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A16736 The doctrine of the Gospel By a plaine and familiar interpretation of the particular points or articles thereof: with the promises, comforts, and duties, seuerally belonging to the same. VVhereunto is added, a declaration of the danger of not knowing, not beleeuing, or not obeying any one of them. Likewise, a rehearsal of the manifold heresies, wherein many haue erred contrary to them all. Diuided into three bookes. The first whereof, is of beliefe in God the Father ... Allen, Robert, fl. 1596-1612. 1606 (1606) STC 364; ESTC S106811 1,499,180 1,052

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Gospel which are the seales of all the Articles of our Christian faith And also of the Lords praier which is a principal rule of Christian praier a singular exercise of faith c. Question Which therefore first of all be the Articles of our Christian beliefe as they are in that briefe summe comprised and by the common consent of all true Churches of Christ euen frō the most incorrupt times cōmended vnto vs Answere I beleeue in God the Father almightie maker of heauen earth And in Iesus Christ his onely sonne our Lord which was conceiued by the holy Ghost c. Explicatiō proofe This summe of the doctrine of the Gospel concerning the chiefe Articles of our faith gathered out of the holie scriptures as hath bene said it conteineth an bridgement of the most high diuine mysterie of the nature of God that is to say of the incomprehensible Trinitie of persons in the vnitie of one most absolute perfect spirituall essence or beeing of the Godhead so farre as it is meet for vs to enquire or may be knowne and discerned of vs. And therwithall it setteth out vnto vs fraile creatures and most miserable sinners the free couenant of Gods diuine mercy fauour and grace towards vs. Herewithall also A briefe summe of the doctrine of the holy Gospel contained in the articles of our Beliefe it layeth forth these two things first the causes of our iustification and secondly the fruites or benefits thereof The causes are these first to speake more generally the whole Trinitie of persons Father Sonne and holy Ghost eternally consenting in the vnitie of the Godhead to elect and ordaine vs therevnto But more particularly the Father for orders sake as the efficient cause the Sonne in that hee tooke our nature and therein liued preached wrought miracles fulfilled the righteousnes of the law and at the last died for vs and rose againe c. the materiall cause The holy Ghost in that by the preaching of the Gospell he giueth faith the formall cause The small cause being the euerlasting praise of the same most glorious free grace and mercie of God Now the fruite and benefit of this grace of God towards vs beeing generally comprehended vnder this worde saluation the particulars are partly expressed Communion of Saints in one holy catholike Church forgiuenes of sinnes resurrection of the body and euerlasting life and partly they are to be collected from those that be mentioned as vnspeakable peace of conscience heere yea euen against death and hell it selfe and the immortality of the soule in heauen euen from the very time of our departure out of this life c. This summe of the chiefe Articles of our faith therefore containeth an abridgement of the Historie of all the greatest and most glorious counsels and workes of God and of his most wonderfull benefits towards vs Election Prouidence Creation Adoption Redemption Iustification Sanctification Saluation and Glorification and to these ends and purposes alike abridgement of the incarnation of the sonne of God and therewithall of the vnion of the humane nature with the diuine in one most holy person of a mediator and also of the sufferings of the sonne of God c. all of them as was said before proceeding from the infinite bountie of Gods mercie to vs most vnworthie men Of the which most great counsels and works of God it is worthily written by the Apostle Paul 1. Tim. 3.16 * Omologoumenos Confessedly o● by a general acknowledgement to wit of all t●●e Christians Without controuersie great is the mysterie of godlines which is God manifested in the flesh iustified in the Spirit seene of Angels preached vnto the Gentiles beleeued on in the world and receiued vp in glorie Read also Rom 8.29.30 c. Those which God knew before he also predestinated to be made like to the image of his sonne that he might be the first borne among many brethren Moreouer whom he hath predestinated them also he called and whom he called them also he iustified and whom he iustified them also he glorified What shall we then say to these things If God be on our side who can be against vs c. And Ephes c. Euen to me the least of all Saints saith the holy Apostle is this grace giuen that I should preach among the Gentiles the vnsearchable riches of Christ And to make cleare vnto all men what the fellowship of the mysterie is which from the beginning of the world hath beene hid in God who hath created all things by Iesus Christ. c. Of these most high and excellent things we will by the grace of God treat and inquire according to this summe of the Articles of our faith in the order following First of all wee will consider of some speciall ground of holy Scripture whence euery article or point of our faith may be warranted and from whence also the right sence meaning thereof may be interpreted and opened For the word of God contained in the bookes of Canonicall Scripture the which God himselfe hath giuen and authorized for the instruction of his Church it is the onely certaine and vndoubted ground and foundation of faith And therefore also it is our bounden dutie to yeeld it the honour of teaching and confirming euery truth of God from the sacred testimonie and witnesse thereof And thus we read how in matters of faith the Scripture referreth it selfe to the Scripture the latter to the former Luke 24. verses 25.26.27 and verses And before this in the 22. chap ver 37. Reade also Acts chap 26. verse 22. and 1. Corinth and 2. Pet 1.19 And verily it were too great sluggish a folly for any to content themselues so with any briefe abridgement that the originall copie wherein is the more full and perfect declaration of all things should be neglected A man will not doe so with his seuerall Deeds and more large writings shewing the conueiances of his landes for any briefe extent or suruey which hee hath taken of them And shall we be more vnwise concerning the grand euidence of our saluation Nay rather as great landed men by how much they see by a short viewe that their possessions are very ample c. they will make the more reckoning of all their auncient Court-rouls or Charters c. So let vs by all meanes prouoke ourselues notwithstanding any other testimony to make our principall and most precious account of the authenticall and diuine records of God And that not onely for the points themselues which concerne our faith but also for the right vnderstanding of them and for all holy circumstances belonging to them For in this respect the holy Scriptures are so necessarie that without them wee should not by the shortnesse of our Creede heare of many points necessarily to bee bee beleeued of vs for our holy instruction and comfort And they that are mentioned could not without the holy
reuerend attention to the word of God lest at any time we should be any way dangerously peruerted and turned aside from the true faith of the Sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ 〈…〉 God the Son who was cōceiued by the holy Ghost The which holy care and manifold great grace God of his infinite mercy The groūd of the article and very rich grace grant vnto vs all for Iesus Christ sake Amen And thus hauing inquired more generally into the doctrine of our Christian beliefe in the second Person of the holy Trinitie according to these titles attributed vnto him Iesus Christ the onely Sonne of God our Lord it followeth nowe that wee are to proceede to make our more particular inqui●ie concerning the manner howe it came to passe that the same second Person of the blessed and glorious Trinitie the Sonne of God was incarnate and tooke the nature of man and thence-forth to consider of his holy natiuitie and birth and so of all that hee hath wrought and suffered for our redemption and saluation as it followeth further in the Articles of our beliefe Beliefe in God the Sonne who was conceiued by the holy Ghost Question WHat therefore is next set downe in them Answere It followeth thus in the next place Who was conceiued by the holy Ghost Question It doth so in deede But what ground of holy Scripture haue you to warrant your faith in this point of your beliefe Answere We haue a sure ground and warrant for it in the first chapter of the holy Gospel written by S. Matthew verses 18 19 20. Explicatiō and proofe This mysterie of the conception of our Sauiour was reuealed from God by the message of an Angell to the Virgine Marie first before he was conceiued in her wombe as we read Luk. 1.31 Thou shalt conceiue in thy wombe and beare a Sonne and shalt ca lt his name Iesus saith the holy Angell And chap. 2.21 the Euangelist Luke remembreth againe that this was spoken by the Angell before our Sauiour was conceiued in the wombe But after the conception it was likewise vpon a speciall occasion reuealed to Ioseph by the Angell of the Lord before the birth of the child as the Euangelist Matthew reporteth in the place by you alledged Let vs heare his words Question Which are they Answere When as Marie the mother of Iesus Christ was betrothed to Ioseph before they came together she was found with child by the holy Ghost Then Ioseph her husband being a iust man and not willing to make her a publike example was minded to put her away secretly But while hee thought these things behold saith the Euangelist the Angell of the Lord appeared to him in a dreame saying Ioseph the Sonne of Dauid feare not to take Marie for thy wife for that which is conceiued in her is of the holy Ghost This testimonie may not vnfitly be alledged in the first place here though in order of time it followed that other in the first chapter of S. Luke because that may more fitly be reserued till wee come to speake of the Promise of this conception to the benefit of vs the whole Church of God Vnto the which time also we will reserue that which is to be obserued more fully concerning this point Explication and proofe Neuerthelesse here we may not neglect the testimonie which was giuen of it the second time and that by the message of a holy Angell vpon such an occasion as serueth notably to confirme the truth of this great mysterie that our Sauiour was conceiued by the holy Ghost in the wombe of the virgine Mar●e she remaining still a virgine For seeing both Marie and Ioseph were verie chast and godly persons and minded not to come to the mariage bed till they should be married though they were alreadie betrothed as Ioseph for his part is cleared in that it is testified of him that hee was much troubled at Maries conception Bel●efe in God the Sonne who was conceiued by the holy Ghost so soone as he perceiued it to be so and Marie also The meaning of the wordes cannot be accused of Ioseph nor iustlie suspected of him to haue dealt vnfaithfullie and vnchastlie against him And therefore though hee were a iust man and hated sinne yet hauing a secrete perswasion of Maries innocencie and partlie it may be giuing credit to the strangenesse of that defence for herselfe which it is likely shee did at the least insinuate and secretelie lispe out vnto him hee durst not once thinke of vsing any hard course against his Spouse but onely thought to put her away secretlie and to leaue the iudgement of so great a secrete to the Lorde himselfe By all these considerations in the best probabilitie that wee might alledge but in way of certaine demonstration from the testimonie of the holie Angell and by the full satisfaction of Ioseph against all feare and doubfull distraction about the matter the article of the Conception of our Sauiour by the holie Ghost in the wombe of the blessed Virgine is vndoubtedlie confirmed vnto vs. Of the which because as was before determined wee shall haue occasion from the other testimonie of Saint Luke to consider more fullie from the example of the Virgine Marie herselfe when wee come to the Promise Wee will content our selues to haue spoken onely thus much at this time and so come to the meaning of the Article WHat therfore I pray you is the meaning of these words that our Sauiour Christ the Sonne of God Question was conceiued by the holy Ghost of the Virgine Marie Answer To the vnderstanding of these wordes three things are to be knowen and well considered of as I haue bene taught Let it be so which are they Question The first is this that the Sonne of God was by the power of the holie Ghost made verie true man Answere in that hee tooke our nature of the substance of the Virgine and so was of the true seede of Dauid and made fleshe of a woman in the fulnesse of time according to the expresse doctrine of the holie Scriptures The second thing to be considered is that the same humane nature of our Lord Iesus Christ the Sonne of God was most perfitlie sanctified euen from the verie first moment of the conception whereby not onely all originall sinne and corruption whatsoeuer was vtterlie preuented but also the spirituall seede of all fulnesse of heauenlie grace and holinesse was conferred with power to growe vp with most mightie increases The third thing is this that from the same first moment of the most holie conception of our Sauiour the humane nature was vnited to the diuine and so became one in persone with the same to continue for euer and euer though alwaies distinct in nature without anie either confusion or the least separation of either from the other Explicatiō and proofe These pointes indeed as you haue well learned are to be diligently considered to
admit of Christ to be the partie to be loosed or else that he would discharge Barabbas whom he thought they would be more loath to be let escape then that Christ should albeit he knew they greatly enuied and maliced him Question What ground is there of this Answere It is plainely to be seene that Pilate grewe thus farre to limit their custome to one of these two from that which we read Mat 27 verses 16.17 in these wordes 16. And they had then a notable prisoner called Barabbas 17. When they were then gathered together as the Euangelist writeth Pilate said vnto them whether will yee that I let loose vnto you Barabbas or Iesus who is called Christ 21. And againe verse 21. Whether of the twaine will ye that I let loose vnto you Explicatiō Here indeed we see plainely that Pilate grew very peremptorie as one loth to be too much ouerruled of the Iewes But the iniurie against our Sauiour was hereby made the greater while hee putteth him vpon the voices of his most hatefull aduersaries with so notorious a malefactor as Barabbas was to wit a seditious person and a murtherer as Mark 15.7 and Luk 23.19 and Iohn 18.40 Insomuch as he might well know by their open and extreame malice already manifested that they would preferre any other the most vile and wicked wretch before our Sauiour And so it came to passe for they did most doggedly enuie him euen because of the excellencie of those graces which they had experience to be in him infinitly aboue themselues as Pilate well considered as we read Mat 27.11 For he knewe well saith the Euangelist that for enuie they had deliuered him And Marke 15.10 He knewe that the high Priests had deliuered him for enuie The which foule sinne of theirs as it is a notable blot to them so it is a cleare testimonie of the most excellent vertues of our Sauiour the which they wickedly made the matter of their enuie Wherefore as fruite of this most wicked enuie before which who can stand as it is in the holy prouerbe chap 27.4 they cry out vpon our Sauiour Christ hauing nothing in their malitious mouthes but Crucifie Crucifie him and they make choise of Barabbas to be deliuered The groūd and history of his examination and arraignment before Pilate Thus did the chiefe Priests and the Elders themselues and thus did they perswade the people to doe Mat 27.20 and Marke 15.11 Yea and herein they persist notwithstanding Pilate to satisfie his owne humour contendeth with the Iewes by a threefold resistance of their choise of Barabbas to the ende hee might haue driuen them to haue chosen Christ as the Euangelist Luke recordeth Chap 23.22 What euill hath hee done And if I let Barabbas loose what shall I doe with your king Yea so doth hee resist them in their choise that notwithstanding they will not alter their election yet he seemeth for his part to resolue that he will chastise our Sauiour and let him loose as we read in the latter part of the same verse Thus then Pilate being frustrate in his former deuise he proceedeth to his second But all in vaine and that not onely to the increase of his own sinne but also to the increase of the trouble of our blessed Sauiour The performance of this second bad deuise of Pilate is set downe most fully by the Euangelist Iohn For Mathew and Marke say onely he was scourged and Luke goeth not so farre but onely sheweth what Pilate purposed to doe Let vs therefore heare this part of the history from the record of Iohn Question How doth he report the same Answer Then saith the Euangelist Pilate tooke Iesus and scourged him Explication So indeed the Euangelist Iohn writeth in the first verse of the 19. chap wherein he reporteth a strange thing and that also a very iniurious practise of Pilate insomuch as he commandeth such a one as in his owne iudgement was innocent and guiltles to be scourged But see how farre the profane man is carried in the liking of his deuise and for the accomplishing of his owne priuate purpose that hee careth not how it may be wrought so as he may haue his will For thus he thinketh that if he shall proceede to lay some punishment vpon our Sauiour and doe him some notable disgrace that then the Iewes wil be satisfied and so desist and leaue of all further pursuite and that hee should thereby auoide the giuing of sentence of death the which hee sawe hee coulde not doe with a good conscience He therefore followeth his owne humour without any regard of our Sauiour For otherwise the same conscience that told h●m that he ought not to haue giuen sentence of death against our Sauiour would haue told him likewise that he ought not to haue whipped him or done him any disgrace at all But as the holy Prouerbe saith The mercies of the wicked are cruell And so doth Pilates fauour proue still more and more The strangenes of this Act of Pilate is to be considered from the Person whom he commandeth to be whipped he being the most holy and glorious Sonne of God A most vnworthy thing If a Magistrate should command the poorest man in a countrie to be whipped without cause all men would speake shame of such a Magistrate Much more then if a man of good credit and estimation should be so abused at the will and pleasure of any but most of all if a vassall should whippe his Soueraigne What an absurde villanie were this But what is any comparison that may be made equall to this that the Sonne of God should be whipped by such as were not worthy to lick the dust of his feete nor once to come in presence where he should be And the rather also may it be the more strange vnto vs because we may well conceiue that it was no gentle or soft whipping but a cruell cutting or rasing of the holy flesh of the Sonne of God For they were very spitefull persons to whom this execution was committed as is euident by that most contumelious dealing against our Sauiour the which they practise moreouer and beside the scourging Question How was that Answere The Euangelist Iohn addeth further in the 2. 3. verse of the same 19. ch That the souldiers platted a crown of thornes and put it on his head and also that they put on him a purple garment And said Haile king of the Iewes And they smot him with their rods This sheweth plainely that they were most despitefull people The ground and history of his third examination before Pilat by whom our Sauiour Christ was scourged And therefore how can we thinke but that he was pittifully abused in that part of their despite as we see him to be in euery part of this which is now before vs. As first in this that whereas they fully set themselues to deride and scorne his kingdome they make choise of such a
First therefore I would haue you shewe me as you haue bene taught what the Gospell is Question The holy Gospell is a most ioyfull doctrine or diuine message of most glad tydings sent and published to the world from God himselfe Answere and by the Ministery of his faithfull seruants the which teacheth and assureth euery one that heareth and receiueth it both what that righteousnesse and saluation is together with the causes and particular fruites or benefits and comforts of the same which is to be apprehended and layed hold vpon onely by faith in Christ and also what manner of obedience that is which God requireth and accepteth onely as a fruit of thankefulnesse but for no part of iustification or for any peece of the merit of saluatiō before him of euery one to whō the same righteousnesse and saluation with all the fruits benefits and comforts thereof doe through his most free grace and mercy in Christ Iesus appertaine and belong The morall Lawe of God as hath beene declared in the former part of our Catechisme is a diuine rule or doctrine Explicatiō and proofe teaching and commanding the perfect righteousnes of workes the which if a man could perfectly fulfill hee should surely liue therein Leuit. 18.5 And to that effect doth our Sauiour Christ answere him who asked what he might doe that he might inherit eternal life Thou knowest the commandements saith our Sauiour c. as though he should haue said Thou canst not possibly haue a more perfect rule of the righteousnes of the outward workes and actions of thy life and of the right holy disposition and inward affection of thy heart according to the first creation of mankinde then the Lawe of God is Matth. 19 16 c. Mark 10 17 c. Luk. 18 18. c. But because as we haue beene further instructed we are now of a very sinfull disposition What the Go●pel● is and euen through the corruption of nature trangressors of the law the law is so ●ar from all grace of iustifying sauing of vs that it doth most iustly conuince vs of sin and consequētly of iust deserued wrath from the iudgment seat of God Wherefore necessarily are we all to seeke to be iustified an other way that i● by the free grace fatherly mercy of God through the righteousnes holines of the works merit of the perfect obediēce of the son of God our Lord Iesus Christ and not by our owne workes either already wrought or w●●ch we may at any time hereafter possibly worke For this cause behold I beseech you the wonderfull grace most rich and precio●s mercy of our God in that as was now answered hee hath not onely p●b●●●●ed this doctrine of free grace through the righteousnes of our L Iesus Christ ●o iustification saluatiō the which the law strictly taken doth not directly so much as once tel vs of but also for that he is most graciously minded to gi●e vs the knowledge faith yea euen the very possession whole fruit of it This part of holy doctrine is of vs called the Gospell the which in the greek lang●age wherein it was first written by the holy Euangelists in the new Testament euidently signifieth good tydings or a ioyfull and gladsome message The Greeke word is Euaggelion compounded of Eu which noteth the goodnes and commoditie or the praise and commendation of a thing and of Aggello which is To bring tidings or to report declare a message Of these Greek words ioyned in one not onely those four who wrote the history of our Sa Christ but also such as were special attendants vpon the Apostles to preach where they had once planted the Gospell Luk 4.18 Ephes 2 1● 1. Cor. 1. ●7 1. Pet. 1.25 Rom. 10.15 G●● 1.8.9 Reu. ●1 20 ch 2. 1. c. are called Euangelists Yea frō these Greeke words compounded in one all Preaching is called Euangelizing And from Aggello Preachers are called sometimes Angels that is such as are sent in the name of God vpon this his most honourable and ioyfull message The Gospel as we call it in our Engli●h doth not onely in the latine tongue but also in diuers other languages take the name from the same Greek words and is made the vulgar common speech in many Christian churches like as diuers other both greek hebrew words are pertaining to the Gospell such as are Iesus Messiah Christ c. Yea among those of the heathen also who haue vsed the latine speech good and welcome newes or messages such as among them haue beene thought worthy any reward to the bringers Cicero ad Att. c lib. 2. App●●nece Cice●● Homer ●●ys● v p. 152 ●●●rat ● Ar●● Nen●p Ell●t or sacrifice and thankes to God they haue beene by ancient vse called from the same Greeke words Euangelia according to the example of the Grecians themselues going b●fore them therein The same vse is of the hebrew word Besorah answering to this as we read 2. Sam 4.10 One that brought Dauid tidings of Saules death thought that Dauid would haue giuen him a reward for his tidings The word ther is Besorah And in the same place it is said that he which reported this to Dauid thought himselfe to be Chimbassar as one bringing such tydings as should be welcome For such is the vsuall signification of the verbe Bissar of this substantiue Besorah as we may perceiue by that which we read 1. Sam. 31 9. The Philistines are said to publish the death of Saul and his sons for ioyful newes or tydings and to the praise of their idolls But 2. Sam. 1 20. Publish it not saith Dauid Al Tebassru lest the daughters of the Philistines reioyce lest the daughters of the vncircumcised triumph read also ch 18. v. 19. v. 27 v. 31. And 2. king 7 9 Ps 68 11. This therefore being a word vsed to signifie all good welcome tydings it is in the holy Scriptures for excellencies sake transferred to note out the best newes aboue all other euen the publishing of the ioyfull tydings of the Gospel For the which read Isay 40 9. O thou that bringest good tydings to Zion Meb●stereth that is as it is well translated Euangelizas preachest the Gospell c. And likewise ch 41 27. I wil giue to Ierusalem saith the Lord one that shall bring good tydings Mebassar This messenger is Christ ch 61 1. The Lord hath sent me to Preach good tydings to the poore And of all Preachers of the Gospell it is saide more generally ch 52 vers 7. according also as the Apostle Paul alleadgeth it Rom. 10.15 O how beautifull vpon the mountaines are the feet of him that declareth and publisheth peace that declareth good tydings and publisheth saluation saying vnto Zion Thy God raigneth And Nahum Chap. 1.15 Read also Psalm 40.9 and Psal 96 2. Finally from this Hebrew word the holy Euangelists who wrot the History of the Gospell are
hath no well grounded and setled perswasion that hee may lawfully and with a good conscience doo them The other place is of such things as be in themselues without all question good and plainlie warranted by the word of God But neither the one nor the other as the Spirit testifieth in either of those places are of any reckoning and allowance with God if they be not done in faith No not the very best actions and duties either of mercie to men destitute or of religious worship to GOD all-sufficient Whether it bee preaching or hearing of the word of God or prayer or vse of the Sacraments or any other religious dutie beside Herevpon because the matter is of great importance let vs staye yet a while longer to make it plaine by some particular proofes And first that the preaching of the word by such as are without true faith is of no account with God as touching them that doe so preach it read Math. For our Sauiour Christ professeth plainely that hee cannot approoue of them Likewise that hearing is to no profit and therfore also nothing pleasing to God if it be not mixed with faith wee reade it plainely affirmed Hebr. 4.2 It is faith that maketh the Gospell to be vnto all beleeuers as the cup of saluation but vnto all vnbeleeuers it is through their owne infidelitie and contempt as it were a viall of the wrath of God For such is the similitude whervnto the holy Apostle alludeth in that place as the Greeke word Sugcecramenos in English mixed plainly sheweth And further that Prayer is nothing auailable without faith the Apostle Iames is our warrant cha 1.6.7 Let him saith the Apostle that asketh aske in faith and not wauer for hee that wauereth is like a waue of the Sea tost of the winde and carried away Neyther let that man thinke that hee shall receyue any thing of the Lorde And againe chap. 5.15.16 It is the prayer of faith onely which is auailable The prayer of faith saith the Apostle shall saue the sicke c. Hence it is that our Sauiour Christ doth so earnestly admonish his Disciples that they should beleeue to obtaine whatsoeuer they prayed for prouided that first of all they had good assurance that they asked such things onely as were agreeable to the will of God Mark 11.24 And touching the holie Sacraments First Baptisme to all such as despise knowledge and finally continue in vnbeleefe it is but as a seale set as it were to a blanke though not on Gods behalfe but for their owne vnbeliefe and wickednes sake Vnlesse wee shall adde further as the truth is that through this wickednes and vnbeliefe the charter of Gods couenant turneth at the last to be as a writ sealed vp to their greater condemnation through the iust displeasure of God For it is in no wise the outward washing of the water which saueth as the Apostle Peter teacheth 1. Ep. cha 3. but the reuerend expostulation or holy chalenge as it were which faith maketh in that it reasoneth from the effect of a good conscience to argue the truth and validitie of the signe and seale therof from the efficacie of Christes death the which also is yet further warranted by his Resurrection c. as it followeth in the same place To the further vnderstanding whereof let vs well obserue that the true iustifying Faith where it is throughly rooted and grounded it hath a holie boldnes or confidence and that it invinciblie striueth for the maintenance of that right and interest which it hath in the mercie of God through Christ against all temptations which rise vp to the contrarie As though the Christian soule should pleade before God against them all thus Is it not thy good will O gratiou GOD to confirme the couenant of thy grace and mercie for euer with mees touching the forgiuenesse of my sinnes through the death of thy sonne wherof thou hast made holy baptisme as a faithful and irreuocable seale and assurance vnto me Yes Lord I verily beleeue that thou wilt for euer ratifie and confirme it I will not neither can I doubt of it seeing I knowe that my Sauiour Christ is to this very end risen a conquerer of sin and of death and of the Diuel and that he hath through his most precious blood perfected our reconciliation and redemption with thee and by his resurrection declareth that he hath iustified vs before thee for euer How should I then trusting in this thy perfect grace giue place to any feares or doubtings which at any time either my owne fraile nature or the Diuel or any of his instruments shal suggest To this effect doth the wordes of the blessed Apostle Peter tend 1. Piscator in Analys scholijs obseruationibus in haec verba Apostoli Epistle 3 21 22. Baptisme saith he saueth vs that is it is a sure testimony that God will surely saue vs for euer but not in that the filth of the flesh that is the outward soile of the body is put away to wit by the outward washing of the water but in that a good consciēce maketh request to God that is pleadeth with him concerning the inward and spirituall fruite and effect of Baptisme through the death and resurrection of our Sauiour Christ as was saide before To the same purpose saith Ananias to Paul as wee reade Act. 22 16. Bee thou Baptized and washe away thy sinnes by calling on the name of the Lord. Hee ascribeth we see the inward apprehension of that to the vertue that is to the faith of prayer which is onely sacramentally signified and offered by the outwarde washing of the water And concerning the Supper of the Lord. Though the comfortable nourishment of this holy Sacrament is most pleasant and battlesome to the soule of euery beleeuing Christian as a feast or banquet most worthy to be preferred aboue all other the most delicate and full feastes that may bee yet to vnbeleeuers though verily altogether through their owne default and not by any the least failing on Gods part it is in effect no more then a faire signe to the traueller when he passeth by it but regardeth not to tast of that prouision which is plentifully prouided in the Inne And no maruell though the best actions of vnbeleeuers bee of no account with God seeing for want of faith their very persons are accounted and bee in very deede wholly corrupt and defiled in his sight Behold therefore the excellencie of faith which maketh both our selues and all that wee doe pleasing to God insomuch as by faith wee are made the children of God Iohn Chap. 1 11 12 and Gallat 3 26. Hebrews 11 4. And also because all the holy ordinances of God are by it made profitable to the furtherance of our saluation both word prayer Sacraments and all things else as we haue now seene Question But what I pray may bee the reason why faith is so pleasing to God that it maketh our selues
