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A01594 The lavves and statutes of Geneua as well concerning ecclesiastical discipline, as ciuill regiment, with certeine proclamations duly executed, whereby Gods religion is most purelie mainteined, and their common wealth quietli gouerned: translated out of Frenche into Englishe by Robert Fills.; Laws, etc. Geneva (Switzerland); Fills, Robert, fl. 1562. 1562 (1562) STC 11725; ESTC S103016 63,903 192

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communion of the faithful or if ani shewe hym selfe a contemner of the order ecclesiasticall that they admonishe him And yf he render him selfe obedient y t they sende him awaye gently But yf he doe perseuer from euell to worse after they haue aduertysed hym three tymes that then they shal seperate him from the churche and declare him to the Seniorye As concerning the lyues the correction of their faultes whyche shall happen it is necessarye to procede accordinge to the order whyche Christ commaunded That is to saye for secreate fautes they shall reproue secreatly Also that none bring his neighbour before the churche for to accuse him of any faute the which is not notoriouse or slaunderouse excepte he fynde hym stubborne and contempteouse Moreouer those y t be contempners of particuler admonytyons of their neyghbours shal be warned by the churche and if they wyll in no waies come to reformaciō nor acknowledge their faute when they shal be conuinced that then they commaunde them to absteyne from the communion vntill the time they be better disposed As concerning notorious and publicke offences the churche may in no case wincke at thē or passe them ouer but if they be fautes whiche deserue onely admonityon the office of the Commyssyoners or elders shal be to call them before them w c be culpable exhortinge them amiablie that they may amende and if they see amendement no further to moleste them but if they perseuer further in their euel againe to be admonished at length if they profyte not then to denounce them as contempners of god and so to absteyne from the communion vntyll they see in them a change of lyfe As concerning crimes whiche deserue not onelye declaracion and aduertisemēt by wordes but correction with chastisement yf anye be faulen according as y e case shall require they shall denounce that he absteyne from the communion for a certayne tyme humbling him selfe before god better to knowe his faulte If anye by contumacye or rebellion wil presume or preace in contrarie to that is commaunded and for bydden him the office of y e mynister shal be to put him backe for it is not lawfull to receyue such a one to the communion and neuertheles that it be so moderated that there appeare no rigoure by the which any person shulde be greued or offended namely suche corrections be but medicines to bring the sinners vnto god Item that all this be done in suche sorte that the mynisters take not vpon them anye Ciuil Iurisdiction and that this consistorie be in no case any derogaciō to the auctoritie of the Seniorie nor to ordinarye Iustice but y t the Ciuill power continue in his full efficacye and namely where it shal be nede of punishement or compulciō of the parties but the ministers wyth y e consistorie hauing hearde the parties and declared with suche admonitiōs as shal be nedeful then to iudge therī according to y e weightinesse of y e case Item that this pollicye be not onelie for y e towne but also for y e villages perteyning to the Seniorie ❧ Order for the visitacion of the mynisters and paryshes parteyning to Geneua FYrst of all to conserue vnitie good pollicye especially in doctrine throughe the whole body of the churche of Geneua aswel in the towne as y e villages belonging therto the magistrates shall chose two of the councell and likewise the ministers shall chose two of the congregacion which shall haue the charge to goe and enquire in euery parishe once in the yere if y e minister haue set forth anye newe doctrine repugnant to the puritye of the gospell Secondlye they shall enquire if the minister hath preached to edificacion or if he vse anie slaunderouse maner of liuing if he be not able to teache y e people or if he be obscure or vse superfluoꝰ questions or be ouer rigorouse in life and doctrine Thirdly to exhorte the people to haunte the sermons diligentlye to heare them and doe there after and lyue christianly also to declare what is the office of a minister that he may be instructed the better to serue Fourthly to knowe if the minister be dilligent both to preache and visite the sicke and to minister perticulerly to those which haue nede and to staye that nothing be done cōtrarie to gods glorye also if he leade an honest lyfe shewing it by his good example if he vse anye dyssolutnesse or lyghtnes either in him self or in his housholde if he be disdainful or agree well with his paryshners ¶ The maner of the visitacion THat the minister beinge appointed to thys offyce after he hath preached and admonished the people as is aforesaide shall enquire of y e wardes and procurators of y e paryshe both concerning the doctrine and life of the minister and likewise concerning his diligence and maner of teaching desiring them in the name of god not to suffer nor dissemble anye thinge which may hinder the honour of god the aduancement of his worde or the welth of the commons Item according as he hath founde y t he make reporte to y e cōgregaciō to the ende that yf there be anye faute which deserueth no greater correction then by wordes he shal be admonished according to the custume Item if he haue offended more greuously then ought to be suffered let them procede according to the forme of y e articls afore mēsioned y t is to say the foresaid fower deputes shal make the reporte vnto the Seniorie therin to procede according to reason Item visitacion shall not importe anye determinacion of causes or kind of Iurisdiction but shal be onely a remedie to auoyde all offences And aboue all y e ministers shal not swarue from their duety nor be corrupted Item this shall in no case be anye let to the course of Ciuill Iustice nor to exempt the ministers from y e common subiection but y t they aunswere in cyuyll causes as others doe before the ordynarye Iustyce And also for crimes not to spare them but to punyshe them when they haue offended and in sume that their state may cōtynue as it is at this present This hath ben the order in the primitiue church in y e time of y e Apostles and at thys daye is obserued in the churches well reformed according to the pure doctrine of the gospell ❧ Ordinances concerning election of offices and officers and first of the election of the lordes Sendicques EVery yere the tewsdaye before the sondaye after candlemas daye the counsell shal be holden expressely to chose the Sendicques and before they begyn the first Sendicque shal make some good exhortacion exhorting thē to chose men of good conscience regarding y e honour of god louīg equetie and truth and the profyte of the towne mē of a good life good name Moreouer they shall make theyr praiers vnto god and after that euery counsellour shal be sworne to chose those which they shal thīke to be most
