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A51846 A second volume of sermons preached by the late reverend and learned Thomas Manton in two parts : the first containing XXVII sermons on the twenty fifth chapter of St. Matthew, XLV on the seventeenth chapter of St. John, and XXIV on the sixth chapter of the Epistle of the Romans : Part II, containing XLV sermons on the eighth chapter of the Epistle to the Romans, and XL on the fifth chapter of the second Epistle to the Corinthians : with alphabetical tables to each chapter, of the principal matters therein contained.; Sermons. Selections Manton, Thomas, 1620-1677. 1684 (1684) Wing M534; ESTC R19254 2,416,917 1,476

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13.14 The Lord needeth no interpreter between him and the hearts of his children he that heareth without earts can interpret our desires tho not uttered by the tongue desires are strong cries Psal. 10.17 Thou hast heard the desires of the humble Psal. 38.9 Lord all my desire is before thee and my groaning is not hid from thee This crying is opposite to that careless formality and deadness which is in other mens prayers this crying to God as one that is able and ready to help us is a great fruit of the spirit of Adoption 't is a childlike boldness 2. A childlike ingenuity in the course of obedience to him both in our abstaining from sin as the Rechabites are an Emblem Jer. 35.6 We dare not break the commands of our father And in a ready diligence in our obedience 2 Cor. 5.14 The love of God constraineth us for we thus judg if one dyed for all then were all dead c. The Will of our Father is instead of all Reasons Christ ever urged this This is the will of my Father John 6.26 38. So to Christians 1 Thes. 5.18 This is the will of God in Christ concerning you 1 Thes. 4.3 This is the will of God even your sanctification That 's enough beyond all enforcements 3. As to the inheritance they are very chary of it and will not hazzard the hope and comfort of it upon easie terms Heb. 12.16 Let there not be found a prophane person as Esau who sold his birth-right for a mess of pottage 1 Kings 21.3 And Naboth said to Ahab The Lord forbid it me that I should give the inheritance of my Father to thee 3. USE is Direction to us in the Lords Supper This is the seal of the new Covenant the Table which God keepeth for the entertainment of his family the feast for souls Gods Children are sure of Welcome 't is childrens bread we eat we come hither both to remember the grounds of our Adoption and to receive the comfort of it we come to meditate on the fatherly love of God and to get a new tast and experience of it in our own souls here we have special communion with him as children with a Father we come for a further participation of the spirit for we all drink into one spirit 1 Cor. 12.13 Here we look up unto God and in our hearts cry Abba Father We bind our selves also to perform the duty of children by new resolution to submit to his fatherly government both in his Laws and Providences to his commanding and disposing will and lift up our hope for the eternal inheritance SERMON XXIV ROM VIII 16 The spirit its self witnesseth to our spirits that we are the children of God IN the Words we have 1. The Priviledg assured That we are the children of God 2. The double Testimony by which it is confirmed The spirit its self beareth witness to our spirits or if you will here are Testes Testimonium the thing witnessed That we are the children of God and the Witnesses they are two the spirit its self and our spirits And in the mouth of two or three Witnesses every thing is established The spirit its self is the Holy Ghost and our spirits are our renewed consciences Doct. That our Adoption into Gods Family is evidenced by the testimony of the spirit to our spirits 1. I shall shew you the Worth and Value of the Priviledg 2. Speak something of this double Testimony by which it is assured to us For the first It is certainly a great Priviledg for we are excited to consider it with wonder and reverence 1 John 3.1 Behold what manner of love the father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God 'T is a blessed Priviledg questionless to have God for our Father and Christ for our Elder Brother and Heaven for our Portion what can we desire more And this will appear to you if you consider 1. The Person adopting The great and glorious God who is so far above us so happy within himself and needeth not us nor our choicest love and service who had a Son of his own Jesus Christ the only Begotten of the Father who thought it no robbery to be equal with him in Power and Glory Phil. 2.6 A son that was the express image of his person Heb. 1.3 The son of his love Col. 1.13 In whom his soul found full complacency Prov. 8.30 I was daily his delight rejoicing always before him If men adopt 't is in orbitatis solatium a remedy found out for the comfort of them that have no children Seldom was it heard that a Father who had a Son should adopt a Son therefore it heightens the Priviledg that God should vouchsafe to poor creatures such a dear and honourable relation to himself 2. The Persons who were adopted Miserable sinners who were once strangers and enemies Col. 1.21 Children of Wrath even as others Eph. 1.3 Who had cast away the Mercies of their Creation and involved themselves in the curse now that strangers should be taken into the family and put in the place of children and dealt with as children that enemies should not only be reconciled but have liberty to own the Blessed God as their Father in Christ that children of wrath should be called to inherit a blessing that those who had so often offended God and were become slaves to Satan should be called into the liberty of the children of God this is that which we may wonder at and say Behold what manner of love is this 3. The Dignity it self compared 1. With the honours of the World David saith 1 Sam. 18.23 Seemeth it a light thing to you to be a Kings Son-in-law We may with better reason say Is it nothing to be taken into Gods Family and to become Sons and Daughters of the Most High God all relations may blush and hide their faces in comparison of this All the splendid Titles which are so Ambitiously affected by the World are but empty Shews and gilded Vanities and do much come short of this priviledge both in honour and profit therefore 't is a greater instance of the love of God than if he had made us Monarchs of the World or if a man could deduce his Pedigree from an uninterrupted Line of Nobles and Princes Alas how much better is it to be born of the Spirit than of the froth of the Blood and to have a Title that will be our Honour and Interest to all Eternity than to be distinguished from others by a Title that will cease at the Graves Mouth 2. Compared with Gods relation to other creatures there is a Relation between God and all his Creatures as he gave being to all so he hath an Interest and Propriety in all Sun and Moon and Stars are called his Servants Psal. 119.91 All Creatures are subject to the Law of his over-ruling Providence But Man is under his proper Government Adam by the Covenant of Works was
the Promise of the Father When he came to Heaven he received the fulfilling of this Promise for God did not bring Christ into Heaven as we are brought into Heaven merely to rest from Labour and to enjoy the Reward of Glory but that he might sit in the Throne of Majesty and Authority to have Power to send the Spirit and gather the Church and condemn the World and to apply to all the Elect the Privileges that he had purchased for them There are Effects of Christ Crucified and there are Effects of Christ Raised and Exalted Psal. 68.18 Thou hast ascended on High thou hast led Captivity captive thou hast received Gifts for Men yea for the Rebellious also that the Lord God might dwell among them He gave Gifts when he ascended as Kings do at their Coronation The Humiliation of Christ hath its Effects in fulfilling the Curses of the Law pacifying God's Wrath and Justice the annihilation of the Right which the Devil had in Elect Sinners purchasing a right to returning to God and enjoying the Grace of Eternal Life The Exaltation of Christ hath its Effects viz. the Application of this Righteousness and to possess us of this Right When Christ was dead it was lawful for those for whom he died to return to God and enjoy his Grace but it was not possible for they were dead in Sins Therefore God raised up Christ and gave him Authority to pour out the Holy Ghost that we should seek in Grace not only the force of Satisfaction but of Regeneration that the effect of his Abasement this of his Advancement What a Comfort is this that Christ would not only die for us but rise again and pour out his Spirit that his Blood might not be without Profit 4. Here is Comfort for the Church while our Head is so highly magnified and made Lord of all he will rule all for the best certainly no Good shall be wanting to them that are his Psal. 110.1 The Lord said unto my Lord Sit thou at my right Hand until I make thine Enemies thy Footstool There shall come a Time when the Church shall have no Enemies so far shall it be from its being overcome by its Enemies that they shall curse themselves that ever they resisted the Church 5. Our Sins shall not prejudice our Happiness seeing he sitteth at the right Hand of God the Father to be our Intercessor 1 Joh. 2.1 If any Man sin we have an Advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the Righteous we have a Friend at Court a Favorite in the Court of Heaven If it were not for Christ's Intercession what should we do those that know the Majesty of God their own Unworthiness the pollution of their Prayers what should they do The Spirit is our Notary here Rom. 8.26 The Spirit helpeth our Infirmities for we know not what to pray for as we ought but the Spirit is self maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered And Christ is our Advocate in Heaven Rev. 8.3 And another Angel came and stood at the Altar having a golden Censer and there was given unto him much Incense that he should offer it with the Prayers of all Saints upon the golden Altar which was before the Throne Our Prayers have an ill savour as they come from us 2. For our Instruction It teacheth us to seek Heavenly Things Col. 3.1 If ye then be risen with Christ seek the things that are above where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God Phil. 3.20 Our Conversation is in Heaven from whence also we look for the Saviour our Lord Jesus Christ. We should imitate Christ whatever he did Corporally we must do Spiritually There is our Treasure if you are the Children of God he is your Delight There is our Head the inferiour Parts never do well when they are severed from the Head All that we expect cometh from thence and therefore a natural desire of Happiness carrieth the Saints thither SERMON VII JOHN XVII 6 I have manifested thy Name unto the Men which thou gavest me out of the World thine they were and thou gavest them me and they have kept thy Word WE have now ended the first Paragraph of this Chapter Christ's Prayer for himself Here he cometh to pray for others the Disciples of that Age. When Jacob was about to die he blesseth his Sons so doth Christ his Disciples Christ representeth their Case with as much vehemency as he doth his own In this Verse useth three Arguments They were acquainted with his Father's Name belonged to his Grace and were obedient to his Will Or if you will you may observe First The Persons for whom he prayeth Secondly The Reasons why he prayeth for them which are three I. What Christ had done II. What the Father himself had done III. What they had done First The Persons for whom he prayeth The Men which thou hast given me out of the World Who are these I answer the Disciples or Believers of that Age not only the eleven Apostles are intended tho chiefly But it is not to be restrained to the Apostles only 1. Because the Description is common to other Believers others were given him besides the eleven Apostles It is the usual Description of the Elect in this Chapter ver 2. That he should give eternal Life to as many as thou hast given him So ver 9. I pray for them whom thou hast given me for they are thine And ver 24. Father I will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am And in other Chapters of this Gospel 2. Because Christ had made known the Name of God to more than the Apostles Many of the Jews and Samaritans had received the Faith Acts 1.15 there a hundred and twenty met together in a Church-Assembly presently after Christ's Death 3. Otherwise they had been forgotten in Christ's Prayer for afterwards he prayeth only for future Believers ver 20. Neither pray I for them only but for those that shall believe on me through their Word Mark That shall believe But tho the Apostles are not only intended yet they are chiefly intended as appeareth by that Expression Through their Word We have seen who are the Persons Now they are described to be the Men which the Father hath given me out of the World Men. To note the greatness of the Blessing tho they were frail miserable Men corrupt by Nature as others are yet by singular Mercy they are made familiar Friends of Christ and some of them Doctors of the World Which thou hast given me by way of special Charge There is a double giving to Christ by way of Reward by way of Charge These were given to him as a peculiar Charge Out of the World That is out of the whole Mass of Mankind When others were left and passed by God singled them out and gave them to Christ. I shall open the Phrase more fully in the next Clause The Points of Doctrine are these 1. Observ.
