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A22192 The key of knovvledge Contayning sundry godly prayers and meditations, very necessary to occupy the mindes of well disposed persons. Achelley, Thomas. 1572 (1572) STC 85A; ESTC S115874 47,179 372

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confidence in the bloud of thy blessed sonne our Lord Sauiour Christ Iesus Geue vs grace to repent vs of our sinnes vnfainedly to craue remission of them vncessantly to embrace thy holy word and cōmaundements sincerely to expresse them in our lyuinge effectually whereby we maye walke vprightly in our conuersation with sure and certaine hope of resurrection to eternall life by the merites of Christ Iesus that we may be founde wakinge and watchinge for his cōming when he shall come to iudge the worlde wyth equitie and to reward euery man according to the works of his bodie Graunt vs grace most mercifull father to behaue our selues so vprightly in this lyfe that thē we may be made pertakers of thy kingedome wyth thy elect there to liue in eternall ioy and filicitie worlde without end Amen FINIS The Letany O God the father of heauē haue mercy vpon vs miserable sinners O God the father c. O God the Sonne redéemer of the world haue mercy vpon vs miserable sinners O God the Sonne c. O God the holy Ghoste proceding from the Father and the Sonne haue mercy vpon vs miserable sinners O God the holy ghost c. O holy blessed and glorious Trinitie thrée persōs and one God haue mercie vpon vs miserable sinners O holy blessed glori c. Remember not Lord our offences nor the offences of our forefathers neyther take thou vengeance of our sinnes spare vs good Lord spare thy people whome thou hast redeemed with thy most precious bloud and be not angry with vs for euer Spare vs good Lord. From all euell and mischiefe from sinne from the craftes and assaultes of the Deuill from thy wrath and from euerlastinge damnation Good Lord deliuer vs. From blindness● of hart from pride vayne glory hipocrisie from enuy hatred and malice and all vncharitablenesse God Lord deliuer vs. From fornication and all other deadly sinne and from all the deceites of the worlde the flesh the Deuill Good Lord deliuer vs. From lightning tēpest from plague pestilēce famine from battayle murther from sodaine death Good Lord deliuer vs. From all sedition and pryuie conspiracie frō all false doctrine and herisie from hardnesse of hart and contempt of thy worde commaundement God Lord deliuer vs. By the mistry of thy holy incarnation by thy holy natiuitie and circumcision by thy baptisme fastinge temptatiō Good Lord deliuer vs. By thine agony bloudy sweat by thy Crosse Passion by thy precious death and buriall by thy glorious Resurrection and Ascentiō and by the comming of the goly Ghost Good Lord deliuer vs. In all time of our tribulation in all time of our welth in the houre of death and in the day of iudgement Good Lord deliuer vs. We sinners doe beséeche thée to heare vs O lord God and that it maye please thée to rule and gouerne thy holy Church vniuersally in the right way VVe besech thee to c. That it maye please thée to kepe strengthen in the true worshiping of thée in righteousnesse and holynesse of lyfe thy seruaunt Elizabeth our moste gracious Quéene and gouernour VVe beseech thee to c. That it maye please thée to rule hur hart in thy faith feare and loue and that she may euermore haue affiāce in thée and euer seke thy hoor and glory VVe beseech thee to c. That it may please the to be her defender keper giuing her the victory ouer all her enemies VVe besech the to That it maye please thée to illuminate all Bishops Pastours and Ministers of thy Church with true knowledge and vnderstanding of thy worde and that both by their preaching and lyuing they may set it forth shew it accordingly VVe besech thee to That it maye please thée to indue the Lords of the counsell and all the Nobilitie with grace wisdome and vnderstanding VVe besech thee to c. That it may please thee to blesse and kepe the Magestrates geuing them g●ace to excetute iustice and to maintayne truth VVe besech thee to c. That it maye please thée to blesse and kepe all thy people VVe besech thee to c. That it maye please thee to geue to all nations vnitie peace and concord VVe besech thee to c. That it maye please thée to geue vs an hart to loue dread thée and diligently to liue after thy cōmaūdemēts VVe besech thee to c. That it maye please thee to geue all thy people encrease of grace to heare meekely thy worde and to receiue it with pure affection and to bring forth the fruitis of thy spirite vve besech thee to c. That it may please thée to bring into the way of truth all such as haue erred are dceaued VVe besech thee to c. That it may please thee to strengthen such as doe stād and to comfort and helpe the weake harted and to rayse them vp that fall and finally to beate downe Sathan vnder our féete VVe besech thee to c. That it may please thee to succour helpe and comfort all that be in daunger necessitie and tribulation VVe besech thee to c. That it maye please thée to soccour helpe and cōfort all that be in daunger necessitte and tribulation vve besech thee to c. That it maye please thée to preserue all that trauaile by land or by water all women labouringe of child all sicke persons younge children and to shew thy pitie vpō al prisoners captiues vve besech thee to c. That it may please thee to defend and prouide for the fatherlesse Children and widowes and all that be desolate and oppressed vve beseche thee to c. That it maye please thée to haue mercy vpon all men vve besech thee to c. That it maye please thée to forgeue our enemies persecutours and flaunderers and to tourne their hartes vve besech thee to c. That it maye please thée to geue preserue to our vse the kindly fruites of the earth so as in due time we maye enioye them vve besech thee to c. That it maye please thée to geue vs true repentaunce to forgeue vs all our sinnes negligences and ignoraunces and to endue vs with the grace of thy holy spirite toamend our liues accordinge to thy holy word vve besech thee to c. Sonne of God we besech thée to heare vs. Sonne of God we be c. O lambe of God that takest away the sinnes of the world Graunt vs thy peace O lambe of God that takest away the sinnes of that world Haue mercy vpon vs. O Christ heare vs. O Christ heare vs. Lord haue mercy vpon vs. Lord haue mercy vpon vs. Christ haue mercy vpon vs. Christ haue mercy vpon vs. Lord haue mercy vpon vs. Lord haue mercy vpon vs. Our father which art in c. And lead vs not into c. But deliuer vs from euell The versicle O Lord deale not with vs after our sinnes The
