devil_n do_v exact_v it_o in_o his_o minister_n 13_o genes_n 26._o exod._n 20._o 1._o cor._n 6._o heb._n 13_o adultery_n be_v by_o god_n condemn_v the_o devil_n in_o his_o minister_n make_v a_o trifle_n of_o it_o that_o filthy_a vice_n which_o by_o the_o testimony_n of_o the_o apostle_n paul_n do_v quite_o exclude_v we_o from_o the_o kingdom_n of_o heaven_n they_o make_v but_o a_o game_n of_o or_o a_o sin_n venial_a if_o you_o credit_v i_o not_o read_v the_o the_o decree_n of_o alexander_n the_o three_o of_o the_o name_n adult_n cap._n at_o si_fw-la clerici_fw-la paragra_fw-la de_fw-fr adult_n there_o he_o affirm_v that_o as_o for_o adultery_n &_o such_o other_o fault_n which_o he_o account_v by_o express_a word_n crimina_fw-la leviora_fw-la trifle_v offence_n the_o bishop_n may_v dispense_v with_o and_o yet_o some_o good_a fellow_n will_v say_v that_o we_o preach_v liberty_n we_o or_o the_o papist_n judge_v you_o fraternitatis_fw-la dist._n 24._o cap._n fraternitatis_fw-la pelagiꝰ_n the_o pope_n as_o we_o read_v in_o a_o certain_a decretal_a of_o his_o &_o when_o i_o speak_v of_o decree_n &_o decretal_n think_v that_o i_o speak_v of_o no_o other_o matter_n than_o that_o which_z the_o papist_n have_v in_o as_o sovereign_a a_o price_n as_o the_o bible_n give_v a_o worthy_a censure_n in_o the_o like_o case_n a_o man_n that_o have_v be_v marry_v will_v needs_o after_o the_o decease_n of_o his_o wife_n become_v a_o priest_n &_o sue_v for_o his_o order_n the_o prelate_n fall_v of_o examine_v the_o matter_n whether_o he_o be_v bigamus_fw-la or_o no_o that_o be_v to_o say_v whether_o his_o wife_n be_v a_o maid_n when_o he_o marry_v she_o or_o whether_o he_o himself_o have_v marry_v a_o second_o wife_n for_o if_o either_o of_o these_o have_v be_v find_v in_o he_o he_o have_v be_v unméete_a to_o enter_v into_o order_n but_o find_v he_o be_v to_o be_v a_o adulterer_n who_o after_o his_o wife_n death_n have_v a_o child_n by_o a_o other_o woman_n now_o what_o say_v the_o holy_a father_n in_o as_o much_o as_o he_o be_v not_o find_v to_o be_v bigamus_fw-la but_o yet_o prove_v incontinent_a we_o hope_v well_o of_o he_o let_v he_o have_v his_o order_n as_o for_o his_o lechery_n we_o bear_v with_o he_o in_o respect_n of_o the_o weakness_n of_o this_o our_o age_n see_v the_o religion_n of_o popery_n if_o it_o have_v be_v his_o hap_n to_o have_v marry_v a_o widow_n or_o the_o second_o time_n to_o have_v enter_v into_o the_o holy_a state_n of_o matrimony_n this_o man_n shall_v have_v have_v no_o order_n now_o that_o he_o be_v become_v a_o whoremaster_n he_o have_v they_o here_o come_v in_o place_n the_o famous_a judgement_n of_o he_o that_o make_v the_o gloze_n not_o in_o mockery_n but_o in_o good_a earnest_n ecce_fw-la casus_fw-la ubi_fw-la plus_fw-la valet_fw-la luxuria_fw-la quam_fw-la castitas_fw-la behold_v a_o case_n where_o incontinence_n have_v a_o more_o privilege_n than_o chastity_n thus_o i_o suppose_v you_o see_v how_o the_o devil_n do_v advance_v his_o work_n and_o by_o the_o ministry_n of_o the_o papist_n set_v up_o himself_o in_o place_n of_o god_n now_o that_o his_o religion_n shall_v in_o all_o point_n to_o the_o world_n eye_n be_v as_o perfect_a as_o god_n and_o the_o man_n shall_v not_o want_v help_n enough_o to_o hell_n as_o god_n appoint_v the_o prayer_n unto_o he_o to_o be_v make_v through_o christ_n our_o mediator_n so_o when_o the_o devil_n will_v be_v serve_v best_a he_o depute_v saint_n to_o be_v intercessor_n and_o every_o one_o of_o they_o have_v his_o charge_n lymit_v one_o to_o deliver_v we_o from_o the_o fever_n quartane_a another_o to_o preserve_v we_o from_o the_o danger_n of_o the_o sea_n one_o to_o restore_v the_o good_n that_o we_o have_v lose_v another_o to_o defend_v our_o fold_n from_o the_o fox_n one_o for_o the_o plague_n another_o for_o the_o purse_z one_o for_o ourselves_o another_o for_o our_o swine_n and_o be_v not_o this_o mere_a gentility_n yet_o be_v it_o right_a popery_n as_o they_o have_v juno_n for_o woman_n in_o childbed_n so_o we_o the_o bless_v virgin_n in_o her_o place_n with_o us._n as_o they_o have_v esculapius_n to_o save_v they_o from_o disease_n so_o have_v we_o s._n roke_v to_o supply_v that_o room_n as_o they_o have_v mars_n to_o help_v they_o in_o warfare_n so_o have_v we_o s._n george_n to_o make_v we_o win_v the_o field_n final_o lest_o there_o shall_v want_v any_o thing_n to_o please_v the_o wanton_a world_n as_o god_n of_o his_o mercy_n do_v make_v man_n after_o the_o image_n and_o likeness_n of_o himself_o so_o the_o devil_n have_v put_v in_o the_o mind_n of_o man_n to_o make_v image_n after_o the_o likeness_n of_o god_n and_o so_o to_o transfer_v his_o honour_n unto_o creature_n the_o blockish_a image_n the_o dead_a cross_n have_v be_v creep_v to_o be_v worship_v the_o lively_a image_n of_o christ_n himself_o have_v be_v bring_v to_o the_o cross_n and_o burn_v cruel_o may_v i_o not_o therefore_o with_o clement_n the_o apostle_n successor_n say_v quis_fw-la est_fw-la iste_fw-la honour_n dei_fw-la per_fw-la lapideas_fw-la &_o ligneas_fw-la formas_fw-la discurrere_fw-la atque_fw-la exanimes_fw-la figuras_fw-la venerari_fw-la 5._o recog_n li._n 5._o &_o hominem_fw-la in_o quo_fw-la vera_fw-la dei_fw-la imago_fw-la est_fw-la spernere_fw-la what_o honour_n of_o god_n be_v this_o to_o run_v about_o the_o counterfeit_v of_o timber_n and_o of_o stone_n &_o to_o worship_v the_o shape_n that_o be_v without_o soul_n and_o despise_v man_n in_o
out_o that_o you_o do_v not_o understand_v my_o talk_n oues_fw-la mea_fw-la cognoscunt_fw-la vocem_fw-la meam_fw-la &_o non_fw-la sequuntur_fw-la alienum_fw-la my_o sheep_n say_v he_o know_v my_o voice_n and_o follow_v no_o strange_a nor_o doubt_v it_o be_v but_o by_o the_o instinct_n of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n we_o be_v make_v his_o sheep_n which_o will_v not_o hearken_v to_o error_n and_o heresy_n which_o be_v the_o voice_n of_o stranger_n but_o follow_v the_o voice_n of_o our_o master_n christ_n which_o in_o the_o scripture_n be_v cry_v to_o us._n if_o these_o reason_n and_o allegation_n may_v not_o prevail_v with_o some_o to_o drive_v they_o to_o a_o sure_a and_o safe_a ankerholde_n in_o christ_n let_v they_o run_v and_o they_o lyste_v public_a public_a to_o the_o other_o kind_n of_o examination_n of_o doctrine_n which_o be_v the_o common_a consent_n of_o the_o church_n for_o since_o it_o be_v to_o be_v fear_v great_o lest_o their_o arise_v some_o phrenetike_a person_n which_o will_v brag_v and_o boast_v as_o well_o as_o the_o best_a that_o they_o be_v prophet_n they_o be_v endue_v with_o the_o spirit_n of_o truth_n and_o yet_o will_v lead_v man_n into_o all_o error_n this_o remedy_n be_v very_o necessary_a the_o faithful_a to_o assemble_v themselves_o together_o and_o seek_v a_o unity_n of_o faith_n &_o godliness_n but_o when_o we_o have_v run_v as_o far_o as_o we_o can_v refuge_n the_o scripture_n last_o refuge_n we_o can_v go_v no_o further_o than_o to_o the_o wall_n we_o must_v revolt_v to_o the_o former_a principle_n and_o try_v by_o the_o scripture_n which_o be_v the_o church_n wherefore_o in_o controversy_n of_o our_o religion_n if_o man_n devise_n be_v less_o esteem_v and_o the_o simple_a order_n of_o god_n wisdom_n follow_v less_o danger_n few_o quarrel_n shall_v arise_v among_o we_o more_o truth_n more_o sincerity_n shall_v be_v retain_v of_o us._n and_o to_o this_o end_n i_o can_v have_v wysh_v that_o you_o m._n marshal_n shall_v have_v learn_v first_o to_o frame_v your_o own_o conscience_n according_a to_o the_o word_n then_o have_v ascribe_v such_o authority_n thereto_o that_o we_o need_v not_o forsake_v the_o fountain_n to_o follow_v the_o infect_a stream_n nor_o have_v the_o use_n of_o sweet_a &_o sufficient_a corn_n feed_v upon_o acorn_n still_o but_o i_o will_v that_o have_v be_v the_o most_o fault_n of_o you_o to_o have_v attribute_v much_o unto_o the_o father_n &_o have_v not_o otherwise_o of_o malice_n wrest_v they_o and_o of_o mere_a ignorance_n sometime_o corrupt_v they_o the_o scripture_n which_o in_o the_o title_n of_o your_o book_n have_v the_o first_o place_n in_z the_o rest_n of_o the_o discourse_n have_v very_o little_a or_o no_o place_n at_o all_o and_o under_o name_n of_o father_n and_o antiquity_n fable_n and_o folly_n of_o newefangled_a man_n be_v obtrude_v to_o us._n to_o come_v to_o the_o instant_n 18._o folio_n 18._o first_o you_o bring_v forth_o the_o signification_n of_o cross_n in_o scripture_n you_o muster_v your_o man_n who_o aid_n you_o will_v use_v in_o this_o sorry_a skirmish_n and_o although_o they_o be_v very_o few_o yet_o you_o number_v one_o more_o than_o you_o have_v and_o like_o a_o covetous_a captain_n will_v needs_o indent_v for_o a_o dead_a pay_n you_o say_v that_o the_o scripture_n have_v prefer_v to_o your_o band_n .4_o soldier_n 24._o folio_n 24._o the_o cross_n of_o affliction_n the_o passion_n of_o christ_n the_o cross_n that_o he_o die_v on_o and_o the_o material_a or_o mystical_a sign_n of_o the_o cross_n material_a to_o be_v erect_v in_o the_o church_n mystical_a to_o be_v make_v with_o the_o finger_n in_o some_o part_n of_o the_o body_n these_o be_v not_o many_o you_o wot_v you_o may_v have_v keep_v tale_n of_o they_o but_o the_o first_o and_o the_o second_o as_o the_o word_n of_o god_n commend_v in_o deed_n and_o be_v most_o necessary_a for_o our_o salvation_n so_o will_v you_o not_o deal_v withal_o they_o be_v to_o cumbersome_a for_o your_o company_n the_o third_o you_o confuse_o speak_v of_o of_o which_o notwithstanding_o small_a commendation_n in_o the_o scripture_n be_v find_v the_o four_o which_o ought_v to_o strike_v the_o great_a stroke_n be_v not_o extant_a at_o all_o for_o neither_o the_o material_a nor_o mystical_a cross_n in_o that_o sense_n that_o you_o take_v they_o to_o that_o end_n that_o you_o apply_v they_o be_v once_o mention_v in_o the_o word_n of_o god_n wherefore_o you_o may_v blot_n out_o of_o your_o book_n scripture_n and_o take_v to_o yourself_o some_o other_o succour_n or_o fight_v with_o a_o shadow_n i_o need_v not_o to_o trouble_v myself_o about_o your_o three_o cross_n which_o be_v the_o piece_n of_o wood_n whereupon_o christ_n die_v both_o for_o because_o we_o have_v it_o not_o and_o also_o you_o yourself_o do_v not_o take_v it_o incident_a into_o your_o purpose_n to_o treat_v of_o yet_o because_o you_o make_v many_o gloss_n thereon_o and_o apply_v to_o the_o sign_n the_o virtue_n propre_fw-fr to_o the_o thing_n itself_o it_o be_v not_o amiss_o to_o examine_v your_o folly_n first_o you_o cite_v a_o place_n of_o chrisostome_n 13.2_o folio_n 13.2_o ex_fw-la demonstratione_fw-la ad_fw-la gentiles_n and_o for_o .3_o leave_v together_o although_o you_o do_v not_o tell_v we_o so_o much_o you_o write_v a_o other_o man_n word_n as_o your_o own_o to_o praise_v your_o pregnante_fw-la wit_n but_o you_o patch_v they_o and_o piece_v they_o ilfavored_o &_o whatso_n ever_o seem_v to_o make_v against_o you_o you_o leave_v out_o fraudulent_o this_o be_v no_o plain_n or_o honest_a deal_n in_o deed_n chrisostome_n stop_v many_o a_o gap_n with_o you_o the_o comfort_n of_o your_o cross_n do_v most_o rest_n in_o chrisostome_n chrisostome_n chrisostome_n but_o chrisostome_n be_v not_o without_o his_o fault_n his_o golden_a mouth_n wherein_o he_o pass_v other_o sometime_o have_v leaden_a word_n which_o yield_v to_o the_o error_n &_o abuse_n of_o other_o i_o be_o not_o ignorant_a that_o in_o his_o day_n many_o evil_a custom_n be_v creep_v into_o the_o church_n which_o in_o his_o work_n he_o reprove_v not_o he_o praise_v such_o as_o go_v to_o the_o sepulcher_n of_o saint_n he_o make_v mention_n of_o prayer_n 41._o to._n 4_o ad_fw-la pop_n 66._o in._n 1._o cor._n 16._o hom._n 41._o for_o the_o dead_a monkery_n he_o commend_v above_o the_o moon_n in_o his_o tract_n of_o penance_n beside_o many_o other_o absurdity_n when_o he_o have_v rehearse_v many_o way_n to_o obtain_v remission_n of_o sin_n as_o alm_n weep_v fast_v and_o such_o other_o he_o make_v no_o mention_n at_o all_o of_o faith_n in_o his_o commentary_n upon_o paul_n he_o say_v that_o concupiscence_n unless_o it_o bring_v forth_o the_o extern_a work_n be_v no_o sin_n wherefore_o if_o he_o have_v say_v so_o much_o for_o the_o cross_n as_o you_o misconstrue_v and_o more_o than_o accord_v with_o the_o glory_n of_o christ_n i_o may_v lap_n it_o up_o with_o other_o of_o his_o error_n and_o have_v the_o scripture_n for_o i_o chrisostome_n shall_v be_v no_o precedent_n against_o i_o but_o i_o will_v not_o go_v this_o way_n to_o work_v i_o admit_v his_o authority_n but_o mark_v m._n marshal_n what_o his_o meaning_n be_v in_o the_o place_n that_o you_o allege_v for_o the_o cross_n he_o deal_v with_o the_o gentile_n the_o mark_n that_o he_o shoot_v at_o be_v to_o prove_v to_o they_o quod_fw-la christus_fw-la deus_fw-la esset_fw-la that_o christ_n be_v god_n as_o in_o the_o title_n appear_v now_o because_o this_o punishment_n to_o be_v hang_v on_o the_o gallows_n be_v marvelous_a offensive_a unto_o the_o heathen_a nor_o they_o can_v think_v he_o to_o be_v a_o god_n the_o be_v execute_v with_o so_o vile_a a_o death_n chrisostome_n therefore_o go_v as_o far_o in_o the_o contrary_a prove_v that_o that_o which_o be_v a_o token_n of_o curse_n be_v now_o become_v the_o sign_n of_o salvation_n and_o because_o that_o they_o speak_v so_o much_o shame_n of_o the_o cross_n derogate_a therefore_o from_o he_o that_o be_v crucify_v the_o christian_n to_o testify_v by_o their_o outward_a fact_n their_o inward_a profession_n will_v make_v in_o every_o place_n the_o sign_n thereof_o this_o be_v the_o occasion_n that_o the_o mystical_a cross_n creep_v into_o custom_n but_o here_o be_v no_o place_n to_o entreat_v of_o that_o though_o you_o take_v still_o non_fw-la causam_fw-la pro_fw-la causa_fw-la that_o which_o be_v impertinente_fw-la for_o proufe_v of_o your_o matter_n confound_v the_o same_o notwithstanding_o continue_v thing_n well_o receve_v il_fw-mi continue_v how_o thing_n receyve_v to_o good_a purpose_n as_o to_o the_o judgement_n of_o man_n seem_v may_v afterward_o grow_v to_o abuse_v this_o sign_n of_o the_o cross_n show_v that_o which_o be_v at_o the_o first_o a_o testimony_n of_o christianity_n come_v to_o be_v make_v a_o magical_a enchantment_n that_o which_o
multis_fw-la pauca_fw-la scripturae_fw-la patrunque_fw-la testimonia_fw-la in_fw-la hac_fw-la definitione_n nostra_fw-la parcentes_fw-la sanè_fw-la copiae_fw-la ne_fw-la in_o longum_fw-la res_fw-la protraheretur_fw-la collocavimus_fw-la reliquis_fw-la enim_fw-la quae_fw-la infinita_fw-la sunt_fw-la volentes_fw-la supersedimus_fw-la ut_fw-la qui_fw-la velint_fw-la ipsi_fw-la requirant_fw-la exit_fw-la his_fw-la igitur_fw-la a_o deo_fw-la in_o spiratis_fw-la scripture_n &_o beatorum_fw-la patrum_fw-la sententijs_fw-la stabiliti_fw-la &_o super_fw-la petram_fw-la cultus_fw-la divini_fw-la in_o spiritu_fw-la pedes_fw-la confirmantes_fw-la in_fw-la nomine_fw-la sanctae_fw-la &_o supersubstantialis_fw-la vivificantis_fw-la trinitatis_fw-la unanime_n &_o eiusdem_fw-la sententiae_fw-la nos_fw-la qui_fw-la sacerdotij_fw-la dignitate_fw-la succincti_fw-la sumus_fw-la simul_fw-la existentes_fw-la una_fw-la voce_fw-la definimus_fw-la omnem_fw-la imaginem_fw-la ex_fw-la quacunque_fw-la materia_fw-la improba_fw-la pictorun_n arte_fw-la factam_fw-la ab_fw-la ecclesia_fw-la christianorun_n reijciendam_fw-la veluti_fw-la alienan_n &_o abominabilem_fw-la nemo_fw-la hominum_fw-la qualiscunque_fw-la tanden_fw-mi fuerit_fw-la tale_n institutum_fw-la &_o impium_fw-la &_o impurum_fw-la posthac_fw-la sectetur_fw-la qui_fw-la vero_fw-la ab_fw-la hoc_fw-la die_fw-la imaginem_fw-la ausus_fw-la fuerit_fw-la sibi_fw-la parare_fw-la aut_fw-la adorare_fw-la aut_fw-la in_o ecclesia_fw-la aut_fw-la in_o privata_fw-la domo_fw-la constituere_fw-la aut_fw-la clam_fw-la habere_fw-la si_fw-la episcopus_fw-la fuerit_fw-la aut_fw-la diaconus_fw-la deponitor_fw-la si_fw-la vero_fw-la solitarius_fw-la aut_fw-la laicus_fw-la anathemate_fw-la percellitor_fw-la imperialibúsque_fw-la constitutionibus_fw-la subijcitor_n ut_fw-la qui_fw-la divinis_fw-la decretis_fw-la impugnet_fw-la &_o dogmata_fw-la non_fw-la obseruet_fw-la the_o english_a of_o which_o word_n be_v this_o the_o wicked_a call_n of_o image_n by_o a_o false_a name_n neither_o have_v his_o beginning_n by_o tradition_n from_o christ_n nor_o of_o his_o apostle_n or_o yet_o the_o ancient_a father_n neither_o have_v it_o any_o holy_a prayer_n where_o through_o to_o be_v sanctify_v but_o it_o remain_v profane_a even_o as_o it_o be_v wrought_v and_o finish_v of_o the_o painter_n but_o if_o certain_a deliver_v of_o that_o error_n affirm_v that_o we_o have_v godly_o and_o upright_o say_v in_o throw_v down_o the_o image_n of_o christ_n because_o of_o the_o inseparable_a and_o inconfusible_a substance_n of_o two_o nature_n join_v in_o one_o person_n yet_o notwithstanding_o some_o occasion_n of_o doubt_n remain_v in_o they_o as_o touch_v the_o image_n of_o the_o virgin_n most_o glorious_a and_o undefiled_a the_o mother_n of_o god_n of_o the_o prophet_n apostle_n and_o martyr_n see_v that_o they_o be_v only_a man_n and_o no_o more_o neither_o do_v consist_v of_o two_o nature_n that_o be_v to_o say_v the_o divine_a and_o human_a join_v in_o one_o person_n as_o before_o we_o have_v signify_v to_o be_v in_o christ_n and_o the_o contrary_a thereof_o practise_v in_o his_o image_n there_o grow_v in_o deed_n some_o matter_n of_o doubt_n as_o touch_v the_o image_n of_o the_o most_o glorious_a and_o undefiled_a mother_n of_o god_n of_o the_o prophet_n apostle_n &_o martyr_n see_v that_o they_o be_v only_a man_n and_o not_o frame_v of_o two_o nature_n what_o they_o be_v able_a to_o say_v to_o any_o purpose_n with_o reason_n unto_o these_o the_o former_a argument_n overthrow_v certain_o they_o have_v nothing_o at_o all_o in_o this_o case_n to_o say_v but_o what_o say_v we_o to_o overthrow_v image_n for_o as_o much_o as_o our_o catholic_a church_n be_v a_o mean_a between_o the_o judaisme_n and_o gentility_n have_v receyve_v neither_o of_o the_o manner_n of_o sacrifice_n accustom_v to_o they_o but_o have_v enter_v into_o a_o new_a way_n and_o order_n of_o godliness_n and_o mystical_a constitution_n give_v and_o deliver_v of_o god_n for_o it_o do_v in_o no_o wise_n admit_v the_o bloody_a sacrifice_n and_o burn_a offering_n of_o the_o jew_n &_o it_o do_v utter_o abhor_v not_o only_o all_o idolatry_n in_o sacrifice_v but_o also_o multitude_n of_o ymage_n of_o gentility_n for_o this_o be_v the_o head_n &_o first_z most_o abominable_a deviser_n of_o this_o art_n which_o have_v no_o hope_n of_o resurrection_n invent_v a_o toy_n worthy_a itself_o whereby_o always_o the_o absent_a may_v be_v show_v as_o present_v therefore_o since_o this_o practice_n smell_v not_o of_o any_o novelty_n doubtless_o let_v it_o be_v remove_v most_o far_o of_o from_o the_o church_n of_o christ_n as_o a_o strange_a and_o foreign_a devise_n of_o man_n possess_v with_o the_o devil_n let_v the_o tong_n then_o of_o all_o such_o surcesse_n which_o spewe_v forth_o wicked_a &_o blasphemous_a thing_n to_o the_o derogation_n of_o this_o our_o judgement_n &_o decree_n most_o acceptable_a to_o god_n as_o for_o the_o holy_a man_n who_o please_v god_n &_o which_o be_v honour_v by_o he_o with_o the_o dignity_n of_o holiness_n although_o that_o they_o be_v depart_v hence_o yet_o that_o dead_a and_o hateful_a practice_n shall_v never_o make_v they_o again_o alyve_a but_o whosoever_o poison_v with_o the_o error_n of_o the_o heathen_a shall_v attempt_v to_o set_v up_o image_n to_o they_o he_o shall_v be_v adjudge_v as_o one_o that_o have_v commit_v blasphemy_n and_o how_o dare_v the_o rascal_n occupation_n of_o gentile_n presume_v to_o paint_v that_o most_o praiseworthy_a mother_n of_o god_n who_o the_o fullness_n of_o the_o godheade_n have_v overshadow_a through_o who_o have_v shine_v upon_o we_o that_o light_n which_o can_v not_o be_v come_v unto_o that_o mother_n i_o say_v high_o than_o the_o heaven_n holy_a than_o the_o cherubin_n again_o why_o fear_v they_o not_o i_o say_v according_a to_o the_o art_n of_o ethnic_n to_o counterfeit_v they_o which_o shall_v reign_v with_o christ_n &_o shall_v sit_v on_o seat_n with_o he_o to_o judge_v the_o world_n conform_v unto_o he_o in_o glory_n of_o who_o the_o world_n be_v unworthy_a as_o the_o godly_a miracle_n affirm_v very_o it_o be_v not_o lawful_a for_o christian_n which_o believe_v the_o resurrection_n to_o use_v the_o order_n of_o worship_v of_o devil_n neither_o yet_o do_v it_o beseem_v by_o vile_a and_o dead_a kind_n of_o matter_n to_o reproach_n they_o the_o which_o shall_v shine_v in_o so_o great_a &_o pass_a glory_n as_o for_o we_o we_o use_v not_o to_o receyve_v of_o stranger_n demonstration_n of_o our_o faith_n neither_o yet_o in_o devil_n to_o require_v testimony_n furthermore_o our_o sentence_n search_v and_o discuss_v both_o out_o of_o the_o scripture_n inspire_v from_o above_o &_o out_o of_o the_o effectual_a testimony_n of_o pike_a father_n agre_v with_o we_o and_o affirm_v our_o good_a intent_n we_o will_v exhibit_v in_o this_o case_n our_o resolute_a determination_n which_o he_o shall_v not_o be_v able_a to_o gaynesay_v which_o labour_v to_o call_v these_o thing_n in_o question_n as_o for_o he_o that_o be_v ignorant_a let_v he_o learn_v and_o be_v instruct_v that_o these_o thing_n be_v take_v out_o of_o the_o word_n of_o god_n first_o we_o place_n before_o the_o rest_n this_o sentence_n of_o god_n voice_n say_v god_n be_v a_o spirit_n whosoever_o will_v worship_v god_n in_o spirit_n and_o truth_n let_v he_o worship_n and_o again_o no_o man_n at_o any_o time_n see_v god_n neither_o have_v you_o hear_v his_o voice_n or_o see_v his_o shape_n bless_a be_v those_o which_o have_v not_o see_v and_o yet_o believe_v and_o in_o the_o old_a testament_n he_o say_v to_o moses_n and_o the_o people_n thou_o shall_v not_o make_v to_o thyself_o any_o grave_a image_n neither_o the_o likeness_n of_o any_o thing_n in_o heaven_n above_o or_o in_o the_o earth_n beneath_o for_o the_o which_o cause_n you_o hear_v the_o voice_n of_o his_o word_n in_o the_o mountain_n in_o the_o midst_n of_o fire_n but_o his_o shape_n you_o see_v not_o but_o only_o hear_v his_o voice_n and_o they_o have_v change_v the_o glory_n of_o the_o immortal_a god_n by_o a_o image_n frame_v after_o the_o shape_n of_o a_o mortal_a man_n and_o they_o have_v honour_v and_o worship_v the_o thing_n which_o be_v create_v above_o he_o which_o have_v create_v and_o again_o for_o if_o we_o have_v know_v christ_n according_a to_o the_o flesh_n now_o we_o know_v he_o not_o for_o we_o walk_v by_o faith_n and_o not_o by_o the_o outward_a appearance_n and_o this_o also_o which_o be_v most_o plain_o speak_v of_o the_o apostle_n therefore_o faith_n come_v of_o hear_v but_o hear_v come_v by_o the_o word_n of_o god_n for_o if_o we_o have_v know_v christ_n according_a to_o the_o flesh_n now_o we_o know_v he_o not_o for_o we_o walk_v by_o faith_n and_o not_o by_o outward_a appearance_n the_o very_a self_n same_o thing_n our_o godly_a father_n the_o scholar_n and_o successor_n of_o the_o apostle_n do_v teach_v us._n for_o epiphanius_n of_o cypress_n most_o famous_a among_o the_o foremost_a thus_o say_v take_v heed_n unto_o yourselves_o that_o you_o keep_v the_o tradition_n which_o you_o have_v receyve_v see_v you_o lean_v not_o neither_o to_o the_o right_a hand_n nor_o to_o the_o