that they may grow together in one Body whereof I am the Head or one Temple It is sometimes set out by One Mystical Body sometimes by One Spiritual Temple One Body Col. 2.19 And not holding the Head from which all the Body by Joints and Bands having Nourishment ministred and knit together increaseth with the Increase of God Rom. 12.5 We being many are One Body in Christ and every one Members one of another Ephes. 1.22 23. And gave him to be the Head over all things to the Church which is his Body And One Temple Ephes. 2.20 21 22. And are built upon the Foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Jesus Christ himself being the chief Corner-Stone in whom all the Building fitly framed together groweth unto an Holy Temple in the Lord In whom you also are builded together for an Habitation of God through the Spirit One as thou in me and I in thee Christ doth not say that they may be One in another that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 doth not agree to them but in the Mystery of the Trinity it denotes the Union between the Divine Persons One in Vs that is by the Communication and Inhabitation of that Spirit which proceedeth from us Our Union is from God in God and to God from the Spirit with God through Christ. Let me now enquire I. What it is II. Why it is so valued by Christ I. What it is There is an Union with Christ the Head and between the Members one with another I shall speak of both tho but little of the latter because I handled it Vers. 11. 1. There is a Union with Christ the Head That ye may conceive of it take these Propositions 1. The whole Trinity is concerned in this Union By the Communion of the Spirit we are mystically united to Christ and by Christ to God The Father is as it were the Root Christ the Trunk the Spirit the Sap we the Branches and our Works the Fruits John 15. This is the great Mystery delivered in the Scriptures Christ doth not only dwell in us by Faith Ephes. 3.17 But God dwelleth in us and we in God 1 John 4.16 and the Spirit dwelleth in us Rom. 8.11 We are consecrated Temples wherein the whole Trinity take up their Residence We are Children of God Members of Christ Pupils to the Holy Ghost Gods Family Christ's Body and the Spirit 's Charge We are united to the Father as the Fountain of Grace and Mercy to the Son as the Pipe and Conveyance and the Spirit accomplisheth and effecteth all The Father sendeth the Son to merit this Grace and the Son sendeth the Spirit to accomplish it therefore we are said by one Spirit to be baptized into the same Body 2. Tho all the Persons be concerned in it yet the Honour is chiefly devolved upon Christ the Second Person Christ as God-Man is Head of the Church upon a double Ground because of his two Natures and the Union of these in the same Person It was needful that our Head should be Man of the same Nature with our selves Heb. 2.11 He that sanctifieth and they that are sanctified are of One the same Stock It were monstrous to have an Head and Members of a different Nature as in Nebuchadnezzar's Image the Substance of the Head and Body differed the Head was of fine God the Arms of Silver the Belly and Thighs of Brass the Legs of Iron part of the Feet of Clay Here was a monstrous Body indeed made up of so many Metals differing in Nature and Kind But Christ took our Nature that he might be a suitable Head and so have a right to redeem us and be in a Capacity to give himself for the Body and sympathize with us All these are Fruits of the Son 's being of the same Nature And again God he needed to be to pour out the Spirit and to have Grace sufficient for all his Members Meer Man was not enough to be Head of the Church for the Head must be more excellent than the Body it is above the Body the Seat of the Senses it guideth the whole Body it is the Shop of the Thoughts and Musings And so Christ the Head must have a preheminence in him the fulness of the Godhead dwelt bodily that we might be compleat in him Col. 2.8 9. And it pleased the Father that in him should all Fulness dwell Col. 1.19 The Grace of God is most eminent in him as Life is most eminent in the Head Now there must be an Union of these two Natures in the same Person If Christ had not been God and Man in the same Person God and we had never been united and brought together he is Emanuel God with Vs Mat. 1.23 God is in Christ and the Believer is in Christ we have a share in his Person and so hath God he descendeth and cometh down to us in the Person of the Mediator and by the Man Christ Jesus we ascend and clime up to God And so you see the Reason why the Honour of Head of the Church is devolved upon Christ. 3. Whole Christ is united to a whole Believer Whole Christ is united to us God-Man and whole Man is united to Christ Body and Soul Whole Christ is united to us the Godhead is the Fountain and the Humane Nature is the Pipe and Conveyance Grace cometh from him as God and through him as Man John 6.56 57. He that eateth my Flesh and drinketh my Blood dwelleth in me and I in him As the living Father hath sent me and I live by the Father so he that eateth me even he shall live by me God is a Sealed Fountain his Humanity is the Pipe so that his Flesh is the Food of the Soul Christ came from Heaven on purpose and sanctified our Flesh that there might be one in our Nature to do us good that Righteousness and Life might pass from him as Sin and Death from Adam but our Faith first pitcheth upon the Manhood of Christ as they went into the holy Place by the Vail And then a whole Christian is united to Christ Body and Soul The Soul is united unto him because it receiveth Influences of Grace and the Body also is taken in Therefore the Apostle disputeth against Fornication because the Body is a Member of Christ 1 Cor. 6.15 Shall I then take the Members of Christ and make them the Members of an Harlot God forbid It is a kind of dismembring and plucking a Limb from Christ you defile Christ's Body the Disgrace redounds to him And hereupon elsewhere doth the Apostle prove the Resurrection by virtue of our Union with Christ Rom. 8.10 11. If Christ be in you the Body is dead because of Sin but the Spirit is Life because of Righteousness But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the Dead dwell in you he that raised up Christ from the Dead shall also quicken your mortal Bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you You may die but
If these things be in you and abound they make you that you shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ That will make a Christian busie and active in Gods Service Well then by this you know who are prepared and who unprepared 2. There is an Actual Preparation which is like the trimming the Lamps when they heard the Cry and that noteth our actual fitting our selves for Death and Judgment Besides our general habitual Preparation there needeth actual Preparation When Pharaoh sent for Joseph he washed himself 'T is no slight thing to appear before Christ. Our general work should often be reviewed that we may get Promises ready Evidences ready Experiences ready that we may have nothing to do but to wait the good hour and give welcome to the Lord Jesus Christ as old Simeon Luk. 2.29 Lord now lettest thou thy Servant depart in peace for mine eyes have seen thy Salvation You should be so settled in Conscience weaned in Heart purified in Spirit that you do with comfort wait for the Salvation of God and not only wait for it but long for it love his appearing especially after a long Profession of the Name of Christ so it should be Now this actual Preparation should be made either 1. Daily and when you are in the greatest health and strength We should think of our great change Job 14.14 for Death doth not alwayes give warning and to be provided doth no hurt It enliveneth our General Preparation and maketh us the more serious 'T is like poysing our confidence and weighing the strength and temper of it to see if it can encounter the thoughts of Death and Judgment to come A run-away cowardly Faith that cannot endure the serious thoughts and supposition of these things will do us no good Presumption is a Coward Besides it riddeth off the present work with more success when we live every day as if it were our last and do all things as if presently to give an account to Christ of the doing of them Once more to familiarize the thoughts of Christs coming to us it allayeth so much of the dread and terrour of it as belongeth to bondage and keepeth up so much as belongs to Reverence and serious and awful walking with God 2. When God summons us by his Providence to make up our Account Luk. 16.2 Give an account of thy Stewardship for thou mayest be no longer Steward Many are about to go into the other World but they do not think of making ready for it The Wrath of God is even at the door and they are stupid and careless Surely such a frame of Heart should be far from the Children of God They have a tender Conscience and a deep sense of the World to come therefore in probality when they have but a short time wherein to prepare their preparation should be the more serious So when we are to partake of the Lords Supper a man would go aside and renew his Evidences for Heaven and awaken his spiritual desire So for hearing the Word a man would compose his Heart to receive the Word with Meekness And should we not set our Hearts in frame when we are to meet with Christ not only in the Ordinances but in Person Secondly Why those only that are Ready and Prepared are to enter into the Nuptial Chamber 1. Those are only meet for heavenly Happiness 'T is most suitable to them as having that life begun in their Hearts which shall be perfected there Col. 1.12 What should poor sensual sinful Creatures do with Heaven Heaven is prepared for us and we for Heaven Rom. 6.23 When we are put into an Heavenly frame and temper Heaven Gates stand open for us 'T is the wisdom of God to put all things in their proper place heavy and light Bodies in their proper places So here the Apostle saith 2 Cor. 5.5 He that wrought us for this very thing is God Excellent Vessels are not thrown about the House but put into a place suitable The purging and purifying of our Souls is a kind of spiritualizing of our Bodies And so we are fitted both in Body and Soul 2. These only have a lively sense of the Coming of the Lord. Temporaries are a sort of Hypocrites their work is real though but a common work not because they purposely and intendedly dissemble but because they have not answerable impressions to the things which they profess to believe and their Affections and Preparations are not answerable to what they know and so 't is a kind of mocking of God They profess and believe God Omniscient yet fear not to sin in his presence to believe Eternity yet Temporal things have the greatest power and influence upon them They look for the coming of Christ in great Majesty and Glory but do not make suitable Provision If we had high thoughts of Christ and a great respect to him we would prepare accordingly But surely we have lessening thoughts of Christ and his glorious Coming if we do not make ready for him how high soever our notions be about it VSE Are we ready I must direct the edge of this Use to four sorts of People 1. Some care not whether they be ready or no They do but dally with Eternity and things of Religion Their Hearts are not moved with joy or grief or hope or fear at the Remembrance of this day Surely they have no Faith at least not a lively but dead Faith and therefore are so dead-hearted and besides they care for none of these things they mind Earthly things If they can live comfortably here be well at ease here they never take care to live eternally Now to these I shall only say Live in no state or frame of Heart but what you would die in Alas in your serious moods you cannot but say I would not die for all the World But what if God should arrest thee before thou thinkest of it What would become of thee On the other side consider when our work is done and our Ornaments put on then it will be pleasant to us to think of the coming of Christ. Now Lord lettest thou thy Servant depart in peace for mine eyes have seen thy Salvation Luk. 2.29 2. Some think themselves ready when they are not Rev. 3.17 Thou thoughtest thou wast rich and encreased with goods and knowest not that thou art wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked I trust in Gods mercy and hope I shall go to Christ 'T is easie to say this but do you know what 't is to meet with Christ what honour he expecteth from you at the last day and how little a naked trust and a dead and empty Faith will do to your acceptance with him I confess we have all from Christ and all the honour we can do him results from his own Grace But yet 't is said Rev. 19.5 The Bride hath made her self ready There is work required of us and such as
not that is as yet He laid aside the person of a Judge then and took on him the Office of a Saviour to offer and purchase Mercy that was his proper Errand when he came first into the world So Luk. 9.56 The Son of man is not come to destroy mens lives but to save them And to comply with that end he cast a veil upon his Glory and endured the enmity and contradiction of the world but now 't is otherwise so that the scandal of his first estate is fully taken off 2. He appeareth in this great Glory to beget a greater Reverence and Fear in the hearts of all those that shall be Judged by him He telleth them aforehand That the Son of man will come in great Glory and Majesty To daunt and quell the haughty minds and proud conceits of the Potentates Oppressors and great ones of the Earth who often abuse their Power to wrong and violence Eccles. 5.8 If thou seest the Oppression of the poor and the violent perverting of Judgement and Justice in a Province marvel not at the matter for he that is higher than the highest regardeth and there be higher than they Here is swaying and swaggering and bearing high upon the thought of their Title and greatness but there they and all their greatness and power shall meet with a Judge that is able by the breath of his mouth to consume them What meaneth the Insolency of the Mighty the Pride of the great Heroes of the Earth that swell and grow haughty with their greatness to look and speak so big Nothing is so profitable to allay the excesses of Power or to fortifie us against the fears of it as the consideration of this mighty Judge who will review all matters and cause the great men of the Earth to tremble Power is an unwieldy thing apt to degenerate and to put men upon unwarrantable practices therefore it needeth to be allayed and ballanced with the consideration of a greater power Alas all the Power and Glory of the world is but a Fancy a vain Pageantry if compared to Christs Power and Glory what is their Authority to his their Splendour to his their Guard to his Nothing can excuse them this Judgment must and shall pass upon them 3. For the Comfort of his People for Christ is a pledge and pattern of what shall be done in them in all things he must first it Rom. 8.29 And we are made conformable to his Image and likeness All Priviledges come to us not only from Christ but through Christ He as Mediator is the first Possessor Are we Elected he was Elected first My Elect Servant Isa. 42.1 Are we Justified so was he as our Surety 1 Tim. 3.16 Justified in the Spirit Are we Sanctified First he received the Spirit of Holiness are we Glorified so was he Col. 3.4 When Christ who is our life shall appear we shall appear with him in Glory 1 Joh. 3.2 We shall be like him for we shall see him as he is There will be a manifestation of the Sons of God Rom. 8.19 First the first-born then all the rest of the Brethren yea we participate of his Judicial Power The Saints shall not only be judged but be Judges 1 Cor. 6.2 3. The evil Spirits a long time ago had their Punishment but then their solemn Doom The Saints shall sit down with him as Justices upon the Bench here the Saints judge the World by their Doctrine and Conversation there by their Vote and Suffrage There is the Relation between Christ and the Church of Wife and Husband Vxor fulget Radiis Mariti as the Husband riseth in honour so doth the Wife Of Head and Members when the Head is Crowned all the Members are cloathed with Honour His Mystical Body shares with him that there may be a proportion in the Body He is the Captain of our Salvation and he will dignifie and reward his Souldiers Heb. 2.10 David when he was Crowned at Hebron his followers were made Captains of thousands Captains of hundreds and Captains of fifties Masters and Servants my Servant shall be where I am he will put marks of Honour and Favour upon all his Servants here they were disgraced with him suffered with him sleighted with him then they shall be glorified with him for still there is a likeness we must be contented to lye hid 'till he be publickly manifested to the world for we have all our Blessings at second hand So much for the first thing His Personal Glory Secondly His Royal Attendance And all the holy Angels with him Chrysostom saith The whole Court of Heaven removeth with him surely there are many of them Jude 14. The Lord cometh with ten thousand of his Saints to execute Judgment on all to convince all that are ungodly 'T is likely these Angels will put on some visible shape for the greater Glory and Majesty of Christs appearing For as he will appear in a Body upon his glorious Throne so will his Legions round about him whose Order Power and formidable Hosts must some way or other be seen of the wicked for their greater terrour Their attendance upon Christ seemeth to be for these Reasons 1. Partly for a Train to make his Appearance the more full of Majesty We find Angels waiting upon Christ at his Ascension and so at his return to Judgment Publick Ministers of Justice are made formidable by their attendance and Christ will come as a Royal King in the midst of his Nobles And 2. Partly that by their Ministry the work of the day may be the more speedily and powerfully dispatched They are to gather the Elect from the four winds Math. 24.31 The Angels that carried their Souls to Heaven shall be imployed in bringing their bodies out of the Graves Luk. 16.22 Carried by Angels into Abrahams bosom They are still serviceable about the Saints this is the last Office they perform to them they are as it were under Christ Guardians of their Bones and Dust Now to the wicked they are to bind the Tares in bundles Math. 13.41 that they may be burnt in the fire They force and present wicked men before the Judge be they never so obstinate they are witnesses they attend upon Congregations 1 Cor. 11.10 In Assemblies there is more Company meets than is visible Devils and Angels meet there the Devils to divert your minds as soon as they begin to be serious to catch the good word out of your Heart and Angels observing you here should be no indecency so in your ordinary Conversations they are conversant about you and then for Execution no sooner is Sentence pronounced but executed As Haman's face was covered and he led away to Execution as soon as the King had but said the word Thus the Scripture in a condescention to our Capacity representeth to us the Ministry of Angels in that great and terrible day We can better understand the Operations of Angels than of God himself they being nearer to us in