the right hande of God the father from whence we looke for thy cōming again to iudge the quicke and the dead at what tyme we stād in assured hope to be made ioyntly possessours felowe heyres in thy kingdome in eternall ioy for euer Therfore swéete Iesu seing thou haste not spared thy owne pretious body but gauest it vp as a sweete smelling sacrifice on the aulter of the crosse therby so redeme me from death and to make a full satisfaction for my offences direct I besech thee my 〈◊〉 so in this lyfe that I maye be worthy of that v●catiō wherunto thou hast called me to haue an especial ●are and regarde of thy commaundementes and to folowe them as nearely as I can in all trueth singlenesse of hart to yeelde du● obedience to my betters to labour paynefullye and at tymes conuenient in my trade and at night when I lye downe to recreate my bodye after my daylye labours geue me grace to cōfesse my sinnes vnto thée to implore thy mercye with the teares of vnfaigned repentaunce And though my limmes take their naturall rest yet let my minde continually watche in thee exspectyng that ioyfull daye when I shal be made partaker of thy celestiall ioyes which shall neuer ende To thee sweete Iesus with the father and the holye ghost be all honor c. A prayer for Thursday morning O Almightie moste mercyfull father I hartyly beseeche thee vouchsafe to looke downe with the eyes of thy mercy vpō me a most vile and miserable sinner whiche lye here prostrate before the feete of thy mercy crauing remission of my manifolde sinnes and wickednesse from the very bottome of my hart acknowledging freely that I am no more worthy to be called thy sonne the multitude of myne offences is so great infinite Yet for asmuch as thou art the god and Father of all comfort which desirest not the death of a sinner but rather that he should tourne from his wickednesse and liue and like a true pitifull Samaritan art sory to sée mely thus wounded wyth the sting of sinne and iniquitie make me I pray thée by infusion of thy comfortable oyle into my woūds to run repentantly with the lost Sonne and vnfaynedly to bewaile myne offences at the féete of thy mercy crying Father I haue sinned against heauen and agaynst thee I am no more worthy to bee called thy Sonne make mee as one of thy hired seruants Geue me grace alwaies to repent my sinnes with a cōtrite hart before thy deuine Maiestie wythout eyther dissemblinge or cloking of them for thou art the god of light thou séest whatsoeuer is donne in darkenesse and from thy eyes there can bée nothing cōcealed haue mercy therefore most mercifull Father vppon me forgeue me my trespasses as I forgeue them that haue trespassed against me forgeue me my debt and haue compassiō vpon myne infirmitie for thou Lorde art a mercyfull God full of pitie compassion such a one as is sory for my afflictions with thée is aboundaunce of comfort plentie of redemption thou onely art the god of my health and saluation besides thee I knowlege none other god neyther in heauē aboue nor i● the earth beneth neyther in the water vnder the earth thō onely art almighty thou onely from the beginning art euerlasting world without ende O bowe downe thine eares most mercifull Father to the voyce of my lamentatiō for against thée onely haue I sinned thée only haue I offended and iustly for my disobedience prouoked thy wrath and indignotion against mée yet I poore sinner doe accuse my selfe vnto thée deare Father that I haue sore greuousely offended thy goodnesse Maiestie in committing of diuers manifold haynouse offences against thée for I haue not kepte the least of thy most holy and godly cōmaundemēntes but haue wandred astraye from my youth folowing myne owne vnbrideled affections declining frō the sacred precepts of thy holie lawe and starting aside like a brokē bowe I haue not honoured thée lyke my god I haue not obai●d thée like my Father I haue not serued thee like my creator but haue all my life tyme spurned at the waye of righteousnesse and vnderstanding offending thy diuine Maiestie euer both in thoughts words and dedes whiche continually I cōmit against thée O my merciful God and louing Sauiour I am sory for my sinnes euen from the bottom of my hart yea my soule mourneth most mercyfull Father to the death for the innumerable multitude of my sins The onely hope I haue of obtayning thy mercy is in the merites of thy Sonne Iesus Christ my Sauiour Thou hast diuers and sundry tymes by the mouth of thy holy Prophetes pronoūced forgeuenesse of sinnes if I repent from the bottome of my hart vouchsafe therefore most mercifull Father to looke vpon my misery as thou sparest thy plague from the great Citie of Niniue when they repented euen so most mercifull father withdrawe thy rod frō mée that lye prostrate at the feete of thy mercie bewailinge my sinnes wyth the vnfayned lamentation of hartye repentaunce Forgeue mée my offences most mercifull Father and renue a right spirit within me cōduct me by the vertue of thy grace to run the rest of this earthly course which yet remaineth that my footesteppes neuer slyde but that I may so spēd this day to the beginning whereof thou haste safely brought me and the rēnant of my lyfe in thys world that all my thoughtes wordes and works may tend to thy glory and to the cōmoditie of my neighbour so that I may haue a ioyfull resurrection at what tyme thy Sonne Iesus Christ my sauiour shall come to iudge both the quicke and the deade To whome with thée and the holy Ghost be all honor and glory for euer and euer A prayer for Thursday euening c. O Lorde whiche onely art god true gratious mercyfull which commaundest them that loue thy name to cast all their feare and care vpon thée promysing most mercifully thy selfe to bée their protectour from theyr enemies their refuge in dāger their gouernour in the daye their watchman in the night who kéepest Israell doest neither slumber nor sléepe but hast thyne eyes contineuallie bent vpon thē as the egle on her yoūgeons protecting them vnder the shadowe of thy power as the henne gathereth her chickens to geather couering them vnder the shadowe of her winges I besech thee of thy bountifull goodnesse O Lorde to forgeue me my sinnes wherein I haue offēded thee this day and heretofore in my lyfe tyme and to receaue me vnder thy protection this night and euer that I may rest in perfect quietnesse both of body soule Graunt most mercifull Father that the externall eyes of my bodie maye take their sound and naturall sléepe but let the inward eyes of my hart and mynde continually watch vnto thée that the weakenesse of the slesh cause me not to offende thy diuine Maiestie Let my mynd at all tymes haue an inward
