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A05590 The gushing teares of godly sorrovv Containing the causes, conditions, and remedies of sinne, depending mainly upon contrition and confession. And they seconded, with sacred and comfortable passages, under the mourning cannopie of teares, and repentance. By William Lithgovv. Lithgow, William, 1582-1645? 1640 (1640) STC 15709; ESTC S108580 48,504 102

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Common-wealth it beares great swey It masks the Merchants with Gibeonitish faces And with each trade it can the harlot play From mighty men to mean see what I sought I finde them all corrupt'd their wayes are nought Corruption in their brybries fraught with greed Corruption in their flesh subborn'd by lust Corruption in their manners full of need Corruption in their sinne and livesinjust Corruption in their malice flankd on pryde Corruption in their wills blinde Natures guyde Corruption in the treachrie of deceat Corruption in false weights and falser measures Corruption in vile perjurie and hate Corruption in the hoording up of treasures Corruption in hypocrisie and strife Corruption in a base dissembling life Corruption ah injustice by the Judge Corruption too in partiall ends 'gainst reason Corruption in the traitour that dare lodge Corruption fixt on murder and high treason Corruption in oppression and what then Corruption in the lavishnesse of men Corruption in forg'd tales and false reports Corruption in fraile fleshly vile desires Corruption in base taunts and jeering torts Corruption in despysing naturall Syres Corruption ah in negligence and slouth Corruption from fond sports in age or youth Corruption in ambition and high looks Corruption in straind-selfe contract'd opinions Corruption in best learneds and best books Corruption in great Princes and their Minions Corruption in vaine courtly Courtiers stiles Corruption in sunk Worldlings greedy wiles Corruption in abusing outward things Corruption in vile drunkennesse and swearing Corruption in a Wranglers crafty wrings Corruption in delay and long forbearing Corruption in the ignorance of mindes Corruption in best knowledge of all kindes Corruption in prest complements and phrases Corruption in bad cariage mask'd with guile Corruption in poore flattrers foolish praises Corruption in most Pen-men and their stile Corruption in a Sycophantick leyar Corruption in the Layers mouth and Pleyar Corruption in Adultrie and worse lust Corruption in backbyters slandring tongue Corruption in lost credit without trust Corruption in the gathering worldly dung Corruption in blinde filthy Criticks censures Corruption in mechanick glyding tonsures Corruption in corruption sinne afords And ev'ry way corrupt'd corruption swallowes Most grow absurd corrupting deeds and words ●nd in the pudle of corruption wallowes The hollow heart of man such venome vomites Of all corruptions that they 're fixt for Comets ●ll which portend some grievous dissolution 〈◊〉 ev'ry state a wofull alteration ●prung from enormities of pollution This land is turnd the face of desolation Both great and small the scourge of fortune feele Whose fates are tost still round about the Wheele To day a Lord tomorrow fled to warres To day a Laird tomorrow turnd a beggar To day in wealth tomorrow closd with barres To day in peace tomorrow swear and swagger To day in farme tomorrow forcd to flee To day puft up the morne cast downe we see ●inne is the cause which makes such judgements fall On Land-lords now who still oppresse the poore They taxe and raxe them keep them under thrall That most are forcd to leave both hold and doore Whose grounds in end is sold or else ly waste Both Tyrants and th' opprest such changings taste Lord save me from this all-corrupted age Where craft joynes with extortion either hand ●lood and oppression may but passions swage ●trict law and justice quite for sake this land Men now must gaze like Souldiers battell broke That looke for aide else for the fatall stroke Nay we 're corrupt'd in thought in word and deed Yet of all sinnes vile drunkennesse is worst It breeds all ill and of all vice the seed It harbours lust and makes the Actor curst And smothering shame it wallows in despaire Where spoiling vertue seeks examples rare Our Patriarch Noah after the deludge Had shunn'd sommersing of the first drownd World He planted vines for man healths sound refudge Yet made his toyle the snare wherein he hurld The grape was sweet and strong see how he sunke He graft it first and first with it was drunk This worlds sole Monarch of the second age Who built the Arke which sav'd him and his race Undrown'd Behold was tane and turnd the Page Of glutting Bacchus senslesse of his cace Was it not strange this Columne could decline That scaping waters yet was drownd with wine But he great he earths sov'raigne Lord and Father Had no intent to foxe his sober senses But tasted touch'd and drunk then faild or rather He seald his fault to shelter like offences Not so his slip pleads o'resight unacquainted And reason would he tast'd the thing he planted Like so was Lot ensnar'd when fled for feare From burning Sodome and cavernd at night Was by his daughters gull'd They thinking there The world was gone sought to restore the right Of natures race And he starke drunk imbrac'd them But sure he griev'd when th' action had defac'd them But our grosse Drunkards base