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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A65124 A complete collection of all the lavvs of Virginia now in force Carefully copied from the assembly records. To which is annexed an alphabetical table.; Laws, etc. Virginia. 1684 (1684) Wing V636; ESTC R222342 217,004 350

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much infringed by the hunting and shooting of divers Men upon their Neighbours Dividends contrary to the Priviledges granted them by their Patents whereby many injuries do daily happen to the Owners of the said Land No Person shall hunt or shoot within the limits of an others Dividend without leave of the Proprietor Be it Enacted That if any Planter or other shall hunt or shoot within the limits of an others Dividend without leave first obtained from the Proprietor he or they so offending shall forfeit for every such Trespass Four hundred Pounds of Tobacco one half to the Owner of the Land and the other half to Publick Uses notwithstanding it shall be lawful for any Person or Persons to hunt or shoot upon any Dividend of Land not planted or seated though taken up without restraint or penalty Provided also That it shall be lawful for any Person that hath shot any Game without the limits of any other Mans Land to pursue the same into any Mans Dividend and freely to carry away the same as also to seek or fetch his own Cattle or Hoggs off of any Mans Land Cattle not to be fetch'd off of anothers Land till after notice given him thereof Licences for hunting wild Hoggs first giving notice to the Owner of the Land of his intent and of the time he intends to stay upon it to the end that the said Owner may if he think fit to send one to see what Cattle or Hogs he drives away Provided always That it shall be lawful for the Governour to Commissionate some Gentlemen to give Licence to Persons to hunt wild Hogs upon any Mans Land without their fenced Plantations LXXII Lands Five years in Possession WHereas sundry Suits and Controversies have been and daily do arise about Claims and Titles to Lands to the great impoverishing of divers Persons for remedy whereof and for the better Establishing the Inhabitants in the Rights and Possessions hereafter Be it Enacted That all Persons whatsoever that have or do pretend any Title to any Land shall prosecute their Claims before the said Land hath been peaceably enjoyed Five years otherwise it shall be a good Plea in Bar for the Possessor of such Land claimed or possessed to affirm he hath had peaceable Possession without Claim by Commencement Five Years peaceable possession of Land shall confirme a Title thereto or Prosecution of Suit full Five years proof whereof shall be a sufficient Confirmation to the Possessor and shall conclude the Claim and Title of the Pretender and this Act to extend to all such as have not prosecuted their Title within Five years since the 6th day of October 1646 Always provided That the limitation of Five years in this Act expressed shall not bar Orphans nor Widows under Covert This Act shall not extend to Widows Orphans or Persons of an unsound Mind nor Persons out of the Country nor Persons of unsound Minds But that the said Orphans shall have Five years after they be of age Women Five years free from Coverture viz. if she marry again before her Five Years are expired and her Husband omit to make claim his omission shall be a good bar against him but if the Woman survive she shall have so long time allowed her to claim in as will make up the first time of her fredom five years Persons of unsound Mind five years after their recovery from their impotence Nor to such as live out of the Country Care taken in such Cases Persons out of the Country five years after their arrival into the Country Provided they come in within two years after the Title to the Land became due in which times if they claim not as aforesaid to be utterly barred for ever for otherwise the expectation of Heirs out of England where there is none born here must in a short time leave the greatest part of the Country un-seated and un-peopled no Man knowing how or of whom either to Purchase or take Lease LXXIII Against Fradulent Conveyances Conveyances of Estates shall be acknowledged before the Governor at the General ●ourt or ●efore the Justices at County-Courts BE it Enacted and confirmed That no person or persons whatsoever shall pass over by Conveyance or otherwise any part of his Estate whether Lands Goods or Cattle whereby his Creditors not having notice thereof might be defrauded of their just Debts unless such Conveyance or other Deeds be acknowledged before the Governour