as transgres thy holy lawes and commaundementes Notwithstanding most mercifull Father seing thou hast promised to here vs whensoeuer we repent vs of our sinz from the bottom of our harte and vnfainedly do call vpō thy name for help we haue presumed to appeale to thy Throne of mercy humbly cōfessing our manifold sinz and offences and crauing remission of our trespasses in the bowels of thy onely begotten sonne Iesus Christ our intercessor and sauioure Haue mercy therefore vpon vs O Lord and forgiue vs our offences instruct vs with thy holy spirite to enter into examinatiō of our owne selues by a stedfast fayth in Christ Iesu with worckes correspondent to the same we may earnestly and hartely repēt from the very bottome of oure hartes and euer hereafter to thirst after thy law and statutes euen as the harte desireth the brookes of water And last of all for as muche as it hath pleased thée of thy heauenly wysedome to prepare and orde●●e the night for man to rest and refresh himself after his dayly trauayles grant we beséech thée most mercifull Father that as our bodies do take a careles sléepe so contrarily our soules maye contin●allye watche in thée expectting dilligently that happy time when our Lord Iesus shal appear for our deliuerance out of this mortall life into another more blis●ull and happy life the ioyes wherof noe mans capacitie is able to conceaue much les is the tongue able worthily to expresse the happines thereof To that life we beséech the to bring vs for Iesus christ his sake A Prayer for the increase of fayth O Almighty and moste mercifull Father the euerlasting fountayne and well spring of al grace and goodnesse whose mercy is incomprehensible and power infinite thou the eternall Iehouah in whose handes are all the corners of the earth the strength of the hilles is thine also whose omnipotent power fashoned the Sea and prepared the dry land haue mercy vpon vs miserable and wretched sinners and encline thy fatherly eare vnto the voyce of our prayers Increase most heauenly father in our mindes the sparckes of true fayth and Christianitie that being alwayes garded with the defence of thy holy worde we may haue power and force to renounce and resiste the terrible inuasions of our mortall enimy Sathan who continualy rangeth about like a roaring Lion séeking whome he may denoure And sith wee are chaunced in these perillous tymes wherein noughte but iniquitie raigneth and Antechrist aduaunceth himselfe in thy temple exalting himself aboue all that is called God infecting thy poore disposed ●●ock with the poysoned dr●gges of damnable heresy illuminate we beséech thée moste merciful father our blinded eyes with the true light of thy heauenly grace that being armed with the shield of thy diuine inspiration we may therby be the more emboldned to withstand the dayly and innumerable assalts of our ghostly enemie that continually laboureth by all meanes possible to wreste the worde of trueth and vnderstāding out of our harts and to throwe vs headlong into the bottomlesse lake of euerlasting perdition and whereas withoute the inspiration of thy heauenlye grace we are not able so much as to thincke a good thought and much les able to resist the sinfull allurements of our corrupt flesh the world and the Deuill therefore we craue of thée most heauenly Father that thou wilte vouchsafe to make perfecte that good worcke which thou hast be gonne in vs not suffering those fewe sparckes of thy heauenly grace which thy spirite hath planted in our hartes to be extinguished or quenched by meanes of our weakenes and inconstancie but augmenting in our mindes the zeale of thy word we may be able to rēder an accoūpt at that dreadfull day of the hope and fayth which we haue in thée by the merites of thy sonne Iesus Christe our Messias and Sauiour whome thou hast vouchsafed to send into the earth héere to be incarnate of the pure virgine Mary and hauing receaued the image of our humanitie to offer him selfe as an acceptable sacrafice vpon the alter of the most bitter Crosse and by the ●ffusion of his moste precious bloud to pay the raunsome of our offences vnto thy diuine maiestie whereby he reconciled vs vnto thée our heauenly Father whereas otherwise we had beene subiect to the thraldome of euerlastinge damnation To thée with the same Iesus Christ thy sonne and the holy spirite covnited al three in Godhead and distinguished in person be all honor and glory for euer and euer Amen A Prayer for grace to perseuer in fayth O Eternal God and euerlasting Father the author and fountayne of all goodnesse the multitude of whose benedictiōs and benefites farre passe and excéede the compasse of humayne reason and capacitie indue our frayle minds with the grace of thy heauenly spirite that mortifiing our owne desires and affections our onely ioy delite may be placed in the perpetuall consideration of thy heauenly promises and renouncing all care and regard of worldly businesse which commonly withdrawes our mindes from the contemplation of thine infinite mercies we may be wholie addictted to the seruice of thy diuine maiestie in spirite and true humulitie of minde reioycing together in Psalmes Hymnes and spirituall Songes comforting one another in thy promise of that day wherin thou hast promised to make vs felow ●eyres of thine heuenly inheritaunce with Abraham Isaack and Iacob in that celestiall mansion which thou haste ordeyned for thine elect since the beginning of the world And because by reason of oure naturall corruption which we haue successiuely receued since the fall of oure great Grandfather Adam we are all naturally bente and inclined to goe astray strengthen most mercifull Father our féeble spirites with inspiration of thy heuenly grace that being armed against al the assaults of the flesh the worlde the Deuill and Antichriste that Capitall enimy of thy worde we may haue oure consciensces cleare from all maner temtations and altogether vacante to the Meditation of the promises expressed in the Gospell of thy sonne Iesus Christe our sauioure Endue vs with the diuine influence of thy spirite that we maye neuer be caried away with the fleshe but by the operation of thy grace in our hartes we maye be able to mortify subdue our carnal afections and wordly desires whereby our zeale may be the more enflamed to insue the heauenly motions of thy holy spirite which directeth the mindes of them that feare thée in the perfect pathway of lighte and vnderstanding Graunte this most mercifull father for thy Sonne Christe hys sake to whom with thée the holy Ghost be al honor and glory from this time forth for euermore A prayer for vnity in Religion O Euerlasting and moste mercifull Father the fountayne of all grace and goodnes which art the God of peace loue vnitie and concorde and the iuste reuenger of discētion debate and confusion thou séeste howe miserably thy holy congregation is rent torn and deuided into diuers
corruption and of a most frayle nature And thou how can I that am but earthe and ashes cōceaue the meaning of thy diuine mistries surely by no meanes except the motion of thy spirite dire● myne vnconstant and wauering mynde in the right way of truth and vnderstāding whereby I may be alwayes inflamed to meditat● vpon thy promises contained in thy holy Ghospell wherein thou hast promysed euerlastinge lyfe to all those that with a stedfast fayth beleue that by the meanes of Iesus Christ his passiō they haue obtayned frée remission of their sinnes To whom with the Father and the holy Ghost be all honour and glory now and euermore Amen A prayer agaynst the aduarsaries of the truth ALmighty and most mercifull Father which art the way the truth and life deliuer me from the hands of them that imagine mischieffe and thinke vpon deceyt all the daye longe whose tongues are more sharp thē a two edged sworde and the poyson of Aspes is vnder their lippes Beholde most mercyfull Father from thy heauenly throne thy vineyard which the Boare rooteth vp and neuer suffreth the tender branches to spring aboue the ground but as fast as they bud fourth he spoiles them not sufferinge the same to attayne to their full maturitie perfect ripenes Aryse O Lord and reuenge