THE Lavves and Statutes of Geneua as well concerning ecclesiastical Discipline as ciuill regiment with certeine Proclamations duly executed whereby Gods religion is most purelie mainteined and their common wealth quietli gouerned Translated out of Frenche into Englishe by Robert Fills Except the Lorde kepe the Citie the keper watcheth in vayne PSAL. 127. AFTER DARKNES LIGHT POST TENEBRAS LVX PRINTED AT LONdon by Rouland Hall dwellyng in Gutter Lane at the sygne of the halfe Egle and the Keye 1562. To the right honorable the Lorde ROBERT DVDDELEY Maister of the Queenes Maiesties horse and knight of the noble order of the Garter Robert Fills wisheth long lyfe with the encrease of godlye honour YOur good zeale right honorable lord to the aduaūcement of gods glorye in this realme and the singuler gentilnes and fauour that you vsually shewe to the furtherers thereof hathe moued and encoraged me to flie to y e protectiō of your name partlye to procure thereby some defence and cōmendacion to this good worke which I haue translated into the Englishe tongue and partly so muche as in me lyeth to do you that honour whiche of righte I thinke to to appertaine vnto you that is to acknowledge you by the dedication of this worcke as you are in deede to your great praise renowne a worthie patrone of good godlye meanings But there is nothing so well minded or so godly deuised but that it may cōmonly is by euill taking misconstrued and by sinister talking depraued such is the nature and propertie of the malicious and slaunderous tongue that being but a lytle member yet it is euer busye and babeling neuer quiet barking alwaies byting somtime fynding great matter where none is makynge of nothing some thinge of some thynge a greate thinge of a Mouse a Mountaine of a Gnat an Olephant of a smale sparke enkindlynge a fyer of much discorde and dissencion Therefore albeit y e Greke Poet Aristophanes truly sayeth that there is no remedie against the byting of a Sichophant or slaunderer yet somewhat to stoppe the rage of this running ranging tongue and to preuent and cure as muche as maye be this pestilent poyson I haue not only thought good to vse the sayde meane of your honorable name but also to expresse in thys my preface bothe the purport substaunce of the boke and y e minde meaning of my selfe y e translatour y t if the malicious man wyll carpe or cauil at either of them your honour and other that by your example shall iudge well of thinges well entended maye haue at hand a trew apologie and defence The booke conteineth lawes and statutes without which a common weale can no more be ruled then the body lyue without the soule or a great shippe in the boisterous sea bee gouerned without a wise and skilfull lodesman and they are y e statutes of Geneua a Citie coūted of all godly men singularly well ordered as well for good policie as also for the gouernemente of the Churche in all estates orders and vocations where sincere religion is wonderfullye aduaunced erroure mightely beaten downe vertue excedingly maynteyned vice seuerelye repressed suche is the execution of those lawes such straight discipline is practised that not only grosse crimes are punished but common faultes as men take them are narowlye seene vnto as blasphemye heresye straunge and pestiferous doctrine fornication spirituall and corporall swearinge sclaunderinge and suche lyke so y t in dede that place maye be a lantarne to manye other bothe of sinceritie in iudgement and of honestie in conuersation as this booke presently doth witnes the practise and example doth much moore lyuely declare Now the intent minde of y e translatour is faithfullye to communicate to Englishe men this treasure taken oute of the Frenche tongue obteyning the copye oute of the register booke of the foresayde Citie that thereby they may beholde as in a glasse a christian reformation and employe them selues to the imitation as farre forthe as they see best for them as shal be most conuenient Hereby maye not bee gathered that the Translatour is a newe lawe maker or authour of any innouacion or that his industrie and diligence is in any wyse preiudiciall to the lawes of this our realme which are laudable good and godlye but as the knowledge of all histories is to all suche as desyre to heare see and knowe thynges profitable and pleasaunte and necessarye so besyde the obseruation of the common lawes positiue the readynge of thys fruitefull worcke shall brynge to the priuate man godlye instruction If we haue a pleasure to reade Iosephus Xenophon Plutarche Aristotle Liuye and suche other and wyshe them to bee tourned into knowen and familier languages that thereby we may peruse and vnderstande the lawes fashions and ordinaunces of the Iewes Grecians Romaines and others howe muche more ought men to suffer and take in good parte this facte of him that bringeth home to vs out of a strange and far coūtrey and forein tongue a forme patrone not only of a wel instituted cōmon weale but of a well reformed churche not for Heathen to gase on but for Christians to folowe not so much for delectation as for edification Whiche fruite of my laboure God graunte maye tourne to hys glorye and to the encreace of good nourture and discipline in Christes scoole that trew repentaunce and amendment of lyfe maye ensue that by our workes our heauenly father may be glorified and his people by the example of our faith and mutuall charitie edified And further this worke maye serue for matter of answere to those that inueying agaynste the lyues of men of our profession do more falsely speake euill of vs than they can trewlye speake well of theyr owne faction They charge vs with libertie and licenciousnesse moste vniustly reportinge that we departed oute of this realme in the late tyme of banishement of Goods churche onelye to this ende to enioye more vnchastised freedome of sensuall lyfe But when they shal beholde these lawes shal not bee able to proue but y t the same are as vertuously folowed and as seuerely executed in those places where we lyued as in this boke they be here expressed which shal appeare howe small lycence is in oure reformed churches left to synne in comparison of the realmes drowned in their supersticion where their truste in mans pardon hathe quenched the feare of gods displeasure and where horrible synnes are dispensable for money I truste these slaunderours shal haue their mouthes stopped tyll they bee able to shewe a common weale of their owne where so good lawes both of sincere religion and ciuill iustice and honesty are so dewly put in practise so reuerentlye obeyd and so preciselye kept yea by those that willynglye for the loue of god and tender care of their owne saluation do forsake the landes of greater libertie of lyfe to thrall them selfes to such seueretie For the maner of translating I shall beseche