man_n armure_n and_o erect_v it_o in_o the_o market_n place_n yet_o we_o never_o read_v that_o he_o make_v a_o roodeloft_n or_o place_v the_o cross_n upon_o the_o altar_n and_o think_v you_o that_o eusebiꝰ_n will_v have_v forget_v this_o which_o do_v remember_v far_o small_a matter_n if_o any_o such_o thing_n of_o a_o truth_n have_v be_v wherefore_o whatsoever_o you_o deem_v of_o other_o or_o whatsoever_o your_o own_o wisdom_n be_v your_o supposal_n in_o this_o case_n be_v neither_o true_a nor_o likely_a to_o be_v true_a peradventure_o you_o suppose_v that_o your_o hot_a interrogation_n of_o shall_v we_o think_v 47._o folio_n 47._o and_o constant_a asseveration_n of_o no_o man_n of_o wisdom_n can_v think_v will_v make_v we_o by_o and_o by_o yield_v unto_o a_o lie_n but_o we_o be_v no_o child_n we_o be_v not_o to_o be_v fear_v with_o rattle_v you_o must_v bring_v better_a matter_n than_o your_o own_o think_v and_o sound_a proof_n than_o silvester_n his_o writing_n or_o else_o your_o cross_n shall_v be_v little_o care_v for_o we_o know_v what_o idle_a tale_n and_o impudent_a lie_n of_o constantine_n donation_n peter_n and_o paul_n apparition_n with_o such_o other_o like_a be_v in_o the_o decree_n ascribe_v to_o silvester_n and_o thence_o you_o fetch_v your_o authority_n that_o constantine_n make_v a_o church_n in_o honour_n of_o s._n paul_n and_o set_v a_o cross_n of_o gold_n upon_o his_o cophyne_n 47._o folio_n 47._o weigh_v a_o hundred_o and_o fifty_o pound_n weyght_o o_o what_o a_o oversight_n be_v this_o in_o eusebius_n that_o write_v his_o life_n avaunce_v his_o act_n suppress_v such_o a_o notable_a and_o famous_a piece_n of_o work_n o_o what_o a_o escape_n be_v this_o of_o sozomenus_n that_o make_v mention_n of_o his_o little_a chapel_n forget_v the_o great_a church_n but_o as_o the_o prophet_n say_v 10_z heir_n 10_z a_o image_n be_v a_o teacher_n of_o lie_n so_o must_v your_o imagery_n be_v defend_v with_o lie_n or_o else_o they_o will_v fall_v to_o nought_o i_o perceive_v you_o be_v drive_v to_o very_o narrow_a shift_n when_o you_o bring_v the_o authority_n of_o a_o bishop_n of_o orleans_n to_o avouche_v the_o ancienty_n of_o the_o sign_n of_o a_o cross_n sweet_a flower_n be_v rare_a where_o nettle_n be_v so_o make_v of_o but_o alas_o what_o have_v he_o that_o further_v your_o cause_n take_v away_o the_o term_n of_o legitimꝰ_n whereby_o he_o call_v it_o a_o lawful_a custom_n &_o i_o will_v not_o contend_v for_o any_o piece_n of_o his_o assertion_n i_o know_v that_o it_o creep_v not_o into_o the_o church_n first_o in_o the_o time_n of_o charles_n to_o have_v the_o sign_n of_o the_o cross_n use_v i_o know_v the_o custom_n receive_v in_o some_o place_n be_v three_o hundred_o year_n elder_a than_o he_o yet_o not_o without_o contradiction_n at_o any_o tyme._n wherefore_o in_o this_o and_o such_o other_o case_n where_o either_o against_o the_o universal_a scripture_n a_o custom_n general_a be_v pretend_v or_o a_o private_a custom_n without_o the_o word_n establish_v let_v the_o rule_n of_o s._n augustine_n take_v place_n rather_o omnis_fw-la talia_fw-la que_fw-la neque_fw-la sanctarum_fw-la scripturarum_fw-la authoritatibus_fw-la continentur_fw-la nec_fw-la in_o concilijs_fw-la episcoporum_fw-la statuta_fw-la inveniuntur_fw-la 119._o epist_n 119._o nec_fw-la consuetudine_fw-la universe_n ecclesie_n rob●●atu_fw-la sunt_fw-la sed_fw-la diversorum_fw-la locorum_fw-la diversis_fw-la moribus_fw-la innumerabiliter_fw-la variantur_fw-la ita_fw-la ut_fw-la vix_fw-la aut_fw-la omnino_fw-la nunquam_fw-la inveniri_fw-la possint_fw-la cause_n quas_fw-la in_o eye_n instituendis_fw-la homines_fw-la secuti_fw-la sunt_fw-la ubi_fw-la facultas_fw-la tribuitur_fw-la sine_fw-la ulla_fw-la dubitatione_n resecanda_fw-la existimo_fw-la as_o such_o thing_n as_o neither_o be_v contain_v in_o the_o authority_n of_o holy_a scripture_n nor_o be_v find_v enact_v in_o counsel_n of_o the_o bishop_n nor_o be_v confirm_v by_o custom_n of_o the_o universal_a church_n but_o according_a to_o the_o dyvers_a order_n of_o diverse_a place_n innumerable_o do_v vary_v so_o that_o the_o cause_n may_v scant_o or_o not_o at_o all_o be_v find_v whereby_o man_n be_v induce_v to_o ordain_v they_o &_o i_o think_v that_o they_o ought_v without_o all_o controversy_n be_v cut_v away_o then_o since_o the_o sign_n of_o the_o cross_n of_o christ_n be_v not_o command_v in_o holy_a scripture_n since_o no_o more_o counsel_n have_v confirm_v the_o use_n of_o it_o then_o have_v condemn_v it_o final_o since_o the_o universal_a church_n never_o have_v receive_v it_o but_o only_o some_o private_a place_n where_o the_o great_a antichrist_n of_o rome_n prevail_v nor_o they_o themselves_o able_a to_o allege_v a_o just_a and_o lawful_a cause_n of_o this_o their_o ordinance_n and_o will_v worship_v i_o conclude_v &_o say_v that_o the_o sign_n of_o the_o cross_n out_o of_o all_o church_n chapel_n and_o oratory_n out_o of_o all_o place_n depute_v peculiar_o to_o god_n his_o service_n aught_o to_o be_v remove_v to_o the_o four_o article_n and_o whereas_o you_o be_v now_o beat_v from_o the_o wall_n of_o your_o great_a fort_n and_o run_v into_o the_o castle_n you_o leave_v of_o meddel_v with_o rood_n or_o crucifix_n and_o fall_v to_o defence_n of_o the_o sign_n mystical_a i_o must_v lay_v some_o battery_n to_o this_o hold_n of_o you_o and_o i_o fear_v i_o not_o but_o i_o shall_v fire_n you_o out_o that_o ceremony_n be_v of_o old_a receive_v in_o the_o church_n and_o among_o the_o rest_n the_o sign_n of_o the_o cross_n draw_v with_o a_o finger_n i_o deny_v not_o i_o do_v confess_v when_o man_n be_v new_o convert_v from_o paganism_n and_o each_o man_n be_v hot_a in_o his_o profession_n the_o christian_a will_v not_o only_o with_o his_o heart_n belief_n and_o tongue_n confession_n show_v what_o he_o be_v but_o also_o in_o despite_n of_o his_o master_n enemy_n declare_v by_o some_o outward_a sign_n and_o by_o cross_v of_o himself_o testify_v to_o the_o world_n that_o he_o be_v not_o ashamed_a of_o christ_n crucify_v hereof_o have_v i_o wytnesse_v tertullian_n in_o apologetico_fw-la and_o in_o his_o book_n de_fw-fr corona_fw-la militis_fw-la whereupon_o the_o father_n of_o a_o zeal_n and_o devotion_n admit_v almost_o in_o all_o thing_n this_o sign_n of_o the_o cross_n receyve_v it_o into_o god_n his_o service_n as_o a_o laudable_a ceremony_n and_o wysh_v all_o man_n to_o use_v it_o hieronymus_n ad_fw-la eustochium_fw-la &_o demetriadem_fw-la prudentius_n in_o hymnis_fw-la yet_o can_v it_o not_o be_v deny_v but_o some_o be_v to_o superstitious_a in_o this_o case_n ascribe_v more_o to_o the_o outward_a sign_n than_o to_o the_o virtue_n signify_v &_o so_o they_o make_v of_o a_o well_o mean_v custom_n a_o magical_a enchantment_n nor_o only_o the_o simple_a do_v in_o this_o case_n abuse_v themselves_o but_o such_o as_o have_v more_o learning_n than_o the_o rest_n and_o aught_o to_o have_v be_v good_a schoolmaster_n to_o other_o teach_v superstitious_a and_o unfounde_a doctrine_n i_o report_v i_o to_o ambrose_n if_o he_o be_v the_o author_n of_o the_o funeral_n oration_n for_o theodosius_n and_o also_o to_o ephrem_fw-la de_fw-fr poenit_fw-la cap._n 3._o et_fw-fr de_fw-fr armatura_fw-la spirituali_fw-la cap._n 2._o which_o effect_n if_o we_o have_v not_o see_v by_o experience_n in_o our_o day_n follow_v we_o will_v not_o for_o the_o ceremony_n contend_v so_o much_o but_o whereas_o we_o see_v the_o people_n so_o prone_a to_o superstition_n that_o of_o every_o ceremony_n they_o make_v a_o necessity_n that_o they_o bend_v not_o their_o heart_n to_o the_o consideration_n of_o the_o heavenly_a mysterye_n but_o defix_v their_o eye_n and_o repose_v their_o affiance_n in_o the_o earthly_a sign_n we_o be_v force_v to_o refuse_v the_o same_o for_o doctrine_n in_o this_o case_n will_v not_o prevail_v if_o the_o thing_n that_o they_o trust_v to_o be_v not_o take_v from_o they_o so_o that_o the_o thing_n which_o the_o ancient_a father_n in_o a_o better_a age_n with_o less_o abuse_n be_v concent_v to_o admit_v must_v not_o so_o strayght_o be_v enforce_v upon_o we_o in_o a_o worse_a time_n to_o maintain_v a_o wicked_a error_n for_o as_o augustyne_n say_v non_fw-la verum_fw-la est_fw-la quod_fw-la dicitur_fw-la semel_fw-la recte_fw-la factum_fw-la 5._o ad_fw-la marcellinum_n epist_n 5._o nullatenus_fw-la esse_fw-la mutandum_fw-la mutata_fw-la quip_n temporis_fw-la causa_fw-la quod_fw-la recte_fw-la ante_fw-la factum_fw-la fuerat_fw-la ita_fw-la mutari_fw-la vera_fw-la ratio_fw-la plerumque_fw-la flagitat_fw-la ut_fw-la cum_fw-la ipsi_fw-la dicant_fw-la recte_fw-la non_fw-la fierisi_fw-la mutetur_fw-la contra_fw-la veritas_fw-la clamet_fw-la recte_fw-la non_fw-la fieri_fw-la nisi_fw-la mutetur_fw-la quia_fw-la utrumque_fw-la tunc_fw-la erit_fw-la rectum_fw-la si_fw-la erit_fw-la pro_fw-la temporum_fw-la varietate_fw-la diversum_fw-la quod_fw-la enim_fw-la in_o diversitate_fw-la personarum_fw-la uno_fw-la tempore_fw-la accidere_fw-la potest_fw-la ut_fw-la huic_fw-la liceat_fw-la aliquid_fw-la impun_a facere_fw-la quod_fw-la illi_fw-la non_fw-la liceat_fw-la non_fw-la
lieu_n thereof_o wine_n and_o milk_n be_v give_v in_o cyprian_n time_n there_o be_v consecration_n of_o water_n &_o such_o estimation_n of_o oil_n that_o no_o man_n be_v think_v to_o be_v a_o christian_n that_o be_v baptize_v without_o it_o in_o augustine_n time_n the_o witness_n make_v answer_v in_o the_o infant_n behalf_n to_o the_o article_n of_o the_o faith_n demand_v of_o they_o and_o yet_o the_o infant_n himself_o be_v suffer_v immediate_o to_o be_v partaker_n of_o the_o supper_n of_o the_o lord_n and_o the_o same_o thought_n as_o requisite_a as_o be_v his_o baptism_n notwithstanding_o the_o latter_a age_n yea_o the_o church_n of_o rome_n which_o you_o call_v catholic_a have_v take_v most_o of_o all_o these_o away_o then_o what_o do_v you_o wyndelesse_a fetch_v about_o to_o prove_v folio_n 53_o but_o that_o the_o sign_n of_o the_o cross_n have_v be_v use_v in_o baptism_n and_o therefore_o now_o to_o be_v have_v in_o reverence_n by_o the_o same_o reason_n honey_n milk_n and_o wine_n shall_v be_v restore_v in_o baptism_n and_o every_o infant_n receive_v the_o communion_n for_o great_a authority_n you_o have_v not_o for_o the_o cross_n than_o i_o for_o these_o in_o deed_n rabanus_n maurus_n a_o bishop_n of_o mentz_n live_v in_o the_o most_o corrupt_a age_n of_o the_o church_n in_o the_o same_o place_n that_o you_o have_v quote_v 27._o de_fw-fr inst_z cler_fw-mi cap._n 27._o do_v not_o only_o make_v mention_n of_o the_o cross_a sign_n but_o refuse_v the_o tradition_n of_o the_o learned_a father_n of_o which_o i_o speak_v even_o now_o bring_v in_o his_o own_o as_o salt_n spital_n taper_n and_o such_o other_o like_a salt_n be_v by_o the_o law_n command_v to_o the_o jew_n &_o if_o it_o have_v be_v christ_n his_o pleasure_n that_o his_o minister_n shall_v have_v have_v respect_n unto_o the_o jewishe_fw-mi ceremony_n them_z either_o christ_n will_v have_v command_v it_o or_o the_o apostle_n will_v have_v use_v it_o but_o neither_o of_o these_o be_v true_a therefore_o it_o be_v a_o vain_a devise_n the_o spittle_n whereby_o they_o defile_v and_o infect_v the_o child_n 9_o john_n 9_o be_v take_v out_o of_o the_o miracle_n joannis_n nono_fw-la but_o the_o apostle_n see_v that_o do_v &_o yet_o none_o of_o they_o all_o daub_v his_o spittle_n upon_o the_o ear_n and_o nosthrel_n of_o they_o who_o they_o baptize_v christ_n his_o spittle_n there_o be_v none_o but_o will_v wish_v both_o for_o himself_o and_o for_o he_o but_o the_o spittle_n sometime_o of_o a_o pestilent_a infect_a priest_n most_o time_n of_o a_o stink_a drunkerde_n always_o of_o a_o sinner_n i_o know_v not_o who_o will_v be_v so_o fain_o of_o god_n keep_v my_o friend_n child_n from_o it_o as_o for_o burn_v of_o taper_n at_o none_o day_n be_v mere_a foolish_a and_o take_v out_o of_o the_o fond_a gentility_n in_o the_o old_a time_n the_o christian_n in_o their_o assembly_n use_v burn_v candle_n at_o time_n of_o god_n service_n but_o in_o the_o night_n time_n because_o they_o dare_v not_o resort_v together_o in_o the_o day_n tyme._n and_o it_o have_v be_v uncomfortable_a and_o discommodious_a to_o sit_v in_o the_o dark_a whereupon_o s_n hierome_n answer_v cereos_fw-la non_fw-la clara_fw-la luce_fw-fr accendimus_fw-la vigilant_a aduersus_fw-la vigilant_a sicuti_fw-la frustra_fw-la calumniaris_fw-la sed_fw-la ut_fw-la noctis_fw-la tenebras_fw-la hoc_fw-la selatio_fw-la temperemus_fw-la &_o vigilemus_fw-la ad_fw-la lumen_fw-la ne_fw-la caeci_fw-la tecum_fw-la dormiamus_fw-la in_o tenebris_fw-la we_o light_v no_o taper_n in_o the_o broad_a day_n as_o thou_o do_v vain_o slander_v we_o but_o that_o by_o this_o comfort_n we_o may_v temper_v the_o darkness_n of_o the_o night_n and_o may_v watch_v at_o the_o light_n lest_o with_o thou_o we_o sleep_v in_o the_o dark_a thus_o do_v s._n hierome_n say_v for_o his_o taper_n let_v they_o answer_v to_o he_o as_o doubtless_o they_o shall_v to_o god_n that_o otherwise_o do_v use_v they_o thus_o have_v i_o show_v how_o simple_o christ_n do_v set_v forth_o his_o holy_a sacrament_n how_o diverse_o man_n have_v swerve_v from_o his_o order_n and_o therefore_o in_o ceremony_n ought_v not_o to_o prejudice_n us._n but_o your_o church_n cacolique_a not_o content_a with_o the_o ordinance_n of_o christ_n and_o his_o apostle_n not_o stick_v to_o the_o ceremony_n of_o the_o receyve_v father_n have_v choose_v rather_o of_o their_o own_o fantastical_a and_o idle_a brain_n to_o use_v cross_v and_o conjure_v begrease_a &_o bespue_v of_o the_o poor_a infant_n therefore_o i_o like_v not_o the_o generation_n their_o order_n i_o dete_v and_o now_o to_o confirmation_n 54._o confirmaion_n folio_n 54._o which_o you_o affirm_v to_o be_v no_o new_a devise_n as_o new_a bold_a bibler_n babble_n but_o i_o shall_v prove_v to_o be_v no_o sacrament_n as_o young_a lewd_a liar_n lay_v for_o themselves_o and_o first_o where_o you_o snatch_v a_o piece_n of_o augustine_n wherein_o he_o call_v the_o chrism_n a_o sacrament_n i_o answer_v that_o he_o attribute_v no_o more_o thereto_o than_o otherwise_o to_o prayer_n and_o to_o the_o word_n of_o god_n yea_o the_o master_n of_o the_o sentence_n himself_o teach_v you_o that_o many_o thing_n improper_o be_v call_v sacrament_n which_o must_v not_o in_o reason_v be_v number_v among_o the_o sacrament_n of_o christ_n his_o church_n but_o if_o on_o this_o sort_n every_o sign_n visible_a and_o the_o same_o holy_a be_v a_o sacrament_n with_o you_o then_o shall_v every_o image_n in_o the_o church_n be_v a_o sacrament_n for_o they_o be_v sign_n and_o you_o say_v they_o be_v holy_a 10._o mark_n 10._o as_o for_o the_o example_n of_o christ_n who_o embrace_v little_a child_n in_o his_o arm_n and_o lay_v his_o hand_n upon_o their_o head_n bless_v they_o i_o answer_v that_o as_o every_o fact_n of_o christ_n do_v not_o serve_v for_o our_o imitation_n but_o instruction_n so_o must_v we_o not_o make_v a_o sacrament_n of_o each_o of_o they_o for_o so_o the_o breathe_n upon_o his_o apostle_n 20._o john_n 20._o whereby_o he_o give_v they_o the_o holy_a ghost_n shall_v be_v a_o sacrament_n only_o this_o sign_n may_v be_v a_o precedent_n for_o we_o that_o child_n appertain_v to_o the_o kingdom_n of_o god_n that_o they_o ought_v not_o be_v deny_v the_o sign_n which_o be_v partaker_n of_o the_o grace_n &_o therefore_o shall_v be_v baptize_v then_o afterward_o if_o you_o will_v have_v they_o confirm_v i_o allow_v it_o well_o retain_v that_o order_n which_o in_o the_o primitive_a church_n be_v and_o in_o the_o english_a church_n be_v use_v that_o child_n after_o certain_a year_n be_v present_v to_o the_o bishop_n and_o render_v a_o account_n of_o that_o faith_n of_o they_o which_o by_o their_o surety_n in_o baptism_n they_o profess_v have_v hand_n lay_v on_o they_o 16._o de_fw-fr bap_n cont_n don._n lib._n 3._o cap._n 16._o which_o be_v nothing_o else_o but_o prayer_n make_v for_o they_o quid_fw-la enim_fw-la est_fw-la aliud_fw-la say_v s._n augustine_n manuum_fw-la impositio_fw-la quam_fw-la oratio_fw-la super_fw-la hominem_fw-la for_o what_o be_v lay_v on_o of_o hand_n else_o but_o prayer_n over_o a_o man_n one_o thing_n will_v i_o ask_v of_o these_o apyshe_a imitator_n if_o they_o will_v ground_n upon_o christ_n his_o do_v their_o confirmation_n how_o dare_v they_o presume_v to_o do_v more_o than_o christ_n do_v whence_o have_v they_o their_o oil_n who_o give_v they_o authority_n to_o exhibit_v what_o sign_n of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n they_o will_v what_o promise_n have_v they_o of_o grace_n annex_v unto_o their_o sacrament_n unless_o they_o have_v shut_v the_o holy_a ghost_n in_o their_o grease_n pot_n they_o apply_v i_o know_v whatsoever_o be_v speak_v of_o the_o grace_n of_o god_n spirit_n to_o this_o but_o inept_o for_o christ_n say_v simple_o 11._o luc._n 11._o that_o god_n will_v give_v his_o good_a spirit_n to_o they_o that_o ask_v it_o and_o to_o the_o faithful_a that_o he_o will_v not_o leave_v they_o fatherless_a but_o send_v the_o spirit_n of_o truth_n unto_o they_o 14._o joh._n 14._o and_o himself_o dwell_v with_o they_o but_o they_o do_v restrain_v this_o unto_o their_o ceremony_n that_o whosoever_o be_v not_o anoint_v of_o they_o be_v not_o accept_v of_o god_n no_o nor_o he_o be_v a_o perfect_v christian_a for_o this_o they_o write_v omnes_fw-la fideles_fw-la per_fw-la manus_fw-la impositionem_fw-la episcoporum_fw-la spiritum_fw-la sanctum_fw-la post_fw-la baptismum_fw-la accipere_fw-la debent_fw-la 1._o de_fw-fr conse_n dist_n 5._o ca._n 1._o ut_fw-la pleni_fw-la christiani_n inveniantur_fw-la all_o faithful_a must_v receyve_v the_o holy_a ghost_n after_o baptism_n by_o the_o imposition_n of_o the_o bishop_n hand_n that_o they_o may_v be_v find_v full_a christian_n and_o in_o the_o next_o decree_n spiritus_fw-la sanctus_fw-la qui_fw-la in_o fonte_fw-la plenitudinem_fw-la tribuit_fw-la ad_fw-la innocentiam_fw-la in_fw-la confirmatione_fw-la augmentum_fw-la praestat_fw-la ad_fw-la gratiam_fw-la the_o