and all things that we doe according to his word well pleasing and acceptable before him Answere 1. It is by reason of that infinite loue of God wherewith hee hath made vs accepted to himselfe in his owne beloued Sonne our Lord Iesus Christ whose righteousnesse and whole obedience and worthinesse faith apprehendeth yea and maketh vs one with Christ himselfe by spirituall coniunction and that according to the most gracious and fatherly good will and pleasure of GOD toward vs in the same his Sonne 2. It is also because God esteemeth it the greatest honour which we can possibly doe vnto him yea and the very ground and originall of yeelding him any true henour at all when we doe beleeue in him as being most true and faithfull of his word aboue all that the naturall sense and reason of man can possibly conceiue and vnderstand 3. Furthermore because faith onely teacheth vs the true deniall of our selues and of all trust in any thing but in God alone 4. Finally because faith is instrumentally as it were the seede yea the very life of all true obedience vnto him Faith most pleasing to God and why There might more reasons bee alleadged from whence the excellencie of faith may be discerned as will further appeare by that which followeth but we will content our selues with these for the present Explicatiō and proofe Now for the proofe of them first let it be well considered that euen as God is in speciall manner pleased to shewe mercy for mercy pleaseth him Micah 7.18 so likewise doth faith singularly please him in so much as it maketh most precious account of his mercy and doth most dutifully attend vpon the same as we read Ps 147.11 The Lord delighteth in them that feare him and attend vpon his mercy Now if we shall inquire yet further why it is that the Lord delighteth so greatly to shewe mercie to miserable and sinfull men it is doubtles for no other cause but for that infinite loues sake which hee beareth first to his owne naturall and onely begotten son our Lord Iesus Christ and then to them for his sake in whom he hath adopted them according to that which we read Ephes chap. 1.5 6. c. Secondly we may see by that which is saide of Abraham how greatly God doth account himselfe glorified of those that do truly and constantly beleeue in him For so we read of Abraham that he gaue great glory to God in that he did not doubt of the promise of God through vnbeleefe but was strengthened in faith aboue hope beleeued vnder hope c. He being fully assured that he who had promised was able also to doe it Ro. 4 18 19 20 21. And for this grace of faith all the seruants of God themselues are specially honoured graced as we may say according to that wee reade touching many particulars mentioned in the 11. ch of the ep to the Heb. from the beginning of the ch c. and as it is generally affirmed of them v. 39. All through faith obtained good report Whereas on the contrary they that beleeue not in God are charged to make God a lyar Then the which what greater dishonour can any doe to him who alone is the God of all truth 1. Iohn 5 10 And how also can they that be such more dishonour and reproch themselues For the third branch read Philip. 3 3 4 c. And here it may be wel worth the noting that as mans calling of the truth of Gods word into questiō was the beginning of mans fall from God so it pleaseth God that faith in the truth of his word promise should be the recouery revniting of man vnto God againe Finally call here againe to minde the words of the former answere Read also 2. Cor. 13 14. Gal. chap. 5 verse 6. VVhat Faith is BVt of the nature of faith wee are now in the next place to enquire further as after a iewell of speciall price and as after that which is the very staffe and stay of our soules as we haue partly beene giuē to vnderstand already Now therefore seeing faith is so excellent a grace shewe you yet more fully what the nature of it is Question How haue you learned to answere this so speciall a point Answere The faith whereby euery true beleeuer is iustified and saued is that most holy and excellent gift or grace of our spirituall regeneration and new birth wherein resteth the principall comfort of our soules here in this life The which arising from the knowledge of the glorious grace of God in the face of Iesus Christ and sweetly and comfortably reposing and resting it selfe onely and wholly vpon the vndoubted certaintie of the diuine truth and faithfulnes of Gods most gracious and free promise concerning the same our iustification and saluation by Christ yea laying sure hold vpon Christ himselfe in whom onely and al-sufficiently life righteousnes and saluation is to be found It hath furthermore many right worthy and admirable effects in the heart of euery true beleeuer Which are those so notable effects Question Answere 1. It reioyceth the heart of the true beleeuer with ioy vnspeakable and glorious 2. It imboldeneth him to make open profession and confession of his faith in the name of Iesus Christ euen in the middest of the most cruell despitefull aduersaries thereof 3. It causeth his soule What Faith is to haue good trust and affiance vnder the holy wings of the fatherly prouidēce protection of God in the most bitter tēptations trials of this life 4. It inciteth also and incourageth the beleeuer to earnest and constant prayer 5. It continually soliciteth to repentance and care of a godly life here in this world 6. Finally it is accompanied with hope and that also in a patient waiting for eternal happines and glory after this life in the kingdome of heauen That the true iustifying faith is of such an excellent nature as you haue described Explicatiō and proofe and that it worketh these so notable effects as you haue rehearsed it is euery where euident in the holy Scriptures as hath beene declared in the last Sermon vpon this point Let vs now briefly here call them againe to mind But first of all in so much as the word faith is vsed in the holy Scriptures in diuers and sundry significations it shall not be amisse for vs to set downe a note thereof And let vs beginne with this that faith is vsed sometimes to signifie the doctrine of faith as Act. chap 6 7. A great company and of the Priests some were obedient to the faith And againe chap. 13 8. Rom. 1 5 and chap. 3.31 and chap. 16 26. Gal. 1 22 and chap. 3 verses 2 5 23 and 1. Tim. verse 2 chap. 1. Paul writeth to Timotheus calling him his naturall sonne in the faith meaning to giue him this testimonie that hee was a true beleeuer according to the true doctrine of faith Read
10.32 c. and chap 11.24 c. That Faith incourageth to Prayer wee may reason from that which the Apostle Paul writeth Romans 10.14 For it is a fruit of faith yea so a fruit as without Faith there can be no true prayer or calling vppon the name of God Read also chapt 8.15 The Spirit of adoption incourageth to prayer But where this Spirit is not euen that Spirit which is onely receiued by Faith there is no readinesse to true and faithfull prayer What profit should wee haue say Infidells if wee should pray vnto God Iob 21.15 And Psal 14.4 They call not vpon the Lorde See also a fearfull example Mal 3.14 Yee haue said It is in vaine to serue God c. That faith doth solicite to repentance and care of a godly life wee may perceiue Gal chap 5. verse 6. Faith worketh by loue Reade also and rightly vnderstand the 2. chap of the epistle of the Apostle Iames who as by the grace of God wee shall declare more at large afterward consenteth with the Apostle Paul in shewing what manner of faith the true iustifiyng faith is namely such a faith as feedeth the hungrie clotheth the naked and is not a verball faith onely c. Likewise teacheth S. Iohn 1. ep ch 3. verses 2.3 Euery man saith hee that hath this hope in him that is in God hee purgeth himselfe And verse 17. This wee shall yet further perceiue 2 Pet 2.22 Ps 14.1 Ephes 4.30 1. Cor. 6.15 if wee consider that saith hath very manie and mightie reasons at hand to withdraw from sinne and to mooue vnto godlines of life From sinne because sinne is in it selfe a most vile and filthy thing because it is highly displeasing and abhominable in the sight of God because it grieueth his holy Spirit whereby wee are sealed vnto the day of redemption because also in respect of our Sauiour Christ it is a most vnseemelie thing that any being a member of his most holy Body should not bee sutable to the Head in some measure of holines c. But no reason is more mighty then when faith deeply weigheth with it selfe that the least sin could no way else be satisfied for vnto the Iustice of God offended therwith but by the most grieuous sufferings death of our Sauiour Christ And vnto godlines of life it moueth the beleeuer by laying before him all the mercies of God specially this of our redemption through the same his most bitter sufferings euen to the sheadding of his most precious heartblood for vs most wretched and vnworthy sinners Reade Rom. 12.1.2 and 2. Cor. 6.18 I will bee a Father vnto you and yee shall be my sonnes and daughters saith the Lord allmightie And chapt 7.1 Seeing then wee haue these promises dearelie beloued saith the holie Apostle let vs cleanse our selues from all the filthinesse of the flesh and the spirit and growe vp to full holinesse in the feare of God To conclude That faith is accompanied with hope in a patient wayting vpon God for euerlasting happinesse and saluation Wee reade Tit. 1.1.2 The faith of Gods elect is said to be vnder the hope of eternall life Let vs to the same ende consider the confession of the Apostle Paul Act 24.14.15 This I confesse vnto thee c. that I beleeue c. And haue hope toward God that the resurrection of the dead shall he both of the iust vniust Let vs consider it also by calling to minde the example of Abrahams faith who aboue hope beleeued vnder hope c. Rom. 4.18 And there followeth an other expresse and notable proofe chapt 5.1.2 c. For being iustified by faith c. Wee reioyce vnder the hope of the glorie of God Moreouer in the same epistle chap. 8. verses 23.24 Wee are saued by hope c. And wee doe with patience abide for that which wee see not Read also 2. Cor. 4.16 c. and Hebr 6.18 c. And chap 10.35 c. And chap 12.1.2 c there is a notable exhortation mouing vs to patience Likewise Iames chap verses 2.3.4 and verse 12. Blessed is the man that endureth tentation c. And 1. Pet. 4.12 c. Read also Isai 28.16 Hee that beleeueth shall not make haste And chapt 64.3.4 God worketh things aboue expectation to those that waite for him In the 5. Psal verse 3. wee haue the notable example of a patient waiter And againe Psal 85.8 And Psa 147.11 God delighteth in those that practise this excellent vertue God iustifieth sinners God iustifieth sinners THus farre of the nature of the true iustifying Faith Let vs nowe hasten forward as fast as wee can For albeit manie things more might be added yet hoping that this which hath bin already laid forth may well suffice for our present purpose I desire that you should without all further delay shewe to whom that promise of iustification and saluation wherevpon the iustifying faith dependeth is made Question What is your answere to this Answere God of his infinite goodnesse and mercie hath promised that he will for his onely Sonne our Lord Iesus Christes sake iustifie and saue euery poore soule neuer so sinfull and damnable in themselues and by reason of the former wickednesse of their liues Whosoeuer after they haue truly knowne the grace of God shall thenceforth constantly beleeue in the name of his Sonne and as a liuely fruit therof earnestly repent them of their sinnes and leade a newe life Explicatiō proofe This is plainely confirmed in the 3. chapt of the Euangelist Iohn verse 16. God so loued the world c. Reade also Isai 56.3 c. Let not the sonne of the stranger that is ioyned to the Lord speake and say The Lord hath surelie separated me from his people neither let the Eunuch say Beholde I am a drie tree For thus saith the Lord vnto the Eunuches that keepe my Sabbaths and choose the thing that pleaseth me and take hold of my couenant Euen vnto them will I giue in my house and within my walls a place and a name better then of the Sonnes and of the daughters c. Yea as it is in the first chapter of this prophesie Though saith the Lord your sinnes were as crimsin they shal be made white as snowe though they were red like skarlet they shall be as wooll And that it is the gratious good pleasure of God to iustifie and saue sinners yea most grieuous sinners it is not onely testified in word as wee read Rom. 4. vers 5. To him that worketh not but beleeueth in him that iustifieth the vngodlie his faith is counted for righteousnes Euen as Dauid declareth the blessednes of that man vnto whom God imputeth righteousnes without works saying Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiuen c. But the same thing is also confirmed ipso facto as a man may say and by canonicall experience I meane by experience according to the canon and rule of the holie Scriptures For
the Churche Thus then wee may perceiue what the word to iustifie or iustification it selfe in the sight of God meaneth when we speake of our iustification by faith For it is nothing in effect but the apprehension and application of Christs righteousnes redemption to a mans selfe according to the free promise and gift of God whose good will and pleasure it is to impute it to euery true beleeuer as verily and fully as if hee had performed it himselfe Question But what doth the same worde signifie when the Apostle denyeth that to workes which hee ascribeth to faith hee affirming plainely and peremptorilie that no man can possiblie be iustified by his owne workes Answere The meaning is that no man either hath or can possiblie performe the morall workes commanded in the most holy and righteous law of God so perfectlie that he should thereby deserue to be accounted righteous before the iudgement seate of God and for the same to be worthy of that high rewarde of the Crowne of righteousnesse and glorie the which God of his free grace and mercie hath for his Sonne our Lorde Iesus Christes sake layde vp for those onely which beleeue in his name and loue and longe after his most glorious and blessed appearing Explicatiō and proofe It is true So saith the Apostle Paul 2. Timoth 4.7.8 And againe Rom 3.20 Wee knowe that whatsoeuer the lawe saith it saith it to them which are vnder the lawe that euery mouth may be stopped and all the world be culpable before God Therefore by the workes of the lawe shall no flesh be iustified in his sight for by the lawe commeth the knowledge of sinne And in the same chapter verse 28. Therefore wee conclude that a man is iustified by faith without the workes of the lawe Likewise chapt 11. 6. and in many other places of his most holie Epistles But it may be obiected that the Apostle Iames seemeth to teach otherwise For hee affirmeth expressely that not onely Abraham that renowmed father of the faithfull but also that Rahab a heathen woman one that was before of an infamous condition of life was after that she beleeued iustified by her workes Question Howe therefore are these wordes of the Apostle Iames to be vnderstood Answere We are first of all vndoubtedly to perswade our selues that it neuer came into the Apostle Iames his minde to teach any thing in his holie Epistle contrarie no nor in any the least thing dissenting from the doctrine of the Apostle Paul Explicatiō and proofe This ought to bee out of all question indeede For both the one and the other did both write and preach alwaies by one and the same most faithfull and constant Spirit of truth by whom no doubt they were perfectly guided led into all truth according to the promise of our Sauior Christ Iohn 16 13. And the rather are we thus to perswade our selues in the present pointe of doctrine because it is a doctrine both of the most singular honour and glorie to the most free grace and mercie of God and also of the greatest comfort to our owne poore soules that may be as was mentioned before Yea and further also of all other doctrines most effectuall to prouoke vs and all true beleeuers to all holy thankfulnes and good dutie toward the Lord God our most gratious and mercifull Father for the same And the rather also will we thus perswade our selues if we duly consider as the truth is that the doctrine of Iustification by workes and the imagined opinion of the merit and worthines thereof before the iudgement seate of God is as a learned and godly Father hath well obserued many waies exceedingly preiudiciall both to Gods glory and to our owne comfort and to the truth it selfe M Foxe in his obseruations concerning the doctrine of the lawe of God Act. And M●n pag 894. For first as he truly saith they that teach Iustification by the workes of the lawe the which is contrary to the ende and scope of the lawe they do peruert all method and order of doctrine 2 They seeke that in the lawe which the lawe cannot giue 3 They are not able either to comfort themselues or other 4 They keepe mens soules in an vncertaine doubting of their saluation 5 They obscure the light of Gods grace 6 They are vnkinde to Gods benefits 7 They are iniurious to Christes passion Yea enemies to his crosse 8 They stop Christian libertie 9 They bereaue the Church the spouse of Christ of her due comfort as taking away the Sunne out of the world 10 In all their doings they shoote at a wrong marke For where Christ onely is set vp to be apprehended by our faith and so freely to iustifie vs they leauing this Iustification by faith set vp other markes partly of the lawe and partly of their owne deuising for men to shoote at This therefore as that learned Father hath obserued is the B. of Romes doctrine and not the doctrine of the Apostle Iames. Question How then is the Apostle Iames to be vnderstood in that he saith Abraham and Rahab were iustified by workes Answere The Apostle Iames hauing iust cause to reproue certaine vaine and carnall professours of the Gospell euen such as verbally and in word onely boasted of their faith but were altogether vnfruitfull in good workes he is accordingly veri● earnest in declaring not what are the causes of our Iustification as the Apostle Paul doth but onely what maner of faith the iustifying faith is whereby true beleeuers are iustified in the sight of God It is very true and so can it not but be acknowledged of euery vpright and diligent Reader Proceed you therfore to declare what manner of faith the true iustifying faith is according to the doctrine of S. Iames. Question How can you describe it according to the true intent of the Apostle Iames Answere He giueth plainly to vnderstand that the true iustifying faith is not an idle and vnfruitfull faith such as theirs was whom he iustly reproueth and therefore termeth it a dead faith but that it is such a faith as through the quickening grace of the holy Ghost worketh by loue G●l 5. ● Heb. 11.33 and is fruitfull in the actions and duties thereof And that for the same cause it ma● iustly be said that such as do so beleeue are by their workes that is to say by the fruites of their faith iustified to haue a true iustifying faith in deed to the comfort of their owne hearts and before the Church of God so farre as it may iudge and discerne Explication and proofe That this is the true scope of the doctrine of the Apostle Iames it will in deed appeare to euery one that will diligently and in the feare of God bend his minde to consider of it wisely comparing one thing with an other Let vs therfore yet againe vpon the occasion renewed vse some further diligence for the clearing of this point of
that God doth by faith purifie the heart And chap 26.18 Wee are sanctified by faith in Christ And Galat 5.6 Faith worketh by loue And 1. Iohn 3.3 He that hath hope in God purgeth himselfe This hope is the next and immediate supporter of faith And verily if there were not hope of mercie through faith in God the Father that it is his good pleasure to forgiue sinnes and to receiue sinners to fauour for his Sonne Iesus Christes sake who would yea rather who could haue power comfort to repent thē of their sins and to turne to God with their whole heartes and mindes c. And yet againe so do we affirme faith to go in order before repentāce speaking generally that though the knowledge of the Gospell is one particular grace of repentance yet it is neuertheles the fore-runner of faith like as faith taking his originall from the knowledge of God in Christ passeth into the heart and taking vp seate residence there doth more more purifie both minde and heart yea tongue hand and foote and life and all For as the Apostle Paul teacheth vs With the heart man beleeueth vnto righteousnes Rom ch 10. verse 10. And all true wisedome is euerie where in the holy Scriptures called the wisdome of the heart euen of that heart which is sanctified by faith the which faith as was said euen now hath his seate and as it were his fining refining shoppe or furnace there Read Pro 2.10 8.5 ch 14.33 16.21 ch ch and Dan 10.12 Finally Prou 17. v. 16. Wherefore saith the most wise king is there a price in the hand of a foole to get wisedome and he hath no heart As though he shuld say All meanes are in vaine to him that wanteth a hearty affection towards that which is to be sought after c. Surely no grace is any grace of sanctification vntill it descend to the heart and there be allowed and sealed as it were for lawfull and currant by the stamp of faith Now thirdlie that repentance noteth the changing altering of the minde memory will affection frō that which they are by naturall birth euen erroneous vaine corrupt euery way altogether sinfull to the renewed image and likenes of God in inward puritie soundnes integrity with daylie increase of holy wisdome vnderstanding c it may be proued from that which we read Ephes Col 3.10 2. cor 3.18 And wheras two things are requisite to this spirituall change first a dying to sin secondlie a quickening or rising vp to newnesse of life wee haue both of them from our Sauiour Christ by the hand of faith the first from the grace and power of his death the other frō the vertue of his resurrection as the Apo Paul doth most notably declare in the 6. chap of the epist to the Rom. From the beginning wherof he entreth to treate of our sanctification by the Spirit of Christ as a fruit of that our iustification by faith in Christ which hee handled before Finallie that repentance comprehendeth the altering and changing of the outward speaches and actions of life answerable to the inward changing of the minde and affections of the heart from the common course of the children of this wicked world Read Rom chapt 12.1.2 And 1. Corin 6.20 Iames 4 4. and 1. Iohn 1. Thessalon 5.3 where the holy Apostle prayeth for the sanctification of the bodie together with the soule the Spirit of the children of God The Practise of Repentance Read also Act 8.22 2. Cor 12.21 Reuel 2.21.22 Luk 3.9.10 and Matth 21.32 In the which places the doctrine of repentance is extended to the reformation of the outward works of the flesh and to the contrarie practise of good outward duties And so Repentance which is principallie inward breaketh forth in the outward fruites thereof that it becommeth a visible thing to the viewe of all men according to the speach of our Sauiour Christ touching Repentance in sack-cloth and ashes Matth 11.21 The Practise of Repentance THis therfore to speak generallie is the nature of true Christian Repentance according to the former description of it The which because it may be made the more cleare and familiar vnto vs from the practise of the people of God in whom God hath wrought this excellent worke of his holy Spirit let vs now proceede to take a viewe therof that so wee may the better informe our selues how wee are to beginne and proceed in a right course after the examples of those who by the grace of God haue gone before vs therin T●e practise is answerable to the doctrine Yet so as it is not alwaies after one vsuall course but sometimes more speciall vpon more speciall occasions namely in respect of some more grieuous and predominant sinne at the first conuersion whether of one or of many and by reason of some particular relapse of such as haue formerly repented them For in such cases the inferiour helping causes or as one would say the common affections of repentance whether going before as preparatiues or following after and accompanying the seuerall partes therof eyther touching mortification of sinne or quickening to newenesse of life they ought to be so much the more vehement and intentiue The profession also of repentance is either more publike or more priuate Ordinarie by meanes of Gods word and Gospell preached and the execution of the prescribed censur●s and discipline of the Church of God or extraordinarie as it pleaseth God to worke either by the same meanes or any other way in a more then ordinarie course Examples hereof wee haue in the holy Scriptures both of the olde and of the newe Testament Of the more publike and extraordinarie practise and profession of repentance by many we read Exod. 32 verse 19 c. to the ende of the Chap. And Chap. 33 5 6. Where we read that Moses and the Leuites did by the sword take vengeance of the chiefe of them that were most forward in the sinne of making and worshipping the Idoll-calfe And that Moses praied to God for the people And that all the people humbled and abased themselues in the sight of God A declaration whereof was their sorrowing and laying aside of their costly raiment they thereby acknowledging themselues vnworthy of the common mercies of God and much more vnworthy to be accepted for a peculiar and holy people vnto him And Iudges Chap. 2 4 5. At the fearefull threatening of God that because of the great sinne of his people in sparing the heathē Idolaters he would not cast them out before thē but that they should remaine among them as thorns in their sides c. They mourned and wept so aboundantly that the place where they did so doth beare the name of weeping And 1. Sam 7.6 The people of Israel in their fast did as it were poure out riuers of teares in great
God effectually moue vs to repentance As the Apostle reasoneth against one sinne so will we reason against all other Shall I take the members of Christ that is those members which are in profession honourably ingrafted into him to the honour of his name and make them the vile and base members of an harlot to his dishonour God forbid Fourthly from the consideration of the fewnes of those that shall bee saued for want of repentance our Sauiour Christ sheweth vs that wee ought to take an earnest occasion from thence to striue to enter in at the straight gate Luke 13 23 24. And that there is no saluation without repentance it is euident from the beginning of the same chap. And 1. Sam. 12 25. If yee doe wickedly ye shall perish both ye and your king Reade also Luk. 3.8.9 and chap. 13 6 7. and Reuel 2.21 22 23 ch 3.15 16. Likewise the examples of Gods iudgements vpon others ought to admonish vs to repent 1. Cor. 10. verse 11. Read also Ier. 3 8 and Dan. 5 20 21.22 23 24 c. Euery mans owne punishments ought much rather to haue the same effect in himselfe Iob 33 29 3● The want of making this vse of Gods corrections is reproued Isay 9 13. The people turneth not vnto him that smiteth them neither doe they seeke the Lord of Hosts And Amos ch 4 6 c. 11. Finally this ought to be the vse of those afflictions which God laieth vpon his best seruants For thus we ought to reason as the holy Scriptures teach vs. If the righteous be scarcely saued where shal the sinner and vngodly appeare And if such and such things be done to a greene tree what shall be done to that which is dry F●ftly that hope of forgiuenes is a comfortable incouragement to repentance it may be considered from that we read Hosh 6 1.2 3 yea such an incouragement to repentance it is that as one saith truly without hope of forgiuenes none can kindly repent Nemo recte egerit poenitentiam nisi qui sperauerit indulgentiam The Angels reioyce when a sinner repenteth Yea God himselfe is after a sort reioiced with it Luk. 15. Sixtly that the treasuring vp of the word of God in our hearts is a principall furtherance of repentance it is proued by that we read Ps 17 4. Concerning the workes of men by the words of thy lippes I kept mee from the pathes of the cruell man And Ps 19.11 By thy commandements thy seruant is made circumspect And Ps 119.11 I haue hid thy promise in my heart that I might not sin against thee And ver 9. By thy cōmandements thou hast made me wiser then mine enemies for they are euer with me c. Read also Pro. 2 1● 11 c. Finally for the benefit of the societie of the godly to the nourishing and bettering of repētance read Ps 141 ● Heb. 3 13 ch 1● 24 25. Read also Ps 133. No doubt the goodnes cōmoditie of the cōmuniō of Saints cōsisteth in this as in a speciall part of it that we are thereby incouraged confirmed in a godly course of life Holy instructions admonitions and exhortations are as the dewes of heauen which make the barrē earth of our soules fruitful c. Hetherto of repentance what it is and which are the helpes or hinderances of it Question Now when are we thus to repent Answere We must begin presently euen while it is called to day as the holy Ghost speaketh and thence forth we must labour to increase so long as we liue So indeed we read Psal 95 7.8 To day if ye will heare his voice harden not your hearts c. And Heb. 3.7.8 13. Question Why must we thus speedily repent Answere Sundry of the former reasons mouing to repentance are likewise of speciall weight to moue vs to speedie repentance Explicatio and proofe It is true For seeing our life is short and vncertaine it is necessary that wee should not neglect the present opportunitie lest that should come vpon vs which is written Ps 73 19 O how sodenly are they destroied perished horribly consumed As a dreame when on awaketh Answerable to the example of the sodaine destruction of the Sodomites c. Seeing also the increase of sinne especially if it bee ioined with contempt of the Gospell which most graciously calleth vs to repentance it increaseth wrath we haue cause to feare yea rather wee may be sure that if we obstinatly refuse to repent it shall be easier for Tyrus Sydon and for Sodom Gomorrha then for vs at the day of iudgemēt Mat. 11 20 21 22.23 24. Moreouer seeing continuance in sinne confirmeth sinne and maketh it more difficult hard for vs to repent afterward as wee haue learned from the Prophet Ieremiah there is great cause that we should speedily breake off the euil custome of sinning that it get no prescription of time against vs. These reasons haue beene already mentioned Question But shew some other if ye can What reasons else can ye alledge to this purpose Answere By how much repentance is longer delaied specially as was said if it be with contempt against the often admonitions of the holy word and Gospell of God the truth of it will be so much the more hardly discerned euen in the conscience of him that at the last it may be doth truly repent It vsually falleth out so indeed and therefore are such more deepely plunged in sorrowe c. It may seeme that late repentance is rather an extorted then a free and kindly repentance It may seeme that sinne hath forsaken such rather then that they haue forsaken sinne c. Question What other reasons can you shew why we should speedily repent Answere Because God vouchsafeth vs his holy Sacrament of Baptisme the heauenly seale of his couenant of our adoption to be his childrē euen frō our infancie yea because he hath loued vs in his beloued son our Lord Iesus Christ before we were conceiued and borne Explication and proofe This verily if it be duly pondred is a reason of speciall waight and importance to bind vs both to most speedy repentance and also to most constant and dutifull obedience euen from the first time wherein we may haue the least inckling and vnderstanding that may be concerning the exceeding great grace and cōstancy of Gods purpose in this his couenant sealed to vs as it were from ●e●●en by Baptisme to the very end of our liues and for euer and euer Mat. 〈…〉 Luk. 20.4 5 6. For shall the Lord accept of vs miserable sinners vas●● of Satan and children of wrath by nature and shall we refuse him the God of mercy the onely fountaine of spirituall freedome and of euerlasting life and sal●ation God forbid Let vs therefore hearken to the holy exhortation of the m●st ●ise Preacher that wee remember our Creator in the daies of our youth c. Ye seeing our Sauiour Christ forbiddeth those that
