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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A47712 The fourth part of the reports of several cases of law argued and adjudged in the several courts at Westminster, in the time of the late Queen Elizabeths reign collected by a learned professor of the law, William Leonard, Esq. ... published by William Hughes of Grayes-Inn, Esq. ; with tables of the names of the cases, and of the matters contained in this book.; Reports and cases of law argued and adjudged in the courts at Westminster. Part 4 Leonard, William.; Hughes, William, of Gray's Inn. 1687 (1687) Wing L1102; ESTC R19612 240,523 272

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Mich. 29 Eliz. In the Kings Bench. XXII Barton and Edmunds Case AN Infant and another were bound for the debt of the Infant Infant the Infant at his full age promised to save the other harmless the Infant died It was adjudged that upon this Assumpsit Assumpsit an Action upon the Case did lie against his Executors XXIII Mich. 36 Eliz. In the Kings Bench adjudged IF an Executor promise to pay a Debt when he hath not Assets It was the Opinion of all the Iustices that no Action upon the Case lieth against him but if he hath assets then it is otherwise And the Heir if he hath nothing by descent is not subject to an Action upon such a promise Mich. 28 Eliz. XXIV The Lord Pagets Case Indictments AN Indictment was Quare vi armis clausam A. B. apud D. fregit whereas A. B. then had a Lease at Will of the land the matter was for digging of Turfs the Indictment was holden to be good XXV 25 Eliz In the Kings Bench. Indictments INdictment De uno Equo where it was a Gelding holden not good But otherwise it is where Trespass was brought de Equo castrato and the Iury found a Gelding and adjudged for the Plaintiff 26 Eliz. XXVI Tucker and Nortons Case Execution AN Infant in Execution upon condemnation in Debt sued a Writ of Error his Father and Brother bailed him It was said the Recognisance shall be by them two only that the Infant shall appear and if the Iudgment be affirmed that they pay the mony and not that they shall render his body to prison for when he is once discharged out of Execution he shall never be in Execution again XXVII Mich. 29 Eliz. In the Common Pleas. Nobleman Recognizance IT was holden by the Iustices That a Nobleman shall be bounden with his bail in a Recognizance that he shall render his body and that upon the Statute of 13 E. 1. If he hath not goods or lands his body shall be taken in execution for the Law in such case excepts only Clarks XXVIII Hil. 26 Eliz. In the Exchequer Felo de se THe Queen granted to one Catalla utlagatorum felonum de se within such a Precinct One indebted to the Queen having Goods is felo de se within the Precinct Resolved the Queen should have the Goods to satisfie her debt 26 Eliz. In the Kings Bench. XXIX King and Cottons Case LEssee for life the remainder in tail the remainder in fee Disseisin Lessee for life makes a Deed of Feoffment of the Land and delivers it and makes a Letter of Attorney to another to deliver Seisin who enters and makes Livery accordingly adjudged that the Attorney is a Disseisor 26 Eliz. In the Kings Bench. XXX Gerrards Case THe Owner of the Lands severed his Tythes Prohibition and a stranger took them and carried them away The Parson libelled in the Spiritual Court against the Owner of the Land for the Tythes who thereupon prayed a Prohibition It was adjudged no Prohibition should issue in this Case for that he might plead the same matter in Bar in the Spiritual Court. Hil. 31 Eliz. XXXI Willet and Wilkinsons Case NOte it was adjudged Surrender that if Lessee for years take another Lease from the Guardian in Soccage that the same is a Surrender of his first Lease Note the second Lease was made in the name of the Guardian Trin. 26 Eliz. XXXII Ould and Conyes Case IT was adjudged Commoner Conies that a Commoner cannot kill Conies which destroy his Common though he hath not any other remedy Trin. 29 Eliz. In the Kings Bench. XXXIII Mayes Case ONe sent a Letter by a Carrier to a Merchant for certain Merchandizes to send them to him receiving a certain sum of mony the Merchant sent the Merchandizes by the Carrier without receiving the mony It was the opinion of the Iustices that the Buyer should not be charged for the mony for it was a conditional bargain and it was the folly of the Merchant to trust the Carrier with the Wares Mich. 30 Eliz. XXXIV Haltons Case A Recognizance was acknowledged before Sir N. Read one of the Masters of the Chancery