to_o allege_v 4._o how_o the_o ministry_n of_o the_o word_n may_v be_v call_v a_o sacrament_n 1._o tim._n 4._o the_o ministry_n of_o the_o word_n commend_v unto_o we_o by_o christ_n himself_o i_o can_v well_o admit_v to_o be_v a_o sacrament_n &_o therefore_o alow_o in_o a_o right_a sense_n the_o title_n that_o augustine_n do_v give_v unto_o it_o for_o therein_o be_v a_o ceremony_n that_o be_v take_v out_o of_o the_o word_n of_o god_n &_o a_o sign_n of_o spiritual_a grace_n confer_v as_o paul_n do_v witness_v yet_o be_o i_o not_o contrary_a to_o myself_o herein_o who_o before_o affirm_v that_o there_o be_v only_o two_o sacrament_n of_o the_o church_n baptism_n and_o the_o lord_n supper_n for_o when_o in_o general_n we_o treat_v of_o sacrament_n we_o true_o say_v that_o there_o be_v but_o two_o because_o there_o be_v no_o more_o ordinary_a &_o appertain_v to_o all_o the_o faithful_a but_o order_v of_o minister_n be_v a_o special_a thing_n contract_v to_o a_o few_o belong_v only_o to_o a_o peculiar_a function_n so_o may_v it_o well_o be_v call_v a_o sacrament_n &_o yet_o be_v deny_v to_o be_v a_o sacrament_n of_o the_o church_n but_o where_o i_o attribute_v to_o christian_a ministry_n so_o much_o as_o i_o speak_v of_o there_o be_v no_o cause_n of_o pride_n for_o popish_a priest_n for_o they_o swerve_v so_o far_o from_o christ_n institution_n that_o they_o serve_v not_o at_o all_o for_o any_o godly_a purpose_n christ_n do_v ordain_v his_o apostle_n to_o preach_v 20._o joh._n 20._o and_o to_o that_o end_n he_o breathe_v on_o they_o show_v by_o that_o sign_n the_o power_n and_o virtue_n of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n wherewithal_o he_o endue_v they_o but_o the_o romish_a ape_n only_o retain_v the_o sign_n the_o thing_n itself_o be_v far_o thest_n from_o they_o and_o as_o for_o the_o end_n which_o christ_n respect_v they_o have_v least_o regard_n of_o for_o they_o have_v teach_v their_o priest_n that_o it_o be_v least_o part_n of_o their_o duty_n to_o preach_v most_o to_o do_v sacrifice_n and_o say_v mass_n and_o this_o do_v the_o word_n of_o their_o institution_n prove_v &_o a_o great_a proctor_n of_o they_o hosius_n affirm_v for_o where_o in_o the_o verse_n of_o incantation_n ordinis_fw-la de_fw-fr sacramento_n ordinis_fw-la they_o have_v potestatem_fw-la illis_fw-la dari_fw-la placabiles_fw-la offerendi_fw-la deo_fw-la hostias_fw-la that_o power_n be_v give_v they_o to_o offer_v acceptable_a sacrifice_n unto_o god_n this_o do_v they_o restrain_v only_o to_o the_o mass_n and_o hosius_n do_v wrestle_v marvellous_o about_o the_o word_n drive_v it_o still_o from_o the_o greke_n 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d which_o he_o will_v have_v to_o signify_v sacrifice_n so_o in_o the_o end_n to_o raise_v their_o own_o gain_n they_o derogate_v all_o from_o christ_n his_o death_n and_o his_o passion_n we_o know_v that_o christ_n do_v offer_v himself_o sufficient_o and_o make_v a_o perfect_a satisfaction_n for_o our_o sin_n we_o know_v that_o he_o need_v not_o any_o priest_n help_v to_o be_v as_o acceptable_a to_o his_o father_n for_o his_o service_n sake_n as_o christ_n for_o that_o one_o and_o only_a sacrifice_n of_o his_o body_n be_v christ_n give_v commandment_n to_o be_v faithful_a minister_n not_o bloody_a conjurer_n christ_n give_v a_o injunction_n to_o feed_v the_o flock_n not_o to_o offer_v sacrifice_n christ_n have_v promise_v his_o holy_a ghost_n not_o to_o purge_v and_o take_v away_o sin_n but_o to_o maintain_v the_o church_n and_o keep_v it_o in_o good_a order_n and_o as_o for_o the_o argument_n that_o the_o most_o learned_a papist_n do_v build_v upon_o the_o greke_n word_n may_v easy_o be_v answer_v for_o chrisostome_n when_o he_o have_v consider_v how_o paul_n have_v write_v that_o he_o be_v a_o minister_n of_o jesus_n christ_n consecrate_v the_o gospel_n for_o so_o s._n augustine_n turn_v it_o that_o there_o may_v be_v a_o acceptable_a oblation_n and_o sacrifice_n of_o the_o gentile_n say_v 15._o rom._n 15._o that_o the_o apostle_n there_o do_v make_v full_a mention_n of_o all_o the_o sacrifice_n that_o he_o can_v make_v use_v both_o the_o term_n of_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d and_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d whereupon_o the_o papist_n will_v ground_n their_o idolatrous_a mass_n this_o be_v my_o sacrifice_n to_o preach_v the_o gospel_n say_v he_o my_o sword_n be_v the_o gospel_n my_o sacrifice_n be_v the_o gentile_n and_o now_o will_v i_o fain_o see_v what_o these_o enchanter_n can_v say_v brag_v themselves_o therefore_o to_o be_v priest_n because_o they_o can_v juggle_v so_o fine_o that_o thing_n shall_v pass_v out_o of_o their_o nature_n by_o they_o the_o priesthode_n and_o sacrifice_n that_o the_o apostle_n have_v be_v to_o convert_v the_o simple_a soul_n to_o daunt_v the_o cruel_a courage_n of_o man_n to_o make_v a_o offering_n of_o they_o unto_o the_o lord_n not_o through_o gross_a miracle_n or_o by_o bloody_a knife_n but_o by_o the_o spiritual_a armure_n of_o the_o power_n of_o god_n whereby_o counsel_n be_v overthrow_v and_o every_o high_a thing_n that_o avaunce_v itself_o against_o god_n 10._o 2._o cor._n 10._o be_v vanquish_v and_o whosoever_o will_v be_v successor_n unto_o the_o apostle_n must_v use_v this_o ministry_n this_o trade_n of_o doctrine_n which_o if_o they_o continue_v in_o be_v lawful_o call_v thereunto_o by_o god_n and_o have_v gift_n competente_a to_o approve_v their_o call_n unto_o the_o world_n they_o need_n not_o to_o care_v for_o the_o sign_n of_o the_o cross_n to_o be_v imprint_v in_o they_o the_o virtue_n whereof_o never_o depart_v from_o they_o certain_a it_o be_v that_o neither_o scripture_n nor_o any_o learned_a father_n commend_v any_o blessing_n but_o of_o prayer_n to_o us._n and_o how_o your_o wisdom_n do_v eastern_a the_o wag_n of_o a_o bishop_n finger_n i_o great_o force_v not_o i_o look_v rather_o that_o you_o shall_v have_v commend_v the_o oil_n for_o anoint_v which_o the_o greasy_a merchant_n will_v have_v in_o every_o mess_n for_o the_o character_n indelebilis_fw-la the_o mark_n unremovable_a be_v thereby_o give_v yet_o there_o be_v a_o way_n to_o have_v it_o out_o well_o enough_o to_o rub_v they_o welfavored_o with_o salt_n and_o ash_n or_o if_o that_o will_v not_o serve_v with_o a_o little_a soap_n but_o you_o have_v very_o little_a to_o say_v in_o the_o matter_n and_o therefore_o as_o soon_o as_o you_o have_v allege_v your_o doctor_n device_n who_o authority_n notwtstanding_n we_o may_v just_o deny_v you_o pluck_v down_o your_o sail_n and_o cast_v your_o anchor_n there_o a._n folio_n 62._o a._n very_o wise_o do_v of_o you_o for_o perilous_a it_o be_v to_o carry_v to_o high_a a_o sail_n upon_o a_o rot_a mast_n now_o for_o a_o proufe_v that_o the_o sign_n of_o the_o cross_n shall_v be_v use_v also_o in_o the_o supper_n of_o the_o lord_n which_o you_o blasphemous_o do_v call_v the_o mass_n which_o be_v nothing_o else_o but_o the_o sacrifice_n of_o the_o devil_n you_o bring_v the_o place_n of_o the_o xxuj_o chap._n of_o matthew_n and_o xiiij_o of_o mark_n where_o you_o do_v find_v this_o word_n benedixit_fw-la that_o be_v to_o say_v he_o bless_v and_o that_o this_o blessing_n shall_v be_v but_o a_o certain_a gesture_n of_o the_o hand_n you_o cite_v albertꝰ_n magnus_n &_o compare_v the_o place_n of_o scripture_n together_o where_o it_o may_v appear_v that_o the_o self_n same_o thing_n be_v mean_v i_o be_o glad_a you_o admit_v the_o conference_n of_o place_n i_o perceive_v you_o will_v play_v small_a play_n rather_o than_o sit_v out_o when_o albertus_n magnꝰ_n be_v worthyed_a of_o authority_n but_o how_o well_o you_o and_o he_o do_v understande_v the_o scripture_n shall_v by_o god_n grace_n appear_v anon_o the_o word_n of_o mathewe_n be_v these_o 26._o mat._n 26._o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d which_o word_n if_o you_o understande_v any_o greek_a be_v these_o jesus_n take_v the_o bread_n and_o give_v thanks_n break_v it_o likewise_o in_o mark_n 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 14._o mark_n 14._o jesus_n take_v the_o bread_n when_o he_o have_v give_v thanks_n he_o break_v it_o in_o the_o first_o place_n it_o be_v evident_a that_o the_o word_n of_o your_o old_a translation_n benedixit_fw-la can_v not_o be_v take_v for_o the_o sign_n with_o a_o finger_n because_o of_o the_o proper_a word_n of_o give_v thanks_n which_o can_v not_o be_v apply_v to_o a_o extern_a gesture_n then_o also_o the_o word_n of_o mark_n if_o you_o observe_v the_o etymologi_fw-la of_o it_o must_v signify_v the_o same_o for_o what_o be_v 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d and_o what_o be_v 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d what_o be_v be_v and_o what_o be_v dicere_fw-la the_o word_n be_v compound_v of_o well_o and_o speak_v so_o that_o to_o bless_v be_v to_o speak_v well_o and_o not_o to_o cross_v well_o when_o you_o be_v
where_o be_v that_o bodily_a shape_n which_o have_v the_o spituall_a fruit_n have_v contrition_n confession_n or_o satisfaction_n a_o body_n be_v these_o subject_n to_o the_o eye_n as_o bread_n wine_n and_o water_n be_v be_v they_o not_o virtue_n procede_v from_o the_o mind_n or_o thing_n utter_v by_o the_o mouth_n and_o will_v you_o make_v they_o to_o be_v thing_n sensible_a as_o boy_n and_o girl_n bring_v out_o in_o a_o pageant_n wherefore_o your_o sacrament_n be_v cut_v of_o by_o the_o waste_n make_v as_o good_a shift_n with_o the_o word_n as_o you_o can_v your_o visible_a and_o bodily_a sign_n be_v go_v doctrine_n unity_n in_o papist_n doctrine_n and_o i_o marvel_v how_o you_o dare_v so_o precise_o speak_v of_o your_o sacrament_n of_o penance_n affirm_v the_o external_a act_n to_o be_v the_o visible_a sign_n of_o release_n of_o sin_n the_o invisible_a grace_n where_o as_o your_o master_n of_o the_o sentence_n 2._o lib._n 4._o sent._n dis_n 22._o ca._n 2._o be_v put_v to_o his_o shift_n in_o this_o case_n and_o put_v two_o opinion_n determine_v upon_o none_o whether_o the_o outward_a act_n shall_v be_v the_o sacrament_n or_o else_o the_o outward_a and_o inward_a together_o as_o for_o the_o outward_a which_o you_o do_v rest_n upon_o he_o fear_v to_o grant_v lest_o this_o inconvenience_n ensue_v non_fw-la omne_fw-la sacramentum_fw-la evamgelicum_fw-la efficere_fw-la quod_fw-la figurat_fw-la that_o all_o the_o sacrament_n of_o the_o gospel_n have_v not_o the_o effect_n of_o that_o which_o they_o figure_v but_o who_o be_v so_o bold_a as_o blind_a bayard_n hitherto_o have_v i_o speak_v not_o so_o much_o as_o i_o may_v to_o derogation_n of_o your_o devil_n doctrine_n but_o so_o much_o as_o your_o ignorance_n and_o oversight_n do_v cause_v i_o of_o conscience_n to_o put_v you_o in_o mind_n of_o for_o the_o rest_n b._n folio_n 69._o b._n you_o refer_v i_o to_o the_o book_n of_o the_o seven_o sacrament_n set_v forth_o by_o the_o late_a king_n of_o famous_a memory_n henry_n the_o eight_o and_o because_o this_o be_v but_o a_o popish_a devise_n whoso_o ever_o defend_v it_o i_o refer_v you_o to_o the_o same_o book_n to_o know_v what_o you_o ought_v to_o think_v of_o the_o pope_n now_o as_o for_o extreme_a unction_n unction_n extreme_a unction_n which_o you_o say_v be_v provide_v of_o god_n mercy_n and_o goodness_n that_o in_o the_o last_o and_o perilous_a extremity_n we_o shall_v not_o be_v destitute_a of_o aid_n &_o comfort_n in_o deed_n god_n never_o forsake_v his_o he_o have_v leave_v his_o promise_n to_o heal_v the_o mind_n infirmity_n and_o use_v of_o physic_n for_o disease_n of_o the_o body_n but_o that_o oil_n can_v enter_v into_o the_o soul_n or_o be_v so_o sovereign_a a_o medicine_n for_o the_o flesh_n rest_v to_o be_v prove_v 6._o folio_n 70._o a._n mark_n 6._o the_o apostle_n anoint_v with_o oil_n many_o sick_a folk_n and_o they_o be_v heal_v the_o priest_n anoint_v every_o sick_a body_n and_o none_o of_o they_o be_v the_o better_a the_o apostle_n be_v command_v to_o cast_v out_o devil_n to_o cure_v disease_n to_o cleanse_v the_o lepres_n and_o to_o raise_v the_o dead_a the_o priest_n never_o have_v any_o such_o commission_n the_o apostle_n signify_v by_o their_o anoint_v the_o virtue_n and_o power_n of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n by_o which_o the_o cure_n be_v wrought_v the_o priest_n with_o their_o oil_n mock_v the_o holy_a ghost_n and_o make_v the_o body_n but_o greasy_a for_o the_o grave_n if_o every_o example_n that_o we_o read_v in_o scripture_n shall_v be_v follow_v of_o we_o if_o every_o thing_n that_o be_v a_o sign_n to_o other_o shall_v be_v a_o sacrament_n to_o we_o then_o dust_n and_o spittle_n shall_v be_v a_o sacrament_n to_o heal_v sore_a eye_n then_o the_o pool_n of_o siloah_n 9_o joan._n 9_o shall_v be_v a_o sacrament_n to_o wash_v away_o the_o filth_n then_o lie_v on_o the_o dead_a 20._o act._n 20._o shall_v be_v a_o sacrament_n to_o raise_v they_o up_o to_o life_n wherefore_o tho_o anoint_v be_v in_o the_o primitive_a church_n use_v and_o the_o same_o be_v a_o sign_n of_o grace_n confer_v yet_o can_v not_o this_o precedent_n extend_v to_o we_o because_o the_o commandment_n concern_v we_o not_o and_o also_o the_o effect_n and_o end_n thereof_o be_v cease_v you_o have_v a_o common_a proverb_n in_o your_o law_n accessorium_fw-la si_fw-la qui_fw-la naturam_fw-la principalis_fw-la that_o the_o accessary_a thing_n do_v follow_v the_o nature_n of_o the_o principal_a heal_v anoint_v be_v a_o sign_n of_o heal_v wherefore_o since_o the_o principal_n be_v go_v the_o work_n of_o miracle_n and_o heal_n of_o the_o sick_a what_o shall_v we_o do_v with_o the_o accessory_n the_o sign_n thereof_o and_o outward_a anoint_v you_o urge_v vehement_o the_o institution_n of_o god_n by_o his_o apostle_n s._n james_n but_o the_o apostle_n mean_v not_o preposterous_o to_o draw_v to_o imitation_n that_o which_o be_v temporal_a and_o only_o touch_v the_o present_a state_n when_o the_o doctrine_n of_o christ_n be_v raw_a in_o the_o people_n mouth_n and_o a_o new_a church_n begin_v to_o be_v gather_v miracle_n be_v necessary_a many_o gift_n be_v grant_v and_o among_o the_o rest_n health_n anoint_v no_o cause_n of_o health_n the_o power_n of_o heal_v the_o minister_n whereof_o use_v their_o oil_n not_o as_o a_o cause_n of_o health_n but_o as_o a_o sign_n that_o the_o virtue_n procee_v from_o above_o and_o they_o be_v but_o instrument_n of_o the_o same_o now_o since_o the_o gift_n of_o heal_v be_v go_v as_o i_o be_o sure_a you_o will_v confess_v to_o what_o purpose_n be_v it_o to_o use_v the_o oil_n if_o you_o will_v therein_o be_v the_o apostle_n successor_n if_o you_o will_v follow_v saint_n james_n his_o counsel_n save_v the_o sycke_n and_o you_o can_v show_v the_o grace_n of_o your_o grease_n cease_v anoint_v must_v cease_v because_o the_o gift_n of_o heal_v cease_v the_o greasy_a merchaunt_n that_o take_v this_o cure_n now_o a_o day_n in_o hand_n be_v no_o more_o exhibiter_n of_o the_o grace_n then_o grant_v than_o the_o player_n on_o the_o stage_n be_v a_o king_n in_o deed_n when_o he_o ●●mmeth_v dysguise_v in_o a_o golden_a coat_n christ_n dyspense_v many_o thing_n by_o his_o apostle_n the_o effect_n whereof_o he_o deny_v unto_o us._n and_o anoint_v better_o may_v be_v use_v of_o such_o as_o have_v the_o power_n of_o heal_v surgians_n or_o physician_n than_o of_o such_o as_o have_v no_o skill_n but_o only_o in_o murder_v and_o in_o kill_n here_o i_o rehearse_v not_o the_o contradiction_n that_o in_o your_o idle_a decree_n i_o find_v doctrine_n contradiction_n in_o papist_n doctrine_n and_o be_v only_o sufficient_a to_o dysprove_v your_o assertion_n for_o while_o each_o man_n go_v about_o to_o establish_v his_o own_o devise_n and_o each_o man_n be_v contrary_a to_o another_o you_o show_v therein_o that_o you_o be_v liar_n all_o you_o say_v that_o priest_n only_o must_v be_v the_o minister_n of_o this_o sacrament_n priest_n must_v be_v call_v for_o b._n foli_fw-la 70._o a._n b._n priest_n must_v anoint_v but_o innocentius_n a_o father_n of_o your_o church_n have_v long_o ago_o decree_v the_o contrary_a 404._o anno_fw-la doni_fw-la 404._o for_o sigebertus_n in_o his_o chronicle_n affirm_v that_o he_o make_v a_o act_n oleo_n ad_fw-la usus_fw-la infirmorum_fw-la ab_fw-la episcopo_n consecrato_fw-la licere_fw-la uti_fw-la non_fw-la solum_fw-la presbyteris_fw-la sed_fw-la omnibus_fw-la etiam_fw-la christianis_fw-la in_fw-la svam_fw-la suorumque_fw-la necessitatem_fw-la ungendo_fw-la that_o it_o shall_v be_v lawful_a not_o only_o for_o the_o priest_n but_o also_o for_o all_o christian_n to_o use_v the_o oil_n consecrate_v of_o the_o byshoppe_n for_o the_o behoove_v of_o the_o sycke_n anoint_v therewith_o according_a to_o the_o necessity_n of_o themselves_o and_o their_o friend_n but_o you_o allege_v saint_n james_n 5._o james._n 5._o for_o you_o be_v there_o any_o sycke_n among_o you_o let_v he_o bring_v in_o the_o priest_n of_o the_o church_n for_o so_o you_o translate_v it_o and_o let_v they_o pray_v over_o he_o anoint_v he_o with_o oil_n in_o the_o name_n of_o our_o lord_n you_o abhor_v the_o name_n of_o the_o lord_n for_o by_o story_n position_n order_n how_o the_o papist_n in_o all_o point_n swarm_v from_o s._n james_n his_o order_n that_o be_v the_o mark_n of_o a_o heretic_n and_o yet_o all_o prophet_n and_o apostle_n use_v it_o then_o it_o follow_v the_o prayer_n of_o faith_n shall_v save_v the_o sycke_n and_o if_o he_o be_v in_o sin_n they_o shall_v be_v forgyven_v he_o now_o if_o a_o man_n shall_v grant_v which_o i_o have_v prove_v to_o be_v most_o untrue_a that_o the_o anoint_v here_o speak_v of_o agree_v to_o this_o age_n yet_o have_v you_o further_v your_o cause_n nothing_o in_o asmuch_o as_o so_o shameful_o you_o do_v decline_v from_o the_o apostle_n
agreablenesse_n to_o scripture_n must_v be_v consider_v folio_n 82._o a._n basile_n many_o notable_a point_n be_v to_o be_v observe_v first_o that_o in_o all_o judgement_n and_o examination_n of_o thing_n we_o must_v follow_v that_o that_o be_v right_a and_o good_a then_o that_o no_o man_n presume_v to_o ordain_v any_o thing_n in_o the_o church_n unless_o he_o have_v the_o spirit_n of_o god_n to_o guide_v he_o three_o that_o s._n paul_n tradition_n shall_v not_o have_v stand_v in_o force_n unless_o it_o have_v be_v consonant_n unto_o the_o scripture_n four_o that_o in_o all_o custom_n we_o must_v have_v a_o eye_n unto_o god_n law_n seek_v what_o accord_v to_o it_o have_v no_o respect_n to_o the_o custom_n maker_n but_o scripture_n confirmer_n thus_o you_o may_v have_v learn_v how_o to_o judge_v of_o tradition_n tertullian_n may_v have_v teach_v you_o but_o as_o soon_o as_o ever_o you_o have_v make_v a_o lie_n of_o he_o there_o you_o leave_v he_o to_o basile_n who_o say_v if_o we_o reject_v and_o cast_v away_o custom_n which_o be_v not_o write_v as_o thing_n of_o no_o great_a value_v or_o price_n we_o shall_v condemn_v before_o we_o be_v ware_n those_o thing_n which_o in_o the_o gospel_n be_v account_v necessary_a to_o salvation_n i_o answer_v that_o of_o tradition_n there_o be_v three_o kynde_n tradition_n three_o kynde_n of_o tradition_n some_o that_o necessary_o be_v infer_v of_o the_o scripture_n such_o be_v the_o apostle_n tradition_n as_o that_o a_o woman_n in_o the_o congregation_n shall_v not_o be_v bare_a head_a that_o in_o the_o congregation_n she_o shall_v keep_v silence_n that_o the_o poor_a shall_v labour_v with_o their_o own_o hand_n and_o get_v their_o live_n which_o all_o &_o such_o other_o although_o they_o be_v not_o express_o in_o the_o word_n yet_o consequent_o they_o follow_v of_o the_o word_n and_o therefore_o paul_n do_v not_o obtrude_v they_o of_o his_o authority_n but_o by_o the_o scripture_n prove_v they_o these_o and_o the_o like_v i_o confess_v to_o be_v necessary_a and_o of_o all_o christian_n to_o be_v retain_v prove_v you_o the_o cross_a sign_n to_o be_v one_o of_o these_o and_o i_o will_v recant_v but_o there_o have_v be_v other_o thing_n deliver_v to_o the_o church_n direct_v contrary_a to_o the_o word_n as_o latin_a service_n worship_v of_o image_n vow_v of_o chastity_n communicate_v under_o one_o kind_n and_o a_o infinite_a number_n of_o popysh_a prescription_n these_o ought_v not_o in_o any_o wise_n to_o be_v receyve_v but_o what_o preterte_n of_o antiquity_n or_o authority_n soever_o they_o have_v be_v utter_o refuse_v the_o three_o kind_n of_o tradition_n be_v of_o such_o as_o be_v indifferent_a neither_o utter_o repugnant_a to_o the_o word_n of_o god_n nor_o necessary_o infer_v of_o it_o herein_o we_o must_v follow_v the_o order_n of_o the_o church_n and_o yet_o not_o absolute_o but_o with_o a_o limitation_n observe_v in_o tradition_n indifferent_a what_o to_o be_v observe_v first_o we_o must_v see_v that_o those_o obseruamce_n be_v not_o set_v forth_o as_o a_o piece_n of_o god_n service_n wherein_o some_o special_a point_n of_o holiness_n or_o religion_n shall_v consist_v for_o they_o may_v be_v keep_v for_o order_n for_o policy_n for_o profit_n of_o the_o church_n but_o otherwise_o the_o scripture_n itself_o have_v god_n store_n and_o plenty_n of_o thing_n expediente_a for_o his_o honour_n and_o service_n our_o comfort_n and_o salvation_n fellix_fw-la ecclesia_fw-la say_v tertullian_n hereti_n tertul._n de_fw-fr prescrip_n adver_v hereti_n cvi_fw-la totam_fw-la doctrinam_fw-la apostoli_fw-la cum_fw-la sanguine_fw-la profuderunt_fw-la happy_a be_v the_o church_n to_o who_o the_o apostle_n pour_v out_o the_o whole_a doctrine_n together_o with_o their_o blood_n there_o be_v no_o insufficiency_n no_o imperfection_n therefore_o we_o must_v especial_o beware_v that_o in_o our_o tradition_n indifferent_a of_o themselves_o we_o repose_v no_o holiness_n or_o devotion_n then_o also_o that_o we_o think_v they_o not_o to_o be_v of_o such_o necessity_n that_o at_o no_o time_n they_o may_v be_v remove_v the_o church_n must_v still_o retain_v her_o right_a to_o be_v judge_n and_o determiner_n of_o such_o tradition_n either_o to_o bear_v with_o they_o or_o else_o abolish_v they_o as_o best_a may_v serve_v for_o edification_n last_o of_o all_o this_o must_v not_o be_v forget_v that_o the_o people_n of_o god_n sometime_o be_v oppress_v with_o tradition_n and_o ceremony_n and_o for_o outward_a solemnity_n the_o inward_a true_a service_n of_o god_n be_v neglect_v as_o in_o the_o popish_a church_n on_o a_o high_a day_n there_o be_v so_o many_o gaud_n that_o there_o be_v no_o place_n for_o a_o preacher_n wherefore_o the_o superfluitée_n tyme._n the_o church_n have_v to_o many_o ceremony_n in_o augustine_n tyme._n the_o long_a train_n of_o ceremony_n must_v be_v cut_v of_o lest_o they_o do_v hynder_n the_o course_n of_o godliness_n and_o by_o gay_a show_n engender_v a_o confidence_n to_o be_v put_v in_o they_o s._n augustine_n in_o his_o time_n complain_v that_o the_o church_n be_v to_o full_a of_o presumption_n and_o of_o they_o that_o have_v be_v add_v since_o a_o man_n may_v make_v many_o large_a volume_n wherefore_o these_o proviso_n have_v the_o order_n of_o the_o church_n i_o mean_v not_o rome_n for_o that_o be_v no_o member_n of_o it_o may_v be_v keep_v in_o tradition_n which_o be_v indifferent_a but_o in_o this_o number_n you_o can_v just_o compryse_v the_o cross_n and_o although_o of_o some_o father_n it_o have_v be_v account_v such_o yet_o must_v you_o remember_v as_o i_o say_v before_o that_o they_o do_v not_o always_o build_v gold_n &_o silver_n but_o sometime_o hay_n and_o stubble_n upon_o christ_n nor_o every_o thing_n that_o be_v pretend_v to_o be_v the_o father_n writing_n must_v by_o and_o by_o be_v think_v to_o be_v they_o many_o bastard_n babe_n have_v be_v put_v in_o the_o cradel_n either_o when_o there_o be_v no_o lawful_a child_n or_o the_o same_o overlay_v and_o stifle_v by_o the_o nurse_n as_o for_o example_n 31._o fol._n 84._o a._n athanasiꝰ_n euagrius_n li._n 3._o cap._n 31._o athanasius_n who_o you_o cyte_v for_o proufe_v that_o the_o cross_n be_v use_v in_o his_o time_n have_v many_o thing_n that_o be_v none_o of_o he_o euagrius_n in_o the_o ecclesiastical_a history_n do_v plain_o say_v that_o many_o work_n of_o apollinariꝰ_n be_v ascribe_v unto_o he_o and_o as_o for_o the_o book_n which_o you_o allege_v questionum_fw-la ad_fw-la antiochium_n be_v evident_a to_o be_v a_o other_o 23._o quest_n 23._o for_o athanasius_n himself_o be_v cite_v in_o it_o the_o word_n be_v these_o et_fw-la haec_fw-la quidem_fw-la multum_fw-la valen_n in_fw-la divina_fw-la scriptura_fw-la magnus_fw-la athanasius_n and_o these_o thing_n do_v great_a athanasius_n a_o mighty_a one_o in_o the_o scripture_n of_o god_n will_v athanasius_n have_v report_v this_o of_o himself_o wherefore_o in_o the_o you_o bring_v prescription_n of_o time_n and_o write_n of_o the_o father_n for_o you_o you_o do_v both_o reason_n upon_o a_o uncertain_a principle_n &_o fail_v in_o your_o proufe_v for_o the_o principle_n i_o say_v and_o i_o doubt_v not_o but_o you_o will_v subscribe_v unto_o i_o that_o whatsoever_o have_v be_v deliver_v and_o otherwise_o esteem_v apostolic_a be_v not_o to_o be_v follow_v and_o think_v inviolable_a to_o begin_v with_o that_o which_o breed_v in_o the_o church_n a_o miserable_a schism_n for_o many_o year_n together_o the_o easter_n fast_o cha_z easter_n fast_o read_v eusebius_n in_o the_o eccle_n his_fw-la the_o v._o book_n the_o xxiiii_o twenty-five_o and_o xxvi_o cha_z be_v it_o always_o and_o in_o every_o place_n uniform_o observe_v nothing_o less_o all_o the_o asianes_n dissent_v from_o the_o roman_n and_o each_o of_o they_o say_v they_o have_v a_o tradition_n yea_o from_o the_o apostle_n the_o asians_n will_v have_v easter_n day_n to_o be_v the_o xiiij_o of_o the_o month_n nisan_fw-la howsoever_o it_o fall_v be_v it_o either_o the_o first_o second_o three_o four_o fyfth_o or_o sixth_o very_o the_o roman_n will_v have_v it_o only_o on_o that_o day_n which_o be_v call_v dominicus_n the_o sabbath_n the_o asians_n be_v the_o strong_a part_n they_o have_v philip_n the_o apostle_n and_o his_o daughter_n john_n the_o euangeliste_n and_o polycarpus_n his_o scholar_n for_o they_o the_o roman_n have_v the_o whole_a succession_n of_o bishop_n from_o peter_n forward_o which_o of_o these_o part_n will_v you_o approve_v you_o be_v a_o romanist_n and_o therefore_o you_o will_v hold_v with_o anicetus_n rather_o follow_v the_o custom_n that_o be_v of_o he_o receyve_v but_o now_o you_o must_v not_o condemn_v the_o other_o lest_o you_o be_v guilty_a of_o the_o same_o crime_n that_o ireneus_fw-la do_v reprove_v in_o victor_n for_o he_o hold_v it_o tyranny_n to_o throw_v the_o thunderbolt_n of_o excommunication_n for_o a_o little_a storm_n the_o