only Remedy is Prayer We should not despond but meet Sorrows with a generous Confidence now the only way is to pray If we cannot look for a Deliverance we may pray for a Mitigation for shortning Affliction Mat. 24.20 Pray that your flight be not in the Winter nor on the Sabbath Day when it may be tedious to Body or Soul Pray that you may glorify God in Sufferings as Christ sueth out Support in this Request Usually when Evils are unavoidable we give over all Addresses yet our Condition is capable of Mercy if the Hour be come beg that a Spirit of Glory may rest upon you 5. Christ knew his Hour There was no Traitor by Judas was not present the Souldiers were not come to apprehend him All was yet in the dark and kept secret in the Bosom of the Priests and Elders It confirmeth us in the belief of the Omnisciency of Christ He knew the moment of his Suffering before there was any appearance of it All things are open and naked before him with whom we have to do And be seeth our Thoughts afar off 6. Christ knew the Hour was come yet he seeketh not an hiding-place or to avoid the Storm by flight How many natural and supernatural Ways had Christ to escape he could have smitten them with a Beam of Majesty It noteth the willingness of Christ to suffer all this Trouble and Danger for our sakes as our Conqueror When Christ was to grapple with our Enemies he did not decline the Battel but with Courage and Confidence entred into the Lists with Death and Hell As our Sacrifice he went willingly to the Altar not like a Swine but like a Sheep not with Howling and Reluctancy but with a ready Patience 7. The Act of Christ's Death was quickly over it was but a short space of time he calleth it an Hour Psal. 110.7 de Torrente bibet He shall drink of the Brook in the way a Draught of Death He tasted Death for every one Heb. 2.9 At one Draught he drunk Hell dry as to the Elect. Object But we were to suffer eternally and Christ was to bear our Sorrows I Answer Though Christ paid the same Debt yet through the Excellency of his Person it was done in a shorter time A paiment in Gold is the same Sum with a paiment in Silver or Brass only through the excellency of the Metal it taketh up less room 8. The Hour is come By way of Argument he sheweth the occasion of his Prayer in this Hour of Sadness and Ignominy I am to be betrayed condemned buffeted crucified my Majesty will be obscured and my Death like a Vail drawn upon my Glory Now glorify me in this Hour Indeed thus it was in all Christ's weakness and abasement there was some adjunct of Glory In his Incarnation he is thrust out into a Manger a place for Horses but there he is worshipped A Star in Heaven is hung up for a Sign of that Inn where Christ lay a new Bone-fire to welcome that great but poor Prince into the World He is apprehended by the Souldiers but they are driven back and twice checked in their rude Attempt by the Beams and Emissions of his Divine Glory He is tempted by the Devil in the Wilderness but Angels are sent to minister to him He had not wherewith to pay tribute to Caesar but the Sea payeth Tribute to him and a Fish bringeth the Mony When he was crucified and scoffed at Heaven it self becometh a Mourner and puts on a Vail of Darkness the High Priest did not rend his Cloaths but the Vail of the Temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom One Thief scoffed him but another proclaimed him King When Man denied him the Creatures preach up his Glory Thus Christ in the saddest Hour is still glorified And thus it is with the Children of God Afflictions on wicked Men are evil and all evil but to the Saints a mixed Dispensation sweet Experiences they have in the midst of sad Calamities and Mercy in the midst of Wrath. Glorify thy Son This is the Request it self What is the meaning of it Origen understandeth it of the very Ignominy of the Cross it self which was to Christ a Glory Gloria salvatoris patibulum triumphantis The Cross was not a Gibbet but a Throne of Honour and Calvary to Christ was as glorious as Olivet It is expressed by lifting up But certainly this cannot be intended here because it was the lowest Act of his Humiliation and Abasement This is made the Motive and Reason of his Request the Hour is come by which as we have seen he intendeth that sad ignominious Hour In short it is meant either of God's glorifying him in his Sufferings or God's glorifying him after his Sufferings as will appear by the Sequel and two parallel places 1. Glory in his Sufferings It is said John 13.31 32. Therefore when he was gone out Jesus said Now is the Son of Man glorified and God is glorified in him If God be glorified in him God shall also glorify him in himself and shall straightway glorify him The meaning is now he is to shew himself a glorious Saviour by which God shall also be glorified for which he will uphold and reward him So Glorify thy Son He intendeth those Passages by which his Glory is manifested to the World And so he intends 1. Miracles While Christ suffered the Frame of Nature seemed to be out of Course Mat. 27.51 The Vail of the Temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom and the Earth did quake and the Rocks rent And vers 54. When the Centurion and they that were with him saw these things they feared greatly saying Truly this was the Son of God 2. Support and Strength This was Christ's last Combat and he was to discover the Strength and the Power of the Godhead Now he prayeth for those Tokens and Significations of the Divine Power in his Death to undeceive the World and that the Disciples might receive no Scandal by his Cross. 2. Glory after Death so it is said John 7.39 That the Spirit was not yet given because Christ was not yet glorified Till his Resurrection and Ascension into Heaven he was not inaugurated into the Headship of the Church and gave not out those Royal Largesses and Gifts of the Spirit So that by this Prayer Christ intendeth the Resurrection and all the Consequents of it His Resurrection by which his Divinity was declared Rom. 1.4 And declared to be the Son of God with Power according to the Spirit of Holiness by the Resurrection from the Dead His Ascension and invisible Triumph Col. 2.15 Having spoiled Principalities and Powers he made a shew of them openly triumphing over them in it Ephes. 4.8 When he ascended on High he led Captivity captive and gave Gifts unto Men. The Reception of his Humanity to Heaven and his sitting down at the right Hand of God Phil. 2.9 10 11. Wherefore God also hath
ask Assurance is a ground of the more earnest Request When Daniel understood by Books the number of the Years then he was most earnest in Prayer and when Elijah heard the sound of the Rain he prayed Prayer is to help on Providences that are already in motion That thy Son also may glorify thee Here is another Argument It is usual in Prayer to speak of our selves in a third Person so doth Christ here That thy Son may glorify thee This may be understood many ways partly as the Glory of the Son is the Glory of the Father partly by accomplishing God's Work that I may destroy thy Enemies and save thy Elect partly by the preaching of the Gospel in Christ's Name to the Glory of God the Father He doth as it were say I desire it for no other end but that I may bring Honour to thee From this Clause 1. Observe That God's Glory is much advanced in Jesus Christ. In the Scriptures there is a Draught of God as Coin bears the Image of Caesar but Caesar's Son is his lively Resemblance Christ is the living Bible we may read much of the Glory of God in the Face of Jesus Christ. We shall study no other Book when we come to Heaven for the present it is an advantage to study God in Jesus Christ. The Apostle hath an expression 2 Cor. 4.4 Lest the Light of the Glorious Gospel of Christ who is the Image of God should shine unto them Christ is the Image of God and the Gospel is the Picture of Christ the Picture which Christ himself hath presented to his Bride There we see the Majesty and Excellency of his Person and in Christ of God And Vers. 6. the Apostle saith To give the Light of the Excellency of the Knowledg of the Glory of God in the Face of Jesus Christ. In Christ we read God glorious in his Word Miracles personal Excellencies Transfiguration Resurrection we read much of God There we read his Justice that he would not forgive Sins without a plenary Satisfaction If Christ himself be the Redeemer Justice will not bate him one Farthing His Mercy he spared not his own Son What scanty low Thoughts should we have of the Divine Mercy if we had not this Instance of Christ His Truth in fulfilling of Prophecies Psal. 40.7 8. Then said I Lo I come in the volume of the Book it is written of me I delight to do thy Will O my God yea thy Law is within my Heart This was most difficult for God to grant for us to believe yet rather then he would go back from his Word he would send his own Son to suffer Death for a sinful World All things were to be accomplished though it cost Christ his precious Life God had never a greater Gift yet Christ came when he was promised He will not stick at any thing that gave us his own Son His Wisdom in the wonderful contrivance of our Salvation When we look to God's Heaven we see his Wisdom but when we look on God's Son we see the manifold Wisdom of God Ephes. 3.10 The Angels wonder at these Dispensations to the Church His Power in delivering Christ from Death and the glorious Effects of his Grace His Majesty in the Transfiguration and Ascension of Christ. O then study Christ that you may know God There is the fairest Transcript of the Divine Perfections the Father was never published to the World by any thing so much as by the Son 2. Observe Our Respects to Christ must be so managed that the Father also may be glorified for upon these terms and no other will Christ be glorified 2 Cor. 1.20 For all the Promises in him are Yea and in him Amen to the Glory of God by us Phil. 2.10 11. That at the Name of Jesus every Knee shall bow and every Tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the Glory of God the Father John 14.13 Whatsoever ye shall ask in my Name that will I do that the Father may be glorified in the Son Look as the Father will not be honoured without the Son John 5.23 That all Men should honour the Son even as they honour the Father he that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father that hath sent him so neither will the Son be honoured without the Father I condemneth them who out of a fond respect to Christ neglect the Father As the former Age carried all respect in the Name of God Almighty without any distinct reflection on God the Son So many of late carry all things in the Name of God the Son that the Adoration due to the other Persons is forgotten The Wind of Error doth not always blow in one Corner When the heat of such an Humour is spent Christ will be as much vilified and debased Our Hearts should not be frigidly and coldly affected to any of the Divine Persons 3. Observe It is the proper Duty of Sons to glorify their Father Mal. 1.6 If I be a Father where is mine Honour Mat. 5.16 Let your Light so shine before Men that others seeing your good Works may glorify your Father which is in Heaven How must this be done 1. By reverend Thoughts of his Excellency especially in Worship then we honour him when we behave our selves before him as before a great God this is to make him glorious in our own Hearts When we conceive of him as more excellent than all things Usually we have mean base thoughts by which we streighten or pollute the Divine Excellency 2. By serious Acknowledgments give him Glory Rev. 4.11 Thou art worthy O Lord to receive Glory and Honour and Power for thou hast created all things and for thy Pleasure they are and were created Now this is not in naked ascriptions of Praise to him pratling over words but when we confess all the Glory we have above other Men in Gifts or Dignity is given us of God this is to make him the Father of Glory Ephes. 1.17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ the Father of Glory may give unto you the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the knowledg of him 3. When we make the advantage of his Kingdom the end of all our Actions 1 Cor. 10.31 Whether ye eat or drink or whatever you do do all to the Glory of God Phil. 1.20 Christ shall be magnified in my Body whether it be by Life or by Death Christ had glorified him yet he seeks now to do it more Self will be mixing with our Ends but it must be beaten back We differ little from Beasts if we mind only our own Conveniences 4. By making this the aim of our Prayers We should desire Glory and Happiness upon no other terms Ephes. 1.6 To the Praise of the Glory of his Grace wherein he hath made us accepted in the Beloved It is a mighty encouragement in Prayer when we are sure to be heard John 12.28 Father glorifie thy Name then came there a Voice from Heaven
sent From Christ's suing for Glory upon this Argument I might note That we may plead Promises God saith Put me in remembrance There is difference between a Plea and a Challenge Hypocrites challenge God upon the Merit of their Works Believers humbly urge him with his own Promises Not as if God did need excitement to make good his Word but we need grounds of Hope and Confidence Again Because Christ asketh nothing but what God will give I might observe That when we have done our Work we may expect our portion of Glory But I rather come to the particular discussion of the Words The words may be considered in a Mediatory or in a Moral Sence In a Mediatory sence so they are proper to Christ he prayed to the Father that thy Son may glorify thee Vers. 1. Now he saith I have glorified thee meaning in the days of his Flesh. By a Moral Accommodation they may be applied to every Christian every Christian should say as Christ I have glorified thee on the Earth I have finished the Work which thou gavest me to do First And which is most proper Let us consider them in the Mystical and Mediatory sense The first Phrase is I have glorified thee Christ glorified God many ways by his Person as being the express Image of his Father's Glory Heb. 1.3 By his Life and perfect Obedience John 8.46 Which of you convinceth me of Sin And Vers. 49. I have not a Devil but I honour my Father By discovering his Mercy John 1.14 We beheld his Glory the Glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of Grace and Truth By his Miracles then the sick of the Palsy was cured it is said the multitude glorified God Mat. 9.8 Mark 15.31 at other Miracles they glorified the God of Israel Mark 2.12 So his Passion exceedingly glorified God's Justice In his Doctrine by discovering his glorious Essence and the Purity of his Worship The System of Divinity was much perfected and advanced by the coming of Christ. Doct. That God was much glorified in Christ. God was much glorified in the Creation of the World Psal. 19.1 The Heavens declare the Glory of the Lord and the Firmament sheweth his handy-work The Fabrick of the whole World especially of the Heavens declares his Goodness Wisdom and Power His Goodness in communicating Being to all Creatures Life and Motion to some His Wisdom in making the Creatures so various and so excellent in their general kinds His Power in educing all things out of the Womb of Mother Nothing God was glorified in his Providences especially in the great Deliverances of the Church from Egypt and from the North but mostly in Christ Redemption being the most noble Work with which he was ever acquainted It is notable that the Spirit of God in Scripture often varieth the Expression at first it was Blessed be God that made Heaven and Earth then I am the God that brought thee out of the Land of Egypt then it is Jer. 16.14 15. It shall no more be said The Lord liveth that brought up the Children of Israel out of the Land of Egypt But the Lord liveth that brought up the Children of Israel from the Land of the North then it is Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Ephes. 1.3 In Creation the Wisdom Goodness and Power of God appeared there was no need of other Attributes In Providence the Justice Mercy and Truth of God appears but these in Christ in a more raised degree In Creation the Object was pure Nothing as there was no help so no hindrance but now in Redemption Sin hinders so that here is shown not only Goodness but Mercy In Creation we deserve nothing now we deserve the contrary There was more Wisdom seen in our Redemption The Quarrel taken up between Justice and Mercy Mercy would pity and Justice could not spare In Redemption there is more Power in Creation Man is taken out of the Earth in Redemption out of Hell God's Justice opposed Redemption Christ must be sent to satisfy Justice and the Spirit sent to take away Unbelief God made all with a Word he saved all with a Plot of Grace In Creation Man was made like God in Redemption God is made like Man No Deliverance like this Babylon was nothing to Hell and the Brick-kilns of Egypt to the Lake that burneth with Fire and Brimstone When God delivered his People out of Babylon he had to do with Creatures when he delivered them from the Wrath to come he had to do with Himself Justice put in high Demands against the compassions of Mercy his own Son must die with the Wrath of God and his own Spirit must be grieved in wrestling with the Denials of Men. Instead of our own Obedience we have the Merit of Christ. Oh here are depths of Mystery and Wonder Vse God loseth no honour by Christ. God hath more Glory and we have larger Demesnes of Comfort and Grace to live upon All Parties are satisfied we have a better Portion Adam had Paradise we have Heaven God hath more Glory the Creatures are more acquainted with the infiniteness of Mercy Power and Wisdom Innocence continued had been a great benefit but now it is more gracious and free and it is not the greatness of a Benefit that worketh on Gratitude so much as the graciousness and freeness of it Our Heaven costeth a greater price and it is not given to God's Friends but those that were once his Enemies On Earth This Phrase signifieth that Christ did not increase God's Essential Glory for that is uncapable of any addition his Nature is infinite and cannot be made more glorious and excellent but only that Christ manifested his Glory more fully to the World Observe Christ came down from Heaven to make Men glorify God We had Lesson enough before us in Creation and Providence but Men were stupid Things to which we are accustomed do not work upon us in the Gospel God would set his Praise to a new Tune God needeth us not and our Respects are due and yet at what cost is God to purchase the Praise of the Creature Blind and unthankful Men to dethrone the great God and set up every paltry Creature Therefore God sent his Son to revive the Notions of the Godhead and to give us further manifestations of his Glory That was Christ's Errand to glorify him on the Earth I have finished the Work Christ's Work was to manifest the Gospel and to redeem Sinners and how can he say I have finished the Work seeing the chief Work of Redemption was yet to come the offering up himself to Divine Justice upon the Cross I Answer He had determined to undergo Death and it was now at hand in the consent and full determination of his Will it was done So upon the Cross just before his Death he crieth It was finished John 19.30 It implieth 1. The Submission Faithfulness and Diligence of Christ he never left doing of