Scriptures bee throughly vnderstood of vs as will appeare in the handling of the points themselues For in the Articles of our faith as they are abridged the doctrine of creation is mentioned but in part for nothing is expressely set downe of mans creation or of any other creature vppon earth or of the Angels in heauen Nothing is mentioned of the prouidence and gouernment of God ouer his creatures And in the doctrine of redemption likewise nothing is mentioned concerning the life doctrine or miracles of our Sauiour Christ Neither is it expressed what wee are to beleeue concerning the holy Ghost nor wherein as touching a principall part the communion of Saints consisteth nor what is the state of our soules immediately after this life and so forth till the resurrection of our bodies vnles wee bee aduertised by interpretation that though euerlasting life is set after the resurrection of the bodie yet is it not then onely to begin but that beginning by regeneration in this life it continueth for euer notwithstanding this naturall life endeth in death And howe should wee knowe what is to bee beleeued concerning the descension of our Sauiour Christ to hell but by the interpretation of those Scriptures Fidei fundamentum gratuita promissio Ab ipsa inquit Caluinus incipit in ipsa cōstat in ipsam definit Instit lib 3. Cap. 2. Sect. 29. The promise of free grace is the foundation of faith From it saith maister Caluin it beginneth in it it consisteth and it endeth also in the same whence that phrase of speech may be opened vnto vs Wherefore in the second place we will from the ground and warrant of the holy Scriptures open the meaning of euery article Thirdly insomuch as faith looketh directly to the most free and gracious promise of GOD wherein standeth the comfort and stay of it yea seeing it is the wisedome and prudence of Faith to looke alwaies hereunto as wee see the practise of it very often in the 119. Psalme and Psalme 56 3 4 10 11. and Psalme 57 1 2 3. we will therefore inquire out the promises of GOD made to his people concerning euery article For in this respect the faithfull are called heires by promise Galatians 3 29. and children of the promise Chap. 4.28 Read also Heb. Chap. 4.1 and chap. 10 36 chap. 11. ver 13. Read the whole Chapter and Rom. 4 from the 13. ver to the end Fourthly wee will shewe what comfortable fruites and benefites belong to the beleeuing of euery article Fiftly seeing faith cannot bee idle wee will likewise search out what those duties bee which GOD requireth as fruites of obedience and thankefulnesse for so singular fruites and benefites of his loue as faith assureth vs off The generall diuision of the Articles of our Beliefe Finally wee will note the iust punishment and danger of infidelitie but especially of hereticall and obstinate opinion fancie gainsaying the truth and soundnes of any part of our true and orthodox Christian faith and beliefe Question BVt before wee come to these points how may the Articles of our faith the summe whereof you haue rehearsed be most shortly sorted and diuided Answere Into these two generall heads First they shewe both me euery Christian how we stand bound to beleeue in our God Secondly what euery one of vs ought to beleeue concerning the whole company of the people of God called his holy Catholike or vniuersall Church Explication and proofe They may be so diuided indeede And the like is the order of the lawe of God for the direction of our life and of praier for the exercise of our faith and of the Sacraments also for the strengthening of our faith God hath worthily the first place whose glory we ought principally to respect and then it followeth how God hath a most gracious regard of our selues of all the rest of his people So that if we would define faith according to the articles thereof we might well say though as may peraduenture be thought somewhat out of place now yet not altogether without some good vse that it is a comfortable apprehending and applying of the whole doctrine of the Gospell in the right vnderstanding of the seueral articles of it to a mans own particular benefit with some measure of assurance that hee is a true m●mber of the Church of Christ and that his part is in all the spirituall priuiledges or prerogatiues which doe belong vnto it in the holy fellowship and communion of the Saints of God And further the summe of this briefe profession of our common faith is in effect no more but this that the onely true God euen the father o● our Lord Iesus Christ is through the mediation and intercession of the same Christ our redeemer and Sauiour become my father and that for his sake hee hath receiued me to mercy and sanctified me and sealed me by his holy spirit to be one of his adopted children and that he will for euer make me a partaker of all the benefits of the most holy meditation of the same Iesus Christ his onely sonne our Lord to my endles saluation euen to the fruition of vnspeakable felicitie and glory in his heauenly kingdome But these things require a very ample and large vnfolding Beliefe in one onely God LEt vs therfore come to the first part of your diuision of the Articles of faith Question How doe they teach vs and all Christians that wee stand bound to beleeue in our God Answere First that he is onely one in his diuine nature or spirituall Essence and beeing Secondly that he is neuertheles in the same onely one nature and essence three distinct persons That this is so it wil further appeare in the particular opening of this most high mysterie Question In what words doe they teach vs that we stand bound to beleeue in our God as being one onely in nature or essence and beeing Answere In these wordes I beleeue in God Explication and proofe It is true and therefore is the word God but once mentioned euen to the ende that the vnitie of the Godhead might bee the more plainely testified and obserued although the same word is in vnderstanding to bee referred to euery one of the three persons following in this wise Beliefe in one onely God I beleeue in that one onely God who is God the father God the sonne The ground of it and God the holy Ghost yet not three Gods but only one God For like as whē mention is made indefinitely of the name of God the whole Trinitie may bee vnderstood coessentially and coniointly so whē we apply the same name God to any of the three persons alone wee must take it personally according to the distinction of the one from either of the other by the proper incommunicable proprietie belonging to the same though not without respect to the vnitie of one essence of them all So that as it is well opened
of God externallie or ad extra as they say the Father by the Sonne and both the Father and the Sonne by the holy Ghost and the holy Ghost from them both whether in the workes of the common creation and gouernement of them all or more speciallie in the speciall worke of the redemption of the elect children of God this knowledge from outward effectes declared from the holy Scriptures and testified by the holy Ghost inlightening and certifying our mindes and consciences thereof it is through the grace of God so familiar and so full of comfort that the more wee vnderstand and taste it the which no doubt wee may doe with dailie increase so long as wee liue the more may wee with holie reuerence and boldenesse euen to the same ende looke into it accord●ng to that Ephes 2.18 By him that is by the Sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ we haue an entrāce vnto the Father by one Spirit And chapt 3.12 c. By faith in him wee haue boldnesse and entrance with confidence Read all that followeth to the ende of the Chapter But of the comforts more afterward Question In the meane season that we may proceed and make all as plaine as we can What meane you by a Persone of the blessed TRINITIE in the one onely most holie and Diuine nature of God Answere A Persone in the Diuine nature is an eternall Subsistence the which hauing the whole Deitie or Godhead as it were in common or rather in a most holie Communion the one equallie as well as the other it is neuerthelesse distinct from either of the other in way of a supernaturall relation and according to the Diuine manner or order of their Beeing and working onely by one proprietie which it hath incommunicable to either of the other Question Howe is that Answere The FATHER who is the first Person in the holie Trinitie though not the first in time or dignitie but onely in the order and manner of Beeing as was answered euen now hee hath eternallie and without all beginning begotten the Sonne and so hath both taken to himselfe and also communicated to the Sonne the whole nature or Essence of the Deitie The SONNE of GOD is the second Persone of the same most holie and blessed TRINITIE eternallie and without all beginning begotten of the Father and so hath eternallie receiued the whole Deitie or Essence of the Godhead from the Father The HOLY GHOST is the third Person eternallie proceeding both from the Father and also from the Sonne and so hath the whole essence of one and the same DEITIE eternallie and coequallie communicated to him from them both Explicatiō proofe This is indeed the true and onely distinction of the Persones in the one onely and vndeuided Nature or essence of God For as touching the Deitie or Godhead it selfe it neither begetteth nor is begotten neither yet proceedeth The distinction therefore by the proprieties rehearsed it doth onely concerne the Persons of the Diuine Nature And although the Diuine nature belongeth equallie as hath bene obserued to euery one of the Persones For the Father is God the Sonne is God and the holy Ghost is God not three Gods but one onely God one in nature one in wisedome one in power one in will one in glorie for the Father is the Father of glorie Ephes 1.17 the Sonne the Lord of glorie 1. Cor 2.8 Iohn 1 14. and ch 12 41. and ch 17.5 and Heb 1. ● Iam 2.1 and 2. Pet. 1.17 Matt 16.27 cha 25.31 the holie Ghost the Spirit of glorie 1. Pet 4.14 and 2. Cor 3.17.18 so that the Father who is the God of glorie Act 7.2 and giueth his glorie to no other Isaia 48.11 Yet hee doth after a sorte giue it to the Sonne and to the holy Ghost that is he is well pleased that they should haue it because they are one with him howesoeuer no one Person can be any of the other The Father cannot be the Sonne or the holy Ghost the Sonne cannot be the holy Ghost or the Father neither can the holy Ghost be either the Father or the Sonne as was said before But of this that the Father is verie true God and consequently eternall and euerliuing infinite in wisdome power mercie iustice c and that the Sonne is so also and likewise the holy Ghost wee shall by the grace of God make it plaine in the handeling of the seuerall Articles of our beliefe the which doe concerne euery one of them In the meane while let vs make some further search after those grounds of holie Scripture which God of his infinit goodnes and mercie hath vouchsafed vs for our assured direction and warrant touching the things allreadie affirmed by vs. Question ANd first what ground and warrant can you alledge to prooue that our God in whom wee beleeue beeing one onely in Nature is neuerthelesse three distinct Persons Answere In the 5. chap of the first epist of the Apostle Iohn verse 7. There are three saith the holie Apostle which beare recorde in heauen the Father the Worde and the holy Ghost and these three are one And in the Gospell according to the same Apostle chapt 10.30 I and my Father saith our Sauiour himselfe are one Explicatiō proofe Read also cha 17.21.22 wher our Sauiour Christ prayeth for all true beleeuers that they may be one as hee and the Father is one the Father in him and he in the Father c. And as the Father the Sonne is one so is the holy Ghost one with and in them both according to the first testimonie alledged in the answere out of the 3. epi. of Iohn For there it is said that all three are one not onely consenting in one as it is said in the next verse that the three which beare witnes on earth to wit the Spirit and the water the blood are Eis to en that is agreeing in one but the Father and the Worde that is the Sonne as he is called in the Gospell ch 1.1 c. and the holy Ghost are one En eifi that is they are naturallie and Essentiallie one and consequentlie also most perfectly consenting in one It is euident therefore by the testimonie of the holie Apostle that God beeing but one in Nature is neuerthelesse three Persones This distinction of Persons in one God may also be prooued from the holie Scriptures of the old Testament partly by such testimonies wherin God is spoken of in the plurall number as Genes ch 1.1 Bara Elohim The Godes hee created the heauens c. And likewise verse 26. ch 3.5 ch 20.13 ch 35.7 Iob 35.10 and Ps 149.2 Laetetur Israel in facientibus ipsum Let Israell reioyce in them that made him Deut 4. ● Ioshua 24.19 Elohim quedoshim hu The Goddes hee is the holie ones Eccl 5.7 Gebohim he is the high ones And Ier 10.10 Iehouah Elohim hu Elohim chaijm that is the Lord Godes he is the liuing Godes And
vnpossible that any who professing Christātie doe not beleeue in one onely God three distinct Persons should auoide the opinion either of many Gods or of the inequality of Gods For the name of God is cōmunicated to euery one of these Persons in the holy Scriptures Finally they that doe not thus beleeue doe deny vnto God his due worship and honour seeing the Father requireth to bee honoured in his Sonne that his Sonne should be honoured with him and that both Father and Sonne should be honoured in and with the holy Ghost From all miserable vnbeliefe therefore specially from all hereticall blasphemous and obstinate contradiction to this so chiefe and foundamentall a point of our onely orthodoxe and true Christian faith the Lord our most gracious and mercifull God euen the Father for his onely Sonne our Lord Iesus Christs sake by the grace of the holy Gost preserue and keepe vs for euer Amen Thus much concerning the doctrine of beliefe in the most holy and glorious Trinitie of Persons in one onely true God more generally or coniointly Be●●efe in God the Father Beliefe in God the Father The groūd of it HEnceforth wee are to examine the doctrine of our faith concerning euery distinct Person Question And first concerning the Father how doe the articles of our faith teach vs to beleeue in him Answere They doe teach vs to beleeue in the Father as in the almightie God the maker of heauen and earth It is so They are the very wordes of the Creed I beleeue in God the Father almightie maker of heauen and earth Here are many things to be considered Question BVt first of al what proofe haue you that God is a father or as the words of the articles of our beliefe are the Father that is such a father as none else is or possibly can be euen he that is almightie c. and that therefore wee are accordingly to beleeue in him Answere Beside other diuine testimonies we haue the witnes of Saint Paul in the 8. Chapter of his first Epistle to the Corinthians the 5 and 6. verses And likewise in the 5. and 6. verses of the 4. chap to the Ephesians Rehearse you the words of the holy Apostle in the first of those places Question Which are they Answere Though saith the Apostle there be that are called Gods whether in heauen or in earth as there be many Gods and many Lords yet vnto vs there is but one God who is the Father of whom are all things and we in him Explication and proofe The meaning of the holy Apostle is that howsoeuer partly by most wicked and abusiue custome the name of God hath by idolaters beene vsually attr●buted to their idolls and false Gods for so as he saith there be many Gods and many Lords to wit cōmonly so called according to that 2. Kings chap. 1 2 and chap. 18 33 34 35. and Amos. 8.14 and Ier. 2 26. They say to a tree thou art my father and to a stone thou hast begotten me for they haue turned their backe vnto me Read also Isa● ch●●● 1●●● and not their face but in the time of their trouble they will say Arise and helpe vs. But where are thy Gods which thou hast made thee Let them arise if they can helpe thee in the time of thy trouble for according to the number of thy cities are thy Gods ô Iudah Thus I say howsoeuer as the Apostle saith partly by abusiue and idolatrous custome the name of God is ascribed to idolls and false God● and partly also albeit God himselfe doe in most wise considerations as hath beene declared in the Treasury vpon the 5. Commandement impart his most holy honourable names God and Father to ciuil Magistrats and to naturall Parents c. Psal 82 and Iohn 10.34.35 36. and in many other pl●ces Yet to speake properly and from the originall roote and fountaine of all Father-hood and power or authoritie God the father onely is both Father and God according to that of our Sauiour Christ Matth. 23 9. Call no man your Father vpon earth for there is but one your father euen hee that 〈◊〉 in heauen The other place to the Ephesians mentioned in the former answere is like to that alreadie rehearsed out of the Epistle to the Corinthians For these are the wordes of the Apostle in that fourth Chapter to the Ephesians There is one Lord one faith one Baptisme one God and Father of all who is aboue all and through all in you all Not that the diuine nature of God the father is mixed ●ith ours or with the nature of any other creature for he is onely and altogether entire and perfectly consisting in and by himselfe but because it is his power which continually supporteth all creatures as wel as at the beginning he did originally create and make them all Thus therefore seeing God is a father yea rather the onely father of all fatherhood that is so a father as none else is or can be as was said we haue no cause to doubt but that wee are to beleeue in him accordingly that hee is such a Father as is very true God euen God the Father almightie c. And thus when the Apostle Peter 1. Epist Chap. 1. verse 21. writeth that God hath raised vp Christ from the deade and giuen him glorie that our faith and hope might bee in God it is plaine from that which goeth before in the 17. verse that the Apostle writeth of that God who is the Father Yea euen our Father and the Father of all true beleeuing Christians by the grace of that adoption and couenant which of his infinite mercie it hath pleased him to make with vs through his owne onely and naturall Sonne our Lord Iesus Christ as we are hereafter further to consider And now furthermore this also we are to vnderstand that insomuch as our heauenly Father in whom wee are to beleeue is very true God therefore all the essentiall attributes of the diuine nature doe essentially belong vnto him in that he is the Father So that we are not onely to beleeue in him as in an Almightie Father of the which his almightie power wee are to consider afterward but also as in our eternall Father according to that which we read Isay chap 63.16 Thou ô Lord art our Father redeemer thy name is for euer Neither are we to beleeue in the Father onely as in an almightie and as in an eternall Father the maker of heauen and earth but also as in a most prouident Father euen the most gracious ruler and gouernour of all thinges specially ouer his Church As Iohn 5.17 My Father worketh hitherto saith our Sauiour Christ And Matth. 6.26 Your heauenly Father feedeth the foules of heauen And Chap. 10 29.30 A Sparrowe falleth not to the ground without your Father Yea and all the haires of your head be numbred Read also chap. 18.10 and 24.36 and 26.53 and Act. 1.7
gouernment it may hence appeare in that hee is called the father of the fatherlesse Psal 68. ● And againe as was alledged before in that our Sauiour Christ saith Call no man your Father vpon earth for there is but one your Father who is in heauen Neuerthelesse as was also alledged God doth not refuse to impart this his name not onely to natural Parents but also to ciuil Magistrates in regard of that dignitie authoritie which they haue receiued of him as Ps 82 6. Iohn 10.34 Fourthly that God is a father in respect of the adoption of his holy Church and elect people both Iewes and Gentiles euen so many as shall truly beleeue in him as in their heauenly Father and likewise that he is a Father in respect of his most gracious prouidence and gouernment ouer it this may bee made plaine and confirmed by that which wee reade Deut. 14.1 Where Moses saith to the Iewes Yee are the children of the Lord your God And Chap. 32.6 Doe yee so reward the Lord ô yee foolish people and vnwise Is not he thy Father that hath bought thee he hath made thee and proportioned thee Likewise Elihu of olde called God his father as Iob. Chap. 34. v. 36. My Father saith he as Trem and Iunius doe well translate that word let Iob be tryed c. And thus also Isaiah Chap 43.8 the Israelites are called the Sonnes and daughters of the Lord And Chap. 63.16 Doubtlesse thou art our Father c. This dignitie and preheminence of the Filiation or Son-ship as one may say of the Church is fitly expressed by this that God calleth it his first borne to wit in comparison of all the worlde beside As Exod 4.22 23. the Lord saith to Moses Thou shalt say to Pharaoh Thus saith the Lord Israel is my Sonne euen my first borne Wherefore I say vnto thee let my Sonne goe that he may serue me c. And Ierem 31.9 I am a Father to Israel and Ephraim is my first borne And thus King Dauid and King Salomon speciall tipes and figures of our Sauiour Christ the onely naturall Sonne of God they are by special grace and fauour called the Sonnes of God as Psal 2. Thou art my Sonne and 2. Sam 7 14. I will be his Father and hee shall bee my Sonne And Psal 89 26 27. Hee shall cry vnto mee thou art my Father c. But more generally concerning both Iewe and Gentile the Apostle Paul saith Ephes 3 15 16. Of the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ is named the whole family in heauen and in earth And in this respect doth the Euangelist Iohn teach vs that the children of God are borne not of blood nor of the will of flesh nor of the will of man but of God To the which purpose also serueth that which we read Rom. 8 14.15.16 Gal. 4. verses 5.6 and 1. Pet. 1.3 Blessed be God the Father who according to his aboundant mercy hath begotten vs againe vnto a liuely hope by the resurrection of Iesus Christ from the dead To an inheritance immortall c. It is true indeed that in respect of this worke of our spirituall regeneration and sanctification and of our preseruation in the same the Sonne of God hath the name of an euerlasting Father giuen vnto him Isay ch 9.6 And ch 8.18 mention is made of his children And ch 53.10 the promise is made by God that he should see his seed The accomplishment whereof is testified He● He brought many children to glory And therefore is he brought in speaking thus Behold here am I the children which God hath giuen me In which respect also he said while he was yet with his Disciples I will not leaue you as orphanes that is fatherles or comfortles Iohn ch 14.18 Likewise the holy Ghost whom our Sauiour Christ thus promised to send for the cōfort of his church is in the same worke of our spirituall regeneration and sanctification as a father to vs and to the whole church together with God the father and the Son according to that we read Ioh. ch 3 5 6. Except a man be borne againe by the holy Ghost c. and Rom. 8 14. As many as are led by the spirit of God they are the Sonnes of God The Meaning Yet this ioint work of the whole Trinity in this whole spiritual work of grace must so be vnderstod to wit in a certain metaphorical or borrowed sense when it is attributed to the Son the H.G. as it may in no wise preiudice the distinctiō of Persons nor impeach the proprietie of this name Father as properly attributed to the first Person of the holy Trinitie of the which we treat IT is therefore to very good purpose that you doe in the next place expresse what you meane when you say I beleeue in the Father almightie maker of heauen and earth Question What doe you meane by these wordes Answere My meaning is to professe that according to the two former acceptions of the word Father I doe vndoubtedly beleeue that God the Father the first Person in the most holy and blessed Trinitie euen the naturall Father of his eternall and onely begotten Sonne hath by the same his Sonne together with the holy Ghost in infinite wisedome and by his almightie power made the heauen and the earth the Sea and all that in them is of very nothing at the first Here in your meaning is agreeable to the truth it selfe according to that we read Ioh. ch v. 1 2.3.4 Col 1 15 16.17 Heb 1 v. 2. Read also Gen ch 1. verse 2.26 And Iob 26.13 Question But hath God the Father by his Sonne together with the holy Ghost the spirit of them both onely created and made all thinges at the beginning and thenceforth left them to themselues to be as we vse to say at vncertaine Answer Nothing lesse And therefore according to the third acception of the word Father I doe beleeue that God in his most souereigne and fatherly prouidence hath from the beginning of his creation doth stil and will likewise by the same his Sonne together with the holy Ghost continually euen to the end of the world vniuersally rule gouerne and preserue all his creatures in all wisedome and righteousnes according to the most holy and determinate pleasure of his owne most gracious and diuine will Explication and proofe This also is very true and agreeable to the holy Scriptures as we may read further Iohn ch 1. verses 5 9.10 ch 3.17 Col 1.17 In the Sonne all things consist from the Father And Heb ch 1.3 The Father by the Sonne beareth vp all things Read also Psal 104.30 If thou send forth thy Spirit they are created and thou renewest the face of the earth And in the 24. v. of the same Ps O Lord how wonderfull are thy workes In wisedome hast thou made them all the earth is full of thy riches So is this Sea great and wide
The Angels were created most spiritual but finite in substance most mightie wise most holie and righteous in qualitie and in estate and condition most happie aboue all other creatures And the inuisible heauens aboue comparison were created more glorious then are these visible heauens which we daily behold with our bodily eyes Explicatiō and proofe So indeed we may perceiue by that which the holy Apostle Paul writeth 2. Cor 12 4. And by that we read Ps 11 4. For how should it be that the place where God appeareth in speciall maiestie and glorie should not be most glorious We may reason in this case as the Apostle doth in his comparison betwixt the lawe and the Gospell 2. Cor 3 11. If that which should be abolished were glorious then much more shall that which remaineth for euer be glorious Those heauens no doubt shall remaine for euer vnshaken yea vntouched when these shall be changed at the least from that vanitie which hitherto they are subiect vnto And as for the Angels of heauen which for number are innumerable euen thousand thousands as the holie Scriptures assure vs that they were created in substance most spiritual for qualitie most wise and mightie c. aboue all other creatures the same holy Scriptures do plentifully confirme That the Angels are in number aboue all that we can or ought to goe about to take the account of them we may reade Ps 68 17. Dan 7.10 Heb. 12.22 They are innumerable That they are spirituall substances euen such as haue euery one of them a proper beeing and life each of them distinct both in nature qualitie from other it is euident Hebr 1 7. where the Apostle calleth the Angels by the name of Spirits Now a Spirit is not a bodie as a man is as our Sauiour Christ teacheth vs Luk 24 39 howsoeuer they haue diuers times by speciall dispensatiō and as it were by commission from God taken to them some bodily shape substance for a time and afterward laide it downe againe as not belonging or agreeing to their nature But that they are euery one finite and distinct and not of a mixed or confused nature as a man might peraduenture imagine by taking a similitude from the likenes of the aire which is after a sort spirituall it is euident by those actions which are attributed to them sometime to one alone sometime to many together For they moue from place to place They defend and comfort the godly They discomfort destroy the wicked so soone as God commandeth them God hath vsed them for his instruments to giue his lawe to publish his Gospel to declare the secrets of his kingdom and gouernment They do most purely and zealously blesse and praise the Lord continually And hereby also doth it appeare that they are creatures of singular wisedome for else God would neuer vse them in such seruices wherevnto speciall wisedome is necessary Their holines also is thereby manifest as also their religious will nature In which respect they are called holy Angels Luke 9.26 Mat. 25.21 And as we saw from the Apostle Iude before the holy thousands of the Lord. Such were all of them in the beginning by creation But many corrupted themselues and so became as we may say reprobate Angels and are now wicked vncleane spirits and diuels Of the which by the grace of God more afterward Wherefore they onely that continued in their first estate wherin God created them are called the elect Angels to shew that their surenes standeth in the free mercy fauour of God the Father in his Sonne through the holy Ghost in such a manner and vpon such a ground as is vnknowne to vs saue onely that it was the good will pleasure of God it shuld be so But that they are elect the Apostle sheweth 1. Tim. 5.21 These are also for excellencies sake called the Angels of the Lord the Angels of God in many places As also the Angels of heauen and the Angels of light The other are diuels of hell and of darknes c. That the holy Angels yea that all the Angels generally were at their creatiō endued with great power the which also remaineth to the wicked Angels far aboue the power of man though inferior to the power of the good Angels Read Ps 103.20.2 Pet 2 11. We may see it also by the effect 2. Ki ch 19.35 Reu ch 12.7 8. The excellency of the holy Angels doth euery way appeare in that they are reckoned for the neerest vnto God in dignitie glory As 1. Tim 5.21 Mar 8.38 Heb 2.9 Ps 8.5 Read also Mat 25.31 And for that the chiefest excellency and happines of men is this that they shall be like to the Angels And here vpon earth God giuing to Stephen when he witnessed his holy truth before the aduersaries therof a singular grace comelines or beautie of face the same is expressed by a comparison taken from the likenes of an Angel Act. 6 1● And likewise all excellēcy of speech as we know is expressed by a comparison borrowed from the tongue of an Angel 1. Cor 13.1 Thus then as you answered the Angels were created by God spiritual substances endued with singular power wisedom c. aboue all other creatures And all this is insinuated yea groundedly affirmed though not so plainly expressed opened by the holy wise Prophet of God Moses in the verie first words of the holy Bible in that he saith In the beginning God created the heauens NOw let vs come to the visible works of Gods creation and consider as briefly as we can of the seueral works of euery one of the six daies which it pleased the Lord to imploy about the same Question And first what was the first daies worke of the visible or at the least the more externall creation of God in such order as the Lord created it Answere The principall matter and ground-worke as one may say of all the rest was as we were taught before created at one instant in the beginning of the first day euen all the wide heauen and the huge and thick earth which we see Yet so as the heauen which we see and the whole aire had then no light at all and so continued the space of the whole first night twelue houres at the least together The earth also had no seemely forme or shape neither was it furnished with any creature which now we see it to be in great varietie stored and adorned withall Onely the waters as a deepe poole or deuouring gulfe couered it all ouer and from the face thereof a most blacke and as we may say euen a palpable darkenesse more grosse and thicke then that of Egipt did lift vp it selfe as high and spread it selfe as large as the heauens which are now the instruments of this bright and comfortable light which shineth forth vnto vs. Neuerthelesse so soone as the space of one night that is of