thyne owne cause how long shall thy Ielozy sléepe for euer O remember the afflictions of thy seruantes that are oppressed with the tyranny of Pharao and ouerladen with the intollerable burthen of the Egiptian taskes Thou séest our misery and thraldome and how we are euery day in daunger to be 〈◊〉 of the enemy And for thy sake onely doe we suffer reproch al the day long A ryse therefore O Lorde like a mighty man of warr and as a stout gyant refreshed with wine Looke downe and behould howe thy stocke is scattered abroade by meanes of the outragiousnes of the wolf who continually séeketh to roote out and vtterly to extingush the name of Israell Take Armes in hand and strike in thyn● owne cause and confounde thyne enemyes wyth the fire of thy heauy displeasure So shall thy poore dispersed ●locke b● reduc●● againe at last into one fould and 〈◊〉 continuall prayses to thee the author of our libertie and our auenger To whome with the Sonne and the holy Ghost be all honor and glory c. A thankes geuing to God for his benefites VVE render vnto thée most merciful father immortall thankes for the manifould dayly benefits which thou of thy mercie without any desert of ours hast most aboūdantly poured vpon vs since the time it pleased thée to inspire into vs the breath of lyfe framinge our corrupt bodyes in forme of thine own likenes placing vs in thy pleasant Paradise there to remayne in most happy and fortunate estate if through the subtill allurementes of Sathan our ghostly enimie we had not transgressed thy commaundements We thanke thée also most mercyfull Father for that whē we were condemned by our owne transgression in our great Grandfather Adam thou of thy Fatherly loue and naturall compassion that thou haddest on mankinde didest send down thy onely begottē Sonne Iesus Christ to take our corrupt Nature vpon hym and to humble himselfe to the shamefull death of the Crosse thereby to redeme vs wretched sinners from the bondage of hell whether for our disobedience we were iustly condemned and to pay the raunsome of our offences whereby thy wrathe that was worthyly inflamed against vs might be appeased and we lost sheepe at last recōcyled to thee our pitifull pastoure most mercifull Father We yeld thée also immortall thankes moste mercifull Father for that it hathe pleased thee to reueale thy holy Gospell vnto vs by thy Sonne Iesus Christ whereby we might obtaine remission of our sinnes and through faythe might haue a sure confidēce that by the merites of Iesus Christ hys passion we are deliuered from the intolerable cursse of the lawe and are made partakers of that heauenly kingdome prepared for vs since the foundation of the world For these thy most bountifull gyftes and all other thy benefites dayly and hourely powred vpon vs we hartely thanke thée most louing and mercifull Father Beseching thée that thou wilt geue vs grace through the operatiō of thy heauenly spirit in our myndes so to order our life and conuersation that wee walke in true holines and sincerity of hart behauing our selues so circumspectly in this wretched world that at the last day we may bée found faltles and be receaued into the number of thē to whome this ioyfull sentence shal be pronounced Come ye blessed of my Father possesse the kingedome whiche was prepared for you from the beginning of the worlde To which kingdome we besech thée most mercyfull Father for the merites of thine onely sōne our Sauiour Iesus Christ to bring vs speedely out of this vale of misery and sorowe where with the societie of the elect we may singe prayses to thée our moste mercyfull Father worlde without ende To whome with thy Sonne Iesus Christ our Sauiour and the holy Ghost three in vnitie and one in trinitie bee all honour glory power dominion and might from thys time fourth for euermore A prayer to God the Father O Almighty and moste mercifull God the Father eternall which haste bene from the beginninge and so shalt remayne world with out end Thou that createst all liuing creatures and last of all man breathinge the breath of lyfe into them by a naturall instinct and disposition euery thinge to folowe his owne kind sauing man only aboue al the rest whome thou hadest formed after thine own image and indude hym wyth reason more then naturall wherby hée might discerne the good from the euill and learne to eschewe suche thinges as might be hurtfull vnto him Euen he I say aboue all the rest transgressed the commaundementes of thy Maiestie inclining to his owne lustes and affections without any regarde or fe●●e of thée his onely Lorde maker Whereby hee was expelled out of the garden of Eden that place of pleasure where once thou hadest placed him But Oh what thankes shall we yeld vnto thée most mercifull and louynge Father that did●est vouchsafe of thy méere mercy and Fatherly loue toward vs to sende downe thyne onely begotten sonne Iesus Christ to be our redeem●r and Sauiour to deliuer vs out of the mouth of hell whither our owne deserts had worthely condemned vs we will singe a Psalme of thankes geuing and worship toward thy holy temple For what other reward are we able to geue vnto thée that maye in any respect worthely counter vaile the least sparke of thy Fatherly pyttie and kindenes surely none For of our owne selues we are not able so much as to thinke a good thought wythout the motion of thy spirit much lesse to doe any suche good déede that might be aunswerable to the innumerable multitude of thy benefites alwayes bes●owed vpon vs Accept therefore most mercifull Father our sacrifice of
thankes geuing bowe downeth neeare to our hūble petit●ons that procedeth from vn●●yned lippes And sith it hath pleased thy diuine Maiestie to giue vp thy onely begotten Sonne Iesus Christ to the deathe of the Crosse for our redēption vouchsafe O Lord so to direct our myndes in the way of thy cōmaundemēts that we may partly seeme worthy of the inestimable price of so great a benefite as the raunsome of our iniquitie hath cost and kepe the eyes of our mynds alwaies waking that we fall not a sléepe in sinne as they doe which haue no hope of resurrection from the dead Engender in our hartes the true zeale of thin vndefiled word and religion that we maye bee alwaeis meditatinge vpon thy promises not founde idle nor vnprouided when the good man of the house shall come but that we may be found wakinge in thée with plenty of oyle in our lampes as the fyue wise Uirgins had ▪ O drawe vs neere vnto thee by the operation of thy heauenly grace heare our prayers forgeue vs our offences cōfort vs in our afflic●tions forgeue our enemies as we hope to haue forgeuenes of all our sinns at thy hāds by the meri●es of our Sauiour Iesus Christ let not myne enemies triumph ouer me nor the roaring Lyon deuour me but protect me alwayes most mercifull Father vnder the shadow of thy winges that I may strongly constantly withstand his inuasions by the vndoubted hope and confidence that I haue reposed in thy mercy And graunt that I maye die in thy true fayth and rest with thee in thy euerlasting kingdome To whome with thy Sonne Iesus Christ and the holy Ghoste be all honour and glory for euer euer A prayer to God the Sonne O Most