Grounds practise upon this Truth that Christ came out from God 3. Chuse out to your selves faithful Teachers such as Christ was delivering the Word with Authority and Faithfulness to God and Men such as do not seek their own things fear no Man's Face and come with the powerful Evidence and Demonstration of the Spirit And indeed Ministers should be careful to manifest themselves to the Consciences of those with whom they deal that they may have a Testimony of Christ speaking in them 1 Cor. 15.3 that he teacheth in and by them they should be assured of their Doctrine that Christ brought it out of his Father's Heart not speaking by rote like Parrots 1 John 1.1 That which was from the beginning which we have heard which we have seen with our Eyes which we have looked upon and our Hands have handled of the Word of Life that which our Hearts have felt that which we have not by rote nor by guess but by experience 1 Tim. 6.13 Jesus Christ witnessed before Pontius Pilate a good Confession 3. Observe Christ's gentleness in bearing with their Failings Now they have known It was a long time e're they could be gained to a sence of his Divine Power therefore he chargeth them with hardness of Heart Mark 6.52 They considered not the Miracle of the Loaves for their Hearts were hardned So Mark 8.17 Perceive ye not yet neither understand Have ye your Hearts yet hardned And now in his Intercession to his Father he mentioneth not their Hardness nor the obstinacy of their Prejudices nor their present Weakness but their Knowledg Now they know they have been obstinate but he covereth that at least doth but imply it How willing is Christ to spread a Garment on our Nakedness Past Sins shall not hurt us when they do not please us When a Man turneth from Grace to Sin then all his Righteousness is forgotten Ezek. 18.24 All his Righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned So he that turneth from Sin to Grace or from Grace to Grace ver 22. All his Transgressions that he hath committed they shall not be mentioned unto him it is all undone by Repentance and Reformation How do Men differ from Christ we upbraid Men with past Failings when they are repented of It is hard to put off the reproach of Youth when God maketh them Vessels of Mercy they will not suffer them to be Vessels of Honour Hi homines invideant mihi gratiam divinam As the elder Brother upbraideth the reformed Prodigal Luke 15.30 As soon as this thy Son was come which hath devoured thy Living with Harlots thou hast killed for him the fatted Calf This is an envious Disposition and cross to God you go about to take off the Robes of Honour which God hath put upon them and to dispoil them as the Spouse was of her Ornaments 4. Observe What is the chief Object of Faith to believe the divine Authority and Commission of Christ and that his Power to dispense Salvation to the Creatures was given him from his Father There is a world of Comfort in this The Father being first in order of the Persons is to be look'd upon as the offended Party and as the highest Judg. 1. He is to be look'd upon as the offended Party All Sin is against God Psal. 51.4 Against thee thee only have I sinned and done this Evil in thy sight He had offended Vriah abused Bathsheba the Injury was against them but the Sin against God against thee thee only This may be referred to all the Persons but it chiefly concerneth the first Person to whom we direct our Prayers and who is the Maker of the Law Christ the second Person satisfied for the breach of it It is against thee thee only Now this is our Comfort that our Guilt and Sin was not cast on Christ's Person without the Father without his privity and consent nay it is his own Plot and Design it was the Father's Counsel rather than the Creatures Desire So that we may quiet our Consciences by that Promise Isa. 43.25 I even I am be that blotteth out thy Transgressions for my own Names-sake God the Father would have you look to him as one that hath only to do in this Matter Sin is a grief to the Spirit it is a crucifying of Christ but in the last result of it it is an Offence to God the Father because it is a breach of his Law God is the Fountain of the Divinity yea all that is done to the other Persons redoundeth to the Father as our Saviour reasoneth He that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me 2. The Father is the highest Judg. All the Persons of the Godhead are coessential and coequal in Glory and Honour only in Oeconomy or Dispensation of Salvation the Father is to be look'd upon as Judg and Chief Man is the Debtor Christ the Surety and the Father the Judg before whose Tribunal the Satisfaction is to be made therefore Christ saith My Father is greater than I. And in the whole Work of our Redemption he is to be considered as a Superior therefore all the Addresses not only of the Creatures but of the Son of God himself are to his Father for Pardon as if it were not in his own single Power Luke 23.34 Father forgive them they know not what they do If it passeth with God the Father then the Business is ended So 1 John 2.1 Christ is said to be an Advocate with the Father as Supream in Court as the Advocate is beneath the Judg. So John 14.16 I will pray the Father and he shall give you the Comforter Pardon Comfort and Grace cometh from the Father It is true it is said Mat. 9.6 That the Son of Man hath Power on Earth to forgive Sins but it is by Commission from the Father as we shall see anon Well then the Father is the Supream Judg whatever passeth in his Name is valid and authoritative Now it is he that committed the Work of Redemption to Christ He is the Supream Judg Eli saith 1 Sam. 2.25 If one Man sinneth against another the Judg shall judg him but if a Man sin against the Lord who shall intreat for him The meaning is if one Man hath trespassed against another the Magistrate may take up the Controversy by executing Justice and causing the Delinquent to make Satisfaction to the Party offended but who shall state the Offence and compose the Difference between God and us The Sin is committed against the Judg himself the highest Judg from whom there is no Appeal no Satisfaction can be made by Mortal Men and no Person is fit to arbitrate the Difference Therefore God himself is pleased to find out a Remedy and in all that the Son did he hath a great hand and stroak in it The Father's Act is Authoritative and above Contradiction If he had not given us a Mediator out of his own Bosom we had for ever lain under the guilt and burden of
express Will of God John 6.38 39. For I came down from Heaven not to do mine own Will but the Will of him that sent me And this is the Father's Will that hath sent me that of all which he hath given I should lose nothing but should raise them up again at the last Day and by conversion to be possessed of all the Privileges of the Gospel and without miscarrying to be guided unto Glory John 10.28 29. I give unto them Eternal Life and they shall never perish neither shall any Man pluck them out of my Hand My Father that gave them me is greater than all and no Man is able to pluck them out of my Father's Hand they are One and act by joint Power and joint Consent And after all this he is to give an account of Bodies and Souls John 6.39 That of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing but should raise them up again at the last day Which accordingly he doth when he presents the Kingdom to the Father and appeareth before him with all his little Ones as a Prey snatched out of the Teeth of Lions Heb. 2.13 Behold I and the Children which God hath given me 2. What Christ undertook the whole Proposal of the Father was accepted Psal. 40.7 8. Lo I come in the Volume of the Book it is written of me I delight to do thy Will O my God yea thy Law is within my Heart Christ consented to all the Articles of the Treaty and eternal Covenant not only to take a Body to die but to take a particular Charge of all the Elect. As Judah interposed for Benjamin so doth Christ for all the Souls committed to him Gen. 43.9 I will be Surety for him of my Hand shalt thou require him if I bring him not to thee and set him safe in thy Presence let me bear the Blame for ever So doth Christ say concerning all the Persons that fall under his Charge If I do not see them converted justified sanctified saved count me an unfaithful Undertaker and let me bear the Blame for ever 2. By way of Reward As in a Covenant there is not only a Duty incumbent but a Benefit accruing to the Party that contracteth So Christ in this eternal Treaty dealt with God by way of Bargain and Purchase his aim was to get a special Interest in and Relation to Believers as Mediator This was all the Gain he reckoned of Isa. 53.10 When thou shalt make his Soul an Offering for Sin he shall see his Seed he shall prolong his Days and the Pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his Hand And therefore by virtue of this Purchase he hath many Relations to them they are given to him as Subjects of his Kingdom as Scholars of his School as Children of his Family as the Spouse of his Bosom as the Members of his Body All these Relations I shall insist upon for this was the Honour granted to Christ upon his Obedience I mean he counted it an Honour and bought it at a dear rate and yet was contented with the Purchase Alas nothing could be added to the Greatness of his Person who was equal with the Father in Glory and Power the Privileges of the Incarnation were but as so many milder Humiliations but he was so tender of Souls that he was pleased to take it as a Gift from his Father and a Reward of all his Services Mark it nothing else could bring Christ out of Heaven into the Manger the Wilderness the Cross the Grave but to get an Interest in your Souls Isa. 53.11 He shall see of the Travel of his Soul and shall be satisfied What did he gain by all his Expence of Blood and Sweat his Temptations Agonies taking our Nature bearing our Burden but to see you safe in the Arms of Mercy that he might be your King your Prophet your Priest your Head Next to the Title of The Son of God Christ valueth that of being Head of the Church And see how the Relations are diversified that he might come nearer and closer to us a King is a more large Relation a Master hath a more particular Inspection a Master may be faithful and careful but he hath not the Bowels of a Father a Father is very tender but the greatest Intimacy is between Husband and Wife we are the Wife of his Bosom if Husband be a Relation too remote because the Union is civil he comes nearer to us yet he will be our Head we his Members where the Union is natural Let us go over these severally 1. We are given to him to be Subjects of his Kingdom Christ is Lord of all the World but he prizeth no Title like that of King of Saints Rev. 15.3 No Throne to him like the Conscience of an humble Sinner the Heart is his best Presence-Chamber there is his Throne of State set He had an eternal Right together with the Father and Holy Ghost but he would come and suffer and be crowned with a Crown of Thorns that he might have a new Right as Mediator and have the Crown of Glory put upon his Head in the Church Therefore it is said Act 5.31 That upon his Resurrection God hath exalted him to be a Prince and a Saviour to give Repentance unto Israel and forgiveness of Sins The Grant was made long before when he first contracted with Christ about the Salvation of the World but when the Price was paid then it was made good There is never a Subject Christ hath but he is bought and with the dearest price his Soveraign's own Blood Mat. 20.28 The Son of Man gave his Life a Ransom for many 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 In other Kingdoms many Subjects die that the Prince may be seated in the Throne but here the Prince dyeth for the Subjects sakes that he may govern his spiritual Realm with Peace and Quietness And as the Price was great so the Father hath made him a large Grant Christ's Empire is universal properly he is the Catholick King there are no Bounds and Limits of his Kingdom first or last in all the habitable Parts of the Earth there are or shall be some that acknowledg his Scepter Isa. 49.12 Behold these shall come from far and ●o these from the North and from the West and these from the Land of Sinim From the East West North South Jews Gentiles the Jews that are now his Enemies shall acknowledg his Soveraignty Hos. 1.11 Then shall the Children of Judah and the Children of Israel be gathered together and appoint themselves one Head and they shall come up out of the Land As the Tribes flocked to Hebron to crown David so shall these to crown Christ and this Royal Garland shall Christ wear to all Eternity It is true it is said 1 Cor. 15.29 He shall resign up the Kingdom to the Father I answer In Kingly Dignity there are two things Regia Cura and Regius Honor Kingly Care by which he ordereth and defendeth his
our Fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. 2. John v. 9. He that abideth in the Doctrine of Christ he hath both the Father and the Son God will make good his Gift and Christ his Trust. God bestowed us upon his Son to oblige Christ to the greater respect and Christ hath bought us of his Father that the Gift might be sure and certain The Son loveth us because the Father required it the Father loveth us because the Son merited it If Christ be faithful to his Father or the Father be loving and respectful to Christ we cannot miscarry We have an Interest in the Father who is the Fountain of Mercy in the Son who is the Golden Pipe and Conveyance God made the Elect to be Members of Christ's Body that he might redeem them and Christ made them Children of God's Family that he might love them and bless them Electing Love and Christ's Purchase are the two Fountains of Salvation God who is the supreme Judg offended Party first Cause and Fountain of Blessing he requireth the Son to die for us and Christ hath undertaken it and made good his Word 2. God hath put the Business of our Salvation into safe hands He would not be defeated of his Purpose therefore he hath given the Elect to Christ that they may be quickned by virtue of that Power and Life which was given to him He would deal with us upon sure Terms and therefore took Order sufficient to attain his End he would not trust us with any but his own Eternal Son There is a Charge laid on Christ who is a good Depository of such care and faithfulness that he will not neglect his Father's Pledg of such strength and ability that nothing can wrest us out of his hands for he that doth it had need of a stronger Arm than Christ's John 10.28 29. Of such Love that no Work can be more pleasing to him he loveth us far better than we do our selves or else he would never have come from Heaven for our sakes Of such Watchfulness and Care that his Eyes do always run to and fro throughout the Earth Providence is full of eyes as well as strong of hand As the High-Priest bore the Names of the Tribes upon his Breast and Shoulder so doth Christ the Memorial of every Saint he knoweth their Names and their Necessities tho many Thousands in the World yet every single Believer falleth under the care of Christ as if none besides him he knoweth them by Head and Poll their Wants Necessities They are written in the Lamb's Book of Life Rev. 13.8 Christ keeps a Register of them There is not only God's Book of Remembrance but the Lamb's Book of Life He knoweth every distinct Sheep by Name and constantly giveth an Account of them to God I am glorified in them It is grievous to our Advocate when he is forced to be an Accuser He taketh a distinct and explicite Notice of them Isa. 40.27 Why sayest thou O Jacob and speakest O Israel My Way is hid from the Lord and my Judgment is passed over from my God Psal. 34.6 This poor Man cried and the Lord heard him and delivered him out of all his Troubles If it were not for this our Keeper we should surely perish but Christ is our Keeper who is faithful loving able watchful Qui potest vult facit Christ's own Charge cannot miscarry If the Elect should not be saved Christ would neither do his Work nor receive his Wages Vse To press us to come under these sweet Hopes There is nothing wanting but the clearing up of our Interest that you may be of the number of those that are given to Christ. You will know it by God's Act towards you and by your Act towards God 1. By God's Act towards you If we be given to Christ Christ is given to us We are given to Christ before all time and in time Christ is given to us by converting Grace he and we are brought together God makes an Offer in the Gospel Are we willing to receive him for Lord and Saviour Then you put it out of question Are you moved by the Spirit to receive him upon God's Offer Conversion it is as it were an actual Election By original Election the Heirs of Salvation are distinguished from others in God's purpose so by Conversion or actual Election they are visibly distinguished What Excitements of Grace can you speak of that urge you to come to Christ All that are given to him come to him 2. By your Act towards Christ. All the Father's Acts are ratified in time by Believers He ordaineth we consent he chuseth Christ for Lord and King and they shall appoint themselves one Head So God's giving of Souls to Christ is ratified by the Believers Act. As there is a double giving on his part by way of Charge and by way of Reward so there is a double Act on our part committing and consecrating our selves to Christ. 1. Committing our selves to Christ. Can we wholly and absolutely resign up our Souls into his hands The Father is wiser than we he knew well enough what he did when he commended us to his Son Faith is often expressed by committing our selves to Christ it answereth the Trust the Father reposed in him 2 Tim. 1.12 I know whom I have believed and I am persuaded that he is able to keep 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that which I have committed unto him against that day This is not an easy matter it argueth a sense of Danger a sollicitous Care about the Soul and an advised Confidence What care hast thou ever taken to lay thy Soul safe What confidence hast thou of Christ's Ability Didst thou think thou couldst be safe without him Thou wouldst be an unfaithful Guardian Knowingly canst thou venture Eternity on thy present State 2. Consecrating our selves to him Rom. 12.1 I beseech you by the Mercies of God that ye present your Bodies a living Sacrifice holy acceptable to God which is your reasonable Service Then walk as his it is dangerous to alienate Things once consecrated 1 Cor. 3.23 Ye are Christ's Whatever you have you must give up to him for his Glory You have nothing at your own dispose neither Tongue nor Heart nor Estate as long as a Man reserves to himself an Interest he will miscarry Nabal called what he had My Bread and my Water and my Flesh 1 Sam. 25.11 Did you ever make a serious Resignation of your selves to God Psal. 119.94 I am thine save me for I have sought they Precepts SERMON XIX JOHN XVII 11 And now I am no more in the World but these are in the World and I come to thee Holy Father keep through thine own Name those whom thou hast given me that they may be one as we are Fifthly THE Last Circumstance That they may be one as we are is the Aim of Christ's Request which is Unity and Consent among the Apostles It is illustrated by the