Recognizance Inrollment and the Recognizor died before it was enrolled it was doubted if it might be enrolled at the Petition of his Executors it was agreed by the Iustices that it might be well enough for it is like to a Conusans of a Fine before a Iudge which may be removed out of the hands of the Iudge by Certiorari and yet it is not a Record till the perfection of it At the same time it was doubted also if the Chancery would aid a man when there wanted the words Heirs in a Deed where the land was sold for mony Chancery compel Attornment But it was agreed that after a Fine levied the Chancery might compel the Tenant to Attorn Hil. 27 Eliz. XXXV Holland and Hopkins Case IN Ejectione firmae it was agreed by the Court that if a Disseisor be of an 100 Acres and he lets the same to divers for Years that the entry into one Acre by the Disseisee is an entry against them all but if they had been Tenants for life Quaere for that then he might have his Action against them And it was said Entre congeable that if one makes a Lease for years rendring for the first two years 10 l. and afterwards 30 l. every year with condition if the rent of 30 l. or any part of it be behind that the Lessor enter The Lessor enters for not payment of the 10 l. that his entry is lawful for the 10 l. was parcel of the rent for it was but one rent Trin. 29 Eliz. In the Kings Bench. XXXVI Clamp and Clamps Case Copyholder Surrender A Copyholder in possession surrendred the Reversion of his land post mortem suam to the Lord to an use c. It was adjudged that thereby nothing passed XXXVII Trin. 21 Eliz. In the Common Pleas. A Lease was made of a Mannor with all Gardens Orchards Yards c. and with all the profits of a Wood except to the Lessor forty Trees to take at his pleasure It was a Question if the Lessee should have the Wood It was the opinion of Dyer That the Wood was not comprised within the Lease but the Lessee should only have the profits as pawnage Leases herbage c. And he said it was a Case adjudged a man made a Lease of a Wood ad faciendum maximum proficuum meliori modo quo poterit that the Lessee thereby could not cut the Trees nor do waste Mich. 33 Eliz. In the Exchequer XXXVIII Butler and Lightfoots Case IT was holden by the Barons Copyholder Surrender 3 Leon. 239. That if Tenant for life be of a Copyhold the Remainder over in Fee to another he in the Remainder may surrender his Estate if there be no custom to
20 Of omnia bona by an Executor what passeth 22 Of a Reversion by a Bishop 23 Of the Office of a Sheriff 33 Habeas Corpus WHere the cause of Commitment must be retorned upon it Where not 21 Heirs The second Son shall inherit the Land purchased by his eldest Brother notwithstanding the Attainder of the Father 5 Jeofails WHere upon a Jeofail the Court awarded a Repleader 19 Indictment Quare Clausum A. B. fregit held good notwithstanding A. had but a Lease at will of the Land. 6 De uno Equo for a Gelding not good But where Trespass is brought de Equo ellato and the Jury find a Gelding c. it is otherwise ibid. Upon Stat. 13 Eliz. c. 8. for being a Broker in an usurious Contract for which he incurred a Premunire 32 Upon Stat. 5 E. 6. against P. for drawing his Dagger in the Church against J. S. holden void for that it is not said he drew it with intent to strike the party 49 Upon Stat. 8 H. 6. two Exceptions taken to it but disallowed ibid. For stopping quandam viam valde necessariam quashed for want of the word Regiam and for that the party indicted had not any addition therein 121 Infant Makes a Lease for years and at his full age says to the Lessee God give you joy of it the Lease is thereby affirmed 4 If an Infant being in Execution sues a Writ of Error and is bailed the Recognisance shall be by his Bail only that he shall appear and if Judgment be affirmed that they pay the mony and not render his Body to Prison 6 Inmates Who shall be accounted Inmates upon the Stat. of 31 Eliz. 10 Interest Difference between an Interest and a Limitation 33 Judgment Shall not be stayed upon Allegation that one of the Defendants was dead after Verdict for the Court cannot take notice of it judicially nor any of the parties have day in Court to plead it besides the party is not without remedy for he may have a Writ of Error 15 If the Court may reverse their own Judgment Quaere 60 Reversed for Error in omitting the Costs the Jury gave 61 Jurors Where bound by confession of the parties where not 56 A Juror before the Retorn of the Pannel became a Minister of the Church and therefore prayed to be discharged according to the priviledge