etc._n etc._n thus_o in_o conclusion_n many_o honest_a man_n wife_n many_o worshipful_a &_o honourable_a under_o colour_n of_o holiness_n &_o by_o mere_a hypocrisy_n be_v instrument_n many_o year_n to_o satisfy_v the_o pleasure_n of_o the_o filthy_a priest_n at_o length_n a_o discreter_n matron_n than_o the_o rest_n abhor_v the_o vice_n and_o observe_v the_o manner_n of_o it_o know_v the_o priest_n voice_n and_o detect_v it_o to_o her_o husband_n hereupon_o the_o priest_n be_v apprehend_v the_o idol_n ransack_v the_o start_a hole_n espy_v the_o crime_n confess_v the_o hypocrisy_n abhor_v and_o will_v to_o god_n that_o the_o like_a wickedness_n and_o far_o more_o horrible_a daily_o commit_v by_o the_o unchaste_a generation_n of_o solelive_v priest_n may_v cause_v alike_o all_o country_n and_o nation_n to_o detest_v your_o shame_n you_o blame_v lawful_a marriage_n you_o think_v it_o a_o life_n dissolute_a &_o satisfy_v of_o the_o lust_n of_o the_o flesh_n but_o how_o live_v you_o how_o live_v you_o with_o vile_a shift_n than_o saturnus_n priest_n adultery_n no_o fault_n for_o the_o most_o part_n you_o practice_v it_o all_o it_o be_v worse_a it_o be_v worse_o i_o appeal_v to_o your_o conscience_n m._n martial_a whether_o you_o know_v it_o to_o be_v so_o or_o no_o myself_o will_v not_o speak_v what_o i_o do_v know_v but_o accurse_a be_v he_o that_o teach_v the_o boy_n of_o winchester_n to_o know_v that_o which_o m._n hide_v you_o remember_v so_o severe_o punish_v euank_v m._n hide_v late_a school_n master_n of_o winchester_n lew_n euank_v you_o lay_v unto_o our_o charge_n pride_n carnal_a lust_n sensuality_n much_o babble_n of_o the_o lord_n no_o good_a work_n in_o christ_n in_o talk_v much_o vehemency_n in_o deed_n no_o charity_n &_o of_o late_a there_o have_v step_v up_o a_o famous_a clerk_n who_o syft_v a_o private_a fault_n in_o one_o only_a person_n the_o profess_v the_o truth_n &_o exaggerate_v the_o same_o concludech_v with_o dote_a demipho_n vnum_fw-la nosti_fw-la omnes_fw-la noveris_fw-la know_v one_o &_o know_v all_o and_o may_v i_o not_o answer_v as_o unto_o daws_n ad_fw-la pristinun_fw-la vel_fw-la capistrum_fw-la dave_v but_o if_o i_o shall_v unrip_v as_o if_o you_o leave_v not_o your_o slander_n i_o will_v do_v by_o god_n grace_n if_o life_n &_o leisure_n serve_v i_o the_o life_n of_o your_o popish_a doctor_n &_o your_o own_o self_n o_o lord_n what_o perjury_n what_o impiety_n what_o incontinency_n what_o sodomitry_n will_v burst_v out_o together_o a._n folio_n 85._o a._n but_o here_o i_o stay_v &_o will_v return_v to_o serapis_n i_o tell_v you_o before_o that_o if_o you_o will_v have_v any_o precedent_n of_o the_o cross_a sign_n you_o must_v go_v to_o the_o egyptian_n idol_n serapis_n 29_o ruffinus_n eeclesia_fw-la he_o lib._n 2._o ca._n 29_o the_o christian_n therefore_o think_v that_o a_o mean_a to_o bring_v they_o soon_o unto_o the_o faith_n pull_v down_o the_o scutchin_n of_o the_o idol_n and_o in_o every_o place_n set_v up_o the_o gross_a not_o to_o have_v they_o fall_v from_o one_o ydolatry_n to_o another_o which_o be_v by_o worship_n of_o it_o but_o that_o it_o may_v be_v a_o introduction_n unto_o further_a knowledge_n and_o procure_v of_o a_o credit_n unto_o our_o religion_n for_o the_o cross_n be_v one_o of_o their_o letter_n which_o they_o call_v 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d priestly_n and_o holy_a letter_n make_v they_o for_o affection_n to_o their_o own_o tradition_n think_v the_o better_a of_o we_o for_o the_o author_n say_v qui_fw-la tunc_fw-la admiratione_n rerum_fw-la gestarum_fw-la conver_n tebantur_fw-la ad_fw-la fidem_fw-la dicebant_fw-la ita_fw-la sibi_fw-la ab_fw-la antiquis_fw-la traditum_fw-la quod_fw-la hec_fw-la quae_fw-la nunc_fw-la coluntur_fw-la tamdiu_fw-la starent_fw-la quamdiu_fw-la viderent_fw-la signum_fw-la istud_fw-la venisse_fw-la in_o quo_fw-la esset_fw-la vita_fw-la vnde_fw-la accidit_fw-la ut_fw-la magis_fw-la ij_o qui_fw-la erant_fw-la ex_fw-la sacerdotibus_fw-la vel_fw-la ministris_fw-la templorum_fw-la ad_fw-la fidem_fw-la converterentur_fw-la quam_fw-la illi_fw-la quos_fw-la errorum_fw-la pro_fw-la vaestigie_n et_fw-fr deceptionun_fw-fr machinae_fw-la delectabant_fw-la they_z which_o by_o wonder_v at_o thing_n that_o be_v do_v be_v convert_v to_o the_o faith_n say_v that_o it_o be_v tell_v they_o of_o old_a that_o these_o thing_n which_o now_o be_v worship_v shall_v stand_v so_o long_o as_o they_o shall_v see_v the_o that_o sign_n be_v come_v in_o which_o there_o be_v life_n whereof_o it_o come_v to_o pass_v that_o rather_o they_o which_o be_v of_o the_o priest_n &_o minister_n of_o the_o church_n be_v convert_v to_o the_o faith_n than_o such_o as_o take_v a_o pleasure_n in_o sorcery_n of_o error_n and_o train_n of_o deceit_n so_o that_o it_o be_v better_a than_o a_o preach_n unto_o they_o because_o they_o have_v such_o a_o prejudice_n thereof_o now_o if_o the_o case_n be_v that_o heathen_a shall_v be_v convert_v to_o the_o faith_n and_o they_o before_o hand_n have_v the_o cross_n in_o reverence_n i_o will_v in_o this_o respect_n admit_v it_o but_o among_o christian_n where_o the_o crucify_a be_v daily_o preach_v &_o aught_o to_o be_v know_v without_o such_o external_a means_n a._n folio_n 85._o a._n great_a folly_n it_o be_v to_o have_v it_o hitherto_o of_o the_o do_n in_o alexandria_n now_o to_o come_v to_o constantinople_n as_o touch_v chrisostom_n i_o have_v say_v enough_o in_o the_o first_o article_n only_o therefore_o will_v i_o add_v this_o which_o may_v be_v a_o bone_n for_o you_o to_o pick_v on_o that_o whereas_o he_o speak_v of_o house_n market_n wilderness_n gentile_n chrisostom_n demonst_a contra_fw-la gentile_n high_a way_n sea_n ship_n garment_n parlour_n wall_n window_n armour_n and_o such_o other_o thing_n where_o the_o cross_n shall_v be_v only_o he_o say_v not_o that_o the_o cross_n be_v in_o the_o church_n reken_v up_o so_o many_o will_v he_o have_v forget_v the_o chief_a if_o any_o such_o order_n have_v be_v receive_v then_o it_o be_v not_o credible_a augustine_n lairone_fw-la august_n de_fw-fr cruse_n &_o lairone_fw-la if_o you_o be_v not_o to_o wilful_o set_v shall_v not_o be_v urge_v of_o you_o for_o he_o mean_v nothing_o less_o than_o either_o the_o material_a or_o your_o mystical_a cross_n he_o plain_o speak_v of_o the_o passion_n of_o christ_n and_o incident_a into_o that_o be_v the_o form_n thereof_o which_o be_v his_o suffering_n upon_o the_o crosse_n crux_fw-la christi_fw-la say_v he_o feriae_fw-la sunt_fw-la &_o nundine_fw-la spirituales_fw-la the_o cross_n of_o christ_n be_v our_o holy_a feast_n and_o spiritual_a fair_a do_v you_o keep_v the_o feast_n unto_o the_o piece_n of_o wood_n do_v you_o buy_v any_o thing_n of_o the_o external_a sign_n if_o you_o do_v not_o you_o mistake_v s._n augustine_n for_o immediate_o upon_o the_o foresay_a word_n he_o infer_v those_o that_o you_o allege_v before_o the_o cross_n be_v a_o name_n of_o condemnation_n now_o it_o be_v make_v a_o matter_n of_o honour_n before_o it_o stand_v in_o damnation_n of_o a_o curse_n now_o it_o be_v set_v up_o in_o occasion_n of_o salvation_n where_o i_o grant_v in_o deed_n that_o he_o make_v a_o difference_n between_o the_o cross_n in_o the_o old_a law_n and_o cross_n in_o the_o new_a law_n but_o what_o be_v mean_v by_o that_o cross_n the_o material_a thing_n that_o be_v but_o as_o you_o guess_v 3._o deut_n 21._o gal._n 3._o for_o i_o be_o sure_a of_o the_o contrary_n the_o scripture_n say_v not_o maledictum_fw-la lignum_fw-la curse_v be_v the_o tree_n but_o maledictus_fw-la omnis_fw-la qui_fw-la pendet_fw-la in_o ligno_fw-la curse_a be_v every_o one_o that_o hang_v on_o the_o tree_n wherefore_o your_o collection_n be_v vain_a that_o as_o then_o the_o material_a cross_n be_v a_o name_n of_o ignominy_n so_o now_o the_o material_a cross_n be_v a_o thing_n of_o honour_n do_v the_o ignominy_n consist_v in_o the_o wood_n then_o no_o but_o in_o the_o person_n for_o if_o you_o be_v hang_v m._n martial_a to_o use_v a_o familiar_a example_n the_o shame_n be_v not_o in_o the_o gallows_n but_o in_o your_o self-man_n then_o the_o honour_n be_v not_o in_o the_o material_a cross_n but_o he_o that_o die_v on_o it_o and_o that_o the_o word_n nunc_fw-la erecta_fw-la est_fw-la be_v now_o at_o this_o present_a set_v up_o can_v not_o he_o rack_v to_o a_o metaphorical_a sense_n be_v very_o strange_a to_o i_o for_o if_o it_o be_v true_a 13._o heb._n 13._o apo._n 13._o that_o christus_fw-la idem_fw-la heri_fw-la &_o hodie_fw-la that_o christ_n be_v the_o same_o both_o to_o day_n &_o yesterday_o and_o that_o he_o be_v the_o lamb_n qui_fw-la occisus_fw-la est_fw-la ab_fw-la origine_fw-la mundi_fw-la which_o be_v slay_v from_o the_o begin_n of_o the_o world_n i_o think_v it_o be_v no_o absurdity_n to_o say_v that_o now_o at_o this_o present_a in_o the_o time_n of_o grace_n christ_n daily_o suffer_v his_o passion_n be_v set_v out_o as_o
a_o spectacle_n unto_o us._n and_o now_o to_o conclude_v with_o constantine_n the_o great_a 86._o folio_n 86._o who_o fact_n be_v such_o a_o defence_n unto_o you_o that_o you_o think_v yourself_o full_o arm_v with_o it_o but_o without_o any_o school_n play_n with_o a_o down_o right_a blow_n you_o may_v be_v touch_v on_o the_o bare_a for_o although_o constantinus_n constantine_n constantine_n not_o full_o yet_o instruct_v in_o the_o faith_n sometime_o defend_v his_o face_n with_o the_o sign_n of_o salvation_n sometime_o show_v forth_o the_o victorious_a banner_n sometime_o erect_v it_o in_o a_o paint_a table_n sometime_o do_v hang_v it_o up_o before_o the_o court_n gate_n yet_o we_o never_o read_v that_o of_o so_o many_o church_n as_o you_o say_v he_o build_v he_o bring_v the_o sign_n of_o the_o cross_n into_o any_o of_o they_o then_o do_v he_o not_o repose_v any_o holiness_n therein_o nor_o his_o do_n otherwise_o be_v to_o be_v draw_v to_o example_n unless_o you_o have_v need_n to_o return_v with_o he_o from_o paganism_n to_o the_o faith_n and_o have_v as_o large_a commission_n as_o he_o wherefore_o since_o your_o ignorance_n understand_v not_o the_o father_n writing_n since_o your_o impudency_n false_o corrupt_v they_o since_o presumption_n have_v always_o cumber_v the_o church_n of_o god_n and_o tradition_n in_o every_o age_n with_o every_o sere_a bishop_n vary_v we_o be_v not_o to_o be_v think_v otherwise_o than_o follower_n of_o the_o apostles_n although_o we_o decline_v from_o some_o thing_n that_o man_n have_v call_v and_o in_o their_o conceit_n repute_v apostolic_a flatter_v not_o yourself_o as_o if_o any_o be_v so_o mad_a have_v common_a sense_n to_o be_v persuade_v with_o your_o glorious_a word_n which_o in_o every_o leaf_n have_v so_o good_a trial_n of_o your_o shameless_a lie_n learn_v what_o the_o church_n be_v then_o talk_v thereof_o be_v a_o member_n of_o the_o church_n and_o i_o will_v make_v more_o account_n of_o you_o be_v no_o preacher_n to_o other_o of_o their_o soul_n health_n unless_o you_o take_v better_a order_n for_o your_o own_o to_o the_o six_o article_n that_o diverse_a holy_a man_n and_o woman_n 88_o marshal_n fol._n 88_o get_v little_a piece_n of_o the_o holy_a cross_n and_o enclose_v they_o in_o gold_n or_o silver_n and_o either_o leave_v they_o in_o church_n to_o be_v worship_v or_o hang_v they_o about_o their_o neck_n thereby_o to_o be_v the_o better_o ward_v to_o which_o assertion_n consider_v what_o in_o the_o article_n afore_o have_v be_v say_v and_o prove_v a_o short_a answer_n may_v serve_v for_o inasmuch_o as_o all_o your_o reason_n be_v ground_v on_o a_o false_a principle_n authority_n of_o man_n which_o in_o god_n matter_n can_v take_v no_o place_n you_o spend_v in_o this_o article_n a_o great_a many_o more_o word_n than_o all_o the_o matter_n in_o your_o book_n be_v worth_a tertullian_n himself_o velandis_fw-la tertullian_n de_fw-fr virginibꝰ_n velandis_fw-la speak_v of_o a_o tradition_n more_o reasonable_a than_o this_o pretend_v not_o authority_n but_o say_v that_o he_o will_v prove_v hoc_fw-la exigere_fw-la veritatem_fw-la cvi_fw-la nemo_fw-la praescribere_fw-la potest_fw-la non_fw-la spacium_fw-la temporum_fw-la non_fw-la patrocinia_fw-la personarum_fw-la non_fw-la privilegium_fw-la regionum_fw-la exit_fw-la hijs_fw-la enim_fw-la fere_n consuetudo_fw-la initium_fw-la ab_fw-la aliqua_fw-la ignorantia_fw-la vel_fw-la simplicitate_fw-la sortita_fw-la in_fw-la usum_fw-la per_fw-la successionem_fw-la corroboratur_fw-la &_o ita_fw-la adversus_fw-la veritatem_fw-la vindicatur_fw-la say_fw-la dominus_fw-la noster_fw-la christus_fw-la veritatem_fw-la se_fw-la non_fw-la consuetudinem_fw-la cognominavit_fw-la si_fw-mi semper_fw-la christus_fw-la &_o prio_fw-la omnibus_fw-la aequè_fw-la veritas_fw-la sempiterna_fw-la &_o antiqua_fw-la res_fw-la that_o the_o truth_n require_v this_o against_o the_o which_o no_o person_n no_o space_n of_o time_n no_o mastership_n of_o man_n no_o privilege_n of_o country_n can_v prescribe_v for_o most_o common_o by_o the_o mean_a of_o these_o custom_n that_o begin_v of_o some_o ignorance_n of_o simplicity_n be_v by_o succession_n confirm_v into_o a_o use_n and_o so_o exception_n take_v against_o the_o truth_n but_o christ_n our_o lord_n call_v himself_o the_o truth_n and_o not_o the_o custom_n if_o christ_n be_v always_o &_o before_o all_o the_o truth_n itself_o be_v aswell_o eternal_a and_o of_o most_o auncienty_n let_v they_o consider_v and_o mark_v well_o this_o who_o account_n it_o new_a that_o in_o itself_o be_v old_a no_o novelty_n but_o verity_n confound_v heresy_n whatsoever_o be_v against_o the_o truth_n the_o same_o be_v heresy_n yea_o the_o old_a custom_n itself_o as_o say_v tertullian_n wherefore_o you_o shall_v not_o presume_v so_o much_o upon_o the_o credit_n of_o helena_n paulinus_n gregory_n that_o whatsoever_o they_o do_v shall_v be_v a_o sufficient_a precedent_n for_o we_o to_o do_v the_o like_a the_o father_n of_o the_o old_a &_o the_o new_a testament_n be_v not_o to_o be_v draw_v for_o example_n always_o for_o then_o why_o not_o david_n defend_v a_o adulterer_n &_o a_o lecherous_a captain_n willing_a to_o dispatch_v his_o trusty_a soldior_fw-la why_o be_v it_o any_o fault_n to_o abjure_v the_o faith_n or_o otherwise_o dissemble_v with_o god_n if_o the_o like_a fact_n in_o peter_n may_v be_v follow_v 2._o aug._n contra_fw-la 2._o ep._n gauden_n lib._n 2._o augustine_n very_o wise_o say_v non_fw-la debemus_fw-la imitari_fw-la semper_fw-la aut_fw-la probare_fw-la quicquid_fw-la probati_fw-la homines_fw-la egerunt_fw-la sed_fw-la iuditium_fw-la scripturarum_fw-la adhibere_fw-la a_o illae_fw-la probent_fw-la ea_fw-la facta_fw-la we_o must_v not_o always_o imitate_v or_o allow_v whatsoever_o allow_v person_n have_v do_v but_o lie_v the_o judgement_n of_o scripture_n to_o it_o whether_o they_o allow_v the_o do_v of_o it_o if_o they_o i_o drive_v you_o unto_o this_o issue_n that_o you_o shall_v prove_v by_o the_o word_n of_o god_n the_o allege_v example_n good_a you_o have_v need_n to_o require_v a_o long_a term_n and_o yet_o in_o the_o end_n you_o will_v make_v a_o non_fw-fr suit_n for_o you_o shall_v not_o find_v in_o all_o the_o scripture_n any_o piece_n of_o word_n or_o example_n of_o any_o that_o can_v by_o force_n be_v wrest_v to_o the_o reservation_n of_o little_a scrap_n of_o wood_n or_o repose_v any_o hope_n or_o affiance_n in_o they_o too_o vain_a and_o heathenish_a be_v the_o obseruamce_n too_o foul_a and_o horrible_a be_v that_o idolatry_n yet_o will_v i_o not_o deface_v those_o forname_v person_n upon_o who_o authority_n you_o ground_n yourself_o nor_o say_v that_o otherwise_o they_o be_v ungodly_a though_o in_o this_o point_n no_o godliness_n appear_v 10._o rom._n 10._o paul_n write_v of_o the_o jew_n in_o his_o time_n thus_o testimonium_fw-la illis_fw-la perhibeo_fw-la quod_fw-la studium_fw-la dei_fw-la habent_fw-la sed_fw-la non_fw-la secundum_fw-la scientiam_fw-la i_o bear_v they_o record_n that_o they_o have_v the_o zeal_n of_o god_n but_o not_o according_a to_o knowledge_n and_o i_o doubt_v not_o but_o these_o who_o you_o have_v name_v have_v a_o zeal_n of_o their_o own_o think_v to_o serve_v god_n yet_o serve_v their_o fancy_n first_o they_o do_v offend_v against_o the_o majesty_n of_o god_n and_o be_v occasion_n of_o fall_n to_o many_o that_o come_v after_o 17._o 2._o par._n 17._o the_o holy_a chronicle_n report_v of_o jehosaphat_n that_o he_o walk_v in_o the_o first_o way_n of_o his_o father_n david_n &_o seek_v not_o baalim_fw-la but_o seek_v the_o lord_n god_n of_o his_o father_n and_o walk_v in_o his_o commandment_n &_o not_o after_o the_o trade_n of_o israel_n the_o like_a testimony_n also_o be_v give_v he_o in_o the_o .20_o i_fw-mi jehosaphat_n walk_v in_o the_o way_n of_o asa_n his_o father_n and_o depart_v not_o therefrom_o do_v that_o which_o be_v right_a in_o the_o sight_n of_o the_o lord_n notwtstanding_v the_o high_a place_n be_v not_o take_v away_o beside_o this_o 19_o 2._o paral._n 19_o he_o make_v affinity_n with_o ahab_n &_o love_v they_o that_o hate_v the_o lord_n do_v any_o man_n therefore_o for_o those_o imperfection_n condenne_n jehosophat_n as_o a_o wicked_a prince_n or_o will_v any_o man_n excuse_v he_o for_o the_o same_o on_o like_o sort_n i_o will_v not_o utter_o disprove_v your_o author_n i_o think_v not_o the_o contrary_a but_o that_o they_o be_v god_n child_n although_o in_o this_o matter_n for_o which_o their_o authority_n be_v pretend_v there_o be_v none_o with_o safe_a conscience_n that_o can_v like_o with_o they_o 8._o jud._n 8._o gideon_n among_o the_o judge_n of_o israel_n be_v the_o least_o stain_a yet_o through_o devotion_n as_o he_o esteem_v it_o he_o grevous_o sin_v against_o the_o lord_n for_o when_o as_o a_o mighty_a champion_n he_o return_v home_o from_o conquest_n of_o midiam_fw-la the_o soldier_n lade_v with_o golden_a prey_n he_o require_v their_o earinge_n to_o be_v give_fw-ge to_o he_o which_o amount_v to_o a_o great_a sum_n he_o make_v a_o ephod_n of_o it_o