pedestriat natures Will roare and quaffe old houses through strait windowes Blaspheme their Maker and abuse his Creatures And swear they 'le spend their bloud and carve their sinnewes To beard cold Phebe then Orlando like Rapt Rodomunting oathes and Cyclops strike Whose red-ey'd sight show faces fixt with Comets Through which like Vulcan they would seeme goodfellowes O here he staggers and there he wallowing vomits And if mischiefe fall out he courts the gallowes Last friends and meanes been lost he 's load with curses Then bends his course to steale or robbe mens purses What ill can Hell devise but Drunkards do it All kindes of vice all kinde of lusts they swallow For why its drunkennesse that spurres them to it Satan suggests and they his counsell follow Then turne they frantick mad distracted Sots To clout their Conscience with retorting Pots They lye and surfet belch and vomit blood Yea ever rammage brutish and absurd Their beastly manners loathsome are and rude Deprav'd of senses have their wits immurd Benumb'd debosh'd last sunke in beggars brats Eate up with vermine starve and die like Rats Worlds of examples I could here denote As well in ancient dayes as moderne times What were these Pagans past what were they not What are our present judgements for like crymes May not their Alcoran serve to condemne us If we our selves would from our selves exam'ne us May not Philosophers the light of nature Convince us for like riot and excesse Nay even the beast unreasonable creature Stand up and witnesse of our sensualnesse They will not once exceed their appetite But man will surfet with a deep delite In using we abuse Gods benefits And turne his blessings to an heavie curse Surpassing temprance we confound our wits No health for body lesse for soule remorse All things were made for us and we for God But being abus'd they serve us for his rod Alas where reason when poore man misknowes The life of knowledge reason did infuse Shall understanding sleep shall I suppose That will is weaker than
excrements we know And breath stinke worse than beasts of any race Nay sweetest things that ever time made faire They loathsome grow unlesse the use be rare The soule except'd when I consider all Gods workes and Creatures Man is onely worst The rest sublunary succumbent fall Mans ●ly blest or else for ever curst All things as servile serve for mediate ends Save Man whose wage on joy or woe depends Lord what am I within this house of clay But brickle trash compos'd of slime and dust A rotten fabrick subject to decay Which harbours nought but crums of wretched lust And if a guest of one good thought entreates me I barre it out to lodge the ill that hates me Impietie and custome scale my Fort To rule my minde like to their blinde desire Will head-strong helpes corruption keeps the Port The hands and feet set eye and tongue on fire Then Eloquence breaks forth a subtile foe To trap the object working me the woe Why cause affection begets opinion Opinion rules the World in ev'ry minde Then sense submits that pleasure should be Minion To base conceit absurdly grosse and blinde Thus fond opinion self loves halting daughter Betrayes my scope commits me to sinnes slaughter Then judgement falls and fails and reason flees To shelter Wisedome in some solid breast They leave me both left loaden with disease Whilst frailty fastens sorrow on my creest Delite contracts despite despyte disdaine Thus threefold chaind their furies forge my paine My best companion is my deadly foe Sin is my Consort and would seeme my friend Yea walks with me where e're my footsteps goe And will not leave me till my journeys end The more I flee the faster it cleaves to me And makes corruption labour to undoe me There six degrees of sinne in man I finde Conception first and then consent doth follow The thirds desire that turns his judgement blinde The fourth is practise ragged rent and hollow The fift is flinty keeps fast obduration And last the sixt lulls him in reprobration Mans owne corruption is the seed of sinne And custome is the pudle of corruption Swift head-strong habit traitour-like creeps in And blows sinnes bellowes to make more inruption Nay the worlds example sinnes strong secourse Makes both the object and the subject worse How many foes hath man within without him Within lurks concupiscence vertues foe Without the world which waits and hangs about him Both ghostly and humane to worke his woe Last comes the conscience judge-set to accuse him And verdict given then terrour would confuse him Thus man is ev'ry way tost to and fro Like Tunneise balls when banded still rebound All things have action Nature rules it so The secret sprite of life these motions bound Their being honours God who gave them being But Man fals back from him gave reason seeing And yet to quench these fires remorse creeps in And brings contrition with confession crying Faith flees before pleads pardon for our sin Then ragged rottennesse fals down a dying For repentance and remission of sinnes Are two inseparable sister twinnes Most have no tears for sinne but tears of strife To plead malicious pleyes and waste their meanes On Lawyers tongues that love their envious life And what like partie loose the Cormant gleanes Their cause and charges lost O spightfull pride They spend at last the stock they had beside Like to the Mouse and frogge which did contend Which of them should enjoy the marish