your honour and all good readers to beare with the plaine and simple rudenesse thereof and for myne excuse to vnderstonde that I considered these to be lawes and rules of lyfe and religion in expressinge whereof I had rather be to curiously faithfull then any thinge neglygently or vntrulye fine I haue giuen it worde for word rather folowing somtime y e Frenche prase to muche then at anye tyme venturynge to presume or take to my selfe a iudgement that I attayned the sence of the worcke yf I should swarue from the wordes My laboure I beseche youre honoure to accepte in good parte as I wyll not fayle to continewe in prayer to God for the continuaunce and encreace of your godlye zeale and Christian affection Your honours moste humble to commaunde Robert Fills A table to finde the principall pointes in this present booke THE order of the offices instituted by god for the gouernement of his churche fol. 1. To whō the institutiō perteineth 2. The forme of y e oth of y e ministers 3. The number places and tyme of the sermons 6. The office of the preachers 7. The office of the elders appointed by the Seniorie in the consistorie 8. Of the deacons and their offices 9. Of Sacramentes 11. Of the Supper 12. Of Mariages 12. Of Buriyng 13. Of the visitation of the sicke 13. The orders which ought to be kepte towardes lytle children 14. Of the visitation of y e prisoners 15. The order towarde the aged 15. The parsons whiche the officers or Commissioners in cōsistorie ought to admonishe 16. The visitation of y e ministers in parishes or villages perteynynge to the citie of Geneua 17. The maner of their visitation 18. Of the election of Seniours or lords called Sendicques and of the othe of the lower counsell 19. Of the election of y e smale coūsel 21. The forme of their othe 22. The election of the Treasurer 23. The election of the Secretaries 23. The forme of their othe 23. The counsell of y e two hundred 24. The auditours of the accompts 24. The forme of their othe 24. The controler the maister of the money the maister of the ordinaūce 25 Of the procurour generall 25. The forme of his othe 25. Of the Captaine generall 26. Of perticulers 26. Of Banderettes 26. Of their Lieutenaunts 26. Of Dizeners 26. Of their othe 26. Of y e geolyer forme of his oth 27. Of the Saoultier 27. Of the Haroldes 27. Of the waiters 28. Of the kepers of towers and the Porters 28. Of the Notaries 28. The forme of their othe 28. The office charge and authoritie of the lordes Sendicques 30. The office of the fyrst in especial 31. The office of the thre other Sendicques that whiche two of them may doe 31. That whiche one of them alone may doe 32. Of matters criminalls 32. The office charge and dutye of the counsell 33. For what cause thei ought to cal the counsell 35. The office of the Treasurer 35. The office of the Secretaries 36. The office of the Captaines Bande retts and Dizeners 38. The Auditours of accompts 39. The office of the Controler 40. The office of the maister of the artillerie 41. Of the office of the Procurour generall 42. Of the office of the Saoultier 44. Of the office of the Porters and kepers of the towers 45. The watches of the two steples 46. The courte of the Senior lieutenant and adiutors 46. The forme of their othe 48. The place of the Assistaunce 48. Of the two Secretaries of the Lieutenauntes courte 48. The forme of their othe 49. The office of the Lieutenaunte and the order of the courte 49. Of y e penaltie of thē y t be absent 50. Of the summoning for appearaunce in ciuill causes 50. For default of appearaunce 50. The summoning of y e witnesses 52. Of pleding 52. Of the procedings and termes of delaye 53. Of causes aboue a crowne 53. In causes of exceptions 54. Of termes appoynted to heare the right 55. Of the longest terme that the processe ought to endure 55. Of the two Feries 55. Of causes extraordinarie 56 Of relation of the Iudges in the proceding as in sentence definitiue 57. The causes excusable 57. The taxe of the reward of the Lieutenant and his assistaunce 57. The taxes for the Secretaries 59. The taxes for the Sergeantes 60. Howe the Lieutenaunt ought to gouerne him selfe in matters of imprisonment 60. The order which he ought to kepe in proces criminall 61. Of emolumentes and exactions of seales the vsaunce gouernement and garde of the same 62. The taxe emoluments which they ought to take of the thre seales 62. The seale to seale pupill goods 66. Fyue proclamations conteynynge most necessarie ordinaunces and statutes 67. The first proclamation 67. The seconde proclamation 69. The thirde proclamation 74. The fourth proclamation 76. The fyfte proclamation 79. The valuation of their coyne 87. FINIS Here folovveth the ACTES AND STATVTES OF the Citie of Geneua IN the name of the most mightie God we Syndicques with the great and smale counsell of Geneua with oure people assembled by the soūde of trompett and the great bell folowing oure aūcient customes hauing considered y t it is a thinge worthy of commendation aboue all other that the doctrine of the holy gospell of oure lord god be conserued well in puritie and y e christian church mainteyned accordingly also that yougth in tyme to come be well and faithfully enstructed and y e hospitall ordered in good estate for the sustentacion of the poore the which cannot be excepte there be established a certaine rule manner to lyue by the whiche euery state may vnderstand the duety of his office For this cause it semed good to vs that the spiritual gouernement such as god hath shewed vnto vs and instituted by his worde be brought in to good forme to haue place and to be obserued amonge vs and we haue ordeyned and established to folowe and kepe in oure towne and territorye y e ecclesiasticall pollicy folowing which is taken oute of the gospell of Iesus Christ First of all there are fower orders of officers which oure lorde hath instytuted for the gouernement of hys churche that is to saye pastors doctors elders other wise named cōmissioners for the Seniorie and fourthly Decons If we will haue a churche well ordered and kept in y e purytie we must obserue this forme of gouernement As concerning pastors whiche the scripture nameth some times watche men and sometyme ministers theyr offices are to declare y e worde of god to teache to admonyshe to exhorte to reproue as wel publikly as priuatly to minister Sacraments to doe brotherly correc●yon with the elders or Commissyoners Nowe to the ende that nothinge be done confusedly in the churche no mā ought to thrust him selfe into this office withoute lawfull callyng in the which there are to be considered three thinges that is to saye examinacion whiche is principall afterwarde to