Service about himself for bestowing on him the Gift of Miracles for trusting him with the Bag. Christ had lately washed his Feet as well as of the rest of the Apostles yet he obstinately goeth on in ways of Self-Perdition and his purpose of betraying his Lord and Master yea contrary to many Warnings given him Vse Oh take heed of a wilful obstinacy and wresting your selves out of the Arms of Mercy of being of such a disposition that nothing will reclaim you for that is to be a Son of Perdition Wilful Sins have a greater mark upon them than other Sins As when you go 1. Against an express Commandment Prov. 13.13 Whoso despiseth the Word shall be destroyed but he that feareth a Commandment shall be rewarded If a Commandment stand in your way it should be more than if a Band of Armed Men stood to hinder you Many make nothing of a Commandment they fear a Judgment from God or a Punishment from Men but never stand upon the Word of God 2. Against express Warnings of those that wish well to your Souls Deut. 1.43 So I spake unto you and you would not hear but rebelled against the Commandment of the Lord and went presumptuously up into the Hill When Men are wedded to their own Inclinations outfacing all Challenges in God's Name they will do what they are set upon Psal. 12.4 With our Tongues will we prevail our Lips are our own who is Lord over us This is not far from a Judgment 2 Chron. 36.15 16. And the Lord God of their Fathers sent to them by his Messengers rising up betimes and sending because he had compassion on his People and on his Dwelling-place But they mocked the Messengers of God and despised his Words and misused his Prophets until the Wrath of the Lord rose against his People till there was no Remedy This Contempt will draw down Wrath no means to appease God 3. Against Checks of Conscience and Motions of God's Spirit in our Hearts Acts 7.51 Ye stiff-necked and uncircumcised in Heart and Ears ye do always resist the Holy Ghost Conscience telleth them ye ought not to yield to this Sin whatever the Profit and Pleasure be yet Men kick against the Pricks and do that which their own Hearts disallow Rom. 14.22 Happy is he that condemneth not himself in the thing that he alloweth And in spight of these good Motions they will go forward to perfect the Sin which they have in chase then God lets them alone le ts them go on till they perish 4. Against Restraints of Providence when God hath hedged up their Way with Thorns or they have found much inconvenience in that course 2 Chron. 28.22 In the time of his distress he trespassed yet more and more This is that King Ahaz the Scripture sets a Brand upon him As Baalam would go on 2 Pet. 2.16 But was rebuked for his Iniquity the dumb Ass speaking with Man's Voice forbad the madness of the Prophet When Men go on over the Belly of more than ordinary Opposition till they perish A Miracle will not stop a Sinner in the violent pursuit of his Lusts. Providence hath a Language that biddeth us stop but the sway of Lusts is great and breaks through all Restraints Oh! take heed then of being self-willed stout-hearted in a sensual course wedded to our own Inclinations of being a Slave to Sensual Appetite and being led by it more than by Holy Reasons Take heed of love to some unmortified Lust especially to Covetousness this is the cause of extream violence in Sin Jer. 44.16 17. As for the Word that thou hast spoken to us in the Name of the Lord we will not hearken unto thee But we will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our own Mouth to burn Incense unto the Queen of Heaven and to pour out Drink-Offerings unto her 2. Observe from his Character The Son of Perdition The same Name is given to Antichrist 2 Thess. 2.3 That Man of Sin be revealed the Son of Perdition Judas was a Type of Antichrist as they said of the blind Man John 9.9 Some said This is he others said He is like him The Pope boasteth that his Seat is Apostolical and that he is the Successor of an Apostle If we grant it and he will needs be a Successor of an Apostle there is an Error in the Person it is not Peter but Judas Let us see the Parallel 1. Judas was not a Stranger but a pretended Friend and an Apostle Acts 1.17 He was numbred with us and obtained part of this Ministry So the Pope obtained part of this Ministry Turks and Infidels are Enemies to Christ Antichrist must be one that seeketh to undermine Christ under a pretence of Friendship 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for and against Christ. He maketh War with the Horns of the Lamb Rev. 13.11 If he were a professed Adversary what Mystery were there in it Now it is a Mystery of Iniquity 2 Thess. 2.7 A false Prophet Rev. 16.13 It is wisdom to discern him Rev. 13.18 Here is Wisdom Let him that hath understanding count the Number of the Beast 2. Judas sold Christ for a small Matter So Omnia Romae venalia Pardons Indulgences Freedom from Purgatory all to be bought at Rome The Antichristian State maketh a Market of Religion Truth is made to yield to Interest and Profit 3. Judas betrayed Christ with a Kiss Antichrist is a true Adversary of Christ and yet pretendeth to adore him He pretendeth to be his Servant and Vicar and is his Enemy not an Enemy without the Church but within the Church that betrayeth Christ under a colour of adoration 4. Judas was a Guide to them that came to take Jesus Christ is in Heaven Death hath no more dominion over him his natural Body is above abuse but in his mystical Body he still suffereth Acts 9.4 Saul Saul why persecutest thou me The Pope is the Head of the Persecuting State others are his Emissaries and Agents to persecute Christ in his Members It is a Politick Religion carried on with Cruelty 5. Judas was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Son of Perdition as destroying himself and involving others in the same Condemnation So is Antichrist called in the Revelations 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Rev. 9.11 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Destroyer of Souls of himself and others Vse Let all these things open our Eyes that we may behold the Man of Sin One Egg is not more like another than Judas and Antichrist 3. Observe That Carnal Practices will end in Perdition Because Judas is called the Son of Perdition let us see what course he took to undo himself Let us look upon his Sin and Punishment 1. For his Sin In the Story of Judas four Sins are most remarkable his Covetousness his Hypocrisy his Treason and his Despair 1. His Covetousness This was the Root of all as indeed it is the Root of all Evil 1 Tim. 6.10 Christ had made him his Treasurer and
could not be supposed to feign Now he appealeth to their Experience You know in all your Hearts c. So Solomon speaks 1 Kings 8.56 Blessed be the Lord that hath given rest unto his People Israel according to all that he promised there hath not failed one word of all his good Promise which he promised by the Hand of Moses his Servant So if a Man would but observe the Course of Providence after a little Faith and Patience which is required of all that would inherit the Promises God never failed but made good his Word to a Tittle Object Many Temporal Mercies are Promises which Promises are not accomplished Answ. They are promised still with exception of the Cross. God is tied no further than the Covenant tieth him Psal. 89.31 32 33. If they break my Statutes and keep not my Commandments Then will I visit their Transgression with a Rod and their Iniquity with Stripes Nevertheless my loving-kindness will I not utterly take from him nor suffer my faithfulness to fail My Covenant will I not break nor alter the thing that is gone out of my Lips Object But the Scriptures do absolutely press and inculcate these Hopes of temporal Mercies Answ. No only they are mentioned in the Promise partly to encourage our Hearts to pray we should not else ask them 2 Chron. 20.9 If when Evil cometh upon us as the Sword Judgment or Pestilence or Famine we stand before this House and in thy Presence and cry unto thee in our Affliction then thou wilt hear and help Psal. 119.49 Remember thy Word unto thy Servant upon which thou hast caused me to hope Partly to shew that God is able to keep them from such distress and if it be good for them will keep them Dan. 3.17 Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery Furnace and he will deliver us out of thine Hand O King Partly to shew that if we have such Mercies we have them by virtue of a Promise Psal. 128.5 The Lord shall bless thee out of Sion To see a Mercy come out of the Womb of a Promise is very sweet and comfortable Partly to comfort them if they have them not they shall have the spiritual Part nothing shall light on them as a Curse We must go into the Sanctuary to know the meaning of such Promises God will deliver either from the Lion or from every Evil Work 2 Tim. 4.17 18. I was delivered out of the Mouth of the Lion And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil Work If there be any Temporal Promise you may expect the Mercy in kind or as good There is not a waste word in the Promise God will give them satisfaction The People of God never complain when their Thoughts are regular Partly because God seldom faileth a trusting Soul few Experiences can be given to the contrary Psal. 91.2 3. I will say of the Lord He is my Refuge and my Fortress my God in him will I trust Surely he shall deliver me from the Snare of the Fowler and from the noisom Pestilence Thereby there is another Engagement on God Isa. 26.3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect Peace whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusted in thee Psal. 9.10 And they that know thy Name will put their trust in thee for thou Lord hast not forsaken them that seek thee Vse Learn to regard the Promises and Threatnings of the Word with more Reverence as if God in Person had delivered them to you 1 Thess. 2.13 For this cause also thank we God without ceasing because when ye received the Word of God which ye heard of us ye received it not as the Word of Men but as it is in Truth the Word of God Look to the Threatnings God hath left room for his Mercy and that must be sought in God's way or else we have no Security and Peace Look to the Promises 1. Seek after them more and mind them more Sure your Neglect saith you do not count them true 1 John 5.10 He that believeth on the Son of God hath the Witness in himself he that believeth not God hath made him a Liar because he believeth not the Record that God gave of his Son If one should proffer you an hundred Pounds and you should go away and never heed it it is a sign you do not believe him 2. Venture more on the Promises they are God's Bills of Exchange whereby you have Treasures in Heaven Deny Interests God will make it up 3. Rejoice in them more You have Blessings by the Root Heb. 11.13 These all died in Faith not having received the Promises but having seen them afar off and were perswaded of them and embraced them they hugged the Promises Do you ever refresh your selves with the remembrance of them Do you ever bless God for your Hopes and say I will rejoice in God because of his Word 4. Wait for the accomplishment of them The Word of the Lord is a tried Word The Saints are tried and the Word is tried Psal. 12.6 The Words of the Lord are pure Words as Silver tried in a Furnace of Earth purified seven times It is enough for Faith that we have the Promise Fourthly God hath owned the Word by associating the Operation of his Grace and powerful Spirit with it and with no other Doctrine Things of a powerful Operation do evidence themselves as Fire by Heat the Wind by its Noise and Strength Salt by its Savour the Sun by Light and Heat and the like Moral Principles that are effectually operative manifest themselves also Let us see how the Case standeth with the Scripture It is called Rom. 1.16 The Power of God unto Salvation and the preaching of the Cross is to them which are saved the Power of God 1 Cor. 1.18 And 1 Cor. 2.4 My Speech and my Preaching was not with enticing words of Man's Wisdom but in demonstration of the Spirit and of Power And 1 Thess. 1.5 Our Gospel came not unto you in Word only but in Power and in the Holy Ghost and in much Assurance It giveth a perswasion of it self by its being the Power of God and the Rod of his Strength Psal. 110.2 The Lord shall send the Rod of his Strength out of Sion When the Egyptians saw the Miracles that Moses wrought they confessed the Power of God that God was with him Exod. 8.19 Then the Magicians said to Pharaoh This is the Finger of God And when the Scripture evidenceth so great a Power it shews it self to be of God as in judging the Hearts of Men. Heb. 4.12 The Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged Sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of Soul and Spirit and of the Joints and Marrow and is a Discerner of the Thoughts and Intents of the Heart In convincing them of their evil Estate 1 Cor. 14.25 And thus are the Secrets of the Heart made manifest and so falling down on his Face
love his appearing Upon which Bernard noteth Paulus expectat Coronam justitiae sed justitiae Dei non suae justum est ut reddat quod debet debet autem quod pollicitus est It is just with God to pay what he oweth and he oweth what he promised Therefore Chrysostom saith it was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 We may say to God redde quod promisisti tho not redde quod debes 3. By positive Ordinance that every Man shall receive according to the kind of his Work the Wicked according to their wicked Actions and the Good according to their good Actions Mat. 16.27 Then he shall reward every Man according to his Works Now lest any should think it is meant of wicked Men only the Apostle tell us 2 Cor. 5.10 Every one shall receive the things done in his Body according to that he hath done whether it be good or bad God is not arbitrary in his Judgment it is the Rule of Process All shall be rewarded in the general quoad genus according to the kind of their Works Wicked Men quoad meritum because Eternal Punishment is due to Evil Works out of the Nature of the Works but for the Godly the kind of their Works is judged but not in rigorous Justice they shall not be weighed in the Ballance then all would be found wanting but brought to the Touch-stone Vae laudabili vitae hominum si remotâ miserecordiâ discentias eam saith Gregory And the Apostle James 2.12 So speak ye and so do as they the● shall be judged by the Law of Liberty Vse 1. See how careful God is to preserve the Honour and the awe in us of his Justice even in his Rewards of Grace God will be just he is very careful to preserve the Notions which the Creature hath of his own Essence inviolable He will not exercise Mercy to the prejudice of his Justice there must be some way to represent him still a Righteous Father God would give his own Son to the Death that he might appear Righteous God will not love that Honour Therefore stand in awe and sin not lest thou come short of the Grace offered in Christ lest you find him just in a legal sense while you abuse the Mercy of the Gospel Vse 2. It is to give us a sure Ground of Hope Heb. 6.10 For God is not unrighteous to forget your Work and Labour of Love That which is most terrible in God is the Pawn and Pledge of our Salvation Conscience which is God's Deputy is never satisfied till God be satisfied for this Thought cannot be plucked out of our Minds that God is an Avenger If we had not a sufficient Satisfaction we should always be troubled Wherewith shall he be appeased Mic. 6.6 7. Wherewith shall I come before the Lord and bow my self before the High God Shall I come before him with Burnt-Offerings with Calves of a Year old Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of Rams or with ten thousands of Rivers of Oil Shall I give my First-Born for my Transgression the Fruit of my Body for the Sin of my Soul If a poor Creature were in Debt and haling to Prison and a King should say I will engage my whole Revenue but I will pay it how would this comfort him Certainly Christ was responsible enough we are not so chearful in his Service as we should be now Justice is made our Friend Make use of it in great dejections and pangs of Conscience Job 33.24 Then he is gracious to him and saith Deliver him from going down to the Pit I have found a Ransom When the Ram was taken Isaac was let go God will shew Mercy to our Persons for Justice is satisfied in our Surety You have a double Claim and hold fast upon him in every Court you may come before the Tribunal of Justice as well as the Throne of Grace When you are fainting in Service encourage your selves Verily there is a Reward for the Righteous Psal. 58.11 One day or another the Saints shall be rewarded their Labour and Service shall not be lost Secondly The Qualification Saving-Knowledg These have known that thou hast sent me It is urged as a Reason why they should behold his Glory hereafter because they make it their Care to know God in Christ here Here are two Propositions 1. The only way to come to Blessedness is by the Knowledg of the True God 2. There is no Knowledg of the True God without the Knowledg of Jesus Christ as Mediator 1. Proposition That the only way to Blessedness is by the Knowledg of the True God This I prove 1. Because the Foundation of the Eternal State must be laid in this Life Now the Foundation and Superstructure must carry a proportion What is the great Happiness of Heaven and the Blessedness of the Creature The Beatifical Vision and therefore we must begin it here in Knowledg and in the study of God John 17.3 This is Life Eternal to know thee the only True God that is this is the beginning of Life E●ernal when there is a Saving-Light in the Soul there is a Spark kindled that will never be quenched In the Barn Corn doth not grow but in the Field Here we labour after Knowledg there we enjoy the Perfection of it and according to the Degrees of Knowledg and Grace we attain in this Life so will be our Happiness hereafter The State of the Wicked is a growing Darkness Mat. 8.12 The Children of the Kingdom shall be cast out into utter Darkness 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 What is that A Darkness beyond a Darkness in tenebras ex tenebris inf●liciter exclusi they shall be cast out from one Darkness into another Here they are under the Darkness of Ignorance and Sin and there they shall be under the darkness of Horror and Terror for evermore The State of the Wicked in Hell is a Darkness that grows out of a Darkness here they are dark and care not to know God or know his Ways and the Mists of Darkness are reserved for them for evermore But now the State of the Godly is an Increasing Light Prov. 4.18 The Path of the Just is as the shining Light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day Look as the just do increase and go on from Knowledg to Knowledg till they attain the Light of Glory as the Sun climbeth up to the top of the Meridian by degrees so the way of the Wicked is Darkness they go on from Darkness to Darkness and the Mist of Darkness is reserved for them ignorance makes way for Sin and Sin for Hell They are hastning downwards from Darkness to Darkness and we hasten to the perfect Day from Grace to Glory 2. There is no serving or enjoying of God but by Knowledg I do not plead for a naked Knowledg and an unactive Speculation but such as is accompanied with Faith Love and Obedience otherwise it is no true Knowledg No Knowledg no Faith Rom. 10.14