of God as hee himselfe expresslie professeth and as the Church dutifullie acknowledgeth Psalme 44.3 Neuertheles let vs see some proofes out of the new Testament Question What haue you to alledge from thence Answere In the first chapter of the epistle to the Ephesians verse 3. c. thus we reade Blessed be God euen the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ who hath blessed vs with all spirituall blessing in heauenly things in Christ. As hee hath chosen vs in him before the foundation of the world that wee should be holie and without blame before him in loue Who hath predestinated vs to bee adopted through Iesus Christ vnto himselfe according to the good pleasure of his will To the praise of the glorie of his grace wherwith he hath made vs accepted in his Beloued c. Explicatiō proofe This one place dulie considered maketh all fullie open and plaine concerning the chiefe and most high cause of all together with the effects and fruits thereof For the which the Apostle teacheth vs by his example and practise to be most thankfull to God and to giue him the highest glorie and praise that may bee For this doth equally appertaine to all beleeuers whether Iewe or Gentile that they are elected of God c. Gal 3.28 Coloss 3.11 This one place therefore might suffice alone to this purpose Neuerthelesse it shall not be amisse to adde some other testimonie to this out of the Ephesians to the ende this so principall a point may be made more familiar vnto vs. To this end therefore read Rom 8.29.30 Those whom he knewe before hee also predestinated to be made like to the image of his Sonne that hee might be the first borne among many brethren Moreouer whom he predestinated them also he called c. And 1. Corinth 1.27.28 God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and God hath chosen the weake things of the worlde to confounde the mightie things c. And Tit 3. verse 4. c. Wee our selues also were in times past vnwise disobedient deceiued c. But when the bountifulnesse and loue of GOD our Sauiour toward man appeared Not by the workes of righteousnesse which wee had done but according to his mercie hee saued vs. c. There are manie other such like places but these shall for the present suffice From the which wee may easilie conceiue The Promise that as the mysterie it selfe is very great and admirable so also is that prouidence gouernment whereby it is ordered and disposed most admirable and glorious as the Sunne when it is at the highest and shineth in the full strength and brightnesse thereof Hetherto therefore concerning the groundes of the whole prouidence and all-seeing gouernment of the Lord God ouer all his workes both visible and inuisible smaller and greater and greatest of all euen so farre forth as the Creation of the same our most wise and Allmightie God hath extended it selfe NOwe henceforth let vs in the next place inquire of the Promises concerning the gratious and Fatherlie prouidence of God and that in the same order as neare as wee can wherein wee haue searched out the groundes or proofes and meaning of this Article Neuerthelesse in so much as all other promises concerning the Fatherlie prouidence of God toward vs and all true beleeuers resteth vpon that first promise which it pleased God our heauenly Father to make our first and most ancient parents or progenitors touching both their and our owne recouerie out of their most wofull fall let vs beginne with that first of all Question What promise haue wee therefore concerning the most gratious and Fatherlie prouidence of God our heauenlie Father in this behalfe Answere In the third chapter of Genesis verse 15. This most gratious promise of God is contained It is a parte of that speech wherein the Lorde our God denounced his heauie curse against the Serpent which was the instrument of the Diuel wherewith he deceiued Eue or rather against the Diuel himselfe who was the autor of the euil I will also saith the Lorde put enmitie betweene thee and the woman and betweene thy seed and her seede It shall breake thine head thou shalt bruise the heele of it Explicatiō and proofe This beeing the first promise of God after the fall it is also the most gratious promise that euer hee made and in deede the verie grounde of euerie promise whatsoeuer hee hath at any time for euer after vttered to mankinde The meaning of it is this that God of his most Fatherlie goodnesse and mercie will not suffer any one of his elect children seruilelie to abide vnder the slauerie and tyrannie of the Diuel but that in and by his Sonne our Lord Iesus Christ hee will giue them power and grace not onely to resist but also finallie to vanquish and ouercome him howsoeuer in the meane while hee shall trouble and annoye them This is liuelie expressed by an vnequall comparison betwixt the heade of the Serpent and the heele of the seede of the woman the crushing of the one and the bruising or byting of the other For notwithstanding one and the same Hebrewe verbe is referred both to the head and to the heele yet according as it admitteth a diuerse signification so is it iustlie to be translated for the best commoditie of the sence Wherefore the Serpents annoiance may fitlie be called a bruising or rather a byting or stinging though not deadlie following vppon the Serpents hyssing as the Hebrew word Shuph referred to the Serpent properly signifieth And likewise the victorie of the womans seede may well be expressed by our English worde crushing or beating to pieces or as one would say stamping to pummisse to the vtter confusion of the Diuell according as the same word is vsed Iob chapter 9.17 Hee destroyeth me with a tempest Moreouer as the crushing of the head is more grieuous then the bruising of the heele so is the speache apt to expresse that the Diuell shall goe by the worse in this conflicte And so doth the Apostle interprete the same word as it is referred to the seed of the woman Rom 16.20 The God of peace shall tread downe Satan vnder youre feete shortlie Suntripsei For Suntribo signifying to breake shukke or crushe a thing to pieces being applied to the feete noteth that breaking or crushing which is by stamping vppon a thing And so we may see that the Apostles Greeke wordes are a most fit interpretation of the Hebrew word Shuph which the Prophet Moses vseth in the 3. chapter of Genesis to expresse the victorie of the seede of the woman against the Serpent and his seede It is like in signification to the word Ramas Psal 91.13 Thou shalt walke vpon the Lion and Aspe the young Lion and the Dragon shalt thou tread vnder feete But this victory is not obteined by our owne valour and strength but only in and by the diuine power and grace
●3 2 c. The same temptation troubled the Prophet Ieremie also as appeares in the beginning of the 12. of his prophesie Wherefore seeing we are so apt to receiue some euill impression this way let vs as throughly as we may fortifie our selues against euery stumbling blocke which either the diuell or our owne blinde reason and vnfaithfull heart may cast in our way And because as was mentioned euen now concerning the Prophet Dauid this will likely be obiected for one of the first doubts how it should come to passe that if God doe rule and gouerne all things with a fatherly prouidence for the benefit and comfort of his children tha● the riches pleasures and honours of the world should be so plentifully bestowed vpon the wicked vngodly as we see them to be euen vpon such as doe nothing at all regard eyther to know beleeue loue of obey God as their Father but contrariwise doe cont●nu●lly rebell against him in treading vnder their fee●e all his holy lawes and command●ments Question What may we answer to this obiection in the iust defence of the fatherly prouidence ●f ●he Lord our God Answere God doth this to declare his vnmeasurable and incomprehensible goodnes and bounty in the sight of all the world in that the extreame wickednes of the wicked can not restraine him from doing good vnto them euen because the● are his creatures though neuer so much degenerated from him and the obedience of his holy will Explication and proofe For the proofe of this reade Matth. 5.45 He maketh his sunne to arise on the euill and the good and sendeth raine on the iust and the vniust Likewise Act. 14.15 16 17. God is he who made heauen and earth and the Sea and all things that in them are Who in time past suffered all the Gentiles to walke in their owne waies Neuertheles he left not himselfe without witnes in that he did good and gaue vs raine from heauen and fruitfull seasons filling our hearts with foode and gladnes And againe chap. 17.27 28 Reade also Psa 17.14 He filleth the bellies euen of the men of the world that is of those whom we by a fit name call worldlings with his hid treasure whose children also haue enough they leaue the rest of their substa●●e for their childrē But therein it is meete that we doe consider that the Lord ●●aleth not thus with the wicked because they are wicked and to maintaine them in their sin but onely because they are his creatures and therefore thus farre respecteth them for his own cr●ations s●ke To the which purpose well s●i●h a very godly le●rned man * D●us fine exceptione creaturas o●nes amore pro●e q●a●tur Sed no● n●●fi●os ●ao● q●●● S●●●●● 〈◊〉 o 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 t pa●●●●● amore ●●●p●●cutu● Ca● H●●● Ma●c 1● 21 God sheweth forth his loue to all his crea●ures none excepted yet so as he imbraceth none with a fatherly affection but those his children whom he hath regenerated by his Spirit of adoption And furthermore as touching those of the wicked who harden their hearts in their despising of the bountifulnesse of Gods mercies it cannot otherwise be but he must in his iustice call them to an account so as they must one day smart for all Read Psal 4● and Prou. 10. ● Luk. chap 12.16 20 21. and ch 16.25 And Rom. 2.1 c. 4. Thus as it is Psal 69.22 Their table becommeth at the last a snare to them and their prosperity is their ruine when once the measure of their wickednes is full As Leuit. 10.24 c. and Ezek. chap. 16.49.50 Well let this be so Yet there is a further doubt concerning Gods fatherlie prouidence in so much as he doth not alwaies bestow these outward blessings vpon his owne children as well as vpon the wicked albeit they doe truly beleeue in him Question and from their very hearts vnfeinedly loue obey him as their most reuerend and deare Father What is to be answered to this Answere God giueth hereby plain●ly to vnderstand that he hath more excellent both riches and pleasures and honour in store for them in his heauenly kingdome of glorie yea euen in that he doth now presently in his kingdome of grace as we cal●● giue vs his holy and heauēly knowledge faith feare loue with many other most pretiou● swee● spiritual grace● therwith the most cōfortable hope of euerlasting ●●fe glory it self it is a portion m●st worthy to be preferred before al the vain riches pleasures and honours of this transitory world Explicatiō proofe So in deed we read Ps 4.6 7. Many say who will shew vs any good Lord life thou vp the light of thy countenance vpon vs. S● shalt thou giue me more ioy of heart then they haue when their wheat● and their w●●e doe aboun● And Ps 17 1● 〈◊〉 shall ●ehold thy face in righteousnes and when I awake I shall be satisfied with thine image That is when at the resurrection I shall see and know thee as thou art in the fu● and perfect riches of thy eternall goodnes and mercy Read also Ps 31.19 O how great is thy goodnes which thou hast laid vp for them ●hat feare thee I yea done to them that trust in thee euen before the sonnes of men Thou doest hide them priuily in thy presence from the pride of men c. Likewise Ps ●4 8 9 10 Moreouer ●s 19.7 c. The law of the Lord is perfit conuerting the soule c. More to bee desired then gold yea then fine go d sweeter also then honie yea then the hony fresh out of the hony combe And P● 119 verses 14 57 72 93 103 111 12● 162 165. Likewise Pro. 3.13 c. Blessed is the man that findeth wisedome and the man that gotteth vnderstanding For the marchandise thereof is better then the marchandise of siluer and the gaine thereof is better then gold It is more precious then pearles and all things that thou canst desire are not to be compared vnto her c. Wherevnto adde that which we reade ch 1● verse 16. Better is a little with the feare of the Lord then great treasure and trouble therewith And ch 16. 8. Better is a little with righteousnes then great reuenewes without equity And chap. 17 1. Better is a drie morsell● peace be with it then a house full of slaine things to wit prepared to make a feast where there is strife And touching this point let it be well obserued of vs that the eternall loue and fauour of God touching euerlasting happinesse ●●●n no wise to be meas●red according to our enioying of the riches of this world nor the hatred and displeasure of God by our wanting of ●h● abundance thereof For as we reade Eccl. 9 2. No man knoweth eyther loue or hatred by th●s rule ●or many notoriously wicked are externally very prosperous in the world and contrariwise many of singular godlines are for a time in great
being ashamed of him or of his Gospel that we must esteeme it to be the greatest honour vnto vs Explicatiō proofe that may bee to professe his name Thus it ought to be indeede For first touching most high estimation in iudgement the Apostle teacheth it plentifully in the whole first chapter of the Epist to the Heb. that it ought to be so in so much as he is the Sonne of God And further also in so much as he is incomparably a farre more excellent Sauiour then any of the Iudges of Israel euer were as was obserued before Yea more excellent then was Ioshua that mighty Captaine otherwise called Iesus Act. 7.45 and Heb. 4.8 who before the time of the Iudges brought the people of Israel into the land of Canaan by a mighty conquest Likewise in so much as he is a more excellent high Priest then Aaron or any of his race and succession Heb. 7. And a more excellent Prophet then Moses Heb. 3. verses 3. c. or then Eliah Iohn or then Ionas or any other For as our Sauiour saith Matth. 12.41 A greater then Ionas is here Finally seeing he is more a excellent King then Salomon as in the same 12. chap. of Matth. verse 42. A greater then Salomon is here Yea seeing he is the King of all Kings and Lord of all Lords therefore ought we more highly to esteeme our Sauiour by infinite degrees aboue any or all of them Yea aboue the holy Angells also as was well answered according to the 1. chap. of the Epist to the Hebrewes Secondly in so much as affection ought to follow a right iudgement therefore seeing our Sauiour is most high and excellent aboue all it is our dutie accordingly to loue and reuerence him aboue all as the Song of Songs doth notably teach vs chap. 1. verses 1 2. and chap. 3.1 2 c. and chap. 3.8 9 c. Reade also 2. Cor. 5.14 The loue of Christ constraineth vs. And 1. Epist 16.22 If any man loue not the Lord Iesus Christ let him be had in execration c. Reade also Philip. 3.7 8 c. All things are to be accounted losse and dongue in comparison of the excellent knowledge of Christ Iesus our Lord after the example of the holy and zealous Apostle He that loueth father or mother or sonne or daughter more then me he is not worthie of me saith our Sauiour Matth. 10.37 And Luke 14.26 He that hateth them not in comparison of his loue to our Sauiour Christ if neede so require he cannot be his Disciple Thirdly that in all outward obedience we stand bound to yeelde our Sauiour Christ yea and that from our inward soules and spirits all diuine worship and seruice due to the Maiestie of God it is euident from sundry testimonies of the holy Scriptures And namely Psal 2.12 Kisse the Sonne of God lest he be angry And Iohn 5.22 23. The Father hath committed all iudgement to the Sonne because that ad men should honour the Sonne as they honour the Father He that honoureth not the Sonne honoureth not the Father which hath sent him And Philip. 2.9 10 11. conferred with Isai 45.23 God hath highly exalted him and giuen him a name aboue euery name that at the name of Iesus euery knee should bow c. And that euery tongue should confesse that Iesus Christ is the Lord vnto the glory of God the Father But of this externall worship we shall see the practise in the duty of Prayer We must also beleeue in our Sauiour Christ Psal 2.12 Blessed are all they that trust in him Reade also Iohn 3.36 He that beleeueth in the Sonne hath euerlasting life And chap. 9.35 our Sauiour himselfe instructeth and prompteth the man whom he had healed of his natiue blindnes to beleeue in him And so he teacheth his Disciples chap. 14.1 as wee haue considered more at large heretofore Reade also Matth. 9.22 and chap. 15.28 and Luke 7.9 he commended those that beleeued in him And Rom. 15.12 In him shall the Gentiles trust And 1. Iohn 3.23 It is the commandement of God that we doe beleeue in the name of his Sonne Iesus Christ It is our dutie likewise not onely to pray to the Father in the name of our Sauiour in that hee is our Mediator but euen to pray to him as being one God with the Father and the holy Ghost as our baptizing into his name together with theirs may plainely teach vs. Reade Act. 22.16 Yea hereof we haue many approued examples euen such as be allowed by our Sauiour himselfe cōcerning those that were guided by the spirit of God to make their praiers vnto him Namely Mat. 8.2 A leper worshipped him saying Master if thou wilt thou canst make me cleane And chap. 9.18 A certaine Ruler worshipped him saying My daughter is now deceased but come and lay thine hand vpon her and she shall liue And chap. 15.22 A woman of Canaan cried vnto him Haue mercy on me O Lord thou Sonne of Dauid my daughter is miserably vexed with a Diuell c. And chap. 1 verses 14 15. A man kneeling downe to him said Master haue pitie on my sonne for he is lunatike c. And Mark chap. 9.24 The same man professeth himselfe to beleeue Explicatiō and proofe and praieth our Sauiour to helpe his vnbeleefe Lord saith he I beleeue helpe my vnbeleefe And Luke 17.5 The Apostles make the like praier Lord increase our faith Or as the words in the original circumstance of the place both here and Matt. 17.20 incline to this sense Lord giue vs the gift of faith The words themselues are Prosthes hemin pestin adde faith vnto vs. And the Lord said If yee had saith as much as is a graine of mustard seede c. In the 7. chap. of the Act. verse 9. Stephen being at the point of death praieth thus Lord Iesus receiue my spirit And 2. Cor. 12.8 9. Paul saith that he praied often to the Lord Iesus for himselfe And so he did for many other Rom. 1.7 and in the beginning of his other Epistles Grace be with you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Iesus Christ And againe in the conclusion chapt 16. verses 20 and 24. Reade also 2. Cor. 13. verse 13. The grace of our Lord Iesus c. be with you all Amen Moreouer 1. Thes 3.11 Now God our Father and our Lord Iesus Christ guide our iourney vnto you And 2. Epist chap. 2.16.17 Now the same Iesus Christ our Lord and our God euen the Father who hath loued vs and giuen vs euerlasting consolation and good hope through grace Comfort your hearts and stablish you in euery word and good worke Yea generally all christians are described by this note or mar●● that they are such as doe call vpon the name of our Lord Iesus Christ as Act. 9. verse 14. and againe verse 21. And 1. Cor. 1. verse 2. Thus then Inuocation and Prayer is a dutie to be
would not beleeue in him as being the Sonne of God they should dye in their sinnes Explicatiō proofe The same is likewise testified in diuers other places of holy Scripture to set out this great danger some whereof haue beene mentioned before As Iohn chap 3.18.19 and verse 36. And chap 16 8.9 where it is noted for a very hainous sinne not to beleeue in Christ And 1. Cor 16.22 If any man loue not the Lord Iesus Christ let him be had in execration c. And 2. Thes 1.7.8 the punishment is threatened to be answerable to the hainousnes of the sinne of not knowing nor obeying Read also Deut. 18. verses 15.19 Act 3.23 Heb. 1. c. and chap 3 1 7 8. and chap 12 25 c. For this cause it is that is for the auoiding of this so great and horrible a danger that God of his infinite mercie desirous that all which belong vnto him should bee saued hath caused our Sauiour Christ to bee most famo●sly published and made knowne to the world by prophecies of men by the testimonie of Angels by the sound of his owne voice by the often renewed witnesse of Iohn Baptist yea and the cause why our Sauiour himselfe preached himselfe most plainely professing that hee was the very Messiah and Sauiour of the world Iohn 4 26 41 42. and chap 7.37 c. And chap 9 35 36 37 38 and chap 11 verses 24.25 26. And Iohn 20 27 28 29. And Luke 24 36 37 38 39 4● c. And Heb 2 verses 3 4. And therefore how great an indignitie is it indeed to refuse so great a saluation as is offered by so worthy a person shall it not be iust with God to punish all such with a thousand damnations if it were possible And the rather if refusing the true Christ any should yeeld himselfe to the worship of Antichrist Reuel chap 14.9 10 11. Wherefore let all Turkes and Iewes Athiestes and profane persons reproch vs for beleeuing in him that was the Carpenters Son in such a one as was crucified and could not as they blaspheme saue himselfe let vs reioyce in this that through the rich mercie of God we beleeue in that Sonne of God who was indeed by common estimation the Sonne of Ioseph and who did in very deed of his owne most gracious good will giue himselfe to the death of the crosse for vs c. And thus may we see that it is no vaine labour that we take when we search out the ground and riches of this most excellent mysterie of faith and godlines seeing our saluation lyeth vpon it And as our Sauiour himselfe giueth vs to vnderstand they that will not receiue him being the true Christ are in danger to be giuen ouer to imbrace a false Christ through the iust iudgement of God Iohn 5 43. I am come in my Fathers name and ye receiue me not if an other shall come in his owne name him will ye receiue Read also 2. Thes 2.10 Finally those horrible and blasphemous herisies which many haue fallen into ought to awaken vs to looke diligently to our hearts that we doe vnderstād and belieue rightly this article of our faith To the which end it may not be amisse for the more forcible admonitions sake if we set down some of those sundry heresies wherewith the Diuel hath peruerted the mindes of many And first against the true vnderstanding of the titles IESVS and CHRIST in that the heretikes called Gnostici and the Cerinthians and the Colarbasij seperated Iesus and Christ as if these two names had signified two seuerall Persons And againe in that the Valentinians deuided Iesus Christ into three Persons More particularly against the title Iesus appropriated to our Sauiour the heretike Menander called himselfe Iesus and the Sauiour The Manich●● say that Iesus is the redeemer onely of our soules and not of our bodies The Paternians and Postillians they forsooth 〈…〉 ●ger of not belee●ing this Article will haue Iesus to bee the redeemer of the vpper partes of the body onely and not of the nether parts Likewise against the right vnderstanding of the title Christ the Nestorians and the Christolytes make in Christ one Person of his diuinitie and another of his humanitie The Peratae say that Christ hath a threefold body consisting of three parts of the world The H●lcesaites make two Christs The Simonians said that Simon Magus was Christ The Sethians say that Seth was the Christ Against the true meaning of the title onely begotten Sonne Basilidians and Origenistes they contend that Christ was a created minde yet so as they say that he was the first begotten minde or vnderstanding The Marcionites say that Christ is not the Sonne of God the Creator but of another The Origenistes and Arians say that Christ was a creature by nature and God by grace or fauour That Christ the Sonne of God should bee begotten of the seede of God the Father the Heracleonites and Bardesauistae made a fabulous narration The Valentinians Secundians and Colarbasij fancie that Christ should not be of God but ex Aeonibus according to their most vaine curious speculatiō The Benolians say that Christ was the Sonne of God but yet by adoption The Natiuitarij say that Christ was indeed from euerlasting with the Father but not the Sonne from euerlasting neither begotten by him The Artemonites Samosateniant Marcellians Photinians and Lucians denye Christ to be God or to haue beene at all before the time of his incarnation from the Virgine Mary The Seruetani will haue the Father to be from euerlasting about to generate the Sonne but not to doe it indeed till the time he was begotten of the Virgin Mary The Arians and Exoucontij will haue Christ made of things that had no beeing before The Arians againe and the Donatistes say that Christ was no Autotheos God of himselfe but a made God and inferiour to the Father The Melchisedecians say that Christ was inferiour to Melchisedec both in power and nature The Accatians Semi-ariani and the Macedoniani doe hold Christ to be onely of like substance with the Father Omoiousion not Omoousion of the same substance The Eunomians say that hee is of another substance then the Father Heterousios The Anomians and Aetians that he is of a dislike substance from the Father Anomoios The Duliani that he is the Fathers seruant The Agnoetae say that the diuine natur● of Christ was ignorant of some things The Monophysitae that the diuine nature in Christ did take the beginning from the incarnation Finally against the true meaning of the title Lord the Papists make the Pope heade of the Church and acknowledge him to haue a power to make lawes beside the word of God to bind the conscience vnder paine of dānation These manifold hereticall blasphemous and monstrous conceites laied thus before vs may iustly admonish vs to vse all good and holy diligēce with most humble praier and supplication to God and all
though this his mighty working by creation may be called also a kinde of begetting in such sense as God is called a Father partly in regard of his works of creation as hath beene declared heretofore The second thing to be obserued in the report of this promise of conception is the instrumentall or materiall cause thereof which was the Virgine Marie So that the word Conceiued is to be referred both to the holy Ghost and also to the blessed Virgin to him as to the author of the conception to her as to the instrument ministring the matter of the conception The reuelation of this most extraordinary conception thus promised to the Virgin Marie is to be accounted of vs a singular mercy and fauour of God not only to the Virgin her selfe but also to vs to the whole Church of God To Marie because otherwise she could not haue possibly conceiued in her minde that her body had beene conceiued by the holy Ghost with the Sonne of God She should haue beene confounded rather then reioyced at this so strange and vnsearcheable a worke of God Well might she haue had peace in her conscience in that she knew well that she had neuer dishonested her selfe but comfort of faith how could she haue had any but by reuelation from God The reuelation of this mystery therefore was a singular mercy of God to Marie her selfe as was said But not onely to her but also to vs and to the whole Church as was further affirmed And the rather considering as well the honourable Messenger that was sent euen the holy Angell of God as the notable manner of his doing of the message from the Lord. First by an vnwonted salutation verse 28. Secondly by a sweete and comfortable incouraging of the blessed Virgin against her feare by reason of his sodaine appearing to her being alone and because of the same his strange and vnwonted salutation verse 30. Thirdly by a plaine narration of the whole matter vnto her with an excellent description of the childe what maner of one he should be ver 31 32 33. Fourthly by a notable description of the manner of the conception how it should be wrought and effected in the wombe of the Virgin for her further satisfaction and confirmation against all her doubtings verse 35. Yea so as the Angel would not leaue her till she was put out of all doubt To the which end he gaue her also a very rare signe and token for the further establishing of her faith For he discouereth vnto her the conception of old barren Elizabeth and the time how long since so that she might perceiue that Elizabeth was then vpon her quickening with childe verses 36.37 as Marie found it to be true shortly after euen as the Angell had told For shee going to Elizabeth at her very comming to her the childe did spring in the wombe of Elizabeth and therevpon Elizabeth moued by the holy Ghost reioyced and saluted Marie by the most honourable name of the mother of the Lord and shewed her selfe thankfull to God Wherevpon Marie also brake forth in a very heauenly and propheticall thanks-giuing as it followeth in the same chapter So then from this notable message of the Angel the Virgin Marie being plainely informed and obtaining victorie both against her astonishment and also against all succeeding doubtings it is so much the more vndoubted a confirmation to our owne faith that she was that Virgin which God in his most holy prouidence had set apart and appointed therevnto To the which purpose also the diligence of the holy Euangelist yeeldeth a memorable furtherance in that he certifieth vs of the time when this blessed message was sent to what place to what person euen to this Marie whom he also describeth by as particular circumstances as might be verses 26.27 Thus the narration of this immediate promise of the conception of our Sauiour by the holy Ghost was a great mercie of God The Comforts both to the blessed Virgine Marie and also to vs and to the whole Church of God ANd thus being assured of the promise wee come to inquire of the Comforts Question arising to our faith from the assurance of the same What may these comforts be Answere This most holy conception of our Sauiour Christ is as it were the foundation of all our comfort concerning his humane nature in so much as if he had not been conceiued he could neuer haue beene borne nor haue wrought or suffered any thing at all for vs. Likewise the comfort is exceeding great in that we are hereby assured that hee in whom we belieue is not only the true Christ according to the prophesies of the holy Scriptures fulfilled in his conception but also that he was euen from his conception perfectly fitted to be a most worthie al-sufficient mediator and Sauiour vnto vs and for vs. Moreouer the vnion of our humane nature in him to the diuine is generally the ground of all comfort in so much as hereby his humane nature is made the meanes and as it were the condite-pipes to cleanse our filthy nature and to conuay all graces and euen the gift of eternall life it selfe vnto vs from the diuine nature which alone is the euer-springing yea the euer-ouerflowing fountaine of the water of life Finally this Personal vnion of the humane nature of our Sauiour with the diuine nature is the very ground of our vniting and espousing with Christ and so of our revniting to God wherein standeth all our happines Explication and proofe It is very true Our coniunction with God is our happines euen as on the contrary it was from the beginning our miserie that wee were seperated from him through the fall of our first father Adam For thereby beside the guiltines of his sinne wee haue in our selues an originall fountaine of all sinne the which of the owne accord doth continually flow forth to our eternall destruction both of body and soule vnles God should be mercifull vnto vs. Ier. 6. verses 7.8 Now therefore seeing by our Sauiour Christ alone wee are reconciled to God and through him revnited in a perfect league of peace and friendship neuer to be dissolued any more yea seeing we are in and by Christ one with God and he with vs it is manifest that herein resteth all our happines as vpon the onely sure ground and foundation So that whatsoeuer we lost by Adams defection that yea a farre more excellent estate is restored vnto vs by our Sauiour Christ both for righteousnes and holines and also for happines and glorie partly to be apprehended by faith here and fully and really to be enioied for euer in the kingdome of heauen For our Sauiour Christ is made of God to be vnto vs wisedome and righteousnes and sanctification and redemption 1. Cor. 1.30 Ye are of him in Christ Iesus saith the Apostle who of God is made vnto vs wisedome c. That according as it is written He that reioyceth