Games forbidden by y e lawes and which be offensiue Dauncing and such disolutenesses Crimes importing euill infamie Crimes which deserue in another to be seperated from the churche The seconde Strange maner of handling the scriptures which may turne to offence Curiositye to serch vaine questions Setting forth of any doctrine or maner of doing not receued in y e churche Negligence in studing and principally in reding the holy scriptures Negligence in reprouing their neighbours vices to flatter them Negligence in doing all thinges belonging to their office Scurrulitye Lieng Detraction Dissolute in wordes Reprochefull wordes Rashnes Euell deceites Auarice and to muche nygardnes Disordinate angrynesse Chiding and scoldinge Dissollutnesse vnsemely for a minister both in apparell and gesture and other fashions of lyuing Concerning Crimes they ought in no case to be borne with if they be ciuyll Crimes that is to saye yf they oughte to be punished by the lawes And if any of the mynisters doe faile then the Seniorye oughte to put to their handes and ouer and besides the ordinarie punyshement with whiche they be accustumed to punishe other offēders to take him punishe him depose him from his office As touchinge other crimes of the which the first inquisicion perteineth to the consistorie eccleciasticall let the commissioners or elders with y e ministers take hede therto and if any be conuicted let them make their reporte to the counsell with their aduise and Iudgement so that y e last Iudgement for the correction be alwaies reserued to the Seniorie As concerning the offences whiche ought to be corrected by simple admonicions let them therin procede according to y e order of oure sauiour christ so that the cause maie be ended in the ecclesiasticall Iudgement To mainteine this discipline in his estate euery thre monethes let the ministers specially enquiere yf there be any thing to be talked of amōge them selues and remedye it accordinge to reason ❧ Of the number ▪ place and tyme of the Sermons VPon the Sondayes there shal be mornīg sermons at the churches of sainct Peter and S. Gerueis also at y ● houre accustumed sermons throughe all the perishes At noone the catechisme that is to say instructions for the smale childrē in thre churches and at three of the clocke lykewyse Sermons in all the churches Vpon the weeke daies ouer and beside a sermō ī euery perishe also ther shal be sermons at y e heade churches Mondaye Wedinsdaye and Fridaie at fower of the clocke in the mornīg so that the sermon maye be ended a good space before the ordinarie sermō be begon If there be made any extraordinary praier in tyme of necessitie that the order for the Sondaye be obserued To beare these and other burdens of the ministerie it shal be nedefull to haue v. ministers and iii. conductours which shall also be ministers to ayde and helpe according as nede shall require ❧ Here foloweth the seconde order whiche we call doctours THe proper office of doctours is to teache the faithefull with sounde doctrine to the ende that the puritye of y e gospell be not corrupted by ignorance or wicked opinions neuertheles according as thinges be dysposed in these dayes we doe comprehende them vnder this title to be aides and Instrumentes to conserue y e doctrine of god so that the churche be not desolate for fault of pastors and mynisters but to vse a worde more intelligible we shall call them the order of scholers The next degree vnto the mynisters and next conioyned to the gouernement of the church is reding of diuinitie which reding shal be oute of the newe or olde testament But because they cannot profytt in suche lessons excepte they be firste instructed in the tonges and humayne scyences also it is nedeful to raise vp sede for the time to come to the ende that the churche be not lefte destitute to oure children therfore it is nedful to erecte A colledge to enstructe children to prepare them aswel to y e mynisterye as to cyuill gouernement For the first there must be a place assigned aswell for the lectures as for the teaching of children and others which will proffyt in learning also to haue a man learned and expert for to dyspose aswell the house as the lectours which can him selfe teach instructe others and that there be vnder his charge readers as wel ī tongs as in Logicke yf it may be also for bachelars to teache yonge children y e which we wyll and ordaine to be don and that all those which be there shal be subiectes to the ecclesyastycall discipline as well as the ministers That there be no other schole in the towne for children but we will that there be a schole a parte for mayden children as hath ben accustumed That none shal be receyued into this office excepte he be approued by the mynisters and fyrste let hym be knowen to the Seniors and then againe be presented to y e coūsell wyth his wytnesses for feare of inconueniences And alwayes examinacions oughte to be made before two of the Seniors Here foloweth the thirde order whych be elders otherwyse called commissyoners or deputes for the Seniors in the consistorie THeir office is to take hede and to watche of the demeanour and be hauour of all and euery of y e people to admonishe louīgly those which they see fall or leade a dissolute lyfe or yf it be nedeful to make y e reporte or to doe brotherly correctiō and that shal be commonly done by y e company that shal be therto appointed For the disposytion and gouernement of this church it shal be good to chuse two of the smale coūcel fowre of the councell of the three score and syxe of the councell of the two hundred men of honestie and of good life withoute reprofe and voyde of all suspection and aboue all hauing y e feare of god learning and spirituall wysedome and so they ought alwayes to be chosen that there be of them in euery quarter of the towne that their eyes maye be ouer all that is ordeined or done Likewise we haue determined that the maner of the election be on thys wise that the smale councel shall deliberate to name the most mete that cā be founde and the moste sufficient and so to doe it is necessarye to call the mynisters to communicate with them and after to presēt them which they haue named to the councel of the two hundred which approuing them if they be founde worthy a perticuler othe to be made in forme folowing The forme of the othe I Promyse and sweare folowing the charge that is geuen to me to hinder all Idolatries blasphemies dissolutions and other thinges against the honour of god and the reformacion of the gospel and to admonishe those to whom it apperteineth as occasion shal be geuen me Item when I shall knowe anye thinges worthy to be brought before the consistorie that I shal doe my duty faithfully without fauour or hate onely to that