scripture_n honourable_a commendation_n we_o may_v the_o more_o mistrust_n of_o other_o who_o life_n and_o virtue_n we_o can_v by_o no_o mean_n be_v so_o well_o assure_v of_o as_o for_o authority_n though_o scripture_n itself_o do_v suffice_v the_o faithful_a and_o such_o as_o delight_v not_o to_o be_v contentious_a yet_o that_o man_n of_o good_a judgement_n utter_o abhor_v as_o heathenish_a devilish_a and_o idolatrous_a this_o keep_v enclose_v honour_v of_o a_o piece_n of_o wood_n or_o any_o such_o earthly_a matter_n i_o have_v bring_v you_o hierome_n &_o chrisostome_n who_o plain_a word_n condemn_v the_o superstition_n of_o you_o and_o all_o other_o that_o you_o do_v talk_v of_o last_o of_o all_o i_o have_v touch_v the_o gross_a absurdity_n that_o consequent_o do_v follow_v of_o your_o doctrine_n which_o though_o i_o have_v not_o thorough_o unrip_v your_o beastliness_n &_o vanity_n be_v so_o loathsome_a to_o i_o yet_o have_v i_o touch_v sufficient_o to_o drive_v you_o if_o any_o grace_n be_v in_o you_o to_o consider_v your_o duty_n better_o to_z write_z with_o more_o reason_n or_o be_v still_o with_o less_o shame_n be_v this_o the_o profession_n of_o your_o priesthode_n be_v this_o the_o commission_n that_o man_n of_o your_o coat_n have_v to_o preach_v the_o fable_n of_o old_a gentility_n &_o stir_v up_o the_o kenel_n of_o stink_a superstition_n which_o every_o old_a wife_n be_v a_o weary_a of_o every_o child_n do_v scorn_n at_o learn_v christianity_n of_o christ_n himself_n true_a order_n of_o preach_v of_o the_o apostle_n seek_v not_o so_o much_o what_o man_n have_v do_v but_o how_o well_o they_o have_v do_v it_o be_v write_v to_o the_o hebrew_n 2._o hebr._n 2._o that_o god_n of_o old_a time_n speak_v at_o sundry_a time_n and_o in_o diverse_a manner_n to_o our_o father_n by_o the_o prophet_n but_o in_o these_o last_o day_n have_v speak_v unto_o we_o by_o his_o dear_a son_n whereby_o what_o other_o thing_n be_v to_o be_v mean_v but_o that_o god_n hereafter_o will_v not_o use_v the_o mouth_n of_o many_o nor_o heap_v we_o prophesy_v upon_o prophecy_n revelation_n upon_o revelation_n but_o that_o he_o do_v so_o full_o instruct_v we_o by_o his_o son_n that_o the_o very_o last_o &_o everlasting_a testimony_n of_o truth_n must_v be_v have_v of_o he_o he_o give_v he_o therefore_o a_o singular_a prerogative_n to_o be_v our_o prophet_n our_o master_n and_o our_o guide_n command_v he_o only_o no_o church_n no_o council_n no_o man_n to_o be_v hear_v the_o church_n i_o trust_v will_v take_v no_o more_o upon_o they_o than_o the_o apostle_n do_v what_o the_o synagoge_n of_o antichrist_n do_v i_o care_v not_o what_o the_o true_a christian_n ought_v to_o do_v i_o prove_v christ_n send_v forth_o his_o apostle_n into_o the_o world_n and_o give_v they_o commission_n to_o teach_v and_o preach_v not_o what_o soever_o they_o can_v invent_v but_o what_o he_o have_v first_o command_v they_o and_o nothing_o can_v be_v more_o plain_o say_v than_o that_o which_o he_o speak_v in_o another_o place_n 23._o math._n 23._o be_v not_o you_o call_v rabbi_n as_o master_n or_o ruler_n over_o your_o brother_n faith_n for_o one_o be_v your_o doctor_n and_o your_o teacher_n christ_n then_o if_o nothing_o can_v be_v allow_v in_o matter_n of_o faith_n and_o salvation_n but_o that_o which_o be_v ground_v on_o christ_n &_o the_o gospel_n all_o doctrine_n of_o man_n all_o cross_n all_o crucifix_n roodelofte_v and_o all_o which_o have_v no_o colour_n of_o scripture_n to_o defend_v they_o but_o be_v most_o injurious_a and_o contrary_a to_o the_o same_o must_v clean_o be_v abolish_v and_o put_v out_o of_o the_o church_n if_o christ_n do_v call_v they_o hypocrite_n 15._o math._n 15._o and_o honourer_n of_o he_o in_o vain_a which_o teach_v the_o doctrine_n that_o proceed_v of_o man_n sure_o you_o papist_n for_o foul_a name_n of_o heresy_n can_v i_o give_v you_o none_o which_o bring_v we_o man_n authority_n without_o the_o warrant_n of_o god_n holy_a word_n that_o bind_v we_o to_o believe_v thing_n most_o contrary_a to_o it_o be_v neither_o shepherd_n nor_o sheep_n of_o the_o fold_n but_o for_o all_o your_o fleece_n be_v raven_a wolf_n this_o do_v ignatius_n on_o this_o wise_a confirm_v omnis_fw-la igitur_fw-la qui_fw-la dixerit_fw-la prater_fw-la ea_fw-la quae_fw-la tradita_fw-la sunt_fw-la tametsi_fw-la fide_fw-la dignus_fw-la sit_fw-la hieronim_n in_o episto_fw-la ad_fw-la hieronim_n tametsi_fw-la ieiunet_n tametsi_fw-la virginitatem_fw-la seruet_fw-la tametsi_fw-la signa_fw-la faciat_fw-la tametsi_fw-la prophetet_fw-la lupus_fw-la tibi_fw-la appareat_fw-la in_o grege_fw-la ovium_fw-la who_o so_o ever_o speak_v any_o thing_n more_o than_o be_v write_v although_o he_o be_v worthy_a credit_n although_o he_o fast_o although_o he_o keep_v his_o virginity_n although_o he_o do_v miracle_n although_o he_o prophesy_v yet_o let_v he_o seem_v to_o thou_o a_o wolf_n in_o the_o flock_n of_o sheep_n this_o have_v be_v always_o the_o opinion_n of_o the_o godly_a this_o all_o the_o doctor_n have_v teach_v and_o write_v only_o you_o good_a sir_n and_o certain_a of_o your_o factious_a fellowship_n will_v be_v wise_a than_o christ_n bold_a than_o the_o apostle_n better_a learned_a than_o the_o doctor_n and_o give_v we_o out_o new_a lesson_n that_o scripture_n never_o think_v of_o i_o will_v not_o tarry_v here_o in_o rehearsal_n of_o your_o error_n in_o other_o point_n which_o hasten_v to_o the_o end_n of_o my_o reprouf_n of_o this_o only_o you_o good_a reader_n i_o shall_v exhort_v and_o for_o the_o mercy_n of_o christ_n beseech_v you_o that_o as_o you_o tender_v your_o own_o health_n and_o wish_v to_o be_v gather_v into_o the_o fold_n of_o life_n you_o will_v hearken_v to_o the_o voice_n of_o your_o shepherd_n christ_n &_o come_v at_o no_o stranger_n call_v give_v credit_n to_o no_o man_n in_o matter_n of_o your_o faith_n further_o than_o he_o bring_v his_o warrant_n with_o he_o believe_v no_o report_n for_o it_o be_v a_o liar_n beware_v of_o the_o wolvish_a generation_n which_o now_o be_v hungry_a keep_v and_o feed_n upon_o carrion_n breath_n out_o nothing_o else_o but_o horrible_a blasphemy_n and_o stink_a lie_n they_o prate_v of_o good_a life_n themselves_o most_o licentious_a they_z burden_z man_n with_o breach_n of_o law_n themselves_o most_o rebellious_a and_o dissolute_a they_o go_v about_o to_o discredit_v we_o as_o teacher_n of_o carnal_a liberty_n themselves_o imbrue_v with_o all_o kind_n of_o filth_n and_o abomination_n as_o for_o all_o their_o doctrine_n and_o religion_n i_o may_v say_v unto_o they_o as_o christ_n do_v to_o the_o pharise_n populus_fw-la iste_fw-la labijs_fw-la i_o honorat_fw-la cor_fw-la autem_fw-la eorum_fw-la long_o est_fw-la à_fw-la i_o this_o people_n honour_v i_o with_o their_o lip_n but_o their_o heart_n be_v far_o of_o from_o i_o their_o eye_n their_o hand_n their_o head_n their_o foot_n they_o frame_v in_o such_o wise_a as_o shall_v tend_v to_o some_o piece_n of_o obseruamce_n of_o the_o law_n their_o wink_n their_o nod_a their_o move_n their_o cross_n be_v all_o god_n service_n as_o they_o do_v tell_v us._n but_o where_o be_v the_o heart_n where_o be_v the_o mind_n and_o inward_a purity_n that_o god_n require_v when_o they_o hear_v thou_o shall_v not_o kyl_v thou_o shall_v not_o steal_v thou_o shall_v not_o commit_v adultery_n the_o pure_a of_o they_o all_o what_o do_v they_o peraduerture_n not_o draw_v the_o sword_n to_o slay_v any_o man_n not_o lay_v their_o hand_n on_o other_o man_n good_n not_o depart_v their_o body_n with_o harlot_n which_o yet_o be_v a_o marvelous_a rare_a bird_n to_o be_v hatch_v in_o the_o nest_n of_o popery_n but_o they_o compass_v mischief_n and_o destruction_n in_o their_o heart_n they_o burn_v in_o desire_n they_o fret_v &_o consume_v away_o for_o envy_n so_o that_o which_o be_v the_o chief_a of_o the_o law_n be_v least_o among_o they_o that_o which_o seem_v gay_a to_o the_o outward_a show_n be_v only_o retain_v and_o keep_v and_o for_o conclusion_n beside_o that_o they_o expel_v faith_n which_o be_v that_o goodness_n of_o all_o work_n they_o set_v up_o work_v of_o their_o own_o make_n to_o destroy_v the_o work_n of_o god_n &_o be_v holy_a than_o they_o first_o with_o their_o chastity_n they_o destroy_v the_o chastity_n that_o god_n ordain_v &_o only_o require_v with_o their_o obedience_n they_o take_v away_o the_o order_n that_o god_n in_o this_o world_n have_v set_v and_o exact_v none_o other_o with_o their_o poverty_n they_o pervert_v humility_n &_o the_o true_a poverty_n of_o the_o spirit_n which_o christ_n teach_v only_o which_o be_v only_o not_o to_o love_v the_o worldly_a good_n with_o their_o fast_a fill_v their_o unsatiable_a paunch_n they_o forget_v the_o fast_n which_o god_n command_v a_o perpetual_a sobrenesse_n to_o tame_v the_o flesh_n with_o their_o patter_z of_o prayer_n they_o have_v put_v away_o
the_o prayer_n that_o god_n have_v teach_v we_o which_o be_v either_o thanks_n for_o benefit_n receyve_v or_o desire_v help_n with_o trust_n to_o be_v relieve_v their_o cross_n have_v displace_v christ_n their_o picture_n have_v deface_v scripture_n their_o lay_n man_n book_n have_v abolish_v the_o law_n their_o holiness_n be_v to_o forbid_v that_o which_o god_n ordain_v to_o be_v receyve_v with_o thanks_n give_v as_o meat_n and_o matrimony_n their_o own_o work_n they_o maintain_v they_o let_v god_n decay_v break_v they_o and_o they_o persecute_v to_o the_o death_n break_v god_n and_o they_o either_o look_v through_o their_o finger_n or_o else_o give_v a_o flap_n with_o a_o fox_n tail_n for_o a_o little_a money_n then_o be_v it_o easy_a to_o be_v espy_v what_o they_o be_v let_v they_o dysguise_v themselves_o never_o so_o close_o yet_o by_o this_o examine_n of_o their_o nature_n and_o property_n they_o will_v bewray_v themselves_o chrisostome_n comment_v upon_o the_o seven_o of_o mathewe_n say_v si_fw-la quis_fw-la lupum_fw-la cooperiat_fw-la pelle_fw-la ovina_fw-la quomodo_fw-la cognoscet_fw-la eum_fw-la nisi_fw-la aut_fw-la per_fw-la vocem_fw-la aut_fw-la per_fw-la actum_fw-la quis_fw-la inclinata_fw-la deorsum_fw-la balat_n lupus_n in_o aëra_fw-la convertit_fw-la caput_fw-la suum_fw-la contra_fw-la coelum_fw-la &_o sic_fw-la ululat_fw-la qui_fw-la ergo_fw-la secundum_fw-la deum_fw-la vocem_fw-la humilitatis_fw-la &_o confessionis_fw-la emittit_fw-la ouis_fw-la est_fw-la qui_fw-la vero_fw-la adversus_fw-la veritatem_fw-la turpiter_fw-la blasphemijs_fw-la ululat_fw-la contra_fw-la deum_fw-la lupus_fw-la est_fw-la which_o be_v thus_o in_o english_a if_o any_o man_n say_v he_o cover_v a_o wolf_n with_o a_o shepe_v skin_n how_o shall_v he_o know_v he_o but_o by_o his_o voice_n or_o by_o his_o do_v the_o sheep_n bow_v down_o the_o head_n to_o the_o ground_n &_o bleat_v the_o wolf_n lift_v up_o his_o nose_n into_o the_o air_n &_o bark_n therefore_o whoso_o ever_o according_a to_o god_n word_n speak_v with_o the_o voice_n of_o humbleness_n and_o confession_n he_o be_v a_o sheep_n but_o he_o that_o contrary_n to_o the_o truth_n blatter_v out_o blasphemy_n against_o god_n be_v a_o very_a wolf_n that_o the_o papist_n be_v such_o as_o it_o do_v sufficient_o appear_v already_o so_o shall_v it_o abundant_o ere_o i_o have_v do_v be_v prove_v therefore_o i_o say_v beware_v of_o papist_n to_o the_o seven_o article_n although_o we_o ought_v not_o in_o discuss_v of_o a_o truth_n rule_v over_o by_o the_o word_n great_o contend_v what_o rite_n and_o ceremony_n have_v of_o presumption_n or_o toleration_n be_v bring_v into_o the_o church_n yet_o that_o you_o may_v see_v before_o your_o eye_n what_o ill_o of_o such_o president_n have_v ensue_v how_o one_o inch_n grant_v to_o superstition_n a_o whole_a ell_n have_v follow_v consider_v a_o while_n your_o litany_n &_o procession_n b._n folio_n 93._o b._n the_o sing_v and_o say_v of_o litany_n you_o say_v be_v common_o call_v procession_n but_o litany_n be_v receyve_v long_o before_o procession_n do_v come_v in_o place_n for_o litany_n what_o be_v they_o but_o humble_a prayer_n &_o supplication_n unto_o god_n to_o procure_v his_o favour_n and_o turn_v away_o his_o wrath_n these_o have_v be_v receyve_v in_o the_o church_n of_o old_a and_o according_a to_o occasion_n diverse_o use_v we_o read_v that_o when_o constantinus_n the_o emperor_n have_v purchase_v peace_n unto_o the_o church_n of_o god_n about_o a_o three_o hundred_o and_o thirty_o year_n after_o christ_n then_o public_o the_o christian_n repair_v together_o then_o be_v there_o in_o the_o congregation_n as_o eusebius_n 3._o euseb_n eccle_n hist_o lib._n 10._o cap._n 3._o report_v orationes_fw-la psalmodiae_fw-la sacrorum_fw-la operationes_fw-la mysteriorum_fw-la participationes_fw-la gratiarum_fw-la actiones_fw-la prayer_n sing_v of_o psalm_n business_n about_o holy_a thing_n participation_n of_o mystery_n &_o give_v of_o thanks_n and_o that_o which_o be_v worthy_a to_o be_v remember_v he_o write_v of_o the_o good_a emperor_n on_o this_o sort_n cantare_fw-la primus_fw-la incepit_fw-la uná_fw-la oravit_fw-la prince_n de_fw-fr vita_fw-la const_n li._n 4._o a_o notable_a example_n of_o a_o prince_n conciones_fw-la stans_fw-la reverenter_fw-la audijt_fw-la adeo_fw-la ut_fw-la rogatus_fw-la ut_fw-la consideret_fw-la responderit_fw-la fas_fw-la non_fw-la esse_fw-la dogmata_fw-la de_fw-la deo_fw-la remiss_a ac_fw-la segniter_fw-la audire_fw-la himself_o begin_v first_o to_o sing_v pray_v with_o the_o rest_n &_o reverent_o hear_v the_o sermon_n stand_v on_o his_o foot_n so_o far_o forth_o that_o when_o he_o be_v require_v to_o set_v he_o down_o he_o answer_v that_o it_o be_v not_o lawful_a to_o hear_v the_o precept_n of_o god_n with_o slackness_n and_o with_o sloth_n hilarius_n also_o .370_o year_n after_o christ_n write_v of_o the_o order_n of_o the_o church_n in_o his_o time_n thus_o 65._o hilarius_n in_o expos_fw-la psal_n 65._o audiat_fw-la orantis_fw-la populi_fw-la consistens_fw-la quis_fw-la extra_fw-la eccl●siam_fw-la vocem_fw-la spectet_fw-la celebres_fw-la hymnorum_fw-la sonitus_fw-la &_o inter_fw-la divinorum_fw-la quoque_fw-la sacramentorum_fw-la officia_fw-la responsionem_fw-la devotae_fw-la confessionis_fw-la a_o man_n that_o stand_v without_o the_o church_n may_v hear_v the_o voice_n of_o the_o people_n pray_v may_v behold_v the_o solemn_a sound_n of_o hymn_n and_o as_o the_o sacrament_n be_v a_o minister_a the_o answer_n of_o a_o devout_a confession_n likewise_o ambrose_n 4._o ambros_n de_fw-fr voc_fw-la gentium_fw-la cap._n 4._o praecepit_fw-la apostolus_fw-la fire_n obsecrationes_fw-la postulationes_fw-la gratiarum_fw-la actiones_fw-la pro_fw-la omnibus_fw-la hominibus_fw-la etc._n etc._n the_o apostle_n command_v .1_o timoth._n 2._o supplication_n prayer_n intercession_n and_o give_v of_o thanks_n to_o be_v make_v for_o all_o man_n which_o rule_n and_o law_n say_v ambrose_n all_o priest_n &_o faithful_a people_n do_v so_o uniform_o observe_v that_o there_o be_v no_o part_n of_o the_o world_n wherein_o such_o prayer_n be_v not_o frequent_a so_o that_o it_o be_v evident_a that_o litany_n be_v then_o in_o use_n although_o we_o read_v not_o of_o any_o procession_n 10._o polidor_n de_fw-fr inven_n li._n 5._o cap._n 10._o till_o the_o time_n of_o agapetus_n pope_n who_o as_o platina_n report_v do_v first_o ordain_v they_o anno._n 533._o although_o we_o read_v the_o like_a of_o leo_n the_o third_o about_o .810_o year_n after_o christ_n sure_o whensoever_o procession_n begin_v they_o be_v take_v of_o gentility_n we_o read_v oft_o in_o livy_n that_o the_o roman_n in_o all_o their_o distress_n will_v run_v to_o every_o sere_a idol_n that_o they_o have_v will_v go_v their_o circuit_n from_o this_o place_n to_o that_o place_n and_o think_v they_o do_v acceptable_a service_n unto_o god_n we_o read_v in_o arnobius_n 8._o arnobius_n contra_fw-la gent._n lib._n 8._o thus_o much_o of_o their_o folly_n nudi_fw-la cruda_fw-la hyeme_n discurrunt_fw-la alij_fw-la incedunt_fw-la pileati_fw-la scuta_fw-la vetera_fw-la circumferunt_fw-la pelles_fw-mi coedunt_fw-la mendicantes_fw-la vicatim_fw-la deos_fw-la ducunt_fw-la quaedam_fw-la fana_fw-la semel_fw-la anno_fw-la adire_fw-la permit_v tunt_fw-la quaedam_fw-la in_o totum_fw-la nefas_fw-la visere_fw-la est_fw-la quaedam_fw-la viro_fw-la non_fw-la licet_fw-la non_fw-la nulla_fw-la absque_fw-la foeminis_fw-la sacra_fw-la sunt_fw-la etiam_fw-la seruo_fw-la quibusdam_fw-la ceremonijs_fw-la interest_n piaculare_fw-la flagitium_fw-la est_fw-la etc._n etc._n they_o gad_n about_o naked_a in_o the_o raw_a winter_n other_o have_v their_o cap_n on_o they_o carry_v about_o with_o they_o old_a target_n they_o beat_v their_o skin_n they_o lead_v their_o god_n a_o beg_v round_o about_o the_o street_n they_o suffer_v some_o chapel_n to_o be_v go_v to_o once_o a_o year_n some_o must_v not_o be_v see_v at_o all_o some_o a_o man_n must_v not_o come_v unto_o some_o other_o be_v holy_a enough_o without_o woman_n and_o for_o a_o servant_n to_o be_v at_o some_o of_o they_o be_v a_o heinous_a offence_n so_o much_o arnobius_n concern_v the_o roman_n and_o think_v you_o not_o that_o our_o procession_n with_o banner_n display_v and_o idol_n in_o arm_n be_v lively_o describe_v here_o certayen_o among_o the_o christen_v i_o never_o read_v that_o any_o use_v procession_n before_o the_o montaniste_n and_o the_o arrian_n tertullian_n vxorem_fw-la tertullian_n li._n 2._o ad_fw-la vxorem_fw-la make_v mention_n of_o the_o one_o and_o eusebius_n 8._o euseb_n eccle_n hist_o libro_fw-la 6._o cap._n 8._o of_o the_o other_o meet_v it_o be_v therefore_o that_o papist_n participate_v with_o their_o error_n shall_v also_o take_v part_n of_o their_o idle_a ceremony_n concern_v litany_n as_o of_o latter_a year_n they_o have_v be_v ordain_v you_o must_v understande_v that_o some_o be_v call_v minores_fw-la the_o less_o some_o maiores_fw-la the_o great_a the_o less_o be_v institute_v by_o mamertus_n bishop_n of_o vienna_n in_o the_o year_n of_o our_o lord_n 469._o as_o sigibertus_n or_o .488_o as_o polichronicon_n report_v the_o order_n of_o they_o be_v but_o a_o solemn_a assembly_n of_o people_n unto_o prayer_n at_o such_o time_n
popish_a procession_n as_o much_o as_o if_o i_o say_v my_o lord_n mayor_n have_v a_o perch_n to_o set_v on_o his_o percher_n when_o his_o guess_n be_v at_o supper_n therefore_o the_o priest_n when_o he_o be_v at_o his_o prayer_n must_v have_v a_o crucifix_n to_o go_v before_o he_o the_o barber_n in_o his_o shop_n have_v a_o latin_a place_n to_o set_v on_o his_o candle_n to_o shave_v man_n thereat_o therefore_o the_o priest_n when_o he_o go_v his_o station_n about_o the_o churchyard_n must_v have_v a_o silver_n cross_n carry_v before_o he_o and_o a_o couple_n of_o boy_n with_o taper_n in_o their_o hand_n to_o light_v he_o at_o none_o day_n i_o remember_v of_o old_a that_o on_o tenebre_n wednesday_n or_o one_o of_o the_o solemn_a day_n before_o easter_n you_o be_v wont_a to_o have_v a_o right_n counterfeit_v in_o the_o church_n of_o constantinoples_n cross_n save_v that_o the_o one_o be_v of_o silver_n the_o other_o of_o wood_n and_o this_o be_v judas_n cross_n whereupon_o be_v set_v a_o great_a sort_n of_o candle_n which_o at_o service_n time_n be_v put_v out_o in_o order_n but_o this_o i_o think_v be_v not_o the_o cross_n that_o you_o speak_v of_o for_o you_o will_v have_v a_o silver_n cross_n or_o copper_z at_z the_o least_o wise_a after_o the_o pattern_n of_o chrisostomes_n catholic_n but_o than_o you_o must_v stick_v it_o full_a of_o candle_n to_o or_o else_o you_o be_v not_o like_a neither_o and_o have_v you_o not_o great_a cause_n m._n marshal_n upon_o this_o example_n to_o infer_v these_o word_n of_o triumph_n and_o victory_n lo_o good_a reader_n chrisostome_n a_o ancient_a father_n and_o one_o of_o the_o most_o famous_a doctor_n of_o the_o greek_a church_n and_o renown_v for_o virtue_n and_o learning_n throughout_o the_o world_n have_v the_o sign_n of_o the_o cross_n and_o taper_n with_o light_n a_o fol._n 94_o a_o carry_v in_o his_o church_n of_o constantinople_n before_o his_o people_n in_o procession_n and_o be_v it_o in_o deed_n a_o cross_n m._n marshal_n in_o which_o signification_n of_o you_o the_o first_o second_o three_o or_o four_o doubtless_o you_o be_v much_o over_o see_v that_o do_v not_o make_v the_o five_o signification_n of_o cross_a to_o be_v the_o cross_a staff_n that_o carri_v the_o candle_n and_o be_v this_o cross_n carry_v in_o the_o church_n i_o have_v think_v it_o have_v be_v in_o the_o street_n for_o the_o arrian_n can_v not_o come_v into_o the_o church_n and_o yet_o they_o meet_v with_o they_o with_o fling_v of_o stone_n and_o crack_v of_o pate_n the_o arrian_n have_v no_o cross_n you_o say_v why_o then_o they_o go_v darkling_a or_o be_v content_a with_o a_o lantern_n lo_o good_a reader_n have_v not_o m._n marshal_n sozomenus_n martial_a in_o one_o stony_a make_v four_o lie_n and_o yet_o the_o matter_n make_v nothing_o for_o he_o marshal_n conclusion_n out_o of_o sozomenus_n say_v much_o to_o the_o matter_n first_o that_o in_o constantinople_n there_o shall_v be_v carry_v two_o silver_n cross_n and_o that_o be_v a_o lie_n for_o there_o be_v no_o number_n mention_v then_o that_o they_o shall_v be_v carry_v in_o procession_n and_o that_o be_v a_o lie_n for_o it_o be_v only_o in_o processu_fw-la in_o their_o march_v forward_o three_o that_o they_o be_v carry_v in_o the_o church_n and_o that_o be_v a_o lie_n for_o it_o be_v in_o the_o street_n four_o that_o they_o be_v carry_v as_o we_o be_v in_o the_o day_n tyme._n and_o that_o be_v a_o lie_n for_o it_o be_v in_o the_o night_n season_n what_o four_o lie_v together_o in_o to_o small_a towme_n to_o much_o of_o conscience_n but_o mark_v the_o conclusion_n forsooth_o we_o gather_v out_o of_o sozomonus_n by_o the_o godly_a father_n chrisostomes_n fact_n that_o we_o must_v carry_v a_o candlestick_n in_o stead_n of_o a_o cross_n in_o procession_n a_o proper_a collection_n and_o yet_o very_o true_a for_o the_o cross_n of_o constantinople_n to_o prove_v a_o doctrine_n of_o the_o church_n cross_n be_v as_o good_a as_o the_o cresset_n on_o midsummer_n night_n to_o prove_v the_o romor_n at_o high_a must_v in_o paul_n and_o thus_o much_o for_o the_o cross_n now_o to_o the_o candle_n if_o they_o be_v of_o old_a use_v in_o the_o service_n of_o the_o church_n no_o marvel_v at_o all_o since_o their_o meting_n be_v in_o the_o night_n time_n 1_o eusebius_n eccl_n hist_o lib._n 5._o cap_n 1_o where_o to_o be_v darkel_a it_o be_v uncomfortable_a we_o read_v in_o eusebius_n that_o in_o the_o reign_n of_o antoninus_n verus_fw-la in_o france_n in_o lion_n and_o vienna_n the_o christian_n be_v forbid_v to_o have_v any_o house_n to_o dwell_v in_o 1._o euse_n eccle._n hist_o li._n 5._o cap._n 1._o to_o enter_v with_o other_o folk_n into_o the_o bath_n to_o walk_v abroad_o in_o the_o street_n or_o to_o be_v see_v in_o any_o place_n by_o reason_n whereof_o they_o be_v compel_v to_o get_v they_o cave_n and_o there_o under_o the_o ground_n to_o hide_v they_o but_o when_o for_o their_o comfort_n in_o christ_n they_o will_v resort_v together_o they_o do_v it_o in_o the_o night_n time_n for_o fear_n of_o suspicion_n and_o thereof_o many_o slander_n do_v rise_v upon_o they_o taper_n the_o use_n of_o taper_n for_o treason_n conspiracy_n horedome_n and_o murder_n yet_o candle_n they_o have_v &_o necessary_a they_o be_v likewise_o we_o read_v that_o when_o justina_n the_o empress_n favour_v the_o arrian_n have_v grant_v they_o the_o use_n of_o the_o church_n in_o milan_n 7._o augustinꝰ_n li._n confess_v 9_o cap._n 7._o ambrose_n withstand_v it_o and_o keep_v it_o day_n and_o night_n with_o watch_n &_o ward_n then_o litany_n be_v song_n and_o then_o be_v taper_n