ground The Kyte as Judge discuss'd this cause in end And took them both from what they could not bound So Proctors seaze on Clyants lands and walls And raise themselves in their contentious falls They 're like to Aesops dogge who had a bone When through a flood he swim'd fast in his head Where spying his shade he lets it fall anone To catch the other lost them both indeed So spitefull men and greedy well it s knowne In seeking others state they loose their owne Thrice blest is he who knowes and flyes like men Since greed begets oppression or debate And though Deceivers play Politicks then To make their wrongs a right to raise their state Yet forth it comes no subtiltie can close it For time and truth will certainly disclose it They thinke to hide their faults by craft and plots To blynde Gods eyes as they inveigle man O strange what villany their soule besots That dare 'gainst truth the traitour play and than Deceive themselves by a deceitfull way Which tends to death and make them Satans prey Then there is nought but once will come to light No sinne so close but God will it discover No policie can blinde Almighties sight Nor fault so hid that he will once passe over Unlesse repentance draw his mercy downe Thy darkest deeds shall be disclos'd eftsoone Behold Jonah from Joppa when he fled And would not stay to do the Lords direction Clos'd in a ship and hid yea nothing dread Yet found he was and swallowed for correction And Paul for Damas bound to persecute His Saints was stroke yet sav'd his drifts refute Looke to Cains murder how it was clear'd And Davids blood-shed with adultrie mixt Remarke the bush whence Adams voice appear'd And Israels thoughts when they their Maker vext Then he who made thine eyes and gave them sight Can he not see who gave thy seeing light It 's not with God as men Gods ev'ry where In Heaven and earth Gods presence filleth all In Hell below his Justice ruleth there All things must to his omniscience fall Man knows but as he sees and in a part But God doth search the reynes and try the heart How swinishly alas have I then liv'd Nay who can say that I have liv'd at all Whilst buried else in sleep in sloth or griev'd With fals-forgd cares conglutinating thrall To tempt my loving and most patient God I have contemn'd his mercy mock'd his rod There 's nought so smooth and plaine as calme-set seas And nought more rough when rag'd by stormy winde The lead is cold as yce or Winter freize But when been firde its scolding hote we finde Theirne is blunt till toold and edge be put And then most sharpe to stobbe to shave or cut So patient God is loath and slow to wrath His patience is as great as great his love Long suffring he deferres to threaten death Till our grosse sinnes his just drawn-judgements move And then his anger stirr'd it burnes like fire Consuming man and sinners in his ire Next pause I on the momentany sight Of mans short life that like a shadow flees Much like the swiftnesse of a Faulcones flight Or like a bird glydes by our glancing eyes Then marvell I how man can harbour pride Or wherein should his vanitie confyde To day he 's stout to morrow laid in grave His lookes alive are plumd like variant feathers Been throwne in dust he turnes to earth a slave And as he breaths
the crummes of lust he gathers But would he muse on long eternitie He would forsake himself and learne to die To learne to die that he may learne to live For in this course his happinesse consists Die to himself that grace may vice survive In mortifying sinne his blesse subsists Come life come death thus dying so he 's blest And doubtlesse shall in peace of conscience rest O Jesu who redeemd us being dead Whence could thy love so farre to us extend We had no merit thou of us no need And yet thy grace our weaknesse doth defend For as Man first to be like God condemn'd us So God turnd man that God should not contemne us Farre better is a life unfortunate In end with honour that yeelds up the breath Than honourable life and wealthy state With shame to perish and untimely death I rather wish to be a sheepherd borne Then live a Prince and at my death forlorne Come answer me who would be undertaker Whether its best to be a man or beast The beast dissolves and not offends his Maker Nor makes no count save to some carnall feast But godlesse Man in grieving God is worse Throwne downe to Hell and with that fall his curse Who rightly weighs the variable kindes Of Mortals all in either death or life Shall see their bubling breath tost with sharpe windes Of stagring doubts ingorgd with timerous strife Their conscience and their living disagreeing In will or worke most vanquish'd are in dying Nay soule and body at that dreadfull day Shall be conjoynd and hurld downe to hell This wretch thus damn'd in tortring flames shall stay Chaind in that howling Radamanthan Cell The beast he fals and turnes to nought we see But Man adjudgd his worme shall never die As for the vertuous Saint his happinesse Begins at death which end all worldly noyes He swarmes in pleasures rich in blessednesse Death makes the passage to his heavenly joyes He feares no stop nor stay his faith instructs him The way though strait his good Angel conducts him And wouldst thou learne whilst here t' attaine that way Be humble first and then religious set Place Heaven before Thee make faith thereon to stay And then let zeale and love fast setling get To grip Christs wounds