declared in y e Catechisme and also to exhorte all straungers newe commers to come fyrste and present them selues vnto the churche to be instructed yf nede shal be and consequently that none approcheto his cōdempnacion ❧ Of Mariage AFter the declaration of the banes accustomed the Mariages to be made when the party shall require it as well on the sondaye as working dayes so that it be done at the beginning of the sermon And as concerning the abstynence of the same it shal be good that onely vpon the day of the celebration of the supper they absteyne for the honour of the same sacrament Item it shal be good to bring in and vse ecclesiasticall songes or psalmes y e better to stirre y e people vnto praier and praise god Item first they shall teache their litle children and so in the proces of time all the church may folowe Touching debate in causes matrimonialls for that it is not onelye a spirituall cause but medled with the ciuile order the same to remayne to the Seniorie neuertheles we are determyned to leaue to the consistorye the charge to heare the partyes and so to make reporte of ther aduyse vnto the counsell therin to geue Iudgement so that good ordinances may be from henceforthe made and folowed accordingly Of burying ITem that they doe burie honestly the deade in the place appointed And as concerning y e traine or company we leaue it to y e discressiō of euery one Item we haue moreouer ordeyned and determyned that the porters appoynted to bury eshalbe sworne vnto the Seniorye to put awaye all supersticions that are contrary to y e worde of god not beare them by nighte and also if anye be deade sodeinly to make reporte therof to the ende to auoide al inconueniencyes which may folowe therof Item that after their death not to beare them to theyr burying before twelue howers nor to kepe them aboue fower and twenty howers Of the visitacyon of the sicke BEcause that many be negligent to comforte them selues in god by his worde when they be in extremity of sickenes wherof it happeneth oftē tymes that many dye without admonicion or doctrine the whiche at that tyme is most nedefull of all times for this cause we haue ordeyned and determyned that none shall tarye three dayes in their bedde or ●icke but that it be made knowen to the mynisters and that euery one shal be aduertised to call y e mynisters whensoeuer they wyl haue them at a cōuenient houer they not to with drawe them selues frō their office in y e whiche they serue in common to the churche and to put awaye all excuses we haue determined that the same shal be published moreouer to be geuen commaundement by proclamacion y t the parents frendes and kepers shal not tarie vntyll the person be redye to yelde vp y e spirite for in such extremitie the consolacion serueth to smale purpose for the most part The order which ought to be kept for litell children THat all cytezens and inhabitauntes shall bring or sende their children on the sondaye at twelue of the clocke to the Cathechisme which hath bene spoken of here before Item there shal be a certaine forme or maner composed in the which they shal be instructed and they shal be demanded and apposed in the same doctryne whyche they haue before learned to see if they haue wel vnderstanded and kept it When a childe shal be sufficiently instructed and haue passed his cathechisme then he shall recite solempnely the sūme of that whyche is therin conteyned and also shall make as it weare a confession of his christianity in the presence of the churche Item before this be done that no childe be suffered to receyue the supper of the lorde and that the parents be aduertysed not to brynge them before that time for it is a thinge most perelous as well for the chyldren as the parents to enter into it withoute good and sufficient instruction for y t which it is necessari to vse this order To y e ende that there be no defaute it is ordeined that the children which goe to schole shall come to gether before none y t the maisters doe bryng them in good order in euery paryshe The others that their parents doe bringe or send them And to the ende to auoyde all confusyon they shall obserue as much as may be the distinctiō of the parishes in y e case as hath ben said before of y e sacramēts Item that those whyche shal be by force constrayned to come shal be called before the Seniors elders or cōmyssioners and yf they wyll not be persuaded by good counsell y e reporte shal be made to the Seniorye Also to take hede to suche whether they doe their duety or not and that the commyssioners haue an eye vnto them to take order accordingly Of the visitacion of the prisoners MOreouer we haue ordeyned a certeyne day in the weeke in the whyche shal be made certeyne consolacions to the prisoners for to admonishe and exhorte them that there be one of the Seniors of y e counsell deputed to be there assistent to the ende there be no fraude committed and if there be anye appointed to dye by the determynacion of the coūsell it shal be necessarye to call some certayne mynyster to comforte the person as nede shall require for whē they tarye vntyll suche tyme as they leade them to the death they be often tymes so occupied with horrour that they be not apte to receyue or vnderstand anye consolacion and this daye is ordeined the satterday after diner ❧ Of the order which ought to be kepte towardes the growen persons for to obserue good order in the churche THe commissyoners aforesayd shall gather them selues together once a weeke with the mynisters whiche shal be on the thursdaye to see if there be any disorder in the churche and to talke together for the remedye therof whē how as shal be most couenient Because they haue no auctoritie or Iurisdiction to compell or to constrayne anie we haue aduised to geue them one of oure offycers to call any of those persons before theim vnto whom they wyll geue admonycion If anye by contempte refuse to appeare theyr offyce shal be to aduertise the counsell therof to the ende to geue order therin ❧ Here foloweth the persons whom the elders or commyssyoners oughte to admonyshe and howe they oughte to procede IF there be anye whych teacheth straūge or false opinions agaynst y e doctrine receyued that he be called to conferre with them And if he be cōformable they shall suffer hym to departe withoute defame or slaunder if he be obstinate yet they shall admonyshe him certayne tymes vntill they see that greter seueriite be nedefull and then to forbid him the communiō letting it be knowen to y e magistrate If anie be negligent in comming to churche so that there be perceyued in him a notable contempte of the
