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A68859 Holsome and catholyke doctryne concerninge the seuen Sacramentes of Chrystes Church expedient to be knowen of all men, set forth in maner of shorte sermons to bee made to the people, / by the reuerend father in God. Thomas byshop of Lincolne. Anno. 1558. Mense Februarij. Watson, Thomas, 1513-1584. 1558 (1558) STC 25112.5; ESTC S100033 209,288 398

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whiche diuersitie in degrees causeth great comelynesse and beautye to be in Christes Churche by reason of suche order as euery inferiour member keepeth to his superiour doynge his dutie in his owne place and not vsurpyng to dooe aboue his calling Therefore this Sacrament whereby suche degrees of authoritie and power be geuen to men is called Order whiche order of ministers maketh the Churche to bee buylded as a Cytie without confusion and to be terrible to her enemies as the fore front of an armie sette in good arave and is the very knot of the knowen Catholike Churche conteining both good and euil in it whereby it is preserued without scisme so longe as that order is kepte withoute breache whiche was institute by Christe vsed by his Apostles and from theim brought to vs by continuall succession This visible Order takinge his beginnynge from the authoritie geuen to one man is extended throughout the hoolle worlde in the church into a greate nomber and multitude of inferiour ministrations as it were many braunches proceedinge from one tree or many ryuers from one fountayne which all together take inwardly their increase from the fountayne of al grace and the onely suprime head of oure one churche Iesus Christe our Lorde For if Christ had not onely secretly by inspiration but also by his sensible commaundemēt and sacramēt sent his Apostles into the world saiyng as my father hath sent me so I sende you geuing them authoritie likewyse visibly to send other the churche of Christe shoulde neuer haue been without Scismes and diuisions made by them that runnynge by theyr owne authoritie vnsent woulde haue borne menne in hande that they were inuisibly sent and anointed of GOD whiche was nothynge so and so woulde haue drawen Gods people into sectes and false doctrine For whiche cause Saint Paule and Barnabas beyng inuisiblye sent of the holy Ghoste yet it was the wyll and pleasure of the same holy Ghoste that they should by a visible Sacrament of imposition of handes be visiblie sent in the authoritie of Apostles to the ministration of the churche and such as now say them selues they be sent inuisiblye of God ought not to bee beleued or receiued excepte they bee as Saynte Paule and Barnabas were visibly ordered and anoynted in the Churche by Catholyke Byshoppes suche as haue their succession from the Apostles Furthermore in this Sacrament of Order is geuen to them that be lawfully ordered the ecclesiasticall power of the Churche whiche is a power geuen not by the lawes of men or of nature but onely by Christe aboue nature and after a speciall sorte to his Apostles and disciples and their lawful successours to the worlds end for the edifiynge of the churche militant according to the lawes of the Gospell for the atteynyng of eternall lyfe And this power is called in scripture by the name of the keyes of the kingdome of heauen As a keye doeth open the doore to a man and bringeth him into the house so this ecclesiasticall power beynge vsed with knowledge and discretion by a lawefull minister openeth the doore of mannes harte to the knowledge of GOD and so in processe openeth to him the kingdome of heauen For it conteineth the ministration of all thinges whiche be necessary for vs synners to bee directed furthered and promoted to the atteining of the sayde kyngdome As to bynde and loose to remytte and reteyne synne and al other thinges that be requisite to the preseruation of Christes Churche in vnitie of faythe and charitie to the intent it might be partaker of the glory of God These keyes our Sauiour Christe did geue to his Churche in Saynte Peter or rather to Saynte Peter for the Churche saying to him To thee shall I geue the keyes of the kingdome of heauen and what so euer thou shalt bynde vppon earthe shall bee also bounden in the heauens and what so euer thou shalt loose vpon earth shal be also loosed in the heauens And to the other his Apostles Disciples assembled together he said whose synnes you shall remitte bee remitted vnto them and whose synnes you retayne be retayned And to declare that this power is not inuented by man nor yet geuen by the authoritie of anye Prince or Communaltie our Sauiour sayde in the geuyng of it to his disciples take and receiue you the holye ghost Whereby we vnderstande that the power to bynde or loose or to remytte sinne or fynallye to gouerne the Churche is the woorke onelye of the holye Ghoste woorking by his Ministers that whiche is for the saluation of his Churche And where as the blessed Sacrament of the Aultare is the hiest and greatest Sacramente of al other because holle Christ both god man is conteyned in it Therefore is Priesthoode the hyest order wherein is geuen grace and power ouer Christes naturall bodye and bloud to consecrate it by the vertue of God assistyng his woorde and to make it present in the blessed Sacramente of the Aultare by the chaunge of the substaunces of Bread and Wyne and also to offer it beynge the verye Sacrifice of the newe Testament to God the father for the synnes and ignoraunces of his people and to delyuer and minister it to suche as by their faith and clennes of lyfe be woorthy to receyue it So this power ouer Christes natuall bodye oure Sauioure hym selfe gaue to his Disciples in hys laste Supper where after that he hadde consecrate offered and delyuered hys owne bodye to his Disciples he sayde to them Dooe this in remembraunce of me by whiche woorde he made them Priestes and gaue them authoritie and commaundement to dooe as he didde than not once but continuallye tyll his latter commynge And that the Priest maye woorthely and after due maner execute thys his chiefe office and function there be other inferiour orders ordeyned of God and his holye Churche to assiste the Priest as Deacon Subdeacon whose offices be to receyue the oblations of the people for the vse of the Sacrament to bring them to the Aultare to prepare all thinges necessarie for the cōsecration to giue consent to the Sacrifice made by the Priest beside other thynges whyche by holy scripture and the vniuersal tradicion of the church they be authorised to dooe A Priest also hath power geuen vnto him by this Sacramēt of order ouer Christes mistical body the church for the instruction the purgation and the perfection of the same churche and euerye member therof And first concerning the instructiō of it a Priest hath authoritie to preache Gods word by Gods speciall and visible sending Where our Sauiour Christ sayd to his disciples As my father hath sent me so likewyse I sende you And in an other place he said go ye into the holle worlde and preache the gospel to euery creature And also go your wayes and teache all people baptising thē in the name of the father and of the sonne and