then feare then praise then pray Let earnest prayers thy best devotion swey For prayer is the souls great sacrifice Which speaks to God and meditation Is Gods speech to the soule an exercise Conjoynd together two revolv'd in one The one invelopes the other and speaks Reciprocall Both our salvation seeks Which two like Hypocrates twinnes are bred Who liv'd fed slept joyd wept and dyed together So can they not be separate indeed Though fasting doe prepare their journey hither This outward action like t'a potion scoures The other sprituall are divinely ours Like to a paire of Turtles truely set Whereof the one by death been slaughter'd gone The other mournes for loosing of her Mate And languishing doth die No life alone So meditation gives matter to the minde And without prayer nothing shall we finde For both bring reconcilement and acceptance And makes thee to thy father a loving sonne So by his Sonne a brother of acquaintance And by the Sprite a Temple squard and done Last in the court of Heaven thou art made free A fellow with th' Angelick hierarchie O joy of joyes O happy endlesse blesse Who can expresse that glory there reveal'd The eye the minde nor tongue can dascon this Since ravish'd Paul amaz'd hath it conceal'd Then labour silly soule this marke to aime Which seen and got how great is thy good name But ah I stagger in the myres of sin And daily sinks in pudles of defects The more I flee the more I swallow in The stinking marish of absurd effects The very boggy quagmyres of vice I plunge them all unvaluing weight or price The price alas is great and I must pay it Unlesse Christs wounds break open plead for pitie O pledge divine thy merits will defray it Thou art my surety O prevent my dittie Evert the sentence least I lye in Jayle Stand to thy mercy Lord be thou my bayle To square the lives of godly men with mine How farre my selfe fled from my self I finde Thrice wretchd am I to thinke me one of thine In whom corruption rules the inward minde It 's more then strange I should expect for good Whilst still I trample on my Saviours blood There is no sense in this that I should slay My silly soule to crosse my crost desire Can head-strong passions mine accounts defray When my just Judge my reckning shall require Nay spare thy spurres poore wretch and call to minde A self-soule Murdrer can no mercy finde That sinne which I hate worst I follow most Yet faine would sift the evil of deceit Loe with repugnants how my breast is tost Here lyes my safety there the snaring bait Sinne like a Fowler with a whistle takes me And that good which I would it then forsakes me O! love and love it self Father of love And God of mercy mercy is thy Name O King of pitie all my faults remove Farre from before Thee coverthou my shame That here me to accuse they never come Nor hence to damne me at the day of doome Ah! wicked men they triumph in excesse To tempt thy patience O long suffring God! They glory to cast downe the fatherlesse And on the Widows back they lay their rod They lose themselves and so would lose their brother With them thy honour in their pride to smother Unwise is he and thrice unhappy too Who ill commits that good thereon may follow He 's like the Crocodile that loves to wooe The gray Nyle Rat and eftsoone doth it swallow Which when enclos'd it cuts his wombe seeks breath And with its freedome workes the others death So haplesse man in hurtfull wayes of sinne His hopelesse heart he suffocats with lust Till custome bring sterne obduration in And then he turnes a Reprobate injust The doore of grace is shut his soule wants faith Then sinne leaves him squard for eternall death They gallop on in dark-drawne pathes of Hell The glen is hollow but the way is broad In two extreames the least they quite repell To shunne a fardell they receive a load The yoake of Christ is light but ah they swallow The weight of sinne which all their labours follow I crosse my crossing armes on my crost breast And musing lurks to looke on humane state How wretch'd it is how carelesse how deprest To ev'ry snare makes man unfortunate That haplesse he for one small moments pleasure Dare hazard ah his souls eternall treasure The will 'twixt reason and sensualtie plac'd Is apt to be apply'd to either side But first and firmest Will by sense is trac'd Which is of youth and childish age the guide For seldome reason can once conquer will Cause sense presents for good a
to their devouring plenties My bones shall rot then turne in mouldring dust This is the way of flesh both bad and just And yet vaine Man he little thinks or dreames Once of his death nor what his end may be His sense deludes him and the world it seemes A glasse to looke on for his sensuall eye He neither mournes for sinne nor sinne forsakes But from one ill another worser takes What surging follies overcloud my minde With vain-wing'd fancies and surmysing flashes Such fleering thoughts more lighter than the winde Breed nought but foolerie which opinion dashes My wish'd for wishes straight conceiv'd and done The care of carelesse dreams I scarce can shunne I posting runne in wayes of naughty ends Lord crook and stop my course with streames of grace Which flood can carry none that ill pretends Like Jordan that receives no barbarous face Unlesse they swim So sans remorse they 'le drowne Who hazard here quick sandie sins pull downe This saving grace the soule guards with strong hand And if