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A81852 The evangelical history: or, The life of our Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ comprehensively and plainly related. With practical inferences and discourses thereupon. In four books. I. Of the birth of John the Baptist. Of the conception and birth of Jesus Christ; with an account of what passed to his entrance upon the ministerial function. II. The history of the acts and miracles of our Saviour, in the first two years of his ministry. III. A relation of his acts and miracles, in the third year of his preaching. IV. An account of his acts and preaching, from the triumphant entrance into Jerusalem. Of his Crucifixion, Resurrection, apparitions, and glorious ascension into heaven. With a large practical introduction, by way of preface. Written in French by the learned L.E. du Pin, and Englished by a divine of the Church of England, with additions. Adorn'd with copper cuts. Du Pin, Louis Ellies, 1657-1719. 1694 (1694) Wing D2641A; ESTC R229041 170,749 286

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by the Reader who will think them rather too few than too many But considering that unless we well understand the design of our Saviours coming into the World we cannot read the History of his Life with any real advantage for since he did spake and suffered nothing but with a tendency to that end we can never have a true notion of them unless we know the true motive and the end which he himself aimed at I judged it necessary to propound a short History of the Fall of Man and the Wounds which Men have received by it before I present them with the Medicine to heal them and teach them in a few words the happiness of that Estate wherein God Created them the lamentable Miseries into which they have faln by Sin and the means which Gods infinite goodness makes use of to save them The Discovery of these Miseries will make them more desirous to know what Christ hath done to deliver them and by how much they perceive themselves more obnoxious to Gods Justice by so much they will the more eagerly lay hold upon Jesus by Faith to save them from it II. Mans Creation and Fall by Sin When God created the Heaven and the Earth in six days he being desirous not only to provide a Governour for all his Corporeal Creatures but to put some other Beings into the places of the faln Angels in Heaven Created a Man and Woman whom he called Adam and Eve which signifies the Mother of all Living God formed them in his own Image i. e. gave them an Immortal Soul endowed them with abilities to know and love him which are two of the most noble Actions of the Rational Creature which make up the whole Life and happiness of God which is to know and love himself from all Eternity Wherefore he filled their Minds with Knowledge and their Will with Love He Created them perfect and upright their Souls in perfect submission to God and their Body to their Soul There was no darkness or trouble in their minds because God was their Light and Peace and nothing in there Bodies which might make them ashamed because there was nothing disorderly for which reason it is that the Holy Scripture saith That they were Naked Gen. 2.25 and were not ashamed In this Holy and Happy Estate they had a sound Judgment and perfect freedom of Will furnished with all Graces necessary to do that good which God required of them and to purchase that Glory which should be the reward of their Virtue which is to have a clear Vision of God They knew so much of God as Creatures are capable of and if they made a good use of this knowledge upon Earth they should be Translated to the full fruition of God in Heaven Their Innocency exempted them from Death and all other Evils which are the effects of Sin And their privileges were not only for themselves but their Posterity to whom they should communicate not only their Nature but Innocency and all the priviledges of it For the continuance of all these Temporal favours and obtaining that eternal happiness which he hath promised them God required nothing but an entire submission to his Will which that he might have tryal of he gave them a Command to abstain from the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil which was in the midst of Paradise threatning them with Death if they dared to Touch it Nothing was more easy than the observation of this Commandment but they kept it not long for the Devil envying their Happiness came to Eve under the Shape of a Serpent perswading her to Eat the Fruit which was forbidden and telling her that they should be so far from dying that they shall become as Gods By these promises she suffered her self to be seduced eat of the Fruit and gave it to her Husband who thro' a wicked Compliance made himself guilty of the Womans Sin As soon as they had thus broken the Command of their God they were made sensible of their Fault by the fearful Change in themselves for they perceived they were Naked and were filled with confusion because they felt in their Bodies the disorderly Motions of their Concupiscence God shewed himself to them no longer as a Father whose presence was their Joy and Happiness but as an offended Lord who reproved their disobedience and as a severe Judge to punish their Rebellion He Condemned the Man to Toil and Drudgery for his necessary Food the Woman to Pains in Child-bearing and drave them both out of the Terrestrial Paradise in which he