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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A47219 Directions for prayer, for the diocess of Bath and Wells Ken, Thomas, 1637-1711. 1686 (1686) Wing K260A; ESTC R217484 10,806 16

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to pray after your Example and to use your Children to do the same for they will soon be able to say the Lords Prayer and two or three Ejaculations and teach them to say these at Noon as well as at Morning and at Night and 't is incredible to think how much good this Practice will do them and what great comfort you your selves will reap from the early Devotion of your Children To further this Devotion in your Children instead of Idle Tales and Songs which pollute their Souls and when they come to be serious will cost them great pains to unlearn You must teach them short Psalms by heart which will exercise their Memories and Piety both together and as you teach the Psalms to your Children I exhort you to learn them your selves You cannot imagine the great benefit of learning Psalms by heart for when you are under any Temptation or are in any affliction or when you lye waking in the Night or when you are Sick these Psalms will come into your mind and the Devout repeating them will yield you most seasonable Consolations The very Common People in the first and purest Ages of the Church were so sensible of the Spiritual advantages of learning Psalms that they learn'd the whole Psalter by heart and sang or said the Psalms in their Shops and at the Plow insomuch that St. Iames makes it the proper expression of Christian mirth Iames 5. 13. If any be merry let him sing Psalms This is the way to store your own and your Childrens minds with Ejaculations or short Prayers for all Occasions which I advise both Old and Young to accustom themselves to because it is the true way of Praying without ceasing and it is a kind of Prayer most easie and may be used at any time of the day or in any place and is one of the most efficacious means in the World to keep us in Gods favour which is of all things most desirable Ejaculations At going out or coming in Lord bless my going out and my coming in from this time forth for evermore Psal. 121. 8. At Meals Lord grant that whether I eat or drink or whatever I do I may do all to thy Glory 1 Cor. 10. 31. At Work Prosper thou the work of my hands O Lord O prosper thou my handy-work Psal. 90. 17. In the Shop or Market Lord give me grace to use this World so as not to abuse it 1 Cor. 7. 31. Lord grant that I may never go beyond or defraud my brother in any matter for thou art the Avenger of all such 1 Thess. 4. 6. In temptation or danger O God make speed to save me O Lord make haste to help me At any time of the day Wherever I am whatever I do Thou lord feest me O keep me in thy fear all the day long Prov. 23. 17. Lord give me grace to keep always a conscience void of offence towards thee and towards men Acts 24. 16. Lord teach me so to number my days that I may apply my heart to Wisdom Psal. 90. 12. O let my mouth be filled with thy Praise that I may sing of thy Glory and Honor all the day long Psal. 71. 7. All love all glory be to thee O God who didst first love me Unto him that lov'd us and wash'd us from our sins in his own Blood be glory and dominion for ever and ever Amen Rev. 1. 5. O blessed Spirit thed abroad the love of God in my heart Praise the Lord O my soul and all that is within me Praise his holy Name Psal. 103. 1. Praise the Lord O my soul while I live will I praise the Lord yea as long as I have any being I will sing Praises unto my God Psal. 146. 1. You that have Families I do further exhort that besides your private Prayers you would offer up to God a Morning and Evening Sacrifice in your Families and that every one of you would take up the Holy Resolution of Ioshua As for me and my House we will serve the Lord Iosh. 24. 15. And the Prayers I advise you to use are taken out of the Common Prayer as being most familiar and of greatest Authority withall If any of your Family are gone abroad to their Work before the rest can be ready call that little Congregation about you that is at home and you that are present pray for those that are absent and by this means those that are absent upon necessary Employments will share in the blessings for which you pray Morning Prayer for a Family Let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be alway acceptable in the sight O Lord our Strength and our Redeemer O God the Father of Heaven have mercy upon us miserable sinners O God the Son Redeemer of the World have mercy upon us miserable sinners O God the Holy Ghost proceeding from the Father and the Son have mercy upon us miserable sinners O Holy Blessed and Glorious Trinity three Persons and one God have mercy upon us miserable sinners O Lord we beseech thee mercifully hear our Prayers and spare all those who confess their sins unto thee and they whose consciences by sin are accused by thy merciful pardon may