of the holy ghoste teaching them to obserue al thinges what so euer I haue commaunded you and I shal be with you al daies to the ende of the worlde And as concerninge the purgation of Gods people a Priest hath authoritie to remyt synne as a minister in the name and power of the holy Trinitie both to them that first enter into the churche by ministring to them the Sacrament of Baptisme and also to thē that after Baptisme haue fallen vnto synne agayne by ministring to them the Sacrament of Penaunce The commaundementes of God whereby euery Priest is authorised to baptise and to remitte synnes to the penitent synners I haue here tofore in this sermon sufficientlye declared And as concernynge the perfection of the Churche of Christ and euerye member thereof God hathe geuen to Priestes authoritie to pray ouer sicke persones and to anoynte theim with oyle in his name to the remission of their synnes and the saluation of the sycke according to Gods pleasure and also to ioyne those persones in Matrimonye that marye in Christe And bishoppes also who in the order of priesthoode as the successours of the Apostles haue hier dignitie and distinct offices and aucthoritie aboue other inferiour Priestes for the perfectiō of the people in Christes Religion haue power to geue the holy Ghoste for the confirmation of them that be baptised and by impositiō of their handes to ordeyne Priestes and other ministers of Gods holye woorde and Sacramentes And further for purgyng of Christes misticall bodye the churche from all errours Scismes disobediencies and vngodly lyuynge Bishoppes haue power to vse spirituall and ordinarie iurisdiction as to cal synodes for reformation and good order to be made in the church to visit their diocesanes that neyther by tyrannye nor by heresye nor yet by the subtile craft of the deuyll the flocke of Christe be dispersed or distroyed to correct by excōmunication and other discipline the publike crimes of such as be manifestly accused denounced or found giltie obstinate by diligēt inquisition to examine and determine the causes and enormities whiche arise or may chaunce in the Churche of Christe and finallye to dooe what shall be thought necessarye and expedient for the banishing of vice and errour and the stablishing of vertue true fayth and godly vnitie For that power whiche God hath geuen vnto theym is onelye to builde and not to destroye whiche power is honorable and to bee estemed and obeyed in all Byshoppes and Priestes bee they of good lyuinge or noughty liuyng For the lyfe of an euill Prieste or Bishoppe is no hinderaunce nor preiudice to the effect and vertue of Gods Sacramentes whiche they truelye minister no more than the euyll lyfe of a Phisician hindreth the vertue and operation of a good medicine Therefore good people knowynge the necessitie and commoditie which commeth to vs by this Sacrament of Order for our instruction sanctification and finall saluation Let vs geue moste hie thankes to almightie God that hath geuen suche power to men and by thexecution of that power and the distinct degrees and seuerall functions of this sacrament of Order hath auoyded all confusion oute of his churche that it myght appeare beautyfull and glorious in his sight and let euery person take heede that he neither breake nor contemne this ordinaunce of God and so be occasion of corruptinge Gods truth and disturbyng his peace vnitie whiche by this onely order is kept preserued But in all our prayers let vs humbly make supplicatiō that God of his mercifull goodnes would preserue his churche continually in this good order without disturbaūce and that euery minister in his degree might studie and labour in the law of GOD to bee and dooe as his office requyreth seeking the buylding of Christes Churche and not the onelye increase of his worldly gayne as becōmeth the seruauntes of God being boundē to geue an accompt of that is cōmitted to their charge to the laude and prayse of Christe who with the father and the holy ghost liueth and reigneth in vnitie of Godhead for euermore worlde withoute end Amen ⸫ ¶ In what estimation the Prelates and other ministers in Christes churche ought to be had of the people Serm. xxvi FOr as muche as the Prelates ministers of Christes church good people bee ordeyned of God to bee Iudges ouer hys people in suche thinges as apperteine to the saluatiō of their soules and also to be their gouernours and rulers in all true Religion and thyrdlye to bee their ghostlye and spirituall fathers to beget children to God by the worde of Christe and the preaching of the Gospell Therfore consideryng that almighty God doth so honoure them and doeth so allowe and assiste their ministration in geuyng to them being frail and mortall menne suche power as no other creature hathe at anye tyme receyued and all for the buyldynge perfection and finall saluation of his Churche hys electe and chosen people Therefore I saye it is commaunded to all men and women that bee of the flocke of Christe to loue and to obeye and to honoure those ministers of Christ in suche sorte as the nature and woorthynesse of theyr offyce and ministration dooeth requyre For so Saynte Paule taught the Thessalonians saiynge thus we beseche you brethren that you woulde knowe them that laboure amonge you that is to saye in knowledgyng what benefites we haue of God by their labour and seruice who also bee the rulers and gouernours ouer you in our Lorde and do admonyshe you in all goodnesse as it were executing Christes office amongest you that ye wold haue them in hiest pryce and estimation by syncere loue and charitie more aboundantlye than other and that for theyr woorke and office sake hauing peace with them without vsing any disobedience contention or disdaine towardes thē By this exhortation of the blessed Apostle Saynte Paule may all men and women learne what loue they oughte to beare towardes the ministers of almyghtye God whiche oughte to be in the best sorte not onelye for the worthynesse and vertues of the persones whiche is a cause making all menne to be loued and fauoured the more but speciallye for their office and labour sake and for suche benefites as by their seruice and ministerye menne receyue at Gods hande For they be not onelye oure neighbours whome for that respecte wee oughte to loue as our selues but also they bee the causes of oure spirituall lyfe by theim wee are made Christen men by theim we haue the true knowledge of God remission of our sinnes participatiō with Christe in the vnitie of his misticall bodye the Churche into whiche body we are grafted and made lyuing members to bring forth the fruite of holynes and good woorkes by them we haue geuen vnto vs the holy ghost not onelye to oure sanctificatiō but also to our boldnes strength whereby we bee made able to withstande oure aduersarye the deuill and to ouercome
Holsome and Catholyke doctryne concerninge the seuen Sacramentes of Chrystes Church expedient to be knowen of all men set forth in maner of shorte Sermons to bee made to the people by the reuerend father in God Thomas byshop of Lincolne Anno. 1558. Mense Februarij Excusum Londini in aedibus Roberti Caly Typographi Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum ¶ The contentes of the Booke OF the numbre of the Sacramentes of Christes Church and the effectes of the same Ser. i. Fol. i. ¶ Of the Sacrament of Baptisme Ser. ii Fol. viii ¶ Of the necessitie of Baptisme and the ministers of the same Ser iii. Fol. xiii ¶ Of the auncient and godly ceremonies perteyninge to Baptisme and what is ment and taught by them Ser. iiii Fol. xviii ¶ Of the Sacrament of Confirmation Ser. v. Fol. xxiiii ¶ Of the seuē giftes of the holy ghost geuen in the sacrament of Confirmation Ser. vi Fol. xxix ¶ Of the real presence of Christes body in the sacrament of the Aultar Ser. vii Fol. xxxvi ¶ Of the chaunge of bread and wyne that is to saye of Transubstantiacion Ser. viii Fol. xlii ¶ Of the effectes of Christes bodye and bloud in the worthye receiuer Ser. ix Fol. xlviii ¶ An exhortation for the worthye receyuinge of the holye Sacrament Ser. x. Fol. liiii ¶ How a man