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mercy_n miserable_a person_n son_n 3,454 5 7.3934 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19561 All the submyssyons, and recantations of Thomas Cranmer, late Archebyshop of Canterburye truely set forth both in Latyn and Englysh, agreable to the originalles, wrytten and subscribed with his owne hande. Visum [et] examinatum per reuerendum patrem [et] dominum, dominum edmundum episcopum London. Anno, M.D.LVI. Cranmer, Thomas, 1489-1556. 1556 (1556) STC 5990; ESTC S111201 5,311 12

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mihi peccata condonet Manibus pe●libus careo quibus quod destruxi iterum reedificare ualeam relicta enim sunt tummodo labia circa dentes meos sed uitulos labiorum nostrorum recipiet qui est supra quam credi possit misericors Hacigitur concepta spe libet hunc offerre uitulum hanc minimam corporis uitae partem licare Confiteor in primis meam ergadeum opt max. ingratitudinem agnosco me omni indignissimum beneficio pietate dignissimum uero omni non 〈◊〉 humano ac temporali sed diuino eterno supplicio quod in Henricum 8 maxime in eius uxorem Reginam Catherinam uehementissime deliqui quum diuortij causa author extiti quae sanè culpa omnium huius regni malorum calamitatum seminarium fuit Hinc tot proborum neces hinc totius regni schisma hinc haereses hinc tot animorum corporum strages ●bortae sunt ut uix possim uel rationae complecti Sed quum adeo sint haec grauia iniciaque dolorum aperui fateor ingentem senestram haeresibis cunctis quarum ego praecipuum egi doctorem ducem In primis uero il lud uehementer meum excruciat animum quòd sacrosanctum Eucharistia Sacramentum tot blasphemijs contumelijs affecerim negans Christi cor pus sanguinem uere realiter sub speciebus panis uini contineri editis etiam libellis qui ueritatem pro uiribus impugnabam in hac sanè par●… te non solum Saulo latrone deterior uerum omnium quos terra unque su●… stinuit sceleratissimus Domine peccaui in coelum coram te In coelum quod mea causa tot caret coelicolis quod coeleste hoc beneficium nobis exhibitum negaui impudentissime Peccaui in terra quae tamdiu hoc sacramento miserè caruit in homines quos ab hac supersubstātiali esca reuocaui tot occisor hominum quot inedia perierunt Defraudaui defunctorum animas hoc iugi celeberrimo sacrificio Atque ex his omnibus manifestum est quantopere etiam post Christum in eius uicarium iniurius extiti quemlibris etiam editis potestate priuaui Propterea magnopere impensissimè oro summum pontificem ut mihi ob Christi elementiā condonet quae aduersus illum eiusque apostolicam sedem commisi Ac serenissimos Reges Angliae Hispaniae c. Philippum Mariam supplex oro ut regia qua pollent cle mentia mihi uelint ignoscere totū etiam regnum imo uniuersam ecclesiam rogo obsecro misereantur huius miserae animae cui iam praeter linguam nihil est reliquum quo possim illatas iniurias damna resarcire Praecipue uero quia tibi soli peccaui oro clementissime pater qui omnes ad te uenire quamlibet facinorosos cupis praecipis me propius cominus digneris intueri sicut Magdalenam Petrum respexisti uel certe sicut latrone ex cruce aspiciens tuae gratiae gloriae promissione dignatus espauidū et trementem animum consolari ita etiam solita et natiua tua pietate oculos misericordiae ad me conuertas nec non tuo me digneris alloquio dicens Salus tua ego sum Et in die mortis hodie mecum eris in Paradyso Scriptum est hoc anno domini 1555. Mensis Martij 18. Per me Thomam Cranmer 〈◊〉 prayer and sayinge of Thomas Cranmer a litle before his death all written with his owne hande as foloweth GOod chrysten people my dere beloued brethren and my systers in Chryst I besech you most har●ely to praye for me to almighty god that he wyl for●yue me all my synnes and offences whiche be ma●y wythout number and greate aboue measure but ●et one thinge greuethe my conscience more then all ●he rest whereof god willing I intend to speke more ●ereafter But howe manye and howe greate soeuer ●hey be I besech you to pray god of hys mercy to pardon and forgyue me all O Father of heauen o sonne of god redemer of the worlde o holy ghost proceding from them both three persones and one God haue mercye vpon me a most wretched caytife and miserable synner I haue offended both heauen and earth more then my tonge can expresse whyther than may I go or whither shal I flye for succoure To heauen I may be ashamed to lyste vp myne eyes and in earth I fynde no refuge or succoure what shall I than doo shal I dyspayre god forbyd O god thou art mercyfull aud refusest none that commeth vnto the for succoure To the therfore do I runne to the doo I humble my selfe sayinge O lorde god my synnes be greate but haue mercy vpon me for thy greate mercye God was not made man for our smal offences Thou didest not giue thy sonne vnto death for smale synnes onely but for all