it slip it can not fully fall It s like Maronahs full disgorging strand Hembes in Canaan from barbarian thrall Like keeps the Lord his owne and guards their wayes They perish not though chargd with fraile delayes As Jordan circuits the holy land Twixt Liban and that south-lake smoaking show From the Petreian soyle joynd with a strand Which tribute payes 'gainst Jericho I know To famous Jore One parts the Midian soyle The other sackt Samarias confynes coyle This is the march girds Canaans south-east side But more the Lord preserves and guards his owne From ghostly ill and from aetheriall pride From terrene sprites from Hell and what is knowne To plague the soule he is a bulwark strong Fens'd with good Angels free all his from wrong Then happy they can creep within this Tent And sheltrage seek under his mercies wings Sigh for thy sinnes O! let thy soule repent Thy misdemeanour to the King of kings First grieve then weep last seeke thy Saviours face Let teares implore for teares can plead for grace Kinde were these teares which Josephs love had spent When with his brethren he his brother saw His heart surchargd with joy it shrunke as shent To plunge that deep which Benjamin did draw But loe moe teares were shed one with another When Joseph said Behold I am your brother Feare not said he the strict Aegyptian law Though to the Ismaelites my life you sold For what was done was done by God I knaw No spight of yours his providence behold Foresaw your need and brought me here to be A father to my Fathers miserie There five yeares famine yet shall worke your woe Wherein ag'd Jacob and his race may starve Unlesse he flit then get you up and go To fetch him downe faile not in this nor swerve They went he came all met in melting joyes For passions have extreames as bairnes have toyes Since Nature then in floods of teares can melt For joy of sight to overjoy their love Much more our teares when we remorse have felt For sinne shall glade the powers in Heaven above These tears are blest and make us blest for ever For godly grief from grace no crosse can sever Let patient Job be paterne in like case Whose losse was such as never yet was none Yet shrunk he not sound stedfast love took place Faith forc'd his hope and both proclaim'd in one Sure my Redeemer lives and he is just Though he should kill me yet in him I 'le trust Mine eyes shall see him and he will me save As I am confident he will not faile Sterne rough calamitie would me deceave But that 's a shade my purpose must prevaile In God my soule is fixt nought can dismay me Nay death it selfe nor Satan can betray me See! here the Columne of a lively faith The type of Christ in meek and milde behaviour His friends they slight him he contemnes his death And in his miserie still avowd his Saviour This was a love excell'd all loves on earth For Christ he lov'd who lov'd him ere his birth Then how hate I my selfe if I love not My loving Lord who lov'd me from his love He truely loves who for thy sake I wot Loves thee and himselfe for thee this we prove All kindes of love without thy love breed loathing Unlesse we love them for thy sake they 're nothing Great king of glory all thy works invite Us to love thee since thou first loved us As starres do from the Sunne take light and heat For from that fulnesse we the like discusse How can our soules thine Jmage want the sight Of thy bright love whose love is perfect light Lord we do all depend upon thy love Because our being had of thee beginning Next thou preserves us as we rest or move And art our end controlls us when a sinning All what we have we have receiv'd from thee And what we want thou wilt the same supply O God of love thy nature is all love In love more glorious than the sunne in light Thou art an infinite fire from above Which here enlightens with its beames each wight A fire of love a loving fire we finde A light not burnes a flame not quels the minde O Lord if thou thy tender love withdraw And from us slips one step to turne thy back Are we not dead in sloth and sleep no awe But each temptation shall presage our wracke Then Lord uphold us since all worldly things Are ever changing tyme their ruine brings To day we live the morne to grave we 're sped We sight this world as birds by gazers glyde As dreams evanish so our dayes are fled Like water bubles as soone quelld as spyde Thus heart-grown man ingorgd with pryde and lust He posts and posts to death then turnes in dust To argue on corruption that subverts The good we would and choaks our best desires It is a senslesse appetite perverts The light of reason with entangling fires A head-strong blinde irregulary ill That captives wit and wounds both sense and will It s strong in all infirmities injust Still fraile in goodnesse weak in sound conception It s rull'd by nature and her daughter lust Which blinds the light of knowledge with deception Like pitch corruption blacks the purest soule And where it comes makes ev'ry clean thing foule It takes best hold on imbecillitie And where that fortitude deficient is It dare not wrestle with dexteritie Nor count with Temprance one defective misse Much like a Ruffian or a Theefe by night It loves and lives in darknesse more than light Corruption many wayes may be defind To be a Hydra neck'd Herculian snake Stop'd at the eye it compasseth the minde Barr'd from the soule the heart it soone will take Say if the eare be deafe the hand will feele And if it smell not it can taste too well Corruption rules most states and office places In Church and