maye come worthely to receiue the blessed Sacrament Ser. xi Fol. lx ¶ Of the sacrifice of the newe Testament whiche is called the Masse Ser. xii Fol. lxviii ¶ Of the godly prayers ceremonies vsed in the sacrifice of the Masse Ser. xiii Fol. lxxv ¶ Of the necessitie and commoditie of Penaunce in generall Ser. xiiii Fol. lxxx ¶ A Sermon againste desperation Ser. xv Fol. lxxxvi ¶ Against presumption of mercye ▪ Ser xvi Fol. xciiii ¶ Of Contrition Ser. xvii fol. ci ¶ Of inward Confession to almightie God Ser. xviii Fol. cviii ¶ Of Confession to a Priest Ser. xix Fol. cxiiii ¶ what a sinner ought to doe in makinge his confession Ser. xx Fol. cxviii ¶ Certayne Instructions whereby a man may consider hys lyfe make his confession the better Ser. xxi Fol. cxxv ¶ Of confession to a mans neighbour whom he hath offended Ser. xxii Fol. cxxxii ¶ Of Satisfaction Ser. xxiii Fol. cxxxix ¶ How a man shoulde after penaunce auoyde sinne and lyue well Ser. xxiiii Fol ▪ clxvi ¶ Of the Sacrament of Order Ser. xxv Fol. cliii ¶ In what estimation the Prelates and other Ministers in Chrystes Churche oughte to be hadde of the people Ser. xxvi Fol. clix ¶ Of the Sacramente of Matrymonye and what grace is geuen in it Ser. xxvii Fol. clxvi ¶ Of the maner how to minister and contracte matrimonye Ser. xxviii Fol. clxxii ¶ For what intent and wyth what affection men and women ought to marrye Ser xxix Fol. clxxix ¶ Of the Sacrament of extreme Unction Ser. xxx Fol. clxxxv FINIS ¶ Of the number of the Sacramentes of Christes Church and theffect of the same Sermo primus THe Catholike Church of god good people dothe extende her doctryne concernyng the matter of oure beliefe not onely to the Articles of our Crede and such poyntes as by reuelation from God it teacheth vs to beleue of God and the woorkes of our Sauiour Christ which he did or suffered for the redemption and saluation of man but also to the holye Sacramentes of God by the woorthie vsing whereof he powreth abundantlye his many folde graces into our soules and by them maketh vs people mete to receyue the fruites and benefites of his passion And as ye haue bene instructed partly concerning the Articles of our faythe so it is expedient ye be likewise instructed concerning the holye Sacramentes of his churche to thintent ye might not onelye knowe the maner of Gods working in curinge of your soules but also prepare and dispose your selues to the fruitful receiuinge of his medicynes whiche be ministred to euery man by his holy Sacramentes And therfore at this tyme by Gods helpe I intend to declare vnto you the number of the sacramentes of Christes church also theffect of them all in general at other times euery one of thē in special It is to be beleued vpon paine of damnation that there be seuen Sacramentes of Chrystes holy churche institute and ordeined of our sauiour Christ in his new testament or law whiche be Baptisme Confirmation the Sacrament of the Aultar Penaunce extreme Unction Order and Matrimonie The first fyue be ordeined for the making good and the perfection of euery man and woman as by Baptisme we are iustified and made members of Christes misticall body by Confirmation we are increased and strengthned in grace by the sacrament of Christes body and bloud we are nourished to euerlasting lyfe and made fat with God by Penaunce we are restored to our former rightwisnesse and goodnes if in case we fall after Baptisme by extreme Unction we are made hole spiritually and also corporallye if it be thought to God expedient to our soules Al these fyue Sacramentes be ordeyned to beginne or restore our ryghtwysnes and to bringe it to perfytnesse for oure saluation The other two laste be ordeyned for the common state of the hole Churche as Matrymonye to encrease and multiplye the Church corporally by generation and Order to multiplye the hole Churche spiritually by regeneration and also by the ministerie of Gods woorde Sacramentes and discipline to rule and gouerne it after the will of almightye God And where as the holye Scriptures in manye places compare a mans lyfe to a warre we maye verye well by that same similitude vnderstande the numbre and diuision of Gods Sacramentes and the true effecte of the same For Christe our Lorde and kinge who hath for vs ouercommed the deuyll the fleshe the worlde hell death and all his enemies and ours laboreth to make all vs for whom he hathe prepared triumphe and the inheritaunce in the kingdome of heauen to be his souldiours and by his power and helpe to fight againste the sayde enemies and to ouercome theym in our owne persones and so to atteine the promised rewarde The first thinge that a worldly Prince doth intendinge to make warre againste his enemye is to muster and choose out his souldiours and to take their names and to apparel thē with his liuerye and badge that they may be knowen frō the souldiours of his aduersary Euen so Christ our chefe captaine by Baptisme hath called and chosen out of all the people of this world whiche he hath holly redemed certeine to be his souldiours to fight against his enemy the deuil which soldiours thus called haue geuē their names to Christ their kinge haue renounced the seruice of their old maister the deuil who was a tyrant deliting onely in theyr death and haue promysed to serue onely Christ like true souldiours against the deuill and by this sacrament of Baptisme are pardoned and washed from theyr olde spots of originall
of penaunce for synnes committed after Baptisme is necessary to saluation whyche is ful remission of the same sinnes And it is institute and ordeyned by our sauioure Christe when after hys gloryous resurrection and before he ascended gaue to hys Apostles Pryestes and so to other power to absolue and forgeue synners theyr synnes sayinge to hys Apostles thus Receyue the holy ghoste The synnes of those that you forgeue bee forgeuen and the synnes of those that you reteyne be reteyned that is to saye bee not forgeuen In which wordes our Sauiour Christ gaue power and authority to al priestes both to remitte sinne and also to reteyne synne and ordeyned them to b● iudges in his kingdome the Churche to heare and determyne all crymes and offences whyche shall be committed againste hym and his lawes Thys power our Sauiour neuer gaue to Aungelles nor Archaungelles nor to no worldlye Prince but onelye to hys Apostelles and those that haue in hys Churche the order of Pryesthode whyche power is verye greate and excellent as perteyninge to the soule of man and reachinge to heauen where almightye God ratyfyeth aboue what so euer sentence Pryestes shall geue in earthe Thys power no Priest can exercyse worthelye withoute the confession of the synner him selfe whiche is the onelye waye for the prieste to knowe and vnderstand what he oughte to forgeue and what to reteyne and not forgeue except he shoulde blyndelye and rashelye behaue him selfe in so greate an offyce forgeuinge that he knoweth not what For neyther oughte hee to bynde those that be innocente nor to lo●se those that bee obstinate but accordinge to his office and commission to exercyse the same in bindinge and loosing after that he hath heard the varietie of the sinnes confessed For GOD doth pardon theim onelye that be truelye penitent for their offences and beginne and further purpose to amende theyr lyuinge And because the power of the Priestes is two wayes to forgeue the sinnes of some and to reteyne the synnes of other therefore our sauiour Christe gaue to them the holye ghoste that they might effectuallye execute bothe the functions and also the better discerne the one from the other and also consideringe that Christe in plaine woorde● affirmeth