mercifull Iesu and onely Sauiour of all mākynde whose loue to vs all was so pure and vnfayned that thou didest not denie to take our flesh vpon thee and to submit thy selfe to the death in offeringe vp thyne owne bodey as a swéete smelling sacrifize to appease the indignatiō of thy father who was worthyly inflamed for the transgression and breach of his holy cōmaundements O swéete Iesu the onely author of our saluation our most louing mediatour to thy Father haue mercy vpon me and cast me not away whome thou with thy pressious bloud haste ●edéemed O reiect me not for I am the price of thy passion thou with the effusion of thy most pretiou● bloud halfe payd the raunsome of mine iniquitie and made a full a●d perfect satisfaction for my offences O then looke downe vpon my miseries consider my distresse Behold the hell that tormēteth my conscience as ofte as I call to remembrance my lyfe so wickedly past and the innumerable multitude of my sinnes which are moe in number thē the heares of my head or the sandes of the Sea. Geue me grace to repent my wicked lyfe with Mary Magdelen and to wash thy feete wyth the moysture of my teares and lamentation Geue me grace to be sory for my sins and to wéepe with Peter to crye with the thefe that hanged on the right side at the time of thy passion Lorde remember me when thou cōmest into thy kingedome O geue me grace to call my selfe to remembraunce to examine mine owne conscience to recount the number of my sinnes and to cast my selfe flat prostrate at the féete of thy mercy bewayllinge my sinfull lyfe with many a riuer of teares to acknowledge mine own wickednes vnto thée to craue remissiō of my faultes and by the continuall teares of repentaunce to recouer thy fauour againe and to die ther in Geue me grace to leade a new lyfe to put of the person of Adam and to bée regenarate and new borne in thée my Lord and Sauiour Geue me grace swéet Iesu to cry Peccaui with Dauid and vnfaynedly to lament my sinnes Geue me grace swéet Iesu to returne againe with the prodigall or lost Sonne and to crye Father I haue sinned agaynst heauen and against thée and I am no more worthy to be called thy Sonne make me as one of thy hyred seruāts O swéete Iesu haue mercy vpō me and forgeue me my sinnes renew a right spirit within me wash me wyth Isope and I shal be made whyter then Snowe for vnto thée belongeth mercy and with thée is plentifull redemption O thinke not vpon the offences of my youth wherein I haue raunged to much at randon lyke an vnbrideled coult neglecting the way of vnderstandinge and loathing the path of thy cōmaundemēts I acknowledge fréely that if thou sholdest deale with me according to iustice I haue deserued euerlasting death neyther should I be able to abide thy sharpe iudgemēt but should sinke downe into the bottōles dungeō of eternall damnation But hauinge a sure and certayue confidence fixed on the ancer or hould of immoueable fayth I vndoubtedly beléeue that by thy merites I am made partaker of euerlasting lyfe being fréely iustified with absolute remision of all my sinnes synce the first houre of my Natiuitie Which fayth I ground neyther on the merites of any mortall man neyther vpon any Romish Pardons or Indulgences but onely vpō thée my Lord and Sauiour who with thy most precious blodsheding hast payde the price of my iniquitie and suffered thy glorious body to be mangled and torne for my transgression Geue me grace swéete Iesu so to order the reste of my lyfe as becōmeth a true Christian to doe walkyng in the light of thy holy Gospell eschewing the workes of darkenes behauinge my selfe obediently to my superiors louingely to my felowes and conrtiousely to myne inferiors bearinge no grudge in my consciēce offering wronge to no man but paciently to sufier iniuries without desire of reuenge forgeueinge euery man whatsoeuer hée hathe donne against me as I my selfe would desire to be forgeuen of thée my swéet Sauiour and onely redéemer Geue me grace swéete Iesu to perseuer in my faith till the end that all myne actions may be donne in the name of Iesu and all my thoughts vpon Iesu both at my down lying and vp rysinge all the terme of my lyfe and at the very instant of death when I fetche the laste gaspe my mynd may be withdrawen with no idle or phantastical cogitations but continually excercised in the meditation of the sweete and comfortable name of Iesu iesu iesu To thee swéete Iesu with the Father and the holy Ghost be all honor and glory for euermore Amen A prayer to God the holy Ghost O Holy and blessed spirite which being true euer lastinge God wyth God the Father and God the Sonne procéedest from thē both coequall in deytie and dignitie of person which art the onely comforter of them that trauayle in this earthly Pilgrimage and by thy heauenly wisdome directest them that right way to attaine to heauenly vnderstandinge of the will of god Quicken most holy sprite by thy heauenly breath the myndes of them that afore were dead through sinne make mery the
hartes of that faythfull penitēt bringe into the way of truth all such as haue erred and wandred astray in the vale of erroure and ignoraunce comfort the soules of all them that hunger thurst after righteousenesse and suffer persecution for the Testimony of the Gospell inrich thē plentiousely with heauenly gyfts which praye vnto thée in the name of Iesus Christ our onely mediatour redemer Purifie our hartes we besech thée with the fire of thy loue that all that course of our frayle and mortall life may be directed by thy heauenly motion as with an infallible rule and compas that cānot lightly erre Mortifie in vs all worldly care carnall lustes concupiscence couetousenes wrath gluttony pryde and all other sinfull inclinations that may wythdrawe vs from the contemplation of thy glorious deitie Renue our spirites wythin vs that we may seeme regenerate or new borne as infantes and illuminate our myndes wyth thy heauenly benefites and spirituall gifts that our bodies may be made thy temples wythout spot or blemishe at that dreadfull daye when euery man must yeld account of the workes of his body Leade vs into the way of truth and suffer vs not to be caried away wyth diuers and straunge doctrin but alwayes to remayne in that doctrine whereof thou art the author and vouchsafe to strenghten our myndes in the same that if an Angell of heauen should teache any other doctrine then that which thou hast already taught we may not beleue him but whosoeuer preacheth any doctrin contrary to that we haue receaued we may houlde him accursed Strengthen our soules against all assaltes of our ghostely enemy Sathan and his cheife minister Anti-christ that séeketh by all meanes possible to remoue the foundations of our fayth and to pull the word of truth out of our hartes and to throwe vs headlonge into the dungeon of erroure and ignoraunce Strength vs against the vaine allurementes of the wicked woeld and against all vncleā lustes of the fleshe that wée beinge replenished wyth thy holy breath may bée founde pure and sanctified in thée and doe those thinges onely that may be acceptable in thy sight To whome with the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost be all honor and glory now for euer Amen A prayer to the blessed Trinitie O Most glorious blessed Trinitie the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghoste thrée persones and one God omnipotent and euerlasting without beginninge or ending whome we doe confesse to be one in trinitie thrée in vnitie haue mercy vpon me saue me and defend me from all myne enemies both bodely and ghostly by thy mercifull goodnes and cleamency vouchsafe so to direct my mynde in the way of thy commaundementes that all my doinges may be acceptable before thee which art the God of my strength and my saluation I beseche thée also moste blessed and gloryous trinitie that those s●arkes of fayth that by thy heauenlie grace are already planted in my hart may by the operation of thy diuine breth within me euery daye more and more enflame by contiuall meditation of thy holy scriptures increase mightily within me to the suppression of vice and aduauncement of vertue wherby I may walke worthy of that profession wherevnto thou haste called me walking in the same with true zeale and simplicitie of hart all the dayes of my life I besech thée also most blessed Trinitie that thou of thy accustomed mercy and loue wilt make perfect in me that good worke which thou haste begonne and leade me in all truth and godlynes hauing my mynde alwaies fixte vpō thée my moste louinge and mercyfull Father cause me alwaies to thinke and speake and to doe those thinges that may he acceptable to thée restrayne my tonge from all idell and vnhonest talke because that at that dreadfull daye of iudgement I am to render an accompte of euery idell word that I haue spoken during the terme of my former lyfe Kepe my hart and body my sences my doinges my talke and communication in thy holy lawes in the workes of thy cōmaundements Geue me grace to leade an vpright lyfe wythout ●ffence to my brethren obedient to myne elders louing to all sortes degrées enuious to no man but framing my lyfe vprightly and innoc●ntly my conuersation orderly honestly my doinges circumspectly vertuously hauing thy feare before myne eyes in all my thoughtes deedes and words when Ilie downe and when I ryse vp at my last ●nd and euer more Amen A prayer before the receauing of the communiō O Swéet Iesu the Sonne of the euerliuing God thou gauest thy body to be cruelly tormented to the death to deliuer and redeme me most miserable wretched sinner that by the lawe was dead in iniquitie subiecte to the misery of eternall damnation haue mercy vpō me poore miserable wretch whome the multitud of myne offences doeth so terrifie and driue into such méere desperation that I dare not once looke vp vpon the brightnes of thy glory nor presume to present my selfe before thy deuine Maiestie in hope to obtayne remission of my sinnes but depending onely vpō a sure faith in thee my Lord and Sauiour by whose death and passion I am assuredly informed by faith that I am fréely iustified with absolute remission of all myne offences Wherefore I most humbly appeale vnto thy Throne of mercy crying with the Publicanne Lorde haue mercy vpō me thy mercy pardon my faltes bynde vp my woundes and poure in thy sweet oyle like a good Samaritan whereby I may be purified and purged from those naughty tares of sinne which haue plowed me euen as a shadowe foloweth the body from the verye instant of my Natiuitie I come as an abiecte wretch and reprobate to thée that art the mediator and intercessor to reconcile me to thy Father from whose sauoure I fell for transgression of his cōmaundement in my greate Grandfather Adam moste humbly desiring thee to heale myne infirmitie and sickenes to washe away my sinne and filthynes to illuminate my blyndenes to conduct me to the right way that nowe wander in the wide dessert of error to comfort mee destitute of all helpe and goodnes I confesse most swéete Sauiour that I am but earth and ashes a confused Chaos and lumpe of sinne and of my selfe not worthy to loke vp toward heauen much lesse to presume vnto thy holy table to the communication of that most blessed Sacrement of thy body whereof whosoeuer eateth worthylie with a stedfast and inmoueable fayth in thee hath euerlasting lyfe but whosoeuer eateth thereof vnworthily as Iudas dyd eateth his owne dampnation Therefore although I come lyke an vncleane sinner be●●● polluted both in body 〈◊〉 yet reposinge my whole fayth and confidence in the merites of thy passiō I haue presumed to come to thy table to be made partaker of that vnspeakeable ben●●te of thy death feedinge outwardly vpon materyall bread but inwardly by faith vpon thy blessed bodye the bread representing a
feelynge of thy goodnesse towards me that the memory of thy manyfold benefites neuer slyde out of my remembraunce but that at all tymes I may be styrred vp to prayse thy name to yeld thee thankes for the innumerable gyftes that thou of thy méere mercy and Fatherly liberalitie without any desart of mine hast fréely bestowed vpon me since the first houre of my natiuitie Let thy praise sound in my mouth late earely at midday and midnight in all places at all tymes and seasons Plant in my hart most mercyfull Father a true desire perfect zeale to thanke thee for all the benefit●s that I haue daylie receaued at thy hāds that I may tourne backe with the Samaritan prayse thee and not to depart as the other ix Lepiers did who feeling themselues clensed of their filthynesse yet returned not at all to geue God thankes Instruct me I besech thée in thy diuine iudgements that when I haue safely passed this nighte vnder thy protection I may spend the next day I all my lyfe folowing in holynesse and puritie of conuersation crying cōtinually come Lord Iesu come for thyne electes sake come quickly Amen That at the last I maye happilie ariue at the port of that euerlastinge rest whiche by thy mercy thou hast promised to all thē that vnfaynedly loue the name of Iesu To whom with the Father and the holy Ghost be all honor and glory for euer Amen A prayer for Fridaye morning ALmighty and most mercifull Father I besech thée for thy Sonne Iesus Christe his sake to graunt me thy heauenly grace that with immoueable zeale I may séeke after those things that may please thée circomspectly shunne all kinde of wayes that maye moue or prouake thy wrathe against me And when I haue once knowē perfectly what thy will pleasure is geue me grace to séeke the same carefully to fulfill it perfectly and to walke in the same vigelantly to the honor and glory of thy most holy name Order my lyuinge so that I may doe those things which thou requirest of me that with vnfained deuotiō wythout all pharisicall pretēded holynesse Geue me grace that I maye know it haue will and power to doo thereafter least if I knowe my maister his will and due it not I be beaten with many stripes Aboue all thinges geue me grace to seeke thy honour and glory wyth all thinges else which he moste conuenient for my saluatiō in Christe iesu Make my wa●es I beseche thee moste mercyfull Father sure and straight before that if welth abound I fall not vnto pride and presumption or if I fall into aduersitie I be not driuen into desperation as to loase the fayth whiche