soile more blest was once than Greece Have I said Athens beene the mother nurse Of lib'rall Airts and science Natures light And now my Carcase beares the vulgar curse Of Spartaes scorne and Lacedemon spight Shall malice tread on vertue shall disgrace Of neighbours hate on my gold tresses trace Though thirty one Invaders on me prey Each one triumphing in anothers ill Yet flexe I not though forc'd for to obey No pride shall presse my patience nor good will Gaine me to flatter Nor puft Tyrants shall Bruise me in pieces though I suffer thrall Yet was her Virgine body made a Whoore To ev'ry proud Insulter and her fame A Strumpets voice Whom Mars did once defloure And turning Harlot robd her Vestall name The Victors glutting on her vanquishd spoyles Made griefe guide sorrow Fortune fixt her foyles In this digression take a morall note From slaughterd Athens now a village left That all beginnings not their endings quote Have floorishd faces from their spring-tyde reft Their Medium is not long the morne is all And then their end in lumps of fragments fall What once was Ilium Tyrus now calld Sur And Ninivie whose ruines are ruind Seven ported Thebes rich in silks and Furre And Carthage Africks glory now declind Nay save of three some monuments are showne The other two their seats are hardly knowne So Antioch whence sprung the Christian name And Sions Dame Judeas sacred citie Yea Alexandria famous in her fame With Babylon the remaindure of pittie Though not like Jericho a lumpe of stones They 're but rent relicks of their former ones A wondrous thing of Nature I observe When Xerxes cross'd the Hellespontick sea In greatest grandure then begunne to swerve From Princely courage staid dexteritie Where when the Pontick waves with troups were cled Of numbers numberlesse and he the head Then brust he forth in teares and wept amaine Gazing on thousands which his puissance brought And said This sight and all this glorious traine Within an hundred yeares shall come to nought I weep said he 'cause nothing here can stay But like full streames they slide and steale away My horse my Chariots Engynes men of warre And Souldiers strong shall all dissolve in dust My spight 'gainst Greice and their imperious jarre My greed of honour their revenge injust Which Sardis bore Shall eftsoone be as they Had never beene so mortall things decay Thus mournd this Pagan King whose rule may learne Most moderne Tymes to waile like consequence For in which Mappe true judgement may discerne That ancient dayes had full experience Of natures frailtie changings mortals being Whose restlesse course was sight-lost shadows flying So day and night on two extreames depend Either to lengthen or to shorten prest The restlesse tides like alterations spend By Cynthias waxing waining is exprest The seasons runne foure times the yeare about And are renewd ay as their times go out No state doth solide stand Man most mutable In fortune or himselfe each leaving other He carelesse fled from meanes If disputable His meanes are fled from him to court another What 's mine to day to morrow may be thine And what 's thine now next day it may be mine Nor is their health in beauty nor in strength Of body soundnesse Subject to disease Is ev'ry creature young and old at length Shall feele infirmities Natures worst unease Graft in corruption None can sicknesse shunne But he must suffer ere his glasse be runne Such sowre flagelloes are the rods of nature To whippe the childe of lust with sound correction Cause why they 're Moulds where grace renews each creature And makes chastisements signifie affection Nay they 're preparatives against sterne death Beene fenc'd with patience flankd about with faith All which denote men should not fixe their hearts On transitorie things or trash below All under sunne in whole in rest or parts Are Emblemes of inconstancie I know Man Beast and Tree Wealth Honour Health and Fame Are but crost Changelings of this changing Frame What 's heere beholde but toyle and worldlie losses Sinne shame and sorrow trouble griefe and scorne Spight strife and malice ignorance and crosses Adversities sterne face friendship forlorne Pryde flankd with povertie Tyrants infliction Of gall'd oppression to adde distresse affliction Such passive moods are frequent growne that now Old crazd calamitie begins to quiver Both rich and poore live timerous and how The one to keep what 's got The others feaver Burnes for to get the first fears losse and trembles The seconds patience with content dissembles In Citie Court and Countrey here 's their fall Deceit deceives them with deceitfull stings But most in royall Mansions there 's the gall Where Sophistrie speaks two contrary things And neither thinks to do Here flattrie stands To blinde the truth there ambodextrate hands Then blest are they who live at home in rest And neither follow Court nor courtly toyes That life is sweet and of all lives the best For homely Houlds are chargd with privat joyes Most Courtiers mouthes seeme kind with hearts as hollow As derne Sybillas Hall which few can follow To day they smile and promise what you would And fill stress'd suppliants with inunding hopes To morrow as unkinde and frozen cold And tramp in dust their suiters sad-sought scopes Unlesse their palmes you oynt with sov'raigne ore Your suite