use_v but_o when_o persecution_n cease_v and_o man_n may_v free_o serve_v god_n abroad_o when_o reward_n be_v give_v to_o the_o seruer_n of_o he_o and_o service_n appoint_v in_o the_o day_n time_n that_o candle_n shall_v be_v use_v they_o have_v no_o ground_n of_o reason_n i_o see_v not_o whence_o you_o may_v have_v a_o precedent_n of_o your_o burn_a taper_n at_o none_o day_n so_o well_o as_o from_o the_o sacrifice_n of_o saturnus_n 7._o macrob._n saturn_n li._n 1._o cap._n 7._o aras_n saturnias_fw-la non_fw-la mactando_fw-la viros_fw-la sed_fw-la accensis_fw-la luminibus_fw-la excolebant_fw-la they_o deck_v and_o furnish_v the_o altar_n of_o saturn_n not_o with_o the_o blood_n of_o man_n but_o with_o burn_v of_o candle_n and_o we_o never_o read_v that_o any_o return_v from_o gentility_n but_o retain_v somewhat_o of_o their_o old_a obseruaunce_n if_o you_o urge_v the_o old_a custom_n that_o so_o many_o hundred_o year_n ago_o taper_n be_v use_v in_o god_n service_n i_o will_v reply_v with_o reproufe_v of_o that_o custom_n by_o a_o general_a council_n for_o in_o the_o synod_n hold_v in_o spain_n call_v concilium_fw-la elibertinun_n be_v be_v straight_o enjoin_v ●_o cap._n 34._o lactantius_n de_fw-fr vero_fw-la cul●●_n dei_fw-la li._n 6._o cap._n ●_o that_o none_o shall_v light_o candle_n in_o the_o day_n tyme._n lactantius_n inveigh_v against_o the_o heathennish_a or_o popish_a superstition_n conveniunt_fw-la enim_fw-la in_o uno_fw-la tertio_fw-la for_o papist_n &_o pagan_n agree_v in_o a_o three_o that_o be_v to_o say_v lyght_a of_o candle_n unto_o their_o god_n say_v accendunt_fw-la lumina_fw-la velut_fw-la in_o tenebris_fw-la agenti_fw-la deo_fw-la say_fw-la si_fw-la coeleste_fw-la lumen_fw-la quod_fw-la dicimus_fw-la solemn_a contemplari_fw-la velint_fw-la tam_fw-la sentiant_fw-la quod_fw-la non_fw-la indigeat_fw-la lucernis_fw-la eorum_fw-la deus_fw-la qui_fw-la in_o usum_fw-la hominis_fw-la tam_fw-la candidum_fw-la lucem_fw-la dedit_fw-la &_o tamen_fw-la quum_fw-la in_o tam_fw-la paruo_fw-la circulo_fw-la qui_fw-la propter_fw-la longinquitatem_fw-la non_fw-la amplius_fw-la quam_fw-la hamani_fw-la capitir_fw-fr videtur_fw-la habere_fw-la mensuram_fw-la tantum_fw-la sit_fw-la fulgoris_fw-la ut_fw-la eum_fw-la mortalium_fw-la luminum_fw-la acier_fw-la non_fw-la queat_fw-la contueri_fw-la &_o si_fw-la paulisper_fw-la intenderis_fw-la hebetato_n culos_fw-la caligo_n ac_fw-la tenebrae_fw-la consequantur_fw-la quid_fw-la tanden_v luminis_fw-la quid_fw-la claritatis_fw-la apud_fw-la deum_fw-la penes_fw-la quem_fw-la nulla_fw-la nox_fw-la est_fw-la esse_fw-la arbitremur_fw-la qui_fw-fr hanc_fw-la ipsam_fw-la lucem_fw-la sic_fw-la moderatus_fw-la est_fw-la ut_fw-la neque_fw-la nimio_fw-la fulgore_fw-la neque_fw-la calore_fw-la vehementi_fw-la noceret_fw-la animantibus_fw-la tantúmque_fw-la istarum_fw-la rerum_fw-la dedit_fw-la ei_fw-la quantum_fw-la aut_fw-la mortalia_fw-la corpora_fw-la pati_fw-la possunt_fw-la aut_fw-la frugum_fw-la maturitas_fw-la postularet_fw-la which_o be_v to_o say_v in_o english_a they_z light_a candle_n unto_o god_n as_o if_o he_o be_v in_o the_o dark_a but_o if_o they_o will_v behold_v the_o heavenly_a light_n that_o we_o call_v the_o sun_n they_o may_v understande_v that_o their_o god_n lack_v no_o light_v that_o for_o the_o use_n of_o man_n have_v give_v so_o clear_a a_o light_n and_o yet_o whereas_o in_o so_o small_a a_o circle_n which_o by_o
reason_n of_o the_o distance_n seem_v no_o big_a than_o a_o man_n head_n there_o be_v so_o great_a a_o glyster_a that_o the_o engine_n of_o man_n eye_n be_v not_o able_a to_o look_v direct_o on_o it_o and_o if_o for_o a_o while_n you_o fix_v your_o sight_n thereon_o dimness_n &_o darkness_n do_v follow_v your_o daze_v eye_n what_o light_n what_o clearness_n may_v we_o thynk_v to_o be_v with_o god_n with_o who_o there_o be_v no_o night_n at_o all_o who_o have_v so_o order_v this_o light_n of_o he_o the_o neither_o by_o too_o much_o shine_a beam_n nor_o over_o parch_a heat_n he_o shall_v hurt_v the_o cattle_n &_o yet_o of_o both_o have_v depart_v so_o much_o as_o either_o the_o body_n of_o man_n may_v bear_v or_o ripe_n of_o the_o fruit_n require_v wherefore_o he_o conclude_v num_fw-la igitur_fw-la mentis_fw-la svae_fw-la compos_fw-la putandus_fw-la est_fw-la qui_fw-la authori_fw-la &_o datori_fw-la luminis_fw-la candelarum_fw-la ac_fw-la cerearun_v lumen_fw-la offerit_fw-la pro_fw-la munere_fw-la be_v he_o to_o be_v think_v to_o be_v in_o his_o right_n wytte_v that_o to_o the_o author_n and_o gever_n of_o light_n offer_v up_o the_o light_n of_o candle_n and_o taper_n for_o a_o gift_n and_o can_v there_o any_o thing_n more_o plain_o be_v say_v to_o condemn_v the_o use_n of_o burn_a taper_n on_o the_o lord_n table_n table_n there_o must_v be_v no_o taper_n on_o the_o lord_n table_n god_n have_v require_v a_o other_o light_n of_o we_o say_v lactantius_n and_o the_o same_o not_o dim_a and_o smokye_a but_o clear_a and_o bright_a procede_v from_o the_o mind_n which_o for_o that_o cause_n be_v call_v 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d as_o much_o to_o say_v as_o light_v which_o doubtless_o be_v impossible_a for_o any_o to_o set_v forth_o but_o he_o that_o know_v god_n then_o if_o we_o set_v up_o in_o the_o day_n time_n a_o candle_n for_o ourselves_o we_o be_v blind_a fool_n if_o for_o the_o use_n and_o service_n of_o god_n we_o be_v blasphemous_a terrenum_fw-la enim_fw-la facimus_fw-la eum_fw-la &_o in_o tenebris_fw-la agentem_fw-la for_o we_o make_v he_o earthly_a and_o shut_v he_o up_o as_o it_o be_v in_o a_o dark_a prison_n itaque_fw-la istiusmodi_fw-la cultores_fw-la quia_fw-la celeste_fw-la nihil_fw-la sapiunt_fw-la etiam_fw-la religiones_fw-la quibus_fw-la deseruiunt_fw-la ad_fw-la terram_fw-la revocant_fw-la in_o ea_fw-la enim_fw-la lumine_fw-la opus_fw-la est_fw-la quia_fw-la ratio_fw-la eius_fw-la &_o natura_fw-la tenebrosa_fw-la est_fw-la therefore_o such_o worshipper_n because_o no_o heavenly_a thing_n savour_v with_o they_o call_v down_o their_o religion_n which_o they_o observe_v and_o keep_v unto_o the_o earth_n wherein_o we_o stand_v in_o need_n of_o light_n because_o the_o respect_n and_o nature_n of_o it_o be_v cloudy_a altogether_o and_o full_o of_o darkness_n thus_o much_o have_v i_o say_v to_o your_o first_o proufe_v of_o cross_n &_o taper_n at_o time_n of_o litany_n now_o where_o you_o find_v yourself_o agreve_v b._n foli_fw-la 94._o b._n that_o we_o have_v not_o likewise_o your_o ceremony_n in_o ure_n say_v our_o heretic_n now_o a_o day_n will_v have_v no._n cross_n at_o the_o sing_n of_o their_o lord_n prayer_n christ_n marshal_n refuse_v the_o lord_n prayer_n and_o consequent_o the_o lord_n christ_n because_o neither_o their_o lord_n nor_o they_o can_v abide_v the_o sight_n of_o the_o cross_n true_o i_o have_v think_v that_o we_o have_v have_v all_o one_o lord_n before_o that_o we_o have_v all_o depend_v upon_o christ_n and_o just_o may_v have_v be_v call_v christian_n now_o that_o you_o refuse_v he_o in_o the_o plain_n field_n what_o shall_v i_o call_v you_o but_o antichriste_n and_o apostotae_n for_o evident_a it_o be_v who_o be_v our_o lord_n by_o the_o prayer_n that_o we_o use_v and_o christ_n have_v command_v we_o you_o by_o condemn_v the_o prayer_n also_o deny_v the_o lord_n for_o what_o mean_v you_o by_o this_o heretic_n at_o their_o lord_n prayer_n have_v we_o any_o other_o lord_n prayer_n than_o that_o which_o be_v write_v in_o the_o uj_o of_o matthew_n &_o xj_o of_o luke_n if_o this_o you_o acknowledge_v you_o may_v aswell_o have_v say_v at_o the_o lord_n prayer_n or_o at_o our_o lord_n prayer_n as_o at_o their_o lord_n prayer_n but_o if_o you_o have_v such_o a_o sect_n of_o yourselves_o that_o do_v mislike_v with_o the_o lord_n prayer_n i_o will_v be_v glad_o take_v as_o a_o heretic_n of_o such_o and_o all_o your_o religion_n i_o hold_v accurse_v b._n folio_n 94._o b._n they_o can_v be_v heretic_n say_v you_o that_o can_v abide_v the_o sight_n of_o the_o cross_n and_o will_v you_o abide_v by_o that_o you_o have_v prove_v by_o this_o time_n luther_n heretic_n luther_n be_v prove_v no_o heretic_n no_o heretic_n for_o always_o he_o be_v picture_v full_a devout_o kneel_v before_o the_o cross_n and_o true_o no_o papist_n have_v the_o sign_n of_o the_o cross_n in_o more_o reverence_n than_o he_o wherefore_o you_o must_v restrain_v your_o position_n or_o lessen_v much_o the_o number_a of_o your_o heretic_n justinian_o emperor_n justinian_n emperor_n law_n though_o in_o civil_a case_n i_o do_v glad_o admit_v and_o in_o some_o matter_n of_o correction_n i_o like_v very_o well_o ut_fw-la quod_fw-la paederastis_fw-la virilia_fw-la confestim_fw-la exsecari_fw-la voluit_fw-la yet_o in_o religion_n we_o be_v not_o bind_v to_o this_o order_n i_o know_v that_o in_o his_o time_n many_o superstition_n be_v come_v in_o place_n and_o since_o he_o live_v in_o the_o same_o age_n with_o agapetus_n the_o pope_n first_o founder_n of_o procession_n no_o marvel_v if_o he_o follow_v some_o piece_n of_o his_o fancy_n mamertes_n &_o gregory_n that_o first_o devise_v litany_n although_o they_o make_v mention_n of_o diverse_a order_n and_o solennity_n that_o be_v use_v in_o they_o namely_o of_o the_o use_n of_o the_o bishop_n pall_n yet_o speak_v they_o no_o word_n that_o the_o cross_n shall_v go_v before_o they_o wherefore_o i_o great_o force_v not_o whether_o the_o order_n of_o cross_n in_o litany_n be_v use_v somewhat_o before_o his_o time_n or_o first_o by_o himself_o devise_v since_o we_o have_v example_n of_o so_o many_o faithful_a that_o pray_v without_o it_o and_o promise_v that_o our_o prayer_n shall_v be_v hear_v though_o we_o want_v it_o myself_o will_v not_o discredit_v the_o emperor_n which_o be_v as_o suidas_n say_v 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d utter_o unlearned_a deserve_v well_o of_o learning_n but_o what_o he_o be_v both_o for_o his_o law_n and_o execution_n of_o justice_n and_o religion_n read_v alciate_n and_o euagrius_n 32._o alciat_fw-la li._n 4_o disp._n cap._n 7_o euagrius_n libro_fw-la 4._o ca._n 30._o et_fw-la 32._o the_o tale_n and_o title_n of_o augustine_n the_o monk_n who_o common_o be_v call_v the_o apostle_n of_o england_n i_o have_v not_o in_o such_o credit_n and_o estimation_n that_o i_o think_v we_o as_o you_o say_v next_o unto_o god_n most_o beholden_a to_o he_o for_o our_o faith_n and_o religion_n for_o ever_o since_o the_o time_n of_o eleutherius_fw-la of_o rome_n and_o lucius_n of_o england_n christianity_n have_v be_v receyve_v and_o never_o fail_v among_o us._n england_n augustin_n the_o monk_n common_o call_v the_o apostle_n of_o england_n in_o deed_n some_o part_n of_o the_o realm_n which_o now_o be_v account_v chief_a and_o then_o lay_v most_o open_a to_o the_o spoil_n of_o enemy_n be_v blind_v with_o paganish_a superstition_n and_o the_o faithful_a christian_n flee_v into_o the_o mountain_n the_o saron_n for_o the_o part_n that_o they_o possess_v be_v most_o idolater_n the_o briton_n remain_v christian_n in_o so_o much_o that_o when_o augustine_n come_v among_o they_o he_o find_v seven_o byshoprike_n and_o a_o archbyshoprike_v beside_o diverse_a and_o sundry_a monastery_n which_o all_o have_v faithful_a and_o learned_a prelate_n keep_v their_o flock_n in_o most_o godly_a order_n nor_o utter_o be_v the_o faith_n extinguish_v where_o augustine_n land_v for_o ethelbert_n the_o king_n of_o kent_n as_o polydore_n write_v be_v meet_o well_o instruct_v by_o a_o godly_a wife_n that_o come_v out_o of_o france_n and_o a_o christian_a bishop_n that_o attend_v on_o she_o but_o augustine_n when_o he_o come_v in_o place_n of_o idolatry_n plant_v superstition_n and_o where_o religion_n be_v sincere_o teach_v he_o labour_v what_o he_o can_v of_o a_o certain_a ambitious_a proud_a heart_n to_o pervert_v it_o for_o find_v in_o the_o city_n of_o bangor_n a_o notable_a sort_n of_o monk_n not_o idle_a belly_n as_o of_o late_a year_n they_o have_v be_v but_o learned_a and_o live_v of_o the_o sweat_n of_o their_o brow_n in_o so_o much_o that_o be_v divide_v into_o seven_o part_n there_o be_v no_o less_o than_o three_o hundred_o of_o a_o company_n this_o romishe_a prelate_n require_v subjection_n of_o they_o and_o further_o will_v have_v enjoin_v they_o to_o become_v seruitoure_n in_o preach_v of_o the_o
with_o hand_n stretch_v out_o because_o they_o be_v harmless_a bare_a head_v because_o we_o be_v not_o ashamed_a without_o any_o prompter_n because_o we_o pray_v from_o the_o heart_n always_o do_v make_v our_o supplication_n for_o all_o prince_n and_o ruler_n beseech_v god_n to_o send_v they_o a_o long_a life_n a_o quiet_a reign_n a_o household_n in_o safety_n and_o valeaunt_n soldier_n counsellor_n faithful_a and_o people_n virtuous_a a_o merry_a world_n and_o whatsoever_o themselves_o wish_v for_o beside_o these_o thing_n i_o can_v not_o pray_v for_o of_o any_o but_o of_o who_o i_o know_v i_o shall_v obtain_v because_o he_o it_o be_v that_o only_o perform_v and_o i_o be_o he_o that_o must_v obtain_v his_o servant_n which_o honour_n and_o esteem_v he_o only_o which_o offer_v unto_o he_o a_o fat_a and_o full_a sacrifice_n which_o he_o have_v command_v i_o a_o prayer_n that_o procee_v from_o a_o sober_a &_o chaste_a flesh_n a_o innocent_a soul_n and_o from_o the_o holy_a ghost_n in_o which_o word_n tertullian_n declare_v the_o order_n of_o god_n service_n in_o his_o time_n which_o consist_v not_o in_o outward_a show_n but_o inward_a verity_n nor_o in_o their_o distress_n they_o call_v upon_o any_o as_o you_o do_v in_o your_o litany_n save_v only_o upon_o he_o that_o only_o can_v and_o will_v reward_v he_o wherefore_o your_o litany_n of_o late_o devise_v why_o papist_n superstitious_a and_o why_o be_v most_o unlawful_a and_o notwithstanding_o your_o cross_n you_o be_v most_o superstitious_a superstitiosi_fw-la enim_fw-la vocantur_fw-la as_o lactantius_n say_v non_fw-la qui_fw-la filios_fw-la svos_fw-la superstites_fw-la optant_fw-la omnes_fw-la enim_fw-la optamus_fw-la sed_fw-la aut_fw-la hij_fw-la qui_fw-la superstiten_v memoriam_fw-la defunctorum_fw-la colunt_fw-la aut_fw-la qui_fw-la parentibus_fw-la suis_fw-la superstitibus_fw-la colebant_fw-la imagine_v eorum_fw-la domi_fw-la tanquam_fw-la deos_fw-la penates_fw-la nam_fw-la qui_fw-la novos_fw-la sibi_fw-la ritus_fw-la assumebant_fw-la 28._o lactantius_n divin_v inst_z li._n 4._o ca._n 28._o ut_fw-la in_o deorum_fw-la vicem_fw-la mortuos_fw-la honorarent_fw-la quos_fw-la ex_fw-la hominibus_fw-la in_o coelum_fw-la receptos_fw-la putabant_fw-la hos_fw-la superstitiosos_fw-la vocabant_fw-la for_o they_o be_v call_v superstitious_a not_o that_o desire_n their_o child_n to_o be_v long_o live_v for_o so_o we_o do_v all_o but_o either_o such_o as_o have_v the_o memory_n of_o the_o dead_a fresh_a with_o they_o and_o esteem_v the_o same_o or_o such_o as_o have_v their_o parent_n alive_a do_v worship_v their_o image_n at_o home_n as_o their_o household_n go_n for_o they_o that_o take_v new_a fashion_n unto_o they_o to_o honour_v the_o dead_a in_o stead_n of_o the_o god_n which_o man_n they_o suppose_v to_o have_v be_v receyve_v out_o of_o earth_n into_o heaven_n they_o do_v they_o call_v superstitious_a and_o forasmuch_o as_o you_o m._n martial_a &_o your_o fellow_n be_v such_o which_o so_o diligent_o retain_v the_o memory_n of_o the_o dead_a which_o call_v upon_o the_o dead_a and_o make_v your_o prayer_n to_o they_o lactantius_n say_v you_o be_v not_o religious_a but_o superstitious_a as_o for_o the_o ensign_n of_o our_o master_n christ_n which_o you_o say_v we_o labour_v to_o have_v out_o of_o the_o field_n a._n folio_n 97._o a._n because_o we_o know_v the_o fight_n of_o our_o adversary_n be_v uncessant_a without_o any_o truce_n or_o intermission_n until_o this_o soul_n of_o we_o do_v unbody_n we_o carry_v this_o ensign_n always_o with_o we_o we_o never_o suffer_v it_o to_o depart_v from_o the_o wall_n of_o our_o heart_n but_o sleep_v and_o wake_v eat_v and_o drink_v at_o church_n and_o at_o home_n we_o have_v it_o always_o afore_o us._n and_o this_o be_v in_o deed_n the_o cross_n of_o christ_n not_o carry_v on_o a_o staff_n not_o set_v upon_o a_o altar_n but_o fix_v in_o our_o heart_n with_o a_o joyful_a remembrance_n of_o his_o merit_n for_o us._n hoc_fw-la enim_fw-la vexillo_fw-la antiquus_fw-la hostess_fw-la non_fw-la imaginibus_fw-la victus_fw-la est_fw-la 28._o car._n mag._n de_fw-fr imag._n lib_n 2._o cap._n 28._o hijs_fw-la armis_fw-la non_fw-la colorum_fw-la fucis_fw-la diabolus_fw-la expugnatus_fw-la est_fw-la per_fw-la hanc_fw-la non_fw-la per_fw-la picturas_fw-la inferni_fw-la claustra_fw-la destituta_fw-la sunt_fw-la per_fw-la hanc_fw-la non_fw-la per_fw-la illas_fw-la humanum_fw-la genus_fw-la redemptum_fw-la est_fw-la in_o cruse_n namque_fw-la non_fw-la in_o imaginibus_fw-la pretium_fw-la mundi_fw-la pependit_fw-la illa_fw-la ad_fw-la servile_a supplicium_fw-la non_fw-la quaedam_fw-la imago_fw-la ministra_fw-la extitit_fw-la hoc_fw-la est_fw-la nostri_fw-la regis_fw-la insigne_fw-la non_fw-la quaedam_fw-la pictura_fw-la quod_fw-la nostri_fw-la exercitus_fw-la indesinenter_fw-la aspiciunt_fw-la legiones_fw-la hoc_fw-la est_fw-la signun_n nostri_fw-la imperatoris_fw-la non_fw-la compaginatio_fw-la colorum_fw-la quod_fw-la ad_fw-la praelium_fw-la nostri_fw-la sequuntur_fw-la cohortes_fw-la for_o by_o this_o ensign_n say_v charles_n the_o great_a not_o by_o image_n our_o ancient_a enemy_n be_v overcome_v christ_n the_o material_a no_o ensign_n of_o christ_n by_o this_o artillery_n not_o by_o any_o counterfeit_n of_o colour_n the_o devil_n be_v vanquish_v by_o this_o &_o not_o by_o picture_n the_o dungeon_n of_o hell_n be_v empty_v by_o this_o and_o not_o by_o they_o mankind_n be_v all_o redeem_v for_o the_o price_n of_o the_o world_n hang_v on_o a_o cross_n and_o not_o in_o image_n the_o cross_n and_o not_o a_o image_n be_v the_o matter_n of_o a_o servile_a punishment_n this_o and_o not_o a_o picture_n be_v the_o ensign_n of_o our_o king_n which_o the_o band_n of_o our_o army_n continual_o do_v look_v on_o this_o and_o not_o a_o temper_n of_o certain_a colour_n be_v the_o sign_n and_o banner_n of_o our_o emperor_n and_o captain_n which_o our_o host_n of_o man_n do_v follow_v to_o the_o war_n by_o which_o relation_n of_o contrary_n it_o appear_v plain_o what_o the_o cross_n be_v that_o we_o ought_v to_o reverence_v and_o what_o christ_n banner_n that_o we_o ought_v to_o dysplay_v not_o the_o image_n the_o sign_n and_o picture_n but_o the_o memorial_n of_o his_o death_n and_o passion_n wherefore_o he_o conclude_v non_fw-la quaedam_fw-la materialis_fw-la imago_fw-la sed_fw-la dominicae_fw-la crucis_fw-la mysterium_fw-la vexillum_fw-la est_fw-la quod_fw-la in_o campo_fw-it duelli_fw-la ut_fw-la fortius_fw-la confligamus_fw-la sequi_fw-la debemus_fw-la it_o be_v not_o any_o material_a image_n but_o the_o mystery_n of_o the_o cross_n of_o christ_n the_o death_n itself_o which_o be_v our_o ensign_n christ_n the_o true_a ensign_n of_o christ_n that_o in_o the_o field_n of_o our_o conflict_n we_o ought_v to_o follow_v to_o the_o end_n we_o may_v more_o manful_o fight_v and_o thus_o you_o see_v that_o all_o authority_n and_o reason_n condemn_v you_o there_o be_v nothing_o in_o god_n service_n that_o you_o myslike_v in_o we_o but_o rather_o ought_v to_o be_v repute_v praise_n the_o relic_n relic_n folio_n 97._o b._n for_o relic_n of_o anastasius_n bring_v in_o with_o procession_n which_o you_o also_o do_v bring_v to_o prove_v the_o use_n of_o a_o cross_n show_v that_o you_o stand_v in_o great_a need_n of_o good_a prove_n when_o you_o can_v be_v content_v with_o so_o slender_a aid_n i_o need_n no_o more_o to_o answer_v but_o that_o a_o superstitious_a instrument_n be_v meet_a to_o serve_v a_o superstitious_a effect_n 19_o num._n 19_o we_o read_v in_o the_o old_a testament_n that_o who_o soever_o touch_v the_o dead_a corpse_n of_o any_o man_n and_o purge_v not_o himself_o defile_v the_o tabernacle_n of_o the_o lord_n and_o shall_v be_v cut_v of_o from_o israel_n and_o shall_v in_o the_o new_a testament_n the_o rot_a bone_n of_o a_o dead_a carcase_n make_v man_n the_o holy_a if_o all_o the_o scripture_n be_v read_v over_o and_o writing_n of_o the_o father_n for_o ccc_o year_n after_o christ_n we_o shall_v find_v no_o commandment_n or_o example_n in_o the_o world_n of_o relic_n keep_v or_o bone_n translate_v we_o read_v of_o moses_n the_o servant_n of_o the_o lord_n that_o he_o die_v in_o the_o land_n of_o moab_n and_o the_o angel_n of_o the_o lord_n bury_v he_o in_o a_o valley_n 34._o josue_n 34._o but_o no_o man_n know_v of_o his_o sepulchre_n unto_o this_o day_n which_o thing_n be_v of_o purpose_n by_o the_o providence_n of_o god_n appoint_v so_o that_o the_o jew_n may_v have_v no_o occasion_n thereby_o to_o commit_v idolatry_n but_o if_o the_o translate_n of_o dead_a bone_n have_v make_v either_o for_o the_o glory_n of_o god_n or_o commodity_n of_o man_n the_o relic_n of_o such_o a_o one_o as_o moses_n be_v shall_v not_o have_v be_v hide_v for_o doubtless_o of_o all_o prophet_n he_o be_v the_o great_a by_o the_o testimony_n of_o god_n himself_o 12._o num._n 12._o who_o call_v he_o faithful_a in_o all_o his_o house_n to_o who_o he_o speak_v mouth_n to_o mouth_n and_o by_o vision_n and_o not_o in_o dark_a word_n yet_o be_v not_o his_o body_n shrine_v nor_o his_o bone_n carry_v in_o procession_n nor_o any_o