had placed them he subjected them to all the miseries of this Life and passed the sentence of Death upon them which he had threatned condemning them not only to a Temporal Death of the Body but to the Second Death which is more terrible than the former the Death of the Soul which is to Live eternally with the Devils in Hell and be banished from the only cause and foundation of all Happiness God A just punishment saith St. Austin for their fault in disobeying so easy a Law of so great a God! All the Race of Adam being corrupted in him as in their Fountain and Root by his Sin was also lyable to the same punishment for as if he had continued in his Innocency all his Posterity had inherited it by their Birth and all the Advantages of it after the same manner since he hath sinned all Men naturally inherit his Crimes and all the Plagues which are consequent upon it This is the Sin which we call Original because we are guilty of it from our Original and Birth and this is the Sin which brings upon us all those Evils which we feel either in our Souls or Bodies for the darkness of the Understanding the corruption of the Heart the proneness of the Will to Evil and Opposition to Good the disorderly Motions of Concupiscence the turbulency of our Passions the excessive Love of our selves forgetfulness and Aversion to God all the Sins which we commit Hunger Thirst Weariness Griefs Death and Lastly Eternal Damnation are the sad Consequences and just punishments of this Sin which we come into the World with and which make us as St. Paul saith the Children of the Wrath of God Eph. 2.3 III. The Incarnation of Jesus Christ Out of the miserable condition into which Man had plunged himself and Posterity by Sin there was no way of Recovery had not God in his infinite Mercy been pleased to find out a way which none else could do He had compassion on his Creatures and contrived this means to save them the Word i. e. the Son of God the Second Person of the Holy Trinity was made Incarnate assuming a Body and Soul like us and united to his Divinity in his own person the Humane Nature which he intended to redeem He became Man still being God and took upon him all the weaknesses and Infirmities of Man Sin and Ignorance only excepted He undertook
concurring Approbation of his Father in Holy Scripture to render it credible nay certain but yet he knew that they would not be convinced by all these Proofs because they loved not God and instead of seeking that Glory which is from God they delighted in no other Persons Esteem or Approbation but what they receive one from another XIII The Jews accuse Jesus's Disciples of Sabboth Breaking Matth 12.1 8. Mark 2 23-28 Luke 6 1-5 The Jews who had charged Jesus with a Sin in healing a Man upon their Sabboth Day as having thereby broken the Law of God were not afraid to condemn him for the same Fault upon many the like occasions for as he passed along the Corn-Fields upon the Sabboth Day and his Diciples being very hungry took some Ears of Corn as they went along and rubbing them in their Hands eat them some of the Pharisees complained of it to him saying Behold thy Disciple do that which is not lawful to be done on the Sabboth Day But he demonstrates to them first of all by the Example of David who in an urgent case of Necessity had eaten of the Shew-Bread which none but the Priests might lawfully eat that Necessity may create a Dispensation of a Law Secondly by the Example of their own Priests who were not thought guilty of Sabboth-breaking notwithstanding they slay and slay their Sacrifices in the Temple upon the Sabboth Day according to the Commandment of the same Law 〈◊〉 that the Law doth not forbid all sorts of Action upon the Sabboth Day But if they pretend that the Temple justifies these sorts of Actions he might as well justifie this Action of his Disciples since He was greater than the Temple But if they had known that Mercy is more acceptable to God than Sacrifice they would not have so rashly condemned the Innocent That they inverted the Order of things in that they would have Man made for Sabboth whereas the Sabboth was made for Man And lastly That the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabboth-day and so may lawfully command or permit what he pleases to be done in it XIV Jesus Cures several sick Persons on the Sabboth On another Saturday as he taught in the Synagogue Matth. 12 10-13 Mar. 3 1-5 Lu. 6 6-10 there was a Man who had his Right Hand withered And the Lawyers and the Pharisees asked Jesus Whether it was Lawful to heal on the Sabboth day And they at the same time observed whether he would heal this Man that they might have cause of Accusation against him But Jesus knowing their thoughts bid the Man stand forth in the middle of the Assembly and asked them again Whether it be Lawful to do good and save Life on the Sabboth day And to give them an undeniable proof of the Lawfulness of it he adds What Man is there among you that shall have a Sheep which happens to fall into a Pit upon the Sabboth day will not lay hold of it and lift it out How much is a Man better than a sheep They could not answer any thing to this but they would not acknowledge the Truth so that Jesus having looked upon them with anger and being grieved for the hardness blindness of their Heart he turned himself to the Man that had the Withered Hand and said unto him Stretch out thy hand which he did and immediately his Hand was made as whole as the other Mat. 12 14-21 Mar. 3 6.