that no sinne is remitted before God in heauen whiche is reteyned and not remitted by his ministers the priestes in earth Therfore the holye catholyke Churche of Christ euen from the beginninge thereof vnderstandeth by the sayde woordes of Christe that it is necessarye by Goddes law that euery man and woman whan they haue sinned deadlye shoulde confesse theyr sinnes to a Priest if they may haue one because they can not otherwise obteyne pardone of their sinnes but by a Pryestes absolution sacramen●all excepte it be vnpossible for them to haue the same as when the synner woulde confesse and can not speake or can not gette a ghostly father for in suche cases God accepteth a mans good wyll and vnfeyned contrition in steede of the sacramentall confession where the Sacrament is excluded by vrgent necessitie and not by contempte of religion So that the execution of this heauenlye authoritie requireth iudgemente and discretion in the Priest to discerne what is to bee remitted what not seinge euerye sinne in euery man is not to be remytted whereunto is necessarye the knowledge of the faulte whiche can not be had of a man that seeth not the secrettes of an others harte excepte the partye being giltie declare his owne conscience and reuele plainlye hys secret offences for whiche cause the holy Churche teacheth that the same woordes that geue authoritie to Priestes to forgeue or reteine sinne the same also do inioyne and bynde al sinners to confesse their sinnes to Pryestes for the atteyninge of the saied remission Therfore it is to be beleued of all men and women that confession of deadly sinnes is to be made to a prieste by Goddes law as necessary to saluation without the whiche the necessarye Sacrament of penance can not be ministred seinge that it is the matter of the same Sacrament wherby the offendour is both accuser of himself and also witnes against him self and yet may not be his own iudge pardoning him selfe but ought to confesse his faulte not onely priuily to God to whom nothinge is secret but also wythout shame or dysdayne to him whom for that purpose God hathe vouchsafed to make his vicare delegate iudge and to vndergoo hys iudgement and sentence to the intent hys conscience maye be quieted and he fully reconciled to almighty God For men are bounden necessarylye to open their sinnes to theym to whome the dyspensation of Gods mysteries is committed for so we see that our fathers did in their penaunce seinge it is also written in the Gospell that the Iewes confessed their sinnes to Saint Iohn Baptiste and the people of Ephesus to the Apostles of whom they were Baptized Wherefore good people I exhorte you in the name of oure Lorde Iesus Chryste that thys necessary and holesome medycyne of your soules be not lightlye regarded of you but whosoeuer hath his conscience loden with the heauy burden of sinne or wounded with the darte of the Deuils tentation or infected with the poysoned cōtagion of deadly sinne lette him runne without delaye to this present remedy whiche oure Sauiour Chryst hath ordeined offereth to al men lette hym go to the Phisiciane whom god hathe appointed for his soule and hath fully authorysed and instructed what to do to the healynge of the same and lette him humble and submyt him selfe not onely vnder the mightye hande of God but also to a mortall man beinge Goddes vicare and stewarde of hys mysteryes not regardinge the man for the worthynesse of hym selfe but for the dignitie of his place and administration neuer accomptinge him to be vyle whome GOD hathe vouchesafed to make hys vycare And to hym or rather to GOD before hym lette hym open hys wounde shewe hys lepre and humblye confesse hys sinne wherewith he hathe offended almyghtye GOD and wyth an humble and contryte harte require remyssyon of hys synne geuinge full confidence to the wordes of Christe and beleuynge that to be remytted wyth God in heauen whatsoeuer the Priest of what state so euer he be by exercysing of gods commission remitteth to him in earthe knoweinge that God is faythfull and neyther can deceyue nor be deceyued but alwayes assisteth the due ministration of hys Sacrament woorking the same effecte inwardelye in the soule of the true penitent that the woordes of the Pryeste dooe outwardelye to hys eare sygnyfye whiche is remyssion of all hys synnes Lette not shame stoppe this humble confession but let euery man rather bee ashamed to sinne than to confesse hys synne For as the wyse man sayeth there bee two maner of shames one that bringeth to synne an other that bringeth to grace and glorye The good shame is when a man is ashamed that hee dothe or
shall continue in rightwisnes and by the mercyful goodnes of God shall atteyne euerlastinge lyfe through the merites of our Lord Iesus Christ to whō with the father and the holy gost be al honour glory world without ende Amen ¶ Of the Sacrament of Order Serm. xxv TWo thynges good people bee necessary by the saluatiō of mā bothe by grace of this worlde and by glory of the next world The inwarde giftes of faythe charitie and hope and the outwarde Sacramentes of Baptisme Penaunce and the other lyke God that is our Sauiour and the principall cause of our saluation by geuyng vnto vs these inwarde giftes dooeth dispose and prepare the harte of man and maketh it meete to receyue grace and remission of synne and also by the receyuyng of his holy Sacramentes he induceth and bringeth into the hart of man the said grace and remission as it were water throughe a conduite or corporall health by a good and profitable medicine By these two instrumētes almightie God doth forme and make his holye churche and bryngeth vs to the knowledge of God and his sonne Christ that were before in darkenes and the shadowe of death making vs of old men and the heyres of hell and dampnation to bee newe men and the heyres with Christe in the kingdome of heauen And thus when we bee by these instrumentes incorporate and made members of Christes misticall bodye the Churche he doeth also by discipline rule vs his churche and preserueth vs in vnitie and multiplieth his manyfold graces in vs to the atteinyng of euerlastyng lyfe The inward giftes be wrought in vs that be of age by the preachinge of Gods holy woorde for faythe commeth by the hearing of the worde of God whiche faith beyng tryed by pacience in tribulation woorketh hope that neuer fayleth because the charitie of God is poured into oure hartes by the holye ghoste which is geuen vnto vs. And how shall men preache Gods worde except they be sent for the office of preaching may not be of any man vsurped by presumption but oughte to bee faithfullye vsed and practised by Gods commission of them that be for that purpose sent by God and his Churche to conuert or instructe his people For as in the bodye euerye parte or member is not the mouthe so in the churche euerye man may not be a preacher and to thintent that the Gospell of Christe and his holy woorde myghte be purely set forth without corruption and that the ministers of the deuyll transformyng theim selues into the Apostles of Christ as the deuyll theyr father is wonte oftentimes to doo should not deceiue Gods people with euerye wynde of vntrue doctrine Therefore hath Christe geuen vnto his churche not euerye man but certeyne men to be Apostles Prophetes and Preachers who vsing as it were an embassage frō Christe shoulde by his true woorde edifye his Churche and gather his people in vnitie of faith Lykewyse the grace that healeth our soules and preserueth them in rightwisnesse is not ordynarylye gyuen but by the outwarde and sensible ministration of the holye Sacramentes whiche be not alwaies effectuall