be in them and I in them AND I in them This is the next Aim of Christ the Mystical Union This is fitly coupled with the former Privilege God's Love is the Fountain of all Mercy and Mystical Union is the Means of Conveyance The Father's Love and the Son's Inhabitation are elsewhere conjoined John 14.23 My Father will love him and we will come unto him and make our abode with him God's Love cannot be in us unless Christ be in us nor Christ be in us without the Father's Love God loveth the Elect freely in Jesus Christ and therefore giveth us his Spirit to work Faith in our Hearts that Christ may dwell there and be one with us and we with him Love is the rise of all And again without the perpetual Residence of Christ in the Heart we cannot have a sense of God's Love Again from this Conjunction we may learn the Presence of the whole Trinity in the Heart of a Believer as in a consecrated Temple The Love of the Father it is in us by the Holy Ghost given to us Rom. 5.5 The Love of God is shed abroad in our Hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us Now we have not only the Holy Ghost to assure us of the Love of God but we have Christ as the Head and Fountain of Vital Influence Once more I in them Christ doth not only communicate Gifts of Grace to us but Himself Observe That the Gospel is made known to us to this intent that Christ may be in us Or This is one great Privilege of the Gospel that Christ may be in us by a perpetual Residence as a Principle and Fountain of the Spiritual Life I. What is meant by Christ's being in us How can one Man be in another I shall Answer First Negatively How it is not to be understood that we may remove all false gross and unworthy Thoughts 1. It is not Contiguity that we speak of but Union Two pieces of Wood lying together are not united Christ is in Heaven we on Earth there is no Contiguity and if there were it would not cause an Union There is indeed an Union of Contact as when two Hands are joined together which may resemble this Union for there is a mutual or reciprocal Apprehension Christ apprehendeth us and we him Phil. 3.12 If that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus He taketh hold of us by his Spirit and we take hold of him by Faith But of this by and by 2. It is not a Congregation as things may be gathered together as Stones in an heap they are united or gathered into one Heap but they do not act one upon another And therefore the Holy Ghost doth not resemble our Union with Christ by Stones in an Heap but by Stones in a Building that afford mutual strength and support to one another and Christ to the Foundation and Corner Stone which beareth up all the rest 1 Pet. 2.5 Ye also as lively Stones are built up a Spiritual House And Ephes. 2.20 21 22. And are built upon the Foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Jesus Christ himself being the chief Corner Stone in whom all the Building fitly framed together groweth unto an Holy Temple in the Lord In whom you also are builded together for an Habitation of God through the Spirit Only here is the difference that is but an Union of Art not of Nature and tho Stones orderly placed do give Strength and Beauty one to another yet they do not communicate Life and Influence therefore the Holy Ghost saith Ye are as living Stones 3. It is not Representation only as all Persons are in their common Person and Representation This is a part of the Privilege we are in Christ as our Surety and Common Person He impersonated and represented us upon the Cross and doth now in Heaven where he appeareth for us as our Agent and Leiger with God Thus what is done to him is done to us This is the Judicial Union but this is not all for thus we may be said to be in Christ but he cannot be said to be in us I in them There is Influence as well as Representation 4. It is not an Objective Union aut Vnio Occupationis as the Object is in the Faculty the Star in the Eye that seeth it tho at thousands of Miles distance and what I think of is in my Mind and what I desire is in my Heart as a Scholar's Mind is in his Books when the mind is occupied and taken up with any thing it is in it So when I fear God my Mind is with him when I love God my Heart is with him But this is not all partly because such an Objective Union there is between Christ and Hypocrites they may think of him and know him But this Union is rather Subjective it maketh us to live in Christ and Christ liveth in us Partly because then we should be no longer united to Christ than we do actually think of him whereas Christ's being in us implieth a perpetual Residence Ephes. 3.17 That Christ may dwell in your Hearts by Faith Dwelling doth not note a transient Thought a short Visit but a constant Stay and Abode John 14.23 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 We will come unto him and we will make our abode with him There Christ fixeth his Seat and Residence 5. It is not meerly a Relation between us and Christ. He is not only ours and we are his but he is in us and we in him The resemblance of Head and Members doth not relate to a Political Body but to a Natural Body I am sure the Case is clear in Root and Branches John 15.1 2 3. And Relations do not need such Bands and Ties as constitute this Union There is the Spirit and Faith and then secondarily other Graces 6. It is not only a Consent or Agreement Christ agreeth to love us and we to love him My Love in them and I in them they are propounded as distinct Confederation maketh way for Union 7. It is not an Union of Dependance meerly such as is between the Cause and the Effect The Effect dependeth on the Cause and is in the Cause and the Cause is in the Effect This is general to all Creatures for it is said Acts 17.28 In him we live and move and have our Being Such an Union there is between God and all Creatures and not meerly a Dependance in regard of special and gracious Influences That doth much open the Privilege but that is not all for then our Union would be immediatly with God the Father and the Spirit on whom we depend And so an Union there is between God and the Holy Angels And Christ is in an especial manner the Head of the Church it is a Notion consecrated for our conjunction with him 8. It is not meerly a Communion in the same Nature So he is Immanuel God with us But he saith I in them He
of a deaf ear nonattentiveness to Gods providence made way for the prevalency of Atheism and Idolatry in the world There are two propositions that if well minded and improved would preserve a lively remembrance of God in the hearts of men That all good cometh from God James 1.17 Every good and perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of lights And all evil from God Amos 3.6 Shall there be evil in a city and the Lord hath not done it And that any notable effect in either kind is a sign and witness of an invisible power If men would not look upon all things that befall them as meer chances they could not sleep so securely in their sins but God would have a greater testimony in every mans bosom that he hath a care of human affairs and is a rewarder of such as please him and an avenger of such as do offend him The question about this improper calling is What is the use of it or whether it be sufficient to salvation 1. Though the works of Creation and providence reveal a God yet these natural Apostles Sun Moon and Stars say nothing of Christ and there is salvation in no other Acts 4.12 They did teach the world That there is a God and that this God must be served and will be terrible to those that serve him not And possibly that God was placable or willing to be appeased because of the continuance of the Creation and the manifold mercies we lost or forfeited by our Apostacy and defection from him The Apostle saith 't is an invitation to repentance Rom. 2.4 Yet the knowledge of Jesus Christ the Son of God and of Redemption purchased to lost sinners through him is a mystery which the greatest wits in the world could not understand but by Gods revealing it in his word 2. The use of this call to those that have no other but barely it is to leave men without excuse Rom. 1.20 And that it might prevail to work some restraint of sin and to promote some external reformation in the world for the good of mankind Rom. 2.14 3. Those who have a louder call in the word are the more obliged to regard this call and invitation by the works of Gods creation and providence The call by the word is more perfect and more pressing and suited more to work upon our thoughts the object being more clearly and fully propounded to us yet this latter call is not privative but accumulative it doth not n●ll the duty of the former call or make it wholly useless to us but helps us to interpret it the better and we need all helps Faith doth not withdraw it self from natural knowledge and make it useless to us though we are to exercise our selves in the law of God day and night yet we must not overlook the works of Creation and Providence and whilest we study his word neglect Gods works for they are a confimation of our faith and a great occasional help to our love as appeareth by the instructions which the holy men of God gather thence witness David his night-meditation Psal. 8. Thy moon and thy stars And his morning-meditation Psal. 19. The Heavens declare the glory of God The glories of God which we read of in the word are visible in the Creation and though David preferreth the book of Scripture yet he doth not lay aside the book of Nature We must use the world as a glass wherein to see the glory of God he hath not the heart of a man in him who is not stricken with admiration at the sight of these things the glory of the heavenly bodies and the wonderful variety of all creatures and besides there is none so good but he needeth the mercy and direction of God to invite him to a more frequent remembrance of him How happy are they that have such a God for their God How miserable they that make him their Judg and Avenger 2. The proper calling is the voice of God in the word of his grace inviting sinners to Christ. This is called his distinctly calling Eph. 1.18 That ye may know what is the hope of his calling And the high calling of God in Jesus Christ Phil. 3.14 And again That our God would count you worthy of his calling 2 Thes. 1.11 And explained 1 Cor. 1.9 Faithful is he which hath called you into the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Now this is a more close and full discovery of God than is to be found elsewhere God calleth and inviteth some by the creatures only others by his grace in Christ. But this being calling most properly taken Why is it not vouchsafed to all I answer 1. God is not obliged to send the gospel to any 'T is his free dispensation Rom. 11.35 Or who hath first given to him and it shall be recompenced to him again God doth not send the Gospel by necessity of nature or any pre-obligation on the creatures part but meerly of his own grace which worketh most freely and sendeth it where it pleaseth him 2. All have more knowledge of God by nature than they make good use of Rom. 1.21 When they knew God they glorified him not as God And till men improve a lower dispensation why should they be trusted with an higher If a vessel will not hold water you will not trust wine or any more precious liquor in it 2. Gods gracious invitation of lost sinners to Christ which properly is his calling them is either external or internal external by the word internal by his Spirit 1. External by the commands and promises of the word requiring such duties from them and assuring them of such blessings upon obedience Thus Wisdoms Maidens are sent forth to invite guests to her palace Prov. 4.2 And the kings servants to call them to the marriage feast Matth. 22.9 And so far they prevail in their message that many present themselves God would not leave us to a book but hath appointed a living Ministry 2 Cor. 6.10 2. Internal not only by the word but by his Spirit and the checks of their own conscience which is a nearer approach of his grace and power to us By the motions of his Spirit How else could it be said Gen. 6.3 My Spirit shall not always strive with man And Acts 7.51 Ye do always resist the Holy Ghost And also by their consciences sollic●ting them to the performance of their duty and challenging them for the neglect of it 'T is natural duty Rom. 2.14 15. The Gentiles do by nature the things contained in the law these having not the law are a law to themselves which shew the works of the law written in their hearts their consciences also bearing witness and their thoughts in the mean while accusing or excusing one another And for acceptance of the Gospel-Covenant 1 John 3.20 21. If our hearts condemn us God is greater than our heart and knoweth all things If our heart condemn us not
the Saints are called the excellent ones of the earth Psal. 16.3 as the wicked are called vile persons Psal. 15.4 Wickedness maketh a man base and vile as holiness puts honour and glory upon them therefore this is the greatest excellency we are capable of to come as near to God as we can in Wisdom Purity and Holiness 2. When this glory was lost none was fit to restore it but Jesus Christ the Son of God incarnate or made man For thereby the glory of the Father was again visible in him in our nature Col. 1.18 He is the image of the invisible God Heb. 1.3 The brightness of his fathers glory and the express image of his person He was made flesh that the perfections of the Godhead might once more shine forth in humane nature in an image there must be similitude and likeness and deduction or a means of conveying that likeness therefore to make us like God there must be a fit means God is is a pure Spirit we are creatures that indeed have an immortal Spirit but it dwelleth in flesh therefore to make us like God the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory as the glory of the only begotten Son of God John 1.14 So by this means was this likeness deduced and the image of God restored to lost man and man restored to Gods favour and made capable of happiness therefore all the heirs of promise are predestinated to be conformed to the image of his Son or to God appearing in their nature 2. Because they are all called after Christs name Christians from Christ now all that are called after Christs name should be framed after his image otherwise they will be called Christians to the disgrace of Christ the Apostles never transferred their names to their disciples They were of several factions that said one I am of Paul another I am of Apollos another I am of Cephas and I of Christ 1 Cor. 1.13 No we are all of Christ and called Christians because we partake of his purity and holiness surely then we ought to transcribe Christs life and live as if another Jesus Christ were come into the world Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity 2 Tim. 2.19 He that nameth the name of Christ that calleth himself by Christ name or undertaketh the profession of the faith of Christ must depart from iniquity as Christ did 3. Because all that are elected by God and redeemed by Christ are sealed by the spirit and what is the seal of the spirit but conformity to the image of Christ 't is often spoken of in Scripture Eph. 1.15 Ye are sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise and Eph. 4.30 and grieve not the Holy Spirit whereby ye are sealed to the day of Redemption 2 Cor. 1.22 Who hath sealed us and given us the earnest of the Spirit What is it but the image of Christ impressed upon the soul by his Spirit A seal prints on the wax that which is engraven upon its self Princes stamp their own image on their Coin so doth the Holy Ghost form Christ in us or imprint the image of God upon our souls now they that are thus sealed have Gods mark and are his peculiar treasure and the first fruits of his creatures chosen out from others to be a people to serve please glorifie and injoy God so that if a man be to examine and judge his own estate this is that which he is to look after whether he be conformed to the image of Christ yea or no 2 Cor. 13.5 Examine your selves whether you be in the faith prove your selves know ye not your own selves that Jesus Christ is in you except ye be reprobates That is it your observation and search must fix upon whether Jesus Christ be in you or no. 1. Christ may be in you objectively as he is apprehended and imbraced by faith and love the object is in the faculty things we often think of and love are in our minds and hearts that is not it or not all you seek after 2. Again Christ is in you effectively as a principle of a new and heavenly life by his spirit Gal. 2.20 Christ liveth in me That indeed is more 3. Christ is in you representatively or by way of conformity Gal. 4.19 Till Christ be formed in you Whether his nature and graces be there whether you do resemble him in nature and life this is that you seek after as the fruit of the former 4. Because Christ was an example this hath great force I take it for granted that 't is a great advantage not only to have a rule but a pattern and example because man is so prone to imitate an example in our nature maketh it the more operative therefore Christ came to be an example of Holiness and Patience and Happiness to us 1. By this example our pattern is the more compleat There are some graces wherein we cannot be said to resemble God as in humility patience obedience these things imply inferiority and subjection and God is inferiour to none but there are other graces as Knowledg Wisdom Justice Mercy Purity wherein we resemble God but in the other we have pattern from Christ Humility Matth. 11.29 Obedience Heb. 5.8 Patience 1 Pet. 1.21 These are hard duties go against the bent and hair but when the Son of God will submit to them and give us the example shall we refuse to live in that manner and by those laws the Son of God chose to live by Besides 't is the more likely he will pity and help us because he knoweth what 't is to obey in these cases 2. This example sheweth that an holy life is possible to those who are renewed by Grace Christ hath humbled himself and obeyed God in our nature and so had the interests of flesh and blood ●o gratifie as well as others therefore all these things may be done by those that have not divested themselves of flesh and blood to assure us the more of this Christ chose a life that might minister instruction to all men rich and poor bond and free may imitate him persons retired and solitary and those that live abroad in the world learned and unlearned had he lived deliciously and conquered Kingdoms and acted as a free Monarch and Potentate the poor might have been disheartned but the meanest may learn of him and the others need not be discouraged if they have an heart to subordinate all to God Christ sanctified a free life 3. This example sheweth what will be the issue and success of a life spent in patience and holiness Christ when he had fulfilled all righteousness and suffered what was necessary for our Redemption went home to God and entred into that glory he spake of and was received up into Heaven as the reward of his obedience 1 Pet. 1.21 God gave him glory that our faith and hope might be in God That this might be a visible