be absolved through Christ our Lord. Amen Almighty God who seest that me have no power of our selves to help our selves we give thee humble thanks for thy preservation of us this day past or this might past and for all the blessings thou daily vouchsafest us and we beseech thee to keep us both outwardly in our bodies and inwardly in our souls that we may be defended from all adversities which may happen to the body and from all evil thoughts which may assault and hurt the soul through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Almighty God whose Kingdom is everlasting and power Infinite have mercy upon the whole Church and so rule the heart of thy chosen Servant James our King and Governor that he knowing whose Minister he is may above all things seek thy Honor and Glory and that we and all his Subjects duly considering whose Authority he hath may faithfully serve honor and humbly obey him in thee and for thee according to thy blessed Word and Ordinance through Iesus Christ our Lord who liveth and reigneth ever one God World without end Amen Unto thy gracious mercy and protection O Lord do we commit our selves this day or this night and all our relations and friends Lord prosper us in our callings Lord bless us and keep us Lord make thy face to shine upon us and be gracious unto us Lord lift up thy countenance upon us and give us Peace both now and evermore for the sake of Iesus thy beloved in whose own blessed Words we sum up all our wants Our Father which art in Heaven c. The same form changing but one word is proper for the Night as well as the Morning to make Family Prayer the more easie to you That Prayer which I have set down wherein you pray for the King and pray for your selves also that you may be good Subjects I exhort you never to omit because you know that the Countrey wherein you live was the onely seat of the late Rebellion and the Tares of Sedition have been Industriously sown among you and you have the greater reason to pray that you may continue firm in your Allegiance besides St. Paul teaches you that to Pray for Kings is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour 1 Tim. 2. 2 3. To your Family Prayers you may add as you see occasion one of these following Almighty and everlasting God give unto us the increase of Faith Hope and Charity and that we man obtain that which thou doest promise make us to love that which thou doest command through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Lord we beseech thee Grant thy people grace to withstand the temptations of the World the flesh and the Devil and with pure hearts and minds to follow thee the only God through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Prevent us O Lord in all our doings with thy most gracious favor and further us with thy continual help that in all our works begun continued and ended in thee we may glorifie thy holy Name and finally by thy mercy obtain everlasting life through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen These and the like short Prayers may be said alone in the Closet as well as in the Family by changing onely the number and for we saying all along I and for us saying me As for Example when you read any part of the Holy Scripture either alone by your selves or with your Families both which you should do daily if you have leisure but if you have not see that you do both on the Lord's days and on Holy days and before Reading say this Prayer Blessed Lord who hast caused all Holy Scriptures to be written for our learning Grant that we I may in such wise hear them read mark learn and inwardly digest them that by patience and comfort of thy Holy Word we I may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life which thou half given us in our Saviour Iesus Christ. Amen God of his infinite Mercy bless these Instructions to his Glory and to the furtherance of your Devotions through Jesus the beloved Amen Amen FINIS
repent O pitty and pardon me for the sake of Iesus thy Beloved Amen Amen O my God keep and protect and bless me this night and preserve me from sin and danger for the sake of Iesus Amen Amen Lord refresh me this night with seasonable sleep that I may rise the next morning more fit and able to serve thee in my Calling for the sake of Iesus thy Beloved Amen Amen I believe in God the father c. All love all glory be to thee our God the Father who c. as in the Morning I desire thee O Lord God O Heavenly Father who art the Giver of all goodness to send thy Grace unto me and to my Wife and Children to my Husband and Children Father and Mother Brethren and Sisters Kindred and Friends Master and Mistris you must name these Relations according as you stand related and to all people that we may worship thee serve thee and obey thee as we ought to do And I pray unto thee that thou would'st send us all things that be needful both for our souls and bodies and that thou wilt be merciful unto us and forgive us our sins and that it will please thee to save and defend us in all dangers ghostly and bodily and that thou wilt keep us from all sin and wickedness and from our ghostly enemy and from everlasting death And this I trust thou wilt do of thy mercy and goodness through our Lord Iesus Christ. Amen Lord so be it Lord hear me help me pardon my failings supply all my wants and the wants of all for whom I pray which I sum up in the words of thy own beloved Son Our father which art in Heaven c. As you are going to bed say I will lay me down in peace and take my rest for it is thou Lord only that makest me dwell in safety Psal. 4. 