geuynge that grace they signifie but whē they be in due forme ministred of such persones onely as haue authoritie from God to dooe the same for no man taketh honour to himselfe but he that is called of God as Aaron was What is so excellent as to consecrate the sacramentes of God and what is so pernicious as if he consecrate them that hathe receyued no degree of Priesthoode as appeareth by suche plages as lyghte vpon Dathan and Chore and also vpon kynge Ozias for vsurpinge the office of the Priestes by their owne authoritie vncalled of God thereto For onelye theyr ministration doeth GOD assiste as he hathe promised to whome he hath geuen power to minister the visible Sacramentes Wherefore as the Sacramentes be necessarye to mans saluation so it is necessarye for certeyne menne to be ordeyned and authorysed of God to minister the same Sacramentes faythfully and effectually to mans saluation Lykewyse when Christes Churche by the ministration of hys holye woorde and Sacramentes is gathered and collected oute of all the profane people of the worlde into one bodye to the intente that all confusion and dysorder shoulde be banyshed out of the Churche of God and that it might be by streyte disciplyne ruled and kept in order and all disobedience corrected to the edifying of the same churche as it were a great armie set in good array of battaill by order terrible to their enemies so that hell gates can not preuayle against it Therefore hath oure Sauiour Christ ordeyned in his churche certein men to be rulers and iudges in all causes which perteyne to the saluation of mans soule to whō all other persones of what state so euer they be owe obedience subiection reuerēce and temporall reliefe as to their spiritual gouernours and fathers who take cure and charge of them and shal make an accompt to God of their soules By this litle that I haue nowe sayde ye may learne good people that the publike ministration of the Gospell of Christe standeth in three pointes in the preachyng of Gods worde in the ministration of the holy Sacramentes and in exercisyng of discipline and iurisdiction whiche three shall by Gods promise and the assistaunce of his holye spirite continually bee obserued in the catholike church to the worldes ende for the edifienge and buildyng of the same Churche in grace and vertue and for weedynge out and banyshing of all errour and vngodly liuing And also ye may learne that where no man may vsurpe and take vpon him of his owne authoritte to entermedle or to minister that which perteineth to Chist without sufficient commission from him Therefore hathe Christe ordeyned this Sacrament of Order wherein grace or spirituall power is geuen to certein Christen men by the outwarde signe of imposition of the Bishoppes handes vpon them to exercise effectually the publike ministration of the Churche whereby what so euer they dooe in the Churche according to the institution of Christe and the Church is ratified accepted and allowed of almighty God Of this grace or power geuen in the Sacrament of Order writeth Saynte Paule to Tymothye whome he had ordered and consecrate a Priest saying thus Dooe not neglecte the grace whiche thou hast in thee whiche is geuen to thee throughe prophecie or the inspiration of God by imposition of handes of the order of Priesthoode And also in an other place he exhorteth Timothye to styrre vp the grace of God whiche was geuen to hym by the imposition of his handes And because this spirituall power and authoritie which is geuen to certeyne men for the edifieng of Christes churche is not hollye geuen to euery one of them but to some more to other some lesse by degrees whereby one man as his office and function is greater so is he exalted in dignitie aboue an other
synne and haue receyued the whyte lyuerye of innocencye and the badge of Christ by the impression of the holy crosse in diuers partes of theyr bodyes and so are knowen throughout the holle worlde to be the soldiours of Christ theyr Lord and Capitayne The second thing that a worldly prince doth in his warre is to prouyde that euery souldiour be able to fyght and haue harnes and weapons mete for his body both to beare of the assaultes of his enemies and also to inuade thē as cause shall requyre Euen so Christe oure heauenlye Prince hath ordeyned the sacrament of Confirmation to make vs strong able to fyght wyth our ghostly enemyes and hath armed vs wyth a seuen fold harnes that is to say with the seuē giftes of the holy gost whereby we be sufficiently preserued defended and encouraged our selues and also able to helpe and comfort oure fellow soldiours which by chaunce shall come into any distresse or daunger of theyr enemies The thyrd thing y t a worldly prince doth in his war is to forese prouide that his hole army be wel victualled furnished with plēty of holsom meate and drinke lest for hunger their strength decay and they in processe famish and die Euen so Christ our spirituall capitaine hath prouided victual for vs his soldiours both good plenty of it not meate that will perish and be cōsumed with once eating but meate that will remayne and nourishe to euerlasting lyfe that is to saye his owne natural fleshe and bloud which he geueth to his soldiours in a Sacrament vnder the formes of corporal breade and wyne condescendinge therin to our infirmitie and by that spiritual and most holsome and precious foode he repayreth all our decayes in grace and spirituall strength he openeth our eyes to see the traynes of oure enemies he swageth the rage of our inward enemie the fleshe preserueth our bodies and soules from famine and eternall death The fourth thing that a worldly Prince doth in his warre is to ordeyne ouer his holle army one chiefe lieuetenaunt if he be absent hym selfe from the fielde and vnder him officers and captaines some of moo some of fewer such men as be experte in warre who can instruct the rest in all feates of warre howe to fight and ouercome theyr enemies can set the holle armye in good araye and also can by the lawe martiall correct and punish all traytours and offendours Euen so Christ our Lord and king after he hath hymselfe ouercommed all his enemies in hys owne person and is nowe triumphinge with God the father in heauen and yet hathe his Churche in battayle and conflicte wyth theyr enemies in earth being absent by his visible presence and inuisibly and spiritually present amōg vs hath ordeined the Sacrament of Order and by that Sacrament hath elected and chosen out certein expert and connyng men to whom by imposition of handes of Priesthoode he hath geuen authorite and commaundement to instruct his soldiours in all feates of spirituall warre agaynst the deuil and to admit other into the roumes of them that dye or depart and to comfort and encourage them that be in conflict and by vnitie of fayth charitie and obedience to cause the holle army to keepe good araye and to punishe by excommunication suche as by apostasie heresye or scisme breake the peace and good order and by the discipline of this warre of the church to correct all other offenders and to receyue them agayne that will amende And of these men there be certeine degrees and orders one chefe Lieuetenaunt of the holle army which was S. Peter and now is his lawfull successour in the chayre of Christ gouerning the holle army of Christes Church here in earth and vnder hym there be in euery Prouince one Archebishoppe and in euery Citye one Bishoppe and in euerye Parishe one Priest or Curate to feede order encourage and to gouerne the holle army and euery soldiour of Christes church in euery place The fift thing that a worldly Prince doth in his warre is when his