is lost and you left to deplore The very Dunse that yesterday was base When having got an office looks as hie As skie-set clouds then will cast downe his face And squinke acquaintance to have courtesie This Ruffian who did homage thee before Now thou must beck to him and him implore Tell Courtiers of repentance they will mock And turne their teares in taunts and scoffing jests He who feares God they hold him as a block Its vice and foolerie their conceit digests They never dreame of judgement nor of death But spend in complements their flattering breath Let none mistake nor misconstruct my minde I meane of Courts in generall all where There 's good and bad in any hollow kinde Both men and beasts in this may claime their share A Savage I have found as kinde in part As best thought Christians save the noble heart All I desire and what my soule can wish Is that the truth may stand and vertue flourish Lo there 's the daintie of an holy dish To feed poore soules and humble ones to nourish And for this cause each one should pray with other Gods word may prosper and his Church our mother Lord spread the Mantle of thy mercy round About the borders of her glorious shrine Enlarge her power let earths remotest bound Stand for the limits of her light divine That thou who on bright Cherubins doth ride May guide and guard the beauty of thy Bride I 'le dive no more in sinne and crooked wayes Of rotten nature which corruption brings Nor from the worlds example draw these strayes Of th' head-strong multitude confusion
stings I le lay about the Ruther of my minde To keep a safer loofe and thirle the winde What rapt coelestiall forceth my desire To be dissolv'd my soule may mount aboue To see these joyes that blesse that glorious hyre Which Saints enjoy lifes ever-springing love My hope resumes I might as happy rest In pleasures there as they are happy blest Now I returne good God turne thou to me As Travellers who have been long abroad Are forc'd by love their soile and friends to see No rest till then their hearts the way have trode So I 'me estrangd my Countrie is above Heaven is the place thou Lord my light my love Great is the glory of thy glorious face Enstall'd with Angels Saints and Martyres gone Set fore the Throne with legions of each race Singing applauses to that blessed One The Lambe of Love our Advocate thy Sonne Who by his death wrought our Salvation Fixe fast my thoughts to the tree of thy crosse Draw all the forces of my soule to Thee Lift up my heart let me renounce the drosse And dregs of ill let me aspire on hie And walke 'twixt feare and love in all my deeds As thou 'twixt justice and mercy proceeds Thy vertues are for us sufficient great Like as the Sunne it shines the World all where Yet ev'ry man enjoyeth so much heat As if it shinde to him in proper share So are thy graces infinite and we Enjoy the fruits of their felicitie But what our lives are short so are our dayes Except in troubles miseries alace Our continuance certaine in uncertaine wayes No time of death is knowne to us nor place Gods will is so to have us still prepard And set on watch lest that our steps be snard Each minutes life steps forward to sterne death And ev'ry act robs some part of our life Like him who sailes in ships and action hath In toylesome paines yet forward flees his strife We can not twice returne in Natures state 'Cause time runs post and can make no retreat My Sunne of life hath his Meridian past And plungd I am in th' after-noone of age The night of Nature fastens on me fast And death waits closse to pull me from this stage But Lord thou wilt not leave my soule in grave Let ly the Corps they 'le once conjunction have Now having sung of deep remorse and teares Lord save me from these weeping teares of Hell Which grief declares and ever-gnashing feares For losse of joy and sense of horrours fell Who would not here a few spent teares disclose Shall there be waile in floods of bitter woes As sea-bred fishes never saltnesse wed But still their bodies stay both sweet and fresh So grant my soule that 's with corruption cled May live as pure not medling with the flesh But sinne begins first in the sillie soule And ends into the body base and soule What shall I say when mans rot in disease And ulserd sore the Phisitian draws neare To give him pills and potions worke his ease And lets him blood he may his health endure Much more Christs bloud can purge and cleanse the soule Of all uncleannesse pardon what is foule Then to great Jove the mighty King of kings I le prostrate fall on my low bended knees To beg for mercy mercy comfort brings And joy of sprit works peace from gushing eyes So Lord of Lords sweet Christ what I would have Is knowne and showne I call I cry I crave Now by these words whom seek you and confession By thy breath made the Sergeants backward fall By that care rouzd thine slumbring in digression By thy pangs in Gethsemane one and all By that power and patience fore Anne exprest By that prophecie of Cajaphas the Priest By that deep agony of bloud and sweat By these sore scourgings spittings on thy face By these rough nailes piercd thy hands and feet By all these mockings done thee for disgrace By that sharpe speare which smote thy tender heart By that Viniger thou drunk and gall of smart By that crowne of thornes thrust on thy bare head By these blood sprinklings downe thy face that fell By that heavy Crosse on thy shoulders