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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19746 A hedgerovv of busshes, brambles, and briers: or, A fielde full of tares, thistles and tine of the vanities and vaine delightes of this worlde, leading the way to eternall damnation: with seuerall exhortations or cauiats for the carelesse to shun and beware the same. Now newly compiled by I.D.; Bible. English. Selections. I. D. 1598 (1598) STC 6170; ESTC S109189 41,295 88

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them and of their children after them Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your hart Deut. 10 16 and harden your neckes no more OF THE WORKES OF DARKNES and workes of the Flesh Gen. 6 5. THE Lord saw that the wickednesse of man was great in the earth Gen. 8 21. And all the imaginations of the thoughtes of his hart were onely euyll continually Ephe. 4 18 19. Hauing their cogitation darkoned and being strangers from the lyfe of God through the ignorance that is in them because of the hardnesse of their hart Which being past feeling haue geuen them selues vnto wantonnesse to worke all vncleannesse euen with greedines Rom. 1 21. Because that when they knew God they glorified him not as God neyther were thankfull but became vayne in their imaginations and their foolysh hart was full of darknesse Mark 7 21 22. For from within euen out of the hart of man proceede euyll thoughtes adulteries fornications murthers theftes couetousnesse wickednesse deceit vncleannesse a wicked eye backbyting pride foolyshnesse All these euyll thinges come from within and defyle a man Gall. 5 19 20 The workes of the Flesh are manifest which are adulterie fornication vncleannes wantonnes idolatrie witchcraft hatred debate emulations wrath contentions seditions herisies enuie murther drunkennes gluttonie and such lyke whereof I tell you before as I also haue tolde you before that they which do such thinges shall not inherite the kingdome of God Many will say to me in that day Lord Lord Math. 7 23. haue not wee by thy name prophecied and by thy name cast out deuyls and by thy name done many great workes Then shall ye begin to say Luk. 13 26.27 We haue eaten and dronken in thy presence and thou hast taught vs in our streetes But he shall say I tell you I knowe you not whence ye are Depart from mee all ye workers of iniquitie Away from mee all ye workers of iniquitie Psal 6 8. for the Lord hath heard the voyce of my weeping Then shall he say vnto them on the left hand Math. 25 41 Depart from mee ye cursed into euerlasting fire which is prepared for the deuyll and his angels EXHORTATION THE nyght is past and the day is at hand Rom. 13 12. let vs therefore cast away the workes of darknesse and let vs put on the armour of light And haue no felowshyp with the vnfruitfull workes of darknes but euen reproue them rather Ephe. 5 11. The grace of God Tit. 2 11 12 that bringeth saluation vnto all men hath appeared And teacheth vs that we should denie vngodlines and worldly lustes and that we should lyue soberly and righteously in this present worlde Walke in the spirit Gall. 5 16. and ye shall not fulfill the lustes of the flesh Gal. 5 22 23 24 25. The fruites of the spirit is loue ioy peace long suffering gentlenesse goodnesse fayth meekenesse temperancie against such there is no law For they that are Christes haue crucified the flesh with the affections If we lyue in the spirit let vs also walke in the spirit Math. 7 13. Enter in at the straight gate for it is the wyde gate and brode way that leadeth to destruction and many there be which goe in thereat Luk. 13 24. Striue to enter in at the straight gate for many I say vnto you will seeke to enter in and shall not be able FINIS A GODLY PRAYER AND CONFESSION OF our Sinnes vnto God O MOST merciful Lord God and my tender and deare Father vouchsafe I hartely beseech thee to looke downe with thy fatherly eyes of pittie vpon mee a most vile and wretched sinner which lie heere prostrate in hart before the feate of thy bottomlesse mercie for I confesse I haue most greeuously sinned against the throne of thy glory and before thee O Father in so much as I am no more worthy to be called thy sonne neuerthelesse forasmuch as thou art the God and Father of all comfort and desirest not the death of a sinner but like a true Samaritan takest thought for my seely wounded soule Make mee I pray thee by infunding thy precious oyle of comfort into my woundes ioyfully to runne with the lost Sonne vnto the lappe of thine euerlasting pittie For loe thou art my hope and trust in whom I onely repose my selfe hauing in thee full confidence and stedfast fayth and so I say with a very true and faythfull hart trusting only in thy mercie I beleeue in thee O God the Father in thee O God the Sonne and in thee O God