si_fw-mi angeli_fw-la sacrificia_fw-la sibi_fw-la petant_fw-la fieri_fw-la &_o adhibuerint_fw-la signa_fw-la ac_fw-la è_fw-la diverso_fw-la alij_fw-la testentur_fw-la uni_fw-la deo_fw-la sacrificandum_fw-la neque_fw-la ulla_fw-la miracula_fw-la fecerint_fw-la ijs_fw-la utique_fw-la non_fw-la illis_fw-la credere_fw-la oportet_fw-la if_o angel_n require_v sacrifice_n to_o be_v do_v unto_o they_o and_o work_v sign_n with_o all_o and_o contrary_a wise_n some_o other_o testify_v that_o sacrifice_n must_v only_o be_v make_v to_o god_n and_o yet_o do_v no_o miracle_n we_o must_v believe_v these_o and_o not_o they_o and_o in_o a_o other_o place_n concern_v the_o manichee_n he_o say_v signa_fw-la ut_fw-la vobis_fw-la credatur_fw-la nulla_fw-la facitis_fw-la faustum_n contra_fw-la faustum_n quamuis_fw-la si_fw-la ea_fw-la faceretis_fw-la vobis_fw-la credendum_fw-la non_fw-la esset_fw-la you_o work_v no_o miracle_n say_v augustine_n to_o the_o manichee_n whereby_o you_o may_v induce_v we_o to_o believe_v you_o though_o if_o you_o do_v work_v such_o we_o ought_v not_o therefore_o to_o credit_v you_o and_o so_o say_v i_o to_o you_o m._n martial_a you_o say_v the_o cross_n be_v able_a to_o do_v this_o and_o that_o we_o see_v it_o not_o no_o miracle_n you_o work_v and_o yet_o if_o you_o do_v so_o strange_a thing_n as_o you_o talk_v of_o we_o be_v not_o bind_v to_o believe_v your_o doctrine_n for_o miracle_n alone_a be_v not_o sufficient_a doctrine_n miracle_n alone_a no_o proufe_v of_o doctrine_n to_o confirm_v and_o establish_v we_o in_o a_o right_a faith_n first_o of_o all_o by_o the_o line_n of_o scripture_n we_o must_v examine_v the_o doctrine_n that_o be_v teach_v we_o then_o if_o it_o do_v agree_v to_o that_o we_o must_v believe_v it_o yea_o though_o we_o have_v no_o miracle_n at_o all_o but_o if_o miracle_n do_v come_v beside_o they_o be_v the_o believer_n more_o establish_v and_o such_o as_o yet_o do_v not_o believe_v be_v make_v the_o more_o attente_a to_o hear_v and_o have_v a_o way_n make_v for_o they_o to_o come_v to_o the_o faith_n wherefore_o in_o some_o condition_n they_o be_v like_a to_o sacrament_n sacrament_n miracle_n in_o some_o part_n like_o to_o sacrament_n for_o both_o be_v add_v as_o assurance_n to_o promise_n as_o seal_n to_o writing_n and_o as_o sacrament_n do_v bring_v no_o comfort_n unless_o they_o be_v receive_v by_o faith_n so_o miracle_n do_v not_o avayle_v except_o we_o have_v first_o a_o regard_n to_o doctrine_n in_o this_o diversity_n to_o make_v no_o difference_n be_v oversight_n to_o commend_v the_o worse_o and_o omit_v the_o better_a be_v falsehood_n a._n folio_n 99_o a._n you_o be_v you_o say_v in_o a_o great_a perplexity_n where_o you_o shall_v begin_v as_o he_o that_o syt_v at_o a_o table_n furnish_v with_o many_o delicate_a dish_n whereof_o he_o shall_v first_o taste_v and_o i_o marvel_v that_o you_o so_o fine_a a_o féeder_n will_v fall_v to_o your_o cram_n you_o be_v come_v to_o a_o garden_n set_v round_o about_o with_o fresh_a fragrant_a flower_n &_o yet_o you_o gather_v but_o a_o handful_n of_o nettle_n for_o we_o to_o smell_v unto_o christ_n by_o the_o touch_n of_o his_o hand_n spittle_n of_o his_o mouth_n by_o a_o plaster_n of_o dirt_n as_o you_o call_v it_o heal_v the_o sick_a open_v the_o ear_n of_o the_o deaf_a restore_v the_o eye_n of_o the_o blind_a and_o why_o shall_v not_o the_o dyrte_n of_o the_o street_n be_v aswell_o honour_v as_o the_o cross_n of_o the_o altar_n since_o the_o scripture_n do_v commend_v the_o dyrte_n but_o make_v no_o mention_n at_o all_o of_o the_o cross_n since_o better_a proufe_v we_o have_v of_o miracle_n wrought_v by_o the_o one_o than_o ever_o can_v be_v make_v for_o the_o other_o if_o any_o external_a mean_n cross_n three_o reason_n why_o miracle_n shall_v not_o make_v for_o the_o cross_n whereby_o strange_a wonder_n have_v come_v to_o pass_v be_v to_o be_v have_v in_o admiration_n why_o not_o such_o as_o christ_n and_o his_o apostle_n use_v &_o the_o scripture_n mention_v rather_o than_o the_o idle_a devise_n of_o man_n whereof_o there_o be_v no_o lawful_a precedent_n again_o if_o your_o assertion_n be_v true_a that_o miracle_n be_v wrought_v by_o the_o sign_n of_o the_o cross_n yet_o be_v they_o not_o only_o by_o the_o sign_n of_o the_o cross_n and_o therefore_o the_o cross_n only_o according_a to_o your_o treatise_n shall_v not_o without_o the_o rest_n be_v magnify_v last_o of_o all_o if_o it_o be_v true_a as_o you_o shall_v never_o prove_v that_o such_o thing_n as_o you_o allege_v be_v do_v sometime_o by_o the_o sign_n of_o the_o cross_n yet_o this_o can_v be_v no_o reason_n why_o the_o cross_n shall_v now_o be_v have_v in_o estimation_n unless_o you_o will_v have_v all_o mean_n and_o instrument_n of_o wonder_n heretofore_o wrought_v as_o the_o hem_n of_o christ_n garment_n the_o spittle_n and_o the_o clay_n the_o shadow_n of_o peter_n and_o napkin_n of_o paul_n to_o be_v likewise_o honour_v and_o esteem_v of_o us._n but_o let_v i_o come_v to_o rehearsal_n of_o your_o miracle_n among_o they_o this_o be_v the_o first_o and_o because_o i_o will_v have_v your_o truth_n in_o allegation_n appear_v i_o will_v put_v it_o down_o as_o you_o have_v write_v it_o marshal_n marshal_n word_n for_o word_n in_o order_n at_o what_o time_n the_o virtuous_a lady_n helena_n will_v as_o the_o story_n mention_v by_o revelation_n from_o god_n histo._n euseb_n li._n 10_o cap._n 7._o &_o .8_o eccl._n histo._n to_o seek_v the_o cross_n of_o christ_n in_o jerusalem_n find_v after_o long_o dig_v in_o the_o mount_n of_o caluary_n three_o cross_n so_o confuse_v that_o neither_o by_o the_o title_n that_o pilate_n set_v up_o in_o hebrew_n greek_a and_o latin_a neither_o by_o any_o other_o mean_v they_o can_v discern_v which_o be_v the_o cross_n that_o bare_a our_o saviour_n christ_n a_o noble_a woman_n of_o the_o city_n consume_v and_o spend_v with_o long_a sickness_n do_v he_o at_o death_n door_n etc._n etc._n you_o note_v for_o your_o credit_n in_o the_o margin_n the_o place_n whence_o you_o have_v the_o story_n and_o that_o you_o affirm_v to_o be_v out_o of_o eusebiꝰ_n his_o ecclesiastical_a history_n the_o ten_o book_n the_o seven_o and_o eight_o chapter_n eusebius_n martial_a bely_v eusebius_n but_o this_o be_v a_o shameful_a lie_n for_o eusebiꝰ_n have_v no_o such_o word_n and_o this_o be_v a_o better_o proufe_v of_o the_o vanity_n of_o your_o history_n that_o where_o eusebius_n in_o his_o three_o book_n de_fw-fr vita_fw-la constantini_n make_v mention_n of_o helena_n and_o the_o place_n itself_o of_o christ_n sepulchre_n which_o by_o the_o emperor_n commandment_n be_v cleanse_v yet_o he_o speak_v not_o a_o word_n of_o this_o miraculous_a invention_n of_o the_o cross_n yet_o he_o live_v at_o the_o same_o time_n and_o be_v more_o likely_a to_o know_v a_o truth_n than_o other_o you_o be_v to_o blame_v therefore_o to_o belie_v eusebius_n in_o deed_n ruffinus_n in_o his_o first_o book_n &_o seven_o chapter_n have_v the_o like_a that_o you_o talk_v of_o but_o what_o may_v be_v judge_v of_o the_o story_n shall_v afterward_o appear_v and_o first_o for_o the_o virtue_n of_o lady_n helena_n though_o i_o will_v be_v glad_a to_o speak_v as_o much_o good_a of_o my_o countrywoman_n as_o i_o can_v yet_o she_o be_v a_o concubine_n by_o your_o leave_n to_o constance_n as_o it_o appear_v in_o catalogo_fw-la caesarum_fw-la cap._n 1._o which_o be_v insert_v into_o the_o ecclesiastical_a history_n likewise_o s._n ambrose_n theodosij_fw-la ambros_n de_fw-fr obitu_fw-la theodosij_fw-la call_v her_o stabularian_a a_o woman_n bring_v up_o in_o a_o hostrie_a and_o as_o for_o her_o superstition_n which_o in_o part_n i_o have_v touch_v before_o it_o be_v too_o evident_a but_o whatsoever_o she_o be_v let_v we_o go_v to_o her_o fact_n if_o she_o find_v the_o cross_n a_o time_n be_v when_o she_o find_v it_o and_o the_o same_o must_v be_v after_o her_o conversion_n when_o silvester_n be_v bishop_n of_o rome_n for_o otherwise_o she_o can_v not_o be_v so_o virtuous_a and_o religious_a as_o you_o talk_v of_o and_o nicephorus_n 40._o nicephorus_n li._n 7._o ca._n 40._o affirm_v that_o by_o silvester_n she_o be_v convert_v to_o the_o faith_n for_o which_o cause_n the_o author_n who_o credit_n in_o this_o tale_n you_o follow_v do_v write_v the_o invention_n of_o the_o cross_n to_o have_v be_v in_o the_o reign_n of_o constantinus_n the_o great_a but_o what_o say_v your_o popeholy_a law_n to_o this_o read_v your_o decree_n crucis_fw-la in_o decree_n de_fw-fr consec_n di_fw-it 3._o cap._n crucis_fw-la eusebius_n papa_n crucis_fw-la domini_fw-la nostri_fw-la jesu_fw-la christi_fw-la quae_fw-la nuper_fw-la nobis_fw-la gubernacula_fw-la sanctae_fw-la romanae_fw-la ecclesiae_fw-la tenentibus_fw-la quinto_fw-la nonas_fw-la maij_fw-la inuenta_fw-la est_fw-la eusebius_n the_o pope_n the_o cross_n of_o our_o lord_n jesus_n christ_n which_o of_o late_o be_v
find_v the_o third_o day_n of_o may_n while_o i_o have_v the_o governaunce_n of_o the_o holy_a church_n of_o rome_n and_o so_o forth_o cross_n the_o papist_n agree_v not_o for_o the_o invention_n of_o the_o cross_n whereby_o it_o be_v evident_a that_o your_o law_n say_v how_o the_o cross_n be_v find_v in_o eusebius_n time_n your_o author_n say_v it_o be_v in_o silvester_n time_n and_o yet_o many_o year_n be_v run_v betwixt_o yea_o the_o whole_a reign_n of_o melciades_n the_o pope_n beside_o many_o odd_a year_n of_o their_o own_o continuance_n in_o the_o romish_a see_v wherefore_o you_o must_v either_o say_v that_o your_o popish_a law_n do_v teach_v you_o lie_v or_o else_o that_o your_o author_n in_o this_o behalf_n be_v a_o liar_n it_o be_v always_o to_o be_v observe_v how_o uncertain_a tale_n be_v deliver_v of_o papist_n as_o truth_n unto_o us._n marianus_n say_v that_o the_o cross_n be_v find_v in_o the_o reign_n of_o constance_n father_n to_o constantinus_n ruffinus_n say_v that_o in_o silvester_v time_n it_o be_v find_v out_o which_o by_o hieromes_n computation_n must_v needs_o be_v a_o good_a while_n after_o the_o fyfte_a year_n of_o constantinus_n reign_n for_o only_o in_o the_o fyfte_a year_n of_o constantinus_n silvester_n begin_v his_o popedom_n and_o therefore_o sigebertus_n say_v chro._n lib_fw-la 8._o chro._n that_o he_o can_v not_o see_v how_o this_o gear_n may_v stand_v together_o in_o the_o first_o tome_n of_o counsel_n we_o have_v three_o epistle_n of_o eusebiꝰ_n pope_n of_o rome_n whereof_o the_o last_o be_v ad_fw-la thuscos_fw-la &_o campanos_n where_o order_n be_v take_v that_o the_o invention_n of_o the_o cross_n find_v in_o his_o time_n shall_v be_v keep_v holiday_n then_o god_n inspire_v not_o the_o heart_n of_o helena_n to_o seek_v the_o cross_n it_o be_v find_v to_o her_o hand_n yea_o long_v before_o she_o be_v convert_v to_o the_o faith_n again_o if_o it_o be_v admit_v that_o helena_n do_v find_v it_o be_v drive_v thereunto_o by_o womanish_a curiosity_n or_o a_o folishe_a zeal_n yet_o in_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o tale_n i_o see_v no_o constant_a truth_n b._n folio_n 99_o b._n for_o you_o say_v that_o she_o find_v after_o long_o dig_v in_o the_o mount_n of_o caluary_n three_o cross_n so_o confuse_v that_o neither_o by_o the_o title_n that_o pilate_n set_v up_o in_o hebrew_v greek_a and_o latin_a neither_o by_o any_o other_o mean_n they_o can_v discern_v which_o be_v the_o cross_n that_o bare_a our_o saviour_n christ_n but_o saint_n ambrose_n theodosij_fw-la ambros_n de_fw-fr obitu_fw-la theodosij_fw-la have_v the_o quite_o contrary_a for_o entreat_v of_o the_o same_o matter_n he_o say_v tria_fw-la patibula_fw-la confusa_fw-la reperit_fw-la quae_fw-la ruina_fw-la contexerat_fw-la inimicus_fw-la absconderat_fw-la say_fw-la non_fw-la potuit_fw-la obliterari_fw-la christi_fw-la triumphus_fw-la incerto_fw-la haeret_fw-la ut_fw-la mulier_fw-la sed_fw-la certam_fw-la indaginem_fw-la spiritus_fw-la sanctus_fw-la inspirat_fw-la eo_fw-la quod_fw-la duo_fw-la latrones_fw-la cum_fw-la domino_fw-la crucifixi_fw-la fucrint_fw-la quaerit_fw-la ergo_fw-la medium_n lignum_fw-la sed_fw-la poterat_fw-la fieri_fw-la ut_fw-la patibula_fw-la inter_fw-la se_fw-la ruina_fw-la confunderet_fw-la casus_fw-la mutaret_fw-la &_o inverteret_fw-la redit_fw-la ad_fw-la euangelij_fw-la lectionem_fw-la invenit_fw-la quia_fw-la in_o medio_fw-la patibulo_fw-la prelatus_fw-la titulus_fw-la erat_fw-la jesus_n nazarenus_fw-la rex_fw-la judeorum_fw-la hinc_fw-la collecta_fw-la est_fw-la series_n veritatis_fw-la titulo_fw-la crux_fw-la patuit_fw-la salutaris_fw-la the_o english_a whereof_o be_v this_o she_o find_v three_o tree_n of_o execution_n confound_v together_o which_o the_o ruin_n and_o fall_n have_v cover_v the_o enemy_n have_v hide_v away_o but_o the_o triumph_n of_o christ_n can_v not_o so_o be_v blemish_v and_o quite_o forget_v as_o a_o woman_n she_o do_v stick_v in_o doubt_n but_o the_o holy_a ghost_n inspire_v a_o sure_a way_n of_o trial_n in_o as_o much_o as_o two_o théeve_n be_v crucify_v with_o our_o lord_n wherefore_o she_o seek_v the_o tree_n that_o be_v in_o the_o midst_n but_o it_o may_v be_v that_o in_o the_o spoil_n of_o the_o place_n the_o gybbet_n may_v be_v confound_v some_o chance_n may_v change_v they_o some_o occasion_n displace_v they_o wherefore_o she_o return_v to_o the_o read_n of_o the_o gospel_n she_o find_v that_o on_o the_o middle_a gallows_n this_o title_n on_o the_o top_n be_v set_v jesus_n of_o nazareth_n king_n of_o the_o jew_n hence_o be_v the_o course_n of_o truth_n gather_v the_o healthful_a cross_n be_v well_o know_v by_o the_o title_n so_o far_o s._n ambrose_n doctrine_n nothing_o else_o but_o repugnancy_n &_o contradiction_n in_o popish_a doctrine_n now_o see_v the_o repugnancy_n in_o this_o proufe_v of_o you_o marianus_n say_v that_o the_o cross_n be_v find_v in_o the_o reign_n of_o constance_n ruffinus_n ascribe_v it_o to_o the_o time_n of_o constantine_n eusebius_n do_v challenge_v the_o glory_n of_o the_o miracle_n unto_o his_o time_n silvester_n deny_v it_o and_o say_v that_o in_o his_o time_n it_o be_v first_o seek_v and_o find_v the_o canon_n law_n do_v hold_v with_o eusebius_n the_o ecclesiastical_a history_n take_v part_n with_o silvester_n you_o cite_v the_o story_n that_o by_o the_o title_n which_o pilate_n set_v up_o the_o cross_n by_o no_o mean_n can_v be_v discern_v and_o s_o ambrose_n say_v plain_o that_o by_o the_o title_n the_o cross_n be_v discern_v who_o shall_v we_o credit_n now_o what_o shall_v we_o build_v upon_o so_o uncertain_a ground_n you_o make_v a_o lie_n of_o eusebius_n pamphilus_n that_o in_o his_o ecclesiastical_a history_n he_o shall_v report_v the_o story_n that_o he_o do_v not_o eusebius_n the_o pope_n and_o the_o canon_n law_n prove_v that_o you_o do_v lie_v refer_v the_o invention_n of_o the_o cross_n to_o silvester_v time_n who_o convert_v helena_n whereas_o it_o be_v find_v a_o good_a many_o year_n before_o in_o eusebius_n reign_v or_o else_o do_v they_o lie_v wherefore_o since_o eusebiꝰ_n of_o caesaria_n that_o be_v most_o likely_a to_o know_v the_o truth_n live_v in_o the_o same_o age_n write_v of_o the_o same_o matter_n make_v no_o mention_n how_o the_o cross_n shall_v thus_o miraculous_o be_v find_v since_o your_o own_o author_n agree_v not_o in_o their_o tale_n but_o in_o every_o circumstance_n of_o time_n of_o person_n of_o manner_n of_o the_o do_v vary_v i_o may_v just_o doubt_v whether_o helena_n be_v inspire_v of_o god_n to_o seek_v the_o cross_n or_o that_o by_o any_o such_o strange_a miracle_n the_o cross_n be_v find_v as_o god_n work_v nothing_o in_o vain_a as_o you_o say_v so_o not_o every_o vanity_n that_o you_o devise_v god_n work_v say_v i._o from_o the_o whole_a cross_n 1._o folio_n 10_o 1._o you_o descend_v to_o every_o piece_n thereof_o as_o that_o it_o shall_v have_v the_o like_a efficacy_n and_o force_n for_o that_o it_o be_v once_o imbrue_v with_o the_o water_n and_o blood_n of_o our_o saviour_n christ_n but_o if_o every_o piece_n of_o wood_n that_o be_v stout_o affirm_v to_o be_v a_o piece_n of_o the_o holy_a cross_n be_v once_o embrue_v with_o the_o blood_n of_o christ_n then_o christ_n in_o his_o body_n have_v as_o much_o blood_n as_o any_o great_a river_n have_v drop_n of_o water_n cross_n many_o lie_n be_v make_v of_o piece_n of_o the_o cross_n what_o land_n in_o christendom_n what_o city_n what_o monastery_n what_o private_a parish_n but_o have_v have_v some_o piece_n of_o it_o helena_n send_v the_o one_o part_n of_o it_o to_o constantine_n her_o son_n ruffinus_n ecclesi_fw-la hist_o lib._n 1._o cap._n 7._o sozomenus_n li._n 2._o cap._n 1._o which_o be_v set_v upon_o a_o pillar_n at_o constantinople_n the_o other_o part_n she_o enclose_v in_o a_o silver_n cophin_n and_o that_o she_o command_v to_o be_v keep_v at_o jerusalem_n notwithstanding_o a_o halt_a wench_n that_o wait_v sometime_o on_o lady_n helena_n and_o afterward_o run_v away_o from_o her_o mistress_n stay_v a_o piece_n of_o the_o say_a cross_n and_o bring_v it_o to_o poytiers_n in_o france_n an_o other_o piece_n fall_v down_o from_o heaven_n and_o be_v keep_v as_o a_o relic_n in_o the_o holy_a chapel_n of_o paris_n another_o piece_n as_o much_o as_o a_o angel_n can_v lug_v on_o his_o back_n be_v bring_v to_o rome_n and_o a_o whole_a rood_n be_v make_v thereof_o final_o the_o cross_n have_v so_o replenish_v all_o place_n of_o the_o world_n that_o if_o all_o the_o piece_n be_v gather_v together_o no_o ship_n no_o hulk_n of_o great_a burden_n be_v able_a to_o bear_v they_o and_o yet_o poor_a simon_n of_o cirene_n carry_v sometime_o the_o whole_a if_o you_o go_v to_o the_o constant_a opinion_n of_o man_n the_o cross_n be_v yet_o remain_v most_o of_o it_o at_o jerusalem_fw-la wherefore_o we_o must_v go_v fight_n against_o the_o turk_n and_o recover_v the_o holy_a cross_n but_o be_v so_o mangle_v as_o it_o have_v be_v what_o by_o theft_n
cross_n be_v able_a now_o to_o do_v the_o like_a i_o will_v admit_v your_o case_n the_o rather_o though_o absolute_o as_o i_o say_v before_o miracle_n do_v not_o enforce_v a_o doctrine_n the_o woman_n of_o which_o epiphanius_n report_v when_o she_o be_v in_o the_o bath_n feel_v one_o 30_o li._n 1._o her_o 30_o by_o enchantment_n touch_v she_o who_o she_o see_v not_o and_o make_v the_o sign_n of_o a_o cross_n which_o be_v no_o cause_n of_o her_o preservation_n but_o wytnesse_n of_o her_o faith_n that_o do_v preserve_v she_o and_o this_o epiphanius_n himself_o testify_v signavit_fw-la se_fw-la in_o nomen_fw-la christi_fw-la ut_fw-la quae_fw-la christiana_n esset_fw-la she_o sign_v herself_o into_o the_o profession_n and_o name_n of_o christ_n as_o who_o be_v a_o christian_n and_o after_o he_o say_v not_o that_o the_o sign_v serve_v she_o but_o per_fw-la signa_fw-la ulum_fw-la &_o fidem_fw-la by_o the_o sign_n of_o christ_n and_o by_o faith_n the_o woman_n receyve_v help_v and_o faith_n doubtless_o without_o the_o sign_n have_v be_v able_a to_o have_v wrought_v asmuch_o as_o that_o but_z that_o it_o please_v god_n to_o show_v a_o miracle_n which_o to_o a_o other_o end_n he_o will_v by_o some_o visible_a sign_n to_o be_v express_v the_o end_n be_v to_o show_v the_o virtue_n of_o belief_n in_o christ_n and_o to_o convert_v a_o heathen_a man_n which_o can_v not_o see_v the_o secret_a faith_n that_o so_o prevayl_v against_o enchantment_n and_o therefore_o stand_v in_o need_n of_o a_o outward_a sign_n 30._o lib_fw-la 1._o tom._n 2._o her_o 30._o wherefore_o epiphanius_n in_o the_o same_o place_n conclude_v hoc_fw-la tertium_fw-la instructionis_fw-la ad_fw-la fidem_fw-la opus_fw-la josepho_n contigit_fw-la this_o third_o work_n happen_v unto_o joseph_n for_o instruction_n of_o his_o faith_n so_o that_o when_o it_o please_v god_n to_o use_v a_o miracle_n for_o conversion_n of_o a_o infidel_n we_o must_v not_o gather_v that_o he_o have_v leave_v a_o example_n for_o we_o to_o do_v the_o like_a yet_o be_v not_o such_o power_n ascrybed_n to_o the_o sign_n as_o you_o collect_v but_o the_o virtue_n remain_v in_o the_o name_n of_o christ_n notwithstanding_o as_o oft_o in_o the_o scripture_n causa_fw-la per_fw-la effecta_fw-la fides_fw-la per_fw-la opera_fw-la declaratur_fw-la the_o cause_n be_v declare_v by_o the_o effect_n as_o the_o faith_n by_o work_n so_o many_o time_n and_o special_o for_o the_o world_n instruction_n the_o inward_a purity_n and_o persuasion_n be_v notify_v to_o man_n by_o the_o outward_a fact_n which_o fact_n need_v not_o now_o to_o be_v the_o sign_n of_o the_o cross_n since_o we_o live_v not_o among_o turk_n and_o saracen_n but_o all_o man_n without_o it_o know_v of_o who_o we_o hold_v in_o who_o we_o do_v believe_v thus_o have_v i_o answer_v the_o place_n of_o epiphanius_n and_o by_o this_o you_o may_v learn_v never_o to_o allege_v a_o place_n but_o to_o consider_v better_o the_o circumstance_n of_o the_o same_o i_o think_v a_o man_n shall_v have_v much_o a_o do_v with_o you_o if_o you_o be_v able_a at_o this_o day_n to_o show_v the_o like_a virtue_n and_o effect_n of_o a_o crucifix_n as_o have_v be_v of_o old_a report_v yet_o this_o ought_v to_o be_v approve_v afore_o we_o do_v confirm_v the_o necessary_a use_n thereof_o a_o catholic_a of_o you_o for_o all_o his_o confidence_n in_o the_o cross_n will_v be_v loath_a to_o adventure_v his_o daughter_n in_o a_o common_a brothel_n house_n as_o your_o tale_n be_v a._n foli_fw-la 104._o a._n of_o the_o woman_n of_o corinth_n although_o he_o have_v teach_v she_o never_o so_o much_o to_o cross_v she_o peradventure_o she_o may_v be_v as_o good_a a_o maid_n as_o she_o that_o take_v such_o pleasure_n in_o massing_n and_o in_o cross_v that_o out_o of_o the_o church_n she_o will_v never_o come_v unless_o it_o be_v to_o a_o man_n bed_n only_o i_o marvel_v if_o the_o sign_n of_o the_o cross_n be_v so_o soverayne_a a_o medicine_n to_o preserve_v chastity_n other_o why_o papist_n be_v more_o licentious_a and_o advouterous_a than_o other_o why_o so_o many_o of_o your_o order_n that_o most_o delyte_n therein_o make_v stew_n as_o it_o be_v of_o their_o own_o house_n none_o so_o great_a lecher_n as_o the_o superstitious_a none_o more_o incontinente_fw-la then_o popish_a priest_n and_o they_o think_v they_o have_v warrant_n of_o your_o religion_n for_o it_o for_o in_o that_o tyrannous_a interraigne_a of_o antichrist_n eight_o year_n a_o go_v when_o a_o priest_n of_o oxford_n be_v accuse_v to_o cardinal_n pool_n commissioner_n of_o a_o horrible_a offence_n not_o to_o be_v name_v of_o a_o christian_a but_o common_o practise_v among_o the_o papist_n nefas_fw-la est_fw-la