of those of the Ministry but it was not granted because he was a Lay man at the time of the Pannel made 190 Justice of Peace One cannot be Justice of Peace by Prescription 149 Lease OF a Manor c. with all the profits of a Wood except 40 Trees to the Lessor to take at his pleasure the Wood is not comprised within the Lease but the Lessee shall only have the profits as Pawnage Herbage c. 9 If a man makes a Lease of a Wood ad faciendum maximum proficuum meliori modo quo poterit the Lessee cannot thereby cut the Trees nor do waste 9 Made by a Corporation void for Misnosmer 11 Good to maintain an Ejectione firmae 14 Leases by a Baron contrary to Act of Parliament void 17 By Tenant at will if a disseisin 35 Leases made by Prebendaries within the Equity of the Statute of 32 H. 8. c. 28. 51 Leet Pound breach is not inquirable there 12 But excessive Toll is ibid. Nobleman SHall be bound with Bayl in a Recognizance to render his Body 6 By 13 E. 1. if he hath not Goods or Lands his Body shall be taken in Execution ibid. Obligation Forfeited 18 Outlary How avoided by Plea in person 22 186 Payment OF Rent before the day by the Obligee doth not discharge him 4 Of a Debt generally by a Surety Executor to the Principal if it shall be as Executor or as Obligor Quaere ibid. Pleadings In a special Justification in Trover the place of Conversion may be traversed but where a Justification is general the County is not traversable at this day 4 It is no good Plea for the Tenant in a Writ of Entry sur disseisin to say that the House in demand is within the City of London whereof he is a Citizen and that King H. 3. concessit civibus c. quod non implacitentur c. extra muros Civitatis praed sed illis rectum teneatur infra Civitatem praed secundum cons Civit. praed For he ought to have shewed That the Citizens for their Lands there ought to be impleaded in the Hustings 13 In Trespass for pulling Hurdles c. the Defendant justified by Prescription to have a free course for Sheep in the place where c. and because the Plaintiff erected Hurdles without leave of the Lord of the Manor the Defendant cast them down prout c. the Plaintiff replyed of his own wrong without cause and held naught for he should have traversed the Prescription 17 Traverse of the place in Trover where good 22 Special Plea to an Assumpsit not good and why 31 Posse Comitatus It differs from Posse Manerij 87 Possessio Fratris Where it shall not be of Copyhold Lands 38 Previledge Denied to the Treasurer of the Records of the Kings Bench and why 81 Prohibition If the Parson Libels in the Spiritual Court against the owner of Lands for Tythes which he severed but a Stranger took and carried away no Prohibition shall issue for that he might plead the same matter in bar in the Spiritual Court. 7 To the Spiritual Court to stay a Suit commenced there for Tythes upon a Prescription shewed in the Kings Bench. 25 Granted to stay a Suit in the Court Christian commenced against an Executor by one for a Legacy bequeathed to him by his Father who willed his Goods should be parted amongst his Children according to the Custom of London 12 Upon claim of Property 150 Quare Impedit May be brought by Executors to remove a Clerk collated wrongfully in the life time of the Testator 15 Recognizance IF a Recognizor of a Recognizance acknowledged before a Master in Chancery dye before it be inrolled it may be inrolled at the Petition of his Executors 8 Common Recovery Feme not party to the Writ of Covenant not bound by Recovery 26 Remainder Where void 21 Resceit One prayed to be received in a Formedon and was ousted of it by the Court. 51 Reservation Of Rents upon a joint Lease 27 Difference between a Reservation and a Contract 29 Retorn Of the Sheriff where void 21 Sale. OF a Bayliwick of an Hundred is not within the Statute of 5 E. 6. c. 16. 33 Of Goods by the Sheriff upon Execution where good where not 20 21 Surrender If Lessee for years take a second Lease from Guardian in Soccage made in his name it is a surrender of the first Lease 7 What shall be said to be a surrender of a Term what not 30 Treason UPon Attainder of Treason who shall seize the Goods for the Queen 34 Tythes Unity no discharge of Tythes 47 Venire Facias GRanted de novo after Verdict for that the first Venire Facias was of K. only for that it ought to have been de Vicento de K. W. 85 Vesturam terrae He who hath Vesturam terrae cannot dig the Land. 43 Those who have Lot-Meadow viz. to change every year according to Lots have not any Freehold therein but only Vesturam terrae 43 Writ DE fama gestu what it is 40 FINIS