-12 Lu. 6.11 The Pharisees seeing this Miracle were enraged against him and took Councel together how they might destroy Jesus Whereupon he withdrew himself with his Disciples to the Lake of Gennesareth being followed by a great number of People for the Fame of these Miracles being spread abroad throughout all Galilee Judea Idumaea and all the Country round about Jordan as far as the Mediterranean Sea to the Coasts of Tyre and Sydon they came in throngs from all these places to hear him and to be cured of their Diseases This caused him to order his Disciples to keep a small Ship there ready to go into that he might not be crowded by the People He healed all that were present of their Diseases commanding them at the same time not to discover him and silencing with threatnings the Devils who fell down before him crying out and saying Thou art the Son of God XV. Jesus Christ chooseth his Twelve Disciples and preacheth his Sermon on the Mount After these things Jesus retired into a Mountain where he continued all Night in Prayer to God Lu. 6 12.-26 Mar. 3 13.-20 Matt. 5. ●-12 And when it was day he called his Disciples and out of them he chose twelve whom he named Apostles which signifies Persons sent because he sent them to preach his Gospel with a power to heal Diseases and cast out Devils The Gospel observes that he chose whom he would and that these were the Twelve which he preferred to this Dignity viz. Simon whom he had already named Peter and Andrew his Brother the two Sons of Zebedee James and John whom he Surnamed Boanerges i. e. Sons of Thunder Philip to whom he first of all said Follovv me Bartholomew Matthew whom he took from the Custom-house Thomas also called Didimus i. e. a Twin another James the Son of Alpheus and his Brother named Judas or Thaddaeus Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot Then he came dovvn with them and remained in the Plain near the same Mountain vvhither the Multitude abovementioned vvhich came to hear him and touched him because such Virtue vvent out of him as healed all manner of Diseases flocked unto him Among them vvere many possessed vvith Devils vvhom he freed After this in the presence of all this Company he made a Discourse which contains all the Precepts of the Christian Law he spake it to his Disciples and begins it by teaching them wherein true Happiness consists saying to them Blessed are the poor in spirit that is to say those who are loose in their desires of Earthly things for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven Blessed are they that mourn for their own and others sins hating the Carnal pleasures of this World for they shall be comforted and filled with spiritual Joy Blessed are the meek and quiet spirited for they shall inherit the Earth i. e. Paradise which is as the Fathers explain it the Land of the Living and the Heritage of such as suffer Joyfully the spoiling of their Goods which they cannot preserve without offending God Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after Righteousness for they shall have their Holy desires satisfied Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy Blessed are they whose hearts are clean from all Carnal Lusts for they shall see God Blessed are the peace-makers who not only love and live in peace themselves but labour to make others to be at peace for they shall be called the Children of God being as like the God of Peace as Children are to their
Wrong to any Man I will restore him Four-fold And Jesus answered This Day is Salvation come to this House And assures us That Zaccheus who was looked upon hitherto by the Jews as a Stranger and a Heathen was by Faith become a Child of Abraham as well as they and so was entituled to the Promises made to him L. Jesus condemns the Opinion of those who believed that the Kingdom of God would then appear All those who were present Luke 19 11-27 harkned unto Jesus with Attention and as they drew near to Jerusalem they thought that the glorious Reign of the Messias which they had fancied to themselves would immediately commence supposing that Jesus had undertaken this Journey to the Passover at Jerusalem for this End only to seat himself upon his Throne and to establish the Kingdom he had so often spoke of Jesus knowing their Thoughts condemned them by this Parable A certain great and Noble Man being about to take a Voyage into a far Country where he was to take Possession of a Kingdom fallen to him called all his Servants and gave them every one a Sum of Mony to trade withal and improve till he should return Some of his Countrymen who hated him sent after him and declared that they would not have him for their King But he notwithstanding this Opposition having obtained the Kingdom returned again and first calls the Servants to an Account to whom he had entrusted his Mony One of them had improved it Ten the Other Five Times by Trading whom he rewarded proportionably to their Diligence giving to the last the Government of Five Gities and the other of Ten But one there was among them who instead of trading with it had lock'd it up fearing as he said the great Severity of his Master and so not daring to hazard what he had entrusted to him But his Master condemned this Action and taking his Mony from him gave it to those whom he had already so bountifully rewarded This done he summoned those who had refused to accept him for their