armye is assembled wel armed well victualled and well ordred and ruled by good captaines then to merche forward to ioyne in battail with his enemies in which conflicte if anye of hys soldiours chaunce to be hurt and wounded then to cause a Surgean to searche his woundes and to lay playsters and medicines vnto them that he beyng made hole myght enter into his place agayne and fyght a freshe agaynst hys enenemyes Euen so doth our Sauiour Christ wyth vs when al we be assembled into one Churche and spirituall armye by Baptisme and bee well harnessed wyth Gods graces and the giftes of the holy Ghost by Confirmation and be well vyctualled wyth the precious foodes of his owne bodye and blood in the Sacrament of the Aultare and be set in good araye and well instructed and encouraged by the rulers and ministers of his churche hauyng authoritie so to doo by the sacrament of Ordre then we be ledde by Gods spirite into the wyldernes of some good purpose or woorke there to be tempted and assaulted of the deuill For they that haue the spirit of God be not idle but occupied in some good worke which the deuill withstandeth and fighteth againste as muche as he is able to do In whiche conflicte yf anye of vs be ouercommed with euill which can not be except we wyll be ouercommed and voluntarylye suffer the deuyll to preuayle againste vs for no man synneth actually againste hys wyll yet our mercyfull Lorde wyll not see vs vtterlye troden vnder foote and slayne but if we loue to be healed and be sorye for oure voluntarye hurte and wounde he hathe prepared a present medycine and playster for vs whiche the spirituall Surgean when he hath searched the wounde by our owne confession layeth and byndeth to our sore by the Sacrament of Penaunce and so restoringe vs to our perfit health maketh vs able to enter the feelde agayne and to fighte a freshe againste our enemies The sixt thing that a worldly Prince doth in his warre is when any of his soldiours waxeth aged feble and cā fight no more then specially to cōfort him to set a watch that his enemies steale not priuely vpon him kil him when he is not able to defend him selfe And if the same soldiour hath lightly offended in any small matter and hath not at all times bene so vigilant as the lawes of warre required yet than gentlye to forgeue him and to shewe hym that honour at his death that he shalbe of al the army accompted to haue bene a faythfull soldyoure and to haue dyed in his princes fauour Euen so Christ our Lord doth wyth vs his souldiours when any of vs waxeth aged or feable by sicknes and is in daunger of bodelye death whiche deathe is the escapinge of al daungers the ende of all labours the entry to the possession of eternall enheritaunce in heauen
all our Temples and Aultars be builded erected and dedicate onely to God ther to doo Sacrifice to God and to no Saynte although in our Sacrifice we name and haue remembraunce of the holy Martirs and sayntes both to thanke God for theyr vic●ories and also to prouoke oure selues to imitate them in the ouercomming of our ghostly enemies By thys good people that I haue declared vnto you ye ought truly to vnderstand and beleue that Christes naturall bodye in the blessed Sacrament is the proper sacrifice of Christes churche and that Christe himselfe both by hys owne deede and also by his expresse woorde and commaundement did institute and ordeyne that the church his spouse shoulde by her publike ministers beyng Priestes offer to almyghtye God the father wyth the sonne and the holy Ghost in sacrifice the same his naturall bodye in remembraunce of his passion which passion the churche now dayly to the worldes ende dothe renewe in misterye and dothe represent before God in the holy Masse for the atteynynge of all the graces and benefites purchased by the same passion before after the measure of hys goodnesse and as our faythe and deuotion is knowen vnto hym and in all her needes and troubles it resorteth to GOD trustyng to haue reliefe and mercy onelye for the merites of that passion whych it representeth to GOD as a full satisfaction for all her offences and as a full per●ection of thankes for all his former benefites and gyftes And finally by this Sacrifice of Christes bodye and blood in the Masse we certenly declare and professe that nothing doth exercise our faythe in the knowledge of God and of oure selues more then this Sacrifice of the Masse doth and that nothing dothe more increase oure charitie and hope in the mercye of God and it declareth that we beleue that there is no Sauiour but onelye Christe our Lorde and that we haue no refuge but to him ascribing altogether to the merites of his passion and so by it we most of al set forth our humilitie and the glorye of Christe and hys true honour Which sacrifice if we dayly and deuoutly exercise and come vnto and behaue our selues as becommeth Christen men and in suche affection and intent as I haue declared nowe howe the church doth no doubt of it but we shall perceiue great comfort in our hartes great amendement in our lyues and great furtheraunce to the atteyning of euerlasting lyfe to the which he bring vs that by his passion redemed vs to whom with the father and the holy ghost be all honour glory and prayse for euermore Amen ⸫ ¶ Of the godly prayers and ceremonies vsed in the sacrifice of the Masse Serm. xiii YF in that Sacrifice whiche is Christe no man is to be followed but Christ it is meete for vs to bee obedient and to doo that thing whyche Christe did and commaunded to be done And therefore good people considering that this our sacrifice of the Masse is accordynge to Christes commaundement the commemoration of Christes passion the holye Churche of Christ euer since the time of hys passion hath obedientlye vsed to doo as he dyd He didde consecrate the breade and wyne wyth hys omnipotent blessinge and made there present his very bodye and bloude and also he offered that hys bodye and bloude after the order and maner of Melchisedech to his father and thirdlye receiued it him selfe and gaue it to hys disciples Euen so the holy Churche in Christe and Christe by the holye Churche doth the same in all poyntes at this daye for the speciall and substantiall part of the Masse consisteth in these three poyntes in consecratinge the breade and wyne into the bodye and bloode of Christe in offering of the same body and bloude of Christe to God the father and in receyuing of the same by the deuout and faythfull people Christe also af●er his supper and before hys passion dyd say an hymne before he went foorth to the moūt Oliuet and he taught hys disciples many necessarie thinges and promysed to send vnto them his holy spirite which shoulde teache them all truth which then they could not beare and afterwarde prayed longe and feruentlie for his faythfull disciples and for the holle Church that shoulde by theyr woorde beleue in him and speciallye for theyr peace and vnitie in God and among them selues In these thinges also the holye churche dothe followe the example of Christ her heade whyche in the ministration of this Sacrifice vseth to ioyne almoste all the other in warde Sacrifices of a Christen man as confession of synnes inuocation of Gods mercie the prayse of God petitions for thinges needefull the doctrine of the people the profession of our common faythe the geuing of thankes to God prayers for all states of Gods churche the honouryng of Christe the asking of Gods peace the exhorting to the same with diuers other godlye exercises whyche I shall God wylling at this tyme shortelye and particularlye shewe vnto you to the intent you may knowe howe there is nothing conteyned in the Masse but