diuine The Monothelites say likewise that there is one onely will in Christ And thus we seeing how many and how wicked and damnable heresies are taken vp and imbraced against the holy truth of this Article it may and ought iustly to starre vs vp to be both very diligent to ground our selues in the truth and also to watch with great circumspection that the Diuel doe neuer by any of his wicked suggestions or deceitfull instruments drawe vs away in one respect or other either on the right hand or on the left And to this end let vs all pray to God all waies with great instance that it may please him of his infinite mercie euen for our Lord Iesus Christs sake to teach direct preserue and establish our hearts in his holy truth And so shall wee bee safe Amen Beliefe in God the Sonne borne of the Virgin Marie Question LEt vs now goe forward What followeth in the next place in the Articles of our Christian Beliefe Answere It followeth that we professe our selues to beleeue that our Sauiour was borne of the Virgin Marie Question What ground of holy Scripture haue you for the proofe and warrant of it Answere The holy History of it together with the report of those things which are adioined to the further illustration of it is contained in the 2. chap of the Euangelist Luke from the beginning of the chapter to the 20. verse And in the last verse of the first chap of the Euangelist Matthew And in the ●●ch from the beginning of it to the 19. verse of the same Explication and proofe So then we haue two things to obserue concerning the Natiuitie and birth of our Sauiour First the historie of the Natiuitie it selfe in respect of the most neare circumstances of it Secondly those things which followed after it for the more full manifestation and confirmation of the certaintie of it Let vs therefore consider both of the one and also of the other of them Question And first what doth the holy storie teach vs concerning the Natiuitie or birth it selfe Answere It reporteth these three things First the time when our Sauiour was borne Secondly the place where Thirdly the manner how Beliefe in God the Son who was borne of the Virgin Mary Explicatiō proofe Qus What doth it teach vs concerning the time of the birth Ans The holy Storie teacheth vs in the first place that it was shortly after the birth of Iohn the Baptist It is true For so may it plainely be gathered by comparing of the lattter part of the first chapter of Saint Luke from the 57. verse with the beginning of the second chapter For immediately after that the Euangelist hath recorded the birth of Iohn Baptist and the memorable matters belonging thereunto then he continueth the holy Storie thus in the first wordes of the 2. chap And it came to passe in those daies c. that is to say the daies shortly following the birth of Iohn the Baptist So that like as he had before annexed the Historie of the cōception of our Sauiour Christ succeeding the history of the cōception of Iohn about sixt monthes after so he doth now answereably note the birth of our Sauiour as following the birth of Iohn in the same proportion And the rather are wee so to vnderstand the Euangelist Luke because hee doth obserue the like course of proceeding afterward treating of the Preaching of our Sauiour after the History of Iohns Preaching the apprehension death of our Sauiour after the historie of the imprisonment and beheading of Iohn The which notation of the time is agreeable to the holy Prophecie of Malachie who forthwith vnder the name of Elijah foretelling that Iohn the Baptist should bee the forerunner of our Sauiour and that then our Sauiour himselfe should follow shortly after wherevnto also the other Euangelists as well as Luke doe agree as touching the successiue Preaching of our Sauiour after the Preaching of Iohn though in the report of their successions in conception and birth Luke is alone Thus then we see in the first place the first note concerning the description of the time Question How doth the Euangelist note it else Answere He telleth vs that it was at such time as Augustus Caesar was Emperour of Rome a time of famous note in all the world At the which time also as he further recordeth Cyrenius was the Gouernour of Syria a thing well knowne to the Iewes and other nations adioined to the same They are the very wordes of the Euangelist indeed So that the time of the natiuitie of our Sauiour is described by such notes as all both Iewes and Gentiles are plainely instructed and certified of it as of a truth vndoubtedly to be beleeued And it standeth in certaine record among other the famous and well knowne workes of God to the condemnation of all infidels and athiests in the world as a publike testimonie of the whole world against them if so be they will not repent them of their grieuous sinnes of vnbeliefe and contradiction and imbrace the truth of God to their saluation And this description of the time is agreeable to the ancient prophecie of the Patriark Iaakob Gen 49.10 by whom God foretold that the scepter or tribe Shebet for so the hebrewe word doth often signifie in the bookes of the Prophet Moses should not depart from Iuda nor a law-giuer from betweene his feete till Shilo that is vntill his Sonne to wit Christ that promised seede and great Law-giuer and King should come Yea euen of that tribe of Iuda to rule and gouerne all Israel and the whole Church of God both Iewes Gentiles for euer As though Iaacob should haue said thus albeit both distinction of tribe and also the power of scepter and gouernment shall be vtterly taken away after the birth or comming of Christ in the flesh for so the word Shilo signifying the after-birth giueth to vnderstand the continent being put for the thing contained or lapped vp in it yet before this his comming it shall not be altogether so saith the holy Patriarke And so it came to passe indeede For vnto the birth of our Sauiour as Iosephus writeth in his Historie of the Iewes this tribe had the gouernment of Sanhedrim which was a senate of 72. persons among whom no doubt some were of the stocke and family of King Dauid But Herod not long after the birth of our Sauiour maliciously caused those that were then of this Senate to bee cruelly murthered So that though there continued a power of gouernment among them after this yet it was with great limitation and restraint as appeareth Iohn 18.31 Where they themselues professe that they had no authoritie to put any man to death and it did waste away more and more vntill the Scepter altogether ceased among them yea and the distinction of the tribe also by reason of that horrible destruction which fell vpon many hundred thousands of them and
with a religious worship as though the Angel shuld by his exāple practise teach vs that we are vsuallie to pray to her to praise her saying Haile Marie full of grace c. But it is more then absurd that the extraordinarie salutation of the Angel fitted appropriated to his present message wherby he magnifieth the greatnes of Gods singular mercie in vouchingsafe to appoint Marie to so honourable a seruice as no creature was euer worthie to be vsed vnto it is more then absurd I say that it should be so superstitiously peruerted to an vsuall praier to be babled out of the mouth of euerie childe and to be mumbled vpon the beades of euerie ignorant sotte in wordes of a language vnknowen to the most of them that doe so vse it and in a false translation and sense by ●hose that haue any vnderstanding of them But some will say doth not the Vir Mary her self speaking by the holie Ghost say that all the nations of the earth shal call her blessed It semeth therfore that she prescribeth or at the least prophecieth that ther shuld a certain religious honor be yeelded vnto her Question in the whole Church of God May it not be thought so It canot be thought so Answer of any that do rightly vnderstand the meaning of the holy Virgin Why Question what was her meaning then Answer She vnderstanding by the salutation and speech of the Angel what a singular blessing God of his free grace minded to bestow vpon her in that he appointed her to be the Mother of our Lord Iesus Christ yea she considering also knowing by the Spirit of prophesie that shee should in this respect be accounted to be blessed aboue other women in the whole Church of God from generation to generation shee doth from the same consideration prouoke her owne heart to be the more thankfull vnto God Explicatiō proofe It is verie true The blessed Virgin doth in no wise take vpon her to prescribe a lawe which shee knewe well she had no power to doe Neither could it agree with that holie modestie which was in the virgin so to do And if God had minded to set downe such a lawe as should haue prescribed anie religious worship to be done to her hee would haue commanded that by the mouth of any other rather then by her owne The truth therfore is this that shee from the most dutiful thankfulnes of her heart doth iudge it verie vnreasonable that she herselfe should be vnthankfull to God when all other should be thankfull Nay rather shee considereth in her mind that she herselfe ought to excell all other in thanksgiuing and all the dayes of her owne age to blesse the Lord for so inestimable a blessing bestowed vpon her yea and to set downe a memoriall and monument of that praise which God gaue her grace most dutifullie to yeeld and ascribe vnto him We doe as ye well know vsually account those blessed and happie women which bring forth such children as proue good and profitable instruments to glorifie God in his Church And it is a great blessing of God indeede Beliefe in God the Sonne who led a most holy iust life full of tēptations and sufferings Much more therfore yea aboue comparison The groūd and history of it must wee account the Virgine Marie most blessed of God in that shee was preferred before all other women to be the Mother of that Sonne of God who was not onelie an instrument of God in that hee was man but also the Diuine author and fountaine of saluation and all blessing to the whole Church of God in that being God he assumed and tooke our humane nature of the Virgin Mary to the same end And therfore also to the ende we may vnderstand the thanks-giuing of the blessed Virgine the better and therwithall in what respectes we are to esteeme and call her blessed we are to consider that she is not onely thankfull to God for that it pleased him to make her the Mother of our Sauiour but chieflie for that saluation which he gaue her grace to apprehend by faith in him as the words of her owne thanks-giuing doe giue vs plainely to vnderstand And thus I trust wee haue simplie the true reasons why the name of the Virgine Marie is mentioned in our Creed agreable to that further declaration thereof which wee hau●●n the holie Scriptures As for all popish fictions like as they came into the Church either by craftie conveiance or else by violent intrusion against the good leaue of the word of God so haue we good leaue yea a streight commandement from the word not onely to leaue them but euen with all the disgrace that may be to thrust them out againe as it were by the head and shoulders And God himselfe of his infinite mercie by his owne scourge vouchsafe to whip such intruders and deceiuers out of his holie Temple for euer euen for our Lord Iesus Christes sake Amen Beliefe in God the Sonne who led a most holie and iust life full of temptations and sufferings THis thus obserued in way of an appendix to the article of our Sauiours natiuitie and birth of the Virgine Marie Question What followeth now in the Articles of our beliefe Answere It followeth that the same our Sauiour suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried So it followeth in deed immediatlie after the former words Borne of the Virgine Marie Explicatiō Neuerthelese in so much as ther are three speciall things to be knowne and beleeued of vs according as they are recorded in the holie Scriptures betwixt the birth of our Sauiour and his sufferings vnder Pontius Pilate To wit 1. his education and life 2. his doctrine and thirdly his miracles the which the articles of our Beliefe in so great shortnes as was propounded in it in regard of the common weakenesse of memorie could not in any commodious manner set downe it shall be therefore to good purpose in this more large collection of the doctrine of faith to inquire of them before wee come to his sufferinges vnder Pontius Pilate Wherevnto that wee may the rather perswade our owne heartes Let vs I pray you earnestlie consider that wheras the historicall reporte of the liues of other men of anie speciall worth or note in common account are willinglie read and obserued as it is meete they should yea and not onely the report of the liues of the holie seruantes of God but also of many among the heathen such as Plutarch and other learned writers haue gathered together Much more willing yea aboue comparison more willing ought wee to be to reade heare and continuallie to meditate of the most worthie and memorable life of our most blessed Sauiour the onely true and perfect mirrour of all vertue as we shall by the grace of God from pointe to pointe obserue Ther are indeed many excellent things set downe in the historicall narration of the
And should sleepe and rise vp night and day and the seede should spring and growe vp he not knowing how c. Yea many other parables doth our Sauiour vse to expresse the estate of the same his kingdome here in euery other respect As for example he vseth the parable of the King calling his seruants to an account to declare both the mercie and iustice thereof Matth 18.23 c. The kingdome of heauen saith our Sauiour is likened to a certaine King who would take account of his seruantes Likewise he vseth the parable of the hous holder hyring labourers into his vineyard Matth chap 20.1.2 c. to giue to vnderstand that no man is of better reckoning with God for their long continuance vnder the profession of the Gospell specially if they presume of any merit or worthines aboue others in that respect but rather according to his diligence faithfulnes in the labour of Christianitie and according to that humble trust which he hath in the free grace and mercy of God And to this ende he concludeth the parable with this sentence The last shall be first and the first shall be last for many are called but few chosen Moreouer by another parable of the vine-yard let out to vnfaithfull husbandmen our Sauiour describeth the reiection of the Iewes for their treacherous st●●-bournes and crueltie against h●m and on the otherside the calling of the Gentiles through the free grace and mercie of God Mat chap 21 verse 33 c. And chap 22 1 c. he doth to the same end vse another parable concerning the mariage of the Kings Sonne and the contempt thereof by the first bidden guests which w●re the Iewes and also by the example of that speciall rudes by tha● thrust in himselfe without his mariage garment And ch●p 25. verse 1. c. by the parable of the fiue wise and fiue foolish Virgines our Sauiour doth likewise admonish vs to take heede that we do not securely rest in an outward profession of the Gospel without inward truth of the heart which is a thing abhorred of God And verses 14. and 15. of the same chapter by the parable of the talentes which a certaine Maister going into a farre countrie deliuered to his seruants c. Our Sauiour teacheth plainly that he will looke to haue all the spirituall gifts and graces of his kingdome to be industriously imploied in euery mans calling and acc●rding to the diuerse measure of them specially in the calling of the ministerie of the Gospell to all those profitable ends wherefore he hath giuen them Or othe●wise that f●arefull vengeance is to be looked for from his hands against euery vnpr●fitable seruant Such was the doctrine of our Sauiour concerning his spirituall kingdome here on earth the which he calleth the kingdome of heauen because it is from heauen by the speciall ordinance of God likewise because the gouernment of it is most spirituall and heauenly and also because it prepareth and fitteth all the elect of God who as we saw before are called the children of the kingdome to be part●kers of heauenly glory No● let vs proceed according to the order of the articles of our beliefe The next doctr●ne therefore of our Sauiour is that which concerneth his own conception and birth Of the which he saith thus before Pilate For this cause am I borne and for this cause came I into the world that I should beare witnes of the truth Next to the birth of our Sauiour are his sufferings Of the which he did verie of●entimes forete●l his Disciples to the end they might be the lesse troublesome or vncomfortable to them when they should fall vpon him as Luke ch 9 44 45 And Mat 17.12.13 verses 22.23 And Mark 9.12 And more particularly he foretold his betraying as we read Iohn chap 13 v. 18. c. The which our Sauiour did as he saith in the same place to the establishing of their fai●h when it should come to passe Of his crucifying he spake likewise before-hand Iohn ch 12.32.33 Beliefe in God the Son who wrought most miraculous and ●●uine works Of his buriall by occasion of that costly ointment which Mary powred on him Mat 26.12 Iohn 12.7 Of his continuance in the graue answerable to the type of Ionas abiding so long in the Whales belly Mat 12.39.40 Of his resurrection also he vsually spake adding the prediction thereof to the foretelling of his sufferings to mitigate the discomfort of that part of his speech as Iohn Mat. 16 2. ch 17.9 and verses 22.23 And ch This thing as the Euangelist Marke saith our Sauiour spake plainely And ch And all this according to the former prophecies of the holy Prophets as the euangelist Luke obserueth And that also in a mercifull regard of his Disciples lest they should be ouer whelmed confounded with excessiue sorrow as we may perceiue plainely Iohn ch 14.1 c. and ch 15. and ch 16. and by his most sweete and diuine praier in the whole 17. chapter Our Sauiour being risen againe as he had often said that he would he then foretold his ascension to Marie Magdalene Iohn 20 17. I ascend to my Father c. That hee should sit at the right hand of God and come againe to iudge the world our Sauiour boldly professed before the chiefe Priest Mat chap 26. verse 64. Hereafter saith our Sauiour shall yee see the Sonne of man sitting at the right hand of the powers God and come in the cloudes of heauen Moreouer touching his comming againe to iudgement hee had spoken before that time Iohn 5.22 and verses 27.28.29 But yet more fully and plainely Mat 25.31 c. The precedent signes of which time of his comming our Sauiour hath also declared Matth 24. And before this chap 13.39 c. in the parable of the tares And againe verses 49 50. in the parable of the drawenet We are come now to the doctrine of our Sauiour concerning the holy Ghost Of whom he speaketh most comfortably as of the onely comforter of all the Elect distinct in Person from the Father and the Sonne and yet one with them both euery where present of equall power and dignitie with them c. Iohn chapters 14. and 15. and 16. Which also our Sauiour maketh very plaine in that forme of Baptisme which hee instituted after his resurrection Mat 28.19 C●ncerning the catholike Church the doctrine of our Sauiour is this that it consisteth both of Iewes and Gentiles and that he himselfe is the onely vniuersal P●stour and shepheard thereof Iohn 10. verses 14 16. Read also Luk. Touc●ing the Communion of Saints and first in respect of their vnion with himselfe and so by him among their owne selues our Sauiour teacheth it plainely Iohn ch 15 1 2 3 4 5. c. And ch 17.22 c. What his doctrine is touching the forgiuenes of sins and namely that there is mercie with God to forgiue them and what
history of it to the hazard of our saluation wherevnto this doctrine onely and no other is able to make vs wise God therefore of his infinite mercy euen for our Sauiours sake giue vs grace with all holy care to attend vnto it Beliefe in God the Sonne who wrought most miraculous and diuine workes THe miraculous works of our Sauiour are next to be considered of vs. What therefore are we to beleeue concerning them Question We are to beleeue that the miracles which our Sauiour Christ wrought Answer are perfit declarations and confirmations that he both was and is for euer the Sonne of God the onely true Messiah and Sauiour of the world and also that the doctrine which hee taught was and so is still and shall remaine to the end the verie true doctrine of the kingdome of God and euen the power of God to saluation to all that doe or shall hereafter truly beleeue Explicatiō proofe It is true that you say For so the Euangelist Iohn teacheth chap. 2.11 The verie beginnings of the miracles of our Sauiour shewed forth his glory and his Disciples as the Euangelist saith beleeued in him That is they were better confirmed in their faith thereby This glory of our Sauiour thus beginning to breake forth by the beginnings of his miracles did shine out more and more brightly in the proceedings thereof It was no doubt part of that glorie which the Apostles saw according to the testimonie of the same Euangelist Iohn ch 1.14 Wee saw his glorie c. Yea our Sauiour himselfe teacheth vs that these were the ends wherefore he wrought his great works as the same Euangelist witnesseth further in sundry place● of the Gospel written by him As chap. 5.36 I haue greater witnes saith our Sau●our then the witnes of Iohn for the works which the Father hath giuen me to finish euen the same works which I doe beare witnes of me that the Father sent me And chap. 1● verses 24 25 The Iewes saith the Euangelist came round about our Sauio●r and said vnto him How long doest thou make vs doubt If thou be the Christ tell v● plainely Iesus answered them I told ye and ye beleeue not the works that I doe in my Fathers name they beare witnes of me And therefore he blameth them the rather for their vnbeliefe And yet more earnestly verses 37 38. saying If I doe not the works of my Father beleeue me not yet beleeue the works that ye may know and beleeue that the Father is in me and I in him And chap. 11. verse 4. This sicknes saith our Sauiour speaking of Lazarus the brother of Marie and Martha it is not vnto death but for the glorie of God that the Sonne of God might be glorified thereby And verses 41 42. After that our Sauiour had made his prayer to God that he would shew his glory in raising of Lazarus from death to life I know saith our Sauiour to God his Father that thou hearest me alwaies but because of the people that stand by I said it that they may beleeue that thou hast sent me And chap. 14. verse 11. Beleeue mee saith our Sauiour to Philippe that I am in the Father and the Father in mee at the least beleeue mee for the verie workes sake Reade also chap. 20. verses 30 31. Manie other signes did Iesus saith the Euangelist in the presence of his Disciples which are not written in this booke But these things are written that yee might beleeue that Iesus is the Christ the Sonne of God and that in beleeuing ye might haue life through his name This often repetition sheweth that the miraculous workes of our Sauiour Christ were of very notable and ne●e●sarie vse to the manifesting and prouing of himselfe to be the Christ and that ●is doctrine was the true doctrine of God and all this for a helpe to the weaknes of his people Now as these were the ends which our Sauiour propounded to himselfe in the working of his miracles so through the blessing of God they attained to the same blessed ends and effects in the hearts of the children of God As for example the place first alledged chap. 2. verse 11. argueth that it was so For the Disciples seeing that miracle are saide to beleeue in our Sauiour And chap. 4. verse 35. That Ruler whose sonne our Sauiour deliuered from a deadly feue● was confirmed thereby to beleeue in him yea and as the Euangelist testifieth all his houshold with him And chap. 6. verse 14. They which had seene the miraculous feeding of multitudes of people with so few loaues fishes said This is of a truth the Prophet that should come into the world Likewise chap. 9. verse 17. The blinde man to whom our Sauiour gaue sight was induced by the miracle wrought on him to beginne to beleeue in our Sauiour that hee was a Prophet And verses 35 36 37. after that the Iewes had excommunicated him for this his profession our Sauiour the● finding him and saying vnto him Doest thou beleeue in the Sonne of God Hee answered and saide Who is hee Lorde that I may beleeue in him Wherevpon so soone as our Sauiour answered him Both thou hast seene him and he it is that talketh with thee the man was confirmed to beleeue in him and said Lord I beleeue and worshipped him And chap. 1● verse 15. I was glad for your sakes saith our Sauiour speking of the death of Lazarus that I was not there that yee may beleeue but let vs goe vnto him And verse 45. Many of the Iewes saith the Euangelist seeing the things which Iesus did and namely this that hee had raised Lazarus from the dead they were moued thereby to beleeue in him And whereas as it followeth in the text that some of the people went away to the Pharisies and told them what things Iesus had done Then as the Euangelist sheweth further the high Priests and the Pharisies gathered a Councill and said What shall we doe For this man doth many miracles If we let him alone all men will beleeue in him c. verses 46 47 48. And in the next chapter verses 10 11. The high Priests consulted that they might put Lazarus to death also because that for his sake many of the Iewes went away and beleeued in him And verses 17.18.19 The people that was with him did beare witnes that he called Lazarus out of the graue and raised him from the dead Therefore met him the people also because they heard that he had done this miracle Wherevpon as it followeth in the Euangelist the Pharisies said among themselues Perceiue yee not how yee preuaile nothing Behold the world goeth after him Yea these wicked aduersaries themselues howsoeuer through obdurate malice they would not be brought to beleeue in our Sauiour yet were they convicted in their consciences to acknowledge among themselues that he could not haue done such works as he wrought vnles he had beene a Teacher sent of God
more inward The outward also were either concerning particular members or the whole bodie Such as concerned the outward partes or members of the bodie that we may beginne with the head and so goe to the inferiour partes they were first the curing of the eyes of such as were blinde as Matth 9.27 c. Our Sauiour opened the eyes of two blinde men who besought him to shewe this great mercie vpon them And againe ch 20. verse 29. c. He touched the eyes of other two blinde men who with like instance craued this mercie of him and immediatly restored their sight The Euangelist Marke telleth vs that the name of the one of these was Bartimaeus the Sonne of Timaeus ch 10.46 The Storie is notable in respect of that man If you remember it not read it and you shall finde it to be as I say And chapter 8.22 the same Euangelist testifieth that at Bethsaida our Sauiour restored sight to a blinde man that was brought vnto him by moistening his eyes with his spittle Yet so as he restored his sight by little and little as it were by degrees that the man might the rather be moued to consider the greatnes of the benefit while he did more sensiblie feele as it were and plainlie discerne the diuine power of our Sauiour therin And Iohn chapt 9.1 c. 6.7 our Sauiour healed the eyes of a man that was borne blinde by laying claye moystned with spittle vpon them as appeared plainelie so soone as the man had by the appointment of our Sauiour washed it of againe in the poole of Siloam as was mentioned before Moreouer Matth chap 21.14 Blind men saith the Euangelist and such as halted came to our Sauiour being in the Temple at Ierusalem and he healed them Finallie he healed that miserable blinde man of whom we read in the same Euangelist ch 12. verses 22.23 who beside that he was dumbe and so could make no request for himselfe by an●e word of mouth to our Sauiour he was also possessed with a Diuell Yea our Sauiour healed him so that hee both spake and also sawe in so much that all the people were amazed This was that miracle that the wicked and malignant Pharisies most malitiouslie blasphemed as it followeth recorded in the same chapter Likewise that nowe by occasion of this last blinde man who was also dumbe wee may proceede let vs from the cure of the eyes come to consider those like miraculous cures which our Sauiour wrought vpon dumbe men And first Matth ch Wee read that after our Sauiour had healed the two blind men mentioned out of this chapter before they brought to him one that was dumbe who was also possessed with a Diuell like as that other man was of whom we spake a while since Our Sauiour therfore casting the diuel out of this mā likewise gaue him also the gift power of his speech At the working of which miracle The multitude saith the Euangelist maruelled saying The like was neuer seene in Israel But the Pharisies shewed themselues like to themselues That is they blasphemed this miracle also saying He casteth out Deuils through the Prince of Deuils And ch 15. v 30.31 He healed manie at once both halte blinde dumbe and maimed as the same Euangelist testifieth Insomuch that the multitude wondered to see the dumbe to speake the maimed whole the halt to goe and the blinde to see and as hee obserueth further they glorified the God of Israel Moreouer as we read Mark 7.31.32 c Our Sauiour healed one that was greatlie stammering in his speech for he loosened the string of his tongue so that he spake as expeditelie and plainelie as any other man The same man was also deafe of the which infirmitie our Sauiour likewise healed him For as the holie Euangelist reporteth the historie our Sauiour did put his fingers in his eares and looking vp to heauen hee sighed and said vnto him Ephphatha that is be thou opened And strait way his eares were opened c. Wher●● as the Euangelist testifieth the people were beyond measure astonied saying He hath done all things well he maketh both the deafe to heare and the dumb to speak Herevnto may wee ad that other miraculous worke of our Sau our Christ which the same Euangelist recordeth chapt 9.17 c. 25. For he deliuered the sonne of a man which from his childhood had be● both dumbe and deafe The work was verie great and gracious as it canot but be acknowl●dged from the reading of the holie historie thereof whether we read it in the Euangelist Mark now recited or in Matth ch 17.14 c. or in Luke chap 9.38 c. For the people were all amazed at the mightie power of God euidentlie shewing it selfe therein And thus we see which were that kinde of Miracles which our Sauiour Christ wrought vpon the eares of men and therewithall vpon the tongues of manie Among the which we haue heard also the cure of those reckoned vp who halted of their legges For seeing they were ioyned together in one text wee could not thinke it meete to sunder them though our order is something broken thereby But that wee may holde on our course as orderlie as we can We come now to the rest And herein the cure of the man who had his hand dried vp and withered may well be first remembred For the historie of it is very memorable as we read Marke 3.1 c. and Luke chapt 6. verses 6.7 c. It was the mans right hand which our Sauiour restored made as sound as the other Wherat as the Euangelist Luke sheweth further the vnreasonable aduersaries of our Sauiour were filled with madnes in stead that they ought to haue giuen great glorie and praise to God and our blessed Sauiour Neither may we passe ouer in silence that our Sauiour healed the right eare of the seruant of the high Priest which one of his Disciples in zeale of his Masters defence as he intended in his own rashnes did cut off with his sword Luke 22. verses 50.51 The name of him which made the ma●me that is Peter and also the name of him to whom our Sauiour restored the eare that is Malchus they are both mentioned Iohn chap 18.10.11 Hitherto concerning the sundrie sortes of miracles which our blessed Sauiour wrought externallie vpon the particular members of the bodies of men NOwe more generallie concerning the cures of the bodies of men whollie infirme and diseased And among these he that commeth first to our remembrance is that poore creeple who had bene diseas●d 38. yeares whom our Sauiour made pe●fitlie well and wholle as we read Iohn chapt 5. verses Likewise Matth 9.2 c. And as the same is more fullie recorded Mark 2. verses 3.4 c. 12. And Luke chap 5 1● c. Our Sauiour Christ restored one that was whollie taken with the numme or dead palsie so that he could not goe but must be carried in his