King and put them to Death in his Presence The Gospel doth not deliver the Explication of this Parable but since we know the Occasion that Jesus had to propose it it is very natural to explain it thus Jesus himself is the King here spoken of he is gone into Heaven and shall return in Majesty to judge both the Quick and the Dead He distributes his Graces here below and expects that we should improve them by a good Use of them At his coming again he will find Three several sorts of Persons some will make a good Use of the Grace that they have received to whom God will give greater portions of it Others will not improve it and therefore he will take it from them Lastly others will revolt from him and will not obey his Laws such as Infidels and Wicked Men but chiefly the Jews are meant in this Place who being God's People have nevertheless made the most vigorous Opposition to the Establishment of his Church and therefore he shall destroy them LI. Jesus Christ heals Two Blind Men. Matth 20 29-31 Mark 10 46-52 As soon as Jesus was departed from Jericho being followed by a great Company of People a certain Blind Man named Bartimeus he Son of Timeus who sat by the Way-Side begging being informed what the Multitude which he heard going by meant and hearing that Jesus passed by Luke 18 35-43 he cryed out with another Blind Man who sate in the same Road Jesus thou Son of David have Mercy on me The People which accompanied Jesus but chiefly those that went before him spake roughly to him to make him hold his Peace but he cryed out so much the louder as did also his Companion Thou Son of David have Mercy on me Then Jesus stopped and commanded him to be called which some did saying be of good Comfort arise he calleth you Then he immediately cast away his Coat arose and went with his Companion to Jesus who asked them both What would you have me to do for you They answered Lord that thou wouldest open our Eyes Then Jesus being moved with Compassion touched their Eyes and immediately they received Sight and followed him glorifying God as also did all the People who had been Witnesses of this Miracle LII Jesus Christ suppeth at Bethany Jesus drew every Day nearer and nearer to Jerusalem Matt. 26 6-13 Mark 14.3 ● 9. John 12.1 and Six Days before the Passover he came to Bethany where he had lately raised Lazarus the Brother of Mary and Martha from the Dead Here he was entertained at a Supper in the House of Simon the Leper Martha waited but Lazarus was one of those that supped with him While he sat at the Table Mary came to him having an Alabaster-Box containing a Pound of the Oyntment of Spikenard of great Value with which she anointed his Feet wiping them with her Hairs and afterward breaking the Box she poured the Residue of the Perfume upon his Head so that the whole House was filled with the Smell of it The Apostles but chiefly Judas Iscariot murmured at this waste and Judas said That this Oyntment might have been sold for Three hundred Pence which is about 9 l. 7 s. 6 d. of our Mony and so relieved many Poor People not that he had so much Care or Compassion for the Poor as the Gospel observes but because he was a Thief and kept the Mony which Jesus Christ had collected for his ordinary Expence and for the maintenance of the Poor upon which account it was that he was so very desirous to have gotten the Price of this Oyntment into his Hands that he might gratify his own Covetousness But Jesus himself undertook the Defence of Mary and told those that condemned her That she had done a good Work and had embalmed his Body before-hand for the Day of its Burial and that as for the Poor for whose Relief it was said that the Price of this Oyntment might have been better employed they were always with them and might receive Relief of them at any Time but they cculd not have him always with them to pay their Duty to him and give him the Marks of their Esteem and Affection And lastly That this Action of Mary's should in every Place where the Gospel is preach'd be spoken of in her Commendation In the mean while it being known at Jerusalem that Jesus was come to Bethany many of the Jews came to see him and not him only but more especially Lazarus whom he had raised from the Dead As for the Chief Priests they had determined to kill Lazarus because many Jews were converted to the Belief of Christ's Divinity by the Miracle of his Resurrection The End of the Third Book BOOK IV. An Account of what Jesus Christ did from his Triumphant Entrance into Jerusalem to his Ascension into Heaven I. Jesus Christ goes in Triumph to Jerusalem THE next Day Jesus
lifted up his Hands to bless his Disciples and as he blessed them he was parted from them who saw him ascend up towards Heaven till a Cloud into which he entred took him out of their Sight They still looked after him with earnestness and as soon as they had lost the Sight of him Two Men cloathed in White presented themselves to them on a suddain and said unto them Ye Men of Galilee why stand ye looking up towards Heaven This Jesus who hath left you and is gone up into Heaven shall come again in the same manner as ye have seen him go into Heaven Then the Apostles ador'd him who had left the Earth to be seated in Heaven at the Right Hand of God i. e. to receive in his Sacred Humanity the Rest and Glory which was the Reward of his Labour and Sufferings They departed full of Joy from the Mount of Olives and returned to Jerusalem where