and after y e election shall be reported to the counsell whyche shall haue auctoritie is ratifye hym ¶ For the banderettes ITem y e banderettes general shal be elected as the captayne and in suche sorte Touching the other banderettes they shall be chosen as the perticuler captaynes excepte in steade of two counsellours it shal be sufficient that the captayne of the quarter be ther wyth their dizoners ¶ Of their lieutenantes EVery one maye chose him his lieutenant so that it be by the consent of all their bandes in generall excepte in the time of daunger this shal not be done withoute the knowledge and expresse permyssyon of y ● coūsell ¶ Of the dizeners ITem the petye counsell hathe full power to chose them and to contynue them so longe as they doe their duetie or other wyse to dispose them All shal be sworne betwene y ● hands of the Sendicques in this forme and to renewe it in time of necessitye ¶ The forme of the othe I Promyse swere to endeuoure my selfe faythefully for the defence of the towne in no case to forsake it in the time of necessity Item to be continually readie and prest to beare armes against the enemies whensoeuer I shal be appointed by my superiors Item to maintaine and kepe peace and tranquilitie amōge the burge●es and habitantes of the towne and to staye and let with al my power al sedicion strife fighting or chiding Item to make no euell conspiracie or enterprise but the contrarie resisting all those which doe it and to reueale them to my superiours Item to stope all dyssolucyons and outrages and in generall all whiche shal be contrarye to the order and pollicie of the towne ❧ For the geolyer or Souldan THis offyce shal be for no certeyne tyme neuertheles it shal be ouerseen and vewed euery thre yere to see if he doe well his duetye the election shal be by the counsell the confirmacion by y e two hūdred as is aforesaid ¶ The forme of the othe which they vse shal be thus I Promise and sweare to kepe faithfully all that which shal be committed to me and to render accompte therof withoute fraude Item to kepe euery prisoner commytted to my charge chayned or at large as shal be commaunded me Item in such cases as shal be forbidden and not permitted that anye doe speake w t a prisoner I shall take such diligent hede that none come at them to talke with them Item not to permit the prisoners to vse any bancketts outrages plaieng dissollutnesse gamyng or suche other vnmete things Item not to exacte or take aboue y ● which shal be due according to y e taxe ¶ For the Saoultier THis shal be an office perpetual if he which be once chosen doe truly discharge his office neuertheles he shal be ouersen euery thre yere to see if he be meete or conuenient to contynue or be deposed Item this election shal be made by the petie counsell and confirmed by y ● two hundred ¶ For the heroldes THis shal be an office likewise perpetuall as of the Saoultier the one shal be a horse man the other a foote man the election shal be as is aforesayde ¶ The waiters or officers for the counsell and the lieutenant THis shal be an office perpetuall excepte there happen anye notable faulte also the petie counsell haue full power to make them or depose them if nede shal be The number of the officers for the Citie shal be fourtene and for the lieutenant tower Touching their othe it shal be sufficient besyde the othe of common burgeses they shal promise to be diligent assisting at all times readie to wayte vpon the commaundement of y e Sendicques and counsell seruing them in their offyce Item to come incontinent whē they shal be commaunded to execute all y t shal be geuen them in charge Item to beare themselues faithfully in all that apperteineth to their office withoute faulte or delaye and to kepe secreate all that shal be done and spoken in the counsell and diligently to watche and kepe well the towne house and all that is therin Item to make faithefull reporte of al messages or visitacions which shal be committed to them ¶ The gardes of the towers and the porters ITem this office shal be perpetual so longe as they shall doe their duetie the counsel shall ouer see them and in theyr power to contynue or dyspose them Item it shall not be nedefull to set anye especiall forme of othe for it requireth not but fidelitie and diligence to kepe the place in the whiche they be constituted which may be briefely done by wordes ¶ For the notaires THe power to make them or depose them shal be in the petie coūsell neuertheles none shal be receyued withoute the reporte and witnesse of the notaires of y e towne concerning their sufficiencie wisedome and learning ¶ The forme of their othe I Promyse and sweare to receyue no acte nor Instrument which shal be to y e dishonour or damage of y ● towne or against the pollicie of the same Item to couche faithefully and set downe by writing al such actes Instruments as I shal be required withoute addinge or dymynishing to the puritie therof Item to deliuer to euery one al such rightes as apperteine to him shal be in my hands Item not to Concele or kepe backe anye instruement to the preiudice of the one or fauour of the other and also not to delyuer into the handes of y e partye contrarie anye documents to defraud him which I ought to helpe but to conserue and kepe faithefully all actes whiche shal be committed to my charge Item to make expedicion to all mē of that which may serue them according to equitie and reason The counsel haue ful power to ordeine al these offices to constitute set in those which they will Nowe it is to be noted that to exercise these offices aforesayde from the petye counsell vnto the Sendicques and so downe ward vnto the Saoultier it is required y t he be a cittezen Item to be the lieutenant or one of the assistance Item for al the Captaines banderettes generall Item the Controuller Auditour of the counsell maister of the monye procurer generall maister of thartilery geoler it shal be required that he be a citezen for the rest it is sufficient if he be a Burges As concerning that which hath ben sayd of terme and space of time it is to be vnderstande in this sorte that if it happen any faulte worthy to be punished by deposicion it shall alwayes be lawfull to depose the offender as he hath deserued Moreouer the Burgeses or citezens which shall refuse to take the dignity of office or estate vnto the whiche he shal be called or ordeyned by the Seniorie and will in no case condissende and agree to take it that he shal then be set to paye .xxv. Crownes for fine for hys contumacye and constrayned to