and Council at the General Court or before the Justices at the County Courts and there Registred in a Book for that purpose within Six Months after such alienation and whoever shall make over or alienate any part of his Estate otherwise than is here expressed the same shall not be accounted valid in Law nor shall it bar any Creditor by seizing the same by Law for satisfaction of the Debt the Property of the Estate not being legally vested in any but the first Vendor And it is further Enacted That any conveyance made And shall be Registred within Six Months and acknowledged and recorded shall not be held good in Law against any Creditors or former Purchasers until Four Months after such acknowledgment made and recorded in which time the Creditors or former Purchasers may shew for what cause the said Conveyance is to be accounted fraudulent but if none appear within the said Four Months after the first acknowledgment in Court Otherwise shall not be valid in Law then the Sale shall be for ever after good against all other claimers or pretenders whatsoever unless such as pretend to overthrow the first Sellers Title in whom only five years possession can bar Provided That this Act shall not extend to such persons who for satisfaction of just Debts Who are exempted from this Act. shall make a Bill of Sale of their Estates or any part thereof and deliver it bona fide into the Possession of the Creditor but such Act shall be good and valid to all intents and purposes this Act being made only to prevent fraud and deceit LXXIV Quit-Rents how to be Paid WHereas his Majesty hath by his Commissioners appointed a Treasurer to receive the Quit-Rents and others Fees and Profits due to his Majesty and the payment of Quit-Rents being due in Money which we being destitute of Coin cannot procure Be it Enacted That those persons that cannot procure Money shall pay their said Rents in Tobacco at Two pence per Pound to such Collector or Collectors as by his Majesties Treasurer shall be appointed Quit-Rents may be paid in Tobacco at two pence per Pound and that the Country paying the Rents double the two next years shall be acquitted from all Arears by assent of the Honourable Sir William Berkly who is Authorized by the Treasurer to make Composition LXXV Surveyors of Land BE it Enacted that Surveyors of Land shall demand no more than Twenty Pounds of Yobacco for Measuring One hundred Acres of Land What
Justice of the Peace may grant Attachments Page 130. Justices shall not take Fees Page 150. Justices of the County-Courts shall not Levy Tobaccoes upon the people for their Accomodations and Expences whilst they are keeping Court Page 193. Any two Justices of the Quorum may sign Probates of Wills and Letters of Administration Page 204. Justices of Peace neglecting to Impannel Grand Juries fined 2000 l. of Tobacco Page 214. L. Land LAnds of Persons intestate Page 13. How persons claiming Land by Importation of Servants must prove their Title Page 52. Deserted Lands Page 53. No Deserted Land shall be taken up by Patent till after the term of 3 years without Order obtained of the Governour and Council ibid. Seating upon others Dividends ibid. Such as have built upon Lands supposed their own but upon Survey prove to belong to another shall have the charge thereof allowed by the Right Owner ibid. Or else shall purchase the Land Page 54. Twelve Men upon Oath are to decide any Controversie arising thereupon ibid. Cattle shall not be fetched off another Mans Land till after notice be given him thereof ibid. Five years peaceable possession of Land shall confirm a Title thereto Page 55. The Lands of Widows Orphans and persons of unsound mind and of such as live out of the Countrey excepted ibid. Land shall be plainly Marked and Bounded Page 58. Bounds of Land shall be every four years renewed by the View of the Neighbourhood Page 59. Bounds of Land once settled by the consent of the Proprietors shall take off all claim to future alteration thereof Page 60. An Act declaring what is meant by seating of Land Page 151. Building a House and keeping a Stock One whole Year upon Land shall be accounted a sufficient sea●ing thereof ibid. Sale of Land made by Husband and Wife shall stand good in Law Page 195. Leather may not be Exported Page 285. Letter How Publick Letters shall be conveyed Page 67. Extraordinary Charges in conveying Publick Letters shall be allowed by the County ibid Levies Publick Levies shall be first paid Page 39. Councellors of State and ten persons of their Family exempted from payment of Levies Page 42. Some others exempted ibid. Governour and Council have power to raise a Levy for defraying the Country