Ten Days after they received the Holy Ghost Then they went and preached every where according as their Master had commanded them and the Lord confirmed the Word which he had put in their Mouth by Miracles LIII The Glorious Life of Jesus Christ in Heaven John 20.30 31. This is a full account of all the Gospel teacheth us of the Life which Jesus Christ lived upon the Earth He did indeed many other Things and wrought a great number of Miracles which are not written these that are written being sufficient for our Salvation if by reading them we believe That Jesus is the Son of God that by Faith we may have Life in his Name This is the Life which he hath promised us and into which he is entred by his Ascension for he told his Apostles That he went to prepare a Place for them John 14.3 And S. Paul assures us That he is entred into Heaven for us as our Fore-runner Heb. 6.19 20. that we may follow him now in Hope which serveth us as an Anchor sure and stedfast in the various Disturbances and Troubles of this Mortal Life As to the Life which Jesus Christ now liveth in Heaven the Gospel tells us That he sits there Mark 16.19 at the Right Hand of God He siteth i. e. is at perfect Ease and Rest having no more Trouble or Sufferings in his Sacred Humanity to which he is united for our Salvation He sitteth at the Right Hand of God i. e. is made equal with the Father being God of like Nature with him and is raised up above all Creatures This Rest Acts 7.56 which Jesus Christ enjoys for himself hinders him not from acting for us and altho he sits at the Right Hand of God S. Stephen saw him there standing indeed since he came to the Earth not only to purchase the Glorification of that Body and Soul which he assumed in the Womb of the Virgin but also to obtain Salvation for all that believe on him If he hath nothing else to do with his Sacred Humanity yet it is his business to intercede for the Salvation of his Saints till they shall come to be Partakers of his Glory He there finishes the great Work of Man's Redemption which he began upon Earth in Heaven Eph. 'T is there as Head of the Church as the Apostle calls him he governs it by his Pastors which he hath appointed enlightens it by her Doctors sanctifies it by his Sacraments protects it by the Help of his Grace and quickens it by his Spirit 'T is there that he prays without ceasing for us and we use him as our Advocate to defend our Cause before his Father as our Mediator to offer our Prayers to him and obtain the Mercies and Graces we petition as High Priest and Sacrifice by offering always the same Blood which he poured out upon the Cross once for all for the Salvation of the whole World Hence it was that S. John saw him in Heaven in the Figure of a Lamb slain and laid upon the Altar which is before the Throne of God Rev. 5.6 7. Heb. 4.16 't is there that he sits upon a Throne of Grace and Mercy where we may go in a Time of Need to obtain Pardon of our Sins before he appears upon his Throne of Justice to judge the World 1 Joh. 2.1 Lastly 't is there that he calls us and invites us to consider upon him in his Glory which he hath merited both for himself and us by the Effusion of his Blood that by the Prospect of that Eternal Happiness which he hath prepared for us he may make us contemn all earthly Things and stir us up to follow him in the Way he is gone before us i. e. to imitate the Examples he hath given us in this Mortal Life of which we have related the History in this Book For this Reason it is that S. Paul exhorts us by these Words which include all the Benefit we ought to make of all that is said of the Life of Jesus Christ Heb. 10 19-31 We have freedom to enter with Boldness into the Heavenly Sanctuary by the Blood of Jesus Christ going after him in that new Way which he hath trodden out for us in his own Flesh And since he is in Heaven an High Priest set over the House of God let us draw near to him with a truly sincere Heart and full of Faith with a Soul purified from the Filth of an Evil Conscience and a Body preserving the Purity which it hath received from the pure Water of Baptism let us remain firm and stedfast in our Faith and in the Hope of that Glory which he hath promised to us for he is faithful who hath promised And to obtain it let us provoke one another to Love and to good Works and let us encourage our selves so much the more as we see the last Day draweth nigh for if we sin wilfully after we have received the Knowledge of Truth we must expect nothing but the terrible Judgments and the Flame of that Revenging and Rageing Fire which shall consume the Enemies of God He that despised Moses 's Law was condemned to Death without Mercy how much greater Punishment doth he deserve think ye who hath trodden under Foot the Son of God and hath counted the Blood of the Covenant by which we are sanctified an Vnholy and Prophane Thing i. e. who hath profaned by Sin the Blood of Jesus Christ by which he hath been purified in Baptism and who hath abused and affronted the Spirit of Grace for we know him that hath said Vengeance is reserved for me and I know how to repay it It is a terrible Thing to fall into the Hands of the Living God LIV. The Conclusion This Living God which S. Paul speaks of is the very same Person which we have seen in this History dying for the Salvation of Men upon the Cross He was judged but he shall judge us and that by the Rules which he hath given us and the Examples