Selected quad for the lemma: mercy_n

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mercy_n miserable_a person_n son_n 3,454 5 7.3934 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19214 A generall confessyon of sinnes to be sayde euerye mornynge 1554 (1554) STC 5629; ESTC S113553 1,795 10

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¶ A generall Confessyon of sinnes to be sayde euerye mornynge O Almightie God our heauenlie father I confesse knoweledge that I am a miserable and a wreatched synner and haue manifolde waies moste greuousli transgressed thy moste godlie commaundementes thorowe wicked thoughtes vngodlie lustes sinful wordes and dedes and in my whole lyfe In sinne am I borne and conceiued there is no goodnes in mee in asmuch as if thou shuldest enter into thy narrow iudgement with me iudginge me according vnto the same I were neuer able to suffer or a bide it but must nedes perish and be damned for euer So litle healpe comforte or succour is there eyther in me or in anie other creature Onlie this is mi comfort O heauēly father / that thou didst not spare thy only deare beloued sonne but diddest geue hym vp vnto the most bitter and most vile slaundrus death of the crosse for me that hee might so pay the raunsome for my sinnes satisfi thi iudgment stil pacifie thy wrath recōcile me again vnto thee and purchase me thy grace fauour and euerlastinge life Wherfore thorowe the merite of his most bitter death and passion and thorow his innocent bloud sheddinge I beseche thee O heauenly father that thou wilte vouchlafe to be gracious and merciful vnto me to forgeue and to pardone me al my sins to lighten my hearte with thy holi spirit to renue confirm and strengthen me with a right and a perfet faith and to enflame me ī loue toward thee and my neighbor that I may henceforthe wyth a willynge and a glad hearte walke as it becometh me in thy most godly commaūdementes and so gloryfye and prayse thee euerlastynglye And also that I mai with a freconscience a quiet heart in all maner of temptacions afflictions or necessities and euen in the verye panges of death cry boldely and merely vnto thee say I beleue in God the father almighty maker of heauen and earth And in Iesus Christ c. But O Lord God heauenly father to comfort my self in affliction temptacion with these articles of the chrysten faith it is not in my power For fayth is thy gift and for asmuch as thou wilt be praied vnto and called vpon for it I come vnto the to prai beseche thee bothe for that for all my other necessities euen as thy deare beloued son oure Sauioure Christ Iesu hathe him selfe taughte vs. And from the very botom of my heart I cry and saye O our father whych art in heauen c. ¶ A prayer to be sayde in the mornynge O Merciful Lord God heuenlye father I rendre most hyghe laudes prayse thankes vnto thee that thou hast preserued me both thys nighte al the time daies of my lyfe hitherto vnder thi protection and haste suffred me to lyue vntyl thys present houre And I beseche thee hartely thou wilt vouchsafe to receiue me this daye the residue of my whole life frō henceforthe into thy tuicion rulinge and gouerninge me wyth thy holy spirit that al maner of darkenes of misbelief infidelitie and of carnall lustes and affections may be vtterly chased and driuē out of my heart and that I mai be iustified and saued bothe body soule thorow a right and a perfecte faythe and so walcke in the lyghte of thy mooste godlye truthe to thy glorye and prayse and to the profit and furtheraunce of mi neighboure thorowe Iesus Christ our Lorde and Sauioure Amen A lamentacion of a synner ALas wretch that I am comfortles and forsakē of al men which haue offended both heauen and earth ▪ whether shall I goo or whether shal I turne me To whom shal I fle for succour Who shal haue pity or compassion on me Vnto heauen dare I not lyft vp myne eyes for I haue greuousli sinned agaīst it and in the earth cā I find no place of defēce for I haue bene noysom vnto it What shal I nowe doe shall I dispair God forbyd ●ul mercyful is God and my sauyoure is meke and louing therfore God onlye is my refuge hee will not despise his creature nother forsake hys owne Image Vnto the therfor most meke and merciful god come I all sad and sorowfull ▪ for thou onlye art my hope and thou art only the dore of my defence But what shall I saye vnto thee seing I dare not lift vp my eyes I wil poure out the wordes of sorowe I wil heartely beseeche thee for thy mercy to forgeue me my sinnes O God the Father of heauē haue mercy vpon vs miserable synners O God the father of heauen haue mercy vpon vs miserable synners O God the sonne redeamer of the worlde haue mercye vpon vs miserable synners O God the sonne redeamer of the worlde haue mercye vpon vs myserable synners O God the holy ghoste procedynge from the father and the sonne haue mercy vpon vs miserable sinners O god the holy gost proceading frō the father and the sonne haue mercy vpon vs miserable synners O holy blessed and glorious Trinitie three persons and one God haue mercy vpon vs myserable