article Item y ● the accomptes may appeare more cleare he shall set them downe in forme of a register When he shal be deposed frō his office he shall render the accomptes w t in thre monethes and if he be founde debitour he shall render the remainder within sixe wekes or otherwyse he shal be kept in prison vnto the last ende of the paiment ❧ The office of the Secreataries ITem they both shal be continually in the counsell excepte he haue a lawefull excuse also they shall kepe secreate that which shal be done in the counsell Item they shall not make oute or delyuer to anye person the copye of any act which ought to be kept secreate nor to reueale anye thynge without the knowledge of the Seniors he that doth the contrary shal be punished as is aforesayde Item he shall haue two Registers the one for the publike affaires or in any poynte touching the comminaltie the other for perticuler men whiche appertayne not to the towne Item the fyrste Secreatarye shall wryte the fyrste Register of those thynges holden in the counsell the other shall haue that whiche appertayneth to perticuler affayres Not withstandynge the one shall wryte yf nede be read the letters instrumentes and actes that the other shall make to the end that there be no delay Item that eche of them in his office shall make dispatche of the matters whiche his Register importeth neuerthelesse the fyrste onelye shall haue the charge to signe all thynges when they shal be present Of the other part when there shal be publike matters to dispatche of great importaunce as instructions and such lyke the first shall comunicate with his companion the one to vse the others counsell But in the absence of the one the other shall haue the whole charge the seconde shall doe the office of the fyrste Item there shal be a Register apart for the letters missiues and shal continue in the Secretaries place or closet the whiche shal be cōmon to them both according to the necessitie Item a Register aparte for causes criminalls Item a Register for causes of mariages Item a Register wherin shal be enrouled the officers from the fyrst day of their office to the last Item another to kepe in order the statutes proclamatiōs which shal be made accordīg to y e necessitie of time Item a Register of the cōmaundements w t shal be made for the disbursing of any monei to y e ende y ● the rendring of the acomptes maye appeare more cleare and be better verified Item another Register wherein shal be drawen al the actes which import the recoueryng of money for the communaltie as of fynes and other profittes Item that all informacions shall be locked in a cheste or closet of the whiche the first Secretarye shall haue the kaye and in his absence the seconde of the which thei shal render accompte and that thei may be found when nede shal be eche of them shall haue a marke by number and in another coffer there shal be an Inuentorie marked all the proces concluded finished shal be brought into another place Item they shall make diligent dispatche aswel for y ● perticuler matters as common and that nothynge shall be left vndone thei both shall comme together after dinner at the same houre that the Sindicques assemble also at sixe of the clocke in the mornynge Item they shal distribute equallye together all the profittes ¶ Of the office of Capitaines Banderetts and Dyzners THE Capitaine generall shal be diligente and vigillant ouer all the towne he shall gather no assemblie suspecte nor make any conuenticle whiche maye be a preparatiue to sedicion tumulte or mutinetie and the perticuler Captaynes Banderettes and Dizners shall doe the lyke euerye one in his office and quarter Item yf any such lyke thyng happen or that there be beginninges of trouble the Captaine generall shall take hede to it betymes and aduertise the counsell Item if the perticuler Captaitnes shall firste perceyue it they shall doe the lyke enformyng the Seniors or their Generall to make their reporte as shall seme good to them Item thei shall watche euerye one in his office that there be no disorder or insolence and that the Burgeses and Inhabitants gouerne them selues honestlye in their housholdes without noyse trouble or brauling and if any do the contrary they shall admonishe him and if that admonission profit not they shall make their reporte to the Captayne or Seniors Item if there happen any daunger or inconuenience in the towne they shal be alwayes readye for defence of the same when commaundement shal be geuen them Neuertheles it shal not be lawful to the Capitaine or Banderet to assemble men or to arme any without expresse commaundement of the counsell except there happen some sodein assaulte without in the whiche case thei shal doe their office whyle in the meane tyme the counsell maye prouyde more largely Item to the ende that the towne shal not be vnprouided the Capitain general shal not enterprise any farre voyage as to bee aboue eyght dayes absent without speciall lycense Item that eche of them and especially the Dizners shall be diligent that the Proclamations and Ordinaunces of the counsell as well for the reformation of the church as for the ciuile estate that thei may be wel obserued if any doe the contrarye they shal aduertise the Seniorie Item that euery Dizener shal make euery halfe yere a roule of all the burgeses and inhabitauntes within his diznarie comprehended with all the housholdes makyng fyre aparte to present the said roule to the counsel Item that once a yere the captain generall accōpanied w t the captaines perticulers and Dizners eche in his quarter shall make visitation from house to house to know if the Burgeses and Inhabitauntes be furnished with armour as it appertayneth for the defence of the towne ¶ The Auditours of accomptes ITEM that three dayes in y ● weke that is to say Tewsday Thursday and Saterdaye they shall assemble them selues together bothe mornyng and euenyng to doe that theyr office requireth Item they shall put in writynge all maner of Instrumentes and obligacions in order and set thē downe in Inuentorie to the ende that nothing be loste but be founde easely Item they shall haue an officer conuenient appoynted to seeke partyes when nede shal be Item that withoute exception of person they shall doe theyr dutie to all men to cause them to paye theyr duetye Item when any refuseth to paye or denieth the debt or alledgeth anye excuse which semeth to them insufficient they shall make report thereof to the counsell within eyghte dayes folowinge Item if by fauoure or frendshippe they spare anye man they shal be punyshed vpon their wages for that whiche is paste and to be bounde for the dette and charged therewith Item to declare that they do truely discharge this office euery .iii. monethes thei shal present a roule of inuentorie of dettes and