9. As you began the day so end it with glorifying God and when you are in bed say Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost three Persons and one God blessed for evermore All praise all love be to thee I earnestly beg of God to make you sensible your selves and to give you grace to make your Children and servants sensible also how Necessary and Happy and Heavenly a Duty Prayer is and how many exceeding great and precious Promises God has made to those that devoutly pray to him and if you are thus sensible you will not content your selves with Morning and Evening Prayer onely but you will be desirous if you have Opportunity to retire about Mid-day for a few Minutes that you may imitate the Devotion of holy David and of Daniel and pray three times a day Dan. 6. 10. and that you may not want a help for Noon-tide Prayer the Catechism shall supply you Prayer at Noon At evening and at morning and at noon-day will I pray and that instantly Lord hear my voice Psal. 55. 19. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end Amen All love all glory be to thee O God the father who hast first loved us and hast given thy beloved Son to die for our Sins and to rise again for our Iustification Have mercy upon me O God after thy great goodness according to the multitude of the mercies do alway mine offences Wash me throughly from my wickedness and cleanse me from my sin Make me a clean heart O God and renew a right Spirit within me for the sake of Iesus thy Beloved Amen O Lord God who seest I am not able of my self to walk in the Commandments and to serve thee be pleased to help and strengthen me by thy special Grace that I may daily and sincerely perform my duty towards thee and my duty towards my neighbor for the sake of Iesus my Saviour Amen O my God give me grace to believe in thee and to love thee with all my heart with all my mind with all my soul and with all my strength to worship thee to give thee thanks to put my whole trust in thee to call upon thee to honor thy holy Name and thy Word and to serve thee truly all the days of my life for the sake of Iesus thy Beloved Amen O my God give me grace to love my neighbor as my self to do to all men as I would then should do to me to love honor and succor my Father and Mother this clause must be left out if your Father and Mother be dead to honor and obey the King and all that are put in Authority under him to submit my self to all my Governors Teachers Spiritual Pastors and Masters to order my self lowly and reverently to all my betters to hurt no body by word or deed to be true and just in all my dealing to bear no malice nor hatred in my heart to keep my hands from picking and stealing and my tongue from evil speaking lying and slandering to keep my body in temperance soverness and chastity not to covet or desire other mens goods but to learn and labor truly to get mine own living and to do my duty in that state of life unto which it has pleased thee to call me for the sake of Iesus thy Beloved Amen Lord hear me help me pardon my failings supply all my wants which I sum up in the words of thy Beloved Son Our Father which art in Heaven c. Instead of these two last Prayers you may sometimes say the Ten Commandments which you may turn into a very good Prayer by saying after every one Lord have mercy upon me and incline my heart to keep this Low Where you not only beg pardon for the sins you have committed against each Commandment but you also beg Grace to keep it At the end of them you may say Lord have mercy upon me and write all these thy Laws in my heart A beseech thee And so conclude with the Lords Prayer Do not think that this Practice of Prayer will be too hard or too long for young persons or for labouring people for if you cannot say them all say as much as you can or if you are at Day Labour or have not time or convenience to say them offer up to God two or three hearty Ejaculations in their place but if you can get time and convenience say them all and I dare assure you that all the three Forms of Prayer which I commend to you will not in all take up a quarter of an hour and certainly that Person has very little sense of his Duty very little concern for his immortal Soul very little Honour for God or value for Heaven who will not spend one quarter of an hour in the space of four and twenty hours in the Service of God and the Salvation of his own Soul I do by all means exhort you to give your Servants a few Minutes leisure at Noon