is of this Nature and when it is strong and vigorous it will make strong and mighty impressions upon the heart no opposition will extinguish it Waters will quench fire but nothing will quench this love Rom. 8.37 Nay in all those things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us There are two sorts of tryals that ordinarily carry away Souls from Christ the first is from the left hand from crosses these carry away some but not all though the stony ground could not yet the thorny ground could abide the heat of the Sun yet the Second sort of tryals the cares of the World the deceitfulness of riches and voluptuous living which are the Temptations of the right hand will draw away unmortified Souls and choak the Word Pleasures Honours Riches are a more strong and subtile sort of Temptations than the other But yet these are too weak to prevail with that heart which hath a sincere love to Christ planted in it They will not be tempted and inticed away from Christ If a man would give all the substance of his house such a Soul will be faithful to Christ and these offers and treaties are in vain If love be true and powerful 't is not easily ensnared but rejects the allurements of the World and the flesh with an holy disdain and indignation all as dung and dross that would tempt it from Christ Phil. 3.9 And these essays to cool it and divert it and draw it away are to no purpose Well then this warm love to Christ is the hold and bulwark that maintaineth Christs Interest in the Soul The Devil the World and the Flesh batter it and hope to throw it down but they cannot nothing else will serve the turn in Christs room 3. Whence love to Christ cometh to have such a force upon us or which is all one how so forcible a love is wrought in us I answer 1. Partly by the worth of the object And 2. Partly by the manner how it is considered by us and applyed to us 1. From the worth of the object When we consider what Christ is what he hath done for us and what love he hath shewed therein how can we choose but love with such a constraining unconquerable love as to stick at no difficulty and danger for his sake The circumstances which do most affect our hearts are these our Condition and Necessity when he came to shew this love to us we were guilty sinners in a lost and lapsed estate and so altogether hopeless unless some means were used for our recovery kindness to them that are ready to perish doth most affect them Oh how should we love Christ who are as men fetched up from the Gates of Hell under sentence of condemnation when we were in our blood Ezek. 16. Had sold our selves to Satan Isa. 52.3 Cast away the mercies of our Creation and had all come short of the Glory of God Rom. 3.23 When sentenced to death John 3.18 And ready for execution Eph. 2.3 Then did Christ by a wonderful act of love step in to rescue and recover us Not staying till we relented and cryed for mercy but before we were sensible of our misery or regarded any remedy then the Son of God came to die for us 2. The astonishing way in which our deliverance was brought about by the incarnation death shame blood and agonies of the Son of God Who was set up in our natures as a glass and pledge of Gods great love to us 1 John 3.16 Hereby perceive we the love of God because he laid down his life for us We had never known so much of the love of God had it not been for this instance He shewed love to us in Creation in that he gave us a reasonable Nature when he might have made us Toads and Serpents He sheweth love to us in our daily sustentation in that he keepeth us at his expence though we do him so little service and do so often offend him But herein was love that the Son of God himself must hang upon a cross and become a propitiation for our sins We now come to learn by this instance that God is love 1 John 4.8 What was Jesus Christ but love incarnate love born of a Virgin love hanging upon a cross laid in the grave love made sin love made a curse for us 3. The consequent benefits I 'le name three to which all the rest may be reduced 1. Justification of our persons Rom. 5.1 Being justified by faith we have peace with God And Eph. 1.7 In whom we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of sins And Rom. 5.9 Being justified by his blood we are saved from wrath through him To be at present upon good terms with God and capable of Communion with him and access to him with assurance of welcome and audience To have all acts of hostility cease this is to stop mischief at the fountain head For if God be at peace with us of whom should we be afraid Then to have sin pardoned which is the great ground of our bondage and terror that which blasteth all our comforts and maketh them unsavory to us and is the venom and sting of all our crosses and miseries the great make-bate between God and us Once more to be freed from the fear of Hell and the Wrath of God which is so deservedly terrible to all serious persons that are mindful of their Condition So that we may live in an holy security and peace Oh how should we love the Lord Jesus who hath procured these benefits for us 2. To have our natures sanctified and healed and freed from the stain of sin as well as the guilt of it and to have Gods impress imprinted upon our Souls this is also consequent of the death of Jesus Christ Eph. 5.26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it by the washing of water And Titus 2.14 Who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purify unto himself a peculiar people zealous of good works So that being delivered from the thraldom of sin which is a great ease to a burdened Soul and fitted for the service of God for Christ came to make a people ready for the Lord to be cleansed from all filthiness of flesh and Spirit and to have a Nature Divine and heavenly Let diseased Souls desire worldly greatness swine take pleasure in the mire and ravenous beasts feed on dung and carrion An inlarged Soul must have those higher blessings and looketh upon holiness not only as a duty but a great priviledge to be made like God and made serviceable to him This is that which indears their hearts to Christ he hath loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood that we might be Kings and Priests unto God Revel 1.5 3. Eternal Life and Glory 1 John 3.1 2. Behold what manner of love the Father hath shewed us That we should be called the Sons of God It doth
given to his Justice that his Mercy may have the freer scope the sinner saved and the sin branded and condemned Oh what shall we render to the Lord for so great a benefit Let us unboundedly give up our selves to be governed and ordered by him at his will and pleasure no● loving our lives to the death Rev. 12.11 Life must not be excepted out of this resignation Luke 14.26 4. How this must be improved First by consideration Secondly By determination For 't is said we thus Judge 1. Consideration Whereby spiritual truths are laid close to the heart the Soul and the object are brought together by serious thoughts God will not govern us as bruits and rule us with a Rod of Iron by meer power and force the heart of man is overpowered by the weight of reason and serious inculcative thoughts which God blesseth to the beginning and increase in our Souls Therefore cast in weight after weight till the Judgement be poised and you begin to judge and determine how just and equal it is that you should give up your selves to God and to Christ who have done those great things for you God often complaineth for want of consideration Isa. 1.3 But my people will not consider And Deut. 32.29 Oh that my people would be wise and consider their latter end And Psa. 50.22 Consider this ye that forget God Most of our sin and folly is to be charged upon our inconsideration so also our want of grace 'T is God doth renew and quicken the Soul yet consideration is the means The greatest things in the World do not work upon them that do not think of them Therefore how shall the power of the word be set on work but by serious and pressing thoughts The truth lyeth by reason is asleep till consideration quicken it The fault of the highway ground is they hear the word but understand it not The first help of grace is attention Acts 16.14 She attended to the things that were spoken by Paul What is this attending but a deliberate weighing in order to choice minding esteem and pursuit Those invited to the wedding Matth. 22.5 They made light of it Non-attendency is the bane of the greatest part of the World they will not suffer their minds to dwell upon these things 2. There is determination or a practical decree We thus Judge in all reason when we have considered of it we cannot Judge otherwise the Scripture often speaketh of this Acts 11.23 He exhorted them all with full purpose of heart to cleave to the Lord 2 Tim. 3. This like a bias in a bowl carryeth the authority of a principle in the heart these decrees enacted in the heart are frequently mentioned in Scripture in the case of religion in general as Psa. 119.57 Thou art my portion O Lord I have said I would keep thy words Sometimes some particular duty when the heart is backward Psa. 32.5 I said I will confess my transgression unto the Lord. Sometimes in compliance with some divine motion Psa. 27.8 I said thy face Lord will I seek Sometimes after a doubtful traverse or conflict with temptations Psa. 73.28 It is good for me to draw near to God I have put my trust in the Lord God Generally 't is a great help against a sluggish and remiss will Christians are so weak and fickle and inconstant because they do not use this help of decreeing or determining for God and binding and ingaging their Souls to live to him VSE It exhorts us 1. To affect our hearts and ravish our thoughts with this great instance of the love of God 'T is the commending circumstance to set it forth John 15.13 Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends And Rom. 5.8 God commended his love towards us that while we were yet sinners Christ dyed for us God hath not another Son to bestow upon us a better Christ to die for us love is gone to the utmost nor can we be redeemed at a deare rater That we may be affected with it 1. Let us not look upon it only as an act of heroical friendship but in the mediatory notion for so 't is most penetrating and sinketh into the very Soul and that 's the way to draw solid comfort whereas the other only begetteth a little fond admiration we look upon it as an act of generosity and gallantry and that begets an ill Impression in our minds But to look upon it as a mediatorial act breedeth the true broken-hearted sense and thankfulness which God expecteth We all stood guilty before the Tribunal of Divine Justice and he was surrogated by the covenant of redemption and made sin and a curse for us He was to be responsible for our sins according to the pact and agreement between him and his Father Isa. 53.10 There is the covenant of redemption described When thou shalt make his Soul an offering for sin he shall see his seed he shall prolong his days and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand 'T is not to be looked upon as a strange history and so to stir up a little wonder or a little fond pitty as at a tragical story but to fill us with a broken-hearted sense and deep thankfulness that the Son of God should come to recover our forfeited mercies When we were sentenced to death by a righteous Law and had sold our selves to Sathan and cast away the mercies of our creation and by our multiplied rebellions made our selves ready for execution then the Son of God pittyed our case undertook our ransom and paid it to the utmost farthing 2. Consider the Consequent benefits both here and hereafter Isa. 53.5 But he was wounded for our transgr●ssions he was bruised for our iniquities and the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed And Rev. 1.5 6. Who hath loved us and washed us in his blood and made us Kings and Priests unto God In the Heavenly Priest-hood nothing will appear in us displeasing to God The love and praise of God will be our whole Imployment In expectation of this happy hour we must begin our sacrifices here 3. Let us not by affected scruples blunt the Edge of our comfort Christians would know too soon their peculiar interest in Gods love whether intended to us and so disoblige our selves from our duty These affected scruples are a sin because secret things do not belong to us but the open declarations of God concerning our duty Deut. 29.29 'T is the part of a deceitful heart to betray a known duty by a scruple we would not do so in case of temporal danger if a boat be overturned we will not make scruples when any come to our help whether they shall be accepted or not Do not refuse your help and cure but improve the offer 1 Tim. 1.15 This is a true and faithful saying Jesus Christ came to save sinners of whom I am chief
and to redeem your time to attend upon him This they understand not mind not and therefore still live to themselves 2. I observe that which is spoken of is living to self and living to God Living doth not note one single action but the trade course and strain of our conversations whether it be referred to self or God every single act of inordinate self-love is a sin but living to our selves is a state of sin A man lives to self when self is his principle his rule and his end The governing principle that sets him on work or the spring that sets all the wheels a going the great end they aim at the rule by which they are guided measure all things if it be for themselves they have a life in the work So the Apostle Phil. 2.21 All seek their own things and not the things of Jesus Christ. Their own things are their worldly ease and profit and credit when the things wherein Christs Honour and Kingdom are concerned are neglected Any interest of their own maketh them ready industrious zealous it may be for Christ when there are outward incouragments to a duty but when no incouragements rather the contrary then cold and slack So on the other side we live to God when his grace or the new nature in us is our principle his service our work or the business of our lives and his Glory our great end and scope When we have nothing and can do nothing but as from God and by him and for him Phil. 1.11 Being filled with the fruits of Righteousness which are by Jesus Christ to the praise and Glory of God 3. That love to God is the great principle that draweth us off from self to God For 't is said The Love of Christ constraineth us That 's the beginning of all this discourse such as a mans love inclination and nature is such will be the drift of his life And therefore self-denial is never powerful and thorough unless it be caused by the Love of God But when a man once heartily loveth God he can lay all things at Gods feet and suffer all things and endure all things for Gods sake Men will not be frightned from self-love it must be another more powerful love which must draw them from it as one na●l driveth out another Now what can be more powerful than the love of God which is as strong as death Many waters cannot quench it nor will it be bribed Cant. 8.7 This overcometh our natural self-love so that not only time and strength and estate but life and all shall go for his Glory Revel 12.11 They loved not their lives to the death Self-love is so deeply rooted in us especially love of life that it must be something strong and powerful that must overcome it what 's nearer to us than our selves This is Christs love None deserveth their love so much as Christ. I know no Happiness but to injoy his love glory this prevaileth beyond their natural inclination 4. The great thing which breedeth and feedeth this love is Christs dying that we might be dead to sin and the World and might also be alive to God The object of love is goodness now such goodness as this should beget love in Christ. This may be considered 1. As to the intention of the Redeemer Surely if he aimed at this the love and service of his redeemed ones 't is fit that he should obtain this end Now this was Christs end Rom. 14.9 For this end Christ died and rose again and revived that he might be Lord of dead and living Christ had this in his eye a power and dominion over us all That he might rule us and govern us and bring us into a perfect obedience of his will that none of us might do what liketh him best but what is most acceptable to Christ. 2. The grace and help merited He obtained a new life for us that we might be made capable to live not to our selves but unto him If he had obliged us only in point of duty to live unto God and not obtained necessary grace to inable us to perform it the love had not been so great no he hath obtained for us the gift of the Spirit and the great work of the Holy-Ghost is by sanctifying grace to bring off the Soul from self to God John 16.14 He shall take of mine and glorify me This grace is not given us to exalt or extol any other thing but Christ alone as Christ his Father John 15.8 That grace we have from Christ and the Spirit inclineth us to make God our end and scope 3. The obligation left on the Creature by this great and wonderful act of mercy and kindness doth perswade us to surrender and give up our selves to the Lords use Rom. 12.1 I beseech you therefore Brethren by the mercies of God that ye present your bodies a living Sacrifice holy acceptable to God which is your reasonable service Take the Argument either from the greatness of his sufferings or the greatness of the benefits purchased still the Argument and motive is exceeding 〈◊〉 and prevailing shall the Son of God come and die such a painful shameful death for us And shall not we give up our selves to him to love him and serve him all our days 2dly I shall prove it by reasons 1. The title that God hath to us we are not our own and therefore we must not live to our selves but we are Gods and therefore we must live unto God This reason is urged 1 Cor. 6.19 20. What! know ye not that your Body is the Temple of the Holy-Ghost which is in you which ye have of God And ye are not your own for ye are bought with a price therefore Glorify God in your Body and in your Spirit which are Gods How are we Gods By Creation Redemption Regeneration and Consecration in all which respects God is more truly owner of you than you are of any thing you have in the World 1. We are his by Creation 't is he that made us not we our selves Psa. 100.3 What one member was made at our direction or request Much less by our help and assistance No God framed us in the secret parts of the belly Now if the Husband-man may call the Vine his own which he hath planted God may much more call the Creature his own which he hath made God made us out of nothing The Husband-man cannot make a vine he doth only set it and dress it but God made us and not we our selves the Creature is wholly and solely of him and from him and nothing else Therefore it should be wholly and solely to him and for him Self-love is Gods prerogative he alone can love himself and seek himself because he alone is from himself and without dependance on any other but we that are creatures and depend upon God every moment for his providential assistance and supportation are under the dominion and rule of him