I haue in my Lord and Sauiour or to blaspheme thy most holy mame with words of reproch as they doo whose hart Sathan hath possessed and rooted the séedes of vertue vnderstandinge out of their harts Onely geue me a necessary liuinge sufficient to maintayne my selfe honestly wyth mediocritie and without superfluitie or idle excesse Geue mée not to much lest I wax proude so forget thée that art the author of my welth and mine onely vpholder neyther to littell lest I bée forced to attempt vnhonest and extraordinary shiftes without any care or respect eyther thy heauenly lawes and commaundemēts or the decrées of my prince and countrie Geue me grace euer to reioyce in thée and that I may neuer be sorowfull for any thinge but that may drawe me from thy lawe or wherin I haue sinned against thy diuine Maiestie Bée thou myne onely comforte aboue all other to recreate me whē I am in perplexitie to protect me both at my down liinge and vprysinge let mee not be mery with the ioye that is without thee neyther let me delite in any thinge but in thee and the crosse of Christ Iesu make me to lift vp myne harte continually to thee when I am eyther in prosperitie or fallen into aduersatie Make me humble without ipocrisie mery without lightnesse sad without mistrust sober without dulnesse true without dou blenesse fearinge thee without desperation trusting in thée wythout presumption teling my neybour his falts without dissimulation geuing other a good example of perfect and godly lyuinge that they which behold it may be the more enflamed to trend the like trace and to glorifiy god in all his gyftes And finallie graunt most mercyfull Father that séeinge I haue taken sufficient reste this night past and that the day is come wherein thou hast appoynted me to doe all suche godly and necessarie businesse as may be to thy glory the profit of my neyghbour and health of my soule I maye so passe the same in thy feare that I be in daunger of no trouble or perturbatiō●ther of body or minde but euermore constante in fayth by the bloud of Christ Iesus my Sauiour and redeemer To whome with thée the holy ghost be all honor and glory for euer and euer Amen A prayer for Friday euening I Render vnto thée moste mercifull Father all possible thankes and prayses for that thou of thy méere mercy and Fatherly pitie hast garded me all this day and the rest of my life time vnder the winges of thy heauenly protection desyringe thée with the teares of my lamentation to put all my wickednes out of thy minde which I haue committed agaynst thy diuine Maiestie sith the tyme of my conception Thou haste promysed by the mouth of thy holye Prophet that at what time soeuer a sinner doth repente him of his sinnes from the bottome of his harte thou wilt put all his wickednesse out of thy remembraunce forgeue me therefore moste mercyfull Father and with the eyes of thy mercy looke down vpon me as thou diddest loke vpon Peter thyne Apostle when hée lamented his sinne was sory for his offences let me be regenerate in spirit and learne frō henceforth to walke in thy lawes all the dayes of my lyfe Make me to lifte mine hart often tymes vnto thée and when I fall make me to thinke vpon thee and be sory for mine iniquity with stedfast purpose of amendmēt grace of thée to performe the same Graunte me vnderstandinge to knowe thy will to folowe suche conuersation as may please thee to repose my whole trust and confidence in the multitude of thy mercies whereby I may walke without blame in my calling doing right to euery man and iniury to no man but after the example of thy Son Iesus Christ to suffer wronge patiently without desire of reuenge to pray for mine enimies to loue them that persecute my lyfe Graunte grace in all kynde of humilitie to folowe the steppes of thy sonne Iesus Christ that pure and immaculate Lambe And when my body hath taken his naturall rest geue me a desire to shake of all slouthfulnesse and drousinesse that my lims may be stronge to sustayne my laboures that pertayne to my present vocation and that all mine accions maye bee done in
thy name and referred to thy glory to the commoditie of the cōmon welth Through Iesus Christe our Sauiour Amen A prayer for Satterday morning O Almighty Lord moste mercyfull Father whose power reacheth aboue the cloudes thy glory through all the world who onely beholdest the counsels deuises and workes yea the very thoughtes of all men that serchest the inward cogitations yea the very hart and raynes I most humbly besech thée that for as muche as thou hast graciously preserued me this night I may not spend this day after my owne mynde and pleasure whiche is alway euill and wicked but earnestly looke vpon and diligently folowe thy fatherly will thy euerlasting counsaile thy healthfull word pleasure which is alwaies good perfect and holy and that I may fulfill the same with all possible care and dyligēce that thy diuine name may be alwaies sanctyfied voth nowe and euermore of me miserable siner Inspire my mynde with thy heauenly spirite that my wayes maye be directed accordinge to thy Godly wyll and commaundemēts that my féete slyde not out of the pathes of righteousnesse that my mynde imagine not vpon wickednes that my tongue speake no blasphemies against thée but that all my thoughtes wordes works maye bée to guided by thy the grace I neuer prouoke thy wrathe nor displeasure against me as for my sinns and offences of my youth I besech thée to put them out of thy remembraunce for thy great mercyes sake and neuer thinke vpon thē hereafter For I confesse and acknowledge that I am a miserable and wretched sinner I haue wandred out of the waye of vertue synce my youth ond haue folowed the brutishe inclination of my corrupt nature like the sencelesse beastes of the earthe whose eyes are still fatsened on the ground consideringe no further thē the time present without any knowlege or fore sight of the time to come Thou knowest O Lorde that I am but haye grasse that flourisheth this day and to morowe is cut downe and cast into the fornice so little hould or staye is there in the lyfe of man that he cannot assure himselfe of one houre longer then thy good pleasure shall permitt him Ten times happy therfore is he that can spend this little tyme of being which thou haste graunted him according to the rules and precepts of thy holy commaundements Wherefore sith I am but mortall made of earth and ashes and always prone to fall from thy statutes illuminate I beseche thée the eclipsed eyes of my grosse vnderstanding with the lighte of thy heauenly spirite that I maye spende this day and all the rest of my lyfe hereafter in suche wyse as my doinges may be acceptable in thy sight and cōmodious to the common welthe through our onely Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christ. Amem A prayer for Satterday euening O Mercifull God and heauenly Father whether I sléepe or wake liue or dye I am alwaies thine wherefore I beséech thée hartelie that thou wilt vouchsafe to take care and charge of me and not to suffer me to perishe in the works of darkenesse but to kyndle the light of thy countenaunce in my hart that thy godly konwledge maye daylie encrease