the holy Ghost three persons and one true and also very God besides whom I acknowledge none other God in heauen aboue nor in the earth beneath yea and I poore miserable sinner doe accuse my selfe vnto thee deare Father that I haue sore and greeuosly offended thy Almighty goodnesse and maiestie in the committing of mine abundant and manifolde sinnes and wretchednesse which exceede the number of the Sandes in the Sea and haue not kept the least of thy most godly and blessed commaundementes lyke as thy righteousnes may require and demaunde the same of me which if thou Lord shouldest so require there were no helpe or hope in me but that I must needes perysh and be damned for euer I confesse also that I haue not honoured thee lyke my God nor dread thee lyke my Lord loued thee lyke my Father nor trusted in thee lyke my creator and Sauiour Thy holy and dreadfull name vnto whom all honour glory of duetie belongeth haue I vsed in vayne I haue not sanctified the holy dayes with works which be acceptable vnto thee nor in instructing my neighbour in vertue accordingly I haue not honoured my Parentes nor been obedient vnto them The high powers rulers which take their authority of thee I haue not been willingly obedient vnto I haue not kept myne hart pure and cleane from man slaughter theft adulterie enuie malice hatred disdaynefulnes pride couetousnes drunkennes gluttonie wantonnesse backbyting slaunder falsehood and false-witnes bearyng but haue in my hart and minde wyshed and desired my neighbours goodes and thinges I haue folowed the great Prince of this worlde Satan which hath been a lyar euen from the beginnyng in concupisence of the flesh in deceitfulnesse in all kinde of euyll and wicked lyuing in thought worde and deede in dispayre and also mysbeliefe But in what manner soeuer that I haue offended and sinned agaynst thy eternall Maiestie for no man knoweth throughly his sinnes as the prophet witnesseth whether it hath been by day or els by nyght yea euen from my chyldhood vnto this day were it in wordes workes or thoughtes secretly or openly O most mercifull God and heauenly Father I am most sorie for it euen from the bottom of my hart yea and my soule mourneth for very sorow within me O most mercifull Father that I am not a thousande tymes more soryer then I am Howbeit in token of my great and vnfeigned repentance though all hartes be knowen well ynough vnto thee I do cry and call vnto thee for refuge in the bitternesse of my hart and soule Lord God and Father haue mercie Lord God and Sonne haue mercie and Lord God holy Ghost haue mercie Spare mee good Lord of thine infinite mercie both now and all the dayes of my life and graunt mee of thine aboundant grace so as I may change my sinfull life and put off the olde man with all his euyll concupisence and deceiueable lustes and that I may die vnto the worlde and so goe foorth in a new life Strengthen thou mee O Lord I humblie beseech thee in a true humble lowlie and perfect hart faythfully to loue hope and trust in thee Giue my soule most heauenly Father the grace of thy holy spirit to desire thee onely in thee onely to reioyce and repose my selfe and that I may vtterly renounce and forsake the vanities and vaine affiance and delightes of this worlde so that thou mayest finde mee readie with the good Seruant in the midnight of my death which shall sodaynely steale vpon mee like a theefe eare I be aware Bee thou vnto mee at that time of neede O Lord a Tower of strength a Pallace of refuge and a defencible God namely against the face of the feende who like a roring Lyon wil be then most readie to deuoure me and against desperation which then wil be busie to grieue and assayle mee Graunt mee most mercifull Sauiour that when death shall shut vp the eyes of this my mortall body yet that the eyes of my soule may still beholde and looke vpon thee with a liuely and perfect fayth that when death hath taken away the vse of my tongue and outward senses yet that my hart and soule may cry and say vnto thee O Lord into thy handes I giue and commit my soule Lord Iesu receiue my spirit vnto thee Fetch then againe Lord God the Father I humblie beseech thee that which thy wisedome and puissant might hath shapen and fashioned Fetch then againe Lord God the Sonne that which thou hast so wisely and carefully gouerned and bought with the deare price of thy most precious blood Take then againe thou Lord God holy Ghost that which thou hast kept and preserued so louingly in this region of sinne and vale of miserie Vnto whom as of right and duetie belongeth be all honour power prayse and glory for euer and euer worlde without ende Amen Despise not a man that turneth himselfe away from sinne nor cast him not in the teeth withall but remember that we are all worthy blame Ecclus. 8.5 Imprinted at London by William White 1598.