Debts and Salleries Page 43. Who only are exempted from the payment of Publick and County Levies Page 206. Liquors An Act regulating the Prices of Liquors Page 206. Justices of the Peace to appoint the Prices of Liquors twice in the year Page 207. Liturgy of the Church of England shall be read in Churches Page 8. M. Manufactures AN Act for Encouragement of Manufactures Page 296. An Act for the advancement of Manufactures and for the better Payment of Debts and Levies Page 298. Debts may be paid in Commodities of the Growth and Manufacture of the Countrey Page 299. At what Rates such Commodities shall be valued ibid. Marriages Marriage to be performed by none but Misters Page 8. Marriage shall not be Solemnized till after publishing of Banes or Licences ibid. How Licences for Marriage shall issue Page 11. Fees for such Licences how to be levied Page 12. Against secret Marriages Page 72. Servants may not marry without producing Certificates from their Masters Page 73. Certificates for Marriages shall not be granted without the consent of the Parent or Guardian Page 169. Mary-Land to concur in the Cessation Page 142. Tobacco of Mary-Land growth to be free from Duties Page 154. No Vessels belonging to the Inhabitants of Mary-Land shall unload in any part of Virginia without Entry first made upon penalty of forfeiture of the said Vessel and Cargo Page 245. Masters Cruelty of Masters prohibited Page 76. One Years sorvice to be given for striking a Master or Mistress Page 77. An Act limiting Masters dealing with their Servants Page 201. Militia Such as refuse to appear on the days appointed for the Exercise of the Militia fined 100 pounds of Tobacco Page 153. Private Souldiers pay Page 231. The Captains pay to be 1200 l. of Tobacco and Cask per Month Page 232. The Lieutenants pay 850 l. of Tobacco and Cask per Month ibid. The Cornets and Chyrurgeons Pay ibid. Corporals and Trumpeters pay Page 233. What Indian Prisoners or Plunder the Souldiers shall take shall be free Purchase Page 235. Souldiers maimed or disabled in service shall have an Annual Pension Page 236. Twenty Men well furnished with Horses shall be raised in each of the Counties of Henrico New-Kent Rappahannock and Stafford Page 291. The Captain of such Troop to have 800 l. Tobacco per Annum Page 292. Corporals and Private Souldiers Pay ibid. The said Troop shall be trained and exercised once a Month ibid. And shall range and scout about the Frontiers of the County for which they serve once every Fortnight Page 293. Millers and Mills An Act against Exacting Millers Page 86. Millers shall receive in Corn and deliver it out by Statute Weights and Scales ibid. Penalty upon Millers Exactions Page 87. An Act concerning Millers Page 149. An Act encouraging the Building of Mills Page 156. Millers shall take but one Eighth part for grinding English Corn and one Sixth for Indian Page 173. Minister Glebes to be laid out and a House built for the Minister Page 4. His Maintenance to be worth 80 l. per Annum besides Perquisites and Glebes ibid. Minister shall not officiate without producing Testimonials that he received Orders of some Bishop of the Church of England Page 5. Ministers to provide Readers ibid. Ministers shall preach weekly Page 6. And shall administer the Sacrament at least twice in the year ibid. Ministers or Readers shall keep Registers Page 11. Minister to have 5 l. allowed him for his attendance at General Courts Page 206. Ministers exempted from payment of Publick or County Levies ibid. Any person who shall disturb the Minister during the Exercise of his Ministerial Function shall for the first Offence be fined 200 l. of Tobacco and 500 l. for every such Offence after Page 276. Money The Exportation thereof prohibited Page 84. Pieces of Eight shall pass for 5 s. currant ibid. No person shall export above the sum of Forty Shillings ibid. Mulberry Trees Ten Mulberry Trees shall be planted upon every 100 Acres of Land holden in Fee Page 80. N. Naturalization AN Act for Naturalization Page 252. The Governour may Naturalize such Forreigners as shall seat themselves in this Collony ibid. Negroes Negro-women though enjoying the priviledge of Freedom not exempted from the payment of Taxes Page 159. Birth of Negro and Mulatto Children and Slaves born in Virginia shall be registred Page 179. Run-away Negroes and Slaves shall be pursued by Hue and Cry Page 182. Run-away Negroes Mulatto-Indians Slaves or Servants for life resisting may be killed ibid. And the Master or Owner of such Negro c. shall receive satisfaction of the Publick ibid. At what Rates such Negroes and Slaves shall be valued ibid. An Act for preventing Negroes