accusare_fw-la sacerdotem_fw-la cry_v out_o the_o datary_n it_o be_v a_o wickedness_n to_o accuse_v a_o priest_n of_o such_o crime_n or_o such_o but_o the_o matter_n be_v evident_a the_o party_n confess_v it_o and_o what_o be_v award_v he_o forsooth_o to_o ask_v his_o fellow_n whether_o he_o be_v a_o thief_n to_o tell_v a_o tale_n in_o a_o other_o ear_n which_o be_v as_o good_a as_o himself_o so_o that_o confession_n salve_v that_o sore_n straight_o about_o the_o same_o time_n a_o old_a fornicator_n in_o red_a cross_a street_n in_o london_n declare_v the_o effect_n of_o your_o religion_n which_o be_v to_o breed_v a_o security_n in_o sin_n for_o be_v take_v in_o adultery_n by_o such_o as_o be_v yet_o alyve_a and_o have_v good_a cause_n to_o remember_v it_o he_o speed_v himself_o as_o fast_o as_o he_o can_v to_o church_n will_v needs_o have_v a_o mass_n &_o when_o he_o have_v hear_v it_o he_o come_v home_o again_o his_o wife_n lay_v the_o matter_n bitter_o to_o his_o charge_n his_o friend_n most_o grevous_o do_v expostulate_v with_o he_o &_o when_o he_o have_v nothing_o to_o excuse_v himself_o nothing_o to_o lessen_v the_o fault_n withal_o he_o say_v there_o be_v none_o of_o you_o all_o though_o you_o will_v see_v i_o hang_v but_o know_v i_o believe_v in_o the_o sacrament_n of_o the_o altar_n well_o than_o i_o believe_v well_o i_o thank_v god_n of_o that_o yet_o he_o think_v his_o belief_n in_o the_o sacrament_n of_o the_o altar_n be_v enough_o for_o he_o though_o otherwise_o he_o play_v the_o varlet_n egregiouslye_o you_o think_v that_o a_o sign_n of_o a_o cross_n suffice_v as_o it_o do_v for_o lucian_n and_o the_o jew_n though_o no_o faith_n in_o christ_n no_o goodness_n do_v come_v with_o al._n and_o this_o may_v be_v suppose_v to_o have_v encorage_v your_o devoute_a father_n to_o live_v so_o licentious_o as_o they_o have_v do_v wherein_o if_o i_o have_v lewes_z euans_n his_o vain_a i_o can_v with_o truth_n make_v those_o ear_n to_o glow_v which_o now_o do_v glory_n in_o his_o shameless_a lie_n the_o sign_n of_o the_o cross_n say_v you_o make_v that_o harlot_n will_v live_v chaste_a papist_n fol._n 116._o a._n what_o chastity_n in_o cross_v papist_n how_o happen_v it_o they_o that_o a_o friend_n of_o you_o a_o bastard_n or_o bishop_n or_o both_o be_v peradventure_o which_o be_v not_o i_o warrant_v you_o without_o a_o cross_n or_o twain_o shall_v have_v from_o his_o bedsyde_o a_o privy_a posturne_n not_o that_o when_o his_o bacchus_n have_v bathe_v he_o his_o venus_n may_v warm_v he_o how_o fall_v it_o out_o that_o a_o chief_a maintainer_n of_o your_o saction_n that_o joy_v asmuch_o in_z the_o across_o sign_n as_o you_o loathe_v always_o his_o lawful_a diet_n and_o delyte_v most_o in_o steal_a venery_n what_o hap_n be_v this_o that_o sometime_o a_o warden_n of_o your_o college_n the_o daily_a devout_o will_v knee_n before_o the_o silver_n cross_n &_o attempt_v as_o earnest_o to_o bring_v all_o christian_n to_o the_o wooden_a cross_n shall_v keep_v both_o the_o mother_n and_o the_o daughter_n in_o oxford_n and_o after_o for_o perjury_n wear_v a_o paper_n in_o windsor_n i_o will_v no_o further_o offend_v chaste_a ear_n with_o rehearse_v the_o shame_n of_o your_o unchaste_a generation_n only_o will_v i_o say_v and_o if_o you_o further_o urge_v i_o in_o particularity_n will_v prove_v that_o as_o i_o be_o now_o entreat_v of_o miracle_n so_o ever_o in_o my_o time_n it_o have_v be_v great_a miracle_n to_o see_v a_o chaste_a votary_n but_o to_o return_v to_o your_o allegation_n if_o you_o will_v have_v we_o credit_n you_o in_o your_o doctrine_n then_o let_v we_o see_v the_o fruit_n let_v miracle_n be_v wrought_v let_v the_o cross_n make_v you_o honest_a and_o i_o will_v very_o affirm_v it_o a_o miracle_n if_o the_o sign_n of_o a_o cross_n do_v heal_v disease_n and_o kill_v dragon_n if_o it_o keep_v we_o from_o the_o fall_n of_o tree_n and_o make_v our_o enemy_n stand_v still_o before_o we_o then_o fare_v well_o physic_n i_o will_v occupy_v no_o weapon_n 29._o miracle_n past_a no_o proufe_v of_o present_a use_n in_o
often_o give_v so_o straght_o enjoin_v thou_o shall_v make_v to_o thyself_o no_o likeness_n of_o any_o thing_n suppose_v they_o be_v so_o strengthen_v in_o faith_n so_o assist_v by_o grace_n that_o how_o great_a soever_o the_o danger_n be_v yet_o they_o fall_v not_o in_o it_o they_o keep_v themselves_o uncorrupt_a from_o idolatry_n shall_v that_o be_v sufficient_a excuse_n for_o they_o if_o they_o leave_v occasion_n of_o such_o offence_n to_o other_o shall_v their_o learning_n and_o wisdom_n be_v cause_n of_o folly_n and_o deceit_n to_o the_o simple_a shall_v they_o have_v such_o regard_n of_o their_o own_o fancy_n which_o be_v to_o no_o purpose_n but_o only_o to_o gaze_v on_o wtout_fw-fr a_o commandment_n as_o they_o themselves_o confess_v that_o the_o silly_a flock_n shall_v be_v scatter_v thereby_o and_o the_o more_o multitude_n be_v simple_a perish_v for_o who_o christ_n pay_v as_o dear_a a_o ransom_n as_o for_o the_o great_a the_o wise_a the_o best_a learned_a of_o the_o earth_n the_o scripture_n be_v command_v to_o be_v know_v of_o all_o man_n gather_v say_v moses_n the_o people_n together_o 31._o deute_n 31._o man_n woman_n &_o child_n &_o the_o stranger_n that_o be_v within_o thy_o gate_n that_o they_o may_v hear_v and_o that_o they_o may_v learn_v and_o fear_v the_o lord_n your_o god_n &_o keep_v and_o observe_v all_o the_o word_n of_o his_o law_n likewise_o in_o the_o new_a testament_n the_o like_a commandment_n be_v give_v by_o christ_n to_o search_v the_o scripture_n which_o word_n if_o any_o man_n think_v 5._o john_n 5._o do_v appertain_v only_o to_o the_o jew_n of_o the_o old_a time_n or_o to_o that_o clergy_n now_o by_o the_o same_o reason_n as_o augustine_n do_v well_o prove_v he_o may_v say_v the_o christian_n ought_v not_o to_o know_v christ_n 45._o de_fw-fr verb._n domini_fw-la ser._n 45._o nor_o be_v know_v of_o christ_n notwithstanding_o the_o scripture_n contrary_a to_o god_n will_v have_v be_v for_o a_o policy_n forbid_v to_o be_v red_a lest_o the_o ignorant_a may_v fall_v into_o error_n by_o they_o and_o shall_v not_o the_o picture_n forbid_a &_o banish_v out_o of_o god_n service_n breed_n a_o most_o vile_a affection_n of_o idolatry_n be_v remove_v rather_o out_o of_o the_o temple_n aswell_o in_o respect_n of_o the_o precept_n as_o peril_n i_o have_v show_v what_o these_o image_n do_v describe_v pride_n avarice_n wantonness_n and_o nothing_o else_o if_o a_o man_n say_v this_o saint_n in_o his_o life_n time_n despyse_v his_o life_n to_o live_v with_o god_n continue_v in_o poverty_n to_o be_v rich_a in_o christ_n reject_v the_o pleasure_n &_o lust_n of_o the_o flesh_n to_o subdue_v the_o same_o to_o the_o good_a guide_a spirit_n his_o image_n by_o &_o by_o control_v he_o of_o a_o lie_n for_o he_o see_v a_o most_o cheerful_a &_o stately_a look_n a_o gorgeous_a &_o rich_a attire_n an_z embracing_z in_o death_n of_o the_o which_o in_o life_n he_o most_o abhor_a wherefore_o as_o image_n general_o describe_v a_o contrary_a effect_n to_o their_o first_o pattern_n as_o always_o they_o work_v a_o more_o wicked_a end_n than_o in_o religion_n be_v to_o be_v admit_v so_o the_o cross_n itself_o do_v not_o nor_o can_v lead_v as_o to_o the_o crucify_v but_o estrange_v our_o heart_n from_o god_n the_o creator_n to_o a_o vile_a creature_n and_o if_o the_o commodity_n of_o image_n in_o the_o church_n or_o cross_n have_v be_v such_o as_o you_o will_v have_v it_o appear_v i_o marvel_v the_o christ_n our_o schoolmaster_n that_o his_o apostle_n our_o teacher_n take_v no_o order_n for_o they_o 15_o rom._n 15_o paul_n say_v not_o quaecunque_fw-la picta_fw-la sunt_fw-la sed_fw-la quaecunque_fw-la scriptae_fw-la sunt_fw-la ad_fw-la nostram_fw-la doctrinam_fw-la scripta_fw-la sunt_fw-la etc._n etc._n whatsoever_o thing_n be_v paint_v but_o whatsoever_o thing_n be_v write_v be_v write_v for_o our_o instruction_n not_o that_o by_o image_n or_o gaze_a stock_n 3._o 2._o tim._n 3._o but_o through_o patience_n and_o comfort_n of_o the_o scripture_n we_o may_v have_v hope_n nor_o he_o say_v all_o picture_n but_o scripture_n inspire_v of_o god_n be_v profitable_a to_o teach_v to_o reprove_v to_o instruct_v that_o the_o man_n of_o god_n may_v be_v perfect_a furnish_v to_o all_o good_a work_n then_o if_o the_o scripture_n be_v a_o commend_v and_o command_v way_n and_z the_o same_o sufficient_a to_o make_v we_o perfect_a in_o all_o point_n i_o see_v not_o to_o what_o use_v a_o image_n or_o a_o picture_n be_v 20._o exo._n 20._o god_n give_v the_o law_n to_o moses_n not_o set_v forth_o with_o colour_n but_o write_v in_o two_o table_n josue_n 23.2.4_o josu_fw-la 23.2.4_o deliver_v the_o same_o unto_o the_o people_n not_o in_o imagery_n but_o in_o word_n not_o glorious_a to_o the_o eye_n but_o gladsome_a to_o the_o ear_n comfortable_a to_o the_o hart_n so_o that_o the_o mean_a whereby_o they_o will_v the_o benefit_n of_o god_n to_o be_v keep_v in_o remembrance_n be_v not_o to_o paint_v or_o grave_n the_o likeness_n of_o they_o but_o by_o faithful_a pen_n report_v the_o noble_a fact_n &_o so_o print_v in_o the_o hart_n a_o thankful_a memory_n david_n entreat_v of_o the_o incarnation_n &_o nativity_n passion_n &_o death_n resurrection_n &_o kyngdom_n of_o christ_n our_o saviour_n which_o be_v the_o proper_a effect_n which_o you_o will_v have_v set_v forth_o in_o imagery_n say_v in_o the_o person_n of_o christ_n thus_o 39_o psa_fw-la 39_o in_o capite_fw-la libri_fw-la scriptum_fw-la est_fw-la deem_v in_o the_o beginning_n of_o the_o book_n it_o be_v write_v of_o i_o it_o be_v not_o grave_v in_o a_o piece_n of_o metal_n or_o paint_v on_o a_o wall_n the_o evangelist_n say_v sicut_fw-la scriptum_fw-la est_fw-la in_o libro_fw-la sermonun_n esaiae_n 3._o luke_n 3._o as_o it_o be_v write_v in_o the_o book_n of_o esaies_n 52._o esa_n 52._o sermon_n he_o speak_v of_o sermon_n and_o not_o of_o sign_n of_o a_o book_n and_o not_o of_o a_o image_n the_o apostle_n also_o of_o who_o it_o be_v write_v beautiful_a be_v the_o foot_n of_o those_o that_o bring_v tiding_n of_o peace_n &_o preach_v health_n which_o go_v throw_v their_o sedes_fw-la with_o tear_n plant_v the_o faith_n of_o christ_n with_o affliction_n and_o shall_v return_v again_o have_v their_o handful_n 125._o psa_fw-la 125._o with_o plentiful_a increase_n with_o joy_n for_o gain_n and_o success_n of_o the_o gospel_n send_v not_o a_o cross_n or_o history_n of_o the_o passion_n paint_v in_o a_o table_n to_o city_n or_o to_o nation_n but_o their_o epistle_n the_o certain_a witness_n of_o their_o mind_n their_o write_n nor_o christ_n that_o we_o read_v of_o confer_v on_o they_o the_o art_n of_o paint_v carve_a or_o engrave_v whereby_o they_o may_v convert_v the_o heathen_a to_o the_o faith_n or_o leave_v a_o remembrance_n with_o their_o disciple_n after_o they_o 24._o luk._n 24._o say_fw-la aperuit_fw-la illis_fw-la dominus_fw-la sensum_fw-la scripturarum_fw-la but_o the_o lord_n open_v the_o sense_n of_o scripture_n to_o they_o s._n john_n banish_v into_o the_o island_n patmos_n to_o receyve_v the_o secret_a and_o divine_a revelation_n hear_v at_o the_o lord_n hand_n scribe_n haec_fw-la in_o libro_fw-la 1_o apoc._n 1_o write_v these_o in_o a_o book_n and_o not_o work_v they_o in_o stone_n or_o metal_n whereby_o we_o be_v give_v to_o understande_v that_o the_o instruction_n of_o our_o faith_n the_o only_a aid_n of_o a_o godly_a memory_n must_v be_v the_o scripture_n the_o cross_n with_o a_o picture_n of_o a_o man_n upon_o it_o with_o arm_n stretch_v body_n pierce_v and_o foot_n nail_v may_v peradventure_o put_v i_o in_o mind_n of_o a_o man_n so_o execute_v but_o who_o it_o be_v for_o what_o cause_n it_o be_v to_o what_o wholesome_a end_n and_o effect_v it_o be_v no_o picture_n in_o the_o world_n can_v tell_v i_o if_o preach_v inspire_v by_o the_o grace_n of_o god_n work_v effectual_o in_o the_o heart_n of_o hearer_n be_v not_o able_a to_o turn_v and_o convert_v the_o obstinate_a if_o the_o lawful_a use_n of_o god_n holy_a instrument_n pierce_v the_o heart_n and_o strike_v the_o conscience_n can_v not_o frame_v aright_o and_o reform_v to_o piety_n what_o shall_v we_o think_v of_o a_o dumb_a senseless_a unlawful_a thing_n if_o i_o see_v a_o felon_n a_o thief_n a_o murderer_n hang_v before_o my_o eye_n have_v i_o not_o more_o to_o consider_v my_o own_o estate_n than_o if_o i_o behold_v a_o wooden_a rood_n or_o silver_n crucifix_n suppose_v i_o know_v that_o that_o picture_n represent_v christ_n be_o i_o further_v any_o thing_n toward_o my_o salvation_n or_o be_v the_o mercy_n of_o christ_n more_o effectual_a to_o i_o 1_o ephe._n 1_o unless_o i_o know_v that_o even_o god_n the_o father_n have_v also_o choose_v i_o in_o christ_n his_o son_n before_o the_o foundation_n of_o the_o world_n be_v lay_v that_o i_o
forefather_n monument_n have_v more_o occasion_n of_o pride_n than_o cause_n of_o praise_n give_v he_o notwithstanding_o if_o in_o worldly_a thing_n for_o special_a policy_n such_o order_n be_v tolerable_a to_o keep_v in_o memory_n the_o noble_a fact_n of_o other_o if_o affection_n at_o home_n may_v be_v stir_v with_o counterfete_n of_o our_o absent_a friend_n yet_o in_o god_n matter_n who_o presence_n be_v at_o no_o time_n deny_v we_o admit_v in_o god_n matter_n no_o imagery_n admit_v who_o person_n can_v not_o be_v true_o counterfeit_v who_o fact_n be_v more_o lyvely_a describe_v in_o his_o word_n than_o all_o the_o workman_n of_o the_o world_n can_v imitate_v this_o point_n of_o devil_n rhetoric_n this_o move_n of_o affection_n be_v not_o to_o be_v yield_v to_o for_o the_o mind_n of_o the_o faithful_a be_v only_o stir_v up_o by_o the_o spirit_n of_o god_n which_o inward_o work_v in_o the_o hart_n and_o outward_o by_o his_o word_n and_o sacrament_n wherefore_o erasmus_n will_v not_o admit_v that_o a_o preacher_n shall_v bring_v a_o image_n to_o the_o pulpit_n he_o will_v not_o have_v such_o book_n as_o those_o yet_o than_o i_o be_o sure_a they_o may_v be_v best_a red_a and_o affection_n if_o ever_o will_v most_o be_v move_v then_o his_o word_n be_v these_o eccle._n li._n 3._o eccle._n quidam_fw-la per_fw-la imagine_v movent_fw-la affectus_fw-la aut_fw-la per_fw-la ostensas_fw-la sanctorum_fw-la relliquias_fw-la quorum_fw-la neutrum_fw-la convenit_fw-la gravitati_fw-la loci_fw-la in_o quo_fw-la consistit_fw-la ecclesiastes_n without_o no_o imagery_n with_o preach_v much_o less_o without_o neque_fw-la enim_fw-la legimus_fw-la unque_fw-la tale_n quicque_n factum_fw-la vel_fw-la à_fw-la christo_fw-la vel_fw-la ab_fw-la apostolis_n some_o say_v he_o do_v move_v affect_n by_o image_n or_o show_v of_o saint_n relic_n whereof_o neither_o agree_v to_o the_o gravity_n of_o the_o place_n that_o a_o preacher_n stand_v in_o for_o we_o read_v not_o that_o ever_o any_o such_o thing_n be_v do_v of_o christ_n or_o his_o apostle_n then_o if_o religion_n will_v admit_v no_o precedent_n but_o only_o of_o christ_n and_o his_o apostle_n if_o image_n with_o tongue_n to_o tell_v what_o they_o be_v be_v not_o allowable_a shall_v tongueless_a thing_n by_o man_n devise_n be_v erect_v in_o every_o place_n to_o serve_v god_n with_o all_o i_o tell_v you_o before_o what_o image_n do_v teach_v what_o affection_n they_o move_v be_v evident_a to_o al._n as_o cherea_n when_o he_o see_v paint_v in_o a_o table_n how_o jupiter_n in_o form_n of_o a_o in_o get_v of_o gold_n come_z through_z the_o tile_n &_o fall_v into_o his_o lady_n lap_n reioyse_v with_o himself_o and_o say_v if_o the_o thunder_a god_n play_v such_o a_o part_n ego_fw-la homun_n cio_o hòc_fw-la non_fw-la facerem_fw-la shall_v not_o i_o poor_a wretch_n do_v this_o so_o when_o a_o gorgeous_a and_o golden_a god_n shall_v stand_v upon_o the_o altar_n will_v not_o the_o covetous_a wish_v it_o in_o his_o purse_n will_v not_o he_o gather_v if_o god_n delight_v to_o be_v make_v &_o adorn_v with_o this_o precious_a metal_n be_o not_o i_o bind_v to_o make_v much_o of_o i_o when_o a_o man_n be_v portrayde_v in_o the_o church_n hang_v on_o a_o gybbet_n and_o another_o fool_n be_v crouch_v to_o it_o the_o cause_n not_o consider_v and_o circumstance_n unknowen_a will_v not_o the_o careless_a and_o desperate_a person_n think_v with_o himself_o what_o shame_n be_v it_o for_o i_o to_o hang_v since_o our_o god_n be_v so_o serve_v this_o be_v the_o least_o harm_n that_o can_v come_v of_o it_o the_o wicked_a adoration_n the_o damnable_a idolatry_n i_o witting_o omit_v in_o the_o next_o article_n i_o shall_v entreat_v of_o it_o b._n image_n not_o to_o be_v admit_v for_o help_v of_o memory_n folio_n 119._o b._n now_o for_o the_o call_n unto_o remembrance_n of_o the_o which_o have_v be_v teach_v or_o occasion_v to_o learn_v that_o which_o be_v unknowen_a you_o say_v that_o image_n if_o for_o no_o other_o cause_n yet_o because_o they_o quicken_v the_o memory_n which_o in_o many_o be_v fickle_a help_v ignorance_n which_o in_o some_o be_v lurde_v i_o know_v not_o what_o you_o mean_v by_o the_o term_n but_o so_o you_o have_v send_v it_o we_o uncorrect_v stir_v up_o love_v which_o be_v waxen_a cold_a help_v hope_v which_o be_v almost_o dead_a move_v devotion_n which_o in_o all_o man_n decay_v revive_v faith_n which_o in_o all_o man_n fail_v they_o may_v right_v well_o be_v suffer_v among_o christian_a man_n for_o proof_n of_o which_o point_n you_o bring_v two_o place_n one_o as_o out_o of_o augustine_n a_o other_o out_o of_o cyrill_n to_o the_o place_n of_o augustine_n i_o answer_v according_a to_o the_o judgement_n and_o censure_n approve_v by_o the_o parisiens_n &_o set_v before_o the_o work_n that_o you_o cite_v quod_fw-la sermo_n de_fw-la visitacione_fw-la infirmorum_fw-la augustine_n a_o vain_a fancy_n father_v upon_o augustine_n locutuleij_fw-la cuiusdan_n est_fw-la nec_fw-la docti_fw-la nec_fw-la diserti_fw-la quid_fw-la habuerunt_fw-la vel_fw-la frontis_fw-la vel_fw-la mentis_fw-la qui_fw-la talia_fw-la scripta_fw-la nobis_fw-la obtruserunt_fw-la nomine_fw-la augustim_fw-la that_o the_o sermon_n entitle_v of_o the_o visit_n of_o the_o sick_a be_v some_o babbler_n do_v that_o have_v neither_o learning_n nor_o eloquence_n what_o shamefastness_n or_o honesty_n be_v in_o they_o which_o have_v dash_v we_o in_o the_o tooth_n with_o such_o write_n in_o the_o name_n of_o augustyne_n to_o cyrillus_n i_o say_v that_o he_o have_v to_o do_v with_o julian_n the_o apostata_fw-la to_o who_o it_o be_v expedient_a 120._o foli_fw-la 120._o to_o excuse_v the_o order_n of_o christian_n in_o his_o time_n and_o therefore_o he_o say_v the_o healthful_a will_v do_v make_v we_o remember_v etc._n etc._n in_o deed_n in_o comparison_n of_o the_o gentile_n idol_n jupiter_n &_o ganymedes_n daphne_n &_o apollo_n of_o which_o he_o there_o discourse_v the_o sign_n of_o the_o cross_n be_v to_o be_v prefer_v and_o to_o the_o enemy_n lianum_fw-la cyrillus_n li._n 6._o contra_fw-la iu_n lianum_fw-la we_o must_v not_o exaggerate_v the_o fault_n of_o our_o friend_n but_o cover_v it_o what_o we_o can_v so_o do_v cyrillus_n but_o that_o he_o be_v not_o in_o the_o same_o heresy_n with_o you_o see_v what_o president_n he_o bring_v against_o you_o in_o the_o self_n same_o book_n whereas_o you_o bring_v your_o authority_n these_o word_n he_o have_v honestus_fw-la &_o bone_fw-la erat_fw-la sicut_fw-la ipse_fw-la dicit_fw-la numa_n &_o splendida_fw-la preditus_fw-la intelligentia_fw-la etiam_fw-la plurimas_fw-la sacerdotum_fw-la constituit_fw-la leges_fw-la diligenter_n ergo_fw-la inquiramus_fw-la quem_fw-la hahuerit_fw-la ille_fw-la cultus_fw-la modum_fw-la scripsit_fw-la igitur_fw-la de_fw-la illo_fw-la dionysius_n halicarnasseus_n qui_fw-la romanorun_n historiam_fw-la diligenter_n composuit_fw-la quod_fw-la templa_fw-la quidem_fw-la &_o delubra_fw-la extruxerit_fw-la simulachrum_fw-la autem_fw-la in_o illis_fw-la erat_fw-la nullum_fw-la nam_fw-la quia_fw-la pythagorae_n philosophiam_fw-la commendahat_fw-la cvius_fw-la &_o dogmata_fw-la sequebatur_fw-la cognoverat_fw-la deum_fw-la omnino_fw-la specie_fw-la &_o forma_fw-la tali_fw-la career_n affirmabatque_fw-la illum_fw-la gaudere_fw-la mentalibus_fw-la &_o non_fw-la carnalibus_fw-la sacrificijs_fw-la iccirco_fw-mi &_o constructa_fw-la templa_fw-la fidei_fw-la nominabat_fw-la qua_fw-la sola_fw-la deus_fw-la ab_fw-la hominibus_fw-la quantum_fw-la capaces_fw-la sunt_fw-la videtur_fw-la &_o subditis_fw-la praecipiebat_fw-la ut_fw-la per_fw-la fidem_fw-la iurarent_fw-la numa_n say_v cyril_n in_o answer_n unto_o julian_n as_o the_o enemy_n himself_o affirm_v be_v honest_a and_o good_a and_o endue_v with_o notable_a understanding_n make_v many_o law_n for_o the_o priest_n let_v we_o inquire_v therefore_o diligent_o what_o manner_n of_o service_n he_o have_v dionise_v of_o halicarnassus_n which_o write_v well_o the_o history_n of_o the_o roman_n report_v that_o he_o make_v temple_n and_o oratory_n but_o there_o be_v no_o image_n in_o the_o world_n in_o they_o for_o because_o he_o commend_v the_o wisdom_n of_o pythagoras_n who_o doctrine_n also_o he_o follow_v he_o know_v that_o god_n be_v destitute_a of_o such_o foorme_n and_o shape_n and_o affirm_v that_o he_o take_v pleasure_n in_o sacrifice_n of_o the_o mind_n and_o not_o of_o the_o flesh_n therefore_o the_o temple_n that_o he_o build_v he_o call_v the_o temple_n of_o faith_n by_o which_o only_a god_n be_v see_v of_o man_n so_o far_o as_o they_o be_v able_a to_o reach_v unto_o his_o sight_n and_o he_o command_v his_o subject_n to_o take_v their_o oath_n by_o faith_n in_o which_o word_n many_o thing_n may_v fruteful_o be_v observe_v first_o that_o where_o julian_n lay_v numa_n his_o religion_n to_o the_o christian_n charge_n cyrill_n be_v content_v with_o his_o authority_n but_o he_o use_v it_o to_o the_o condemnation_n of_o hethenish_a idolatry_n church_n cyrill_n alow_v no_o image_n in_o church_n then_o that_o he_o allow_v no_o image_n to_o be_v in_o church_n bring_v a_o reason_n as_o out_o of_o nature_n itself_o whereof_o