a heape of all godlynes and spirituall Sacrifices and thereby to be the more prouoked and disposed to the often vsynge and frequenting of the sayd Masse First of all the holye vestementes wherewith the priest goeth to the Aultare beside other misteries which they teache and signifye they renew the memory of Christes passion in our hartes For as the Iewes did firste couer Christes face and did mocke hym and buffet hym so hath the Priest in memorye of that an Amise put vpon his head and also the whyte Albe put ouer al hys body doth bryng vs in remembraunce how Christ was contempned of kynge Herode who in mocking of him put vpon him a white apparell and sent him backe againe to Pilate And the Maniple vpon the priestes arme and hys gyrdle about his white Albe and the stole about his necke doo shewe to a man howe Christ was bounden fast to a pillar when he was whypped and scourged And as Christ was crowned with thorne and had his handes and feete nayled to the crosse so in the Amysse and Albe of the priest there be tokens of these fiue woundes And the the vpper vestement of the priest putteth vs in memorye of the purple robe that Pilates soldiours put vpon Christe after they had scourged him And vpon the backe of this vestement commonly there is made the signe of the crosse teaching vs how Christ was compelled to beare his own crosse vpon his backe throughe the citye so that when so euer we see the priest thus appareled go vp to the Aultare to celebrate the commemoration of Christes passion we may remēber how cruelly Christe was handled of the Iewes and after what sorte he went vppe to the mount of Caluerye to suffer his passion for the redemption of man The priest comming to the Aultar beginneth first of all with the sacrifice of a contrite harte
that geue and render good for euyll and be alwayes ready to profyte suche as hurte them The fyrste kynde of menne keepe peace the seconde maynteyne peace and the thyrde make peace and wynne the soules of other and therefore are compted happy and worthy to be called the chyldren of God that do the worke of Gods sonne that after they be recōciled them selues labour with all their power to reconcyle other to their heauenly father Many kyndes of almes there be and workes of mercy both corporall also spiritual But amōg thē al there is neuer one greater than freely euen frō the hart to remit that an other mā hath offended against vs. It is nothynge in a maner to loue hym that loueth vs and doth vs no harme for Infideles and all other men of nature wyll so dooe but to loue our enemies and to will to do good to thē that wyshe and do euyll to vs as muche as they can is the greatest perfection of a christen man And although the number of men for the moste part doth not come to that degree of perfection to loue and do good to their enemies whereunto euery Christen man ought with prayer and diligence to laboure and wrestle with hymselfe to come yet he can not be a good man that will not freely and hartely forgeue his enemy that ceaseth to be his enemy and is sory for that he hath done and humbly asketh hym forgeuenes For his synnes be holden styll and not remytted of God that will not forgeue his penitent neyghbour that he hath done against hym Therfore seyng in many thinges we offend al and the Angels of God be not yet commed that shall take away al offences out of the worlde it is not possible for peace to be kept euerywher in this world and God to bee pleased except hee that in anye thing doeth offend his neyghbour lay away his pride and submit himselfe and he that is offended laye awaye his obstinacie and be content to bee intreated for by these twoo meanes Gods peace shalbe kept without the whiche gods mercye can not be gotten and our offringes can not be accepted But hauing and vsing them rightwisnes peace and ioy in the holy Ghost shall remayne with vs and the kyngdome of God shall be within vs and we daylye in grace and feare shall woorke our owne saluation through Christ our Lorde to whom with the father and the holy ghost be all glory for euermore Amen ⸫ ¶ Of Satisfaction Serm. xxiii HAuynge declared vnto you heretofore good people the first two partes of penaunce whiche be Contrition Cōfession Nowe order requyreth that I shoulde declare at this tyme the thyrd part whiche is Satisfaction And firste of all it is to be knowen that when a Christen man or woman hath by consent of mynde or by worde or deede done any thyng that is deadly sinne thā hath he set him selfe in the state of dampnation is boūden to suffer euerlasting payne in hell because the rewarde or hyer of synne is eternall deathe vnder whiche payne God in the beginnyng and alwayes dydde forbidde sinne Likewise when a synner chaungeth his mynde forsakynge hys synne and taketh true repentaunce for the same and commeth to confession to a Priest if he may confesse and haue a Priest after that sorte and intent as is declared before than almighty God doth mercyfully forgeue him al the paines punishment that he had deserued and shoulde haue had in hell for his offences and setteth the synner agayne in the state of saluation And this doth almyghtye God euermore after the penitentes confession ordinarylye although he take not so muche and so great repentaunce for hys synne as he had pleasure in it nor althoughe he be not so long sory as he lay continued in sinne before For God hath not cōmaunded that synners shall take as muche repentaunce and be as longe sorye for their synnes as they tooke pleasure and continued in theyr synne For if he had done so ▪ the penitent synner could not haue been sure that he had had mercy and forgiuenes after his confession but shoulde rather haue been alwaies in doubt and feare of forgeuenes because he coulde not alwayes certaynly knowe that he had taken so muche and so long repentaunce as he had pleasure and taryed in his synne whiche feare and doubte of forgeuenes no synner commyng vnfeynedly to this sacrament maye haue at any tyme but when so euer a synner dooeth forsake his synnes and taketh repentaunce for it be it litle or muche and so cōmeth to confessiō than he knoweth is in suretie that he hath forgeuenes and is set againe in the state of saluation And although it be true that any quantitie of Contrition is sufficient to haue forgeuenesse of the paynes of hell due for synne yet the more he taketh the better he doeth And this forgeuenes of synne and eternall payne due for synne commeth by the vertue of Christes passion who hath made satisfaction vpon the crosse and redemed vs by his death from all iniquitie and is the sacrifice propiciatorye for the synnes of the holle worlde and hathe borne our synnes in his body vpon the tree by whose woundes we are made safe Therefore this is to bee surelye beleued that onely our Sauiour Christe by his painfull passion vpon the crosse is that satisfaction whiche deserueth remission of our sinnes and the abolyshyng of eternal death and dampnation whiche remission and deliuery no man is able to deserue by any thyng that he can do but onely the goodnes and humanitie of GOD our Sauioure in Christ not by the workes of rightwisnes which we haue done but by his own mercy hath wroughte brought to passe God of his greate mercie to all true penitentes forgeueth synne and yet of his iustice and truthe he leaueth not the sinnes of them whom he forgeueth vnpunished But all synnes of all men and women he punisheth either eternally in hell or temporally for a tyme that as in forgeuing appeareth his mercie so in correcting or auenging myght appeare his iustice For whiche cause consyderynge that God by the merites of Christe forgeueth to all that be truelye penitent and confessed all their synnes and also the paynes of hell due for the same and yet leaueth no synne vnpunyshed although it be remitted we may thereby certeinly know that euery synner although he hath receiued absolution and remission eyther hath suffered or remayneth yet styll bounden to suffer certein temporall payne accordynge to the nature and quantitie of his former faulte for that hee presumed to doe against Gods lawe and brake his promyse and professiō in baptisme And this temporall payne is oure debte whyche we are bounden to paye to God For as we are debters to almyghtie God for his manifolde benefytes bestowed vpon vs and so are bounden alwayes to thanke him to honoure hym and to offer to him the sacrifice of