Christes sake according to his promise whosoeuer he should be This at the least he ought now at the last to haue done death so neare approaching The which because he mindeth not but contrariwise addeth sinne to sinne as it were drunkennes to thirst as the Scripture speaketh yea seeing he doth that which being duly weighed shall be found more grieuous then any other of his former sinnes this of it selfe is sufficient to argue the exceeding greatnes of his wickednes But besides this his sinne may be discerned to be yet so much the greater because he raileth at him who neuer gaue him any occasion wherby he should be prouoked to take stomacke against him as the Rulers of the Iewes might haue pretended though altogether vniustly insomuch as he did most earnestly reproue them for their great and grieuous sinnes of hypocrisie ambition couetousnes false interpreting of the holy Scriptures c. And also because this thiefe doth it then when it cannot be thought that he should haue any way to benefit himselfe by flattering of the Ruler insomuch as he had his iudgement and execution already So that it must needs be iudged to be of extreame and sheere diuellish malice rather then it he had done it onely before hee was condemned or while he had not yet been nailed to the Crosse as we shall haue occasion to note further from the rebuke which the peniten● thiefe giueth him speaking by the Spirit of God afterward Thus the circumstances doe amplifie the sinne of this most miserable man The manner of his rayling speech doth in it selfe and as it were from the owne bosome likewise sufficiently bewray it selfe For in that he saith If thou be the Christ saue thy selfe and vs he doth not with an humble heart and of simplicity desire our Sauiour to shewe by such a token that hee is the true Christ that he might be moued thereby to beleeue in him No nothing lesse but his meaning is flatly to renounce him as not being the Christ because he accounteth him vnable either to saue them or himselfe Or at the least his meaning is flatly and contemptuously to renounce him as not being the Christ vnlesse he may see and find him to worke that work which he presumptuously and temptingly prescribeth vnto him Now therefore what man among our selues must not needes take in very euill part the request of such a proud begger as should professe vnto vs that if wee will not giue him that which he demaundeth he will not account vs to be any good or honest men but that we are vnmercifull and cruell persons c. So then both the speech of this railer in it selfe as also all circumstances going therewithall doe euidently shew that the sinne of this man in this his rayling was exceeding hainous A fearefull example to admonish vs all to take heede of entering into any euill course of life presuming of repentance at the last for we may see how easie it is for a man to be deceiued in such a conceite yea how easie a thing it is for a man to be hardened more and more to his dying day yea to the last houre and moment hee hath to draw his breath though hee haue neuer so mighty occasions to moue him to repent as we see this thiefe had For he falleth to railing notwithstanding hee hath a most excellent patterne of patience in our Sauiour neither doth he come to any remorse notwithstanding he is rebuked most wisely and perswaded withall by him that was his fellow thiefe whose example of repentance is also most notably layd before him But to conclude this third point of our second part of the most holy Storie of the sufferings of our Sauiour Christ in the time that he was executed that wee may rightly vnderstand it to our full instruction and comfort wee must not onely no nor principally consider the malice of all sorts of these mockers and scorners of our Sauiour who for their parts did nothing therein but increase their own damnation vnlesse happily it pleased God The groūd and history of his leading to be crucified to magnifie his mercy in shewing them their sinne and giuing them true repentance as we doubt not he did of his infinit goodnes to some of them as appeareth in the continuing of the Storie in the Acts of the Apostles but wee are chiefly to looke vnto the most holy and pure iustice of God in all the reproach cast vpon our Sauiour for our sake to the end he might in the willing and patient enduring of it satisfie Gods iustice in bearing the shame and reproach which was due to vs for euer for our damnable pride all other our grieuous sinnes and sinfulnes against the maiestie of God and that he might bring vs into his fauour againe For to this end no doubt and not otherwise did our Sauiour Christ beare the sorrow of all these things which were certainly very grieuous and bitter vnto his most holy and righteous soule in seeing and hearing the wicked misdemeanour of all sorts of his beholders so deepely inraged by the diuell beside that we cannot but vnderstand that his hanging vpō the Crosse by the stay of his sore wounded hands and feete must needes be dolorous to his holy body So that both inwardly outwardly he is a man of sorrowes for vs as the Prophet Isaiah said of him long before ch 53. of his holy prophesie These things thus considered now we come to the fourth point of the second part of his execution that is concerning the miraculous conuersion of the other thiefe within the space of the first three houres wherein our Sauiour continued vpon the Crosse And herein wee are to obserue the exceeding great goodnes and mercy of God and our Sauiour Christ euen as before we obserued the exceeding great sinne and obstinacie of the vnrepentant thiefe For vndoubtedly it was the diuine purpose of God to giue speciall glory to his sonne our Sauiour euen in that whereby his persecutors sought his disgrace to the vttermost that they could They crucified him in the middest of two thieues accounting him and desiring that he should for euer be accounted more vilie off then any common malefactor But God so disposeth of the matter that according as by the title set vp ouer the head of our Sauiour he proclaimeth him to be the King of his Church and a Prince of the saluation of his people so by this most gratious effect he doth really cōfirme the same both in that he doth most miraculously gratiously turne the hart of this thiefe by the spirit of his Sonne the whole Trinity consenting and coniointly working this worke for a mirrour of his grace and to manifest the admirable efficacie of the sufferings of our Sauiour before God euen while he was at this time in the induring of them and also in that according to the request of the repēting thiefe who desired our Sauiour to remember him in his kingdome
according to the most holy annointing of God and that he should ascend vp to the heauenly throne of the Maiestie thereof Neither could he otherwise with any comfortable hope of remission of sins and of the inheritance of his heauenly kingdome among the rest of his Saints desire our Sauiour to remember him that is to shew him so great and grieuous a sinner when he should take the possession or sit downe in the throne of his kingdome And thus we may plentifully perceiue by these so manifold excellent graces wrought so speedily and without all meanes yea against all outward lets hinderances obiect to his senses by the reproches of the wicked against our Sauiour notwithstanding the troublesome paines of his own crosse that his conuersion was most extraordinarie and admirable and therefore a most euident and eminent declaration of the mighty grace and vertue and merit of the sufferings of our Lord Iesus Christ in the sight of his father to reconcile poore sinners yea euen most great and grieuous sinners vnto him whosoeuer shall find grace truly to beleeue in his name and vnfeinedly to repent of his sinnes as this great sinner did And hereunto we are to adde for the conclusion of this point and for a perfect confirmation of all that hath beene obserued concerning this rare conuersion the most gracious answere of our Sauiour Christ to the suppliant and repenting thiefe the which wee reade in these most sweete and comfortable words as the Euangelist Luke doth likewise rehearse them Then said Iesus vnto him Verily I say vnto thee to day shalt thou be with me in Paradise O admirable effect of mercie answerable to the former admirable cause of mercie I meane that gift of mercie in the conuersion of this so miserable a sinner of the most free grace and mercie of God our heauenly father whose onely fauour is both the cause and also the effect of all mercy he crowning and rewarding nothing in any of his elect children but those gifts and graces which he hath first giuen them The greatnes of this grace of our Sauiour is to be considered from his own words the faithfull interpreter of his gracious mind and therefore let vs stand a litle to ponder and weigh them Verily saith our Sauiour euen he that is the truth affirmeth it in truth and with his holy and graue affirmation vsuall to him in the affirmation of great and weightie points worthy all credit to the end he might raise vp the mindes of those to whom he spake to the more firme and vndoubted faith of them thus he speaketh to the conuerted thiefe of a profane thief being now changed to be a beleeuing and holy Christian And it is to great purpose that it be obserued that he who is thus the truth and the true Sauiour speaketh it because whosoeu r else had spoken it it should haue beene a vaine speech Yea it is singularly to be obserued that Christ crucified speaketh it because it is by the vertue of his sufferings vpon the crosse that he saueth both him and all of vs. And therefore to magnifie the benefit of his crosse he is thus gracious and earnest in giuing assurance of remission of sinnes and eternall life to a very great and grieuous sinner Neither doth our Sauiour hold him in any long suspence by making him a promise for a long time to come but he assureth him of the experience of his mercy and saluation euen the same day the day also being now halfe spent to the end that the poore soule might be comforted more and more with the assured hope of a blessed life against the discomfort of the naturall death euery minute of the houre more and more hasting and approaching Yea and he doth not assure him of a small blessing and fauour but that hee shall be with him that is that his soule shall be with the soule of our Sauiour Where Euen in Paradise that is in heauen According to that similitude whereby the holy Scriptures doe sundrie times vse to signifie the same as 2. Cor. 12.4 and Reuel 2.7 And euen to this end that the holy delight and spirituall pleasure and ioy of heauen might be familiarly shadowed out from the Hebrewe word Pardes which signifieth a pleasant and delightfull garden or orchyard principally alluding to that garden of Eden wherein Adam was placed at the first in a very blessed and comfortable estate and condition To the which ende also our Sauiour ioyneth these two together with me in paradise meaning in the like happie estate condition for euer though not in the same degree of honour glory which is not meet for any creature according to the most holy prayer of our Sauiour Iohn Such is the most gracious promise and answere which he maketh the repenting sinner he himselfe as well as the thiefe hanging yet fastened to the crosse Wherein notwithstanding we see how he beginneth his most glorious triumph The which wordes of our Sauiour were noe doubt not onely comfortable to the thiefe that was though now noe thiefe but a Saint clothed with the righteousnes of Christ by a true and liuely faith but also to Marie the mother of our Sauiour and to the other Maries mentioned before and to Iohn his beloued Disciple who no doubt marked these things and laied them vp in their hearts And they may also be exceedingly comfortable to vs and to all true beleeuing Christians as we are diligently to obserue in our course and order among the rest of the comforts Hetherto of the first part or space of time and the memorable things falling out therein which we propounded to our selues to consider of concerning the third that is to say the last part of the execution of our Sauiour The first part or space of time as wee haue seene reached from the fastening of our Sauiour to the crosse which was a little after the third houre to the sixt houre of the day which was with them about high noone THe second space of time which we according to the course of the holy storie haue propounded to consider of as i● were in another diuision or seuerall treatise is from the sixt houre to the ninth touching those other like worthy and memorable things which fell out in that time Of this part of the storie let vs therefore henceforth set our mindes with like reuerence and diligence earnestly to inquire But this we are to doe from the ground testimonie of the holy storie Which therefore are the words thereof 44. It followeth thus in the Euangelist Luke ch 23. v. 44.45 And it was about the sixt houre and there was darkenes ouer all the land vntill the ninth houre 45. And the Sun was darkened the vaile of the Temple rent through the middest The holy Euangelist hauing described vnto vs the notable conuersion of one of the thieues the gratious acceptation which our Sauiour vouchsafed him he telleth vs now about
assuredly shortly after to performe And verily hee hath effectually performed it both on their behalfe and on ours that wee might likewise by faith in him ouercome as it is testified in other places of the holy Scriptures And namely in the 1. Ep. of Iohn ch 5 verses 4.5 For all that is borne of God ouercommeth the world and this is the victorie that ouercommeth the world euen our faith Who is it that ouercommeth the world but he who beleeueth that Iesus is the Sonne of God Thus then our Sauiour beginning to comfort his Disciples in the Gospel of Saint Iohn from the beginning of the 14. chapter hee continued still more and more to comfort them as hee himselfe saith in the same chapter verses 28.9 And againe chap. 15. verse 11. And chap. 16.1 and verses 6.7 And last of all hee ended with most sweete and comfortable wordes verse 33. as wee saw euen now So that it is very euident that our Sauiour would haue his death and whole sufferings and his departure out of this world bodily to be a most plentifull argument of all comfort to his Disciples Apostolicall first and then to all other Christians and to his whole Church for euer Thus much therefore more generally for our comfort as touching the fruites and benefits which wee doe enioy from the sufferings of our Sauiour Christ according to his owne most sweete and consolatory speeches which hee vsed to his Disciples to comfort them against all whatsoeuer might be most discomfortable to them NOw let vs furthermore well weigh and consider how the same and like comforts may likewise be warranted vnto vs from the rest of the holy history of his sufferings and from the testimony of other Scriptures We will collect them as briefly as so large an argument will permit And to beginne withall well may it bee an exceeding comfort vnto vs that as wee haue seene our Sauiour indured all his sufferinges throughout the whole ted●ous course of them most willingly for our sakes For hence were they satisfactory to the iustice of God on our behalfe which otherwise they could not haue beene Yea not only the cōsideratiō of this one vertue but also of all the excellent vertues of our Sauiour shining forth most brightly throughout the same his sufferings as wee haue li●ewise seene they may iustly be so many comforters to cheare vp our hearts as it were by the light and warmth of the Sunne in the whole race which it runneth from morning to noone from noone to night euen so often as we shall renew and settle the thoughts of our mindes thereon Doubtlesse through the blessing of God they will be as the renewing of the day vpon vs by the new arising of the Sun of righteousnes to bring the health of his Sun-beames vpon our soules and consciences The answere which God the Father gaue to our Lord Iesus Christ his Sonne at his first enterance into his most bitter passions was an answere containing much comfort in it not onely in respect of our SAVIOVR himselfe but also in respect of vs as we reade Iohn chapter 12. verse 28. For God our heauenly Father promised it at that time and hath no doubt and doth performe it still and so will doe to the end of the world and for euer in glorifying his owne name and the praise of his mercies through the sufferings of his Sonne And the rather because euen then when our Sauiour was in one part of his most grieuous trouble and discomfort God sent his Angel to comfort him so that howsoeuer the hatred which was due to our sinnes fell vpon him yet it was vnpossible that God should not loue and tender him for his owne sake Whereby also we may comfort our selues to beleeue that although we may be sondry times troubled in our soules in our praiers and euery other way for our triall yet for our Sauiours sake God will heare our troubled praiers and support vs in all our distresses if we be desirous to submit our wills to his will as our Sauiour did It may well be comfortable to vs that when the enemies of our Sauiour came into the garden to apprehend him they were not able to stand before him but fell downe backward much lesse had they beene able to apprehend and take him in deede saue that our Sauiour for obedience sake to God and for the loue which he did beare to vs and our saluation he did of his owne accord yeeld himselfe and therewithall by his diuine authority set his weake Disciples at liberty at the same time vntill they should be made more fit to endure such trialls as they were for their parts in some respectes to be exercised with though our Sauiour onelie and alone suffered for our redemption and saluation IT is comfortable to consider that at the examination of our Sauiour before the high Priest the witnesses which came forth against him were confounded and had nothing in truth to accuse him of worthy the least blame For hereby it is made the more cleare vnto vs that hee died for our sinnes and not for any of his owne It is very comfortable that at the same time our Sauiour plainely professed himselfe to be the naturall and very true Sonne of God and that hee will assuredly come againe in glory to iudge the world Yea that hee doth this alb●it he knewe that his aduersaries would be inraged thereby and euen from thence take the occasiō of putting him to death For hereby these comfortable Articles of our faith are singularly confirmed vnto vs. That silence also which our Sauiour vsed in some part of this examination before the high Priest as also afterward at some seasons before Pilate and Herod hath matter of comfort in it in that hee being as the sheepe dumbe before the shearer as the Prophet Isaiah prophesied of him that hee should be he did euen thereby also shewe himselfe willing to offer vp himselfe in sacrifice to God for vs what meanes so euer were sometime offered of getting fauour with Pilate or Herod against the wicked Iewes or with the Iewes themselues insomuch as he sought no fauour at their hands Of the which silence of our Sauiour thus writeth Beza worthily well saying Felix itaque felix inquam pretiosum silentium quo nobis os aperitur non solum vt Deum alloquamur sed vt magna cum fiducia clamemus Abba Pater Rom. 8.18 Gal. 4.6 Tantum ab est vt illo nos oporteat offendi That is O happy yea I say O happie and pretious silence whereby our mouth is opened not onely so that we may speake vnto God but that with great assurance we may crie Abba Father So farre off is it that we should be offended at him herein ANd that we may proceed according to the order of the holy History It is very comfortable that albeit Peter fel lamentably in this first examination yet we cannot but behold a very gratious fruite
respect sai●h expresly in his answer to Pilate that he had the greater sin who had deliuered him vnto him to wit as if he had bin a malefactor Finally that the Magistrate is to be dealt honourably withall though hee for his part should be sinisterly carried aside by the vnfai●hfull seruice of such as should giue right information and testimonie vnto him the example and practise of our Sauiour doth notably shewe that it ought to be so For though he iudged it meete in his godly wisedom● to let Pilate see his falte yet hee doth it in singular modestie couertly insinuating as it were his reproofe vnder the reproofe of other reprouing Pilate rather by consequence of reason then in apert and open termes BVt that we may goe another steppe forward Question What dutie are wee now to learne from the condemnation of our Sauiour Christ in so iudiciall and solemne a manner as we see he was condemned and that by ●he deputie of the Emperour of Rome the highest Magistrate in all the world yea or rather from heauen it selfe God being himselfe the very appointer and ordainer of this sentence against our Sauiour euen for our sinnes Answere We are from the due consideration hereof most sensibly taught that it is our most bounden dutie to iudge and condemne our selues to the ende we may escape the fearefull iudgement and condemnation of the Lord. Explication and proofe It is true This and such like duties are iustly to be deriued from this consideration The which duties I thinke good at this time to expresse The Duties in respect of his condemnation by the wordes of a very learned and godly Preacher they being of great force as I suppose to moue vnto due regard of the same This saith hee was not done in vaine it being the will of the Father that the Sonne should not dye either by the deceite of the Iewes o● in any tumult or secretly but openly in the eyes and beholding of all and that also in a iudiciall forme of proceeding though in respect of men very vniust euen as if God from heauen had thundred forth these wordes both East and West North and South as afterward it came to passe by the Preaching of the Gospell O yee miserable men behold yee in this my onely Soone whom I haue set forth vpon this Theater as a Suretie on your behalfe on the one side how great wrath I beare against sinne and what you your selues haue deserued and on the other side how vnmeasurable both my mercie and his is toward all those that will embrace this our grace Goe too therefore brethren saith the Preacher Let vs learne to muse in our mindes vpon this historie let vs learne I say not to meditate vpon the chiefe heads in generall onely as it were through a lattis but euen to weigh euery circumstance thereof insomuch as these things are written very diligently and plentifully for our instruction For which of vs can behold such a spectacle and not be affected with it But we are to know the causes wherefore it should be so And verily his heart must be harder then any yron and steele which cannot be moued with the iniurious indignitie practised against so innocent a man if he doe but weigh this fact by the light of humane reason But wee ought to make a farre other manner of consideration concerning this mysterie to wit that we may in this spectacle behold our selues to be as the principall debters to the ende wee might with sighes that cannot be expressed crie out a loude before our God O good God what a thing is this which thou doest set before our eyes to looke vpon It is we it is wee who haue transgressed it is we that are guiltie Whence then is this so great a change but from thy most vnmeasurable and incomprehensible goodnesse O wretched and vnhappie man that I am How should I in such sort forget both my selfe and thee O Sonne of God how is it that thou hast so farre made thy selfe of no reputation Giue me therefore this grace O God that I earnestly beholding my selfe in this spectacle and abhorring the cause of all these things which is inherent and abiding in me I may with a true and liuely faith imbrace that discharge which thou offerest mee euen mee I say a miserable sinner by the condemnation of thy righteous Sonne who hath taken vpon him that which was to be borne of me and that I may lay hold of that glory which hath beene obtained on my behalfe by the reproach of my Suretie who hath giuen his word for me O Iesus Christ the Sauiour of the world I beseech thee to ioyne and vnite me to thy selfe by thy holy Spirit that by thee I may be as acceptable to him vnto whom thou hast offered vp thy selfe for mee as I doe willingly acknowledge and confesse my selfe to be in my selfe worthy euery way to be detested of thee These are the things which wee ought to behold and to make our vse and profite of from this so fearefull a spectacle whereby we see both heauen and earth to be shaken And what then Shall wee alone be stonie and without sense Thus farre Maister Beza Hom 27. in hist. Pass N●w we re●urne to our owne course Question What is our dutie to be learned from this that our Sauiour Christ after he was condemned refused not so long as he was able without fainting to beare his own materiall Crosse which his Persecutors had laied vpon him yea and that afterward also hee patiently endured to bee crucified vppon the same Crosse Answer We may iustly take forth this further lesson from hence that it is our dutie patiently to beare not onely one or two but euery affliction which it shall please God to lay vpon vs for our Sauiour Christs sake and the testimonie of his truth Explication proofe We may iustly doe so in deede The Duties in respect of his crucifying For as hath beene obserued in the like consideration before seeing our Sauiour did beare his crosse and endure the shame c. to satisfie Gods wrath for vs we ought to endure the crosse to declare our thankfulnes to him c. yea euery one to beare his owne crosse Luke 9.23 Simon the Cyrenian at the first compelled by the souldiers onely to beare a part of the materiall and wooden crosse of our Sauiour to the place of execution is afterward honoured of God in the record of the holy Storie in insomuch as hee became a faithfull Disciple of Christ willing to beare his owne crosse if neede should so haue required as it may appeare euen by this that he is so diligently described both he and his Sonnes Alexander and Rufus as wee reade Marke 15.21 So ought euery one of vs to be willing to doe as God shall shew it to be his good and holy will in the time and season thereof The same vse doth the holy Apostle make from the
God for euer and euer And therefore that knowing our selues to be once deliuered by our Sauiour wee doe thenceforth generally renounce all vngodlines and wicked lusts that is to say all our sinne and wickednes which our Sauiour suffered for on our behalfe This generall doctrine may profitably be illustrated by some particular sins which the sufferings and death of our Sauiour ought in speciall manner to moue vs to forsake Question Which therefore may some of them be Answer To speake more particularly the due meditation of the sufferings and death of our Sauiour must needes be as a most strong engine to make a notable battery yea to worke the ouerthrow of all pride and vaine glory and of the inordinate loue of the profits pleasures and honours of this world the which doe naturally and through the suggestions of the Diuel mightily rule and reigne in our wicked hearts Explicatiō proofe They do soe indeed Yet the power and death of our Sauiour is more mighty in the hearts of true beleeuers to suppresse and destroy them then our own naturall corruption and the tentations of the diuell are to continue and vphold them in the strength of their dominion For who can be prowd of himselfe if hee doe duly bethinke himselfe after what manner it was necessary for the Sonne of God to abase himselfe for vs or else vile and wretched sinners that we are we must haue perished in the most base filth of our sinnes for euer And who louing Christ that died for him can immoderately affect the world and the things thereof when he seeth by daily experience that the world and all things therein are vnkindly aduersly bent against him Loue not the world therefore saith St. Iohn nor the things that are in the world c. 1. ep 2.15.16 Thus much for a taste of those euills which the meditation of the sufferings and death of our Sauiour doe call vs from Question NOw which are the good things which they moue vs vnto and call for at our hands Answer The due meditatiō of the sufferings death of our Sauiour teacheth requireth of vs not onely to denie vngodlines and worldly lustes as hath beene alreadie answered but also that we liue soberly and iustly and godly in this present world So in deede we reade Tit. 2. verses For saith the Apostle the grace of God which bringeth saluation to all men hath appeared What grace Explication and proofe Euen the most free fauour mercie of God in giuing his onely Sonne our Lord Iesus Christ to the death for vs. This grace as the Apostle addeth teacheth vs not onely to denie vngodlines and worldly lustes but also that we should liue first soberly that is with good moderation touching the vse of those worldly blessings which God hath blessed vs withall secondly righteously that is in yeelding to all and euery one that which of right belongeth vnto them for the comfort of their life thirdly that wee should liue godlily that is with a religious and holy regard to obey and please God in all things specially in the duties of his diuine worship and spirituall seruice Looking as the Apostle addeth yet further for the blessed hope and appearing of the glory of the mighty God and of our Lord Iesus Christ who gaue himselfe for vs that he might redeeme vs from all iniquitie and purge vs to be a peculiar people vnto himselfe zealous of good works These things saith the Apostle teach and exhort and rebuke with all authoritie And that by good reason euen from this most weightie consideration of the death of the Sonne of God our Sauiour to redeeme vs. A learned Interpreter speaking of these three words of the Apostle Soberly iustly godly he moueth to the carefull regard of them in these two verses following in Latine Haec tria perpetuó meditare aduerbia Pauli Haec tria sint vitae regula sancta tuae The which we may english thus Three words of Saint Paul in minde see thou beare Sober iust godly lifes good rule they are For the proofe of the same duties belonging to the consideration of the sufferings death and blood-shed of our Sauiour vpon the crosse reade that notable exhortation of the Apostle Peter 1. Ep. chap. 1. ver 13. c. Wherefore gird vp the loines of your mindes and be sober c. As obedient children not fashioning your selues to the former lustes of your ignorance But as he which hath called you is holy so be ye holy in all manner of conuersation c. Knowing that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things as siluer and gold from your vaine conuersation receiued by the traditions of the Fathers But with the pretious blood of Christ as of a Lambe vndefiled and without spot c. And ver 2. of the same chapter as we should haue saide before th● faithfull are said to be elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father vnto sanctification of the Spirit through the obedience a●d sprinkling of the blood of Iesus Christ. And chap. 2. verses 24.25 Christ his owne selfe did beare our sinnes in his body on the tree that we being deliuered from sinne should liue in right●ousnes c. And afterward againe chap. 4.1.2 Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for vs in the flesh arme your selues likewise with the same minde which is that he which hath suffered i● the flesh hath ceased from sinne That he henceforth should liue as much time as remaineth in t●e flesh not after the lustes of men but after the will of God This care of pleasing God in leading a righteous and holy life is saide to be the end of our redemption Luke chap. 1. verses 74.75 And so wee reade also 1. Cor. 6.19.20 Know ye not that your body is the temple of the holy Ghost who is in you whom ye haue of God and ye are not your owne For ye a●e bought for a price therefore glorifie ye God in your body and in your Spirit for they are Gods But how shall we glorifie God if we l●ue in sinne Read also Ephes chap. 4.32 Be ye curteous one to another and tender hearted forgiuing one another euen as God for Christes sake forgaue you And chap. 5.1.2 Be ye therefore followers of God as deare children and walke in loue euen as Christ hath loued vs and hath giuen himselfe for vs to be an offering and a sacrifice of sweete smelling sauour to God Likewise Colos And Phil. 2.1 c. Moreouer for our chearefull reuerend and zealous worshipping of God frō the force of this argument read Reuel ch 5.9 c. And Ps 22. from the 23. verse c. after a prophesie of the sufferings of our Sauiour Whereunto also may be referred all those propheticall exhortations in many Psalmes following one another from the 95. to the. 101. For all reioycing is grounded vpon this that our Lord Iesus Christ hath dyed for vs and by his death