in me through a righte and a pure fayth and that I may alwaies be found to liue walke after thy will pleasure to haue my minde and cogitacions bent vpon thee whether I sléepe or wake or what thing else so euer I doo that I may stick fast to thée by a pure vnspotted faith in my sauiour Christ Iesus Be thou O merciful father my watch man and my keper frō the terryble assaults of Sathan and his wicked ministers kepe my harte from the imaginations of iniquitie that I may be pure in thée and an vnspotted spouse to thy Sonne Christ Iesus When I laye downe my selfe to recreat my lims with sléepe which thou hast appoynted for the satisfactiō of my trayle bodie let mee not be troubled or assayled with any vncleane cogitations but keepe my mynde stil waking in thée to repose my trust in thy mercy that the externall eyes of my hart maye be euermore excercised in meditaciō of the comfortable promise To whom with the Father the Sonne and the holy ghost be all honor and glory now and euer more Amen A prayer for Sunday morning O Almighty god and moste mercifull Father whom the tables of thy commaundementes deliuered to the handes of thy seruant Mayses vpon the Mount Sina among other precepts diddest geue charge vnto thy chosen children of Israell that in six dayes they shoulde doe all such workes and labours as they had to doe and reste from laboure the seuenth day graunt we besech thée that since we haue happelie passed ouer this whole weke vnder thy gracious protection we maye not onely rest this day from our daily trauailes but that we maye abstayne also from the works of sinne and iniquitie and sanctifie this daye to thée with prayers and thankes geuing aboūding in all works of loue and charitie as thou hast cōm●unded in thy holy worde that we may be foūd pure without spotte or blemish at that daye when thy Sonne Iesus Christe shall come to iudge the world with righteousnesse and equitie And forasmuch as thou hast ordayned this daye amonge the rest wherin we shoulde méete altogeather with brotherly loue and affection to yealde thee prayses for the innumerable benefites we haue receaued at thy hande to acknowledge thy fatherly loue and pittie towardes vs from tyme to tyme and to geue thee thankes in generall for all and vniuersall thy benifites hitherto bestowed vpon vs we humbly besech thée to graunte vs thy holie spirite that we maye be the more zelousely inflamed to serue thee in true holynesse and integritie of lyfe by the operation of that spirite we may kill all carnall lustes vnlawfull pleasures occupiscence and all other spottes of vncleannesse wherby we may be made thy childe by adopcion and grace and our bodies the temple of the holy ghost beinge throughly purged and purified from the dregges of iniquitie and abhominotion Geue vs grace most mercifull Father to spend this daye to thy pleasure in all good workes and charitie proceding from an vndefiled faith in Christ Iesus that we fall not into no kynde of daunger but that all our doings may be or●e●ed by thy gouernaunce to doe alwaies that is righteous in thy sight through Iesus Christ our lord Amen A prayer for Sunday Euening WE rēder vnto thée euerlasting prayses most mercifull Father for that of thy gracious fauour and loue towardes vs thou hast vouchsafed to preserue mee all this daye and the rest of my lyfe hetherto vnder the shadowe of thy most mercifull protection besechinge thee also to take me to thy tuition this present night euer that we be not tempted with any suggestion of Sathan but being throughly armed with the holy ghost we may haue power force to resiste hys assaultes by a sure fayth and
Answere Neither reward vs after our iniquities Let vs praye O God mercifull Father that dispisest not the sighing of a contrite harte nor the desire of suche as be sorowfull mercifully assiste our prayers that we make béefore thée in all our troubles and aduarsities whensoeuer they oppresse vs and graciously heare vs that those euils which the craft subtiltie of the Deuill or man worketh against vs bée brought to naught and by the prouidēce of thy goodnes they may be dispersed that we thy seruantes being hurt by no persecutiō may euermore giue thankes vnto thée in thy holy Church through Iesus Christ our lord Amen O Lord arise helpe vs and deliuer vs for thy name sake O God we haue hard with our eares and our Fathers haue declared vnto vs the noble workes that thou didst in their dayes and in the old tune before them O lord arise helpe vs and deliuer vs for thy thine honor Glory be to the father c. As it was in the be c. From our enemies defend vs O Christ. Graciously loke vpon our afflictions Pitifully behold the sorows of our hartes Mercifully forgeue the sinnes of the people Fauorably wyth mercie heare our prayers O Sonne of Dauid haue mercie vpon vs. Both now and euer vonchsafe to heare vs O Christ. Graciously heare vs o christ graciously heare vs O Lord Christ The versicle O Lord let thy mercie be shewed vpon vs. The Answere As we do put our trust in thee Let vs pray VVE humbly beseche thee O father mercifully to loke vpon our infirmities and for the glory of thy names sake turne frō vs all those euils that wée most righteously haue deserued and graunte that in all our troubles we maye put our whole truste and confidence in thy mercy euermore serue thee in holinesse and purenes of liuinge to thy honour glory through our onely mediatour aduocate Iesus Christe our lord Amen A prayer for the Queenes maiesty O Lord our heauenly Father high and mightie King of Kinges Lorde of Lordes the onely ruler of Princes which doest from thy throne beholde all the dwellers vpon the earth most hartely we besech thee with thy fauour to beholde our moste gracious soucraigne Lady Queene Elizabeth and so replenysh her with the grace of thy holie spirite that she may alwaies incline to thy wil and walke in thy way Indue her plentifully with heauenly gifts graūt her in health welth longe to liue strengthen her that she maye vanquish and ouercome all her enemies And finally after this lyfe she may attaine euerlasting ioye and felicitie Through Iesus Christ our lord Amen A prayer for Pastors and Ministers of the Church ALmightie and euerlasting God whiche onely workest great meruayles sende downe vpon our Pastours and Ministers and all congregations committed to their charge the healthfull spirite of thy grace and that they may truly please thée Poure vpon them the continuall dwe of thy blessing Graunt this O Lord for the honour of our aduocate and mediatour Iesus Christ. O God heauenly Father which by thy Sonne Iesus Christ hast promised to all them that seeke thy kingdome and the righteousnes therof all thinges necessary to their bodily sustenaunce Send vs wee besech thee in this our necessitie such moderate raine and showers that we maye receiue the frutes of the earth to our comforte and to thy honour through Iesus Christ our Lord Amē The blessing THe peace of God which passeth 〈◊〉 vnderstandinge kepe our hurtes and myndes in the knowledge loue of God of his Sonne Iesus Christ our lord And the blessing of God almight● the father the sonne the holy Ghost be among vs remaine with vs alwaies Amē FINIS