spread By thy descending downe in earths dark Cell By that great power of thy great resurrection By thine ascension O profound election By thy five bleeding wounds I thee implore And by the vertue of thy death and passion By that purple Roabe forc'd in scorne thou wore By all these taunts these Ruffians spent for fashion Nay by that superscription wrote for news Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews By thy nativitie and incarnation Yea by these words Mother behold thy Sonne And Sonne Behold there thy consolation Go live and live in peace live both as one Nay by this moode for heavie was thy load Why thus forsakst thou me my God my God By thy baptisme fasting humiliation By all thy miracles and wonders done By these teares thou shed and transfiguration On Tabor seene As thou art Christ Gods sonne Save shield and shelter my designes my wayes For my souls health and thine eternall praise Nay by and for and from thy selfe I beg For pittie grace and pardon free remission Of all my sinnes O cleanse me the least dreg That lurkes within my Temple thy possession Let all be cleane Lo there 's the totall summe My soule implores come now Lord Jesus come Great King of ages Monarch of all times Thou first and last is was and ever blest Redeemer unredeemd Purger of crymes Thou Light of lights thou Mans sole-soveraigne rest Encrease in me thy Sprit infuse thy grace Confirme my heart show forth thy loving face Sweeter than hony or the hony Combe Life light and love all goodnesse peace and grace Sonne of Mercy that in blest Maries wombe Incarnate was left Heaven thy Mansion place Where now thou art and art all where Come see My heart my help my health depend on Thee In Thee I rest Lord sanctifie my hope In Thee I trust Lord fortifie my faith In Thee I grow Lord fructifie my scope In Thee I walk Lord rectifie my path In Thee I stay in Thee I live and die In Thee I move in Thee above I flie Lord grant thy grace may make these TEARES so blest And blesse them all shall them peruse for blis That godly griefe may in their blessings rest Remorsefull soules whose teares implore for this LORD pittie me LORD pardon my TRANSGRESSION Lord cleanse my HEART Lord blesse thou this CONFESSION FINIS Applic● on an● vocati● ●mble 〈◊〉 The Creators gre● love towards 〈◊〉 his creatures ●rists 〈◊〉 love Love co quers h● ven 〈◊〉 con●ions distin●ion twixt ●orldly ●d godly ●ares The repugnanc● of ill and good ●ntrary 〈◊〉 Thewo is a map of evils ●hrists ●res over ●rusalem We sh● not des● but ho● for me● Impene● trable counsel the ●orks of ●ation 〈◊〉 of man● ●ds ●orks ●evv his ●odhead ●ns in●mities Mans beauty summers blossome ●elf-love ●ules the ●orld Sinne and the causes of sin Mans life awarfare Deceitful greed Jonah dis●ered ●ul con●ed Gods omnipotency Repugnant comparisons The ●eaknesse ●nd ●hanges of ●ur nature An objection between man and beast The pang of Hell Prayer and meditation two heavenly exercises The effects of prayer Christs wounds our healt● The instabilitie 〈◊〉 man Wicked men delite to make the simple sinne Moments pleasures eternall paine Will overcomes reason Sighes an● teares are holy sacri fi●es The godly ●ometime all and ●e recalld Joshua's gratefuln● to Racha● Jesus at Jericho saved Zacheus ●acelesse ●quence ●rd obdu●nce Worldly wisedome ●nd pride 〈◊〉 Saikles er●vie retor● reply Wormes are sepulchrall mates Man headlong falls The lake Marona● fathers Jordan Godly teares saving grace ●obs pati●ce and ●nstancy Love the Lord for his loves sake Gods lo● our life The bre●itie of life Corruption corrupteth all things The povver an● varieties 〈◊〉 corruptio● The vicissitude of fortune Noah first set vines and first was drunk with it Lots drunkennesse begot incest The shame full effects of drunkennesse Beasts and Philosophers condemne excesse No perfection in humane knowledge Great defects in greatest Saints Daniels dainties poore mens plen●es ●ges ●e better ●en bad ●ristians In prayer use few words and many tea● Christs silence and patience Davids teares wet his couch God accepts the will for the deed Christ is our Physician The insolencie of youth Delay in repentance is dangerous Youth and age are disagreeing Continencie by Pagans commended A brief tract of bitter repentance Peters confession Peter reprehending himself Peters tears consummated in peace The blessed fruits of godly tears Mortalitie is miserable Mans a pilgrime here Our heavenly Jerusalem Sions tears Sions beauty Sions crosses Sinfull ●ust suddain darknesse Plenty of mercy ●hrists ●ssion ●r salva●on Magdalen● teares Christ reveals himself to Mary Magdalen Fire hath two properties Ther'si no flying from Gods presence God ●aves the heart Greed breeds en● A contempt of riches The immortall substance of the soul The misery and shortnesse of life Frailtie and falling follow man The varieties of vanitie ●gratefull ●ildren to ●ed pa●ts Elemental changes The present miseries of Christendome The craftinesse a● cruelty of Rome Compari●ons of ●reedome ●om sin The Jewish tears on Babilons banks Correction begets awe Short and evil are our dayes Athens made the mother and mi●our of miseries The inconstancie of worldly pride Ambitious Xerxes bewailing the brevitie of life This lif● is loaden with cro●ses the flat●ry of ●ourts Sions prosperities prayed f● The Sun ●ines on ●e good ●d bad Our day nor time can never returne ●rist is ●r Phy●ian The sufferings and passion of Christ