force could hinder from rising againe out of the graue wherein his body lay dead will most assuredly preuaile against all his aduersaries of all sorts whosoeuer They shall all be subdued vnder his feete as we read Psal 110.1 and 1. Cor. 15.25 Moreouer and beside all that hath beene said seeing the wickednes of the nature of vs all is discouered by the example both of Iewes and Gentiles in their extreme contempt and most cruell pursute against the Sonne of God yea euen that wickednes whereby the Diuell at the first corrupted our first Parents in mouing them to aspire to be as Gods For we are all by nature very ra●ke rebels descended of a traiterous stock The dāger of not beleeuing the Articles of his sufferings so that iustly might the Lord cast a double condemnation vpon the world vnles it had pleased him to the more wonderfull ouerthrow of the Diuel and all reprobates to turne that to the saluation of the elect whereby we had deserued to be twice condemned Let vs therefore from hence learne betimes and so forth to perseuere continually to humble our selues vnder the holy hand of God and to seeke for his grace and mercie that we be neuer led into the tentation of the Diuel that wee should be found rebels and traitours against the Sonne of God And chiefly let all such take heed to themselues whosoeuer be in high place aboue the rest and are indued with speciall gifts of wit and learning c. For if they be left vnto themselues and to the will of the Diuel the cause of our Sauiour Christ shall no sooner come before them but the higher their places and the greater the pride of their naturall wit or the shewe of their holines is by so much will they shewe themselues to be the more sore and spitefull aduersaries vnto him in the resistance of his Gospel and in vexing the true and faithfull professours thereof To conclude this part of our inquirie this we may boldly affirme that if any doctrine will doe vs good this of the sufferings of our Sauiour must haue a chief place in the effecting of it And it cānot be that it should be truly known and beleeued but it must needes haue such manifold and admirable effects as haue beene rehearsed Question Now on the contrary what is the danger of not beleeuing and of not yeelding this obedience in regard of the sufferings and death of the same our blessed Sauiour Answer Whosoeuer do not beleeue that he hath suffered all these extreme paines reproches euen comparable to the reproch and torment of hell both in body and soule for their sins neither that the sufferings of our Sauiour alone are perfectly sufficient for their redemption and reconciliation with God neither do regard to know and obey the Gospel in this be ●a●fe they shall surely dye in their sinnes and iustly beare their owne reproch and torment both in body and soule for euer in hel Specially such as hauing receiued knowledg and some tast of the heauenly gift doe afterward fall away and tread vnder foote the Sonne of God accounting the blood of the Testament as an vnholy thing Explication and proofe So indeed we read Heb ch 10.28.29 30.31 with a more full declaration then you haue rehearsed out of thē Read also Iohn 8.24 where our Saui generally affirmeth Except ye beleeue that I am he ye shal dye in your sins And Iohn the Baptist Iohn ch 3.36 He that obeyeth not the Sonne shal not see life but the wrath of God abideth on him This wrath of God is vpon such euen in this life but it shal be more heauie to the soule immediatly after this life ended but most of all both to body soule when our Saui shal come to execute his last iudgemēt according to the word of our Saui himself Luk. 9 26. And of the Apost Paul 2. Thes c. Verily as our Sauiour had the perfect sense feeling of his dolorous sufferings for sin so will he come with perfect indignation against all such as shall despise his sufferings and take delight in their sinnes To speak more particularly if we beleeue not to be set loose by the bonds of Christ we shal lye boūd stil in the fetters chaines of our sins for vnles the Son make vs free we cānot be free If we beleeue not that Chr our Lord was scourged for vs we our selues shal tast of the whip of gods wrath If we beleeue not that he was as the sheepe before the shearer dumbe for our sakes we shal neuer be able to open our mouth before God to plead for our selues If wee beleeue not that he was condemned at the iudgemēt seat of Pilate for vs we shal be cōdemned before the tribunal seat of Gods iudgement Finally if we beleeue not that he sustained the torments of soule for vs cōparable to the torments of hel for a tim● we shal for euer be tormented with them Thus necessarie is it that euery true Christian do beleeue firmely in the most perfect alsuf-ficient sufferings of our Sa Ch indured by him for euery one of vs. Let vs therfore pray accordingly as the Apostle teacheth vs Heb. 13.20.21 That the God of peace would vouchsafe euen through the blood of the euerlasting couenant to make vs perfect in all good works to doe his will working in vs that which is pleasant in his sight through Iesus Christ to whom be praise for euer and euer Amen Beliefe in God the Son who the third day rose againe from the dead As for those that goe about any way to lessen the grieuousnes of the sufferings of our Sauiour The ground and meaning of his glorification in generall as if he had but onely made a shew of suffering as the Simonians diuers other heretikes are said to haue fātastically imagined or as if the sufferings of Martyres must be ioyned with the sufferings of Christ to the perfect merit of saluation or as it the sufferings of Christ were not properly chiefly in his soule nor necessarie so to be or on the contrary as if the soule of our Sauiour had suffered after death in the place of torment in hell or that the Godhead of our Sauiour suffered as the heretikes called Theopaschitae affirmed let vs vtterly withdraw our hearts from their opinions beeing erroneous from the faith both on the right hand and on the left in excesse and in defect Beliefe in God the Sonne who the third day rose againe from the dead and so began his exaltation or glorifying HAuing thus gone through the doctrine of faith concerning the whole humiliation of our Sauiour Christ in our humane nature euen from his incarnation to his very last sufferings vnto death yea euen to the last moment of time wherein he continued in the graue in the state and condition of the dead Let vs now henceforth proceede to the doctrine of that his
him That is to say not so as we should linger after his bodily presence but rather that we should be carefull to knowe and imbrace him spiritually and with the armes of our faith For seeing Mary Magdalene was to doe so while yet our Sauiour was vpon the earth and not ascended vp into heauen then much more ought wee now as well as all other euer since his ascension so to doe that wee may say in truth with the Apostle Paul in the 2. Epistle to the Cor chap 5. verse 16. Henceforth knowe we no man after the flesh yea though we had knowne Christ after the flesh yet now henceforth knowe we him no more to wit in any carnall or weake manner but according to his diuine grace and godly power c. in a more cleare measure So that they who at this day dote after a reall presence of the body of our Sauiour Christ either in Sacrament or other wise they doe shewe themselues to bee altogether farre otherwise minded then our Sauiour himselfe would haue them to be We are all of vs to lift vp our minds to him in the heauens whither he is long since ascended and not to looke to haue him bodily with vs on earth as he taught Mary Magdalene immediately after his resurrection in that he said vnto her as we see here Touch me not for I am not yet ascended to my Father c. Neuertheles we are herewithall to vnderstand that our Sauiour had a more particular intent in the same wordes namely to signifie thus much vnto Mary that she for her part should haue a further time of filling her minde with the comfort of his humane presence for a few dayes before he would ascend leaue this world And therefore that she should for the present without any further delay so much the more willingly leaue him now and hast with all speed to his Disciples to doe that message which it pleased him to send vnto them by her For so it followeth as we haue already seene Goe to my brethren saith our Sauiour to Mary and say vnto them I ascend vnto my Father and to you● Father and to my God and your God Now the message is the last thing to be considered concerning this first appearance of our Sauiour Wherein sundry most high points and the same also most sweet and comfortable to all true beleeuers are to be reuerendly weighed of vs. And first of all this message thus committed by our Sauiour to a woman though to bee deliuered in a priuate manner as it is a great honour to Mary and as a blessed fruit of her former godly care and reuerend regard toward our Sauiour as was said before so is it a gentle kind of reproofe vnto the negligence vnbeliefe of those most choise Disciples of our Sauiour to whom he sendeth her Secondly this message sent by Mary concerning the ascension of our Sauiour conta●neth in it a proofe of his resurrection which must needes goe before his ascension as well as it is a prediction and foreshewing of the ascension it selfe Thirdly this message sent by our Sauiour to his Disciples vnder the name of brethre● it decla●●th the most deare and admirable loue of our Sauiour vnto them Wherein also is bewraied the like his affection in generall toward all the elect of God as wee may plainely perceiue by comparing that which we read Mat Heb 2.11.12 with the words of this message For in those places our Sauiour extendeth the name of brethren to all the adopted children of God whosoeuer doe heare and keepe his word This is also an euident confirmation of that which the Euangelist Iohn hath written ch 13.1 that those whō our Sauiour loueth he loueth to the end Yea that he loueth them so that nothing can alienate ●is loue from them For as we knowe great were the infirmities of his Disciples in their forsaking of him c. And therefore whereas our Sauiour doth most graciously passe by al their grea●est weaknesses and failings in good dutie though hee might haue taken iust occasion to haue vtterly reiected and forsaken them this sheweth vndoubtedly that his loue was most constantly and vnremoueably confirmed toward them Blessed be his most holy name therefore for euer and euer Amen Fourthly in that our Sauiour in the wordes of this most sweete message calleth God his Father and his God hee speaketh therein as hee is in our nature a mediator betwixt God and vs and thereby pointeth vs vpward to behold the supreame cause of all our happines and wel-fare And in that he calleth him the Father and God of his Disciples and so consequently the Father and God of all true beleeuers hee teacheth vs all with good assurance of faith to call God our Father and so sheweth what are the singular effects of his mediation on our behalfe euen our adoption reconciliation peace and saluation with all other blessed fruites and benefites whatsoeuer both the most tender and fatherly mercies and also the almightie power of God our heauenly Father either is able of himselfe or willing for his Sonne our Lord Iesus C●rists sake to bestow vpon vs. To this God therefore our heauenly Father together with his Sonne our Sauiour and the holy Ghost our Comforter be all eternal glorie and praise Amen Fiftly our Lord Iesus Christ in sending this his message so earnestly and with all expedition to the comforting of his Disciples who were at this time in great heauines as we reade Marke chap 16.10 he sheweth and professeth plainely thereby that he is exceedingly desirous that both they and euery true Disciple of his should both knowe and beleeue and also enioy and hold firmely this great prerogatiue that we are by his meanes the children of such a Father and the seruants of such a God as God our heauenly Father is Finally as the Disciples of our Sauiour to whom Mary was sent yea notwithstanding they were the Apostles elect of our Sauiour were to receiue this message gladly and thankefully euen from the mouth of a priuate woman so yea much rather ought we from the mouth of the poorest publike minister of the word of God receiue gladly and dutifully the same message in their preaching thereof and euery other point and Article of the whole ambassage of the Gospel of Christ and of God That which is furthermore to be considered concerning the comforts and fruites of the ascension of our Sauiour it shall by the grace of God be more fully laid open when we come to that Article Hetherto of the first appearance of our Sauiour Christ for the first proofe and confirmation of his most holy and blessed resurrection Now as touching the performance of this message deliuered by our Sauiour to Mary it is expressed by the Euangelist Iohn verse 18. of this 20. chap For saith he Mary Magdalene came and tould the Disciples that she had seene the Lord that he had spoken these things vnto her And
G●ntils yea euen towards our selues at this day who should neuer haue heard of our Sauiour Christ and the fruites and benefits of his Gospell nor enioyed any ordinarie ministerie and preaching of it had it not beene by the meanes of this most blessed and Apostolick cōmission granted to these disciples to that ende For as touching the Apostle Paul his calling and commission we may well reckon it to be but for a time as it were of this grand charter if I may so speake In the second of the circumstances that is the order of their proceeding which our Sauiour prescribeth is an effect of the constant loue of God towards his peculiar people the Iewes who though they had deserued to be forthwith reiected yet insomuch as in his rich mercy he had reserued a remnant of his election to himselfe he would honour that citie of theirs wherein he had placed his name and his Temple with the calling and gathering together of the first Christian Church yea euen from among them that were persecutors and murtherers of his Sonne And to And to the same end doth our Sauiour himselfe magnifie his mercy towards them in that he commandeth his Apostles to preach first at Ierusalem as also that the holy prophesies might be fulfilled which gaue forth long before that the Lord would send forth the rod of the power of our Sauiour out of Sion Psal 110.2 Isai 2.2.3 Michah 4.1.2 And so it came to passe that euen manie of all sorts were conuerted not onely in Ierusalem but also of other Countries such as were Proselytes c. by the first preaching of the Apostles as we read in the 2. chapter of the Acts c. For at one Sermon three thousand were conuerted and called to the faith of Christ and after that many more by Peter and the rest Hitherto of the sixth particular belonging to the last remedy which our Sauiour vsed against the vnbeliefe of his chiefe disciples it consisting of diuers branches as we haue seene Let vs proceede to the seuenth Question What is that Answere 48. Now yee are witnesses of these things saith our Sauiour Explicatiō proofe In this seuenth particular our Sauiour authoriseth his Disciples to be authenticall witnesses both of his sufferings and also of his resurrection that repentance and forgiuenes of sinnes was graunted generally to the Gentiles as well as to the Iewes In which respect they are called witnesses chosen before of God as was obserued from the sermon of Peter to Cornelius and the assembly gathered together in his house Act. and in many other places as they were alledged and set downe before Neither were they appointed to be witnesses that they should onely report things which they knew to be certainly performed and so to leaue the hearers to themselues whither they would beleeue them or no but so to report them as they might by effectuall signes and wonders and by the mighty power euidence of the holy Ghost confirme vnto them that the most ioyfull message which they preached did belong vnto them euen to so many of them as would giue credite to their testimonies deliuered to them in the name of our Sauiour Christ and of God to their saluation But as touching the effects and vses of this their Apostolicall testimonies and preaching our Sauiour expresseth them more purposedly in that which we reckoned for the eight particular of the dealing of our Sauiour in this his last and most effectuall remedy which he vsed against the vnbeliefe of his disciples in this his fift appearance Question Which is that Answere It is that which the Euangelist Iohn hath recorded in these words of our Sauiour chap. 20.23 Whosoeuers sinnes yee remit they are remitted vnto them and whosoeuers sinnes yee retaine they are retained The powerfull effect here promised and assured to the Apostolicall ministerie Explicatiō is generall like as their commission was For as they were aucthorised to preach to all nations repentance and remission of sinnes in the name of Christ so here our Sauiour for their further incouragement giueth them his warrant that whosoeuers sinnes they should remit should certainly be remitted and whosoeuers sinnes they should retaine should verily be retained Thus therefore the effect of the Apostles ministerie is assured to be as generall as their commission was But the effect is not all of one sort or of like kinds as we see For to some it is healthfull and sauing to other it is not so but contrariwise hurtfull and damnable according to that of the Apostle Paule 2. Cor. 2.15.16 We are vnto God the sweet sauour of Christ in them that are saued and in them which perish to the one we are the sauour of death vnto death and to the other we are the sauour of life vnto life and who is sufficient for these things The reason of which contrary effect is not in the Gospell which is in the owne nature one and the same but in respect of the contrary disposition of those to whom it is preached Insomuch as the one sort through the grace of God doe in hearing beleeue and obey it the other of their owne stubbornnes either altogether despise it as a doctrine vnworthy to be receiued and so prophanely reiect it or else they are such as vnto secure contempt do add presumptuous rebellion and opposition against it Like as the sunne though of one and the same nature in it selfe melteth wax but hardneth clay maketh a sweet thing to smel the more sweet but causeth carrion to stink the more And therfore as the same Apostle saith further in the 12. chap. of the same 2. Ep. to the Cor. ver Though we walk in the flesh yet we do not warre after the flesh For the weapons of our warfare are not carnall but mighty through God to cast downe holds casting downe imaginations and euery high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God and bringing into captiuity euery thought to the obedience of Christ and hauing in a readines vengeance against all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled Answerable also to that 2. Thess The Lord Iesus shall shew himselfe from heauen with his mighty Angels in flaming fire rendring vengeance vnto them which do not know God which obey not the Gospel of our Lord Iesus Christ which shall be punished with euerlasting perdition from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power when hee shall come to be glorified in his Saints and to be made meruailous in all them that beleeue because our testimonie towards you was beleeued in that day Now that we may vnderstand these contrary effects of the Apostolick ministerie the better contained in these words of remitting and retaining of sins we are to consider two things Question First what is meant by the words of remitting and retaining Secondly how these actions may be ascribed to the Apostles Touching the first therfore how are we to
words which were tolde before by the holy Prophets and also the commandement of vs the Apostles of the Lord and Sauiour So then as the Apostle Iames teacheth chap. 1.22 all true christian hearers of the word preached and taught they must be doers of the word and not hearers onely deceiuing themselues c. Thus much concerning Teaching the first principall part of the Apostles Commission Now touching the second part which concerneth Baptizing wee are to the vnderstanding of the meaning of our Sauiour as was answered to consider first what Baptisme is secondly in what forme of words it is to be administred thirdly to what end and purpose Question First therefore what say you that Baptisme is Answer The word Baptisme from the Greeke word signifying the putting of a thing to be washed vnder the water as I haue heard you say it is here in those words of our Sauiour and in many places of the new Testament as I haue beene further taught to bee vnderstood of a holy and religious kinde of washing by putting of the face the chiefe part of mans body vnder the water Explication proofe So the Greeke word Baptizo signifieth indeede and thus it is of necessitie to be vnderstoode in this most holy speech of our Sauiour as it is euident Matth. 3.13.16 from the baptizing of our Sauiour himselfe by Iohn the Baptist wherevnto our Sauiour submitted himselfe and sanctified our Baptisme in his owne flesh For hee went into the riuer Iorden to bee baptized and so soone as he was baptized it is said that he came out of the water againe Likewise Acts 8.35 c. After that Phillip the Euangelist had from the prophecie of Isaiah preached Iesus to the Eunuch the Euangelist Luke reporteth that as Phillip and the Eunuch went on their way they came vnto a certaine water and the Eunuch said See here is water What doth let mee to be baptized c. And then verse 38. it is further saide that they went downe both of them into the water and that Phillip baptized the Eunuch So that it is plaine that the baptizing which our Sauiour Christ speaketh of is a holie and religious or sacramentall washing not of the clothes but euen of the bodies and persons of men themselues yea euen of their soules according to the spirituall signification and vse wherevnto our Sauiour hath sanctified the same The which holie vse will more manifestly appeare from the interpretation of the forme of the administration of it Wherevnto let vs now come Qu. In the next place therefore after what manner is this holy baptizing or sacramentall washing to be administred The forme and manner is this that the Minister of the Gospel doe apply the water to the partie that is baptized Answer In the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost Explication and proofe This is indeed the very full and compleat forme yea and the very substance of this holy Sacrament The which the Churches of our Sauiour Christ haue in conscience of this commandement of our Sauiour constantly and dutifully obserued And though we doe not reade this forme of baptizing vsually expressed in the holy Scriptures or it may be not at all fully expressed where the administratiō of baptisme is recorded but synecdochically vnder the name of Christ alone yet from the institution of it wee are to vnderstand what the vsuall practise was and how all those briefe and synecdochicall recordes are to be vnderstood In which respect it is very worthie the obseruation that at such time as certaine Disciples of Ephesus answered the Apostle Paul that they had not so much as heard whether there be any holy Ghost he asked them Vnto what were ye then baptized Act. 19.2 3. So then the forme yea the essentiall forme as we may say of christian baptisme is in the name or into the name of one onely true God three distinct persons the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost The meaning of this forme of christian baptisme will as was further said be the more cleare vnto vs from the consideration of the ends and vses of this holy ordinance of our Sauiour and therefore let vs speedily come vnto them Question Which may they be Answer Our Lord Iesus Christ hath ordained this Sacrament to be an outward signe and seale of his adopting of euery true beleeuer in his Sonne the same our Lord Iesus Christ to be receiued into his most gratious couenant of the remission of sinnes and of the inheritance of eternall life and glory in the kingdome of heauen And he hath ordained it also to be a profession of their and our dedicating and vowing of our selues to him to his spirituall worship and faithfull seruice alone so to continue all the daies of ou● liues yea euen for euer and euer Explication and proofe That the baptizing which our Sauiour hath commanded is a sacramentall or outward signe and seale of his most gratious accepting of vs the profane and heathen Gentiles into his holy couenant to assure vs by his holy Spirit of his fatherly goodnesse mercy in the forgiuenesse of our sinnes c. through the death and resurrection of his onely begotten Sonne the same our Sauiour it may be euident vnto vs from that which was long before prophecied by the holy Prophets of God being compared with the accomplishment thereof For whereas the Lord God hath said as we read Hosh 1.10 In the place where it was said vnto them ye are not my people it shall be said vnto them yee are the sonnes of the liuing God And chap. 2.23 I will say to them which were not my people Thou art my people And they shall say Thou art my God he hath now long since fulfilled it to vs together with the holy remnant of the Iewes according to the holy testimony of Saint Paul Rom. 9.24 25 26. And he hath confirmed it by this Sacrament of holy Baptisme to the ends aboue mentioned so that it is our dutie to acknowledge all thanks to be most due vnto our God for that as he promised by the same his holy Prophet Hos chap. 1.7 I will haue mercie vpon the house of Iuda and I will saue them by the Lord their God that is by the Lord Iesus Christ one God with the Father and the holy Ghost so he hath performed it vnto vs. And it is the same thing which he foretolde by his holy Prophet Ezekiel chap. 36.25 26 27. saying Then will I powre cleane water vpon you and ye shall be cleane yea from all your filthinesse and from all your idolls will I cleanse you A new heart also will I giue you and a new Spirit will I put within you and I will take away your stonie heart out of your bodie and I will giue you an heart of flesh and I will put my Spirit within you and cause you to walke in my statutes and yee shall keepe my iudgements and doe
childe Exod. 4.24 For baptisme is to vs Christians the same in proportion which circumcision was to the people of Israell And furthermore as it is a comfortable helpe for the strengthening of the faith of those that hauing truly desired it doe enioy it so no doubt the want of it through the negligence of any beleeuer cannot but minister a very great temptation to the weakening and disturbing of the peace of his faith so long as hee should want it euen so often as he should thinke of these words of our Sauiour Hee that shall beleeue and be baptized so neerely ioyning baptisme with faith as he doth though not as the cause of saluation yet as a testimonie and pledge of it to euerie true beleeuer And thus as Maister Caluine well concludeth this point Baptisme is necessarie though not simply yet for obedience sake Non simpliciter necessarium dicimus sed tantum obedientiae nostrae respectu And againe Non tanquam dimidia salutis causa sed vt testimonium Not as the halfe cause of saluation but as a testimony or pledge of it But from the former part of your answer there seemeth a great doubt to arise For seeing our Sauiour determining who shal be baptized saith they are such as are first to be taught and then also are to beleeue and so to be baptized how commeth it to passe that wee our ●elues haue beene baptized while we were Infants and that we doe baptize our children likewise while they are yet very new borne babes and so cannot be such as haue beene taught or be capable of any instruction and therefore much lesse doe actually beleeue Question What warrant can we haue for this Answer Though it was necessarie that at the first publishing of the Gospell to such people as were altogether heathenish that is prophane and vnbeleeuing they should be brought to knowledge and so to the faith of the mysterie of godlines because otherwise the Sacrament thereof must needes haue beene prophaned and of no vse and profit vnto them Yet so soone as any beleeued the Lord did not onely receiue themselues into his holy couenant of grace and mercy through Iesus Christ But also their children And therevpon haue they euen from the Apostles times to this day beene admitted to be partakers of the signe and seale of the couenant Explication and proofe This in deede hath beene the perpetuall vse of the Church of Christ euen from the primitiue imbracing of the Gospell amongst the Gentiles And the same also hath beene done vpon very good ground insomuch as the parents being sanctified to God their children also are accepted of God as holy vnto him as the Apostle Paule teacheth 1. Cor. 7.17 Neither may it be thought that the couenant of God entred with the Gentiles in the daies of the Gospell is lesse fauourable and gratious then was his couenant with the Israelites in the time of the law and before And therfore seeing when the Lord tooke Abraham into his couenant he did take in his children and whole posterity also with him and for a comfortable testimonie and proofe thereof commanded that the signe of his couenant should be imprinted in their flesh as wee reade Genes c. Wee likewise perswade our selues from the same ground that God admitting at the first beleeuing parents into his most gratious couenant doth therewithall also admit their children into the same and that they may and ought now in the time of the Gospell be as lawfully baptized as euer the children of the Iewes were to be circumcised in the time of the law But therewithall this must be as firmely acknowledged that all Christian parents stand as strictly bound so soone as God giueth aptnes of vnderstanding to teach them the mysterie of their Christian baptisme to wit into whose name they haue beene baptized and to what end that they may know the gre●tnes of Gods mercy towards them in this behalfe euen more and more from time to time and the straight bond of their duty and obedience to God the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost insomuch as the Father of his free grace and mercy hath adopted them in his Sonne our Lord Iesus Christ to be his children in whom also he hath reconciled them to himselfe washing away their sinnes through his bloud and sanctifying them vnto himselfe by his spirit euen by the holy Ghost These things I say doe all Christian parents first who bring their children to baptisme and also all Minist●rs of the Gospell who doe baptize them and all other who are any way specially interessed in the holy action stand as strictly bound to teach and to bring them vp or procure as much as lieth in them that they may be brought vp in the holy nurture and information of the Lord as they are bound vnder paine of damnation to know beleeue and practise the same good duties themselues Lest their children through their default for want of knowledge or hauing knowledge doe for want of conscience fall away from the couenant of their baptisme to prophanenes and vngodlines and so bring vpon themselues a double condemnation The one because they are sinfull by nature the other because they refuse that mercie which is offered vnto them by the free grace and fauour of God And the rather doe we stand thus strictly bound to teach our children the holy mysterie of baptisme into the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost that is into the name of one onely true GOD three distinct persons because wee cannot otherwise rightly knowe God nor how to beleeue in him nor what the fruite and efficacie of our baptisme is nor any thing at all what true Christianitie doth meane But what if our children doe die before they come to yeeres of discretion or it may be before they come to be baptized at all Question What is to be said in this case Answer God of his infinite mercie knoweth as well how to take them into his heauenly Kingdome as to admit them into his gratious couenant here vpon earth euen as seemeth best to his godly wisedome Explicatiō It is very true And therein are wee to rest and to quiet and comfort our selues as they that haue learned to sowe in hope Yea further wee are to leaue secret thinges to the Lord and to account thinges reuealed a sufficient contentment to vs and our children in all things whatsoeuer may concerne our selues or them And thus much shall for the present time suffice concerning the more generall and common effects of the ministerie of the Gospell and also touching this point of the baptisme of children as an appurtenance thereunto This onely added that no infant of any Infidell Iewe or Turke may lawfully be baptized at this day no more then in the Apostles time vntill the pa●ents one of them at the least haue imbraced the faith and doe make a holy profession of it and accordingly desire baptisme