al the assaultes and fiery dartes of his craftie tentatiōs by them we be nourished and fed not onely with the spirituall foode of Gods woorde but also with the heauēly immortall foode of Christes naturall body and bloud whereby we be sanctified both in body and soule and receiue encrease of all Gods former giftes and graces whereby also we be vnited vnto Christe in perfite vnitie that is to saye both spirituallye in oure soules and also corporally in our bodies by the worthy receyuing of his heauenlye and naturall flesshe into the same and by that pledge remaining effectuallye in vs we be assured and rest in perfite hope of immortalitie and the resurrection of our bodies to euerlastinge life They be also appoynted of almighty God as Embassadours to reconcile vs agayne to God when we by transgressiō of his lawes and commaundementes haue offended his Maiestie By their mouthes and ministerie GOD receyueth the vowes requestes and Sacrifices of his people whereby his anger and wrathe for the peoples offences is mitigated and taken away They be appoynted of almightie GOD to be watchemen and shepherdes ouer the flocke of Christe to geue warnyng when the wolfe commeth to deuoure the Sheepe and to reduce and bringe home againe to the folde when the flocke is dispersed suche as haue wandred in errour and wicked liuinge For these benefytes and a great number moo which may be easly rehersed but for tediousnes whiche all wee receiue of almightye God by the laboures and seruice of the Prelates and ministers in Christes Church we ought to haue thē in reuerence and to esteme theim accordinge to the admonition of Saint Paule as the minysters of God and the stewardes or dysposers of Gods mysteries knowinge that who so heareth and obeyeth them heareth and obeyeth god and who so dyspiseth them dispiseth GOD for the loue and reuerence which is geuen to Gods minister is geuen to God and likewise the cōtempt of him is the contempt of God as almighty god saied him selfe to Samuell whom the people of Israel refused to rule ouer thē in these wordes They haue not contemned and reiected the but me So that generally the honour or contempte whiche is vsed towardes Gods ministers tendeth and reboundeth towardes God hym selfe As appeareth by the punishemente of suche contempte as the Iewes vsed agaynste Moyses whiche almightye God reputed as done against him selfe Furthermore besyde loue the people owe to the ministers of Christes Churche obedience as to theyr spirituall gouernours and rulers to whome Christe our sauiour hath committed the keyes of hys kyngedome by whyche is vnderstāded ecclesiasticall power to exercyse discipline and iurisdiction ouer Gods people for the edifyenge and buildinge of them in grace and vertue and for the correctinge and banishing of all error and vngodly lyuinge This power in the ministers of the Churche ought euerye Christen man and woman to obey vnder paine of deadlye synne For seinge that all power is of GOD he that withstandeth or disobeyeth that power disobeyteh Gods ordynaunce and so offendeth greuouslye almyghtye GOD and his owne conscience excepte it be in suche cases where the ministers of Gods church shall make ordinaunces and geue commaundement contrarye to the expresse commaundement of almightye God for in suche cases men ought rather to obey God than man But all their constitutions speciallye suche as be vniuersallye receyued through out the catholike Church and be ordeyned for the conseruation and encrease of good lyfe and true relygyon and for the beauty of good order in the Churche and seruynge of GOD and for quyetnes and disciplyne vniformelye to bee kepte amonge the people all suche ordinaunces and constitutions no man maye contemptuouslye breake and disobey wythout deadlye sinne excepte vrgente and euydente necessytye or some other greater and more weyghtye commodytye doo excuse hym and yet in suche necessarye and ●rgente cases where he maye be excused for not obseruinge the same he muste beware and take hede that he neyther dispyse nor contempne the authoritie of the Churche nor yet therin do offend his neighbour by geuinge him an occasyon lykewyse to disobey or to iudge euill of an other Thys obedience to Gods ministers Sayncte Paule doth erhorte all men vnto writing to the Hebrues in thys sorte Be you obedient to your spirituall rulers and be you subiect vnder their gouernement because they labour and watche ouer you as men that shall geue an accompt for your soules That thynge whych GOD regardeth most that is to saye the soule of man for whose cause he tooke oure nature vppon him and for it dyd shedde hys mooste precious bloude in comparyson also whereof he setteth in a maner nothynge by all other thynges within thys world that same hathe he commytted to the charge of these hys mynysters and wyll of theym require a straite accoumpte at the laste day wherby appeareth how much he hath honoured them in commyttinge so precyous a Iewell to theyr charge and also howe muche all people oughte to esteme obeye and honoure theym that besyde the burden of theyr owne propre actes and dedes wyll clogge and charge theyr conscyences wyth the cure of other mennes soules whyche cure to discharge is verye harde and dyffyculte vnto theym bothe for that menne bee maysters and Lordes of theyr owne wylles whyche bee free and subiecte to no foreine compulsyon and also for that the perfecte state of mennes soules can not be knowen to their Curates excepte the parties theym selues doo confesse and open the same And therefore it is Gods wyll that these hys ministers shall be of all sortes of men obeyed in the executynge of theyr offyce commytted vnto theim both concerninge fayth and credyte to be geuen to their preachinges and exhortations so longe as they sytte in the chayre of Christe teachinge holesome and catholike doctryne and the imitation of the lyfe of our Sauiour and also concerninge the kepinge and fulfyllynge of the auncyent and godlye constitutions ordeyned by the Prelates of the vniuersall Church of Chryst for good order and conformitie of good lyuynge to be kept throughout in the same And speciallye they ought to be obeyed when they shall by discypline and the censures of the Church correct the publik crymes of any persone whiche of contumacye contemninge the admonitions of his neighbours and the Prelates of the churche refuseth to heare and obey the Churche For in suche cases of contempte the ministers of Christe maye not winke and suffer the people to runne hedlonges without bridle from one crime to an other to the destruction of them selues and others also but ought openlye to reproue suche men and if that wyll not serue than to draw the spirituall sworde of excomunication whiche is verye terryble and much to be feared of all Christen men and more than the corporall sworde of Prynces and Kynges for so much as the deathe of the soule is more to be feared than the deathe of the