profyte of y e town and make reporte to the counsell Item he shal take hede of y e houses apperteining to the towne y e none vsurpe vpō them by any perticuler Also he shal let them to the profite of the commonaltie neuertheles he shal let none but by his aduertismēt y e threasorer shal see if it be vnder .x florens for y e space of one yere or whether it be longer terme or higher price y ● he doe according to y e custome of the towne ¶ For the Saultier HE shall haue the charge of the town house that vpon y e daies of y e coūsel he shal open y e great dore of y e counsel in y e morning and not shut it before y e coūsel be departed Likewise when the counsell shal be holden extraordinarely or y e two hundred assembled Item at such time as y e first Sendicque shal be there to heare complaints or dispatche causes or when the foure shal be gathered together after diner Item when the courte of the lieutenant shal be holden aboue where the appellacions be all that day longe he shall not open but the littell doore Vpon the eueninge he shall shut the dores betimes keepe it shut ▪ all the night but before he locke it he shall searche vewe y e their be none within neuertheles whē any of y e Sendicques come he shal opē to him at what hower of the night it be Item y e he shal kepe y e house nette in good order if there be any thing to be repared incontinent he shall aduertyse the controuler Item he shall make a fyer betimes in the morning to heate the hall and the chamber a certeyne tyme before y e first Sendicque and the Secreataries doe come Item he shall not fayle to be fyrste when the counsel shal be holden for to kepe the doore Item he shal kepe secreate al which shal be said and done there within vpon the same payne whiche hath bene said of the counsellers Item he shall accompanye the Seniors Sendicques in al acts of iustice Item he shall accompanye the lieutenant in the executyon of all Actes Criminalles Item he shal present y e wine which the Seniors shall sende to the Imbassiadores or others Item he shal visite the houses ruinated w t those that be sworne whē it shal be requyred and make reporte to the counsell Item to lymyte and measure the feldes and possessyons wyth in the Fraunchises Item he shal haue a closset to locke and shutt in the goodes which apperteyne to the knowledge of the iustice tarying tyll the Inuentorie be made that is to saye when the towne shall take anie interest or when there be no heyres or when the heyres shall not agree or when it is requisite that the iustice seise any thing Item to take and kepe the notaries chestes when anye of them doe die to conserue the rightes which are passed by their handes Item when any watche man dieth or is deposed he shall receiue agayne his halberte and his harnes and other secreate thinges which he hathe of y e Seniorie for to delyuer them to their successours Item when the watche shall take anye by nighte in the streates they shall bringe them to him and he shall take and kepe them vntyl y e next day Item if their be brought any thing to him to be deliuered into his hands he shall receyue it and kepe it faythfully neuertheles he shall haue a regester to write as well the prisoners whyche be broughte hym as all other things and that he write it immediatly in y e presence of him which bringeth it to him and in the morning he shall signe it by the Secreatarie ¶ The office of the porters kepers of gate● and gardes of the towers ITEM euerye porter shal shut his gate at the sound of the bel shal not open it before y e hower appointed be it morning or euening Item if any desyre to come in after the gate be shut he shall not open vnto him withoute licence excepte the passage for y e postes and yet they shal not open vnto them excepte y e watche be there present for feare of daunger Item in special necessitie as in time of pestilence the porter shall let oute the sicke or deade as he shal haue commaundement to open to him whiche shal be admytted for the purpose Item that euery one shal be diligēt to kepe his keies so that there happen no inconueniences by his negligence but that he shall aunswere it Item none shall commyte anye other in his place w toute asking leaue of y ● first Sendicque or in his absence one of his companions Item in the time of vproare ▪ fier or suche accidentes they shall abyde by their gates and not to depart thence except he haue expresse cōmaūdemēt Item in suspicious times the porter with the gardes shall shutt y e gate incontinent after the watch hath geuen them a signe such as hath ben before declared vnto them Item the gardes of y ● towers shall not faile but to lye eche of them in his tower and he shall not bring in anye multytude of people wythoute leaue or commaundement Item in their absence they shal put none other in except they haue lisēce Item he that kepeth the bulwarke of the market place shal haue the keie of the cheyne of the lake to shutte vp the passage of the botes and open it in the morninge ¶ The watches of the two steples ITEM the watche men shal be nighte and daye in the steples of Sayncte Peter and Sayncte Iarueis and shal be dilygent to espie within and withoute Item if it happen anye fyer in the towne that he whiche is nerest shall crye with a loude voyce to the nexte houses withoute sounding his bell Item in suspecte tymes eche shall haue a bell and a banner and if he see any great troupe of men he shal soūd his bell and and put his banner that waye that they be to the ende that y ● porters may be vpō their gardes and if nede shal be to shute the gates ¶ The courte of the lorde lieutenant and Adiuters of ryghte and the somnarye of the Iustyce of Geneua And fyrste the electyon of the Lieutenant and of his fower Assystantes THE teusdaie before y e sondaye after S. Martyne y e petye coūsell shal assemble to make the election of the Lieutenant to haue a good beginning the first Sendicque shall exhorte the company to pray vnto god that he wyll direct their waies and hartes o chose mē of a good conscience louing equitie trueth men of prudence and knowledge to iudge rightfully and after the prayer made they all shal be sworne in order in forme folowing We promyse and swere before god to chose name into this office those which we thinke to be meete and sufficient for the mayntenaunce of y ● honour of god in this towne