solid comfort but in being real Disciples others are but Christians in the letter not in the Spirit Those that are in the letter have notions of God and Christ and Heaven and Hell but they have but names and notions of these things But feel nothing of the power and life that accompanieth these things A man may profess himself a Christian and yet perish with unbelievers yea be as great an enemy to Christ as the Jews that crucified him and the heathens that worshipped other Gods a grieving of his Spirit a despising the fruits of his purchase a refusal of his holy Ordinances and an hatred of his Servants is no less offensive to him and may argue as little affection in us as either the spight of the Jews or Idolatry of the Heathens did in them to Christ. I call this profession of careless lawless Christians a knowing Christ after the flesh because 't is a meer carnal humane natural respect to Christs memory such as a man beareth to his famous Ancestours or the deceased Hero's of his Country not befitting him who is our Mediator and Lord of all things who is best remembred when our hearts are converted to him and when his Laws are obeyed such as the Jews did bear to Abraham the founder of their Nation or Moses the Law-giver of their Country Surely Abraham and Moses were as dear to the carnal Jews as Christ can be to us but Christ telleth them if you were Abrahams seed you would do the works of Abraham Joh. 8.39 And Joh. 5.46 If ye had believed Moses ye would have believed me They were Abrahams seed after the flesh not after the Spirit they were Abrahams seed after the flesh but that did avail them nothing since they did not follow his example but sought to kill him which was far from Abrahams Spirit and temper A little of mens practice is a surer rule to try by than all their fair language and complemental respect John 9.28 29. Then they reviled him and said Thou art his disciple we are Moses his disciples we know that God spake to Moses but as for this fellow we know not whence he is However he or such as He were so fully resolved to become disciples to Christ yet they would cleave to Moses John 9.28 Thus are the best of men mistaken and abused by their carnal Successours They made use of Moses his name to excuse their disobedience to Christ. It is an old trick of degenerate men to cry up the names of pious Ancestours and externally to adore the memory of Saints departed But such motives of love are but carnal when there is an apparent inconformity between you and the persons whom you would magnify We detest the memory of Annas and Caiphas Judas and such others as conspired to take away the life of Christ so did they of Corah Dathan and Abiram Ahab was accounted as wicked by them as Pilate by us Therefore to rest in a naked historical belief and meer profession of the name of Christ when there is such an apparent insubjection to his Laws 't is but a knowing Christ after the flesh owning him as the God of the country upon custom and tradition Well then Christ is never rightly entertained but when his Doctrine is received and intertained by faith though there should be an hatred of his persecutors a quarrelling for his religion you put him to more shame in your conversations and crucify him afresh every day Heb. 6.6 Seeing they have crucified to themselves the Son of God afresh and put him to open shame A quarrelling ruffian may be ready to fly in the face of him that shall speak a disgraceful word against his Father when his own dissolute and ungracious wicked courses grieve his Fathers Spirit and shame him more than all their reproaches so many will pretend much love to Christ and in an heat quarrel be ready to venture their lives for their religion No man would have his religion despised but yet he shameth and bringeth it most into contempt that matcheth it with disproportionate practices as those are called enemies to the cross of Christ that preached Christ but yet lived in a sensual and earthly manner Phil. 3.19 2. By acts of sensitive affection in the reading or meditating on the story of Christs sufferings or when you hear his Passion laid open in a Rhetorical fashion Men at such occasions find that there is stirred up in themselves some fond pitty at his sufferings and indignation at the Jews and are ready to fly in the face of Judas that betrayed him and the Rulers and those that put him to death All this is but an humane natural respect such as we will find in our selves at any tragical representation true our false let a man but read the sad preparation of Abraham when he went to sacrifice his Son Isaac or the pittiful words and moans of Jacob when they told him that some Beast had devoured Joseph and shewed him his coat The sacking of Jerusalem by the Babylonians or how they handled that miserable King Zedekiah when they had first slain his Children before his face and then put out his eyes Or the Lamentations of Dido for Aeneas when she slew her self These storys will draw as many tears from our eyes as the story of Christs sufferings things of small importance well represented to the fancy may thus affect us And besides these light affections do not comply with Gods end in the Mystery of Redemption we are not to reflect upon the death of Christ as a tragical accident or sad story but as a well-spring of Salvation and God looketh for more noble and spiritual motions namely that we should be affected with the horror of our sins that crucified the Lord of Glory and the terror of that dreadful severity which God manifested on his own Son when he took our burden upon him and the admiration of his incomparable wisdom which could joyn his mercy with his justice the unspeakable joy of Salvation which is derived thence to us and the ardent love which we should bear to the Father who hath given his Son to die for us These are the true resentments of the death of Christ even that we may raise our hopes of mercy upon the foundation of his merit and satisfaction as the price of our blessings and ingage our selves to God in a way of thankfulness for his great love and mercy and increase our hatred of sin having such a glass wherein to view our hatefulness now these are spiritual respects the other are but carnal such as we would shew to man pitifully handled 3. By expressing our respects more in the pomp and pageantry of outward complements rather than serious devotion or an hearty obedience to his Laws or worshipping him in Spirit and in truth This is also a knowing Christ after the flesh or a carving out a respect to him that rather suiteth with our carnal minds than his glorious estate now in
was first bred in Gods heart 1 John 4.19 We love him because he loved us first 3. This love is the more amplified by the worthlesness of the persons for whom all this is done the World that lay in wickedness and rebellion against God the sinful race of Apostatized Adam At our best● how little service and honour can we bring to him but he considered us as lying in the corrupt mass of polluted mankind yet this World would God reconcile to himself and not Angels God would not so much as enter into a parley with them As if a King should take Rusticks and Skullions into his favour and pass by Nobles and Princes There lay no bond at all to shew mercy to us more than to them we had cast him off and rebelled against him as well as they 4. And this done by Jesus Christ that so costly a remedy should be provided for us Rom 8.32 God spared not his own Son but delivered him up for us all God may be said to spare either in a way of impartial justice or in a way of bountiful and condescending love the first hath its use this latter is the case there We are sparing of what is precious of what we value but though Christ was his dear Son yet he spared not him 'T is the folly of man to part with things of worth and value for trifles 5. The benefit it self that he would reconcile us to himself First In laying aside his own just wrath which is our great terrour Isa. 27.4 Fury is not in me He being pacifyed in Christ. Secondly That he would take away the enmity that is in the hearts of men by his converting and healing grace which is our great burden Psal. 110.3 Thy people shall be a willing people in the day of thy power Thirdly That he will enter into league Covenant with us God with us we with God Heb. 8.10 I will put my Laws into their minds and write them upon their hearts and I will be to them a God and they shall be to me a people Fourthly That from hence there floweth an intire friendship John 15.15 Henceforth I call you not Servants but Friends for all that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you Fifthly This friendship produceth most gracious fruits and effects especially free Commerce with him here till we are admitted into his Immediate presence Heb. 10.22 Let us draw nigh with a true heart in full assurance of faith having our hearts sprinkled from an evil Conscience and our bodies washed with pure water USE 2. Let us consider seriously the mystery of Christ's death which is the Sacrifice of our atonement 'T is full of riddles 't is a spectacle which represents to you the highest mercy in Gods sparing sinners and calling out his own Son to die in our stead and the highest Justice in punishing sin though transacted upon Christ if this be done to the green tree what shall be done to the dry here you have Christ made sin and yet at the same time the fountain of holiness 2 Cor. 5.21 And John 1.16 Out of his fulness we receive grace for grace So again the fountain of blessedness made a curse for all the World Gal. 3.13 In mans account never more weakness and foolishness shewn yet never more wisdom and power 1 Cor. 1.25 The foolishness of God is wiser than men and the weakness of God stronger then men He had said before that Christ was the Wisdom of God and the Power of God The Devil never seemed to Triumph more yet never more foiled Luke 22.53 comp with Col. 2.15 Christ is the true Sampson destroyed more at his death than in all his life The cross was not a Gibbet of shame and infamy but a Chariot of Triumph This was the holiest work and the greatest act of obedience that ever was or can or will be performed and yet the wickedest work that ever the Sun beheld On Christs part an high act of obedience and self-denial Phil. 2.7 On mans part the greatest act of villany and wickedness Acts 2.23 Who by wicked hands have crucified and slain The highest act of meekness and violence The truest glass wherein we see the greatness and smalness of sin the heinousness of sin is seen in his Agonies and bloody sufferings the nothingness of it in the merit of them Christ's death is the reason of the great Judgment faln upon the Jews 1 Thes. 2.15 16. And yet the ground upon which we expect mercy both for our selves and them Eph. 2.16 In short here is Life rising out of Death Glory out of Ignominy Blessedness out of the Curse from the abasement of the Son of God Joy Liberty and confidence to us SERMON XXXV 2 Cor. 5.19 not imputing their trespasses to them DOct. One great branch or fruit of our Reconciliation with God through Christ is the pardon or non-imputation of sin Here I shall shew 1. The nature and worth of the priviledge 2. The manner how 't is brought about 3. That 't is a branch or fruit of our Reconciliation with God 1. The nature and worth of the priviledge not imputing The phrase is elsewhere used Rom. 4.8 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin So 2 Tim. 4.16 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 All men forsook me I pray God it be not laid to their charge or reckoned to their account 'T is a Metaphor taken from those who cast up their accounts and so 1. It supposeth that sin is a debt Matth. 6.12 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and forgive us our debts 2. That God will one day call sinners to an account and charge such and such debts upon them Matth. 25.19 After a long time the Lord of those Servants cometh and reckoneth with them For a while men live jollily and in great security care for nothing but a day of reckoning will come 3. In this day of accounts God will not impute the trespasses of those who are reconciled to him by Christ and have taken sanctuary at the grace of the new Covenant to their Condemnation nor use them as they deserve Every one deserves Wrath and Eternal Death and sin obligeth us thereunto but God will not lay it to our charge And so 't is said Psa. 32.2 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity Now this is an act of great grace on Gods part and of great priviledge and Blessedness to the Creature 1. An act of great grace and favour on Gods part 1. Partly because every one is become guilty before God and obnoxious to the process of his Righteous Judgment Rom. 3.19 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And all the World may become guilty before God There is sin enough to impute and the reason of this non-imputation is not our Innocency but Gods mercy Among men imputations are often unjust and slanderous as David complaineth that they imputed and laid things to his charge that he was not guilty
word used and 't is here taken in a legal and judicial sense not for a disposition of mind or heart but for a ●tate of acceptation or the ground of a plea before the Tribunal of God So also 't is taken Rom. 5 19. As by one mans disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of one many shall be made righteous That is deemed and accounted so accepted as such In short sanctification is not here intended but justification Now this Forinsecal or Court righteousness may be interpreted either with relation to the precept or sanction 1. With respect to the Precept of the Law so 't is said Rom. 2.13 For not the ●earers of the Law are just before God but the doers of the Law shall be justified A man that exactly fulfilleth the Law of works is righteous but so by the deeds of the Law no flesh shall be justified in his sight Rom. 3.20 Let me instance in this kind of Righteousness with respect to the Law of grace 1 John 3.7 He that doth righteousness is righteous That is evangelically whil'st he doth it sincerely though not perfectly The legal righteousness is opposite to reatusculpae to the fault if that could be we might say he that fulfilleth the Law is righteous that is he is not faulty 2. There is a righteousness with respect to the sanction and so with respect either to the commination or the promise With respect to the commination so legal righteousness is not dueness of punishment he is righteous who is freed from the obligation to punishment This righteousness is opposite to reatus poenae and so a man is said to be justified or made righteous when he is freed from the eternal punishment threatned by God And thus by the Righteousness of Christ we are justified from all things from which we could not be justified by the Law of Moses Acts 13.39 Or rather see that place Rom. 1.17 18. For therein is the Righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith as it is written the just shall live by faith For the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness But before I go off in the commination two things are considerable sentence and Execution From the commination as it importeth a sentence or respects a sentence so we are justified or made Righteous when we are not liable to condemnation as Rom. 8.1 There is no condemnation c. And Rom. 5.18 As by the offence of one Judgment came upon all to condemnation so by the Righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto Justification of life But as the commination respects the execution so to be justified or made Righteous is not to be liable to punishment So 't is said Rom. 5.9 Being justified by his blood we shall be saved from wrath through him Now this exemption is sometimes founded on the innocency of the Person but that is not our case sometimes it cometh to pass through free pardon as when the Law is suspended or penalty remitted by meer bounty as Joseph forgave his Brethren or David Absolom but that is not our case neither sometimes by satisfaction made as Paul would pay Onesimus his debt or by free pardon and satisfaction both together which was certainly our case For we are justified freely by his grace through the Redemption of Jesus Christ Rom. 3.24 There is a free pardon and a full compensation made to Divine Justice to satisfy for the breaches of the Law And so we are made the Righteousness of God in him Freely and by Gods grace finding out the remedy and yet securing the authority of his Law and the honour of his Justice upon the account of Christs satisfaction or his being sin for us That is freed from the sentence and execution of the Law or the eternal wrath of God 2. The other part of the sanction is the promise And so our Judicial or Legal Righteousness is nothing else but our right to the reward gift or benefits founded not in any Merit of our own nor yet in the bare gift of another but in the Merit of another conjoyned with his free gift So by Christs being made sin for us we have not only freedom from the curse but title to Glory 1 Thess. 5.9 10. ver And our estate in Heaven is called Redemption Eph. 1.14 Vntil the Redemption of the purchased possession Christs people are purchased by his blood and are his possession and his Peculiar People And they shall at length come to their full and final deliverance which is there called Redemption as also Eph. 4.16 chiefly because 't is a fruit of Christs death and something that accreweth to us by vertue of his laying down his Soul as an offering for sin 2dly The abstract is used concerning our priviledges as well as concerning Christs sufferings He made sin we made Righteousness Not only accounted or accepted as Righteous but made Righteousness which is more emphatical and doth heighten our thoughts in the apprehension of the priviledge as Christs Being made sin doth in the greatness of his sufferings 3. Observe this is called the Righteousness of God Why 1. Because 't is the Righteousness of that person who is God Jer. 23.6 The Lord our Righteousness There is an essential Righteousness which Christ as God hath in common with the Father and the Spirit and is incommunicable either as to men or Angels no more then God can communicate to his creatures any other of his Essential Attributes Omnipotency and Eternity But the Righteousness of Christ God-man is conditionary and Surety Righteousness which he performed in our stead his doing and suffering in our stead this may be communicated to us and is the ground of our acceptance with God and may be called the Righteousness of God because the person that procured it is God 2dly It may be called the Righteousness of God Because the only wise God found it out and appointed it 'T was not the device of man but the result of his eternal Counsels Col. 1.19 20. So when the Apostle had proved that Jews and Gentiles were under a deep guilt 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Rom. 3.19 Liable to the challenges of the Law and the process of his revenging Justice and therefore needed a Righteousness to render them acceptable to God The light of nature and the Law of Moses could give them no Remedy but rather rendred them more miserable discovering sin and affording them no help against it but left them under uncertainty bondage and horrours of conscience what should the faln creature do The Lord in his mercy found out a Righteousness Even the Righteousness of God which is by Faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe for there is no difference Rom. 3.21 22 c. 3. Because 't is accepted by God A Righteousness wherein God acquiesceth and which he accepteth for our Absolution Matth. 3.17 God