and the greatest synnes of the worlde soo that the synner retourne to the in his hart as I doo here at this presēt wherefore haue mercy on me o lord for although my synnes be great yet thy mercy is greater I craue nothynge o Lorde for myne owne merytes but for thy name sake that it may be halowed therby and for thy deare sonne Jesus Chryst sake and nowe therefore O father that art in heauen hallowed be thy name ▪ Thy kyngdome come c. Euery man desireth good people at the tyme of their death to gyue some good exhortation that good folkes maye remember after their death and be the better for the same So I besech god graunte vnto me that I may speake some thinge whereby he maye be glorified and you edyfied Fyrste it is an heauye case to see how many folkes be so much doted of this present worlde and so carefull of it that for the world to come they seme to care very litle or nothyng Therefore this shal be my fyrst exhortation that you set not ouermuch by this presēt world but vpon the world to come and vpon God and learne to knowe what this lesson meaneth of Saynt Iohn The loue of this world saith he is hatred vnto God The ii exhortation is that next vnto God you obey your kyng and Quene willingly and gladly without murmurynge or grudgynge not for feare of them but muche more for feare of God knowing that they be goddes ministers appoynted by god for to gouerne and rule you and therefore they that resist them resist gods ordynaunce The third exhortation is that you loue together like brethren and systerne But alas pitie it is to see howe faint this loue is many taking other not as brother and systers but rather as straungers or mor tall enemyes And yet I pray you learne this one lesson to doo good vnto all men as much as in you lyeth and to hurte no man no more then you woulde doo to your naturall louinge brother and syster For whosoeuer hateth any person and goeth about maliciously to hurt him surely withoute doute god is not with that man although he thinke himselfe neuer so much in gods fauour The iiii exhrotation shal be to them that haue substaunce and ryches of the worlde that they well consyder and remember iii sayinges of the scrypture One is of our Sauiour Christ hymselfe who sayth that rych men hardely come into hea uen a sore saying and yet spoken of him that knewe the truth The second is of S. Ihon who saith thus He that hath the substaunce of this worlde and seeth his brother in necessitie and shitteth vppe his mercy from him howe can he say that he loueth God The third is of S. Iames who saythe to couetous ryche men after this maner Wepe and howle you rich mē for the miserye that shall come vnto you your riches do rotte your clothes be moth eaten your gold syluer wax cancre and rustie and theyr rust shall beare witnes agaynst you and consume you lyke fyre you make a hoorde and treasure of goddes indignation agaynst the last day let thē that be rych ponder well these iii. sentences for yf euer they had occasiō to shew theyr charitie they haue it nowe the poore people being so many and victuells so dere Here to declare the Quenes iust title to the crowne ANd nowe forasmuche as I am come vnto the last ende of my lyfe wherevpon hangeth all my lyfe passed and al my life to come eyther to liue with my Sauioure Chryste for euer in ioye or ells to be in paynes euer with the wicked deuilles in hell and I see before my eyes presentlye eyther heauen redye to receyue me or ells hell redy to swallowe me vppe I shall therfore declare vnto you my very fayth wythout coloure or dissymulation for nowe is no tyme to dyssemble whatsoeuer I haue sayde preached or written in tyme past Fyrst I beleue in God y e father almyghty maker of heauen and earth c. And I beleue euery article of the catholike fayth euery clause worde and sentence taught by our sauiour Chryste his Apostles and prophetes in the newe and olde testament and all articles explicate and set fourth in y e generall counselles And nowe I come to the greate thing that soo much troubleth my conscience more thā any other thing y t euer I did that is settinge abroad vntrue bokes writings cōtrary to the truth of goddes word which nowe I renounce and condempne and refuse them vtterly as erronyous for none of myne But you must know also what bokes they were that you maye beware of them or ells my conscyence is not dyscharged For they be the boo●… which I wrote agaynst the Sacrament of the Au●…tare syth the death of Kynge Henrye the eyghte But whatsoeuer I wrote than nowe is tyme and place to saye truth wherefore renouncyng al those bo●…s and whatsoeuer in them is conteyned I say and beleue that our Sauiour Chryst Iesu is really and sub stancially conteyned in the blessed Sacramente of y e Aultare vnder the fourmes of breade and wyne Excusum Londini in aedibus Iohannis Cawodi Typographi Regiae Maiestatis Anno. M. D. LVI Cum priuilegio