our Sauiour shall he that is the King say vnto them on the left hand Depart from me ye cursed into euerlasting fire which is prepared for the diuell and his Angels For I was an hungred and ye gaue me no meate I thirsted and ye gaue me no drinke I was a stranger and ye lodged me not I was naked and ye clothed me not sicke and in prison and ye visited me not Then shall they also answere him saying Lord when sawe wee thee an hungred or a thirst or a stranger or naked or sicke or in prison and did not minister vnto thee Then shall he answere them and say Verily I say vnto you in as much as ye did it not to one of the least of these ye did it not to me Explicatiō Our Sauiour hauing finished the first part of the iudgment he doth in these wordes in like order describe the second first setting downe the sentence or iudgement it selfe secondly the reason or rule of it and thirdly the explication of the reason to the iustifying of the sentence against the excuse or plea of the wicked But before wee come to the wordes of this part of our text two things may not vnprofitably be obserued of vs. First the reason of the order why our Sauiour Christ doth first iudge that is to say absolue and acquire yea pronounce the sentence of perfect saluation and glory concerning the godly before he wil come to giue sentence of condemnation against the wicked And secondly to what end our Sauiour should thus diligently set forth and describe this latter part of his iudgement seeing the godly are free from the condemnation of it and as for the wicked they will not regard any thing that is said to moue them to take the way to escape it Question First therefore what may be the reason of the order which our Sauiour vseth Answer This it a reall demonstration that the Lord delighteth more in the saluation of the godly then in the condemnation of the wicked simply considered Explicatiō proofe It is so indeed And therefore doth the Lord professe by his holy Prophet that he doth not delight in the death of a sinner but rather desireth that hee might repent and be saued as we read Ezeck 18. This also doth the Lord account the perfection of his glory to be a God of infinite mercie to the saluation of all such as shall beleeue in the name of his Sonne and vnfeinedly repent them of their sinnes as Ephes 1.6 God the Father hath predestinated vs to be adopted through Iesus Christ vnto himselfe according to the good pleasure of his will To the praise of the glory of his grace And beside this insomuch as the Lord had appointed in his counsell that his elect as a part of their aduancemēt should iudge the world the Apostles to sit vpon twelue thrones to iudge the 12. tribes of Israel as we read Mat 19.28 and all other of the faithfull in their measure and degree as 1. Cor 6 2 3 and Reuel 3.21 To him that ouercommeth will I grant to sit with me in my throne euen as I ouercame and sit with my Father in his throne Neuertheles this iudging of the world by the holy Apostles and all other the Saints of God it is not so to be vnderstood as if either the one or the other should communicate with the soueraigntie of our Sauiour which is onely properly entirely belonging to himselfe but that they should after a sort iudge and condemne the world by their acknowledging consenting to the righteousnes of our Sauiour Christ executed therein Thus much concerning the first point Now secondly to what end doth our Sauiour describe his proceeding which shall be against the wicked as well as he hath done that which shall be on the behalfe of the godly seeing as was said the godly are free from it and the wicked reprobates wil not be reclaimed or made careful to auoide it by any thing that may be saide Question To what end therefore may our Sauiour be thought to doe it Answer Though it is certaine and true that there is no condemnation to the godly Rom 8.1 neither will the wicked by any meanes growe to be wise as we read Isai 26.10.11 Prou 27.22 Yet it is of very good vse in respect of either of them Question How may that be Answer First in respect of the godly who haue great neede both to be holpen against that securitie and carelesnes which is readie to creepe vpon them if they should not be awaked by the consideration of the fearefull iudgments of God and specially by the consideration of his last iudgement who also haue like neede to be comforted against the cruelties of the wicked here in this life by the consideration of the most contrarie state and condition wherein they shall be in the world to come For one contrarie is made more lightsome and cleare by comparing it with the other as if white and blacke were laide together And in respect of the wicked there is likewise very good vse of the publishing of this their last iudgment For although they will not learne hereby to repent that happily they might escape it yet it doth some thing restraine them from extremitie of wickednes which otherwise they would the rather runne into And if it haue not this effect yet shall they be the rather left without all colour of excuse These things are so plainely agreeable to the holy Scriptures that wee will not stand to alledge any particular proofes thereof at this time None can by any colour of reason denie these vses of the description of the last iudgement concerning the condemnation of the wicked And beside that which is alreadie saide it is furthermore profitable to those of the children of God who are lying yet in their sinnes to the end their conuersion may be the more speedilie and effectually furthered thereby For who hearing and beleeuing at any time how wofull the state of the wicked shall be and that also to continue for euer and euer will not if there be any the least grace from this so fearefull an admonition begin to withdrawe himselfe from the wayes of the wicked that he may be deliuered from the partaking of their most terrible torments But let vs come to the wordes of our Sauiour Wherein first concerning the sentence it self let vs obs rue the contrarietie betwixt it and the former in the seuerall branches of it For in that he calleth and incourageth the godly to come vnto him saying Come vnto mee he e he abandoneth the wicked from him saying Depart from me There he calleth the godly the blessed of his Father here he calleth the wicked cursed ones There he saith that the kingdome was prepared before the foundations of the world for the children of God here hee affirmeth that Hell fire is prepared for the wicked There he giueth to vnderstand that the godly shall haue their communion
end of our particular inquirie concerning euery Article of our Christian beliefe Beliefe generallie considered NOw furthermore you the people of Culford I meane to whom especially this ministerie and seruice of the Gospel hath beene performed through the great mercie of God by his most vnworthy seruant may remember that vnto this particular inquiry into the ground or warrant and into the meaning promise vse c. of euery particular Article there was added in the same order a briefe suruay of the ground and warrant of faith and likewise of the promise and of the vse both for comfort and dutie and of the danger of not beleeuing and not obeying the Gospel more generally from such places of holie Scripture we could finde to serue most fitly therevnto all to this end that we might in a more short viewe discerne what the nature of the true iustifying faith is It shall not be vnprofitable for vs as I trust to call ouer these things againe as briefly as we can Question First therefore what warrant of holy Scripture haue you that the same the holy Scriptures of God are the onely ground and warrant of all true beliefe Answer We haue the warrant of our Sauiour Christ himselfe in the 5 chap. of his Euangelist Iohn the 39. and 40. verses in these words Beliefe generally considered 39. Search the Scriptures saith hee for in them ye thinke to haue eternall life The generall groūd and they are they which testifie of me 40. But ye wil not come to me that ye might haue life Explication Some read the words of our Sauiour in this wise Ye search the Scriptures c. But whether we read them as a commandement or as a commendation or testimonie giuen of the Iewes thus farre forth that they did in deede vse a certaine diligence in reading the holy Scriptures of God the principall thing which our Sauiour intended to teach the Iewes is this that he himselfe is propounded in the same Scriptures as the principall argument and obiect of true iustifying faith So that the whole Scriptures both doctrinall historicall and propheticall doe principally aime at him as at the chiefe scope or marke to the end that the beliefe of all the faithfull might be firmely grounded in God through him And therefore he earnestly reproueth the Iewes for that in their reading of the holy Scriptures they were curious about externall ceremonies and manie other things but did not obserue the right scope and intent of them which was and is wholly to leade vs vnto our Sauiour Christ whom they negligentlie passed by This reproofe of the Iewes may well be our instruction to proue vnto vs that the holy Scriptures are the onely ground of faith and also that they are as a key to open and interpret vnto vs the right meaning of the holy Scriptures to the grounding establishing of our beliefe aright that so we may be made wise vnto saluation according to that 2. Tim. 3.16.17 The holy Scriptures are able to make thee wise vnto saluation through the faith which is in Christ Iesus That is to say through that faith which resteth vpon him c. How the holy Scriptures doe euery where point and direct our faith to our Sauiour Christ as to the onely ground and stay of it it hath been declared before in the proofe of his resurrection by his fourth appearance 2. Book pages 375. 376. c. to page 382. WHerefore leauing this point and therewithall obseruing as in the second place a generall rule for the right vnderstanding of the whole doctrine of faith according to that saying of our Sauiour Iohn 17.3 This is life eternal that they know thee the onely very God and whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ Let vs now come to the generall promise or to all the promises of faith The generall Promise so as we may speake of them most generally Question What proofe of holy Scripture haue you that these promises are made and grounded on our Lord Iesus Christ and that we are to seeke the performance of them all onely through him Answer We haue our warrant for this in the testimonie of S. Paul 1. Cor. 3. verses 21.22.23 in that he saith 21. Let no man reioice in men for all things are yours 22. Whether it be Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death whether they be things present or things to come all are yours 23. And ye Christes and Christ Gods And againe 2. Cor. 1 20. 20. All the promises of God are in him that is in Iesus Christ the Sonne of God yea and in him they are Amen saith the Apostle vnto the glory of God through vs. Explication That is to say through our preaching in so much as God gaue this gratious blessing to the Corinthians to haue their faith established in our Sauiour Christ the Sonne of God through the promises which God hath made in him the which Christ with the same promises Paul Siluantis Timotheus had preached vnto them The like blessing no doubt doth God giue to his people at this day by the faithfull preaching of the promises of the same Gospell of our Sauiour to the praise of his mercies in the same his Sonne And let vs note well concerning this point that howsoeuer God hath made manifold promises in his law to those that shall obey him The generall cōfort as wee reade Leuit. 26. and Deut. 28 yet because they in themselues barely considered doe stand vpon a condition that is vnpossible to be performed of vs insomuch as the perfit iustice of God requireth perfit obedience therefore we must of necessitie seeke all our reliefe from our Sauiour Christ that so through him wee may be partakers of the gratious promises of the Gospel For vnlesse we doe finde our reliefe by him certainely the curses are too neare neighbours or borderers to those blessings of the law Thus much generally for the Promises of God whereon faith resteth it selfe THe generall Comfort of faith is next Question What ground of holy Scripture can you alledge for it Answer The holy Apostle Saint Paul declareth the manifold comfort of faith by reckoning vp the excellent benefites which doe attend vpon it Rom. chap. 5. in the first verse and so forth in many other as they follow in that chapter He doth so indeede It shall therefore through the blessing of God be good and comfortable vnto vs Question to make rehearsall of them Which are they Answer 1 Then saith the Apostle being iustified by faith we haue peace toward God through our Lord Iesus Christ 2 By whom also we haue had accesse or haue beene brought through faith vnto this grace wherein we stand and doe reioyce vnder the hope of the glory of God Ten prosagogen eschecamen 3 Neither doe we so onely but we reioyce also in tribulations knowing that tribulation bringeth forth patience 4 And patience experience and experience
good dutie that any of vs should content our selues to know God onely farre off and aloofe as we may say as the manner of the most is but it is our dutie most carefully to prepare our selues to draw neare to him in the reuerend feare of his most gratious Maiestie Wee must grow from faith to faith as it were from one age of Christianitie to another from childehoode to mans estate c. We must serue God both outwardly and inwardly with body and with soule euen from the most secret and hidden power and inclination thereof These are briefly the excellent instructions contained in these holy Scriptures In the vrging whereof I was and now am still the more earnest because whereas euery one seemeth to lay readie hold on this that God is good and that he is a mercifull God as he is indeede very few make conscience to reason from his mercies to prouoke themselues thereby to be more carefull to serue and obey him Yea so much the rather haue I beene the more earnest as my dutie bindeth me because the most part of people doe most vndutifully and vngratiously abuse all the goodnesse and mercies of God to imbolden themselues to securitie yea to a greater licentiousnesse in their sinnes which no doubt is a most grieuous and horrible sinne in the sight of GOD and cannot but verie fearefully indanger all such gracelesse persons to the most heauie wrath of God Question NOw therefore in the last place What proofe haue you for the danger of generall vnbeliefe Answer and disobedience to the Gospel In the 2. chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrewes verses 1 2 3 4. thus writeth the Apostle 1 Wherefore we ought diligently to giue heede to the things which we haue heard lest at any time we should let them slip 2 For if the word spoken by Angels was stedfast and euery transgression and disobedience receiued a iust recompence of reward 3 How shall we escape if we neglect so great saluation which at the first beganne to be preached by the Lord and afterward was confirmed to vs by them that heard him 4 God bearing witnesse therevnto both with signes and wonders and with diuers miracles and gifts of the holy Ghost according to his owne wil. Explicatiō Here we haue a three fold comparison One betwixt the Law and the Gospel Another betwixt the chiefe instruments which God vsed to publish his law to wit his holy Angells and the chiefe publisher of the Gospel that is the Sonne of God himselfe of infinite excellency and authority aboue all Angells The third betwixt the contrary vses and ends of the one and of the other The law by reason of sinne armeth the curse through the righteous iudgment of God but the Gospel offereth saluation to all true beleeuers through the free grace and mercy of God All of these comparisons agree in this generally to declare the exceeding great danger of not beleeuing of not obeying the Gospel insomuch as the mercy of God most gratiously and most honourably offered thereby euen to the eternall saluation of all such as will thankfully receiue it is most wretchedly despised and reiected through vnbeliefe We know also what our Sauiour the Son of God himselfe hath most fearefully pronounced Matth chap. 11.20 21 c namely that it shall be easier for the Citizens of Tyrus and Sidon and for them of the land of Sodome in the day of iudgement then for such as neglect his Gospel ratified and confirmed by so many miracles as he wrought to the same end Reade also Heb. chap. 10.26 c. and chap. 12.18 c. 29. the like amplification of the greatnesse of this sinne agreeable to the former testimonie and declaration in the second chapter It is a most fearefull saying which we reade 2. Thes 1.7 8 9 10. where the Apostle affirmeth that The Lord Iesus shall shew himselfe from heauen with his mightie Angels in flaming fire rendering vengeance vnto them that doe not know God and which obey not vnto the Gospel of our Lord Iesus Christ Who shall be punished with euerlasting perd tion from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power When he shall come to be glorified in his Saints and to be made maruelous in all them that beleeue Likewise in the first Epistle of Peter chap. 4. verses 17 18. The time is come saith the Apostle that iudgement must begin at the house of God If it first beginne at vs what shall be the end of them which obey not the Gospel of God And if the righteous be scarcely saued where shal the vngodly and the sinner appeare The greatnesse and consequently the danger of the sinne of vnbeliefe is notably expressed by the Apostle Iohn in his first Epistle chap. 5. verse 10. in that hee saith that it is euen as much as if one should goe about to make God a lyar which is most horrible once to thinke Reade also 2. Epist verses 8 9. Looke to your selues saith he to that elect Ladie to whom he writeth and to her children that wee loose not the things which wee haue done but that wee may receiue a ful reward Whosoeuer transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ hath not God But contrariwise as it followeth in the same verse hee that continueth in the doctrine of Christ he hath both the Father and the Sonne If ye beleeue not saith the Prophet Isaiah chap. 7.9 ye shal not be established It is a generall sentence to shew that the minde of man is alwaies vncertaine and restlesse further then it is setled by faith to repose it selfe wholly in the liuing God Finally for the danger of vnbeliefe and disobedience to the Gospel reade the fearefull but most true doctrine of our Sauiour Christ Iohn 3. verses 18 19.20 21. He that beleeueth in the Sonne shall not be condemned but he that beleeueth not is condemned alreadie because he beleeueth not in the name of the onely begotten Sonne of God And this is the condemnation that light is come into the world and men loued darkenesse rather then light because their deedes were euill For euery man that doth euil hateth the light neither commeth he to the light lest his deeds should be reproued But he that doth truth commeth to the light that his deeds might be made manifest that they are wrought according to God And againe verse 36. He that beleeueth in the Sonne saith Iohn the Baptist hath euerlasting life and he that obeyeth not the Sonne shal not see life but the wrath of God abideth on him Thus we see the exceeding great danger of vnbeliefe and disobedience to the Gospel plentifully confirmed vnto vs. God of his infinite mercy giue vs grace to make our best vse and profite by the gratious admonitions and warnings which are giuen vs against the same NOw for a generall conclusion of the whole doctrine of our christian beliefe one thing yet further I desire to deliuer and
Article let vs come to the Promise The Promise Question What promise hath God made of the remaining or forgiuing of our sinnes Answer We haue many very gratious and often renewed promises hereof both old and new euery where dispersed in the holy Scriptures of God Question Name you some of them Answer Beside that which you rehearsed Isai 48. verses You haue pointed vs to another notable testimonie in the 31. chap of Ieremie from the 30. verse to the 35. of the same And chap 33 the .8 verse And in the newe Testament the same promise is alledged to belong through our Sauiour Christ to the beleeuing Gentiles as well as to the beleeuing Iewes Explicatiō It is true as we may reade Act 2 38 39. And ch 10.43 Rehearse the words of some of the places which you haue named Question How do you reade Answer In the 31. cha of Ieremie verses 31. thus it is written Behold the dayes come saith the Lord that I will make a new couenant c. For I will forgiue their iniquitie and remember their sinnes no more And chap 33.8 I will cleanse them from all their iniquitie whereby they haue sinned against me yea I will pardon all their iniquities whereby they haue sinned against me And it shall be to me a name and an honour before all the nations of the earth which shall heare all the good that I doe vnto them c. Explicatiō Let this suffice out of the Prophet Ieremie for this time Wee may read the like testimonies in other of the Prophets beside those which haue beene hitherto alledged As Isai 33.24 The people that dwell therein shall haue their iniquitie forgiuen Read also Ezek chap 18. verse 21. c. 32. All these promises of forgiuenes of sinnes doe belong vnto vs Gentiles The Comforts now through our Sauiour Christ as well as they did before to the Iewes THe Promise being thus confirmed the vse of this Article is next And first for Comfort Question What is that Answer The comfort is euery way very great insomuch as the glory and happines both of our bodies and soules in this life and also in the life to come consisteth herein It is very true as we reade Psalm 32. in the beginning of the Psalme And Rom Explicatiō proofe Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiuen and whose sinnes are couered Blessed is the man to whom the Lord imputeth not sinne So that forgiuenes of sinnes is as one may say an epitome or short summe of all the mercies of God Whence it is that the Lord is saide Psal 103. as was before alledged to crown vs with his mercies and compassion Verily there is no goodnes or dignitie in our selues whereof we may reioyce or for the which we may looke to be accepted with God The mercie of our God is our onely crowne the glory of Gods free grace is our onely glory c. No doubt the comfort of this Article is singular to all those that knowe what Sinne meaneth And it will the rather warme and cheare vp our hearts if we shal consider that beside our former sinnes infinite and hainous in the sight of Gods iustice we remaine still very apt and prone to offend God euen after that we are by his grace regenerated and borne againe Yea if we shal consider that we daily offend his diuine Maiestie not onely by forgetfulnes and neglect of many good duties but also by rash and vnwarie committing of much euill according to that saying of Saint Iames In maine thinges wee sinne all Furthermore the Comfort hereof will be the more manifest to our consciences if we consider earnestly of the nature of sinne not onely how odious it is in itselfe but also how vile and abominable it maketh our persons both bodies and soules in the sight of God how it keepeth all good things from vs and pulleth downe vpon vs all euill Ier 5.25 Isai 59 1 2 3. till it be couered and forgiuen in our Sauiour Christ But most clearely of all wil the comfort of this Article shine into our hearts if we shall duly looke into the cause and fountaine of the forgiuenes of all our sinnes which would haue pressed vs downe to the very bottome of the gulfe of Hell to wit the most free and amiable grace and fauour of God our heauenly Father through his most blessed Sonne our Lord Iesus Christ which is better then our life though naturally that is most pretious vnto vs. According to the 3 verse of the 63 Ps Thy louing kindnes is better then life And Ps 30 5. This maketh our Baptisme exceedingly comfortable vnto vs insomuch as the whole blessed Trinitie cōsenteth to make it a testimonie of the forgiuenes of our sins through the same most free grace and rich fauour of our one onely true God Mark 1 4. Act. 2 38. and chap 22.16 It maketh the Supper of the Lord in like māner exceeding comfortable vnto vs in that it is a further pledge and assurance that our sinnes are forgiuen through the blood of our Sauiour Christ Mat chap 26. verses 26 27 28. The largenes of this free grace of God to the forgiuenes of sinnes through our Lord Iesus Christ reaching vp as it were to the heauens Ps 36. verses 5. and 7 and Ps 103 11 it enlargeth the comfort of this most excellent blessing seeing God sheweth vs plainly that he hath aboundance of mercie in store not onely for the forgiuenes of some fewe persons here and there but euen for the forgiuenes of his whole Church that is of so many thousands yea myriads of thousands of all sorts of people as shall seeke for mercy at his hands as was touched before Yea not onely for sinners of smaller degrees in offences but also for the greatest sort of sinners aboue other whosoeuer among them shall earnestly repent them and truly beleeue the Gospell of our Sauiour Christ according to that most liberall The Duties and sweete consolatorie incouragement of the Lord by his holy Prophet Isaiah chap 1.18 Come now and let vs reason together saith the Lord though your sinnes were as crimsin they shall be made white as snowe though they be red as skarlet they shall be as woole If ye consent and obey ye shal eate the good things of the land And chap 40.1.2 Comfort yee comfort yee my people will your God say Speake comfortably to Ierusalem and cry vnto her that her warfare is accomplished that her iniquitie is pardoned for shee hath receiued of the Lords hand double for all her sinnes Finally the bowell-like tendernes of Gods mercy is not the least cause of the great comfort of this Article as we may consider from these and such like testimonies of holy Scripture Psal 25 6.7 and 79.8 Ier 31.20 Lament 3.22.23 Hos 11.8.9 Ioel 2.13 Luke 1.7.8 and ch 15 20. O how sweet therefore ought this mercy of God to be vnto vs in all these
respects And the rather also because the couenant of this forgiuenes of sinnes is an euerlasting couenant Ier 32 40 41. Which he hath confirmed by oath and sealed with the blood of his Sonne the which is therefore called the blood of the euerlasting couenant Heb 9.22.26 ch 13 verse 20. Of the which blood it is further said in this respect that it speaketh better things then the blood of Abel which cried for vengeance against Caine ch 12.24 Gen 4 10. Thus we see touching the first part of the vse of this Article that the cōfort of it is exceeding great to all true beleeuers euen to so many as haue grace to lay hold of this great mercy of God to the assuring of themselues of the forgiuenes of their sinnes NOw let vs come to the second part of the vse of it which concerneth the obedience of faith Question Which therefore are the duties which the comfort of faith in the forgiuenes of sinnes challengeth at the hands of all those to whom they are forgiuen They are these which followe Answer First an humble acknowledgement of our selues to be grieuous sinners ioyned with godly sorrowe for them and earnest praier for the forgiuenes of them all Secondly most earnest and heartie thankefulnes to God for his so infinite and vnspeakable mercie as sheweth it selfe most clearly in the forgiuenes of our most hainous and infinite sinnes Thirdly exceeding loue toward the Lord God our heauenly Father according to the greatnes of his mercy by how many the more and the greater sinnes he doth forgiue vs. Fourthly a reuerend care not to offend him any more as heretofore we haue done yea rather a most earnest studie and desire to please him better in all things then yet we haue done Fiftly a ready and tender affection of mercifulnes to forgiue one another euen as God our heauenly Father in and for our Sauiours sake hath forgiuen vs. Finally earnest resistance of all feares and doubts touching Gods faithfulnes in forgiuing the sinnes of our selues or of any other that doe walke in these duties Explicatiō proofe Concerning the first branch of this answer to wit our acknowledging of our selues to be grieuous sinners that it ought to be so the truth of the assertion it self that we are so may be a sufficient warrant vnto vs. For the proofe of which assertiō that we are grieuous sinners read 1. Kings 8 46. Eccl 7.22 There is no man that sinneth not No not the regenerate as their own cōfessiōs plainly shew Paule Rom 7.14 c. Iames ch 3 2. Iohn 1. Ep ch Read also Psal 19.12 and 130.3 Prouerbs ch 20.9 And though there are degrees of sinners as well as of sins yet euery one for his own part ought to account himselfe among the chiefe as Paule did 1. Tim 1. Daniel ch 9. Yea and though it were so that a man did not know any thing of speciall offence by himselfe yet seeing our Sauiour who knoweth vs all better then wee doe our selues teacheth vs all to pray for forgiuenes it ought to be a sufficient proofe vnto vs that we are great sinners and that we doe stand in great need of forgiuenes Neither is it in vaine as was touched before that this Article of the forgiuenes of sins is lincked with that other of the cōmuniō of Saints insomuch as not onely in most holy things but also in our most holy assembling of our selues and accompanying together we doe many waies offend And that not at our owne Tables alone which made holy Iob to feare his children so much as hee did and to be so carefull as he was to sanctifie them by holy exercises of religion while they feasted one another lest they should forget themselues and speake any thing to the dishonour of the name of God cha 1 5 but also euen in the Lords house and at his most holy Table Which was the cause why God did appoint Aaron in the time of the lawe to sacrifice for the iniquitie euen of the holy offerings of the children of Israel Exod 28.38 and why wee are so earnestly admonished to examine our selues when wee come to the Table of the Lord c. Wherefore let vs alwaies and in all things well remember that we are sinners and that God could easily lay greater sinnes to our charge then we are ware of and accordingly let vs without all hypocrisie acknowledge in his sight that wee are more grieuous and miserable sinners then we are priuy vnto Let vs I say do it without hypocrisie for else we should euen herein make our selues more abominable sinners then in any thing beside Luke 16 15. Mat 23. Neither could the Article of forgiuenes of sinnes be any Article of faith at all vnto vs for our comfort vnlesse we doe acknowledge our selues to be sinners and vnlesse we see iust cause why wee should be sorie for them and pray earnestly alwaies for the forgiuenes of them according to the instruction of our Sauiour Mat 6 12. and according to the example and instruction of the Prophet Dauid Ps 32 5 6. and Ps 25 7. and Ps 51. But here an obiection may be made how it may stand with faith to pray still for foriguenes of sinnes seeing it is an Article of faith to beleeue that they are forgiuen at the least those sinnes which haue already beene committed and for the forgiuenes whereof faithfull praier hath beene already made Question What is to be said to this Answer First this Article of the forgiuenes of sinnes presupposeth true repentance to be in euery one that hath any true faith to beleeue that his sinnes are forgiuen Neither can it stand with any reason that faith should disanull or any way preiudice prayer which God hath appointed to be the onely subordinate messenger and Spokes-man as it were of faith for the intreatie of the forgiuenes of sinnes through the mediation of our Sauiour Christ Secondly no man doth so firmely beleeue the forgiuenes of former sinnes by former praiers but by the renewing of his praiers for the forgiuenes of the same he may bee better assured against all temptations of feares and doubtings that they are verily forgiuen vnto him Thirdly faith by exercising of it selfe in prayer to the further strengthening of it selfe touching the forgiuenes of old sins it doth therewithall make it selfe both more watchfull against new sinnes that they be not wilfully committed and also more comfortable in the assurance of the forgiuenes of those our sinnes of infirmitie and weakenes which we cease not to commit day after day Finally God doth at once and for euer after forgiue all the sinnes of true beleeuers but yet vpon this condition that they continue in prayer for the forgiuenes of them and for daily profiting in godly sorow and repentance for the same so long as they haue a day yea an houre to liue in this sinfull world Explication and proofe It is very true For these are